[Titles of books and periodicals are in italics; titles of papers are in inverted commas. Abbreviations are in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals (Oxford, 1950). Numerals in thick type refer to volumes; ordinary numerals refer to pages. The figures in round brackets at the end of each entry indicate the page or pages of this volume on which the work in question is mentioned. In the case of the Freud entries, the letters attached to the dates of publication are in accordance with the corresponding entries in the complete bibliography of Freud's writings to be included in the last volume of the Standard Edition. For non-technical authors, and for technical authors where no specific work is mentioned, see the General Index.l



G.S. =Freud, Gesammelte Schriften (12 vols.), Vienna, 1924-34 G. W. =Freud, Gesammelte Werke (18 vols.), London, from 1940 C.P. =Freud, Collected Papers (5 vols.), London, 1924-50 Standard Ed. =Freud, Standard Edition (24 vols.), London, from 1953

"Uber den Ursprung der hinteren Nervenwurzeln im Ruckenmarke von Ammocoetes (Petromyzon Planeri)", Sitzb. k. Akad. Wissensch. (Vienna, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl.), III Abt., 75, IS. (16) "Uber Spinalganglien und Ruckenmark des Petro- myzon", Sitzb. k. Akad. Wissensch. (Vienna, Math.- Naturwiss. Kl.), III Abt., 78, 81. (r6) "Ein Fall von Hirnblutung mit indirekten basal en Herdsymptomen bei Scorbut", Wiener med. Woclzenschr., Nr. 9,244 and Nr. ro, 276. (r6) "Eine neue Methode zum Studium des Faserverlaufes im Centralnervensystem", Archiv. Anat. Physiol., Anat. Abt.,453. (r6) Bibliography A "Uber Coca", Centralbl. ges Therap., 2,289. (16,30) [Trans.: (abridged), "Coca", St. Louis Med. Surge .'1., 47,502.] (1885a) "Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cocawirkung", Wiener med. V{;'oclzensclzr.,35, Nr. 5, 129. (I6) (1885C) "Ein Fall von Muskelatrophie mit ausgebreiteten Sensibilitatsstorungen (Syringomyelie)", H7iener med. If7oclzensclzr., 35, Nr. I3, 389 and I4, 426. (16) (1885d) "Zur Kenntnis der Olivenzwischenschicht", Neurolog. Centralbl., 4, Nr. 12,268. (16) (1886a) "Akute multiple Neuritis der spinalen und Hirnnerven", Wiener med. Woclzensclzr., 36, Nr. 6, 168. (17) (1886b) "Uber die Beziehung des Strickkorpers zum Hinter- strang und Hinterstrangskern nebst Bemerkungen tiber zwei Felder der Oblongata", NeuroZ. CentralbZ., 5, Nr. 6, 12I. (I7) (1886c) "Uber den Ursprung des Nervus acusticus", Monatsschr. Ohrenheilk., Neue Folge 20, Nr. 8,245 and 9, 277. (I7) (1886e) "Beobachtung einer hochgradigen Hemianasthesie bei einem hysterischen Manne (Beitrage zur Kasuistik der Hysterie I)", Wiener med. Woclzenschr., 36, Nr. 49, 1633. (20) (1886/) "Ubersetzung mit Vorwort und Anmerkungen zu Charcot Lecons sur les maladies du systeme nerveux, Tome III, Paris, I887, unter dem Titel Neue Vorlesungen uber die Krankheiten des Nervensystems insbesondere uber Hysteric", Vienna. (16-I7,55) "Bemerkungen tiber Cocainsucht und Cocainfurcht, mit Beziehung auf einen Vortrag W. A. Hammond's", Wiener med. Wochenschr., 37, Nr. 28, 929. (I7,52) (1888a) "Uber Hemianopsie im fruhesten Kindesalter", Wiener med. Woclzenschr., 38, Nr. 32, 1081 and 33, 1116. (17, 52, 56) (1888b) "Aphasie", "Gehirn" and "Hysteric" in Villaret's Handzcorterbuch der gesamten Medizin, I, Stuttgart. (56,59) (1888-9) "Ubcrsetzung mit Vorrede und Fussnoten zu Bernheim De la suggestion et de ses applications a la therapeutique, Paris, 1886, unter dem Tite1 Die Suggestion und ihre HeiZwirkung", Vienna. (17,53,56-58) [Trans.: Preface to Bernheim's Die Suggestion und ihre HeiZwirkung, C.P., 5, 1I; Standard Ed., I.] With RIE, O. "Klinische Studie tiber die halbseitige Cerebrallahmung der Kinder", Heft III of Beitrage zur KinderheiZkunde, ed. Kassowitz, Vienna. (17,63) Bibliography A 449 "Zur Auffassung der Aphasien, Vienna. (18-19, 30, 44, 52,61, 173) [Trans.: On Aphasia, London, 1953.] (I89I c) "Kinderlahmung" and "Lahrnung" in Villaret's Hand- wi/.rterbuclz der gesamten Medizin, 2, Stuttgart. (56, 59) (I892a) "Ubersetzung von Bernheim Hypnotisme, Suggestion, Psychotherapie: Etudes Nouvelles, Paris, 1891, unter dem Titel Neue Studien uber Hypnotismus, Suggestion und Psvchotherapie", Vienna. (17, 53) "Ubersetzung mit Vorwort und Fussnoten zu Charcot Lecons du Mardi (1887-8), Paris, 1888, unter dem Titel Poliklinisclze Vortrage"; Bd. I, Vienna. (17-18,20-21, 23, 44,52,62,135,159) [Trans.: "Preface and Footnotes to Charcot's Polik- linische Vortrage, Vol. I", Standard Ed., I.] "Ein Fall von hysterischer Heilung nebst Bemerkungen tiber die Entstehung hysterischer Symptome durch den 'Gegenwillen' ", G.S., I, 258; G. W., I, 1. (20, 70) [Trans.: "A Case of Successful Treatment by Hypno- tism", C.P., 5,33; Standard Ed., I.] With BREUER,J., "Uber den psychischen Mechanismus hysterischer Phanomene : Vorlaufige Mitteilung", G.S., 1,7; G. W., I, 8r. (12,20,63-64,76) [Trans.: "On the Psychical Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena: A Preliminary Communication'>, C.P., I, 24; Standard Ed., 2.] "Zur Kenntniss der cerebral en Diplagien des Kindes- alters (im Anschluss an die Little'sche Krankheit)" , Heft III, Neue FoIge, of Beitrage zur Kinderheilkunde, ed. Kassowitz, Vienna. (17,63,73, 84) "Quelques considerations pour une etude comparative des paralysies motrices organiques et hysteriques", O.S., I, 273; G. W., I, 37. (23, 56, 59, 73, 75-76, 135) [Trans.: "Some Points for a Comparative Study of Organic and Hysterical Motor Paralyses", C.P., I, 42; Standard Ed., I.] "Charcot", G.S., 1,243; G. W., I, 19· (77) [Trans.: "Charcot", C.P., 1,9; Standard Ed., 3.] "Uber ein Symptom, das haufig die Enuresis nocturna der Kinder begleitet", Neurolog. Centralbl., 12, Nr. 21, 735. (80) "Die Abwehr-Neuropsychosen", G.S., I, 290; G. W., I, 57. (80-81, 180,277) [Trans.: "The Neuro-Psychoses of Defence", C.P., I, 59; Standard Ed., 3·] 450 Bibliography A "Uber die Berechtigung, von der Neurasthenie einen bestimmten Symptomenkomplex als 'Angstneurose' abzutrennen", G.S., I, 306; G. W., I, 313. (23-24, 66, 78,80,85,102,159) [Trans.: "On the Grounds for Detaching a Particular Syndrome from Neurasthenia under the Description 'Anxiety Neurosis' ", C.P., I, 76; Standard Ed., 3.] "Obsessions et phobies", G.S., 1,334; G. W., 1,343. (81) [Trans.: "Obsessions and Phobias", C.P., I, 128; Standard Ed., 3.] With BREUER,J., Studien uber Hysterie, Vienna. G.S., I; G. W., I, 75. Omitting Breuer's contributions. (3, 12, 14-15,19-21,24-25,27-28,44,62,64,71,81,87,95,110, 115, 156, 240, 272, 274, 297, 356, 363, 400, 407, 425) [Trans.: Studies on Hysteria, Standard Ed., 2. Including Breuer's contributions.] "Uber die Bernhardt'sche Sensibilitatsstorung am Ober- schenkel", Neurolog. Centralbl., 14, Nr. I I, 491. (30, 119) (1895/) "Zur Kritik der 'Angstneurose' ", G.S., I, 343; G. W., 1,355. (36,64,67,78,96, 118-19, 168) [Trans.: "A Reply to Criticisms of my Paper on Anxiety Neurosis", C.P., I, 107; Standard Ed., 3.] "Uber Hysterie", abstracted in W£enerklin. Rundschau, 9, Nos. 42-4. (128, 132) [Trans.: "Lectures on Hysteria", Standard Ed., I.] "L'heredite et l'etiologie des Nevroses", G.S., I, 388; G. W., 1,405. (67,96, 155) [Trans.: "Heredity and the Aetiology of the Neuroses", C.P., I, 138; Standard Ed., 3.] "Weitere Bemerkungen tiber die Abwehr- Neuropsycho- sen", G.S., 1,363; G.W., 1,377. (101,109,127,141, 146,152,155,217,24°) [Trans.: "Further Remarks on the Neuro-Psychoses of Defence", C.P., I, 155; Standard Ed., 3.] "Zur Atiologie der Hysterie", G.S., 1,4°4; G. W., 1,423. (28, 159, 167) [Trans.: "The Aetiology of Hysteria", C.P., I, 183; Standard Ed., 3.] Die infantile Cerebralldhmung ; 9, II Theil, II Abt. of Nothnagel's Specielle Pathologie und Therapie, Vienna. (17,124,129,131,133-34,167,17°,189) Inhaltsangaben der unssenschaftlichen Arbeiten des Priuat- dozenten Dr. Sigm. Freud (1877-1897), Vienna. G.W., I, 461. (24,36, 167,200) Bibliography A 45 I [Trans.: Abstracts of the Scientific Writings of Dr. Sigm. Freud (1877-1897), Standard Ed., 3.] "Die Sexualitat in der Atiologie der Neurosen", G.S., 1,439; G. W., 1,489. (46,243,245) [Trans.: "Sexuality in the Aetiology of the Neuroses", C.P., 1,220; Standard Ed., 3.] "Zum psychischen Mechanismus der Vergesslichkeit", G. W., 1,517. (265) [Trans.: "The Psychical Mechanism of Forgetting", Standard Ed., 3.] "Uber Deckerinnerungen", G.S., I, 465; G. W., I, 529. (3°,35,271,281) [Trans.: "Screen Memories", C.P., 5,47; Standard Ed., 3·] (1900a) Die Traumdeutung, Vienna. G.S., 2-3; G. W., 2-3- (3, 13, 20, 30-31, 34, 42-44, 115, 143, 171-74, 183-84, 194, 197, 200, 207-09, 219, 224, 227, 236-37, 240, 244-51, 254-55, 257-58, 269, 271, 277, 281-84, 286, 307, 309, 311, 313-16, 320, 322-25, 332, 334, 349-50, 358, 363, 387, 389, 398, 400-01, 403, 417-18, 420, 422, 425, 430, 439,444) [Trans.: The Interpretation of Dreams, revised ed., London and New York, 1932; Standard Ed., 4-5.] (1901a) Vber den Traum, Wiesbaden. G.S., 3, 189; G. W., 2-3, 643. (227,321,324-25) [Trans.: On Dreams, London and New York, 1951; Standard Ed., 5,629.] (1901b) Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens, , 1904. G.S., 4; G.W., 4. (3, 30, 38, 62, 223, 261, 265, 292-94, 3°2,325-28,332,334,337) [Trans.: The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Srandard Ed., 6.] (1905c) Der lflitz und seine Beziehung zum Unbeuiussten, Vienna, G.S., 9, 5; G. W., 6. (45,210,261,297,394) [Trans.: Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious, Standard Ed., 8.] Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtlzeorie, Vienna. G.S., 5,3; G.W., 5, 29· (3,1°3,147,165,184,189,2°4,217, 228,230,239) [Trans.: Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, London, 1949; Standard Ed., 7, 125.] "Bruchstuck einer Hysterie-Analyse", G.S., 8, 3; G. W., 5, 163· (3,34, 147,317,325,33°) [Trans.: "Fragment of an Analysis ofa Case of Hysteria", C.P., 3, 13; Standard Ed., 7,3·] 452 Bibliography A Der Wahn und die Trdume in W. Jensens "Gradiva", Vienna. G.S., 9,273; G. W., 7, 31. (208,258) [Trans.: Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's "Gradiva", Standard Ed., 9.] (I908d) "Die 'kulturelle' Sexualmoral und die moderne Nervo- sitat", G.S., 5, 143; G. W., 7, 143. (210,229) [Trans.: " 'Civilized' Sexual Ethics and Modern Nervous Illness", C.P., 2,76; Standard Ed., 9.] (I908e) "Der Dichter und das Phantasieren", G.S., 10, 229; G. W., 7,213. (199,208,237) [Trans.: "Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming", C.P., 4, 173; Standard Ed., 9.] "Analyse der Phobie eines funfjahrigen Knaben", G.S., 8, 129; G. W., 7,243. (279) [Trans.: "Analysis ofa Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy", C.P., 3, 149; Standard Ed., 10.] "Bemerkungen tiber einen Fall von Zwangsneurose", G.S., 8,269; G. W., 7, 381. (230) [Trans.: "Notes on a Case of Obsessional Neurosis", C.P., 3,293; Standard Ed., 10.] (I9IOg) "Zur Selbstmord-Diskussion", G.S., 3, 321; G. W., 8, 62. (102) [Trans.: "Contributions to a Discussion on Suicide", StandardEd.;II.] (I9IIb) "Formulierungen tiber die zwei Prinzipien des psy- chis chen Geschehens", G.S., 5,4°9; G. W.,8, 230• (175, 358,387,424,428) [Trans.: "Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning", C.P., 4, 13; Standard Ed., 12.] (191 rc) "Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen tiber einen auto- biographisch beschriebenen Fall von Paranoia (Demen- tia Paranoides)", G.S., 8, 355; G. W., 8,240. (109) [Trans.: "Psycho-Analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides)"; C.P., 3, 387; StandardEd.,12.] "Uber die allgemeinste Erniedrigung des Liebeslebens", G.S., 5, 198; G. W., 8, 78. (198) [Trans.: "On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love", C.P., 4, 203; Standard Ed., II.] (1912-13) Totem und Tabu, Vienna, 1913. G.S., 10, 3; G. W., 9. (210) [Trans.: Totem and Taboo, London, 1950; Standard Ed., 12.] "Die Disposition zur Zwangsneurose", G.S., 5, 277; G. W., 8,442. (42) Bibliography A 453 [Trans.: "The Predisposition to Obsessional Neurosis", C.P., 2, 122; Standard Ed., 12.] "Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung", G.S., 4, 41 I; G. W., 10, 44. (11-12, 29-30, 33-34, 52, 54,161,172,298,326) [Trans.: "On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Move- ment", C.P., 1,287; Standard Ed., 14.] "Die Verdrangung", G.S., 55466; G. W., 10,248. (383) [Trans.: "Repression", C.P., 4, 84; Standard Ed., 14.] "Das Unbewusste", G.S., 5, 480; G. Lfl., 10, 264. (350, 422) [Trans.: "The Unconscious", C.P., 4, 98; Standard Ed., 14·] "Metapsychologische Erganzung zur Traumlehre", G.S., 5,520; G. W., 10,412. (350) [Trans.: "A Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams", C.P., 4, 137; Standard Ed., 14·] "Trauer und Melancholie", G.S., 5, 535; G. W., 10, 428. (102) [Trans.: "Mourning and Melancholia", C.P., 4, 152; Standard Ed., 14.] "'Ein Kind wird geschlagen' ", G.S., 5,344; G.W., 12, 197· (39) [Trans.: "'A Child is Being Beaten' ", C.P., 2, 172; Standard Ed., 17.] (1920g) Jenseits des Lustprinzips, Vienna. G.S., 6, 191; G. W., 13, 3. (42, 108, 130, 173,358,360,363,374) [Trans.: Beyond the Pleasure Principle, London, 1950; Standard Ed., 18.] (I922a) "Traum und Telepathic", G.S., 3, 278; G. W., 13, 165. (182) [Trans.: "Dreams and Telepathy", C.P., 4, 408; Standard Ed., 18.] Das Ich und das Es, Vienna. G.S., 6, 353; G. W., 13, 237. (166,205,350,384) [Trans.: The Ego and the Id., London, 1927; Standard Ed., 19.] "Der Untergang des Odipuskomplexes", G.S., 5, 423; G. W., 13,395. (206) [Trans.: "The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex", C.P., 2,269; Standard Ed., 19.] "Notiz tiber den 'Wunderblock' ", G.S., 6, 415; G. W., 14,3· (173,363) [Trans.: "A Note upon the 'Mystic Writing-Pad''', C.P., 5, 175; Standard Ed., 19.] 454 Bibliography A "Selbstdarstellung", Vienna. O.S., 11,119; G.W., 14, 33· (5, I I, 15,28,30,52,56,64,317) [Trans.: An Autobiographical Study, London, 1935; Standard Ed., 20.] (I925g) "Josef Breuer", O.S., 11,281; O. W., 14,562. (II) [Trans.: "Josef Breuer", Standard Ed., 19.] (I9251z) "DieVerneinung", O.S., 11,3; O.W., 14, II. (389-91) [Trans.: "Negation", C.P., 5, 181; Standard Ed., 19.] (I926c) "Bemerkung zu E. Pickworth Farrow's 'Eine Kind- heitserinnerung aus dem 6 Lebensmonat' ", G. W., 14, 568. (234) [Trans.: "Foreword" to E. Pickworth Farrow's A Practical Method of Self-Analysis, London, 1942; Standard Ed., 20.] (I926d) Hemmung, Symptom und Angst, Vienna. O.S., II, 23; G. W., 13, 113. (24, 1°9,230) [Trans.: Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, London, 1936; The Problem of Anxiety, New York, 1936; Standard Ed., 20.] (1928b) "Dostojewski und die Vatertotung", G.S., 12, 7; G. W., 14,399· (239) [Trans.: "Dostoevsky and Parricide", C.P., 5, 222; Standard Ed., 21.] (I930a) Das Unbehagen in der Kuliur, Vienna. O.S., 12,29; O. W. 14,421. (15, 147,210,23°,245) [Trans.: Civilization and its Discontents, London and New York, 1930; Standard Ed., 21.] (I930e) "Ansprache im Frankfurter Goethe-Haus", O.S., 12, 408; O. W., 14,547. (225,237) [Trans.: "Address delivered in the Goethe House at Frankfort", Standard Ed., 21.] Warum Krieg?, O.S., 12,349; O. W., 16, 13. (210) [Trans.: Why War?, C.P., 5,273; Standard Ed., 22.] "Die Feinheit einer Fehlhandlung", O. W., 16, 37· (33) [Trans.: "The Subtleties of a Faulty Action", C.P., 5, 313; Standard Ed., 22.] (I936a) "Brief an Romain Rolland: Eine Erinnerungsstorung auf der Akropolis", O. W., 16,250. (30-31,33) [Trans.: "A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis", C.P., 5, 302; Standard Ed., 22.] "Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse", G. W., 16, 59· (33,39) [Trans.: "Analysis Terminable and Interminable", C.P., 5,316; Standard Ed., 23.] "Konstruktionen in der Analyse", O. W., 16,43. (190) Bibliography A 455 [Trans.: "Constructions in Analysis", C.P., 5, 358; Standard Ed., 23.] Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion, G. tr/., 16, 103. (190) [Trans.: Moses and Monotheism, London and New York, 1939; Standard Ed., 23.] (1940d) With BREUER,J., "Zur Theorie des hysterischen An- falls", G. W., 17,9. (2I, 64, 135) [Trans.: "On the Theory of Hysterical Attacks", C.P., 5,27; Standard Ed., I.] (1941a) "Briefan Josef Breuer", G.W., 17,5. (62,64, I35) [Trans.: "A Letter to Josef Breuer", C.P., 5,25; Stan- dard Ed., I.] "Notiz 'III' ", G. W., 17, 17· (64) [Trans.: "Memorandum 'III' ", C.P., 5, 3I; Standard Ed., I.] (1941C) "Eine erfullte Traumahnung", G.W., 17,21. (302) [Trans.: "A Premonitory Dream Fulfilled", C.P., 5, 70; Standard Ed., 5.] (1941e) "Ansprache an die Mitglieder des Vereins B'nai B'rith", G. W., 17,51. (238,312) [Trans.: "Address to the Members of the B'nai B'rith", Standard Ed., 20.] "Ergebnisse", G.W., 17, 151. (197) [Trans.: Standard Ed .., 23.]

B BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF THE WRITINGS OF AUTHORS OTHER THAN FREUD ABRAHAM,K.(1912) "Ansatze zur psychoanalytischen Erforschung und Behandlung des manisch-depressiven Irreseins und verwandter Zustande", Zbl. Psyclzoanal., 2, 302. (102) [Trans.: "Notes on the Psycho-Analytical Investigation and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Insanity and Allied Conditions", Selected Papers, London, 1927, Chap. VI.] ABRAHAMSEN,D.(1946) The Mind and Death of a Genius, New York. (41) AELBY,J. (1928) Die Fliess'sche Periodenlehre im Lichte biolo- gischer und mathematischer Kritik. (8, 40) BALDWIN,J. M. (1895) Mental Development in the Child and the Race, New York. (228) BEARD,G. M. (188 I) American Nervousness, its Causes and Conse- quences, New York. (1886) Sexual Neurastlzenia (nervous exlzaustion), its hygiene, causes, symptoms and treatment, New York. (229) BERNFELD,S. (1944) "Freud's Earliest Theories and the School of Helmholtz", PsycJzoanal. Quart., 13,341. (1946) "An Unknown Biographical Fragment by Freud", American Imago, 4, No.1. (30, 236,281) (1949) "Freud's Scientific Beginnings", American Imago, 6, NO·3· (343) (1951) ", M.D., 1882-1885", Int. J. Psycho- Anal., 14, NO.3. BERNFELD,S., and S. C. (1944) "Freud's Early Childhood", Bull. MenningerClin., 8, NO.4. (31) (1952) "Freud's First Years in Practice", 18--1887, Bull. Menninger Clin., 16, No.2. (20,22, 52) BERNFELD,S. C. (1952) "Discussion of Buxbaum, Freud's Dream Interpretation in the Light of his Letters to Fliess", Bull. Menninger Clin., 16, NO.2. (35) BERNHEIM,S. (1886) De la Suggestion et de ses Applications a la Therapeutique, Paris. (znd Ed. 1887.) (16, 17,56,58) Trans.: by Freud as Die Suggestion und ihre Heilwirkung, Leipzig and Vienna, 1888-9.] (1891) Hypnotisme, Suggestion; Psychotherapie. Etudes Nou- velles, Paris. (16, 17,53) 458 Bibliography B BERNHEIM,S. (contd.) [Trans.: by Freud as Neue Studien uber Hypnotismus, Suggestion und Psychotherapie, Leipzig and Vienna, 1892.] BLAU, A. (1946) The Master Hand, American Orthopsychiatric Association, Res. Mon. NO.5, New York. (242) BLEULER,E. (1913) "Der Sexualwiderstand", Jb. psychoanal. psychopath. Forsch. 5,442. BRUN,R. (1936) "Sigmund Freud's Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der organischen Neurologie", Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. und Psychiatric.tyt, (17,56,61) BUNKER,H. A. (1930) "Symposium on Neurasthenia, from Beard to Freud, a Brief History of the Concept of Neurasthenia", Medical Rev. of Rev. N.Y. 36, NO.3. BUXBAUM,E. (1951) "Freud's Dream Interpretation in the Light of his Letters to Fliess", Bull. Menninger Clin., 15, No.6. (34) CHARCOT,J. M. (1886) Lecons sur les Maladies du Systeme Nerveux, Tome III, Paris, 1887. (16, 17,55) [Trans. by Freud as Neue Vorlesungen iiber die Krankheiten des Nervensystems, inbesondere uber Hysterie, 1886.] (1888) Lecons du Mardi a la Salpetriere, Paris. (16, 17, 20, 21, 23,52) [Trans. by Freud as Poliklinische Vortrdge, I. Bd., Vienna.] DENKER,A. and K.AHLER,O. (Eds.) (1928) Handbuch der Hals-, Nasen-, und Ohren-Heilkunde, Vienna, (5,9,4°) DORER, M. (1932) Die historische Grundlagen der Psychoanalyse, Leipzig. (47) EISSLER,K.. R. (1951) "An Unknown Autobiographical Letter by Freud and a Short Comment", Int.]. Psycho-Anal., 22, NO.4. ELLIS, HAVELOCK(1898) "Hysteria in Relation to the Sexual Emotions", Alien. and Neurol. ERn, \V. (1882) Handbuclz der Elektrotlzerapie, 3 of Handbuch der allgemeinen Therapie, edited by W. H. von Ziemssen, Leipzig. [Trans.: Handbook of Electro-Therapeutics, London 1883.] EXNER, S. (1894) Entwurf einer physiologischen Erkldrung der psychischen Erscheinungen, Vienna. (356) FARROW,PICKWORTHE.(1942) A Practical Method of Self-Analysis, London. (American Edition entitled Psychoanalyse Yourself, 1945·) FENICHEL,O. (1945) "Nature and Classification of the So-Called Psychosomatic Phenomena", Psychoanal. Quart., 14· (45) FLEISCHL, E. VON MARXOW(r893) Gesammelten Abhandlungen, herausgegeben von Otto Fleischl von Marxow, mit biogr. Skisse von Prof. Sigmund Exner, Leipzig. (356) FLIEss, W. (r 892) Neue Beitrage und Therapie der nasalen Refiex- neurose, Vienna, Bibliography B 459 FLIESS,W. (contd.) (1893) "Die nasale Reflexneurose", Verhandlungen des Kon- gresses fur innere Medizin, Wiesbaden, 384-94. (1895) "Magenschmerzen und Dysmenorrhoe in einem neuen Zusammenhang", Wien. klin. Rdsch., NO.1, etc. (1897) Die Beziehungen zwischen Nase und weibliclze Geschleclzts- organen in ihrer biologischen Bedeutungen dargestellt, Vienna. (37,158) (1902) Uber den ursachlichen Zusammenhang von N ase und Geschlechtsorgan, zugleich ein Betrag zur Nervenphysiologie, Halle. (331) (1906a) In Eigener Sache. Gegen Otto Weininger und Hermann Swoboda, Berlin. (241,324) (1906b) Der Ablauf des Lebens, znd ed. 1923, Vienna. (8,23) (1924a) Vom Leben und vom Tode, 5th ed., Jena. 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This index includes the names of non-technical authors. It also includes the names of technical authors where no reference is made in the text to particular works. For references to particular technical works, the Bibliography should be consulted. A., Frau, the case of, 51-6 Aggressiveness of children, Abraham, Karl (see also Biblio- 216 n. 1 graphy B), 42, 42 n. 3, Agnosis, 18 n. 3 307 n. 3 Agoraphobia, 70, 77-8, 182, Abreaction, 62, 63, 76 n. 5, 209 198,2°5,411 Abstinence, sexual, 89, 90, 92-3, Almfrau, Die(by Grillparzer), 223 168 n. Alcoholism (see also Dipso- Absurd dreams, 288, 299, 305 mania), 112,239 Achensee, 39, 324 n., 336 n. 2 Alcuin (in Die Ricluerin by Action c. F. A1eyer), 257 in terms of neurones, 444 Allo-erotism.goa specific (see Specific action) Am Hirnrnelstlzor (by C. F. Activity and passivity, sexual, Meyer),247 149,228 Ambiguity, 239-4I Addictions, 238-9 Amentia, hallucinatory (see also Admissibility to Consciousness Confusional states), 146 (see also Repression), 150, 153, Amnesia (see also Forgetting), 174 28,246,274,407 Adolescence and hysteria, 413 Anaesthesia, sexual, 65, 71, Adriatic, the, 252, 262 79-80,89-90,101-2,105-7, Aeneid, the, 172 n. 2 226,233,273-4 Affect hysterical, 20, 106, 187,226 and repression, 232-3, 408-9, in men, 106 413-14 Anal erotism, 29, 231,233 and the neuroses, 65-7, 80, Anal-sadistic phase, 187n., 189n. 84-5, 88, 91, 101 n., 103, Analyst and analysand, relation- 1°9,113-14,146,152,4°5 ship between, 33 conversion of, 80, 84-5, 150-1 Anatomy of the brain (see Brain) displacement of, 84, 113 Ancona, 214 disturber of thought-process- Andreas Hofer (by Julius Mosen), es, 414-16, 432,437 261 in dreams, 288, 402 Animals in terms of the neurone theory, and Fliess's theory of period- 382-5,397,437-4°,444 icitY,7 sexual, 84-5, 91, 138, 140,409 sexuality in, 186,231 Anorexia nervosa (see also Appe- 275, 282, 286, 291, 305, 308, tite, loss of), 103, 106,256 325,330,333,335 Antaeus, 3 II Arrhythmia, 82 Anthropology, 187-90 Art, 214, 264-5 Anti-semitism (see also Jews), Arteriosclerosis, 24 II, 34 n. 3, 124 n. 3, 200, Asexuality, 87 245 n. 3 Assisi, 214 "Antithetic ideas", 70, 149, 154 Association, free, I ro x., 43 I n. 1 Anxiety, neurotic (see also Fear; Association of ideas Night fears; Phobias) and function of speech, 18n. 3, and the neurone theory, 129 142,421-2 cases of, referred to, 95-8, 101, in dreams, 400, 403-4 195,266,276,411 in terms of the neurone coitus interruptus a source of, theory, 107, 174, 380, 387, 54, 66 n. 4, 68-71, 77-80, 392, 395-6, 400, 419-26, 85, 88-90, 92, 98, 168 n. 43°-8,442-3,445 200 Associative links, 21, 166, 233, Fliess's theory of, 37, 59-60, 260 n., 407, 411-13 168 n. Astarte, 189 in obsessional neurosis, 150 Asthma, nasal, 5 n. 3 in melancholia, 103, 105, 107 Astronomy, periodicity and, 7-8 in neurasthenia, 24, 5I, 94, Athens, 30 161,179,234 Atresia hymenalis, 273 over journeys, 214, 219, 237, Attention, 129, 142-4, 146, 155, 285,3°6 166 sexual aetiology of, 12, 24-5, in terms of the neurone theory, 36, 64-5, 70-3, 84-94, 148, 386-8,397-9,415-21,423- 159, 168 n., 181, 209, 435,437,439-45 230 n., 232 Attitudes passionnelles in hys- Anxiety-attacks, 70-1, 78-9, 93, teria, 21 n. 3 96-7, 168 n. Auditory Anxiety-dreams, 209 n. 2, 249, hallucinations, 152-3,201 287,332 images, 421-3 Apathy, 96, 98-9 stimuli and phantasies, 2°4, Aphasia (see also Aphonia; 246 Speech), 18-19, 56 n. 2, 61, Aussee, 30, 167, 169,201-2,206, 84, 173 210, 213-14, 