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Michigan MLK Tournament 2004

Round by

Chicago A Michigan MLK Tournament 2004

Packe.t by Chicago A (Ed Cohn, Subash Maddipoti, Matt Reece, and Andrew Yaphe)


1. The Cartesian product of countably many copies of the closed interval from 0 to 1. The statement that every ideal in the ring of multivariable polynomials over a field is finitely generated. The Nullstellensatz, which provides the basic link between commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. A complete inner product space, of the type often used in quantum mechanics. FTP, all these things are named for what mathematician best known for a list of unsolved problems?

Answer: David Hilbert (accept "Hilbert cube" until the beginning of the second sentence)

2. After the title character is reported dead, his beloved Alison Graeme marries his brother Henry. Later, the title character returns but has a servant bury him alive to escape being murdered by his crazed brother, but in the end James and Henry Durrie are interred in the same grave. FTP, name this novel set in the aftermath of the Jacobite rebellion of 1745, a work subtitled"A Winter's Tale" and written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Answer: The Master of Ballantrae

3. He was a professor at Basel until his death in 1961, where he wrote such books as Aion and The Undiscovered Self. In his youthful Studies in Word Association he introduced the notion of a "complex," and by 1910 had become president of the International Psychoanalytical . Association. FTP, name this author of The Psychology of the Unconscious, who introduced the concepts of introvert and extrovert.

Answer: Carl Jung

4. He had 10 illegitimate children with the Irish actress Dorothea Jordan, but his two legitimate children both died in infancy. He officiated at the wedding of Horatio Nelson, whom he had met at sea after joining the navy at age 13 and thus angering the rest" of the royal family. His only noteworthy act as king was to grudgingly accept the Reform. Act of 1832. For 10 points--name this "sailor king" of England, the predecessor of Victoria.

Answer: William IV

5. Book II considers the views of Phaleas of Chalcedon and Hippodamus, and offers a comparison of Crete, Carthage, and Sparta. Book VIII, the last that survives, features a discussion of gymnastics and music, which concludes that the Dorian mode is the best for children, while earlier books survey the types of constitutions, concluding that tyranny, . oligarchy, and democracy are all bad. FTP, name this work of philosophy which describes the ideal state, written by Aristotle.

Answer: the Politics

6. Its first president was Samuel Johnson, and his successors included Charles. King and Seth Low. Its graduates include J. E. Spingarn, Randolph Bourne, Gouverneur Morris and John Jay. Its current location in Morningside Heights dates from the long presidency of Nicholas Murray Butler. FTP, name this university that was founded as King's College in New York City~ now a member of the Ivy League.

Answer: Columbia University

7. Philippe Quinault was his librettist for a number of stately operas. One such work, which used professional female dancers for the first time, was Le Triomphe de l'Amour. He collaborated with Moliere on ballets, including Le bourgeoisgentilhomme. It was during a performance of a Te Deum in 1687 that he made his fatal mistake. He died of gangrene after stabbing himself in the foot with his conductor's baton. FTP, who was this court composer for Louis XIV who settled in France but was born in Italy? .

Answer: Jean-Baptiste Lully

8. He was the MVP of the 1980 Blue-Gray game. Drafted by a team that had just won Super

I Bowl XV, he had a career high 13 sacks three years later, when he helped his team to another Super Bowl win, this time over the Redskins. Forced to retire in 1988 due to injury, he was an 8": time Pro Bowler for the Raiders. FTP, name this defensive end, who also starred in Firestorm and can be seen on Fox's NFL pregame show.

Answer: Howie Long

9. Her husband is an architect named Javad Tavassolian, and her books include a 1994 legal treatise called The Rights of the Child. After being named her country's first femalE~ judge, she was forced to resign in 1979, and has more recently represented the family of the murdered dissident Dariush Farouhar while helping pave the way for the election of moderate president Mohammed Khatami. For 10 points, name this Nobel-winning Iranian activist.

Answer: Shirin Ebadi

10. String theorists like Susskind have begun to wonder if the preponderance of these in the theory could make it necessary to invoke the anihropic principle. In QeD there is one for each value of the "theta" parameter, with ins tan tons to tunnel between them. It can be thought of as a minimum of some potential. In older theories it is easier to understand; it is a state without particles. In classical electrodynamics its properties are characterized by the constants epsilon nought and mu nought. FTP, what is this entity most commonly thought of as an absence of matter?

