Two New Gamasid Mites(Acari,Gamasida,Podocinidae and Parholaspidae)From the Tropical Rain Forests of Khao Yai Province in Thailand

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Two New Gamasid Mites(Acari,Gamasida,Podocinidae and Parholaspidae)From the Tropical Rain Forests of Khao Yai Province in Thailand J.Acarol.Soc.Jpn.,6(1):65-71.May25,1997 •£‚b•¥The Acarological Society of Japan 65 Two New Gamasid Mites(Acari,Gamasida,Podocinidae and Parholaspidae)from the Tropical Rain Forests of Khao Yai Province in Thailand Kazuo ISHIKAWA1 and Pairath SAICHUAE2 1Laboratory of Biology ,Matsuyama Shinonome College, Matsuyama790,Japan 2Laboratory of Biology ,Chulalongkorn University,Bangkok,Thailand (Received8January1997;Accepted24February1997) ABSTRACT Ishikawa,K.and P.Saichuae,1997.Two new gamasid mites(Acari,Gamasida,Podocinidae and Parholaspidae)from the tropical rain forests of Khao Yai Province in Thailand.J.Acarol.Soc. Jpn.,6(1):65-71. Two new gamasid mites,Podocinum protonotum sp.nov.(Podocinidae)and Gamasholaspis khaoyaiensis sp.nov.are described from the tropical rain forest of Khao Yai Province in Thailand. Key words:Thailand,tropical rain forest,Podocinum protonotum,Gamasholaspis khaoyaiensis, new species INTRODUCTION Tropical rain forests are rich in variety of fauna and flora.There are many reports as regards the gamasid mites occurring in these forests e.g.,Vitzthum(1926),Womer sley(1956),Ishikawa(1976,1987,1993),etc.In August,1996,we had an opportunity to collect many gamasid mites from the litter layer in the forest in Khao Yai Province, Central Thailand. In this paper,the authors are going to deal with two species of gamasid mites.They are greatly interesting from the view point of phylogenetic systematics and zoogeogra phy.The present species of Podocinum has a plesiomorphic character not seen in the Japanese species.The Gamasholaspis species bears vestigial claws on the tarsus I.The legs I of the present male show a transitional stage of evolution from walking to palpating,playing a role of antennae. Litter samples were brought back to a cottage in cotton bags,and the mites were extracted from the samples by using modified Tullgren apparatus.The specimens were preserved in70%ethanol,cleared in lactophenol,and mounted in Hoyer's medium.The holotype and allotype were used for measuring the lengths of dorsal setae,gnathosoma and legs. The holotype and one paratype of the new species are deposited in the collection of the Department of Zoology,National Science Museum(Nat.Hist.),Tokyo.The remain- 66Kazuo ISHIKAWA and Pairath SAICHUAE ing paratypes are retained in the collection of the Laboratory of Biology,Matsuyama Shinonome College,Matsuyama. DESCRIPTION Family Podocinidae Berlese,1913 Genus Podocinum Berlese,1882 Podocinum protonotum sp.nov. (Fig.1A-E) Female.Length of idiosoma:406ƒÊm,403ƒÊm;width of dorsal shield at the level of coxae ‡W:287ƒÊm,278ƒÊm;light brown in colour. Dorsum.Dorsal shield entire,extending over the posterior part of ventral surface, and provided with strong lateral incisions.Dorsal shield covered with a pattern of small protuberances,its posterior part forming a polygonal network,and provided with fourteen pair of setae and six pair of pores;vertical setae farther apart than their individual length.Setae j2and four pair posterior to lateral incisions stout and pilose, the remainings minute and simple.Length of