Argyriadis, I. and Forti, S., 2016. Structure and history of Hellenides. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 127 (2/3): 575-592 ISSN: 0366-0176 Structure and history of Hellenides Ion Argyriadis(1) and Silvia Forti(2) (1) Cabinet de Géologie Argyriadis, 975 chemin du Pré de Caune, 83740 La Cadière d’Azur, France
[email protected] (2) Via Verseiner 44/B, Meltina, 39010 Italia
[email protected] ABSTRACT This study is based on some new field observations made on the group of the Eastern Hellenic regions. Our observations have led us to adopt a simplified view of the paleogeography of the Greek mainland before the Alpine orogenesis. The subsequent varied tectonic units originate mainly from the following paleogeo- graphic areas: • A carbonate Arabo-African shelf margin which displays several lateral transitions, ridges and basins. On the Greek mainland this margin is represented by the Preapulian, Ionian, Gavrovo-Tripolis, Parnassos zones, the Olympus platform and probably the Kavala and Thassos marble. • A transition zone from the shelf units to the Tethys ophiolites (Pindos Zone, Styra, Argolis and Hydra, Eretrias new unit). • Tethys ophiolites, which might represent either an “ocean” fault zone or subduction of the lithosphere along a weak area. • A Hercynian continental mass (Serbomacedonian). This group is currently completed by the presence of a large tectonic mélange connected to the ophiolite overthrust. Key words: Hellenides, structural geology, ophiolites emplacement, actualism Estructura e historia de las Helénides RESUMEN Recientes trabajos de campo nos permiten llegar a una nueva lectura del conjunto de datos así como a la nue- va interpretación que resulta de los mismos Distinguimos por ende, para el conjunto de las Hellenidas, cinco unidades paleo-geográficas mayores, escalonadas entre Paleo África y Europa, quiénes, mediantes fases tectónicas superpuestas - y no paralelas, ni tampoco de igual desplazamiento, conformaron el edifico actual: • Una plataforma carbonatada arabo-africana, incluyendo variaciones laterales y longitudinales.