

Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2020 No. 218 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was COVID VACCINE 300,000—and the number getting high- called to order by the Speaker. (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was er—Americans who are dying from the f given permission to address the House coronavirus. We have hope because there is a vac- PRAYER for 1 minute.) Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, cine. We have hope because we have a The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick I join in the prayer of the Chaplain this President who recognizes science and, J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: morning. I believe it is important to again, the need for us to distribute the Lord of all creation, thank You for open this day of lifesaving with a vaccine in the most equitable, fair, and giving us another day. prayer to ask that our Congress comes free way. By that President, I mean We come before You again, O Lord, to one who will take office 1 month from together and stands in the face with implore Your blessing upon a nation now, . help on the way to dying Americans seeing continually high rates of infec- I do want to speak to the that from COVID–19, the families of those tion with COVID–19. Our hospitals are will be on the floor shortly. It is a who have died and those who are on the near breaking point in the availability good, bipartisan bill. As different from front lines fighting against this virus. bills that had been proposed on the of beds for those who are stricken. It is important that we help our Thank You again for those men and Senate side by the Republican leader, schoolchildren with educational dollars women of science who have developed it does things that his bill never did, and, as well, make sure that the vac- the vaccines now beginning to be dis- and that is that it addresses the food cines are going as fast as they can to tributed. This is a great sign of hope in needs of the American people. Maybe 15 the sites across America. the midst of so much suffering and million children are food insecure in I spoke to hospitals in my district, our country, and adults as well. fear. Lord, have mercy. smaller hospitals and community hos- Bless the Members of this House, and Millions of families are on the verge pitals that are still waiting for their of the Senate, as the omnibus and the of eviction, and this legislation ad- vaccine. We know that they want their coronavirus relief bills are presented dresses the rental needs and the short- frontline medical professionals to keep and considered today. Give them wis- term moratorium. We can accept a saving and serving the public. dom and generosity; increase their short-term because we will have a new So this is going to be a historic and President during the length of that trust that Your people in this Nation important day. We know it is not what will use the assistance coming their moratorium to extend it further if nec- we want in complete, but we know we essary. way to fuel a struggling economy. will be working into the new year to be May all that is done be for Your We also have in the legislation direct able to respond to the needs of the greater honor and glory. payments, which were not in the Re- American people helping our local gov- Amen. publican bill, to America’s working ernments and, as well, making sure families. I would like them to have f that those children who will be return- been bigger, but they are significant, THE JOURNAL ing to school and those teachers, as and they will be going out soon. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to section well, will be protected after they have The President may insist on having 4(a) of House 967, the Jour- the opportunity—the teachers, in par- his name on the check, but make no nal of the last day’s proceedings is ap- ticular—to have the vaccine. This is a mistake, those checks are from the proved. historic day. Let us work together. American people. The American peo- ple’s name should be on that check, no f f individual, because that is the source PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RELIEF FOR THE AMERICAN of the resources for those checks—tax- PEOPLE The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- paying Americans. woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) (Ms. PELOSI asked and was given In addition to that, the list goes on come forward and lead the House in the permission to address the House for 1 of some of the very positive things that Pledge of Allegiance. minute.) are on the bill—quite frankly, some of Ms. JACKSON LEE led the Pledge of Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I asso- them did not come to agreement until Allegiance as follows: ciate myself with your comments and yesterday—whether we are talking I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the those of our Chaplain, Father Conroy, about WRDA, the Water Resources De- United States of America, and to the Repub- that it is appropriate to start today velopment Act; a big jobs bill had bi- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, with a prayer, and every day, but espe- partisan support but some disagree- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. cially a day when we are seeing over ment over language, but by the time

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:46 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.000 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 that was resolved, it pushed the bill In this legislation, we have a provi- lives. Many more, of course, have lost from coming to the floor later. sion for it to be developed, purchased, their jobs. We didn’t have, at the start of the and distributed in a way, again, that is Madam Speaker, we have approach- day, sick leave. That is in the bill, al- fair, equitable, and free. ing $1 trillion for the PPP; small busi- most $2 billion for sick leave. What we couldn’t get ever—even with ness, which I support all the way; and It didn’t have the EITC, the earned the previous legislation just on top, $150 billion or $160 billion for State and income tax credit, for working poor testing, et cetera—was the adequate local government, which enables the people to have that boost, as well as language to recognize that this private sector to function, which en- the child tax credit. It did not have the coronavirus has taken a horrible toll ables us to crush the virus, which en- employment retention tax credit—bi- on our whole country, more so among ables us to meet the needs of people. partisan support on WRDA and on that. people of color. People of color have Madam Speaker, $150 billion to $160 Then we came to agreement not only died from the coronavirus. billion versus well over $800 billion al- on the language, but where that initia- A child who was Hispanic had eight ready. How could that be right? Except tive would be placed in that. So many times more of a chance of going to the the Republicans insist on saying: We of these things need to be precisely hospital with the coronavirus than a don’t want to give money to blue written and assembled in order for a White child. If you are African Amer- States where the coronavirus is. bill to come to the floor, which we an- ican, there is five times more of a It is in red States, too. It knows no ticipate will be pretty soon this morn- chance of going to the hospital because borders and it knows no party, this vi- ing. of the coronavirus. So now we have a cious virus. But somehow, other Re- One of the things, though, that is dis- vaccine we hope will reach everyone as publicans have said to our heroes, our appointing because, for a long time soon as possible. healthcare workers, our teachers, our now, House Democrats and the Senate One item that I am heartbroken transportation, our police and fire, and have been saying we want to crush the about in this bill, though, is that, the rest—sanitation workers, so impor- virus and put money in the pockets of while we make an attempt to crush the tant; food, food, food—you are not wor- the American people. The title of our virus, we don’t do it adequately enough thy of support because perhaps you are bill before was about honoring our he- in terms of recognizing the toll on peo- in a blue State, predominantly, and, roes, our State and local workers who ple of color; but we will have to do that therefore, we undervalue your con- are on the front line. We talk about those on the front in the public sentiment of it, in the de- tribution to our society, to our econ- lines who are our heroes. They are nec- mand that we make on Governors and omy, and especially now, as we try to essary in meeting and crushing this others who are in charge of the dis- minister to the needs of people in this virus. We are talking about healthcare tribution. coronavirus crisis. workers in cities, counties, and States. We put money in the pockets of the How do you think these vaccines We are talking about first responders, American people. We want to do more, come into a State? They go from a lab police and fire, some who are the first but, nonetheless, we are meeting the to your arm magically? No. They have on the scene to help someone with the deadline of December 26 for unemploy- to be received, distributed, adminis- coronavirus. ment insurance, which was vital. tered, and done so fairly, equitably, We are talking about our teachers, But the third thing, honoring our he- and free. our teachers, our teachers, who are the roes, as I said earlier, healthcare work- Who do you think is going to do custodians of our children for a large ers, our first responders, police and those jobs if you don’t respect the role part of the day. We are talking about fire, sanitation, transportation, food of State and local government in all of our transportation, sanitation, and workers, teachers, teachers, teachers, this? But don’t think of it as govern- food workers and those who make our we just decided that, while they are on ment. Think of it as people. Think of it lives possible. the front line, while they are risking as yourself needing all of that. I think it would be interesting to their lives to save lives—many of the So I would hope that, as we see the point out that, as enthusiastic as we healthcare workers, the police and fire, need for what we have done in this are about the PPP provisions in this et cetera, many of them have lost their nearly $900 billion legislation that we bill, and we all support them in a bi- jobs. Many of them have already lost will vote on today, that everyone un- partisan way, it is important to note their lives. Many have lost their jobs. derstands it is a first step. It is the that small businesses—I always say So why is it that this Congress and first step, as President-elect Biden has there is nothing more optimistic than this refuses to recognize said. It is the first step. And we will starting a small business, maybe get- the value, the contribution, and the need to do more to get more virus as- ting married—but the optimism, the sacrifice of our, again, heroes, our peo- sistance to crush the virus, but also hope, and the dream that people have ple on the front line? more money to buy more vaccines. is completely, shall we say, darkened It is interesting, I think, to note We need to have the Defense Produc- by the assault of this virus, and that is that, when we passed a number of bills tion Act in play to hasten the manu- why we had to start by crushing the in a bipartisan way—and we will pass facture of these vaccines, and we need virus. this one today—in the course of that, to be able, as I said, to get the job We couldn’t pass legislation until with the CARES Act and the followup done, and that takes people. now because the administration simply on the PPP bill and this bill now, we People need to be respected. Their did not believe in testing, tracing, are approaching $1 trillion that we are worth needs to be valued, and the enti- treatment, wearing masks, sanitation, putting out for PPP. ties under whose auspices they work, separation, and the rest—the scientific public hospitals, all the rest, and edu- b 0915 approach. It has become clear to us cation, so important. now that they believed in herd immu- If that is what is needed and is spent And yet, many of our teachers have nity, a quackery springing right from effectively, that is a worthy expendi- lost their jobs. We need more teachers the Oval Office and not denied suffi- ture. Almost $1 trillion—well over because we need more space to sepa- ciently by some in the CDC and the $750,000. This bill alone, over $300 bil- rate, to, again, protect our children. rest. lion. So we have PPP. We have always said, if we want the Now we have a vaccine, and that Now, in order for the private sector economy to open up and we want our gives us hope, a vaccine that springs to function, in order for us to live our schools to open up, you must crush the from science. lives, we need to have the public sec- virus, at least take the precautions so People say around here sometimes: I tor: public transportation, public that people are not in jeopardy if they am faith oriented, so I don’t believe in schools, public health, the list goes on. go to work or when they go to school. science. So it is not about public/private. It is Schools should be the safest places in I say: Well, you can do both. Science about people, people who are doing America for our children, and they can is an answer to our prayers, and our their jobs, again, risking their lives to be if science is respected and the mask- prayers have been answered with a vac- save lives and lose their life and may wearing, distancing, and the rest. But cine. lose their jobs. Many have lost their you need more space; you need better

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:46 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.002 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7289 ventilation, as BOBBY SCOTT tells us lican Governors wanted that flexi- We have a vaccine, and we have a over and over; and we need more teach- bility, but they wouldn’t give it to us President coming into office who be- ers. then, and they wouldn’t give it to us lieves in science and cares about people This is a big mistake. The Repub- now for fear that some blue State Gov- and values the work that our first re- licans said you can get a small amount, ernor or city or mayor or county exec- sponders and our healthcare workers, not even approaching in any way, the utive might take advantage of that. et cetera, do for us. PPP—again, no resentment there; we We have never done enough for local- Madam Chair, prayerfully, as you support that. But the recognition that ities. That is a pitch we have made. and our chaplain began, prayerfully, I that is important should also recognize That is what we have in the Heroes close my remarks, assuring, for what- that the sector of our economy that Act. But there was no market for that ever it is worth, that many of us who supports the private sector be recog- on the Republican side of the aisle. serve in this body and represent the nized. So when we say it is a first step, that American people have had a death in So, on that score, you come to a situ- is basic. Let us thank God CHUCK SCHU- the family, because so many people ation where, how could it be that we MER was able to dismantle, in part, the have lost their loved ones, whom we only have $160 billion for State and Toomey resolution that would tie the have all lost. hands of a President to meet the needs local, where we have approaching $1 f trillion dollars for PPP, not recog- of the American people and our econ- CORONAVIRUS RELIEF AID nizing that the private sector is con- omy by exercising section 13(3) of the nected to the public sector? Federal Reserve Board. (Mr. SUOZZI asked and was given Now, one more point on that. Madam Speaker, we got past that, permission to address the House for 1 They said: You can have some money which took a long time. I felt Wednes- minute.) for State and local—we will decide how day night we were finished. This mon- Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I rise it will be distributed—if you do sur- strosity reared his head the next morn- today in support of our bipartisan leg- render the rights of workers. ing. Leader SCHUMER effectively was islation to both fund the government In other words, just in case anybody able to fix it—it still should not even and for the COVID relief package. As doesn’t know, there are essential work- have been initiated, but, nonetheless, Speaker PELOSI just noted, this bill is ers who are required to go to work. If fix it—in a way that enabled us to go far from perfect, but we can’t let the they don’t because they are concerned forward. And that is why it has taken perfect be the enemy of the good. about danger to their health and the this long to get here in these last few Madam Speaker, today, is the dark- health of their families because the days. est day of the year. It is a fitting sym- Madam Speaker, again, I look for- workplace is not safe, they cannot go bol of the misery and suffering that so ward to NITA LOWEY bringing the legis- on unemployment insurance. And if many people are facing in our country lation to the floor. As the chair of the they go to work and contract the virus, right now. The effects of this pandemic Committee on Appropriations, this will they have no recourse, because that is have been cruelly uneven. be her last bill on the floor. In fact, it the way the Republicans want it. Some people have remained rel- is the last bill for many of us here, but That is the way the Republicans atively unscathed. Some people can hers as chair of the Committee on Ap- want it: antiworker. work remotely, still have their jobs, no propriations. She and her staff— Madam Speaker, just for good meas- one around them has gotten sick or Shalanda and Chris and so many oth- ure, they have thrown in certain as- died within their immediate circle, ers—and all of our chairs did such a re- pects of the Civil Rights Act, the while others are awash in misery: un- markable job, and their staffs deserve Americans with Disabilities Act, the able to return to work, unable to pay so much credit for all of this. their rent, to pay their utilities; people Fair Labor Standards Act, OSHA—the Again, we will do some good with around them have gotten sick. list goes on—in section 42 of their hei- this legislation, but we must recognize People have lost their lifesavings in nous liability bill of all of the actions that more needs to be done to crush their small business, and many hun- that cannot be taken. the virus, to put more money in the dreds of thousands have died, including And I asked one of the Republican pockets of the American people—from my 92-year-old father-in-, who, in Senators: What does preventing the the American people to the American April, was diagnosed with the ADA, American with Disabilities Act, people—and, again, to fill in the gap coronavirus and died within 48 hours. to honor its responsibility? that has been purposefully left to Today’s relief package—and that is They said: Why not have the Cham- honor our heroes with all that. ber of Commerce call you and tell you. As we review policy and legislation what it is is relief—will provide much- I said: Why don’t you not waste my and negotiation and all that, just al- needed help for millions of Americans. So while today is the darkest day of time or the Chambers’ time about why ways have in our hearts every single the ADA should not be enforced be- one of the people who have died from the year, every day will get a little cause of the virus? the coronavirus. It can be stopped. It brighter, and spring will surely follow This is coronavirus-centric. We said can be crushed. But that is a decision, our dark winter. But we must remem- that we can find a compromise on li- it is a decision, and a decision to recog- ber that, while spring is on its way, ability for the time of the virus and in nize where it is hurting people the there is so much more that needs to be a way that is fair to those employers most. done. who want to protect their workers and Madam Speaker, I look forward to a Our State and local governments to the workers. They decided they strong bipartisan vote today on this must have relief from their massive would turn it into some massive, long- legislation, respecting it for what it loss of revenues. Without our help, po- term, ever-encompassing liability—just does, not judging it for what it does lice officers, teachers, and other heroes so wrong to work with. That is not not, but recognizing that more needs to on the front line will face layoffs. what our system is about. be done. Madam Speaker, we need to continue But, nonetheless, I still thought we Again, with high praise for all of our today’s spirit of bipartisanship. could try to find a compromise. We chairs, and, again, special recognition f couldn’t. They were absolute: Just call of Madam Chair NITA LOWEY for her b 0930 the Chamber of Commerce. They will last bill on the floor, again, I say con- tell you why they can’t meet the needs gratulations to all the staff who IN SUPPORT OF COVID RELIEF of their workers. worked so hard. MEASURE Madam Speaker, heading back to the But it all comes back to families who (Ms. LEE of California asked and was money, nearly $1 trillion PPP. lost their loved ones, those millions given permission to address the House $160 billion—and not even giving the and millions of people who were in- for 1 minute and to revise and extend States and localities the flexibility to fected, some more seriously than oth- her remarks.) use the funds for both addressing the ers. We don’t know the after-effects it Ms. LEE of California. Madam COVID needs, the health needs, but may have, but we do know that we Speaker, I rise in strong support of this also the revenue lost. Even the Repub- have hope. desperately needed omnibus measure.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:46 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.004 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 The COVID–19 pandemic is dev- nication from the Clerk of the House of tempore (Ms. JACKSON LEE) at 4 o’clock astating our communities, especially, Representatives: and 4 minutes p.m. disproportionately, African-American, OFFICE OF THE CLERK, f Latinx, Asian-American, and Indige- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, nous people, who are suffering the Washington, DC, December 20, 2020. COMMUNICATION FROM THE worst of this pandemic. Eight million Hon. , SERGEANT AT ARMS people have slipped into poverty since The Speaker, House of Representatives, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the start of this pandemic, and one in Washington, DC. fore the House the following commu- DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the nication from the Sergeant at Arms of four adults are suffering from hunger permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II during COVID–19. of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- the House of Representatives: I am pleased that we were able to tives, the Clerk received the following mes- OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS, come to this agreement. sage from the Secretary of the Senate on De- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, I want to thank our Speaker, NANCY cember 20, 2020, at 2:30 p.m.: Washington, DC, December 21, 2020. PELOSI, who has worked day and night That the Senate agrees to the House Hon. NANCY PELOSI, for what some of us are calling a sur- amendments to the bill S. 1694. The Speaker, House of Representatives, vival package. It is a lifeline payment That the Senate agrees to the House Washington, DC. until we can do something and do jus- amendment to the bill S. 2683. DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: This is to notify That the Senate agrees to the House you formally, pursuant to Rule VIII of the tice by the American people. Rules of the House of Representatives, that I also want to just thank Chairman amendment to the bill S. 3989. That the Senate passed S. 2204. I, Paul D. Irving, have been served with a PALLONE, Congresswoman DELAURO, That the Senate passed without amend- subpoena for testimony issued by the Queen Chairwoman NITA LOWEY, and all of ment H.R. 5459. Anne’s County Circuit Court. our staffs for the amazing work that That the Senate passed without amend- After consultation with the Office of Gen- they have done to put in so many of ment H.R. 7898. eral Counsel, I have determined that compli- our priorities on a wide range of issues. With best wishes, I am, ance with the subpoena is not consistent This bill sets aside $2.8 billion to en- Sincerely, with the privileges and rights of the House. sure that minority communities hit CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Sincerely, Clerk. PAUL D. IRVING, hardest by COVID get the testing and Sergeant at Arms. vaccine support they need. f f I look forward to working with my COMMUNICATION FROM THE Tri-Caucus and Native American col- CLERK OF THE HOUSE REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- leagues to see that this funding is used VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF to engage local community organiza- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- SENATE AMENDMENT TO H.R. tions and trusted messengers in the fore the House the following commu- 133, UNITED STATES-MEXICO community so people can get the infor- nication from the Clerk of the House of ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP ACT; mation that they need to keep them- Representatives: PROVIDING FOR DISPOSITION OF selves and their families safe. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, SENATE AMENDMENT TO H.R. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 1520, PURPLE BOOK CONTINUITY f Washington, DC, December 20, 2020. ACT OF 2019; AND FOR OTHER COMMUNICATION FROM THE Hon. NANCY PELOSI, PURPOSES CLERK OF THE HOUSE The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Ms. SHALALA, from the Committee DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the on Rules, submitted a privileged report JACKSON LEE) laid before the House the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II (Rept. No. 116–679) on the resolution (H. following communication from the of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- Clerk of the House of Representatives: tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Res. 1271) providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill OFFICE OF THE CLERK, sage from the Secretary of the Senate on De- (H.R. 133) to promote economic part- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, cember 20, 2020, at 9:55 p.m.: Washington, DC, December 20, 2020. That the Senate agreed to without amend- nership and cooperation between the Hon. NANCY PELOSI, ment H.J. Res. 110. United States and Mexico; providing The Speaker, House of Representatives, With best wishes, I am, for disposition of the Senate amend- Washington, DC. Sincerely, ment to the bill (H.R. 1520) to amend DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the GLORIA J. LETT, the Public Health Service Act to pro- Deputy Clerk. permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II vide for the publication of a list of li- of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- f censed biological products, and for tives, the Clerk received the following mes- sage from the Secretary of the Senate on De- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER other purposes; and for other purposes, cember 20, 2020, at 12:54 p.m.: PRO TEMPORE which was referred to the House Cal- That the Senate agrees to the House The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- endar and ordered to be printed. amendment to the S. f Con. Res. 52. ant to clause 4 of rule I, the following That the Senate agrees to the House enrolled was signed by PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION amendments to the bill S. 2174. the Speaker on Sunday, December 20, OF SENATE AMENDMENT TO H.R. That the Senate passed S. 2353. 2020: 133, UNITED STATES-MEXICO That the Senate passed S. 2800. H.J. Res. 110, making further con- That the Senate passed S. 4079. ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP ACT; That the Senate passed S. 4222. tinuing appropriations for fiscal year PROVIDING FOR DISPOSITION OF That the Senate passed without amend- 2021, and for other purposes. SENATE AMENDMENT TO H.R. ment H.R. 1966. f 1520, PURPLE BOOK CONTINUITY That the Senate passed without amend- ACT OF 2019; AND FOR OTHER ment H.R. 5023. RECESS PURPOSES That the Senate passed without amend- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ment H.R. 6237. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, by That the Senate passed without amend- direction of the Committee on Rules, I ment H.R. 8906. declares the House in recess subject to With best wishes, I am, the call of the Chair. call up House Resolution 1271 and ask Sincerely, Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 35 min- for its immediate consideration. CHERYL L. JOHNSON, utes a.m.), the House stood in recess. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Clerk. lows: f f H. RES. 1271 b 1604 COMMUNICATION FROM THE Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- CLERK OF THE HOUSE AFTER RECESS lution it shall be in order to take from the Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 133) to promote The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The recess having expired, the House economic partnership and cooperation be- fore the House the following commu- was called to order by the Speaker pro tween the United States and Mexico, with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:10 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.007 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7291 the Senate amendment thereto, and to con- providing for a motion to concur with protect patients by ending surprise sider in the House, without intervention of the Senate amendment to H.R. 133 with billing; multiple-year funding for com- any point of order, a motion offered by the a House amendment. munity health centers, the backbone of chair of the Committee on Appropriations or The rule provides 1 hour of debate our Nation’s primary care system for her designee that the House concur in the Senate amendment with an amendment con- equally divided and controlled by the the most vulnerable; and an added sisting of the text of Rules Committee Print chair and ranking minority member of boost in weekly unemployment bene- 116-68. The Senate amendment and the mo- the Committee on Appropriations. It fits and relief checks for people who tion shall be considered as read. The motion provides that the question on adoption have been waiting for months for help. shall be debatable for one hour equally di- of the motion shall be divided for a sep- There will be more than $300 billion vided and controlled by the chair and rank- arate vote on the matter proposed to for small businesses and money to help ing minority member of the Committee on be inserted as divisions B, C, E, and F. schools, for hospitals, and for vaccine Appropriations. The previous question shall The rule provides that upon adoption distribution. It will also provide food be considered as ordered on the motion to its of this resolution, the House shall be adoption without intervening motion. The assistance to hungry children and their question of adoption of the motion shall be considered to have concurred in the families. divided for a separate vote on the matter Senate amendment to H.R. 1520 with a This package will be bigger than the proposed to be inserted as divisions B, C, E, House amendment. The rule also pro- American Recovery and Reinvestment and F, and the Chair shall first put the ques- vides that the chairs of the Committee Act. It is the biggest package we have tion on such portion of the divided question. on Appropriations and the Permanent passed since the CARES Act in March. If either portion of the divided question fails Select Committee on Intelligence may b 1615 of adoption, then the motion shall imme- insert explanatory materials in the diately be considered to have failed of adop- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD not later than But there is still more to do. I hope tion. December 28 and authorizes the Clerk when the 117th Congress convenes in SEC. 2. Upon adoption of this resolution, January, that they will not forget the the House shall be considered to have taken to make technical corrections to the from the Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 1520) bill. American people who will still be suf- to amend the Public Health Service Act to Finally, the rule allows for consider- fering and will need more. I hope that provide for the publication of a list of li- ation of a possible message on the they will remember the people in my censed biological products, and for other pur- conference report to H.R. 6395 on De- district, a district heavily dependent poses, with the Senate amendment thereto, cember 28, 2020. on travel, on tourism, and the service and to have concurred in the Senate amend- Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- economy. ment with an amendment consisting of the port of the bill in this rule. This COVID Madam Speaker, I hope that the fam- text of Rules Committee Print 116-69. ilies in my community in Miami, SEC. 3. The Clerk shall be authorized to bill has taken far too long. We started make necessary technical and conforming these negotiations before the first day which have been devastated by the last changes in the engrossment of the House of summer in June, the longest day of 9 months—and so much more must be amendments specified in the first two sec- the year, and here we are now headed done to help them. tions of this resolution, to include correc- into the darkest day of the year, the But, today, we must pass this bill. It tions in spelling, punctuation, section num- first day of winter. is time to be done with this, and we bering, and cross-references. I also want to acknowledge the hard can wait not a moment longer. SEC. 4. If a veto message is laid before the Simply put, with this bill, we are at- House on H.R. 6395, then after the message is work of our Appropriations chair, NITA read and the objections of the President are LOWEY, and GRANGER. tempting to right our moral compass spread at large upon the Journal, further But this didn’t have to happen. The and fulfill our obligation to those suf- consideration of the veto message and the pain that has been inflicted on the fering across our country and to help bill shall be postponed until the legislative American people did not come just guide us out of this dark winter. day of Monday, December 28, 2020; and on from the novel virus that has spread Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- that legislative day, the House shall proceed like wildfire across this Nation, but ance of my time. to the constitutional question of reconsider- also from the elected leaders sent to Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield ation and dispose of such question without Washington to help people and to help myself such time as I may consume. intervening motion. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentle- SEC. 5. The chair of the Committee on Ap- this great Nation. propriations and the chair of the Permanent Our failure to reach an agreement woman from Florida (Ms. SHALALA), Select Committee on Intelligence may insert until today only added fuel to this my good friend, for yielding me the in the Congressional Record not later than wildfire. It meant that not only did customary 30 minutes. December 28, 2020, such material as they may people get the coronavirus, but when Madam Speaker, we are here today to deem explanatory of the Senate amendment they did, their families often went hun- consider a rule that provides for con- and the motion specified in the first section gry, their bills went unpaid, and they sideration of a package of items that of this resolution. faced possible eviction or foreclosure. are of great importance to the country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Madam Speaker, for 8 years, I worked The House amendment to the Senate tlewoman from Florida (Ms. SHALALA) in the Hubert H. Humphrey Building amendment to H.R. 133 includes not is recognized for 1 hour. not very far from here. Inscribed in the only a bipartisan omnibus appropria- Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, for lobby of that building is a quote from tions bill covering the remainder of fis- the purpose of debate only, I yield the Hubert Humphrey: ‘‘The moral test of cal year 2021, but also a $900 billion bi- customary 30 minutes to the distin- government is how the government partisan pandemic relief package to guished gentleman from Oklahoma treats those who are in the dawn of provide help to millions of Americans (Mr. COLE), pending which I yield my- life, the children; those who are in the who have suffered as a result of the self such time as I may consume. Dur- twilight of life, the elderly; and those pandemic. ing consideration of this resolution, all who are in the shadows of life, the sick, It also includes a bipartisan com- time yielded is for the purpose of de- the needy, and the handicapped.’’ promise addressing surprise medical bate only. Madam Speaker, we have failed that bills, something that has been a pri- GENERAL LEAVE moral test. We have no right to make ority for both parties. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I children go hungry in this country. Finally, it includes a number of end- ask that all Mem- While this bill will certainly bring us of-the-year tax and healthcare-related bers be given 5 legislative days to re- closer to passing that moral test, it is extenders that are critical to those vise and extend their remarks. too late for too many people, and it they serve, especially during a pan- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there will be too little for others. Nonethe- demic. objection to the request of the gentle- less, we should pass this bill imme- While I know that we are all thrilled woman from Florida? diately. to be here today to bring these items There was no objection. There are a number of things that I to the floor, I am frustrated that it has Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, am pleased to see included in this bill: taken this long to reach this deal, and today the Rules Committee met and re- a long-fought and negotiated bipar- I know the American people share that ported a rule, House Resolution 1271, tisan and bicameral compromise to frustration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.002 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 The reality is that we could have had Senate met together to conference the sure that they are not subjected to this deal months ago on a pandemic re- bills into a final product. This dem- massive, surprise bills, ones that pa- lief package, and we could have had onstrates how powerful and effective tients frequently have not planned for. this deal. Individual components could regular order can be. Madam Speaker, I applaud my have been passed across the floor in Madam Speaker, the second piece of friends on the Committee on Ways and July of this year. Instead, Americans this bill is the $900 billion pandemic re- Means, the Committee on Energy and were left to suffer. All the while, jobs lief package. For all of 2020, Ameri- Commerce, and the Committee on Edu- were being lost and businesses being cans—and indeed the world—have lived cation and Labor for coming to this closed; all the while, small businesses under the specter of this pandemic. It important compromise, and I look for- across the country were forced to make has touched every American’s life in ward to supporting its passage in law. difficult decisions about which employ- some way or another, but many Ameri- Madam Speaker, finally, I take a mo- ees to keep and which staff to let go; cans have been hit harder than others. ment to acknowledge my very dear all the while, a deal was available here Millions have caught this disease, friend, Representative DONNA SHALALA, in Congress that could have extended and hundreds of thousands have died. who is managing her final rule on the floor today. I have always enjoyed my unemployment insurance and extended Millions more have lost their jobs, and interactions with my friend and it has the Paycheck Protection Program, a millions have seen their wages or earn- always been a pleasure serving with program which Democrats in the House ings cut. This has been a crisis that her on the Committee on Rules. She rejected extending 41 times. touches us on so many levels. A health has been a helpful ally when we have These two key backstops could have crisis is bad enough, but adding an eco- agreed and a worthy opponent when we helped millions of Americans. Instead, nomic crisis on top of it makes this year the toughest that many of us can have not. Democrats chose to play politics and Much more importantly, she has al- chose not to take yes for an answer. remember. The coronavirus relief package before ways been, first and foremost, a public But now that the election is over and servant. She was a public servant be- the end of the year is at hand, suddenly us will do several things to ease the burden on all Americans. It will extend fore she arrived in Congress. I have no there is room for a deal, a very bipar- doubt she will continue to be a public tisan deal that was on the table all the Paycheck Protection Program and will ensure that many small businesses servant when she leaves. We have all along and that could have been passed will be able to keep their employees on benefitted from her leadership at the into law months ago. Department of Health and Human Madam Speaker, for today, we will the payroll. It will extend expanded un- employment insurance, thus providing Services during the Clinton years, from look past that. Though this overall bill her many years as a leader in edu- is massive, I think it is easiest to di- more funds to unemployed workers to help make them closer to whole. And it cational institutions, from her tireless gest if you consider it in three separate participations on countless boards and sections: will provide economic impact pay- ments of $600 to almost every Amer- commissions and committees, all of Section 1 is the bipartisan, bicameral which were rendering important serv- omnibus appropriations bill, which will ican, except those with high incomes. Though I expect this may not be the ice to our country. include our appropriations work for fis- Madam Speaker, I am going to miss cal year 2021. The appropriations proc- last time Congress responds to the COVID pandemic, I hope that in the fu- my friend on the Committee on Rules. ess works best when it is bipartisan, ture the Speaker will embark on a dif- This Congress is going to miss her, but and with today’s bill, we have accom- ferent path of resolution. A relief pack- I know the country is going to con- plished that end. tinue to have the benefit of her splen- age like this one may not have been ev- Once we step past the partisanship, did service and insight. erything that both parties wanted, but we are able to work together and reach Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- a deal that will fully fund the govern- a compromise deal that provides real ance of my time. ment for the fiscal year. Our constitu- help to American workers is better Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I than no deal at all. And that com- ents deserve no less. thank my distinguished colleague for Madam Speaker, the deal before us promise could have and should have his very kind words. I will say that I covers all 12 spending bills and it en- been reached months ago. I hope the have enjoyed working with him. I have sures that taxpayer dollars will go majority will remember that going for- deep respect for his leadership in this where they are needed most. In par- ward. Congress. Madam Speaker, the third section of ticular, I am pleased that this bill in- Madam Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to today’s package is a number of mis- cludes key provisions supporting our the gentleman from Massachusetts cellaneous bipartisan items, including response to the pandemic, like $20 bil- (Mr. MCGOVERN), the distinguished a bill intended to address the problems chairman of the Committee on Rules. lion for coronavirus vaccines, an in- of surprise medical billing. This is a crease in funding for the National In- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I problem that is known far too well by thank the gentlewoman for yielding to stitutes of Health, and a further $3 bil- many Americans. lion to rebuild the Strategic National me. You see a doctor or you visit an Madam Speaker, across America, Stockpile of medical supplies and per- emergency room, and only learn after people are dealing with a loss of a job, sonal protective equipment. It fully the fact that a medical professional a business, or even a loved one. People funds our defense needs and ensures a 3 you saw during your treatment is out- are hurting, and they are hurting badly percent pay raise for all military per- side your insurance network. This can not only from this pandemic, but also sonnel. It continues to fund needed im- lead to a wildly expensive bill for the from the incompetence, the callous- provements for border security. And, patient, who may not have had any ness, and the negligence of the current perhaps most importantly, it main- choice in the matter. occupant of the White House. tains all pro-life protections, as has The bipartisan bill before us today When I talk about people hurting, I been the case in previous years. And will help solve this problem. It will en- don’t mean big corporations or Fortune the harmful, partisan riders that ap- sure that the patients will only be re- 500 companies. I am talking about our peared in Democratic partisan appro- sponsible for covering the portion not workers, our middle class, those on the priations bills from earlier this year covered by their health insurance at edge of the middle class, and those have been removed. in-network rates when they don’t have struggling in poverty. That is where Madam Speaker, I think it is worth the ability to choose an in-network our focus should be. And thanks to the noting that this bill came about as a doctor, like in emergency situations. bipartisan efforts of Members on both result of regular order. The Committee The bill also will make pricing more sides of the Capitol, we are acting right on Appropriations produced each of the open and transparent and will require now—not next year or during the next 12 appropriations bills from a regular insurers to notify patients in advance administration, as some have sug- committee process. Members were if they are going to receive out-of-net- gested—but right now. given the opportunity to amend, ques- work care. This deal is not everything I want— tion, and fully examine most of the These reforms will give patients and not by a long shot—but the choice be- bills on the floor, and the House and consumers more choice and will make fore us is simple. It is about whether

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.014 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7293 we help families or not. It is about b 1630 er Cincinnati area. I know that my col- whether we help small businesses and For those who are unemployed be- leagues on both sides of the aisle have restaurants or not. It is about whether cause of the coronavirus, because the been hearing the same thing from their we boost SNAP benefits and strengthen governments have shut down the busi- constituents. antihunger programs or not. And it is nesses, it will give unemployment in- While I am relieved that Congress is about whether we help those dealing surance relief. But there will be protec- finally acting on those cries for help, I with a job loss or not. tions in there to make sure that the am dismayed that it has taken this To me, this is not a tough call. We people are really unemployed and that long. I introduced a bill back in Sep- need to pass this, and then we need to they will accept a reasonable offer for tember, 3 months ago, that could have prepare to build on it in the next Con- a job. been brought to the floor and helped gress, hopefully, in a bipartisan fashion Also good in the bill is that there is those small businesses that so des- and with an administration that actu- not only money for vaccine procure- perately needed that help back then. ally gives a damn about the American ment but for distribution of the vac- That bill included many of the same people. cines. provisions that we are voting on today. Madam Speaker, before I conclude, I On that note, I want to applaud Instead, this House, under Democratic also join the gentleman from Okla- President Trump for his action in Oper- control, considered bills about mari- homa in recognizing the service of Con- ation Warp Speed and for working with juana and online conspiracy theories, gresswoman SHALALA. Over the years, the private sector to get vaccines done for . It is an embarrassment she has had many titles: Doctor, treas- and out the door in record time. This that it has taken this long because urer, college president, chancellor, as- has never been done before in history. every moment of delay put more small sistant secretary, secretary, congress- Normally, it takes years and years for businesses at risk of permanent clo- woman—and I could go on. vaccines to be done. sure. Often, DONNA has done it first: She Thank you, President Trump, for These small businesses, restaurants, was among the very first Peace Corps your hard work for the American peo- shops, and manufacturers employ near- volunteers. She was the first woman to ple. ly half of this country’s workers and lead a Big 10 Conference college. She Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I form the backbone of communities all was only the second woman to lead a yield myself such time as I may con- across the country. Fortunately, the major research university. And DONNA sume. provisions in today’s relief package was the first Lebanese American to Madam Speaker, first, let me thank will bring critical assistance to these serve in a President’s Cabinet. Chairman MCGOVERN for his very kind workers and their families. Madam Speaker, there is a saying in words. I have enjoyed serving under his The Paycheck Protection Program, Arabic, which in English is: ‘‘Do good leadership. which has supported over 50 million and throw it into the sea.’’ Let me say to my colleague, Mrs. employees, will be reopened for new It means this: The reward is doing LESKO, years of bipartisan investments and second-time applicants. Funds will good. Not the praise or recognition. in NIH have, in fact, led to Operation be reserved for very small businesses Just simply an act of doing good. Warp Speed. Decades of investments in and community lenders. The list of eli- And DONNA SHALALA does good, pe- training the world’s best scientists gible expenses will be expanded so that riod. I know she will continue to do have led to a very fast-paced develop- small business owners can purchase good. ment of a vaccine. So, it is not just the PPE, for example, to keep employees The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- present President; it is Presidents be- and their loved ones safe. bers are reminded to refrain from en- fore that who believed that we should There are many more details in the gaging in personalities toward the have world-class science in this coun- package, too many to go into here. But President. try. the bottom line is this: These provi- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 3 Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to sions will bring meaningful help to minutes to the gentlewoman from Ari- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. GREEN). millions of Americans. zona (Mrs. LESKO), my good friend and Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- Just in my district in Cincinnati and distinguished colleague on the Com- er, this bill will not end all the suf- the surrounding area, a PPP loan mittee on Rules. fering. However, it will ease the pain helped keep 140 employees on the pay- Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I am for many who are suffering, with $25 roll at the Silver Spring House res- glad that we finally have a bipartisan billion for eviction prevention, $13 bil- taurant. A PPP loan enabled HomeWell deal for COVID relief, but the process lion for food in the form of SNAP, and Care Services, an assisted living facil- has been absolutely terrible. $600 cash in pocket. It won’t end all the ity, to continue their important work I have to tell you that we have, what, suffering, but it will ease much of the for our community’s elderly popu- 6,000 pages? And what did we get? pain. lation. And the folks at Neyer Plumb- We got it, like, maybe 2 hours ago, For this, I thank Chairman MCGOV- ing used PPP funding to carry on as an the text of it. We were waiting all ERN, Mr. COLE, and Ms. SHALALA. Of essential business. night. course, I am always honored to serve in These are real people with real fami- In fact, Speaker PELOSI had called the Congress of the United States of lies to support and bills to pay. That is Members back last week. We thought America under the leadership of the why it is so important that we pass we were going to be doing this last Honorable MAXINE WATERS, and I this package without additional delay. Wednesday. Instead, we were doing all thank her for her $25 billion in rental Small businesses and their employees these suspension bills. People had to assistance. are tough; they are resilient. Across fly from all over the country—all the Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 3 the country, we hear stories about Congress Members—in crowded air- minutes to the gentleman from Ohio small businesses giving back to their ports, crowded planes; not really good (Mr. CHABOT), my very good friend and communities, even when they are for mitigating COVID, if you ask me. the distinguished ranking Republican struggling themselves. Madam Speaker, I will say, though, member of the Small Business Com- It is time for Congress to meet the that I am glad that, finally, after mittee. moment and get further help in the months and months of Republicans Mr. CHABOT. Madam Speaker, I hands of working Americans. As a mat- asking for a bipartisan COVID relief thank the gentleman from Oklahoma ter of fact, it is far overdue. bill that could actually get signed into for his leadership on this issue and so Madam Speaker, I urge my col- law, we are actually here today, even if many other issues over the years. leagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ on this long- it is a couple days before Christmas. Madam Speaker, for months now, our overdue legislation. And it is a bill that will help small Nation’s entrepreneurs and small busi- Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I businesses and their workers, will help ness owners have been pleading for ad- yield 1 minute to the gentleman from the airline industry, will be a solution ditional help from Congress. I have California (Mr. PANETTA). to Americans who are struggling with been hearing this from small busi- Mr. PANETTA. Madam Speaker, I surprise medical bills. nesses back in my district in the great- rise in support of the COVID temporary

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.015 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 relief package in this rule. We did it The alternative payment model thresh- appropriations for the federal government and before. We must do it again. old is frozen for 2 years. That is impor- urgently needed COVID–19 relief funding. Our past COVID legislation kept the tant. Chairman MCGOVERN, and Ranking Member economy afloat and our poverty rate Project ECHO, which allows for pri- COLE, thank you for your work to bring this flat. However, as Democrats passed mary care doctors in remote areas to Rule before the House so that Members can more bills, the Senate and the Presi- be able to consult with specialists, has debate and vote for urgently needed aid to dent put a pause on those efforts. been continued. That is a big deal. communities across the nation and the funding Now, the pandemic is raging, hos- The out-of-network billing has been needed to keep the federal government oper- pitals are bursting, and our economy is tough, and it has been tough in a year ational through the remainder of Fiscal Year hurting. That is why we must play our that has been tough on our Nation’s 2021. part with Federal funding to combat frontline healthcare personnel. The As a senior member of the Committees on this disease and carry on through the out-of-network billing language has the , on Homeland Security, and on locally mandated shutdowns. improved dramatically over the last 18 the Budget, and the representative of the 18th This relief package will allow us to months. I cannot say that it is perfect, Congressional District of Texas, an epicenter avoid calamity and aid our recovery by but some of the more recent improve- for COVID–19 infections, I recognize the ur- providing small businesses with PPP, ments, such as the prevention of put- gency of providing assistance now, but I also laid-off employees with unemployment ting payment data from public payers recognize that the assistance is insufficient to insurance, families with checks, farm- in the independent dispute resolution the needs of our state and local governments, workers with PPE, renters with direct process, are pretty big wins for our our hospitals, or the people of our great na- relief, and the ailing with the HOS- physicians. tion. PICE Act. I will also add that it is an unusual I support this rule that will facilitate passage To help State and local governments, time that they should have to be facing of this interim package, while also saying that there is funding for broadband, food, additional cuts when our doctors have more is needed. healthcare, education, and transpor- been on the front lines of providing Before the Rules Committee also was the tation. care for America’s patients during this omnibus appropriations bill providing funding Look, this package should have been pandemic. Faced with out-of-network to continue the operations of the federal gov- bigger. It should have been done payment reductions from the insurance ernment through September 30, 2021, thus quicker. It is not entirely what we companies and with reductions through avoiding a wasteful and irresponsible shut- want. But it is what we need to be that the evaluation and management codes, down. bridge to a vaccine-fueled revival in the E and M codes, it is a funny way to I am relieved that at long last, agreement 2021. If we do that, we will further the go about rewarding those that we has been reached between the bicameral faith in what we do here in Congress would refer to as our Nation’s heroes. leadership to provide needed and long over- for the future of our democracy. Still, Mr. Speaker, the American peo- due relief to the tens of millions Americans Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 3 ple do need the relief that is provided whose lives and livelihoods have been dev- minutes to the gentleman from Texas in this coronavirus package. astated by the COVID–19 pandemic. (Mr. BURGESS), my very good friend Ms. SHALALA. I yield 1 minute to I am grateful that efficacious vaccines have and a distinguished member of the En- the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. been discovered and are on their way to pro- ergy and Commerce Committee and the JACKSON LEE). viding much needed protection and relief, but Rules Committee. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, this is just a down payment on the relief and Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, help is on the way. Help cannot come support needed for our country to recover hearing some of the earlier discussion, faster. Help is desperately needed. from the pandemic and build back better. just for a data point, this is December Seventeen million Americans are in- Over the course of the 116th Congress the 21, the longest night of the year, as fected by COVID–19. Almost 320,000 are House Rules Committee has done its job and they say. dead, and the numbers keep growing. provided expert guidance on the progress of On August 21, the former Vice Presi- Hospital beds are overutilized. Cities nearly 600 bills that have passed the House dent, in accepting the Democratic across America are getting refrigerated and gone to the Senate. Party nomination for President, in his trucks. Help is on the way. These bills included legislation to lower acceptance speech, said: Look, let’s be People are being evicted, and this health care and prescription drug prices, raise clear. No miracle is coming. legislation helps us stop the evictions. wages, advance economic and retirement se- Well, here we are, 4 months later, It provides for cash disbursements, up curity, end gun violence, act on the climate cri- with not one but two vaccines, each in to $2,400 for a family of four and $300 sis, protect Dreamers, and strengthen voting excess of 90 percent effective; abso- extra in weekly unemployment pay- rights. lutely phenomenal. ments. For example, in this Congress the House As another data point, in August For hungry families, 54 million hun- has passed and sent to the Senate the fol- 2014, the Ebola crisis was raging in gry families in America, including our lowing major legislative bills: Western Africa. A vaccine was out of young military personnel, help is on H.R. 1, ; H.R. 2, Moving Forward Act; phase 1 trials. It took 51⁄2 years to de- the way. liver that vaccine. This one was deliv- This bill is a bill we wrote months H.R. 3, The Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug ered in 10 months. It is absolutely in- ago. It is downsized, but it is the very Costs Now Act; H.R. 4, Voting Rights Advancement Act; credible. language that we have written. So we H.R. 5, Equality Act; Look, in the bill before us today, know, in the new year, we will come H.R. 6, The American Dream & Promise there are some high points, and there back again to save lives. Act; are some low points. A couple of things Let’s get this done in unity. We know H.R. 7, Paycheck Fairness Act; I do want to point out. how it was blocked. We know the other H.R. 8, Bipartisan Background Checks Act; The Independence at Home Act that I House did not move forward. We know H.R. 9, Climate Action Now Act; introduced with Congresswoman DIN- we did not get leadership on this bill. H.R. 582, Raise the Wage Act; GELL several years ago was continued But as I close, let me thank Sec- H.R. 1425, Patient Protection and Affordable and expanded. retary Shalala, Congresswoman Care Enhancement Act; One of the biggest deals for me is SHALALA, for what she brought to this H.R. 1585, Violence Against Women Reau- coverage for immunosuppressive drugs Congress, what insight, what thorization Act; and after a renal transplant. I have been specialness, and what kindness. H.R. 7120, George Floyd Justice in Policing working on this for 10 years. Now, we We wish you the very best, and I look Act. have provided additional protection for forward to working with you in the fu- Also among the bills passed by the House people who are recipients of renal ture. was H.R. 3710, the Cybersecurity Vulnerability transplants so that they can continue Mr. Speaker, help is on the way. Remediation Act, legislation that increases the to get their immunosuppressive drugs. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support responsibilities of the Department of Home- Some flexibility has been provided in for the Rule that the House is debating to pro- land Security (DHS) with respect to cyberse- the bill to allow for value-based care. vide for the consideration of the Fiscal Year curity vulnerabilities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.017 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7295 The National Cybersecurity and Commu- Both of these global health emergencies by voting for a rule to bring the bill to the floor nications Integration Center of DHS under this were expertly managed and because of this today. bill is directed to disseminate protocols to most Americans cannot recall the threat. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 counter cybersecurity vulnerabilities, including President Obama had to deal with an eco- minutes to the gentleman from South in circumstances in which such vulnerabilities logical disaster in the form of the Deep Hori- Dakota (Mr. JOHNSON), my very good exist because software or hardware is no zon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that threat- friend. longer supported by a vendor. ened the environment and delicate hatcheries Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. Mr. This bill would also provide the Science and for sea turtles and the tourism industry long Speaker, I think it was Winston Technology Directorate the flexibility to estab- the coast. Churchill who said you can always lish a competition to develop remedies for cy- Both the turtles and tourism were saved, count on Americans to do the right bersecurity vulnerabilities. and as with the flu pandemic and Ebola crisis thing after they have exhausted all Today, our nation is still attempting to un- most Americans cannot recall the incident, be- other options. derstand the scope and breath of the latest cause their lives were not overly disrupted and You know, Congress looks that way Russia sourced attack on federal government the problems were addressed effectively. to me from time to time. This is not cyber assets. That is the sign of a good president be- the process or the timeline or the In this moment we must address the crisis cause he kept American safe. structure I have argued for. This created by COVID–19, and the Cybersecurity When President Obama left office on Janu- COVID–19 package doesn’t have all the threat that is ongoing. ary 20, 2017, unemployment was at 4. 7 per- provisions that I have asked for. It is There are consequences for the Senate’s cent; but today, due to the mismanagement of clearly not a perfect bill. failure to take up House bills once they are re- the COVID–19 pandemic by President Trump Yet, it is the targeted and focused re- ceived in the Senate. and Republicans, unemployment skyrocketed lief that our country needs. It follows In truth the Republican-controlled Senate to 8.4 percent and currently stands at 6.7 per- the framework that a bipartisan group has been missing in action for much of the cent. of eight Senators and eight House 116th Congress. When Trump took office in January 2017, Members, including myself, unveiled a Whether it is the urgent need to fortify our there were 241,000 initial unemployment in- few weeks ago. election systems from confirmed foreign inter- surance (UI) claims for the week ending Janu- We knew then that it was not a per- ference, notably from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, ary 28, 2017 and at the beginning of the 116th fect bill, but we knew it was the way or lower prescription drugs prices and expand- Congress in January 2019, there were forward. I am proud of the role that I ing and protecting the right of all Americans to 236,000 initial UI claims. have played and that the Problem affordable, accessible, high quality health Today, due to the mismanagement of the Solvers Caucus has played in breaking care, fixing our broken immigration system, or COVID–19 pandemic by President Trump and this gridlock. I am proud of the role hold a wayward Executive to account, the Republicans, there were 885,000 initial UI that we have played in making sure other body has failed the American people in claims for the week ending December 12, that our economy and our schools can its basic duty to promote the general welfare 2020. stay open and that our testing and our and provide for the common defense. Approximately 30 million Americans have vaccine deployment can be ramped up. The consequences of its complete disregard lost the job they had earlier this year because Madam Speaker, this has been a for the work of the House is now more appar- of this Administration’s ineptitude and cavalier messy week, but this is a good day for ent than ever and is illustrated perfectly by the regard for the well-being of the American peo- America. Senate’s failure to take up and vote on the ple. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, HEROES Act passed by the House in March During President Obama’s last full year in thank you for your kind words. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to of this year to address the devastating budg- office in 2016, the national debt was $20.02 the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. etary and fiscal impacts of the COVID–19 pan- trillion but due to the misguided economic poli- CROW). demic which the President exacerbated by his cies and utter mismanagement of the COVID– incompetent response to the crisis. 19 pandemic, the national debt has increased b 1645 The numbers are heartbreaking. by $6.7 trillion and is projected to reach an all- Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, I grew My thoughts and prayers are with the over time high of $29.6 trillion by the end of the up knowing what it felt like to strug- 315,000 families who have lost loved ones FY2021 fiscal year. gle financially, that fear and anxiety of and the tens of thousand who are sick, and The annual deficit had been cut to $585 bil- not knowing where your next rent the many others who will struggle with the ef- lion (3.2 percent of GDP) in the last year of check would come from, working a fects of COVID–19 over the coming days, the Obama Administration but under the mis- shift at Arby’s or a 14-hour day on the weeks, months, and years. management of the current Administration, we construction site and still not making We owe a special debt to first responders have seen the deficit balloon nearly seven-fold ends meet. That is why I am voting for who are the lifelines for those who are very ill to $3.1 trillion or 15.2 percent GDP, the larg- this bill. or who will need medical care to overcome est since 1945 relative to the size of the econ- As imperfect as it is—and there are this coronavirus. omy. plenty of things that are not in this The need to begin work on the next aid Continuing this Administration’s unbroken bill that should be—it will provide im- package is evident in the economic impact of chain of woe, in 2019, after repeated attempts mediate relief for millions of families COVID–19. by Republicans to undermine and sabotage and small businesses that simply can’t Congress and the Executive Branch must the Affordable Care Act, there were 33.2 mil- wait any longer, including those that be able to manage more than one crisis at a lion uninsured Americans, 5 million more than are left out of prior rounds of relief. time, while avoiding crisis management deci- when President Obama left office. For example, my district is one of sion making when possible. It has been estimated by reputable experts the most diverse districts in the Nation The Obama Administration exemplified what that from February 2020 through May 2020 and home to thousands of refugees and a President and a Congress working in con- alone, an estimated 5.4 million Americans be- immigrants. That is why I have been cert can accomplish. came uninsured because of unprecedented fighting hard to get payments to The first two years of Obama’s Administra- job loss caused by the Republican mis- mixed-status ITIN families in this bill. tion had Democrats in charge of the House management of this pandemic. We have been successful in doing that. and Senate, which made it possible for the Given the wreckage to the economy and the Madam Speaker, I look forward to Legislative and Executive Branches to work in damage to the lives and livelihoods of the working with the Biden administration concert to attack and repel the economic dis- American people, it is unconscionable that this to provide more relief in the coming aster the nation faced from the housing value Administration is pursuing a lawsuit to strike months so that we can tackle this cri- collapse; and addressing health care dispari- down the Affordable Care Act, which would sis together. ties by passing the Affordable Care Act both take health care coverage away from 20 mil- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 of which saved millions from economic dis- lion Americans and take away protections for minutes to the gentleman from Ken- aster and saved tens of thousands of lives. 132 million persons who have pre-existing tucky (Mr. BARR). The Obama Administration had a flu pan- conditions. Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I rise demic in 2009 and Ebola that threatened to I strongly support this legislation and urge today in support of long-delayed legis- become endemic in 2013. members of the Rules Committee to join me lation to deliver more resources to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.006 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 American people to defeat the COVID– men and women in my district and We addressed those who are most vul- 19 virus and provide much-needed relief across this country. nerable. from government-imposed lockdowns Madam Speaker, this is not enough, And, the truth is, we also give Joe of the economy. but it is a start. I urge my colleagues Biden a chance after January 20, be- Ultimately, no amount of govern- to vote ‘‘yes.’’ cause of the duration of this legisla- ment spending can substitute for a Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield tion, to provide what we all know is fully functioning, open economy free of myself such time as I may consume. going to be a plan for additional assist- government lockdowns. But I am con- Madam Speaker, I just want to ance to members of the American fam- fident this relief package, which pro- quickly respond to my friend from ily. vides over $284 billion to reload and California. It is just, frankly, not accu- Madam Speaker, there are 20 million strengthen the Paycheck Protection rate to say Republicans did nothing. Americans collecting unemployment The reality is Democrats in the Sen- Program, will help bridge the gap until insurance right now in America. For ate did nothing. They were offered a COVID–19 vaccines are widely distrib- people at the lower end of the economic bill about the size of this bill. Actually, uted. It does so in a fiscally responsible spectrum, this has been cruel and cal- it was a little bit larger—as I recall, it way by rescinding and reallocating $429 lous. We need to come to their assist- was about a trillion dollars—than this ance. billion in Federal Reserve emergency bill, and they wouldn’t allow it to come lending authority, and it repurposes People with white-collar jobs, they to the floor to be heard. have held on and their unemployment unused PPP funds. This deal has been on the table since rate is significantly less. But we know Importantly, this bill provides effec- July. My friends chose to hold it up, how stubborn this problem is, and until tive, targeted relief, with a net price for whatever reason—be it political or we defeat the virus, it is hard to see tag of approximately $325 billion in in hopes of getting a better deal—and new outlays. It does not include the they prolonged the suffering of the how we get to a full economic recovery. I hope that the argument will not be, liberal wish list that was the center- American people, and I regret that. piece of the Speaker’s originally $3.4 But we are here today. We have once Mr. Biden takes the oath, that we trillion Heroes Act, a fiscally reckless worked together. We have got all the need to proceed to austerity. What we proposal that needlessly delayed this appropriations bills done. I am proud of do in this legislation with these checks reasonable bipartisan compromise. that. We have got a good relief package is we provide additional liquidity, For months, I have called on Con- here. I am proud of that. We have which then provides additional demand gress and the administration to sim- taken care of some important issues. for people at the lower end of the eco- plify the PPP forgiveness application I see my friend, the chairman of the nomic spectrum. for small businesses to ease their bur- Committee on Ways and Means. He had This is a very good piece of legisla- dens and ensure lender participation. a lot to do with that, on surprise med- tion. I am very proud of what the Com- Today, that goal becomes a reality. ical billing. That is a bipartisan ac- mittee on Ways and Means did to help I also support the bill’s extension of complishment and achievement. get us to this day. troubled debt restructuring relief, So let’s build on the things that we Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I reserve which allows lenders to work with have and see what we need to do in the the balance of my time. their borrowers to modify loans. And I next Congress. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I strongly support its provision to en- But, again, for one side to point fin- yield 1 minute to the gentleman from sure small businesses can deduct ex- gers at the other here is just simply, in New York (Mr. ESPAILLAT). Mr. ESPAILLAT. Madam Speaker, I penses covered by PPP loans. my view, not appropriate. rise in support of the rule and the un- While it has taken far too long to get Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- derlying COVID relief package: to this point, the bill we are passing ance of my time. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I Another $284 billion for PPP loans for today will bring much-needed help to yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from small businesses that have been hurt- American workers, families, and small Massachusetts (Mr. NEAL), the distin- ing for so long, particularly res- businesses, without putting more mas- guished chairman of the Committee on taurants that are struggling. Finally, sive amounts of debt on the American Ways and Means. Main Street will get some help. We people. Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, let me bailed out Wall Street a long time ago Madam Speaker, I urge my col- proceed with acknowledging that this and all the big guys; now we have got leagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ on this bill. legislation had many crucial elements to bail out Main Street. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I that were developed and constructed by $20 billion in EIDL grants for small yield 1 minute to the gentleman from the Committee on Ways and Means on businesses; another $600 in stimulus California (Mr. THOMPSON). a bipartisan basis. checks for individuals and children. It Mr. THOMPSON of California. We expanded on unemployment in- should have been $1,200, but we will Madam Speaker, I rise in support of surance. We provided an additional take the $600 now, and we will be back this legislation. supplement of $300 a week. We ex- after January 20. To be clear, this package is nowhere panded the retention tax credit, which $300 for unemployment benefits. It near enough. House Democrats passed was very important. We maintained should have been a little bit more. You three times more relief in May; our Re- and expanded the EITC and the child can’t live on $300. publican colleagues did nothing. We credit. $13 billion for SNAP. People are passed more than double this 2 months Madam Speaker, I want to thank starving, the lines are longer, made up ago; our Republican colleagues did DONNA SHALALA, because perhaps one of families and children. nothing. of the most important elements in this $14 billion for public transit, in addi- This package is not commensurate to successful piece of legislation was ad- tion to $4 billion for the MTA. The the magnitude of the crisis we face. We dressing surprise medical billing. She MTA has a $12 billion gap. We will be need to do more, including vital aid to supported my position on this from day back for the rest of that money. State and local governments and help one, and she couldn’t have been more $68 billion for purchasing vaccines, for our restaurant industry, but this is earnest. She has been a terrific Mem- and $20 billion for distributing them. a start. ber of this House. Broadband. This legislation includes important We provide direct payments. We pro- And, finally, Madam Speaker, $4 bil- funding for vaccine distribution, vide assistance in terms of tax extend- lion for Gavi, an international vaccine schools, small businesses, and a des- ers. We add a really good job on the re- distribution alliance, because it is not perately needed extension of unem- newable tax credits as well, and we ex- an epidemic; it is a pandemic. ployment insurance. pand eligibility for a round of checks The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. I am pleased that this legislation to include people in mixed-status fami- JACKSON LEE). The time of the gen- also extends clean energy tax credits, lies. tleman has expired. provides disaster tax assistance, helps Many of these pieces of legislation Mr. ESPAILLAT. We will not be free prevent tragic flame jetting accidents, people said couldn’t happen and, in- of COVID unless the rest of the world and provides help for the hardworking deed, they did. is.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.020 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7297 Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I reserve credit for that, and so does his admin- there than the administration re- the balance of my time. istration. quested. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I That is something that all of us, re- I will also remind my good friend yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman gardless of party and partisanship, that when I was chairman, we put more from Massachusetts (Ms. CLARK). should be proud of; and, frankly, it is money in than the Obama administra- Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. something we owe the President a tion requested; and we continued to do Madam Speaker, House Democrats great deal of gratitude for. more money than the Trump adminis- took the necessary action to defeat Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- tration requested, which actually re- this virus and restore the economy in ance of my time. quested some cuts. May, but MITCH MCCONNELL said let’s Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, let So the reality is that Congress—on a hit the pause button. So Americans me remind my distinguished colleague bipartisan basis, I must say, because I have waited 7 long months for the GOP from Oklahoma that we sent the He- had the support of my ranking mem- to take action to end their suffering. roes Act in May. ber, now our distinguished chairwoman As over 300,000 Americans lost their And while I agree that the adminis- of the Labor, Health, and Human Serv- lives, they said more testing was not tration should get some credit for Op- ices Subcommittee, ROSA DELAURO, in necessary. eration Warp Speed, as I have pointed those decisions—Congress, but particu- As and children waited in out, it has been decades of investment larly Republicans, have made those in- lines at food banks, they proposed a in the science that led to Operation vestments over the years. tax credit for business lunches. Warp Speed. And I think the country—I agree As 8 million more Americans fell into Many of us would have appreciated, with my friend—has reaped enormous poverty, they proposed cutting unem- and we would have saved lives, if we benefits from that. I hope we continue ployment benefits. had made the same kind of investments down that road in the next Congress As one out of four women have lost in testing so that we had an instant with the next administration. I am their jobs and have left the workforce, test, and we would have ended up sav- looking forward to that possibility. they fought to limit paid leave and ac- ing lives. But I simply wanted to let the record cess to childcare. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to reflect what the contribution from our As 40 million Americans teeter on the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. side of the aisle has been in that re- gard. the verge of homelessness, they fought GOTTHEIMER). Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- to shield corporations from negligence Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Madam Speaker, ance of my time. and deny workers basic safety protec- they said it couldn’t be done, that tions. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I Democrats and Republicans could actu- don’t disagree with my colleague, but This bill is too little too late, but it ally come together, not only in the is a lifesaving bridge to a better time it was bipartisan, and I think that is House, but in the Senate, too, and pass the important thing about those in- and a new President who will focus on a COVID–19 emergency relief package. restoring Americans’ jobs and their vestments over the years. But, finally, after 9 months, it is about My point was it was those invest- health. to happen. We are about to cross the ments that made it possible for Oper- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield finish line. This is as close to a Christ- myself such time as I may consume. ation Warp Speed. I never suggested mas miracle as you can find in a nor- that it was one party versus another Madam Speaker, I beg to differ with mally polarized Washington. my good friend from Massachusetts. It that made that bipartisan investment. wasn’t Republicans who did nothing; it b 1700 It has been decades of bipartisan in- was Democrats who did nothing. With the virus raging across the Na- vestments that have made a difference. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to The Senate actually offered a tril- tion, the 50–Member strong bipartisan the gentlewoman from Ohio (Mrs. lion-dollar package in July. We are Problem Solvers Caucus put country over party and helped craft a package BEATTY). here approving a $900 billion package Mrs. BEATTY. Madam Speaker, I that will help put food on the table, today. thank the gentlewoman from Florida The President of the United States distribute vaccines to our commu- for yielding. offered a $1.8 trillion package at one nities, save our struggling small busi- I rise today to support this legisla- point. We are approving a $900 billion nesses, put money in the pockets of tion because my constituents des- package today. American families, and help keep fami- perately need the unemployment bene- Now, we may do more later, but the lies in their homes. fits, the stimulus checks, the food as- reality is my friends drug this out all This emergency relief package sistance, the eviction moratoriums, the summer long. We could have had a wouldn’t have happened without the small business Minority Development package very similar to what we had weeks of hard work from the Problem Institution funds and the CDFI assist- many months ago. That would have Solvers Caucus and a bipartisan group ance funds, and other protections in helped unemployed Americans. It of Senators who put country ahead of this bill. would have helped Americans with party to help our families, small busi- Seven months after the House passed small businesses. It would have reas- nesses, and communities. This was the Heroes Act, Republicans have fi- sured the economy. My friends chose truly a model for how we should govern nally relented to allow more support to not to do that. in Washington. the American people who are strug- I am glad, since the election, they This marks a critical downpayment gling through the three pandemics: have decided to bargain in good faith. in our ongoing fight against COVID. If COVID–19, economic hardships, and so- We have bargained in good faith. We you look in New Jersey, where 1 in 500 cial injustices. have what we think is a good product have lost their lives, and 30 percent of So let me be clear: The GOP has had in front of us. But if we want to write small businesses are out, we clearly a knee on Americans’ necks by holding history, we have a considerably dif- have more work to do. this bill up, and it still falls short of ferent version of it than has been por- Madam Speaker, I urge support for what we need to get through this crisis. trayed on the floor here today, put in this bipartisan, bicameral legislation, But I will continue to stand up for front of the American people. which is a critical step forward. my constituents of the Third Congres- Madam Speaker, I also just want to Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield sional District and for people across add for the record that, while we are myself such time as I may consume. this Nation and my colleagues to work busy bashing the President, I haven’t I want to agree with the distin- with the Biden administration to get heard too many people thank the guished gentlewoman from Florida, my people the support they need to build President of the United States for Op- good friend, about the investments in back better. eration Warp Speed, unprecedented tri- NIH. I want to remind her that it was Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield umphs to actually deliver a vaccine in and John Porter who myself such time as I may consume. less than a year. All the critics said, doubled the NIH during the Clinton I want to remind my friends who en- not possible. The President deserves years, who actually put more money in gage in revisionist history, we haven’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.021 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 held anything up. The Senate put a $1 manage and work with her on her very most importantly, to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the trillion offer on the table back in July. last rule on the floor. underlying measure. My friends didn’t think that was good In closing, Madam Speaker, I thank Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- enough. The President put a $1.8 tril- all my colleagues for their consider- ance of my time. lion deal on the table. They didn’t ation of this bipartisan package. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I think that was good enough. Though it has taken us a long time to yield myself the balance of my time. We are here now with a bipartisan, get to this particular point, it is a real I thank my colleague, Mr. COLE, for good bill. We may need to do more bipartisan compromise. And I think, at his generous remarks. I agree with later. We will see. But the reality is the end of the day, it will pass with a him, this is a bipartisan bill that is not our friends held unrealistic positions substantial bipartisan vote and it will perfect. I don’t think anyone in this with a lot of policy riders on them that benefit every American. Chamber believes that it is perfect. they knew were never going to be ac- The package today will fully fund the Madam Speaker, the time to pass cepted, and they did that throughout government through September 30th of this bill was yesterday. It was 6 months the election season. 2021, and will ensure that taxpayer dol- ago. We pray that most Americans will Fine. The election is over. All of a lars are spent where they are needed be able to get a vaccine to stop this sudden we are back and we are able to most. I think that is an important killer. But it is not just Americans. To compromise after the election. It point because, lost in all of this, the be safe, people around the world must would have been better for the Amer- appropriations process has actually get the vaccine. ican people had we done that back in done what it was supposed to do. There will be a lot of darkness before July. My friends chose a different path, I compliment my friends on the Ap- enough Americans and people around but I am glad they have changed their propriations Committee; particularly the world have the vaccine to bring our mind since the election. I am glad we our distinguished chair, Mrs. LOWEY, lives back to normal. Before that time, have something in front of us that is and our distinguished ranking member, the government must help. genuinely bipartisan. We will pass it on Ms. GRANGER. They brought all 12 bills By the way, it is not our money. It is a bipartisan basis today. through the committee. They got a full the people in our communities who Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- committee process. They were reported have been paying taxes for years. We ance of my time. out of committee. Ten of those bills are taking the resources back to them. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I came to the floor. On the floor, those We have to help the unemployed, the yield 1 minute to the gentleman from bills got full consideration. We sat and shuttered small businesses, the California (Mr. AGUILAR). bargained with our friends in the strained hospitals, and, most impor- Mr. AGUILAR. Madam Speaker, I , and now I have tantly, the hungry child. thank the gentlewoman for yielding. brought these bills back. That is the Madam Speaker, I strongly urge a The agreement before us today recog- way Congress ought to work. I am ‘‘yes’’ vote on the rule and the previous nizes that to get our economy moving proud the Appropriations Committee question. again, to return to something that worked that way. Mr. HALL. Madam Speaker, I rise today dur- feels like normalcy, we must get this We also will be taking up in this par- ing a critical time in the history of the nation. virus under control. ticular bill a pandemic relief bill, en- In this agreement, Democrats se- suring extensions for programs like un- Since the beginning of the pandemic, cured billions to rapidly distribute a employment insurance and the Pay- 315,000 Americans have died, as a result of free and safe vaccine and to invest in check Protection Program, which will the Administration’s mismanagement of the nationwide testing and tracing meas- protect millions of Americans who federal response to COVID–19. ures that will save lives. have lost their jobs and lost income as It has especially impacted the African Amer- It isn’t perfect, and more action is re- a result of this pandemic. ican community and other communities of quired to address the challenges that The package is a very important color. Americans are facing, but it is every- package. And we have some disagree- Millions of jobs have been lost, countless thing we can do right now with this ments on it. We have had some back small businesses have closed, and many oth- Senate and this President. and forth on it in the last several ers hospitalized. With this bill, we have averted a sud- months, but still, at the end of the day, For the sake of controlling the virus we have den end to unemployment benefits that we have come together, we have done all quarantined, as we eagerly await a vac- millions would have faced and added something important, and I think we cine. $300 per week to the benefit. have set the stage for perhaps some- It is against this backdrop that we fashion a We funded a new round of survival thing later in the next Congress. We relief bill. checks and emergency rental assist- will see. But this is an important relief Scripture teaches that which you do for the ance, included an eviction moratorium, measure for the American people, and I least of these you do for Him. and boosted SNAP and child nutrition certainly urge all my colleagues on I am proud to fight for the least of these dur- benefits. both sides of the aisle to support it. ing these critical times and support this bipar- And for the small businesses strug- Finally, the package also includes a tisan solution for COVID and the budget. gling to keep the lights on, this bill bipartisan compromise on surprise I want to commend all leaders who helped provides billions in economic assist- medical billing and a number of issues make this deal possible, especially Speaker ance to forgivable loans. to provide targeted tax relief to people NANCY PELOSI, Leader STENY HOYER and Across this country, people in com- who have suffered through the Democratic Caucus Chairman HAKEEM munities like mine are hurting. Frank- coronavirus crisis and particular indus- JEFFRIES. ly, they have been hurting for far too tries. I think that is appropriate. I This bill is critical as it helps all those im- long. thank my colleagues on both sides of pacted by COVID, especially the black people We are going to work with the Biden- the aisle and multiple committees that and other communities of color that have been Harris administration to build on this have been part of that particular com- disproportionately impacted by this pandemic. progress and deliver for the American promise. I am proud to support this bill, which pro- people, and I am confident that bright- Madam Speaker, it is often said on vides $900 billion for COVID relief. er days are ahead. this floor that it is not a perfect bill, This is important as the agreement outlined Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield but a $900 billion relief package that is provides another round of $600 in economic myself the balance of my time. badly needed to the American people stimulus checks and another $300 per-week in Madam Speaker, I begin by saying close to Christmas Eve is something unemployment benefits, and it supports small what a privilege it has been to serve that every Member on this floor ought businesses, which are the engines of our with my good friend from Florida these to be proud of, and I hope every Mem- economy. last 2 years, not only in Congress, but ber in this Chamber will see fit to sup- It also provides funds to support local most especially on the Rules Com- port. school districts and provides much-needed mittee. And what a particular pleasure Madam Speaker, I urge my col- funds for coronavirus testing and vaccine dis- it is for me to have the opportunity to leagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on the rule and, tribution.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.023 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7299 I am also proud to help secure this legisla- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Burgess Hollingsworth Reschenthaler Byrne Hudson Rice (SC) tion because it supports paid sick leave, pro- ant to section 3 of House Resolution Calvert Huizenga Riggleman vides 25 billion in rent relief and an extension 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Carter (GA) Hurd (TX) Roby of the eviction moratorium. The vote was taken by electronic de- Chabot Jacobs Rodgers (WA) This relief bill is going in the right direction Cline Johnson (LA) Roe, David P. vice, and there were—yeas 227, nays Cloud Johnson (OH) Rogers (KY) but make no mistake, this is not enough and 180, not voting 22, as follows: Cole Johnson (SD) Rose, John W. must only be a down-payment. [Roll No. 249] Collins (GA) Jordan Rouzer The $1,200 stimulus checks in the CARES Comer Joyce (OH) Roy Act from earlier this year was an important YEAS—227 Conaway Joyce (PA) Rutherford Crawford Katko Scalise Adams Golden Norcross factor in controlling the economic fallout from Crenshaw Keller Schweikert Aguilar Gomez O’Halleran the initial onset of the coronavirus, and I am Curtis Kelly (MS) Scott, Austin Allred Gonzalez (TX) Pallone Davidson (OH) Kelly (PA) Sensenbrenner disappointed that tonight that this Congress Axne Gottheimer Panetta Davis, Rodney King (NY) Shimkus Barraga´ n Green, Al (TX) Pappas will not now act as we did in the Spring. DesJarlais Bass Grijalva Kinzinger Simpson The situation is more dire now and calls for Pascrell Diaz-Balart Beatty Haaland Kustoff (TN) Smith (MO) Payne Emmer more—not less—economic stimulus. Bera Hall LaHood Smith (NE) Perlmutter Estes And, I am especially proud that the dis- Beyer Harder (CA) LaMalfa Smith (NJ) Peters Ferguson bursements from this relief bill starts on the Bishop (GA) Hastings Lamborn Smucker Peterson Fitzpatrick Blumenauer Hayes Latta Stauber first day of Kwanzaa, December 26. Phillips Fleischmann Blunt Rochester Heck Lesko Stefanik And, critically, this legislation supports Com- Pingree Flores Bonamici Higgins (NY) Long Steil Pocan Fortenberry munity Development Financial Institutions and Boyle, Brendan Himes Lucas Steube Porter Foxx (NC) Minority Depository Institutions by as much as F. Horn, Kendra S. Luetkemeyer Stewart Price (NC) Fulcher Brindisi Houlahan Marshall Stivers $12 billion: Quigley Gabbard Brown (MD) Hoyer Massie Taylor Raskin Gaetz The agreement includes dedicated PPP set- Brownley (CA) Huffman Mast Thompson (PA) Rice (NY) Gallagher asides for very small businesses and lending Bustos Jackson Lee McCarthy Thornberry Richmond Garcia (CA) Butterfield Jayapal McCaul Tiffany through community-based lenders like Com- Rose (NY) Gibbs Carbajal Jeffries McClintock Timmons munity Development Financial Institutions Gohmert Ca´ rdenas Johnson (GA) Rouda McHenry Tipton Gonzalez (OH) (CDFIs) and Minority Depository Institutions Carson (IN) Johnson (TX) Roybal-Allard McKinley Tlaib Gooden (MDIs); $9 billion in emergency U.S. Treasury Cartwright Kaptur Ruiz Meuser Turner Gosar Case Keating Ruppersberger Miller Upton investments in CDFIs and MDIs to sup- Granger Casten (IL) Kelly (IL) Rush Moolenaar Van Drew Graves (LA) port lending in low-income and underserved Castor (FL) Kennedy Ryan Mooney (WV) Wagner Graves (MO) communities, including persistent poverty Castro (TX) Khanna Sa´ nchez Mullin Walberg Green (TN) Chu, Judy Kildee Sarbanes Newhouse Walden counties, that may be disproportionately im- Griffith Cicilline Kilmer Scanlon Norman Walorski pacted by the economic effects of the COVID– Grothman Cisneros Kim Schakowsky Nunes Waltz Guest 19 pandemic; and $3 billion in emergency Clark (MA) Kind Schiff Ocasio-Cortez Watkins Guthrie support for CDFIs through the CDFI Fund to Clarke (NY) Kirkpatrick Schneider Olson Weber (TX) Hagedorn Clay Krishnamoorthi Schrader Omar Wenstrup respond to the economic impact of the pan- Harris Cleaver Kuster (NH) Schrier Palazzo Westerman Hartzler demic on underserved low-income and minor- Clyburn Lamb Scott (VA) Palmer Williams Hern, Kevin Pence ity communities. Cohen Langevin Scott, David Wittman Herrera Beutler Perry Womack The legislation we will pass today also in- Connolly Larsen (WA) Serrano Hice (GA) Posey Woodall Cooper Larson (CT) Sewell (AL) cludes 4.2 billion for mental health and sub- Higgins (LA) Pressley Young Correa Lawrence Shalala stance abuse help and another $7 billion for Hill (AR) Reed Zeldin Costa Lawson (FL) Sherman broadband. Courtney Lee (CA) Sherrill NOT VOTING—22 This bill includes SBA grants, not just loans Cox (CA) Lee (NV) Sires Abraham Holding Spano Craig Levin (CA) Slotkin so it is critical for all applicants that they com- Bishop (UT) Horsford Walker Crist Levin (MI) Smith (WA) plete paperwork accurately so that there is no Brooks (IN) King (IA) Webster (FL) Crow Lieu, Ted Soto Carter (TX) Loudermilk delay in submitting paperwork. Cuellar Lipinski Spanberger Wilson (SC) I encourage all constituents to reach out to Cunningham Loebsack Cheney Marchant Wright Speier Duncan Murphy (NC) my office if they need help. Davids (KS) Lofgren Stanton Yoho Davis (CA) Lowenthal Dunn Rogers (AL) And the legislation we will pass today also Stevens Gianforte Rooney (FL) Davis, Danny K. Lowey Suozzi allocates $1.4 trillion for the budget which is Dean Luja´ n Swalwell (CA) DeFazio Luria b 1807 why we must consider the COVID relief bill Takano DeGette Lynch today together with the budget bill. Thompson (CA) Messrs. SCHWEIKERT, KING of New DeLauro Malinowski Thompson (MS) This bill also helps secure $10 billion for as- DelBene Maloney, York, EMMER, RODNEY DAVIS of Il- Titus sistance in child-care to help get parents back Delgado Carolyn B. linois, BILIRAKIS, and Ms. HERRERA Demings Maloney, Sean Tonko to work so we can be ready to return to some Torres (CA) BEUTLER changed their vote from semblance of normalcy. DeSaulnier Matsui Deutch McAdams Torres Small ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ I am also proud to support this bill because Dingell McBath (NM) So the resolution was agreed to. this legislation supports paid sick leave, pro- Doggett McCollum Trahan The result of the vote was announced vides tens of billions in rent relief and an ex- Doyle, Michael McEachin Trone Underwood as above recorded. tension of the eviction moratorium, another F. McGovern Engel McNerney Vargas A motion to reconsider was laid on $14 billion in SNAP benefits and $80 billion in Escobar Meeks Veasey the table. Eshoo Meng Vela funding for our colleges and universities.’’ MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE It is often said that our budget is a blueprint Espaillat Mfume Vela´ zquez Evans Mitchell Visclosky RESOLUTION 965, 116TH CONGRESS of our values and with the budget we pass Finkenauer Moore Wasserman Allred (Wexton) Carson (IN) DeGette (Blunt today, Madam Speaker, is an affirmation of Fletcher Morelle Schultz Axne (Davids (Butterfield) Rochester) the Gospel of Matthew. Foster Moulton Waters (KS)) Case DelBene Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I Frankel Mucarsel-Powell Watson Coleman Barraga´ n (Beyer) (Cartwright) (Cicilline) Fudge Murphy (FL) Welch Bera (Aguilar) Castor (FL) DeSaulnier yield back the balance of my time, and Gallego Nadler Wexton Bishop (GA) (Demings) I move the previous question on the (Matsui) Garamendi Napolitano Wild (Butterfield) Cisneros Deutch (Rice ´ resolution. Garcıa (IL) Neal Wilson (FL) Blumenauer (Carbajal) (NY)) Garcia (TX) Neguse Yarmuth (Beyer) Clay The previous question was ordered. Doggett (Raskin) Bonamici (Clark (Butterfield) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Escobar (Garcia NAYS—180 (MA)) Cleaver (Davids question is on adoption of the resolu- (TX)) Aderholt Baird Bost Boyle, Brendan (KS)) tion. F. (Jeffries) Cohen (Beyer) Eshoo Allen Balderson Brady (Thompson The question was taken; and the Amash Banks Brooks (AL) Brownley (CA) Costa (Correa) (CA)) Amodei Barr Buchanan (Clark (MA)) Davis (CA) Speaker pro tempore announced that Finkenauer Armstrong Bergman Buck Bustos (Kuster (Scanlon) the ayes appeared to have it. Arrington Biggs Bucshon (NH)) Dean (Scanlon) (Underwood) Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, on that I Babin Bilirakis Budd Ca´ rdenas DeFazio (Davids Fletcher demand the yeas and nays. Bacon Bishop (NC) Burchett (Carbajal) (KS)) (Raskin)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:55 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.008 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 Frankel (Clark Lofgren (Jeffries) Richmond (l)(3)(A), or a supplement to such list under sub- House the following communication (MA)) Lowenthal (Butterfield) section (l)(7), has been provided by the reference from the Clerk of the House of Rep- Garamendi (Beyer) Rouda (Aguilar) product to the subsection (k) applicant (Sherman) Roybal-Allard resentatives: McEachin respecting a biological product included on the Gonzalez (TX) (Wexton) (Garcia (TX)) OFFICE OF THE CLERK, (Gomez) Ruiz (Dingell) list published under this subparagraph, the ref- McNerney HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Grijalva (Garcı´a Rush erence product sponsor shall provide such list of (Raskin) Washington, DC, December 21, 2020. (IL)) Meng (Clark (Underwood) patents (or supplement thereto) and their cor- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, Haaland (Davids (MA)) Ryan (Kildee) responding expiry dates to the Secretary, and (KS)) Mitchell Schakowsky the Secretary shall, in revisions made under The Speaker, House of Representatives, Hastings (Spanberger) (Underwood) clause (ii), include such information for such bi- Washington, DC. (Wasserman Moore (Beyer) Schneider DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the Schultz) (Casten (IL)) ological product. Within 30 days of providing Moulton any subsequent or supplemental list of patents permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II Heck (Kildee) (McGovern) Schrier of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- Jayapal (Raskin) (Spanberger) to any subsequent subsection (k) applicant Mucarsel-Powell tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Johnson (TX) Serrano under subsection (l)(3)(A) or (l)(7), the reference (Wasserman (Jeffries) (Jeffries) sage from the Secretary of the Senate on De- Schultz) product sponsor shall update the information Kelly (IL) Sewell (AL) cember 21, 2020, at 1:24 p.m.: Nadler (Jeffries) provided to the Secretary under this clause with (Clarke (NY)) (Cicilline) That the Senate passed S. 2346. Napolitano any additional patents from such subsequent or Kennedy Shimkus That the Senate passed S. 2716. (Correa) supplemental list and their corresponding expiry (McGovern) (Pallone) That the Senate passed S. 2827. Neal (Lynch) Khanna Sires (Pallone) dates. That the Senate passed S. 3099. (Sherman) Neguse Smith (WA) ‘‘(iv) LISTING OF EXCLUSIVITIES.—For each bi- (Perlmutter) That the Senate passed S. 3100. Kilmer (Kildee) (Courtney) ological product included on the list published That the Senate passed S. 3948. Kim (Davids Pascrell Speier (Scanlon) under this subparagraph, the Secretary shall (Pallone) That the Senate passed S. 3952. (KS)) Thompson (MS) specify each exclusivity period under paragraph Payne That the Senate passed S. 4556. Kirkpatrick (Fudge) (6) or paragraph (7) for which the Secretary has (Stanton) (Wasserman Titus (Connolly) That the Senate passed S. 5076. Lamb (Sherrill) Schultz) Vargas (Correa) determined such biological product to be eligible That the Senate passed without amend- Langevin Peters (Kildee) Veasey (Beyer) and that has not concluded. ment H.R. 1240. (Lynch) Peterson Vela´ zquez ‘‘(B) REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LI- That the Senate passed without amend- Lawrence (McCollum) (Clarke (NY)) CENSE.—If the license of a biological product is ment H.R. 4031. (Kildee) Pingree Watson Coleman determined by the Secretary to have been re- That the Senate passed without amend- (Cicilline) Lawson (FL) (Pallone) voked or suspended for safety, purity, or po- ment H.R. 5458. (Demings) Pocan (Raskin) Welch tency reasons, it may not be published in the list Lieu, Ted (Beyer) Porter (Wexton) (McGovern) That the Senate passed without amend- Lipinski Price (NC) Wilson (FL) under subparagraph (A). If such revocation or ment H.R. 5852. (Schrader) (Butterfield) (Hayes) suspension occurred after inclusion of such bio- That the Senate passed without amend- logical product in the list published under sub- ment H.R. 6535. f paragraph (A), the reference product sponsor That the Senate passed without amend- PURPLE BOOK CONTINUITY ACT shall notify the Secretary that— ment H.R. 7460. OF 2019 ‘‘(i) the biological product shall be imme- With best wishes, I am, diately removed from such list for the same pe- Sincerely, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- riod as the revocation or suspension; and CHERYL L. JOHNSON, ant to the adoption of House Resolu- ‘‘(ii) a notice of the removal shall be published Clerk. tion 1271, the Senate amendment to in the Federal Register.’’. f H.R. 1520 is considered as agreed to (b) REVIEW AND REPORT ON TYPES OF INFOR- with an amendment consisting of the MATION TO BE LISTED.—Not later than 3 years DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE text of the Rules Committee Print 116– after the date of enactment of this Act, the Sec- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 69. retary of Health and Human Services shall— TO MAKE A CORRECTION IN THE (1) solicit public comment regarding the type ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 133 Senate amendment: of information, if any, that should be added to Strike all after the enacting clause and in- or removed from the list required by paragraph Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I send to sert the following: (9) of section 351(k) of the Public Health Service the desk a concurrent resolution and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)), as added by subsection ask unanimous consent for its imme- The Act may be cited as the ‘‘Purple Book (a); and diate consideration in the House. Continuity Act of 2020’’. (2) transmit to Congress an evaluation of such The Clerk read the title of the con- SEC. 2. BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT PATENT TRANS- comments, including any recommendations current resolution. PARENCY. about the types of information that should be The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there added to or removed from the list. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 351(k) of the Public objection to the request of the gentle- Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)) is amended The text of the House amendment to woman from New York? by adding at the end the following: the Senate amendment is as follows: There was no objection. ‘‘(9) PUBLIC LISTING.— In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.— The text of the concurrent resolution serted by the Senate, insert the following: ‘‘(i) INITIAL PUBLICATION.—Not later than 180 is as follows: That the Continuing Appropriations Act, days after the date of enactment of the Purple H. CON. RES. 127 2021 (division A of Public Law 116–159) is fur- Book Continuity Act of 2020, the Secretary shall ther amended by striking the date specified Resolved by the House of Representatives (the publish and make available to the public in a in section 106(3) and inserting ‘‘December 28, Senate concurring), That, in the enrollment of searchable, electronic format— 2020’’. the bill H.R. 133 the Clerk of the House of ‘‘(I) a list of each biological product, by non- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Further Ex- Representatives shall make the following proprietary name (proper name), for which, as tension of Continuing Appropriations Act, correction: of such date of enactment, a biologics license 2021’’. Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘Making under subsection (a) or this subsection is in ef- consolidated appropriations for the fiscal fect, or that, as of such date of enactment, is f year ending September 30, 2021, providing deemed to be licensed under this section pursu- coronavirus emergency response and relief, ant to section 7002(e)(4) of the Biologics Price MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE and for other purposes.’’. Competition and Innovation Act of 2009; A message from Senate by Ms. Byrd, The concurrent resolution was agreed ‘‘(II) the date of licensure of the marketing one of its clerks, announced that the application and the application number; and to. ‘‘(III) with respect to each biological product Senate has passed a bill of the fol- A motion to reconsider was laid on described in subclause (I), the licensure status, lowing title in which the concurrence the table. and, as available, the marketing status. of the House is requested: f ‘‘(ii) REVISIONS.—Every 30 days after the pub- S. 371. An act to provide regulatory relief lication of the first list under clause (i), the Sec- to charitable organizations that provide DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE retary shall revise the list to include each bio- housing assistance, and for other purposes. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES logical product which has been licensed under TO MAKE A CORRECTION IN THE f subsection (a) or this subsection during the 30- ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 1520 day period or deemed licensed under this section COMMUNICATION FROM THE Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I send to pursuant to section 7002(e)(4) of the Biologics CLERK OF THE HOUSE Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009. the desk a concurrent resolution and ‘‘(iii) PATENT INFORMATION.—Not later than The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ask unanimous consent for its imme- 30 days after a list of patents under subsection BROWN of Maryland) laid before the diate consideration in the House.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:55 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.010 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7301 The Clerk read the title of the con- enjoys broad bipartisan support from Congress The text of the motion is as follows: current resolution. and other stakeholders, and provides a strong Mrs. Lowey moves that the House concur The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there return on investment.’’. in the Senate amendment to H.R. 133 with an (4) According to the Institute of International objection to the request of the gentle- amendment consisting of the text of Rules Education, in the 2015–2016 academic year, more Committee Print 116–68. woman from New York? than 56,000 United States students studied in There was no objection. other countries in the Western Hemisphere re- (For text of the House amendment to The text of the concurrent resolution gion while more than 84,000 non-United States the Senate amendment, see Book II of is as follows: students from the region studied in the United this RECORD.) H. CON. RES. 128 States, but only 5,000 of those United States stu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dents studied in Mexico and only 16,000 of those Resolved by the House of Representatives (the ant to House Resolution 1271, the mo- non-United States students were from Mexico. Senate concurring), That, in the enrollment of tion shall be debatable for one hour, the bill H.R. 1520 the Clerk of the House of SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. equally divided and controlled by the Representatives shall make the following It is the policy of the United States— (1) to continue deepening economic coopera- chair and ranking minority member of correction: tion between the United States and Mexico; the Committee on Appropriations. Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘Making (2) to seek to prioritize and expand edu- The gentlewoman from New York further continuing appropriations for fiscal cational and professional exchange programs (Mrs. LOWEY) and the gentlewoman year 2021, and for other purposes.’’. with Mexico, including through frameworks from Texas (Ms. GRANGER) each will The concurrent resolution was agreed such as the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Ini- control 30 minutes. to. tiative, the Young Leaders of the Americas Ini- The Chair recognizes the gentle- A motion to reconsider was laid on tiative, Jo´venes en Accio´n (Youth in Action), woman from New York. the table. the Fulbright Foreign Student Program, and the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program; and b 1815 f (3) to promote positive cross-border relations GENERAL LEAVE as a priority for advancing United States for- SUBMISSION OF MATERIAL EX- Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask PLANATORY OF THE AMEND- eign policy and programs. SEC. 4. STRATEGY TO PRIORITIZE AND EXPAND unanimous consent that all Members MENT OF THE HOUSE OF REP- EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL may have 5 legislative days in which to RESENTATIVES TO THE AMEND- EXCHANGE PROGRAMS WITH MEX- revise and extend their remarks and in- MENT OF THE SENATE TO H.R. ICO. clude extraneous material on the 133 (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State shall develop a strategy to carry out the policy de- House amendment to the Senate Pursuant to section 5 of House Reso- scribed in section 3, to include prioritizing and amendment to H.R. 133. lution 1271, the chair of the Committee expanding educational and professional ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there on Appropriations submitted explana- change programs with Mexico through frame- objection to the request of the gentle- tory material relating to the amend- works such as those referred to in section 3(2). woman from New York? ment of the House of Representatives (b) ELEMENTS.—The strategy required under There was no objection. to the amendment of the Senate to subsection (a) shall— Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield (1) encourage more academic exchanges be- H.R. 133. The contents of this submis- tween the United States and Mexico at the sec- myself such time as I may consume. sion will be published in Books III and ondary, post-secondary, and post-graduate lev- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to present IV of this RECORD. els; legislation that comprises all 12 fiscal f (2) encourage United States and Mexican aca- year 2021 appropriations bills, a num- demic institutions and businesses to collaborate ber of items agreed to on a bipartisan UNITED STATES-MEXICO to assist prospective and developing entre- basis between authorizing committees, ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP ACT preneurs in strengthening their business skills and a coronavirus relief package. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, pursuant and promoting cooperation and joint business The 12 appropriations bills include a initiatives across the United States and Mexico; to House Resolution 1271, I call up the (3) promote energy infrastructure coordina- strong increase in nondefense discre- bill (H.R. 133) to promote economic tion and cooperation through support of voca- tionary funding, allowing Congress to partnership and cooperation between tional-level education, internships, and ex- make important investments for the the United States and Mexico, with the changes between the United States and Mexico; people. Senate amendment thereto, and ask for and I am particularly proud that we have its immediate consideration in the (4) assess the feasibility of fostering partner- been able to fund better education for House. ships between universities in the United States our students; more affordable housing; and medical school and nursing programs in The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mexico to ensure that medical school and nurs- food security initiatives; safer commu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing programs in Mexico have comparable ac- nities, with funding to address Amer- Clerk will designate the Senate amend- creditation standards as medical school and ica’s gun violence epidemic; clean air ment. nursing programs in the United States by the and water; action on the climate crisis; Senate amendment: Accreditation and Standards in Foreign Medical and care for our veterans, with a spe- Strike out all after the enacting clause and Education, in addition to the Accreditation cial emphasis on suicide prevention insert: Commission For Education in Nursing, so that and gender-specific care. medical students can pass medical licensing SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. As chairwoman of the Subcommittee board exams, and nursing students can pass on State, Foreign Operations, and Re- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘United States- nursing licensing exams, in the United States. Mexico Economic Partnership Act’’. (c) BRIEFING.—Not later than 180 days after lated Programs, I am also proud that SEC. 2. FINDINGS. the date of the enactment of this Act, the Sec- this legislation bolsters international Congress finds the following: retary of State shall brief the appropriate con- security and stability. In particular, (1) The United States and Mexico have bene- gressional committees regarding the strategy re- the Middle East Partnership for Peace fitted from a bilateral, mutually beneficial part- quired under subsection (a). fund will support people-to-people ex- nership focused on advancing the economic in- SEC. 5. DEFINITIONS. changes and economic partnerships be- terests of both countries. In this Act, the term ‘‘appropriate congres- tween Israelis and Palestinians. (2) In 2013, Mexico adopted major energy re- sional committees’’ means— Turning to the coronavirus relief por- forms that opened its energy sector to private in- (1) the Committee on Foreign Relations of the vestment, increasing energy cooperation be- Senate; and tion of the legislation, the bill provides tween Mexico and the United States and open- (2) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the $892 billion to confront the pandemic. ing new opportunities for United States energy House of Representatives. While Republican intransigence engagement. SEC. 6. SUNSET PROVISION. means the legislation doesn’t include (3) On January 18, 2018, the Principal Deputy This Act shall remain in effect until December the State and local relief that is des- Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cul- 31, 2023. perately needed, the amounts it pro- tural Affairs at the Department of State stated, MOTION TO CONCUR vides for education, public health, and ‘‘Our exchange programs build enduring rela- tionships and networks to advance U.S. na- Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I have a transportation will greatly benefit our tional interests and foreign policy goals . . . motion at the desk. local communities. The role of our exchanges . . . in advancing The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Of particular importance to me, the U.S. national security and economic interests Clerk will designate the motion. $4 billion for GAVI will help children

