CLARENDON SUN Area remembers ‘Mr. Americanism’ Plowden known for helping vets A7 Officials: Be proactive after SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 75 CENTS Equifax security breach A2 District program misused $177K Audit: Early Childhood Program employees bought adult tricycles, more BY BRUCE MILLS ing criminal investigation the department. Thursday that it’s cooperat- to two district employees
[email protected] into financial improprieties In that audit report, the ing with authorities and totaling $163,157.21 and sev- in the district’s program. department’s Office of Au- has already implemented eral “unallowable, unrea- The state Department of The investigations stem diting Services asserts the safeguards and more strin- sonable and unnecessary” Education released this from an anonymous letter district’s 4-year-old kinder- gent fiscal policies to cor- programmatic expenditures week to the public its audit received by the department garten program administra- rect the outlined issues. incurred by the district for findings of Sumter School and the district earlier this tors misused about $177,000 A finalized 11-page report supplies totaling $13,765.58. District’s Early Childhood year. The department re- in state funding in recent from the department’s Of- Items purchased include Education Program, which leased the audit findings to years, and the state depart- fice of Auditing Services adult tricycles, hammocks, it previously provided to The Sumter Item after the ment says it wants that details “unreasonable” and patio furniture and small the State Law Enforcement district submitted a correc- money back. The district “excessive” program train- Division as part of an ongo- tive action plan Tuesday to said in a public statement ing fees paid by the district SEE AUDIT, PAGE A3 Man’s bond Grandparents join students for lunch will likely not change in shooting BY JIM HILLEY
[email protected] Andrew Tiller, an 18-year-old Sumter resident, is accused of shooting and seri- ously injuring two men Sept.