Monthly Performance Pack September 2010

Sheryl Holland, Publicist, BBC iPlayer BBC Marketing, Communications & Audiences T. 020 8008 5294 | M. 07912 583654 | E. sheryl.holland@.co.uk

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 2 Monthly summary – September 2010

• In total, BBC iPlayer received 114 million requests for programmes across all platforms in September, including both online platforms and devices and BBC iPlayer on Virgin Media TV. This was a slight decrease from strong August programming, which included Sherlock, Top Gear and the BBC3 Adult Season, however requests across September increased week-by- week as the month progressed (see slide 10). This corresponded with the new autumn schedules, and the re-launch of BBC iPlayer. Requests were 31% higher than for Sept 2009.

• Returning autumn drama on TV performed well, including Merlin, and . EastEnders attracted significantly more requests than usual due to high-profile storylines and Mock the Week and the return of Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Road Show did well for comedy. On radio, Radio 5Live’s coverage of Switzerland v England football match was the most- requested programme of the month.

• Live TV viewing via the BBC iPlayer increased slightly this September, to make up 10% of all TV programme requests, as also did live radio listening, making up 71% of all radio requests – influenced by the football season and Formula 1 coverage.

Consistent with previous months:

• The profile of BBC iPlayer users is evening out over time in terms of male/female ratio, but remains strongly under-55 in terms of age, which is younger than the typical TV viewer or radio listener’s profile.

• BBC iPlayer is used for TV at roughly the same time of day as linear TV viewing, although there is proportionally more daytime and late-peak use. For radio, BBC iPlayer is used far more in daytime than traditional radio listening, which peaks at breakfast-time.

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 3 Index Page

Overview for BBC iPlayer across all platforms 4

Monthly requests 7

Average daily requests 8

Average daily users 9

Weekly requests 10

Weekly users 11

Minutes per user per week 12

Top TV programmes 13

Top radio programmes 14

Live vs on-demand 15

Use of BBC iPlayer for TV by time of day 16

Use of BBC iPlayer for radio by time of day 17

Profile of BBC iPlayer users 18

Glossary 19

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 4 Total monthly BBC iPlayer requests across all platforms Includes Virgin Media In total the BBC iPlayer saw 114 million requests for programmes across all platforms in September 2010, including both online platforms and devices and BBC iPlayer on Virgin Media TV. This was a slight decrease following strong August figures (led by Sherlock, Top Gear and the BBC3 Adult Season) however requests across September increased week-by-week as the month progressed. See slide 10.

Virgin Media BBC iPlayer TV requests 130 Online BBC iPlayer TV requests 123 120 118 119 114 116 117 114 114 Online BBC iPlayer radio requests 20.2 107 19.6 19.8 17.8 17.3 16.7 20.5 97 20.8 19.0 19.8 18.5 87 85 87 81 78 76 76 18.1 69 16.7 15.8 16.3 62 14.8 16.2 77.0 15.3 14.8 68.2 67.0 73.4 68.7 69.6 70.1 14.1 59.6 65.2 67.9 65.7 14.7 53.2 44.9 44.5 36.7 39.1 43.3 37.2 36.5 36.0 30.8

29.3 32.3 29.9 33.3 30.4 32.7 30.6 26.8 23.6 25.4 24.7 25.7 25.5 26.5 26.1 28.2 27.3 28.1 28.4

Millions of requests of Millions 16.1 18.4

Jul Jul

Apr Jun Apr Jun

Feb Mar Oct Feb Mar

Aug Nov Dec Aug Sep

May May


Jan Jan 09 Jan 10

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. There were measurement problems on 10-11 June which resulted in overcounting on these days. 5 Requests for programmes by device type Includes Virgin Media

September saw slight decreases (around 1%) in BBC iPlayer requests across each platform type, following the strong August figures led by TV programmes like Sherlock, Top Gear and the BBC3 Adult Season.