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:12 Dec 29, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD20\DECEMBER\H21DE0.REC H21DE0 abonner on DSKJLXR7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H7302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 across the world receive the and the V–22 Osprey, so that they can invests in the future to meet serious coronavirus vaccine, though far greater discourage and take on any fight national priorities: real jobs, as we investments are needed to support against our enemies. achieve building back better by pro- international COVID–19 response. The bill retains longstanding Second viding $7.8 billion for the tremendous President-elect Biden has spoken Amendment and pro-life protections Army Corps of Engineers, $145 million about the dark winter that we face be- that my colleagues on the other side of above 2020; real innovation to invest cause of this pandemic. It is my hope the aisle wanted to eliminate. In fact, into the future in partnership with our that this bill will be a source of light it secures the largest pro-life victory in universities and private-sector as we face that winter. a generation by maintaining the innovators; providing $39.6 billion for I am proud that, through the careful Trump administration’s Title X Fam- the Department of Energy, $1 billion use of Federal funds, the appropria- ily Planning regulations. above 2020; real security within the De- tions in this bill will help set our Na- It drops the dangerous policy provi- partment of Energy, as we responsibly tion on a course to build back better. sions my colleagues on the other side fund a nuclear deterrent while boosting Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of of the aisle included in the House bills, nonproliferation. my time. including riders aimed at defunding the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield police. time of the gentlewoman has expired. myself such time as I may consume. Billions of dollars of unnecessary Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield an Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support emergency spending that the majority additional 30 seconds to the gentle- of this bill that will provide funding for included in their bills is stripped away woman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR). the Federal Government through the in this package. Many of these provi- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, we end of the fiscal year as well as provide sions are considered poison pills that achieve real impact, as our bill in- another round of desperately needed re- were opposed by Republicans and the creases the Department’s Energy Effi- lief for those affected by the White House. ciency and Renewable Energy program, coronavirus pandemic. Also before us today is another round ARPA-E, Advanced Energy Research, of coronavirus relief. Specifically, our The appropriations package we will and the Office of Science. consider today is critical because it package will: ensure the timely dis- In sum, the Energy and Water divi- will allow us to prevent an unnecessary tribution of vaccines across the coun- sion of this bill invests in innovative government shutdown and avoid a try; help small businesses affected by programs to yield future opportunities the economic downturn; and provide wasteful that for new-age jobs. simply straight-lines funding until the much-needed relief for airports and the I don’t support the cuts in the ATVM end of next year. airline industry, which is so important program related to advanced tech- The bill makes us safer by ensuring for thousands of hardworking Texans nology for vehicles, but I will say that we have the funding and the tools nec- in and around my district. I support the legislation overall and be- I am glad we were able to come to- essary to both discourage our enemies lieve that our bill is needed more than gether on this agreement today, and I and defend ourselves against them. ever to heal our Nation and advance want to thank my colleagues, Mrs. The funds provided in this bill are our leadership globally. LOWEY, Senator SHELBY, and Senator also critical to continue the fight Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield LEAHY, for working together in good against public health threats both at 3 minutes to the gentleman from Ken- faith. home and abroad. Plain and simple, this package is tucky (Mr. ROGERS), the former chair- The bill ensures that longstanding good for our economic security and our man of the full committee and ranking provisions to protect life, reduce bur- national security because it addresses member of the Subcommittee on State, densome regulation, and preserve our the most pressing threats we face as a Foreign Operations, and Related Pro- way of life are retained. country. I hope it will be supported. grams. I would like to highlight some spe- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. cific programs in the appropriations join me in voting in favor of this bill, Speaker, I rise in support of this bill, package. and I reserve the balance of my time. but I want to first congratulate our This bill supports another significant Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 committee’s chair and ranking member increase for the National Institutes of minutes to the gentlewoman from Ohio for their great work on putting to- Health, including funding for vital re- (Ms. KAPTUR), the distinguished chair- gether this enormous and enormously search on Alzheimer’s disease and to woman of the Subcommittee on Energy important bill. find cures for cancer. and Water Development. First, I want to say how rare this day It provides more than half a billion Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, America really is in another way. It is the first dollars for NASA, to help maintain our is grateful for Mrs. LOWEY’s years of time that we have had a ranking mem- superiority in space. We will need to honorable, dedicated, and enlightened ber who is a female, Ms. GRANGER, and continue to do more in future years to service. We will so miss her leadership, the first female chairman of the com- establish a sustainable presence on the bright smile, and affable nature. mittee, NITA LOWEY. We will miss her Moon. I would also like to thank Ranking enormously on this committee and in The bill also funds the U.S. Space Member SIMPSON, who has been a con- the Chamber. Force so the United States has a lead- stant and truly valued partner, as well This bill is enormous. It is not per- ing edge against China and Russia. as our wonderful subcommittee staff: fect, but it reflects a fair compromise The bill keeps us safe by providing Jaime Shimek, Scott McKee, Mark that includes funding for many impor- the same level of funding as last year Arnone, Farouk Ophaso, and Mike tant priorities at home and abroad and for the border wall. It also rolls back Brain, who have labored tirelessly to vital assistance for all those negatively attempts to limit the President’s au- produce this bill. impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. thority to provide additional funds, if The Energy and Water division of As ranking member of the Com- needed. this bill captures the American spirit mittee on State, Foreign Operations, The bill continues to rebuild our of ingenuity and national energy inde- and Related Programs, I want to tell military, modernize our nuclear weap- pendence. It provides the foundation of you, this bill provides critical funding ons stockpile, and strengthen our al- critical investments to meet the chal- for our national security. This includes lies, such as Israel. This bill strongly lenge of climate change, to which $12 $3.3 billion in Foreign Military Financ- supports our veterans and our troops billion, or 24 percent of our overall bill, ing for Israel and robust support to by increasing pay for our military; ad- is dedicated. Without question, our En- combat transnational crime and the dressing the healthcare needs of our ergy and Water bill is this year’s most flow of illegal drugs. brave warfighters and their families, as important climate change legislation, The bill is also tough on China, as it well as those who previously served; with our overall bill dedicated to sus- commits serious resources behind our and ensuring that the United States taining life on Earth. Indo-Pacific strategy. This includes ex- military has cutting-edge equipment, Instead of the President’s short- posing the censorship and propaganda such as the F–35 Joint Strike Fighter sighted and devastating cuts, our bill wielded by the Chinese Communist

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.035 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7303 Party and countering Beijing’s debt- As ranking member of the sub- The Defense portion of this bill con- trap diplomacy through well-funded, committee, I am pleased this bill is sig- tinues to focus on the well-being and open, and transparent U.S. develop- nificantly improved from the House morale of those in uniform. For exam- ment by the Development Finance Cor- bill in many ways. ple, the bill provides an additional $116 poration and the Countering Chinese First and foremost, the bill strongly million for upgrades to childcare facili- Influence Fund. supports our national nuclear security ties and directs the military services to This bill also protects our core val- programs, providing $15.3 billion for present innovative ideas to address the ues. It maintains all pro-life protec- the Weapons Activities account, an in- serious backlog for childcare. tions from last year and rejects efforts crease of $2.9 billion above fiscal year However, I must also share my con- to undo the President’s historic poli- 2020. This funding supports the mainte- cerns over DOD and its lack of compli- cies that protect the sanctity of life. nance and modernization of our nu- ance with many congressionally di- This bill is also great for my district clear weapons system, which will en- rected reporting requirements. For ex- in Kentucky, if I can be parochial. It sure a credible and reliable nuclear de- ample, last year, the committee di- provides the resources we need to con- terrent. rected the Department to submit a re- tinue to fight the opioid epidemic, One of my personal priorities is pro- port on its contracts for advertising which is now more important than moting innovation and growth in nu- services with socially and economi- ever. clear energy. This bill provides almost cally disadvantaged small businesses. It fully funds my AML pilot program, $1.4 billion for research, development, The report was 5 months late. which is truly breathing life back into and demonstration activities, includ- The Department has also habitually my southern and eastern Kentucky ing increased funding for the Advanced redirected funding in contravention of communities. It helps our small busi- Small Modular Reactors Program and congressional intent. One DOD official nesses and so many Kentuckians who the Advanced Reactors Demonstration referred to these transfers of billions of are fighting tooth and nail to survive Program, both programs focused on dollars as anomalies. I refer to them as the coronavirus pandemic. building the next generation of carbon- habitual abuses. I hope in the future it This package does not have every- free technologies to be deployed here will recognize Congress’ constitutional thing that we wanted, but it is a good and abroad. prerogatives. bill, and I think a fair compromise. The bill also includes critical water Mr. Speaker, finally, since it was Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues’ storage projects in the drought-prone mentioned, this will be my last floor support. West, such as the Anderson Ranch Dam statement after nearly 44 years of Mr. Speaker, I want to wish everyone raise in my district in Idaho. working in the House. I want to thank Mr. Speaker, before I yield back, I a merry Christmas. all of the wonderful staff who have would like to thank the full committee b 1830 made what successes we have enjoyed ranking member, KAY GRANGER, who 1 possible. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 ⁄2 has so ably led our Republican Con- I also want to thank my parents, minutes to the gentleman from South ference on appropriations matters all John and Helen Visclosky, and my sis- Carolina (Mr. CLYBURN), the distin- Congress long. And full committee ter, Annamarie Visclosky, who be- guished majority whip. Chairwoman LOWEY deserves our lieved in me when I was an unem- Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, while thanks for her many years of service in today’s vote to provide relief to fami- this committee and to the Nation. We ployed, young former staffer and made lies who are suffering due to cir- will miss her. my incredible life journey possible. cumstances far beyond their control is Energy and Water Development, and Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Cali- welcome, it is long overdue and insuffi- Related Agencies Chairwoman MARCY fornia (Mr. CALVERT), the ranking cient to fully meet their needs. KAPTUR and I, again, worked well with member of the Defense Subcommittee. Democrats put forth our priorities our Senate partners, LAMAR ALEX- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in last May to bring relief to those who ANDER and DIANNE FEINSTEIN, to ad- are sick, unemployed, homeless, and vance national and constituent inter- support of this legislation. First, I want to thank Chairwoman hungry. Republicans instead chose to ests throughout the programs that are LOWEY for her hard work and her dedi- ignore and obfuscate the widespread funded in this bill. suffering. Finally, I would like to thank staff cation to this institution, and I wish This short-term package will provide on both sides of the aisle for their hard her well in her retirement. direct payments and unemployment work—extremely hard work—particu- And I certainly want to thank our benefits extension and some assistance larly this last month, working to help ranking member for her hard work and to help families afford rent, food, bring this bill to completion. all the things that went into getting water, and broadband. I applaud our Mr. Speaker, this appropriations this bill together. I know it is difficult. Speaker for negotiating these critical package, which includes the Energy We certainly appreciate it. provisions and my colleagues who came and Water division, is a strong bill, and And, finally, Chairman PETE VIS- together in a bipartisan way to drive I urge my colleagues to support it. CLOSKY, not only my chairman, but my this compromise, but this package Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 close friend, who has worked hard on must be viewed only as a downpay- minutes to the distinguished gen- this bill, and he has done a wonderful ment. tleman from Indiana (Mr. VISCLOSKY), job over the years and is certainly a Most of us can hardly wait to begin the chairman of the Subcommittee on patriot who deserves the credit in put- the new year with renewed hope. Our Defense, who has spent the last 35 ting this Defense bill together. resolve as we come into 2021 with a new years in the Congress. The Constitution grants Congress the Congress and a new administration is Mr. Speaker, we all share his knowl- explicit and sacred responsibility to to provide the leadership and support edge, which he shares with us so will- provide for our Nation’s defense. This Americans need and deserve to get us ingly, and we appreciate his service, bill before us today does just that. It beyond this pandemic. There can be no not just to the committee, but to the provides funding for many key pro- greater pursuit in 2021. Congress, to the country, and we wish grams consistent with the National De- Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield him the very, very best. We thank him fense Strategy and its focus on great 2 minutes to the gentleman from Idaho for his service in the Congress and on power competition with China and Rus- (Mr. SIMPSON), the ranking member of this committee. sia. the Energy and Water Development, (Mr. VISCLOSKY asked and was The bill prioritizes and funds pro- and Related Agencies Subcommittee. given permission to revise and extend grams essential to our continued mili- Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise his remarks.) tary dominance. It provides our com- today in support of the fiscal year 2021 Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, I batant commanders with the resources omnibus appropriations bill, and par- thank the chairwoman for yielding and and equipment they need to carry out ticularly the Energy and Water Devel- her kind remarks. their missions around the world. opment and Related Agencies Appro- Mr. Speaker, I ask that my col- We continue key investments in priations Act. leagues support H.R. 133. fifth-generation combat aircraft, ships,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.036 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 and two -class submarines, or-death funding: $73 billion for the De- DELAURO. I very much look forward to while also continuing to invest in the partment of Health and Human Serv- serving with her as both the chair of essential research and development of ices and $82 billion for the Department my subcommittee, as well as the chair new technologies essential to main- of Education. of the full committee in the next Con- taining U.S. military superiority. However, it is only a start, and we gress. We continue to prioritize the health must do so much more. We need aid to Last, but certainly not least, I also and welfare of our men and women in cities and States. We need a child tax want to thank our full committee uniform. The funding in this bill re- credit and much more money for chair, Mrs. LOWEY, who has had an out- flects the longstanding concerns that childcare. standing career and navigated us to so many of our Members have had with Let us act and get the people the help this point. Defense health programs, sexual as- they need. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I am de- sault prevention, suicide prevention, Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield lighted to yield 11⁄2 minutes to the dis- and the long-awaited electronic health 2 minutes to the gentleman from Okla- tinguished gentlewoman from Florida record, which we need to get fixed. homa (Mr. COLE), the ranking member (Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ), the chair- We must get this bill signed into law of the Labor, Health and Human Serv- woman of the Subcommittee on Mili- as soon as possible. According to the ices, Education, and Related Agencies tary Construction, Veterans Affairs, DOD comptroller, a continuing resolu- Subcommittee. and Related Agencies. tion wastes $1.7 billion per month and Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased b 1845 stops many of the modernization prior- today to have the Labor, Health and ities that are the cornerstone of main- Human Services, Education, and Re- Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. taining our military’s superiority over lated Agencies’ bill included in this im- Speaker, I rise to support the combined near-peer threats such as China and portant appropriations package. As we fiscal year 2021 government spending Russia. have done every year since I have and coronavirus relief package. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that we served on the subcommittee, we have The package before us today does not were able to overcome politically been able to reach a compromise. I have everything the American people charged issues to negotiate this final want to highlight a few of the many need. It shortchanges key relief pro- passage. I urge all the Members to vote provisions in the Labor-HHS section of grams, like aid to our first responders for it. the bill. and State and local governments. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I am de- The agreement boosts funding for the But the American people are suf- lighted to yield 11⁄2 minutes to the dis- National Institutes of Health by $1.25 fering and need immediate relief. Sup- tinguished gentlewoman from Con- billion. I am proud to say this increase port from Congress is long overdue. necticut (Ms. DELAURO), the chair of represents the sixth straight year of The package includes critical Demo- the Subcommittee on Labor, Health sustained increases for the NIH, thanks cratic priorities we fought for, like and Human Services, Education, and to bipartisan and bicameral support. money for small businesses, extended Related Agencies, and now the chair of And funding resources, expertise, and unemployment benefits, individual the full committee, where I know she investments we have made over the stimulus checks, and public health will serve with her great knowledge past 6 years in biomedical research, funding to eradicate the coronavirus. with distinction. along with public health planning It contains legislation I authored to Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I thank through mechanisms like the Infec- reauthorize the EARLY Act, which the gentlewoman from New York, and I tious Disease Rapid Response Reserve educates young and at-risk women hope to fill her shoes in what she has Fund, are helping us come out of this with breast cancer. done to promote the welfare of the pandemic faster than predicted. The appropriations bills in this pack- lives of the people of this country. Make no mistake, this is not an acci- age advance key priorities, like $250 Thank you. dent. It is a result of years of quiet in- million for Everglades restoration, Mr. Speaker, I rise to support this vestment, planning, and scientific dedi- fighting child exploitation on the bill. cation. I am glad this conference agree- internet, and protecting migrants and We are at a critical moment. We are ment continues these investments in holding DHS accountable. not just living through a public health biomedical research. It will benefit the As chair of the Military Construction crisis, but an economic one; two crises, Nation. and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, which have magnified existing inequal- Finally, the bill also funds the Presi- we fund improved healthcare for vet- ities. dent’s childhood cancer initiative and erans, modernize the VA electronic Tens of millions of workers are un- continues support to end the HIV epi- health record system, and improve employed. Millions of families are fac- demic. military infrastructure to ensure readi- ing hunger, many for the first time in This conference agreement before us ness. their lives. Small businesses are going today also increases funding for edu- And we did not include funding to re- under, and over 300,000 Americans have cation and training programs, includ- imburse the President for his theft of lost their lives. ing $52 million for an increase in career military funds for the racist border The COVID relief package that we and technical education, a $10 million wall. are voting on today is a start, and I increase for TRIO and GEAR UP. We The Democratic House passed our thank my colleagues in the House of have increased funds for Impact Aid coronavirus relief bill in May and our Representatives for elevating it to pro- and special education and provided appropriations bills in July. Repub- vide important relief. funds for veterans to integrate back licans failed to do their job. They have It brings back the enhanced Federal into the workforce. showcased unprecedented incom- unemployment insurance, direct pay- Finally, the bill continues existing petence and cruelty this year. ments, a second round of PPP loans, funding restrictions, including those Why did Republicans block this relief $13 billion in emergency food assist- important to the pro-life community, package until now? ance, and a temporary boost to the and drops new controversial language. They thought we were too generous monthly food stamp program. And, Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude with the American people, and they critically, it includes my Preventing by thanking Ranking Member KAY wanted to protect corporations who Online Sales of E-Cigarettes Act. GRANGER and Labor, Health and put workers in harm’s way, and then Despite strong Republican opposi- Human Services Chair ROSA DELAURO. tried to shackle the Federal Reserve in tion, it provides nearly $2 billion to Ms. GRANGER has been a valiant leader a last-minute effort to make it harder maintain the paid leave option. I will navigating our members through some for the Biden administration to help fight for paid sick days and paid family difficult decisions to bring us here struggling small businesses. and medical leave in the new year so today. Democrats will keep fighting for ad- that no worker is left behind. Mr. Speaker, I also want to acknowl- ditional aid once President-elect Biden In the Labor-HHS provisions, we edge the negotiating skills of the chair takes office. That cannot come soon were able to secure $155 billion in life- of the Labor-HHS Subcommittee, Ms. enough.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.038 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7305 Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, this bill includes $230 But I want to end by thanking the 1 minute to the gentleman from Michi- million for port infrastructure pro- chair, NITA LOWEY. As she mentioned, gan (Mr. MOOLENAAR), a member of the grams, which is crucial to coastal she and , myself, and Rich Appropriations Committee. States, but also, frankly, to our entire Neal are the last in our class. I hate to Mr. MOOLENAAR. Mr. Speaker, I freight network. say it that way. She has been an out- thank the gentlewoman for yielding. I am particularly pleased that this standing legislator and a great friend. Mr. Speaker, I support the legislation bill includes $390 million to the Mari- My only regret is that she is going to finishing the appropriations process for time Academy Training Ship Program. just leave Richie Neal and myself to 2021 because it funds important prior- This bill also renews housing assist- carry on here. So I really wish she ities for Michigan families. It includes ance for millions of Americans in need. would not leave, but I know she wants funding for the construction of a new It is our duty to meet this commit- to, and I wish her the best. I love you, lock at the Soo Locks, the Great Lakes ment, especially for our elderly; our Nita. Restoration Initiative, rural broadband disabled; and our heroes, our veterans. Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield internet access, and NIH research into I am also very pleased the bill pro- 2 minutes to the gentleman from Ne- cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s. vides $3 billion for homeless assistance braska (Mr. FORTENBERRY), the rank- Of course, there is more work to do. grants. ing member of the Agriculture, Rural Many communities have been af- I have seen the results of those pro- fected by disasters this year, including Development, Food and Drug Adminis- grams firsthand, as we effectively tration, and Related Agencies Sub- my district, where two dams failed and eliminated homelessness among vet- communities were flooded. committee. erans in Miami-Dade County. Mr. FORTENBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I Congress should do more to help all As a final point on the THUD bill, I communities affected by natural disas- thank the ranking member for yield- would note that this agreement drops ing. ters this year, and I will be doing ev- the controversial riders, allowing us to erything I can to help those in my dis- I also add my thanks to my good move forward. friend, Chair LOWEY, upon her retire- trict apply to receive Federal assist- This omnibus itself continues strong ance. ment from Congress. Thank you so investments also into our national de- much for your grace-filled leadership I am glad we have this bill done for fense. It funds Everglades restoration the American people, and I look for- all these years. I am very happy for and prioritizes school safety initia- ward to working with my colleagues you in this new phase of life. tives. across the aisle to craft bipartisan leg- Also, Mr. Speaker, I thank the chair- Once again, Chairman LOWEY and islation again in the new year. man of the Agricultural, Rural Devel- Ranking Member GRANGER led the way Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 opment, Food and Drug Administra- through these very difficult times by minute to the gentleman from Vir- tion, and Related Agencies Sub- working day and night and never giv- ginia, (Mr. SCOTT), the chairman of the committee publicly here, Chair SAN- ing up. Committee on Education and Labor. FORD BISHOP. He has such a profes- A final word to Chairwoman LOWEY Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, sionalism and courtesy and a working, as she manages her final bill. You I thank the gentlewoman for yielding friendly bipartisan spirit. I really know, you can agree or disagree with and for her long career helping working think it is important that America this honorable Member from New York, men and women throughout the Na- hears that. but she is always honorable, straight- tion. Mr. Speaker, this bill underwrites forward, a true gentlewoman, and she I rise in support of this historic legis- the stabilization policies for our farm- has been a huge asset to this institu- lation. Under this bill, we were able to ers and ranchers, the protection of our tion and to our country. Godspeed, secure expansion of Pell grants to drug supply, and what I call the farm Madam Chairwoman. make it easier for students to access of the future. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 aid by streamlining the free applica- Now, these elongated deliberations minutes to the gentleman from New tion for Federal student aid. We were have created extra time for us here in Jersey (Mr. PALLONE). We came to Con- able to eliminate the ban on Pell Congress. I know you would probably gress together, and he is the chairman grants for incarcerated students. We prefer to be in Maryland. I certainly of the Committee on Energy and Com- were able to discharge debts for many would prefer to be in Nebraska. But we merce. historically Black colleges and univer- have had important work to do here. sities. And we were able to invest $82 Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Given the extra amount of time, I billion in schools and colleges. took some liberties and I visited with a I am particularly proud that we were I rise in strong support of this final omnibus package that includes critical young farmer near here, Mr. Speaker. able to provide an end to the legal pro- He lives in the Shenandoah Valley. And hibition of the use of Federal funds in legislation from the Energy and Com- merce Committee. on a cold Virginia night, I actually transportation to promote school inte- sanitized my own shoes and walked gration. That is right. It is still illegal First, this agreement includes $69 bil- with him in his poultry house, and we until this bill passes. lion to crush the coronavirus by sup- talked. We talked about costs, fer- Finally, I want to praise the inclu- porting the rapid and equitable dis- sion in this legislation of the fact that tribution of COVID–19 vaccines, as well tilizer reuse, mechanical versus digital we are finally ending surprise medical as critical testing and contact tracing. monitors, and options for integrating bills and the problems along those Second, this package finally ends renewable energy into his operations. Checking his birds is a routine he du- lines. surprise medical bills for American Mr. Speaker, I hope we will pass the consumers. These surprise bills have tifully performs. And that is what bill and do a lot for students and work- burdened millions of patients with America’s farmers are about: con- ers. crushing medical debts. It saves stancy, vigilance, hard work. And Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield money, which pays for a 3-year exten- whether it is in the field or among live- 2 minutes to the gentleman from Flor- sion to fund community health centers stock, the day in and day out life of the ida (Mr. DIAZ-BALART), the ranking and other vital healthcare programs. farmer in Nebraska or Virginia or member of the Transportation, Hous- Third, the bill phases down HFCs. Georgia is what keeps America strong ing and Urban Development Sub- This is a big win in the fight against and helps feed the world. committee. climate change, along with the reau- This bill supports our production ag- Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, I thorization of the Pipeline Safety Act, ricultural system in many traditional thank the gentlewoman for yielding. I which reduces methane leaks. ways, while we also witness an oppor- also thank the chair, Mrs. LOWEY, for And, fourth, we provide major assist- tunity to expand the farm family. New her long career helping working men ance for struggling families to better forms of small-scale niche agriculture and women throughout the Nation. afford their internet service. marry high-tech with high-touch, con- I thank Chairman PRICE for working These are just a few of the key provi- necting the rural to the urban, the with me on the transportation and sions from the Energy and Commerce farmer to the family, and the farm to housing title of this bill. Committee. the table. This is the future of farming.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.040 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 Of particular importance, the bill I thank NANCY PELOSI for the tre- months of relief for those suffering supports rural broadband, as well as mendous job that she did in negoti- from the severe impacts of COVID. protecting our drug supply. It is an im- ating to get us to this point. Mr. Speaker, I also thank Congress- portant bill from the constructs of the Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield woman Chair DELAURO and Chairman most basic systems in America. to the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. PALLONE for their work with our Tri- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The FLEISCHMANN), the ranking member of Caucus to include $2.8 billion for test- time of the gentleman has expired. the Homeland Security Subcommittee. ing and vaccine support in the commu- Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I nities of color hardest hit by COVID. an additional 30 seconds to the gen- thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, I also thank our sub- tleman from Nebraska. Before I begin, I wish to convey my committee chairs and staff for includ- Mr. FORTENBERRY: Mr. Speaker, warm thoughts and sentiments to Mrs. ing so many of our priorities and for the bill supports rural broadband. And LOWEY from New York, who is chair- their diligent work on this. that is more than wires laid. It is about man of this committee. It has been a It is really shameful that it has creating an ecosystem of livability so privilege to work with you for almost a taken Republicans so long to realize that the benefits of telehealth and tele- decade in my capacity, and I wish you that their constituents are desperate education and telework, along with the best in your future. And I thank for help and need their government to precision agriculture, can be distrib- you for your service to this great give them a lifeline during this terrible uted equitably throughout the country. House. time, also. The inspiring COVID vaccine approv- Eight million people have slipped b 1900 als by the FDA have shown us what we into poverty since the start of this pan- can do together, and this bill also pro- Mr. Speaker, tonight, I rise in sup- demic, and one in four adults are suf- tects our drug supply while keeping un- port of the bill we have before us, fering from hunger during COVID–19. safe drugs out. which is the result of months of nego- 318,000 people have died from the Mr. Speaker, it is important that tiations on how best to manage our Trump administration’s scandalous these provisions make it into law. That government’s resources in fiscal year mismanagement. is why I am happy to support this bill. 2021 and respond to the COVID pan- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Again, Chair LOWEY, thank you for demic that has gripped so many of our time of the gentlewoman has expired. your leadership. communities. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield an Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 Mr. Speaker, as the ranking member additional 15 seconds to the gentle- minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- of the Homeland Security Sub- woman. fornia (Ms. WATERS), the chairwoman committee, I thank my full committee Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I of the Committee on Financial Serv- leader, Ms. GRANGER, for her great support this bill. Let’s give this lifeline ices. leadership in pulling this omnibus to- to people. Let’s move forward and build Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I thank gether. I also thank Subcommittee on this downpayment. the gentlewoman for yielding. Chairwoman Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD from Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield The relief in this bill is desperately California, along with Senators CAPITO 2 minutes to the gentleman from Texas needed, as families struggle during the and TESTER across the hall, for their (Mr. ARRINGTON). pandemic crisis. The negotiations were work and comity in resolving these dif- Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise difficult. They were tough. I wish we ficult and challenging issues. It is a in support of this legislation to provide could have done even more, but I am pleasure to have served with Chair- relief to our fellow Americans, accel- pleased we have done as well as we woman ROYBAL-ALLARD in this role. erate our Nation’s economic recovery, could have done to provide relief for so Mr. Speaker, I think we have a very and ensure our great Nation comes many in desperate need for their gov- balanced agreement. We continue to back better, stronger, and healthier ernment to come to their aid. provide $1.375 billion for border secu- than ever. As chairwoman of the Financial rity and funds flexibility for Immigra- I don’t want to belabor my deep con- Services Committee, I am proud to tion and Customs Enforcement to re- cerns with the process except to say, have secured $25 billion in emergency spond to detention needs. Mr. Speaker, that it is fundamentally rental assistance. We need much more. Further, we have significant invest- broken and that it was unnecessarily We also got an extension of the evic- ments in many of our Nation’s security prolonged for purely political reasons. tion moratorium and $12 billion in low- components, including the great The American people waited, and wait- cost, long-term capital and grants to United States Coast Guard, cybersecu- ed for months. They deserve better, Mr. the minority depository institutions rity and infrastructure, and FEMA Speaker. and the credit unions and the commu- grants to our States and localities to Mr. Speaker, I thank my dear friend, nity development financial institu- respond to disasters. fellow Texan and ranking member, KAY tions. Further, the bill before us eliminates GRANGER; our leader, KEVIN MCCARTHY; I thank Ranking Member MCHENRY, the riders and policy provisions con- KEVIN BRADY; and many others who Chairman CRAPO, and Ranking Member tained in the House-reported bill that helped finalize this agreement. BROWN for working with me on these would have inhibited the Department It is far from perfect. I haven’t met provisions. of Homeland Security from fulfilling perfect legislation since coming to I am so pleased that the legislation its law enforcement responsibilities at Washington. But it does a good job of includes stimulus payments for fami- our borders and in the interior of our supporting our struggling families, lies and individuals. Not enough, but I country. small businesses, healthcare profes- am pleased. Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on sionals, teachers, and other frontline I am also pleased it includes new this package. It is time for the fiscal workers at a time when many des- funding for unemployment insurance. year to get underway. perately need it, and all of this at a Not enough, but I am pleased. Mr. Speaker, I wish all a happy and fraction of Speaker PELOSI’s $3.3 tril- I am also pleased we have support for healthy new year. lion bailout bonanza, which included Los Angeles International Airport in Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 cash for illegals, legalizing marijuana, my district and small business forgiv- minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- and a host of other unnecessary and ir- able PPP loans. This bill will also ex- fornia (Ms. LEE), a senior member of responsible provisions. pand the amount of PPP loans for the Appropriations Committee. Mr. Speaker, it is no small feat to which restaurants are eligible by a con- Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, keep our annual spending below the siderable amount. first, let me thank Chairwoman NITA budget cap, and I commend my col- Let me be clear: Much more is need- LOWEY for once again doing such a phe- leagues, including Chairwoman LOWEY, ed, but this bill is a most important nomenal job. I am going to miss her for that. first step, and I am very pleased that tremendously. To do that and prevail in protecting we are able to come to the aid of all of Let me just say how much I support troops and including their pay raise, our constituents. this survival bill, which provides a few funding for the border wall, preserving

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.041 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7307 the sacred protections for our unborn, I So, yes, there is more work to do, and doesn’t go all the way, but it takes us have got to tell you, that is pretty darn it will cost some money, but it will down the path, a first step. good. protect jobs. Most importantly, it will I have hope of crushing the virus, and It is hard for me to stand for some of meet the needs of the American people I have hope because of the election of this stuff in this bill, this omnibus. But to crush the virus and to do so in a way Joe Biden as President of the United on balance, it is good for the country, that brings us all into the future in a States, a President who will follow and I am standing with Chairwoman very safe way. science. He will follow science, and he LOWEY, and I am standing with my fel- I thank Congresswoman VELA´ ZQUEZ will recognize that we have to meet the low Texan, KAY GRANGER. for her extraordinary leadership in needs of all the American people wher- . that regard. ever they live in our country, espe- Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. Speaker, I thank MAXINE WATERS cially addressing BARBARA LEE’s con- minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- for coming to the need of people, rent- cerns about the communities of color fornia (Ms. PELOSI), my friend for 32 ers, landlords, et cetera, with her im- that have been underserved in so much years in the House, the outstanding portant legislation—of course, we want of what we have done. Speaker of the House. more, but for now, this will see us Mr. Speaker, I have great apprecia- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank through—her Community Development tion for Madam Chair NITA LOWEY. the gentlewoman for bringing this im- Financial Institutions legislation, her Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I re- portant legislation to the floor. I thank MDIs, making all that available in the serve the balance of my time. her and Ranking Member KAY small business piece, available to so Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 GRANGER for bringing this in a very many more people. minute to the gentleman from Mary- strong bipartisan way. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. SCOTT from land (Mr. HOYER), the majority leader. I spoke this morning at some length, Virginia. Student loans, childcare, I Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank so it is on the record as to my attitude thank him for making it right. Madam Chair for yielding, and I thank here. I salute the legislation that is Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. PALLONE Ranking Member KAY GRANGER for her here and urge passage, but I do want to for his leadership again and again. Vac- work. take a minute to thank the Madam cines, the vaccine issue is so impor- Mr. Speaker, I had the opportunity Chair. tant, how it is delivered, how it is pro- to do a video, as we all are commu- She has served in the Congress for a duced, distributed. Going from vaccine nicating with one another virtually, long time. We have sat side by side to vaccination, from lab to arm, so about my colleague and friend with over the years with ROSA DELAURO, much is required, and much of it is in whom I have served for over three dec- STENY HOYER, and Mr. CLYBURN as ap- this bill. Testing and tracing are still ades, NITA LOWEY. propriators. I have seen her writings- needed. We still need to provide a relief I went to school in NITA LOWEY’s dis- based astute political knowledge, her fund that goes along with that. I thank trict many, many years ago. When she strategic thinking, her encyclopedic him for the personal interest he took came here, we became friends. Shortly knowledge of the legislation produce in broadband. thereafter, she came on the Appropria- the results, understanding what the Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. DEFAZIO on tions Committee, and we served to- process will bear and what the country transportation and WRDA. Yesterday gether, as Speaker PELOSI said, on the needs first and foremost. morning, we didn’t even have WRDA in Labor, Health and Human Services, So, Mr. Speaker, I thank Chair- the bill. That is why this all has taken Education, and Related Agencies Sub- woman LOWEY. I don’t know how many longer to do. So, I thank him for the committee of the Appropriations Com- more times we will thank her, but important role that he played. We all mittee. I served on that committee for hopefully, when the coronavirus goes know about the airlines and the rest, 23 years. I have great affection for that away, we can all join in embracing her but there is so much more. committee. great leadership and expressing grati- Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. PETERSON We served under a gentleman named tude. for his work on nutrition. People are Bill Natcher from the State of Ken- Mr. Speaker, I want to just again hungry in our country, and we had to tucky. He used to stand when he pre- take a moment in recognition of the fight for nutrition money, but I thank sented that bill to the floor and say: other chairs who worked to make this him for his persistence. ‘‘This is the people’s bill.’’ legislation so, so effective with direct Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. MCGOVERN Mr. Speaker, this is the people’s bill. payments through the employee reten- for his advocacy in the Congress for b 1915 tion tax credit, the unemployment in- children and hunger, as well as ROSA surance, to name a few. DELAURO. But Mr. MCGOVERN has gone This is a bill that must pass. They Congresswoman VELA´ ZQUEZ with on hunger strikes and the rest. He real- say that good things come to those who Small Business, under her leadership ly values what is in this bill on nutri- wait. They have waited too long, had and working in a bipartisan way, small tion to feed the hungry in our country. too much pain, physically; too many businesses, which are the heart of our Mr. Speaker, I thank Mrs. MALONEY deaths; too much psychological dam- economy, have received almost $1 tril- for saving our Postal Service. age; too many lost jobs. This is, how- lion in these coronavirus bills, almost Just a brief reference to say thank ever, a good thing that will come to $1 trillion. We support that, but I also you. This has been a long, difficult ne- those who need it so badly. would hope there would be some com- gotiation. These chairs, their members I want to thank Chairwoman LOWEY, mensurate recognition of the jobs of of the committees, and their staffs who has performed such extraordinary small business, the jobs of State and have been invaluable. Shalanda and service on the Subcommittee on Labor, local government. They have received Chris, I thank them so much for mak- Health and Human Services, Edu- only $160 billion in all of these bills, ing all this happen. cation, and Related Agencies for a long $160 billion. Mr. Speaker, I reference the state- time; and the Subcommittee on State, Does that sound familiar? That is ex- ment I made this morning about one Foreign Operations, and Related Pro- actly the amount of money that the thing and another, about the attitude grams for a long time; and for the Ap- Republicans put in the CARES bill to we have to this and the need for us to propriations Committee. give to the wealthiest in our country, recognize this as a first step and the I want to thank my friend, KAY yet for all the States and localities, need for us to address the important GRANGER. We are perceived as being and it was retroactive, having nothing contribution of our health workers, po- awfully partisan, and this has been a to do with coronavirus, $160 billion. lice and fire first responders, sanita- partisan project as well. It took us They thought that was commensurate tion, transportation, food workers, our from May 15 until today to get this with the responsibilities of our teachers, our teachers, our teachers. done. We passed, in the interim, Octo- healthcare workers, our State and If we are going to safely reenter the ber 1, another bill of substantially less- local police and fire, first responders, economy and our schools, we must er sum than the one we passed in May, transportation, sanitation, food work- crush the virus. and a little more than what we are ers, our teachers, our teachers, our I have hope to crush the virus. That passing—actually, twice what we are teachers. is why we could support this bill. It passing today. All of it was needed.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.043 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 The American people have been wait- GRANGER, who is going to be here. have said that, but that goes without ing and watching and hoping that Con- There is no reason, Mr. Speaker, why saying. We don’t do perfect. We are gress would not only be able to avert a we can’t pass appropriation bills by human beings. If we do the right thing, shutdown but also to provide much- September 30, the ending of the fiscal we do the best we can. It is essential needed COVID–19 relief. year, October 1 being the beginning of that we move forward and do our jobs Mr. Speaker, we now have a bipar- the new fiscal year. for the American people. tisan agreement, and the legislation I am frustrated, as the majority lead- That is why the House did its job by will achieve both of those aims. er who is supposed to be able to make passing the Heroes Act in May and KAY GRANGER, as I said, is somebody things work here, with my colleagues. again in October and why we passed ap- who was a mayor in Texas, and mayors We did make it work here, but our Sen- propriation bills to fund nearly all of know they have to get things done, and ate colleagues did not pass a single bill government by July 26. Congresswoman GRANGER has been prior to the election, so here we are. It is disappointing, as I have said, somebody who wants to get things In addition, this end-of-the-year that the Senate waited until November done. She and NITA LOWEY have been a package includes critical clean-energy to begin serious consideration of appro- team in getting things done. I thank legislation passed by the House earlier priation bills. I don’t mean the sub- both of them. this year that makes important committees didn’t work; they just This bill completes the appropria- progress toward addressing the climate didn’t report anything out. tions process by investing in the Amer- crisis while ensuring that America can Thankfully, though, we are taking ican people, in our national defense, in create good jobs by leading the clean- action together. America, we are tak- economic opportunity, in strength- energy economy. ing action together. And you can be ening safety net programs that keep We were also able, in this bill, Mr. pleased when you see the board light Americans out of poverty. Speaker, to include legislation that up, mostly overwhelmingly green. As I said, I thank both NITA LOWEY protects patients from surprise bills by I urge the President to sign this leg- and KAY GRANGER. removing them from the fight between islation without delay, just, Mr. Speak- I particularly want to thank an ex- insurers and providers and imple- er, as I urge him to sign the National traordinary Member of this body. She menting a fairer process for resolving Defense Authorization Act in which is not called a Congresswoman. She is disputes. you played such a critical role, Mr. not a Member of this body, but she is a On COVID–19 relief, while we were Speaker, and we passed earlier this person without whom we would not be unable to secure agreement on every month. I fear that he will veto this bill nearly as successful as we have been priority that Democrats and some Re- for an unrelated, totally nongermane over this last year. She has made this publicans wanted—we don’t always get issue, and we may be back here on the year less painful for millions and mil- everything we want. So be it. That is 28th. lions and millions of Americans. the process. If we are not here on the 28th, again, Her name is Shalanda Young. She We were able, however, to include NITA LOWEY, I want to say to you: sits right behind me, an extraordinary many of the provisions we included in Thank you. How much we appreciate talent whose leadership makes seminal previous bills on May 15 and October 1, your contribution, and how much we contributions to all the sections of this which I referred to earlier, for which appreciate the contribution of all of bill and to previous bills dealing with Democrats have been fighting for those who might be leaving either vol- appropriations and the COVID–19 pan- months and that Americans des- untarily or involuntarily. We thank demic. perately need. them for their service. She is, in many ways, an indispen- These include resumption of ex- Mr. Speaker, let’s finish the work of sable person when we come to dealing panded unemployment benefits, an- the 116th Congress. with bills of this magnitude. She works other round of direct payments, relief Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield for Mrs. LOWEY, as does Chris Bigelow. for renters, and assistance to make 3 minutes to the gentleman from Texas Both have done extraordinary service. sure that Americans can put food on (Mr. BRADY), the ranking member on Shalanda Young, Mr. Speaker, rep- the table. In the richest country on the the Ways and Means Committee. resents the best of us. I say that be- face of the Earth, we have people in Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I want to cause she represents a lot of the staff food lines who can’t feed themselves. thank Ranking Member GRANGER for we have here. She is extraordinarily That is not only wrong, but it is im- her terrific leadership on this bill and talented, extraordinarily patriotic, and moral and inconsistent with my faith throughout this session. extraordinarily dedicated to the work and, I think, the faith of most. This agreement is a big, important of the American people, and extraor- There is additional help for small win for American workers, healthcare dinarily underpaid. business—appropriate—and resources providers, Main Street businesses, and Members are going to be underpaid in to help schools reopen safely. families. this bill, too. We beat our chest, and we In addition, we secured another $3.36 In this agreement, we have Repub- have money in there that says we don’t billion for GAVI, and I thank the chair. lican tax relief for American families. get a COLA one more time. Aren’t we It is a small program, relatively speak- We permanently make it easier to de- so courageous. I am disgusted by that, ing, but it is about keeping people duct high medical costs and lifetime Mr. Speaker, and I want all of America healthy around the world. learning costs. We extend for 5 years to know; I want all of my constituents We are a shrinking globe, and this the tax credit for paid family and med- to know. Every Member in this place, COVID crisis came from abroad—wher- ical leave, plus we take it one step fur- whether I agree with them or not, is ever it came from, Europe, contrary to ther by helping businesses pay off stu- worth a COLA, at least trying to keep the President saying it came only from dent loans for workers. them even with the cost of living in China. It came from Europe; it came We have big wins for patients and this country. We struck it one more from China. We have a moral responsi- families together. We end surprise time, as we pretend that we think the bility to make sure that it doesn’t keep medical bills when you visit the ER or COLA is unjust. coming and that we help our brothers have scheduled medical procedures. We However, that is de minimis to this and sisters abroad as well so that we, require that patients be given a true bill, but, certainly, will not dissuade too, can be healthy. and honest bill ahead of a scheduled me or ought not to dissuade anybody In the new year, we will continue to procedure, and we make it easier to from voting enthusiastically, ener- work to ensure that our country can find in-network doctors and providers. getically, and proudly for this bill. meet the challenges of COVID–19, in- In addition to helping patients, we As a result of this omnibus, the next cluding help for State, local, Tribal, also help our doctors. We increase their President will be able to start his ad- and territorial governments that are pay and stop two-thirds of planned ministration focusing on immediate on the front line. Who is delivering the Medicare cuts for certain providers. We challenges instead of trying to finish shot in the arm? States and local gov- also increase doctor pay by over $3 bil- the previous year’s work. ernments. lion and add 1,000 new graduate med- I want to say something on that one No compromise is perfect, of course, ical education slots to help train more more time. I have talked to Ms. and this is not perfect. So many people doctors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.045 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7309 We took needed action to improve year. This really is a must-pass bill provides desperately needed relief to Amer- healthcare in rural areas. that I look forward to getting signed ican families. I’m proud to support many of the It also contains strong antifraud into law. provisions in this legislation, understanding safeguards for unemployment. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to that no compromise is perfect. Frontline work- We offer crucial tax help for millions join me in voting in favor of these bills, ers, including public health workers, fire- of Americans and small businesses with and I yield back the balance of my fighters, and other essential workers employed another round of stimulus checks, time. by state and local governments continue to more funds and flexibility for PPP Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield need our support. loans. myself the balance of my time, and I The bill before us today provides a lifeline to We also include important technical rise to address this House for the final those who are struggling from the COVID–19 corrections to the new U.S.-Mexico- time. pandemic and the recession it has caused. It Canada Agreement, which will help our For 32 years, it has been my privilege extends critical programs first authorized by economy rebuild from this pandemic. to serve as United States Representa- the CARES Act including $300 per week in Maybe most importantly, we have tive from New York; and in the 116th additional unemployment benefits, a second big wins in this package to help us de- Congress, it has been my distinct honor round of direct payments of up to $600, $284 feat the virus once and for all with bil- to be the first chairwoman of the billion for additional small business loans lions more in funding for vaccines, House Appropriations Committee. under the Paycheck Protection Program, and testing, distribution, and more. By wielding the power of the purse, $13 billion in nutrition assistance for Ameri- This bipartisan solution is so impor- this bill will make a profound dif- cans facing hunger. It also provides $25 billion tant to the American people. This is a ference in the lives of millions of to help renters pay their rent and stay in their strong and needed package. Its benefits Americans and people around the homes. I’m deeply disappointed that the Ad- will be felt for years to come. world. ministration and the Senate Majority Leader I also want to finish by thanking our I am proud to have worked with so would not allow restaurants and their workers committee chairman, RICHIE NEAL, many of my colleagues on both sides of to receive our help. With over 300 bipartisan who worked so closely with me and all the aisle to assemble this bill and other cosponsors on the RESTAURANT Act, these of our committee members on these legislative successes. You have chal- businesses and their workers should have wins for the American people. It has lenged and inspired me, and I treasure been in this legislation. been an honor to work with him this the friendships that we have made. In addition to pandemic relief, the bill funds Congress. My dear friend, KAY GRANGER, it has the government through the remainder of the I am also very proud of the work and been such an honor getting to know fiscal year, avoiding a costly government shut- leadership that Republicans have ex- you. Texas values, New York values, no down before the holidays, and invests in crit- emplified throughout this Congress, es- matter what they say, we became good ical priorities, including clean energy, afford- pecially among the Ways and Means friends and worked so well together. able housing, public schools, and broadband. Committee. I will gladly and strongly Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m proud to have secured $100 million for the vote in support of this bill, and I en- I would be remiss if I did not thank electrification of Caltrain, $8.9 million for envi- courage all of my colleagues to do the the talented staff who have worked so ronmental conservation of the San Francisco same. hard to put this bill together, led by Bay, $33 million for construction of the Linac Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I reserve Clerk and Staff Director Shalanda Coherent Light Source upgrade (LCLS–II) at the balance of my time. Young, the extraordinary Shalanda SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Young, who is way back there. $85.2 million for the Stratospheric Observatory myself such time as I may consume. Thank you, Shalanda Young. for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) at NASA Before I close, I want to take a mo- And also the extraordinary deputy Ames. ment to recognize my good friend and staff director, Chris Bigelow. What a Our country is in the midst of the worst pub- our full committee chairman, NITA team. They manage. No matter how lic health crisis in a century, and I’m proud to LOWEY, as this will be the last bill that much paper and no matter what the say that the Democrats on the Energy and she will take to the floor. challenge, they seem to be able to put Commerce Health Subcommittee, which I She is the first woman to hold the it all together and get it right. have had the privilege to lead, have stepped gavel of the Appropriations Com- Shalanda and Chris, I thank you— up to the challenge by securing provisions that mittee, and her retirement is a huge and always with an assist by my chief include the following: loss to our country, to our committee, of staff, Elizabeth Stanley. Provide billions to ensure the free, timely, and to me personally. I do want to thank the staff director and equitable distribution of safe, effective When I was named as ranking mem- of the State, Foreign Operations, and vaccines and more resources for a national ber and she was named as chair, she Related Programs Subcommittee, testing strategy: called me into her office. We really had which I chair, Steve Marchese. End surprise medical billing. No patient will never worked together. We were on dif- There is one principle that has guid- face an unexpected, expensive bill just be- ferent committees. I will never forget ed my 32 years in public service: When cause they are caught in a web of providers. what she said. She said: We are going you see a problem, whether it is here or Assist doctors and public and rural hospitals to do it on time and on budget, and we in the district or in another commu- survive the pandemic by stopping planned will become best friends. nity, do something about it. Medicare and Medicaid cuts. Too many people see a problem. They Provide three years of funding for critical 1930 b are good people, but they will all go off public health programs including Community I wasn’t sure she wasn’t crazy, but I to this personal activity or another Health Centers, Teaching Health Centers, the said: I will do that. personal activity. Members of Congress National Health Service Corps, and the special We became good friends, and we did know, when they see a problem, we diabetes programs. things on time and on budget. Every- have a responsibility to address it and Restore Medicaid coverage for the citizens thing was a joy working with her be- do something about it to make life bet- of the freely associated states living in the cause she always knew what she want- ter for our community, the Nation, and U.S., to whom America has for too long aban- ed and what she wanted to do. She was the world. This bill does something to doned its commitments to. inclusive, and we did turn and have a crush this virus and set us on the Improve Medicare coverage for beneficiaries friendship that I will always cherish. course for a strong and equitable recov- across the country by simplifying Part B enroll- So I wanted to make sure that you ery. ment; permanently authorizing the use of tele- knew that I realized I had a unique op- Mr. Speaker, for the last time and health for mental health care; eliminating cost- portunity in working with you. I with a deep sense of gratitude for the sharing for colorectal cancer screenings; and learned a lot, and we had a good time, honor of serving in this House, I yield extending coverage for immunosuppressive didn’t we? back the balance of my time. drugs for kidney transplant patients. I’m espe- I also want to take a minute to Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in cially proud to have co-led and championed thank the members of our committee strong support of the Consolidated Appropria- the immunosuppressive drug coverage legisla- and our staff for their hard work this tions Act, 2021 that funds our government and tion to correct a short-sighted coverage policy

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K21DE7.046 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 which will save 375 kidney transplants each plement best practices for energy manage- cipients, students eligible for free or reduced year. This provision appears in Section 402 of ment, purchase more energy efficient informa- lunch, and recently unemployed individuals; Division CC and is based on H.R. 5534, the tion and communications technologies, and $1.9 billion to ‘rip and replace’ telecommuni- Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug submit to periodic evaluation of their data cen- cations equipment made by insecure supplies, Coverage for Kidney Transplant Patients Act ters for energy efficiency. like Huawei and ZTE, which I first asked the of 2019. Data centers are a critical part of our na- FCC to investigate in 2010; $250 million for Improve the Medicaid program by expand- tional infrastructure and are found in nearly the FCC’s COVID–19 Telehealth Program; ing access to certified community behavioral every sector of our economy. The federal gov- and $65 million to develop reliable broadband health clinics; eliminate spousal impoverish- ernment alone has more than 2,000 data cen- maps which are critical for the federal govern- ment for partners of Medicaid beneficiaries re- ters which store everything from Social Secu- ment and all states to know where broadband ceiving home and community-based services; rity and tax records, toe-books at the Library support funding would be most effective. and continuing the Money Follows the Person of Congress. Despite their importance to our Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise to empha- rebalancing demonstration which makes it government and our economy, many are ex- size the appropriate application and interpreta- possible for people on Medicaid to transition to tremely inefficient when it comes to energy tion of Section 404 of the Intelligence Author- a safer home or community-based environ- use. ization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which has ment and still maintain Medicaid funding. The good news is many data centers can been included as Division W of the Consoli- Lower health care costs by strengthening significantly reduce their energy use using ex- dated Appropriations Act of 2021. parity in mental health and substance use dis- isting technology and best practices. This will Section 404 was authored by Chairman order benefits; removing gag clauses on reduce not only the government’s carbon foot- BENNIE THOMPSON of the Committee on Home- health price and quality information; ending a print but also its energy bills. My bipartisan land Security. Its essence is to establish a loophole that allowed drugs for opioid use dis- legislation has the potential to save taxpayers specialized fellowship program related to cy- order to benefit from the orphan drug designa- hundreds of millions of dollars in reduced en- bersecurity and intelligence within the Depart- tion; and making it easier for biosimilar prod- ergy costs in the future, while setting an ex- ment of Homeland Security. The program is ucts to come to market by increasing patent ample for the private sector to reduce energy meant for certain undergraduate students from and exclusivity transparency. This final provi- usage at data centers. diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and other back- sion appears in Section 325 of Division BB, We must ensure students in need can con- grounds. And the Secretary of Homeland Se- and it is a bill I’m proud to have sponsored, tinue their studies during the pandemic as col- curity—who shall administer Section 404— H.R. 1520, the Purple Book Continuity Act. It leges begin another semester of remote learn- also will have authority to hire successful fel- requires patent information for biologics to be ing, and I’m proud that our agreement in- lowship participants as Department employ- submitted to the FDA and published in the cludes funding for these students. Section 902 ees, and into positions involving cyber or intel- publicly-available ‘‘Purple Book.’’ By creating a of Division N is modeled on H.R. 6814, the ligence. single, searchable list of licensed biologics, Supporting Connectivity for Higher Education The broader and most compelling goal manufacturers will be able to plan a pipeline of Students in Need Act, bicameral legislation I being, of course, to ensure that the Depart- lower-cost biosimilar products for years to introduced on May 13, 2020. ment and the Federal government are doing come. The provision provides $285 million to ex- their utmost to recruit, hire and retain a highly I’m also proud to have several health appro- pand connectivity for historically Black col- diverse workforce. The language of Section priations which I requested included in today’s leges and universities, Tribal colleges and uni- 404 must be interpreted and implemented by agreement. These items represent the critical versities, Hispanic-serving institutions and the Department broadly, with a mind towards advancement of life-saving research and care, other minority-serving institutions, their stu- attainment of this lawful objective; under no including: $15 million for the Pancreatic Can- dents, and minority-owned businesses near circumstances should it be read in an inappro- cer Research Program at the DOD, which I’ve those colleges. The funding can be used to priately narrow or needlessly restrictive fash- long championed and which comes as the purchase routers, modems, wi-fi hotspots, tab- ion. world continues to mourn the deaths this year lets, and laptops. Funding recipients must Although Section 404 does not require that of several iconic Americans from this very ag- prioritize low-income students. The legislation students attend Historically Black Colleges or gressive cancer, including Congressman John also establishes the Office of Minority Universities or Minority-Serving Institutions in Lewis and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Broadband Initiatives within the NTIA to carry order to participate in the fellowship program, Ginsburg; $42.9 billion for the NIH for forward out programs expand access to broadband at the Secretary of Homeland Security—who will thinking investments in medical research; and in communities around HBCUs, TCUs, administer this authority—should make exten- $597 million for critical biodefense and public HSis and other MSis. sive efforts to promote the fellowship among health emergency preparedness at BARDA, Between 2012 and 2018, over $1.2 billion in students from HBCUs and MSIs. which my legislation created. Another $19.7 9–1–1 fees were diverted to uses other than Together with the other Members of the billion is in the COVID–19 relief agreement for 9–1–1. While most states curtailed this horrific Homeland Security and Intelligence Commit- BARDA to manufacture and procure vaccines; practice, four states continue diverting 9–1–1 tees, I will look forward to receiving the report $350 million for the Children’s Hospitals Grad- fees: New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, required by Section 404, which will permit uate Medical Education Program to support and Nevada. I first co-led the bipartisan 9–1– Congress to confirm that, in fact, the Depart- pediatric medical residents’ training; and $5.4 1 Fee Integrity Act to require by statute that ment is conducting the necessary outreach to million for research on Chronic Fatigue Syn- 9–1–1 fees can only be used for 9–1–1 pur- HBCUs, MSIs, and other Institutions of Higher drome at the CDC to better understand this poses on September 14, 2018. I’m pleased Education; and, consistent with the approach I terrible disease. that the legislation appears in Section 902 of have set forth here, reading and applying Sec- There’s still so much more the American Division FF. tion 404’s language in a manner that fulfills people need. We must increase federal fund- I’m pleased that today’s agreement includes the initiative’s overarching goal. ing for the Medicaid program during this health funding for AI R&D. The Joint Explanatory Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Speaker, I would like and economic crisis, including home-and-com- Statement for Division B includes direction for to lend my support of this fiscal year 2021 ap- munity-based services, improve infection con- AI R&D to expand at NSF and NIST, including propriations package. trol and quality in our nation’s nursing homes, with a focus on increasing AI workforce diver- I thank the Chair of the Appropriations Com- and address the public health crises that con- sity and developing a framework for ethical mittee, Mrs. LOWEY, and my friend, Chairman tinue during the COVID–19 pandemic, such as and safe AI. I’ve twice written to the House SERRANO, as they prepare to retire for their America’s unacceptable rates of maternal mor- Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, many years of dedication and hard work to tality, suicides, and overdoses. I’m proud of Justice, Science, and Related Agencies re- this institution and I wish them both well. what we’ve accomplished in the Health Sub- questing robust AI R&D funding, and I thank I also want to thank Ranking Member committee this year and energized to continue them for their leadership in taking an important GRANGER for her outstanding leadership this the fight in 2021. step to increase AI funding. year. Today’s agreement includes important clean I’m pleased that this legislation includes I’m pleased that this bill supports the Trump energy provisions, including my legislation, funding for several technology and tele- Administration’s Moon to Mars Artemis initia- H.R. 1420, the Energy Efficient Government communications matters that are priorities for tive and rejects radical demands to defund the Technology Act, which appears as Sections me and for our country, including $3.2 billion police. It also restores long-standing Second 1003 and 1004 of Division Z. The bill requires for a $50 per month emergency broadband Amendment protections that have enjoyed his- government agencies to develop plans to im- benefit for low income families, Pell Grant re- torical, bipartisan support yet were excluded

