1 The pioneer factor OCT4 requires BRG1 to functionally mature regulatory 2 elements in mouse embryonic stem cells 3 4 Hamish W. King1 and Robert J. Klose1 5 6 1 Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Rd, Oxford, OX1 3QU. 7 8 9 Abstract 10 Pioneer factors recognise and bind their target sequences in inaccessible 11 to establish new transcriptional networks during development and cellular 12 reprogramming. During this process, pioneer factors establish an accessible chromatin state 13 to facilitate additional binding, yet how different pioneer factors achieve 14 this remains unclear. Here, we discover that the pluripotency-associated pioneer factor 15 OCT4 binds chromatin to shape accessibility, transcription factor co-binding, and regulatory 16 element function in mouse embryonic stem cells. Chromatin accessibility at OCT4-bound 17 sites requires the chromatin remodeller BRG1, which is recruited to these sites by OCT4. 18 BRG1 occupancy supports transcription factor binding and expression of the pluripotency- 19 associated transcriptome. Furthermore, the requirement for BRG1 in shaping OCT4 binding 20 reflects how these target sites are used during cellular reprogramming and early mouse 21 development. Together this reveals a distinct requirement for a chromatin remodeller in 22 shaping the activity of the pioneer factor OCT4 and regulating the pluripotency network. 23 24 25 Introduction 26 Transcription factors read DNA-encoded information to control gene transcription and define 27 the complement of proteins a cell can produce. They achieve this by physically binding 28 specific DNA sequence motifs in gene regulatory elements that ultimately control how RNA 29 polymerases engage with and transcribe (Spitz and Furlong, 2012, Voss and Hager, 30 2014). In prokaryotes, transcription factors tend to function as self-contained units that 31 recognize extended DNA sequences with high specificity and affinity (Wunderlich and Mirny, 32 2009). Therefore, simple sequence-based principles appear to dictate their binding in the 33 genome. In contrast, transcription factors in higher recognize shorter DNA 34 sequences and often interface with other DNA-binding transcription factors in a 35 combinatorial manner to achieve affinity and specificity (Wunderlich and Mirny, 2009, Villar 36 et al., 2014). In addition to the widespread requirement for combinatorial DNA binding, 37 eukaryotic transcription factors are also confronted with the added complexity that eukaryotic 38 DNA is wrapped around to form and chromatin (Kornberg and Lorch, 39 1999). The association of DNA with nucleosomes can therefore compete with DNA-binding 40 transcription factors, limiting their ability to engage with the genome (Spitz and Furlong, 41 2012, Voss and Hager, 2014). Indeed, in many cases transcription factor binding appears to 42 require pre-existing chromatin accessibility (Guertin and Lis, 2010, Biddie et al., 2011, John 43 et al., 2011). 44 45 This chromatin barrier therefore poses a significant challenge in establishing new gene 46 regulatory elements when cells differentiate during development. Therefore, to overcome 47 this obstacle, cells have evolved a specialised set of transcription factors that are able to 48 recognise their cognate motifs even when nucleosomes are present (Zaret and Carroll, 49 2011). This is exemplified by the forkhead box A1 (FoxA1) transcription factor, which binds 50 to and de-compacts nucleosomal DNA in vitro (Cirillo et al., 2002) and in vivo (Holmqvist et 51 al., 2005, Lupien et al., 2008, Iwafuchi-Doi et al., 2016). Based on this type of activity, factors 52 like FoxA1 have been called ‘pioneer’ transcription factors as they appear to play a primary 53 role in recognizing and shaping how new gene regulatory elements are established in 54 previously inaccessible chromatin (Magnani et al., 2011, Zaret and Carroll, 2011). Once 55 bound to their target sites, pioneer transcription factors appear to create accessible 56 chromatin (Raposo et al., 2015, Schulz et al., 2015) that supports the recruitment of non- 57 pioneer transcription factors and the formation of functional gene regulatory elements 58 (Theodorou et al., 2013, Wapinski et al., 2013, Foo et al., 2014, Xu et al., 2014, Schulz et al., 59 2015). These unique features of pioneer transcription factors allow them to function as 60 master regulators that underpin developmental transitions, cellular reprogramming, and 61 responses to cellular signalling events. 62 63 The capacity of pioneer transcription factors to destabilise or reposition nucleosomes to 64 facilitate chromatin accessibility at their target sites appears to be an essential feature of 65 their activity. Initially, it was proposed that pioneer factors might achieve this by interacting 66 specifically with nucleosomes to alter chromatin structure. For example, FoxA1 and FoxO1 67 structurally resemble H1, which has been proposed to lead to displacement of H1 68 and destabilisation of neighbouring nucleosomes (Cirillo et al., 2002, Hatta and Cirillo, 2007). 69 Alternatively, it has been proposed that ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers may be 70 required to assist pioneer transcription factors in establishing accessible chromatin (Hu et 71 al., 2011, Marathe et al., 2013, Ceballos-Chávez et al., 2015, Swinstead et al., 2016). 72 Nevertheless, for most pioneer transcription factors there remains limited understanding of 73 the mechanisms by which they translate their binding within inaccessible and - 74 occluded chromatin into effects on chromatin structure that support additional transcription 75 factor binding and gene regulation. 76 77 One paradigm that has been used to study pioneer transcription factor function is the cellular 78 reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) by the Yamanaka 79 transcription factors (OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-MYC) (Takahashi and Yamanaka, 2006). 80 With the exception of c-MYC, these transcription factors are proposed to act as pioneers 81 during cellular reprogramming and can bind their targets sites even when they are occupied 82 by nucleosomes (Soufi et al., 2012, Soufi et al., 2015, Chen et al., 2016). It is thought that 83 this pioneering activity may then pave the way for nucleosome displacement and further 84 transcription factor binding that establishes functional regulatory elements (You et al., 2011, 85 Shakya et al., 2015, Simandi et al., 2016). While it is clear that these transcription factors 86 have the capacity to engage with previously inaccessible regions of chromatin during iPSC 87 reprogramming, it is unknown whether additional mechanisms are required to transition 88 these initial engagement events into functionally mature transcription factor binding as part 89 of the pluripotency-associated regulatory network. 90 91 To begin addressing this fundamental gap in our understanding, we have used mouse 92 embryonic stem cells, which exist in an established pluripotent state, as a model system to 93 dissect how the core pluripotency transcription factor OCT4 engages with target sites inside 94 cells. In doing so we discover that OCT4 occupies sites that would otherwise be inaccessible 95 and is required to shape the occupancy of additional pluripotency transcription factors. OCT4 96 achieves this by recruiting the chromatin remodelling factor BRG1 to support not only its own 97 binding but also to stabilize further transcription factor binding events required to support 98 pluripotency-associated gene regulation. This reveals that although OCT4 can engage with 99 its target sites in inaccessible chromatin, the recruitment of a chromatin remodelling enzyme 100 is a fundamental step in pluripotency transcription factor binding and gene expression. 101 Intriguingly, OCT4-bound regulatory sites that require BRG1 are activated more slowly in 102 response to cellular reprogramming and later during early development. Together these 103 observations reveal that the capacity of OCT4 to cooperate with a chromatin remodeller is a 104 key feature of its pioneering activity, and this is required to mature transcription factor 105 binding and create functional gene regulatory elements. 106 107 108 Results 109 110 The pioneer factor OCT4 binds distal regulatory sites in pluripotent cells that would 111 otherwise be inaccessible 112 The atomic structure of OCT4 and its DNA binding activity in vitro have been characterized 113 in detail (Klemm et al., 1994, Esch et al., 2013), yet the mechanisms which support how 114 OCT4 functions as a pioneer transcription factor in vivo remain poorly defined. Our current 115 understanding is based largely on overexpression studies during iPSC reprogramming 116 where OCT4 binds a large number of its motifs in inaccessible regions of chromatin (Soufi et 117 al., 2012, Soufi et al., 2015, Chen et al., 2016). However, whether these binding events 118 represent functionally relevant pioneering interactions that precede the creation of 119 accessible chromatin and downstream target gene expression remains largely unknown. We 120 therefore set out to examine how OCT4 engages with and functions at its binding sites in a 121 more physiologically relevant situation in mouse embryonic stems cells (ESCs), where OCT4 122 plays an essential role in shaping distal regulatory element function and controlling the 123 pluripotent transcriptome. In order to achieve this, we first set out to identify a bona fide set 124 of OCT4 binding events in mouse ESCs using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with 125 massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq). We applied this approach to a conditional mouse 126 ESC line where addition of a small molecule (doxycycline) leads to loss of OCT4 expression 127 (Niwa et al., 2000). It is known that prolonged removal of OCT4 in ESCs results in loss of 128 pluripotency and (Niwa et al., 2000, Adachi et al., 2013). We therefore 129 identified an acute treatment condition where following 24 hours of doxycycline treatment 130 cells lacked appreciable OCT4 protein (Figure 1A) but retained normal ESC morphology, 131 were alkaline phosphatase positive, and expressed wild type levels of the pluripotency 132 transcription factors SOX2 and NANOG (Figure 1A,B). Analysis of our OCT4 ChIP-seq 133 identified 15,920 high-confidence OCT4 binding sites that were lost following doxycycline 134 treatment (Figure 1C) and were highly enriched for known OCT4 binding motifs (Figure 1 – 135 Figure Supplement 1A,B). The majority of these binding events (75%) correlated with a 136 histone modification signature usually associated with distal regulatory elements (high 137 /low H3K4me3), while only a small subset (6.8%) corresponded to sites with a 138 promoter associated histone modification signature (high H3K4me3/low H3K4me1) (Figure 139 1D; Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 1C,D). These observations are consistent with previous 140 reports indicating that OCT4 binds extensively to distal as opposed to promoter proximal 141 regulatory regions in the genome (Chen et al., 2008, Göke et al., 2011). The identification of 142 bona fide OCT4 target sites, and the maintenance of stem cell features under these 143 treatment conditions, provided us with an opportunity to examine in more detail where and 144 how OCT4 normally engages with the ESC genome, and to ask how this is related to 145 underlying chromatin accessibility and transcription factor co-occupancy. 146 147 During somatic cell reprogramming, exogenous OCT4 is proposed to function as a pioneer 148 transcription factor that can bind to its sequence motifs in inaccessible regions of chromatin. 149 However, it remains unclear whether binding to inaccessible chromatin is also a feature of 150 normal OCT4 binding in mouse ESCs. To address this important question we used the 151 assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with massively parallel sequencing (ATAC-seq) 152 which provides a genome-wide measure of chromatin accessibility (Buenrostro et al., 2013) 153 and examined ATAC-seq signal in wild type and OCT4-depleted cells. Although OCT4- 154 bound sites were highly accessible in wild type cells, when we examined ATAC-seq signal in 155 the OCT4-depleted ESCs, 72% of OCT4 targets showed significant reductions in chromatin 156 accessibility (Figure 1E,F,G and Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 2) and increases in 157 nucleosome occupancy (Figure 1H). These observations are in agreement with previous 158 studies describing a role for OCT4 in maintaining nucleosome-depleted regions and/or 159 chromatin accessibility at individual loci in pluripotent cells (You et al., 2011, Shakya et al., 160 2015) or genome-wide (Chen et al., 2014, Lu et al., 2016). Importantly, OCT4-bound distal 161 regulatory elements appeared to be most significantly affected, while OCT4-bound 162 promoters experienced few significant reductions in accessibility (Figure 1I). Consistent with 163 a pioneering-like role for OCT4 in shaping chromatin structure, many OCT4-bound 164 regulatory elements were completely inaccessible in the OCT4-depleted ESCs (Figure 1F,J) 165 and lacked any detectable chromatin accessibility in cells and tissues lacking OCT4 166 expression (Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 3). Importantly, OCT4 binding sites that displayed 167 reduced accessibility following OCT4 removal were often in close proximity with genes 168 implicated in the pluripotency regulatory network (Figure 1K), suggesting that these OCT4 169 binding events may be implicated with the maintenance of pluripotency-associated gene 170 expression. These observations therefore establish that the majority of OCT4 binding events 171 in pluripotent stem cells occur at sites that would otherwise be inaccessible and occupied by 172 nucleosomes, indicating that OCT4 is required to maintain accessible chromatin at its target 173 sites not only during cellular reprogramming but also in the established pluripotent state. 174 175 176 OCT4 supports transcription factor binding at distal regulatory elements to regulate 177 pluripotency-associated genes 178 A defining feature of pioneer transcription factors is their capacity to support additional 179 transcription factor occupancy, potentially through alteration of local chromatin structure. 180 Given that removal of OCT4 had widespread effects on chromatin accessibility at its binding 181 sites, we wondered whether its absence would result in defects in the binding of other 182 pluripotency-associated transcription factors. To address this possibility, we used ChIP-seq 183 to examine the binding of SOX2 and NANOG in the presence or absence of OCT4 (Figure 184 2). Interestingly, we observed major reductions in SOX2 and NANOG binding at the OCT4 185 target sites that experienced the largest reductions in chromatin accessibility (Figure 2A,B 186 and Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1A,B). Importantly, the reductions in SOX2 and NANOG 187 binding correlated extremely well with the reductions in chromatin accessibility at OCT4- 188 bound sites (Figure 2 - Figure Supplement 1C). Conversely, the smaller subset of OCT4- 189 bound sites that retained chromatin accessibility following OCT4 depletion retained SOX2 or 190 NANOG occupancy (Figure 2B). This suggests that OCT4 plays a central role in supporting 191 combinatorial binding and chromatin accessibility at the majority of OCT4 binding sites. 