Answer: vacua or vacuum s

11. In the 1842 case of Prigg v. Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court upheld the 1793 version of this law while overturning a state kidnapping ban and declaring that states need not help enforce the Constitution's Article IV, section 2. The result was nine new state "personal liberty" laws and the inclusion of this provision in the Compromise of 1850. For 10 points-name this law that allowed slave-owners to reclaim their stolen property.

Answer: Fugitive Slave law

12. He became a professor at Harvard two years before Quine, and the two men played a weekly table tennis match for almost thirty years. In his major book, he looked at the decade from 1919 to 1929 and described the "structure of the American economy" during the period. FTP, name this developer of the input-output method of economic analysis, a Russian who won the Nobel Prize in 1973.

Answer: Wassily Leontief

13. His first novels, In-War Time and Roland Blake, were set during the Civil War, as was his last, Westways. The French Revolution was the setting of The Adventures of Francois, while the Revolutionary War was the background for his Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker, but he is best known for a short story written by one of his patients. FTP, name this author and doctor from Philadelphia, who prescribed "rest cures" for neurasthenic 19th-century women such as Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Answer: Silas Weir Mitchell

14. Events that influenced his art included happening upon Giotto's Arena Chapel. He was snubbed by Breton and the Surrealists after he began to work from models. He was noted for very small sculptures. "The Chariot" exemplifies his emaciated human figures, in this case perched two large wheels. In wartime Paris he met Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, who wrote the catalogue preface for his 1948 exhibition in New York. FTP, who is this sculptor and painter most closely associated with existentialism in art?

Answer: Alberto Giacometti

15. The shepherd Agelaus abandoned him to die on a mountain, but eventually decided to raise him as his own child. Often known by the name Alexander, he married the nymph Oenone [oy­ NOH-nee], survived a fight with his long-lost brother Deiphobus and a duel with Menelaus, and fired the arrow that killed Achilles after sparking the Trojan War. For 10 points, name this son of Priam who married Helen of Sparta.

Answer: · Paris

16. It ends with an invocation ''To the Roaring Wind," and begins with a poem about bucks and a firecat, "Earthy Anecdote." "Domination of Black," "The Snow Man," and "Le Monocle de Mon Oncle" all appear in it, as does the longest of its author's works, "The Comedian as the Letter c." FIP, name this volume of poetry that includes "Sunday Morning" and "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," the first book by Wallace Stevens.

Answer: Harmonium

17. Nicholas II renamed it the Panteleimon, after a Russian Orthodox saint, and the Provisional Government gave it a name meaning "fighter for freedom." Among the men associated with it were Grigorii Vakulinchuk, whose body was left on the Richelieu Steps, and socialist agitators like Afansii Matushenko, who ordered the ship to Odessa after the crew refused to eat maggoty meat. For 10 points, name this Russian ship whose 1905 mutiny was the subject of an Eisenstein film.

Answer: the battleship Kniaz Potemkin 18. The lead singer's side project with Jimmy Tamborello progressed by exchanging recordings through the mail, hence its name, The Postal Service. Their most recent topped Onion A.V. Club reviewer Josh Modell's list of best of 2003. Track titles on that album include "Passenger Seat" and "Death of an Interior Decoriltor." Their earlier albums include Something About Airplanes and We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes. FTP, what is this indie-pop band, led by Ben Gibbard, whose most recent album is Transatlanticism?

Answer: Death Cab for Cutie 19. It was first isolated in blood in 1948 by Page. It is a powerful vasoconstrictor. Much of it . originates in the raphe nuclei, which project to all parts of the brain. Chemically it is 5- hydroxytryptamine, synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan. Decreases in it have been · shown to correlate with delayed onset of sleep. MDMA can damage neurons .that release it. FTP, what is this neurotransmitter, reuptake of which is inhibited by Prozac? .

Answer: . serotonin

20. Works attributed to him include the lost Precepts of Chiron and Melampodia. The now- I fragmentary Catalogue of Women was thought to be a continuation of one of his two more famous workS, while even in antiquity his authorship of the Shield of Heracles was disputed, while there was much debate as to whether he lived before Homer or vice versa. For 10 points, name this poet still credited with the Theogony and Works and Days.

