In Parliament.—Session 1903. A Railway (No. 4) commencing by a junction , , AND with the intended Railway (No. 2) in the parish of BRYNAMAN RAILWAY. Ynys-y-mond Hamlet at a point about 17 yards measured in a south-westerly direction from the (Revival and Extension of Powers for Construc- westernmost corner of a building occupied as two tion of Authorized Railways ; Additional Rail- cottages in the property numbered 133 on the Ord- ways in County of ; Compulsory nance Map (Scale 1 /2500, Second Edition, 1898) of Purchase of Lands aud Houses and Crossing the said parish, and terminating in the parish of and Interference with Public Highways, Rail- Llangiwg, at the north-western corner of the ways, &c.; Tolls, Rates, and Charges ; Running field numbered 116 on the Ordnance Map (Scale Powers over other Railways ; Working and 1/2500, Second Edition, 1898) of that parish, Traffic Agreements with other Companies ; which said railway will pass from, in, through, or Agreements with the Wernddu Railway into the parishes following, namely, Ynys-y- and Colliery Company Limited ; Additional mond Hamlet, Cil-y-bebyll, Rhyndwyglydach Capital; Application of Money Deposit; Hamlet, and Llangiwg, or some of them. Incorporation and Amendment of Special A Railway (No. 5) commencing in the parish and General Acts, and other provisions.) of Cil-y-bebyll by a junction with the intended "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application 13 Railway (No. 4) at the eastern fence of the public -L i intended to be made to Parliament in the road called Gwyn-street at the junction therewith ensuing Session by the Neath, Pontardawe, and of Derwen-road, and passing into and terminating Brynaman Railway Company (hereinafter called in the parish of Ynys-y-mond Hamlet by a junc- "the Company") for leave to bring in a Bill for tion with the Midland Railway ( Vale an Act for all or some of the following purposes Section) at a point about 200 yards measured in a (that is to say) :— north-easterly direction alongthat railway from the 1. To revive the powers conferred by the Neath, bridge carrying the public road from Allt-wen to Pontardawe and Brynaman Railway Act, 1895 Glais over that railway. (hereinafter called "the Act of 1895"), for the A Railway (No. 6) to be situate wholly in the construction of the railways thereby authorized parish of Llangiwg, commencing by a junction with such alterations and deviations in the lines with the intended Railway (No. 4) at a point and levels thereof as will or may be shown upon 50 yards, or thereabouts, measured in a westerly the plans and sections thereof to be deposited as direction from the building now or late known as hereinafter mentioned, and to confer upon t!:e the Royal Oak public-house, at Rhyd-y-fro, and Company all necessary powers to make and 'main- terminating at the southernmost point of the tain the same, being the railways next hereinafter inclosure numbered 1491 on the Ordnance Map described, together with all proper stations, (Scale 1/2500, Second Edition, 1898) of that parish. sidings, alterations of existing sidings, junctions, A Railway (No. 7) to be situate wholly iu the bridges, approaches and other works and con- parish of Llangiwg, commencing at the southern veniences connected therewith, respectively, all in corner of the field numbered 329 on the Ordnance the county of Glamorgan (that is to say) :— Map (Scale 1/2500, Second Edition, 1898) of that A Railway (No. 1) to be situate wholly in the parish, and terminating by a junction with the parish of Dyffrvn Hamlet, commencing Great Western Railway (Gwaun-cae-Gurwen by a junction with the Great Western Railway branch) at or near the level crossing of the road to (Swansea and Neath Low Level Section) at Pen-yr-heol numbered 326 on the same map. a point 132 yards, or thereabouts, measured in A Railway (No. 8) to be situate wholly in the a north-easterly direction along that railway parish of Llangiwg, commencing by a junction from the north-eastern end of the northern plat- with the intended Railway (No. 4) at its termina- form of Station, and terminating by tion, and terminating by a junction with the Great a junction with the intended Railways (Nos. Western Railway (Garnaut and Brynaman branch) 2, 3, 10A, and 12), hereinafter described, at at the western end of the bridge carrying that a point situate about 7 yards west from the right railway over the River Aman, near the Glyn-y- bank of the River Clydach and 180 yards measured beudy Tin Plate Works. in a northerly direction from the northern face of A Railway (No. 9) to be situate wholly in the the viaduct carrying the Great Western Railway parish of Llangiwg, commencing at the ter- (South Section) over the said river, near mination of the intended Railway (No. 4), and the Old Neath Abbey Ironworks. terminating by a junction with the Midland Rail- A Railway (No. 2) commencing in the parish of way (Swansea Vale Section) at the western end Dyffryn Clydach Hamlet, by a junction with the of the bridge carrying that railway over the intended Railway (No. 1) at its point of termina- River Aman opposite or nearly opposite the north- tion aforesaid, and terminating in the parish east corner of the main building of the Old Aman of Cil-y-bebyll by a junction with the Midland Iron Works. Railway (Swansea Vale Section) at a point 2. To extend the time limited by the Neath, opposite tfye Midland Railway Company's south Pontardawe, and Brynaman Railway Act, 1898 signal box at Pontardawe, and which said rail- (hereinafter called "the Act of 1898"), for the way will pass from, in, through, or into the completion of the railways thereby authorized to parishes following, namely:—Dyffryn Clydich be made, and to revive and extend the powers Hamlet, , Ynys-y-mond Hamlet, granted to the Company by that Act for the Cil-y-bebyll, or some of them. compulsory purchase of the lands required for A Railway (No. 8) commencing in the parish the same. of Blaenhonddan by a junction with the Great 3. To empower the Company to make and Western Railway (South Wales Section) at a maintain the new railways next hereinafter point 20 yards, or thereabouts, measured in a described, with all necessary and convenient south-westerly direction from the private occupa- junctions, stations, sidings, alterations of existing tion road level crossing of that railway between sidings, approaches, works, and conveniences Court Herbert and Waunceirch, aud passing into connected therewith wholly in the said county and terminating in the parish of Dyffryn Clydach of Glamorgan (that is to say) :— Hamlet, by a junction with the intended Rail- A Railway (No. 10) to be situate wholly way (No. 1) at its point of termination aforesaid, , in the parish of Coed-Ffranc, commencing by a