192 193 To understand whether this loss of combinatorial transcription factor binding was relevant to 194 gene regulation, we carried out nuclear RNA-seq in wild type and OCT4-depleted cells. Loss 195 of OCT4-dependent chromatin accessibility and transcription factor binding was broadly 196 associated with the down-regulation of nearby genes (Figure 2C-E), such as the 197 pluripotency-associated Utf1 gene (Figure 2D). When we examined this relationship across 198 the genome, reductions in the expression of genes near OCT4-bound distal sites was highly 199 coincident (82%) with reductions in chromatin accessibility (Figure 2F). Interestingly, 200 however, reductions in chromatin accessibility at an OCT4-bound site did not always lead to 201 alterations in the expression of neighbouring gene, suggesting that some bound sites may 202 not function in gene regulation or that they may have regulatory capacity that extends 203 beyond the nearest gene. Nevertheless, genes that were down-regulated in OCT4-depleted 204 ESCs (n=1430; OCT4-dependent gene expression) tended to be significantly closer to 205 OCT4 binding sites that displayed reduced chromatin accessibility (median distance 16.2 kb) 206 than OCT4 binding sites that retained chromatin accessibility in the absence of OCT4 207 (median distance 125.4 kb) (Figure 2G). These sites were also characterized by reductions 208 in SOX2 and NANOG binding (Figure 2A,B) and their associated genes were enriched for 209 the pluripotency-associated transcriptional network (Figure 2H). Together, these 210 observations reveal that OCT4 binding plays a primary and widespread role in shaping 211 combinatorial binding of transcription factors at otherwise inaccessible regulatory sites in 212 ESCs, and this activity underpins pluripotency-associated gene expression. 213 214 215 The chromatin remodelling enzyme BRG1 is enriched at sites where OCT4 is 216 responsible for chromatin accessibility 217 Several modalities have been proposed to explain how pioneer factors facilitate chromatin 218 accessibility at otherwise inaccessible regions of the genome. For example, pioneer 219 transcription factors may bind their target motifs and evict or exclude nucleosomes through 220 steric mechanisms (Cirillo et al., 2002, Hatta and Cirillo, 2007, Voss and Hager, 2014) or 221 they may exploit the activity of chromatin remodelling enzymes (Marathe et al., 2013, 222 Ceballos-Chávez et al., 2015, Swinstead et al., 2016). However, the relative contribution of 223 such mechanisms to pioneer transcription factor function remains poorly understood and 224 unaddressed for OCT4. What is clear from our analysis in ESCs is that the majority of 225 OCT4-bound sites exist in an inaccessible chromatin state in its absence, and that OCT4 226 plays a primary role in supporting SOX2 and NANOG binding at these sites. To examine 227 whether this pioneering-like activity could potentially rely on the activity of ATP-dependent 228 chromatin remodelling enzymes, we took advantage of the extensive ChIP-seq analysis of 229 chromatin remodelling enzymes that exists for mouse ESCs (Wang et al., 2014, de 230 Dieuleveult et al., 2016), and simply examined across the complete complement of 231 accessible sites in the mouse ESC genome whether there was a relationship between 232 binding of any these enzymes and the dependency on OCT4 for chromatin accessibility. 233 Remarkably, of the nine individual chromatin remodelling complexes examined, only BRG1 234 (SMARCA4), a catalytic ATPase subunit of the vertebrate SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling 235 complex (also referred to as BRG1-associated factor (BAF) remodelling complexes), showed 236 an appreciable correlation between occupancy and the reliance on OCT4 for chromatin 237 accessibility (Figure 3A). Furthermore, BRG1 was significantly enriched at regulatory 238 elements that relied on OCT4 for chromatin accessibility (OCT4-dependent ATAC peaks) 239 and regulatory elements bound by OCT4 (Figure 3B-D). Furthermore, OCT4 and BRG1 240 occupancy was highly correlated throughout the mouse ESC genome (Figure 3E and Ho et 241 al., 2009, Kidder et al., 2009, de Dieuleveult et al., 2016), supporting the possibility that there 242 may be a functional link between OCT4 binding, BRG1, and chromatin accessibility. 243 244 245 BRG1 is required to create accessible chromatin at OCT4 target sites in ESCs 246 BRG1, like OCT4, is essential for maintaining ESC pluripotency (Ho et al., 2009, Kidder et 247 al., 2009, Zhang et al., 2014), supporting early embryonic development (Bultman et al., 248 2006) and improving the efficiency of iPSC reprogramming (Singhal et al., 2010). However, 249 the defined molecular mechanisms by which BRG1 and the BAF complex contribute to 250 maintenance of the pluripotent ESC state remain unclear. Based on our observation that 251 BRG1 was enriched at sites that rely on OCT4 binding for chromatin accessibility (Figure 3A- 252 C), we reasoned that OCT4 may require BRG1 to shape chromatin accessibility and gene 253 regulatory capacity of OCT4-bound sites in maintaining the pluripotent state. To address this 254 possibility we performed ATAC-seq on a conditional mouse ESC line in which BRG1 255 expression can be conditionally ablated following addition of tamoxifen (Brg1fl/fl) (Ho et al., 256 2009). Tamoxifen treatment resulted in near complete loss of BRG1 by 72 hours, but 257 importantly, BRG1-depleted cells retained normal ESC morphology, were alkaline 258 phosphatase positive, and expressed wild type levels of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG as 259 described previously (Ho et al., 2011) (Figure 3F-G). When we examined ATAC-seq signal 260 at several OCT4 target sites in the BRG1-depleted ESCs, we observed substantial 261 reductions in chromatin accessibility compared to the untreated control ESCs, and these 262 effects were similar to the reductions observed in the OCT4-depleted ESCs (Figure 3H; 263 Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1A). When we extended this analysis to all OCT4-bound sites, 264 it was clear that chromatin accessibility was reduced (Figure 3I; Figure 3 – Figure 265 Supplement 1B) and nucleosome occupancy increased following BRG1 depletion at the 266 majority of OCT4 target sites (Figure 3J; Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1C). We then used a 267 stringent threshold (fold change > 1.5 and FDR < 0.05) to identify sites that experienced 268 significant reductions in chromatin accessibility following BRG1 removal. This revealed that 269 45% of OCT4-bound sites showed significantly reduced ATAC-seq signal and these sites 270 were also highly dependent on OCT4 for their accessibility (Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 271 1D). However, we suspected that the use of a threshold to identify affected sites might 272 underestimate the extent of BRG1’s contribution. Indeed, when we applied an unbiased 273 clustering approach to examine the relationship between removal of OCT4 and BRG1 in 274 shaping accessibility it was clear that the majority (76%) of OCT4-bound sites that rely on 275 OCT4 for their accessibility were also dependent on BRG1 for their accessibility (Figure 3 – 276 Figure Supplement 1E). Importantly, the loss of either OCT4 or BRG1 appeared to result in 277 similar, although not identical, reductions in chromatin accessibility across nearly all OCT4 278 peaks (Figure 3I; Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 1F), revealing that both of these factors are 279 required to maintain chromatin accessibility at these loci in mouse ESCs. Together, these 280 observations suggest that BRG1 plays a widespread role in shaping chromatin accessibility 281 at OCT4 target sites in ESCs and raises the interesting possibility that the pioneering-like 282 activity of OCT4 may rely on BRG1. 283 284 285 OCT4 establishes chromatin accessibility by recruiting BRG1 to chromatin 286 Our ATAC-seq experiments revealed an essential role for BRG1 in regulating chromatin 287 accessibility at OCT4 target sites in ESCs. One could envisage several possible 288 mechanisms by which BRG1 could cooperate with OCT4 to achieve this. For example, 289 BRG1 could be actively recruited by OCT4 to target sites in order to create accessible 290 chromatin, or it could alternatively function to broadly remodel the genome and in doing so 291 indirectly support access of OCT4 to its target sites. Given that large scale proteomic studies 292 have previously indicated that BRG1 may interact physically with OCT4 (Pardo et al., 2010, 293 van den Berg et al., 2010, Ding et al., 2012), and BRG1 is enriched at OCT4-bound sites 294 throughout the genome (Figure 3), we favoured the possibility that OCT4 recruits BRG1 and 295 the associated BAF complex to OCT4 target sites in the genome in order to remodel 296 chromatin and promote chromatin accessibility. In fitting with this possibility, OCT4, BRG1 297 and the additional BAF subunit, SS18, are enriched within the nucleosome-depleted region 298 at OCT4 target sites (Figure 4A). To address whether OCT4 was responsible for recruiting 299 BRG1 and BAF complexes to the distal regulatory sites it binds, we performed ChIP-seq for 300 BRG1 and SS18 in wild type and OCT4-depleted ESCs. Although BRG1 and SS18 protein 301 levels were unaffected following removal of OCT4 (Figure 1A), we observed a dramatic 302 reduction in BRG1 and SS18 binding at OCT4 target sites in the absence of OCT4 (Figure 303 4B,C). This loss was specific to OCT4-bound regulatory elements as regulatory elements 304 lacking OCT4 were unaffected (Figure 4D). Together, these observations suggested that 305 OCT4 shapes chromatin accessibility at its target sites through the recruitment of BRG1/BAF 306 complex. Indeed, when we compared reductions in chromatin accessibility with reductions in 307 BRG1 and SS18 at OCT4 binding sites, there was a good correlation between the loss of 308 these factors and loss of ATAC-seq signal in OCT4-depleted ESCs (Figure 4E). 309 Interestingly, our observation that OCT4 recruits the BRG1/BAF complex to its target sites in 310 ESCs is in agreement with recent observations that BRG1 is recruited to pluripotency- 311 associated enhancers coincident with the formation of accessible chromatin during iPSC 312 reprogramming (Chronis et al., 2017). Together these analyses indicate that OCT4 plays a 313 central role in recruiting BRG1-containing BAF complexes to pluripotency-associated gene 314 regulatory elements and that this is important for creating accessible chromatin at these 315 sites. 316 317 318 BRG1 supports transcription factor binding at distal gene regulatory elements 319 We have identified a widespread and important role for the chromatin remodeller BRG1 in 320 creating accessibility at gene regulatory elements bound by OCT4 in ESCs. Given that 321 OCT4 recruits BRG1 to shape chromatin accessibility (Figure 4), we wondered whether 322 BRG1 was also important to sustain the engagement and function of OCT4, its binding 323 partner SOX2 and the additional pluripotency associated transcription factor NANOG. To 324 examine this interesting possibility, we carried out ChIP-seq for OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG in 325 the BRG1 conditional cells before and after tamoxifen treatment (Figure 5). Importantly, wild 326 type OCT4 ChIP-seq signal was highly similar in both Brg1fl/fl ESCs and OCT4cond ESCs 327 (Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1). This allowed us to examine the contribution of BRG1 to 328 transcription factor occupancy at bona fide OCT4 binding sites (Figure 1), focusing on 329 OCT4-bound distal regulatory elements as these were the sites most dependent on OCT4 330 and BRG1 for normal chromatin accessibility. Strikingly, we observed significant reductions 331 in OCT4 binding at the majority (60%; FDR < 0.05 and fold change > 1.5-fold) of distal OCT4 332 targets following BRG1 removal (Figure 5A-C), indicating that BRG1 contributes not only to 333 creating accessibility at OCT4 target sites but is also required to sustain normal OCT4 334 binding in mouse ESCs. Similarly, SOX2 and NANOG binding was also significantly reduced 335 following BRG1 removal in ESCs, although the total number of sites significantly affected 336 was less than for OCT4 (16.7% and 22.9% of distal OCT4 target sites; FDR < 0.05 and fold 337 change > 1.5-fold) (Figure 5A-C). Importantly, even when we examined the most extremely 338 affected OCT4 target sites (BRG1-dependent), loss of BRG1 did not result in complete loss 339 of transcription factor binding (Figure 5D), yet resulted in an inability of the cells to maintain 340 the nucleosome-depleted state (Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 2). This suggests that OCT4, 341 SOX2 and NANOG may still be able to recognise their sequence motifs, but are unable to 342 engage in normal and robust binding without the cooperation of BRG1/BAF remodelling 343 complexes. Ultimately, this is consistent with a pioneering activity of OCT4 being required to 344 initially sample and engage with inaccessible chromatin, potentially through the recognition 345 of partial DNA motifs (Soufi et al., 2015). However, OCT4-dependent BRG1/BAF recruitment 346 appears subsequently required to functionally mature these previously inaccessible sites 347 such that they can now effectively support robust binding of OCT4 and additional 348 pluripotency-associated transcription factors. 349 350 351 Gene expression defects in the absence of BRG1 are linked to altered transcription 352 factor binding 353 In the absence of BRG1, the stable binding of pluripotency transcription factors OCT4, SOX2 354 and NANOG was disrupted at distal regulatory elements, suggesting that this may affect 355 expression of the pluripotency-associated transcriptional network. Somewhat surprisingly, 356 previous work has not supported a clear correlation between loss of BRG1 and the activity of 357 OCT4 target genes (Ho et al., 2009, Ho et al., 2011, Zhang et al., 2014, Hainer et al., 2015), 358 despite our observations that BRG1 plays an important role in transcription factor binding at 359 many distal regulatory elements in close proximity to pluripotency-associated genes. 360 However, we also observed that the effect on OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG binding following 361 BRG1 removal varied in magnitude between individual sites, with some sites actually 362 displaying increases in transcription factor binding (Figure 5A-D). We therefore reasoned 363 that transcriptional effects following loss of BRG1 might not precisely correlate with the 364 expression changes following OCT4 removal but may instead be related to alterations in 365 OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG binding at individual regulatory sites. 366 367 To examine this possibility, we carried out nuclear RNA-seq in wild type and BRG1-depleted 368 cells, and compared gene expression changes to those observed following conditional 369 removal of OCT4 (Figure 5E and Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 3). As described earlier 370 (Figure 2), genes in close proximity to OCT4 binding sites tended to be down-regulated 371 following loss of OCT4 (Figure 5E). When we simply overlapped the genes that showed 372 significant reductions in gene expression following OCT4 removal (OCT4-dependent genes; 373 FDR < 0.05 and fold change > 1.5) with genes that significantly changed in expression 374 following BRG1 removal, the overlap was low (Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 3A). This was 375 in agreement with previous work that did not identify a clear correlation between gene 376 expression changes following OCT4 and BRG1 removal (Ho et al., 2009, Ho et al., 2011, 377 Zhang et al., 2014, Hainer et al., 2015). However, when we examined this relationship in 378 more detail using unbiased clustering of the OCT4-dependent genes based on their 379 expression changes after removal of BRG1, we identified three separate types of response; 380 genes that showed reduced expression (28.1%), genes whose expression was unchanged 381 (35.2%), and genes that had increased gene expression (36.7%) (Figure 5 – Figure 382 Supplement 3B,C). Given that individual distal regulatory elements vary in their requirement 383 for BRG1 in OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG binding (Figure 5A-D), we examined whether these 384 changes in gene expression corresponded to changes in transcription factor binding at 385 nearby distal regulatory elements. Importantly, this analysis revealed that the expression of 386 genes associated with sites that rely on BRG1 for OCT4 binding tended to be reduced 387 following deletion of BRG1 (Figure 5E-G, Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 4). In contrast, 388 genes associated with unchanged or increased OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG binding tended to 389 show increases in expression (Figure 5E-G, Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 4). Furthermore, 390 distal OCT4 binding sites in close proximity to OCT4/BRG1 dependent genes experienced 391 the largest reductions in transcription factor binding following removal of BRG1 (Figure 5H). 