227, 250, 255-6, Aphonia (see also Aphasia; 258-60,267 Speech),327 Auto-erotism (see also Masturba- Apparatus, psychical (see Psy- tion), 33-4,271 n. 3, 303-4 chical apparatus) Auto-suggestion, 94-5 Appetite, loss of (see also Ano- Axenstein. yo rexia nervosa), 78, 98 Axone, 358-9 Aquileia, 252 Archaeology, 10, 181, 229, 252, Baden, 168 Index Baginshy, Adolph, 16 Bizet, 138 n. Bartholornae, 289 Blood, inability to bear the sight Basedow,J., 161 of, 263 Beard, George M. (see also B'nai B'rith Society, the, 238 n. 2, Bibliography B), 229 312 n. Bed-wetting, 80,266-7,398 Bocklin, 194,320,343,344 n. Belief, 153,208,395,4°1 Bondy, Herr and Frau (Fliess's Bellevue, 122-31,300,309,311, parents-in-lawj.riz 319,321-2 Bondy, Ida (see Fliess, Ida) Berchtesgaden, 282-6, 288-96, Bordeaux, 96 299 Bosnia, 265 Berlin, ix, 4, 10, 13, 42, 59, 201, Botticelli, Sandra, 264-5 213, 270, 285, 294, 304, Bottom (in Midsummer Night's 308,321 Dream),208 and Vienna compared, 10-1 I, "Bound" and "free" psychical 22,57, 135,276 n. energy, 91, 106, 129, 143-4, Freud's visits to, 16, 59-60, 396,425-6,438-9,444 124 n. I, 202, 217 n. 2, 265, "Boundary ideas", 154-5 317,322,324 n. Brandes, Georg, 315 Berlin Physical Society, 22 Breast-feeding, 27, 184 n. 2, Bernays, Emmeline (Freud's 389 n. 3,391,398 mother-in-law), 260, 331 Breslau, 192, 236-8, 241 n. 2, Bernays, Minna (Freud's sister- 242-3,245-6, 320,324 n. in-law), 135, 202, 218, 282, Breuer, Josef (see also Biblio- 284-5,313,316,331 graphy A), 18, 76-7, 80, Bernfeld, S., (see also Biblio- 82,110,115,120-1,134, graphy B), 19,22 135 n. 2, 245, 319-20, 329 Bernhardt, 119 and Fliess, 8-9 Bernheim, S. (see also Biblio- collaboration with Freud, 11- graphy B), 20, 58, 120 n. I 12, 19-22, 25, 44, 62, 66, Bigness in dreams, 291 76 n. 5, 81, 95, 156 n. I, Bilateralism, 241 n. 2 425 n. 2 Billroth, Theodor, 8 I estrangement from Freud, 11- Biological factors, 27, 42, 129, 13,64 n. 1,356 n. 246,260 n. Brooding, obsessive, 150 and the neurone theory, 363- Brucke, Ernst, 16,22,25,342 n, 2 368, 373, 383-4, 387-92, Budapest, 98, 191 398, 401, 417-19, 422, Burckhard, Max, 307, 316 428-3°,433,435,44°-4 Burckhardt,'], L., 275-6,307 Biological theories of Fliess (see Buller, Samuel, 17 n. 7 Fliess, Wilhelm) Bisexuality, 7-8, 38-42, 43 n. I, Cachexia. 24 179, 241 n. 2, 242, 247-8, 289, Cagliostro,J. B., 189 324 n., 327, 334-5,337 Calculations in dreams, 288 Bismarck, 245 n. 4 Cancer, fear of, 78 Index Candide (Voltaire), 181 development of sexuality in, Carmen (Bizet), 138 232-3 Carso, the, 252-3 dreams of, 290-1 Cathartic therapy, 11-12, 19, perversion in, 256-7 71 n. 2 China, 263 Cases Christian Social Party, 124 n. 3 of Frau A., 51-6 Christine (in Meyer's Gustav of Frau D., 333, 338-41 Adolf's Page), 255 of Herr D., 100-1 Chrobak, Rudolf, 54, 139 of "Dora" ,325-7 Chronological of "Emma", 410-13 displacement, 149-50, 152, of Herr von F., 98 204-5 of Frau P.J., 137-40 factors and choice of neurosis, of Herr K., 96-7 234,303 of" Katharine", 28 n, Civilization and instinct, 210 of Frau Emmy von N., 20 n. 4 Claudius (in Hamlet), 224 of Anna 0., 11-12, 19 Claustrophobia, 70 of Elisabeth von R., 15 Climacteric of Dr. Z., 100 female, 85 n. I, 159 n. 6 Cathexis of psychical energy male, 85 n. I, 159 (see also Excitation), 26, 142, "Clownism", 182 174-5, 358, 362, 373-7, 380- Clonic spasm, 5I, 78, I 18 404, 407-9, 413 n., 415-22, Cocaine, 4-6 425-44 Cock and the Hen, story of, Censorship, 240 281 Cerebral Cognition, in terms of neu- diplegia, 17 rones, 390-5, 421-4, 429-31, paralysis in children, 17 433-7,440,442-3 Ceremonials, obsessive, 150 Coitus interruptus Charcot, J. M. (see also Biblio- and migraine, 116 graphy B), 19-20, 58, 62 n. 3, and neurotic anxiety, 54, 77,84, 120 n. I, 182 66 n. 4, 68-71, 77-80, 85, influence of, on Freud, 16, 88-90, 92, 98, 168 n. 200 20 n. 1, 23 n., 45 n. I, and sexual anaesthesia, 80, 90, 52 n, 3,55,58, 76 n. 2 106 Chemical factors, 117, 133-4, Coitus reservatus, 65, 92 162,382,4°3 Compromises, formation of, 150, Cherubino (in Nozze di Figaro), 152-5, 166, 181, 196, 277 n., 139 301 Chiavennavzyo Compulsions (see also Obses- Childhood impressions, 184, 193, sional neurosis; Obsessive 216,239,246 acts), 81, 150-1, 176-9, 223, Children (see also Infantile Sex- 232-3,239,356,4°5-11 uality) Conception, 6, 120 aggressiveness in, 2 I 6 n. 1 Condom (see Contraception) Index 467 ------Conflict and the aetiology of the Death-wish neuroses, 84-5 against parent, 2°7, 257, 304 Confusional states (see also Am- by servants against mistress, entia), 109, 113-15, 146, 185 207-8 Conscientiousness, 149-50 Defence (see also Repression) Consciousness, 58 n, 149-50, and the aetiology of the 165-6, 173 n., 181, 204, neuroses, 24, 85, 92-3, 114, 239,363 n. 122-3, 164-6, 175-7, 199, and dreams, 401-4 208-9,242 and repression, 216, 337, hysterical, 12, 20-I, 64 n. I, 407-9,4I2-I3 114, 146, 154-5, 165, 196, in terms of neurones, 129, 216 142-4, 162, 174-5, 369-74, in terms of the neurone 4I7, 422-3, 430-3, 436-7 theory, 26, 129, 142, 383, Lipps's view of, 260 n, 262, 267 386-8, 408-10, 415, 428-9, Constancy, principle of, I2, 437,440 87-8, I35, I37, I43, 146 neuroses of, 141, 146-55, 160, Contact-barriers, neuronic, 359- 179 363, 365-9, 371, 377-81, 385, normal, 146-7, 167 n., 175-6 400, 4I9-2o, 427,432 paranoic, 109-14, 141, 152-4, Contraception, 65, 69-70, 72, 164, 190, 196 76 n. 4, 148-9 perversion and, 177,216 Contradiction, in terms of neu- phantasies and, 196, 204-5, rones, 437, 443 212 Conversion, hysterical, 12, 37, sexual anaesthesia as, 106 80,84-5,94-5,113-14,164-5, Defloration phantasies, 278-9 356 Degeneracy, 84-5, 87-8, 97, Coprophagy, I92 185,226 Coprophilia, 239-40 Deliria, 189, 2 I6,240 Crete, 10,333 Delusions, 109-13, 115, 13I, Critical thought (see also Judge- 150-1,153,190,277 ment; Thought),. 440, 443 of persecution, 110, 112-13, 150,207 D., Frau, the case of, 333, 338-41 Dementia paranoides, 109 n. I D., Herr, the case of, 100-I Dementia praecox, 186 Dante, 253, 258 Demi-bain treatment, 54 Danube, River, 266 Depression (see also Melancho- Da Ponte, L., 139,202 n. lia), 65, 96, 101 n. 5,209 Darwin, Charles, 365 periodic, 65, 71-2, 99, 101 n. 5 David, Jacob Julius, 291,296 Deuticke, Franz, 161,282,287 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 268 Deutsche Rundschau, 266 Death Developmental factors, 42, fear of, 78, 82, 276 230 n. 4 imitated in hysterical spasm, Devil, the, 187-9 192 Diplegia, 17, 84 468 Index Dipsomania (see also Alcohol- of infanticide, arrest for ("E"), ism), 156, 160, 185-6 199-200 Discharge of Irma's injection (Freud), neuronic (see also Excitation, 402 n., 403 neuronic), 142-3, 356-7, of medical student and hos- 362,367,373,379-82,386- pital (Rudi Kaufmann), 115 392,396,421-4,426-30,444 of "non vixit" (Freud), 299 sexual (see Sexual discharge) of over-affection for his daugh- Disgust, 93, 106, 147-9, 192, ter Mathilde (Freud), 206 232-4 of professors hip (Freud), 245 Displacement of reconciliation with a friend and symptom-formation, 150, (Freud), 43 n. I 152, 155, 204-5, 303, 407, of roast meat (big dish with 409-10 big joint) (Robert Fliess), in dreams, 404, 407 290 of affect, 84, 113 of Rome (Freud), 236 of psychical energy, 260 n. of strawberries (), Disseminated sclerosis, 52 n. I 227 Distortion of U ncle (with the yellow in formation of phantasies, beard) (Freud), 248 196,204,212 of Villa Secerno (Freud), 193-5 in formation of symptoms, Dream-interpretation, 29, 32, 149-50,152-3 34, 41, 162, 218-19, 222,226, Distrust, in paranoia, 152-3, 207 244-50, 254-5, 294, 304 n. 2, Divaca, 252-3 311,344 Don Giovanni (Mozart) 202 n. 1, Dreams 333 absurd, 288, 299, 305 "Dora", the case of, 325-7 anxiety-, 209 n. 2, 249, 287 Doubt, 208 calculations in, 288 neurotic (folie du doute), 70, children's, 290-1 89, 150-1 derived from things seen, 198, Drachenloch, 285 246 Dream displacement in, 404, 407 of a copy of The Interpretation egoism of, 293 of Dreams (Fliess), 246 exhibitionist, 207, 213, 304 of "bad treatment" (Freud), hallucinatory character of, 220-3 401-4 of being in the sixth form hunger, 290 (Freud), 284 incoherence of, 400- I of being undressed, running in terms of the neurone upstairs (Freud), 206-7 theory,26,397-404 of "dose the eyes" (Freud), innocent, 288 171 myths and, 332 of "E's" treatment ending periodicity and, 42 (Freud),305 premonitory, 302 ______I_n_d_ex 469 Dreams, (contd.) Emission, nocturnal, 16811. regressive character of, 233 "Emma", the case of, 4 I0- 13 relation of neuroses to, 34, 166, Emperor Charles (in Die Rich- 198-9,243,271,277,326-7, terin by C. F. Meyer), 257 398.402,410 Emperor's New Clothes, the, 213 "secret of" revealed at Belle- Endopsychic myths, 237 vue,322 Energy, psychical, 12, 26, 146, speeches in, 288 151,370 n. I wish-fulfilment in, 125, 194, "bound" and "free", 91, r06, 199-201, 207, 209, 212-13, 129, 143-44, 396, 425-6, 224, 227, 257, 277, 279, 438-9,444 283,287,402-4 cathexis of (see Cathexis) Dream-symbols, 41o displacement of, 260 n. Dream-work, 277 11. 