Answer: Hesiod

21. In 1967, he briefly became a room-mate of Trent LoU when he took his first Washington job as a staffer for Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker. He served two terms as governor . starting in 1979, naming Fred Thompson to investigate corruption under his predecessor, and then became president of the University of Tennessee and u.s. Secretary of Education. For 10 points, name this Tennessee senator who wore lots of ugly plaid shirts when he ran for president in 1996. · .

Answer: Lamar Alexander

· 22. Its delta is covered by a swamp known as the Sunderbans, and its tributaries include the Ghaghara and the Yamuna. Its five headstreams are the Pindar, the Mandakini, the Dhauliganga, the Aliknanda, and the Bhagirathi, which all rise in Uttar Pradesh, and it forms the Padma River after joining with the Brahmaputra ForlD points, name this sacred river of the Hindus that passes through Benares.

Answer: Ganges (or Ganga )

23. Koenig's infinity lemma notes that in an infinite one in which every vertex has finite degree, ~ there is an infinite path to the root. A "space partitioning" type is used in computer graphics to remove hidden surfaces. Ignoring the root, one definition is a connected · graph inwhich removing any edge results in an unconnected graph. The binary type may be used for sorting, by simply inserting objects one at a time and then traversing the data structUre. FTP, what is this data structure consisting of nodes with children which are themselves nodes?

· Answer: tree 24. I~ 2002, Linda Lingle became this state's first ever Republican governor. Its senior congressman is the liberal Democrat Neil Abercrombie, and its junior congressman is Ed Case, the cousin of AOL-Time Warner's Steve Case, who was elected to succeed the late Patsy Mink. Its best-known politician is Senator DanieUnouye. For 10 points, name this island state.

Answer: Hawaii

25. The title character is a boyhood friend of the painter, who placed himself in the midground. There is a third, more distant, boat, with the Girard Avenue Bridge and the Connecting Railroad Bridge farther away in the background. The setting is the Schuylkill [SKOO-kuhl] River in Philadelphia. Housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it is one of a number of rowing pictures painted by the artist between 1870 and 1874. FTP, what is this Thomas Eakins painting of a man in a small racing boat?

. . Answer: Max Schmitt in a Single Scull ' (accept The Champion Single Sculls)

.. 26. His magnum opus was co-written with Albert Keller, who didn't manage to publish it until 17 years after this man's death in 1910. He wrote books on Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Jackson "as a public man," while his best known book is a study of the sociological importance of usages, manners, customs, mores, and morals. FTP, name this long-time professor at Yale, the author of Folkways ..

Answer: William Graham Sumner

27. Legend has it that this book was written down at the behest of Yin Hsi, who met its author at the Han-ku pass. A work in 81 chapters, it emphasizes the necessity of "tzu jan," or spontaneous feeling, in order to live by "wu wei," or non-action. FTP, name this religious text of ancient China, whose name means "book of the way and virtue," supposedly written by Lao Tzu.

Answer: the Tao Te Ching

28. Willy the Weasel Wilhelm in Rising Sun. Danny McGrath in Billy Madison. Carl Showalter in Fargo . Romero in Spy Kids 2. Mink in Miller's Crossing. Buddy Holly in Pulp Fiction. Mr. Pink in Reservoir Dogs. FTP, what actor played all of these roles, as well as directing Trees Lounge? .

Answer: Steve Buscemi 29. "Commercial Relations and a Navy." "Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence." "Militia." ''The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense" are among them. The first 51 discuss the insufficiency of the confederation, and all 85 were published in several New York newspapers between 1787 and 1788. FTP, identify this group of essays published by "Publius" in support of New York's adopting the U.s. Constitution.,

Answer: the Federalist Papers Q.cc-t.-\ rJI i ~y-v- {\II. l J;" j) Q-.. " ~~ A Bonuses

1. Questions about skyscrapers,FTPE.

(10) This creation of Daniel Burnham was a skyscraper when he finished it in 1902, but it no longer seems particularly tall in: Manhattan, although its .triangular shape is still striking at 23rd and Fifth. '

Answer: Flatiron Building

(10) This William Van Alen art de co tower at 42nd and Lexington in Manhattan is noted for its use of stainless steel and automobile-inspired ornamentation.

Answer: the Chrysler Building

(10) This architecture firm, established in 1936 with a New York branch following in 1937, is responsible for both the Sears Tower and the John Hancock Center in Chicago.

Answer: Skidmore. Owings. & Merrill (accept SOM )

2. It takes place on June 16, 1904. FTP each:

(10) Name ,this novel about a day in the life of an Irish Jew.