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.024 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7311 from the House-passed Commerce, Justice, It will provide up to $600 in stimulus checks, nologies Office. Importantly, the bill authorizes Science Appropriations Act. it will extend unemployment benefit checks, funding for existing and new National Marine I am also pleased that this bill rejects issues extend a moratorium on evictions for 1 month, Energy Centers, including the Pacific Marine which previously held up a COVID relief 325 billion for business relief with 275 billion Energy Center—operated by Oregon State agreement. This bill provides individuals, fami- going to paycheck protection, 82 billion for University, the University of Washington, and lies, health care providers, and businesses the schools, 20 billion for vaccine distribution. the University of Alaska Fairbanks. assistance which we can agree on, to help ev- While this is not quite exactly what I was look- Researchers at Oregon State University are eryone get through this pandemic. It also ing for, it will hold us until President Biden leading the way on this innovative work. looks to the future by providing additional takes the reins and leads us on. Through the Pacific Marine Energy Center, funding to expand internet access in rural Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, OSU is currently in the process of developing areas. the American people are incredibly frustrated, PacWave, the first of its kind wave energy test Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, The and rightly so. This relief package, while a facility off the Oregon Coast. Their leadership House amendment to the Senate amendment step forward, should have been passed scaling up the PacWave testing facility will to H.R. 133, the Consolidated Appropriations months ago. House Democrats first passed catalyze this nascent industry. Additionally, we Act, 2021, includes many important provisions. the Heroes Act in May; at the same time, Ma- are fortunate to have the advanced manufac- Among them is Section 203 of Title II, Division jority Leader MITCH MCCONNELL called for a turing capacity of companies like Vigor, which BB, based on H.R. 7539, the Strengthening ‘pause’ and Senate Republicans refused to act recently constructed an 826-ton wave energy Behavioral Health Parity Act—an important until now. device that was deployed off the shores of Ha- step forward in improving the effective en- More than 315,000 Americans have died waii. It was not until I visited Vigor to see the forcement of mental health parity that from COVID–19. Experts have said if we had device that I grasped the scale of this re- govern group and individual health plans and made a larger investment in testing and trac- source and what we can gain from it. coverage. I am pleased to see this legislation ing, many of these deaths could have been I appreciate the support of Chairwoman advance as part of our continuing efforts to prevented. Millions of Americans are unem- JOHNSON in helping to secure the inclusion of ensure the promise of parity is realized for all. ployed and many are facing food insecurity. the Water Power Research and Development As Chairman of the Committee on Edu- Our state and local governments, including Act in today’s comprehensive energy package cation and Labor, which has legislative juris- first responders, have been on the frontlines of and end of year spending bill, and I am thrilled diction over employee health benefit plans (in- this pandemic but are being left out of this re- that it will soon be signed into law. I urge all cluding provisions of the Mental Health Parity of my colleagues to support this bill, which is and Addiction Equity Act and the Employee lief package. We can and we must do more. As I have said before, we cannot get the an important step forward in advancing ocean Retirement Income Security Act or ERISA) as economy up and running until we conquer the climate action. well as oversight jurisdiction over the United Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today States Department of Labor, I would like to virus. Today’s relief package makes significant in- in support of this relief bill because the Amer- provide additional clarification for the record vestments in testing and tracing efforts, vac- ican people cannot wait another day. regarding the interactions between this legisla- Over 315,000 Americans are dead. Three cines, therapeutics, and medical supplies and tion and existing enforcement and compliance out of every 4 small businesses have seen funding for underserved communities, all of efforts by the Secretary of Labor. their revenues fall, and thousands have shut First, no provision of Section 203 in any way which are critical to crushing this pandemic. This package provides help for the millions their doors for good. restricts, alters, or otherwise interferes with the Food insecurity has doubled for families with of Americans who are struggling right now. It existing enforcement and oversight authority of children, and millions of Americans are turning strengthens critical programs for those who the Secretary of Labor, including the Sec- to food banks for the first time. retary’s authority to investigate, audit, and are unemployed by extending and enhancing In most states, 1 in 5 households are be- seek equitable or other relief to enforce any unemployment insurance and rental assist- hind on rent. More than 10 million people are requirements of federal law. The requirement ance. It also offers $600 in direct payments to unemployed. that the Secretary examine the comparative low- and moderate-income Americans and in- But it’s been over six months since the analyses of at least 20 plans annually serves cludes a $13 billion increase in food assist- House passed the Heroes Act, comprehensive as a floor, not a ceiling, on the Department’s ance programs to help the millions of families legislation to address these issues months enforcement actions, and the Department re- facing food insecurity. ago. mains authorized to continue to utilize its This bill also includes vital funding for small And all this time, Republicans have refused broad authority under Sections 502, 504, 506 businesses, including specific funding for arts to lift a finger to provide relief to struggling of ERISA and other laws to enforce all re- and cultural programs and smaller businesses families. It is shameful that it took this long for quirements of this bill, Part 7 of ERISA, and who weren’t able to access the initial relief my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to any other requirements of federal law. funding. come to the table. Second, no provision of Section 203 in any These are welcome steps forward, but they And let me be clear—$600 in direct pay- way restricts, alters, or otherwise interferes are just a down payment on what needs to be ments and an additional $300 per week in un- with the rights of group health plan partici- done. employment is not enough—in fact, it’s just pants to bring an action to enforce their rights Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- half of the aid that we passed in the CARES under Section 502 of ERISA, nor does it im- port of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, Act. pact judicial review of any statutory violations. which includes my bipartisan Water Power Re- So, while I am disappointed in my Repub- This bill also should not be interpreted to cre- search and Development Act. lican colleagues and recognize this bill is not ate any additional presumption in favor of As we work to mitigate the climate crisis ideal or as comprehensive as the Heroes Act- health plans and issuers during judicial review and transition to a 100 percent clean energy it will provide some much-needed relief to the of nonquantitative treatment limitation (NQTL) economy, we cannot ignore our ocean. It cov- American people until we can pass a more ro- determinations, and the Secretary remains au- ers more than 70 percent of the surface of our bust stimulus under the Biden Administration. thorized to seek equitable or other relief, in- planet, and we can capture the power of its I’d particularly like to thank all the staff from cluding relief regarding the re-adjudication of waves, currents, and tides to power our member offices, to committee offices, to lead- claims. All provisions should be interpreted to homes, buildings, and communities. ership and floor staff, who worked long hours ensure the broadest access to relief for plan Marine energy has tremendous potential as and through the weekend to help put this participants. one of the last untapped renewable energy package together. Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- sources, and federal investment can help For small businesses, this bill takes action er, I rise in strong support of the 900 billion unlock it. Earlier this year, I was pleased to to authorize a second round of PPP loans to dollar economic relief package which has work with my House Oceans Caucus CoChair, the hardest hit businesses. Importantly, it will been agreed to by Members of Congress on Congressman DON YOUNG, and another ma- set aside funding reserved for small busi- both sides of the aisle. While this package is rine energy enthusiast from the east coast, nesses with 10 or fewer employees and those far from what is actually needed, it is nec- Congressman TED DEUTCH, to introduce the in underserved communities. It also utilizes essary to act right now and we do not have bipartisan Water Power Research and Devel- small banks and mission-based community any additional time to wait. This bill will direct opment Act. The bill would reauthorize funding lenders to guarantee fair access to small em- billions of dollars in aid to unemployed individ- for research, development, demonstration, and ployers. uals who are suffering with no other hope or commercialization of marine energy within the And finally, this bill provides for what we help in sight. Department of Energy’s Water Power Tech- have been hearing on the ground from small

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.025 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 businesses—the need for cash infusions Sonoma County Water Agency, Mendocino DECEMBER 18, 2020. through grants. By establishing new guardrails County Inland Water and Power Commis- DEAR CHAIRMAN HUFFMAN: The Nature Con- and allocating $20 billion to the EIDL grant sion, and California Trout, collectively servancy, Trout Unlimited, and California Trout, collectively known as the California program, we are targeting the hardest hit known as the Two-Basin Partnership, write in strong support of the aquatic ecosystem Salmon and Steelhead Coalition, write in small businesses to receive these grants. restoration provision included in H.R. 2, strong support of the aquatic ecosystem res- Meanwhile, as shuttered entertainment which we understand you and your staff have toration provision included in H.R. 2, which venues, including our cultural institutions and negotiated for inclusion in the omnibus ap- we understand you and your staff have nego- movie theaters, that depend on large crowds propriations bill. tiated for inclusion in the omnibus appro- to survive have been closed by the pandemic priations bill. The Potter Valley Project is a hydro- The Coalition is a strategic partnership and faced difficulties accessing PPP and other electric facility that, in addition to gener- SBA programs, this bill creates a new $15 bil- founded to increase streamflows in Califor- ating a small amount of electricity, diverts nia’s North and Central Coast watersheds, lion dollar grant program to target these estab- water from the Eel River into the Russian with the goal of restoring and protecting lishments that have experienced a dramatic River basin. The Project’s main facilities in- wild salmon and steelhead and creating decline in revenue. clude two dams on the Eel River, a diversion water reliability for people. We are working But our efforts do not end here. We will con- tunnel and a hydroelectric plant. Citing eco- toward a California where water use manage- tinue to seek more assistance next year be- nomic concerns, current Project owner Pa- ment harmonizes and meets the needs of peo- cause Main Street, especially our independent cific Gas & Electric announced in January ple, needs of fish and ecosystems. It is for 2019 that it would not seek a new license restaurants, and working families deserve for these reasons that the Coalition is working from Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- together to support the Potter Valley us to come back to the table to provide a life- sion to continue operating the facilities. line while we await vaccine distributions. Project relicensing effort as a major restora- PG&E’s decision to not re-license the Project tion opportunity. So today, I’m voting yes but I urge my fel- left an uncertain future for both Eel and The current Potter Valley Project Plan is low members, let’s not stop here. Let’s come Russian River interests. Instead of leaving it built around a unique collaboration among back in January and pass more relief for the up to the utility and federal regulators to de- conservationists, county governments, American people. termine the region’s water future, local lead- tribes, farmers and other water interests to Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ers decided to work together to protect the shape a new future for the Project, a set of call attention to one of the many important interests of both river basins. The Two-Basin obsolete hydroelectric facilities in the upper provisions of today’s legislation. In particular, I Partnership is a direct outgrowth of that Eel River and Russian River Watersheds. collaborative effort, which brought together rise to discuss Section 1109 of Title XI of Divi- This effort, if successful, will implement one diverse stakeholders to develop a com- of the largest dam removals in the history of sion FF, relating to aquatic ecosystem protec- promise solution for the future of this aging tion, which comes from the FUTURE Western the United States while strengthening the and non-economically viable hydroelectric security of local water supplies. Water Infrastructure and Drought Resiliency project. The project consists of two dams on the title that I authored in H.R. 2 earlier this year. The Partners have joined together as the upper Eel River—Scott and Cape Horn—as Today’s provision is an improved version of applicant for the Project, with the collective well as a system of trans-basin tunnels that that legislation, and it is the result of the ongo- goal of restoring 288 linear river miles of divert approximately 60,000 acre-feet of ing bicameral water infrastructure negotiations spawning habitat at the headwaters of the water per year from the Eel to the Russian between the committees of jurisdiction. I am Eel through the removal of Scott Dam, while to generate hydroelectric power. This water grateful for the work done on both sides of the ensuring water supply reliability on the Rus- ultimately flows to agricultural and munic- Capitol and both sides of the aisle to bring this sian River. Additional components of the ipal users in the Russian River Watershed. proposed Project Plan include improving a But, perhaps more importantly, the project to fruition. This aquatic ecosystem protection blocks fish from reaching 288 linear stream provision is designed to fund broadly-sup- water diversion infrastructure at Cape Horn Dam and developing infrastructure to pro- miles above Scott Dam that were once the ported fish passage projects in the western vide water to meet summer irrigation needs spawning grounds for some of the largest states, and the specific intent is to help for farmers and ranchers in Potter Valley. salmon and steelhead runs in California. projects like the one in the Eel and Russian In January 2019, PG&E chose to dis- As you know, this legislation would di- River basins in California, where we have a continue its efforts to renew the project’s li- rectly support the Two-Basin Solution’s cense, which expires in 2022, from the Fed- chance to significantly improve fish passage shared objectives, which include: minimizing and habitat on the Eel River while providing eral Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). or avoiding adverse impacts to water supply This left the door open for a different entity long term certainty and reliability for Russian reliability, fisheries, water quality and to license the project. Seeing this as an op- River water users. recreation in the Russian River and Eel portunity to remove the dams blocking the The Potter Valley Project Ad Hoc Com- River basins; improving fish passage and headwaters of the Eel River, California mittee has been refining this effort for several habitat on the Eel River sufficient to sup- Trout joined with a diverse coalition— years, and we now have a Two-Basin Partner- port recovery of naturally reproducing, self- Sonoma Water, Mendocino County Inland ship that is taking the next steps. The intent of sustaining and harvestable native anad- Water and Power Commission, and Humboldt romous fish populations including migratory County—to notify FERC that they would ex- this new aquatic ecosystem protection statute access upstream and downstream at current is to support the important work of the Two- plore taking over the re-licensing of the project dam locations; and protecting tribal project. Over the subsequent year, those par- Basin Partnership, as well as other commu- cultural, economic, and other interests in nity-supported restoration projects like it ties—joined by the Round Valley Tribe— both the Eel and Russian River basins. worked with a team of technical consultants around the west. On behalf of the Two-Basin Partners, we to develop a proposed plan to take over the I am including in the RECORD letters of sup- strongly support this inclusion and your con- project and implement a ‘‘Two-Basin Solu- port from the Round Valley Indian Tribes, tinued support of our efforts on the Eel and tion’’ that would remove Scott Dam, im- Humboldt County, Sonoma County Water Russian Rivers. prove fish passage at Cape Horn Dam and Agency, Mendocino County Inland Water and Sincerely, build new infrastructure to deliver secure Power Commission, and California Trout—col- KATHLEEN WILLITS, water supplies to farmers who currently rely lectively known as the Two-Basin Partner- Councilmember, Round on the project. ship—as well as from the Nature Conser- Valley Indian In the spring of 2020, the three Coalition vancy, Trout Unlimited, and California Trout— Tribes. groups helped negotiate an initial plan pro- GRANT DAVIS, posing the removal of Scott Dam and the im- collectively known as the California Salmon General Manager, plementation of a Two-Basin Solution to and Steelhead Coalition. Sonoma Water. modernize this project to improve water sup- I thank my colleagues for working with me HANK SEEMANN, ply reliability for farms and communities in to bring this legislation to fruition, and thank Deputy Director-Envi- the Russian and Eel River Basins; the plan the staff in both the House and Senate who ronmental Services, will also help to restore struggling salmon have helped in this effort, especially Matthew Humboldt County and steelhead runs by reconnecting the river Muirragui from the House Natural Resources Public Works De- to its headwaters. In April the Coalition se- Committee and John Driscoll, Logan Ferree, partment. cured a $1.1 million CDFW grant that will be and Ben Miller on my personal staff. I look for- JANET PAULI, used to develop that proposal into a com- Chair, Mendocino plete re-licensing plan. We have also made ward to working with the next administration to County Inland inroads with the communities that would be support this win-win outcome for the North Water and Power most affected by dam removal and lobbied Coast and North Bay. Commission. for state and federal funding that will be DEAR CHAIRMAN HUFFMAN: The Round Val- CURTIS KNIGHT, needed to further develop and implement the ley Indian Tribes, Humboldt County, California Trout. plan.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.030 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7313 We strongly support the inclusion of Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, on that Schiff Stanton Van Drew aquatic ecosystem restoration funding in the Schneider Stauber Veasey I demand the yeas and nays. Schrader Stefanik Visclosky omnibus that could facilitate the watershed- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- level restoration of a key salmon river in Schrier Steil Wagner Scott (VA) Stevens Walberg California. Thank you for your leadership ant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Scott, Austin Stewart Walden and support. Scott, David Stivers Walorski Sincerely, The vote was taken by electronic de- Serrano Suozzi Waltz CURTIS KNIGHT, vice, and there were—yeas 327, nays 85, Sewell (AL) Swalwell (CA) Wasserman Executive Director, not voting 18, as follows: Shalala Thompson (CA) Schultz California Trout. Sherman Thompson (MS) Waters [Roll No. 250] Sherrill Thompson (PA) Watkins MATT CLIFFORD, YEAS—327 Shimkus Thornberry Wenstrup Staff Attorney, Cali- Simpson Tipton Westerman fornia Water Adams Estes Lawson (FL) Sires Titus Wexton Project, Trout Un- Aderholt Evans Lee (NV) Slotkin Tonko Wild limited. Aguilar Ferguson Lesko Smith (MO) Torres (CA) Williams Allen Finkenauer Levin (CA) JAY ZIEGLER, Smith (NE) Torres Small Wilson (FL) Allred Fitzpatrick Lieu, Ted Smith (NJ) (NM) Wittman California Director of Amodei Fleischmann Lipinski External Affairs and Smith (WA) Trahan Womack Arrington Fletcher Loebsack Smucker Trone Woodall Policy, The Nature Axne Flores Lowenthal Soto Turner Yarmuth Conservancy. Bacon Fortenberry Lowey Spanberger Underwood Young Baird Foster Lucas Speier Upton Zeldin Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, the first wave of Balderson Foxx (NC) Luetkemeyer stimulus spending proved frustrating for a lot Barr Frankel Luja´ n NAYS—85 Barraga´ n of small and medium sized business. Fudge Luria Amash Gohmert Mooney (WV) Bass Many mom and pop businesses ran in to Fulcher Lynch Armstrong Gomez Moore Beatty Gaetz Malinowski Babin Gonzalez (TX) Mullin loan processing problems because there were Bera Gallego Maloney, Sean Banks Gooden Norman problems with their applications. Bergman Garamendi Marshall Biggs Gosar Ocasio-Cortez Beyer Many applicants did not know that their ap- Garcia (CA) Matsui Bishop (NC) Green (TN) Omar Bilirakis plications needed to be cured from any de- Garcia (TX) McAdams Blumenauer Grijalva Perry Bishop (GA) Gianforte McBath Boyle, Brendan Hice (GA) Pocan fects or that there were defects with their ap- Blunt Rochester Gibbs McCarthy F. Higgins (LA) Posey Bonamici plication. Golden McCaul Buck Hollingsworth Pressley Bost Some other small businesses were rejected Gonzalez (OH) McCollum Budd Huffman Raskin Brady because their lender ran out of allocation be- Gottheimer McEachin Burchett Jayapal Rice (SC) Brindisi Granger McHenry Castro (TX) Jeffries Rose, John W. cause the lenders were focused on larger Brooks (AL) Graves (LA) McKinley Clarke (NY) Jordan Roy Brown (MD) loans. Graves (MO) McNerney Cloud Keller Schakowsky Brownley (CA) That is why, Democrats were able to secure Green, Al (TX) Meeks Comer Kelly (MS) Schweikert Buchanan $325 billion in small business aid this time Griffith Meuser Correa Kennedy Sensenbrenner Bucshon Grothman Mfume Cuellar Khanna Steube around. Burgess Guest Miller Curtis Lee (CA) Takano Democrats secured critical funding and pol- Bustos Haaland Mitchell Davidson (OH) Levin (MI) Taylor Butterfield icy changes to help small businesses, includ- Hagedorn Moolenaar DeFazio Lofgren Tiffany Byrne ing minority-owned businesses, and nonprofits Hall Morelle DeSaulnier Long Timmons Calvert Harder (CA) Moulton DesJarlais Maloney, Tlaib recover from the pandemic. Carbajal Harris Mucarsel-Powell Doggett Carolyn B. Vargas This deal includes over $284 billion for first Ca´ rdenas Hartzler Murphy (FL) Escobar Massie Vela Carson (IN) and second forgivable PPP loans, dedicated Hastings Nadler Espaillat Mast Vela´ zquez Carter (GA) set-asides for very small businesses and lend- Hayes Napolitano Gabbard McClintock Watson Coleman Cartwright Heck Neal Gallagher McGovern Weber (TX) ing through community-based lenders like Case Hern, Kevin Neguse Garcı´a (IL) Meng Welch Community Development Financial Institutions Casten (IL) Herrera Beutler Newhouse and Minority Depository Institutions, and ex- Castor (FL) Higgins (NY) Norcross NOT VOTING—18 Chabot Hill (AR) Nunes Abraham Guthrie Spano panded PPP eligibility for 501(c)(6) nonprofits, Cheney Himes O’Halleran Bishop (UT) King (IA) Walker including destination marketing organizations, Chu, Judy Holding Olson Brooks (IN) Loudermilk Webster (FL) Cicilline Horn, Kendra S. Palazzo and local newspapers, TV and radio broad- Carter (TX) Marchant Wilson (SC) Cisneros Horsford Pallone casters. $20 billion is included for new EIDL Duncan Murphy (NC) Wright Clark (MA) Houlahan Palmer Dunn Rogers (AL) Yoho Grants for businesses in low-income commu- Clay Hoyer Panetta nities, $3.5 billion for continued SBA debt re- Cleaver Hudson Pappas lief payments, and $2 billion for enhancements Cline Huizenga Pascrell b 2025 Clyburn Hurd (TX) Payne to SBA lending. Cohen Jackson Lee Pelosi Messrs. GRIJALVA, JEFFRIES, and This deal also includes $15 billion in dedi- Cole Jacobs Pence WEBER of Texas changed their vote cated funding for live venues, independent Collins (GA) Johnson (GA) Perlmutter from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ movie theaters, and cultural institutions. Conaway Johnson (LA) Peters Connolly Johnson (OH) Peterson Mr. MCCARTHY changed his vote Small businesses that took a PPP loan and Cooper Johnson (SD) Phillips from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ saw their revenues fall by 25% will be eligible Costa Johnson (TX) Pingree So the first portion of the divided for a second loan. Courtney Joyce (OH) Porter question was adopted. Congress will also allow PPP borrowers to Cox (CA) Joyce (PA) Price (NC) Craig Kaptur Quigley The result of the vote was announced take tax deductions for covered business ex- Crawford Katko Reed as above recorded. penses. Crenshaw Keating Reschenthaler MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Crist Kelly (IL) Rice (NY) RESOLUTION 965, 116TH CONGRESS for debate has expired. Crow Kelly (PA) Richmond Pursuant to House Resolution 1271, Cunningham Kildee Riggleman Allred (Wexton) Carson (IN) DelBene Davids (KS) Kilmer Roby Axne (Davids (Butterfield) (Cicilline) the previous question is ordered. Davis (CA) Kim Rodgers (WA) (KS)) Case DeSaulnier The question of adoption of the mo- Davis, Danny K. Kind Roe, David P. Barraga´ n (Beyer) (Cartwright) (Matsui) tion is divided. Davis, Rodney King (NY) Rogers (KY) Bera (Aguilar) Castor (FL) Deutch (Rice The first portion of the divided ques- Dean Kinzinger Rooney (FL) Bishop (GA) (Demings) (NY)) tion is: Will the House concur in the DeGette Kirkpatrick Rose (NY) (Butterfield) Cisneros Doggett (Raskin) DeLauro Krishnamoorthi Rouda Blumenauer (Carbajal) Escobar (Garcia Senate amendment with the matter DelBene Kuster (NH) Rouzer (Beyer) Cleaver (Davids (TX)) Delgado Kustoff (TN) Roybal-Allard Bonamici (Clark (KS)) proposed to be inserted as Divisions B, Eshoo Demings LaHood Ruiz (MA)) Cohen (Beyer) C, E, and F of the amendment of the (Thompson Deutch LaMalfa Ruppersberger Boyle, Brendan Costa (Correa) House? Diaz-Balart Lamb Rush F. (Jeffries) Davis (CA) (CA)) The question is on the first portion of Dingell Lamborn Rutherford Brownley (CA) (Scanlon) Finkenauer the divided question. Doyle, Michael Langevin Ryan (Clark (MA)) Dean (Scanlon) (Underwood) The question was taken; and the F. Larsen (WA) Sa´ nchez Bustos (Kuster DeFazio (Davids Fletcher Emmer Larson (CT) Sarbanes (NH)) (KS)) (Raskin) Speaker pro tempore announced that Engel Latta Scalise Ca´ rdenas DeGette (Blunt Frankel (Clark the ayes appeared to have it. Eshoo Lawrence Scanlon (Carbajal) Rochester) (MA))

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.032 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 Garamendi Lofgren (Jeffries) Rooney (FL) DelBene Kirkpatrick Roby Brooks (AL) Green (TN) Posey (Sherman) Lowenthal (Beyer) Delgado Krishnamoorthi Rodgers (WA) Buck Griffith Rose, John W. Gianforte (Beyer) Rouda (Aguilar) Demings Kuster (NH) Roe, David P. Budd Grothman Roy (Suozzi) McEachin Roybal-Allard DeSaulnier Kustoff (TN) Rogers (KY) Burchett Hice (GA) Schweikert Gonzalez (TX) (Wexton) (Garcia (TX)) Deutch LaHood Rooney (FL) Burgess Higgins (LA) Sensenbrenner (Gomez) McNerney Ruiz (Dingell) Diaz-Balart LaMalfa Rose (NY) Cloud Hollingsworth Smith (MO) ´ Grijalva (Garcıa (Raskin) Rush Dingell Lamb Rouda Conaway Jordan Steil (IL)) Meng (Clark (Underwood) Doggett Langevin Rouzer Curtis Keller Steube Haaland (Davids Davidson (OH) Kelly (MS) (MA)) Ryan (Kildee) Doyle, Michael Larsen (WA) Roybal-Allard Stewart (KS)) F. Larson (CT) DesJarlais Lamborn Mitchell Schakowsky Ruiz Taylor Hastings Emmer Latta Gabbard Massie (Spanberger) (Underwood) Ruppersberger Tiffany (Wasserman Engel Lawrence Gaetz McClintock Moore (Beyer) Schneider Rush Timmons Schultz) Escobar Lawson (FL) Gallagher Mooney (WV) Moulton (Casten (IL)) Rutherford Tipton Heck (Kildee) (McGovern) Eshoo Lee (CA) Ryan Gohmert Mullin Jayapal (Raskin) Schrier Gooden Norman Tlaib Mucarsel-Powell Espaillat Lee (NV) Sa´ nchez Johnson (TX) (Spanberger) Gosar Perry Weber (TX) (Wasserman Estes Lesko Sarbanes (Jeffries) Serrano Schultz) Evans Levin (CA) Scalise Kelly (IL) (Jeffries) Ferguson Levin (MI) NOT VOTING—17 Nadler (Jeffries) Scanlon (Clarke (NY)) Sewell (AL) Finkenauer Lieu, Ted Napolitano Schakowsky Abraham King (IA) Walker Kennedy (Cicilline) Fitzpatrick Lipinski (Correa) Schiff Bishop (UT) Loudermilk Webster (FL) (McGovern) Shimkus Fleischmann Loebsack Brooks (IN) Marchant Neal (Lynch) Schneider Wilson (SC) Khanna (Pallone) Fletcher Lofgren Carter (TX) Murphy (NC) Neguse Schrader Wright (Sherman) Sires (Pallone) Flores Long Duncan Rogers (AL) (Perlmutter) Schrier Yoho Kilmer (Kildee) Smith (WA) Fortenberry Lowenthal Dunn Spano Pascrell Scott (VA) Kim (Davids (Courtney) Foster Lowey (KS)) (Pallone) Foxx (NC) Lucas Scott, Austin Payne Speier (Scanlon) Scott, David b 2108 Kirkpatrick Thompson (MS) Frankel Luetkemeyer (Stanton) (Wasserman ´ Serrano (Fudge) Fudge Lujan Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ changed her Lamb (Sherrill) Schultz) Sewell (AL) Titus (Connolly) Fulcher Luria vote from ‘‘present’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Langevin Peters (Kildee) Gallego Lynch Shalala Vargas (Correa) (Lynch) Peterson Garamendi Malinowski Sherman So the second portion of the divided Veasey (Beyer) Larson (CT) (McCollum) Garcia (CA) Maloney, Sherrill question was adopted. ´ (Cicilline) Pingree Velazquez Garcı´a (IL) Carolyn B. Shimkus The result of the vote was announced (Cicilline) (Clarke (NY)) Lawrence Garcia (TX) Maloney, Sean Simpson as above recorded. (Kildee) Pocan (Raskin) Watson Coleman Gianforte Marshall Sires Lawson (FL) Porter (Wexton) (Pallone) Gibbs Mast Slotkin A motion to reconsider was laid on (Demings) Price (NC) Welch Golden Matsui Smith (NE) the table. Lieu, Ted (Beyer) (Butterfield) (McGovern) Gomez McAdams Smith (NJ) PERSONAL EXPLANATION Lipinski Richmond Wilson (FL) Gonzalez (OH) McBath Smith (WA) (Schrader) (Butterfield) (Hayes) Gonzalez (TX) McCarthy Smucker Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Gottheimer McCaul Soto The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. able to vote on December 20, 2020 and De- Granger McCollum Spanberger cember 21, 2020 due to not being in DC. Had MFUME). The Chair will now put the Graves (LA) McEachin Speier question on the second portion of the Graves (MO) McGovern Stanton I been present, I would have voted as follows: divided question. Green, Al (TX) McHenry Stauber ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. 248; ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. Grijalva McKinley Stefanik 249; ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. 250; and ‘‘no’’ on roll- The question is: Will the House con- Guest McNerney Stevens call No. 251. cur in the Senate amendment with all Guthrie Meeks Stivers Haaland Meng Suozzi MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE of the matter proposed to be inserted Hagedorn Meuser by the amendment of the House other Swalwell (CA) RESOLUTION 965, 116TH Mfume Takano than Divisions B, C, E, and F? Harder (CA) Miller Allred (Wexton) Eshoo Lofgren (Jeffries) Thompson (CA) Axne (Davids (Thompson Lowenthal The question is on the second portion Harris Mitchell Thompson (MS) Hartzler Moolenaar (KS)) (CA)) (Beyer) Thompson (PA) of the divided question. Hastings Moore Barraga´ n (Beyer) Finkenauer McEachin Thornberry Hayes Morelle Bera (Aguilar) (Underwood) (Wexton) The question was taken; and the Titus Heck Moulton Bishop (GA) Fletcher McNerney Speaker pro tempore announced that Tonko Hern, Kevin Mucarsel-Powell (Butterfield) (Raskin) (Raskin) Torres (CA) the ayes appeared to have it. Herrera Beutler Murphy (FL) Blumenauer Frankel (Clark Meng (Clark Torres Small Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, on that Higgins (NY) Nadler (Beyer) (MA)) (MA)) (NM) Garamendi Hill (AR) Napolitano Bonamici (Clark Mitchell I demand the yeas and nays. Trahan (Sherman) Himes Neal (MA)) (Spanberger) Trone Gianforte The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Holding Neguse Boyle, Brendan Moore (Beyer) Turner (Suozzi) ant to section 3 of House Resolution Horn, Kendra S. Newhouse F. (Jeffries) Moulton Underwood Gonzalez (TX) 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Horsford Norcross Brownley (CA) (McGovern) Houlahan Nunes Upton (Gomez) Mucarsel-Powell (Clark (MA)) ´ The vote was taken by electronic de- Hoyer O’Halleran Van Drew Grijalva (Garcıa (Wasserman Vargas Bustos (Kuster (IL)) vice, and there were—yeas 359, nays 53, Hudson Ocasio-Cortez (NH)) Schultz) Huffman Olson Veasey Haaland (Davids Nadler (Jeffries) not voting 17, as follows: Ca´ rdenas (KS)) Huizenga Omar Vela Napolitano ´ (Carbajal) Hastings [Roll No. 251] Hurd (TX) Palazzo Velazquez (Correa) Visclosky Carson (IN) (Wasserman YEAS—359 Jackson Lee Pallone Neal (Lynch) Wagner (Butterfield) Schultz) Jacobs Palmer Neguse Adams Brindisi Cline Walberg Case Heck (Kildee) Jayapal Panetta (Perlmutter) Aderholt Brown (MD) Clyburn Walden (Cartwright) Jayapal (Raskin) Jeffries Pappas Pascrell Aguilar Brownley (CA) Cohen Walorski Castor (FL) Johnson (TX) Johnson (GA) Pascrell (Pallone) Allen Buchanan Cole Waltz (Demings) (Jeffries) Johnson (LA) Payne Payne Allred Bucshon Collins (GA) Wasserman Cisneros Kelly (IL) Johnson (OH) Pence (Wasserman Amodei Bustos Comer Schultz (Carbajal) (Clarke (NY)) Johnson (SD) Perlmutter Schultz) Arrington Butterfield Connolly Waters Cleaver (Davids Kennedy Johnson (TX) Peters Peters (Kildee) Axne Byrne Cooper Watkins (KS)) (McGovern) Joyce (OH) Peterson Peterson Bacon Calvert Correa Watson Coleman Khanna Joyce (PA) Phillips Cohen (Beyer) (McCollum) Baird Carbajal Costa Welch (Sherman) Kaptur Pingree Costa (Correa) Pingree Balderson Ca´ rdenas Courtney Wenstrup Kilmer (Kildee) Katko Pocan Davis (CA) (Cicilline) Barr Carson (IN) Cox (CA) Westerman Kim (Davids Keating Porter (Scanlon) Pocan (Raskin) Barraga´ n Carter (GA) Craig Wexton (KS)) Kelly (IL) Pressley Dean (Scanlon) Porter (Wexton) Bass Cartwright Crawford Kelly (PA) Price (NC) Wild Kirkpatrick DeFazio (Davids Price (NC) Beatty Case Crenshaw Kennedy Quigley Williams (Stanton) (KS)) (Butterfield) Bera Casten (IL) Crist Khanna Raskin Wilson (FL) Lamb (Sherrill) DeGette (Blunt Richmond Bergman Castor (FL) Crow Kildee Reed Wittman Langevin Rochester) (Butterfield) Beyer Castro (TX) Cuellar Kilmer Reschenthaler Womack (Lynch) DelBene Rooney (FL) Bilirakis Chabot Cunningham Kim Rice (NY) Woodall Larson (CT) (Cicilline) (Beyer) Bishop (GA) Cheney Davids (KS) Kind Rice (SC) Yarmuth (Cicilline) DeSaulnier Rouda (Aguilar) Blumenauer Chu, Judy Davis (CA) King (NY) Richmond Young Lawrence (Matsui) Roybal-Allard Blunt Rochester Cicilline Davis, Danny K. Kinzinger Riggleman Zeldin (Kildee) Bonamici Cisneros Davis, Rodney Deutch (Rice Lawson (FL) (Garcia (TX)) (NY)) Ruiz (Dingell) Bost Clark (MA) Dean NAYS—53 (Demings) Boyle, Brendan Clarke (NY) DeFazio Doggett (Raskin) Lieu, Ted (Beyer) Rush F. Clay DeGette Amash Babin Biggs Escobar (Garcia Lipinski (Underwood) Brady Cleaver DeLauro Armstrong Banks Bishop (NC) (TX)) (Schrader) Ryan (Kildee)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.035 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7315 Schakowsky Shimkus Veasey (Beyer) section 589a(b) of title 28, United States ‘‘(4) The amount described in this para- (Underwood) (Pallone) Vela´ zquez Code, for each of fiscal years 2021 through graph shall be the lesser of— Schneider Sires (Pallone) (Clarke (NY)) 2026— ‘‘(A) $60; or (Casten (IL)) Smith (WA) Watson Coleman (1) the fees collected under section Schrier (Courtney) ‘‘(B) a pro rata share, for each chapter 7 (Pallone) 1930(a)(6) of such title, less the amount speci- case, of the fees collected under section (Spanberger) Speier (Scanlon) Welch Serrano Thompson (MS) fied in subparagraph (2), shall be deposited as 1930(a)(6) of title 28 and deposited to the (McGovern) specified in subsection (b); and (Jeffries) (Fudge) Wilson (FL) United States Trustee System Fund under Sewell (AL) Titus (Connolly) (Hayes) (2) $5,400,000 of the fees collected under sec- section 589a(f)(1) of title 28, less the amounts (Cicilline) Vargas (Correa) tion 1930(a)(6) of such title shall be deposited specified in section 589a(f)(1)(A) and (B) of f in the general fund of the Treasury. title 28. (b) UNITED STATES TRUSTEE SYSTEM ‘‘(5) The payment received by a trustee BANKRUPTCY ADMINISTRATION FUND.—Section 589a of title 28, United States under paragraph (3) shall be paid in addition IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2020 Code, is amended by adding at the end the to the amount paid under subsection (b). following: ‘‘(6) Not later than September 30, 2021, the Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I ask ‘‘(f)(1) During each of fiscal years 2021 Director of the Administrative Office of the unanimous consent to take from the through 2026 and notwithstanding sub- Speaker’s table the bill (S. 4996) to en- sections (b) and (c), the fees collected under United States Courts shall promulgate regu- sure funding of the United States section 1930(a)(6), less the amount specified lations for the administration of this sub- section.’’. trustees, extend temporary bankruptcy in paragraph (2), shall be deposited as fol- lows, in the following order: (d) BANKRUPTCY FEES.—Section 1930(a) of judgeships, and for other purposes, and title 28, , is amended— ask for its immediate consideration in ‘‘(A) First, the amounts specified in the Department of Justice appropriations for (1) by striking paragraph (6)(B) and insert- the House. that fiscal year, shall be deposited as discre- ing the following: The Clerk read the title of the bill. tionary offsetting collections to the ‘‘United ‘‘(B)(i) During the 5-year period beginning The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. States Trustee System Fund’’, pursuant to on January 1, 2021, in addition to the filing MFUME). Is there objection to the re- subsection (a), to remain available until ex- fee paid to the clerk, a quarterly fee shall be quest of the gentleman from Rhode Is- pended. paid to the United States trustee, for deposit land? ‘‘(B) Second, the amounts determined an- in the Treasury, in each open and reopened There was no objection. nually by the Director of the Administrative case under chapter 11 of title 11, other than The text of the bill is as follows: Office of the United States Courts that are under subchapter V, for each quarter (includ- necessary to reimburse the judiciary for the ing any fraction thereof) until the case is S. 4996 costs of administering payments under sec- closed, converted, or dismissed, whichever Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tion 330(e) of title 11, shall be deposited as occurs first. resentatives of the United States of America in mandatory offsetting collections to the ‘‘(ii) The fee shall be the greater of— Congress assembled, ‘United States Trustee System Fund’, and ‘‘(I) 0.4 percent of disbursements or $250 for SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. transferred and deposited into the special each quarter in which disbursements total This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bankruptcy fund established under section 1931(a), and less than $1,000,000; and Administration Improvement Act of 2020’’. notwithstanding subsection (a), shall be ‘‘(II) 0.8 percent of disbursements but not SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. available for expenditure without further ap- more than $250,000 for each quarter in which (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- propriation. disbursements total at least $1,000,000. lowing: ‘‘(C) Third, the amounts determined annu- ‘‘(iii) The fee shall be payable on the last (1) Because of the importance of the goal ally by the Director of the Administrative day of the calendar month following the cal- that the bankruptcy system is self-funded, at Office of the United States Courts that are endar quarter for which the fee is owed.’’; no cost to the taxpayer, Congress has closely necessary to pay trustee compensation au- and monitored the funding needs of the bank- thorized by section 330(e)(2) of title 11, shall (2) in paragraph (7), in the first sentence, ruptcy system, including by requiring peri- be deposited as mandatory offsetting collec- by striking ‘‘may’’ and inserting ‘‘shall’’. odic reporting by the Attorney General re- tions to the ‘United States Trustee System (e) APPLICABILITY.— garding the United States Trustee System Fund’, and transferred and deposited into the (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in Fund. Chapter 7 Trustee Fund established under paragraph (2), the amendments made by this (2) Congress has amended the various section 330(e) of title 11 for payment to trust- section shall take effect on the date of enact- bankruptcy fees as necessary to ensure that ees serving in cases under chapter 7 of title ment of this Act. the bankruptcy system remains self-sup- 11 (in addition to the amounts paid under (2) EXCEPTIONS.— porting, while also fairly allocating the costs section 330(b) of title 11), in accordance with (A) COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS.—The of the system among those who use the sys- that section, and notwithstanding subsection amendments made by subsection (c) shall tem. (a), shall be available for expenditure with- apply to any case filed on or after the date (3) Because the bankruptcy system is out further appropriation. of enactment of this Act— interconnected, the result has been a system ‘‘(D) Fourth, any remaining amounts shall (i) under chapter 7 of title 11, United of fees, including filing fees, quarterly fees in be deposited as discretionary offsetting col- States Code; or chapter 11 cases, and other fees, that to- lections to the ‘United States Trustee Sys- (ii)(I) under chapter 11, 12, or 13 of that gether fund the courts, judges, United States tem Fund’, to remain available until ex- title; and trustees, and chapter 7 case trustees nec- pended. (II) converted to a chapter 7 case under essary for the bankruptcy system to func- ‘‘(2) Notwithstanding subsection (b), for that title. tion. each of fiscal years 2021 through 2026, (B) BANKRUPTCY FEES.—The amendments (4) This Act and the amendments made by $5,400,000 of the fees collected under section made by subsection (d) shall apply to— this Act— 1930(a)(6) shall be deposited in the general (i) any case pending under chapter 11 of (A) ensure adequate funding of the United fund of the Treasury.’’. title 11, United States Code, on or after the States trustees, supports the preservation of (c) COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS.—Section date of enactment of this Act; and existing bankruptcy judgeships that are ur- 330 of title 11, United States Code, is amend- (ii) quarterly fees payable under section gently needed to handle existing and antici- ed by adding at the end the following: 1930(a)(6) of title 28, United States Code, as pated increases in business and consumer ‘‘(e)(1) There is established a fund in the amended by subsection (d), for disbursements Treasury of the United States, to be known caseloads, and provides long-overdue addi- made in any calendar quarter that begins on as the ‘Chapter 7 Trustee Fund’, which shall tional compensation for chapter 7 case trust- or after the date of enactment of this Act. be administered by the Director of the Ad- ees whose caseloads include chapter 11 reor- ministrative Office of the United States SEC. 4. EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY OFFICE OF ganization cases that were converted to BANKRUPTCY JUDGES IN CERTAIN Courts. JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. chapter 7 liquidation cases; and ‘‘(2) Deposits into the Chapter 7 Trustee (B) confirm the longstanding intention of Fund under section 589a(f)(1)(C) of title 28 (a) TEMPORARY OFFICE OF BANKRUPTCY Congress that quarterly fee requirements re- shall be available until expended for the pur- JUDGES AUTHORIZED BY THE BANKRUPTCY main consistent across all Federal judicial poses described in paragraph (3). JUDGESHIP ACT OF 2017.— districts. ‘‘(3) For fiscal years 2021 through 2026, the (1) EXTENSIONS.—The temporary office of (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this Act and Chapter 7 Trustee Fund shall be available to bankruptcy judges authorized by section the amendments made by this Act is to fur- pay the trustee serving in a case that is filed 1003(a) of the Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of ther the long-standing goal of Congress of under chapter 7 or a case that is converted to 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 note) for the district of ensuring that the bankruptcy system is self- a chapter 7 case in the most recent fiscal Delaware and the eastern district of Michi- funded, at no cost to the taxpayer. year (referred to in this subsection as a gan are extended until the applicable va- SEC. 3. UNITED STATES TRUSTEE SYSTEM FUND; ‘chapter 7 case’) the amount described in cancy specified in paragraph (2) in the office BANKRUPTCY FEES. paragraph (4) for the chapter 7 case in which of a bankruptcy judge for the respective dis- (a) DEPOSITS OF CERTAIN FEES FOR FISCAL the trustee has rendered services in that fis- trict occurs. YEARS 2021 THROUGH 2026.—Notwithstanding cal year. (2) VACANCIES.—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.038 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020

(A) DISTRICT OF DELAWARE.—The 1st and 2d ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, vacancies in the office of a bankruptcy judge note), and resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy for the district of Delaware— (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, judge, (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy shall not be filled. established by section 1003(b)(1) of the Bank- judge, (3) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER PROVISIONS.— ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 shall not be filled. Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), note), and (D) DISTRICT OF MARYLAND.—The 1st va- all other provisions of section 1223 of the (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, cancy in the office of a bankruptcy judge for Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2005 (28 U.S.C. resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy the district of Maryland— 152 note) and section 2 of the Temporary judge, (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date Bankruptcy Judgeships Extension Act of 2012 shall not be filled. established by section 1002(a)(2) of the Bank- (28 U.S.C. 152 note) remain applicable to the (B) EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN.—The ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 temporary office of bankruptcy judges re- 1st vacancy in the office of a bankruptcy note), and ferred to in paragraph (1). judge for the eastern district of Michigan— (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, (d) TEMPORARY OFFICE OF BANKRUPTCY JUDGES AUTHORIZED BY THE BANKRUPTCY (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy JUDGESHIP ACT OF 1992 AND EXTENDED BY THE established by section 1003(b)(3) of the Bank- judge, BANKRUPTCY JUDGESHIP ACT OF 2005, THE ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 shall not be filled. TEMPORARY BANKRUPTCY JUDGESHIPS EXTEN- note), and (E) EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN.—The 2d SION ACT OF 2012, AND THE BANKRUPTCY (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, vacancy in the office of a bankruptcy judge resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy JUDGESHIP ACT OF 2017.— for the eastern district of Michigan— (1) EXTENSIONS.—The temporary office of judge, (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date shall not be filled. bankruptcy judges authorized by section 3(a) established by section 1002(a)(2) of the Bank- of the Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 1992 (28 (3) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER PROVISIONS.— ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 U.S.C. 152 note), extended by section 1223(c) Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), note), and of Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2005 (28 all other provisions of section 1003 of the (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, U.S.C. 152 note), extended by section 2(b) of Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy the Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships Ex- 152 note) remain applicable to the temporary judge, tension Act of 2012 (28 U.S.C. 152 note), and office of bankruptcy judges referred to in shall not be filled. further extended by section 1002(b) of the paragraph (1). (F) DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO.—The 1st va- Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. (b) TEMPORARY OFFICE OF BANKRUPTCY cancy in the office of a bankruptcy judge for 152 note) for the district of Delaware and the JUDGES AUTHORIZED BY THE BANKRUPTCY the district of Puerto Rico— district of Puerto Rico are extended until JUDGESHIP ACT OF 2005 AND EXTENDED BY THE (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date the applicable vacancy specified in para- TEMPORARY BANKRUPTCY JUDGESHIPS EXTEN- established by section 1002(a)(2) of the Bank- graph (2) in the office of a bankruptcy judge SION ACT OF 2012 AND THE BANKRUPTCY ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 for the respective district occurs. JUDGESHIP ACT OF 2017.— note), and (2) VACANCIES.— (1) EXTENSIONS.—The temporary office of (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, (A) DISTRICT OF DELAWARE.—The 7th va- bankruptcy judges authorized for the fol- resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy cancy in the office of a bankruptcy judge for lowing districts by section 1223(b) of the judge, the district of Delaware— Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2005 (28 U.S.C. shall not be filled. (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date 152 note), extended by section 2(a) of the (3) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER PROVISIONS.— established by section 1002(b)(2) of the Bank- Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships Exten- Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 sion Act of 2012 (28 U.S.C. 152 note), and fur- all other provisions of section 1223 of the note), and ther extended by section 1002(a) of the Bank- Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2005 (28 U.S.C. (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 152 note), section 2 of the Temporary Bank- resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy note) are extended until the applicable va- ruptcy Judgeships Extension Act of 2012 (28 judge, cancy specified in paragraph (2) in the office U.S.C. 152 note), and section 1002 of the shall not be filled. of a bankruptcy judge for the respective dis- Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. (B) DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO.—The 2d va- trict occurs: 152 note) remain applicable to the temporary cancy in the office of a bankruptcy judge for (A) The district of Delaware. office of bankruptcy judges referred to in the district of Puerto Rico— (B) The southern district of Florida. paragraph (1). (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date (C) The district of Maryland. established by section 1002(b)(2) of the Bank- (c) TEMPORARY OFFICE OF BANKRUPTCY (D) The eastern district of Michigan. ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 JUDGES AUTHORIZED BY THE BANKRUPTCY (E) The district of Nevada. note), and (F) The eastern district of . JUDGESHIP ACT OF 2005 AND EXTENDED BY THE (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, (G) The district of Puerto Rico. TEMPORARY BANKRUPTCY JUDGESHIPS EXTEN- resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy (H) The eastern district of Virginia. SION ACT OF 2012.— judge, (2) VACANCIES.— (1) EXTENSIONS.—The temporary office of shall not be filled. (A) SINGLE VACANCIES.—Except as provided bankruptcy judges authorized for the fol- (3) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER PROVISIONS.— in subparagraphs (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F), lowing districts by section 1223(b) of the Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), the 1st vacancy in the office of a bankruptcy Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2005 (28 U.S.C. all other provisions of section 3 of the Bank- judge for each district specified in paragraph 152 note) and extended by section 2(a) of the ruptcy Judgeship Act of 1992 (28 U.S.C. 152 (1)— Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships Exten- note), section 1223 of Bankruptcy Judgeship (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date sion Act of 2012 (28 U.S.C. 152 note) are ex- Act of 2005 (28 U.S.C. 152 note), section 2 of established by section 1002(a)(2) of the Bank- tended until the applicable vacancy specified the Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships Ex- ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 in paragraph (2) in the office of a bankruptcy tension Act of 2012 (28 U.S.C. 152 note), and note), and judge for the respective district occurs: section 1002 of the Bankruptcy Judgeship (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, (A) The southern district of Georgia. Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 note) remain appli- resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy (B) The district of Maryland. cable to the temporary office of bankruptcy judge, (C) The district of New Jersey. judges referred to in paragraph (1). shall not be filled. (D) The northern district of New York. (e) TEMPORARY OFFICE OF BANKRUPTCY (B) DISTRICT OF DELAWARE.—The 3d, 4th, (E) The district of . JUDGE AUTHORIZED BY THE BANKRUPTCY 5th, and 6th vacancies in the office of a bank- (2) VACANCIES.— JUDGESHIP ACT OF 1992 AND EXTENDED BY THE ruptcy judge for the district of Delaware— (A) SINGLE VACANCIES.—Except as provided BANKRUPTCY JUDGESHIP ACT OF 2005 AND THE (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date in subparagraph (B), the 1st vacancy in the TEMPORARY BANKRUPTCY JUDGESHIPS EXTEN- established by section 1002(a)(2) of Bank- office of a bankruptcy judge for each district SION ACT OF 2012.— ruptcy Judgeship Act of 2017 (28 U.S.C. 152 specified in paragraph (1)— (1) EXTENSIONS.—The temporary office of note), and (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date bankruptcy judge authorized by section 3(a) (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, of the enactment of this Act, and of the Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 1992 (28 resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy (ii) resulting from the death, retirement, U.S.C. 152 note), extended by section 1223(c) judge, resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy of the Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 2005 (28 shall not be filled. judge, U.S.C. 152 note), and further extended by sec- (C) SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA.—The shall not be filled. tion 2(b) of the Temporary Bankruptcy 1st and 2d vacancies in the office of a bank- (B) DISTRICT OF MARYLAND.—The 2d and 3d Judgeships Extension Act of 2012 (28 U.S.C. ruptcy judge for the southern district of vacancies in the office of a bankruptcy judge 152 note) for the eastern district of Ten- Florida— for the district of Maryland— nessee is extended until the applicable va- (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date (i) occurring 5 years or more after the date cancy specified in paragraph (2) in the office established by section 1002(a)(2) of the Bank- of the enactment of this Act, and of a bankruptcy judge for the district occurs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.039 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7317 (2) VACANCY.—The 1st vacancy in the office tory statement of a conference com- PART III: SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS AND of a bankruptcy judge for the eastern dis- mittee. The term ‘‘Committees’’ refers EXPLANATION OF LEGISLATIVE TEXT trict of Tennessee— to both SSCI and HPSCI. TITLE I—INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES (A) occurring 5 years or more after the Section 101. Authorization of appropriations. date of the enactment of this Act, and The explanation comprises three (B) resulting from the death, retirement, parts: an overview of the application of Section 101 lists the United States Govern- resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy the annex to accompany this state- ment departments, agencies, and other ele- ments for which the Act authorizes appro- judge, ment; unclassified congressional direc- shall not be filled. priations for intelligence and intelligence-re- tion; and a section-by-section analysis lated activities for Fiscal Year 2021. (3) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER PROVISIONS.— of the legislative text. Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), Section 102. Classified Schedule of Authoriza- all other provisions of section 3 of the Bank- PART I: APPLICATION OF THE CLASSIFIED tions. ruptcy Judgeship Act of 1992 (28 U.S.C. 152 ANNEX Section 102 provides that the details of the note), section 1223 of the Bankruptcy Judge- amounts authorized to be appropriated for ship Act of 2005 (28 U.S.C. 152 note), and sec- The classified nature of U.S. intel- intelligence and intelligence-related activi- tion 2 of the Temporary Bankruptcy Judge- ligence activities prevents the SSCI ties for Fiscal Year 2021 are contained in the ships Extension Act of 2012 (28 U.S.C. 152 and HPSCI (collectively, the ‘‘congres- classified Schedule of Authorizations and note) remain applicable to the temporary of- sional intelligence committees’’) from that the classified Schedule of Authoriza- fice of bankruptcy judge referred to in para- publicly disclosing many details con- tions shall be made available to the Commit- graph (1). cerning the conclusions and rec- tees on Appropriations of the Senate and (f) TEMPORARY OFFICE OF BANKRUPTCY ommendations of the Agreement. House of Representatives and to the Presi- JUDGE AUTHORIZED BY THE BANKRUPTCY dent. JUDGESHIP ACT OF 1992 AND EXTENDED BY THE Therefore, a classified Schedule of Au- thorizations and a classified annex Section 103. Intelligence Community Manage- TEMPORARY BANKRUPTCY JUDGESHIPS EXTEN- ment Account. SION ACT OF 2012.— have been prepared to describe in de- Section 103 authorizes appropriations for (1) EXTENSIONS.—The temporary office of tail the scope and intent of the con- the Intelligence Community Management bankruptcy judge authorized by section 3(a) gressional intelligence committees’ ac- of the Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 1992 (28 Account (ICMA) of the ODNI for Fiscal Year tions. The Agreement authorizes the 2021. U.S.C. 152 note) and extended by section 2(c) Intelligence Community (IC) to obli- of the Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships TITLE II—CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Extension Act of 2012 (28 U.S.C. 152 note) for gate and expend funds not altered or AGENCY RETIREMENT AND DIS- the middle district of North Carolina is ex- modified by the classified Schedule of ABILITY SYSTEM tended until the applicable vacancy specified Authorizations as requested in the Section 201. Authorization of appropriations. in paragraph (2) in the office of a bankruptcy President’s budget, subject to modi- Section 201 authorizes appropriations for judge for the district occurs. fication under applicable reprogram- the CIA Retirement and Disability Fund for (2) VACANCY.—The 1st vacancy in the office ming procedures. Fiscal Year 2021. of a bankruptcy judge for the middle district The classified annex is the result of TITLE III—INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY of North Carolina— MATTERS (A) occurring 5 years or more after the negotiations between the congressional date of the enactment of this Act, and intelligence committees. They rec- Subtitle A—General Intelligence Community (B) resulting from the death, retirement, oncile the differences between the con- Matters resignation, or removal of a bankruptcy gressional intelligence committees’ re- Section 301. Restriction on conduct of intel- judge, spective versions of the bill for the Na- ligence activities. shall not be filled. tional Intelligence Program (NIP) for Section 301 provides that the authorization (3) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER PROVISIONS.— Fiscal Year 2021. The Agreement also of appropriations by the Act shall not be Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2), deemed to constitute authority for the con- all other provisions of section 3 of the Bank- makes recommendations for the Mili- duct of any intelligence activity that is not ruptcy Judgeship Act of 1992 (28 U.S.C. 152 tary Intelligence Program (MIP) and otherwise authorized by the Constitution or note) and section 2 of the Temporary Bank- the Information Systems Security Pro- laws of the United States. ruptcy Judgeships Extension Act of 2012 (28 gram (ISSP), consistent with the Na- Section 302. Increase in employee compensation U.S.C. 152 note) (28 U.S.C. 152 note) remain tional Defense Authorization Act for and benefits authorized by law. applicable to the temporary office of bank- Fiscal Year 2021, and provides certain Section 302 provides that funds authorized ruptcy judge referred to in paragraph (1). direction for these two programs. The to be appropriated by the Act for salary, pay, SEC. 5. REGULATIONS. Agreement applies to IC activities for retirement, and other benefits for federal Section 375(h) of title 28, United States Fiscal Year 2021. employees may be increased by such addi- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘may’’ and in- tional or supplemental amounts as may be serting ‘‘shall’’. The classified Schedule of Authoriza- necessary for increases in compensation or The bill was ordered to be read a tions is incorporated into the bill pur- benefits authorized by law. third time, was read the third time, suant to Section 102. It has the status Section 303. Continuity of operations plans for and passed, and a motion to reconsider of law. The classified annex supple- certain elements of the intelligence commu- was laid on the table. ments and adds detail to clarify the au- nity in the case of a national emergency. f thorization levels found in the bill and Section 303 requires the Directors of the the classified Schedule of Authoriza- Office of the Director of National Intel- EXPLANATORY MATERIAL STATE- tions. The congressional intelligence ligence (ODNI), Central Intelligence Agency MENT ON THE INTELLIGENCE committees view direction and rec- (CIA), National Reconnaissance Office AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FIS- ommendations, whether contained in (NRO), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), (NSA), and Na- CAL YEAR 2021, SUBMITTED BY this explanation or in the classified MR. SCHIFF, CHAIRMAN OF THE tional Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) annex, as requiring compliance by the to establish continuity of operations plans HOUSE PERMANENT SELECT Executive Branch. COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE for use in the case of certain national emer- gencies as defined in statute, and share those PART II: SELECT UNCLASSIFIED The following is the explanation of with the congressional intelligence commit- CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTION the Intelligence Authorization Act for tees within 7 days of a national emergency Fiscal Year 2021 (hereinafter, ‘‘the This Joint Explanatory Statement being declared. Furthermore, Section 303 re- Act’’). incorporates by reference, and the Ex- quires these agencies to provide the commit- This explanation reflects the result ecutive Branch shall comply with, all tees with any updates to those plans as the of negotiations and disposition of direction contained in the Senate Se- conditions of the national emergency re- quire. issues reached between the Senate Se- lect Committee on Intelligence Report lect Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) to accompany the Intelligence Author- Section 304. Application of Executive Schedule level III to position of Director of National and the House Permanent Select Com- ization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (S. Reconnaissance Office. mittee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and the Rept. 116–233) and in the House Perma- Section 304 provides that the Director of (hereinafter, ‘‘the Agreement’’). The nent Select Committee on Intelligence the NRO shall be designated as Level III on explanation shall have the same effect Report to accompany the Intelligence the Executive Schedule, the equivalent of an with respect to the implementation of Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 Under Secretary. The Committee further the Act as if it were a joint explana- (H. Rept. 116–565). clarifies that this provision shall apply to a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.039 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 successor civilian occupying the position of U.S.C. § 3326 and related regulations, includ- Section 402. Expansion of personnel manage- Director of the NRO. ing the identification of any obstacles en- ment authority to attract experts in science Section 305. National Intelligence University. countered by the IC in exercising such au- and engineering. thorities. Section 305 provides the National Intel- Section 402 facilitates NGA’s recruitment ligence University (NIU) with degree-grant- Section 323. Report on signals intelligence prior- of experts in science or engineering for re- ing authority and requires reporting on per- ities and requirements. search and development projects. sonnel and compensation. Section 305 also Section 323 requires the DNI to submit a Section 403. Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon sustains an independent, external board of report detailing signals intelligence prior- Kent Award for distinguished female per- visitors to provide oversight of the NIU. ities and requirements subject to Presi- sonnel of the National Security Agency. dential Policy Directive–28 that stipulates Section 306. Data collection on attrition in intel- Section 403 requires the Director of the ‘‘why, whether, when, and how the United ligence community. NSA to establish an honorary award for the States conducts signals intelligence activi- recognition of female personnel of the NSA Section 306 requires the DNI to set stand- ties.’’ This report shall be submitted in un- for distinguished career contributions in sup- ards and issue an annual report on the rea- classified form, but may include a classified port of the mission of the NSA. sons why different categories of IC employ- annex. ees separate from service or applicants to IC Section 324. Assessment of demand for student Section 404. Department of Homeland Security positions withdraw from the hiring process loan repayment program benefit. intelligence and cybersecurity diversity fel- after they have been issued a conditional lowship program. Section 324 requires the head of each IC offer of employment. Data on workforce at- element to calculate the number of per- Section 404 requires the Secretary of DHS trition should include demographics, special- sonnel who qualify for a student loan repay- to carry out an intelligence and cybersecu- ties, and length of service. Such reasons may ment program benefit, and compare it to the rity diversity fellowship program that pro- include an alternative job opportunity, a loss number of personnel who apply for such a vides paid internships, tuition assistance, of interest in joining the IC, or the length of benefit. The information provided will in- and potential employment opportunities. time to complete the clearance process. clude recommendations for how to optimize Section 405. Climate Security Advisory Council. Section 307. Limitation on delegation of respon- participation and enhance the effectiveness Section 405 requires the DNI, in coordina- sibility for program management of informa- of the benefit as a retention tool, to identify tion with the appropriate heads of other IC tion-sharing environment. any shortfall in funds or authorities needed elements, to conduct a study on the effec- Section 307 stipulates that the President to provide such benefit, and to include such tiveness of the Climate Security Advisory must delegate responsibilities under Section materials with the budget request for Fiscal Council as a potential model for future advi- 1016(b) of the Intelligence Reform and Ter- Year 2022. sory councils. rorism Prevention Act of 2004 to an official Section 325. Assessment of intelligence commu- TITLE V—MATTERS RELATING TO other than the DNI. nity demand for child care. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Section 308. Requirement to buy certain satellite Section 325 requires the DNI in coordina- Section 501. Requirements and authorities for component from American sources. tion with the heads of other IC elements to Director of Central Intelligence Agency to Section 308 prohibits an element of the IC provide a report that includes: a calculation improve education in science, technology, to award a contract for a national security of the total annual demand for child care by engineering, arts, and mathematics. satellite if the satellite uses a star tracker employees at NSA, NGA, DIA, NRO, CIA, and ODNI; an identification of any shortfalls be- Section 501 ensures that the Director of that is not produced in the United States, the CIA has the legal authorities required to with certain limited exceptions. tween demand and the child care support by these IC elements; an assessment of options improve the skills in science, technology, en- Section 309. Limitation on construction of facili- for addressing any such shortfall; an identi- gineering, arts, and mathematics (known as ties to be used primarily by intelligence com- fication of the advantages, disadvantages, se- STEAM) necessary to meet long-term na- munity. curity requirements, and costs associated tional security needs. Section 309 amends the Intelligence Au- with each option; a plan to meet, within five Section 502. Seedling investment in next-genera- thorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 regard- years after the date of the report, the de- tion microelectronics in support of artificial ing funding and authorities for facility con- mand for childcare, and an assessment of intelligence. struction. specific considerations that impact the al- Section 502 requires the DNI, acting Section 310. Intelligence community student ternatives available to these IC elements. through the Director of the Intelligence Ad- loan repayment programs. Section 326. Open source intelligence strategies vanced Research Projects Activity, to award Section 310 requires the DNI to establish and plans for the intelligence community. contracts or grants, or enter into other minimum student loan repayment standards Section 326 requires the DNI in coordina- transactions, to encourage microelectronics for IC employees. tion with the heads of each IC element, to research. Subtitle B—Reports and Assessments conduct a survey of the open source intel- TITLE VI—REPORTS AND OTHER Pertaining to the Intelligence Community ligence requirements, goals, investments, MATTERS and capabilities for each element of the IC Section 601. Report on attempts by foreign ad- Section 321. Assessment by the Comptroller Gen- and to evaluate the usability of the Open eral of the United States on efforts of the versaries to build telecommunications and Source Enterprise (OSE). Based on such find- cybersecurity equipment and services for, or Intelligence Community and the Department ings, it further mandates the DNI shall de- of Defense to identify and mitigate risks to provide such equipment and services to, velop, in coordination with the heads of each certain allies of the United States. posed to the intelligence community and the IC element, a strategy for open source intel- Section 601 requires the CIA, NSA, and DIA Department by the use of direct-to-consumer ligence collection, analysis, and production to submit to the congressional intelligence genetic testing by the Government of the across the IC; create a plan for improving and armed services committees a joint re- People’s Republic of China. usability of the OSE; and conduct a risk and port that describes the United States intel- Section 321 directs the Comptroller Gen- benefit analysis of creating an independent ligence sharing and military posture in Five eral to assess efforts in the IC and Depart- open source center. Eyes countries that currently have or intend ment of Defense (DoD) to identify and miti- Using the findings above, Section 326 fur- to use adversary telecommunications or cy- gate the risks posed to the IC and DoD by di- ther requires the DNI to develop a plan for a bersecurity equipment, especially as pro- rect-to-consumer genetic testing by the Gov- centralized data repository of open source in- vided by China or Russia, with a description ernment of the People’s Republic of China. telligence. Finally, it mandates the DNI de- of potential vulnerabilities of that informa- Section 321 further requires the report to in- velop a cost-sharing model that leverages tion and assessment of mitigation options. clude key national security risks and the open source intelligence investments of vulnerabilities, an assessment of the IC’s and each IC element for the beneficial use of the Section 602. Report on threats posed by use by DoD’s identification and mitigation of such entire IC. It also requires the heads of ODNI, foreign governments and entities of commer- risks and vulnerabilities, and recommenda- CIA, DIA, NGA, and NSA to jointly brief the cially available cyber intrusion and surveil- tions for the IC and DoD to improve identi- congressional intelligence committees on lance technology. fication and mitigation of such risks and the progress developing the aforementioned Section 602 requires the DNI to submit a vulnerabilities. plans. report on the threats posed by foreign gov- Section 322. Report on use by intelligence com- TITLE IV—MATTERS RELATING TO ELE- ernments and foreign entities using and ap- munity of hiring flexibilities and expedited MENTS OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMU- propriating commercially available cyber in- human resources practices to assure quality NITY trusion and other surveillance technology. and diversity in the workforce of the intel- Section 401. Establishment of Office of the Om- Section 603. Reports on recommendations of the ligence community. budsman for Analytic Objectivity. Cyberspace Solarium Commission. Section 322 requires the DNI to submit a Section 401 establishes in the CIA an Office Section 603 requires the ODNI, Department report describing how IC elements are exer- of the Ombudsman for Analytic Objectivity of Homeland Security (acting through the cising hiring flexibilities and expedited to implement required procedures and con- Under Secretary of Homeland Security for human resources practices afforded under 5 duct required activities. Intelligence and Analysis), Department of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.041 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7319 Energy (acting through the Director of Intel- Section 608. Report on biosecurity risk and Young Pollard Intelligence Authorization ligence and Counterintelligence of the De- disinformation by the Chinese Communist Act for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, and 2020, partment of Energy), Department of Com- Party and the Government of the People’s which provided special rules for certain merce, and DoD to report to Congress their Republic of China. monthly workers’ compensation payments assessment of the recommendations sub- Section 608 requires the DNI to submit to and other payments to CIA personnel. mitted by the Cyberspace Solarium Commis- the designated congressional committees a Section 617. Annual reports on worldwide sion pursuant to Section 1652(j) of the John S. report identifying whether and how CCP offi- threats. McCain National Defense Authorization Act cials and the Government of the People’s Re- Section 617 requires the DNI, in coordina- (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019, and to describe public of China may have sought to suppress tion with IC element heads, to submit an an- actions that each agency expects to take to or exploit for national advantage informa- nual report with an IC assessment of world- implement these recommendations. tion regarding the novel coronavirus pan- wide threats to United States national secu- Section 604. Assessment of critical technology demic, including specific related assess- rity. Section 617 further required the DNI, trends relating to artificial intelligence, ments. Section 608 further provides that the together with IC element heads determined microchips, and semiconductors and related report shall be submitted in unclassified appropriate by the congressional intelligence supply chains. form, but may have a classified annex. and defense committees in consultation with Section 609. Report on effect of lifting of United the DNI, to testify at an open hearing before Section 604 requires the DNI to complete Nations arms embargo on Islamic Republic such committees upon request. It is the in- an assessment of export controls related to of . tent of the Committees that a request by one artificial intelligence (AI), microchips, ad- Section 609 requires the DIA to submit to of the congressional intelligence or defense vanced manufacturing equipment, and other committees, or a number of them, shall trig- AI-enabled technologies, including the iden- designated congressional committees a re- port on the Government of the Islamic Re- ger the obligation of IC element heads to tes- tification of opportunities for further co- tify at an open hearing before a requesting operation with international partners. public of Iran’s plans to acquire military arms if the ban on arms transfers to or from committee, as specified under Section 617. Section 605. Combating Chinese influence oper- such government under United Nations Secu- Section 618. Annual report on Climate Security ations in the United States and strength- rity Council resolutions are lifted, as well as Advisory Council. ening civil liberties protections. the effects such arms acquisitions may have Section 618 requires the chair of the Cli- Section 605 provides additional require- on regional security and stability. mate Security Advisory Council to submit ments to annual reports in 50 U.S.C. § 3237(B) Section 610. Report on Iranian activities relating an annual report regarding the Council’s on Influence Operations and Campaigns in to nuclear nonproliferation. prior year activities. the United States by the Chinese Communist Section 610 directs the DNI to submit a re- Section 619. Improvements to funding for Na- Party (CCP) by mandating an identification port on any relevant activities relating to tional Security Education program. of influence operations by the CCP against nuclear weapons research and development Section 619 authorizes funds for national the science and technology sector in the by the Islamic Republic of Iran and any rel- security-related scholarship, fellowship, and United States. Section 605 also requires the evant efforts to afford or deny international grant programs. FBI to create a plan, in consultation with access to related facilities in accordance Section 620. Report on best practices to protect stakeholders outside the Intelligence Com- with international non-proliferation agree- privacy, civil liberties, and civil rights of munity to increase public awareness of influ- ments. Chinese Americans. ence activities by the CCP. Finally, section Section 611. Annual reports on security services 605 requires the FBI, in consultation with Section 620 makes certain technical and of the People’s Republic of China in the conforming amendments to a reporting pro- the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Rights and the Chief Privacy and Civil Lib- vision enacted pursuant to the Damon Paul erties Officer of the Department of Justice, Section 611 requires the DNI to submit a Nelson and Matthew Young Pollard Intel- to develop recommendations to strengthen report on the presence and activities of Chi- ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years relationships with communities targeted by nese security services operating within the 2018, 2019, and 2020. the CCP and to build trust with such com- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Section 621. National Intelligence Estimate on munities through local and regional grass- Section 612. Research partnership on activities the threat of global pandemic disease. roots outreach. of People’s Republic of China. Section 621 requires the DNI, acting Section 606. Annual report on corrupt activities Section 612 requires the Director of the through the National Intelligence Council, of senior officials of the Chinese Communist NGA to seek to enter into a partnership with to produce a National Intelligence Estimate Party. an academic or non-profit research institu- on the threat of global pandemic disease. tion to carry out joint unclassified Section 622. Modification of requirement for Section 606 requires the CIA, in coordina- geospatial intelligence analyses of the ac- briefings on national security effects of tion with the Department of Treasury’s Of- tivities of the People’s Republic of China emerging infectious disease and pandemics. fice of Intelligence and Analysis and the FBI, that pose national security risks to the to submit to designated congressional com- United States, and to make publicly avail- Section 622 amends a quinquennial report- mittees annually through 2025 a report that able unclassified products relating to such ing provision enacted pursuant to the Damon describes and assesses the wealth and corrup- analyses. Paul Nelson and Matthew Young Pollard In- telligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years tion of senior officials of the CCP, as well as Section 613. Report on the pharmaceutical and targeted financial measures, including po- 2018, 2019, and 2020 to require annual report- personal protective equipment regulatory ing. tential targets for sanctions designation. practices of the People’s Republic of China. Section 606 further expresses the Sense of Section 623. Independent study on open-source Section 613 requires the DNI to submit a Congress that the United States should un- intelligence. report on the pharmaceutical and personal dertake every effort and pursue every oppor- Section 623 requires the DNI to seek to protective equipment regulatory practices of tunity to expose the corruption and illicit enter into an agreement with a federally the People’s Republic of China. practices of senior officials of the CCP, in- funded research and development center or a cluding President Xi Jinping. Section 614. National Intelligence Estimate on nongovernmental entity to conduct a study situation in Afghanistan. Section 607. Report on corrupt activities of Rus- on the future of the collection, processing, Section 614 requires the DNI, acting sian and other Eastern European oligarchs. exploitation, analysis, dissemination, and through the National Intelligence Council, evaluation of open-source intelligence by the Section 607 requires the CIA, in coordina- to produce a National Intelligence Estimate IC, with certain requirements and criteria. tion with the Department of the Treasury’s on the situation in Afghanistan. Section 624. Survey on Open Source Enterprise. Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the Section 615. Assessment regarding tensions be- Section 624 requires the Director of the FBI, to submit to designated congressional tween Armenia and Azerbaijan. CIA (as the open source functional manager committees and the Under Secretary of Section 615 requires the DNI to submit an for the IC), in consultation with the DNI and State for Public Diplomacy, a report that de- assessment regarding tensions between the any other IC element head that the Director scribes the corruption and corrupt or illegal governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan. determines appropriate, to conduct a survey activities among Russian and other Eastern to measure the satisfaction of customers of European oligarchs who support the Russian Section 616. Sense of Congress on Third Option open-source intelligence with the Open government and Russian President Vladimir Foundation. Source Enterprise of the CIA. Putin, and the impact of those activities on Section 616 expresses the sense of Congress the economy and citizens of Russia. Section that the Third Option Foundation’s work on Section 625. Sense of Congress on report on mur- 607 further requires the CIA, in coordination behalf of the CIA’s special operations com- der of Jamal Khashoggi. with the Department of Treasury’s Office of munity and their families is invaluable, such Section 625 provides that it is the sense of Intelligence and Analysis, to describe poten- that the Director of the CIA should work Congress that the DNI should reasonably tial sanctions that could be imposed for such with the Foundation to implement section have been able to produce an unclassified re- activities. 6412 of the Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew port, as required pursuant to section 5714 of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.043 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 the Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew Young JOINT RESOLUTION AND S. 3418.—An act to amend the Robert T. Pollard Intelligence Authorization Act for ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, and 2020, and section sistance Act to allow the Administrator of 1277 of the National Defense Authorization Gloria J. Lett, Deputy Clerk of the the Federal Emergency Management Agency Act for Fiscal Year 2020. House, reported and found truly en- to provide capitalization grants to States to f rolled a joint resolution of the House of establish revolving funds to provide hazard the following title, which was there- mitigation assistance to reduce risks from PUBLICATION OF BUDGETARY upon signed by the Speaker on Sunday, disasters and natural hazards, and other re- MATERIAL December 20, 2020: lated environmental harm. S. 3989.—An act to amend the United REVISION TO THE AGGREGATES, ALLOCATIONS, H.J. Res. 110. Joint resolution making fur- States Semiquincentennial Commission Act AND OTHER BUDGETARY LEVELS FOR FISCAL ther continuing appropriations for fiscal of 2016 to modify certain membership and YEAR 2021 year 2021, and for other purposes. Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the other requirements of the United States HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Semiquincentennial Commission, and for COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET, House, further reported and found other purposes. Washington, DC, December 21, 2020. truly enrolled bills of the House of the S. 5036.—An act to amend the Overtime MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the Congres- following titles, which were thereupon Pay for Protective Service Act of 2016 to ex- sional Budget Act of 1974 (CBA), the Bal- signed by the Speaker: tend the Secret Service overtime pay excep- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control tion through 2023, and for other purposes. Act of 1985 (BBEDCA), and the Bipartisan H.R. 1966. An act to direct the Comptroller Budget Act of 2019 (BBA), I hereby submit General of the United States to complete a f study on barriers to participation in feder- for printing in the Congressional Record a ADJOURNMENT revision to the aggregates and allocations ally funded cancer clinical trials by popu- set forth in the statement of aggregates, al- lations that have been traditionally under- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- locations, and other budgetary levels for fis- represented in such trials. ant to section 4(b) of House Resolution cal year 2021 published in the Congressional H.R. 5023. An act to name the Department 967, the House stands adjourned until 9 Record on May 1, 2020, as adjusted. of Veterans Affairs community based out- patient clinic in Youngstown, Ohio, as the a.m. on Thursday, December 24, 2020. In accordance with these Acts, this revi- Thereupon (at 9 o’clock and 13 min- sion includes an allowable adjustment for ‘‘Carl Nunziato VA Clinic’’. Overseas Contingency Operations and dis- H.R. 5459. An act to authorize the Sec- utes p.m.), under its previous order, the aster relief pursuant to section 251(b) of retary of the Interior to correct a land own- House adjourned until Thursday, De- BBEDCA. These amounts are contained in ership error within the boundary of Rocky cember 24, 2020, at 9 a.m. Mountain National Park, and for other pur- the House Amendment to the Senate Amend- f ment to H.R. 133, the Consolidated Appro- poses. H.R. 6237. An act to amend the Indian priations Act, 2021. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Accordingly, I am revising aggregate Health Care Improvement Act to clarify the ETC. spending levels for fiscal year 2021 and the requirement of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to re- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive allocation for the House Committee on Ap- communications were taken from the propriations for fiscal year 2021. For pur- imburse the Indian Health Service for cer- poses of enforcing titles III and IV of the tain health care services. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: CBA and other budgetary enforcement provi- H.R. 7898. An act to amend the Health In- EC-5982. A letter from the Program Spe- sions, the revised aggregates and allocations formation Technology for Economic and cialist, Chief Counsel’s Office, Office of the are to be considered as aggregates and allo- Clinical Health Act to require the Secretary Comptroller of the Currency, Department of cations included in the budget resolution, of Health and Human Services to consider the Treasury, transmitting the Department’s pursuant to the statement published in the certain recognized security practices of cov- final rule — Licensing Amendments [Docket Congressional Record on May 1, 2020, as ad- ered entities and business associates when ID: OCC-2019-0024] (RIN: 1557-AE71) received justed. making certain determinations, and for December 14, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Questions may be directed to Jennifer other purposes. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Wheelock or Raquel Spencer of the Budget H.R. 8906. to amend title XXIX of the Pub- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Committee staff. lic Health Service Act to reauthorize the Services. program under such title relating to lifespan JOHN YARMUTH. EC-5983. A letter from the Director, Office respite care. of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, TABLE 1.—REVISION TO ON-BUDGET AGGREGATES f Department of Labor, transmitting the De- [On-budget amounts, in millions of dollars] SENATE ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED partment’s final rule — Implementing Legal Requirements Regarding the Equal Oppor- 2021 2021–2030 The Speaker announced her signa- tunity Clause’s Religious Exemption (RIN: ture to enrolled bills of the Senate of 1250-AA09) received December 14, 2020, pursu- Current Aggregates: Budget Authority ...... 3,876,749 n.a. the following titles: ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Outlays ...... 3,840,592 n.a. S. 979.—An act to amend the Post-Katrina 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee Revenues ...... 2,800,378 35,724,078 on Education and Labor. Revision for the Consolidated Appropriations Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 Act, FY21 (H.R. 133): to incorporate the recommendations made EC-5984. A letter from the Section Chief, Budget Authority ...... 12,082 n.a. by the Government Accountability Office re- Diversion Control Division, DEA, Depart- Outlays ...... 3,360 n.a. ment of Justice, transmitting the Depart- Revenues ...... – – – – – – lating to advance contracts, and for other Revised Aggregates: purposes. ment’s interim final rule — Schedules of Budget Authority ...... 3,888,831 n.a. S. 1694.—An act to require the National Controlled Substances: Placement of Outlays ...... 3,843,952 n.a. Oliceridine in Schedule II [Docket No.: DEA- Revenues ...... 2,800,378 35,724,078 Aeronautics and Space Administration to add recommendations and inform other rel- 715] received December 14, 2020, pursuant to 5 n.a. = Not applicable because annual apppropriations acts for fiscal U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. years 2022 through 2030 will not be considered until future sessions of evant agencies of information relating to the Congress. principle of due regard and the limitation of 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- harmful interference with Apollo landing ergy and Commerce. TABLE 2.—ALLOCATION OF SPENDING AUTHORITY TO THE site artifacts, and for other purposes. EC-5985. A letter from the Regulations Co- HOUSE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS S. 2174.—An act to the extent provided in ordinator, Office of the Assistant Secretary advance in appropriations Act, the Attorney for Administration, Department of Health [Unified amounts in millions of dollars] General is authorized-to use funds appro- and Human Services, transmitting the De- 2021 priated for the operationalization, mainte- partment’s final rule — Regulatory Clean Up nance, and expansion of the National Missing Initiative [Docket Number: HHS-OS-2020- Current Discretionary Allocation: and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) 0015] (RIN: 0991-AC19) received December 9, BA ...... 1,384,434 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public OT ...... 1,457,837 for the purpose of carrying out this Act. Revision for Overseas Contingency Operations (H.R. 133): S. 2683.—An act to establish a task force to Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the BA ...... – – – assist States in implementing hiring require- Committee on Energy and Commerce. OT ...... 314 EC-5986. A letter from the Regulations Co- Revision for Disaster Relief (H.R. 133): ments for child care staff members to im- BA ...... 12,082 prove child safety. ordinator, Department of Health and Human OT ...... 3,046 S. 2730.—An act to establish and ensure an Services, transmitting the Department’s Revised Discretionary Allocation: final rule — Amendments to the HHS-Oper- BA ...... 1,396,516 inclusive and transparent Drone Advisory OT ...... 1,461,197 Committee. ated Risk Adjustment Data Validation Current Law Mandatory: S. 3312.—An act to establish a crisis sta- (HHS-RADV) under the Patient Protection BA ...... 1,172,969 bilization and community reentry grant pro- and Affordable Care Act’s HHS-Operated OT ...... 1,152,482 gram, and for other purposes. Risk Adjustment Program [CMS-9913-F]

