A QUARTERLY OF ART AND CULTURE ISSUE 28 BONES CABINET US $12 CANADA $12 UK £7 cabinet Cabinet is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) magazine published by Immaterial Incorpo- 181 Wyckoff Street rated. Our survival is dependent on support from foundations and generous Brooklyn NY 11217 USA individuals. Please consider supporting us at whatever level you can. Contribu- tel + 1 718 222 8434 tions to Cabinet are fully tax-deductible for those who pay taxes to Uncle Sam. fax + 1 718 222 3700 Donations of $25 or more will be acknowledged in the next possible issue, and email
[email protected] those above $100 will be acknowledged for four consecutive issues. Checks www.cabinetmagazine.org should be made out to “Cabinet” and sent to our office address. Please mark the envelope, “See? Wishbones do work!” Winter 2007–2008, issue 28 Cabinet wishes to thank the following visionary foundations and individuals Editor-in-chief Sina Najafi for their support of our activities during 2007. Additionally, we will forever be Senior editor Jeffrey Kastner indebted to the extraordinary contribution of the Flora Family Foundation from Editor Christopher Turner 1999 to 2004; without their generous support, this publication would not exist. UK editor Brian Dillon We would also like to thank the Orphiflamme Foundation for a recent generous Managing editor Colby Chamberlain grant and David Walentas/Two Trees for their donation of an editorial office. Associate editor & graphic designer Ryo Manabe Art director Jessica Green Website directors Luke Murphy, Kristofer Widholm, Isaac Overcast, Ryan O’Toole $50,000 Editors-at-large Saul Anton, Mats Bigert, Brian Conley, Christoph Cox, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the $500 or under Jesse Lerner, Jennifer Liese, Frances Richard, Daniel Rosenberg, David Serlin, Visual Arts Monroe Denton, Hugh Raffles, James Debra Singer, Margaret Sundell, Allen S.