392 Therefore, our new genome-wide analysis suggests that altered transcription factor binding 393 is a major determinant of the gene expression changes in BRG1-depleted ESCs, with the 394 direction and magnitude of expression change being dictated by effects on transcription 395 factor binding at nearby distal regulatory elements. Importantly, these observations support a 396 model where BRG1 is required to stabilize and mature pioneer binding events by OCT4 at 397 inaccessible distal regulatory elements and to transition these sites into functionally active 398 regulatory elements that control the transcription of nearby genes. In contrast, some distal 399 regulatory elements rely less on BRG1 for transcription factor binding and exhibit less 400 pronounced reductions, or even increases, in the expression of their associated genes. 401 Together our new analyses explain why previous studies had failed to identify a simple 402 relationship between gene expression changes following OCT4 and BRG1 removal and 403 demonstrate that reduced expression of a subset of OCT4 target genes results from the 404 inability of OCT4 and other transcription factors to bind their target sites following BRG1 405 removal. 406 407 408 BRG1-dependency reveals distinct modes of OCT4 function at distal regulatory 409 elements during reprogramming and development 410 Through studying OCT4 function in iPSC reprogramming it has been proposed that there 411 may be distinct phases of OCT4 binding which are influenced by pre-existing chromatin 412 states in somatic cells (Soufi et al., 2012, Buganim et al., 2013, Chen et al., 2016). For 413 example, OCT4 occupies a subset of sites during the early stages of reprogramming which 414 are modified by histone H3 lysine 4 dimethylation or histone H3 lysine 27 acetylation and 415 associated with more accessible chromatin. This is followed by OCT4 binding at sites lacking 416 pre-existing chromatin modifications that are thought to become accessible during the later 417 stages of reprogramming when pluripotency is established. This suggests that OCT4 binding 418 may occur via different mechanisms to support regulatory element function during 419 reprogramming and development. 420 421 In light of our observation in ESCs that some OCT4 binding does not require BRG1, we 422 wanted to examine whether the requirement for BRG1 at these sites reflected the dynamics 423 of gene expression during cellular reprogramming and early development. We therefore 424 analysed gene expression during the reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts into iPSCs via 425 OCT4/SOX2/KLF4/MYC from two independent studies (Chen et al., 2016, Cieply et al., 426 2016). Specifically, we examined genes that required OCT4 for their expression in ESCs 427 (OCT4-dependent) and separated these into genes associated with BRG1-independent or 428 BRG1-dependent OCT4 binding at neighbouring distal regulatory elements in ESCs (see 429 Figure 5). We then compared the timing of their expression during the iPSC reprogramming 430 process. This revealed that genes associated with BRG1-independent OCT4 binding were 431 activated early during reprogramming and BRG1-dependent sites later (Figure 6A). This 432 suggests that OCT4 expression in somatic cells leads to a more immediate transcriptional 433 response from genes associated with BRG1-independent OCT4 binding, presumably due to 434 pre-existing chromatin accessibility at these loci (Chen et al., 2016). In contrast, genes that 435 require BRG1 for OCT4 binding were expressed later during reprogramming, perhaps 436 because OCT4 requires BRG1 at these sites to remodel chromatin and mature the function 437 of these regulatory elements. In fitting with this possibility, BRG1-dependent OCT4 binding 438 sites were also associated with genes expressed at later developmental stages during early 439 mouse development (Figure 6B), suggesting that chromatin state in the early embryo may 440 also shape how these OCT4 target sites are used during development. To explore this 441 possibility, we examined the activation of BRG1-independent and BRG1-dependent OCT4 442 targets in the early mouse embryo using chromatin accessibility as a proxy for OCT4 binding 443 and regulatory activity (Lu et al., 2016, Wu et al., 2016). Interestingly, this demonstrated that 444 BRG1-dependent OCT4 target sites became accessible at later stages of embryonic 445 development (Figure 6C, Figure 6 – Figure Supplement 1). This suggests that 446 developmental transitions may require both OCT4-dependent chromatin binding and BRG1- 447 dependent remodelling activities to overcome the activation barrier set by chromatin. In 448 contrast, the pre-existing chromatin state at a subset of OCT4 target sites (BRG1- 449 independent) may allow them to be activated more rapidly. Importantly, these observations 450 suggest that chromatin structure likely plays an important role in regulating how OCT4 451 engages with and functions in the genome not only in mouse ESCs but also during 452 reprogramming and development. 453 454 455 Discussion 456 Although the capacity of pioneer transcription factors to bind their sequence motifs in 457 chromatinized DNA has been studied in detail, the mechanisms that support how individual 458 pioneer transcription factors function to create accessible chromatin and shape regulatory 459 element function remain poorly defined. Through studying the pioneer transcription factor 460 OCT4, we establish that OCT4 binds to sites in mouse ESCs that would otherwise be 461 inaccessible to shape chromatin accessibility and transcription factor binding (Figures 1 and 462 2). This suggests that the pioneering activities of OCT4 are required not only during 463 reprogramming, but also in the established pluripotent state. Interestingly, chromatin 464 accessibility formed at OCT4 binding sites relies on the chromatin remodelling factor BRG1 465 (Figure 3) which is recruited to these sites by OCT4 (Figure 4). The occupancy of BRG1 is 466 then required to support efficient OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG binding and normal expression 467 of the pluripotency-associated transcriptome (Figure 5). Importantly, this reliance on BRG1 468 reflects OCT4 binding dynamics during cellular reprogramming and early mouse 469 development (Figure 6). Together these observations reveal a distinct requirement for the 470 chromatin remodelling factor BRG1 in shaping the activity of the pioneer transcription factor 471 OCT4 and regulating the pluripotency network in embryonic stem cells. 472 473 Pioneer transcription factors play very defined roles in shaping gene expression in response 474 to cellular reprogramming (Soufi et al., 2012, Raposo et al., 2015, Boller et al., 2016, Chen 475 et al., 2016), developmental stimuli, and environmental cues (Hu et al., 2011, Wu et al., 476 2011, Ballaré et al., 2013, Schulz et al., 2015). While considerable effort has focused on 477 characterizing the chromatin binding activity of pioneer transcription factors, both in vitro and 478 in vivo, the mechanisms by which individual pioneer transcription factors shape chromatin 479 structure and support further transcription factor engagement in vivo have remained poorly 480 defined. Our examination of OCT4 binding now provides a potential rationalization for how 481 this pioneer transcription factor functions to form gene regulatory elements in mouse ESCs. 482 A requirement of this process is likely OCT4s ability to engage with sequences in 483 inaccessible chromatin presumably through its capacity to bind nucleosomal DNA (Figure 1; 484 Soufi et al., 2012, Soufi et al., 2015), suggesting that OCT4 may be able to dynamically 485 sample its target sites throughout the genome. However, cooperation with BRG1 appears to 486 be required for more stable OCT4 binding (Figure 5). This could be achieved through the 487 chromatin remodelling activity of BRG1 creating transiently accessible DNA that facilitates 488 further OCT4 binding and ultimately more stable cooperative binding with other transcription 489 factors like SOX2 and NANOG. This general model is consistent with previous experiments 490 that showed enhanced OCT4 binding during OCT4-SOX2-KLF4 reprogramming when BRG1 491 was included in the reprogramming cocktail (Singhal et al., 2010) and is in agreement with 492 our observation that BRG1 is required for normal chromatin accessibility and OCT4 binding 493 at otherwise inaccessible and inactive regulatory elements. 494 495 The capacity of OCT4 to recognise its target motifs in inaccessible chromatin may allow it to 496 dynamically sample its complement of binding sites in the genome. However, like many 497 transcription factors, OCT4 only binds stably to a subset of these sites. Our genome-wide 498 analyses indicate that BRG1 and transcription factor co-binding events appear to be 499 essential in stabilizing OCT4 binding and the functional maturation of OCT4-dependent 500 regulatory elements in ESCs. Based on these observations, one would predict that co- 501 binding transcription factors might play a central role in shaping where OCT4 stably engages 502 with the genome in different cell types. In fitting with this possibility, when ESCs are 503 transitioned into epiblast-like cells (EpiLCs), OCT4 stably associates with a new set of 504 previously inaccessible sites in a manner that appears to rely on co-binding of the EpiLC- 505 specific transcription factor OTX2 (Buecker et al., 2014, Yang et al., 2014). In the context of 506 these and other observations, it is tempting to speculate that OCT4, through its association 507 with BRG1, is exploited as a dynamic pioneering and chromatin remodelling module by 508 distinct co-binding transcription factors to support the formation of cell type-specific 509 regulatory elements during developmental transitions and reprogramming. In agreement with 510 these general ideas, OCT4 appears to be the only Yamanaka transcription factor that cannot 511 be substituted for in iPSC reprogramming experiments, suggesting its pioneering activity is 512 fundamental in establishing and maintaining the pluripotency network in concert with SOX2, 513 KLF4 and c-Myc (Nakagawa et al., 2008, Sterneckert et al., 2012), perhaps due to its 514 cooperation with BRG1 (Singhal et al., 2010, Esch et al., 2013). This central requirement in 515 reprogramming is also consistent with our observations that OCT4 plays an essential and 516 BRG1-dependent role in shaping the binding of other pluripotency-associated factors at 517 thousands of distal regulatory elements in ESCs. 518 519 One of the central features of pioneer transcription factors is their ability to alter local 520 chromatin structure, and this is closely linked to their capacity to support further transcription 521 factor binding and enable the functional maturation of distal regulatory elements. Yet, in 522 most instances the defined molecular mechanisms that support these activities have 523 remained undetermined. While some pioneer factors, such as FoxA1, can stably bind their 524 target sites and directly alter nucleosomal structure through steric disruption of histone:DNA 525 contacts (Cirillo et al., 2002, Hatta and Cirillo, 2007, Iwafuchi-Doi et al., 2016), the extent to 526 which other pioneer factors might exploit such a mechanism has yet to be fully addressed. In 527 the case of OCT4, our observations establish that its capacity to support transcription factor 528 binding and chromatin accessibility requires the chromatin remodeller BRG1. This suggests 529 that unlike FoxA1, OCT4 does not have an intrinsic chromatin opening activity, but requires 530 cooperation with BRG1 to achieve this. Indeed, our work on OCT4 is generally consistent 531 with and supported by recent work studying the pioneer factor GATA3 which appears to 532 have similar dependency on BRG1 in creating accessible chromatin (Takaku et al., 2016). 533 Furthermore, chromatin remodelling activity has been widely implicated in shaping 534 nucleosome positioning and chromatin accessibility at target sites bound by other pioneer 535 transcription factors (Hu et al., 2011, Sanalkumar et al., 2014, Ceballos-Chávez et al., 2015, 536 Hainer and Fazzio, 2015). Together, these observations suggest that many pioneer 537 transcription factors may rely on chromatin remodelling as a key step in supporting 538 transcription factor binding and/or co-binding events in a manner broadly consistent with the 539 previously proposed assisted loading model for transcription factor binding (Voss and Hager, 540 2014, Swinstead et al., 2016). In the context of this model, the dynamic binding, release and 541 re-binding of transcription factors would help to maintain and stabilise transcription factor 542 binding events, but critically, chromatin remodellers appear to be important in many cases to 543 achieve this (reviewed recently in Swinstead et al., 2016). Clearly more work is required to 544 understand the extent to which pioneer transcription factors use chromatin remodellers to 545 support their pioneering activities. However, in the case of the developmental pioneer 546 transcription factors OCT4 and GATA3, chromatin remodellers act as key component 547 necessary for the formation and function of gene regulatory elements. These emerging 548 observations suggest that chromatin remodelling could function as a central feature of 549 pioneer transcription factor activity during the formation and maintenance of cell type-specific 550 transcriptional programs during development and reprogramming. 551 552 Materials and Methods 553 554 Cell culture and lines 555 Mouse embryonic stem cell (ESCs) containing a doxycycline-sensitive OCT4 transgene 556 (ZHBTC4; referred to here as OCT4cond (Niwa et al., 2000)) were grown on gelatin-coated 557 plates in DMEM (Gibco) supplemented with 15% FBS, 10ng/mL leukemia-inhibitory factor, 558 penicillin/streptomycin, beta-mercaptoethanol, L-glutamine and non-essential amino-acids. 559 OCT4cond cells were treated with 1µg/mL doxycycline for 24h to ablate OCT4 expression, 560 which was verified by Western blotting. Brg1fl/fl ESCs were previously described (Ho et al., 561 2011) and maintained in DMEM KnockOut supplemented with 10% FBS and 5% 562 KnockOutTM Serum Replacement (Life Technologies), plus additional factors described for 563 OCT4cond ESCs above. Brg1fl/fl ESCs were treated with 4-hydroxytamoxifen for 72h to ablate 564 BRG1 protein levels, which was verified by Western blotting. Cell lines were routinely tested 565 and confirmed to be mycoplasma-free. Alkaline phosphatase staining was performed by 566 incubating cells with freshly prepared AP buffer (0.4mg/mL naphthol phosphate N-5000 567 (Sigma), 1mg/mL Fast Violet B Salt F-161 (Sigma), 100mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0), 100mM NaCl,