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:57 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.044 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7321 (RIN: 0938-AU23) received December 9, 2020, Regulations Governing Bond Requirements ice, transmitting the Service’s final rule — pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law and Tax Return Filing Periods [Docket No.: Withholding of Tax and Information Report- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- TTB-2016-0013; T.D. TTB-159; Re: T.D. TTB- ing with Respect to Interests in Partnerships mittee on Energy and Commerce. 146; Notice No.: 167] (RIN: 1513-AC30) received Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business [TD EC-5987. A letter from the Director, Regu- December 9, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 9926] (RIN: 1545-BO60) received December 9, latory Management Division, Environmental 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the cy’s final rule — Air Plan Partial Approval Means. Committee on Ways and Means. and Partial Disapproval; California; San EC-5995. A letter from the Federal Register EC-6004. A letter from the Director, Legal Diego [EPA-R09-OAR-2020-0136; FRL-10016-79- Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Processing Division, Internal Revenue Serv- Region 9] received December 9, 2020, pursu- and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treas- ice, transmitting the Service’s IRB only rule ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- ury, transmitting the Department’s final — Implementation of the CARES Act Ex- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee rule — Establishment of the Royal Slope tended January 1, 2021 Due Date for Con- on Energy and Commerce. Viticultural Area [Docket No.: TTB-2019- tributions to Defined Benefit Plans [Notice EC-5988. A letter from the Director, Regu- 0008; T.D. TTB-162; Ref: Notice No. 186] (RIN: 2020-82] received December 9, 2020, pursuant latory Management Division, Environmental 1513-AC53) received December 9, 2020, pursu- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on cy’s final rule — Test Methods and Perform- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee Ways and Means. ance Specifications for Air Emission on Ways and Means. f Sources; Correction [EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0815; EC-5996. A letter from the Federal Register FRL-10016-14-OAR] (RIN: 2060-AU39) received Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON December 9, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treas- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 ury, transmitting the Department’s final Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and rule — Establishment of the Candy Mountain Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Commerce. Viticultural Area and Modification of the committees were delivered to the Clerk EC-5989. A letter from the Regulations Co- Yakima Valley Viticultural Area [Docket for printing and reference to the proper ordinator, Office of the National Coordinator No.: TTB-2019-0006; T.D. TTB-163; Ref: Notice calendar, as follows: No. 184] (RIN: 1513-AC42) received December for Health Information Technology, Depart- Ms. SHALALA: Committee on Rules. ment of Health and Human Services, trans- 9, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Pub- lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the House Resolution 1271. Resolution providing mitting the Department’s final rule — Infor- for consideration of the Senate amendment mation Blocking and the ONC Health IT Cer- Committee on Ways and Means. EC-5997. A letter from the Federal Register to the bill (H.R. 133) to promote economic tification Program: Extension of Compliance partnership and cooperation between the Dates and Timeframes in Response to the Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treas- United States and Mexico; providing for dis- COVID-19 Public Health Emergency; Correc- position of the Senate amendment to the bill tion (RIN: 0955-AA02) received December 17, ury, transmitting the Department’s final rule — Establishment of the Tehachapi (H.R. 1520) to amend the Public Health Serv- 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public ice Act to provide for the publication of a Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Mountains Viticultural Area [Docket No.: TTB-2020-0006; T.D. TTB-164; Ref: Notice No. list of licensed biological projects and for Committee on Energy and Commerce. other purposes; and for other purposes (Rept. EC-5990. A letter from the Attorney Advi- 191] (RIN: 1513-AC69) received December 9, 116–679). Referred to the House Calendar. sor, Executive Office for Immigration Re- 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Mr. GRIJALVA: Committee on Natural Re- view, Department of Justice, transmitting Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the sources. H.R. 2245. A bill to amend the En- the Department’s final rule — Procedures for Committee on Ways and Means. EC-5998. A letter from the Director, Legal dangered Species Act of 1973 to prohibit im- Asylum and Withholding of Removal; Cred- Processing Division, Internal Revenue Serv- port and export of any species listed or pro- ible Fear and Reasonable Fear Review [EOIR ice, transmitting the Services final rule — posed to be listed under such Act as a threat- Docket No.: 18-0102; A.G. Order No. 4922-2020] Unrelated Business Taxable Income Sepa- ened species or endangered species, and for (RIN: 1125-AA94) received December 16, 2020, rately Computed for Each Trade or Business other purposes; with amendments (Rept. 116– pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law [TD 9933] (RIN: 1545-BO79) received December 680, Pt. 1). Referred to the Committee of the 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 9, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Pub- Whole House on the . mittee on the Judiciary. lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the EC-5991. A letter from the Associate Ad- Mr. DEFAZIO: Committee on Transpor- Committee on Ways and Means. ministrator for Policy, Federal Motor Car- tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 1108. A bill to EC-5999. A letter from the Director, Legal provide for funding from the Airport and Air- rier Safety Administration, Department of Processing Division, Internal Revenue Serv- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- way Trust Fund for all Federal Aviation Ad- ice, transmitting the Service’s final regula- ministration activities in the event of a Gov- ment’s interim final rule — Hours of Service tions — Coordination of Extraordinary Dis- of Drivers; Definition of Agricultural Com- ernment shutdown, and for other purposes; position and Disqualified Basis Rules [TD with an amendment (Rept. 116–681, Pt. 1). Re- modity [Docket No.: FMCSA-2018-0348] (RIN: 9934] (RIN: 1545-BP57) received December 9, 2126-AC24) received December 9, 2020, pursu- ferred to the Committee of the Whole House 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public on the state of the Union. ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee Ms. WATERS: Committee on Financial Committee on Ways and Means. Services. H.R. 4545. A bill to provide for the on Transportation and Infrastructure. EC-6000. A letter from the Director, Legal EC-5992. A letter from the Federal Register discharge of a private education loan in the Processing Division, Internal Revenue Serv- case of death or total and permanent dis- Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax ice, transmitting the Service’s IRB only rule and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treas- ability of a student obligor, and for other — Revenue Ruling: 2020 Base Period T-Bill purposes; with an amendment (Rept. 116–682, ury, transmitting the Department’s final Rate (Rev. Rul. 2020-25) received December 9, Pt. 1). Referred to the Committee of the rule — Establishment of the Alisos Canyon 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Whole House on the state of the Union. Viticultural Area [Docket No.: TTB-2019- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi: Committee 0007; T.D. TTB-161; Ref: Notice No.: 185] (RIN: Committee on Ways and Means. 1513-AC51) received December 9, 2020, pursu- EC-6001. A letter from the Director, Legal on Homeland Security. H.R. 4782. A bill to ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Processing Division, Internal Revenue Serv- establish a national commission on online 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee ice, transmitting the Service’s final regula- platforms and homeland security, and for on Ways and Means. tions — Guidance Clarifying Premium Tax other purposes; with an amendment (Rept. EC-5993. A letter from the Federal Register Credit Unaffected by Suspension of Personal 116–683, Pt. 1). Referred to the Committee of Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Exemption Deduction [TD 9912] (RIN: 1545- the Whole House on the state of the Union. and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treas- BP76) receive December 9, 2020, pursuant to 5 Mr. SCOTT of Virginia: Committee of Edu- ury, transmitting the Department’s final U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. cation and Labor. H.R. 865. A bill to provide rule — Establishment of the Tualatin Hills 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on for the long-term improvement of public and Laurelwood District Viticultural Areas Ways and Means. school facilities, and for other purposes; with [Docket No.: TTB-2019-0003; T.D. TTB-160; EC-6002. A letter from the Director, Legal amendments (Rept. 116–684, Pt. 1). Referred Ref: Notice No.: 181] (RIN: 1513-AC52) re- Processing Division, Internal Revenue Serv- to the Committee of the Whole House on the ceived December 9, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ice, transmitting the Service’s IRB only rule state of the Union. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 — 2020 Required Amendments List for Quali- DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEE Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and fied Retirement Plans and Sec. 403(b) Retire- Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the Means. ment Plans [Notice 2020-83] received Decem- Committee on Ways and Means dis- EC-5994. A letter from the Federal Register ber 9, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); charged from further consideration. Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treas- the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 865 referred to the Committee of ury, transmitting the Department’s final EC-6003. A letter from the Director, Legal the Whole House on the state of the rule — Changes to Certain Alcohol-Related Processing Division, Internal Revenue Serv- Union.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L21DE7.000 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H7322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 21, 2020 Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the portation and Infrastructure, and in addition clause 3 of section 8 of article I of the Con- Committee on Ways and Means dis- to the Committee on Financial Services, for stitution. charged from further consideration. a period to be subsequently determined by By Mr. JOYCE of Ohio: H.R. 1108 referred to the Committee of the Speaker, in each case for consideration H.R. 9044. of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Whole House on the state of the tion of the committee concerned. lation pursuant to the following: Union. By Mr. GOTTHEIMER (for himself and Article I, Section 8, Clause 14. Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the Mr. FITZPATRICK): By Mr. KENNEDY: Committees on Foreign Affairs and H.R. 9043. A bill to require social media H.R. 9045. Ways and Means discharged from fur- companies to establish an office dedicated to Congress has the power to enact this legis- ther consideration. H.R. 2245 referred identifying and removing violent or extrem- lation pursuant to the following: to the Committee of the Whole House ist content associated with or distributed by Article I, Section 8. on the state of the Union. any entity identified as a terrorist organiza- tion; to the Committee on Energy and Com- f Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the merce, and in addition to the Committee on ADDITIONAL SPONSORS TO PUBLIC Committee on Ways and Means dis- the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- charged from further consideration. quently determined by the Speaker, in each BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 4545 referred to the Committee of case for consideration of such provisions as Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors the Whole House on the state of the fall within the jurisdiction of the committee were added to public bills and resolu- Union. concerned. tions, as follows: By Mr. JOYCE of Ohio (for himself and Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the H.R. 808: Mr. STEUBE. Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire): Committee on Energy and Commerce H.R. 1634: Ms. FINKENAUER. discharged from further consideration. H.R. 9044. A bill to expand and enhance programs and activities of the Department of H.R. 1766: Ms. FINKENAUER. H.R. 4782 referred to the Committee of Defense for prevention of and response to do- H.R. 1897: Mr. HALL. the Whole House on the state of the mestic violence and child abuse and neglect H.R. 2350: Ms. FINKENAUER. Union. among military families, and for other pur- H.R. 2442: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. f poses; to the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. KENNEDY (for himself and Mr. H.R. 3229: Ms. BASS and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H.R. 3464: Ms. FINKENAUER. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS JEFFRIES): H.R. 3509: Ms. FINKENAUER. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public H.R. 9045. A bill to prohibit searches based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, H.R. 4098: Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. bills and resolutions of the following H.R. 5002: Ms. FINKENAUER. titles were introduced and severally re- or sex, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. H.R. 5084: Ms. HOULAHAN. ferred, as follows: By Mrs. LOWEY: H.R. 5176: Ms. FINKENAUER. By Mr. AMASH: H. Con. Res. 127. Concurrent resolution di- H.R. 5297: Mr. STEUBE. H.R. 9039. A bill to require the Secretary of recting the Clerk of the House of Representa- H.R. 5534: Ms. FINKENAUER. Homeland Security to operate alternatives tives to make a correction in the enrollment H.R. 6402: Mrs. HAYES, Ms. NORTON, Ms. to detention programs, to prioritize certain of H.R. 133; considered and agreed to. LEE of California, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. vulnerable populations for those programs, By Mrs. LOWEY: BLUMENAUER, Ms. TLAIB, Mr. GARCI´A of Illi- and to require the Secretary to justify the H. Con. Res. 128. Concurrent resolution di- nois, Ms. BONAMICI, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, and allocation of resources and decisions on recting the Clerk of the House of Representa- Ms. CLARKE of New York. whether to detain people based on ensuring tives to make a correction in the enrollment H.R. 6492: Mr. MFUME. compliance with immigration proceedings in of H.R. 1520; considered and agreed to. H.R. 6556: Mr. LEVIN of California. H.R. 6560: Ms. FINKENAUER. the most cost-effective ways possible, and for f other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- H.R. 6585: Mr. HALL. diciary. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY H.R. 6763: Mr. HALL. By Mr. AMASH: STATEMENT, H.R. 6802: Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. H.R. 9040. A bill to protect aliens seeking H.R. 6958: Mr. GOTTHEIMER. asylum in the United States, and for other Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of H.R. 7052: Mr. RUIZ. purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 8003: Mr. MFUME. ary, and in addition to the Committee on tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 8044: Ms. DELBENE. Homeland Security, for a period to be subse- mitted regarding the specific powers H.R. 8113: Mr. NEAL. quently determined by the Speaker, in each granted to Congress in the Constitu- H.R. 8196: Mr. HALL. case for consideration of such provisions as tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 8302: Mrs. HAYES. ´ fall within the jurisdiction of the committee joint resolution. H.R. 8362: Ms. PRESSLEY, Ms. VELAZQUEZ, concerned. Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ, Mr. FOS- By Mr. AMASH: By Mr. AMASH: TER, Ms. SHALALA, Mr. CISNEROS, Ms. NOR- H.R. 9039. H.R. 9041. A bill to amend the National TON, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. COOPER, Mr. LYNCH, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Emergencies Act to provide for a sunset of a JACKSON LEE, Mr. CLAY, and Mr. SHERMAN. lation pursuant to the following: national emergency declared by the Presi- H.R. 8525: Ms. SCANLON. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4. dent 2 days after the declaration unless Con- H.R. 8662: Mrs. TORRES of California and By Mr. AMASH: Mr. BRINDISI. gress enacts a joint resolution affirming H.R. 9040. such declaration and the emergency powers Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 8769: Ms. NORTON. approved for use by the President, and for lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 8782: Mr. PANETTA. other purposes; to the Committee on Trans- Fifth Amendment H.R. 8801: Ms. HOULAHAN, Mr. KILMER, and portation and Infrastructure, and in addition By Mr. AMASH: Mr. HASTINGS. to the Committees on Foreign Affairs, and H.R. 9041. H.R. 8845: Mr. KIND, Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. Rules, for a period to be subsequently deter- Congress has the power to enact this legis- RYAN, Mr. FERGUSON, Mr. MARSHALL, and mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- lation pursuant to the following: Mr. DUNN. sideration of such provisions as fall within Article 1, Section 1. H.R. 8912: Mr. COHEN and Mr. ESPAILLAT. the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. By Mr. BUDD: H.R. 8962: Mr. GOSAR and Mr. HICE of Geor- By Mr. BUDD: H.R. 9042. gia. H.R. 9042. A bill to amend the Public Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 8969: Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Works and Economic Development Act of lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 9029: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois and Mr. 1965 to prohibit the Secretary of Commerce Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution POCAN. from issuing certain grants to States or po- By Mr. GOTTHEIMER: H. Res. 1106: Mr. SIRES, Mrs. DINGELL, and litical subdivisions of States that restrict or H.R. 9043. Mrs. NAPOLITANO. prohibit indoor and outdoor dining, and for Congress has the power to enact this legis- H. Res. 1268: Mr. BACON, Mr. JOHNSON of other purposes; to the Committee on Trans- lation pursuant to the following: Ohio, Mrs. WAGNER, and Mr. GALLAGHER.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE7.013 H21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2020 No. 218 Senate The Senate met at 12 noon and was years to come. Operation Warp Speed, we proposed to send about $1 trillion to called to order by the President pro which President Trump launched, priorities including a second round of tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). turned out to be a historic public-pri- the Paycheck Protection Program, di- f vate partnership. It has delivered a rect checks for households, and funding lifesaving vaccine in record time, shat- for healthcare providers, testing, and PRAYER tering scientific benchmarks along the K–12 schools—back in July. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- way. For the last 9 months, Americans Democrats said no. They said they fered the following prayer: have pulled together in shared sacrifice would block anything short of their Let us pray. to do their part. multitrillion-dollar leftwing wish list. Beautiful Savior, Your mighty power As the COVID–19 vaccine makes its Here was one headline that particu- makes us glad. We celebrate the vic- way into the communities across our larly underscores their view: ‘‘$2 tril- tories You have given us in the past country as it is right now, I encourage lion or bust: Democrats draw red line and trust You with our future. my fellow Iowans to keep pulling to- in coronavirus spending battle.’’ Lord, You have been our dwelling gether. When public health officials So, in July and in August, when Re- place in all generations, and we are say it is your turn to get a vaccine, roll publican Senators tried to extend ex- sustained by Your steadfast love. up your sleeve. I will be doing the same piring Federal unemployment benefits, Today, surround our Senators with the when my turn arrives. Democrats blocked us. Laid-off work- shield of Your favor as they labor to Getting immunized is the only way ers lost their benefits. keep our Nation strong. Inspire them we will beat the virus and get back to In September and again in October, to be obedient to Your commands, the normal way of American life. His- as people kept hurting, the virus kept doing what You desire of them as You tory will show Americans turned the spreading, and schools tried to find fill them with Your wisdom. page on the pandemic when all of us footing, every Republican voted for a Lord, manifest Your power through roll up our sleeves. multihundred-billion-dollar package. their labors so that this Nation will I yield the floor. Both times Democrats blocked the re- fulfill Your purposes. May Your angels f lief. Their view was all or nothing. guard us in all our ways. But a few days ago, with a new Presi- We pray in Your mighty Name. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY dent-elect of their own party, every- Amen. LEADER thing changed. Democrats suddenly f The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- came around to our position that we PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE jority leader is recognized. should find consensus, make a law The President pro tempore led the f where we agree, and get urgent help Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: out the door. CORONAVIRUS In a few days of hard work, we have I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- assembled another historic bipartisan lic for which it stands, one nation under God, terday leaders in the Senate and package: just under $900 billion indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. House and the Secretary of the Treas- of relief targeted toward our fellow The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ury reached a major agreement that Americans who need help the most. YOUNG). The Senator from Iowa. struggling Americans have needed for I will begin where this pandemic will Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask months. end: vaccinations. Thanks to the ge- unanimous consent to speak for 1 We are going to pass another historic nius of science and the leadership of minute in . rescue package to help American fami- President Trump, Operation Warp The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lies through this pandemic. We are Speed has produced safe and effective objection, it is so ordered. going to pass full-year government vaccines. Now, we need to distribute funding so the Armed Forces and all f them nationwide. Federal Departments have the re- This rescue package provides many CORONAVIRUS sources and the certainty they need. billions more dollars to expand vaccine Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, his- And we are going to do both of these purchasing and vaccine distribution. tory will look back at 2020 and find things as soon as possible. Until we have won, we need to keep many lessons and even some silver lin- Senate Republicans have been trying wearing masks and taking precautions. ings to unpack. since July—July—to get more tar- Even so, more Americans will fall ill, The loss of more than 300,000 Amer- geted, bipartisan relief into the hands so this legislation continues to fund ican lives so far will be mourned for of the American people. Back in July, health providers and COVID testing.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.000 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7888 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 The pandemic has fallen especially retary Mnuchin. Before the pandemic, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME hard on children and parents. Our leg- Steven was already a crucial partner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under islation includes major funding—more for the Republican majorities in Con- the previous order, the leadership time than $80 billion—for K–12 schools to re- gress. We enacted the most consequen- is reserved. open safely and get kids’ educations tial tax reform in a generation. We back on track. There are billions more helped create the conditions for explo- f for childcare providers to reopen safely sive job growth, wage growth, and MORNING BUSINESS record-low unemployment. Our country as well, and new investments in rural The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- had the strongest possible starting broadband will improve both education ate will be in a period of morning busi- point to weather this storm. and telehealth down the road. ness, with Senators permitted to speak Then there are Americans’ personal This year, the Secretary has been therein for up to 10 minutes each. finances, the impossible kitchen table even more essential. He helped Con- Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- questions that millions of working gress develop and pass the historic sence of a quorum. families have faced this year through CARES Act in record time. It pre- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The no fault of their own. vented a complete economic collapse at clerk will call the roll. Back in March, thanks to Chairman the hands of the virus. From drafting The senior assistant legislative clerk RUBIO, Senator COLLINS, and Senator CARES to implementing it, to the in- proceeded to call the roll. CARDIN, we created a Paycheck Protec- tervening months, to this latest pack- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask tion Program. It saved small busi- age, Secretary Mnuchin has been an ex- unanimous consent that the order for nesses and helped millions of American tremely capable and patient partner. the be rescinded. workers keep receiving paychecks He helped guide our Nation through The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without rather than pink slips. this dark period toward the daybreak It would be insanity for us to have that lies ahead. objection, it is so ordered. saved these jobs all this time only to On behalf of the Senate and the coun- f try, I thank the Secretary for his drop the ball with the end in sight, so WINTER SOLSTICE this bill will send more than $280 bil- countless hours of work and his incred- lion to reopen the PPP for a targeted ible effectiveness in extraordinary Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, before I second round, and we made sure times. say anything else, I want to say happy churches and faith-based organizations f winter solstice. And 2020 is almost gone. It is an announcement I made to will continue to be eligible. GOVERNMENT FUNDING Of course, millions have already been my family this morning, and I hope Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on laid off, so months after Republicans America shares it. We are turning a a related matter, while this rescue tried to stop benefits from expiring in corner as a nation and to a new year package will dominate headlines, we the first place, this package will re- and a new season, and, I hope, a much are also set to fund the entire Federal sume a temporary Federal supplement better day for all of us across this Government on a bipartisan basis. country. to unemployment insurance, and it ex- We must not overlook the tireless tends other programs for the self-em- f work from Chairman SHELBY, Senator ployed and gig workers that would LEAHY, and our Appropriations Com- CORONAVIRUS have expired. mittees in both Chambers. Their hard Thanks to the particular leadership Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, 9 work goes beyond just avoiding shut- months ago, in March, we created the and direction of President Trump and downs. Full-year funding bills give our Secretary Mnuchin, households will re- relief known as the CARES Act, and it Armed Forces the certainty to make passed the Senate by a vote of 96 to 0. ceive a second round of direct relief plans and budgets so we can continue It was a measure intended to address checks—$600 per adult and per child. to modernize our capabilities and keep the pandemic and the resultant eco- This is just some of the aid that will be pace with competitors like Russia and nomic downturn in America. I have heading Americans’ way in a matter of China. hours. No sprawling leftwing wish list, This year’s bills also tackle impor- heard various estimates of the total no unconstrained bailouts for State tant domestic priorities. Everything cost, but it is somewhere in the range and local government with no connec- from agricultural research to the fight of $2 trillion to $3 trillion. It was the tion to COVID needs—just smart, tar- against opioid abuse, to border security largest single investment in our Nation geted, bipartisan policies, what Senate and law enforcement are provided for. in our history. It was a massive na- Republicans have been recommending We aren’t defunding the police or abol- tional response to a massive national since the summer. ishing ICE around here—not on our health crisis, and it worked, at least on I cited a figure of $900 billion, but lis- watch. the economic front. I believe that it ten to this. The net new cost—new Federal law enforcement from the created demand in our economy that cost—is less than roughly $350 billion. U.S. Marshals to the Border Patrol will otherwise would not have been there, We are recovering more than half a get the resources they need to protect and it gave some businesses a chance trillion dollars in unspent money that innocent Americans and uphold the to survive. Sadly, all did not, and many Congress had already set aside and rule of law. are still suffering. But it was nec- channeling it to these urgent needs. And I want to especially thank essary. It was done on a bipartisan Thanks to our colleague Senator Chairman SHELBY and Congresswoman basis. It was massive, and I believe it TOOMEY, this legislation winds down GRANGER for beating back a number of achieved its goal. some of the temporary emergency pow- far-left poison pills. These bills main- It started us on the course of dealing ers we lent the Federal Reserve to tain pro-life guardrails on funding, se- with the COVID–19 coronavirus, and make sure our financial system sur- cure President Trump’s approach to one has to look back and say it only vived last spring. title X, and respect our citizens’ Sec- had limited success in that regard. As A lot of talented leaders helped make ond Amendment rights. of today, we have lost more than 317,000 this happen. Leader MCCARTHY has The Senate is about to cast some in- American lives, and millions have been been an invaluable partner. White credibly impactful votes. None of us infected. Our hospitals are still overrun House Chief of Staff MARK MEADOWS think any of this legislation is perfect, with patients. But we did the right has been central. Colleagues such as but a big bipartisan majority of us rec- thing, and we quickly realized what we Senators COLLINS, MURKOWSKI, ROM- ognize the incredible amount of good it did could make a difference. NEY, CASSIDY, and PORTMAN helped will do when we send it to the Presi- The unemployment compensation, prod the Senate toward consensus with dent’s desk. which we provided for millions of their bipartisan work. And I just men- The American people have waited Americans, was not only the humane tioned Senator TOOMEY. long enough. I am glad for our country thing to do but, as economists would I want to give particular thanks to that we are now moving ahead to- tell you, it was the best single thing the Secretary of the Treasury, Sec- gether. you could do to fight a recession. A

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.002 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7889 person who is unemployed, without a MCCONNELL mentioned the participants COVID–19 is an amazing achievement, paycheck, will spend virtually every earlier, he only mentioned Repub- and I am glad that it received the high penny they are given into the econ- licans. I want to let you know who was priority it deserved under this adminis- omy, not bank it away for another day. in on it on both sides, Democrats and tration and particularly glad that the That spending created consumer de- Republicans. Yes, it was Senator COL- researchers and scientists who spent mand and gave some businesses a fight- LINS, Senator MURKOWSKI, Senator countless hours exploring opportuni- ing chance. CASSIDY, and Senator ROMNEY at the ties for this vaccine were ultimately The Paycheck Protection Program, initial meeting; on the Democratic successful. America owes them a great, through the Small Business Adminis- side, Senator MANCHIN, Senator WAR- great debt of gratitude. tration, was the work product of many, NER, myself, and Senator SHAHEEN. Our What is going to happen next? There but I want to single out Senators BEN ranks changed over the several weeks are some parts of this measure which, CARDIN and for their bi- when we were debating to include as we study it, we will realize are inad- partisan effort. I later saw Senator of New Hampshire, equate. Merely extending unemploy- COLLINS and Senator SHAHEEN working ANGUS KING of Maine, and ROB ment benefits for 10 or 11 weeks may to give it another day. But here was a PORTMAN of Ohio. not be long enough. We may have to re- program which extended a lifeline to For 3 or 4 weeks, we tried to write a turn to take a look at it. Whether we American businesses—forgivable loans relief bill. We did it by phone, by Zoom, have enough money for logistical sup- if the money were spent on the neces- and through staff work that was end- port for vaccines remains to be seen. sities: utilities and rent and mortgage less. Finally, Tuesday of last week, we Whether the businesses of Americans and payroll. were able to announce it. Let me get need another helping hand, we also I will quickly add that we have a re- this number right, a $748 billion con- have to consider that as well. sponsibility to taxpayers to make an sensus bill for relief. We were unable to Let us hope that in the new year and honest assessment of how that program reach a final agreement when it came the new President’s administration, was implemented. I am sorry to say to State and local funding, as well as that we will have a more positive, bi- that I have already heard anecdotal the question of liability. We set those partisan approach. This experience this evidence that some of the loans were aside, but we produced this $748 billion year was disappointing in some re- not carefully made. That is to be ex- bill, much of which is included in this spects, but it ended well with the bill pected in something of this magnitude. relief package we are going to consider we are going to consider this after- But, by and large, this program was es- today. noon. sential. Money that we put into I want to thank my colleagues, I want to thank all the colleagues, healthcare made a difference. The Democrats and Republicans, for their Senators, who joined me in this bipar- CARES Act also protected those who patience and determination to reach tisan effort, who started the conversa- were renting from eviction, delayed the that point. I really believe that we tion on last week. We have payment of student loans, and a litany ended up opening the conversation. The more work to be done. We are not out of other measures that made a dif- leaders, thank goodness, moved in to of the woods. We have to consider ference. follow on and make it a reality. measures that will address the reality That bill—the CARES Act of March Today, we are going to seriously con- of the economy in the future. We want of 2020—was really written with a no- sider a measure to keep America’s to make sure that Americans have a tion that this was a short- to medium- economy moving and give us a fighting chance to get back to work and busi- term challenge. Many thought that, by chance against the coronavirus. I think nesses have a chance to survive in this the middle of this year, we would be this bipartisan effort, this grassroots time of COVID–19. turning the corner. Sadly, that was not bipartisan effort by the 8 of us—soon to By the middle of next year, it has the case. As of July, it was apparent be 10 or 11 before it was all over—will been estimated—this is not for certain, that the worst was yet to come. make a significant difference in this but I hope it is right—by the middle of Speaker PELOSI, of the U.S. House of Nation. We are going to come through next year, all Americans who are seek- Representatives, introduced a measure with dramatic offers of relief across ing a vaccination will be able to re- known as the Heroes Act in an attempt the board. It is in the range of $900 bil- ceive one, and that will be a day when to have a follow-on relief bill after the lion, is the total. I don’t know the we can finally hope that we will have CARES Act. It was passed but was not exact amount. reached that magic number of herd im- considered in this Chamber. It is going to provide several more munity and turn the corner on this ter- The Republican leader, who spoke weeks of unemployment compensation. rible pandemic. earlier today, said at the time that The final agreement, I am told, re- I want to thank Senator SCHUMER for there were two things he wanted to duced the number of weeks that we coming to the floor and asking me to make clear. First, he wanted to meas- proposed, and I am sorry for that, but say a word or two more. I want to say ure whether it was a needed follow-on it did include a cash payment, which, this about the Members of the Senate, bill. Second, he was drawing a redline under the right circumstances—I don’t both Democrats and Republicans. that said unless we provided immunity know all the details—could be a god- There has been more activity on the from liability for corporations and send for many families across the floor of the Senate in the last several businesses, he wouldn’t consider an- United States who are desperately try- days than I have ever seen. And it isn’t other relief act. And the matter ing to survive in troubling and difficult just rollcalls; it is Members standing stalled. times. on the floor to discuss the details of The Speaker went on to pass another It also extends the PPP program I this agreement. There were parts we bill, a smaller one in size, but nothing mentioned earlier for small businesses were never going to agree on, that is happened. She went into conversations to give them a chance for the kinds of for sure, but so many times, I would with Mr. Mnuchin and Senator SCHU- loans and forgivable loans that might step into a conversation on the floor MER on the Democratic side here, but give them an opportunity to see an- where they would be hammering out little was produced from that ex- other day. the final details of an agreement. It change. We were stuck, stalled. As of Money is there especially for was heartening. There has been so lit- the election day of November 3, it coronavirus vaccine distribution and tle of that activity on the floor in the wasn’t clear that there would ever be logistics—testing, tracing, and the vac- past year or two. It is perilously close another relief bill this year. cine. to legislating to have Members of the I want to say a word about what hap- I would say this. In fairness, I agree Senate of both political parties work- pened next because I know more detail with the Republican leader, who gave ing toward agreeable language that can about that than some. It was about 4 credit to the Trump administration for solve America’s problems. Let’s hope weeks ago when a Republican Senator the Warp Speed program. That has we have more of that. and a Democratic Senator invited six been a dramatic success. To think that Unfortunately, the Senate has drifted of their colleagues for dinner. It was a we have come up with not just one but away from its traditional role of delib- bipartisan group. When Senator two vaccines that work against this eration and legislation. This year, for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.004 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 example, we have only considered 29 BIPARTISAN EMERGENCY COVID RELIEF LEGISLATION SIG- delay, said for several months that the amendments in the entire year in the NIFICANTLY IMPROVES ON McCONNELL’S INADEQUATE Senate should be on pause. As Demo- Senate, absent the impeachment pro- PROPOSAL crats were demanding more action, the ceeding. Twenty-nine amendments. Republican leader was unmoved. The New Bipartisan Relief December 1 GOP The year before, 2019, there were 22 Item Agreement Proposal Republican leader’s answer was that 20 amendments. That is a waste of talent. Republican Senators wanted to do Unemployment Insurance .. $300 per week $0 enhanced UI and The men and women of the Senate enhanced UI and program extensions nothing more at all. When he finally should come together, hopefully on a other program end on January 31, proposed legislation, it was completely extensions through 2021 bipartisan basis, but regardless, should March 14, 2021 partisan, insufficient, and littered with come together to debate the issues and Direct Payments ...... Additional round of $0 poison pills. payments—$600 offer their best ideas and, having of- individual, $1,200/ I forgot to add one thing that was in fered them, be given the chance to vote married couple, and the leader’s bill but not in this bill— $600/child dependent up or down. I think that appetite is Corporate Immunity ...... Excluded McConnell/Cornyn the broad corporate liability immunity strong on both sides of the aisle. Corporate Immunity provision, which the Senator from Illi- ‘‘Red Line’’ On the Democratic side, Senator SNAP ...... $13 billion $0 nois tried to straighten out. Another MERKLEY of Oregon has been a leader Rental Assistance ...... $25 billion $0 huge difference—a poison pill. Transportation ...... $45 billion $0 So when the leader finally proposed in discussing changes in the Senate Support for Small Busi- rules, and we reached out to Repub- nesses (PPP) ...... $284.5 billion $257.7 billion legislation because of public pressure Support for Community to do something, it was partisan—no licans as well to engage in that con- Development Financial versation. I think we are a better Sen- Institutions and Minority Democratic input, zero—insufficient, Depository Institutions .. $12 billion $0 much too little in so many areas, as I ate for it if we do it and a better Na- SBA Grants ...... $20 billion $0 tion for it if the debate becomes rel- Debt Relief Payments and mentioned, and littered with poison Enhancements for SBA pills designed to ensure the bill would evant to the issues of the day from peo- Lending Programs ...... $5.5 billion $0 ple across America who are watching SAMHSA Funding for Men- fail. Most notably was a provision to tal Health and Sub- give corporations, no matter how egre- closely to see if we understand what stance Use Disorder ..... $4.25 billion $0 they are struggling with economically NIH COVID Research ...... $1.25 billion $0 gious their behavior, sweeping immu- and politically. Broadband ...... $7 billion $0 nity from legal accountability. Leader MCCONNELL said on the floor that for I yield the floor. Mr. SCHUMER. I am just going to Republicans, corporate immunity was f read from it, comparing the new, bipar- a red line. tisan relief agreement to the December RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY And he blames the Democrats, as he 1 GOP proposal of Leader MCCONNELL. did again today, for why this bill is LEADER How about direct payments? This bill being debated now? It is just turning The PRESIDING OFFICER. The has $600 per individual, $1,200 per mar- truth on its head. It is like ‘‘Alice in Democratic leader is recognized. ried couple, $600 child dependent. Many Wonderland.’’ f of us didn’t think that was enough, but Even in the recent negotiations, the it is in the bill. Do you know how much Republican majority made an eleventh CORONAVIRUS was in the Republican leader’s pro- hour demand that had nothing to do Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, first, I posal? Zero. with helping people during this pan- Unemployment insurance. This bill heard the remarks of the Senator from demic but, rather, sabotaged the in- that we are voting on has $300 per week Illinois. It is a hope that we can change coming Biden administration’s recov- of enhanced UI and other program ex- the way the Senate operates and do ery effort and restricted the Federal tensions through March 14. What does more amendments and do more debat- Reserve’s ability to save jobs and right the Republican leader’s bill have? Zero ing on the floor. We haven’t seen much the economy in a time of crisis. enhanced UI. Program extensions end give from some of our colleagues on the Thankfully, the agreement we January 31. other side of the aisle, but hopefully reached contains neither the leader’s This bill has $13 billion in SNAP; the that could and will happen. corporate immunity provision nor Sen- Now, about remarks here, every day, Republican leader’s bill, zero. This bill has $25 billion in rental as- ator TOOMEY’s last-minute provision to it seems, for the past week or so, I have sistance; the Republican leader’s bill, handicap the Fed’s authority to sta- come to the floor ready to talk about zero. bilize the economy in a crisis. And it the merits of bipartisan legislation we This bill has $45 billion in transpor- will do a whole lot of good, besides, have been drafting, not wanting to be tation for airlines and mass transit and some of the programs I mentioned. critical at all. Then I listen to the Re- buses and airports and highways. What Look, after months of tense and dif- publican leader. The leader’s remarks does the Republican leader’s bill have? ficult negotiations, we have this agree- just about every day this week as he Zero. ment. It is not as large as Democrats has opened the Senate have been so This bill has, very importantly, want. It is certainly larger than what nastily partisan and in so many ways money for community development fi- many Republicans want. That is the false that I have no choice but to cor- nancial institutions and minority in- nature of compromise. It does us no rect the record as the Democratic lead- stitutions, $12 billion. What does the good to end the year with the kind of er. Republican leader’s bill have? Zero. bitter, partisan fighting that has de- The Republican leader’s accusation SBA grants, $20 billion this year; Re- fined too much of the year. In a new that the blame for this bill’s delay lies publican leader’s bill, zero. session and under a new administra- totally on one side is just ridiculous. It Debt payments and enhancements for tion, we can and should do better be- is ‘‘Alice in Wonderland’’ thinking. It SBA. This bill, $5.5 billion; Republican cause our job is far from over. defies all the facts as to what we have bill, zero. The bill today is a good bill. Today is seen. Then his comparison—that the SAMHSA funding for mental health a good day, but it is certainly not the agreement we are voting on today and and substance use disorder. This bill, end of the story. It cannot be the end the most recent Republican offer are so $4.25 billion; Republican leader’s bill, of the story. Anyone who thinks this similar—is absurd. The two bills are zero. bill is enough doesn’t know what is nothing alike, and I had to point that NIH COVID research, $1.25 billion; going on in America. Anyone who out several times. Republican bill, zero. thinks this bill is enough hasn’t heard I have a chart here. Broadband so homes can get the desperation in the voices of their Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- broadband. This bill, $7 billion; Repub- constituents, has not looked into the sent to have this chart printed in the lican leader’s bill, zero. eyes of a small business owner on the RECORD. The list could go on. There is a com- brink of ruin. There being no objection, the mate- plete difference between the two bills. By all rights, there should be direct rial was ordered to be printed in the We all know as well that the Repub- assistance in this bill for State and RECORD, as follows: lican leader, who blames Democrats for local governments. The checks should

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.005 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7891 be larger. While this agreement in- Grandchildren, wrapped in protective the verge of retirement, who, for 2 cludes a new and larger forgivable PPP gear, waved goodbye to grandparents straight weeks, worked day shifts at loan for restaurants, we need to do from across the silence of a hospital the ICU and night shifts at the nearby much more for restaurants. We have bi- room. hospital before finally succumbing to partisan legislation to deliver the re- It has been a horrible year—annus the disease himself. lief that is truly needed, the RES- horribilis. Yet here, at the very end, fi- Last week, the first American—a TAURANTS Act, which, regrettably, nally, there is hope—not just one, not nurse in Queens—was vaccinated did not make it into this legislation. just two, but three strong beacons of against COVID–19. Many millions will We must do all we can to save res- hope. One, soon many Americans will soon follow. Eventually, our businesses taurants, and I will not stop fighting have the vaccine. Two, Joe Biden will will reopen, our economy will reopen, until we pass the RESTAURANTS Act become President. He has the experi- and life will reopen. We will travel and into law. This bill cannot and will not ence and the empathy to handle the worship and send our kids to school be the final word on congressional re- COVID crisis and will replace a man and see our friends and be together lief from the coronavirus pandemic. who has shown no capacity or even in- again. It won’t be tomorrow or next This is an emergency survival package. terest in doing so. And, three, we are week or even next month, but it will When we come back in January, our on the verge of passing another his- happen, not because we merely waited No. 1 job will be to fill in the gaps left toric, bipartisan relief bill to deliver long enough, not because we were pa- by the bill and then get the economy emergency assistance during a time of tient, but because we persevered. moving with strong Federal input. national emergency. So there are three Our job right now is to help the coun- Still, the significance of this package beacons of hope: the vaccine, a new ad- try get from this stormy present to should not be underestimated. It will ministration, and a bill that will help that hopeful future, to survive this be the second largest bill—the second in an emergency. dark winter until spring thaws the ice. largest Federal input—in the history of Very soon, our country will close the Our job is to do what is necessary—pass our country. It will be the second larg- book on the most chaotic President in this bill, pass another stronger bill est amount of Federal dollars going to recent history. Joe Biden, an experi- next year—whatever it takes to hold the people ever. The times demand it. enced leader and a person of funda- our country together until we eradi- Even some of our conservative Repub- mental human decency, will become cate the awful scourge of this disease. the 46th President of the United lican friends will vote for it, and it is At the end of this annus horribilis— States. , my good good we have it. For much of the year, this horrible year—let us give the friend and hard-working colleague, will it looked unlikely that it would ever American people another reason to become the first woman, the first get done, and our success today, our hope. ability to pass this bill today, should Black person, and the first Asian I yield the floor. give us confidence we can do more. We American to ascend to the Vice Presi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- can end the year on a rare note of opti- dency of the United States. Together, jority whip. mism. they will return competency and com- Now, Queen Elizabeth, every year, passion to our government after 4 long Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I am, like gives a talk to her subjects about the years of division and demonization, many of my colleagues, very pleased status of the monarchy and the British which far too many people have toler- that we have reached an agreement on royal family. In a very challenging ated and gone along with. a final COVID relief package and none year, she called the year annus Even though this disease has not too soon. horribilis—a horrible year. Unlike in been vanquished yet, there is light at Last week, we celebrated what will, 1992, which was the year Elizabeth re- the end of the tunnel in the form of a hopefully, be a turning point in the ferred to the problems with Charles vaccine. Everyone should appreciate COVID fight—the first coronavirus vac- and Diana, this year has been an annus how miraculous that truly is. It usu- cinations. We need to build on that mo- horribilis not just for Great Britain ally takes between 5 and 10 years to de- mentum and make sure that vaccine and the royal family, which she was velop a new vaccine—5 to 10 years. It distribution goes swiftly and smoothly talking about, but an annus horribilis took American doctors, biochemists, so that we can vaccinate as many for the entire world. and medical researchers less than 10 Americans as possible as quickly as The global COVID–19 pandemic has months to produce not one but two via- possible. The COVID relief package will infected more than 70 million people ble vaccines for the coronavirus. The help us achieve that goal by providing across the globe. Another 500 million discovery of a vaccine in a single cal- important funding for vaccine distribu- have gone, likely, undiagnosed. There endar year is the crowning scientific tion. It will also provide critical sup- are 1.6 million people who have died, 20 achievement of the 21st century—the port to Americans to help them weath- percent of whom have been Americans, medical Manhattan Project of our er the rest of the pandemic, including a more than 315,000—more than the en- times. It is a reminder that, when we second round of paycheck protection tire population of Pittsburgh or St. work together and persevere and sac- funding for the hardest hit small busi- Louis, more than all of the American rifice for one another, nothing—noth- nesses, money to help schools reopen combat deaths in World War II. The ing—is beyond our capacity as a na- safely and operate so that our kids to my fair city tion. aren’t left behind, and more money for shaped much of the first decade of this The same resilience and innovation coronavirus treatment and other front- century. In 2020, our dear country has and fortitude that saw our country line medical priorities. suffered the equivalent of a 9/11 attack through its darkest hours has emerged I am very pleased that the final pack- every day for 106 days in a row. once again. COVID–19 has changed our age includes my Paycheck Protection We have lost so much. We have country, but it has not changed our for Producers Act, which will help missed holidays and reunions, retire- character. America is the night-shift more farmers and ranchers benefit ments and graduations, bar mitzvahs nurse fashioning protective equipment from the Paycheck Protection Pro- and confirmations, weddings and funer- from shoelaces and sheets of vinyl. gram. The bill also includes funding to als. Trapped in our homes, our compan- America is a restaurant owner who allow the Department of Agriculture to ions were isolation and loneliness and sent meals to frontline workers for provide additional assistance to farm- the faint glow of tiny screens. The free. America is the home-stitched ers and ranchers. Ag producers were image of seeing people on the screen, mask sent to friends and families. It is dealing with a challenging agricultural watching their loved ones pass away the metallic clang of pots and pans economy even before the pandemic hit, when they couldn’t be with them, will that celebrates essential workers. and the coronavirus has only made stay with us forever. Doctors had to America is the grocery store clerk and things tougher. I strongly advocated stack iPads in waiting rooms for end- the busdriver and the plasma donor and for including additional funding for of-life conversations—how tragic, how the lab technician, late at night, farmers and ranchers in this legisla- awful. There were cars lined up, bump- poring over the results of a clinical tion, and I am very glad that the final er to bumper, for food assistance. trial. It is the Brooklyn doctor, 62, on bill includes this support.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.008 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 The final package also explicitly floor in September and again in Octo- there, both on the healthcare front and makes biofuels, like ethanol and bio- ber and voted on here. also on the economic front, and we diesel, eligible for USDA assistance at The vaccine money—the money that have moved aggressively to address the discretion of the Secretary of Agri- is out there to help with the vaccines those needs not once, but twice. culture. Biofuel producers have suf- that are going to be so effective in try- Legislation, a real bill brought to the fered from a drop in fuel demand dur- ing to get this pandemic under con- floor, which received a majority vote ing the pandemic, and I hope the Sec- trol—was also in the bill that was on in the U.S. Senate—52 U.S. Senators in retary will ensure that they are able to the floor both in September and in Oc- September and again in October voted receive assistance, which will further tober. here on the floor of the U.S. Senate to help our ag economy recover. The relief for small businesses that do the very things that I just men- I am very happy that the COVID re- have been hit hard by this pandemic tioned—but it was blocked from even lief package includes an extension of and have seen their balance sheets and being considered by the Senate Demo- the Thune-Warner Employer Participa- their income statements get depleted crats. tion in Repayment Act. The Thune- by its economic impact also would We all know here in the Senate it re- Warner bill allows employers to make have been funded with additional Pay- quires 60 votes to invoke . It is tax-free contributions to their employ- check Protection Program relief in the a procedural motion to get on a bill. ees’ student loans of up to $5,250 per bill that we brought before the Senate The Senate Democrats gave us no sup- year. This is a win for employees, who both in September and again in Octo- port to even get on the bill. get help in paying off their student ber. That very assistance is included in So, as a consequence, even though loans, and it is a win for employers as the legislation that we will vote on there was majority support—52 U.S. they look to attract and retain tal- today. Senators voting in favor of getting on ented workers. Our bill was included in Money for schools, as I mentioned and debating the bill—because the the CARES Act—the major coronavirus earlier, to help them reopen safely— Democrats blocked it, we didn’t even relief legislation we passed in March— something that was in the legislation have an opportunity to debate—not but it was scheduled to expire at the that we voted on in September, again even to get on it, let alone offer amend- end of the year. Under the coronavirus in October—is in the legislation that ments and have a discussion and a con- relief package, however, our legislation we will vote on today. versation and work on legislation. If will be extended for an additional 5 The only things that are different, they had objections to it or things they years. really—substantially different—from wanted to improve or things they The COVID relief package also in- what we brought up on the floor back wanted to make better, they would cludes Senator CORNYN’s Small Busi- then are the assistance checks that are have had an opportunity to do that if ness Expense Protection Act, which I included in this legislation. That is we had simply been able to get on the cosponsored. This legislation will en- something that was a priority. It was a bill. sure that small businesses that qualify priority for Members on the Repub- So we are where we are today at this for forgiveness of their Paycheck Pro- lican side; it was a priority for Mem- late hour in the year—December 21, tection Program loans can still deduct bers on the Democratic side; it was a Christmas week—doing this now be- their ordinary business expenses on priority for the White House, so it cause they didn’t want to do it earlier, their taxes. ended up being included in this and, and some have publicly acknowledged The relief package also includes leg- hopefully, will provide some much that one of the reasons they didn’t islation I introduced this summer with needed relief to people across this want to do it earlier is that there was Senator ENZI that will establish anti- country who have been struggling with a campaign underway, and they had fraud measures within the Pandemic their personal finances and their fam- hoped that there would be a new Presi- Unemployment Assistance program so ily finances through the pandemic. dent, an opportunity to do it their way that we can ensure that beneficiaries So those are all things that we have later. are truly eligible for the program. discussed and debated previously, and I But, nevertheless, we have before us We have addressed a lot of would point out that, contrary to the now, finally, at long last, a piece of leg- coronavirus priorities in this relief assertions made by the Democratic islation that addresses the most crit- package, and I am very pleased that we leader just now, there were numerous ical needs that are out there, and it is are finally getting it out the door. Re- attempts to try and move this legisla- very similar in many ways, in terms of publicans spent months pushing for ad- tion previously. the substance, the content, and the fea- ditional, targeted coronavirus relief, Now, it is fair to say that the House tures of the bill and the overall and I am glad the Democrats finally of Representatives did send the Senate pricetag, to what Republicans have decided that they were ready to work a $3.4 trillion package, which was brought on the floor of the U.S. Senate with us in a bipartisan way to arrive at bloated and included lots of nonpan- previously. this legislation. demic, noncoronavirus relief-related So I am glad that we are finally The Senate Democratic leader was items—things that were on their lib- going to get this done, but I absolutely just here, once again, attacking Repub- eral wish list. That wasn’t realistic, disagree with the statements that were licans over their failure—the Demo- and they knew it. That was a campaign made earlier by the Democratic leader, crats’ failure—to work with us to get a document designed to try and help because they don’t reflect reality. In coronavirus relief bill sooner. We them, at the time, win an election. fact, they don’t reflect anything close brought up multiple times on the floor But I am glad they have decided to to reality about what has been hap- legislation that could have passed if get down and negotiate in a serious pening here in this Chamber over the there had been a little cooperation way because the number that we are past several months when it comes to from the Democrats. He pointed out going to be passing today—a little trying to provide much needed relief to that this bill we are going to be voting under $1 trillion, about $900 billion—is the American people who are suffering on today looks nothing like the Repub- very close to what Republicans put on from this pandemic. lican bill, which isn’t the case. There the floor in September and again in Oc- There are a couple of things that I are a lot of similarities between the tober. would just mention briefly that aren’t bill that we put on the floor in Sep- It is a far cry from the $3.4 trillion included in the bill, and I wish they tember and again in October—about bloated bill that the Democrats sent were. $600 billion in targeted relief that ad- over from the House and the Demo- I have a bill called the Remote and dresses the most fundamental needs crats here in the Senate tried to ad- Mobile Worker Relief Act, and I am the American people need right now. vance and suggested that that should sorry that was not included in the final One is an unemployment insurance ex- be what the Senate should vote on. bill. tension for those who are unemployed. We have said all along that we need This bipartisan legislation would The very amount that is in the bill to address this in a targeted way, a fis- have prevented unexpected tax bills that we will vote on today was in the cally responsible way, a way that rec- and tax complications for medical pro- Republican bill that we brought to the ognizes the most critical needs out fessionals who traveled to other States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.009 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7893 to help during the pandemic and for While Officer Robinson is, fortu- and help for our hospitals and help for Americans who worked from home to nately, expected to make a recovery, our rural areas—housing, rent, small help slow the virus’s spread. Officer Shuping, tragically, passed businesses, unemployment, the direct It is unfortunate that opposition away from his injuries. checks. from a handful of States with aggres- Jason Shuping was an outstanding I think we all know that there is sive taxation policies—like the Senate police officer who courageously ran to more work to be done, including next Democratic leader’s home State of New danger to protect residents of Concord. year, including for our cities and our York—has so far prevented legislation He was also a loving son and a hus- States, but it is so important that we like mine from getting through Con- band to his wife Haylee. He was active get this done by the end of the year. gress. But I will continue to fight for in his community since his childhood. I wanted to focus on something that tax relief for remote and mobile work- He attended East Rowan High School I have worked on for quite a while with ers. in Salisbury, and he was an honor stu- Senator CORNYN from Texas. We have It has been a difficult year for our dent and track and field athlete at done this on a bipartisan basis from country. There are way too many virus UNC-Pembroke. the beginning, and it is the Save Our infections, way too many hospitaliza- He was a young man with a bright fu- Stages Act. tions, way too many people who have ture ahead of him, described by those When we first introduced it in July, lost loved ones from this dreaded virus. who knew him as a ‘‘gentle soul who we knew that it was going to be a long It has affected people in so many made an impact.’’ road, and we also knew that the only ways—their health, their confidence, His hometown paper, the Salisbury way we would get this done is by stick- their economic standing and status, Post, noted: ‘‘Whether it was staying ing together as a team and by working their mental health. There are just so after practice to provide coaching to a with other Members of Congress from many—so many—effects of this, and youngster or coming back home from red and blue States. And by the end— this winter is likely to be very chal- college to play the handbell in his this bill is included in full in this pack- lenging. church’s ensemble, you could always age—we had 57 Senators who sponsored But the encouraging news is that count on Jason Shuping.’’ this bill out of 100, with many more there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is no surprise to see the outpouring supporting it. We had over 200 House There is a vaccine out there that will of love coming from the community of Members. get more widely out there, and thanks Concord to honor his life and service. We worked so hard to make this to the resources that we put into the There have been a candlelight vigil and about America and American music first coronavirus bill—the CARES Act a touching law enforcement escort that and American theater and American that passed last March—those vaccines brought many residents and a long line culture. We all know that you can’t go stand have been moving forward at record of American flags proudly displayed. in a mosh pit in the middle of a pan- speed—five times faster than any vac- As we gather with our families this demic. These live entertainment cine in history. Christmas, my thoughts and prayers Light is at the end of the tunnel. The venues were among the first businesses will be with the family of Officer vaccines are coming. They are going to to close, and they will almost certainly Shuping, as well as the families of be proven to be very effective, and be among the last to reopen. Mount Holly Police Officer Tyler Hern- there is additional funding in this par- This was about, yes, Nashville and don and Nash County Deputy Sheriff ticular legislation that we will vote on New York, but it was just as much Jared Allison, who also lost their lives today to make sure that it gets distrib- about the Fargo Theater or a small, this month in the line of duty. uted as quickly as possible. small country music venue in Texas. Those families are going through an We are going to make it through And while we see the light at the end of unimaginable period of grief, but they this, and I look forward to sending the tunnel with the vaccines, we know that should know that the people of North additional relief that is included in it will be quite a while before these Carolina are forever grateful for the this legislation that we will move businesses, which operate on such thin selfless service of their loved ones, and through the Senate today and put on margins as it is, can keep going. the President’s desk, where he can sign I will never forget the ultimate sac- I think we also know the importance it into law. I look forward to seeing rifice that they made in answering the of the arts and music, not only as a that additional relief get out to the call to protect others. cultural icon in America but also as an American people. I yield the floor. economic driver. It is one of our No. 1 I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- exports, when you combine all of it. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. BAR- ator from Minnesota. And the fact that we were able to stick RASSO). The Senator from North Caro- f together with not only the nitty-gritty lina. CORONAVIRUS of this bill and this coalition and actu- ally add partners as we went along is a f Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I tribute to all the musicians out there, HONORING JASON SHUPING rise today to thank all of my col- all the venues, all the lighting opera- leagues who worked so hard on the bill Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I rise tors, all the truckers—everyone who that is coming to the floor today, the today to honor the life and service of came together and said: We are going Concord, NC, Police Officer Jason pandemic relief package. We know all the top priorities in to get this done. Shuping, who was tragically killed in I know when Senator CORNYN and I there—the vaccine distribution—and I the line of duty this week. first introduced this, people kind of want to thank Senator SCHUMER and Officer Shuping was only 25 years old patted us on the head and said: Oh, this leaders and those on both sides of the and had served the Concord Police De- sounds nice. But I think when people 1 aisle who put more funding into that. partment for 1 ⁄2 years with honor and started to hear the facts and how much I want to thank the group who has distinction. this matters to economies and even Officer Shuping and Officer Kaleb worked so hard on this agreement and small towns, it made a difference. In Robinson were responding to a 9–1–1 this negotiation in the Senate for their the end, to quote Minnesota’s own Bob call for a car crash and an attempted work, including Senator MANCHIN and Dylan from ‘‘The Times They Are a- carjacking. Officers Shuping and Rob- Senator ROMNEY and Senator WARNER Changin,’’ he says: inson located the suspect and were pre- and Senator SHAHEEN and Senator HAS- Come senators, congressmen pared to bring him to justice. However, SAN and Senator DURBIN, as well as all Please heed the call when Officer Shuping, Officer Robin- of their Republican colleagues, Senator Don’t stand in the doorway son, and a third ALE officer ap- COLLINS and Senator MURKOWSKI, Sen- Don’t block the hall proached, the suspect immediately ator CASSIDY, who worked so hard on No one blocked the hall. began opening fire. this original agreement, with many I want to thank my colleagues, and I Officers Shuping and Robinson were others who joined in as well. want to especially thank Senator COR- both shot. Additional officers arrived This bill contains such important NYN. We have led many bills together, on the scene and took out the suspect. priorities, including unemployment and we had to go back and forth a lot.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.010 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 I want to thank Dayna Frank, who is So we in Congress don’t want to let fans just wouldn’t give up. So thank the head of First Avenue in Minnesota, the music die, and we don’t want that you very much. made famous, of course, by . to happen to any of our other places of I yield the floor. Prince wouldn’t be Prince if not for culture in America either. That is why The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- First Avenue. Everyone in our State, over the last month or so, we have ator from West Virginia. when they think about First Avenue, worked with the museums and with the Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I would they think about Prince. zoos, and I want to especially thank like to thank, first of all, the preceding She is the head of the National Senator SCHUMER for his work on that, speaker, Senator KLOBUCHAR, for her Venue Association. She called me one as well as Senator BLUNT and many efforts to help those venues in those night in the beginning of the pandemic others who worked with us—as well as entertainment areas that at this point and said: I just can’t make it through the movie theaters. have been left out. We certainly have this without some help. We wanted to make sure that if we some of those in West Virginia, and I They already received PPP loans, but expanded our coalition, that we didn’t am pleased to say that the coronavirus that is not enough for these venues be- hurt the originals, which were these package we are putting together today cause of the unique circumstance small, small theaters and small music will help those folks and hopefully get where they can’t partially open. You venues across the country. We did not them over the hump. can’t go to a theater right now and sit do that, because this new program will Before I begin, I would like to wish elbow-to-elbow with your friends and be a lifeline for small entertainment everybody, as much as they can, a family. venues across the country, such as happy holiday and a joyful new year. I also want to thank my legislative First Avenue and the Bluestem Amphi- Turning the page of 2020 is something I director, Doug Calidas, who has worked theater in Moorehead, MN. think we are all pretty anxious to do. on this from the beginning, including It will also help the millions of Sometimes it seems like the longest all the last month’s late-night negotia- Americans who work behind the scenes year, and sometimes it seems like the tions. He did a wonderful job. and who have been sidelined, from the shortest year, but it definitely seems I want to thank Senators SCHUMER engineers and truckdrivers to the tick- like ‘‘Groundhog Day’’ a lot of the and MCCONNELL and Representatives et takers and the designers and the year. Speaker PELOSI and Leader MCCARTHY I am very pleased that we have this for getting this over the finish line— spot operators. It will help revive the local economies of neighborhoods and relief package in front of us. While I Senator MCCONNELL for putting it in small towns across this Nation. am glad an agreement has been his original bill and Senator SCHUMER, reached, we certainly should have done who cares so much about this because It is not every day that a coalition this earlier and could have done this of all of the great music and acts and sticks together from beginning to end, earlier. We have been working since everything coming out of New York that they kept with their original pur- July to deliver targeted additional re- State. It was certainly very, very help- pose, haven’t been picked off, haven’t lief through efforts such as we put for- ful—and that would put it mildly—to gotten into infighting, but this group did it. Maybe it is because so many ward in the CARES Act, and it has have Senator SCHUMER in the room been voted down twice—once in Sep- where it happened, where the last nego- Americans at home right now cherish tember and once in October. tiations were made. music and entertainment and that part To date, we, the Republicans, have I also want to thank Senators SHA- of America like they have never done offered targeted relief legislation, HEEN and COLLINS, who worked on this because they are watching things in the original negotiation; Senators alone. They are listening to concerts voted in favor of enhanced employment benefits, more money for our schools, CARDIN and RUBIO with the Small Busi- by themselves. They are listening to ness Committee, who made this a pri- them with their iPhones, or they are which would have been great to have ority; and finally, our House authors, listening to them on their computers, had in early September and should our bipartisan House authors out there, and it is not quite the same. have had in early September. We voted Representatives WELCH and WILLIAMS, We also know that all of these artists in favor of stand-alone emergency for their work. don’t exactly get a big boost up by funding for the Paycheck Protection So how this works—the Small Busi- themselves with huge funding when Program, which we know is exceed- ness Administration will create a new they first start out. So many of them ingly important, and more dollars for $15 billion grant program to help start out at these little venues—a vaccines and testing so that we could venues cover 6 months of expenses and country music band playing at the get the great news of the vaccine that make it through this pandemic. We are Bluestem Amphitheater; a little local we see coming forward out to every- very hopeful that once the summer theater troupe trying out a new play in body in this country. We offered all comes, we are going to see more and Lanesboro, MN. They can’t do it with- kinds of ideas to the other side, but more openings because of the vaccine, out these venues. they blocked it—all of it. I am glad to because of what I hope will be, with a So today we celebrate the fact that say that after all this, we have finally new administration, an increased em- we held together. Not only are we pass- joined together, realizing that, yes, a phasis on testing, and that we will see ing this bill as a part of this package, deal is better than no deal. more and more venues able to open. we actually brought in friends, and we Last week, unfortunately, a very The grants can be used to cover all brought in partners, and we made it an good friend of mine passed away after the major costs the venues have to pay even bigger deal than it was to begin battling coronavirus. At one point in to stay in business, including rent and with. her life, she was a small business mortgage, utilities, employee wages, So as I began by quoting the great owner. I thought so much about her key benefits, maintenance costs, State Bob Dylan from Minnesota, I will end. over the last several weeks. I thought, and local taxes, payments to contrac- He once said: what would she say if she knew that tors, and purchases of protective equip- Well, I sing by night, wander by day. months ago, as a small business owner, ment. I’m on the road and it looks like I’m here we could have delivered the same help Venues that are at the greatest risk to stay. to her that we are delivering today. of closing—sadly, we have already lost Finally, we are reaching out to this We have to do better by the people a number of our venues—will have pri- group of employees and these busi- we represent. It is disappointing that ority access to the majority of the nesses and saying: We want you to be politics has gotten in the way. It is dis- grant funding. All venues will be able here to stay. appointing and, quite frankly, insult- to apply within 4 weeks of the pro- So thank you to Save Our Stages and ing, in my view, when I see the Speaker gram’s launch with the Small Business to all of our colleagues who worked so of the House admitting to holding out Administration, but in the first 2 hard on this, and special thanks to my on this relief because she thought it weeks, those venues that have suffered friend Senator CORNYN. Again, when we would be beneficial politically in the 90 percent revenue loss over the year did this, we didn’t know if we would be end. We can do much better than this. before will be the first to be able to able to mount this grassroots effort, I am also a proud member of the Ap- apply for these grants. but it happened because artists and propriations Committee. We have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Dec 26, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.012 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7895 worked hard to get these funds and re- great friend to our family, a longtime away spending. This spending has been sources where they are most needed, friend of our family. Godspeed. I know going on for decades. Every year, even especially in a year like this one. But she is dancing up there with her mom before we get to all the extra COVID- due to delays, critically needed re- and dad because they loved to dance. free money, we have been spending $1 sources to combat the opioid epidemic The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- trillion we don’t have. have had to wait; investments to im- ator from Kentucky. Today’s money is gone, so Congress prove broadband have had to wait; re- f is spending tomorrow’s money. The search dollars into Alzheimer’s have spending chart is a red line of red ink GOVERNMENT FUNDING had to wait; and the list goes on. This that goes on forever. When we talk is so frustrating to me, as it should be Mr. PAUL. Mr. President, Repub- about spending tomorrow’s money, it is to every American, and I know they licans like to mock modern monetary not just the money that we need next are frustrated because they tell us they theory—the idea that government can month. It is the money we might need are. print money with impunity and that in a decade. It is the money we will But here now, we were able to in- government can spend whatever it need in one, two, three generations clude funds for things that are impor- wants without the need to tax. Modern from now—for national defense and for tant to me in my State of West Vir- monetary theory is basically the Dick infrastructure. This is the money that ginia, such as fossil energy research, Cheney ‘‘deficits don’t matter’’ crowd, your children and your grandchildren our universities, and the many Federal trussed up with a new fancy title. will pay back with interest. facilities that call West Virginia home. Most Republicans rightly lampoon The deficit doubling and tripling— I encourage my colleagues to support this quackery; that is, when they are under George Bush, it went from $5 this important legislation that reflects not practicing the quackery them- trillion to $10 trillion. Under President our Nation’s priorities and funds the selves. Today, many of these same Re- Obama, it went from $10 trillion to $20 government, which is our responsi- publicans will vote for a bill that trillion. We are now at $27 trillion, but bility as Members of Congress. makes modern monetary theory look we are adding it at $1 trillion a year be- Within the Omnibus appropriations like child’s play in comparison. The fore we get to this COVID budget-bust- act is the fiscal year 2021 Homeland Se- monster spending bill presented today ing bailout. curity appropriations bill. I chair that is not just a ‘‘deficits don’t matter’’ Every tax-paying American already subcommittee, and it is with great disaster, it is everything Republicans owes over $136,000, and they are staring pride that I can report to the American say they don’t believe in. at projections into the future that people and to West Virginians that this This bill is free money for everyone. show no end. We are $27 trillion in debt title invests billions of dollars to pro- Proponents don’t care if you are fully today. How do we expect a child to tect our homeland. employed or own your own house or have the economic opportunity when We maintain our commitment to bor- own your own business. ‘‘Free money this crushing debt is their inheritance der security through a border wall sys- for everyone,’’ they cry. And yet, if tem to include physical barriers and from Congress? The numbers are mind- free money were the answer and if boggling. It is hard to conceive of what enhanced technologies. money really grew on trees, why not We avoided a drastic cut to our cyber $1 billion is, much less $1 trillion. give more free money? Why not give it security capabilities that we see we How big is $1 billion? Well, a billion out all the time? Why stop at $600 a need now more than ever after all of seconds ago was 1988 and Reagan was person? Why not $1,000? Why not $2,000? the reports and the vicious cyber at- President. A billion minutes ago, Jesus Maybe these new free-money Repub- tack that we uncovered that has been walked the shore of the Sea of Galilee. licans should join the ‘‘everybody gets launched against many of those in our A billion hours ago, man still lived in a guaranteed income’’ caucus. Why not country, not just the government but caves. But $1 billion ago, was just 80 the private sector as well. $20,000 a year for everybody? Why not minutes ago—$1 billion ago, at the rate We continue our commitment to use $30,000? If we can print up money with Congress spends money, was just 80 every resource at our disposal in the ef- impunity, why not do it? minutes ago. fort to prevent those opioids that are The Treasury could just keep print- All of this should be setting off alarm killing our people. We see overdoses ing the money; that is, until someone bells. But the only alarm bells in Con- going up and deaths from overdoses points out that the Emperor has no gress are sounding the alarm for more going up during this pandemic. We clothes and that the dollar no longer spending and more debt. No cuts, no tried to get the resources to our Home- has value. To so-called conservatives offsets, no pay-fors, and no land Security folks to prevent those who are quick to identify the socialism prioritization. Just print it up. Print drugs from entering into this country of Democrats, if you vote for this up more money and give it out to ev- at all. spending monstrosity, you are no bet- erybody because it is free money. Come The men and women at the Depart- ter. When you vote to pass out free and get yours while the getting is good. ment of Homeland Security work con- money, you lose your soul, and you But it leads to a mountain of debt. stantly against threats both old and abandon forever any semblance of Spend all this money and leave the fu- new, traditional and emerging, and de- moral or fiscal integrity. ture to figure itself out. serve the support this legislation gives So the next time you see Republicans John Maynard Keynes was once them. in high moral dudgeon, claiming and asked: What about the long run? So while this is great news in the complaining about spending of Demo- He said: In the short run, you can end, I will repeat what I said earlier, crats and socialism, remind them—re- make a stimulus. You can print money, and that is, Congress can do better. We mind them if they supported this mon- and you can give it to everybody. could have done this earlier, and it strous bill, that really the difference And Maynard Keynes, his response should have been done earlier. So there between the parties is less Adam Smith was: In the long run, we will all be is no reason we should be standing here versus Marx and more Marx versus dead; no concern for the future, only several days before Christmas dis- Engels. for the immediate. cussing the items that were ready to go How bad is our fiscal situation? Well, Our budget deficit for 2020 was $3.3 several months ago, but we are where the Federal Government brought in trillion, but this new spending package we are. As we turn the page gleefully $3.3 trillion last year and spent $6.6 will also give us another $2 trillion in into 2021, I think we should all pledge trillion. The deficit last year, a record- the next fiscal year. By refusing to ac- to one another and to the country that busting $3.3 trillion. If you are looking knowledge the debt crisis, we are only we will do better, that we will work for more COVID bailout money, we hastening the day of economic reck- better with each other and prevent pol- don’t have any. The coffers are bare. oning. itics from infecting every decision that We have no rainy day fund. We have no Total debt was 55 percent of GDP just could positively impact so many people savings account. Congress has spent all 20 years ago. Today, it is 128 percent of in this country. the money long ago. GDP. So our annual or our total debt is Lastly, I give a hat tip to my friend, The economic damage from this pan- more than our GDP—128 percent of our whom I will miss seeing and who was a demic is not the reason for this run- GDP. The World Bank estimates there