Number of requests % of requests

(millions) 130 123 120 118 117 118 114 116 15% 15% 14% 20 113 114 19%19% 19% 18%17% 18% 16% 16% 16% 17% 17% 17% 107 20 20 17 18 17 21 1% 1% 3% 4% 4% 97 21 5 19 20 Other devices 5% 4% 4% 5% 4% 4% 4% 5% 5% 4% 19 5 87 87 6 5 5 85 5 6 18 5 5 5 4 Virgin Media 17 16 4 16 Wii 1 1 4

PS3 74%75% 74% 95 71% 73%75% 73% 75% 72% 73% 70% 70% 71% 88 86 75% 76% 91 85 89 80 83 81 73 81 85 Computers 64 62 62 Mobile devices

TOTAL 7 7 7 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%

5 5 5 5 3 5 5 6 6 6 5% 5% 3% 1% 1% 4% 4% 5% 5% 5%



Oct Jun


Oct Jun


Nov Mar

Aug Feb Aug

Nov Mar

Sep Dec May Sep

Aug Feb Aug

Sep Dec May Sep

Jul 09Jul


Jan 10 Jan Jan 10 Jan

Virgin Media data arrives later than online stats, therefore the remainder of this report is only for the online BBC iPlayer, available via computer / mobile / games consoles.

NB: iPhone data missing over 10 Nov–02 Feb, and Wii stats missing over 22-31 March, due to technical problems Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 6 Notes on figures in this report

These notes apply to pages 4 to 17 in this pack and should be included as footnotes as relevant when quoting any of these figures. A glossary is on page 19. • This data is collected via a BBC internal data warehouse (BBC iStats). The methodology adheres to industry standard guidelines as defined by JICWEBs and ABCe, with the exception that the BBC data is based on a 25% sample of users and not 100%. The BBC are working towards 100% sample over the coming months • In 2009 the BBC refined its methodology for measuring AV requests, so figures for 2007/8 are not comparable. There may be further changes in the data in future releases as we continue to refine the methodology • Please quote the source of these figures as “BBC iStats” • Unless specified otherwise, figures include requests for both on-demand catch-up (streams and downloads), or views of live simulcasts • We cannot report download playback due to data privacy restrictions • All data is for the UK only and excludes listening outside the UK • January 09 data excludes 1-4 January 09 since changes were made to the measurement system on 5 January • This data includes requests via the BBC iPlayer on any BBC website – whether on a programme, channel or station page, via the pop-out console, or on the BBC iPlayer website itself • None of this data following is for the BBC iPlayer on Virgin Media’s TV service - all is for the online BBC iPlayer, available via computer / mobile / games consoles • This report does not include requests for web-only content (such as online news or sport coverage) – only requests for full-length programmes which have been transmitted on a TV channel or radio station

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 7 Monthly BBC iPlayer online requests

There were a total of 94.4m requests to the online BBC iPlayer in September 2010; a decrease to 65.5m for TV programmes, and an increase to 28.9m for Radio content.

120 110 Radio Requests 104 101 101 99 100 98 95 100 TV Requests 93 94 89 32.7 . 30.4 79 32.3 29.9 33.8 30.6 28.1 80 27.3 28.9 71 71 28.2 69 29.3 63 65 61 61 26.1 60 54 25.7 25.5 26.5 47 25.4 26.8 23.6 24.7 18.4 40 16.1 77.0 73.4 70.1 65.2 68.2 68.7 67.4 69.6 67.9 65.5 Monthly Requests (millions) 59.6 53.2 44.9 43.3 44.5 20 36.0 36.7 37.1 39.1 36.5 30.8

0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 09 10

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 8 Average daily BBC iPlayer requests

During September 2010 there were 3.1m requests per day on average – 1.0 million per day for radio programmes and 2.2 million for TV programmes.

4 Radio Requests 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 TV Requests 3.1 3.1 . 3.0 2.9 3 1.1 1.1 1.0 2.6 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 2.4 1.0 0.9 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.9 0.8 2 1.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.2 1 2.0 2.1

Average Daily Requests (millions) 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2

0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 09 10

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 9 Average daily BBC iPlayer users

September 2010 saw an average of 1.3 million users per day, with 0.92m for TV content, 0.30m for radio content and 0.04m using both.

1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 Users of Radio Only 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Users of Both 0.32 0.31 1.2 0.30 0.30 Users of TV Only 1.1 0.32 0.33 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.26 1.0 0.06 1.0 0.06 0.06 0.05 . 0.9 0.9 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.8 0.27 0.05 0.04 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.05 0.8 0.8 0.28 0.26 0.04 0.27 0.27 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.25 0.04 0.26 0.04 0.6 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.99 0.98 1.01 0.98 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.92 User agents (millions) 0.86 0.88 0.4 0.74 0.60 0.64 0.54 0.53 0.54 0.53 0.57 0.48 0.51 0.2

0.0 Jan- Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan- Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 09 10

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 10 Weekly BBC iPlayer requests - latest 6 months

Requests to BBC iPlayer across September increased as the month progressed, corresponding with the new autumn schedule, as well as the re-launch of the BBC iPlayer website.

