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129 $199 $499 $349 $499 $499 $399 *****************ECRWSS**** STANDARD MAIL IRON COUNTY REPORTER CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT Local PERMIT NO. 3 Postal Customer U.S. POSTAGE PAID Look Inside! Weekly Sale Flyers - Select Areas IRON RIVER, MI 49935 POSTAL CUSTOMER ANGELI FOODS 1 PER FAMILY CRYSTAL FRESH MARKET August 18, 2020 Iron River Publications, Inc., Box 311, Iron River, MI 49935 (906) 265-9927 “FREE COPY” FAMILY FOODS IRRONON RIIVERVER Friday, Aug. 21 FAAMILYMILY FOOODSODS & Saturday, Aug. 22 SSavings!avings! 2 DDAYAY SSALEALE 7 AM - 9 PM Save lb. Save lb. Save lb. Save ea. Save lb. 33-4-4 LLb.b. WholeWhole 4-5 Lb. $3.00 $3.00 $1.50 $10.00 $1.50 BBeefeef $ 9999 Semi- Boneless 2 LLb.b. BBagag TTenderloinenderloin 4 Lb. CChoicehoice AAngusngus 88-12-12 CCt./Lb.t./Lb. 22-Piece-Piece BabyBaby Save lb. RRibeyeibeye CCountryountry PPackack RRawaw DDeveinedeveined $2.00 SSteakteak $ 9999 GGroundround $ 4499 EEZZ PPeeleel JumboJumbo $ 9999 BBackack PPorkork $ 4499 TTenderloinenderloin $ 9999 SShrimphrimp RRibsibs Lb. oorr RRoastoast Lb. 7 CChuckhuck 2 Lb. 1155 2 FFilletillet 6 Lb. Save lb. Save lb. Save ea. Save Save ea. $1.20 $2.00 $6.00 $1.86 ea. $1.00 Great for Pulled Pork 2 LLb.b. BBagag 11.5.5 LLb.b. OOurur FFamousamous 226-306-30 CCt./Lb.t./Lb. OOldld WWisconsinisconsin WWholehole HHomemadeomemade FFestivalestival EExtraxtra LLeanean RRawaw PPeeledeeled 1100 LLb.b. BBagag PPorkork $ 2299 PPorkettaorketta $ 9999 DDeveinedeveined $ 9999 BBratsrats oror $ 9999 CChickenhicken $ 9999 SShrimphrimp BButtsutts 1 Lb. RRoastoast 1 Lb. 1122 WWienersieners 5 LLegsegs Qtrs.Qtrs. 4 Save ea. Save ea. Save lb. Deli Save ea. 79¢ $1.00 $2.50 Fresh $1.60 1100 OOz.z. CCrystalrystal FFarmsarms CCrackerracker CCutut 6 CCt.t. CClyde’slyde’s 1122 CCt.t. 22-Bite-Bite GGlazedlazed RRinging 22/$/$ VVanillaanilla 22/$/$ CCottootto $ 4499 CCheeseheese $ 9999 CCupcakesupcakes TTraysrays DDonutsonuts 5 5 SSalamialami 3 Lb. 4 Save Save Save Save Save lb. $3.00 ea. $3.00 ea. $3.00 ea. $2.00 ea. $2.00 PPintint PPintint 6 OOz.z. CCrisprisp DDeliciouselicious 22/$/$ JJuicyuicy 22/$/$ 3 LLb.b. BBagag $ 9999 GGraperape 22/$/$ $ 9999 BBlueberrieslueberries 6 RRaspberriesaspberries 6 CClementineslementines 4 TTomatoesomatoes 4 AAsparagussparagus3 Lb. Save lb. Save ea. Save ea. Save ea. Save ea. 29¢ $1.69 $2.20 $1.00 $2.29 1122 IIn.n. 1100 OOz.z. PPostost 8 OOz.z. 1 LLb.b. DDinaina MMiaia CCornorn PPops,ops, SSausageausage & BBestest ChoiceChoice QQuartersuarters SSweetweet ¢ AAlphalpha BBitsits BBestest CChoicehoice CCheeseheese 22/$/$ oorr GGoldenolden 22/$/$ SShreddedhredded 44/$/$ 22/$/$ OOnionsnions 9999 Lb. PPizzaizza 9 CCrisprisp 5 CCheeseheese 9 BButterutter 5 Save ea. Save ea. Save Save ea. $5.00 $1.59 $1.25 ea. $2.49 227.67.6 OOz.z. 116.96.9 OOz.z. 6 PPk.k. 2288 OOz.z. BBottlesottles HHillsills BBros.ros. DDeiei FFratelliratelli 3322 OOz.z. EErara HHighigh YYieldield $ 9999 SStewedtewed oror DicedDiced 22/$/$ LLaundryaundry 22/$/$ CCokeoke 44/$/$ CCoffeeoffee 6 TTomatoesomatoes 3 SSoapoap 6 PProductsroducts Plus Dep.1100 Iron River Family Foods Your Fresh Meat Super Store While supplies last - may limit quantities 318 W. Adams, Iron River, MI • 265-5462 • OPEN 7AM-9PM