Answer: Ulysses

(10) Leopold Bloom has been unable to have sex with his wife ever since she gave birth to this sickly son. Bloom later identifies Stephen Dedalus with what this child would have been had he lived.

Answer: Rudy

(10) Bloom is continually foiled in his attempts to 'avoid this man, his wife's lover, who enters the Ormond Hotel while Bloom is lunching there.

Answer: Blazes Boylan

3. Name the president given cabinet members, for 10 points each:

(10) J.Q. Adams (State), William Crawford (Treasury); William Wirt (Attorney General)

Answer: James Monroe

(10) William Marcy (State) and Jefferson Davis (War)

Answer: Franklin Pierce

(10) Robert Lansing (State); Josephus Daniels (Navy); A. Mitchell Palmer (Attorney General)

Answer: Woodrow Wilson

4. Name these Gerinan sociologists, FTPeach: (10) This formalist wrote a book on Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, but is best known for The Philosophy of Money.

Answer: George Sirnmel

(10) This man is undoubtedly best known for The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Answer: Max Weber

(10) This member of the Frankfurt School is best known for his attack on modem capitalism in One Dimensional Man.

Answer: Herbert Marcuse

5. Questions about cosmology, FfPE.

(10) These conditions were formulated as necessary requirements to achieve the asymmetry between matter and antimatter we observe in our universe.

Answer: Sakharov conditions

(10) Axions and neutralinos are two of the "WIMP" candidates for this exotic substance. Primordial black holes are another.

Answer: non-baryonic dark matter

(10) The "horizon problem" is explained by this mechanism, in which the universe expanded much more rapidly for a time. It also explains why there is not an abundance of monopoles.

Answer: inflation

6. Lots of people die in the course of Acts of the Apostles. Name the following cases in point FTPE:

(10) This man and his wife Sapphira are struck dead for keeping part of their property to themselves instead of giving it all to the apostles.

Answer: Ananias

(10) This disciple is the first to be martyred when the Hebrews stone him to death.

Answer: Stephen

(10) Shortly after the people proclaim him a god, this king is struck down by the Lordi but he got his licks in first by having James killed and Peter imprisoned.

Answer: Herod Agrippa (prompt on either name)

7. Sarah makes the mistake of wishing her younger brother were a goblin, which prompts Jareth the Goblin King to honor her request. FTPeach: (10) What 1986 movie features this distressing event?

Answer: Labyrinth

(10) This rock star played Jareth, king of the Goblins.

Answer: David Bowie

(10) Labyrinth was one of the first roles for this actress, who played Sarah, and has since appeared in Hulk and Requiem for a Dream.

Answer: Jennifer Connelly

8. His last novel, The Leatherwood God, depicts the Ohio frontier in which he spent his youth. FTP each:

(10) Name this author of A Hazard of New Fortunes.

Answer: William Dean Howells

(10) This Howells novel scandalized many by depicting the divorce of Bartley Hubbard and Marcia Gaylord.

Answer: A Modem Instance

(10) The title character of this novel is a prominent paint manufacturer in Boston.

Answer: The Rise 0/ Silas Lapham

9. Answer the following about last year's Pulitzer Prizes for 10 points each;

(10) This composer won the Pulitzer in Music for On the Transmigration of Souls, but he's better known for operas like The Death of Klinghoffer.

Answer: John Adams

(10) This man won the award in biography for Master of the Senate, the third volume of his series on Lyndon Johnson.

Answer: Robert Caro

(10) This newspaper won the journalism award in public service for its investigative reporting into cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests.


10. Identify these notable jazz albums, FTPE.

(10) Recorded in 1959, this Miles Davis album, with John Coltrane and Bill Evans in the band, it includes "Freddy Freeloader" and "Flamenco Sketches." Answer: Kind of Blue

(10) This 1964 John Coltrane album is in four parts, "Acknowledgement," "Resolution," "Pursuance," and "Psalm," and was intended to convey spirituality.

Answer: _A Love Supreme

(10) This Dave Brubeck album opens with "Blue Rondo a la Turk'; in 9/8, and continues to play with exotic time signatures. "Take Five" is particularly well known.

Answer: Time Out

11. Answer these questions about a Roman emperor, FTP each:

(10) Name the emperor was strangled at the end of 192, with or without the connivance of his successor Pertinax.