TV Requests Radio Requests

30 BBC iStats overcounting on 10-11 June 26 due to technical problems 26 26 25 25 24 24 24 24 25 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22

. 22 21 21 22 7.9 7.8 21 21 7.8 8.1 20 6.1 7.2 7.7 7.3 7.2 20 7.0 6.3 7.4 6.2 6.4 6.9 6.2 6.2 6.7 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.4 6.1 6.7 5.8 6.2 15

10 18.3 18.2 17.6 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.6 15.9 16.5 16.5 16.8 15.9 15.9 16.7 16.1 16.6 15.8 16.5 14.8 15.3 15.4 14.9 15.0 15.4 15.0 Weekly Requests (millions) 14.6 13.9 5


05 Jul 05 Jul 12 Jul 19 Jul 26

05 Apr 05 Apr 12 Apr 19 Apr 26 Jun 07 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 28

02 Aug 02 Aug 09 Aug 16 Aug 23 Aug 30 Sep06 Sep13 Sep20 Sep27

03 May 03 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 '29-Mar

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 11 Weekly BBC iPlayer users – latest 6 months

As seen with requests, weekly user numbers across September increased across the month.

BBC iStats overcounting Users of Radio Only on 10-11 June due to 8 technical problems Users of Both

7 Users of TV Only 6.7 6.1 5.8 6 5.6 5.6 1.4 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.5

. 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.1 1.1 4.9 5.0 4.9 5.0 4.9 1.3 4.8 5 1.2 0.4 4.6 4.7 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.5 1.1 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.9 0.4 4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 3

User agents (millions) 4.9 4.5 2 3.9 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.4



05 Jul 05 Jul 12 Jul 19 Jul 26

05 Apr 05 Apr 12 Apr 19 Apr 26 Jun 07 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 28

02 Aug 02 Aug 09 Aug 16 Aug 23 Aug 30 Sep06 Sep13 Sep20 Sep27

03 May 03 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 '29-Mar

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 12 Requests and average minutes per user per week

On a weekly basis, each user of TV on BBC iPlayer is requesting just under 4 programmes, and streaming over an hour of content. Each weekly user of radio content is requesting just under 5 programmes, and is streaming around three hours of radio content.

Average weekly minutes streamed, per user, per week

240 TV minutes Radio minutes 220

200 September 180 B.H. B.H. average

160 Easter = 176 minutes



100 September 80 average 60 = 68 minutes


20 Average weekly minutes streamed per user .


05 Jul 05 Jul 12 Jul 19 Jul 26

05 Apr 05 Apr 12 Apr 19 Apr 26 Jun 07 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 28

02 Aug 02 Aug 09 Aug 16 Aug 23 Aug 30 Sep06 Sep13 Sep20 Sep27

03 May 03 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 '29-Mar

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 13 BBC iPlayer - top 20 TV episodes, September 2010 Returning autumn drama series performed well on BBC iPlayer in September, including Waterloo Road, Merlin and Spooks. EastEnders also attracted significantly more requests than usual due to high-profile storylines. Comedy was also a high performing genre.

BBC iPLAYER TOP 20 TV EPISODES BBC iPLAYER TOP 20 TV EPISODES – ALL – MOST-REQUESTED EPISODE PER SERIES Total requests per episode Total requests per episode

