60S Individual

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60S Individual Affectionately dkb. f. 1960, by Swaps (Khaled)-Searching, by War Admiral Lifetime record: 52 28 8 6 $546,660 Own.- Mrs E.D. Jacobs Br.- Bieber-Jacobs Stable (Ky) Tr.- H. Jacobs 1j65- 7Aqu fst 6f :22_ :45æ 1:10Æ 32Sport Page H 28k 6 1 2$ 1$ 1Á 2Ë Blum W 127 b 11.10 90-21 Ornamento112ËAffectionately127ËR. Thomas119¢ Gamely 8 14k65- 6Kee fst 17f 1:27 32mAlw 10000 2 2 1$ 1$ 2$ 1Ë Blum W 121 b - 88-16 Affectionately121ËStar Maggie115›ÆBasking118›› Driving 4 No wagering 27l65- 7Aqu fst 1Œ :46æ 1:10_1:36 1:49› 32mBeldame 82k 1 1 1Á 1$ 3›Á 5æ Blum W 123 b 2.10e 87-19 WhataTreat118¢SteeplJll123ÁStrghtDl118›Á Swerved start 6 20l65- 7Aqu fst 1 :22æ :44_ 1:08_ 1:35› 32mMaskette H 28k 8 1 1Á 1$ 1$ 2¢ Blum W 128 b 2.90e 92-16 Tosmah128¢Affectionately128æStraight Deal113Á Sharp 9 5a65- 7Aqu fst 1Ê :46æ 1:11›1:36 2:01 32Suburban H 108k 7 3 4ÆÁ 4©Á 5›Æ 6Æ| Valenzuela I 119 b 8.95 68-14 Pia Star117›ÁSmart119™Tenacle114_ Drifted out late 7 26d65- 7Aqu fst 7f :22› :44æ 1:09› 1:23 32mVagrancy H 58k 1 1 1Á 1Æ 1© 1$ Blum W 137 b 11.05e 91-13 Affectionately137$SoughtAftr111æÁFcthFcts119›Á All out 13 9d65- 7Aqu fst 6f :21_ :44Æ 1:09Æ 32mLiberty Belle H 28k 4 1 1›Á 1æ 1© 1© Blum W 132 b 1.50 96-15 Affectionately132©Songster112æPetite Rouge109Á Easily 8 31b65- 7Aqu fst 1 :22Æ :44Æ 1:08› 1:34Æ 32Metropolitan H 111k 5 1 1› 1› 2$ 3æÊ Valenzuela I 121 b 4.55 93-16 GunBow130&Chieftain117æAffectionately121_Á Game effort 8 22b65- 7Aqu fst 1Œ :47 1:11›1:36Æ 1:49_ 32mTop Flight H 57k 5 1 1æ 1æ 1| 1™ Blum W 120 b 3.90e 87-20 Affectionately120™Steeple Jill123ÁOld Hat127Ë Easily 10 19b65- 7Aqu fst 7f :22› :44› 1:08_ 1:22Æ 32Roseben H 28k 2 2 1Á 2æ 2æ 3_Á Blum W 127 b 1.60 89-17 National116ÆChieftain122ÆÁAffectionately127ÆÁ Bid,tired 7 21e65- 7Aqu fst 6f :22 :44Æ 1:09Æ 32Toboggan H 27k 3 1 1Á 1æ 1© 1| Blum W 124 b 11.45 96-16 Affectionately124|Chieftain126æÁExclusivNshu115Æ Easily 8 14e65- 7Aqu fst 7f :23› :46› 1:10æ 1:24 32mDistaff H 27k 7 1 1Á 1ÆÁ 1_ 1æ Blum W 128 b 1.70 86-21 Affectionately128æTreachery115$Petticoat113$ Easily 7 31f65- 7Aqu fst 6f :23 :46› 1:11 32mCorrection H 27k 7 1 1Æ 1Æ 1æ 1Æ Baeza B 125 b 1.75 88-24 Affectionately125ÆFacetheFacts123ËChopHouse122& Easily 7 23h65- 7SA fst 1Î :23› :46 1:10Æ 1:42_ 42mS Maria H 29k 8 1 1Á 1$ 1$ 2› Shoemaker W 122 b 3.40e 88-11 Batteur119›Affectionately122›ÁCuriousClover118¢ Gamely 9 12h65- 8SA fst 7f :22Æ :45› 1:09æ 1:22Æ 42mS Monica H (Div 2) 19k 1 4 2$ 2› 2_ 2æÁ Shoemaker W 126 b 11.20e 87-16 Chop House120æÁAffectionately126&Batteur118$ Gamely 10 31i64- 8SA fst 6f :22› :45› :57æ 1:10 32mLas Flores H 24k 4 2 2Á 1$ 1$ 1æy Shoemaker W 125 b 1.90 92-17 tAffectiontly125tChopHous119æCurousClovr120Á Driving 10 11j64- 7Aqu fst 7f :22› :45 