setae(holotype):verticals7ƒÊm,z2 53ƒÊm, S2 9ƒÊm,J4 58ƒÊm and Z5 98ƒÊm.The distribution of setae and pores is as shown in Fig. 1A. Venter.Tritosternum bipartite,each seta simple,its base exceedingly short.Prester nal shield absent.Sternal shield reticulated,bearing three pair of simple setae. Metasternal shields free,provided with a pair of simple setae and pores.Epigynial shield truncate posteriorly,and base of shield wider than anterior margin.Ventri-anal shield broader than long(90•~57ƒÊm),provided with four pair of pre-anal and three peri-anal simple setae.Interscutal membrane posterior to ventri-anal shield bearing a pair of simple setae.Stigmata situated at a position anterolateral to coxae ‡W, peritremes well developed,extending beyond coxae‡Tand fused with each other. Gnathosoma.Tectum trispinate,each projection provided with small spines.Pedi palp consisting of five free segments;palpal chaetotaxy of trochanter,femur and genu 2-5-6setae;palpal apotele of palptarsus provided with three tines,of which the central tine is spatulate distally.Fixed digit of chelicera provided with two large and two small teeth and a pilus dentilis,and a fine dorsal seta;movable digit(59ƒÊm)bidentate and much longer than corniculus(25ƒÊm). Legs.Leg‡T(excl.sensory setae)extremely long,more than twice the length of idiosoma.Tarsus I with neither claw nor amblacrum,but provided with a pair of long terminal setae415ƒÊm in length,and subterminal setae25ƒÊm,7ƒÊm and6ƒÊm in length. Leg‡T:tarsus292ƒÊm,tibia168ƒÊm,genu200ƒÊm,femur256ƒÊm,trochanter62ƒÊm and coxae37ƒÊm in length. Legs‡Uto‡Weach with well developed caruncles and claws. Lengths of leg‡T1,015ƒÊm,‡U565ƒÊm,‡V503ƒÊm and‡W665ƒÊm. Male.Unknown. Type series.Holotype•Š(NSMT-Ac10747),ex litter of tropical rain forest,Khao Yai Province,Thailand,7-‡[-1996,K.Ishikawa.Paratype:(NSMT-Ac10748),the same data as the holotype. New Species of Podocinum and Gamasholaspis67 ン 璽饗響讐鴨 秘 〆 、ガ護 二需 ご 評 、 登 麟 遍 ・・ \c ご壽 ノ 執 雪'● ゴ と o♂ ρ'の' 1職'堀 ・ 、o・ ≧ ㌧./一.・/// ミ ご:繍 ・・{ミ ・∠ ・ ン/芸 \ 覧ミ ナ∴磁 σジ'"一 儀 力'・ ミ/`/ツ 、'㌔、、 ;灘D多 {畷:滅52一 ミ ハ 」 ㌣%》跳 》 ~ノ▽ 轡ノ \ブ、 唖 ・ /\ げL_.'~ 〆 ~9 ノ \ E鐙 ツ 謬へ く\導レ ー90\ IElA●Bc・ DB/庶 ド 賭 Fig.1.Podocinum protonotum sp.nov .,femaleA,Dorsum;B,venter;C,tectum;D,chelicera;E,tarsus I.Scale bars=100μm. Remarks.The present species has lateral incisions on the dorsal shield.This is a plesiomorphic character state as compared with the absence of such lateral incisions. Four apomorphic species occurring in Japan lack lateral incisions.The genus Podo cinum belongs to a tropical group.The members of this genus are recorded by Berlese (1882),Evans and Hyatt(1957),Ishikawa(1970),etc. 68Kazuo ISHIKAWA and Pairath SAICHUAE The present species is similar to Podocinum jamaicense Evans et Hyatt,1957,descr ibed from Dolphin Head,Jamaica,in the shape of dorsal shield,but apparently distin guished from the latter by the dorsal setae S2short and simple,instead of being stout and pilose.The characteristics common between the two species are:distribution in the tropical zone;the dorsal shield provided with strong lateral incisions,which is a plesiomorphic character state as compared with apomorphic whole dorsal shield. Family Parholaspidae Evans,1956 Genus Gamasholaspis Berlese,1904 Gamasholaspissp.nov. khaoyaiensis (Fig.2A-G) Female.Length of idiosoma:520-567μm(533.2±16.3,n=10);width at the level of coxae Ⅳ:290-342μm(308.5±21.2,n=10).Length of dorsal