High Knightswood & Community Council

Meeting Tuesday 21st May 2019 6.30pm, Phoenix Futures, Munro Court Website: hka.scot – Email: [email protected] In Attendance Present Malcolm Balfour Councillor Laura McGreevy Chair Elspeth Kerr Councillor Nicola McAndrew Vice-Chair David Brockett Phoenix Futures Ellen Wright Secretary Kathleen Baxter Resident Fiona MacDonald Resident Heather Harbison Treasurer Elaine McAllister Resident Naomi Campbell Minute Secretary Sandy McAllister Resident Graham Thomson Community Councillor Norma McGugan Resident Alina Spence Community Councillor Nancy Cowden Resident PC Donna Airlie Police Simon Bilcock Life Helen Worth Resident GWR 1. Welcome and Apologies

LM welcomed all to the meeting and noted apologies form Associate Member John Cooke and Councillor Paul Carey.

2. Minutes from Previous Meeting

Previous minutes proposed by HH and seconded by NM.

HKA received an email regarding the request to cut hedging in Knightswood Rd. It noted that the hedging will not be cut until November. Residents have concerns about additional summer growth. A resident also noted that a sloping grassy area in Pikeman Rd is being cut so it should also be possible to cut the sloping grassy area at Trinley Brae. Cllr MB will speak to Karen Venables about this matter on Friday.

LM will contact Stuart McKee again and find out if he is able to help with the HKA website.

3. Update

43 crimes were reported in this area in the period of 23rd April – 21st May. 12 have been detected. The detection rate for these crimes will rise as a number of the offenders are known to the police.

Crimes included: 6 road traffic offences, 4 vandalism, 12 thefts, 4 breach of the peace, 5 common assault, 1 wilful fire raising, 2 drugs offences, 1 breach of bail and 7 other crimes.

One house break-in took place in the middle of the night, in Strathcona St and enquiries are still ongoing. The wilful fire raising took place in Baldwin Ave and CID enquiries are ongoing.

On the 28th May, community officers will be visiting Knightswood Primary to talk to pupils there. This is in relation to complaints of youth disorder at Fulton St.

High Knightswood & Anniesland Community Council Meeting – 21st May 2019

Resident noted that there are cars speeding in Knightswood Rd. It was suggested this is a problem in a number of roads in the area.

The meeting was advised to phone the police and report if quad bikes are seen or heard on the road or canal path. This has been an ongoing issue in the local area.

4. Glasgow Life

Simon Bilcock introduced himself and described his role within Glasgow Life. The meeting was updated on the works currently being carried out at Netherton Community Centre. Funding has been made available to allow an overspend of the initial budget and the cost of works is now £2.4m.

The new roof has now been completed and works will continue to replace curtain walls, rewire the building, upgrade heating and water systems, redecoration of floors and ceilings, installation of intruder alarms and upgrade to external lighting.

It is expected that all works will be completed by the end of the year, with an expected re-opening in January.

It was noted that works have been sequenced so that the services that have been displaced will be able to return by the end of the year and all works are currently on track. There is continued engagement with displaced services and all intend to return to the premises when works are completed.

SB went on to speak about ‘Phase 2’ and suggested this could include works relating to the rest of the buildings and space around the community centre, including the football pitches, bowling green, youth project, blaze pitch, Taekwondo building and old swimming pool building.

Phase 2 presents an opportunity for the development of a community hub or campus with lots of different services available to the community. There would be a need to form a working group to consult and engage with local people, stakeholders, community councillors and local organisations.

Glasgow Sport manage the football pitches but there is potential for a transfer asset approach.

The old swimming pool building is structurally sound and has the potential to be a multi-use space. It is unlikely to return to a swimming pool because of the costs involved. LM noted that there is a strong desire within the local community for the swimming pool to be re-opened. HH noted the need for a bike park.

On Thursday, SB will present capital funding options for Phase 2 to heads of service. SB will email elected members and HKA to update on this. It is hoped that Phase 2 could be taken forward quickly if approval is accepted.

NM queried why there is already talk of asset transfer when, to her knowledge, there has been no community engagement. HKA has been saying for some time that we would want to engage with plans for Netherton and knows the tremendous potential the site has. It is unfortunate that HKA has not been approached to participate in any community engagement activities that have already taken place. NM also noted that a newly launched Scottish Government fund would allow community groups to access up to £250k and HKA CC could use funding to carry out feasibility studies. SB would welcome our support in seeking funding. Cllr Mb suggested potential of accessing European Funding too.