2,292 Engadine, the, 259 Dresden, 192,324 n. Entogenesis, 228 n. Dreyfus case, the, I 1,245 n. 3 Enuresis, 80,266-7, 398 Drug-addiction, 239 Epilepsy, 37, 168, 185,267 Du Bois-Reymond, Emil, 22 Erb, W., (see also Bibliography Dysmenorrhoea, 6 B),247 Dyspepsia, 68, 78, 85-6, 98-9 Erotogenic zones, 34, 179 n. I, Dyspnoea, 82, 93, 168 n. 180,186,231-4,327 Errors, 261-2, 264-5, 302-3, E., Herr, the case of, 131 n. I, 440-4 189,240-1,3°5, 308-9, 3IJ- Esterhazy, Colonel, 245 n. 3 312,316-17 Evans, Sir Arthur, 10,333 n. Ego Excitation and defence, III, 113-14, 146, excessive, in neuroses, 108, 148, 150-1, 153-5, 209, 154 3°4,408-10,415-16 neuronic (see also Discharge, in terms of neurones, 26, 87, neuronic), 356-62, 364-5, 174, 350-I, 384-98, 401-2, 372,396 408-10, 415-31, 438-41, sexual (see Sexual excitation) 444 sums of, 21, 87, 135 n. 2, 374, "overwhelming of", 150, 153- 377-8 154,185 Exhibitionism in childhood, 213 Ego-psychology, 21 n. I, 24-6, Exhibitionist dreams, 207, 213, 33, 166n., 175 n. 304 Egoism of dreams, 293 Exner, Sigmund von (see also Ejaculatio praecox, 86, 89, 100 Bibliography B), 22, 342-3 Electrical diagnosis, 14, 15 Eves Electrotherapy, 52, 54 -irritability of, in a case of Ellis, Havelock (see also Biblio- hypochondria, 100 graphy B), 271-2 relation of migraine to, 117-18 Emilia Galotti (by Lessing), 109 n. 2 P., Herr von, the case of, 98 470 Index Facilitation of contact-barriers, 122, 160, 214, 235-6, 254-5, 124, 36I-2, 365, 368-9, 371, 260,323,324 n., 325 378, 380-5, 428-9, 434-6, and Freud's dream of Villa 439,442 Secerno, 194 Fairy tales, 213, 237 n. 2, 322, and her children, 145, 156, 332 265 "Family romance", 190, 205, marriage, 9, 64 n. 2,285 223,256-7 Fliess, Pauline (Fliess's daughter), Farrow, Dr. Pickworth (see also 262-3, 265, 267, 282, 299, Bibliography B), 234 n. 306,313 Father Fliess, Pauline (Fliess's sister), figure, 30, 190, 194, 198,206- 219 n. I 207,2Il,223,257,274 Fliess, Robert Wilhelm (Fliess's seduction by, 28, 180, 195-6, son), ix n. I, 42, 116 n., 141, 2I5-I6 145, 155, 169, 219, 247, 250, Fatigue, 36, 100, 116, 166 265,313,325 Faust (Goethe), 63 11.2, I8'·b 225, dream of roast meat, 290, 236,245 n. 2, 267, 300,325 293 Fear (see also Anxiety; Night Fli2ss, Wilhelm (see also Biblio- Fears; Phobias) graphy B) of blood, 263 and Freud's dream of Irma's of cancer, 78 injection, 403 of death, 78, 82,276 biological theories of, 4, 6, of falling out ofwindow, 181-2 8 n. 2, 23, 39, 41-2, 45-6, offiood,266 211,283,295,314,327,335, of homicidal tendencies, 131 337 of infection, 96, 98 character of, 4, 14, 42 n. of madness, 138, 140 dream about The Interpreta- of prostitution, 198 tion of Dreams, 246 of railway accidents, 214, 219, estrangement from Freud, 12, 237,285,306 23, 33 n., 38-43, 46, 160 n , of walking alone, 198 237 n. I, 24I n. 2, 324 n. Fechner, G. T., 244 n. 3,374 n. I, 334,336-7 376 letters to Freud, ix Finkelnburg, 18 n. 3 publications, 316, 3I8, 331, Fixation, 28, 165 n., 185 n., 198- 336,338 199 relations with Freud, 4, 8-14, Fleischl. von Marxow, Ernst (see 22-3, 27, 35-46, 60-1, 212, also Bibliography B), 22 219 n. I, 249, 272~274, 295, Fleischmann, Dr. Karl, 136 298, 309-10,3I4, 328,334- Fliess, Conrad (Fliess's son), 337 3°7,313,322 suggested collaboration with Fliess, Frau (Fliess's mother), Freud, 74-6, 335 309,313 theory of anxiety, 37, 59-60, Fliess, Ida (Fliess's wife), 66, 77, 168 n. Index 471 Fliess, Wilhelm, (contd.) Freud, Anna (Freud's sister), theory of bisexuality, 7-8, 38- 221-2 42, 179 n. I, 241 n. 2, 242, Freud, Emmanuel (Freud's step- 247-8,289, 324 n., 335, 337 brothe~,31,167,321 theory of nasal reflex, 4-7, Freud, Ernst (Freud's son), 282, 8 n. 2, 23-4, 37, 40, 63, 292 73-6, 79, 83, 121, 125, 133, Freud, Jacob, (Freud's father), 135, 144-5, 155, 157-8, 3 I, 32, 43, 122, 168, 219, 188, 310, 328, 331 n. I, 236 n. 2 338 death of, 31, 17°-1,276 theory of periodicity, 6-8, 14, Freud,Jean Martin (Freud's son), 35-8, 40-3, 45, 120, 158- 60, 201, 230, 250, 260, 280, 160, 179-80, 181 n. 2, 190, 284-5,289,306,332-3 210, 229-30, 272, 300-1, Freud, John (Freud's nephew), 308,318,324 n. 328,336 31,219 theory of sexual chemistry, Freud, Julius (Freud's brother), 133-4 219 Florence, 181 Freud, Martha (Freud's wife), Flowers as symbols, 271 n. I 126, 201-2, 214, 218, 245, Flying or floating and hysterical 260, 262, 285, 289, 293 n., attacks, 189 299,315,323 Folie du doute, 70,89, 150-1 and the Fliess family, 53, 62, Folklore, 187 n., 237 n. 2 145,171 Forgetting (see also Amnesia) birth of children to, 52, 60, motivated, 38 123,134,136,156 ofnames,261-2,264-5,302-3 dream of Lisel's about, 208 Foster, Sir M., 359 n. dreams of Freud's about, 220- Franco-Prussian war of 1870, 221,245 112 n. health of, 95, 269, 274, 31 I Frankl-Hochwart, 191 marriage, 306 Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria, Freud, Mathilde (Freud's daugh- 10, 124 n. 3,191 n., 245, 293 n., ter), 52-6, 57 n. 2, 59-60, 95, 348 128, 156, 201, 206, 260, 269, Franzensbad,56 282,289,3°6,316 Free association, 110 n., 431 n. I Freud, Pauline (Freud's niece), Freiberg, 31, 222, 237, 291 n. I 31,219 Freud, Alexander (Freud's bro- Freud, Philipp (Freud's step- ther), 122, 125, 251, 253, brother), 32, 222-3 291 n., 292, 314, 334 Freud, Rosa (Freud's sister), Freud, Amalie (Freud's mother), 163 n. I 31-2,57 n. 2, 122,219,221-3, Freud, Sam (Freud's nephew), 245 321 Freud, Anna (Freud's daughter), Freud, Sigmund (see also Biblio- 130, 132, 136, 156, 227, 259, graphy A) 274,284,289,29° appointment to professorship, 472 Index Freud, Sigmund, (contd.) travel anxiety, 214, 219, 237, 11,43, 190-1, 193 n. 2,200, 285,3°6 210,245,300,341-4 travels, 251-3, 259, 262, 265, childhood and youth, 31-2, 331-2,335-6 219-23 Freud, Sophia (Freud's daugh- estrangement from Fliess (see ter),163 Fliess, Wilhelm) Freud's children's nurse, 292 health, 38, 81-3, 124, 127-8, Freud's own nurse, 32, 33 n. I, 133, 192, 258, 269, 292, 219-23,245 296,311,319,336 Frey, 309 interest in anthropology, 187- Frigidity, 65, 71, 79-80, 89-90, 190 101-2,105-7 interest in archeology, 10, Fulda, Ludwig, 213 n. 2,248 181, 229, 252, 275, 282, 286, 291, 305, 308, 325, Gambling, 185,239 n. I 330,333,335 "Gap" in the psyche, 154-5 interest in art, 214, 264-5 Garda, Lake, 314 interest in literature, 10, 15, Gastric neuralgia, 5, 6, 37 128, 158, 208, 224, 247, Gatti, Dr., 201-2, 213, 265, 280, 255-8,270,309 329 interest in music, 238, 333 Gegenwart, 306 interest in politics, 124, 133 General paralysis of the insane, 85 longing for Italy, 10, 181, 195, Genitals 213-15, 236, 251, 269, 276, and development of libido, 279-80, 282, 293-4, 306, 232-3 317, 321-2, 327-8, 330, anxiety accompanied by feel- 334-5,342 ings in, 89 marriage, 9, 17 equated with head, 273 neurotic states, 38, 43, 82, equated with nose, 6, 37, 40, 210-14, 219, 221, 227-8, 74,331 n. 1,338 236, 242, 264, 280, 298, Gertrude (in Hamlet), 224 310-14 Gibraltar, 271 professional training, 14-19 Giddiness, 51, 70, 77-8, 168 n., relations with Fliess (see Fliess, 180 Wilhelm) Gilbert, W. S., 263 relaxations, 312 Goethe, 63 n. 2, 172, 184, 208, self-analysis, 30-5~ 38, 43-5, 220, 225, 236, 245 n. 2, 267, 187 n., 211 n. I, 213-14, 286,3°0,325 216 n. I, 218-28, 231, 234- Gomperz, Elise, 343 235, 237 n. I, 245, 270-1, Gomperz ; Dr. Heinrich, 304-5 400 n. 1,402 n. I Gompere, Theodor, 343 smoking, 81-3, 121, 128, 133, Gonorrhea, 65-6, 72, 266 312 Gorizia.cyr study of neurology, x, 3, 8, Gradiva (by Jensen), 208 n. 3, 14-27,57,62 n. 3,81 258 n. 2 Index 473 Grado, 252, 262 Hemianaesthesia in hysteria, 20 Grashey.tsi Hemianopsis, 17 Graves' disease, 161 Henry IV Part I (Shakespeare), Grillparzer, Franz, 223 n. 3 276 Grinzing, 309 Herbart,]. F., 47 Grune Heinrich, Der (by G. Hereditary factors, 36, 65, 67, Keller),I58 70-2, 84-7, 96-9, 103, 146-7, Guilt, sense