RECORDS OF THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM 79 093–108 (2011) SUPPLEMENT Damper and fi sh, tea and sugar: post-contact changes in resource use and residence on Groote Eylandt Anne Clarke Heritage Studies, Department of Archaeology, School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, The University of Sydney, News South Wales 2006, Australia. Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT – A number of the archaeological sites located and studied on Groote Eylandt were occupied during the very recent past covering the time of contact with Macassans and missionaries. Historical sources relating to the early period of the Church Missionary Society Mission from the 1920s to the 1950s are used in this paper to examine the material record and processes of cross-cultural interaction and change, rather than to recreate a generalised ethnographic past located at some unspecifi ed point in the late Holocene. KEYWORDS: Northern Australia, cross cultural interaction, Macassans, missionaries INTRODUCTION and processes of cross-cultural interaction and change, rather than to recreate a generalised Sylvia Hallam, together with a number of ethnographic past located at some unspecified her students, produced a series of important point in the late Holocene. This is particularly ethnohistorical accounts of Indigenous societies the case in coastal Northern Australia where in Western Australia (papers this volume). These Indigenous people experienced at least 200 years ethnohistories were by and large reconstructive, of engagement with outsiders prior to the arrival of aimed at providing detailed accounts of pre- permanent European settlements and where recent contact Indigenous economies and social systems. archaeological research has identifi ed substantial Collectively, these studies now provide a valuable changes in resource use, settlement patterns and historical archive in their own right and form a local environments from around 3,000 to 500 years key element of Sylvia Hallam’s contribution to ago and then from 500 years ago to the present Australian Indigenous studies.