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. ____ ! ' : SEEM BRIGHTER ANYWAY! See The Screen All Time Greats • • % rm J'1 T ■ - mTti Page 2 TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1960 Movie Society Poll Taken By GEORGE CHARLTON Hur.” i The picture industry Another reader suggi does not at t (with a few All Rewards Are Not Physical We received response to our a complete showing of exceptions) it possible to A&M Film Society Poll last week. Never Been Licked” be sec notable of earlier pro- For it was last Tuesday that minus the recent dele; duction______years!______regular movie Today’s front page is covered withith a_ya _year’s time. Workipg always long hours The Battalion carried a story con­ also mentions “The LI theaters. Nofl; isj it poBsible to ' ‘.Story about. The Battalion receiving a firsthand shoihoft handed, 1 hey have carved but cerning the possibilities of estab­ Failedand “The Reins discuss films in the theatre be­ lishing an A&M Film Society on “All Qui*t on tn* fore or after Sewings. And per- -place award and a respectable amount of for themselves local respects and off-the- the campus either during the lat­ Front” is a corps com] haps, Texas tifs or state exe- /-Jt'ash for publishing the best Christmas campus prestige. ter part of this Spring or the be­ mander’s special choice curves in m a nil Re ment ginning of next Fall. Purpose of Some of these and could be eon Speak at „ Safety section among the daily papers of The prize-winning Christmas section organization would be to bring be included in the pi special meet! j American colleges. back Hollywood revivals, including is only a nationally recognized sample of the best and most famous reissues. would be incorporated Again we there - it is. We are extremely proud, and we be­ Readers of a club or society, If you want i sky so. j We need, the .type work we now them to do con- of Tuesday’s story would pay a low fee for lieve justifiably so, of this honor. We are were asked, if interested in the more of your itions. If this sistentlyj, every project, to fill out a blank in­ ticket” to program is followed, the extremely appreciative to the Lumber­ Qn our tight incial schedule, Bat- cluded on the page and to write would be in pay approximate nS r of people tn- charges for showing terested in joiii -man’^ Mutual Casulty Insurance Company, in suggestions. The response, if and what they talion staffers are paid at all, never not overwhelming, was definite­ organization would be 0] would like :to ust be knou\t ’sponsors of the contest, for the award. paid enough. /e hope that the sat­ ly pertinent. a non profit basis. Cut out (he below this A possible program would fye ja story, fill it oqt, and turn it in -m'" We,"the editors, can not give enough isfaction of this recognition is some small One person suggested that “Anna Karina,” “Becky Sharp,” “Juar­ semester-long history of the —J- to ;The pffice, second ,, credit to our staff for this and their other repayment fpr their labors. ez,” “Madam Bovary,” “The In­ tion picture industry, , Goods lall. achievements. We have come to expect We are sure that to them, as it is to former, and “Ecstacy’ be brought early products up to back. ics would be included If enoughh interest is Showtihown, it •prize-winning work of them. The safety us, the knowledge that through that work on the average of once will probably j be possible to se- Another reader of Tuesday’s lect and announce next year’s pro- award, along with the National Advertis­ they may have savi life of one Ag- story from Bryan suggested that weeks. Among these mo' terest is shown in that gram this sprijng. ing Service’s award, makes the second na- gie, is all the reward required for any foreign films be shown too. The prospects of showing any type of would be “The Great -+■ film other than American products bery,” “The New York thmal first prize they have captured in a amount of exfra efforts I-' ' ‘Saucers? Why Kings Ranch Site depends entirely upon the demand. tolerance,” “Male and So far, only two blanks have “Sunrise,” “All Quite Peacetime Military Preparedness and e | Work . 4 . No,9 Say* Navy been submitted in favor of foreign Western Front,” Of AteField Trip movies. “Trouble In Farad Food At It’s Washington, Anril 4 —UP)— A member of the White Band On The Bounty,' ' When this nation’s acknowledged ex- somewhere in the iddje. And we don’t The Navy said last night the near­ says he prefers such shows as Earth.” Sixty AH 413: students visited; “Birth of a Nation.” He goes on to On the other hand, a series BES T! perts disagree over vital phases of our de­ know who is politic g, and who is speak- est thing to a flying saucer it the King Ranch Saturday on ,-a ever developed has not flown since explain, “I would like to see Will suggested by a film company for ,! • i Tf f ' fense picture, the man-in-the-street be- ing the truth. Field trip under the supervision Rogers and Charlie Chaplain at new movie societies V| features 1947. of William , of the Animal the, statement their