of, 127, 136, 146, 18<;,216 149, 171, 198, 219, 243, 256, Herpes zoster, 327, 338 304 Herzegovina, 265 Gustav Adolf's Page (by C. F. Hirschbuhel, the, 285 Meyer),255 History of Greek Civilization (by Gymnastic feats by hysterical Burckhardt),275-6 boys, 189 Hoarding, compulsive, 150 H oclizeit des M onchs, Die (by Hallucinations, 115, 142, 143 n., C. F. Meyer), 258-9 152-3, 183 n. 2 Homosexuality (see Inversion, auditory, 152-3,201 sexual) Hallucinatory Hungary, 244 activation of verbal images, Hunger, 88, 91, 306, 357, 379, 174-5 398 attacks, 21 11.3 dreams, 290 character of dreams, 401-4 Hutten's letete Tage (by C. F. character of memory, 21 n. 3, Meyer), 270, 279 401,438-9 Hydropathy, 56 character of wishes, 381, 387- Hyperaemia, cranial, 54 388, 389 n. 1,427 Hyperaesthesia, 76 n. 5, 133 confusion, 109, 113-15, 146, Hypertonia, 80 n. 2 185 "Hypnoid states" in hysteria, 12, Hamilcar, 302-3 64 n. I Hamlet, 34, 217, 224, 229, 248 Hypnosis, 20-1, 46, 53, 58 n., Hannibal, 236, 302-3 110, 120 n. I, 273-4, 317 n. I, Happiness "the deferred fulfil- 399 ment of a wish" , 244 Hypochondria, 51, 70, 71, 82, Harden, Maximilian, 245 n. 4 100,112,150 Hartel, Wilhelm von, 342-4 H ypospermia, 66 Harzburg, 293-4 Hysteria Hasdrubal, 302-3 and choice of neurosis, 228, Head equated with genitals, 273 233-5,303-4 Head, Henry, 327 and dreams, 243, 271 Headache, hysterical, 273 and masturbation, 233, 238-9, Hehn, 285 414 Heilige, Der (by C. F. Meyer), and mechanism of defence, 270 113-14, 130, 146, 153-5, Helmholtz, H., 10,22,23,25 164,177-8,4°9-16 474 Index Hysteria, (contd.) phantasies, 193, 196-7,201-2, and neurone theory, 144, 356 204-5,226 and Oedipus situation, 190, proton pseudos, 410-16 223,257 psychoses, 113-14, 185-6 and sexual trauma, 21 n. 3,66- symbolization, 406- 10 67, 76 n. 5, 126-9, 133-4, symptoms, 21, 33, 71 n. 2, 136, 154, 164, 179-80, 196- 110,188,197 n. 3,271,277 197,201 tonic spasm, 192 conflict always at the root of, vomiting, 278 136 curability of, 162,220 Id, the, 197n. 1,205 n. 1,277 n. 2 female, due to coitus inter- Idee fixe, 76 n. 5,247 ruptus,77-9,88,154 Identification, 192, 199, 208-9, female, due to male impotence, 230 n. 4,304 69-70 hysterical, 207 Freud's research into the prob- with parents, 198,207,274 lem of, 12-13, 15, 18-20, with prostitutes, 181-2 62-4, 76, 95, 141, 218, 249, with servant-girls, 198 251,261-2,351 !lios (by H. Schliemann), 282 in Hamlet, 224 Illness, secondary gain from infantile origin of, 27, 159n. 3, (see also Wish to be ill), 235 n. 2 164,167,177 Impotence, 65-9, 86, 90, 93, male, 19-20, 132, 154, 182, 97-100, 159n. 6,220,319 185, 189 in alcoholism, 112 negative of perversion, 179- in men, cause of anxiety in 180,186-7,189,215-16 women, 69-70, 89 sexual aetiology of, 66-7, melancholia and, 107,273 69-71,86-8,226,326 Incest, 209-10, 256 somatic, 165 Inertia, principle of, 356-8, 373, traumatic, 21 n. 3, 66-7, 398 76 n. 5 Infantile (see also Childhood) Hysterical character of resistance, 226 anaesthesia, 20, 106, 187, 226 phantasies, 29, 34, 216 n. I, anorexia, 103, 106,256 223-4,226 attacks, 21 n. 3,113, 154,180, sexuality, 27-9, 33-5, 146-7, 182,189,277 167 n., 217 n. I, 232-3, compulsion, 176-9, 356, 405- 258-9,262,413 n. 411 wish, 244, 246, 256, 423 n. conversion, 12, 37, 80, 84-5, Infection, fear of, 96, 98 94,113-14,164-5,356 Inferno (Dante), 253 headache, 273 Inhibited movement in dreams, identification, 207 207 melancholia, 273 Inhibition on the part of the paralysis, 23, 52 n. 3, 56, 59, ego, 385-90,401,416,439 73,75-6,135 Innocent dreams, 288 Index 475 Innsbruck,255, 259, 323-4 Jobsiade (by K. A. Kortum), Insomnia, 78,96,98-9, 195 244 n. 2 Instincts Jokes, 260 n., 297 and the neurone theory, 379 Jonas, 310 civilization and, 210 " Uncle Jonas" , 284, 290, 296 Intellectual processes in terms of Josef II, Emperor of Austria, 16n.6 neurones, 129, 350, 389-97, Juan, Don, 112 418,420-6,429-44 Judgement (see also Critical Intellectual work and neuras- thought), 120, 340-6, 423, thenia,68 440-1 Interlaken, 278 Julian Alps, 252 Intermediate ideas, 151 Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), I 19 Interpretation of dreams (see J ungfrau, the, 278 Dream-interpretation) Inversion, sexual, in women, K., Herr, the case of, 96-7 203-4,327 K., Professor von (Freud's his- 'Irma', 403 tory master), 222 Island of the Dead tBocklin), 320 Kahlenberg, 300 Isonzo, River, 252 Karlsbad, 183 n. 1,288,313 Istria, 25 I n. I Kastner, Lotte, 208 "Itzig the Sunday rider", 258 Kassowitz, Max, 16,269,282 'Katlzarina", the case of, 28 n. J., Frau P., the case of, 137-40 Kaufmann, Rudolf, I 15 J' Accuse (by Zola), 245 n. 3 Keller, Gottfried, 158 Jackson, Hughlings (see also Bib- Kepler,J., 8 n. 2 liography B), 18 n. 3,49 Kinaesthetic images (see Motor Jacobsen, 128 images) Janet, P. (see also Bibliography Kipling, Rudyard, 10 B),76 Kleinpaul, 238 Janus, 286 Knaus (see also Bibliography B), Jealousy 76n·4 delusions of, In alcoholics, Knopfmacher, Wilhelm, 16 n. 2 112 Knossos, 10,333 of father, 223 Kobenzl, the, 300 of younger child, 219 Koko (in The Mikado), 263 Jena,28I Koller, Karl, 5 n. 2 Jensen, Wilhelm, 208 n. 3,258 n. 2 Koniggratz, Battle of, 258 Jerusalem (in The Sorrows of Konigsee, the, 284, 289 Werther),208 Konigstein, Hans, 300,320 Jerusalem, 3 17 n. 2 Konigstein, Leopold, 20 Jerusalem, tV. (see also Biblio- Kortum, Karl Arnold, 244 n. 2 graphy B), 120 n. I Krafft-Ebing, R. von, 13, 167 n., Jews (see also Anti-semitism), 184,191,193,343 9,211,218 n., 238,312,317, 319 Laertes, 224 Index Landeck, 323 M., General E., 293 n. Lasalle, 286 Mach, 322 Latency period, 163 n. 3 Madness, fear of, 138, 140 Lauenburg, the Duke of (in Makamen des H ariri (by Ruck- Gustav Adolf's Page by C. F. ert), 130 n. 1 Meyer), 255 Malleus Maleficarum, 189 Lazarus, 292 Maloja, 259 Left-handedness, 241-3, 268, Manchester, 167,219,321 329 Mania, 86, 108 Leipzig, 219, 237 Mannesmann, 285 Leonardo da Vinci, 268 Marbach, 303 Leporello (in Don Giovann£), Marcuse, Dr., 320 202 n. I Marie, P., 52 Leprese, 259 Maria-Schutz, 59 Lessing, G. E., 109 n. 2 Marxow, Ernst Fleischl von (see Libido also Bibliography B), 22 and anxiety, 24, 85 n. 1, 91, Masturbation (see also Auto- 93, 97, 159 n. 4 & 6, 209, erotism) 230 n. 4, 234 addictions as substitutes for, and the neuroses of defence, 238-9 148,151,165,199,209,235 and hysteria, 226, 233, 414 development of, 29, 34, 185 n., and the aetiology of the neu- 192 n. 2, 230 n. 4, 231-4, roses, 68-9, 72, 85, 90, 93, 240 n. I 96-100, 102, 105-6,338 n. loss of, in melancholia, by another person, 65, 71 101 n. 5, 103, 107 "mental", 66 unconscious, 209 phantasies, 196 Lichtheim, 6 I symptoms as substitutes for, Lido, the, 220 227,277-8 Lie, First, 410-16 Maupassant, G. de, 182 Lipps, Tlzeodor (see also Biblio- Mechanistic psychology, 47, graphy B), 260-2, 267 372-3 Lisel, governess to the Freud Megalomania, 113,115,153, 190 children, 208 Meistersinger von Nurnberg, Die, Logical error in terms of the 238 neuronetheorY,443-4 Melancholia (see also Depres- "Louise" in the case of Herr E., sion), 71, 84, 86-7, 90, 189 96-108, 150, 153, 166, 207, Lozoenfeld, Ludv ..:ig(see also Bib- 209,273 liography B), 35-7, 119,125-6, cyclical, 103, 105, 150 160,167-8,315,321 hysterical, 273 Lozoy, Emanuel, 229 Memorv Lucerne, Lake, 56 and aetiology of the neuroses, Lueger, Dr. Karl, 124 n. 3, 133, 70, 167 11., 196-7, 199, 204, 253 212,216,233 Index 477 Memory, (contd.) Meyer, C. P., 10, 15, 247, 255, and consciousness, mutually 258-9,27°,279,3°9 exclusive, 174,363 n. Meynert, Theodor, 13, 16, 19-20, and phantasies, 196-7, 204, 20 n. 3, 55, 58-9, 61, 101 n. 3, 208-9,212 360 n. I and repression, 110, 127, 146- Michelangelo, 230 n. 4 155, 164-5, 176-7, 232, Midas, 240 4°8-14,416 Midsummer Night's Dream, 208 hallucinatory character of, Migraine, 101, 115-18, 125-6, 21 n. 3,4°1,438-9 128, 133, 141, 144-5, 168, in dreams, 402, 414 273 in terms of the neurone Freud's, 298, 3 II theory, 26, 106, 173-5, Mikado, The (by W. S. Gilbert), 359-62, 381-95, 421-5, 263 435-40,442 Mill, John Stuart, 17 n. 7, problem of, 123,356 n. I 343 n. 2 Men Minos, 333 anaesthesia in, 106 Miscarriage, 6, 240 anxiety-neurosis in, 70, 88-90, Moebius, P.J., 101, 112 93, 168 n. Moll, A., 231 bisexuality in, 7, 169, 179, Moloch, 189 224,242 Monakow, 18 n. 3 climacteric in, 85 n. I, 159 Money hysteria in, 19-20, 132, 154, and happiness, 244 182,185,189 equated with faeces, 188-9, migraine