U"- Deputy Commissioner, Ryxlceg!
lQs GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ::::::::::::: NAGAON DECENTRALISED PLANNING BRANCH Phone:03672-213185 (O) 233222 /233193 (F) L-mail :dc-naqaonc' nic.in No. NDC (D) 16/7020/133 Dated: 1.08/7020 ORDER l(foa ln pursuance of the power delegated to the undersigned Vide Budget attotment No.14 NAG/GADt002 2018 19(l)_19, Dtd:08/03/2019 and FOC No.FlN/NAG/GADt002lZO18/1842, Dtd:76/0317019, financiaI sanction is hereby accorded for drawl and transfer an amount of Rs,90,000.00 (Rupees ninety thousand) only for financia[ assistance in respect of Educational purpose Undcr additionat MLA Arca Development Fund (S|.JHR|D), 2018-19 to 18 Nos. of beneficiaries as per Annexure-l enctosed herewith as recommcnded by the Hon'ble MLA, 88 Samaguri LAC, The amount of Rs.90,000.00 (Rup ees ninetv thousand) only is to bc transfcrred through NEFT/RTGS against the name of the concerned beneficiaries mentioned in Auglg's-l by debiting from A/C No. 0031013228157, United Bank of lndia, Nagaon Branch, A.T. Road, Nagaon, Assam in the name of Deputy Commissioner, Nagaon. Encto: As stated above U"- Deputy Commissioner, ryxlceg!. Memo No. NDC (D) 1612020/133 (A) Dated: lOBl2O70 copy to :- idlrC 1. The Hon'ble MLA, 88 Samaguri LAC for kind information. 2. The Addt. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Transformation and Devetopment Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6 for kind information. l. The Accountant General Assam, Maidamqaon, Beltola, Guwahati for kind information. 4. The Director (DCP), Transformation & Development Department for kind information.
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