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.013 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 is a tipping point of debt to GDP at kids. Now they have no income because Let me speak in my role not only as about 77 percent. Every percentage the government forced them to leave the Senator from Vermont but as the point costs another 10th or so of eco- their jobs to take care of their kids. vice chairman of the Senate Appropria- nomic growth. So every year, we are And many kids are struggling with this tions Committee. We have had months giving out somewhere between 5 to 8 improvised virtual school. of delay and painstaking negotiations. percent of growth every year because The need for help is real. I hear it Sometimes those negotiations have of this burden of debt. This is thou- every day from Kentuckians and across gone all weekend long, until midnight, sands of jobs, every year—tens of thou- the country. But it is clear that gov- 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning. But this sands of jobs that we lose because of ernment has worsened the economic afternoon, we will have before us a this burden of debt. damage and acted as the biggest obsta- spending package. It includes all 12 ap- We are borrowing and worsening this cle to economic recovery. propriations bills for fiscal year 2021. It debt crisis in part because too many There is no free money that can get also includes a vitally important Governors and mayors have imposed us out of this situation. The only thing COVID relief package. Those are the heavyhanded restrictions that crush that can save us is to open the econ- numbers and figures, but let’s talk business. It isn’t the pandemic that is omy. If we give these tin-pot dic- about what it means. killing the economy; it is the govern- tators—these Governors—more money, It provides funding for programs that ment’s overzealous response that is they are less likely to open the econ- are critically important to the Amer- killing the economy. The pandemic omy. ican people, and I would like to see it itself was disruptive, but Congress is The answer is not printing up and swiftly passed and on the President’s being asked to help to perpetuate these distributing ‘‘free money’’; it is open- desk. After all, it is not like we are lockdowns. The more money we give to ing the economy. We are not even de- suddenly rushing things. We are 2 the States, the more they keep us in bating the real answer to this. We are months and 20 days into the fiscal lockdown. like, just print up the money and shov- year. It would be absolutely outrageous Every bailout dollar printed and el it out the door, the deficit be if we delayed it further. passed out to the Governors only al- damned, the threat of the destruction As vice chairman of the Appropria- lows these tin-pot dictators to perpet- of our currency be damned. tions Committee, I worked hard to uate the lockdowns. Their rules are ar- We can choose to let our economies reach agreement on this Omnibus ap- bitrary and unscientific. Governors and open with guidance and precautions propriations bill that will fund the mayors across the country are picking but not obstruction. Let people rebuild Federal government through the re- winners and losers. their livelihoods. Reopen our schools so mainder of the fiscal year, without re- Businesses, some that have been in our kids can return and parents can go lying on a long-term continuing resolu- families for generations, are being back to work. tion, as sometimes has been done in wiped out because they are not allowed Congress should do away with auto- the past. That was not an easy task. to open. Restaurants have to close matic spending increases and scruti- The budget caps are very lean this year, and we had to stay within those. their doors for indoor dining, but then nize where in the budget we can find They provided a less than 1-percent in- they are told they can open at limited savings to pay for the pressing needs crease in nondefense discretionary capacity, but then they are told they arising from the pandemic, but we spending, and that is to meet the needs have to close again. Then they are told shouldn’t simply print up money and of a nation that is reeling from the they can open outside, and then they pass it out to everyone. Or Congress worst public health pandemic in a cen- are told they can’t open outside. Con- can follow the status quo. Congress can tury. continue to borrow from our kids—the fusing doesn’t even explain the half of Under normal circumstances, that it. same children we have locked out of would be difficult, but it is made even Bars are told they can only serve al- our schools. Congress can keep ena- more difficult because of the global cohol if people are sitting and not bling and shutting down businesses by health and economic crisis we face. standing and only if they have heavy force, spend all of today’s money and Notwithstanding the tight top line, we foods on their menus. all of tomorrow’s money, and then have produced a bill that provides im- Restaurants are told they can serve good luck. Good luck figuring out how portant increases in programs that outdoors, and then they have their per- to pay for all of this massive debt. serve the American people and invest mission revoked after they have sunk It doesn’t have to be this way. There in our economy. time and money converting their res- is another alternative that won’t be de- I think the bill finally drives a stake taurant to outdoor services, but a ca- bated, and that alternative is to open through the heart of the administra- terer is told they can still serve out- the economy. It is not too late to tion’s effort to substantially diminish side. change our course. Cut unnecessary the role of government in helping Businesses are told they have to spending. Eliminate waste. Stop fight- Americans in need and in promoting close at an arbitrary time determined ing a $50-billion-a-year war in Afghani- economic growth. by government officials, as though the stan that hasn’t had a military mission We all know that President Trump’s virus only comes out late at night. A in at least a decade. first budget proposed to substantially business in one ZIP Code can open, but Make the hard decisions now. We diminish the role of government. He one in an adjoining ZIP Code across the can’t keep pretending that more debt is wanted to cut nondefense spending by 9 street has to close, as if the virus can’t a sustainable policy course. ‘‘Leader- percent in fiscal 2018 and 18 percent by cross an imaginary line. ship’’ is not passing on the problem to 2021. He wanted to completely elimi- Airlines are allowed to fly, but hotels someone who can’t ; ‘‘leader- nate programs millions of Americans have to limit their occupancy, so you ship’’ is making the hard choices now. rely on every day. For 4 years, in Con- may not have anywhere to stay when This is what we have to do. gress, leading Republicans and Demo- you get there. I will oppose this new debt, and I will crats came together and we rejected Mom-and-pop stores and specialty continue to sound the alarm until we these ill-conceived, arbitrary, and stores are forced to close, but big-box change our course. Our country can be reckless cuts. store competitors are allowed to stay saved. We can survive this if we pull to- This year, I will say to my col- open. gether. But adding more debt is a mis- leagues—those who have worked hard How is any business expected to sur- take. It is not the solution, and we with us on the Democratic side and on vive with this kind of arbitrary regula- should resist it. the Republican side and who came to- tion that changes from day to day? Thank you. gether on this, and, especially, those Meanwhile, many schools remain The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. who worked with us in the Appropria- closed—despite overwhelming evidence HAWLEY). The Senator from Vermont. tions Committee—we are going to do showing kids can learn safely in per- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I was the same in rejecting these arbitrary son—which means parents can’t go to going to speak in a few minutes, but cuts. work, which forces parents to leave things have been filed now appro- Now, this agreement is the product of their jobs and take care of homebound priately. weeks of hard work and compromise.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.014 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7897 This is not the bill I would have writ- fits into March. It makes investments there are things that we don’t talk ten on my own. It includes things I in vaccine production and distribution. about. Rates of spousal abuse and child support and, I must admit, some things It supports health providers, educators abuse have increased during the crisis. I oppose. But that is often the way leg- and farmers and transportation pro- We should be providing funds for the islation is. No one Senator gets every- viders. It provides critical investments Violence Against Women Act and child thing that he or she wants. But to- to expand broadband in rural and low- abuse prevention grants, just as Repub- gether, we can get things that the income areas, access which is vitally licans and Democrats joined me a few country wants, and on balance, passage important during these difficult times, years ago when I greatly expanded— of this bill is unquestionably in the in- when many schools and many busi- with the help of Senator MIKE CRAPO in terest of the American people. nesses are operating remotely. a bipartisan fashion—the Violence Let me talk about some of those It includes another round of direct Against Women Act and the things we things. The omnibus spending bill in- payments to millions of Americans did. None of us, even at that time, cludes increases for education and who are still struggling to pay their could have conceived of the crisis we early childhood programs. It provides mortgage or their rent and feed their are facing now in the country. more funding for substance abuse and families and heat their homes and meet In my State, Vermonters are facing mental health services. I think every their monthly obligations. Many can’t the coldest, darkest months of winter. one of us knows, from what we hear do all those things. Now they will at They are struggling to heat their from back home, that these services least get help. homes. And families need help paying are of utmost importance in these ex- I urged that this bill also includes $4 their utility bills through the LIHEAP tremely difficult times. It provides billion in emergency funding for the program, and we will help that pro- more for food assistance programs both Gavi Alliance. Let me explain that. gram. When it is 20 degrees below zero here and abroad—the assistance that is And I appreciate those Senators who and you have had 15 inches of snow desperately needed as many families supported me on that money, the emer- overnight, you can’t really look at this struggle to survive during this pan- gency funding for Gavi. This is for the as an abstract thing and say: Golly, demic. And it includes increases for procurement and delivery of vaccines maybe we should have a program to housing and homelessness services to to countries around the world whose heat our home. You are going to die if help those who are the most vulner- rudimentary public health systems are you don’t. able. These are all programs that my being overwhelmed by COVID–19, And we are finally making progress fellow Democrats fought hard to in- whose economies are in free fall due to in delivering a vaccine to the American clude. the virus. We cannot defeat this global people, but the pandemic is far from I support this agreement. As I said, I pandemic, and international travel and over. We know that, notwithstanding a appreciate those who have worked with Congress will not recover without lot of the things said about this is on us weekends, holidays, and after mid- fighting the virus overseas. its way and everybody is going to get night on so many nights. But I am Just as we did during the Obama ad- one, there are huge gaps in all parts of deeply disappointed that Congress is so ministration when we were faced with our country and getting the vaccine to unforgivably late in completing our Ebola, the administration and the Con- them. work. There is absolutely no reason gress came together and said: Sure, we I will be the first at the negotiating whatsoever why this bill could not will protect here in the United States, table to work with President Biden and have been finished months ago. but we will also work at getting rid of the 117th Congress to address the many I thank Chairman SHELBY, Chair- it in other countries because if it flour- needs that remain unmet in this bill. woman LOWEY, and Ranking Member ishes in another country, it is an air- The House will send this bill over to GRANGER for their cooperation and plane trip away from our country. us. I would urge all Members to vote on partnership. We worked through our I support the package, but I want to it when it comes here. differences on the Omnibus spending be very clear. This COVID bill is only a Again, I have to look back at the his- bill. As the Big 4, we realized we had to first step. We have to do more. tory of this body. I have to look at the balance the needs and requests of all of Vermonters and the American people people who have worked so hard on so our Members. I urge all Members to need more. many things over the years. I know support it. The direct payments included in this that we have people in both parties That is for the Omnibus. package are a fraction of what we who are trying to address the needs of Now, before us today is a much de- should have provided, given the dire fi- our country. layed COVID relief package. It, too, is nancial situation of millions of people I don’t say this with pleasure but the product of bipartisan compromise, across this Nation. People are hungry. with sadness, I am the dean of the and while it falls short in some critical Unemployment continues to plague our United States Senate. Next year, I will areas, I support the agreement. It is economies. We should have acted start my 47th year in this body. I have also long overdue. The American peo- months ago, but let’s at least act on seen us come together at a time when ple have been waiting for help for far this today. Families are struggling to it is needed, but then I see one of the too long, and I am worried our Repub- pay their rent and put food on their greatest needs I have seen in my years lican leadership took a wait-and-see table. in the Senate that we ignored for approach. We were ready to go on this I will continue to fight for more. I month after month after month. All of last summer, but for 270 days Majority made hundreds of phone calls from my this could have been done in July or Leader MCCONNELL and the Senate Re- own State of Vermont. I talked to peo- August or September or October or No- publicans have blocked every reason- ple whom I never met, but I know that vember, not at the very last minute. able effort to provide desperately need- they are people who are typical of And why didn’t we? We had to take ed relief, even as Members of their Vermonters, but they are typical of time. We had to take time breaking party said quietly: We wish we could do people in any one of the States we rep- long tradition—all of the promises that something. resent. I hear the fear in their voice. I have been given by the other side. We Now, this package is far from perfect, hear the concern they have. In the mid- had to take time to move one special but time is not on our side. We cannot dle of winter, as snow is coming down, interest-supported judge after another let the perfect be the enemy of the do we heat or do we eat? How many to lifetime jobs, but they will be paid good. Let’s look at what the good meals should we, as parents, go with- well. They don’t have to worry about things are in here. It provides much out so we can make sure our children paying their bills. needed investments in our economy are fed? How are children going to do In all 50 of our States, we had people with support for small businesses— school if they are hungry? being tossed out of their homes, tossed small businesses like those in my State Look at State and local govern- out of their apartments, lost their jobs, of Vermont or those in the State of the ments. Around the country, they have unable to feed their children, or the Presiding Officer or anybody else here. laid off over 1.3 million teachers, first fear and anxiety a parent has in telling It provides relief for unemployed work- responders, and other employees since a child: No, I don’t know what tomor- ers by extending unemployment bene- March. They need our help. Sometimes row will be like. I don’t know what

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.016 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 next month will be like. We will pray, for the country, and saved Social Secu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and we will hope, but I don’t know. rity. objection, it is so ordered. We could have stopped that anxiety I could give so many more examples. f in June, when the House bill came over That was a Senate that acted as a con- here, or in July or in August or Sep- science of the Nation, and how did they ENCOURAGING THE GOVERNMENT tember and October and November. We do that? They appealed to our con- AND THE PEOPLE OF THE are doing some of it now. science. I just use that one example be- UNITED STATES TO ‘‘BUY AMER- But I ask every Senator to search cause people said that they couldn’t ICAN’’ their conscience. Wouldn’t it have been possibly do the difficult things nec- Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, better if all of us from both sides did essary to save Social Security. Demo- I rise today to encourage all Americans something and said: Put everything crats wouldn’t give this; Republicans to join the fight to support our Nation else aside, put aside all the special in- wouldn’t give that. Instead, you had and our jobs and stand up against the terest nominations. Put that aside, and two Senators of conscience who said: growing threat of Communist China. let’s care for the one special interest We can do it. Let’s do it. Let’s use our I have been saying it for months: we should have and that is the Amer- leadership and our conscience to bring Buying American products is the No. 1 ican people—care for those men and others together. And that distin- thing we can do to support American women who elected us from either guished the Republican Senator Robert jobs and stand up to our foreign adver- party, who rely on us. Dole, and that distinguished the Demo- saries. I have never seen this country so cratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moy- There is a new Cold War occurring split apart or having such fear except nihan and they came together and we between the United States and Com- for a privileged few, and maybe that in- saved Social Security. munist China, and we must be crystal cludes us. I am not here to represent Those of us in the Senate in both par- clear about the negative impacts of me. I am here to represent over 600,000 ties who voted for the final package continuing to buy Chinese-made prod- Vermonters and fulfill my oath to the knew we were going to have to vote for ucts. whole country, 320 million Americans. some things that would be unpopular General Secretary Xi is a dictator What we should be doing is saying that with constituencies. But instead of and human rights violator. He is yet never again will we let these kind of worrying about special interests or sin- another Communist leader trying to be partisan politics slow us and not allow gle-issue constituencies, we worried the dominant world power. us to go forward. about the men and women of our The Communist Party of China is We know, and it is easy to say now, States and what they would face if we stripping the people of Hong Kong of we should have taken the bill that didn’t come together. And that is what their freedoms—as the Presiding Offi- came from the House of Representa- we voted for, and we saved it. cer experienced when he was over tives last summer and brought it up on I sometimes say that Senators are there—cracking down on dissidents, the floor. If anybody didn’t like it, file merely constitutional impediments to militarizing the South China Sea, sup- an amendment to change it. Vote for it their staffs, but we could not do the porting Maduro’s genocide in Ven- or vote against it. Vote for or against work we do without the staff. ezuela, surveilling its citizens, and im- I want to thank the staff who worked the amendments you might bring up. prisoning more than 1 million Uighurs tirelessly to produce the bill. By ‘‘tire- That is what we usually do. I know how in internment camps simply because of lessly,’’ I mean until after midnight to vote. I voted over 16,000 times. Why their religion. many nights and weekends and holi- don’t we just vote? If we had done that Communist China is stealing Amer- days. When the rest the Senate had this summer, it may not be a perfect ican jobs and technology and spying on gone home, they were still working. I our citizens. bill, but it would be better than where know them. Much of the time, I would Is this the kind of nation we want to we are. Every Member—Republican and be on the phone with them. I would be be sending our money to? Democratic alike—would have had a working with them and, finally, I Absolutely not. chance to bring up their amendment. would say: It is so late. Everybody Washington politicians have been too They could have made their case, ei- should go to bed. When I woke up in concerned with short-term political ther win or lose. We go to the com- the morning, there would be an email success and have long ignored the long- mittee conference; we have the bill sent to me at 3 o’clock or 4 o’clock in term threats of Communist China to done. the morning because they kept on I say all this not to just be a tech- our way of life but not anymore. It is working. nocrat of what needs to be done but to So I thank Chuck Kieffer, Chanda time to take action. say this is how you reflect the needs of Betourney, Jessica Berry, Dianne Now, more than ever, Americans the American people. Nellor, Jean Taol Eisen, Erik Raven, must remember that every time we buy We faced the threat of Ebola in the Doug Clapp, Ellen Murray, Scott a product made in China, we are put- last administration. We stood together, Nance, Rachael Taylor, Alex Keenan, ting another dollar into the pocket of both parties. We helped the countries Michelle Dominguez, Tim Rieser, the people stealing our jobs and our that were suffering from Ebola and, in Dabney Hegg, and all the staff of the technology, denying their people basic doing so, we protected the United Senate Appropriations Committee on human rights and propping up dan- States of America, and we helped those both bills. I would thank Chairman gerous dictators like Maduro in Ven- in this country who might face it. That ezuela. SHELBY’s staff: Shannon Hines, Jona- We cannot continue to rely on coun- was a shining moment. That was a mo- than Graffeo, and David Adkins. ment of America at its best. This is Normally, at this time, Senators tries like Communist China, which lied not. might just put these names in the about the coronavirus and refused to be I do hope we can do better next year. a partner in solving this crisis, for crit- RECORD, but I wanted to say them out I know as senior Democrat on the Ap- loud, on the floor, because they should ical supplies. propriations Committee, I will fight to hear their names said out loud and This outbreak has shown why we do better. But I also use my voice and know how much I appreciate what they need to end our reliance on foreign sup- what example I might give as dean of have done, not just for the U.S. Senate ply chains. As a nation, we need to fi- the Senate to say to both parties: Here but for the United States of America. nally take a stand and demand that is what we do. I yield the floor. Communist China is removed from our I think of such examples as Bob Dole, I suggest the absence of a quorum. supply chain. one of the best leaders this Senate had, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The I am proud to lead my colleagues in a Republican. He came together with clerk will call the roll. a bipartisan resolution calling on Senator Pat Moynihan, one of the most The senior assistant legislative clerk Americans to buy products made in the brilliant Senators I served with, a proceeded to call the roll. United States whenever possible. Democrat. And that Republican and Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, Buying American is not partisan, and Democrat came together and set aside I ask unanimous consent that the order I am glad my colleagues from both their philosophical differences, cared for the quorum call be rescinded. sides of the aisle are continuing to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.017 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7899 come together to encourage Americans The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The resolution, as amended, with its to take a stand. objection, it is so ordered. preamble, as amended, reads as follows: I know it is not always easy, but it is The amendment (No. 2727) was agreed S. RES. 625 an important step we can all take at to as follows: Whereas, on July 15, 2019, President Donald home to support American jobs, Amer- (Purpose: To amend the preamble) J. Trump signed Executive Order 13881 titled ican producers, and American manufac- Strike the preamble and insert the fol- ‘‘Maximizing Use of American-Made Goods, turers, while helping build up the U.S. lowing: Products, and Materials’’ (84 Fed. Reg. 34257), supply chain. Whereas, on July 15, 2019, President Donald which would enforce the Buy American Act In my State, we take immense pride J. Trump signed Executive Order 13881 titled of 1933 (41 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.) to the greatest in products made in Florida. It is a ‘‘Maximizing Use of American-Made Goods, extent permitted by law; Whereas, the Buy American Act of 1933 re- driving force that led to our incredible Products, and Materials’’ (84 Fed. Reg. 34257), which would enforce the Buy American Act quires Federal agencies to procure materials economic turnaround. and products domestically— A return to this pride in homegrown of 1933 (41 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.) to the greatest extent permitted by law; (1) when the materials are intended for businesses and products ensures that Whereas, the Buy American Act of 1933 re- public use within the United States; and America remains strong as the undis- quires Federal agencies to procure materials (2) when the materials to be procured (or puted leader of the global economy. and products domestically— the materials from which they are manufac- We all must do our part to support (1) when the materials are intended for tured) are present in the United States in our Nation and make it clear to Com- public use within the United States; and sufficient and reasonably available commer- munist China that the United States (2) when the materials to be procured (or cial quantities of a satisfactory quality; Whereas American-made products are de- won’t stand for their behavior. the materials from which they are manufac- tured) are present in the United States in veloped under United States’ regulations and I am committed to supporting Amer- undergo testing to ensure their compliance ican businesses over Chinese products. sufficient and reasonably available commer- cial quantities of a satisfactory quality; with United States’ safety standards, which I am urging my colleagues to join me Whereas American-made products are de- are among the highest standards in the in this effort and pass this resolution veloped under United States’ regulations and world; today. undergo testing to ensure their compliance Whereas American-made products are pro- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- with United States’ safety standards, which duced by workers earning competitive wages sent that the Committee on Commerce, are among the highest standards in the and working in safe working conditions; Science, and Transportation be dis- world; Whereas purchasing American-made prod- ucts supports the producers of those prod- charged from further consideration and Whereas American-made products are pro- duced by workers earning competitive wages ucts and their communities; the Senate now proceed to S. Res. 625. Whereas, according to the Manufacturing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and working in safe working conditions; Whereas purchasing American-made prod- Institute, each dollar spent in sales of manu- clerk will report the resolution by ucts supports the producers of those prod- factured products supports $1.33 in output title. ucts and their communities; from other sectors of the economy; The legislative clerk read as follows: Whereas, according to the Manufacturing Whereas, according to the Manufacturers A resolution (S. Res. 625) encouraging the Institute, each dollar spent in sales of manu- Alliance for Productivity and Innovation Government and the people of the United factured products supports $1.33 in output Foundation, for every full-time job in manu- States to ‘‘Buy American’’. from other sectors of the economy; facturing, there are 3.4 full-time equivalent jobs created in non-manufacturing indus- There being no objection, the com- Whereas, according to the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation tries; mittee was discharged and the Senate Whereas, according to a 2017 poll conducted proceeded to consider the resolution. Foundation, for every full-time job in manu- facturing, there are 3.4 full-time equivalent by Reuters and Ipsos, when buying products, Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, jobs created in non-manufacturing indus- nearly 70 percent of Americans find it impor- I ask unanimous consent that the tries; tant that the products they buy were made Scott amendment at the desk to the Whereas, according to a 2017 poll conducted in the United States; resolution be agreed to. by Reuters and Ipsos, when buying products, Whereas strengthening American manufac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nearly 70 percent of Americans find it impor- turing supports employment in the United objection, it is so ordered. tant that the products they buy were made States, produces innovation and the seeds for future industries, and supports the global The amendment (No. 2726) in the na- in the United States; Whereas strengthening American manufac- competitiveness of the United States; ture of a substitute was agreed to, as Whereas a strong American manufacturing follows: turing supports employment in the United States, produces innovation and the seeds for base is an important component in helping (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) future industries, and supports the global to revitalize the United States economy as it Strike all after the resolving clause and in- competitiveness of the United States; recovers from the global COVID–19 pan- sert the following: ‘‘That— Whereas a strong American manufacturing demic; (1) it is the policy of the United States base is an important component in helping Whereas a strong domestic supply chain Government to ‘‘Buy American’’ products for to revitalize the United States economy as it for certain goods and close cooperation with public use when fiscally and reasonably pos- recovers from the global COVID–19 pan- trusted allies can support national security sible, in accordance with the Buy American demic; and public safety; Act of 1933 (41 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.); and Whereas a strong domestic supply chain Whereas the global COVID–19 pandemic (2) the Senate supports American manufac- for certain goods and close cooperation with presented significant challenges for the glob- turing and strengthening our American man- trusted allies can support national security ally interconnected supply chain of medical ufacturing base. and public safety; products and has heightened the need for Whereas the global COVID–19 pandemic supply chain security of a variety of critical Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, materials and products; and I know of no further debate on the res- presented significant challenges for the glob- ally interconnected supply chain of medical Whereas, regarding the manufacturing of olution, as amended. critical medical supplies and products essen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there products and has heightened the need for supply chain security of a variety of critical tial to national security, national stockpiles further debate? materials and products; and and a healthy domestic industrial base would Hearing none, the question is, Shall Whereas, regarding the manufacturing of help handle any future surge in need for the resolution, as amended, be agreed critical medical supplies and products essen- these supplies: Now, therefore, be it to? tial to national security, national stockpiles Resolved, That— The resolution (S. Res. 625), as and a healthy domestic industrial base would (1) it is the policy of the United States Government to ‘‘Buy American’’ products for amended, was agreed to. help handle any future surge in need for these supplies: Now, therefore, be it public use when fiscally and reasonably pos- Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, sible, in accordance with the Buy American I ask unanimous consent that the The preamble, as amended, was Act of 1933 (41 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.); and Scott amendment to the preamble be agreed to. (2) the Senate supports American manufac- agreed to, the preamble, as amended, The amendment (No. 2728) was agreed turing and strengthening our American man- be agreed to, that the Scott amend- to as follows: ufacturing base. ment to the title be agreed to, and that (Purpose: To amend the title) Mr. SCOTT of Florida. I suggest the the motions to reconsider be consid- Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘A resolu- absence of a quorum. ered made and laid upon the table with tion affirming the benefits of ‘Buying Amer- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The no intervening action or debate. ican’.’’. clerk will call the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.020 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 The legislative clerk proceeded to PELOSI and the Democratic leader in but it is not a silver bullet. We are still call the roll. the Senate, Senator SCHUMER, turned battling this pandemic, and it is likely Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask down a $1.8 trillion offer from Sec- to be with us for the foreseeable future. unanimous consent that the order for retary of the Treasury Mnuchin. So, But the good news is, people who are the quorum call be rescinded. rather than accept twice as much ear- particularly vulnerable because of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lier because it didn’t fit their political their age or underlying chronic ill- objection, it is so ordered. playbook, now they are accepting half nesses will likely be able to get the f when they realized they have run out vaccine no later than March. Dr. Fauci CORONAVIRUS of runway. said that by June, anybody in America Well, the monthslong stalemate has who wants the vaccine can get it. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, here we finally broken. Yesterday evening, the This next phase of our fight will de- are, the 21st of December, 4 days till so-called ‘‘four corners’’—the Speaker, termine how quickly we are able to de- Christmas, and Congress is finally get- the Republican leader in the House, the feat COVID–19 and regrow our econ- ting around to doing its duty on Democratic minority leader here in the omy. This legislation will clearly help COVID–19 relief, as well as the Omni- Senate, and Senator MCCONNELL—they us get there. bus appropriations bill, which will keep reached agreement on a bipartisan First, it will provide the needed sup- the government open and keep the package of bills to support the Amer- port for vaccine distribution. Not only lights on through the end of the fiscal ican people through the continued has there been a modern-day medical year next September. fight against COVID–19. And despite miracle in developing these safe and ef- I have to editorialize here that I my comments about the process and fective vaccines, but now the logistics think this is a terrible process. It is a what brings us here with so little time of getting it to 330 million people in terrible process. I just saw one of the and ability to affect some of the con- America are completely daunting, but Texas delegation House Members say- tent, I hope this legislation will pass it is happening. Millions of doses have ing: I am expected to review thousands and reach the President’s desk in a already been delivered to hospitals of pages of an appropriations bill and matter of hours. across the country, and in the coming COVID–19 relief bill in the next couple I think we could all agree that this months, tens of millions more will be of hours and then vote on it this bill could not have come soon enough. distributed as we launch this massive evening? Since this summer, Republicans and vaccination campaign. Well, we will be in the same posture. Democrats have been miles apart on While the cost of the vaccine has al- As terrible as this process is, it was in- the size and shape of the next COVID– ready been covered, the range of associ- tentionally created. I am sure that the 19 bill. Democrats, as I indicated, want- ated expenses that come with it has Appropriations chairman, RICHARD ed a $3 trillion bill they called the He- not been. For everything from trans- SHELBY, and Leader MCCONNELL would roes Act, while we supported a more portation infrastructure to deliver the have loved to have had a regular appro- targeted approach. That is when vaccines to ultra-low temperature priations process to vote out each of Speaker PELOSI uttered those now fa- freezers to store them, to personal pro- the subcommittee appropriations and mous words: Nothing is better than tective equipment for our healthcare pass them using regular order, giving something. heroes to safely administer them, those the Members of the Congress a chance Well, I have always believed that costs have added up and need to be pro- to offer amendments and maybe im- something is better than nothing. But vided for in this legislation. This legis- prove the bill, but we weren’t provided the big-picture disagreements pre- lation will, in fact, provide billions of that opportunity because, essentially, vented any progress from being made, dollars to help cover these kinds of the Democratic leader and the Speaker even though we, by and large, agreed costs and to ensure the race to dis- of the House of Representatives under- on about 80 percent of what needed to tribute these vaccines is as successful stand that this kind of broken process be done, and that is included in the bill as the race to develop them. empowers them to the detriment of in- that we will vote on here in the next Part of that is through relief for air- dividual Members of the Congress and few hours. lines, which will transport the vaccines to the detriment of the people we rep- Well, after the election, the Speaker to communities across the country. resent. It empowers them, not the and Democratic leader here in the Sen- This assistance will enable our airlines rank-and-file Members. ate, I guess, decided that they no to carry out their important role in the So, I believe this is a—and the same longer needed to hold the American vaccine relay race, all while keeping thing is true on COVID–19, of course. people hostage because the election their employees on payroll and pre- We passed the CARES Act in March. had now come and gone. So there were paring for a strong postpandemic re- We tried to come back and replenish bipartisan negotiations that broke out, covery. some of those funds. We were success- which have led to targeted package These two successful vaccines so far ful in doing so, for example, in the Pay- bills—to a targeted package that could are moving us closer and closer to the check Protection Program, but it was earn the support of both parties and end of this crisis, but we still have a obvious there was more need, and on at the signature of President Trump. It is ways to go, and the American people least three occasions—maybe four, but safe to say there could not be a more need and deserve our support in getting at least three—we offered another half urgent need for action from Congress. there. trillion dollars in relief, only to be The last several days have proven Millions of workers have no way to blocked by Democrats here in the Sen- that we are, indeed, at an inflection earn a paycheck. Food banks are expe- ate. point—turning point—in our ongoing riencing Depression-era lines each Speaker PELOSI was candid. She basi- fight against the virus. One successful week. Farmers and ranchers have lost cally said: Well, this is about politics. vaccine has already been administered their traditional markets. Small busi- We don’t want President Trump to get to thousands of healthcare workers nesses are sinking, and parents and credit for Congress stepping up in a bi- across the country. In my State alone, teachers are still worried about a safe partisan way to provide relief to the the Governor estimates that a million return to in-person learning for our American people in the runup to the people will be vaccinated by the end of students. election. this month. That is something we This targeted relief package will send So this is where we are. We know should all be thankful for and applaud. desperately needed support to each of what we have to do. We have to prevent On Friday evening, the FDA author- these groups for each of those causes. the government from shutting down. ized a second safe and effective vaccine The workers who had the rug pulled We know that there is genuine need made by Moderna, meaning that mil- out from them earlier this year will across the country for more COVID–19 lions more doses will be reaching continue to receive the federally en- relief, so we need to do that. But I Americans—in particular, our frontline hanced unemployment benefits under would also point out, we are going to heroes—in the coming days. These are the CARES Act that would otherwise do roughly $900 billion of an additional developments that we have been wait- expire the day after Christmas. And COVID–19 relief bill when Speaker ing, hoping, investing, and praying for, State unemployment benefits will be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.024 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7901 bolstered, as I said, by $300 a week in and grant would face a $36,000 tax li- and it will break the stalemate which Federal benefits through March 14 of ability. has paralyzed Congress for months next year. That would start to show up in Janu- now. We will also provide a second, more ary with the estimated taxes being The American people are suffering. It targeted direct payment to the hardest paid by many small businesses that is not time for politics as usual. It is a hit Americans, with up to $600 per indi- pay on a quarterly basis. That sort of time to come together to compromise vidual. That means that a family of unexpected tax liability would be a and to make good on our commitment four making up to $150,000 will receive slap in the face for those businesses to support them. $2,400 in the coming days. This bill will that saw this life ring and decided to I appreciate the work of our col- ensure that the basic needs of low-in- grab a hold of it. This change will en- leagues who fought for a deal that will come households, schoolchildren, and sure loan recipients aren’t saddled with give our country added strength during those in long lines at food banks will an unexpected tax liability that could this next critical phase of our fight, be met. absolutely sink their struggling busi- and I look forward to voting for this It also provides $13 billion for a time- nesses that have been hanging on by a legislation. limited Federal nutrition benefit in- thread. I yield the floor. crease, as well as at least $1.9 billion I appreciate Chairman GRASSLEY of I suggest the absence of a quorum. for the Coronavirus Food Assistance the Finance Committee, Ranking The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Program at food banks. Member WYDEN, and their staffs for clerk will call the roll. Our farmers and ranchers and pro- fighting to include this change, which The bill clerk proceeded to call the ducers who have lost significant or all will clarify that these expenses should roll. the value of their crops will also re- have been tax deductible all along. Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- ceive $13 billion in agricultural assist- That is what Congress intended in sent that the order for the quorum call ance to strengthen the farm safety net March when we passed the CARES Act. be rescinded. which benefits us all. I am also glad the Omnibus that is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This has been a difficult year for mil- paired with this package includes other objection, it is so ordered. lions of families in Texas and across legislation that I introduced with our f the country as parents have worried friend AMY KLOBUCHAR, the Senator about how to pay bills and buy gro- from Minnesota, called the Save Our BUILDING UP INDEPENDENT LIVES ceries, let alone Christmas gifts under Stages Act, designed to help our small AND DREAMS ACT their tree for their children. independent entertainment venues Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask I know this will not erase all of the across the country from closing their unanimous consent that the Com- financial uncertainty, but it will go a doors for good. mittee on Banking, Housing, and long way to provide some help to those These Main Street businesses were Urban Affairs be discharged from fur- whose livelihoods have been thrown excluded from the original Paycheck ther consideration of S. 371 and the into chaos, and I hope it will also pro- Protection Program, even though they Senate proceed to its immediate con- vide reassurance for the parents and were among some of the hardest hit sideration. teachers who have worried about a safe small businesses. Event venues were The PRESIDING OFFICER. The return to in-person learning. the first to close when COVID–19 hit, clerk will report the bill by title. This legislation provides $82 billion and they are likely to be the last to The bill clerk read as follows: for education and will help our K–12 open once it is gone. This funding will A bill (S. 371) to provide regulatory relief students, colleges, and universities get help them stay afloat until that long- to charitable organizations that provide their education programs back on awaited day finally arrives. housing assistance, and for other purposes. track. I thank Senator KLOBUCHAR, who has There being no objection, the com- This relief bill will also extend addi- been my partner in this bipartisan ef- mittee was discharged, and the Senate tional support to Texas small busi- fort, as well as Senator RUBIO, who has proceeded to consider the bill. nesses. Our small businesses continue been a champion for these venues dur- Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- to struggle with the arrival of winter ing the final critical stages of negotia- sent that the Fischer substitute at the weather. That has been especially true tions. desk be considered and agreed to; that for restaurants and other businesses The government funding legislation the bill, as amended, be considered that have relied on outdoor seating. includes a number of other bipartisan read a third time and passed; and that Many of these businesses utilized the bills which have had nearly unanimous the motion to reconsider be considered Paycheck Protection Program to help support in both the House and the Sen- made and laid upon the table. them cover payroll and other expenses ate, including a bill I introduced with The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there earlier this year, but the program ex- our colleague BOB MENENDEZ from New objection? pired in August, and our hardest hit Jersey. Without objection, it is so ordered. small businesses are in dire need of This legislation will finally, after 25 The amendment (No. 2729) in the na- more support. years or more, establish a National ture of a substitute was agreed to, as This legislation will provide another Museum of the American Latino, which follows: $284 billion in the Paycheck Protection will improve Latino representation (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) Program. This has been an enormously within the . Strike all after the enacting clause and in- successful program in my State, with This museum will honor the contribu- sert the following: 414,000 loans that are convertible into tions of Latinos throughout our Na- grants under some circumstances tion’s history and give their stories a SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. worth some $41 billion. This has been a brick-and-mortar home here in our Na- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Building Up Independent Lives and Dreams Act’’ or the lifesaver for many of our small busi- tion’s Capital. I am thrilled that gen- ‘‘BUILD Act’’. nesses and the workers they employ. erations of Americans will be able to SEC. 2. MORTGAGE LOAN TRANSACTION DISCLO- The hardest hit businesses will be able get a more accurate view of our Na- SURE REQUIREMENTS. to take a second draw of the PPP and tion’s history when they visit this new (a) TILA AMENDMENT.—Section 105 of the provide for stability for their busi- Smithsonian museum, and I can’t wait Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1604) is nesses and their employee until this to be among its first visitors. amended by inserting after subsection (d) the crisis ends. There is no question that there are following: I am glad this bill also includes lan- additional measures I would have liked ‘‘(e) DISCLOSURE FOR CHARITABLE MORT- guage from a bill I introduced to clar- to have seen included in the GAGE LOAN TRANSACTIONS.—With respect to a ify tax deductibility for business ex- coronavirus relief legislation, and I am mortgage loan transaction involving a resi- dential mortgage loan offered at 0 percent penses paid with a forgiven PPP loan. sure that is true for every Member. But interest with only bonafide and reasonable The average PPP loan in Texas was this targeted package includes critical fees and that is primarily for charitable pur- $99,000, and without this change, those funding and support for Texans and poses by an organization described in section businesses that received that PPP loan Americans at this watershed moment, 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.026 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 and exempt from taxation under section Hearing none, the bill having been The bill (H.R. 5472) was ordered to a 501(a) of such Code, forms HUD–1 and GFE read the third time, the question is, third reading, was read the third time, (as defined under section 1024.2(b) of title 12, Shall the bill pass? and passed. Code of Federal Regulations) together with a The bill (S. 2429), as amended, was disclosure substantially in the form of the f Loan Model Form H–2 (as depicted in Appen- passed. dix H to part 1026 of title 12, Code of Federal Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- DIRECT ENHANCEMENT OF SNAP- Regulations) shall, collectively, be an appro- sent that the motion to reconsider be PER CONSERVATION AND THE priate model form for purposes of subsection considered made and laid upon the ECONOMY THROUGH NOVEL DE- (b) of this section.’’. table. VICES ACT OF 2020 (b) RESPA AMENDMENT.—Section 4 of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of objection, it is so ordered. 1974 (12 U.S.C. 2603) is amended by adding at ask unanimous consent that the Com- the end the following: f mittee on Commerce, Science, and ‘‘(d) DISCLOSURE FOR CHARITABLE MORT- JULIUS ROSENWALD AND THE Transportation be discharged from fur- GAGE LOAN TRANSACTIONS.—With respect to a ROSENWALD SCHOOLS ACT OF 2020 ther consideration of H.R. 5126 and the mortgage loan transaction involving a resi- Senate proceed to its immediate con- dential mortgage loan offered at 0 percent Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I sideration. interest with only bonafide and reasonable now ask unanimous consent that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The fees and that is primarily for charitable pur- Senate proceed to the immediate con- clerk will report the bill by title. poses, an organization described in section sideration of H.R. 3250, which was re- The bill clerk read as follows: 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ceived from the House. A bill (H.R. 5126) to require individuals and exempt from taxation under section The PRESIDING OFFICER. The 501(a) of such Code may use forms HUD–1 and fishing for Gulf reef fish to use certain de- GFE (as defined under section 1024.2(b) of clerk will report the bill by title. scending devices, and for other purposes. title 12, Code of Federal Regulations) to- The bill clerk read as follows: There being no objection, the com- gether with a disclosure substantially in the A bill (H.R. 3250) to require the Secretary mittee was discharged, and the Senate form of the Loan Model Form H–2 (as de- of the Interior to conduct a special resource proceeded to consider the bill. picted in Appendix H to part 1026 of title 12, study of the sites associated with the life Code of Federal Regulations), collectively, in and legacy of the noted American philan- Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- lieu of the disclosure published under sub- thropist and business executive Julius sent that the bill be considered read a section (a) of this section.’’. Rosenwald, with a special focus on the third time. (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments Rosenwald Schools, and for other purposes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without made by subsections (a) and (b) shall take ef- There being no objection, the Senate objection, it is so ordered. fect on the date of the enactment of this Act. proceeded to consider the bill. The bill was ordered to a third read- The bill (S. 371), as amended, was or- Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- ing and was read the third time. dered to be engrossed for a third read- sent that the bill be considered read a Mr. CORNYN. I know of no further ing, was read the third time, and third time. debate on the bill. passed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there f objection, it is so ordered. is no further debate on the bill, the bill The bill was ordered to a third read- having been read the third time, the RESTORING RESILIENT REEFS ACT ing and was read the third time. question is, Shall the bill pass? OF 2019 Mr. CORNYN. I know of no further The bill (H.R. 5126) was passed. Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I debate on the bill. Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- ask unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there sent that the motion to reconsider be mittee on Commerce, Science, and further debate? considered made and laid upon the Transportation be discharged from fur- Hearing none, the bill having been table. ther consideration of S. 2429 and the read the third time, the question is, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate proceed to its immediate con- Shall the bill pass? objection, it is so ordered. sideration. The bill (H.R. 3250) was passed. Mr. CORNYN. I suggest the absence The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- of a quorum. ERNST). The clerk will report the bill sent that the motion to reconsider be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The by title. considered made and laid upon the clerk will call the roll. The bill clerk read as follows: table. The bill clerk proceeded to call the A bill (S. 2429) to reauthorize the Coral The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without roll. Reef Conservation Act of 2000 and to estab- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent that the order lish the United States Coral Reef Task f Force, and for other purposes. for the quorum call be rescinded. There being no objection, the com- JIMMY CARTER NATIONAL HIS- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mittee was discharged, and the Senate TORICAL PARK REDESIGNATION objection, it is so ordered. ACT proceeded to consider the bill. f Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I sent that the Rubio amendment at the ask unanimous consent that the Sen- THANKING STAFF desk be agreed to, and that the bill, as ate proceed to the immediate consider- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, so amended, be considered read a third ation of H.R. 5472, which was received much of the Senate’s work happens be- time. from the House. hind the scenes and out of the spot- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The light. Over the past few weeks, there objection, it is so ordered. clerk will report the bill by title. are scores of Senate staffers—probably The amendment (No. 2730), in the na- The bill clerk read as follows: more than scores; hundreds, I would ture of a substitute, was agreed to. A bill (H.R. 5472) to redesignate the Jimmy say—who have spent many late nights (Purpose: In the nature of a sub- Carter National Historic Site as the ‘‘Jimmy and some sleepless ones putting this stitute.) Carter National Historical Park’’. emergency relief and omnibus bill to- (The amendment is printed in today’s There being no objection, the Senate gether, so I wanted to come back to the RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) proceeded to consider the bill. floor today and acknowledge all of the The bill was ordered to be engrossed Mr. CORNYN. I ask unanimous con- hard-working Senate Democratic staff. for a third reading and was read the sent that the bill be considered read a To create a law, there are staffs from third time. third time and passed and that the mo- committees and Senators’ offices who Mr. CORNYN. I know of no further tion to reconsider be considered made are truly experts. They make sure debate on the bill. and laid upon the table. what we Senators want to achieve is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without written properly. They have years— further debate? objection, it is so ordered. some, decades—of experience in their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.007 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7903 subject area. They are libraries of in- Carasso, Drew Crouch, Elizabeth searchers: Andrew Ogden, Leela Najafi, formation of how programs work. They Dervan, Anne Dwyer, Mike Evans, Jon- and Hanna Talley. are also creative thinkers and masters athan Goldman, Taylor Harvey, Eliza- The whole team is supported by the of accomplishing what Senators might beth Jurinka, Rachael Kauss, Tom great budding talent of our press as- think is easy—turning a few lines of Klouda, Sally Laing, Virginia Lenahan, sistants: Alexandra Robinson, Alexa our direction into legislative text— Kristen Lunde, Greta Peisch, Sarah Sledge, and Cyre Velez. under tremendous time pressure and, Schaefer, Ashley Schapitl, Joshua Cietta Kiandoli, Sol Ortega, and lately, during the pandemic. Sheinkman, Tiffany Smith, Kelly Julietta Lopez do fantastic engage- These are the names of some of the Szafara, Beth Vrabel, Jayme White, ment with many groups of people af- Senate’s unsung heroes to whom we all Arielle Woronoff, and Marisa Morin. fected by the legislation we pass. owe an amazing debt of gratitude: From the Special Committee on Josh Molofsky and Tony Rivera are From the Committee on Appropria- Aging: Stacy Sanders, Michael Gamel- my speechwriters and every day bring tions: Charles ‘‘Chuck’’ Kieffer, Chanda McCormick, Samantha Koehler, poetry and organization to my Betourney, Hannah Chauvin, Dianne Rashage Green, Keith Miller, and Josh thoughts. Nellor, Jean Toal Eisen, Erik Raven, Kramer. A special, special thanks to the Schu- Doug Clapp, Ellen Murray, Scott From the Committee on Indian Af- mer ‘‘Legislative Team.’’ These staff- Nance, Rachael Taylor, Alex Keenan, fairs: Kim Moxley, Josh Mahan, An- ers are so incredibly hard-working and Jessica Berry, Michelle Dominguez, thony Sedillo, and Jennifer Romero. are always striving to find the best so- Tim Rieser, and Dabney Hegg. I am sure this is very hard on our ste- lution for our country and New York: From the Committee on Banking, nographers, but thank you very much. Anna Taylor and Marisa Hawley; Jon Housing, and Urban Affairs: Beth Coo- From the Committee on Small Busi- Cardinal, Leeann Sinpatanasakul, and per, Megan Cheney, Homer Carlisle, ness and Entrepreneurship: Sean Rob Hickman; Mike Kuiken, Reza Elisha Tuku, Corey Frayer, Jan Moore, Ron Storhaug, Kevin Wheeler, Zomorrodian, and Yazeed Abdelhaq; Singelmann, Jeremy Hekhuis, Colin Jacob Press, and Therese Meers. Matt Fuentes, Dili Sundaramoorthy, McGinnis, Phil Rudd, and Laura Swan- From the Committee on Rules and and Juan Negrete; Christina Hender- son. Administration: Dusty Brandenburg son, who just won for city council in From the Committee on Commerce, and Lindsey Kerr. Washington, DC, and is leaving us; Science, and Transportation: David So to all of those great people and Ramon Carranza; Catalina Tam; Lane Strickland, Melissa Porter, Ronce Al- many more—and I apologize if there Bodian and Rodney Kazibwe; Veronica mond, David Marten, Doug Anderson, are some we have left out—thank you, Watters; Zack Rosenblum, Ryan Eagan Laurence Wildgoose, Kara Fischer, Mi- thank you, thank you, to everyone on and Jasmin Aleman; Adrian Deveny, chael Davisson, John Branscome, the committees. Tim Ryder; Sean Byrne, Annie Daly Shawn Bone, Alicia Brown, Mary Guen- I also want, for a moment, to thank and Vandan Patel; Reggie Babin, Lucy ther, Jared Bomberg, Narda Jones, my staff. Everyone believes they have Panza, Mark Patterson, Didier Barjon; John Beezer, Sara Gonzalez-Rothi, the best staff on . I am cer- Helena Contes; Charlie Ellsworth, Kai Nikky Teutschel, and Chris Day. tainly no exception. I would never ever, From the Committee on Homeland Vogel; Jim Secreto, Patricio Gonzalez, ever be able to do what I do without Security and Governmental Affairs: and Josh Gutmaker. them. I know over the past several Lena Chang, Annika Christensen, And, of course, I have to thank the days many of them have tested the Alexa Noruk, Yelena Tsilker, and brilliant floor staff led by Gary limits of exhaustion, hardly sleeping at David Weinberg. Myrick. What a blessing. From the Committee on Health, Edu- all, but I want them to know that all A special thank-you from me and the cation, Labor, and Pensions: Evan their energy, ingenuity, and brilliance caucus and the entire staff to Tricia Schatz, John Righter, Nick Bath, Andi will have made the lives of their fellow Engle, Dan Tinsley, Brad Watt, Steph- Fristedt, Kara Marchione, Amanda citizens better in New York and across anie Paone, Liza Patterson, Nate Beaumont, Nikki McKinney, Joe the country. Oursler, and Rachel Jackson. Shantz, Kendra Isaacson, Colin Gold- I have told them that they can look Thank you and also farewell to finch, Manuel Contreras, Bryce back at any age and know they have Reema Dodin, Senator DURBIN’s tre- McKibben, Mary Barry, Garrett kept businesses going, kept people em- mendous floor staffer who for years has Devenney, Leila Schochet, and Katlin ployed, kept people fed, kept people looked after the caucus and the floor. Backfield. from getting sick, and even kept people She is heading to the White House to From the Select Committee on Intel- from dying, kept people alive. That is help the President-elect, and we ligence: Brett Freedman, Jon the great work my staff and the other couldn’t be happier and prouder to Rosenwasser, and Mike Casey. staffs have done. have a Senate denizen at the other end From the Committee on Foreign Re- So to my staff, whom I am so deeply, of . lations: Andrew Keller, Ruchi Gill, deeply grateful to, thank you, thank There are so many more incredible Heather Flynn, Sarah Arkin, and you. Thank you to my chief, Mike staffers who deserve recognition and Shelby Boxenbaum. Lynch; my deputy chief, Erin Sager thanks for making this institution From the Committee on Agriculture, Vaughn; my policy director, Gerry come to life. My entire staff helped Nutrition, and Forestry: Joe Shultz, Petrella, and my legislative director with the efforts this year, and as I con- Jacqlyn Schneider, Mary Beth Schultz, and his wife, Meghan Taira; my State clude today, they are still helping. I Susan Keith, Kyle Varner, Katie director, Martin Brennan; deputy State would like to include all of their names Naessens, Claire Borzner, Sean Bab- director, Steve Mann; Steve Barton; in the RECORD. ington, and Adam Tarr. Mike Ianelli; and all the regional direc- Madam President, I ask unanimous From the Committee on Energy and tors from across the State. consent to have printed in the RECORD Natural Resources: Renae Black, Sam The executive team in my office is a the following names: Fowler, Brie Van Cleve, Rory Stanley, tremendous asset to me and to the There being no objection; the mate- Luke Bassett, Elliot Howard, Zahava Democratic caucus: Michelle Mittler, rial was ordered to be printed in the Urecki, Nicole Buell, Armando Avila, Megan Murphy Vlasto, Emily Sweda, RECORD, as follows: Adam Berry, Bryan Petit, Melanie Raisa Shah, and Sophia Coutavas. Yazeed Abdelhaq; Kathleen Achibair; Thornton, and Rod Beresford. The press team supports both me and Jasmin Aleman; Garrett Armwood; Reggie From the Committee on Environ- the entire Democratic caucus day in Babin; Robert Banez; Didier Barjon; Steve ment and Public Works: John Kane, and day out: Justin Goodman, Alex Barton; Sharon Battle; Jackie Benavides; Al- Annie D’Amato, Mark Mendenhall, An- Nguyen, Monica Lee, Ken Meyer, An- lison Biasotti; Tinae Bluitt; Lane Bodian; gelo Roefaro, Allison Biasotti, Paige Quinn Bowman; Martin Brennan; Caroline drew Rogers, Mary Frances Repko, Burns; Sean Byrne; Jon Cardinal; Ramon Laura Gillam, Michal Freedhoff, and Tepke, Alice Nam, and everyone at the Carranza; Joyce.Chang Prepis. Lucy Xiao. Senate Democratic Media Center. Kristen Charlery; Emily Cole; Helena From the Committee on Finance: Jasmine Harris, Oriana Pina, and Contes; Andrew Cook; Dave Cooke; Sophie Bobby Andres, Chris Arneson, Adam Dan Yoken and his amazing team of re- Coutavas; Annie Daly; Tushar Dayal; Adrian

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.029 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 Deveny; Jeff Dickson; Lindsay Dirienzo; In 2014, he was looking for a little the Senate, which has been part of our Ryan Eagan; Charlie Ellsworth; Marissa more adventure on the calm side. I was history, part of the Republic since the Emanuel; Tricia Engle; Kelly Fado; Sam looking for someone to help with my founding of the Republic. Flood; Matt Fuentes; Joel Geertsma; Megan communications on my campaign. It A number of other major bipartisan Glander; Patricio Gonzalez; Justin Goodman; Hayley Gray-Hoehn; Joshua Gutmaker. was my first run for office. I was run- accomplishments have also occurred Gunnar Haberl; Jasmine Harris; Marisa ning against an incumbent with big just in the past few months—the Na- Hawley; Christina Henderson; Rob Hickman; name recognition in our State. Mike tional Defense Authorization Act, Jon Housley; Amber Huus; Mike Iannelli; came on board and took a chance on which passed with over 80 Senators; the Steven Heka; Rachel Jackson; Jessica Ja- me. It is something I will never for- Great American Outdoors Act, prob- maica; Rodney Kazibwe; Cietta Kiandoli; get—loyal, great worker. ably the biggest conservation act in Mike Kuiken; Monica Lee; Julietta Lopez; He had been taking a lot of classes at over 50 years; and the Save Our Seas Mike Lynch; Grace Magaletta; Steve Mann; night at Catholic University of Amer- 2.0, a bill I was proud to author, the Amy Mannering; Anneliese Marcojohn; Jor- dan Marshall; Ryan Martin; Hemen Mehta. ica for the past few years, working in most comprehensive ocean cleanup leg- Ken Meyer; Michelle Mittler; Josh my office, and balancing it all. He was islation ever to come out of the Con- Molofsky; Catey Moore; Michelle Moreno- on the clock around the clock and did gress. This is just to name a few. Silva; Rachel Morgan; Megan Murphy it with grace, humor, hard work, and Let me name another important bi- Vlasto; Gary Myrick; Leela Najafi; Alice excellence. partisan accomplishment that is start- Nam; Juan Negrete; Joe Nehme; Alex As I mentioned, he was our office ing to occur in the Congress, and that Nguyen; Jordan Nicholson; Diana Nunez; An- communicator, but he was also the of- is dealing with China, the important drew Odgren; Lorenzo Olvera; Suzan Orlove; Sol Ortega; Rebecca Osmolski; Nate Oursler; fice friend, the person you would go to issue of China and China policy. I know Lucy Panza; Stephanie Paone. for advice on things big and small, the people might be saying: Wait, are you Vandan Patel; Liza Patterson; Mark Pat- person you would call on for an assist crazy? China? There is bipartisan terson; Gerry Petrella; Oriana Pina; William if you needed to move. It helped that agreement on what is happening with Reese; Tony Rivera; Alexandra Robinson; he lived up to his name—6 feet, 8 regard to this relationship, the United Scott Rodman; Angelo Roefaro; Zack inches. He is a big guy. Mike always States and China? Rosenblum; Tim Ryder; Jim Secreto; Nelson showed up, working together—as we The answer is, yes, we have made sig- Seijas; Raisa Shah; Tyson Sharbaugh; called in our office one team, one fight. nificant progress on this issue, too, and Leeann Sinpatanasakul; Amanda Skapnit; Alexa Sledge; Hannah Smith; Bre Sonnier- We got big things done for our State. it is important. I want to explain that Thompson; Amanda Spellicy; Dili Speaking of one team, one fight, my a little bit because I think it is a topic Sundararnoorthy. office has a pretty good hoops team. that we need to be focusing on more Emily Sweda; Hanna Talley; Meghan Mike, as you can imagine—UAF var- and more in the U.S. Senate. Taira; Catalina Tarn; Anna Taylor; Taylor sity basketball player back in Alaska— Like the Presiding Officer, I am hon- Terri; Paige Tepke; Kirnarah Timothy; Dan was the critical member of that team. ored to be completing my first term as Tinsley; Erin Sager Vaughn; Cyre Velez; Ni- We have won a lot of games, particu- a U.S. Senator and honored, like the cole Vorgona; Kai Vogel; Karine Vorperian- Presiding Officer, to have been re- Grillo; Brad Watt; Veronica Watters; Emma larly against the Cruz Texans. In fact, Weir; Dan Yoken; Maxwell Young; Nora Senator CRUZ once gave Mike the nick- elected to continue my service. Younkin; Chris Zeltrnann; Reza name ‘‘Denali’’ for his size and how he Six years ago when I started my time Zommorrodian. dominates the middle of the key on the here in the U.S. Senate, I started a se- Mr. SCHUMER. It is a lot of names. hoops court. ries of speeches that focused on the I yield the floor. Mike is going to make a great lawyer U.S.-China relationship and the impor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- in Alaska. As a State, we have so much tance of it. We all have been focused ator from Alaska. potential—the biggest fisheries in the post-9/11 certainly on al-Qaida, ISIS, f country, the largest energy fields, huge the big issue of violent extremist orga- military complexes, and fascinating, nizations, which has been the appro- TRIBUTE TO MIKE ANDERSON important Alaskan Native legal issues. priate focus. But as I started my career Mr. SULLIVAN. Madam President, I More than anything, Alaska needs good here 6 years ago, I started to give a se- would like to recognize a critical mem- leaders with integrity, brilliant law- ries of speeches where I said the big- ber of my staff, Mike Anderson—he is yers, hard-working people like Mike gest challenge that we face long term known as ‘‘Big Mike’’—who left my of- who love their State and give it all from a geostrategic standpoint for the fice in August to pursue a legal career back to their State, and that is what United States for decades to come is in his hometown of Anchorage, AK— he is going to do. going to be our relationship with the something he has aspired to do since a We haven’t seen the last of Mike. He rising power of China. young age. has always been part of our team, and What I was saying 4 years ago, 5 Mike was my communications direc- I am sure that is what he will do, work- years ago in this body is that nobody is tor, but it was much more of an appro- ing continually in the great State of talking about it. It is really important, priate title for Mike because he di- Alaska to make sure our State thrives. and we are not focused on it. You can’t rected so many things in my office, so Mike, great job. Good luck to you. say that anymore. Now everybody is much of our communication both in- You are going to be missed. Best wish- talking about China. There has been an ternally and externally. You would es on a bright future ahead. American awakening about China. And often find Mike going from staff mem- f that is good. That is important. That is ber to staff member, asking them ques- progress. And it has been bipartisan. tions, relaying information from one CHINA I want to thank President Trump and team to the next. Mr. SULLIVAN. Madam President, his team because I think they deserve In our office, if you had a question despite what you might be reading in a lot of the credit. about what anybody was up to, what the press, there are a lot of recent, im- They laid out their national security anybody was doing in Alaska, here in portant, bipartisan achievements hap- strategy, their national defense strat- our DC office, in our Alaskan offices, pening right here in the Senate. We are egy. These are very well-written strat- you would ask Mike. That is a special going to vote soon on another major egies that, in essence, said that in the quality. He is an incredibly hard work- COVID relief bill, which is really im- United States of America, post 9/11, it er, incredibly gifted young man, and we portant. That will be our fourth major was appropriate to focus on al-Qaida, are going to miss that talent in Mike COVID relief bill this year—much ISIS, violent extremist organizations, very much. needed, of course, for the health of getting weapons of mass destruction. Mike is no stranger to Alaska polit- Americans and for our economy. I That was clearly the main focus of our ical offices. Fresh out of college at the think that when the history of this national security. University of Alaska Fairbanks, he very challenging year is written, that But what their strategies have been took a job with Congressman YOUNG is what is going to be remembered— saying is that, yes, we need to continue and then worked for Senator MUR- four major, bipartisan, important to focus on that, but now we need to KOWSKI. pieces of legislation, not the rancor in prioritize the great power competition

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.002 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7905 that is upon us with China as the pac- result of a conscious decision by the Vice Premier of China, Madam Wu Yi, ing threat. Communist Party leadership of China at the time. The President, President As you know, most Senators—Demo- to overturn key elements of the U.S.- Bush, strongly believed in the protec- crats and Republicans—particularly led, rules-based international order, de- tion of intellectual property rights, the ones who focus on national secu- spite that order enabling China to and he raised this issue with Madam rity and foreign policy issues, particu- emerge prosperous and strong from its Wu Yi right there in the office—very larly those on the Armed Services so-called century of humiliation. This aggressively, leaning over in his chair. Committee—they agree with us. They new Cold War is not an inevitable con- Madam Wu Yi looked at the President agree with this reorientation. Again, sequence of China’s rise or our status of the United States and said: Mr. this is important. This is progress, bi- as an established power. Rather, I be- President, I am in charge of this. We partisan progress, on what is really lieve, it stems from China’s rejection are going to fix this. We are working going to be one of the most—what is of becoming a ‘‘responsible stake- on it. You have my commitment, Mr. the most important bilateral relation- holder’’ in the international system President. That was in the Oval Office, ship in the world. that the United States has led since 17 years ago. What we need to start doing—and I the end of World War II—a system from Where are we on intellectual prop- say ‘‘we,’’ this body, the Congress, the which China probably, more than any erty theft from China? It is worse executive branch—is we need to start other country in the world, has bene- today than when Madam Wu Yi made putting details and principles into a fited from. that commitment in the Oval Office. long-term strategy, a bipartisan strat- But recognizing that we have this As a matter of fact, the U.S. Trade egy that will be enduring to address new tension, that we have a new Cold Representative Office estimates that this challenge, to address the challenge War with China, does not mean that Chinese theft of American intellectual that is the challenge for the next dec- the nature of the global challenge is property costs the U.S. economy an es- ade—the rise of China and how we, as identical to that posed by the Soviet timated $600 billion annually, not to the United States of America, need to Union or that our response should be mention the thousands of jobs lost. deal with it. As I mentioned, I believe the same. However, it does mean that President Obama also tried to stem this is going to be the defining national the United States and our allies need these blatantly unfair, nonreciprocal security issue for our Nation for the to recognize this challenge, address it, practices, but Beijing did not honor the next 50 to 100 years. counter it in ways that avoid major common understanding reached by What I want to do today is lay out a conflict but in ways that also avoid President Obama and Xi Jinping in couple of key principles on what I see compromising our core values and in- 2015, curbing cyber hacking of govern- are some of the ways in which we can terests and principles in liberty. ment and corporate data for economic bring a bipartisan approach to address- Let me talk a little bit about what I gain. Such theft continues unabated ing this challenge. Last year, I was call America’s awakening. today. honored to be invited by the heritage Since President Nixon initiated the These episodes raise an even bigger center—the Heritage Foundation—as opening of relationships with China, problem between the United States and part of their lead lecture series on the many hoped that the country’s polit- China. It is the problem that I call Asia-Pacific to talk about this issue. I ical and economic system would open ‘‘promise fatigue’’ with China. Think gave remarks, an address that I called as the country developed and joined about it. Broken promises extend well ‘‘Winning the New Cold War with China this broader, Western-led international beyond the economic sphere, like intel- and How America Should Respond.’’ system. Others believed that even if lectual property. Some of the principles that I laid out the Chinese Communist Party re- Here is another example. Standing in that address from some of my expe- mained in control, its external behav- next to President Obama in the Rose riences in the U.S. relationship with ior and relationship with the United Garden in 2015, President Xi Jinping China over the last quarter century are States would not be affected. When the promised the President of the United what I would like to talk about. Those United States supported Chinese entry States not to militarize the South experiences for me have kind of run the into the World Trade Organization, China Sea. The commitment was bro- gamut as a U.S. marine; as a National President Bill Clinton remarked that ken within months, when China took a Security Council staffer and Assistant American workers and consumers very aggressive policy of militarizing Secretary of State under the excep- would be the greatest beneficiaries— many of the islands and built up is- tional leader, Condoleezza Rice, when American workers. Ultimately, this lands in the South China Sea to the she was National Security Advisor and has proven not to be true. consternation of every single country then Secretary of State; as the State of Equally misguided was the hope that in the region. After enduring this Alaska cabinet official in charge of en- as China grew economically, it would promise fatigue with the Chinese for ergy and natural resources—which are liberalize politically. The expectation decades, we, the Congress, the execu- so important to my State but also to was that China would lower its trade tive branch of the U.S. Government, Asian markets—and as a U.S. Senator. barriers and follow WTO practices, re- are finally getting wise. Everybody First things first: I believe, as I men- specting intellectual property rights, thinks trade should be a win-win, but tioned, there has been an awakening promoting basic safety standards for Chinese leaders appear to view it much about the challenge posed by China. As exports, curbing subsidies of its main more as a zero-sum game. I mentioned, 6 years ago in this body, industries, and not subjecting im- Ironically, this promise fatigue and not a lot of Senators were talking ports—our imports—to illegal, non- China’s predatory, nonreciprocal trade about it. Now everybody is, and that is tariff barriers. None of that has turned practices have brought about—and did important. I also think that there is a out to be true. China did not meet bring about—the new, much tougher, recognition—whatever you want to call most of its commitments under the and, in my view, much needed approach the tensions that have arisen—that the WTO and still hasn’t. Rather, it has from the Trump administration that U.S. and China have entered into a employed its new access to Western we had prior to the pandemic. much more strategic competition era— markets—American markets—to pur- We have this situation where we are phase—with tensions that I have re- sue large-scale theft of technology, ex- not trusting our relationship with ferred to as a ‘‘new Cold War’’ with ploiting the openness of the American China with promises that have been each other. This state of relations has economy without allowing American made but have not been kept across a only been exacerbated by the pan- companies reciprocal access to its mar- whole host of spheres, where the ten- demic, which, of course, started in kets as it is required to do. sions in the South China Sea are grow- China and was covered up by the Chi- Let me give one example of this that ing. But this current state of affairs nese Communist Party. I have seen in my experience. In 2003, was not preordained. When I talk about this issue of a new over 17 years ago, I was in an Oval Of- In 2005, then Deputy Secretary of Cold War with China, I want to be clear fice meeting as a National Security State and future World Bank President on one thing. This is not a challenge— Council staffer with President George Robert Zoellick encouraged China in a or tensions—of our choosing. It is the W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and the very well-regarded speech to become a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.032 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 ‘‘responsible stakeholder’’ in the inter- from pushing its norms for controlling rebuild our military’s strength and ca- national system, which had done so cyber space to silencing critics of its pability. Fourth, we need to deepen and much to enable China’s rise in pros- human rights record, including critics expand our global network of alliances. perity. Zoellick’s speech challenged in the United States, to pushing for the Finally, we need to remember that em- China to change its behavior, to sup- enforcement of the Belt and Road Ini- ploying our democratic values is a port and promote and, certainly, not tiative at the United Nations. China is huge, critical, comparative advantage undermine the U.S.-led economic order using its growing voice on the global in countering China’s global authori- that had brought peace and prosperity stage to legitimize an approach at tarian influence around the world. So to China and so many other countries home and abroad that undermines let me briefly touch on each of these. in the Indo-Pacific. American interests. First, we need to demand reciprocity. For a time, it appeared that China’s A recent Hoover Institution study ar- The United States must insist that the leadership was contemplating this gues that China is looking to gain in- relationship with China be defined by American offer to be a responsible fluence in the United States to shape reciprocity and fairness. For too long, stakeholder in this global system—the attitudes and, ultimately, American the United States has ignored the one that we had set up after World War policy toward China. And although we promise fatigue—that I have talked II. In my trips as an Assistant Sec- have not experienced the same level of about—with China and accepted retary of State to China, I heard Chi- political interference as, say, some of unfulfilled Chinese promises across so na’s leadership in many meetings—in- our allies, like Australia, where politi- many spheres of the bilateral relation- cluding in meetings with Hu Jintao, cians and donors linked to the Chinese ship. You have seen it. When you raise the President, and other senior lead- Communist Party try to sway the the issue of reciprocity with senior ers—where they talked about being a country’s policies on sensitive issues, Chinese officials, whether that be in responsible stakeholder, where this in- China is clearly engaged in what the Beijing or with the Ambassador, and vitation on working through the sys- National Endowment for Democracy they finally acknowledge that, yes, the tem we had developed was clearly calls a significant, sharp-powered cam- relationship isn’t reciprocal, they say something they were contemplating. paign to influence American policy it is because ‘‘China is still a devel- But over time, it has become increas- here at home. This recent spy scandal oping country.’’ ingly clear that the Chinese Com- with a Congressman from California is I would respectfully tell senior Chi- munist Party has rejected this concept, just a recent example of this. nese officials: Don’t use that argument this idea to be a partner with us in bol- Fortunately, the Trump administra- anymore. It is an insult to the intel- stering the international order that tion and Members of Congress on both ligence of American officials. We need has benefited China so significantly. sides of the aisle have awakened to the a reciprocal relationship because every In fact, the opposite has happened. long-term challenge that China poses American understands and agrees with China is now working to systemically to America’s national security and eco- this—that it is about fairness, basic build an illiberal sphere of influence nomic security interests. As I noted, fairness. that threatens to exclude America and the Trump administration’s more real- I posed an important question of reci- erode our alliances in the region that istic approach on China, laid out in its procity to former Secretary of State have kept the peace in the region for national security strategy and national Henry Kissinger at a Senate Armed decades. The challenge we face today is defense strategy, offers a clear-eyed Services Committee hearing a couple rooted in the attempt by the Com- view of Chinese ambitions and our need of years ago, and he acknowledged munist Party of China to popularize its to counter them. At a time when there that, to have an important, sustain- authoritarian model abroad to ensure is not enough bipartisan agreement— able, great-power relationship between China’s rise as a great power under the although, I think there is more than, two of the most important countries in Communist Party’s leadership. Presi- certainly, we get credit for—there is the world, reciprocity was critical. The dent Xi made this clear at the 19th broad, bipartisan focus and support citizens of our country need to feel Party Congress, where he championed within the U.S. Government and, I be- that the relationship is fair and that a China’s model as a new option for other lieve, in the U.S. Senate on the stra- general policy of reciprocity is impor- countries and nations that want to tegic challenges posed by China. tant and critical in that regard, but we speed up their development. We must So we have had an important Amer- all know it hasn’t been that way. always remember, the Chinese Com- ican awakening and a good beginning The Trump administration has made munist Party’s primary goal in domes- with the recent U.S. national security significant progress on pressing for tic and foreign policy is to ensure the and national defense strategies, and I more reciprocal relationships in our survival and preeminence of the party. believe it is strongly in America’s in- trading relationships, which is very im- The key driver of U.S.-China com- terest for the incoming Biden-Harris portant, but we all know that the re- petition and tension today is China’s administration to continue these strat- ciprocal relationship doesn’t exist. Chi- ambition to project its authoritarian egies that have strong bipartisan sup- nese companies and government- model abroad. China’s development port here. In fact, in my recent meet- backed investment funds can come to under a Leninist political model serves ing with Secretary of Defense nominee the United States and buy companies, as an inspiration for many illiberal ac- GEN Lloyd Austin, I encouraged such but we would have no opportunity to tors and aspiring autocrats around the an approach on national security do the same. Yet it needs to go much world. It uses its economic influence as issues, particularly as it related to further than economics. Let me give a means of exerting political pressure. China. you an example. We need reciprocity in Additionally, Chinese companies and Yet these strategic documents that the free exchange of ideas. American state-owned and state-subsidized indus- we are talking about need more meat journalists are not allowed to travel tries are not bound by the anti-corrup- on the bones. What are more details freely in China, and if they are not, tion laws that American and Western and principles that we can add to the then, why should Chinese journalists companies must adhere to. national security strategy of our Na- be allowed to travel freely in the Chinese indifference to establishing tion that can ensure bipartisan support United States? standards of transparency, which we for a longer term U.S.-China strategy? Similarly—and this body is focused have certainly seen now with the pan- Let me recommend five core elements on this—there are over 100 Confucius demic, and project implementation that, I think, should be key in moving Institutes, established by the Chinese through its Belt and Road Initiative re- forward with regard to our relationship Communist Party, at American univer- sult in elite deals that concede corrup- with China. sities. When I was in Beijing a couple tion abroad, weaken prospects for long- First, we need to demand reciprocity of years ago and met with senior Chi- term prosperity, and undermine the in all major spheres of the U.S.-China nese officials, I mentioned this. sovereignty of weaker nations. relationship. Second, we need to rein- I said: I was recently with the Am- China is seeking to undermine de- vigorate American competitiveness so bassador, and he said that just to go on mocracy and human rights and the rule we can outcompete and outinnovate the campus of Beijing University you of law and international institutions— China. Third, we need to continue to need to be accompanied by a Chinese