best.” memorable American films. Such cpmes more confused than ever. Certainly the “411 isjwell-ers” want up The Navy made Husbandry Department. in commenting on 'an article in U. “Let’s Bee W. C. Fields, the a program includes “The Cohered Every tlish especially • Most current manifestation of top-rung to believe that the present administration S. News and World Report. The Saturday morning the students Marx Brothers Rudolphinuuutjjm Valentino, Wagon,” “Wild Bill Hickock” . disagreement is that expressed by various of government is doing a good job in magazine said engineers have con­ were shown the ranch’s racing and some of the comedies of the “Destry Rides Again,” “The Cat prepare^ to please cluded the reported saucers are stock, quarter horses, and Santa ’30’s, such as ‘Three Men On A and the Canary,” “David Ha ^ettperts on this nation’s military strength. handling this nation’s defense. And we jet-powered planes of revolution­ Gertrudjs cattle while the head Horse,” is another Aggie’s com­ ‘■Ruggles of Red Gap,” “Livi i i the niost exacting ~Spcretary of Defense Lewis Johnson and suspect the genert ls aind admirals with ary design developed by the Navy. veterinarian explained how the ment: ■ a Bengal Lancer,” ‘tCai f a stock Were cared! for. GOURMEy wanting more machinery, men and power. Its experiments along those lines A fish out at the Annex puts “Captains Courageous,1’ La n d 5Jhers of his opinion have assured Con­ Dr. Monte Moncrief, assistant Bombshell.” The last production don’t account for the recently veterinarian on the ranch, todk the his two cenM worth in with a gress and the American people that all is This nation has never sought to keep suggestion for the showing of is one of Jean Harlow’s more out­ revived reports of saucers, the group Saturday afternoon ~ and “Two Black Crows” and “Ben standing pictures. , ] \ Lots of Hi-Chairs / weH, defense-wisd. Our fighting strength itself armed i^> the teeth to insure peace. Navy replied. showed them breeding facilities It said one 3,000-pound model used on the ranch. is greater now than ever before in our We have, rather, fcept ourself reasonably of a pancake-shaped plane de­ for the Later they were shown the dairy / - peace-time history. well armed, stronf enough to resist the signed for it by Charles H. Zim­ barn and the methods used by the , Kiddies f” Countering this optimistic report are first blows of war, re-group our forces, merman of the Chance-Vought ranch in combating and eradica­ Aircraft Corp., was flown several ting mesquite trees. Battalion Movie Poll , the gloomy statements of several military start pur factories rolling, and then come times. The i students | rtfturned to col­ PLENTY GF PARKING But it has not flown since 1947, lege Sunday. leaders. These men claim that this na- back to knock out nations who called the the Navy said. I iun interested in an A&M Film Society. ■ I j . • ' ■- ■ SPACE ' ‘tion is woefully impotent in its military fight. •; 1 A full scale experimental model ' t '■ ' i ' ' ' ; r' : :i never got off the ground and was preparedness. We need more new planes Already the national budget’s largest Ag Engineer Seniors My name is ...... :!...... scrapped in January, 1919, the On South Texas . (the Air Force says), more ships and car­ item of expense is for military prepared­ Navy added. 1 ' It added that a one-third scale Sixtjf Agricultural Engineering My; address is ...... J. JTh riers (the Navy says), and more ground ness. Still our military experts want model was also built and is now be­ Seniors left Sunday April 2, on a r 1 " ■ ^ 'i J'4 HOTARD’S troops (the Army sajys). more- ing usgd in wind tests.at five day inspection trip through A government spokesman came out the Perhaps our skepticism of the argu­ Langely, Va., by the National Ad­ South Texas and the Rio Grande visory Committee for Aeronautics Valley. R. C. Garrett and F. R. Suggestion^ i Cafeteria other day with the startling claim that ments of the militarists pinge from our (NACA). Jones, of the Agricultural Engin­ • $o6b billion would bp needed to buy com­ long standing suspicion of nations who eering Department, are in charge !1 w ; plete security. maintain tremendous standing amies and CE Students Visit of the party. ___ /’ - ; The diametrical opposition of these naval fleets who have nothing to do but Houston Projects Bible Verse \ '.Jivo poles of opinion catcher us layman make work and pplot future wars. Seventy-one senior, civil engin­ i eering students will go tb Hous­ He that believetb on the Son; —X SMVOMY T ton April 5 and C on the spring hath everlasting life: and he that • - How to Outsmart a Tornado inspection trip. The group will beiieveth not the Son shall not ip/j/VE-M r/MTREm visit engineering projects under see life; but the wrath of God .Unde Sam’s weather eye, the United Over the past 60 years, April is champ­ construction and now in operation abideth on him. States Weather Bureau, has been on the ion hurricane month in Texas. The 60-year in the Houston area. —John 3; 36. George H. Lacy, chief