shield:447-485μm(469.0± 12.1,n=10);width at the level of coxae Ⅳ:248-271μm(260.5±8.1,n=10);light brown in colour. Dorsum.Dorsal shield entire,weakly reticulated in the posterior area,with the anterior margin slightly rounded.Dorsal shield provided with thirty-six pair of setae, all of the dorsal setaes imple,and twelve pair of pores,setae z1 near vertical setae lacking.Lengths of setae(holotype):verticals30μm,j2 59μm,j3 65μm,j6 58μm,j1 54 μm and j5 47μm.The distribution of setae and pores is as shown in Fig.2A. Venter.Tritosternum well developed,with a pair of pilose laciniae more than three times as long as tritosternal base.Presternal shields composed of a pair of large platelets.Sternal shield reticulated and partially fused with endopodal shield,bearing three pair of simple setae and two pair of pores.Metasternal shield free,located behind the posterolateral angles of sternal shield.Epigynial shield slightly rounded post eriorly,a pair of simple setae present.Ventri-anal shield reticulated,provided with six pair of preanal setae and three perianal setae;anterior edge of the shield concave. Metapodal shield narrow and located at the level of the second preanal setae.Intersc utal membrane between dorsal and ventral shields bearing twenty-two pair of simple setae.Stigmata situated at a position anterolateral to coxaeⅣ.Peritremes extending to coxae I. Gnathosoma.Tectum with an elongate,smooth,distally pointed median extension and with several short spines on either side.Palpal apotele on palptarsus three-tined, two of which are spatulate distally.Two internal setae of palpgenu spatulate distally. Fixed digit of chelicera provided with three large and one small teeth and a pilus dentilis;movable digit(113μm)bidentate and slightly longer than corniculus(106μm). Salivary stylus(102μm)well developed.Length of anterior hypostomatic seta63μm, internal posterior hypostomatic seta26μm,external posterior hypostomatic seta19μm and deutosternal seta22μm. Legs.Tarsus I with neither claws nor pulvilli;tarsus I(186μm)approximately twice the length of tibia I(92μm).Tarsi Ⅱto Ⅳeach with well developed claws and pulvilli. Length of legs:I(excl.sensory setae)558μm,Ⅱ436μm,Ⅲ335μm and Ⅳ500μm. .Length of idiosoma:430-477μm(456.1±15.9,n=10);width Maleof idiosoma:246-275 New Species of Podocinum and Gamasholaspis69 角 .E滋 .ピ 伶'E Fig.2.Gamasholaspis khaoyaiensis sp.nov.,(A-B,D,G,female;C,E-F,male). A,Dorsum;B-C,venter;D,tectum;E,vestigial claws of tarsus I;F-G,chelicera. Scale bars=100μm. 70 Kazuo ISHIKAWA and Pairath SAICHUAE μm(259.8±14.2,n=10);length of dorsal shield:415-440μm(423.5±17.7,n=10);width at the level of coxaeⅣ:215-242μm(228.5±7.84,n=10);light brown in colour.Chaetotaxy and ornamentation of dorsal shield essentially the same as in female. Holoventral shield well developed,sclerotized,ornamented with reticulation,and provided with eleven pair of setae,a pair of para-anal setae and apostanal seta,all of them simple.Genital orifice located medially on anterior margin of holoventral shield. Fixed digit of chelicera provided with two teeth and a pilus dentilis;movable digit(75 μm)unidentate and slightly longer than spermatodactyl(59μm).TarsusⅠprovided with vestigial claws and pulvilli.FemurⅡwith a large thumb-like spur,and genu,tibia and tarsusⅡeach with a small spur.Length of legs:Ⅰ(excl.sensory setae)515μm,Ⅱ458 μm,Ⅲ336μm andⅣ486μm.
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