Cllr EK asked if there would be any consultation on the interior of the building. At the moment, no one seems to know what will be getting done. SB noted that this would depend on procurement and they would not want to delay anything moving forward. He gave examples of how other community groups have been involved in creating murals etc for community centres.

High Knightswood & Anniesland Community Council Meeting – 21st May 2019

5. Elected Members Update

Cllr MB noted that he will follow up on hedging at Knightswood Rd.

AS asked if he could work to get a sign about flytipping in Strathcona Dr.

Cllr EK established that the streetlighting between Morrisons and Great Western Rd is not council lighting but has requested that it is kept on.

Cllr EK has been working on issue of rats in and around shops and flats at Anniesland Cross.

Cllr EK also had a meeting with Scottish Canals regarding resident concerns about flooding. See AOCB

6. Trinley Brae

Karen Venables joined HKA on a walkabout of Trinley Brae, with local residents. She has suggested a number of good ideas that the community could take forward. DB, of Phoenix Futures continues to look into possibility of a Recovery through Nature project. One idea would be to create a path to access seating areas. If given the go ahead, he will take this forward. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to get schools involved in some of the project and for the community to get involved and take ownership of it too.

7. VE Celebrations

HKA have received an email about the VE Celebrations taking place next May. The development of Trinley Brae as a community space could aim for a celebration there in May. There is the possibility of accessing funding for the event. Cllr MB will share plans from the Community Garden and will pass on details of those working with local veterans.

HKA will reply and agree to getting involved in VE Celebrations and forward information to DB.

8. Finance Update

HH issued a report of CC finances. Balance as of 21 May is £850.54. There have been no payments or deposits since 21st December 2018. HKA CC will donate £150 to Phoenix Futures, with thanks for use of their building and providing refreshments for our meetings. Phoenix Futures thanked HKA for their donation.

9. Clean Up

It was noted that the Clean Up went well, with special thanks to Phoenix Futures residents and staff for their support in making it a great success. Another Clean Up will be organised at a future date, to take place in another area of our community council area.

9. AOB

9.1 A resident noted that rats and rubbish are also an issue at the flats near Aldi. The problem is arising from bins not being emptied, and when they are, some crews dropping rubbish as they transfer rubbish from wheely bins. Cllr MB will seek to resolve this matter.

High Knightswood & Anniesland Community Council Meeting – 21st May 2019

9.2 A resident from Glendinning Rd noted that following the removal of pole-mounted bins there are streets that have no bins and this is causing an increase in litter. Cllr MB will look into this matter.

9.3 It was requested that signage and dog wardens increase patrols in Avenel Rd and surrounding area to reduce the incidence of dog fouling. Cllr MB will find out what can be done.

9.4 HH updated the meeting on the Herschell Street consultation. They are now looking at a new build option, with two buildings. The increased traffic arising from additional car ownership will be a concern to the local community. However, when the building is occupied, it will increased passing surveillance and improve lighting in the area. HH suggested putting new plans on the facebook page. NM noted that HKA CC should ask about what community benefits would be on offer as part of the build.

9.5 Resident noted that there is a need to clean up unused land beside Little Me nursery. HKA will contact to request that it is tidied up.

9.6 A resident from Glendinning Rd noted issues arising from poor drainage in the area. After heavy rainfall last week, they experienced sewage flooding in their house. They reported this to Scottish Water and have also put in an FOI request to establish if this is a wider problem in the local area. Scottish Water suggested that the cause of the problem is the local drainage system and this needs to be dealt with by the local council. Residents noted that the drainage problem has been worse since Virgin Media carried out works in the area, leaving rubble etc in drains. NM suggested that we try to find out how many people in the area have been affected by similar problems and when this data has been collected, hold a meeting with relevant parties. Cllr MB suggested speaking with Scottish Water, Neighbourhoods & Sustainability, SEPA and Scottish Floodwater.

Meeting closed at 8.35pm. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 18th June Phoenix Futures, Munro Court

High Knightswood & Anniesland Community Council Meeting – 21st May 2019