568 5mM MgCl2). 569 570 ATAC-seq sample preparation and sequencing 571 Chromatin accessibility was assayed using an adaptation of the assay for transposase 572 accessible-chromatin (ATAC)-seq (Buenrostro et al., 2013). Briefly, 5×106 cells were 573 harvested, washed with PBS and nuclei were isolated in 1mL HS Lysis buffer (50mM KCl,

574 10mM MgSO4.7H20, 5mM HEPES, 0.05% NP40 (IGEPAL CA630)), 1mM PMSF, 3mM DTT) 575 for 1min at room temperature. Nuclei were centrifuged at 1,000×g for 5min at 4°C, followed 576 by a total of three washes with ice-cold RSB buffer (10mM NaCl, 10mM Tris (pH 7.4), 3mM

577 MgCl2), to remove as much cytoplasmic and mitochondrial material as possible. Nuclei were 578 then counted, and 5×104 nuclei were resuspended in Tn5 reaction buffer (10mM TAPS,

579 5mM MgCl2, 10% dimethylformamide) and 2µl of Tn5 transposase (25µM) made in house 580 according to the previously described protocol (Picelli et al., 2014). Nuclei were then 581 incubated for 30min at 37°C, before isolation and purification of tagmented DNA using 582 QiaQuick MinElute columns (Qiagen). To control for sequence bias of the Tn5 transposase, 583 a Tn5 digestion control was performed by tagmenting ESC genomic DNA with Tn5 for 30min 584 at 55°C. ATAC-seq libraries were prepared by PCR amplification using custom made 585 Illumina barcodes previously described (Buenrostro et al., 2013) and the NEBNext® High- 586 Fidelity 2X PCR Master Mix with 8-10 cycles. Libraries were purified with two rounds of 587 Agencourt AMPure XP bead cleanup (1.5X beads:sample; Beckman Coulter), followed by 588 quantification by qPCR using SensiMix SYBR (Bioline) and KAPA Library Quantification 589 DNA standards (KAPA Biosystems). ATAC-seq libraries were sequenced on Illumina 590 NextSeq500 using 80bp paired-end reads in biological triplicate. 591 592 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and ChIP-seq library preparation 593 Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) was performed as described previously (Farcas et al., 594 2012), with minor modifications. Cells were fixed for 1h in 2mM DSG and 12.5min in 1% 595 formaldehyde. Reactions were quenched by the addition of glycine to a final concentration of 596 125µM. After cell lysis and chromatin extraction, chromatin was sonicated using a BioRuptor 597 sonicator (Diagenode), followed by centrifugation at 16,000×g for 20min at 4°C, and used 598 fresh or stored at -80°C. Chromatin was quantified by denaturing chromatin 1:10 in 0.1M 599 NaOH and measuring DNA concentration by NanoDrop. 150µg chromatin/IP was diluted 600 ten-fold in ChIP dilution buffer (1% Triton-X100, 1mM EDTA, 20mM Tris-HCl (pH 8), 150mM 601 NaCl) prior to pre-clearing with prepared protein A magnetic Dynabeads (Invitrogen) which 602 had been blocked for 1h with 0.2mg/mL BSA and 50µg/mL yeast tRNA. Chromatin samples 603 were then incubated overnight with relevant antibodies at 4°C with rotation. Antibodies used 604 for ChIP experiments were anti-OCT4A (Cell Signaling Technology (CST), #5677), anti- 605 SOX2 (CST, #23064), anti-Nanog (CST, #8822), anti-SS18 (CST, #21792) and anti-BRG1 606 (abcam, ab110641). Antibody-bound chromatin was isolated on protein A magnetic 607 Dynabeads. ChIP washes were performed with low salt buffer (0.1% SDS, 1% Triton, 2mM 608 EDTA, 20mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.1), 150mM NaCl), high salt buffer (0.1% SDS, 1% Triton, 2mM 609 EDTA, 20mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.1), 500mM NaCl), LiCl buffer (0.25M LiCl, 1% NP40, 1% 610 sodium deoxycholate, 1mM EDTA, 10mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.1)) and TE buffer (x2 washes) 611 (10mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 1mM EDTA). To prepare ChIP-seq material, ChIP DNA was eluted