in, I 16 240 neurasthenia in, 65, 68-70, "Moral insanity", 233 72 Morality, 147-8, 152, 165, 180, paederasty in, 204 206,230 n. 4,23 1-2, 379 sexuality in, 68, 101 n. 5, 106- Mosen,Julius, 261-2 107,147,149,233-4 Mother Mendel, G., 119, 155 death-wish against, 207, 223, Meniere's complex, 5, 74 256-7 Menopause, 85 n. I, 159 n. 6 desire to be taken into bed Menstruation with, 180 and bisexuality, 169 identification with, 198,205 and migraine, 116, 144-5 Motor and nose-bleeding, 6-7, 37 images, 380, 391, 395, 421-4, and periodicity, 7, 8 n. 2, 426-8,435,441-2,444-5 76 n. 4, 101, 158-9, 168 n. paralysis in sleep, 399-400, equated with filth, 240 402 Mephistopheles (in Faust), phenomena and the neurone 236 n. 3 theory, 355, 357, 371-5, Metapsychology, 27, 87 n. 2, 157, 378-80, 388, 395-6, 401, 161,218,246,260,287 421,441,444 Index Mourning, 101n. 5, 103 Neurones Mozart, 139 n., 202 n., 333 keY,382,386,396 Muller, Johannes, 22 -neurones(permeable), 142- Munchner Allgemeine Zeitung ; 143, 36o-I, 363-78, 380-1, 325 396-7, 399-402, 404, 417, Munchner Medizinische WocJzen- 430,433-5,438-9 schrift, I 19 \F-neurones (retentive), 360- Munich, 35, 61, 95, 156, 267, 390, 394, 396-402, 404, 285,332 408-9, 41 I, 417, 419, 421- Muraviev, Count, 263 n. 422,424,429,431 Myths, 190,223,237 n. 2, 332 w-neurones (perceptual), 142- endopsychic, 237 144, 174-5, 349, 355 11., 370-5, 380-1, 387-93, 399, N., Frau Emmy von, the case of, 401,415-30,433-4 20n·4 Neuroses Nakedness or undress, dreams of, and the neurone theory, 143, 207,213,304 405-16 Names, forgetting of, 261-2, relation of dreams to, 34, 166, 264-5,302-3 198-9,243,271,277,326-7, Nancy, 20, 58 n. 398,402,410 N ansen, F., 260 sexual aetiology of, 5, 12, Naples, 181,214 24-8, 35-8, 52 n. 3, 54 n. I, Nasal reflex neurosis (see also 64-200 pass., 215-18, 226, Nose), 5, 23-4, 40 n., 63, 233-4, 246-7, 273, 300-9, 73-6,83,121,144-5,310 328,351 Nazis, ix, 9 Neurosis, choice of, 147, 164, Nestroy,J., 337, 342 n. I 190, 228, 230 n. 4, 234, 303 Neue Freie Presse, 329 New York, ix n. I, 116n. Neuralgic pain, 5-6, 117-18, 144 Nicolas I I, Tsar of Russia, 263 Neurasthenia Niels Lyhne (by Jacobsen), and anxiety neurosis, 23-4,51, 128 n. 2 89-90, 93-4, 161, 179, 234 Night fears, 96 and melancholia, 99, 102, 105 Nirvana principle, 135 n. 2 Beard's theory of, 229 n. I Normal processes in terms of the cerebral, 53-5 neurone theory, 417-45 Fliess's theory of, 5 Nose (see also Nasal reflex in females, 65, 69, 72 neurosis) in males, 65, 68-9, 72 and migraine, 117-18, 144-5 in terms of the neurone equated with genitals, 6, 37, theory, 108, 129 40,74,331 n. 1,338 sexual aetiology of, 65-70, 74, Nose-bleeding and menstrua- 78, 85-7, 116,33811. tion, 6-7, 37 Neurone theory, 26, 45, 107-8, Nothnagel, Professor, 17, 119, 124, 129, 142-3, 162, 174-5, 131,191,343 349,35 1,355-445 pass. Nozee di Figaro (Mozart), 13911• Index 479 Numbers, determined by the Oedipus Rex (Soplzocles), 223, unconscious, 293 and n. 229,248 Nuremberg, 194, 214, 241 11. 2, Olfactory stimuli (see also Smell, 252,324 n. sense of), 144-5 Nursery rhymes, 189 Oplzelia, 224 Oppenheim, E., 180 n. 0., Anna, the case of, 11-12, 19 Opposites, coupling of, 279 Oberhof, 122 Oral erotism, 184-5, 231, 233, Oberon (in Midsummer Night's 327 Dream), 208 Orgasm, 137-40, 273 Obertressen, 169,259 Orvieto, 264 Object - relationship, 230 n. 4, Other persons, knowledge of, 379 n. 393-4,423 Obsessional ideas, 109, 136, 207, Over-work, 65, 67 211,239,263,356 as self-reproach, 136, 149-50, Paederasty, 204 152 Paestum,345 Obsessional neurosis Pain (see also Unpleasure), 108, allo-erotism of, 304 198-9 and choice of neurosis, 228, in terms of the neurone 234 theory, 368-9, 374, 378- as pathological mode of de- 385, 392, 395, 397, 408, fence, 109, 146, 148-56, 415-16,423,437-9 164-5,177-8,196,410 Palpitation of the heart, 93, 96, curability of, 162 168 n. related to pleasure in the primal Paraesthesia, 51, 138 sexual experience, 126-9, Paralysis 131, 134, 148-52, 351 hysterical, 23, 52 n. 3, 56, 59, sexual aetiology of, 81, 86-7, 73,75-6,135 148-56, 196 in children, 17, 56 n. 2, 63, "substitution" in, 112-13,138, 119, 124, 129, 131, 133-4, 149-51, 155, 185, 356, 407- 167,169-70 410 localized, in migraine, 117 verbal ideas in, 239 of the insane (G.P.I.), 24, Obsessive 85 acts (see also Compulsions), post-diphtheritic, 51 89,226-7 unilateral cerebral, 17 brooding, 150 Paranoia ceremonials, 150 auditory hallucination in, 113, displacement, 204 201 insanity, 109 as pathological mode of de- Occupational neuroses, 71 fence, 109-15, 14I, 146, Oedipus complex, 30-1, 34, 152-5,164-5,177-8,196 205 n. 2, 207 n. 3, 216 n. I delusions in, 110-13, 190, & 3, 223-4,229 196,205,207,223,256-7 Index Paranoia, (contd.) Perversion, 66 n. 3, 100, 147' differentiated from neurosis, 167 n., 177-80, 182, 184-6, 28,205,208,234,303 189, 196, 209, 212, 215-16, modification of the ego in, 221,231-2,304 209,304 in children, 256-7 "psychosis of obstinacy", I 15 Pescara (by C. F. Meyer), 270 Parapraxes,34,38 Petromyzon, 16 Parathymia, 100 n. 5 Pfenning, Richard, 41 Paris, 16, 19, 23, 52, 76, 245 n. 3, Phantasies 298 infantile, 29, 34, 2 I 6 n. I, Pasclzkis, Dr., 101 n. 2, 119, 166- 223-4,226 167 masturbation, 196 Passivity, sexual, 106, 149, 154, paranoic, 205 185,204 n. 1,228 wishful, 237 n. 2,278, 305 Pcpt. (see Perceptual system) Phobias (see also Anxiety; Fear; Pes. (see Preconscious system) Night fears), 65, 89, 125, Pegasus, 17, 170 168 n., 181, 204, 237 n. I, 257 Penis Phospheum, 100 equated with witch's broom- Phylogenesis, 228 n. stick, 188 Pickworth-Farrow, Dr. (see also in priapic statues at Aquileia, Bibliography B), 234 n. 252 Plato, 271 Perception (see also Neurones, "Pleasure-pump", 13I perceptual) Pleasure - unpleasure principle and reality-testing, 387-90 (see also Unpleasure), 27, 131, in terms of the neurone 135 n. 2,299,373-4,379 n. theory, 26, 129, 174-5 Poetry and neurosis, 208 Perceptual system (Pcpt.), 173 n., Pompeii, 181, 194,330 174-5, 178, 350, 363 n., Posen, 21 I 370 n. 2 Possession, medieval theory of, Periodic depression, 65, 71-2, 187-8 99, 101 n. 5 Prague,184,188,192,236 Periodicity Preconscious system (Pes.), 174, and migraine, I 16, 168 n. 178, 180-1, 205-6, 209, 232, coitus, 167-8 307 n. 3, 420 n. I, 431 n. 2, Fliess's theory of (see Fliess, 444n. Wilhelm) Pregnancy, 54, 117,158,223 n. 2, of anxiety attacks, 168 n. 278 Swoboda's theory of, 41-2, fear of, 79, 88 324n. Premonitory dreams, 302 Periods of neuronic motion, Pressure on head, sense of, 78, 371-5 96,98-100 Persecution, delusions of, 110, Pressure technique, 138, 140 112-13,150,207 Preyer, A. (see also Bibliography Perugia, 214 B),74 Index Priam, King of Troy, 282 psychosis developing at, 185 Priapus, 252 retardation of, 413,416 Primary function of neuronic Puck, 201 systems, 357-8, 361-2, 364, Punishment, 209, 256-8, 277 368,373 Primary insanity, 304 Quality Primary process, 129, 239 n. 3, and Fliess's nasal theory, 144- 241 n. 1,297 n. 2 145 in terms of the neurone and normal processes, 417-19, theory, 386-9, 392, 394-8, 421-3, 428-31, 433, 435-8, 401-2,407,409-10,414-16, 440,443,445 438 and pain, 381 Projection, 109 n. I, 111-12, and reality-testing, 387-8 114-15,152-3 in dreams, 40 I Prostitute, identification with, problem of, 123, 267, 356 n. I, 181-2,205 369-77 Prostitution, fear of, 198 Quantity, 25-6, 85, 119-20, Proton pseudos (first lie), 410-16 141-5, 166, 175, 355-445 Prudes, anxiety in, 89,92 pass. Psychical apparatus, 12, 26, 45, (Q) and (Qlj), distinction 173-7, 185, 200, 237, 300, between, 355 n. 1 349-50, 358 n., 400 n. 1 Quotations, introductory, to Psychical energy (see Energy, Freud's books, 172, 184, 286, psychical) 298,325,334 Psycho-analytic technique, 21, 33, 46, 203 n., R., Elisabeth von, the case of, 15 317 n. 1 Ragusa, 262, 265 terminology, 47 Ratisbon, 140 theory, development of, ix-x, Reaction-formation, 230 n. 4 3,22,24,26-7,34,45-6 Reality Psycho-neuroses (see Neuroses) no indication of, in the Ucs., Psychoses (see also Dementia; 216 Mania; Melancholia; Para- principle, 27, 129,277,379 n., noia; Schizophrenia), 24, 423 n., 429-31 87, 113-15, 166, 184-7, psychological, different from 195,216,240,266 material, 430 hysterical, 113-14, 185-6 testing, 387-90, 392, 394-7, Puberty 418 n, divergence of male and female "Rebecca you can take off your development at, 233 wedding-gown", 2 18 early sexual experience re- Regression, 199, 230 n, 4, 233, vived at, 27, 126-7, 147, 304,413 n. 159 n. 3, 164, 177 n. 3, 274, Regressive nature of dreams, 395,410-11 233,401,403-4 neurasthenia of, 68-9, 71 Reichenau, 59, 95, 100, 122 Index