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.033 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7907 official. So if there were real reci- As the Presiding Officer knows, I The answer lies in fear, and the goal, procity in the relationship, if you can have mentioned that, gosh, almost 25 above all else, to make sure the Com- have Confucius Institutes at American years ago, I was a young marine infan- munist Party remains in power. universities, how about we get James try officer who was deployed as part of President Reagan saw the power and Madison Institutes of freedom and lib- an amphibious task force to the Tai- promise of our democratic ideals as a erty at Chinese universities? wan Strait, which included two carrier potent critical instrument to challenge Of course, the Chinese wouldn’t ac- battle groups as part of the U.S. re- America’s global rival, then the Soviet cept that. sponse to Chinese provocations on the Union, because the aspiration of free- They said: Well, Senator, Confucius eve of the Presidential elections in Tai- dom is universal and remains the core Institutes only teach culture and lan- wan. It was a long time ago, but it was commonality that underpins the guage, and a Institute certainly an example of the American strongest partnerships of the United of freedom and liberty and democracy commitment and resolve of one of our States with other nations. The belief in China would be teaching propa- allies during a period of heightened that liberty, democracy, and free mar- ganda. tensions in the Taiwan Strait that we kets reflect and strengthen the size of That is what they said. need to remember and be able to react our alliance system is something that This is just one of many examples to with a strong military. is fundamental to the United States wherein we must have a reciprocal re- Fourth, we need to expand and deep- and our allies during the Cold War with lationship between the United States en our alliances. The recalibration of the Soviet Union and now during our and China going forward. our relationship with China should be challenges with China. Helping coun- Second, we must reinvigorate Amer- done in partnership with our allies. tries protect their sovereignty so they ican competitiveness. The United The cultivation and nurturing of these can be responsive to their citizens and States is no stranger to global military relationships must be a foundational effective partners of our Nation is im- and economic cooperation, as we have pillar of any American strategy as it perative at a time when Chinese influ- known throughout the Cold War with deals with China. ence risks pulling nations into a new the Soviet Union. Our comparative ad- Our greatest strategic advantage in ‘‘Sinosphere’’ hostile to American in- vantages globally remain significant, dealing with China is this: We are now terests and our democratic ideals. but we can and should do more to bol- a rich nation with longstanding histor- Let me conclude by predicting that ster other areas at home. We should ical ties that have been reinforced by the new challenges I describe with bolster STEM education, double down decades of diplomatic, military, and China are going to be with us for dec- on basic research, and support Federal economic cooperation based on shared ades. We must face this fact with con- agencies like the National Science values with our friends and allies in fidence and strategic resolve and bipar- Foundation. the region. By contrast, China is an tisan work in the U.S. Senate. America has extraordinary advan- We need to be able to outcompete and ally-poor nation, with North Korea as tages relative to China: our global net- outinnovate China, and, importantly, its closest friend and ally. The unity of better understand China, its culture, work of alliances, our military power the West and our Asian allies is essen- and economic leadership, our innova- its language, its history, and its strat- tial to maintaining high global stand- egy with the new generations of Ameri- tive society, our abundant energy sup- ards and transparency, accountability, plies—we are now the No. 1 producer of cans who are focused on these issues, anti-corruption, a peaceful resolution just as Russian and Soviet studies were oil, natural gas, and renewables in the of conflict, and the importance of world—our world-class universities, the emphasized during the Cold War with international law, particularly in the world’s most productive workforce, and the Soviet Union. Many of our most global areas of sea, space, and cyber a democratic value system that makes significant challenges—our national space. countries far more comfortable as debt, infrastructure projects that take Finally, we must employ America’s American partners than subservient years to permit, an education system democratic values as a critical com- members of a new ‘‘Middle Kingdom’’ that leaves too many Americans be- parative advantage. We should never led by China. hind, a dysfunctional immigration sys- forget that our democratic values were As a result of the long twilight strug- tem—are all self-inflicted wounds. critical in our successful victory over gle with the Soviet Union, we also I believe that the real challenges the Soviet Union during the last Cold know what works—maintaining peace posed by China, as they become more War. In President Reagan’s famous through strength, promoting free mar- broadly apparent throughout our coun- Westminster speech before the British kets and free people at home, and hav- try, will start to spur the bipartisan Parliament in 1982, in which he ing the confidence in George Kennan’s motivation that will be needed to ad- launched the National Endowment for insight that the Chinese Communist dress these significant but solvable Democracy, he argued that America Party, like the Soviet Communist American challenges in order to make would win the Cold War not through Party, likely bears within it the seeds us stronger. hard power alone but through the of its own decay. Third, we must continue to rebuild power of our ideals. While democracies are resilient, our military. From 2010 to 2016, the De- As he reminded our audience and our adaptive, and self-renewing, there are partment of Defense’s budget was close allies in Britain, ‘‘Any system is many vulnerabilities embedded in Chi- slashed by 25 percent. Readiness plum- inherently unstable that has no peace- na’s perceived strengths. meted, and at the same time, the Chi- ful means of legitimizing its leaders.’’ One-man rule creates acute political nese undertook a massive building of China’s unelected leaders, like all au- risks. Historical grievance can breed its military and the modernization of thoritarians, ultimately fear their own violent nationalism. State-directed its forces while it also made concrete people. Our leaders do not. economic growth can produce massive moves to militarize the South China It is fear that has driven China to de- overcapacity and mountains of debt. Sea. History shows, particularly with velop an Orwellian social credit score The gradual snuffing out of freedom in regard to America’s authoritarian to rank its people, while detaining as places like Hong Kong creates sponta- rival, that American military weak- many as 1 million Chinese workers in neous of tens of thousands and ness encourages authoritarian provo- concentration camps. Why else does huge global backlashes across the cations globally. We must make sure the Chinese Communist Party invest so world. China’s budding military power that, as we continue to engage China, a heavily in facial and gait recognition and historical view of itself as a nation strong U.S. military provides a hedge technology to monitor their own citi- and culture superior to others is begin- against Beijing’s contemplating risky zens? Why comprehensively censor the ning to alarm neighboring states, in- and destabilizing military actions as internet to preclude even the most spiring them to step up security co- its military strength and capabilities glancing criticism of the Communist operation with our Nation. Nearly half continue to grow. China has a long his- Party and its leaders? Why do China’s of all wealthy Chinese want to emi- tory of using its military to achieve internal security services employ more grate—and these are the winners from strategic ends when countries are not people than the People’s Liberation China’s four decades of heady economic ready, and we must be ready. Army, the world’s largest military? growth.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.034 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 As we have in the past, Americans if we couldn’t come up with a proposal and the insides of each aspect of these can prevail in this geopolitical and ide- that could kick-start the COVID talks. bills. ological contest, but doing so will re- We have had an opportunity for But we come here with a process like quire a new level of strategic initia- many of us to come to the floor to this at a late hour, and we say: This is tive, organization, and confidence in speak to not only how that came to be one where you need to know that we who we are and what we stand for. This but the ultimate result, which was a have been working it hard. We have also means that we must redouble our multihundred-page document, legisla- taken into account all the priorities efforts in making this strategic case to tion, that totaled $908 billion. But it and considerations on both sides. We others around the world, particularly addressed everything from vaccine de- worked it back and forth. We worked it our allies, and we must continue to velopment and distribution to what we with the House, and here we are. But work on bipartisan solutions that have are going to do to assist our small busi- this is not a good process. We can and enduring support in this body for dec- nesses with additional rounds of PPP, we must do better with that. ades to come as it relates to our chal- to extensions to unemployment insur- Now, having said that, I am very lenges with China. ance, to what we can do with food as- proud of the Interior bill that we have I yield the floor. sistance, nutrition assistance, and built. I am proud of my staff. We were The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. what more might be done to help with a little bit leaner this year in terms of BOOZMAN). The Senator from Alaska. rental assistance. It was truly respon- our staffing, but with good leadership, f sive to the need. led by Emy Lesofski and Nona, as well Where we are today is having moved CORONAVIRUS as Lucas on the team, we were able to that conversation and that debate for- do the work that we needed to do and Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, ward, I think, in a constructive, in a in a way that I am proud of and proud this is the time of year when we all positive way. We are here with a pro- of their efforts. look forward to wrapping things up, as posal that looks different than what we There is so much that is wrapped up they say. had produced, but that is the nature of in this bigger, broader bill, and I think Many around the country, when they what happens in a body where you have it is going to almost be gaspworthy think about wrapping things up, think to come together to sort out the issues. when you see the 5,000-some-odd pages about presents that they are going to And what we will have is legislation I am told that we will have. put under the tree for their family. We that, again, like the CARES Act, is It is not only the appropriations. It is think about it as closing up business likely going to be proven imperfect, the COVID bills. It is the water re- for the balance of the year, and that is but we have to respond to the situation sources development bill, the WRDA really where we are. on the ground, whether it is in Alaska bill—very, very significant. There are Hopefully, in a couple hours here, the or whether it is in Arkansas, and we good bills from the Indian Affairs Com- House will proceed in taking up the cannot do it too soon. So this is going mittee that I have participated in, omnibus bill, along with the COVID re- to be key, and it is going to be critical. water bills that we have been working lief package, along with a host of other I am very pleased that legislation on. matters that the Congress has been that I had introduced that would ex- working to address in this past year. tend the coronavirus relief funding— But the one that I want to speak to I would like to speak this evening for the opportunity for States and local- a little more in detail this evening— a few moments on the significance of ities and Tribal governments to be able and I was hoping that my ranking where we are, but I want to start with to spend those funds down. Running up member, Senator MANCHIN, might be just a story that I just now received against the deadline here of the end of here on the floor, but not yet—but I from one of my staff people back in this year was a real concern for so wanted to speak about title Z in the Alaska, and she got a video from the many, and so that has been included as omnibus bill. medical staff at the Sub-Regional Clin- part of this bigger package, in addition Z, I just imagine that they put it at ic there at St. Mary’s. St. Mary’s is a to so much that is good. the end because they figured it was the small community up on the Yukon The carrier for all of this is the Om- best or maybe because they knew that River, and probably, I would say, 500 nibus appropriations bill. I have been the process that the Energy Act had people, maybe more, in St. Mary’s. But really pleased to be a member of the gone through had probably been more it is just a reminder to me that, re- Appropriations Committee. For some rigorous and lengthy than just about gardless of where you are, hope is com- years now, I have been chairing the Ap- anything out there. But Z we are at. ing with the vaccine. propriations Interior Subcommittee. I begin my comments with regard to The comment that she shared is this This is significant, certainly, for our this Energy Act that is contained in video, a pictorial of the health aides, State, with oversight of our public this bill by acknowledging that I am the PA—the physician’s assistant—and lands, and also of Native affairs, in- probably speaking on the floor for the personnel getting their COVID shots. cluding the EPA. It is a pretty broad last time as the chairman of the En- It was 13 degrees out. And the mobile portfolio. ergy and Natural Resources Committee office where the vaccine was adminis- We have been working on this duti- because I have hit my limit, if you will. tered was inside a chartered Cessna 208 fully as a subcommittee all year—all I have had the honor and the privilege Caravan sitting on the airport tarmac year. I certainly wish that I had had to be both the chairman and the rank- there in St. Mary’s. After the shot, she the opportunity to be able to bring my ing member on the Energy and Natural and her staff hung out in their heated bill—our bill—to the floor for full de- Resources Committee now for a total trucks for about a half an hour to see bate by all Members, and then we could of 12 years, which is pretty good. if they had any allergic reactions. move to the Ag bill, to the T-HUD bill, It is pretty good to be in a position When none showed signs, the Caravan to the Defense bill—do them all sepa- to be able to advance legislative policy. took off to the next village airport. rately. I have been very, very fortunate to It is just an example that no matter But for a host of different reasons— work with great members. Senator where you are, how remote you may most of them all come back to poli- Bingaman was the chairman when I be, the logistics that may be required tics—unfortunately, we have not been was his ranking and, of course, I was to provide for this hope that comes by able to do that. That is something that with Senator WYDEN as the ranking way of the vaccine. I regret. That is something that I member when he was chairman. I have People around the country are hope- would hope that we, as Members of the had the great privilege to work with ful. Our job now, as we wrap up, is to Senate, can say: We can do better. Senator CANTWELL when I was the make sure that we deliver this relief We pledge to do it better every year. chairman and now Senator MANCHIN. I quickly. We put our colleagues in a heck of a think about these past 2 years and I mention the COVID relief. I have spot. Not all of us are on the Appro- what we have been able to accomplish been fortunate to be teaming with a bi- priations Committee. Not all of us have and just kind of the recap of where we partisan, bicameral group of law- the privilege to be a chairman or a have been and how productive we have makers for the past 5 or 6 weeks to see ranking member and know the guts been as a panel.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.036 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7909 We started this Congress with pas- icy, so it was worth working on. I kept and the ranking member, FRANK sage of the John D. Dingell, Jr., Con- saying: Don’t count us out. Don’t write LUCAS. We could not have reached an servation, Management, and Recre- us off. agreement without their leadership ation Act. This is a bipartisan package Over the past few months, we found and their willingness to work together. of more than 120 different measures fo- that opening. We worked with really I also want to acknowledge and cused on public lands, natural re- good partners over on the House side thank Leader MCCONNELL and Senator sources, and water. over at Energy and Commerce and the SCHUMER for agreeing to work with us We had worked on a lands package House Science, Space, and Technology and help us secure this opening and throughout the last several months of Committee, and we wrote what we have this commitment. 2018. I want to give former Ranking called simply the Energy Act of 2020— I can’t remember how many times Member CANTWELL a real big shout-out pretty simple, pretty beautiful, in my Leader MCCONNELL had said: You here because her leadership was very opinion. know, LISA, you are probably going to key in that process. We weren’t able to But our Energy Act is included now figure out a way to pull a rabbit out of get it across the finish line at the end as division Z in the year-end omnibus. the hat here. And I don’t know if this of the last Congress, but we reintro- It provides for reforms and new au- is a rabbit out of the hat, but I think duced it in January of 2019. We passed thorities related to a range of emerging persistence certainly has paid off. So I it through the Senate in February, and technologies, including advanced nu- want to thank the teams who really the President signed it into law in clear; carbon capture, utilization, and helped to make this happen. March. That was a pretty good start— storage; carbon removal; renewables; In addition to a good energy bill, the 120 bipartisan bills. and energy storage. It reauthorizes year-end omnibus also includes the bi- These were bills, when you think programs that many of us are sup- partisan water package featuring nine about it, that related to national portive of and want to advance: Weath- provisions that are important to West- parks, to forests, to sportsmen’s ac- erization Assistance and ARPA-E. It ern States, such as Colorado, Montana, cess. We delivered on the Federal Gov- features the bulk of my language re- and Arizona. Lane Dickson on my En- ernment’s promises to Alaska Natives lated to critical minerals and mate- ergy Committee staff was fabulous who served during the Vietnam war. rials to help us rebuild our domestic there. We added a few more lands bills We permanently reauthorized the Land supply chains, which we know are so into the final package. Lucy and Annie and Water Conservation Fund, and we critical. It reflects our strong commit- helped us on that. We really have provided new authorities to help pro- ment to cleaner energy to help us ad- worked to advance so much out of the tect from natural hazards such as vol- dress climate change without raising committee. canic eruptions. I will note that the the cost of energy or imposing divisive All of these accomplishments—our Kilauea just erupted on the Big Island mandates. lands package, our energy package, our of Hawaii. I believe it was yesterday or So I would suggest to the Presiding water package, the lands bills that we the day before. So it is important to be Officer that this Energy bill is just the tried to add to everything that moved addressing our natural hazards. perfect bookend for this Congress. and occasionally passed by UC, and We did that at the beginning of the What started as a major lands package measures I haven’t spoken to, includ- Congress. Then Senator MANCHIN and I is now going to end with a major en- ing the Great American Outdoors Act— set our sights on something that hadn’t ergy package. Again, as I mentioned, it these are all the hallmarks of a highly been done in a long time, and that was has been since 2007. It is the first En- productive Congress and the Senate modernization of our Nation’s energy ergy bill—the energy side of the En- Energy and Natural Resources Com- policies to make real reforms and bring ergy and Natural Resources Com- mittee. I am pleased to have been able them in line with our current chal- mittee—the first Energy bill in almost to shepherd these measures into law. lenges and our opportunities. So we 13 years. It was President George W. But what I am proud of—more than started with some very broad—very Bush who signed the last one on De- any piece of legislation, more than broad-based—hearings and then took a cember 19, 2007. anything out there in the time that I very specific and deep dive into some of So I want to thank Ranking Member have been able to lead this committee, the issues and the technologies. MANCHIN for his leadership on the en- what I am most proud of is the bipar- Then we started moving bills. We ergy package, as well as all of the com- tisan way in which this committee has were negotiating and we were reporting mittee members who contributed to it. operated. Our commitment to biparti- dozens of bills as part of our regular We had great help within our com- sanship has produced continually good order committee process. Knowing how mittee. We had great help within this results for our country. things work around here, we knew we body. At last count we were looking at What I found as ranking member and weren’t going to be able to move them input and contributions from some 70 now as chairman is that there is sim- each individually as stand-alone bills, different Members. ply no substitute for working together so we wrapped them up into a broader I also want to acknowledge the ex- and across party lines to find agree- bill. We called it the American Energy traordinary work of the staffs. I had ment wherever it is possible. Innovation Act. the opportunity to give a tribute to my So I thank Senator MANCHIN for fol- We brought that bill to the floor in staff director, Brian Hughes, who is lowing that same approach, to our February. We were going just great. We leaving after many years on the com- committee colleagues for their own bi- were working through, and it was kind mittee. He did a fabulous job of advanc- partisanship and collegiality, to our of nice, again, to be the first bill on the ing this, as did Spencer Nelson, Pat House colleagues who have helped us floor when we began our legislative McCormick, Annie Hoefler, Lucy with that. business. And we stalled out. We were Murfitt. There were so many others. I see that my friend from the great interrupted. We were taken off the That team was extraordinary. State of Washington and Pacific North- track by an unrelated dispute over a But they were joined by an extraor- west is here, and I want Senator CANT- measure that is jurisdictional to an- dinary team that Senator MANCHIN WELL to know that as I have spoken of other committee, and this was just at had, led by his staff director, Renae the accomplishments of the Energy and the start of the global coronavirus pan- Black, and other individuals there who Natural Resources Committee, I am demic. really helped us advance this—Sam very thankful and appreciative of her But I said: We are not done. We are Fowler and so many. We can’t thank leadership and what she has provided not stopping just because we hit a them enough. over the years. Working together with roadblock here. We are going to keep I also want to really give sincere her team, we have accomplished good working. thanks to our House partners because things for the right reasons. We kept working. We kept working, they were this ‘‘six corner’’ working I yield the floor. and we kept looking for a way to pass group here: FRANK PALLONE, the chair- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the first major Energy bill since 2007— man at Energy and Commerce and the ator from Washington is recognized. and 2007 is a long time that we hadn’t ranking member, GREG WALDEN; the Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, if I updated and reworked our energy pol- Science chairwoman, BERNICE JOHNSON, can just congratulate my colleague

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.038 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 from Alaska and the ranking member, NAYS—46 NOT VOTING—6 Senator MANCHIN, for their great work Baldwin Heinrich Sanders Enzi Loeffler Perdue of getting these energy provisions that Bennet Hirono Schatz Harris Manchin Rounds have been—I don’t know how many Blumenthal Jones Schumer Booker Kaine Shaheen The motion was agreed to. Members, but I am sure just about Brown Kelly Sinema CLOTURE MOTION Cantwell King every Member in our body has had Smith The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant something to do with it and a lot of ac- Cardin Klobuchar Stabenow Carper Leahy Tester to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the tual individual legislation. So this was Casey Markey Udall Senate the pending cloture motion, a long effort by our colleague, the Coons Menendez Van Hollen which the clerk will state. chair of the committee, and I thank Cortez Masto Merkley Warner The senior assistant legislative clerk her for her diligence on this. She has Duckworth Murphy Durbin Murray Warren read as follows: had many of us up to Alaska to look at Feinstein Peters Whitehouse hydropower and alternative resources Gillibrand Reed Wyden CLOTURE MOTION and how their grid needs better Hassan Rosen We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- connectivity and products that can NOT VOTING—6 ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby withstand and provide energy in sub- Enzi Loeffler Perdue move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- zero weather and all sorts of challenges Harris Manchin Rounds nation of Eric J. Soskin, of Virginia, to be that they face. The motion was agreed to. Inspector General, Department of Transpor- But, clearly, these tools that will be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- tation. in this legislation will move us for- jority leader is recognized. Mitch McConnell, Lamar Alexander, Rick Scott, Tom Cotton, Mike Crapo, ward. So thank you and thanks to Sen- MOTION TO RECONSIDER ator MANCHIN for working so diligently Cory Gardner, Ron Johnson, James Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I to get this finally over the goal line. It Lankford, Roger F. Wicker, Marco move to reconsider the vote for which Rubio, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Thom Tillis, is a big moment. Thank you. cloture was not invoked on the nomi- Shelley Moore Capito, John Boozman, I yield the floor. nation of Eric J. Soskin, and I ask for Joni Ernst, Mike Braun, Pat Roberts. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- the yeas and nays. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- jority leader is recognized. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a imous consent, the mandatory quorum f sufficient second? call has been waived. There appears to be a sufficient sec- The question is, Is it the sense of the ond. Senate that debate on the nomination The clerk will call the roll. of Eric J. Soskin, of Virginia, to be In- The bill clerk called the roll. spector General, Department of Trans- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—MOTION Mr. THUNE. The following Senators portation, shall be brought to a close? TO PROCEED are necessarily absent: the Senator The yeas and nays are mandatory Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I from Wyoming (Mr. ENZI), the Senator under the rule. move to proceed to the motion to re- from Georgia (Mrs. LOEFFLER), the The clerk will call the roll. consider the vote by which cloture was Senator from Georgia (Mr. PERDUE), The senior assistant legislative clerk not invoked on the nomination of Eric and the Senator from South Dakota called the roll. J. Soskin. (Mr. ROUNDS). Mr. THUNE. The following Senators I ask for the yeas and nays. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the are necessarily absent: the Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) from Wyoming (Mr. ENZI), the Senator sufficient second? and the Senator from West Virginia from Georgia (Mrs. LOEFFLER), the There appears to be a sufficient sec- (Mr. MANCHIN) are necessarily absent. Senator from Georgia (Mr. PERDUE), ond. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there and the Senator from South Dakota The clerk will call the roll. any other Senators in the Chamber de- (Mr. ROUNDS). The legislative clerk called the roll. siring to vote? Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Mr. THUNE. The following Senators The result was announced—yeas 48, Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS), are necessarily absent: the Senator nays 46, as follows: the Senator from Virginia (Mr. KAINE), from Wyoming (Mr. ENZI), the Senator [Rollcall Vote No. 286 Ex.] the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. from Georgia (Mrs. LOEFFLER), the YEAS—48 MANCHIN), and the Senator from Senator from Georgia (Mr. PERDUE), Alexander Ernst Paul Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) are necessarily and the Senator from South Dakota Barrasso Fischer Portman absent. (Mr. ROUNDS). Blackburn Gardner Risch The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Blunt Graham Roberts Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Boozman Grassley Romney any other Senators in the Chamber de- Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) Braun Hawley Rubio siring to vote? and the Senator from West Virginia Burr Hoeven Sasse The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 48, (Mr. MANCHIN) are necessarily absent. Capito Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) Cassidy Inhofe Scott (SC) nays 44, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Collins Johnson Shelby [Rollcall Vote No. 287 Ex.] any other Senators in the Chamber de- Cornyn Kennedy Sullivan YEAS—48 siring to vote? Cotton Lankford Thune Cramer Lee Tillis Alexander Ernst Paul The result was announced—yeas 48, Crapo McConnell Toomey Barrasso Fischer Portman nays 46, as follows: Cruz Moran Wicker Blackburn Gardner Risch [Rollcall Vote No. 285 Leg.] Daines Murkowski Young Blunt Graham Roberts Boozman Grassley Romney YEAS—48 NAYS—46 Braun Hawley Rubio Alexander Ernst Paul Baldwin Heinrich Sanders Burr Hoeven Sasse Barrasso Fischer Portman Bennet Hirono Schatz Capito Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) Blackburn Gardner Risch Blumenthal Jones Schumer Cassidy Inhofe Scott (SC) Blunt Graham Roberts Booker Kaine Shaheen Collins Johnson Shelby Boozman Grassley Romney Brown Kelly Sinema Cornyn Kennedy Sullivan Cotton Lankford Thune Braun Hawley Rubio Cantwell King Smith Cramer Lee Tillis Burr Hoeven Sasse Cardin Klobuchar Stabenow Crapo McConnell Toomey Capito Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) Carper Leahy Tester Cassidy Inhofe Scott (SC) Casey Markey Cruz Moran Wicker Udall Collins Johnson Shelby Coons Menendez Daines Murkowski Young Van Hollen Cornyn Kennedy Sullivan Cortez Masto Merkley Warner Cotton Lankford Thune Duckworth Murphy NAYS—44 Cramer Lee Tillis Durbin Murray Warren Baldwin Brown Casey Crapo McConnell Toomey Feinstein Peters Whitehouse Bennet Cantwell Coons Cruz Moran Wicker Gillibrand Reed Wyden Blumenthal Cardin Cortez Masto Daines Murkowski Young Hassan Rosen Booker Carper Duckworth

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.039 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7911 Durbin Markey Sinema lina,’’ while simultaneously blocking I thank the Lumbee people for their Feinstein Menendez Smith the Lumbees from accessing Federal patience, but, quite honestly, when you Gillibrand Merkley Stabenow Hassan Murphy Tester services and benefits available to other are talking about the ninth largest Heinrich Murray Udall federally recognized Tribes. It is noth- Tribe east of the —I Hirono Peters Van Hollen ing short of discrimination. am sorry—the ninth largest in the Na- Jones Reed Warner To put this in context, four other tion and the largest Tribe east of the Kelly Rosen Warren King Schatz Tribes were terminated by Congress in Whitehouse Mississippi River, a Tribe that has been Klobuchar Schumer Wyden 1956, like the Lumbees. All have had seeking recognition since 1888—they Leahy Shaheen their Federal recognition status re- were recognized as Indian by the State NOT VOTING—8 stored. Only the Lumbees have yet to of North Carolina in 1885. In 1956, they Enzi Loeffler Rounds receive the full Federal recognition were partially recognized. Harris Manchin Sanders they deserve. As a matter of fact, in We heard a unanimous vote coming Kaine Perdue 2018, this Senate recognized Indian out of the House. They were prepared The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Tribes. In 2019, seven Tribes in Virginia to provide recognition. In November, vote, the yeas are 48, the nays are 44. were recognized by this Congress and we heard President Trump and Vice Upon reconsideration, the motion is this Senate. President Biden both say they support agreed to. It is unfortunate while the Lumbee recognition. So we are so close. The Senator from North Carolina. Tribe is incredibly resilient, decades of There is a compelling case. It is a UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 1964 discrimination have caused severe eco- century in the making. And the fact Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I rise and nomic consequences for the people. that we couldn’t get this through today in a moment I will ask unanimous con- Robeson is one of the poorest counties when it passed unanimously out of the sent to right a wrong that has lingered in the United States. The 1956 law has House just a month ago I think is a for over a century and to call up and put them on an unequal footing com- shame. pass H.R. 1964, the Lumbee Recognition pared to other federally recognized I appreciate Senator BURR for his pa- Act. Prior to that, I want to say that I Tribes and has prevented them from tience and his tenacity. We are not am honored, with my colleague Sen- obtaining access to critical services going to let this go. Hopefully, it gets ator TILLIS, to represent the Lumbee through the Bureau of Indian Affairs done tonight, but we have to recognize people. and the Indian Health Service. This is that the Lumbee people deserve rec- The Lumbee are the largest Native simply unjust and it is immoral. ognition, they deserve respect. They To correct this injustice, since 1987, American Tribe east of the Mississippi have been fighting for it for a century, members of North Carolina’s congres- River, with a membership of over and I am going to fight for it as long as sional delegation from both sides of the 60,000. They have called the present- I am in the U.S. Senate. aisle have repeatedly come together to day counties of Robeson, Scotland, I yield the floor. introduce the Lumbee Recognition Act, Hoke, and Cumberland their home in Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I thank my which would grant full Federal recogni- North Carolina. They have been a cohe- colleague, and I reiterate that if for tion to the Tribe. sive part of the community in North some reason there is an objection—and Carolina for centuries, and they have Over the past 11 years, I have been proud to be the lead sponsor of this leg- I think there will be tonight—either developed unique Tribal instructions islation in the Senate, and it has al- before we swear in a new Congress or that have served their membership well ways been a bipartisan effort. after we swear in a new Congress, I in the face of extraordinary adversity. This year, the bill was led by a promise my colleagues that this place They have been teachers, farmers, Democratic Member of the House of will come to a grinding halt, and we doctors, small business owners, sher- Representatives, G. K. BUTTERFIELD, will take up through regular order the iffs, clerks of court, State legislators, and supported by Congressman HUDSON Lumbee Recognition Act. We will de- and judges. Many have protected our and Congressman BISHOP, both Repub- bate it for as long as people want to, Nation by serving in the Armed Forces. licans. Last month, the House passed and we will make the case as to why Their contribution to their commu- the Lumbee Recognition bill by voice this discrimination is despicable. nity, to the State of North Carolina, vote unanimously. Let me say that So, at this time, as if in legislative and to the country is innumerable. again—by voice vote unanimously. session, I ask unanimous consent that Their commitment to education is You would think that this great de- the Committee on Indian Affairs be dis- unparalleled. In the 1800s, the State au- liberative body could process and un- charged from further consideration of thorized the Tribe to run the State’s derstand the—really the discrimination H.R. 1964 and the Senate proceed to its school district for Lumbee children. that is going on here to these folks. immediate consideration. I ask unani- The State also authorized the opening People claim that the Lumbees are not mous consent that the bill be consid- of a specially advanced Indian school a Tribe. Yet read the statistics—it is ered read a third time and passed and known as the Normal School to train the largest Tribe east of the Mississippi that the motion to reconsider be con- teachers to teach in Lumbee Indian River. I think they finally educated the sidered made and laid upon the table. schools. Although the State provided House. But despite the overwhelming The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there no money for construction for the fa- support for doing the right thing, Con- objection? cilities, the Lumbees pulled together gress has yet to actually do it. The Senator from Montana. and constructed an Indian Normal The time for excuses is over. The Mr. TESTER. I object. School of their own. Since then, the In- time for action is now. It is time to fi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- dian school has been in operation con- nally do what should have been done tion is heard. tinuously. Today it is the University of 130 years ago. It is time for the Federal Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I thank my North Carolina at Pembroke. Government to recognize the Lumbees colleagues for their time tonight, and I The State of North Carolina recog- for the Tribe they are. urge all of our colleagues to prepare. nized the Lumbee Tribe in 1885. Three I have had a great partner in Senator This will be back up. years later, the Tribe began its quest TILLIS, and I would yield to him for I yield the floor. for full recognition. Over the next 50 any comments he would like to make. f years, they repeatedly petitioned the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Federal Government for assistance but ator from North Carolina. to no avail. Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I thank The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Then, during the height of the Senator BURR for his leadership and clerk will report the nomination. shameful termination era, Congress leaning into this for many years before The legislative clerk read the nomi- passed the Lumbee Act of 1956. This I even joined the Senate. nation of Eric J. Soskin, of Virginia, to partial recognition designated the I thank Senator Dole for filing this be Inspector General, Department of Lumbees residing in Robeson and ad- bill that actually even had Senator Transportation. joining counties of North Carolina as MCCONNELL’s cosponsorship many, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the ‘‘Lumbee Indians of North Caro- many years ago. ator from New Jersey.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.010 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—EXECUTIVE Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, I just when asked about just these routine CALENDAR want to say I appreciate my friend and issues. Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, I appre- my colleague, and truly, when he in- The incoming administration has an ciate the recognition. I ask unanimous voked the spirit of cooperation and the enormous task. We know the chal- consent that the Committee on For- spirit of bipartisanship, I felt lucky lenges in that region. In the entire eign Relations be discharged and the that he didn’t invoke the spirit of State Department, there have been Senate proceed to the en bloc consider- Christmas as well. challenges as well. We should give that ation of the following nominations: Mr. RISCH. I would like to amend. new administration a chance and not PN1938, PN2024, PN2101, PN2030, and Mr. BOOKER. But I do want to let promote someone for what is a really PN2025; that the Senate vote on the him know that, indeed, the five people critical ambassadorship in a very com- nominations en bloc with no inter- are nonpolitical individuals with the plex and challenging region. We need vening action or debate; that if con- State Department. I wish we could just to make sure that we have someone firmed, the motions to reconsider be move them and get confirmed. But I do prominent in the role who can com- considered made and laid upon the have an objection to the sixth that he mand the confidence of State Depart- table en bloc and the President be im- would seek to add, so I will not modify ment officials, and that, in many ways, mediately notified of the Senate’s ac- my request. gives the incoming administration a tion. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there chance to deal with that vacancy, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the original request? which has been, I will note, vacant for objection? Mr. RISCH. I object. 2 years without a nomination. The Senator from Idaho. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- He clearly does not have the tem- Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, reserving tion is heard. perament or the track record of stand- the right to object, first of all, let me The Senator from New Jersey. ing up for his own employees or for the say to my dear friend from New Jersey, Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, it is I fully agree with the five nominees he institution of the State Department. good to see you in that seat, sir. The We should be doing everything in our has put in front of the Senate. Indeed, post of Ambassador to Pakistan is one power to restore credibility to Amer- we had good confirmation hearings on that is highly relevant to American na- ican leadership, not just overall in the all five of those, and none of these tional securities, as I think all 100 of us world stage, which I know we all agree five—other than the one I am going to understand. The person selected to im- the talk about in a second—are polit- on, but also in that region, and work to plement the U.S. foreign policy and en- ical appointments. These are career repair a lot of the harm that this indi- gage diplomatically with the Pakistani people who have had long and distin- vidual may have been involved in cre- Government must be someone who un- guished service with the Secretary of ating that hurt morale so much. derstands that American-Pakistani re- I have a lot of confidence in the State, and they are all very legitimate lationship and the complex and evolv- appointees to the places they are ap- chairman’s leadership. We have a com- ing challenges to regional stability in pointed to, which I am going to reit- mittee that often works in a bipartisan South Asia. That person must also be erate here in just a minute. manner, and I am grateful for that. It In any event, one was left off the list. someone who can be trusted by the is one of the pleasures I have in serving American people and by their col- I know Senator BOOKER had some in the Senate. This role is critical to issues with that, but I think, in the leagues at the State Department to the country—the U.S. Ambassador to spirit of cooperation and in the spirit carry out U.S. foreign policy decisions. Pakistan. Ambassador Hale left the of bipartisanship, he offers five, and I Unfortunately, there is a disturbing post in September of 2018, and it was a will offer a compromise of one more. I and documented pattern of behavior year before the administration nomi- think that is absolutely fair—five for from Mr. Todd that I believe makes nated someone to the post. So, again, I one. him unqualified to serve as our Ambas- just find it, on top of my previous re- But I object, and indeed I would ask sador to Pakistan. marks, odd that the chairman and oth- unanimous consent that we do as sug- From 2017 to 2019, Mr. Todd served in ers are now saying that we need this gested by Senator BOOKER, and that is a variety of management positions at Ambassador now. I believe that is not discharge from the committee and ap- the State Department, including as the case, and I believe that there prove the following six nominations: Acting Director General and Assistant hasn’t been an urgency from the ad- PN1938, Mr. Kevin Blackstone, Class of Secretary for Human Resources and as ministration to fill this ambassador- Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Acting Under Secretary for Manage- ship until today. to the Democratic Republic of Timor- ment. So it is for these reasons that I op- Leste; PN2024, Ms. Cynthia Kierscht, During that time, the House Com- pose Mr. Todd’s nomination, and I hope Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador mittee on Foreign Affairs and the Sen- that my colleague will move the other to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania; ate Foreign Relations Committee five. They are deserving Foreign Serv- PN2101, Mr. Brian D. McFeeters, Class opened investigations into allegations ice officers and should be confirmed. of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambas- that senior State Department officials, They should not be held up because of sador to Malaysia; PN2025, the Honor- including Mr. Todd, were engaging in objections to the nominee we have been able Geeta Pasi, Class of Career Min- prohibited personnel practices against discussing. ister, to be Ambassador to the Federal other members of the State Depart- So we agree on these five nominees. I Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; ment’s career workforce. truly urge my colleague that we should PN2030, the Honorable David Reimer, As a result of these investigations, not obstruct them because of our dif- Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador multiple State Department officials ferences over one. There is a true ur- to the Republic of Sierra Leone; and fi- told the committees that the adminis- gency, I believe, in this season to get nally, William E. Todd, PN1598, to be tration wanted to punish career offi- what we can agree on done, and dis- Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of cials at the State Department often for agreement rooted as substantially as I Pakistan. doing their jobs, for following proce- believe this one is should not hold up As I said, none of these are political. dures and protocols, and also punish the other ones. That is why I think the They have all had long and distin- them for just raising concerns about nominees to Ethiopia, Mauritania, Ma- guished careers with the State Depart- policies that they believed sincerely laysia, and Sierra Leone—I do really ment. They all have great backgrounds would be dangerous or deleterious to believe they should be confirmed to be Ambassadors, and I appreciate American interests. today. Senator BOOKER helping me move all Mr. Todd was one of the people polit- I yield the floor. six of these forward. ical appointees turned to to help carry The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- With that, I ask unanimous consent out a lot of those actions. When asked ator from Idaho. that all six of those be discharged and about those allegations in the House Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, I thank be considered and passed. Committee on Foreign Affairs, it was Senator BOOKER for his kind words The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the reported clearly that he was unreason- about the committee. I want to com- Senator so modify? ably agitated, even raising his voice mit that we will continue to work in a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.047 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7913 bipartisan fashion. On the other hand, clude environmental innovation provi- HFC chemicals when substitute chemi- we have a disagreement here regarding sions in this government funding bill. cals are less effective. Some examples this particular person. He is a well- The environmental innovation agree- including bear spray. We use it in Wyo- qualified career State Department ments include three specific bills that ming. I know they use it in Alaska. It nominee. He has been nominated, of will significantly reduce greenhouse protects hikers. It is also used in fire course, to be Ambassador of Pakistan. gases. I have had the privilege of work- suppression systems on planes that Ambassador Todd is a career member ing closely with my friend, the com- protect travelers. And we need it. of senior executive service. He is well mittee ranking member, I know in my hometown of Casper, qualified to serve as the Ambassador. from Delaware, on each of these three. the defense spray manufacturer, the He is currently serving as the Deputy The first is called the USE IT Act. Safariland Group, employs about 75 Under Secretary of State for Manage- This legislation ensures that Wash- people. They use HFC chemicals to ment. He has a wealth of experience, ington is a willing partner in the re- make defense sprays. It is a critically having previously served as Ambas- search and the development of carbon important part of their business. sador twice, to Cambodia and Brunei. capture technologies and projects. Car- If they were forced to use replace- His qualifications notwithstanding, bon capture holds the key to signifi- ment chemicals, those sprays would be now is really not the time to leave the cant carbon emission reductions. These far less effective. Well, if you are ambassadorship and the mission in captured emissions can be used to cre- around a bear, you want to make sure Islamabad vacant. ate building materials, medical sup- you have the most effective spray The others we have are also good. I plies, even clothing. They can also be available. So with the changes we have don’t think that it is unfair to ask that used to extract more natural resources negotiated into this important bill, we have a trade of five for one. to provide more energy for all of us. companies like the Safariland Group In any event, we respectfully dis- The USE IT Act is going to expedite will be able to continue making high- agree at this point. I have no doubt, as permitting so that important carbon quality products that people want and we move forward, we will have other capture projects can get moving. It people need and that can save their things we do agree on, but at this time, supports the research and the use of lives. I am going to continue to object to the carbon capture. It includes direct air We also made sure that the manufac- five. capture—actually, carbon dioxide from turers using these chemicals have a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the atmosphere—that will take carbon clear set of rules to go by—one clear ator from Wyoming. emissions straight out of the air. It is set of rules to go by. So our agreement preempts State and local laws to en- NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT very innovative. Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I This kind of research is now already sure that the specific essentials that come to the floor today to discuss crit- happening in my home State of Wyo- are being used are protected. Now the manufacturers won’t have to ical parts of today’s funding bill that is ming, in Gillette, WY, at the Inte- deal with different sets of rules in dif- before us this week. These are the re- grated Test Center, which is associated ferent States, which has been a real sult of bipartisan work that we have with the University of Wyoming School problem. This clears that up. The end done. And the Presiding Officer is a of Energy Resources. result is clean air and clear rules. We member of the Environment and Public I have worked closely with Senators need both of those. WHITEHOUSE and CAPITO and CARPER on Works Committee, a valued member I really want to thank Ranking Mem- who has contributed significantly to the USE IT Act in having it passed, ber CARPER, Senator JOHN KENNEDY of the legislation before us. first, through our committee, then for working with me to As chairman of that committee, I am through the full Senate, and tonight, reach an agreement that will reduce so grateful for your participation be- in a bill that will be ultimately sent to the use of HFC chemicals while pro- cause I am going to talk about some the President of the United States for tecting consumers and manufacturers things that we have been able to do on his signature. alike. the Environment and Public Works The second measure, part of this in- All of these three measures support Committee together and in a bipar- novative work, is a bill sponsored by market innovation. All three will re- tisan way. You have done such a re- Ranking Member CARPER to reauthor- duce greenhouse gases, and they will do markable job with the Save Our Seas ize the Diesel Emissions Reduction it in ways that will not harm the econ- legislation, and we continue to support Act. omy. that. This program has already signifi- The government funding bill that we Now I am going to talk about a cou- cantly reduced the amount of black are going to be addressing a little later ple of additional things that are part of carbon in our air by replacing older en- this evening also includes bipartisan this end-of-the-year legislation that we gines in buses—school buses and trucks water infrastructure legislation. I will be voting on later this evening. and other vehicles. This is working know in the Presiding Officer’s home The first is historic, bipartisan cli- well. These replacement engines make State of Alaska and in my home State mate innovation legislation. The sec- diesel equipment cleaner and more effi- of Wyoming, water is critical, as it is ond is comprehensive legislation to up- cient. across the entire country. But you and grade America’s water infrastructure. The legislation that we will reau- I have focused specifically on this. So I want to talk about two different thorize this evening sees that this im- Certainly, in Wyoming, dams, levees, things: One is the climate innovation portant program will then continue all ports, reservoirs, and water systems legislation and then what is commonly the way through the end of 2024. are important to every community all known as the WRDA bill, the Water The last element of our bipartisan across the country. The infrastructure Resources Development Act. Both of agreement will phase down the use of is critical. People say the word is ‘‘in- these measures passed the committee chemicals known as HFCs. These frastructure,’’ but when we think about with unanimous bipartisan support. chemicals are in every home in Amer- it, what it really means is dams, ports, The Republicans and Democrats on ica, from cars to refrigerators to air reservoirs, levees, and water systems. this committee have worked together conditioners. That really, I think, shows more what to reduce emissions and to do it This agreement is going to authorize we are talking about than just this through innovation—not taxation, not a 15-year phasedown on the production overall word ‘‘infrastructure.’’ regulation, but do it through innova- of these chemicals. Innovative break- It protects all of us from dangerous tion—free market innovation, not pun- throughs in chemistry have led to the floods and storms, while also providing ishing government regulations. I be- development of cleaner replacement water for our families and our farms. lieve that is the best way to go as we chemicals. This legislation tonight will The government spending bill to- address the challenges of our environ- help protect our air while keeping night includes the Water Resources De- ment and our climate. costs down for the American people. velopment Act of 2020. It is the result We have reached a historic agree- Importantly, the agreement, the bi- of months of negotiations between ment in the committee, and we will on partisan agreement we have come up committee leaders from the Senate and the floor tonight in the Senate, to in- with, safeguards the essential use of the House of Representatives.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.048 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 The bipartisan legislation is fiscally volvement, I want to thank every President Obama, for example? Would responsible. It helps grow the economy; member of the Environment and Public there be more than 10 statements or 11 it cuts redtape; and it makes our com- Works Committee, and specifically the or 12? This should be categorically, munities safer. It will spur economic ranking member, TOM CARPER—whose roundly condemned by every U.S. Sen- growth by creating jobs and by author- staff has worked so closely with mine— ator of either party. izing vital projects. for working with me on this bill. I am These hacks renew the urgency for In my home State of Wyoming and so grateful for his partnership as we additional resources for defensive across the Rocky Mountain West, ac- have worked together over the last 4 cyber security across our government. cess to consistent water supply is es- years as I served as chair and he served This need is not a new one. In fact, the sential for ranchers and farmers. The as ranking member. We have not al- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Secu- water that we need in our home States ways agreed on every issue, but we rity Agency, known as CISA, C-I-S-A, to grow crops and raise cattle has to be have respected the positions of each of was stood up within the Department of delivered on time. us. We have worked and found common Homeland Security in 2018 precisely to In several communities, the water ground, found solutions, and I believe shore up the U.S. Government’s de- reservoirs that serve farmers and made a real difference for the economy fenses against such hacks, such intru- ranchers happen to be old. These aging and, most importantly here, the envi- sions. reservoirs and irrigation systems need ronment. However, as we all know, just days maintenance or full rebuilding. This Thank you. after the 2020 Presidential election, bill makes these projects a significant I yield the floor. President Trump fired CISA’s Director, priority. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Chris Krebs, for contradicting the The legislation will also establish a DAINES). The Senator from Pennsyl- President’s own false claims regarding new Army Corps of Engineers program vania. the election. for construction of new, small water Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I ask The President has failed to take this storage projects or the expansion of ex- unanimous consent to speak as in hack, this attack on our security, this morning business. isting ones. It will also authorize the attack on our government seriously. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Army Corps of Engineers to carry out This hack raises serious questions objection, it is so ordered. sediment removal projects in water about the nature of cyber espionage CYBER SECURITY reservoirs. This improves water qual- and what constitutes hostile acts by Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I rise ity, and it increases water quantity. another country. today to express concern over a monu- The bill authorizes projects to main- These are questions I look forward to mental breach to the Nation’s national tain shipping lanes, to deepen ports, to exploring as we learn more about the security infrastructure. upgrade aging dams, and to increase Last week, the Washington Post, scope and nature of this latest breach. water storage across the West. Main- among other publications, reported While both of our countries certainly tained shipping lanes ensure that hacks of several government agencies engage in espionage, we must be vigi- American-made goods are shipped from by way of the SolarWinds platform lant in the protection of our own data the heartland to the coasts and around over several months. and technology from foreign inter- the world. Deepened ports result in in- , on the 17th of ference, and we need to hear more from creased commerce. If our major ports this month, had a headline that in- Senators on both sides of the aisle are dredged and deep, then more ships cluded these words: ‘‘Officials Warn of about this attack. can use them to export more goods. ‘Grave Risk.’ ’’ But in that report, the The second and related issue is the These projects that we are getting New York Times indicated that at reporting just in the last day or so, re- ready to adopt tonight will all create least 40 companies, government agen- ports that the President may be seek- jobs and expand commerce in Amer- cies, and think tanks had been infil- ing to invoke the Insurrection Act to ica’s cities and the heartland. To en- trated. The infiltrated agencies include impose martial law and refuse to step sure these important projects get mov- the Departments of Defense, State, down from the Presidency next month. ing, the bill cuts redtape to speed up Homeland Security, Treasury, Com- The reporting indicates that these dis- the Army Corps of Engineers’ process. merce, Energy, and Energy’s National cussions took place in the Oval Office. The Water Resources Development Nuclear Security Administration, as I would argue—I think most Ameri- Act is going to expedite the permit- well as the National Institutes of cans would argue—that even the mere ting, the construction, the repair, and Health. That is about seven different discussion of martial law, the mere the maintenance of many Army Corps entities, if you include the Department mention of it, the mere invocation of projects. Communities can’t afford to of Energy as one entity, in the hacking the whole notion of martial law is both wait years and years for flood manage- of different parts of the Department, harmful and dangerous. ment or water storage projects to be and there could be more. Republican Senators, so far, have not completed. They need them now. All the reporting indicates that the condemned these actions that bla- Finally, this legislation will make hackers are affiliated with Russian in- tantly violate democratic norms. communities safer. The critical infra- telligence. Russia has proven itself Maybe one, maybe two—I hope that structure projects included here will both capable and willing to invade and number grows as well—but the silence help prevent damaging floods by main- exploit our digital infrastructure for from the majority party in the Senate taining dams and levees. Floods can its own ends. on this report is deafening. I would take a terrible toll in property damage While Secretary of State Mike hope that every Senator would roundly and on human life. Pompeo confirmed that Russia was be- condemn the mere mention of martial The legislation allows the Army hind this damaging breach of our sys- law. Corps of Engineers to focus efforts on tems, President Trump is casting Attempting to seize election ma- fixing aging flood management infra- doubt—and that might be an under- chines—that would be the effect of the structure. It prioritizes the dams and statement. invocation of martial law if it were levees most at risk. Even in the waning days of his ad- operationalized—election machines in I would like to really thank the ministration, our national security a number of States seized by the gov- House Transportation and Infrastruc- continues to suffer at the hands of the ernment of the United States. ture Committee chairman, PETER President’s deference to Vladimir I have got to ask the question: In DEFAZIO, and the ranking member, Putin. America? In the United States of SAM GRAVES, for working with us to I have to say for the record, I hope America? Is that what the White House get this legislation to the finish line. this number changes, but only about 10 is really discussing? I want to thank Infrastructure Sub- Republican Senators have expressed All that America expects—and it is committee Chair CAPITO and Ranking concerns. I hope that number grows ex- not much—is that Senators of both Member CARDIN for their work as well. ponentially in the next couple of days. parties would condemn, in the strong- I say to the Presiding Officer, as I I have to ask: What if this breach oc- est possible terms, even the discussion wrap this up and thank you for your in- curred under a Democratic President— of martial law.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.050 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7915 The Army Secretary and the Army the rise due to the economic impact of have come through the Environment Chief of Staff released a joint state- the pandemic. and Public Works Committee: the ment clarifying, based on these dan- There is a lot in here that is positive water resources act, the USE IT Act, gerous actions proposed by the Presi- for American families, for workers, for the act called DERA to eliminate and dent’s team, that ‘‘there is no role for small businesses, and for so many reduce emissions from diesels, as well the U.S. military in determining the other needs. It took way too long. This as additional legislation on HFCs. outcome of an American election.’’ is months overdue. There are gaps in My partner in all of those is here on It is hard to believe that those offi- it. the floor now, and I would just like to cials in our government who help de- I think this is a 3-month bill to help ask him if he would—since he has been fend our country would even have to folks get through January, February, such a great partner for the last 4 years say that based upon what the reporting and March. I think we will need an- that I have chaired the committee— indicates. other bill after that. And, obviously, I talk about this as an accomplishment So I hope that, even in this holiday am very disappointed we don’t have for the environment, for the com- season, it is made very clear by every dollars in here to help nursing homes, mittee, and for the Senate and for the Member of the U.S. Senate that this which I fought very hard for. We will country. will not be tolerated and has to be con- keep up that fight. So I am just kind of curious, from his demned. We can’t just say: Oh, well, it It doesn’t have the direct help to standpoint, where he sees things as a is another outrage, another insult. It State and local governments, even sign of success. should be condemned, just like the ac- though there are provisions that will Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, if my tions of the Russian Government help States but not nearly enough. colleague will yield. should be condemned as well. So it is far, far from perfect, but I As Senator CASEY leaves, I thought f think it is important that we pass it to his point about longest night and every provide direct help to people who have day that follows will be brighter, and CORONAVIRUS challenges, whether it is with employ- some of the provisions that Senator Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I just ment or running a small business or BARRASSO and I, along with JOHN want to make a couple of brief com- supporting their families. NEELY KENNEDY, have included in the ments about the legislation we are The last point I will make on this is Nation’s major budget piece of legisla- going to be voting on, we hope, to- that we gather here today—and we tion ensure that it will be brighter. night. hope the vote will be tonight before One of the pieces of legislation, as I will talk about, for purposes of midnight, but we don’t know. But it is Senator BARRASSO knows, deals with time, not the spending bill or the just ironic that today is the 21st of De- the phasedown of HFCs, spending portion, the so-called omni- cember, the winter solstice, the dark- hydrofluorocarbons. They are 1,000 bus. I will talk about the COVID–19 re- est day of the year. times worse for climate change than lief provisions. I won’t go through all I was noting this weekend Elizabeth carbon dioxide. Under the legislation of them, obviously, but there is a lot of Dias wrote an op-ed, a very thoughtful that we have offered, it will phase good news for many Americans in this op-ed, in the New York Times about down their utilization over the next 15 legislation. winter and all of the ways different years by 85 percent. What is that The consensus on unemployment cultures have dealt with the darkness worth? It is worth a half a degree Cel- benefits will help a lot of Americans: and the severity of winter. But here is sius—just this one thing, just this one $300 per week for all Americans receiv- what she says, and I hope it provides a provision. ing unemployment benefits through context for what we are about to pass A lot of people on this planet think March 14. The Pandemic Unemploy- and what we must do in the months the biggest challenge that we face on ment Assistance Program is extended ahead when the virus is still raging and this planet right now, an existential to help self-employed individuals, gig the death number keeps climbing. Here threat, is the fact that our planet is workers, and others in nontraditional is what Elizabeth Dias says: getting warmer and that we need to do employment. The great irony of winter is that the mo- something about it. In this legislation, The economic impact payments for ment darkness is greatest is also the mo- we do take a big bite out of it. Americans across the country: $600 for ment light is about to return. Each year the And my hope is what it will be is that individuals making up to $75,000 a year winter solstice comes with the promise that it will serve as a source of encourage- and $1,200 for couples making up to the next day will be brighter. ment for other Democrats and Repub- $150,000 per year, as well as a $600 pay- In this season of hope and this holi- licans, maybe an Independent or two, ment for each dependent child. That day season, we hope and we pray that to take other steps as we come back means a family of four would receive this legislation will bring some light to into the new year with the new admin- $2,400 in direct payments. people’s lives, that it will give them a istration and make further progress. The Paycheck Protection Program, sense, in addition to having a vaccine One of the great things that I love so-called PPP: $284 billion for the first available now, that brighter days are about our HFC legislation—thanks, and second PPP forgivable loans. ahead. colleague. There is more money for transpor- We can’t underestimate the darkness One of the great things, Mr. Chair- tation, more money for health, and, in that has engulfed so many families, but man, that I love about our HFC legisla- particular, money for the procurement we hope tonight that we provide at tion is that it shows that you can do of vaccines and therapeutics, as well as least a measure of light to all the dark- good things for our planet and create money for vaccine distribution. ness that so many families have faced. jobs. That is what I said: do good Education is funded for more than $80 I yield the floor. things for our planet in the battle billion; emergency rental assistance, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- against climate change and create jobs. $25 billion; the Postal Service, $10 bil- ator from Wyoming. How many jobs? Tens of thousands of lion; childcare, $10 billion—both very Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ask jobs—in this country, in this country; important. unanimous consent to engage in a col- billions of dollars’ worth of economic The ones I am especially grateful for, loquy with my friend and colleague growth—in this country—and at the even though on a lot of these I would from the State of Delaware, TOM CAR- same time doing good things with re- vote for higher numbers—a lot of us PER. spect to climate change. would—are the nutrition provisions: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Interestingly, it is not every day you $26 billion in agriculture and nutrition objection, it is so ordered. find legislation supported by the Na- funding. Half of that will be used for di- f tional Association of Manufacturers, rect payments to farmers who have suf- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, most fered losses due to the impact of the ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION major environmental groups, and co- pandemic. The remaining 13, the other Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I sponsored by, gosh, two-thirds of the half of the 26—$13 billion will be used have just recently been talking about a Senate—Democrats and Republicans to combat food insecurity, which is on number of pieces of legislation that alike.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.051 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 In that case, we have done it. We leave the land. They will stay on the The bill clerk proceeded to call the threaded the needle. I just want to land. They will be able to make money, roll. thank the chairman for his leadership support themselves and their families. Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I ask and for his patience and the staff in It creates a virtuous cycle. That is a unanimous consent that the order for working with us. And our thanks to wonderful thing. the quorum call be rescinded. Rich Russell, your staff leader on the I don’t think we are going to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without majority side; Mary Frances Repko, joined here yet—I called him just to objection, it is so ordered. the staff leader on our side; and every- give him a heads-up, but I don’t think APPROPRIATIONS body who worked with her. he is able to get here that quickly, but Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I But more than a decade ago, I re- JOHN NEELY KENNEDY from Louisiana come to the floor tonight to talk about member standing next to my colleague was a big part of the work we did on many provisions that are currently JOHN BARRASSO—I remember standing HFCs. I just want to say, in his ab- moving their way through the House of right over close to where he is standing sence, a real big thank-you to him. I Representatives and on our way to us. tonight, and a guy named George want to thank—gosh, I think 70-plus Obviously, our colleagues here are, I Voinovich came up to me—from Ohio. Senators—Democrats and Republicans think, relieved that we have been able He and I had been Governors together alike—who cosponsored our HFC bill. I to give relief to the American people; for a number of years. Love the guy. want to thank our leadership, espe- that is, that we have been able to ex- He said: I am looking for a Demo- cially on our side but on both sides, for tend unemployment benefits and add cratic cosponsor for a bill. He said: Do pushing to make sure these three bills bonuses to those unemployment bene- you want to think about it? I said: would be included in the final com- fits in the amount of 300 extra dollars Well, what is it? He said: It is a pro- promise. per week, and we have been able to ex- posal that fosters collaboration be- In addition to all the other things pand the COBRA tax credit programs tween businesses, folks who have buses that were accomplished—and Senator to help people who have been unem- with diesel engines, trains with diesel CASEY and others talked about that— ployed and not been able to continue engines, boats with diesel engines, we have actually done some good their insurance be able to continue trucks with diesel engines; and it uses things for our planet. Senator BAR- health insurance. This is very impor- some Federal money, some government RASSO is going to move over and be the tant for laid-off workers in the State of money, in order to use technology that senior Republican on the Energy and Washington, like the aerospace work- is available to reduce the emissions Natural Resources Committee come ers. from those diesel engines by more than January. I will remain on Environment We are very glad that we were able to 80 percent. and Public Works, be the senior Demo- give a stimulus check of $600 per indi- I said: Tell me more. And he told me crat. I want to say that this has been a vidual and $1,200 for married couples; more, and about a day or two later we wonderful partnership, just a wonderful that we were able to get the PPP pro- signed on and introduced the legisla- partnership—fun, funny, serious when gram that helps small businesses so tion. He was kind enough to let me be we had to be, collegial, and really fo- that they can continue to try to make his Democratic lead. cused on getting things done for Wyo- ends meet as we continue to work our One month later, it was enacted. I ming, for Delaware, for the other 48 way through this pandemic; and that have been here 20 years; I have never States as well. we have been able to give $9 billion to So you are not going to be too far, seen legislation with that kind of effect healthcare workers who are stretched and I will still be around. We will have go through just like that. It was pretty so thin on these battle lines, who need a chance to work on other things. It amazing. Every so often, we reauthor- every support that we can give them. ize it; we increase the authorization. has been a real joy to work with you on I want to talk about the rental as- We have done it again with respect to these three items, and hopefully in the sistance. We are at a point where, if we future we will have many, many more. reauthorizing the Diesel Emission Re- didn’t act tonight, if we didn’t act be- Mr. BARRASSO. I thank Senator duction Act. fore we left here, many more people CARPER. I appreciate it. One of the things I love about it is You know, it is interesting: Senator were going to be without homes. It is that it gets a lot of different stake- so important for us to have these pro- ALEXANDER recently gave his speech, holders involved, and for a limited his farewell address, and he said that visions and programs like SNAP, the amount of Federal dollars, we can have sometimes politics is like a split- additional money for broadband, for a multiplier effect that can be, for screen television set. On the one half, healthcare, and for other things that every Federal dollar, $5, $6, $7, $8 that you see all the fighting and contention are essential in helping to commu- have come in from the private sector. and the dysfunctional side. And on the nicate during this pandemic for both That is the way we ought to do it. other side of the screen, you see the healthcare and for education. The last one is USE IT. Not many functioning side. But not many people I also wanted to mention work that people think Delaware is a farm State, look at that functioning side. was done in tandem with this legisla- but we raise a ton of chickens. I think What we have been able to do as a tion, specifically on the affordable for every person in my State, there are partnership on the Environment and housing tax credit. The affordable like 300 chickens or more. Those chick- Public Works Committee was func- housing tax credit was always impor- ens eat corn and soybeans. We raise tional—in a bipartisan way, coming up tant. Affordable housing was always corn and soybeans. Our farmers have with solutions. As you mentioned, important, but in a pandemic, in a land that is close to the beach. We have there were over 70 cosponsors on the COVID crisis, it becomes even more five-star beaches in Delaware: Reho- one piece of legislation. All of them, I important. The affordable housing tax both, Bethany, Dewey, and others. think, got through the committee credit is something that Senator There is always pressure for develop- unanimously. That is something that YOUNG and I worked on with Senator ment and encroachment on our farms, made no news because there wasn’t a WYDEN and Senator Isakson, and we and developers are trying to buy out fight. There was cooperation for the wanted to say that we needed to do the farmers and pave paradise and put betterment—to make sure we protected more than what our current Tax Code up a parking lot. What we have figured the economy and, at the same time, could do in helping build more afford- out how to do is—and it is not just—we preserved the environment. That is able housing. haven’t figured out through this legis- what we need do: Continue to make The affordable housing tax credit has lation, the so-called USE IT Act, but sure that we can protect both and con- provisions that have been in law since what we do is—the idea is to take car- tinue with economic development as 1986, but, actually, using the tax cred- bon out of the air and to use it for a well as environmental stewardship for its and how they worked have been a better purpose. our Nation. fluctuating rate, so the consequence is One of those better purposes is to re- With that, I yield the floor. that the historic rate of what people plenish the soil in my State, in Wyo- I suggest the absence of a quorum. could get to use the tax credit has ming, in Montana, and other places so The PRESIDING OFFICER. The changed, and this legislation will put a that our farmers will be less inclined to clerk will call the roll. floor of 4 percent in to give investors a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.052 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7917 bigger idea of what this investment can that we will continue to work across lation that we are going to be voting do for the market. the aisle on this legislation moving on includes $7 billion for more We believe that it will add, in the forward. broadband priorities, $1 billion for State of Washington, more housing At a minimum, the 4 percent could connectivity issues for Tribal country. that is needed immediately, more increase affordable housing production I know, as the Presiding Officer knows, housing that is needed on the national by at least 130,000 affordable homes that Indian Country needs a lot of basis, and help us stabilize things in over the next decade. That is critically connectivity. So getting more the near term so that we can work on important—130,000 more affordable broadband into those communities will affordable housing and how we can put homes over the next decade. It could be very helpful. more incentives for people to build af- generate and help us with job growth— The COVID package also contains fordable housing. 162,000 jobs and about $18 billion in money, additional funding, that I know People know affordable housing wages and impacts to the economy. Senator WICKER and others worked on doesn’t just get built. People don’t just Building more affordable housing for telehealth. Telehealth is a critical go out and say: I am going to build helps us solve lots of problems. We path during the COVID crisis to make housing at this low rate. have an increase in demand, as I just sure communities have the ability to The tax credit is a tax credit that articulated, and a COVID crisis. Invest- get expert advice into our homes, into helps people do it by giving those bor- ing in affordable housing is very good our communities, to connect people rowers the ability to work with the tax for us in helping our economy grow and with information. credit. But the American people have putting a roof over people’s heads. I would also like to mention as part This telehealth grant is a very im- been greatly impacted by so many portant program in the State of Wash- trends—baby boomers reaching retire- of the small business package, the Pay- check Protection package, a provision ington. I think we probably got some- ment age, not being able to save, peo- thing like $8 million previously from ple being pushed out of the last eco- that was supported by so many of our colleagues to help make sure that we telehealth, and this will help us con- nomic crisis into a rate of tinue. unaffordability. It really has been a continue to get local news and infor- mation out to the public. People under- I am disappointed that we did not in- dramatic increase. clude priorities in here for the E-rate According to the , 60 stand that local news has been threat- program to help close the homework percent of our affordable and low-cost ened ever since the transition to an in- gap. This is something Senator MAR- housing was lost from the housing formation age and has certainly been KEY and others worked on very hard, stock between 1985 and 2013. That is the challenged by what I think are unfair and it is very disappointing that we housing that we had that was afford- practices by tech companies and the can’t come to an agreement on some- able. Basically, the time period ends, compensation for material and proper thing as important as E-rate. This leg- and they end up being swallowed up, reimbursement on advertising. The issue for us is that COVID has islation provides the ability for like so many places in Puget Sound, created an environment where we abso- hotspots for people who may be going into market-based rates. Literally, lutely need to get the news, and we ab- to college and not going to classes, but people are pushed out of their housing, solutely need to get the local news. It are in or around a university. and then there is no other affordable is imperative that we do what we can I think that is a good idea, but we housing in the region. in this legislation to help small news- These tax credits can help us build were prohibited from doing the same papers, small broadcasters, small radio more affordable housing for the long thing for students at the K–12 level. stations that didn’t previously get run. Over the next decade, nearly One thing the pandemic has shown us helped in the last COVID package so 500,000 low-income housing tax credit is that students are at home and need they can continue to communicate im- unions and 655 other subsidized units to be able to connect to stay connected portant local news to people through- will reach the end of their affordability to their education schedule, to do their out the United States. period. Just like I was saying, they are homework, and to be part of the edu- I want to thank Senators SCHUMER, going to get to a point where they are cation system. I hope that we will ad- CARDIN, and, obviously, I want to no longer in a protection of affordable dress this inequity in the bill in the fu- thank specifically Senator BOOZMAN ture. housing, and the consequence is that for working so hard on this legislation growth and demand are pushing us I am pleased that, working with Sen- with me and introducing legislation. I ator WICKER, we were able include lan- even higher. want to thank Senators KLOBUCHAR, For example, seniors—10,000 baby guage that gives the Federal Trade ERNST, and many of our other col- Commission new authority to seek boomers retire each day. That means leagues who signed on to that legisla- that those low-income seniors, those civil penalties for scams and deceptive tion, as well as our House colleagues, practices related to the COVID pan- woefully inadequate to pay for increas- ´ Representatives VELAZQUEZ and demic. You probably think this is al- ing housing costs, are going to be grow- CICILLINE and SENSENBRENNER, who ing every single day and putting more ready something that was on the also worked hard on getting this provi- books, but in reality, the way the Fed- demand on the system. sion in, and Senators RUBIO and For veterans, nearly 2.5 million older eral Trade Commission has operated, MCCONNELL for helping us in this proc- they had to give a warning first, al- households—almost a quarter ess. most like a cease and desist. The next of men and women who helped protect These provisions are important to thing you know, the same practice our country—are cost-burdened. That help make sure that large public insti- means they spend more than 30 percent tutions, like the University of Wash- would pop up over here, with somebody of their income on housing. The lack of ington and others, continue to also get making a claim about how safe their affordable housing in our country has information out to the public. product was or how this would stop been a longstanding crisis, but the This news information and local in- COVID or something of that nature. COVID crisis has made it much worse. formation isn’t going to go away with In my home State alone, the FTC re- One in five renters is behind on their the help and support of this bill, but it ports that consumers have been rent, and the eviction moratorium ex- may be a lifeline in helping us continue scammed out of nearly $5 million since pires in less than 2 weeks. to make sure we have critical public the pandemic and the number is over As I said, I am pleased that we are health information available to the $200 million nationwide. These scams voting tonight, hopefully, on this legis- public at all times, and, hopefully, we can range in everything from straight- lation that includes a 1-month eviction will then go on to really understand forward identity theft to making all moratorium and $25 billion for rental what has happened to local news and sorts of accusations on people during assistance and that we will continue to information and do something in the the quarantine period. work on these issues. And I am glad future Congress to help fix the inequi- I want to thank Senator WICKER for that we are working on the passage of ties that are existing today. working with us on this important leg- not just the low-income housing tax If I could, I also just mention quickly islation. Now the FTC will be able to credit fix of a 4-percent floor but also the issue about broadband. This legis- go after and find these people on first-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.054 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 time offenses. I think this is so impor- I want to thank Senator BLUNT for certification process, the FAA will be tant to do to make sure that we are po- his leadership on the Air Grants Pro- assisted by the best experts in avia- licing an environment where public gram, a very important program that tion, whether they come from NASA or health is so important. we think will help build up the exper- the Air Force or outside individuals I also want to thank Representative tise and knowledge of very, very tech- who understand the latest and greatest SCHAKOWSKY for leading this effort on nical subject certification for people technology. Why do we have that? Be- the other side of the Capitol. here throughout the process of over- cause we know that we are in an era of I also want to talk about very impor- sight and legislating and the executive unbelievable technological change in tant aviation legislation that we were branch. which now the human interface with able to include as part of the larger I want to thank Senators CRUZ and technology is so critical. Whether you omnibus package that is moving BLUMENTHAL for working on such crit- are going to be in driverless cars or through the House, as I said, tonight. ical elements in the legislation as to whether you are in Amtrak with posi- It is so important that we make safe- how the certification process itself tive train control or you are in the ty a No. 1 priority in the United States. works and what we needed to do to flight deck of an airplane and the soft- If we want to be No. 1 in aviation, we continue to bolster it. ware that is working with it, we need have to be No. 1 in aviation safety. Tonight, we are sitting one step clos- to understand how people are going to Chairman WICKER and I worked with er to reforms that really will be mean- respond to human factors. our colleagues on both sides of the ingful. It will return the FAA to being We all get frustrated with our own aisle to produce important legislation in charge of what are the oversight computers and our own software, but that improves the safety reforms need- members of manufacturers who are we need to put safety first when it ed at the FAA—the safety reforms of doing the work of the certification comes to a pilot interacting with that oversight of manufacturing and the process. It is clear that the individuals software in the cockpit of an airplane. certification process, and reforms that who are part of this unit report to the It also helps us make sure that the will help us here in Congress better FAA. They are supervised by the FAA. process for the certification appeals stay on top of the information as far as You can no longer have incentives at are strengthened and that we tighten the certification process. the FAA for expediting work. You, ba- the process. We need to listen to the This is so critical after the crash of sically, now have a new whistleblower engineers on the ground. The engineers the Lion Air 610 and Ethiopian Flight protection, thanks to my colleague are telling us what we need to do, and 302, both involving Boeing 737 Max air- Senator WICKER and his incredible we need to listen to them. I hope that crafts and the loss of 346 lives. I can never say how painful this inci- work on this legislation. You have bet- the leaders, both within manufacturing dent has been for those families. I can ter accountability on misconduct. You and the FAA, will do that. never say how much they have suffered create new safety reporting standards As I mentioned, this legislation es- in this horrific tragedy that has be- for the FAA employees. tablishes a National Air Grant Pro- fallen them, but I know that these re- We repeal authorities that would per- gram. Some of you can think of it here forms are what are needed, and their mit a certification by industry. That on Capitol Hill as similar to the Sea help and support in passing this legis- industry could continue to make rec- Grant Program, a program that was lation has been critical. ommendations about the certification long-established to give us technical I want to thank all of the families process is something, in specific provi- expertise on OSHA and maritime issues who helped us in communicating why sions, that are repealed here. here in Congress. We want the same the safety reforms are important, but I We also prohibit interference with thing for aviation to exist. want to thank, particularly, Michael FAA designees. That is, no one can try It is too important of a sector and Stumo and his wife, Nadia Milleron, to influence a manager or someone di- safety is too important to not have a who lost their daughter Samya Stumo rectly involved in the certification of technical skill set here that can stay in the Ethiopian air crash, and to let the process. We also tried to make sure on top and replace individuals as re- them know that, even though we are the process itself worked better. And, tirements happen throughout the avia- putting a big down payment on safety again, many of my colleagues played tion system. reforms in the U.S. Congress by passing critical roles in this. It requires disclosures to Congress of this legislation, this process does not On required safety system analysis post-crash assessments. If the FAA stop with the passage of this legisla- on any plane coming through the proc- goes and investigates a crash, you have tion. ess—whether it was new or a deriva- to notify Congress of that information. We need to continue to do more to tive—you still have to do a safety sys- Why? We want to stay more on top of improve aviation safety and to con- tem analysis. You have to have regula- that information. It requires an identi- tinue to act, even on a global basis, to tions that are the most up-to-date as it fication of safety trends. I have no be leaders—the United States leading relates to making sure you comply, as doubt that we are going to hear—when the way on what aviation safety needs we said in this legislation, with the it comes back as these annual reports to be. NTSB recommendations on flight crew for the next several years—that this I also want to thank our staff: Doug alert systems and to mandate a safety issue of human interaction in a tech- Anderson, Ronce Almond, David Mar- management system for manufactur- nology cockpit is going to continue to tin, Laurence Wildgoose, Jonathan ers. This is something that is long be the largest safety trend issue, just Hale, Melissa Porter, and David Strick- overdue. And in some instances, people as it is going to be in the automotive land for their work. And on the other said: Oh, the OMB and executive area and just as it is going to be in side of the aisle: Mike Reynolds, James branch don’t think we need to do these transportation. Mazol, Simone Perez, MaryAsa Eng- things. Oh, these things are cost pro- Those are just some of the highlights land, and John Keyes. hibitive. These are regulations we of a very comprehensive safety reform Many Members participated in the don’t need to put in place. legislation. formation of this legislation. I want to Trust me, having a safety manage- I want to thank my colleague Sen- thank Senator DUCKWORTH for her ment system is essential, and we ator WICKER for his help, his leader- work with us on the NTSB rec- should make sure that this is in place ship, his most recent report on whistle- ommendations and flight deck alert as this legislation requires within the blower activity, and helping us get this system, which were part of this pack- next few years. legislation over the goal line. age of bills to reform the FAA and the This legislation also requires disclo- I also, as I said, want to thank, FAA process. sure of safety critical information. again, those families. Our hearts and I want to thank Senator MORAN for This was something, as I said, our col- sympathies are still every day with his focus on helping us build those leagues, Senators BLUMENTHAL and you as you continue to face moving standards that we are talking about as CRUZ and many others, worked on as forward. We are not going to forget. We far as the FAA going to ICAO and say- part of this legislation. are going to continue to put safety as ing: These are the continued standards It also provides expert teams of pan- the biggest priority for us here in the for improvement in aviation safety. els. At the beginning of any kind of U.S. Congress and continue to move