612 using 1% SDS and 100mM NaHCO3, and cross-links reversed at 65°C in the presence of 613 200mM NaCl. Samples were then treated with RNase and proteinase K before being purified 614 with ChIP DNA Clean & Concentrator™ kit (Zymo). ChIP-seq libraries were prepared using 615 the NEBNext® Ultra DNA Library Prep Kit with NEBNext® Dual Indices, and sequenced as 616 38bp paired-end reads on Illumina NextSeq500 platform. All ChIP-seq experiments were 617 carried out in biological triplicate. 618 619 Nuclear RNA-seq sample generation and sequencing 620 To isolate nuclear RNA, cells were subjected to nuclei isolation described for ATAC-seq. 621 Nuclei were then resuspended in TriZOL reagent (ThermoScientific) and RNA was extracted 622 according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Nuclear RNA was treated with the TURBO DNA- 623 free Kit (ThermoScientific) and depleted for rRNA using the NEBNext rRNA Depletion kit and 624 protocol (NEB). RNA-seq libraries were prepared using the NEBNext Ultra Directional RNA- 625 seq kit (NEB) and libraries were sequenced on the Illumina NextSeq500 with 80bp paired- 626 end reads in biological triplicate. 627 628 Massively parallel sequencing, data processing and normalisation 629 For ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq, paired-end reads were aligned to the mouse mm10 genome 630 using bowtie2 (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012) with the “--no-mixed” and “--no-discordant” 631 options. Non-uniquely mapping reads and reads mapping to a custom “blacklist” of artificially 632 high regions of the genome were discarded. For RNA-seq, reads were initially aligned using 633 bowtie2 against the rRNA genomic sequence (GenBank: BK000964.3) to filter out rRNA 634 fragments, prior to alignment against the mm10 genome using the STAR RNA-seq aligner 635 (Dobin et al., 2012). To improve mapping of nascent, intronic sequences, reads which failed 636 to map using STAR were aligned against the genome using bowtie2. PCR duplicates were 637 removed using SAMtools (Li et al., 2009). Biological replicates were randomly downsampled 638 to contain the same number of reads for each individual replicate, and merged to create a 639 representative genome track using DANPOS2 (Chen et al., 2013) which was visualised 640 using the UCSC Genome Browser. Peakcalling analyses were performed using the 641 DANPOS2 dpeak function on untreated and treated samples in biological triplicate with 642 matched input. Merged ATAC-seq datasets were used to extract signal corresponding to 643 nucleosome occupancy information with NucleoATAC (Schep et al., 2015) using a cross 644 correlation model for all regulatory elements (ATAC hypersensitive sites) in each cell line. 645 646 Differential binding and gene expression analysis 647 Significant changes in ATAC-seq or ChIP-seq datasets were identified using the DiffBind 648 package (Stark and Brown, 2011), while for RNA-seq DESeq2 was used with a custom-built, 649 non-redundant mm10 gene set (Love et al., 2014). Briefly, mm10 refGene genes were 650 filtered on size (>200bp), gene body and TSS mappability, unique TSS and TTS, in order to 651 remove poorly mappable and highly similar transcripts. For both DiffBind and DESeq2, a 652 FDR < 0.05 and a fold change > 1.5 fold was deemed to be a significant change. For distal 653 OCT4 intervals, gene expression changes for the nearest TSS were considered. K-means 654 clustering to identify OCT4 and BRG1 co-dependency of chromatin accessibility or gene 655 expression was performed using the kmeans function in R. Clusters with similar trends (i.e. 656 decrease, no change, or increase) were then grouped together for subsequent analysis. 657 Changes in ATAC-seq or ChIP-seq were visualised using heatmaps or metaplots produced 658 using HOMER2 (Heinz et al., 2010), with heatmaps made using Java TreeView (Saldanha, 659 2004). Log2 fold change values were visualised using R (v 3.2.1), with scatterplots coloured 660 by density using stat_density2d. Regression and correlation analyses were also performed 661 in R using standard linear models and Pearson correlation respectively. Log2 fold change or 662 reads per kilobase per million (RPKM) values were compared between different classes of 663 transcription factor binding sites either by visualising gam smoothed trendlines with 95% 664 confidence intervals or using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. 665 666 Functional annotation of transcription factor binding sites 667 OCT4 peaks were identified in the OCT4cond biological triplicate OCT4 ChIP-seq data using 668 the DANPOS2 dpeak function and only peaks with decreased OCT4 ChIP-seq signal were 669 taken for further analysis (n=15920). OCT4 motif enrichment analysis was performed using 670 the MEME suite (Bailey et al., 2009). Briefly, Analysis of Motif Enrichment (AME) for 671 canonical motifs was performed in parallel to de novo motif identification with Discriminative 672 Regular Expression Motif Elicitation (DREME) using the central 200bp of OCT4 peaks. 673 Putative de novo motifs were further subjected to CentriMo analysis to identify motifs that 674 were enriched for the centre of OCT4 peaks. OCT4 peaks were annotated as putative 675 promoters or putative distal regulatory elements in a manner similar to that described 676 previously (Hay et al., 2016), using the relative and absolute coverage of H3K4me3 (a 677 promoter-associated modification; Yue et al., 2014) and H3K4me1 (associated with distal 678 regulatory elements; Whyte et al., 2012). Transcription factor peaks with different 679 characteristics were analysed using the GREAT package (McLean et al., 2010), in particular 680 to extract information regarding developmental expression timing from MGI Gene 681 eXpression Database. HOMER2 was used to identify the nearest transcription start sites 682 (TSS) of genes and to perform gene ontology (GO) analysis for differentially regulated 683 genes. Comparison of different remodelling complexes was performed by calculating RPKM 684 for chromatin remodeller ChIP-seq in mouse ESCs across all ATAC peaks (n=76,642) and 685 determining the Pearson correlation with the log2 fold change of OCT4cond ATAC-seq. 686 Genome-wide correlation of BRG1, OCT4, H3K4me3 and H3K4me1 was generated using 687 the bamCorrelate function of deepTools (Ramírez et al., 2014). 688 689 Accession numbers 690 ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data from the present study are available for download 691 at GSE87822. Previously published datasets used for analysis include mouse ESC 692 H3K4me1 (GSE27844; Whyte et al., 2012) and H3K4me3 ChIP-seq (GSE49847; Yue et al., 693 2014), ENCODE DNase-seq (GSE37074; Yue et al., 2014), ESC chromatin remodeller 694 ChIP-seq (GSE49137, GSE64825; Wang et al., 2014, de Dieuleveult et al., 2016), iPSC 695 expression data (GSE67462, GSE70022; Chen et al., 2016, Cieply et al., 2016), early 696 mouse embryo ATAC-seq (GSE66581; Wu et al., 2016) and DNase-seq (GSE76642; Lu et 697 al., 2016). 698 699 Acknowledgments 700 Work in the Klose lab is supported by the Wellcome Trust, the Lister Institute of Preventive 701 Medicine, and Exeter College University of Oxford, EMBO, and the European Research 702 Council. 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OCT4 binds distal regulatory sites in mouse embryonic stems cells to shape 976 chromatin accessibility. 977 A) Western blot analysis of OCT4cond (ZHBTC4) mouse ESCs before (UNT) and after 24h 978 treatment with doxycycline (DOX). 979 B) Alkaline phosphatase staining of OCT4cond mouse ESCs before (UNT) and after 24h 980 DOX treatment. 981 C) A metaplot of OCT4 ChIP-seq signal in OCT4cond ESCs before (UNT) and after 24h DOX 982 treatment at OCT4 peaks (n=15920). 983 D) Annotation of OCT4 peaks as promoters or distal regulatory elements using the relative 984 enrichment of promoter-associated H3K4me3 or distal regulatory element-associated 985 H3K4me1. 986 E) A genomic snapshot of ATAC-seq and OCT4 ChIP-seq signal in OCT4cond ESCs before 987 (UNT) and after 24h DOX treatment at the Utf1 locus. The downstream OCT4-bound 988 regulatory element is highlighted in the grey box. 989 F) A heatmap illustrating OCT4 targets (n=15920) ranked by their loss of chromatin 990 accessibility (ATAC-seq) after 24h DOX treatment of OCT4cond ESCs. Normalised read 991 densities for ATAC-seq and OCT4 ChIP-seq are presented, with a heatmap indicating 992 their annotation as either promoters or distal regulatory elements (right). 993 G) A metaplot of OCT4cond ATAC-seq signal before (UNT) and after 24h DOX treatment at 994 OCT4 binding sites with significant reductions in ATAC-seq signal (OCT4-dependent; 995 n=11557) and those without significant changes (OCT4-independent; n=4362). Tn5 996 control represents transposition of purified genomic DNA to control for potential 997 sequence bias. 998 H) As in (G), profiling the changes in nucleosome occupancy before (UNT) and after (DOX) 999 OCT4 depletion. Nucleosome signal was generated using the NucleoATAC package. 1000 I) Piecharts identifying the proportion of OCT4-bound distal regulatory elements (left) or 1001 OCT4-bound promoters (right) that display significant changes in chromatin accessibility 1002 as measured by ATAC-seq. Changes were deemed to be significant with FDR < 0.05 1003 and a fold change greater than 1.5-fold. 1004 J) A metaplot depicting the OCT4cond ATAC-seq signal before (UNT) and after (DOX) 1005 treatment at the 25% of OCT4 peaks with the greatest changes in ATAC-seq signal 1006 following OCT4 depletion. 1007 K) Gene ontology analysis for genes closest to OCT4 target sites depicted in (J). This 1008 reveals an enrichment for the pluripotency expression network (left) and biological 1009 processes associated with developmental gene regulation (right). 1010 1011 Figure 2. Loss of OCT4 leads to reduced pluripotency-associated transcription factor 1012 binding and expression of nearby genes. 1013 A) A heatmap illustrating SOX2 and NANOG ChIP-seq at OCT4 targets (n=15920) ranked 1014 by their loss of chromatin accessibility (ATAC-seq) after 24h DOX treatment of OCT4cond 1015 ESCs, as in Figure 1F. 1016 B) A metaplot of OCT4cond SOX2 and NANOG ChIP-seq signal before (UNT) and after 24h 1017 DOX treatment at OCT4 binding sites with significant reductions in ATAC-seq signal 1018 (OCT4-dependent; n=11557) and those without significant changes (OCT4-independent; 1019 n=4362). 1020 C) A heatmap of the log2 fold change in RNA-seq signal of the closest gene to OCT4 target 1021 sites depicted in (A), following 24h DOX treatment of the OCT4cond ESCs. 1022 D) A genomic snapshot of Utf1, which is decreased in expression following loss of OCT4. 1023 The distal OCT4 target site is highlighted by a grey box. 1024 E) Comparison of log2 fold change (log2FC) in RNA-seq signal for genes neighbouring 1025 OCT4 target sites that rely on OCT4 for ATAC-seq signal (OCT4-dependent; n=11557) 1026 or those that do not (OCT4-independent; n=4362). 1027 F) A Venn diagram comparing the OCT4 binding sites for which the nearest gene has 1028 significantly reduced expression after OCT4 ablation (orange; n=1979) and the OCT4 1029 targets with significant reductions in chromatin accessibility (red; n=8788). Only OCT4 1030 target sites for which the nearest gene has sufficient RNA-seq coverage are included. 1031 G) A violin plot comparing the distance from OCT4 binding sites with OCT4-dependent 1032 (n=11557) or OCT4-independent (n=4362) chromatin accessibility to nearest TSS with 1033 significant reductions in RNA-seq following 24h DOX treatment of the OCT4cond ESCs 1034 (n=1430). 1035 H) Gene ontology analysis for genes down-regulated after loss of OCT4 (n=1430) reveals 1036 enrichment of the pluripotency transcriptional network. 1037 1038 1039 Figure 3. The chromatin remodelling enzyme BRG1 is required to create accessible 1040 chromatin at OCT4 target sites. 1041 A) A Pearson correlation matrix comparing log2 fold change in ATAC-seq signal in OCT4- 1042 depleted cells with wild type ESC ChIP-seq signal for nine chromatin remodellers at wild 1043 type ATAC hypersensitive peaks (n=76,642). 1044 B) A metaplot of BRG1 ChIP-seq signal at ATAC hypersensitive peaks with (OCT4- 1045 dependent) or without (OCT4-independent) significant reduction in ATAC-seq signal 1046 following removal of OCT4. 1047 C) A violin plot quantifying and comparing BRG1 ChIP-seq reads per kilobase per million 1048 (RPKM) at OCT4-dependent or OCT4-independent ATAC-seq peaks depicted in (B). 1049 D) A metaplot of BRG1 ChIP-seq signal at OCT4-bound or OCT4-free ATAC-seq peaks. 1050 E) Genome-wide correlation of OCT4, BRG1, H3K4me1 and H3K4me3 in 2kb windows 1051 reveals a high degree of co-localization between OCT4 and BRG1. 1052 F) Western blot analysis for the indicated proteins in Brg1fl/fl mouse ESCs before (UNT) and 1053 after 72h tamoxifen (TAM) treatment. 1054 G) Alkaline phosphatase staining of Brg1fl/fl ESCs before (UNT) and after 72h TAM 1055 treatment. 1056 H) A genomic snapshot of BRG1 ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq in Brg1fl/fl ESCs before (UNT) 1057 and after 72h TAM treatment at the distal OCT4 target site downstream of Utf1 1058 (highlighted in grey). The OCT4cond ATAC-seq is included for comparison and reveals a 1059 co-dependency on OCT4 and BRG1 for normal chromatin accessibility. 