HR16D00002-"WSS PILELINE for Daire, Gali Dakhlyatsoha" 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,999,960 HARIPUR HR16D00003-WSS Mobeen Banda
District. Project Description BE 2016-17 Final Budget Releases Expenditure HARIPUR HR16D00002-"WSS PILELINE FOR Daire, gali dakhlyatsoha" 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,999,960 HARIPUR HR16D00003-WSS Mobeen Banda. 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 HARIPUR HR16D00007-Boring of H/pump/ pressure pumps (10 No)in different villages in 1,205,133 1,205,133 1,205,133 1,201,256 Barkot. HARIPUR HR16D00008-provision of 02 No water bores UC BS KhaSher Khan. 450,000 450,000 450,000 - HARIPUR HR16D00010-"WSS Moh: M.Akram, Jabi Ghumawan." 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 HARIPUR HR16D00011-WSS Moh: Dhooman village Ghandian. 400,000 400,000 400,000 298,397 HARIPUR HR16D00012-Pavement of path at village Dheenda. 1,000,000 1,000,000 973,921 123,175 HARIPUR HR16D00015-Sanitation work near h/o Haji Taj andh/o M.Aslam village Chamba 550,000 550,000 550,000 548,260 Pind. HARIPUR HR16D00016-"Boring of 03 No. H/pumps in villageChamba Pind Motian, Dhedan, 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 Jhar etc." HARIPUR HR16D00017-"Sewerage system at Moh: Islam Nagar,Moh: Eidgah and Moh: Peeran 144,454 144,454 144,454 144,454 Wala." HARIPUR HR16D00018-Boring of H/pumps and extension ofpipelines at DW Khanpur. 602,180 602,180 602,180 587,306 HARIPUR HR16D00019-Pavement of streets/ path/ culverts/protection bund etc in different 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,511,778 2,511,778 Moh: of Kot Najibulah. HARIPUR HR16D00020-Improvement/ extension of WSS in DW KotNajibulah.
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