Reichenhall, 285,331 279-80, 288, 294, 31C, 313' Repression 317,327-8.335-6,342,344 and bisexuality, 39, 203-4, Roscher, W. H., 332 n. I 224,234,242,334-5,337 Royalty and rulers, distrust of, and dreams, 277, 286 207 and forgetting of names, 261, Ruckert, F., 130 n. I 264-5 Russia, 263 and phantasies, 209, 212 and the neuroses of defence, Sachs, Heinrich (see also Biblio- 110-11, 131, 147-55, 159, graphy B), 135 n. 2 163-6, 167 n., 175-8, 182, Sadism, 187 n., 189 n. 196,226,233-4,287 St. Petersburg, 263 n. and withholding of belief, 208 Saintliness, 209-10 Fliess's theory of, 37, 39, 45-6 Salerno, 195 in terms of the neurone Salpetriere, the, 16, 58 n. theory, 143, 349, 383-4, Salzburg, 60-1, 285, 291, 324 n., 407-10,412-14 333 of death-wish, 207 San Gimignano, 214 problem of, 125-6, 169, 216, Satisfaction, experience of, in 231 terms of neurones, 379-81, sexual determination of, 129- 383-6, 389 n. I, 393-4, 398, 30, 148-55, 159, 163-6, 402, 408, 417-18, 423 n., 176-8,182,203-5,231-4 426 n., 443-4 time of, and choice of neuro- Schalk, Frau Hofkapellmeistcr, sis, 190,234 324n. within the Ucs., 20'; Schiller, F., 119, 170 n., 303 Resistance - Schizophrenia, 304 n. 1 function of, 21, 161 n. I, 203, Schliemann, H., 282, 305 408 Schsoeninger, Dr., 245 infantile character of, 226, 228 Scirocco and migraine, 116 in psychoses, 216 Scotoma, 100 neuronic (see Contact-barriers) Screen memories, 30, 33 n. I, to analysis, 32, 46, 152, 226, 223 n. 2,271 n. 1,281 n. 228,377 n. 3 Secondary function of neuronic Revenge, 256-8, 304 systems, 357-9, 364, 384, 398 Richei, A., 120 n. 1 Secondary gain from illness (see Richterin, Die (by C. F. Meyer), also Wish to be ill), 235 n 2 255-8 Secondary process, 129 Rie, Oscar, 17,63 n. 2,306 in terms of the neurone Riebold, Georg (see also Biblio- theory, 386-9, 392, 395-7, graphy B), 8 n. 2 404,417 Rieger, C., 171 Seduction (see also Trauma, Riemenlehen, 288-9 sexual), 28-9, 33, 73 n. 2, 96, Rolland, Romain, 30 110, 132, 182-4, 188, 192 n. 2, Rome, 43, 229, 236, 269, 276, 193 n. 1,215-16,256,267 Index 483 Self-reproach (see Guilt, sense Shame, 147-8, 150-1, 230, 232- of) 233,266 Semmeringv yc Sherrington, Sir Charles, 359 n. Senility, 84-5, 93, 96 Siberia, 263 Sensory stimuli, 143, 145, 249, Siena, 214 254,356-7,367-8,376,399 Signorelli, Luca, 264-5 auditory, 204>246 Simmel, E., 237 n. I external (exogenous), 143-5, Simplicissimus.aqt: 357, 360 n. 2, 364-7, 372, Sleep 374-5,398 as a hysterical symptom, 18o, internal (endogenous), 143, 273 145, 357, 360 n. 2, 364-6, in terms of neurones, 398-9, 375-7,379-80,382,427 401 olfactory, 144-5 problem of, 123,287 visual, 246 the wish for, 283,287 Servant-girls, 198,207-8,256 Smell, sense of (see also Olfactory Self-analysis, 234 stimuli), 186-7,231-2,24° Freud's (see Freud, Sigmund) Somnambulism, 169, 192 Sexual Sophocles, 223, 229, 248 abstinence, 89, 90, 92-3, 101, Sorrows of Werther (Goethe), 208 168 n. Spanish Armada, 184 n. 2 act, 131,289,398 "Specific action" and the neu- affects, 84-5,91, 138, 140,409 tone theory, 357-8, 379-80, anaesthesia (see Anaesthesia, 388, 391, 423, 425, 435, 440, sexual) 444 discharge, 37, 90-4, lor n. 5, Speech (see also Aphasia; 105-6, rI6-17, 154, r68 n., Aphonia) 226,411-14 and the neurone theory, 42 1-4, exhaustion, 66-7 430-1 excitation, 24, 37, 80 n. I, 84, function of, 18 87, 90-4, 97, 100. 103-8, in dreams, 288 168 n., 226-7, 232, 267 Split personality, 187 substance, 87, 117, 127 Sterility, 65, 72, 18o tension, 90-4, 101n, 5,103 n. 2, Stimuli (see Sensory stimuli) 104-7, 151, 154, 168 n. Striimpell, L., 157 trauma (see Trauma, sexual) Sublimation, 197 Sexuality, in terms of the neu- Substitution, in formation of rone theory, 357, 379, 382, obsessions, 112-13, 138, 149- 4°8-10,412-14 151,155,185,356,4°7-10 Shakespeare, 10 Suckling's relation to breast, 27, Hamlet, 34, 217, 224, 229, 248 184 n. 2,389 n. 3,391,398 Henry IV Part I, 276 Summation Julius Caesar, I 19 aetiology, 36, 116 Midsummer Night's Dream, neuronic, 377-8 208 Super-ego, 199 n. 1,277 n. 2 Index Superman, 210 Tonic spasm, 192 Sweating as neurotic symptom, Toxic factors in the aetiology of 278 the neuroses, 24, 37, 45, 67, Swoboda, Hermann (see also 85,116,159,161 Bibliography B), 41-2,324 Trafoi, 265, 323 Symbolization, hysterical, 406- Transference, 34 n. 3,46,317 410 Trasimene, Lake, 236 Symbols, 182 n., 223 n. 2, 253, Trauma, sexual (see also 27In.I,407-IO,412-13 Seduction) Symptom-formation, 148, 166, apparent, revealed as phantasy 196,203-4,208-9 33, 187 n., 192 n. 2, 193 n., Syphilis, 52,72 196, 197 n. 3,215-17 in adult life, 65, 69 Tabes, 52,266 in childhood, 27-9, 66, 71, Talisman, Der (by Fulda), 213, 126-9, 132, 146-55, 159, 248 163-5, 167 n., 176-85, 197, Teschen.rij 303,416 T eleky, Dora, 320 Traumatic Tenorio, Don fuan, 112 experience, non-sexual, 278 Thirst, 91 hysteria, 21 n. 3, 66-7, 76 n, 5 Thought neuroses, 85 critical, 440, 443 Tremor, 273 defence, 439-40 Trent, 314 identity, 392, 394, 418, 431, Troy, 282, 305 435,439,441-2,444 Tuberculosis, 276 interest, 397 Tumours and migraine, I 17 Thought processes Tuscany, 214 and repression, 146, 151-5, Tussis nervosa, 327 163,166,175,408-9 Twain, Mark, 245 disturbed by affects, 414-16 expressed in terms of neu- Ucs. (see Unconscious system) rones, 26, 129,389-97,418, Umbria, 214 420-6,429-44 Umschau, 320 unconscious, 417 n. 3 Uncleanliness equated with Thrombosis, 118 avarice, 240 Thumsee, 331-4 Unconscious mental processes, Thyroid gland, 159 143 n., 165,212,297,327,337 Tic conuulsif, 185 and the neurone theory, 142, Time 369,402-3,413,422 n., 43 1- distortion in, 149-50, 152, 433,437 204-5 Jerusalem's view of, 120 n. I factors, and choice of neurosis, Lipps's view of, 260 n., 262 234,303 Unconscious system ( Ucs.) Tirano,259 166 n., 174, 178, 181, 205, Titania, 208 208-9,216,236 Index Unpleasure (see also Pain; Vat"che sapete, 139 Pleasure-unpleasure), 146- Voltaire, 181 154,166,175-8,232-3 Vomiting, hysterical, 278 in terms of the neurone theory, 143-4, 380-8, 392, Wagner, Richard, 238 395, 408-10, 415-17, 423, Waking life compared to dreams, 427-8,430,437-40,443-4 277,398,400-3,444 n. Upright stance, 186 n., 230 n. 4, Walking, difficulty in 266-7 231 Weeping, hysterical, 180 Weininger, Otto (see also Van der Leyen, Friedrich, 332 n. I Bibliography B). 41, 241 n. 2, Vasari, G., 230 n. 4 324 n. Venice, 122, 193, 197,215 lflernicke, Karl, 61, 135, 171, Verbal 265,326 ambiguity, 239-41 lfliclzmann, Herr, 285 association, 271 Wien, River, 266 ideas in obsessional neurosis, Wriener Fremdenblatt, 31 I 239 Wiener Zeitung, 341, 344 images, 164-7, 174-5, 421-2, \XTiesbaden,73 n. 4 441,445 lf/ilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, Verona, 252 10 Vertigo, 51,7°,77-8, 168 n., 180 Will, 378, 399 Vienna Wish to be ill (see also Secondary compared to Berlin, 10-1 1,57, gain from illness), 199, 212, 135,276 n. 220 Fliess's visits to, 8-9, 22, 58, Wishful states 61,64 n. 3, 80 n. 3,250,321, and the neurone theory, 38 I, 324 383-4, 386-95, 418, 426-31, Freud in, 16-17, 63, 100 n., 433-5,441-2 101, 126, 168,217 n. 2~218- hallucinatory character of, 381, 219 387-8,389 n. 1,427 Freud's dislike of, 264, 304 Wish-fulfilment 31I,3I7,319 and priapic statues, 252 reception of Freud's books in, in dreams, 125, 194, 199-201, 306,307 n. 2, 316 209,213,246,277,279,283, sayings of, 56 287,402-4 sciencein,9,16-17,19-20,22, in myths and folklore, 237 n. 2 55, 121, 184 n. 1,329 in phantasies, 237 n. 2, 278, social politics in, 124 n. 3, 305 198n.I,253 in symptoms, 209, 272~3, 277, visitors to, 229, 245 n, 5, 253, 278 291 Wit in dreams, 297 Virgil, 172 n. 2 Witchcraft, 187-9, 190 Virginity, 73, 89,92 Women Visual stimuli and dreams, 246 agoraphobia in, 182 Index Women, (contd.) sexuality of, 65, 69-72, 88-92, and neuroses, 65, 69-72, 88- lor n. 5, 106-7, 112, 168 n., 92,106,154,179,233-4 233 bisexuality in, 203-4, 224, Wiirzburg, 171 241 n. 2, 242, 302 climacteric in, 85 n. 1 Z., Dr., the case of, roo Fliess's theories about, 7, 125, Zahme Xenien (Goethe), 172 n. 3 169, 179 Zeit, Die, 307, 309, 316 identification with servants by, Zeus, 333 198 Ziehen, 265,281, 326 neurasthenia in, 65, 69, 72 Zola, Emil, 11, 245 passivity in, 149, 154 Zoophilia, 186