1:09› 1:22 32Vosburgh H 28k 7 5 2Æ 2Á 1æ 1› Grant H 120 b 12.05e 96-17 Affectionately120›RdGr113ÆBonjour114& Strongly handled 9 2j64- 7Aqu fst 6f :22Æ :45› 1:10Æ 32Sport Page H 28k 8 3 1Á 1$ 1Æ 1›Á Shoemaker W 117 b 11.75e 91-16 Affectionately117›ÁRed Gar113ÆMacedonia116ÆÁ Easily 11 21k64- 7Aqu gd 6f :21_ :45 1:10æ 32mInterborough H 27k 4 2 3Æ 2›Á 1Á 1Æ Shoemaker W 124 b 11.60 90-16 Affectionately124ÆBallet Rose110ËCharspiv116_ Easily 6 13k64- 7Aqu fst 6f :22› :45› 1:09_ 32mAlw 10000 5 1 2Æ 2$ 1› 1Æ Shoemaker W 123 b 1.35 94-14 Affectionately123ÆGold Frame108æSteeple Jill114Æ Easily 5 30a64- 7Aqu fst 6f :22Æ :45Æ 1:10 32mHandicap 10000 1 2 1›Á 1› 1ÆÁ 1›Á Chambers W 124 b 3.60 93-18 Affectionately124›ÁChopHouse120ÁLookMa113æ Brisk drive 6 1a64- 7Aqu fst 6f :21æ :44æ 1:10› 32mLiberty Belle H 27k 2 3 3& 3ÆÁ 8›Æ 8›| Ussery R 123 b 4.65 77-17 Tosmah120ÆLookMa110›ÁLizzieTsh111¢ Early speed,stopped 8 10d64- 7Aqu fst 7f :22› :44æ 1:10› 1:23_ 32mVagrancy H 28k 7 2 1Æ 1Á 1Á 4›Ê Chambers W 122 b 6.20 86-18 NoResisting112&OilRoyalty125›LookMa110¢ Used in pace 10 2d64- 7Aqu fst 6f :22Æ :45Æ 1:10Æ 32mHandicap 8500 3 1 1Æ 1æ 1æ 1Æ Chambers W 122 b 1.90 91-16 Affectionately122ÆSparklingSiren113&PmsEgo121| Handily 8 29b64- 7Aqu fst 7f :22æ :45æ 1:10æ 1:23Æ 32mAlw 10000 3 3 1Æ 1Æ 1Æ 2Æ Venezia M® 116 b 11.05 87-17 Colonia116ÆAffectionately116ÆNo Resisting116› Gamely 10 16b64- 7GS fst 6f :21_ :44æ 1:10› 32mColonial H 29k 6 5 1$ 2›Á 4| 4_Ë Grimm PI 123 b 3.30 88-18 Tosmah115›ÁLookMa110æLatinWalk111& Tired under impost 11 1e64- 7Aqu fst 6f :22› :45æ 1:10_ 32mCorrection H 29k 2 2 1› 1ÆÁ 1›Á 1ÆÁ Chambers W 121 b 4.25 89-19 Affectionately121ÆÁDecimalCoinag111¢Chrspv120_ Driving 12 24g64- 7SA fst 7f :21_ :44æ 1:09æ 1:22_ 42mS Monica H 24k 7 5 1Á 1Á 3Æ 12|Ë Ycaza M 118 b 13.40 83-14 ChopHouse116$SundayDoll111›ÁJazzQueen112Ë Early foot 16 17g64- 6SA fst 6f :22 :45 :57 1:09æ 42mAlw 7500 3 3 2› 2Á 2› 2› Valenzuela I 120 b 11.90 95-13 Kea117›Affectionately120›ÁSunday Doll117ÆÁ Game effort 8 17h64- 7SA fst 6f :22› :45› :57_ 1:10æ 42mAlw 10000 5 2 2$ 1$ 3› 7|Á Valenzuela I 120 b 11.60 85-17 Hi Rated120ËBloomer Girl113›Savaii114› Used up early 11 5j63- 7Aqu fst 6f :21_ :44Æ 1:10 32mInterborough H 23k 9 1 2$ 2› 1Á 1›Á Valenzuela I 116 b 12.15 93-16 Affectionately116›ÁCharspiv114ÁrSmart Deb121› Driving 12 17k63- 6Aqu fst 6Áf :22› :44_ 1:10› 1:17 32mAlw 7500 6 1 1Á 1_ 1_ 1Æ Valenzuela I 114 b 1.70e 95-17 Affectionately114ÆSpeedwell111ËGrenupTm114$ Mild drive 9 7k63- 6Aqu fst 6f :22› :45Æ 1:10Æ 32mAlw 7500 5 1 1Æ 1›Á 1æ 2$ Valenzuela I 114 b 11.70 91-15 Tamarona116$Affectionately114ÆRoyal Babs114› Sharp 6 29a63- 6Sar fst 6f :21_ :45› 1:10› 32mAlw 6000 9 1 1ÆÁ 1›Á 1› 3›Ê Gomez A 114 b 12.15 96-11 Sailor'sHunch113ÁWindyMiss120ËAffectionately114Æ Tired 9 29d63- 