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.055 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7919 forward on a process that puts the indi- professionalism and his dedication and erally worked night and day to develop vidual engineers on the line responsible that he served as president of the Asso- a commonsense plan that provided the for safety to make sure everyone con- ciation for two consecutive terms, foundation for this final agreement. tinues to listen to their directives and which is a rare circumstance and There are many important compo- their recommendations. speaks to his effectiveness in the role nents of the package before us, includ- I yield the floor. and the admiration that his colleagues ing assistance for struggling families; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- held for him. additional funding for testing, vaccine ator from Kansas. His community also loved and re- distribution, and healthcare providers; REMEMBERING ALLAN WEBER spected him. They came together to resources to help our schools operate Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, I rise out welcome him home one last time with safely in a COVID environment; and of respect and in memory of Gove an honor parade down Highway 212, in aid for the Postal Service and for air- County Sheriff Allan Weber, who Quinter, this past Saturday night, with lines, airports, mass transit, and motor served his community faithfully over hundreds of cars and people lined up to coach companies that keep our country recognize his service and sacrifice over the last two decades. moving. a lifetime. Allan was born and raised on his fam- I come to the floor tonight, however, Connie, his wife, said: ily’s farm near Park, KS, and he went to focus on one aspect of the agree- It was such a beautiful homecoming. I on to marry Connie, his high school ment, and that is the extension and ex- know he was bursting with pride and love. pansion of the Paycheck Protection sweetheart. The couple has three chil- After the November election, when he woke dren—Andrea, Brandon, and Cory. To Program, better known as PPP. up in the intensive care unit, I told him he As the Presiding Officer well knows, those who know Allan, it was always was sheriff for the next 4 years, and he gave clear that his family meant everything me a small smile and nodded his head. He the PPP has been a critical lifeline for to him. His many grandchildren were loved the Gove County community’s mind more than 5 million small employers, his pride and joy. and was always ready to give the ultimate at one point helping to sustain the jobs sacrifice if he had to. There were times that In 1996, he ran for Gove County sher- of upwards of 50 million Americans. It his heart broke doing his job, but he did was one of the most successful pro- iff and served his community faithfully what was right. He lived life day-to-day and for over two decades since first elected. grams in the CARES Act. It was so suc- enjoyed it and everyone. He worked hard and cessful that it went through the initial Gove County is out in Western Kansas. loved gently. He will be missed by many. It is flat. It is the prairie. It is windy. allotment of money in just 13 days, and The outpouring of love, support, and then we had to pass additional legisla- It is hot in the summer and cold in the shared memories on their Quinter Com- winter. It is farmers and ranchers. It is tion replenishing it. munity Facebook page has been con- In the State of Maine, the PPP has often a struggle to earn a living in stant and speaks to the interconnect- provided nearly $2.3 billion in forgiv- Gove County. I know the county well. edness of a small community. able loans to 28,000 small businesses— Despite those challenges, it is made up I should tell you that the population that is 3 out of 4 of the small busi- of people who work hard, care for each of Gove County is about 2,612, and the nesses in my State—and has helped other, and try to make good lives for county seat of Gove has a population of sustain more than 250,000 jobs. 70. It is in places like Quinter, like themselves and their families. In its original form, the program pro- Gove, and like Gove County where the In rural areas like Gove County, the vided one-time loans sufficient to sup- sheriff is known by everyone, and the sheriff oftentimes wears multiple hats, port 8 weeks of payroll, plus a limited sheriff is interwoven into the life of the and Sheriff Weber was no different. In amount to help cover certain overhead community and the county. addition to serving as sheriff, he was expenses. All of this was completely also the public information officer and So many of his friends and family have remarked on Allan’s contagious forgivable as long as the borrowers re- the emergency operations center com- tained and paid their employees and munity liaison. smile, how ornery he was, but, most importantly, as to the selfless way he kept within the other parameters of Kansans also never fail to step up to the program. Our whole purpose was to help their neighbors in hard times, and served people. Those of us in public service ought to look to Allan as a role help our small businesses save jobs and Allan did the same. After the tragic pay their workers, keeping the em- death of a neighboring county’s sheriff, model in that selfless service of others. Sheriff Allan Weber embodied so many ployer-employee relationship alive so he stepped up to serve as the interim that they could reopen and Americans sheriff in Sheridan County, making values in Kansas—faith, family, fellow- ship, service, and good old-fashioned could quickly return to work when the him the first person ever to serve two pandemic subsided. counties as sheriff at the same time—a hard work. He will be missed by many. When Chairman MARCO RUBIO and I, first in Kansas’s history. He saw his Robba and I extend our deepest sym- together with Senators BEN CARDIN and brothers and sisters in blue as an ex- pathies to his family—both his loved ones, which includes one of my staff JEANNE SHAHEEN, put the PPP together tended part of his family, and he held at the onset of the national emergency, them in the highest regard. members, Chelsey Ladd, his cousin, and his brothers and sisters in blue. none of us could have imagined that His colleague in law enforcement, the pandemic would still be forcing Sheriff Tim Morse of Jackson County, May God bless Allan Weber. May we praise him for the life he lived, and shutdowns and curtailing operations which is on the other side of the State, and that extreme mitigation measures wrote this: may we look to him as a role model to try to do what he has done. would be necessary these many months Kansas has lost a great sheriff. Gove Coun- I offer my condolences and respect, later. Yet, sadly, the virus is still ty Sheriff Allan Weber has spent the last spreading, and many of the steps taken couple of months fighting COVID–19 in a on behalf of the U.S. Senate, to the Denver hospital. Today, Sheriff Weber was family of Sheriff Allan Weber. to fight it, although they may be nec- escorted back to Gove County by Colorado I yield the floor. essary to protect public health, threat- and Kansas Highway Patrols along with The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. KEN- en catastrophic damage to many of our countless Kansas Sheriffs and law enforce- NEDY). The Senator from Maine. small businesses and their employees— ment officers for one last time . . . Sheriff CORONAVIRUS small businesses that have now spent Weber was an honorable man who was re- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, later their PPP loan funds but are still un- spected by all. He will be greatly missed. tonight, the Senate will vote on com- able to return to normal operations. He respected those in blue, and those prehensive legislation to fund the gov- I talked with a restaurant owner in in blue respected him. ernment throughout the remainder of Bangor, ME, where I live, who told me He was a dedicated public servant fiscal year 2021 and to provide addi- that he, because of the size of his res- both in his home community and at tional, long-overdue funding to address taurant and to comply with the public the State level. He served the Kansas the ongoing emergency needs of our health spacing and social distancing Sheriffs’ Association on its board and country during the persistent COVID– guidelines, can only have four tables a as its president. I talked to the Kansas 19 pandemic. night. Because the Governor of Maine Sheriffs’ Association today, and they I am proud to have helped lead a bi- has imposed a 9 p.m. curfew, he can’t wanted me to recognize Sheriff Weber’s partisan, bicameral coalition that lit- turn over those tables to compensate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.056 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7920 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 for the reduced number of people he not lobbying groups and that have 300 ficiaries of this section because of the can serve at one time. It is so tough, or fewer employees, such as local safeguards that were stripped out by and I could hear the pain in his voice chambers of commerce and economic the negotiators. when he talked about having to lay off development organizations. For example, a museum in New York some of his longstanding staff in order Fifth—and I want to give credit to City, say, with a billion-dollar endow- to just stay alive. our colleague Senator CRAMER for this ment could receive an outright grant That is why the $284.5 billion pro- concept—the bill greatly simplifies the as long as the museum has an audito- vided in this bill to extend and expand loan forgiveness process for small bor- rium and meets the other eligibility re- the PPP is so vital. The program im- rowers with loans of no more than quirements. That surely does not seem provements in this bill are the result of $150,000 and directs the Small Business like an appropriate use of taxpayer dol- months of work on the part of Chair- Administration and the Treasury De- lars to me and was clearly designed to man RUBIO, Ranking Member CARDIN, partment to develop a simplified loan help large city venues that will survive Senator SHAHEEN, and myself. I am forgiveness form for these borrowers. I without our help. pleased to see that so much of the Con- remember when the first form came Nevertheless, I am pleased to support tinuing the Paycheck Protection Pro- out and it was 14 pages long and so this package. This COVID relief is vi- gram Act that Chairman RUBIO and I complicated that you would need an tally needed for our struggling fami- introduced this fall is reflected in this advanced degree in economics or a CPA lies, for our hard-hit small businesses, final bill. to help you figure it out, even if you for our challenged schools, for our The final bill also reflects the very had a very small loan. stressed healthcare system, to promote hard work that our bipartisan, bi- The bill, to guard against fraud and the distribution of the vaccine and cameral coalition put into assistance abuse, also provides the SBA with $50 more testing, and to help our over- to small business. Senator JEANNE SHA- million in additional audit funding. whelmed Postal Service. I urge support HEEN and I had countless meetings, Finally, the bill sets aside funding for the package. Zooms, and phone calls to work out the for smaller businesses and borrowers in I yield the floor. details in conjunction with the rest of underserved communities to ensure The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- the members of our group. that they get the help they need jority leader. I would like to take a moment to through, for example, CDFIs and mi- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I outline a few of the key features that nority business associations and depos- ask unanimous consent to complete my are included in this package. itory institutions. It also includes $25 remarks before the vote. First, the bill will allow the hardest million for the Minority Business De- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without hit small businesses to receive a second velopment Agency. objection. forgivable PPP loan. To ensure that as- Mr. President, the Paycheck Protec- YEAR-END ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sistance is targeted to those most in tion Program is the result of a bipar- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, need, eligibility for these second loans tisan commitment to support our small with the Senate poised to complete is generally limited to small businesses businesses and their employees, to with 300 or fewer employees that have some major business for the country keep them afloat, the businesses afloat, seen their gross revenues drop by 25 and wrap up a most unusual year, I and the employees paid during this percent in some quarter this year com- want to express some gratitude to the pandemic. It has been by any measure pared to an identical quarter in 2019. men and women behind the scenes who Second, recognizing the severe im- a tremendous success, but many of make our work possible. pact that the COVID–19 mitigation these hardest hit small businesses re- Passing a historic rescue package measures have had on our restaurants quire more help now in order to sur- and a full-year funding bill would be a and hotels, the bill maintains the gen- vive, and this bill aims to provide that serious undertaking even in ordinary eral terms for the loans for these enti- help. circumstances. And, of course, this ties but with an important enhance- Before I close, I want to talk briefly pandemic year has brought anything ment. The maximum forgivable loan about another provision of the bill, and but ordinary circumstances to the Sen- size for hotels and restaurants is in- that is the grant assistance provided ate, just like everywhere else. creased to 3.5 times their average for live venues, museums, and movie For about 10 months and counting, monthly payroll costs compared to 2.5 theaters. Let me make clear that I sup- COVID–19 has imposed new challenges times for other borrowers. This in- port funding for our community-based on hundreds of people who are already crease in the loan amount will be so live venues. I know they have really plenty busy enough. critical to the very survival of busi- been hurt. They have had to cancel After much of the Senate worked re- nesses like Simones’ Hot Dog Stand their seasons. They have lost all their motely in April, we came back to work and Restaurant in Lewiston, ME, and ticket revenues. They are in real dan- in early May—like the essential insti- the Angler’s Family Seafood Res- ger. tution that we are. Month after month, taurant, which has locations in Hamp- I have enjoyed these throughout we have taken smart and careful pre- den, Searsport, and Newport. These Maine, like the Ogunquit Playhouse cautions and remained an exemplary small businesses all received forgivable and the Center Theater for the Per- safe workplace. All along, we have not PPP loans during the first round, but, forming Arts in Dover-Foxcroft. They just continued to govern but completed faced with continuing dining restric- are the heart and soul of our smaller landmark confirmations and historic tions and a long, cold winter, they are communities. legislation for the American people. really worried about their survival and I was disappointed to see that the None of this would have been possible about being able to retain and pay final bill had stripped provisions from without many people beyond the 100 of their valued employees. our bipartisan, bicameral group that us with our names on these desks. Third, forgivable expenses under the we included in our package to try to I want to thank the Office of the Sec- program are expanded in very common- keep the focus of these grants on these retary of the Senate, led by Julie sense ways. Supplier costs and invest- smaller entities. Specifically, our pro- Adams and Mary Suit Jones. This team ments in facility modifications and posal would have limited the grant encompasses everyone from the tal- personal protective equipment needed amounts that related entities could re- ented professionals who sit on the dais to operate safely during the pandemic ceive to no more than $10 million and to the Official Reporters of Debate, to will now be part of the forgivable over- excluded museums with endowments Disbursing and many other offices. head expenses. This is especially im- larger than $75 million—commonsense Thanks to our Parliamentarian, Eliz- portant to restaurants struggling to safeguards. Now, I do appreciate that abeth MacDonough, who faithfully adapt dining restrictions or to get a the legislation sets aside $2 billion for calls the balls and strikes. She won the high-quality food supply because, entities with 50 employees or fewer, admiration of our temporary presider, through no fault of their own, they but I am concerned that, as drafted, Chief Justice Roberts, before we re- have fallen behind on their bills. many venues and museums with sig- claimed her as the Senate’s own. Fourth, the bill extends the PPP to nificant endowments and other re- Thanks also to Senate Sergeant At small 501(c)(6) organizations that are sources could be the largest bene- Arms—Mike Stenger and Jennifer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.058 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7921 Hemingway and their whole team, from Remember, this is somehow still the David Hauptmann; skilled communica- the doorkeepers to the IT team that same calendar year that began with an tors Dylan Vorbach, Valerie Chicola, stood up enormous telework capabili- impeachment trial, continued through Suzanne Youngblood, Emily Hauck, ties almost overnight, to the workers the CARES Act, other major legisla- and Katherine Grayson. who clean offices, move furniture, and tion over the summer, a Supreme Our frontline troops, the jacks-of-all- keep this place running in hundreds of Court vacancy and confirmation this trades who keep everybody in line, are ways. fall, and finally the all-out legislative Victoria Mason, Elise Stebick, and Our , Brett sprint since Thanksgiving. Spencer Abraham. Blanton, assumed his role just before First, my two deputy chiefs of staff. Finally, at the head of this entire the pandemic hit. He never missed a Stef Muchow runs our operations in an team is our fearless leader, our chief of beat. His team tackled cleaning in a incredibly historically complex time to staff, Sharon Soderstrom. Everybody way that exceeded industry standards, handle operations. She has worn about on Capitol Hill and everybody in Wash- reconceived the food services, and, 10 different hats all year long—as ington knows that Sharon is one of the again, physically kept the Capitol usual. Scott Raab handles policy. He smartest, most dedicated, and most ef- functioning. has led his colleagues through a legis- fective staff leaders working at any Of course, very special thanks are lative year like no other, from mam- level in any branch of government. She due to our Attending Physician, Dr. moth negotiations and historic rescue is my first call and my last call on Brian Monahan, and the entire team he packages to our most particular prior- every subject. She was in the leader’s leads. Believe me, they already had a ities and everything in between. We office before I was. She supported both full-time job caring for Members of have all leaned on Scott heavily, and Trent Lott and . So I count Congress and the Supreme Court. We he has been indispensable. my blessings on a daily basis that I am have leaned on Dr. Monahan in count- Beneath them, within our operation, lucky No. 3. Sharon bears the weight of less ways all year long. His expertise are a lot of talented folks I am lucky the world on her shoulders and not and wise counsel have been a credit to to have. I want to name them very only delivers but somehow prioritizes the Senate throughout the pandemic. briefly. lightening everybody else’s load while Here in the Chamber, I want to thank My chief counsel, Andrew Ferguson, she is at it—a walking master class in our cloakroom teams, led by Gary offers brilliant advice, from impeach- leadership. Myrick on the Democratic side and ment to policy to the judiciary. I am proud of all that we have ac- Robert Duncan on ours. Duncan had Robert Karem, my defense policy ex- complished for the country in this only just stepped into his current role pert, has brought critical institutional challenging year, and I couldn’t be when the crisis began to unfold. He leadership as 2020 tested everything gladder to be heading into 2021 with navigated about 10 years’ worth of big from national security to continuity of these talented professionals at my side. challenges in his first 10 months in the government. So I thank them, Mr. President. I top job. Thanks to him and his capable Jane Lee handles her massive port- thank them, one and all. deputy, Chris Tuck. folio—and more besides—with incred- VOTE ON SOSKIN NOMINATION Another key group these past months ible effectiveness and calm under fire, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The has been our Rules Committee, led by and she sings the best Christmas carols question is, Will the Senate advise and Chairman BLUNT and his staff director, in the office. consent to the Soskin nomination? Fitzhugh Elder. The committee has run Terry Van Doren is a policy master point on coordinating many of the who delivers for Kentucky and the Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for the yeas changes and adaptions that have country every time. and nays. helped keep this body safe. They have Erica Suares and Jim Neill are expert The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a done an outstanding job without liaisons and advisers who keep me con- sufficient second? enough recognition or thanks. nected inside the Senate and beyond. There appears to be a sufficient sec- We are grateful to the men and Steve Donaldson has been my point ond. women of the Capitol Police, led by man for all things election law during The clerk will call the roll. Chief , who have stood this election year. The legislative clerk called the roll. their posts even when most of the rest John Chapuis is a seasoned Senate Mr. THUNE. The following Senators of us have worked remotely. They have veteran who picked quite the time to are necessarily absent: the Senator stood strong during this pandemic, dur- join our team and cover economic pol- from Wyoming (Mr. ENZI), the Senator ing protests both peaceful and other- icy. from Georgia (Mrs. LOEFFLER), the wise, and during the other daily oper- Jody Wright fights to get good people Senator from Georgia (Mr. PERDUE), ations that they handle with courage in good positions with good cheer. and the Senator from South Dakota and professionalism. Andy Quinn is a master of words and (Mr. ROUNDS). Across the board, I want to thank all ideas. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the of our Senate staff. Both the smaller David Popp heads my press team. He, Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) is footprint who have continued phys- Doug Andres, Scott Sloofman, and necessarily absent. ically working at the Capitol and those their whole operation keep my message The result was announced—yeas 48, who kept up their hard work remotely and the Republican conference’s mes- nays 47, as follows: have confronted all kinds of novel chal- sage front and center. [Rollcall Vote No. 288 Ex.] lenges. Our institution and our country Sarah Steinberg manages my days, YEAS—48 are grateful to you all. and Alex Jenkins manages my office— Alexander Ernst Paul Last but not least, I want to thank both with great humor and even great- Barrasso Fischer Portman my own team. My personal office, led er professionalism. Blackburn Gardner Risch by departing chief of staff Phil Maxson, Moon Sulfab keeps our technology Blunt Graham Roberts Boozman Grassley Romney has fought every day for Kentuckians’ systems running and our spirits high. Braun Hawley Rubio needs and priorities throughout this I have to mention our healthcare ex- Burr Hoeven Sasse crisis. Our State offices, steered by pert Jen Kuskowski, who worked re- Capito Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) Cassidy Inhofe Scott (SC) Terry Carmack, kept us connected to motely this spring while expecting her Collins Johnson Shelby our constituents in new ways. My com- baby boy and has been cheering us on Cornyn Kennedy Sullivan munications director, Robert, Steurer, while on maternity leave. We can’t Cotton Lankford Thune and all their colleagues who staff these wait to get her back. Cramer Lee Tillis Crapo McConnell Toomey operations are invaluable to me and to Thanks to Grace Graham and Peter Cruz Moran Wicker Kentucky. Oppenheim, whom Senator ALEXANDER Daines Murkowski Young Here in the Capitol, my leadership generously shared from his HELP Com- NAYS—47 staff has given an incredible amount of mittee staff to help us in Jen’s absence. Baldwin Booker Cardin themselves to me, to our team, and to Rounding out our leadership team Bennet Brown Carper the Senate the entire year. are crack researchers Robert Utsey and Blumenthal Cantwell Casey

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.060 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 Coons Klobuchar Schumer Qualified wind projects are receiving ity regulator—it has always been Cortez Masto Leahy Shaheen up to 21⁄2 cents per kilowatt hour from promised that it would be temporary Duckworth Manchin Sinema Durbin Markey Smith the taxpayer. These subsidies distort and would expire. Last year, we got Feinstein Menendez Stabenow the market and are forcing out the jammed at the last minute with an- Gillibrand Merkley Tester critical coal-fired baseload generation other extension, and, rightfully, the Hassan Murphy Udall we need to keep the lights on. people back home are really, really Heinrich Murray Van Hollen Hirono Peters Since Congress established a wind Warner upset with us. And it didn’t sit very Jones Reed Warren production tax credit in 1992, wind well with me either. Kaine Rosen Whitehouse power has been able to transition from That is why, in April of this year, I Kelly Sanders King Schatz Wyden an emerging technology to a multibil- led a letter to Leader MCCONNELL with lion-dollar industry that is clearly colleagues from West Virginia, Wyo- NOT VOTING—5 commercially viable. That is why we ming, and Georgia saying it was time Enzi Loeffler Rounds worked on a bipartisan agreement in to finally level the playing field and Harris Perdue 2015 to phase down and sunset the wind get rid of this market-distorting atroc- The nomination was confirmed. tax credit at the end of 2019. ity. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- We had an agreement to do the In July, I led another letter to Chair- jority leader. phaseout, and the wind industry agreed man GRASSLEY with even more col- f to it. I worked with Senator THUNE and leagues—from West Virginia, Wyo- AWEA, the American Wind Energy As- LEGISLATIVE SESSION ming, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Penn- sociation, and others to do it. And they sylvania—with the same message: Let agreed. We had an agreement. That is this credit expire. MORNING BUSINESS why we are opposed to extending the Yet here we are again. The requests PTC and offer an amendment to strike have fallen on deaf ears, and we have Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I it. simply been given another pill to swal- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- We saw what happened in California low with the extension today. ate proceed to legislative session and over the summer, and we can’t afford Some in this town have pointed to an be in a period of morning business, to have blackouts and brownouts dur- extension in carbon sequestration cred- with Senators permitted to speak ing the coldest of winter weather its like 45Q and 48A, as if they were an therein for up to 10 minutes each. months. We, instead, must strengthen equal trade. They are not. Despite The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without grid resiliency and reliability by keep- years of pleading, the Treasury Depart- objection, it is so ordered. ing diverse sources of generation avail- ment—yes, this Treasury Depart- f able at all times, including when the ment—still has not finalized regula- wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t UNITED STATES-MEXICO tions. So an extension of 45Q is moot if shining. That means baseload. there is no way to actually monetize ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP ACT Instead of extending the production the credit. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tax credit, we should be working on Of equal importance, financial inves- ask the Chair to lay before the Senate making technologies like carbon cap- tors have said if renewable credits are the message to accompany H.R. 133. ture and sequestration commercially extended, they will absorb whatever The PRESIDING OFFICER. The viable. tax appetite exists because they are Chair lays before the Senate the fol- The American Wind Energy Associa- predictable, and those deals have been lowing message from the House: tion states on its website that ‘‘growth in the wind industry is expected to re- done many times. The senior assistant legislative clerk Just to reiterate, they can’t even uti- read as follows: main strong when the PTC is fully phased out.’’ Why, then, are we consid- lize 45Q because Treasury hasn’t fin- Resolved, that the House agree to the ished the regulations 3 years after Con- amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. ering another extension of this credit when the leading trade association ex- gress expanded the credit. 133) entitled ‘‘An Act to promote economic More to the point, while there are partnership and cooperation between the pects to see strong growth for the wind some great proposed carbon sequestra- United States and Mexico,’’ with an amend- industry without the credit? ment to the Senate amendment. We need to bring back a level playing tion projects planned in North Dakota, their benefit is targeted, while in con- MOTION TO CONCUR field for competition in our electricity trast, hundreds of miners and the local Mr. MCCONNELL. I move to concur markets and reverse the trend of tax- payers continuing to subsidize a ma- communities they have built are being in the House amendment to the Senate hurt by the extension of the production amendment to H.R. 133. ture, multibillion-dollar wind industry. I urge my colleagues to support this tax credit. I strongly support carbon The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- sequester projects, but to assume that tion is pending. amendment and ensure that the wind production tax credit sunsets. the potential benefits of 45Q or 48A are Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous equal to the unilateral harm of the consent that there be 60 minutes of de- With that, I would like to ask for some words from my cosponsor on the wind credit is disingenuous at best. bate, equally divided between the lead- I have heard from utilities who actu- ers or their designees; and that fol- amendment, Senator CRAMER. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ally use the wind PTC, but they said lowing the use or yielding back of that ator from North Dakota. they don’t need it because the market time, the Senate vote on the motion to Mr. CRAMER. Mr. President, I rise to is so awash with wind credits, they concur without further motions or join my colleague Senator HOEVEN in can’t even monetize them. It is com- amendments in order and that 60 af- offering this amendment and urging pletely upside down. In fact, the PTC firmative votes be required to adopt our colleagues to support the amend- credits are actually taking money the motion to concur. ment to strip the wind protection tax away from other clean energy projects The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without credit from this massive bill. like nuclear clean coal, taking emis- objection, it is so ordered. I feel like I am living in an episode of sions-free energy right off the grid. The Senator from North Dakota. the ‘‘Twilight Zone,’’ and I wish I could Just a few days ago, said UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST say that I am surprised. But I am not, this: The simplest option for tax ex- Mr. HOEVEN. North Dakota is an en- because here we go again. Despite nu- tenders would be to let all 33 that are ergy powerhouse, and our late-night merous requests and appeals and deals scheduled to expire at the end of the producers work around the clock to en- with the leader and the chairman of year to be renewed. sure homes and businesses in the Mid- the Finance Committee to not jam this I have a simpler plan. Let them all west have affordable and reliable ac- body with a 13th extension of the wind expire. K Street wouldn’t like it, but it cess to power when it is needed most. protection tax credit, here we are with would be one less section in this giant But the PTC, the wind production tax another one in front of us. package. credit, is creating artificially low Since the credit’s inception in 1992— One final point, in all of my time in prices in markets for power generation. and for a lot of those years I was a util- Congress—and that has been 8 years

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.011 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7923 now—the wind production tax credit far in Oklahoma without seeing a field him in North Dakota. We had a great has never been extended through reg- of windmills. We have lots of wind time, and I appreciate his coming out ular order or an open discussion or power, and we think it is a great en- to see the energy we produce in our even hearings. Despite our objections ergy source. But it is a mature energy great State. or promises from the wind industry source, and it does not need the wind I would ask the gentleman for his that it should expire, in the 11th hour production tax credit. So let’s sunset help on carbon capture technologies. with the government shutdown loom- it. We put funding in place to advance ing, it gets dropped into the Members’ With that, I yield. those carbon capture technologies, and laps. That alone should be a red flag Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, I would I ask for his help and his colleagues’ that the only time it has enough like to thank my colleague Senator help in that endeavor. chance to pass is when it rides the LANKFORD. Also, we would like to Mr. WYDEN. I would say to my col- coattails of our national defense and thank Senator ALEXANDER, Senator league, I am always interested in work- the government operations. It is BARRASSO, and others who support this ing with him in the future. After we shameful. legislation. pass this bill, with these important With that, I ask unanimous consent I support the amendment from Sen- provisions to meet our immediate that our motion to concur with the ator HOEVEN, and I urge my colleagues needs, let’s set as our lodestar reducing amendment, which is at the desk, be to support it as well. Let the wind PTC carbon emissions. agreed to; and that the motion to re- expire. When you and I served on the Energy I yield my time. consider be considered made and laid upon the table. Committee together, that was an ap- Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, I thank proach that brought together Repub- my colleague Senator CRAMER and turn The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? licans and Democrats. to my colleague Senator LANKFORD. I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. WYDEN. Reserving the right to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator from Oklahoma. object. ator from North Dakota. Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- will be brief. I did what many of us did ator from Oregon. Mr. HOEVEN. I thank my cosponsors Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President and col- today. We spent the day digging on this amendment and our efforts will leagues, I will be brief. I want to give through a 5,600-page bill, trying to find continue. the Senate a sense of where we are out what is in it. We broke it up into I yield the floor. with respect to this issue. In front of us hundreds of pages of chunks and sepa- Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I suggest right now is a bipartisan agreement to rated it among our staff and just start- the absence of a quorum. extend a variety of provisions to pro- ed reading through it as quickly as we The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mote clean energy and reduce carbon could, trying to be able to pull out the clerk will call the roll. emissions. details. The senior assistant legislative clerk When I talk to colleagues on both proceeded to call the roll. We found a lot of things that we real- sides of the aisle, there is enormous Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ly like. We found a few surprises as support for the effort to reduce carbon ask unanimous consent that the order well. So help us, we found, right in the emissions. Now, I can look around this for the quorum call be rescinded. middle of the document on tax policy, Chamber and point out colleagues who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without a zombie—the wind production tax have worked with me on the renewable objection, it is so ordered. credit. Something that we had heard energy provisions that are part of this had died—in fact, something that we bipartisan agreement, which includes had heard died 2 years ago; in fact, not just the credit for wind but also f something that we had heard died 6 solar and other renewable energy. I years ago when all of us agreed it would submit this is the best approach PURPLE BOOK CONTINUITY ACT should die. In fact, the plan was to we have today, which is to make sure OF 2020 take it down a little bit each and every that we don’t miss out on critical in- year until it finally got to zero. The Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I vestments right now. ask the Chair to lay before the Senate problem was, when it got to zero, some For the future, I have a plan to move lobbyist helped somebody get it back the message to accompany H.R. 1520. to a technology-neutral system that The Presiding Officer laid before the in last year, and it suddenly, after would avoid picking winners and los- going to zero, reappeared. And then, so Senate the following message from the ers, take this mess of a Tax Code, with House of Representatives: help me, it reappeared again. more than 40 separate energy provi- So this temporary credit that dis- sions, throw it in the trash, and say we Resolved, That the House agree to the torts the market, that literally amendment of Senate to the bill (H.R. 1520) are going to focus on one thing—reduc- entitled ‘‘An Act to amend the Public Health changes the prices in all of our en- ing carbon emissions. We aren’t there ergy—whether that be oil or gas or coal Service Act to provide for the publication of today. What is here today is climate a list of licensed biological products, and for or solar or hydroelectric or nuclear— change. That is why it is so important other purposes.’’, do pass with an amend- gives a special perk to one, and all of that we pass this bill and reject this ment to the Senate amendment. the rest of them get furious. But for amendment. MOTION TO CONCUR whatever reason, this simple credit With that, I want to thank my col- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I can’t seem to go away. leagues from North Dakota. I remem- When we agree to something, we move to concur in the House amend- ber enjoying going to North Dakota ment to the Senate amendment, and I should probably stick to it, and we with the sponsor of this amendment. I agreed years ago to phase this out. But know of no further debate on the mo- will tell you, if you are over 6 feet tall, tion. yet this zombie keeps reappearing and make sure to exercise before you go to walking the halls of the Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there North Dakota because you will be in further debate? Our simple challenge is this. Let’s the smallest airline seat in the history put this zombie in the daylight. Let’s Hearing none, the question is on of aviation. agreeing to the motion to concur in the have the real argument over it and de- JOHN HOEVEN is a very good and car- House amendment to the Senate termine: Is this distorting the energy ing man. I am looking forward to work- amendment. market for everybody else, including ing with him on these issues in the fu- The motion was agreed to. all of our renewables? Is it something ture. we need to keep? And with that, I would object. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous I live in Oklahoma, and if you know The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- consent that the motion to reconsider our song, you know ‘‘the wind comes jection is heard. be considered made and laid upon the sweeping down the plains.’’ We have The Senator from North Dakota. table. been called the Saudi Arabia of wind Mr. HOEVEN. I would ask my col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without power. I promise, you can’t drive very league from Oregon—and I did have objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.068 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE with PPP loan proceeds. Second, a I have spoken at length on the Senate HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES business that does not have its PPP floor about the creation, intended pur- TO MAKE A CORRECTION IN THE loan forgiven can claim the credit for pose, and success of these facilities, as ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 1520 any wages. As this change will be ret- well as the impact of sections 1001 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I roactive, does the Chairman agree that through 1005 of the 2021 Approps Act on ask unanimous consent that the Sen- it is equally as critical that these these facilities and the reasons for en- ate proceed to the immediate consider- small businesses are able to quickly acting these sections. As a result, I will ation of H. Con. Res. 128, which was re- and easily claim these past credits not repeat those remarks now. ceived from the House. they will now be eligible for? Today, I would like to focus on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. GRASSLEY. Yes. That is why we impact of one particular section of the clerk will report the concurrent resolu- are allowing these businesses, both 2021 Approps Act: section 1005. But let tion by title. those with forgiven loans and those me first remind my colleagues of what The senior assistant legislative clerk without, to claim credits for wages sections 1001 through 1005 of the 2021 read as follows: paid in previous quarters that this bill Approps Act do. Collectively, these sec- makes eligible for the credit on their tions rescind more than $429 billion of A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 128) unused money out of the CARES Act directing the clerk of the House of Rep- fourth quarter 2020 payroll tax filings. resentatives to make a correction in the en- This will prevent small businesses from facilities and use that money for other rollment of H.R. 1520. having to amend their previously filed important purposes; definitively end There being no objection, the Senate payroll tax returns, easing the paper- the CARES Act facilities by December proceeded to consider the concurrent work burden for both taxpayers and the 31, 2020, as Congress intended and the resolution. Internal Revenue Service. I know CARES Act requires; forbid the CARES Ranking Member WYDEN will join me Act facilities from being restarted; and Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed in urging the IRS to do all they can to prevent the CARES Act facilities from to and that the motion to reconsider be simplify and expedite the process for being replicated without congressional considered made and laid upon the eligible businesses retroactively claim- approval. Specifically, section 1005 of the 2021 table with no intervening action or de- ing the retention credit. The last thing Approps Act prevents the creation of bate. these businesses need right now is addi- any Federal Reserve emergency lend- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there tional, complex payroll tax filings. I thank the ranking member for en- ing facility established under section objection? gaging in this colloquy to discuss this 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act that is Without objection, it is so ordered. important issue and the clarification ‘‘the same as’’ any CARES Act facility. The concurrent resolution (H. Con. included in the pending appropriations Because an earlier version of TALF Res. 128) was agreed to. bill. was established in 2008 prior to the f Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I wish CARES Act, section 1005 of the 2021 UNITED STATES—MEXICO ECO- to enter remarks regarding the Con- Approps Act specifically allows NOMIC PARTNERSHIP ACT—Con- solidated Appropriations Act, 2021, TALF—but only TALF—to be rep- tinued which I will refer to as the 2021 licated in the future without congres- Approps Act. sional approval. Under section 1005 of Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Specifically, my remarks are about the 2021 Approps Act, all of the other unanimous consent to engage in a col- sections 1001 through 1005 of the 2021 CARES Act facilities—the Primary loquy with my colleague, Finance Approps Act. I was the sponsor and Market Corporate Credit Facility, the Committee Ranking Member WYDEN, principal drafter of these sections. I Secondary Market Corporate Credit to discuss a tax provision included in also negotiated the final legislative Facility, the Municipal Liquidity Fa- the omnibus appropriations bill cur- text of these sections with Treasury cility, and the Main Street Lending rently before the Senate. The tax title Secretary Steven Mnuchin and my Program—cannot be replicated in the in this bill contains important clari- Democratic colleagues in the Senate, future without congressional approval. fications to, and expansions of, the Em- including Democratic Minority Leader So what does it mean for a new facil- ployee Retention Tax Credit estab- . ity to be ‘‘the same as’’ a CARES Act lished under section 2301 of the CARES These sections relate to the Federal facility? That question can easily be Act. This credit has provided vital pay- Reserve’s temporary emergency lend- answered by looking at the purpose of roll support to struggling businesses in ing facilities under section 13(3) of the the CARES Act facilities. The purpose Iowa and across the country. The en- Federal Reserve Act that are creatures of each CARES Act facility is identi- hancements included in this bill are of the CARES Act P.L. 116–136. These fied in its term sheet. necessary to help more employers ac- facilities were established in response Let’s walk through them. The pur- cess the credit. Importantly, the bill to the extreme turmoil in the credit pose of the Primary Market Corporate clarifies that businesses that received markets caused by the COVID–19 pan- Credit Facility was to lend directly to Paycheck Protection Program loans, demic in March 2020. They were made corporations by purchasing bonds or or PPP, are still eligible for the credit possible by $500 billion in funding and syndicated loans from them at based on other wages and benefits paid. authority provided by the CARES Act. issuance. The purpose of the Secondary Does Member WYDEN agree that our in- As a result, these facilities are often Market Corporate Credit Facility was tent is to allow struggling small busi- referred to as the CARES Act facilities, to purchase corporate bonds and cor- nesses to access the retention credit, which is how I will refer to them. porate bond Exchange Traded Funds even if they have received a PPP loan? The CARES Act facilities are the Pri- (ETFs) in the secondary market. The Mr. WYDEN. That is correct. COVID– mary Market Corporate Credit Facil- purpose of the Municipal Liquidity Fa- 19 has shuttered small businesses ity, the Secondary Market Corporate cility was to lend directly to states and across the Country. This is especially Credit Facility, the Municipal Liquid- municipalities by purchasing their mu- true in Oregon, where small businesses ity Facility, the Main Street Lending nicipal bonds from them at issuance. are the backbone of our economy. En- Program, and the Term Asset-Backed The purpose of the Main Street Lend- suring businesses can access relief from Securities Loan Facility (TALF). The ing Program was to extend credit di- both the Paycheck Protection Program CARES Act required and Congress in- rectly to small or medium sized busi- and the Employee Retention Tax Cred- tended the CARES Act facilities to nesses, including nonprofit organiza- it is critical. The legislation before us cease operations by December 31, 2020. tions. today would allow businesses who took I was one of the two Republican Sen- These purposes are clear and are out a PPP loan to access the retention ators involved in drafting the CARES what define each of the CARES Act fa- credit in two instances. First, those ACT provisions that provided the fund- cilities. A future lending facility that businesses that have had or will have ing and authority for the CAREES Act had the same purpose as a CARES Act their loan forgiven can claim the credit facilities. During the last 2 days—De- facility would be the ‘‘same as’’ as for any wages that were not paid for cember 19, 2020 and December 20, 2020— CARES Act facility and therefore could

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.072 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7925 not be created without congressional new Federal Reserve emergency lend- Unfortunately, during the negotia- approval. The Treasury and the Fed- ing facility from being established tions leading up to this bill, the House eral Reserve would need to come to under section 13(3) of the Federal Re- Intelligence Committee minority in- Congress for approval, just as they did serve Act without congressional ap- sisted that this bipartisan, Senate- at the time of the creation of the proval, if the facility has the same pur- passed provision be modified so that CARES Act facilities. pose as a CARES Act facility. The the portion of the report on the classi- Unfortunately, I have seen some un- CARES Act facilities were unprece- fied annex of PPD–28 is submitted to informed reporters and outside com- dented facilities that the Treasury, the chairmen and ranking minority mentators incorrectly assert that sec- with the support of the Federal Re- members of the congressional intel- tion 1005 of the 2021 Approps Act only serve, requested that Congress make ligence committee. To the extent this prevents the creation of new lending possible. Congress did so through the language could be misinterpreted to facilities if the facilities are ‘‘identical CARES Act. These facilities required limit access by the full committees, it to’’ or ‘‘exactly the same as’’ the legislation in March 2020 and the same is unacceptable and unprecedented. CARES Act facilities. That is mani- types of facilities would require legis- Congress should not be in the position festly not true. Section 1005 of the 2021 lation in the future if the Treasury and of passing legislation that could be Approps Act does not say that, nor was the Federal Reserve believed they seen as limiting its ability to fulfill its that the intent of Congress. I should needed to engage in such bond pur- own oversight responsibilities. know because unlike these reporters chasing and direct lending again. Mr. WARNER. I thank the Senator and commentators I drafted and nego- Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I want to from Oregon. I agree that the report re- tiated the final text of section 1005 of thank the Senator from Virginia, the quired by the IAA on PPD–28 is criti- the 2021 Approps Act with my Demo- vice chairman of the Senate Select cally important and central to the cratic colleagues, including Minority Committee on Intelligence, for his committee’s oversight responsibilities. work on the Intelligence Authorization I share the Senator’s dismay that this Leader SCHUMER. During the course of our negotia- Act, which is now part of the omnibus provision was modified in this way and tions, Democrats actually proposed appropriations bill. I wish to address a through what I consider to be an unfor- that we use the phrase ‘‘identical to’’ few provisions that have been removed tunate conference process that should or modified. in section 1005 of the 2021 Approps Act. not be repeated. More generally, I op- First, the IAA, as reported by the I specifically rejected this proposal be- pose legislation that would purport to Senate Intelligence Committee in cause ‘‘identical to’’ is far too limited restrict full committee access and im- June, included a provision requiring pede the critical oversight provided by in scope. If section 1005 of the 2021 the DNI to submit a report to the con- Approps Act had used the word ‘‘iden- the full committee. gressional intelligence committees on This provision, as modified, states tical to’’ than that would mean only a the implementation of Presidential that the DNI will submit the report to new facility that is identical to a Policy Directive 28. That report covers the chairman and vice chairman. It CARES Act facility in every way would the classified annex referenced in sec- does not, however, preclude its provi- be prohibited. That would defeat the tion 3 of PPD–28. sion to the other members of the com- entire purpose of section 1005. This report is extremely important. mittee. As vice chairman of the com- It would have allowed the Treasury It will allow the committees to con- mittee, it is my intent to push for the and the Federal Reserve to essentially duct oversight of signals intelligence full committee to get this report. It is restart the CARES Act facilities, collection conducted pursuant to Exec- also my intent to seek to amend this which section 1005 of the 2021 Approps utive Order 12333. It will also provide language so that it is not misinter- Act separately prohibits them from re- the committee the ability to under- preted to limit full committee access. starting, by simply tinkering with stand how the government interprets Mr. WYDEN. I thank the Senator their terms and launching them under and implements PPD–28, which has from Virginia. On another topic, the a new name. For example, the terms of broad legal, policy, and diplomatic im- vice chairman and I worked together to the Municipal Liquidity Facility only plications. In response to the outrage include in the IAA a number of criti- allow it to purchase bonds directly from our European allies regarding cally important provisions protecting from and state and municipal issuers U.S. signals intelligence operations re- whistleblowers. Again, at the insist- that have a maturity of up to 3 years. vealed by Edward Snowden, President ence of the House Intelligence Com- If a new facility was the same in every Obama issued PPD–28 in January 2014. mittee minority, those provisions were way as the Municipal Liquidity Facil- PPD–28 covers topics that are directly taken out. The latest was the removal ity with the exception that it could relevant to both Americans and for- of a provision that would help whistle- purchase bonds with maturities up to eigners, such as bulk collection. The blowers whose security clearances have 10 years, rather than up to 3 years, directive, and its classified annex in been revoked as a form of reprisal. than it would not be ‘‘identical to’’ the particular, is designed to evaluate the Those provisions need to be passed into Municipal Liquidity Facility and benefits and risks of signals intel- law. therefore could be created. However, ligence operations. It was intended to Mr. WARNER. I agree. I strongly sup- such a facility would be the same as reassure our allies about the scope of ported each of the five whistleblower the current Municipal Liquidity Facil- U.S. signals intelligence collection and protection provisions in the IAA. It is ity because it is lending directly to to serve as a cornerstone for data-shar- my intent to keep fighting for them so States and municipalities. ing agreements, which are still ongo- that they are on next year’s IAA and My Republican colleagues and I did ing. Unlike FISA collection, however, are passed into law. not want to permit for such a loophole there is no judicial oversight of collec- Mr. SCHUMER. I thank my friends in the law. That is why I specifically tion conducted pursuant to EO 12333 from Oregon and Virginia for their rejected my Democratic colleagues’ and governed by PPD–28. For all these hard work on the Senate Intelligence proposal that we use the phrase ‘‘iden- reasons, therefore, it is absolutely crit- Committee. I agree with them that tical to’’ any CARES Act facility. In ical that there be serious by the full Senate Intel- our negotiations, I told him that we oversight of PPD–28. ligence Committee on these and other did not want the Treasury and Federal The PPD–28 reporting requirement intelligence matters is at the core of Reserve to replicate the CARES Act fa- was not merely part of the IAA re- the Senate’s constitutional responsibil- cilities by tinkering with their terms ported by the committee. It was in the ities. I, too, agree that the language and then launching them under dif- version of the IAA that was attached to should not be interpreted to limit that ferent names. Ultimately, my Demo- the National Defense Authorization full committee oversight. I also strong- cratic colleagues conceded on this Act that passed the full Senate in July. ly agree with the Senators’ views on point and agreed to compromise by That version was never passed into the critical importance of protecting using the broader phrase ‘‘the same as’’ law, however, because the IAA fell off whistleblowers. The abuses of the out- instead. the NDAA, which is why the IAA is going administration have illustrated So where does that leave us? Section now part of the omnibus appropriations the urgent need for these legislative 1005 of the 2021 Approps Act prevents a bill. protections.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.013 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, Sen- Our agreed-upon changes to the in- (e)(4)(B)(iv)(I), subsection (k)(2)(A) pre- ator CARPER, ranking member of the troduced legislation have focused in a empts any enforcement of a statute or Committee on Environment and Public few key areas identified by Chairman administrative action by a State or po- Works, Senator JOHN KENNEDY, and I, BARRASSO. The first key area is ‘‘essen- litical subdivision of a State for 5 years as chairman of the Committee on Envi- tial uses’’ of regulated HFC substances. from the date of enactment. Preemp- ronment and Public Works, are the The introduced legislation offered im- tion is potentially extendable for up principal Senate authors of section 103 mediate relief for some special cir- to—but not more than—10 years, as in Division S of the Consolidated Ap- cumstances, including feedstocks and provided in subsection (k)(2)(B). propriations Act, 2021—the American process agents. For example, in a pro- The third key area of change from Innovation and Manufacturing, ‘‘AIM’’, vision that has been present in all the introduced legislation is the pro- Act of 2020, hereinafter ‘‘section 103’’. versions of the legislation, subsection tection of consumers and businesses This bipartisan legislation will phase (e)(4)(A) assures there are no regu- from cost increases. Of particular note, down the production and consumption latory requirements for ‘‘a regulated under subsection (f)(2)(B), EPA cannot of hydrofluorocarbons, HFCs, which are substance that is used and entirely accelerate the 15-year regulatory potent greenhouse gases that con- consumed (except for trace quantities) timeline faster than HFC consumption tribute to climate change. As authors, in the manufacture of another chem- levels that the market is already we submit these comments to provide ical.’’ Where trace quantities of an achieving. However, EPA must ensure the Senate with additional information HFC regulated substance, including im- any level set under this subsection is regarding the development of section purities or unreacted feedstock chem- at least as stringent as the production 103. ical, remain through transformation of and consumption levels of regulated Section 103 establishes a new, na- a regulated HFC substance into an- substances required under subsection tional program administered by the other product, that activity is covered (e)(2)(C) for a given year, as provided in U.S. Environmental Protection Agen- by the exemption as soon as the Act is subsection (f)(6). Language to protect cy, EPA, to phase down the production enacted into law. consumers and businesses, particularly and consumption of certain HFC sub- The introduced legislation did not residential and small business con- stances. Section 103 vests EPA with au- provide immediate protection for es- sumers, has also been added to regu- thority to phase down the production sential uses. Subsection (e)(4)(B) now and consumption of these substances in latory provisions throughout the bill, provides that relief for essential uses. a comprehensive manner. It is designed including essential uses (subsection Congress has identified six essential to provide regulatory certainty. Spe- (e)(4)–(5)), accelerated schedule (sub- uses in subsection (e)(4)(B)(iv) that are cifically, section 103 requires EPA to section (f)), and technology transitions designated by law as essential uses implement an 85 percent phase down of (subsection (i)). upon enactment: No. 1, propellant in Together we support section 103. We the production and consumption of reg- metered dose inhalers; No. 2, defense thank our House colleagues for work- ulated HFC substances, so those levels sprays; No. 3, structural composite ing together with us to improve further reach approximately 15 percent of their 2011–2013 average annual levels by 2036. preformed polyurethane foam for ma- our Senate agreement reached in Sep- Importantly, this section includes pro- rine use and trailer use; No. 4, the etch- tember 2020. Through negotiations with visions to safeguard consumers and ing of semiconductor material or wa- leaders of the U.S. House of Represent- American manufacturers from cost in- fers and the cleaning of chemical vapor atives Committee on Energy and Com- creases during the phase down while deposition chambers within the semi- merce, we agreed to additional changes still adhering to the phase down time- conductor manufacturing sector; No. 5, to improve legislative clarity, includ- table in subsection (e)(2)(C). mission-critical military end uses, ing language to help protect afford- The text of section 103 reflects bipar- such as armored vehicle engine and ability for residential and small busi- tisan, necessary improvements to the shipboard fire suppression systems and ness consumers while also protecting original, introduced text in the Senate. systems used in deployable and expedi- the environment. On March 4, 2020, Senator KENNEDY tionary applications; and No. 6, on- Ms. SMITH. Mr. President, section filed amendment No. 1504 to S. 2657, board aerospace fire suppression. 20l(f) of the unemployment extension which was identical to stand-alone leg- In implementing this legislation, provisions of the bill we are consid- islation, S. 2754, the American Innova- EPA must allocate, by rule, the full ering this evening contains language tion and Manufacturing Act of 2019. quantity of allowances needed by each limiting retroactive Pandemic Unem- Ranking Member CARPER of the U.S. of these six congressionally designated ployment Assistance compensation for Senate Committee on Environment and uses for at least 5 years. This rule- applicants that had not applied by the Public Works Committee, EPW, co- making only determines the quantities date of enactment of this bill. sponsored amendment No. 1504 and S. of mandatory allowances that are allo- It is my understanding that this pro- 2754. EPW Chairman BARRASSO opposed cated to each of the six uses above. vision is intended to cover individuals amendment No. 1504 and S. 2754 as in- Under subsection (e)(4)(B)(i)–(iii), who have known for months of their troduced, hereinafter ‘‘introduced leg- EPA may, by rule, designate other uses eligibility for benefits but failed to islation’’. as essential uses and allocate any such apply in a timely manner. However, it On March 25, 2020, Chairman BAR- use a quantity of allowances, provided is also my understanding that this pro- RASSO and Ranking Member CARPER certain criteria are met and subject to vision is not intended to apply in cases began an electronic information-gath- the applicable phasedown timelines where the individuals have only re- ering process on S. 2754 by EPW to so- and regulations for the production and cently learned they would be eligible licit the views of stakeholders. This consumption of HFCs under (e)(2)–(3). for PUA and a State unemployment of- process allowed EPW to hear safely The Administrator is required to re- fice had previously advised those indi- from many stakeholders during the view each essential use application viduals not to apply for benefits. This COVID–19 pandemic. The extensive in- every 5 years and shall continue to is the case, for instance, for secondary formation-gathering process generated make available essential use allow- schools students in Minnesota, who filings from a range of industries, ances if the Administrator determines, were advised by the State that they States, interest groups, and individ- subject to notice and opportunity for were not eligible for PUA, but a court uals. public comment, that statutory cri- recently determined that the students We relied on the valuable informa- teria are met under subsection were indeed eligible earlier this month. tion gained through that process to im- (e)(4)(B)(v). It is also my understanding that this prove the introduced legislation and to The second key area of change from provision is not intended to apply to reach collective agreement on amended the introduced legislation is express individuals who have filed a regular text. This agreement was filed as preemption of certain State and local State unemployment insurance claim amendment No. 2655 to S. 2657 on Sep- laws, reflected in subsection (k)(2). that remains in adjudication, who later tember 10, 2020. Section 103 closely re- With respect to an exclusive use for find out that they are ineligible for sembles the text of amendment No. which a mandatory allocation of allow- regular unemployment compensation 2655. ances is provided under subsection and must apply for PUA instead.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.036 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7927 Senator WYDEN was the lead Demo- current CDC moratorium in place. An documentation required to dem- cratic negotiator on the unemployment advocate I spoke with told me that he onstrate a connection to the pandemic. provisions of this bill. Does he share expected there to be a ‘‘massive flood’’ In addition to financial assistance for the same understanding of the intent of eviction cases in January after the rent, utilities, and other housing costs, of this provision? CDC moratorium expires. the bill permits grantees to fund hous- Mr. WYDEN. Yes. That language was We did not have to be here. Since the ing stability services. This will allow not intended to limit retroactive com- passage of the CARES Act in March, I grantees to offer households services pensation for individuals who were pre- have been calling for more help for they may need to remain or become viously advised by a State, that they renters and homeowners to withstand stably housed, including case manage- were ineligible for PUA, nor was it in- the COVID–19 pandemic and its eco- ment, landlord-tenant mediation, legal tended to limit retroactive compensa- nomic effects. In May, I introduced S. services, eviction prevention services, tion for individuals who have a regular 3865, the Emergency Rental Assistance rehousing services, services to connect unemployment insurance claim in ad- and Rental Market Stabilization Act of eligible households to other public sup- judication and later find out they need 2020, to provide these resources ports, and referrals to other services to apply for PUA. throughout the country. The House for behavioral, emotional, and mental Ms. SMITH. Thank you for the clari- passed this bill as part of the Heroes health issues, domestic violence, child fication and for your work in drafting Act in May. Unfortunately, Senate welfare, employment, and substance the unemployment compensation lan- Leader MCCONNELL did not see the ur- abuse treatment. guage in this bill. gency to act on COVID relief for fami- Finally, the emergency rental assist- Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I rise to lies, and we are just coming to the ance fund in this bill provides non- talk about the inclusion of critical pro- floor with a bill to help address the taxable assistance for renter house- tections for renters in the bill before us COVID–19 crisis 7 months later. holds that does not count toward in- today. These include $25 billion in Today’s bill, while not going far come for calculating eligibility for emergency rental assistance and an ex- enough, takes action to help renters re- other programs. Emergency assistance tension of the Centers for Disease Con- main or become stably housed and keep is just that—emergency assistance for trol and Prevention’s nationwide evic- their utilities running. The $25 billion an extraordinary event—and it should tion moratorium through January 31, in rental assistance and extension of not be used to penalize families fur- 2021. the eviction moratorium will work to- This bill does not include all that I ther. If there is any confusion about gether to protect renters from evic- have been calling for since this crisis the taxability of this assistance, the tions in the midst of the pandemic in began, nor is it the bill I would have Department of Treasury, in consulta- the middle of winter. The eviction mor- written on my own, but it is a long tion with the Internal Revenue Serv- atorium extension helps prevent evic- overdue and essential start on the help ice, should provide guidance to clarify tions while families await assistance. families urgently need to stay or be- this for grantees and participants. Rental assistance will ensure that fam- come safely and stably housed right I will continue to fight for the hous- ilies can pay their bills and remain in now. And it is arriving as millions of ing resources and protections our rent- their homes during and after the pan- renters across the country are on the ers and homeowners need to stay in demic without being forced to make precipice of an entirely preventable their homes. I also look forward to eviction crisis. impossible choices between rent and working to successfully deploy the his- One in five renters are behind on rent food or medicine. toric resources and protections pro- right now. For renters in households Given how badly these resources are vided in this bill. with children, this number is one in needed in the community today, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- four, and for Black renters, the rate is Department of Treasury must do all jority leader. that it can to implement this rental as- nearly one in three. Economist Mark VOTE ON MOTION TO CONCUR sistance program quickly and success- Zandi estimates that renters are $70 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I billion behind on rent, with average fully. This means ensuring that States and ask unanimous consent that all time back rent of nearly $6,000. With mil- be yielded back. lions of families potentially facing communities can quickly provide funds to those who need them and minimize The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there eviction or displacement, without this objection? bill, the current CDC eviction morato- artificial paperwork and documenta- tion barriers for applicants trying to Without objection, it is so ordered. rium would have expired on December Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for the yeas 31, making for a very unhappy new access the funds Congress intended them to have. Treasury should avoid and nays. year for many renters across the coun- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a try. establishing requirements that are bur- densome for both renters and grantees sufficient second? A wave of evictions in the middle of There is a sufficient second. this pandemic will set back millions of administering emergency rental assist- ance programs and that will slow down The question is on agreeing to the families, interrupt jobs and educations, motion to concur. and exacerbate inequality in this coun- dollars going to keep the heat on and pay landlords. The yeas and nays are ordered. try. It will also make it harder to keep The clerk will call the roll. people healthy and get the virus under The COVID–19 pandemic has had broad impacts on individuals, families, The legislative clerk called the roll. control. Mr. THUNE. The following Senators I have heard from Ohioans how badly businesses, availability of government are necessarily absent: the Senator people need housing assistance. A services and supports, and throughout from Wyoming (Mr. ENZI) and the Sen- group of Ohio’s homeless services orga- our economy. It has changed where and ator from South Dakota (Mr. ROUNDS). nizations told me recently about the how many people work. It has made it (Mr. SASSE assumed the Chair.) tremendous surge in family homeless- more difficult not just to keep a job, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ness they are seeing during the pan- but also to find a new job, to get JOHNSON). Are there any other Sen- demic. One reported that 80 percent of enough hours, and to find child care or ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? their shelter requests have been fami- someone to care for a sick loved one. The result was announced—yeas 92, lies with kids. These are families with All of these challenges brought on by nays 6, as follows: nowhere to go and trying to balance the pandemic have made it more dif- work and school. How many of them ficult for families to make ends meet. [Rollcall Vote No. 289 Leg.] could have stayed in their homes, and These effects are likely to exist for YEAS—92 not disrupted their lives—and their months and years to come. As Congress Alexander Boozman Carper kids’ lives—if the Federal Government has stated in this bill, given the enor- Baldwin Braun Casey Barrasso Brown Cassidy had just stepped in with rental assist- mous documentation challenges facing Bennet Burr Collins ance? families as businesses close and service Blumenthal Cantwell Coons In Columbus, there are over 100 evic- jobs reduce in hours, an applicant’s Blunt Capito Cornyn tion trials every day, even with the written attestation should be the only Booker Cardin Cortez Masto

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.031 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 Cotton Kennedy Sanders There being no objection, the com- Whereas the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has Cramer King Sasse mittee was discharged, and the Senate contributed to a significant increase in hun- Crapo Klobuchar Schatz ger around the world, and the WFP has Daines Lankford proceeded to consider the resolution. Schumer surged its capacity in order to meet that Duckworth Leahy Mr. BOOZMAN. I ask unanimous con- Scott (SC) compounded need; Durbin Loeffler Shaheen sent that the Boozman amendment to Whereas the United States played an inte- Ernst Manchin Shelby Feinstein Markey the resolution be considered and agreed gral role in the founding of the WFP, re- Sinema to; the resolution, as amended, be Fischer McConnell Smith mains its strongest supporter, and provides, Gardner Menendez Stabenow agreed to; the Boozman amendment to as of the date of adoption of this resolution, Gillibrand Merkley Sullivan the preamble be agreed to; the pre- more than 40 percent of its annual resources; Graham Moran Tester Grassley Murkowski amble, as amended, be agreed to; and Whereas the WFP has stated, ‘‘Until the Harris Murphy Thune that the motions to reconsider be con- day we have a medical vaccine, food is the Hassan Murray Tillis best vaccine against chaos’’; and Toomey sidered made and laid upon the table. Hawley Perdue The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Heinrich Peters Udall in announcing the winner of the Nobel Peace Hirono Portman Van Hollen objection, it is so ordered. Prize for 2020, stated, ‘‘The work of the Warner Hoeven Reed The amendment (No. 2733) was agreed World Food Programme to the benefit of hu- Hyde-Smith Risch Warren to, as follows: Inhofe Roberts Whitehouse mankind is an endeavour that all the nations Jones Romney Wicker (Purpose: To amend the resolving clause) of the world should be able to endorse and Kaine Rosen Wyden On page 2, lines 10 and 11, strike ‘‘staff support’’: Now, therefore, be it Kelly Rubio Young worldwide;’’ and insert ‘‘staff, who work tire- Resolved, That the Senate— (1) joins the other countries of the world NAYS—6 lessly, and often at great personal risk, to combat hunger and save lives around the in— Blackburn Johnson Paul (A) affirming the mission of the United Na- Cruz Lee Scott (FL) world;’’. On page 3, line 3, strike ‘‘nutrition’’ and in- tions World Food Programme (referred to in NOT VOTING—2 sert ‘‘nutrition, including’’. this resolution as the ‘‘WFP’’) on the occa- Enzi Rounds sion of being awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace The resolution (S. Res. 774), as Prize; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this amended, was agreed to. (B) supporting the leadership of the WFP vote, the yeas are 92, the nays are 6. The amendment (No. 2734) was agreed Executive Director, David Beasley, and the The 60-vote threshold having been to, as follows: contributions of the more than 17,000 WFP achieved, the motion to concur is (Purpose: To amend the preamble) staff, who work tirelessly, and often at great agreed to. Beginning in the second whereas clause of personal risk, to combat hunger and save The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the preamble, strike ‘‘Whereas the WFP’’ lives around the world; and ator from South Dakota. and all that follows through the semicolon in (2) remains committed to the goal of the the fifth whereas clause and insert the fol- international community to end hunger, f lowing: achieve food security, and improve nutrition, SIGNING AUTHORITY Whereas the WFP is the largest inter- including through the work of the WFP. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask national humanitarian organization that ad- f dresses hunger, promotes food security, and unanimous consent that the senior saves lives, including in response to many of RECOGNIZING THE DEVASTATING Senator from South Dakota, the senior the most dangerous and complex crises in EXPLOSION THAT ROCKED THE Senator from Kansas, and the senior the world; PORT OF BEIRUT ON AUGUST 4, Senator from Missouri be authorized to Whereas, in 2019, an estimated 135,000,000 2020 sign duly enrolled bills and joint reso- people around the world suffered from acute Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask lutions from December 21, 2020, to Jan- hunger and the WFP provided nutrition as- unanimous consent that the Com- sistance to nearly 100,000,000 people in 88 uary 3, 2021. mittee on Foreign Relations be dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without countries; Whereas the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has charged from further consideration of objection, it is so ordered. contributed to a significant increase in hun- S. Res. 682 and the Senate proceed to Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I suggest ger around the world, and the WFP has its immediate consideration. the absence of a quorum. surged its capacity in order to meet that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The compounded need; objection, it is so ordered. clerk will call the roll. Whereas the United States played an inte- The clerk will report the resolution The senior assistant legislative clerk gral role in the founding of the WFP, re- by title. proceeded to call the roll. mains its strongest supporter, and provides, The senior assistant legislative clerk Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask as of the date of adoption of this resolution, read as follows: unanimous consent that the order for more than 40 percent of its annual resources; In the seventh whereas clause of the pre- A resolution (S. Res. 682) recognizing the the quorum call be rescinded. amble, strike ‘‘Price’’ and insert ‘‘Prize’’. devastating explosion that rocked the Port The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of Beirut on August 4, 2020, and expressing objection, it is so ordered. The preamble, as amended, was solidarity with the Lebanese people. agreed to. There being no objection, the com- f The resolution, as amended, with its mittee was discharged, and the Senate HONORING THE UNITED NATIONS preamble, as amended, reads as follows: proceeded to consider the resolution. WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME ON S. RES. 774 Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I THE OCCASION OF BEING Whereas, on October 9, 2020, the Norwegian know of no further debate on the bill. AWARDED THE 2020 NOBEL Nobel Committee announced that the Nobel The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there PEACE PRIZE Peace Prize for 2020 has been awarded to the further debate? Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask United Nations World Food Programme (re- Hearing none, the question is on ferred to in this preamble as the ‘‘WFP’’) unanimous consent that the Foreign ‘‘for its efforts to combat hunger, for its con- adoption of the resolution. Relations Committee be discharged tribution to bettering conditions for peace in The resolution (S. Res. 682) was from further consideration and the conflict-affected areas and for acting as a agreed to. Senate proceed to the immediate con- driving force in efforts to prevent the use of Mr. BOOZMAN. I further ask that the sideration of S. Res 774. hunger as a weapon of war and conflict’’; preamble be agreed to, and that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas the WFP is the largest inter- motions to reconsider be considered objection, it is so ordered. national humanitarian organization that ad- made and laid upon the table with no The clerk will report the resolution dresses hunger, promotes food security, and intervening action or debate. saves lives, including in response to many of by title. The preamble was agreed to. the most dangerous and complex crises in (The resolution, with its preamble, is The senior assistant legislative clerk the world; read as follows: Whereas, in 2019, an estimated 135,000,000 printed in the RECORD of August 13, A resolution (S. Res. 774) honoring the people around the world suffered from acute 2020, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) United Nations World Food Programme on hunger and the WFP provided nutrition as- Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask the occasion of being awarded the 2020 Nobel sistance to nearly 100,000,000 people in 88 unanimous consent that the order for Peace Prize. countries; the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.014 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7929 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (b) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds that— mittee on the Judiciary be discharged objection, it is so ordered. (1) research gaps currently exist in the pre- from further consideration of H.R. 1418 vention and treatment of opioid addiction; f and the Senate proceed to its imme- (2) the National Science Foundation’s re- diate consideration. EXPANDING FINDINGS FOR FED- search on opioid addiction has increased un- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The derstanding of the neuroscience of addiction, ERAL OPIOID RESEARCH AND clerk will report the bill by title. TREATMENT ACT substance abuse intervention, the role of il- licit supply networks, the secondary effects The legislative clerk read as follows: Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask on families, the use of technology to address A bill (H.R. 1418) to restore the application unanimous consent that the Senate the opioid epidemic, and options for alter- of the Federal antitrust laws to the business proceed to the immediate consider- native, non-addictive therapeutics for pain; of health insurance to protect competition ation of Calendar No. 510, H.R. 3153. and and consumers. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (3) the National Science Foundation and There being no objection, the com- clerk will report the bill by title. the National Institutes of Health have recog- mittee was discharged, and the Senate The legislative clerk read as follows: nized that fundamental questions in basic, proceeded to consider the bill. clinical, and translational research would A bill (H.R. 3153) to direct the Director of Mr. BOOZMAN. I ask unanimous con- benefit greatly from multidisciplinary ap- sent that the bill be considered read a the National Science Foundation to support proaches and collaboration. research on opioid addiction, and for other third time and passed and that the mo- SEC. 2. NSF SUPPORT OF RESEARCH ON OPIOID purposes. ADDICTION. tion to reconsider be considered made There being no objection, the Senate The Director of the National Science Foun- and laid upon the table. proceeded to consider the bill, which dation, in consultation with the Director of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without had been reported from the Committee the National Institutes of Health, shall sup- objection, it is so ordered. on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- port merit-reviewed and competitively The bill (H.R. 1418) was ordered to a tation, with an amendment to strike awarded research on the science of opioid ad- third reading, was read the third time, diction. all after the enacting clause and insert and passed. in lieu thereof the following: The amendment was ordered to be f engrossed and the bill to be read a SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. third time. YUCCA HOUSE NATIONAL (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as MONUMENT EXPANSION ACT the ‘‘Expanding Findings for Federal Opioid The bill was read the third time. Research and Treatment Act’’ or the ‘‘EFFORT Mr. BOOZMAN. I know of no further Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask Act’’. debate on the bill, as amended. unanimous consent that the Senate (b) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds that— The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there proceed to the immediate consider- (1) research gaps currently exist in the pre- is no further debate, the bill having ation of Calendar No. 432, H.R. 1492. vention and treatment of opioid addiction; been read the third time, the question The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (2) the National Science Foundation’s re- is, Shall the bill pass? clerk will report the bill by title. search on opioid addiction has increased under- The legislative clerk read as follows: standing of the neuroscience of addiction, sub- The bill (H.R. 3153), as amended, was A bill (H.R. 1492) to update the map of, and stance abuse intervention, the role of illicit sup- passed. modify the maximum acreage available for ply networks, the secondary effects on families, Mr. BOOZMAN. I ask unanimous con- inclusion in, the Yucca House National the use of technology to address the opioid epi- sent that the motion to reconsider be Monument. demic, and options for alternative, non-addict- considered made and laid upon the ive therapeutics for pain; and table. There being no objection, the Senate (3) the National Science Foundation and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceeded to consider the bill. National Institutes of Health have recognized objection, it is so ordered. Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask that fundamental questions in basic, clinical, unanimous consent that the bill be and translational research would benefit greatly f considered read a third time. from multidisciplinary approaches and collabo- TRANSPARENCY IN FEDERAL The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ration. BUILDINGS PROJECTS ACT OF 2019 objection, it is so ordered. SEC. 2. NSF SUPPORT OF RESEARCH ON OPIOID The bill was ordered to a third read- ADDICTION. Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask ing and was read the third time. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Direcor of the National unanimous consent that the Com- Science Foundation, in consultation with the mittee on Environment and Public Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I Director of the National Institutes of Health, Works be discharged from further con- know of no further debate on the bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there shall support merit-reviewed and competitively- sideration of H.R. 2502 and the Senate is no further debate, the bill having awarded research on the science of opioid addic- proceed to its immediate consider- tion. been read the third time, the question ation. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—To is, Shall the bill pass? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The carry out this section, there are authorized to be The bill (H.R. 1492) was passed. appropriated $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years clerk will report the bill by title. Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask 2020 through 2024. The legislative clerk read as follows: unanimous consent that the motion to Mr. BOOZMAN. I ask unanimous con- A bill (H.R. 2502) to amend title 40, United reconsider be considered made and laid sent that the committee-reported sub- States Code, to require certain prospectuses upon the table. stitute be withdrawn, the Wicker sub- for public buildings to be made publicly The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without available, and for other purposes. stitute amendment at the desk be objection, it is so ordered. agreed to, and the bill, as amended, be There being no objection, the com- f considered read a third time. mittee was discharged, and the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there proceeded to consider the bill. DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE objection? Mr. BOOZMAN. I ask unanimous con- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Without objection, it is so ordered. sent that the bill be considered read a TO MAKE A CORRECTION IN THE The committee-reported amendment third time and passed and that the mo- ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 133 in the nature of a substitute was with- tion to reconsider be considered made Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask drawn. and laid upon the table. unanimous consent that the Senate The amendment (No. 2732) in the na- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceed to the immediate consider- ture of a substitute was agreed to, as objection, it is so ordered. ation of H. Con. Res. 127, which was re- follows: The bill (H.R. 2502) was ordered to a ceived from the House. (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) third reading, was read the third time, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Strike all after the enacting clause and in- and passed. clerk will report the concurrent resolu- sert the following: f tion by title. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. COMPETITIVE HEALTH INSURANCE The legislative clerk read as follows: (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as REFORM ACT OF 2020 A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 127) the ‘‘Expanding Findings for Federal Opioid directing the Clerk of the House of Rep- Research and Treatment Act’’ or the ‘‘EF- Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask resentatives to make a correction in the en- FORT Act’’. unanimous consent that the Com- rollment of H.R. 133.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.079 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 There being no objection, the Senate discharged and the Senate proceed to ization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. While proceeded to consider the concurrent the en bloc consideration of the fol- the FY2021 NDAA has not yet been en- resolution. lowing nominations: PN1938, PN2024, acted and may be enacted following the Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask PN2101, PN2030, and PN2025. enactment of the 2021 Consolidated Ap- unanimous consent that the concur- There being no objection, the com- propriations Act, Chairman RISCH and I rent resolution be agreed to and the mittee was discharged, and the Senate believe it is Congress’s intent that motion to reconsider be consider made proceeded to consider the nominations these two provisions be understood and laid upon the table with no inter- en bloc. concurrently and that the reforms out- vening action or debate. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous lined in section 1299Q be delayed for 90 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without consent that the Senate vote on the days following enactment of the FY2021 objection, it is so ordered. nominations en bloc with no inter- NDAA. The concurrent resolution (H. Con. vening action or debate; that if con- f Res 127) was agreed to. firmed, the motions to reconsider be CASE Act Mr. BOOZMAN. I suggest the absence considered made and laid upon the of a quorum. table en bloc; and that the President be Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. President, after The PRESIDING OFFICER. The immediately notified of the Senate’s many years of work to ensure small creators have a voice, I am glad to clerk will call the roll. actions. share the Copyright Alternatives in The legislative clerk proceeded to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Small-Claims Enforcement Act, also call the roll. objection, it is so ordered. known as CASE Act, passed the House Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The question is, Will the Senate ad- and Senate and is awaiting the Presi- ask unanimous consent that the order vise and consent to the nominations of dent’s signature. This bipartisan and for the quorum call be rescinded. C. Kevin Blackstone, of Virginia, a Ca- bicameral legislation is critical for The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. reer Member of the Senior Foreign protecting the creative middle class in BOOZMAN). Without objection, it is so Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to Louisiana and across America who rely ordered. be Ambassador Extraordinary and upon commercializing their creative f Plenipotentiary of the United States of works for their livelihood. America to the Democratic Republic of Photographers, visual artists, inde- NATIONAL DEFENSE Timor-Leste; Cynthia Kierscht, of Min- AUTHORIZATION ACT pendent movie directors, musicians, nesota, a Career Member of the Senior authors, and other creators who make Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, for Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to up the creative middle class rely on the information of all Senators, here is be Ambassador Extraordinary and copyright to protect their works from where we are on the status of the De- Plenipotentiary of the United States of unauthorized reproduction. However, fense . America to the Islamic Republic of under current law, copyright owners The Senate has passed this annual Mauritania; Brian D. McFeeters, of with small infringement claims cannot bill to support our servicemembers and Virginia, a Career Member of the Sen- obtain relief because district court liti- our national security every year for ior Foreign Service, Class of Minister- gation costs are higher than the dam- the last 59 years. As I indicated when I Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraor- ages sought. That is where CASE Act filed cloture on the NDAA conference dinary and Plenipotentiary of the comes in. This legislation creates the report after Thanksgiving, my inten- United States of America to Malaysia; Copyright Claims Board within the tion was and is to ensure the Senate David Reimer, of Ohio, a Career Mem- U.S. Copyright Office to provide a sim- continues fulfilling our obligation to ber of the Senior Foreign Service, ple, quick, and less expensive forum for the men and women of our Armed Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador small copyright owners to enforce their Forces. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of rights. I hope the President will not veto the United States of America to the The creation of this bill began more this bill, which redoubles our commit- Republic of Sierra Leone; Geeta Pasi, than 7 years ago. In 2013, after a com- ment to modernization, advances cut- of New York, a Career Member of the prehensive study, the U.S. Copyright ting-edge capabilities, and equips our Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Office made several legislative rec- military with the tools and resources Minister, to be Ambassador Extraor- ommendations to help independent cre- they need to compete with our great dinary and Plenipotentiary of the ators in enforcing their constitu- power adversaries on land, on sea, in United States of America to the Fed- tionally protected copyrights. Since the air, and in cyberspace. These are eral Democratic Republic of Ethiopia? then, Congress has worked in lock-step the steps we need to take to continue The nominations were confirmed en with the U.S. Copyright Office to cre- to compete with Russia and China. bloc. ate a framework to accomplish this In the event that President Trump f goal. That framework culminated in does elect to veto this bipartisan bill, CASE Act. it appears the House may choose to re- LEGISLATIVE SESSION In response to concerns raised by the turn after the holidays to set up a vote library community, the bill now in- cludes a blanket opt-out provision for to consider the veto. The Democratic MORNING BUSINESS leader and I have agreed to a unani- libraries and archives. This opt-out is mous consent request as follows: The Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I expressly limited to activities covered Senate will meet for pro forma sessions ask unanimous consent that the Sen- by section 108 of the Copyright Act. It only until December 29, when we will ate proceed to legislative session for a does not apply to activities that fall return to session. period of morning business, with Sen- outside that section, such as websites In the event that the President has ators permitted to speak therein for up making and offering unlicensed copies vetoed the bill and the House has voted to 10 minutes each. of works. A library or archive must re- to override the veto, the Senate would The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without main in full compliance with section have the opportunity to process the objection, it is so ordered. 108 at all times to be eligible for the veto override at that time. f blanket opt-out privilege and would lose its eligibility for the blanket opt- f NATIONAL DEFENSE out if, at any time, it is found to have AUTHORIZATION ACT EXECUTIVE SESSION violated any of the conditions through- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, sec- out section 108. tion 1301 of title XIII of the FY21 con- I want to extend my gratitude to the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR solidated appropriations act delays im- photographers, musicians, artists, au- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I plementation of reforms to the U.S. thors, and many other creators who ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Agency for Global Media outlined in have helped make the passage of CASE ate proceed to executive session and section 1299Q of the William M. (Mac) Act a success. There are so many indi- the Committee on Foreign Relations be Thornberry National Defense Author- viduals who have been instrumental in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.082 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7931 creating and passing this legislation ticular, requires willfulness, which digital transmission service to such an that I cannot possibly name them all means that the statute does not apply extent that it shares the criminal in- here, but a few groups that deserve spe- in the absence of an intentional viola- tent of the person offering the service cial recognition are Copyright Alli- tion of a known legal duty. and acted with the requisite specific ance, Professional Photographers of Consistent with this, a provider of intent to commit or facilitate the un- America, Professional Photographers broadband internet access service derlying offense. of Louisiana, American Bar Associa- would not be subject to prosecution Similarly, a service that streams tion, American Intellectual Property under this statute, for example, based content uploaded by users would not be Law Association, American Society of merely on the attributes or features of subject to prosecution merely because Media Photographers, Association of its service, nor could prosecution be some users might upload infringing American Publishers, Authors Guild, predicated on the misuse of its service content. The service would be subject Graphic Artists Guild, Recording Acad- by its customers or others in further- to criminal liability only if it had the emy, Guild of America, ance of an infringement scheme, where requisite criminal intent and acted and U.S. Chamber of Commerce. I also the service provider does not itself with specific intent to further it. want to thank my staff, who worked share the requisite criminal intent of The provisions of this statute also do tireless hours wading through copy- the underlying substantive offense and not apply to any person acting in good right law to ensure we ended up with act with specific intent to further it. In faith and with an objectively reason- the best bill possible. And thank you to this regard, offering high-speed connec- able basis in law to believe that their my colleagues in the House and Senate, tions that allow its customers to ac- conduct is lawful. Thus, a bona fide particularly Senator DICK DURBIN and cess the internet, failing to block or commercial dispute over the scope or our original cosponsors, for supporting disable access to particular online lo- existence of a contract or license gov- this legislation and agreeing to its pas- cations, or failing to take measures to erning such conduct or a good-faith sage. restrict the use of or deny its cus- dispute regarding whether a particular f tomers access to such service would activity is authorized by the Copyright not be sufficient to demonstrate the Act would not provide a basis for pros- PROTECTING LAWFUL STREAMING requisite criminal intent under the ecution. For example, neither a cloud- ACT bill. This conduct would also not other- based DVR service nor an application Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, today I wise meet the prerequisites under the provided by a multichannel video pro- want to say a word about the need to aiding and abetting statute, regardless gramming distributor, MVPD, to en- revise title 18 so that criminal com- of whether the broadband internet ac- able such MVPD’s customers to access mercial enterprises that stream pirated cess service provider might be civilly its video service utilizing a mobile de- content to users are subject to the liable in such circumstances under the vice, which were the subject of prior same felony penalties as criminal com- differing standards for contributory or civil copyright infringement challenges mercial enterprises that distribute to vicarious liability. based on good faith disagreements re- users or reproduce pirated content. The A person who willfully and for pur- garding the scope of rights under the provisions of the Protecting Lawful poses of commercial advantage or pri- Copyright Act, would be actionable Streaming Act target clearly criminal vate financial gain offers or provides to under this provision if the provider of- conduct committed with criminal in- the public a digital transmission serv- fering such services met this standard. tent. Lawful internet and streaming ice violates the statute under section By contrast, a party that merely as- services, licensees, other mainstream 2319C(a)(3) when that person inten- serts an applicable contract, an excep- businesses, and users engaged in ordi- tionally promotes or directs the pro- tion, or a belief that the person’s con- nary activities do not risk prosecution. motion of its use in publicly per- duct was lawful, in a case where the as- Most importantly, businesses engaged forming works protected under title 17 sertion is not made in good-faith, is in those activities are clearly excluded without the authority of the copyright merely a pretense, or is otherwise not by the requirements that a defendant owner or the law. The language of sec- based on an objectively reasonable in- be engaged in conduct that is primarily tion 2319C makes clear that it is the of- terpretation of the law, would not designed, intentionally marketed, or fering of an illicit digital transmission avoid prosecution on that basis. has no commercially significant pur- service, as defined by section The statute provides for an enhanced pose or use other than for use in illegal 2319C(a)(1)–(3), that is an offense, not penalty in section 2319C(b)(2) for some- streaming. Nor do those engaged in the marketing activities done by or at one who knowingly commits an offense noncommercial activities risk prosecu- the direction of a person offering an il- in connection with 1 or more works tion under this statute. Noncommer- licit digital transmission service, as re- being prepared for commercial public cial activities are explicitly excluded ferred to in section 2319C(a)(3). Thus, performance. The ‘‘should have by the terms of section 2319C(a). It is an entity that provides only commer- known’’ standard in section 2319C(b)(2) intended that none of these activities cial online marketing services and does applies only after a finder of fact deter- shall be subject to any risk of criminal not itself also provide an illicit digital mines beyond a reasonable doubt that prosecution under this bill. transmission service would not be sub- the person committed an offense under More generally, it is well established ject to prosecution under section subsection (a). The ‘‘should have that criminal penalties are the excep- 2319C(a). Further, it is not the intent of known’’ standard should not be tion rather than the rule in cases of this legislation to create potential aid- conflated with the standards of willful- copyright infringement. As the Depart- ing and abetting liability for main- ness, not primarily designed, no com- ment of Justice itself has noted, crimi- stream third party ad networks or mercially significant purpose, and nal sanctions are appropriate only with marketers. An online marketing serv- intentionality set forth in section respect to certain types of infringe- ices provider could be liable for aiding 2319C(a), all of which define the under- ment—generally when infringer knows and abetting an unrelated entity pro- lying offense and are intended to pro- the infringement is wrong, and when viding unlawful streaming services tect lawful internet and streaming the infringement is particularly seri- only where the online marketing serv- services, content licensees, and non- ous or the type of case renders civil en- ices provider shared the same requisite commercial users. forcement by copyright owners espe- criminal intent of each element of the Finally, the statute in section cially difficult. As such, criminal pros- underlying substantive offense and 2319C(d)(3) defines a work being pre- ecution has been and is appropriately acted with specific intent to further it. pared for commercial public perform- reserved for serious forms of large- Thus, an online marketing services ance, based on the definition of ‘‘work scale, commercial infringement, not as provider which places an advertisement being prepared for commercial dis- a means of targeting ordinary business for an entity that is violating section tribution’’ in section 506(a)(3) of the disputes between legitimate companies 2319C(a) would face aiding and abetting Copyright Act, while updating that def- or those which are otherwise ade- liability only if the online marketing inition to account for the challenges of quately addressed through civil litiga- services provider was itself associated piracy in the modern streaming envi- tion. The new section 2319C, in par- with the criminal venture of the illicit ronment. Section 2319C reflects the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:05 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.064 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 fact that infringement threatens a classified Schedule of Authorizations and a TITLE III—INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY unique harm when it occurs prior to or classified annex have been prepared to de- MATTERS in the earliest windows of commercial scribe in detail the scope and intent of the Subtitle A—General Intelligence Community availability. The definition in congressional intelligence committees’ ac- Matters tions. The Agreement authorizes the Intel- 2319C(d)(3) recognizes that in the Section 301. Restriction on conduct of intel- ligence Community (IC) to obligate and ex- ligence activities modem streaming environment, not all pend funds not altered or modified by the motion pictures are developed for the- classified Schedule of Authorizations as re- Section 301 provides that the authorization atrical distribution. The updated defi- quested in the President’s budget, subject to of appropriations by the Act shall not be modification under applicable reprogram- deemed to constitute authority for the con- nition of a ‘‘work being prepared for duct of any intelligence activity that is not commercial public performance’’ af- ming procedures. The classified annex is the result of nego- otherwise authorized by the Constitution or fords appropriately enhanced penalties laws of the United States. for violations of the statute involving tiations between the congressional intel- ligence committees. They reconcile the dif- Section 302. Increase in employee compensation pre- and just-released film and tele- ferences between the congressional intel- and benefits authorized by law vision content, whether in a first the- ligence committees’ respective versions of Section 302 provides that funds authorized atrical window or immediately upon the bill for the National Intelligence Pro- to be appropriated by the Act for salary, pay, release to the public via a streaming or gram (NIP) for Fiscal Year 2021. The Agree- retirement, and other benefits for federal other platform. The legislation does ment also makes recommendations for the employees may be increased by such addi- not make corresponding changes to the Military Intelligence Program (MIP) and the tional or supplemental amounts as may be definition of ‘‘work made for commer- Information Systems Security Program necessary for increases in compensation or benefits authorized by law. cial distribution’’ in section 506(a)(3). (ISSP), consistent with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, and Whether it is appropriate to harmonize Section 303. Continuity of operations plans for provides certain direction for these two pro- certain elements of the intelligence commu- the definitions is a question that is be- grams. The Agreement applies to IC activi- nity in the case of a national emergency yond the scope of this particular legis- ties for Fiscal Year 2021. Section 303 requires the Directors of the lation, which does not otherwise make The classified Schedule of Authorizations Office of the Director of National Intel- changes to title 17. Section 2319C(d)(1) is incorporated into the bill pursuant to Sec- ligence (ODNI), Central Intelligence Agency defines ‘‘motion picture’’ as defined in tion 102. It has the status of law. The classi- (CIA), National Reconnaissance Office the Copyright Act, which includes non- fied annex supplements and adds detail to (NRO), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), theatrical motion pictures, television clarify the authorization levels found in the National Security Agency (NSA), and Na- bill and the classified Schedule of Authoriza- shows, and broadcasts of live events. tional Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) tions. The congressional intelligence com- to establish continuity of operations plans f mittees view direction and recommenda- for use in the case of certain national emer- JOINT EXPLANATORY STATEMENT tions, whether contained in this explanation gencies as defined in statute, and share those or in the classified annex, as requiring com- with the congressional intelligence commit- Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, this ex- pliance by the Executive Branch. tees within 7 days of a national emergency planation reflects the status of nego- PART II: SELECT UNCLASSIFIED CONGRESSIONAL being declared. Furthermore, Section 303 re- tiations and disposition of issues DIRECTION quires these agencies to provide the commit- reached between the Senate Select This Joint Explanatory Statement incor- tees with any updates to those plans as the Committee on Intelligence and the porates by reference, and the Executive conditions of the national emergency re- House Permanent Select Committee on Branch shall comply with, all direction con- quire. Intelligence for the Intelligence Au- tained in the Senate Select Committee on Section 304. Application of Executive Schedule thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. Intelligence Report to accompany the Intel- level III to position of Director of National The explanation shall have the same ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Reconnaissance Office 2021 (S. Rept. 116–233) and in the House Per- Section 304 provides that the Director of effect with respect to the implementa- manent Select Committee on Intelligence tion of this act as if it were a joint ex- the NRO shall be designated as Level III on Report to accompany the Intelligence Au- the Executive Schedule, the equivalent of an planatory statement of a conference thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (H. Rept. Under Secretary. The Committee further committee. 116–565). clarifies that this provision shall apply to a I ask unanimous consent that the PART III: SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS AND successor civilian occupying the position of joint explanatory statement for the In- EXPLANATION OF LEGISLATIVE TEXT Director of the NRO. telligence Authorization Act for Fiscal TITLE I—INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES Section 305. National Intelligence University Year 2021 be printed into the RECORD. Section 101. Authorization of appropriations Section 305 provides the National Intel- There being no objection, the mate- Section 101 lists the United States Govern- ligence University (NIU) with degree-grant- rial was ordered to be printed in the ment departments, agencies, and other ele- ing authority and requires reporting on per- RECORD, as follows: ments for which the Act authorizes appro- sonnel and compensation. Section 305 also sustains an independent, external board of INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL priations for intelligence and intelligence-re- visitors to provide oversight of the NIU. YEAR 2021 lated activities for Fiscal Year 2021. Section 306. Data collection on attrition in intel- The following is the explanation of the In- Section 102. Classified Schedule of Authoriza- ligence community telligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year tions Section 306 requires the DNI to set stand- 2021 (hereinafter, ‘‘the Act’’). Section 102 provides that the details of the ards and issue an annual report on the rea- This explanation reflects the result of ne- amounts authorized to be appropriated for sons why different categories of IC employ- gotiations and disposition of issues reached intelligence and intelligence-related activi- ees separate from service or applicants to IC between the Senate Select Committee on In- ties for Fiscal Year 2021 are contained in the positions withdraw from the hiring process telligence (SSCI) and the House Permanent classified Schedule of Authorizations and after they have been issued a conditional Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) that the classified Schedule of Authoriza- offer of employment. Data on workforce at- and the (hereinafter, ‘‘the Agreement’’). The tions shall be made available to the Commit- trition should include demographics, special- explanation shall have the same effect with tees on Appropriations of the Senate and ties, and length of service. Such reasons may respect to the implementation of the Act as House of Representatives and to the Presi- include an alternative job opportunity, a loss if it were a joint explanatory statement of a dent. conference committee. The term ‘‘Commit- of interest in joining the IC, or the length of Section 103. Intelligence Community Manage- tees’’ refers to both SSCI and HPSCI. time to complete the clearance process. ment Account The explanation comprises three parts: an Section 307. Limitation on delegation of respon- overview of the application of the annex to Section 103 authorizes appropriations for sibility for program management of informa- accompany this statement; unclassified con- the Intelligence Community Management tion-sharing environment gressional direction; and a section-by-sec- Account (ICMA) of the ODNI for Fiscal Year Section 307 stipulates that the President tion analysis of the legislative text. 2021. must delegate responsibilities under Section PART I: APPLICATION OF THE CLASSIFIED ANNEX TITLE II—CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 1016(b) of the Intelligence Reform and Ter- AGENCY RETIREMENT AND DIS- The classified nature of U.S. intelligence rorism Prevention Act of 2004 to an official ABILITY SYSTEM activities prevents the SSCI and HPSCI (col- other than the DNI. lectively, the ‘‘congressional intelligence Section 201. Authorization of appropriations Section 308. Requirement to buy certain satellite committees’’) from publicly disclosing many Section 201 authorizes appropriations for component from American sources details concerning the conclusions and rec- the CIA Retirement and Disability Fund for Section 308 prohibits an element of the IC ommendations of the Agreement. Therefore, Fiscal Year 2021. to award a contract for a national security

