FHWA Feb 2003
SECTION V: Design No national standards or guidelines dictate rail-with-trail facility design. Guidance must be pieced together from standards related to shared use paths, pedestrian facilities, rail road facilities, and/or roadway crossings of railroad rights-of-way. Trail designers should work closely with railroad operations and maintenance staff to achieve a suitable RWT de sign. Whenever possible, trail development should reflect standards set by adjacent rail roads for crossings and other design elements. Ultimately, RWTs must be designed to meet both the operational needs of railroads and the safety of trail users. The challenge is to find ways of accommodating both types of uses without compromising safety or function. The recommendations in this section are based on: •Extensive research into all existing RWTs. •In-depth case studies of 21 existing and planned RWTs. •Interviews withrailroad officials, trail managers, and law enforcement officials. •Review ofexisting train and trail safety literature. •Analysis ofpubl icly-accessible trespassing and crash data. •Input from a panel ofrailro ad officials and experts, trail developers and managers, trail users, lawyers, railroad operators, and others. •Extrapolation from relevant State transportation manuals, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (1999) (hereafter referred to as the AASHTO Bike Guide), Ameri cans with Disabilities Act (ADA) publications for trails and pedestrian facilities, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD, 2000), and numerous Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and other Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) documents. •Theexperience and expertise of researchers and reviewers, including experienced railroad and trail design engineers, landscape architects, safety specialists, trail de velopers and managers, trail users, lawyers, railroad operators, operations officials, and others involved in this study.
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