1060 I) A heat map of BRG1 ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq at OCT4 target sites (n=15920) in Brg1fl/fl 1061 ESCs before (UNT) and after 72h TAM treatment. Sites are ranked by loss of ATAC-seq 1062 signal following removal of OCT4, as in Figure 1F, and the OCT4cond ATAC-seq is 1063 included for comparison. 1064 J) As in (I), changes in nucleosome occupancy before (UNT) and after (TAM) BRG1 1065 depletion are plotted based on nucleosome signal derived from the NucleoATAC 1066 package. 1067 1068 1069 Figure 4. OCT4 is required for normal BRG1 chromatin occupancy at OCT4-bound 1070 regulatory elements. 1071 A) A high resolution metaplot illustrating nucleosome occupancy, OCT4, BRG1 and BRG1- 1072 associated factor SS18 at OCT4 peaks (n=15920; 10bp windows) demonstrates that 1073 OCT4 and BRG1/BAF signal co-localises to the nucleosome-depleted region at OCT4 1074 peaks. 1075 B) Genomic snapshots of BRG1 and SS18 ChIP-seq in OCT4cond before (UNT) and after 1076 24h doxycycline (DOX) treatment reveals loss of BRG1 and SS18 occupancy at distal 1077 OCT4 targets (highlighted in grey) following OCT4 removal. 1078 C) A heatmap of OCT4 peaks (n=15920) illustrating enrichment of BRG1 and SS18 at 1079 OCT4 target sites in wild type cells and subsequent loss of BRG1 following removal of 1080 OCT4. 1081 D) A metaplot of BRG1 and SS18 ChIP-seq signal at ATAC hypersensitive sites with 1082 (OCT4-bound) or without (OCT4-free) OCT4 before and after deletion of OCT4. 1083 E) A scatterplot comparing the changes in BRG1 and SS18 occupancy with the changes in 1084 chromatin accessibility (ATAC-seq) at OCT4 peaks after deletion of OCT4. R2 represents 1085 linear regression score, and cor reflects Pearson correlation coefficient. 1086 1087 1088 Figure 5. BRG1 supports pluripotency-associated transcription factor binding to 1089 functionally mature distal gene regulatory elements. 1090 A) Genomic snapshots illustrating OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG ChIP-seq signal in Brg1fl/fl 1091 ESCs before (UNT) and after tamoxifen (TAM) treatment for 72h. Three examples of 1092 distal OCT4 targets are depicted, with affected sites highlighted in grey. 1093 B) A heatmap analysis of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG ChIP-seq signal at distal OCT4 targets 1094 (n=11967) ranked by their relative change in OCT4 ChIP-seq after deletion of BRG1. 1095 C) Piecharts depicting the significant changes in OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG ChIP-seq signal 1096 at distal OCT4 target sites, identified using the DiffBind package. Changes were deemed 1097 significant with FDR < 0.05 and a change greater than 1.5-fold. 1098 D) Metaplot analysis of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG binding at distal OCT4 target sites that 1099 are the most (20% most affected; BRG1-dependent) and the least (20% least affected; 1100 BRG1-independent) dependent on BRG1 for normal OCT4 binding. 1101 E) A heatmap illustrating the changes in gene expression (log2 fold change in RNA-seq) for 1102 genes neighbouring distal OCT4 targets. Genes are sorted according to the change in 1103 OCT4 occupancy at neighbouring distal OCT4 target sites following BRG1 removal, as in 1104 (B). Gene expression changes for OCT4-depleted (OCT4cond) or BRG1-depleted (Brg1fl/fl) 1105 ESCs relative to wildtype ESCs are shown. 1106 F) Quantitation of log2 fold change (log2FC) in Brg1fl/fl RNA-seq signal for genes 1107 neighbouring distal OCT4 target sites grouped into quintiles based on the change in 1108 OCT4 binding at neighbouring distal OCT4 target sites following removal of BRG1, as in 1109 (B). 1110 G) Comparison of significant gene expression changes for genes neighbouring distal OCT4 1111 target sites that show the largest (20% most affected; BRG1-dependent) and least (20% 1112 least affected; BRG1-independent) reductions in OCT4 ChIP-seq signal following BRG1 1113 removal. Changes were deemed significant with FDR < 0.05 and a change greater than 1114 1.5-fold, using DESeq2. 1115 H) Quantitation of log2 fold change (log2FC) of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG ChIP-seq signal 1116 at distal OCT4 targets in proximity to OCT4-dependent genes with decreased (↓; n=468), 1117 unchanged (-; n=639), or increased (↑; n=816) RNA-seq signal after deletion of BRG1 1118 (as identified in Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 3B). 1119 1120 1121 Figure 6. BRG1-dependency reveals distinct modes of OCT4 function of distal 1122 regulatory elements during reprogramming and development. 1123 A) A time course of gene expression changes (log2 fold change) during OKSM-mediated 1124 reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts to iPSCs (Chen et al., 2016, Cieply et al., 1125 2016). The expression changes of OCT4-dependent genes neighbouring the 20% of 1126 distal OCT4 targets that were most dependent upon BRG1 for normal OCT4 binding 1127 (BRG1-dependent) or the 20% of distal OCT4 targets that were least dependent (BRG1- 1128 independent) following BRG1 removal were quantified and visualised as a smoothed 1129 trendline ± 95% confidence interval. 1130 B) Genomic Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool (GREAT) annotation of BRG1- 1131 dependent and BRG1-independent distal OCT4 targets. Plotted are the enrichment (- 1132 log10(P Value)) against the MGI Expression profile, or Thieler development stage, for 1133 genes neighbouring distal OCT4 targets. BRG1-independent sites are strongly enriched 1134 for gene expression profiles consistent with very early embryonic stages. 1135 C) Metaplot profiles of ATAC-seq signal during early mouse embryonic development (Wu et 1136 al., 2016) at BRG1-independent (upper) and BRG1-dependent (lower) distal OCT4 target 1137 sites. BRG1-independent sites gain accessibility earlier than BRG1-dependent sites. 1138 D) A quantitation of ATAC-seq read density at distal OCT4 targets depicted in (C) during 1139 early embryonic development plotted as a smoothed trendline ± 95% confidence interval. 1140 Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 1. Annotation and characterisation of OCT4 binding 1141 sites in OCT4cond ESCs. 1142 A) Motif enrichment analysis for canonical motif sequences (top) or de novo motif 1143 sequences (bottom) reveals high enrichment for OCT4 (POU5F1) and similar motif 1144 sequences in the OCT4cond OCT4 binding sites (n=15920). % reflects the percentage of 1145 OCT4 peaks identified to contain each motif sequence. 1146 B) Central enrichment analysis performed by CentriMO reveals that canonical and de novo 1147 OCT4 motifs are centrally enriched at OCT4 peak intervals. 1148 C) A metaplot of H3K4me1 and H3K4me3 at OCT4 binding sites annotated as distal 1149 regulatory elements or promoters. 1150 D) A violin plot comparing the distance from OCT4 binding sites annotated as distal 1151 regulatory elements or promoters to nearest refGene TSS. p denotes significance value 1152 by Wilcoxon ranked-sign test. 1153 1154 1155 Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 2. Changes in chromatin accessibility at OCT4-bound 1156 sites following depletion of OCT4 in ESCs. 1157 A) Genomic snapshots of OCT4-dependent chromatin accessibility (ATAC-seq) before 1158 (UNT) and after (DOX) OCT4 depletion. Distal OCT4 binding sites are highlighted in grey 1159 boxes. 1160 B) Genomic snapshot of OCT4-independent chromatin accessibility at OCT4-bound 1161 promoter. 1162 1163 1164 Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 3. Chromatin accessibility profiling at OCT4 binding 1165 sites in somatic cell lines or tissues. 1166 A) A metaplot of ENCODE DNase-seq profiles for 8 mouse cell lines or tissues (Yue et al., 1167 2014) at OCT4 targets most dependent upon OCT4 for normal chromatin accessibility 1168 (25% most affected in OCT4cond ESCs; as in Figure 1J). This reveals that these sites are 1169 completely inaccessible in somatic cell lines or tissues which lack OCT4 expression. 1170 B) A metaplot analysis of ENCODE DNase-seq data in (A) profiled at DNase I 1171 hypersensitive sites identified from each cell line/tissue. 1172 1173 1174 Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1. Loss of SOX2 and NANOG is highly correlated with 1175 reductions in chromatin accessibility at OCT4-SOX2-NANOG targets. 1176 A) A Venn diagram depicting the relationship between significant reductions in ATAC-seq 1177 and SOX2/NANOG ChIP-seq signal at OCT4-SOX2-NANOG co-bound peaks (n=5611). 1178 % denotes percentage of OCT4-SOX2-NANOG peaks with significant reduction for each 1179 factor or assay. 1180 B) A violin plot comparing the log2 fold change in SOX2 and NANOG ChIP-seq signal after 1181 depletion of OCT4 between OCT4-SOX2-NANOG co-bound peaks with OCT4- 1182 dependent (n=3941) or OCT4-independent (n=1644) chromatin accessibility. 1183 C) Scatterplots depicting log2 fold changes of SOX2 or NANOG against the log2 fold 1184 change in chromatin accessibility (measured by ATAC-seq) at OCT4-SOX2-NANOG co- 1185 bound targets (n=5611) in OCT4cond ESCs after 24 h DOX treatment. 1186 1187 1188 Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1. OCT4 target sites require BRG1 to maintain 1189 chromatin accessibility. 1190 A) Genomic snapshots of BRG1 ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq in Brg1fl/fl ESCs before (UNT) and 1191 after 72h TAM treatment at two distal OCT4 target sites (highlighted in grey). The 1192 OCT4cond ATAC-seq is included for comparison and reveals dependency on both OCT4 1193 and BRG1 for chromatin accessibility. 1194 B) A metaplot of Brg1fl/fl ATAC-seq signal before (UNT) and after 72h TAM treatment at 1195 OCT4 binding sites that rely upon OCT4 for chromatin accessibility (OCT4-dependent; 1196 n=11557) and those that do not (OCT4-independent; n=4362), as in Figure 1G. Tn5 1197 control represents transposition of purified genomic DNA to control for potential 1198 sequence bias. 1199 C) Same as in (B), but profiling the changes in nucleosome occupancy before (UNT) and 1200 after (TAM) BRG1 depletion. Nucleosome signal was generated using the NucleoATAC 1201 package. 1202 D) Venn diagram overlap of OCT4 targets which significantly lose ATAC-seq signal (FDR < 1203 0.05; fold change > 1.5) following deletion of OCT4 (OCT4cond) or BRG1 (Brg1fl/fl). 1204 E) K-means clustering of OCT4 binding sites that significantly lose ATAC-seq signal 1205 following deletion of OCT4 (OCT4-dependent; n=11557) based on changes in Brg1fl/fl 1206 ATAC-seq signal. 1207 F) Scatterplots of the changes in OCT4cond and Brg1fl/fl ATAC-seq at OCT4 target sites. R2 1208 represents linear regression score, and cor reflects Pearson correlation coefficient. 1209 1210 1211 Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1. Comparison of wild type OCT4 ChIP-seq signal 1212 between OCT4cond and Brg1fl/fl ESCs. 1213 Scatterplot analysis of reads per kilobase per million (RPKM) for untreated (wild type) OCT4 1214 ChIP-seq in OCT4cond and Brg1fl/fl ESCs. 1215 1216 1217 Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 2. Nucleosome occupancy changes in Brg1fl/fl ESCs at 1218 distal OCT4 target sites. 1219 Metaplot analysis of nucleosome occupancy signal at distal OCT4 target sites that are the 1220 most (20% most affected; BRG1-dependent) and the least (20% least affected; BRG1- 1221 independent) dependent on BRG1 for OCT4 binding (as in Figure 5D). 1222 1223 1224 Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 3. Transcriptional regulation of OCT4-dependent target 1225 genes by BRG1. 1226 A) Venn diagrams depicting the overlap between genes with significant reductions in RNA- 1227 seq following OCT4-depletion in the OCT4cond ESCs (OCT4-dependent) and genes with 1228 significant decreases or increases in RNA-seq following BRG1-depletion in the Brg1fl/fl 1229 ESCs. DESeq2 was used to identify significant changes (FDR < 0.05 and fold change > 1230 1.5-fold). 1231 B) K-means clustering of OCT4-dependent genes based on changes in Brg1fl/fl RNA-seq 1232 signal. Clusters were organized into three groups to reflect the direction of gene 1233 expression change following removal of BRG1. 1234 C) Boxplot quantitation of log2 fold change in Brg1fl/fl RNA-seq signal following removal of 1235 BRG1 for the three groups of OCT4-dependent genes identified in (B) illustrates the 1236 utility of the clustering approach. 1237 1238 1239 Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 4. Changes in gene expression following depletion of 1240 BRG1 in Brg1fl/fl ESCs are associated with altered transcription factor binding. 1241 Genomic snapshots of three genes associated with OCT4 binding sites that experience 1242 either decreased (Fgf4), unchanged (Utf1) or increased (Ankle2) RNA-seq signal following 1243 depletion of BRG1 in Brg1fl/fl ESCs. OCT4 binding sites are highlighted in grey. 1244 1245 1246 Figure 6 – Figure Supplement 1. BRG1-dependent and BRG1-independent OCT4 1247 binding at distal regulatory elements is associated with distinct developmental timing 1248 of chromatin accessibility. 1249 A) Metaplot profiles of DNase-seq signal during early embryonic development (Lu et al., 1250 2016) at BRG1-independent and BRG1-dependent distal OCT4 targets identified in 1251 Brg1fl/fl ESCs. BRG1-independent sites gain accessibility earlier than BRG1-dependent 1252 sites. 1253 B) A quantitation of DNase-seq read density at distal OCT4 targets depicted in (A) during 1254 early embryonic development depicted as a smoothed trendline ± 95% confidence 1255 interval. Figure 1

