STRAP: NEWS / EDUCATION / SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WORD COUNT: 417 PICS: AVAILABLE ON REQUEST HEADING: Young minds blaze brightly at Minquiz 2007 science competition

The Minquiz 2007 regional competition, held in all nine provinces on 14 March and attended by representatives from more than 400 schools, was once again a great success. Minquiz, ’s premier science competition for schools, is organised by Mintek, an autonomous research and development (R&D) organisation specialising in all aspects of mineral processing, extractive metallurgy and related technology. The winners (see results below) will advance to the finals to be held at Mintek in Randburg, Gauteng, on 18 May 2007.

As in the past contestants (and their schools) are competing for cash, prizes and, of course, bragging rights. This year the stakes are even higher. “We are proud to announce an exciting partnership with the British Council in South Africa,” said Dr Molefi Motuku, GM of research and development at Mintek. “The British Council will fund the attendance of two learners at the annual London International Youth Science Forum, which runs from 25 July to 8 August 2007 in the United Kingdom. The prize includes return airfare, accommodation and meals, and all general costs are covered. In addition, the BHP Billiton Trust will provide the two winners with R3 000 spending money each.”

Other Minquiz sponsors who have invested in South Africa’s future are Rand Refinery, Rutland Industries, Sigma-Aldrich and the Southern African Institute for Mining and Metallurgy.

For more information on Minquiz 2007 please phone Viloshni Naidoo at 011 709 4914 or e-mail her at [email protected]

MINQUIZ 2007 REGIONAL WINNERS Province Gold division winners Platinum division winners iThembelihle Comprehensive School Selborne College (two Solomon Mahlangu winners) Free State Heatherdale Secondary School Hoërskool Jim Fouché Ipetleng Secondary School St Dominic’s College Lephola Secondary School Hoërskool Sentraal Gauteng Raucall Roedean School St Barnabas College Hoërskool Waterkloof Pro Arte Alphen Park Hyde Park High School KwaZulu-Natal Msimbu Secondary School Pinetown Boys High Khabazela Secondary School (two School winners) Kloof Secondary School Westville Boys High School

Limpopo SJ van der Merwe High School Mbilwi Secondary Sefoloko Stanford Lake College Mountainview Nylstroom Mpumalanga Suikerland Hoërskool Penryn College Sidlamafa High School Hoërskool Bergvlam Nkomazi High School Calvin College North West Tlabane Tehnical & Commercial High Hoërskool Hartbeespoort School Ferdinand Postma Resolofetse Secondary School Hoërskool Motswedi High School Potchefstroom Gimnasium Northern Cape Galaletsang High School Diamantveld High School Keimoes High School Upington High School Saul Damon High School Duineveld High School Western Cape Belgravia Senior Secondary School Rondebosch Boys High Desmond Tutu Secondary School School Luhlaza High School Paarl Boys High School SACS ends