1 EastEnders 10/09/10 750,000 1 EastEnders 10/09/10 750,000

2 EastEnders 09/09/10 749,000 2 Mock the Week Series 9 Episode 7 573,000

3 Mock the Week Series 9 Episode 7 573,000 3 Waterloo Road Series 6 Episode 1 559,000

4 Waterloo Road Series 6 Episode 1 559,000 4 Merlin Series 3 Part 1 Episode 1 500,000

5 Waterloo Road Series 6 Episode 2 539,000 5 Michael McIntyre Comedy Roadshow S2 Ep 1 477,000

6 Mock the Week Series 9 Episode 8 538,000 6 Spooks Series 9 Episode 1 459,000

7 Waterloo Road Series 6 Episode 3 500,000 7 World Cup's Most Shocking Moments 2010 441,000

8 Merlin Series 3 Part 1 Episode 1 500,000 8 Edinburgh Comedy Fest Live Episode 1 429,000

9 Waterloo Road Series 6 Episode 4 496,000 9 Him & Her The Toast Episode 1 424,000

10 EastEnders 21/09/10 490,000 10 Dragons' Den Series 8 Episode 9 307,000

11 EastEnders 07/09/10 484,000 11 QI Series 8 Hodge Podge Episode 1 286,000

12 Michael McIntyre Comedy Roadshow S2 Ep 1 477,000 12 Strictly Come Dancing Series 8 Launch Show 265,000

13 EastEnders 17/09/10 475,000 13 Would I Lie To You? Series 4 Episode 8 248,000

14 Mock the Week Series 9 Episode 9 472,000 14 Live at the Apollo Series 4 Episode 6 227,000

15 Spooks Series 9 Episode 1 459,000 15 Underage and Pregnant Series 2 Episode 7 226,000

16 EastEnders 14/09/10 444,000 16 The League Cup Show 2010/2011 22/09/10 208,000

17 World Cup's Most Shocking Moments 2010 441,000 17 Don't Tell the Bride Series 4 Episode 6 205,000

18 EastEnders 24/09/10 432,000 18 10 Things You Need to Know About Sleep 186,000

19 Edinburgh Comedy Fest Live Episode 1 429,000 19 Lost Land of the Tiger Episode 1 186,000

20 EastEnders 20/09/10 428,000 20 Cherry Gets Married 20/09/10 176,000

Note: excludes episodes which had been available for fewer than seven days at the end of the month. Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 14 BBC iPlayer - top 20 radio episodes, September 2010 The Switzerland v England football match was the most-requested radio programme in September, and other sport, Radio 1 and Radio 4 programmes were also strong as usual.


1 5live Int’l Football Switz v Eng 07/09/2010 135,000 1 5live Int’l Football Switz v Eng 07/09/2010 135,000

2 The Chris Moyles Show 22/09/10 85,000 2 The Chris Moyles Show 22/09/10 85,000

3 The Chris Moyles Show 14/09/2010 84,000 3 The News Quiz Series 72 Episode 1 68,000

4 The Chris Moyles Show 10/09/10 69,000 4 5live League Cup Scunth v Man Utd 22/09/10 58,000

5 The News Quiz Series 72 Episode 1 68,000 5 5live Champ Leag Man Utd v Rangers 14/09/10 53,000

6 The Chris Moyles Show 23/09/2010 64,000 6 Just a Minute Series 57 Episode 7 52,000

7 The Chris Moyles Show 06/09/10 63,000 7 Cricket 22/09/10 51,000

8 The Chris Moyles Show 24/09/10 63,000 8 Fearne Cotton 22/09/10 50,000

9 The Chris Moyles Show 15/09/2010 62,000 9 That Mitchell and Webb Sound Series 4 Ep 1 48,000

10 The Chris Moyles Show 16/09/2010 61,000 10 Ken Bruce 15/09/10 47,000

11 The Chris Moyles Show 17/09/10 59,000 11 Greg James Feet Up Friday 24/09/10 47,000

12 5live League Cup Scunth v Man Utd 22/09/10 58,000 12 The Unbelievable Truth Series 6 Episode 1 44,000

13 The Chris Moyles Show 20/09/2010 56,000 13 The Official Chart with Reggie Yates 12/09/10 44,000

14 5live Champ Leag Man Utd v Rangers 14/09/10 53,000 14 Fry's English Delight Series 3 Episode 4 43,000

15 The Chris Moyles Show 13/09/2010 52,000 15 Football 14/09/10 41,000

16 The Chris Moyles Show 07/09/10 52,000 16 Scott Mills You Control Katy Perry 02/09/2010 40,000

17 Just a Minute Series 57 Episode 7 52,000 17 Annie Mac Mini Mix 17/09/10 39,000

18 5 live Sport League Cup 2010-11 21/09/10 51,000 18 Steve Wright in the Afternoon 06/09/10 39,000

19 The Chris Moyles Show 09/09/2010 51,000 19 Jeremy Vine 06/09/10 38,000

20 The Chris Moyles Show 08/09/10 51,000 20 The Archers 19/09/10 37,000 Note: excludes episodes which had been available for fewer than seven days at the end of the month. Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. 15 Requests by on-demand catch-up vs live simulcast

Live TV viewing via the BBC iPlayer increased +2 points in September to make up 10% of all requests, and live radio listening also saw a slight increase to 71% - boosted by the football season and Formula 1 coverage.

