Chapter 2 - Draft October 2019
Delaware Aviation System Plan Chapter 2 - Draft October 2019 ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SYSTEM HE PURPOSE OF THIS CHAPTER IS TO provide the necessary database for subsequent phases of the System Plan. Pertinent data, regarding each airport/heliport and the area it serves was T collected from each airport and the appropriate State and local agencies. In addition to the data provided by these sources, information published by the Federal government and other sources required for comprehensive understanding of the existing aviation system was collected, tabulated, and reviewed. Maximum use was made of the existing system planning work, various existing airport master plans, and environmental studies that have been completed. From these data, the analysis of the existing system was developed. Inventory items included: Airport and Heliport Facilities Aeronautical Activity Fuel Sales by Airport Land Use Around System Airports Socioeconomic Base Statutes and Regulations Future Technology Of these items, the examination of State Aviation Regulations was used to determine whether an update is needed to accommodate funding for private airport development. 1. AIRPORT AND HELIPORT FACILITIES HE FACILITY INVENTORY RECORDS OF DELDOT (WHICH are used for the FAA Form 5010), were used as T one source of inventory data for airport and heliport facilities. Figure 2‐1 presents a map of Delaware showing the locations of each of the existing public‐use airports and heliports. Additional data and information were obtained through review of existing completed airport master plans, and those that are in progress. In addition to the data from published records, on‐site inspections of some of the system airports were necessary to inspect runway and taxiway pavement conditions.
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