7Aqu sly 6f :22 :45Æ 1:10æ 32mLiberty Belle H 27k 2 3 3›Á 3ÆÁ 6|Ë 6›Æ Ycaza M 112 b 3.45 80-13 MahMoola112|Bramalea120ËKing'sStory112Ë Bore out,tired 6 24b63- 7Aqu fm 1Îp 1:42_ 32mAlw 10000 1 1 1›Á 1$ 2Á 5æË Adams L 111 4.90 90-06 Errcountess118›ÊSpeedwell110ÆMy Portrait121$ Tired 8 18b63- 7Aqu sly 1 :22Æ :45æ 1:11› 1:37› mAcorn 60k 3 1 2Á 2$ 9›_ 11Æ| Adams L 121 6.15 57-17 SpicyLiving121æÁNalee121ÁLambChop121æ Early speed,tired 12 25e63- 7Aqu fst 6f :23 :47 1:11æ 32mAlw 10000 2 1 1› 1› 1Æ 1›Á Shoemaker W 105 1.65 87-17 Affectionately105›ÁWindy Miss122¢Some Song122›Á Easily 8 19e63- 6Aqu fst 6f :22› :45æ 1:10_ 32mAlw 7500 2 3 2›Á 1› 1›Á 1›Á Valenzuela I 114 1.30 91-15 Affectiontly114›ÁRumBottlBy111ÆWlson'sB.W.116¢ Driving 7 19k62- 7GS fst 1 :22æ :45_ 1:10_ 1:37Æ mAlw 10000 10 1 1ÆÁ 1Á 2› 3® Baeza B 121 b 4.20e 88-20 Wise Nurse112ÆSmart Deb121|Affectionately121ÆÁ Tired 11 6k62- 7Bel sly 1 :22æ :45æ 1:11› 1:38 mFrizette 110k 7 2 2$ 2$ 2$ 3æÊ Valenzuela I 119 b 3.20e 81-15 PamsEgo119›ÁFool'sPlay119›ËAffectionately119_ Weakened 10 8l62- 7Aqu fst 6f :21æ :44Æ 1:09_ mMatron 102k 6 2 2$ 2$ 2ÆÁ 3|Á Valenzuela I 119 b 1.65 90-11 SmartDeb119›ÁFashionVerdict119_Affectionately119æ Tired 9 22c62- 7Sar fst 6f :22› :45 1:10Æ mSpinaway 79k 8 1 1›Á 1›Á 1›Á 1›Ê Valenzuela I 119 b 1.30 96-12 Affectionately119›ÊNalee119ÆÁRare Exchange119Æ Driving 9 28a62- 8Mth fst 6f :21Æ :44› 1:10 mSorority 100k 9 1 1Æ 1| 1_ 1| Valenzuela I 119 b 1.30 92-16 Affectionately119|Fashion Verdict119ËNalee119ÆÁ Easily 9 16a62- 7Aqu fst 5Áf :22 :45› 1:04æ mAstoria 28k 6 1 1Á 1Æ 1æ 1ÆÁ Baeza B 123 b 1.65 96-10 Affectionatly123ÆÁNoRsstng120ËKng'sStory117Æ Mild drive 9 27d62- 7Mth fst 5Áf :21æ :46Æ 1:05› mColleen 23k 2 7 5›Ê 5æÊ 3Á 2ÆÁ Baeza B 119 1.60 88-20 NoResisting112ÆÁAffectiontly119|Nl112Æ Blocked Œ pole 11 18d62- 5Bel fst 5Áf :22› :46› 1:05› mNational Stallion 37k 2 2 3Æ 2› 1Á 1æ Baeza B 119 1.15 95-15 Affectionately119æCharspiv114ÆÁNo Resisting119Ë Easily 5 2d62- 5Del fst 5f :22› :46æ :59 mPolly Drummond 23k 8 1 1$ 2$ 1$ 1› Valenzuela I 122 1.70 94-22 Affectionately122›Bold Princess113_Nalee109›Ê Driving 8 16b62- 7Aqu fst 5f :22 :45_ :58_ mFashion 22k 2 2 1Á 1Á 1Æ 1Æ Baeza B 116 1.35 96-16 Affectionately116ÆFashonVrdct116&PrncssBbu116Á Handily 7 9b62- 5Aqu fst 5f :23 :46æ :58æ mAlw 5000 5 3 4æ 2›Á 1›Á 1ÆÁ Baeza B 120 1.75 97-12 Affectionately120ÆÁFashionVerdct120›ÁPmsEgo117ÆÁ Easily 6 28e62- 4Aqu fst 5f :22 :46Æ :59› mAlw 4500 1 1 1› 1› 1›Á 1® Baeza B 117 11.30 94-10 Affectionately117®Mardoll115¢Tamanrasset120›Á Easily 7 17h62- 3SA fst 3f :22 :33› mMd Sp Wt 1 3 1æ 1›Á Baeza B 115 4.30 - - Affectionately115›ÁSnickersnee115¢DelhiMad115Æ Driving 14 Copyright Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC.
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