A B D F OCT4cond Alkaline OCT4 ATAC DOX - + Phosphatase Distal Regulatory UNT DOX UNT DOX PromoterDistal OCT4 Unclassified Element SOX2 (17.9%) UNT (75.2%) 2855 NANOG Promoter 1097 (6.8%) BRG1 11967 SS18 DOX TBP

1 kb C E Utf1 500 OCT4 7000 400 Input UNT 0 300 UNT ATAC 7000 DOX DOX 200 0 3500 UNT Read Density

100 OCT4-dependent chromatin accessibility 0 OCT4 3500 0 DOX 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 3500 Distance from OCT4 Input Peak Centre (kb) 0 -1 0 1 kb

G OCT4-dependent OCT4-independent I OCT4 Distal Regulatory OCT4 Promoters Elements (n=11,967) (n=1,097) 1000 Tn5 control 1000 Tn5 control ATAC ATAC 800 800 2633 63 294 600 600 UNT 9271 4 799 400 400 DOX

Read Density 200 200

0 0 Sig. Decrease Unaffected Sig. Increase −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 H Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb) J 25% most affected K OCT4 targets 60 Nucleosome Nucleosome 1250 0.25 0.25 Tn5 control Signal Signal 1000 ATAC 0.00 0.00 40 UNT 750 UNT −0.25 −0.25 DOX 20 500 DOX Enrichment (-logP) −0.50 −0.50 Biological Pathway

Read Density 250

Correlation Signal 0 Nucleosome Cross k ss s nt n or si e io ent ent w iat −0.75 −0.75 0 oceene pm t et pr o opmopm N og el en al ur er vel vel −2 −1 0 1 2 iff −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 ncy ent ne dev d de e l t m l yo te ce r cell de Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 ipo opm b sys lur vel em Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb) P de Figure 2

A C D 1 kb Utf1 ATAC SOX2 NANOG 1500 UNT DOX UNT DOX UNT DOX RNA UNT sense DOX RNA 0 Log2FC RNA 1500 antisense -1.00 0 -0.67 7000 -0.33 UNT 0 0.00 ATAC 7000 0.33 DOX 0.67 0 1.00 3500 UNT 0 SOX2 3500 DOX 0 3500 UNT 0 NANOG 3500 DOX 0 3500

OCT4-dependent chromatin accessibility UNT 0 OCT4 3500 DOX 0 3500 0 Input -1 1 kb 0

B E 2.0 F OCT4-dependent expression -43 (nearest gene) 1.5 p < 7.6×10 354 1.0 OCT4-dependent OCT4-independent 0.5 1625 400 SOX2 400 SOX2 0.0 Input Input −0.5 300 300 of Nearest Gene 7163 UNT −1.0 Log2FC in Expression 200 200 DOX −1.5

100 100 - + OCT4 peaks with Read Density OCT4-dependent decreased ATAC-seq 0 0 ATAC-seq signal −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 G H 40 500 NANOG 500 NANOG p < 4.2×10-147 Input Input 108 400 400 30 300 300 UNT 106 DOX 20 200 200 104

Read Density 100 100 102 10 Enrichment (-logP) 0 0 Biological Pathway −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 100 0 to nearest OCT4 Peak (bp) k s cy Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 or si - + w en

Distance from down-regulated TSS et ene Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb) N ipot OCT4-dependent og lur ncy P te Neur C ATAC-seq signal S ipo E lur P Figure 3

A B C D -200 cond p < 1×10 OCT4 ATAC 4 Log2FC 80 ATAC Peaks 125 ATAC Peaks 2 OCT4 −0.57 OCT4-dependent 100 OCT4-bound 60 OCT4-independent OCT4-free BRG1 −0.34 Input 0 75 Input −0.10 40 50 CHD1 -2 25 −0.01 20 CHD2 BRG1 RPKM (log2) BRG1 Read Density -4 BRG1 Read Density CHD4 −0.09 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Distance from ATAC - + Distance from ATAC CHD6 −0.04 Peak Centre (kb) OCT4-dependent Peak Centre (kb) ATAC-seq signal CHD8 0.00 CHD9 −0.16 E F G Brg1fl/fl Alkaline EP400 −0.10 Phosphatase OCT4 BRG1 H3K4me1H3K4me3 TAM - + INO80 −0.08 BRG1 H3K4me3 0.27 0.36 0.39 1.00 UNT Input −0.06 OCT4 H3K4me1 0.55 0.62 1.00 SOX2 Pearson correlation coefficient BRG1 0.86 1.00 Pearson correlation NANOG coefficient TAM 0.00 0.25 OCT4 1.00 −0.75 −0.50 −0.25 HDAC1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