TV Requests Radio requests

* 5 6 2 4 7 8 8 8 8 8 10 14 10 8 10

66 67 68 69 72 72 74 70 72 71 71 70 68 69 71

95 94 98 96 93 92 92 92 92 92 90 86 90 92 90

34 33

32 31 28 28 26 30 28 29 29 30 32 31 29



Apr Jun


Apr Jun

Feb Mar


Sep Dec Sep

Feb Mar

Aug Nov Aug

Sep Dec Sep


Aug Nov Aug


Jul 09 Jul

Jul 09 Jul

Jan Jan 10 Jan Jan 10

Simulcast Simulcast On-demand On-demand

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. * There were technical problems measuring some simulcast TV streams in September and October 16 BBC iPlayer – use for TV by time of day, September 2010

The scale for each line on this graph is different – traditional TV viewing is far higher than BBC iPlayer use. However it shows the relative usage pattern by time of day – with BBC iPlayer use (for TV) being closer to the pattern of TV viewing, than of internet use, with proportionally more viewing in daytime and late peak.

Internet and TV usage patterns by time of day (scales adjusted for comparison)

TV viewers

BBC iPlayer TV requests BBC iPlayer peak – 222,000 TV peak – 25.3 million

Internet users (any website) Internet peak – 28.1 million Note: each each very line a has (seescaledifferent Note:peaks)

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00

Sources – TV from BARB September 2010, internet from Nielsen September 2010, Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. BBC iPlayer from BBC iStats September 2010 - see footnotes on final page for more detail 17 BBC iPlayer – use for radio by time of day, September 2010

The scale for each line on this graph is different – traditional radio listening is far higher than BBC iPlayer use. However it shows the relative usage pattern by time of day – with BBC iPlayer use (for radio) being in-between the pattern of radio listening and internet use, with proportionally more listening in daytime and evening compared with the traditional linear breakfast peak.

Internet and radio usage patterns by time of day (scales adjusted for comparison)

BBC iPlayer peak – 85,000 Internet peak – 28.1 million Radio peak – 14.6 million Radio listeners

BBC iPlayer requests for radio

Internet users (any website) Note: each each very line a has (seescaledifferent Note:peaks)

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00

Sources – radio from RAJAR Q2 2010, internet from Nielsen September 2010, Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. BBC iPlayer from BBC iStats September 2010 - see footnotes on final page for more detail 18 BBC iPlayer use by demographic

The profile of users of the BBC iPlayer is measured on a monthly survey of 700 UK adults. The gender profile is stable with a slightly male skew, and most users are aged under 55 years.

100% 100% 16 16 16 15 15 31 21 20 17 20 18 37 80% 41 41 43 44 42 43 43 43 80%

60% 42 41 39 41 42 43 37 60% 39 43 40 55+ Women 40% 35-54 70 40% 63 59 59 57 56 58 57 57 57 Men 15-34 45 20% 20% 38 38 41 43 43 43 42 44 42

0% 0% Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun 08 09 10 08 09 10

Gender Age

18 23 34 Women 43 55+ 35 48 52 51

40 41 35-54 Men 35 35

57 52 48 49 15-34 42 36 29 31

Users of PC All broadband All TV viewers All radio iPlayer users listeners Users of PC All broadband All TV viewers All radio iPlayer users listeners

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes. User profiles - TV from BARB (Q2 10), radio from RAJAR (Q2 10), broadband from TNS survey 2000 adults (Sep 09) 19 Glossary

Stream – click to play instantly

Download – save to your computer to play later We cannot report on playback of downloads due to technical and data privacy restrictions

Users – a count of computer browsers accessing the online BBC iPlayer service So please note: if someone has a different computer at work and at home, they are counted twice. If a family watches on a computer together, only one browser is counted. This is the industry-standard way of counting “users” or “visitors” to websites.

Requests – number of successful requests to stream or download a programme We only count successful requests, where a stream or a download actually start, rather than “clicks” which can be repeated if the user does not see an immediate reaction on the website.

Catch-up / on-demand – programmes requested after they have gone out on “normal” TV/radio channels and are available on BBC iPlayer

Live / simulcast – streaming of live TV channels / radio stations on the website, at exactly the same time as broadcast on “normal” TV / radio

Special footnotes for slides showing data for time of day TV data – BARB average audience, live overnights, by hour, all individuals aged 4+, Total TV Radio data - RAJAR average audience, by hour, all adults 16+, all radio stations BBC iPlayer - average requests, by hour, all programmes, stream & downloading, live and on-demand, UK only Nielsen – user numbers, aged 2+ based on internet population estimate of 38 million individuals

Please refer to slide 6 for guide footnotes.