Notwithstanding the need to create this new direction we do not want to live in isolation from our neighbours. We seek to maintain our peoples in unity with our lraqi Arab and Kurdish neighbours. lt is our deepest wish to live together as unique and different peoples forming together the incredible mosaic of our world, the Middle East, the radle of civilization.

We call on the EU and the US to work together with our peoples and the Kurdistan Regional Goyernment and the Government of lraq to realise these goals. We call to the Kurdistan Regional Government and the government of lraq to recognise the necessity to achieve this result in order to preserve and let flourish the cultural richness of lraq.

Federation of Ezidi Associations, Fikret lgrek - Head of Foreign Affairs: lraqiTurkmen Front Dr. Hassan Aydinli- EU Representative:

European Syriac Union, Lahdo Hobil- President:

i We have been driven from , and Nineveh Plain (in ), from the Turkmen sub districts of Bashir and Taze (in Governorate), from the sub district and localities of Biravcili, Kara Naz, Chardaghli, Bastamli and many villages belonging to the Turkmen Bayat tribes of Tuzhurmatu district (in Salahaddin Governorate), from the district and sub districts of , Kara Tepe, Jalawla and Salman Beg (in ) " Tal Afar, Bashir, Tazehurmatu, Tuzhurmatu, Biravcili, Amedi, Kara Naz, Kifri, Kara Tepe, Jalawla and Salman Beg etc. "' lt is the wish of the Turkmen people that the two large Turkmen majority districts of Tal Afar and Tuzhurmatu to be upgraded to the status of the 19th and the 2dh Governorates of lraq and that the Kirkuk Province dispute will be solved in line with Article 53 paragraph (c) of lraq's Transitional Administrative Law of March 8, 2AA4 (Special Status for Kirkuk) with equal power sharing between the three main ethnic cornmunities. lt is the wish of the CSA people that the autonomy region will be from the 3 districts of the Niniveh Plain and starting from Alqosh within the Niniveh Plain along the Dam from Fayda to Simele till Fishkhaboor. This autonomy region will become part of lraqi Kurdistan under mentioned conditions. Many CSA people live in Kurdistan; the district of Kanimasi (Berwari Bala geography), the district of Sarsing (geography of Wadi d'Sapna), as well as in the district of Aqra (Nahla Plain), in province (Shaklawa, Ankawa, Diyana and Hawdiyan) and in Suleymaniye province (Armota and Kdysancak). The CSA people wish to have above mentioned areas to be under th€ laws and administration of their autonomy. CSA people living in Bagdad, , Kerkuk and Mossul will have a status through this autonomy. The CSA and Ezidi will work together to achieve an inclusive and equal solution for the Ezidi majority places in the Nineveh Plain ( and Lalesh). lt is the wish of the Ezidi Kurds that Sinjar will be included in lraqi Kurdistan under mentioned conditions. Furthermore it is their aim that the Ezidi majorities living in Khanik in the dqra district and in Shariya in the Province will live under the laws and administration of their autonomy.

'u Sin;ar, Tal Afar and Nineveh Plain as wetl as Turkmen districts in and around , Tuzhurmatu district in Salaheddin Governorate and Kifri district in Diyala Governorate.

(The endnotes are integral part of this declaration)