I Answer: Lucius Aurelius Commodus

(10) Commodus was the son and heir of this philosophic emperor.

Answer: Marcus Aurelius

(10) Commodus' death and the subsequent murder of PertinaX led to a series of civil wars that ended in the complete victory of what emperor who reigned until 211?

Answer: Septimius·Severus

12. Answer these questions about a Supreme Court Justice, FTP each:

(10) His books include Business: A Profession and Other People's Money.

Answer: Louis Brandeis

(10) This President appointed Brandeis to the court as the first Jewish justice.

Answer: Woodrow Wilson

(10) The "Brandeis brief" in this 1908 case was a defense of a state's maXimum hours law for women.

Answer: Muller v. Oregon

13. Answer these questions about things deemed newsworthy by MTV as of September 5,2003, FTP each:

(10) This band's tour in support of was scheduled to begin October 9, with their follow-up album to Is This It due a few weeks later.

Answer: (10) This one-time pimp's new album, subtitled "Green Is for the Money, Gold Is for the Homies," was set to be released by Avatar Records.

Answer: Archbishop Don "Magic" Juan

(10) This band is a side project for Phish keyboardist Page McConnell and theii- second album, titled The Illustrated Band, was announced for an October release. They take their name from a baseball player.

Answer: Vida Blue

14. Questions about clirriate science, FTPE.

(10) This greenhouse gas is considered the major culprit in human impact on climate; it is released from the combustion of fossil fuels.

Answer: carbon dioxide or C02

(10) This Danish statistician created controversy ~ith his book The Skeptical Environmentalist, arguing against projections of climate change.

Answer: Bjorn Lomborg

(10) Recent attention has been drawn to soot for its role in climate change; it could decrease this quantity for snow and ice, a measure of the amount of reflected light.

Answer: albedo

15. Name the state, 30-20-10.

(30) In December 2002, Democrat Rodney Alexander won an upset election to Congress in this state, a rare victory for Democrats in the South;

(20) In 2003, Republican Bobby Jindal failed in his bid to become America's first Indian­ American governor, losing this state's election to Kathleen Blanco.

(10) This state is famous for less-than-honest, somewhat insane politicians like David Duke, Edwin Edwards, and Huey Long.

Answer: Louisiana

16. His minor works include the children's novel White Eagles Over Serbia and Panic Spring, written under the pen name of Charles Norden. FTP each:

(10) Name this British novelist, whose brother Gerald discovered the aye-aye of Madagascar.

Answer: Lawrence Durrell

(10) Durrell is best known for this tetralogy, which includes Mountolive and Balthazar.

Answer: the Alexandria Ouartet (10) While the Alexandria Quartet is better known, Durrell also wrote a "quincunx" of five novels set in this European city, which includes Livia and Sebastian.

Answer: Avignon

17. Questions about aRenaissance painter, FTPE.

(10) He was Jacopo Bellini's son-in-law and his earliest commission was for frescoes in the ·Ovetari Chapel of the Eremitani Church in Padua.

Answer: Andrea Mantegna

. (10) Among Mantegna's better-known works is a painting of this saint pierced by numerous arrows.

Answer: _St. Sebastian

(10) Mantegna worked for this family in Mantua, namesake of a university in Spokane . . I . . Answer: Gonzaga'

18. Name these islands for 10 points each:

(10) Canada's largest island in the Arctic Ocean, it lies on the Davis Strait across from Greenland.

Answer: Baffin Island

(10) These two islands just southwest of Newfoundland are among France's only remaining possessions in the Americas. Both required, all or nothing.

Answer: St. Pierre and Miquelcin

(10) This island is known in Spanish as the Isla de Pascua. It was settied by Marquesans in the . 4th century and is located about 1,600 kilometers from Pitcairn Island and 3,700km from Chile.

Answer: Easter Island

19. Name these witches of mythology for ten points each:

(10) This sorceress from the island of Aeaea [ay-EE-uh] transformed Scylla into a monster and changed Odysseus's men into pigs.

Answer: Circe

. (10) This Russian witch lived in a house on chicken's legs and was famous for eating children.

Answer: Baba . Yaga

(10) This Norse witch and shape ~ shifter, a daughter of the Valkyrie Brunnhilde, was the husband of King Ragnar of Denmark and the mother of Sigurd. Answer: Krake

20. Answer these questions about the history of vodka in Russia, FTP each:

(10) This czar opened special taverns or kabaks to serve vodka to his oprichniny or personal guards.