DAILY SELECT VARIETIES ON CERTAIN ITEMS IRON COUNTY SHOPPER’S GUIDE, August 18, 2020, Page 2 Wednesday Evening MOVIES August 19, 2020 Stambaugh Crystal Caspian Iron Iron River: 2, Fox U.P., Marquette; 7 EWTN; 9, WGN America; 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 Falls Gaastra River Symbol Station Net Origin 10, WYOW, ABC, Eagle River; 14, NFL Network 15, Comedy 5 3 3 3 WJMN CBS Escanaba CBS 3 Big Brother (N) (CC) Tough as Nails (N) Democratic News Late Show-Colbert Corden Central; 16, Fox News Channel; 17, Spike TV; 18, NBC Sports - 7 43 5 WBKP CW Calumet Network; 19, Animal Planet; 20, Speed Channel; 22, MTV; 6 6 6 6 WLUC NBC Marquette CW 5 The 100 (N) (CC) Coroner “Scattered” News Seinfeld Gold Gold Million. Million. 23, VH1; 24, Nickelodeon; 25, Cartoon Channel; 26 Disney 10 10 - 10 WBUP ABC Marquette America’s/Talent Ellen’s Game Convention News Tonight Show Meyers NBC 6 8 - 11 WLUK Fox Green Bay Channel; 28, ESPN2; 26, Fox Detroit; 31, Golf Channel;, 32, ABC 10 United Gold Conners House The Dem News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel 13 13 13 13 WNMU PBS Marquette Outdoor Channel; 34 WTBS Atlanta; 36, Syfy; 37, AMC; 39, FX1; 40, Lifetime; 41, Food Network; 48, C-SPAN; 52, TV Land; FOX 11 MasterChef (CC) (DVS) News 11 News Seinfeld DailyMail DailyMail 20 15 43 A&E Arts & Entertainment 12 11 21 CNN CNN 53, Country Music Television; 54, CBWT, CBC, Winnipeg; 55, PBS 13 PBS NewsHour Convention Coverage (N) (S Live) (CC) Amanpour-Co The Day America 26 19 46 DISC Discovery Channel QVC; 57, Zap2It TV listings. A&E The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) First 48-Haunts The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) 7 10 27 ESPN ESPN CNN Convention 2020: Democratic National Convention Convention Convention 8 37 30 FSD Fox Sports Net Detroit Crystal Falls: 9, WGN America; 14, VH-1; 15, Spike TV; 28 47 56 HALL Hallmark Channel 16, Disney Channel; 17, Weather Channel; 23, Eternal Expedition Unknown Dodgeball Growing Belushi (N) Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown DISC 18 34 42 HGTV Home & Garden TV (HGTV) Word TV Network; 25, MTV; 29, TV Land; 30, Lifetime; 31, ESPN MLB Baseball: Nationals at Braves MLB Baseball Los Angeles Angels at San Francisco Giants. (N) 2 28 45 HIST History Channel Home Shopping Network; 32, CMT; 33, ESPN2; 35, WZMQ, 4 - - HBO Home Box Offi ce (HBO) Marquette, ThisTV. FSD MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Chicago White Sox. (N) (Live) Tigers Tigers Tigers Michigan - 24 47 TLC The Learning Channel HALL The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells (2018) Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden - 5 - TMC The Movie Channel Caspian-Stambaugh-Gaastra: 9, WGN America; 12, WJFW, HBO Lovecraft Country ›› Anna (2019) Sasha Luss. (CC) I May Destroy You Hard Knocks 38 44 NGEO National Geographic 34 - 24 NICK Nickelodeon NBC, Rhinelander; 14, Cartoon Network; 17, Animal Planet; HGTV Home Town (N) (CC) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Build-Up Un Hunters Hunters 21 4 8 TBS TBS 18, Great American Country; 20, Eternal Word TV Network; HIST Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire 27 22 33 TNT TNT 21, WXYZ, ABC, Detroit; 23, QVC; 26, C-Span; 27, Fox News Channel; 29, WMVS, PBS, Milwaukee; 30, Outdoor Channel; A Smuggler A Smuggler Tijuana Drug Lords Miami Drug Cartel A Smuggler 22 16 38 TCM Turner Classic Movies NGEO 3 31 35 USA USA Network 32, AMC; 33, Lifetime; 35, AmericanLife; 36, ThisTV; 39, NICK Sponge. Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Weather Channel; 40. Home Shopping Network; 41, Sportsman TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Conan Full New Girl Conan Other channels not listed Channel; 42, ABC Family; 43, Trinity Broadcasting Network; TCM Ramona (1928) Dolores del Río. ›› Bird of Paradise (1932, Romance) (CC) ›› In Caliente (1935) (CC) 44, Food Network; 45, WZMQ, Marquette, ThisTV; 46, Speed Compliments of Channel; 48, Universal Sports; 49, Golf Channel; 50, WMVT, My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life TLC Iron River Publications, Inc. PBS, Milwaukee. TMC ›› Outbreak (1995) Dustin Hoffman. ›› Mile 22 (2018) (CC) › An Acceptable Loss (2018) For Your T.V. Viewing Convenience TNT NBA Basketball NBA Basketball: Mavericks vs Clippers Inside the NBA (N) Basket USA WWE NXT (N) (S Live) (CC) › Rush Hour 3 (2007) Jackie Chan. (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Thursday Evening MOVIES August 20, 2020 Friday Evening MOVIES August 21, 2020 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 CBS 3 Big Brother (N) (CC) Sheldon Unicorn Democratic News Late Show-Colbert Corden CBS 3 MacGyver (CC) Magnum P.I. (CC) Blue Bloods News Late Show-Colbert Corden CW 5 Mysteries Decoded Penn & Teller News Seinfeld Gold Gold Million. Million. CW 5 Masters Masters Being Being News Seinfeld Gold Gold Million. Million. NBC 6 The Wall (CC) Law & Order: SVU Convention News Tonight Show Meyers NBC 6 America’s Got Talent (CC) Dateline NBC (N) News Tonight Show Meyers ABC 10 Holey Moley To Tell the Truth The Dem News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel ABC 10 Shark Tank 20/20 (N) (CC) News Kimmel Nightline Kimmel FOX 11 Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell News 11 News Seinfeld DailyMail DailyMail FOX 11 WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) News 11 News Seinfeld DailyMail DailyMail PBS 13 PBS NewsHour Convention Coverage (N Same-day Tape) (CC) Amanpour-Co The Day Articulate PBS 13 Wash Record Great Performances Broadway revival of The King and I. (CC) The Day Scully A&E The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) Court Court Court Court The First 48 (CC) A&E Rescue: Rewind Live Rescue (CC) Live Rescue (CC) CNN Convention 2020: Democratic National Convention Convention Convention CNN Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper DISC Homestead Rescue 100 Days Wild (N) Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue DISC Bering Sea Gold (N) 100 Days Wild (N) Ed Stafford: First Ed Stafford: First Bering Sea Gold ESPN Basket NBA NBA Basketball TBA vs Los Angeles Lakers. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN MLB Baseball: Yankees at Mets SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) FSD Strongman Glory Kickboxing World Poker MLB Baseball FSD MLB Baseball: Tigers at Indians Tigers Tigers World Poker ROH Wrestling HALL Pearl in Paradise (2018) Jill Wagner.
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