civil en­ IT E lookout for salong that it can tell you most Average of tornadoes in Texas gives the gineer of the Gulf Oil Corporation GROUND Shbws -4 7:00 1 9:00 everything about the weather.; Latest par­ following totals by mojnths: January, 15; is in charge of ail arrangements cel oi information issued by the Weather February, 11s; March, 84; April, 77; May, for the student’s tour. 74; June, 35j Jul^, 24J; August, 17; Sep- The group will visit the Wash- ■AlHOUffi ■ n <7 Bureau is directed to Texans, and it tells bum Tunnel, Sheffield Steel Com- 'them hpw to outsmart tornadoes. . temlser, 4; October, 12; November, 14; pany, the Gulf Freeway, and seve­ ral other important engineering “SPECIAL” r- ' '" • December, l^. projects now under way in and If you find a tornado headed your way, ' i •( !|' ■ ' The Weather Bureau in their report around Houston. For . a limited time each suggests the Weather Bureau: If the fun­ Professors Fred J. Benson and TODAY ONLY for Texans hints there is a chance for James R. Baty of the Department nel is icoming straight toward you—ap­ Tuesday and Wednesday . everyone caught in a hurricane to be a of Civil Engineering will accom­ pearing to get bigger and bigger—rtm to pany students on this tour. here and also make a great contribution will be . . . * the -right. (Run to the right, if you are to science. Only two people have lived to LAURENCE facing the oncoming funnel.) If you are Official Notice OLIVIER see up inside of a tornado funnel. One of dollar a car somewhat to the left of it, lose no time Thursday. April 20. is the dc;adllne for 'HENRfV' . these was ah Oklahoma farmer who look­ payment of the final tnstaUmenit of fees > in getting much farther to the left. for the Spring semester. The fir at install- '■Ooa' wish. Tbwi rf y^*h»****T£ ed up into the funnel while standing ih his ment including - rent bloard and j - N1TE : j laundry Is *72.25. A gutter or depression is better than storm cellar doorway.* However, the far­ W. H. Holzm inn, ; I '® ’■ j' j'1 '! Comptroller nothing, if you find yourself caught. Jf mer was so scared that he couldn’t tell COMING: ... at the , Ev­ you are in a cellar, an excavation or any the (Weather Bureau what he saw. SKYWAY SHOWS — 7:(MI —ONE DAY ONLY— price. (If lyp» bk*Y ^ such size pit, get to the southwest corner. If our ambitions dp not jell, we can al­ WEDNESDAY — APRIL 5 r'uli M ery far with 3 or more DRIVE IN ’.itai'u That holds true wherever you may be in ways aspire to be the third man who ever persona in it will be ad M flado Co — the country; the wind in the funnel isj l looked up into a tornado funnel, and liv- TONITE—ABSENTEE NITK iGREATstai IN EVEIY . [ Howard Duff—tn mitted for . . . moving from southwest to northeast. * I led to describe it. 1 •JOHNNY STOOL PIGEOX” ROLE OF A GREAT DRAMA! GREGORY PEC “ONE DOLLAR* H /■ PALACE AVA6ARDNE BRING YOUR FRIENDS! ' V- "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman?’ Bryan 2'tfS 79 MELVYN DOUGLAS Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions 1: TODAY — WED. WALTER HUSTON ‘•-.Sis. Showing The''.Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for rfepnblteation of all ■awa dispatches credited 'to8 it'or'not* otherwise credited in the'paper and local dews of origin publish- ETHEL BARRYMORE 44.0.98* ed herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein arf also ^.OCONNOR; FRANK MORGAN AGNES M00REHEA0 ___.moon, except; curing nouoays ana examinant Vrancis talion'is published tri-weekly on Monday, WeAieaday and yiiar. Advertising rates furnished oh request. ■ THE 6RENT SINKER 104 News contributions may be made by telephone (4-6444) or at tba —^ Rooas 201, A METRS-BtlOWYN-MAYER PICTIIE 4 f°r UoXln Classified ads may be placed by telephone <4-6*24) or at the Aottvittea Office. Room 209. Goodwin Hall.______Directed by ROBERT SIODMAK • T7 7 } T QUEEN Produced by GOTTFRIEP REINHAROx Entered w eecoad-elsee matter.dt Poet Member of SuMiPh* Mrlri* {flee at College Station. Texae. under The Associated Press i las, «t Mew Torh Ottv. LAST DAY m Act] of Consrem of March t, UR*. “Mark of ike BILL BILLINGSLEY, C. C. MUNROE. LTL ABNER By Al Ca[ Clayton L. Aelph-...... , Dave Coslett..... Gorilla” mmm Chuck Cabantss...... -...... vie.u'.eer.1 THIS ORRIBl-E GLOE.WHICH I 1 IT WASN'T SYFE TO DO “/OO WHU-ETWEM UXtBJRDS ISMAKlN AH KIN ALMOST FEEL John Whitmore, L. O. Tledt, Dean Reed. Otto Kunae . oGHfr-OOT ON ME AND, MYKES IN BACK OME., hTNSPECTO«- aoonFu. moosic together in .CUPID'S ARRCfcW PLUNG ME GRIP ON THE 'ATPin ALL AND SO I’M DOING MDO IN TH' NEXTXT ROOM. AH opr ANOTHER JNTO MAH THE FIRMER,JH'INSPI^ECTOH.rr 'ERE- PIECE O’ ttFpitcher^o’ Tt-r Today’s Issue s. e*E KNEECAPCAP AH WOVES/r^^,/. ), Tledt...... -...... nk N. Manttaae...... -...... y Zubcr...... —------r~

Bdwarde...... -...... ^ ^*zS^rKeD ...... Acting Copy Editors Smethy. wililW Adkitie. BlU Barbcr, JL n-/ Kdb Boyd. Chester Crltehfteld. Marvin Matumlt. ttaorge pBe? a K. Roland. Walter Tan«a«W. Dean K r «?n.B!U .Th0mP8“‘.N^ -gjW- e. John

Carter...... y. Jack