Answer: Ivan IV or Ivan the Terrible

(10) This czar, who took the throne in 1649, codified in law the state monopoly over vodka production and permitted one tavern to be built in each town.

Answer: Alexis

(10) This. was the first vodka distillery to open in the United States, after the Soviets confiscated all private distilleries in Russia.

I Answer: Smirnoff 21. Questions related to organic chemistry, FTPE.

(10) Formed from the oxidation of a primary alcohol, these compounds have a carbonyl carbpn bonded to not more than one alkyl group.

Answer: Aldehyde s

(10) Formed from the oxidation of a secondary alcohol, these compoUnds have a carbonyl carbon flanked by two alkyl groups.

Answer: Ketone 5

(10) This is a tautomer of the keto form, in which a carbon is double-bonded to another carbon and also attached to a hydroxyl group.

Answer: Enol

22. Give the dynasty of th~se French kings, 10 points each.

(10) Francis II

Answer: Valois

(10) Louis-Philippe

Answer: Bourbon- Orleans (prompt on Bourbon)

(10) Philip II Augustus

Answer: Capet ian

23. Identify these projects of comic book writer Alan Moore, FTPE. (10) Set against a Cold War backdrop, its strength is its depiction of superhero characters as multifaceted human beings. Characters include Dr. Manhattan and Rorschach.

Answer: Watchmen

(10) Moore's early work includes a stint on this horror comic about a plant-like creature, which included tributes to Walt Kelly's Pogo.

Answer: Swamp Thing

(10) Moore's recent work includes this series, made into a mediocre movie, referring to such works as The Bostonians, Fanny Hill, and She.

Answer: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

24. 1952's Structure and Function in Primitive Society laid out his theoretical perspective~ FTP each:

(10) Name this British anthropologist, who is regarded with Malinowski as a founder of social anthropology.

Answer: Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown

(10) Radcliffe-Brown's first major work was a 1922 study of the natives of this island group.

Answer: the Andaman Islands

(10) This French author pf The Rules of Sociological Method was the major influence on Radcliffe-Brown.

Answer: Emile Durkheim

25. After more than 80 people were killed in clashes between the army and Indian demonstrators, the pro~free market president of an impoverished South American country resigned in October 2003. for 15 points each, name the country and the president who resigned, to be replaced by Vice President Carlos Mesa.

Answers: Bolivia. Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada

26. Identify these vocal works of Arnold Schoenberg, FTPE.

(10) Begun in 1900, it sets works of Jens Peter Jacobson to music, in the form of a cantata about King Waldemar, with a larg~ chorus and orchestra in addition to several soloists.

Answer: Gurrelieder

(10) Noted for its use of Sprechstimme, its sets to music a work by Albert Giraud and restores some elements Schoenberg had disposed of in his early atonal works.

Answer: Pierrot lunaire

(10) Schoenberg wrote .a musical ode to this man, probably better known for Beethoven's rescinded dedication of the Eroica to him. It sets to music a work of Byron. . Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

27. His works include Explosion in a Cathedral and Reasons of State. FTP each:

(10) Name this Cuban novelist.

Answer: Alejo Carpentier

(10) His first Cuban book was this novel about Henri Christophe. .

Answer: The Kingdom of this World or El reino de este mundo

(10) Carpentier's masterpiece is this 1953 novel which juxtaposes primitive mythology and Spanish c.olonialism. .

Answer: The Lost Steps or Los pasos perdidos

28. Questions related to photosynthesis, FTPE.

(10) The P680 and P700 forms of chlorophyll a are associated with other pigments in complexes called these.

Answer: photosystem 1 and 2

(10) Protons accumulate inside these membrane layers within chloroplasts. They form stacks called grana.

Answer: thylakoid

(10) In this form of photosynthesis, C02 combines with PEP to form oxaloacetate, which is converted to malate and moved to the bundle sheath cells. This separation allows the stomata to be closed for alarger fraction of time. .

Answer:~ 29. Given two Supreme Court decisions, name the author of the majority opinion for 10 points each:

(10) Baker v. Carr, New York Times v. Sullivan

answer: William Brennan

(10) Gibbons v. Ogden, Dartmouth v. Woodward

answer: John Marshall

(10) Heart of Atlanta Hotel v. U.S:, Katzenach v. McClung

Answer: Tom Clark