H 1 kb I J Utf1 Brg1fl/fl OCT4cond Nucleosome Occupancy BRG1 ATAC ATAC Brg1fl/fl OCT4cond 800 UNT UNT TAM UNT TAM UNT DOX UNT TAM UNT DOX fl/fl Brg1 0 BRG1 800 TAM 0 1500 UNT Brg1fl/fl 0 1500 ATAC TAM 0 7000 UNT cond OCT4 0 ATAC 7000 TAM 0 3500 OCT4 0 OCT4-dependent chromatin accessibility 1500 Input 0 -1 0 1kb -1 0 1kb Figure 4 A B Nucleosome Signal 2 kb 1 kb 1 kb 0.0 400 ChIP Read Density Ankle2 Rbmxl2 Utf1 −0.1 300 −0.2 −0.3 OCT4 2500 200 OCT4 −0.4 Input 0 1000 −0.5 100

Correlation Signal UNT

Nucleosome Cross −0.6 cond OCT4 0 −0.7 0 BRG1 1000 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 DOX 0 0.0 150 2500 ChIP Read Density UNT −0.1 cond OCT4 0 −0.2 SS18 2500 BRG1 100 −0.3 DOX SS18 0 −0.4 5000 Input 50 −0.5 cond UNT OCT4 0 Correlation Signal Nucleosome Cross −0.6 ATAC 5000 −0.7 0 DOX 0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 2500 Distance from OCT4 Input Peak Centre (kb) 0 C D E OCT4cond OCT4cond

BRG1 SS18 2.5 R2 = 0.33 OCT4-bound OCT4-free cor = 0.57

OCT4 UNT DOX UNT DOX 125 BRG1 125 BRG1 0.0 100 Input 100 Input 75 75 UNT ATAC Log2FC 50 50 DOX −2.5 cond 25 25 Read Density 0 0 OCT4 −5.0 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 300 300 OCT4cond BRG1 Log2FC SS18 SS18 250 Input 250 Input 200 200 2.5 R2 = 0.64 UNT 150 150 cor = 0.80 DOX 100 100 0.0 50 50 Read Density

OCT4 ChIP-seq Signal 0 0 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 ATAC Log2FC −2.5 Distance from ATAC Distance from ATAC cond Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb)

OCT4 −5.0 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 0 -1 1 kb OCT4cond SS18 Log2FC Figure 5

A B E 1 kb 2 kb 1 kb Brg1fl/fl Brg1fl/fl Brg1fl/fl cond OCT4 SOX2 NANOG fl/fl Twistnb Ppp3ca Utf1 UNT TAM UNT TAM UNT TAM OCT4Brg1 5000 RNA Log2FC fl/fl UNT Brg1 0 1 OCT4 5000 TAM 0 0 1500 -1 fl/fl UNT Brg1 0 SOX2 1500 TAM 0 3000

fl/fl UNT Brg1 0 NANOG 3000 TAM BRG1-dependent 0 1500

UNT Factor Binding Transcritpion Brg1fl/fl 0 ATAC 1500 TAM 0 2000 Input 0 -1 0 1kb C D F G OCT4 Distal Regulatory Top20% Top20% BRG1-dependent Elements (n=11,967) BRG1-dependent BRG1-independent 1.0 5.5% RNA RNA 0.4% 800 OCT4 800 OCT4 16.0% OCT4 0.5 600 Input 600 Input Sig. Decrease UNT No Sig. 39.6% 78.5% 400 400 TAM 0.0 Change 60.0% Unaffected Sig. Increase 200 200 RNA Log2FC fl/fl

Read Density −0.5 0 0 BRG1-independent −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Brg1 4.3% 300 300 −1.0 16.3% RNA SOX2 SOX2 1.7% 16.7% RNA SOX2 Input Input Sig. Decrease 200 200 BRG1-dependent UNT No Sig. OCT4 binding 79.4% Unaffected TAM Change 100 100 81.6% Sig. Increase Read Density H 0 0 OCT4 SOX2 NANOG −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1

1000 NANOG 1000 NANOG 2 1.4% 22.9% NANOG Input Input 750 750 1 Sig. Decrease UNT 0 Unaffected 500 500 TAM -1 75.6% Sig. Increase 250 250 -2 Read Density 0 0 -3 ChIP-seq Log2FC

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 at Distal OCT4 Target -4 Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 Brg1fl/fl Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb) RNA Figure 6 A B Chen et al. 2016 Cieply et al. 2016 0.9 1.5 BRG1-independent BRG1-independent 80 70 0.6 BRG1-dependent 1.0 BRG1-dependent 60 BRG1-independent alue)

v 50 BRG1-dependent 40 0.3 0.5 30 20 0.0 0.0 −log10(P 10 Enrichment score

Gene Expression Log2FC Gene Expression Log2FC 0

(of Nearest Gene to OCT4 site) (of Nearest Gene to OCT4 site) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Days after OKSM Induction Days after OKSM Induction Developmental Expression (Thieler Stage)

C 2.5 2−cell 2.5 4−cell 2.5 8−cell 2.5 Morula D 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 BRG1-independent −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 BRG1-dependent 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

C-seq Read Density 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 A T 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C-seq Read Density A A 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 T A −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Distance from OCT4 1-cell 2-cell 4-cell 8-cell Morula Peak Centre (kb) Figure 1 - Supplement 1 A B

Canonical motifs 2 -1000

OCT4:SOX2 bits (44.0%) T p < 1.0×10 100 C G T GG C C T G T G A ACT T A G T C CAG G C G G A A ATTGG CCC TA A TCGAT 0 TT ATG A Central Enrichment adjusted p value 2 80 -111 -397 OCT4 bits p < 1.9×10 (20.6%) T OCT4:SOX2 1.6×10 AC T T G 0 GA CA AT ATT ATG A A 60 -176 de novo motifs ATKYWAAT 1.3×10 2 40 -133 -1000 OCT2 6.1×10

ATKYWAAT bits (31.4%) CA p < 1.0×10 0 GTTT AT AAT Number of Sites 20 ATDCARA 7.7×10-123 2 -74

ATDCARA bits p < 2.1×10 (21.3%) G A 0 T 0 A G AT CA A −100 −50 0 50 100 Total % Peaks with Motif 60.0% Position of Best Site in Sequence (bp)

C D 7 10 p<1×10-200

H3K4me1 H3K4me1 106

40 8 40 8 TSS (bp) Distal Regulatory Promoter OCT4 targets 105 Element OCT4 targets 30 6 30 6 104 Read Density Read Density 20 4 20 4 103 Read Density Read Density 102 10 2 10 2 101

0 0 0 0 0

H3K4me3 H3K4me3 10 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Distance to Nearest Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb)

Promoter Element

Distal Regulatory Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 2

A B 2 kb 5 kb 1 kb 1 kb Tbx3 Fbrsl1 Rbmxl2 Pim2

7000 7000 UNT UNT

ATAC 0 ATAC 0 7000 7000 DOX DOX

0 0 3500 3500 UNT UNT

OCT4 0 OCT4 0 3500 3500 DOX DOX

0 0 3500 3500 Input Input

0 0 Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 3

A B 25% most DNase I Hypersensitive 20 OCT4-dependent 20 Sites OCT4 targets 3T3 15 15 Cerebellum Fibroblast Kidney Read Density 10 Read Density 10 Liver Lung 5 5 SkeletalMuscle Spleen

DNase-seq 0 DNase-seq 0 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Distance from OCT4 Distance from DNase-seq Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb) Figure 2 - Supplement 1

A B 5.0

p < 1×10-200 p < 1×10-200 p < 1×10-200 OCT4-SOX2-NANOG Co-bound Sites (n=5611) 2.5

1644 ATAC (70.2%)

117 0.0

SOX2 (45.4%) −2.5

2412 Log2 Fold Change 919 NANOG (52.0%)

13 −5.0 493 10 3 OCT4-dependent ATAC-seq signal - + - + - + ATAC SOX2 NANOG

C 2.5 2.5 R2 = 0.83 R2 = 0.80 cor = 0.91 cor = 0.90

0.0 0.0 C Log2FC C Log2FC A

−2.5 A −2.5 T T A A

−5.0 −5.0 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 SOX2 Log2FC NANOG Log2FC Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 1

A B 2 kb 1 kb OCT4-dependent OCT4-independent Gpt1 Twistnb

250 Tn5 control 250 Tn5 control 800 200 ATAC 200 ATAC UNT fl/fl Brg1 0 150 150 UNT BRG1 800 TAM 100 100 TAM

0 Read Density 50 50 1500 UNT 0 0 Brg1fl/fl 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1500 ATAC TAM C 0 7000 0.10 Nucleosome 0.10 Nucleosome UNT cond Signal Signal OCT4 0 7000 0.00 0.00 ATAC UNT TAM TAM 0 −0.10 −0.10 3500 Correlation Signal

OCT4 Nucleosome Cross 0 −0.20 −0.20 1500 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Input Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 0 Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb)

D E OCT4/BRG1 F -dependent OCT4-dependent 2 R2 = 0.05 5.0 n=8597 (76%) n=2702 (24%) OCT4cond Brg1fl/fl cor = 0.22 ATAC ATAC 0 2.5 C Log2FC A

T −2

0.0 A 5633 5785 1345 cond −2.5 −4 ATAC Log2FC OCT4 −5.0 −6 OCT4cond Brg1fl/fl OCT4cond Brg1fl/fl −6 −4 −2 0 2 fl/fl Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Brg1 ATAC Log2FC Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 1

3.5 R2 = 0.57 cor = 0.76 3.0



1.5 OCT4 RPKM (log2) fl/fl 1.0

Brg1 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 OCT4cond OCT4 RPKM (log2) Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 2

BRG1-dependent BRG1-independent 0.1 0.1

UNT 0.0 0.0 TAM −0.1 −0.1 Correlation Signal

Nucleosome Cross −0.2 −0.2 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Distance from OCT4 Distance from OCT4 Peak Centre (kb) Peak Centre (kb) Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 3

cond A B fl/fl C RNA OCT4Brg1 ClusterGroup Brg1fl/fl RNA Log2FC 4 2 1 28.1% OCT4/BRG1 1.5 0 co-dependent 1290 855 1.0 −2 −4 0.5 140 OCT4-dependent 2 35.2% BRG1-independent 0.0 Genes (n= 1430) Brg1fl/fl RNA -0.5 Gene Expression fl/fl

Log2 Fold Change -1.0

1227 696 Brg1 BRG1-dependent -1.5 3 36.7% up-regulation 1 2 3 203 Group Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 4

Brg1fl/fl Decreased Expression Brg1fl/fl Unchanged Expression Brg1fl/fl Increased Expression

2 kb 1 kb 2 kb Fgf4 Utf1 Ankle2

1000 1000 500 UNT UNT UNT Brg1fl/fl TAM TAM TAM RNA 0 0 0 5000 5000 5000

UNT Brg1fl/fl 0 0 0 5000 5000 5000 OCT4 TAM

0 0 0 2000 2000 2000

UNT fl/fl Brg1 0 0 0 2000 SOX2 2000 2000 TAM

0 0 0 5000 5000 5000

UNT Brg1fl/fl 0 0 0 5000 5000 5000 NANOG TAM

0 0 0 2000 2000 2000

Input 0 0 0 Figure 6 - Figure Supplement 1


2−cell 4−cell 8−cell Morula 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 BRG1-independent 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 BRG1-dependent 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 DNase-seq DNase-seq Read Density Read Density 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 1-cell 2-cell 4-cell 8-cell Distance from OCT4 Morula Peak Centre (kb)