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:05 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.021 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7933 satellite if the satellite uses a star tracker employees at NSA, NGA, DIA, NRO, CIA, and TITLE V—MATTERS RELATING TO that is not produced in the United States, ODNI; an identification of any shortfalls be- EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES with certain limited exceptions. tween demand and the child care support by Section 501. Requirements and authorities for Section 309. Limitation on construction of facili- these IC elements; an assessment of options Director of Central Intelligence Agency to ties to be used primarily by intelligence com- for addressing any such shortfall; an identi- improve education in science, technology, munity fication of the advantages, disadvantages, se- engineering, arts, and mathematics Section 309 amends the Intelligence Au- curity requirements, and costs associated Section 501 ensures that the Director of thorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 regard- with each option; a plan to meet, within five the CIA has the legal authorities required to ing funding and authorities for facility con- years after the date of the report, the de- improve the skills in science, technology, en- struction. mand for childcare, and an assessment of gineering, arts, and mathematics (known as specific considerations that impact the al- STEAM) necessary to meet long-term na- Section 310. Intelligence community student ternatives available to these IC elements. loan repayment programs tional security needs. Section 310 requires the DNI to establish Section 326. Open source intelligence strategies Section 502. Seedling investment in next-genera- minimum student loan repayment standards and plans for the intelligence community tion microelectronics in support of artificial intelligence for IC employees. Section 326 requires the DNI in coordina- Subtitle B—Reports and Assessments tion with the heads of each IC element, to Section 502 requires the DNI, acting Pertaining to the Intelligence Community conduct a survey of the open source intel- through the Director of the Intelligence Ad- Section 321. Assessment by the Comptroller Gen- ligence requirements, goals, investments, vanced Research Projects Activity, to award eral of the United States on efforts of the and capabilities for each element of the IC contracts or grants, or enter into other Intelligence Community and the Department and to evaluate the usability of the Open transactions, to encourage microelectronics of Defense to identify and mitigate risks Source Enterprise (OSE). Based on such find- research. posed to the intelligence community and the ings, it further mandates the DNI shall de- TITLE VI—REPORTS AND OTHER Department by the use of direct-to-consumer velop, in coordination with the heads of each MATTERS genetic testing by the Government of the IC element, a strategy for open source intel- Section 601. Report on attempts by foreign ad- People’s Republic of China ligence collection, analysis, and production versaries to build telecommunications and Section 321 directs the Comptroller Gen- across the IC; create a plan for improving cybersecurity equipment and services for, or eral to assess efforts in the IC and Depart- usability of the OSE; and conduct a risk and to provide such equipment and services to, ment of Defense (DoD) to identify and miti- benefit analysis of creating an independent certain allies of the United States gate the risks posed to the IC and DoD by di- open source center. Section 601 requires the CIA, NSA, and DIA rect-to-consumer genetic testing by the Gov- Using the findings above, Section 326 fur- to submit to the congressional intelligence ernment of the People’s Republic of China. ther requires the DNI to develop a plan for a and armed services committees a joint re- Section 321 further requires the report to in- centralized data repository of open source in- port that describes the United States intel- clude key national security risks and telligence. Finally, it mandates the DNI de- ligence sharing and military posture in Five vulnerabilities, an assessment of the IC’s and velop a cost-sharing model that leverages Eyes countries that currently have or intend DoD’s identification and mitigation of such the open source intelligence investments of to use adversary telecommunications or cy- risks and vulnerabilities, and recommenda- each IC element for the beneficial use of the bersecurity equipment, especially as pro- tions for the IC and DoD to improve identi- entire IC. It also requires the heads of ODNI, vided by China or Russia, with a description fication and mitigation of such risks and CIA, DIA, NGA, and NSA to jointly brief the of potential vulnerabilities of that informa- vulnerabilities. congressional intelligence committees on tion and assessment of mitigation options. Section 322. Report on use by intelligence com- the progress developing the aforementioned Section 602. Report on threats posed by use by munity of hiring flexibilities and expedited plans. foreign governments and entities of commer- human resources practices to assure quality cially available cyber intrusion and surveil- TITLE IV—MATTERS RELATING TO ELE- and diversity in the workforce of the intel- lance technology MENTS OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMU- ligence community. NITY Section 602 requires the DNI to submit a Section 322 requires the DNI to submit a report on the threats posed by foreign gov- report describing how IC elements are exer- Section 401. Establishment of Office of the Om- ernments and foreign entities using and ap- cising hiring flexibilities and expedited budsman for Analytic Objectivity propriating commercially available cyber in- human resources practices afforded under 5 trusion and other surveillance technology. Section 401 establishes in the CIA an Office U.S.C. 3326 and related regulations, including of the Ombudsman for Analytic Objectivity Section 603. Reports on recommendations of the the identification of any obstacles encoun- to implement required procedures and con- Cyberspace Solarium Commission tered by the IC in exercising such authori- duct required activities. Section 603 requires the ODNI, Department ties. of Homeland Security (acting through the Section 323. Report on signals intelligence prior- Section 402. Expansion of personnel manage- Under Secretary of Homeland Security for ities and requirements. ment authority to attract experts in science Intelligence and Analysis), Department of Section 323 requires the DNI to submit a and engineering Energy (acting through the Director of Intel- report detailing signals intelligence prior- Section 402 facilitates NGA’s recruitment ligence and Counterintelligence of the De- ities and requirements subject to Presi- of experts in science or engineering for re- partment of Energy), Department of Com- dential Policy Directive–28 that stipulates search and development projects. merce, and DoD to report to Congress their ‘‘why, whether, when, and how the United assessment of the recommendations sub- States conducts signals intelligence activi- Section 403. Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon mitted by the Cyberspace Solarium Commis- ties.’’ This report shall be submitted in un- Kent Award for distinguished female per- sion pursuant to Section 1652(j) of the John S. classified form, but may include a classified sonnel of the National Security Agency McCain National Defense Authorization Act annex. (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019, and to describe Section 403 requires the Director of the actions that each agency expects to take to Section 324. Assessment of demand for student NSA to establish an honorary award for the implement these recommendations. loan repayment program benefit. recognition of female personnel of the NSA Section 324 requires the head of each IC for distinguished career contributions in sup- Section 604. Assessment of critical technology element to calculate the number of per- port of the mission of the NSA. trends relating to artificial intelligence, sonnel who qualify for a student loan repay- microchips, and semiconductors and related ment program benefit, and compare it to the Section 404. Department of Homeland Security supply chains number of personnel who apply for such a intelligence and cybersecurity diversity fel- Section 604 requires the DNI to complete benefit. The information provided will in- lowship program an assessment of export controls related to clude recommendations for how to optimize Section 404 requires the Secretary of DHS artificial intelligence (AI), microchips, ad- participation and enhance the effectiveness to carry out an intelligence and cybersecu- vanced manufacturing equipment, and other of the benefit as a retention tool, to identify rity diversity fellowship program that pro- AI-enabled technologies, including the iden- any shortfall in funds or authorities needed vides paid internships, tuition assistance, tification of opportunities for further co- to provide such benefit, and to include such and potential employment opportunities. operation with international partners. materials with the budget request for Fiscal Section 605. Combating Chinese influence oper- Year 2022. Section 405. Climate Security Advisory Council ations in the United States and strength- Section 325. Assessment of intelligence commu- Section 405 requires the DNI, in coordina- ening civil liberties protections nity demand for child care. tion with the appropriate heads of other IC Section 605 provides additional require- Section 325 requires the DNI in coordina- elements, to conduct a study on the effec- ments to annual reports in 50 U.S.C. 3237(B) tion with the heads of other IC elements to tiveness of the Climate Security Advisory on Influence Operations and Campaigns in provide a report that includes: a calculation Council as a potential model for future advi- the United States by the Chinese Communist of the total annual demand for child care by sory councils. Party (CCP) by mandating an identification

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:05 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.022 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 of influence operations by the CCP against by the Islamic Republic of Iran and any rel- Section 620. Report on best practices to protect the science and technology sector in the evant efforts to afford or deny international privacy, civil liberties, and civil rights of United States. Section 605 also requires the access to related facilities in accordance Chinese Americans FBI to create a plan, in consultation with with international non-proliferation agree- Section 620 makes certain technical and stakeholders outside the Intelligence Com- ments. conforming amendments to a reporting pro- munity to increase public awareness of influ- Section 611. Annual reports on security services vision enacted pursuant to the Damon Paul ence activities by the CCP. Finally, section of the People’s Republic of China in the Nelson and Matthew Young Pollard Intel- 605 requires the FBI, in consultation with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Section 611 requires the DNI to submit a 2018, 2019, and 2020. Rights and the Chief Privacy and Civil Lib- report on the presence and activities of Chi- Section 621. National Intelligence Estimate on erties Officer of the Department of Justice, nese security services operating within the the threat of global pandemic disease to develop recommendations to strengthen Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. relationships with communities targeted by Section 621 requires the DNI, acting Section 612. Research partnership on activities through the National Intelligence Council, the CCP and to build trust with such com- of People’s Republic of China munities through local and regional grass- to produce a National Intelligence Estimate Section 612 requires the Director of the roots outreach. on the threat of global pandemic disease. NGA to seek to enter into a partnership with Section 622. Modification of requirement for Section 606. Annual report on corrupt activities an academic or non-profit research institu- briefings on national security effects of of senior officials of the Chinese Communist tion to carry out joint unclassified emerging infectious disease and pandemics Party geospatial intelligence analyses of the ac- Section 606 requires the CIA, in coordina- tivities of the People’s Republic of China Section 622 amends a quinquennial report- tion with the Department of Treasury’s Of- that pose national security risks to the ing provision enacted pursuant to the Damon fice of Intelligence and Analysis and the FBI, United States, and to make publicly avail- Paul Nelson and Matthew Young Pollard In- to submit to designated congressional com- able unclassified products relating to such telligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years mittees annually through 2025 a report that analyses. 2018, 2019, and 2020 to require annual report- describes and assesses the wealth and corrup- Section 613. Report on the pharmaceutical and ing. tion of senior officials of the CCP, as well as personal protective equipment regulatory Section 623. Independent study on open-source targeted financial measures, including po- practices of the People’s Republic of China intelligence tential targets for sanctions designation. Section 613 requires the DNI to submit a Section 623 requires the DNI to seek to Section 606 further expresses the Sense of report on the pharmaceutical and personal enter into an agreement with a federally Congress that the United States should un- protective equipment regulatory practices of funded research and development center or a dertake every effort and pursue every oppor- the People’s Republic of China. nongovernmental entity to conduct a study tunity to expose the corruption and illicit Section 614. National Intelligence Estimate on on the future of the collection, processing, practices of senior officials of the CCP, in- situation in Afghanistan exploitation, analysis, dissemination, and cluding President Xi Jinping. Section 614 requires the DNI, acting evaluation of open-source intelligence by the Section 607. Report on corrupt activities of Rus- through the National Intelligence Council, IC, with certain requirements and criteria. sian and other Eastern European oligarchs to produce a National Intelligence Estimate Section 624. Survey on Open Source Enterprise Section 607 requires the CIA, in coordina- on the situation in Afghanistan. Section 624 requires the Director of the tion with the Department of the Treasury’s Section 615. Assessment regarding tensions be- CIA (as the open source functional manager Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the tween Armenia and Azerbaijan for the IC), in consultation with the DNI and FBI, to submit to designated congressional Section 615 requires the DNI to submit an any other IC element head that the Director committees and the Under Secretary of assessment regarding tensions between the determines appropriate, to conduct a survey State for Public Diplomacy, a report that de- governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan. to measure the satisfaction of customers of scribes the corruption and corrupt or illegal Section 616. Sense of Congress on Third Option open-source intelligence with the Open activities among Russian and other Eastern Foundation Source Enterprise of the CIA. European oligarchs who support the Russian government and Russian President Vladimir Section 616 expresses the sense of Congress Section 625. Sense of Congress on report on mur- Putin, and the impact of those activities on that the Third Option Foundation’s work on der of Jamal Khashoggi the economy and citizens of Russia. Section behalf of the CIA’s special operations com- Section 625 provides that it is the sense of 607 further requires the CIA, in coordination munity and their families is invaluable, such Congress that the DNI should reasonably that the Director of the CIA should work with the Department of Treasury’s Office of have been able to produce an unclassified re- with the Foundation to implement section Intelligence and Analysis, to describe poten- port, as required pursuant to section 5714 of 6412 of the Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew tial sanctions that could be imposed for such the Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew Young Young Pollard Intelligence Authorization activities. Pollard Intelligence Authorization Act for Act for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, and 2020, Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, and 2020, and section Section 608. Report on biosecurity risk and which provided special rules for certain disinformation by the Chinese Communist 1277 of the National Defense Authorization monthly workers’ compensation payments Act for Fiscal Year 2020. Party and the Government of the People’s and other payments to CIA personnel. Republic of China Section 617. Annual reports on worldwide f Section 608 requires the DNI to submit to threats UNITED STATES SENATE CHAM- the designated congressional committees a Section 617 requires the DNI, in coordina- report identifying whether and how CCP offi- BER AND GALLERIES REGULA- tion with IC element heads, to submit an an- TIONS cials and the Government of the People’s Re- nual report with an IC assessment of world- public of China may have sought to suppress wide threats to United States national secu- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, pursuant or exploit for national advantage informa- rity. Section 617 further requires the DNI, to Senate rule XXXIII, I wish to inform tion regarding the novel coronavirus pan- together with IC element heads determined all Senators that on December 18, 2020, demic, including specific related assess- appropriate by the congressional intelligence ments. Section 608 further provides that the the Committee on Rules and Adminis- and defense committees in consultation with tration adopted the ‘‘U.S. Senate Al- report shall be submitted in unclassified the DNI, to testify at an open hearing before form, but may have a classified annex. such committees upon request. It is the in- ternate Vehicle Parking Regulations,’’ Section 609. Report on effect of lifting of United tent of the Committees that a request by one which supersede and replace the cur- Nations arms embargo on Islamic Republic of the congressional intelligence or defense rent ‘‘Regulations Governing Use of Bi- of Iran committees, or a number of them, shall trig- cycle Racks Hart Office Building Ga- Section 609 requires the DIA to submit to ger the obligation of IC element heads to tes- rage.’’ designated congressional committees a re- tify at an open hearing before a requesting The updated regulations describe the port on the Government of the Islamic Re- committee, as specified under Section 617. eligibility and process Senators and el- public of Iran’s plans to acquire military Section 618. Annual report on Climate Security igible staff use to request, register, and arms if the ban on arms transfers to or from Advisory Council obtain parking permits for alternate such government under United Nations Secu- Section 618 requires the chair of the Cli- vehicles. The proposed regulations also rity Council resolutions are lifted, as well as mate Security Advisory Council to submit the effects such arms acquisitions may have an annual report regarding the Council’s expand the use of the garage parking on regional security and stability. prior year activities. racks beyond bicycles to include newer Section 610. Report on Iranian activities relating Section 619. Improvements to funding for Na- commuting technology such as electric to nuclear nonproliferation tional Security Education program scooters. Section 610 directs the DNI to submit a re- Section 619 authorizes funds for national Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- port on any relevant activities relating to security-related scholarship, fellowship, and sent that the text of the regulations as nuclear weapons research and development grant programs. adopted be printed in the RECORD.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.024 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7935 There being no objection, the mate- number, cell phone number, email address, House of Delegates in Baltimore City, rial was ordered to be printed in the employing office, and the make, model/style, where he served on both the Judiciary RECORD, as follows: and color of the alternate vehicle. and the Ways and Means Committees. 5.2 Approved permit holders must provide Four years later in 1970, Sarbanes U.S. SENATE ALTERNATE VEHICLE PARKING their Congressional ID and alternate vehicle REGULATIONS to the Senate Garage Administrative Office, was elected to the U.S. House of Rep- [ADOPTED BY THE COMMITTEE ON RULES AND SH-G12, to receive the approved permit. resentatives, representing Maryland’s ADMINISTRATION ON DECEMBER 18, 2020, PUR- 5.3 The Superintendent’s Office will attach Fourth and later Maryland’s Third SUANT TO RULE XXXIII OF THE STANDING the permit in an easily identifiable location. Congressional Districts from 1971 to RULES OF THE SENATE] 6.0 Permit Renewal—Permits must be re- 1977. Paul continued his public service 1.0 Scope—These regulations describe the newed by a permit holder’s employing office when he was elected to the U.S. Senate eligibility and processes Senators and eligi- each Congress. in 1976. Senator Sarbanes served Mary- ble staff shall use to request, register, and 6.1 The Rules Committee will contact each land well. He sat on many committees obtain parking permits for alternate vehicles office for permit renewal information. to be parked in Senate garages. 6.2 Permit holders approved for renewed but was chairman of the Senate Bank- 2.0 Definitions—For purposes of these regu- permits must bring their Congressional ID ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs Com- lations, the following terms shall have the and alternate vehicle to the Senate Garage mittee prior to my years as chairman. meaning specified. Administrative Office for the new permit. After serving five terms in the U.S. 2.1 Rules Committee means the U.S. Sen- 6.3 Permit holders may request the Super- Senate, Paul retired to Maryland in ate Committee on Rules and Administration. intendent’s Office either place the new per- 2007. The same year, he earned the For- 2.2 Alternate vehicle means a personally mit over the previous permit or remove the eign Language Advocacy Award from owned vehicle, other than an automobile, previous permit and place the new permit in the Northeast Conference on the motorcycle, personal assistance mobility ac- the same position. The Superintendent’s Of- cess device, or rental vehicle, including but fice is not responsible for damage caused by Teaching of Foreign Languages in rec- not limited to bicycles, motorized removal or placement of a permit. ognition of his lifelong commitment to skateboards, and manual and electric scoot- 6.4 Permit holders who either leave Senate the ancient world’s values and lan- ers. employment or whose permits are not re- guages. 2.3 Congressional ID means a current con- newed must immediately stop using the ga- Paul was admired by many and will gressional identification badge issued by the rage racks and bring their alternate vehicle be missed by his sons, JOHN and Mi- Senate Sergeant at Arms. to the Senate Garage Administrative Office chael, his daughter, Janet, and his 2.4 Eligible Staff means employees of the for permit removal. seven grandchildren. He was known for Senate or employees of the Superintendent’s 7.0 Noncompliance—Alternate vehicles Office. may not be stored in a Senate garage. The his intellect and tenacity and will be 2.5 Permit means an identification sticker Superintendent’s Office conducts regular in- remembered for his devotion to Mary- affixed to an alternate vehicle permitting spections of the bicycle racks and will notify land and the Nation. I ask the entire parking in a Senate garage. alternate vehicle owners of noncompliance Senate to join me in recognizing and 2.6 Senate Garage means the underground with these regulations, including for the fol- honoring the life of Paul Sarbanes. parking areas administered by the Super- lowing: failure to display a valid permit; f intendent’s Office. parking outside of a designated area; and 2.7 Superintendent’s Office means the Ar- storing or abandoning an alternate vehicle in TRIBUTE TO LAMAR ALEXANDER chitect of the Capitol’s Senate Super- a Senate garage. intendent Office. Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I would 7.1 Any alternate vehicle that remains like to start by thanking my good 2.8 TranSAAct means the web-based pro- unmoved for more than two weeks will be gram administered by the Senate Sergeant considered as being stored. friend Senator LAMAR ALEXANDER for at Arms for Senate offices that allows offices 7.2 Notice of violation (s) will be placed on his nearly two decades in the Senate to request alternate vehicle parking permits. the alternate vehicle. and his longstanding devotion to im- 2.9 USCP means the 7.3 After the fourth notice of violation proving our country. His dedication to Police. within a 30–day period without subsequent the people of Tennessee and Americans 3.0 General Use of Garage Parking Racks— cure by the permit holder, the Superintend- throughout our Nation has been un- The use of the garage parking racks for al- ent’s Office will notify the USCP to remove ternate vehicles is on a first-come, first- wavering. We have served together in the alternate vehicle and process it as aban- the Senate for 18 years, but he has been served basis. doned property. 3.1 Permit holders must present their Con- 7.4 Owners of alternate vehicles removed in public service for much longer than gressional ID and display their parking per- from Senate garages should contact the that. mit to USCP at garage entrances. USCP for information regarding its aban- I remember when Senator ALEX- 3.2 Permit holders must park alternate ve- doned property policy. ANDER was first elected to the Senate hicles in the designated garage parking in 2002. He was no stranger to his new racks in a manner that does not interfere f colleagues. LAMAR had already served with others’ ability to utilize the racks and REMEMBERING PAUL SARBANES that does not interfere with adjacent park- as the Governor of Tennessee, the ing spaces. Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise president of the University of Ten- 3.2.1 Personal property and alternate vehi- today to pay tribute to my friend and nessee, and the Secretary of Education cles that obstruct access to a parking space former colleague, Senator Paul Sar- under George H.W. Bush. He also ran or parking rack will be moved immediately. banes, who passed away December 6, for President in 1996 and again in 2000. 3.3 Permits are not transferrable to other 2020. I join the entire Nation in mourn- We should have seen the writing on alternate vehicles. ing his passing. 3.4 Alternate vehicles may not use garage the wall then—that Senator ALEX- electric chargers. Paul was born in Salisbury, MD, on ANDER would be one of the smartest 3.5 The Senate, the Superintendent’s Of- February 3, 1933. His first job was bus- and most ambitious Members we would fice, and the USCP are not responsible for ing tables and washing dishes at his serve with throughout our careers. lost, damaged, or stolen personal property. parents’ restaurant on Maryland’s Born in Maryville, TN, LAMAR grad- 4.0 Permit Eligibility—Senators and eligi- Eastern Shore. He attended Princeton uated Phi Beta Kappa from Vanderbilt ble staff with a valid Congressional ID grant- University, where he received the University and went on to receive his ing 24-hour building access are eligible for a Taylor Pryne Honor Prize, juris doctor from the New York Univer- permit. Princeton’s highest undergraduate 4.1 The Rules Committee issues permits on sity, NYU, School of Law. He then a first-come, first-served basis. honor. He was a Rhodes Scholar, which clerked on the Fifth Circuit for Judge 4.2 Eligibility for alternate vehicle parking earned him admission to Balliol Col- John Minor Wisdom in . permits is in addition to other parking and lege of the University of Oxford in Ox- Following his time in Louisiana, he federal transit benefits. ford, England. Upon his return to the moved to Washington to work as a leg- 4.3 A permit holder may register up to two United States, Paul attended Harvard islative assistant for then-Senator alternate vehicles under one permit. Law School. Howard Baker of Tennessee. This is 5.0 Permit Registration—Eligible partici- In the early 1960s, Paul Sarbanes when he met his beloved wife Honey. pants must submit a permit application through their employing office’s TranSAAct clerked for Fourth Circuit Judge Mor- They married and had four children, account. ris A. Soper before entering private and his remarkable career took off. 5.1 The TranSAAct permit application re- practice with two Baltimore law firms. During LAMAR’s time as a U.S. Sen- quires the registrant’s name, office phone In 1966, Paul ran for the Maryland ator, he served as the chairman of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.025 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 Senate Republican conference, an im- Even in moments of mourning, Lin- wounded. And we must not overlook portant leadership position in which he coln charged those still standing to re- the unusually high percentage of Iraq influenced his fellow Members to ac- dedicate themselves to the hard work and Afghanistan veterans who have complish conservative achievements by of preserving our Nation’s integrity, died since returning home, whether working in unison. protecting our fundamental freedoms, from drug overdose or suicide. Thou- Currently, LAMAR is the chairman of and building our families’ security and sands of American families continue to the Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- prosperity. In a time of great division, pay a terrible price for the courage and sions, HELP, Committee— a‘‘Class A’’ this was no small task, and it today re- dedication of their family members committee in the Senate. In 2016, he mains one of our urgent and most sol- who gave life and limb for this country. was instrumental in passing the over- emn tasks. As we look to a new year and a new whelmingly bipartisan 21st Century The year after the Gettysburg Ad- Congress, I am reminded of the mo- Cures Act—landmark legislation that dress, the women of Boalsburg, PA, ments when policymakers reached has brought new innovations and ad- began a tradition that would carry on across the aisle, putting partisan dif- vances to patients who need them fast- for generations. They gathered to- ferences aside to implement ideas that er and more efficiently. gether to decorate the gravestones of best served the American people. We I have been blessed to serve with their loved ones who had gone to God. can think about the establishment of LAMAR on the Senate Rules Committee They wanted to reach beyond the pain the first system of State veterans and the Senate Appropriations Com- to show their fathers, husbands, broth- homes after the Civil War, enactment mittee, where he is the current chair- ers, and sons that their memories en- of the GI bill after World War II, cre- man of the Subcommittee on Energy dure in the hearts and minds of the liv- ation of the modern, Cabinet-level De- and Water Development. ing. Honoring the spirit and sacrifice of partment of Veterans Affairs under In this role on Appropriations, he has our military and veterans isn’t just President Reagan, all required fore- supported and advanced a host of im- about isolated days of commemoration sight and courage to see come to fru- portant national priorities, such as nu- on Veterans Day and ition. The year ahead provides an op- clear security, critical infrastructure each year, it is about the work we do portunity for further bipartisan co- projects across the country, and the every day to be worthy of their valor, operation in service of our veterans science and research taking place at as my father used to say. and our men and women in uniform. the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. I, As we discuss a potential U.S. with- Each of us, those who have served along with my colleagues on the com- drawal from Afghanistan, combat the and those who haven’t, must be a part mittee, am grateful for his hard work resurgence of ISIS in the Middle East, of the effort toward healing. We can to craft many years of significant and exercise oversight over other U.S. mili- meet today’s challenges with the spirit influential funding measures. tary engagements overseas, and look to of the women in Boalsburg so many LAMAR came to the Senate as a staff- resolve increasingly complicated global years ago, to remember our past and er and is leaving as chairman of one of crises, we must not forget those who keep working towards our future. We the largest and most significant com- have given the ultimate sacrifice in can continue our work here in Wash- mittees in the Senate. His impact and service to our country, particularly in ington, in Pennsylvania, and across the leadership during his time here has the most recent wars. The numbers are Nation, to ensure we are worthy of the been both substantial and constructive. important: 7034 Americans have lost valor of the men and women we com- LAMAR and I have travelled the world their lives in the wars in Iraq and Af- memorate today. I call on my col- together. Annette and I have enjoyed ghanistan, with an additional 7 killed leagues in the Senate to reflect every the many hours spent with Honey and in African Command operations since day on the sacrifice of those who came him. He will be missed in the Senate. I 2001. This includes 300 servicemembers before us. thank Senator ALEXANDER for his dedi- from Pennsylvania—the fifth highest As another year comes to a close, we cation to the betterment of our coun- toll of any State. Over 53,000 have been remember and honor those who have try and wish him all the best in his wounded, including more than 2,000 laid down their lives for this great Na- next chapter of life. from Pennsylvania. Although this ad- tion. God bless them. f ministration refuses to be transparent f in its deployment tracking, press re- HONORING AMERICA’S FALLEN TRIBUTE TO SENATOR DOUG ports indicate that approximately 7,500 SERVICEMEMBERS JONES’ STAFF Americans are currently serving in Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, as we ap- Iraq and Afghanistan, with an addi- Mr. JONES. Mr. President, as I men- proach the end of another year, I rise tional 65,000 serving in the Persian Gulf tioned in my farewell speech last week, to remember all those American men and Saudi Arabia. I also wanted to spend a few final mo- and women who have given what Presi- This year, for the first time in nearly ments here on the Senate floor hon- dent Lincoln called ‘‘the last full meas- two decades, Pennsylvania did not lose oring my incredible staff. As the first ure of devotion’’ in service to this any servicemembers abroad. While I Democrat elected to the Senate from great Nation. am grateful Pennsylvania did not suf- Alabama in two decades, I had no idea I often reflect on the Gettysburg Ad- fer losses this year, this milestone only how many brilliant young folks would dress when thinking about our service- serves as a reminder of the grim toll want to come work in my offices, but members and veterans. We all know that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq we were absolutely overwhelmed with this short, somber speech has reverber- have taken on the Commonwealth and the talent my election attracted—and ated throughout our history with an the Nation. As families of fallen serv- not just from Alabama—we had appli- influence that vastly exceeds the few icemembers continue to mourn, we cants from all over the country. We of minutes for which Lincoln actually must reconsider the nature of our mili- course tried to give priority to folks spoke. In November 1863, President tary commitments overseas and recom- from Alabama, but we did have a few Lincoln stood on the battlefield in Get- mit to ensuring those who serve are from other States who brought special tysburg to bless those brave soldiers taken care of. expertise and who, after just a short who had fallen in what was the blood- These fighting men and women were time with us, became honorary Ala- iest battle in U.S. history up to that born into families, not into divisions bamians. point. The ‘‘last full measure of devo- and brigades. They are sons and daugh- Some of my staff came from other tion’’ remark has always resonated ters, husbands and wives, fathers and Senate or House offices where they had with me, as it does with so many mothers. Their love for their families been biding their time, hoping 1 day to Americans, but Lincoln had another is matched only by their devotion to work for an Alabama Democratic Sen- message in his address. He said, ‘‘It is our country. ator. Their experience was critical. for us the living, rather, to be dedi- But many more bear the scars of war. Some staff members brought no legis- cated here to the unfinished work Some families have a loved one who lative experience at all, but they were which they who fought here have thus served in Iraq or Afghanistan and re- quick and eager learners and got up to far so nobly advanced.’’ turned home but was one of the 53,250 speed unbelievably fast. What they all

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.040 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7937 had in common was a deep and sincere House and then the Department of I could not conclude these remarks, commitment to doing the right thing Transportation. He has always been a however, without once again noting for the right reasons. leader, and for me, I was so proud to what was one of my proudest moments There were very few shortcuts and have him as the first African-American in the Senate when we successfully very few easy decisions, but we all chief of staff for a Democratic Senator. eliminated the Military Widow’s Tax. worked hard to understand the issues He was instrumental in building the It took a tremendous amount of effort backwards and forwards and to do our staff and guiding the delicate nature of and persistence in making that legisla- best for the people of Alabama and for Beltway and Alabama politics. tion a reality, and so much of the cred- our country. Although each member of My legislative director Mark Libell it goes to Sarah Kate Sullivan in my the staff was acutely aware that I brought a level of experience and direc- office. Like me and my colleague Sen- would have to stand for reelection in tion to our legislative team that I ator COLLINS, Sarah Kate never gave just 3 short years, they were as com- think is unmatched in the Senate. He up, and today, so many military fami- mitted as I was to not let political con- brought a level of skill to the legisla- lies will benefit from her efforts. siderations enter into our delibera- tive process that is largely responsible My wife Louise and I thank each of tions. Instead we focused on the needs for the many successes we had. these individuals listed below from the of our constituents, big and small, and Katie Campbell doubled as the dep- bottom of our hearts. We love them all doing all we could to make sure those uty legislative director and legislative like family, and we wish them all the needs were met. assistant on our healthcare related very best in their future careers: Over the past 3 years, we have be- matters. She brought a tremendous Katie Campbell, Deputy Legislative Direc- come a family, and we have had some amount of knowledge and was thus a fun to boot. Equally important, we tor. tremendous resource for our healthcare Olivia Chartier, Deputy Scheduler. have gotten things done. We led or agenda, which was always one of my Sam Coleman, Press Secretary. coled over 20 bipartisan bills that were top priorities. Jordan Cozby, Staff Assistant. signed into law. We mustered enough On the Banking Committee, I was Gregory Early, Military Fellow. support to finally repeal the Widow’s fortunate to have Mike Berman for a Elise Fink, Fellow. Tax. We secured permanent Federal Mike Flint, Fellow. couple of years before he moved into Heather Fluit, Communications Director. funding for HBCUs and minority-serv- the private sector. Mike began the ing institutions. We made things easier Jasmine Goodman, Staff Assistant. painstaking process of revising the for folks applying for Federal student Dana Gresham, Chief of Staff. country’s money laundering laws Rebecca Howard, Legislative Assistant. loans. We secured authorizations and which his successor on the staff, Cissy Jackson, Counsel and National Secu- appropriations for hundreds of millions Lauren Oppenheimer, picked up. rity Advisor. of dollars in funding for defense-related Thanks to their combined efforts and Roger Johnson, Staff Assistant. projects in Alabama. We set up a proc- Darren Kinnaird, Systems Administrator. working with colleagues and various ess to collect and make available to Smriti Krishnan, Heflin Fellow. stakeholders and regulators, Congress the public the Federal records from un- Mark Libell, Deputy Chief of Staff / Legis- passed as part of the NDAA an update solved civil rights crimes. We com- lative Director. to our money laundering laws for the Leila Mohaideen, Digital Director / Deputy pleted 2,094 requests for casework help Press Secretary. and responded to hundreds of thou- first time in decades. My friend of 20 years Cissy Jackson Becca Murdoch, Legislative Correspondent. sands of calls, letters, and emails from came to Washington after practicing Lacy Nelson, Digital Assistant / Deputy Alabama constituents. We submitted law with me in Birmingham. She had Press Secretary. 624 letters in support of Alabamians’ Kobye Noel, Mailroom Director. no legislative experience but soon be- grant applications, resulting in Lauren Oppenheimer, Senior Economic came a rockstar among the Senate $270,973,411 in awards for municipali- Policy Advisor. ties, nonprofits, colleges and univer- staff on both sides of the aisle, first Avery Phillip, Press Assistant. sities, rural fire departments, health with the Homeland Security Com- Judy Rainey, Administrative Director. mittee and then as my MLA on the Zoe Scott, Staff Assistant. centers, and others. Out of the out- Abby Selden, Counsel. standing high school seniors who I Armed Services Committee. So much of what we were able to secure for the Laura Sherrod, Legislative Aide. nominated to our military service Jack Spalding, Research Director. academies, 44 have received appoint- people of Alabama in the NDAA is a di- Jessica Spence, Legislative Correspondent. ments, and that is in just our first 2 rect result of Cissy’s tireless and per- Garrett Stephens, Legislative Cor- years alone; we won’t know the results sistent efforts. respondent. for 2020 until next spring. We did more Rebecca Howard handled education Caroline Stonecipher, Press Secretary. than 1,000 interviews, speeches, town- policy for me. Through her efforts, we Brenda Strickland, Director of Scheduling. secured additional and permanent Sarah Kate Sullivan, Projects Director. halls, and events across the State of Ted Trippi, Legislative Correspondent. Alabama and in DC. None of these funding for HBCUs, as well as the suc- cess in simplifying the FAFSA form, Emma Turner, Scheduling Assistant. things, absolutely none of them, would Calvin Wilborn, Special Assistant. have been possible without the hard which will allow so many kids in Ala- Kern Williams, Legislative Correspondent. work and unflagging dedication of my bama to receive a college education. Michael Williams, Legislative Cor- staff. She also coordinated the annual HBCU respondent. My time in the U.S. Senate was en- symposiums that we conducted each ALABAMA hanced immeasurably by the tangible year. Anna Bern, Field Representative. and intangible contributions of my The director of my State staff was Bonnie Beviacqua, Staff Assistant. staff. As I said earlier, we knew we Brantley Fry. Brantley made sure that Beau Bowden, Field Representative. only had 3 years guaranteed, and we I stayed incredibly busy when I was at Ricky Chapman, Staff Assistant. made the most of it. From our amazing home. We traveled from one end of the Eden Cockrell, Staff Assistant. record of legislative accomplishments, State to the other. We visited busi- Paula Cox, Staff Assistant. nesses, military installations, schools, Donald Dees, Field Representative. to our warm and welcoming office cul- Sam Duff, Staff Assistant. ture, to our emphasis on bipartisanship and farms. She coordinated the town- Jason Fisher, Field Representative. and collegiality, we made a positive halls and roundtables, all with an eye Brantley Fry, State Director. difference, and I am immensely proud to the important issues facing the April Hodges, Field Representative. to have served with each of them. State. Sandra Jackson, Regional Director. Although it is impossible to go Heather Fluit was my communica- Shanderla McMillian, Caseworker. through the contributions of each I do tions director and she did tremendous Kate Messervy, Field Representative. want to single out a few who really work keeping the people of Alabama up Jim Perdue, Regional Director. to speed on all the good work that we Jose Perry Jr, Regional Director. made the office click or were respon- June Reeves-Weir, Caseworker. sible in some way for a major accom- were doing in Washington and around Liz Rutledge, Field Representative. plishment. the State. This could be a difficult job Amber Selman-Lynn, Field Representa- First is my chief of staff Dana Gresh- at times on weedy issues like money tive. am. Dana came to me by way of the laundering, but Heather excelled. Ron Sparks, Senior Advisor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.066 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 Al Stokes, Regional Director. their local communities to share the establish revolving funds to provide hazard Rick Tate, Staff Assistant. Good News about God through their mitigation assistance to reduce risks from Susan Thompson, Caseworker and Grants art. disasters and natural hazards, and other re- lated environmental harm. Coordinator. Its founder, Dr. Nicky Chavers, has Zandra Wilson, Caseworker. S. 3989. An act to amend the United States Violeta Yanez, Community Outreach Coor- dedicated the last 50 years to giving Semiquincentennial Commission Act of 2016 dinator. young people a safe avenue to be cre- to modify certain membership and other re- ative through the Logos Theatre, na- quirements of the United States Thank you. tion-wide traveling ministries, a pro- Semiquincentennial Commission, and for f fessional film company and more. The other purposes. S. 5036. An act to amend the Overtime Pay ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS young people in my great state of for Protective Services Act of 2016 to extend South Carolina have truly benefited the Secret Service overtime pay exception from the sacrifices of Dr. Chavers and through 2023, and for other purposes. REMEMBERING RICHARD RONALD the entire team at the Academy of Art H.R. 1966. An act to direct the Comptroller KNOCK Ministries.∑ General of the United States to complete a study on barriers to participation in feder- ∑ Mr. PAUL. Mr. President, I rise to f ally funded cancer clinical trials by popu- honor the passing of a great Ken- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE lations that have been traditionally under- tuckian, Richard Ronald Knock, or RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT represented in such trials. Dick, as he was known to his friends H.R. 5023. An act to name the Department ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED of Veterans Affairs community-based out- and family. He died December 8, 2020, Under the authority of the order of patient clinic in Youngstown, Ohio, as the at the age of 82. ‘‘Carl Nunziato VA Clinic’’. Dick was born June 28, 1938 in Cold the Senate of January 3, 2019, the Sec- H.R. 5459. An act to authorize the Sec- Spring, KY. Dick’s name was always retary of the Senate, on December 20, retary of the Interior to correct a land own- mentioned with high praise. He was 2020, during the adjournment of the ership error within the boundary of Rocky Senate, received a message from the Mountain National Park, and for other pur- valued in his community, as he was poses. known to lend a helping hand when House of Representatives announcing that the Speaker had signed the fol- H.R. 6237. An act to amend the Indian needed and provided a thoughtful ear Health Care Improvement Act to clarify the when spoken to. Mr. Knock came from lowing enrolled joint resolution: requirement of the Department of Veterans a humble upbringing, but through his H.J. Res. 110. Joint resolution making fur- Affairs and the Department of Defense to re- own deeds, he rose to the pinnacle of ther continuing appropriations for fiscal imburse the Indian Health Service for cer- year 2021, and for other purposes. his profession, being a respected mem- tain health care services. Under the authority of the order of H.R. 7898. An act to amend the Health In- ber of many institutions, including as formation Technology for Economic and CEO of Knock Investments; CEO of the Senate of January 3, 2019, the en- Clinical Health Act to require the Secretary Omaha Enterprises; through his service rolled joint resolution was signed on of Health and Human Services to consider on the Board of Trustees at University December 20, 2020, during the adjourn- certain recognized security practices of cov- of the Cumberlands; and as chairman of ment of the Senate, by the Acting ered entities and business associates when Board of Commissioners for the Boone President pro tempore (Mr. SCOTT of making certain determinations, and for South Carolina). other purposes. County Water District. H.R. 8906. An act to amend title XXIX of Dick was also an active political pun- f the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize dit within his community. His commit- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE the program under such title relating to life- ment to freedom was unmatched, and span respite care. he often proved to be a great source of ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED The enrolled bills were subsequently wisdom for elected leaders such as my- At 5:07 p.m., a message from the signed by the President pro tempore self. Dick worked tirelessly in bringing House of Representatives, delivered by (Mr. GRASSLEY). Republicans throughout the Common- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- wealth together in the name of free- nounced that the Speaker has signed At 9:34 p.m., a message from the dom. I can recall during my first elec- the following enrolled bills: House of Representatives, delivered by tion he opened his house for an event S. 979. An act to amend the Post-Katrina Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- that featured my predecessor, Senator Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 nounced that the House has agreed to the amendment of the Senate to the Jim Bunning, that helped unify Repub- to incorporate the recommendations made bill (H.R. 1520) to amend the Public licans in a critical area of our State. A by the Government Accountability Office re- lating to advance contracts, and for other Health Service Act to provide for the picture from that event hangs in my purposes. publication of a list of licensed biologi- Washington office to this day. With his S. 1694. An act to require the National Aer- cal products, and for other purposes, passing, we have lost one of our bright- onautics and Space Administration to add with an amendment, in which it re- est and loudest freedom fighters, but, recommendations and inform other relevant quests the concurrence of the Senate. agencies of information relating to the prin- as Dick would want, the voices of lib- The message further announced that erty will remain loud and clear. ciple of due regard and the limitation of harmful interference with Apollo landing the House has agreed to the amend- While we share in the great sadness ment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. of his passing, it with great joy we look site artifacts, and for other purposes. S. 2174. An act to the extent provided in ad- 133) to promote economic partnership back at his life, his many vance in appropriations Act, the Attorney and cooperation between the United accopmlishments, and the positive im- General is authorized to use funds appro- States and Mexico, with an amend- pact he had on his community and priated for the operationalization, mainte- ment, in which it requests the concur- Kentuckians across the Common- nance, and expansion of the National Missing rence of the Senate. wealth. We honor Dick and his family, and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) The message also announced that the and may he rest in peace.∑ for the purpose of carrying out this Act. House has agreed to the following con- S. 2683. An act to establish a task force to f assist States in implementing hiring require- current resolutions, in which it re- quests the concurrence of the Senate: 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ments for child care staff members to im- H. Con. Res. 128. Directing the Clerk of the ACADEMY OF ART MINISTRIES prove child safety. S. 2730. An act to establish and ensure an House of Representatives to make a correc- ∑ Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. inclusive and transparent Drone Advisory tion in the enrollment of H.R. 1520. President, today I would like to take a Committee. H. Con. Res. 127. Directing the Clerk of the S. 3312. An act to establish a crisis sta- House of Representatives to make a correc- moment to recognize a milestone tion in the enrollment of H.R. 133. achievement for a ministry in my bilization and community reentry grant pro- State. The Academy of Arts Ministries gram, and for other purposes. S. 3418. An act to amend the Robert T. At 10:22 p.m., a message from the is celebrating its 50th anniversary in Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- House of Representatives, delivered by South Carolina on January 8, 2021. This sistance Act to allow the Administrator of Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- ministry has trained thousands of stu- the Federal Emergency Management Agency nounced that the House has passed the dents in the arts and sent them out in to provide capitalization grants to States to following bill, without amendment:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21DE6.066 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7939 S. 4996. An act to ensure funding of the nance, and expansion of the National Missing ance for drug-related offenses; to the Com- United States trustees, extend temporary and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and bankruptcy judgeships, and for other pur- for the purpose of carrying out this Act. Pensions. poses. S. 2216. An act to require the Secretary of By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. SIGNED Veterans Affairs to formally recognize care- BOOKER, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. REED, At 11:30 p.m., a message from the givers of veterans, notify veterans and care- Mr. MARKEY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. givers of clinical determinations relating to FEINSTEIN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. DURBIN, House of Representatives, delivered by eligibility for the family caregiver program, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND): Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- and temporarily extend benefits for veterans S. 5080. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- nounced that the Speaker pro tempore who are determined ineligible for the family enue Code of 1986 to require oil polluters to (Mr. BEYER) has signed the following caregiver program, and for other purposes. pay the full cost of oil spills, and for other enrolled bill: H.R. 1520. An act making S. 2472. An act to redesignate the NASA purposes; to the Committee on Finance. further continuing appropriations for John H. Glenn Research Center at Plum By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. fiscal year 2021, and for other purposes. Brook Station, Ohio, as the NASA John H. BOOKER, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. REED, Glenn Research Center at the Neil A. Arm- Mr. MARKEY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. The enrolled bill was subsequently signed strong Test Facility. FEINSTEIN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. DURBIN, by the Acting President pro tempore (Mr. S. 2683. An act to establish a task force to and Mrs. GILLIBRAND): THUNE). assist States in implementing hiring require- S. 5081. A bill to amend the Oil Pollution f ments for child care staff members to im- Act of 1990 to require oil polluters to pay the full cost of oil spills, and for other purposes; ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED prove child safety. S. 2730. An act to establish and ensure an to the Committee on Environment and Pub- The Secretary of the Senate reported inclusive and transparent Drone Advisory lic Works. that on today, December 21, 2020, she Committee. By Ms. WARREN: had presented to the President of the S. 3257. An act to designate the facility of S. 5082. A bill to provide Federal support the United States Postal Service located at for COVID–19 testing, and for other purposes; United States the following enrolled to the Committee on Health, Education, 311 West in Tomahawk, bills: Labor, and Pensions. Wisconsin, as the ‘‘Einar ‘Sarge’ H. lngman, S. 212. An act to amend the Native Amer- By Mr. YOUNG: Jr. Post Office Building’’. ican Business Development, Trade Pro- S. 5083. A bill to establish within the De- S. 3312. An act to establish a crisis sta- motion, and Tourism Act of 2000, the Buy In- partment of Veterans Affairs a pay-for-re- bilization and community reentry grant pro- dian Act, and the Native American Programs sults pilot program to assist veterans, mem- gram, and for other purposes. Act of 1974 to provide industry and economic bers of the Armed Forces on active duty, and S. 3418. An act to amend the Robert T. development opportunities to Indian commu- their family members at risk of social isola- Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- nities. tion and loneliness, and for other purposes; sistance Act to allow the Administrator of S. 461. An act to strengthen the capacity to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. the Federal Emergency Management Agency and competitiveness of historically Black By Mr. BRAUN: to provide capitalization grants to States to colleges and universities through robust pub- S. 5084. A bill to increase transparency and establish revolving funds to provide hazard lic-sector, private-sector, and community access to group health plan and health insur- mitigation assistance to reduce risks from partnerships and engagement, and for other ance issuer reporting, and for other purposes; disasters and natural hazards, and other re- purposes. to the Committee on Health, Education, lated environmental harm. S. 900. An act to designate the community- Labor, and Pensions. S. 3461. An act to designate the facility of based outpatient clinic of the Department of f the United States Postal Service located at Veterans Affairs in Bozeman, Montana, as 2600 Wesley Street in Greenville, Texas, as the Travis W. Atkins Department of Vet- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS the ‘‘Audie Murphy Post Office Building’’. erans Affairs Clinic. S. 1088 S. 3462. An act to designate the facility of S. 906. An act to improve the management At the request of Mr. WARNER, his of driftnet fishing. the United States Postal Service located at 909 West Holiday Drive in Fate, Texas, as the name was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 914. An act to reauthorize the Integrated 1088, a bill to amend the Immigration Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act ‘‘Ralph Hall Post Office’’. of 2009, to clarify the authority of the Ad- S. 3989. An act to amend the United States and Nationality Act to require the ministrator of the National Oceanic and At- Semiquincentennial Commission Act of 2016 President to set a minimum annual mospheric Administration with respect to to modify certain membership and other re- goal for the number of refugees to be post-storm assessments, and to require the quirements of the United States admitted, and for other purposes. Semiquincentennial Commission, and for establishment of a National Water Center, S. 1827 other purposes. and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, his S. 979. An act to amend the Post-Katrina S. 4126. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at name was added as a cosponsor of S. Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 1827, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- to incorporate the recommendations made 104 East Main Street in Port Washington, by the Government Accountability Office re- Wisconsin, as the ‘‘Joseph G. Demler Post enue Code of 1986 to exclude corpora- lating to advance contracts, and for other Office’’. tions operating prisons from the defini- purposes. S. 4684. An act to designate the facility of tion of taxable REIT subsidiary. S. 1130. An act to amend the Public Health the United States Postal Service located at S. 2390 440 Arapahoe Street in Thermopolis, Wyo- Service Act to improve the health of chil- At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the dren and help better understand and enhance ming, as the ‘‘Robert L. Brown Post Office’’. S. 5036. An act to amend the Overtime Pay names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. awareness about unexpected sudden death in MERKLEY), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. early life. for Protective Services Act of 2016 to extend BROWN) and the Senator from Massa- S. 1342. An act to require the Under Sec- the Secret Service overtime pay exception retary for Oceans and Atmosphere to update through 2023, and for other purposes. chusetts (Ms. WARREN) were added as periodically the environmental sensitivity f cosponsors of S. 2390, a bill to prohibit index products of the National Oceanic and the imposition of the death penalty for Atmospheric Administration for each coastal INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND any violation of Federal law, and for area of the Great Lakes, and for other pur- JOINT RESOLUTIONS other purposes. poses. The following bills and joint resolu- S. 2773 S. 1694. An act to require the National Aer- tions were introduced, read the first At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, his onautics and Space Administration to add name was added as a cosponsor of S. recommendations and inform other relevant and second times by unanimous con- agencies of information relating to the prin- sent, and referred as indicated: 2773, a bill to require non-Federal pris- ciple of due regard and the limitation of By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself, Mr. KEN- on, correctional, and detention facili- harmful interference with Apollo landing NEDY, Mr. MENENDEZ, and Mr. ties holding Federal prisoners or de- site artifacts, and for other purposes. TESTER): tainees under a contract with the Fed- S. 1869. An act to require the disclosure of S. 5078. A bill to amend the CARES Act to eral Government to make the same in- ownership of high-security space leased to extend the temporary relief from troubled formation available to the public that accommodate a Federal agency, and for debt restructurings; to the Committee on Federal prisons and correctional facili- other purposes. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. S. 2174. An act to the extent provided in ad- By Mr. CASEY: ties are required to make available. vance in appropriations Act, the Attorney S. 5079. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- S. 3103 General is authorized to use funds appro- cation Act of 1965 to repeal the suspension of At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the priated for the operationalization, mainte- eligibility for grants, loans, and work assist- name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.043 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 KELLY) was added as a cosponsor of S. KELLY) was added as a cosponsor of S. ‘‘Maximizing Use of American-Made Goods, 3103, a bill to amend title XVIII of the 4898, a bill to amend title VI of the So- Products, and Materials’’ (84 Fed. Reg. 34257), Social Security Act to restore State cial Security Act to extend the period which would enforce the Buy American Act authority to waive for certain facilities during which States, Indian Tribes, and of 1933 (41 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.) to the greatest extent permitted by law; the 35-mile rule for designating critical local governments may use Whereas, the Buy American Act of 1933 re- access hospitals under the Medicare Coronavirus Relief Fund payments. quires Federal agencies to procure materials program. S. 4967 and products domestically— S. 3206 At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the (1) when the materials are intended for At the request of Mr. CASEY, the name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. public use within the United States; and name of the Senator from Michigan CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. (2) when the materials to be procured (or (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- 4967, a bill to amend the CARES Act to the materials from which they are manufac- sor of S. 3206, a bill to amend the Help extend the excise tax holiday period for tured) are present in the United States in America Vote Act of 2002 to increase sufficient and reasonably available commer- aviation taxes. cial quantities of a satisfactory quality; voting accessibility for individuals f Whereas American-made products are de- with disabilities and older individuals, AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND veloped under United States’ regulations and and for other purposes. undergo testing to ensure their compliance PROPOSED S. 4055 with United States’ safety standards, which At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the SA 2726. Mr. SCOTT, of Florida proposed are among the highest standards in the name of the Senator from Minnesota an amendment to the resolution S. Res. 625, world; affirming the benefits of ‘‘Buying Amer- Whereas American-made products are pro- (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor ican’’. duced by workers earning competitive wages of S. 4055, a bill to address health work- SA 2727. Mr. SCOTT, of Florida proposed and working in safe working conditions; force shortages and disparities high- an amendment to the resolution S. Res. 625, Whereas purchasing American-made prod- lighted by the COVID–19 pandemic supra. ucts supports the producers of those prod- through additional funding for the Na- SA 2728. Mr. SCOTT, of Florida proposed ucts and their communities; tional Health Service Corps and the an amendment to the resolution S. Res. 625, Whereas, according to the Manufacturing Nurse Corps, and to establish a Na- supra. Institute, each dollar spent in sales of manu- tional Health Service Corps Emergency SA 2729. Mr. CORNYN (for Mrs. FISCHER) factured products supports $1.33 in output proposed an amendment to the bill S. 371, to Service demonstration project. from other sectors of the economy; provide regulatory relief to charitable orga- Whereas, according to the Manufacturers S. 4461 nizations that provide housing assistance, Alliance for Productivity and Innovation At the request of Mr. LANKFORD, the and for other purposes. Foundation, for every full-time job in manu- names of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. SA 2730. Mr. CORNYN (for Mr. RUBIO (for facturing, there are 3.4 full-time equivalent MURKOWSKI) and the Senator from Ne- himself and Mr. SCHATZ)) proposed an jobs created in non-manufacturing indus- braska (Mr. SASSE) were added as co- amendment to the bill S. 2429, to reauthorize tries; sponsors of S. 4461, a bill to provide for the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 and Whereas, according to a 2017 poll conducted to establish the United States Coral Reef a period of continuing appropriations by Reuters and Ipsos, when buying products, Task Force, and for other purposes. nearly 70 percent of Americans find it impor- in the event of a lapse in appropria- SA 2731. Mr. WARNER (for Mr. ROUNDS (for tant that the products they buy were made tions under the normal appropriations himself and Mr. WARNER)) submitted an in the United States; process, and establish procedures and amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Whereas strengthening American manufac- consequences in the event of a failure Warner to the bill H.R. 133, to promote eco- turing supports employment in the United to enact appropriations. nomic partnership and cooperation between States, produces innovation and the seeds for the United States and Mexico; which was or- S. 4742 future industries, and supports the global dered to lie on the table. competitiveness of the United States; At the request of Mr. BROWN, his SA 2732. Mr. BOOZMAN (for Mr. WICKER) name was added as a cosponsor of S. Whereas a strong American manufacturing proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 3153, base is an important component in helping 4742, a bill to amend title XIX of the to direct the Director of the National to revitalize the United States economy as it Social Security Act to promote access Science Foundation to support research on recovers from the global COVID–19 pan- to life-saving therapies for Medicaid opioid addiction, and for other purposes. demic; enrollees by ensuring coverage of rou- SA 2733. Mr. BOOZMAN proposed an Whereas a strong domestic supply chain tine patient costs for items and serv- amendment to the resolution S. Res. 774, for certain goods and close cooperation with honoring the United Nations World Food ices furnished in connection with par- trusted allies can support national security Programme on the occasion of being awarded and public safety; ticipation in qualifying clinical trials, the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize. and for other purposes. Whereas the global COVID–19 pandemic SA 2734. Mr. BOOZMAN proposed an presented significant challenges for the glob- S. 4757 amendment to the resolution S. Res. 774, ally interconnected supply chain of medical At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the supra. products and has heightened the need for names of the Senator from Virginia f supply chain security of a variety of critical (Mr. KAINE), the Senator from Hawaii TEXT OF AMENDMENTS materials and products; and (Ms. HIRONO) and the Senator from Col- Whereas, regarding the manufacturing of Mr. SCOTT of Florida pro- orado (Mr. BENNET) were added as co- SA 2726. critical medical supplies and products essen- sponsors of S. 4757, a bill to amend the posed an amendment to the resolution tial to national security, national stockpiles and a healthy domestic industrial base would Animal Welfare Act to establish addi- S. Res. 625, affirming the benefits of ‘‘Buying American’’; as follows: help handle any future surge in need for tional requirements for dealers, and for these supplies: Now, therefore, be it other purposes. Strike all after the resolving clause and in- sert the following: ‘‘That— S. 4867 (1) it is the policy of the United States SA 2728. Mr. SCOTT of Florida pro- At the request of Mr. COONS, the Government to ‘‘Buy American’’ products for posed an amendment to the resolution names of the Senator from Alabama public use when fiscally and reasonably pos- S. Res. 625, affirming the benefits of (Mr. JONES), the Senator from North sible, in accordance with the Buy American ‘‘Buying American’’; as follows: Dakota (Mr. HOEVEN), the Senator from Act of 1933 (41 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.); and Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘A resolu- Vermont (Mr. LEAHY) and the Senator (2) the Senate supports American manufac- tion affirming the benefits of ‘Buying Amer- from West Virginia (Mr. MANCHIN) were turing and strengthening our American man- ican’.’’. added as cosponsors of S. 4867, a bill to ufacturing base. direct the Secretary of Health and SA 2727. Mr. SCOTT of Florida pro- SA 2729. Mr. CORNYN (for Mrs. Human Services to support research posed an amendment to the resolution FISCHER) proposed an amendment to on, and expanded access to, investiga- S. Res. 625, affirming the benefits of the bill S. 371, to provide regulatory re- tional drugs for amyotrophic lateral ‘‘Buying American’’; as follows: lief to charitable organizations that sclerosis, and for other purposes. Strike the preamble and insert the fol- provide housing assistance, and for S. 4898 lowing: other purposes; as follows: At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the Whereas, on July 15, 2019, President Donald Strike all after the enacting clause and in- name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr. J. Trump signed Executive Order 13881 titled sert the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:09 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.046 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7941 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. TITLE III—DEPARTMENT OF THE ‘‘(1) all applicable laws governing resource This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Building Up INTERIOR CORAL REEF AUTHORITIES management in Federal and State waters, in- Independent Lives and Dreams Act’’ or the Sec. 301. Coral reef conservation and res- cluding this Act; ‘‘BUILD Act’’. toration assistance. ‘‘(2) the national coral reef resilience strat- SEC. 2. MORTGAGE LOAN TRANSACTION DISCLO- TITLE IV—SUSAN L. WILLIAMS NA- egy in effect under section 204A; SURE REQUIREMENTS. TIONAL CORAL REEF MANAGEMENT ‘‘(3) coral reef action plans in effect under (a) TILA AMENDMENT.—Section 105 of the FELLOWSHIP section 205, as applicable; and ‘‘(4) coral reef emergency plans in effect Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1604) is Sec. 401. Short title. under section 209, as applicable. amended by inserting after subsection (d) the Sec. 402. Definitions. ‘‘(b) ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED.—Activities de- following: Sec. 403. Establishment of fellowship pro- scribed in this subsection are activities to ‘‘(e) DISCLOSURE FOR CHARITABLE MORT- gram. GAGE LOAN TRANSACTIONS.—With respect to a Sec. 404. Fellowship awards. conserve, research, monitor, assess, and re- mortgage loan transaction involving a resi- Sec. 405. Matching requirement. store coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems in dential mortgage loan offered at 0 percent waters managed under the jurisdiction of a TITLE I—REAUTHORIZATION OF CORAL Federal agency specified in subsection (c) or interest with only bonafide and reasonable REEF CONSERVATION ACT OF 2000 fees and that is primarily for charitable pur- in coordination with a State in waters man- SEC. 101. REAUTHORIZATION OF CORAL REEF aged under the jurisdiction of such State, in- poses by an organization described in section CONSERVATION ACT OF 2000. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 cluding— (a) PURPOSES; FEDERAL CORAL REEF MAN- ‘‘(1) developing, including through the col- and exempt from taxation under section AGEMENT AND RESTORATION ACTIVITIES.—The lection of requisite data, high-quality and 501(a) of such Code, forms HUD–1 and GFE Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (16 digitized maps reflecting— (as defined under section 1024.2(b) of title 12, U.S.C. 6401 et seq.) is amended by striking ‘‘(A) current and historical live coral cover Code of Federal Regulations) together with a sections 202 and 203 and inserting the fol- data; disclosure substantially in the form of the lowing: ‘‘(B) coral reef habitat quality data; Loan Model Form H–2 (as depicted in Appen- ‘‘SEC. 202. PURPOSES. ‘‘(C) priority areas for coral reef conserva- dix H to part 1026 of title 12, Code of Federal ‘‘The purposes of this title are— tion to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem Regulations) shall, collectively, be an appro- ‘‘(1) to preserve, sustain, and restore the structure and function that benefit coastal priate model form for purposes of subsection condition of United States coral reef eco- communities and living marine resources; (b) of this section.’’. systems challenged by natural and human- ‘‘(D) priority areas for coral reef restora- (b) RESPA AMENDMENT.—Section 4 of the accelerated changes, including increasing tion to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, structure and function to benefit coastal 1974 (12 U.S.C. 2603) is amended by adding at coral bleaching, coral diseases, water quality communities and living marine resources; the end the following: degradation, invasive species, and illegal, and ‘‘(d) DISCLOSURE FOR CHARITABLE MORT- unreported, and unregulated fishing; ‘‘(E) areas of concern that may require en- GAGE LOAN TRANSACTIONS.—With respect to a ‘‘(2) to promote the science-based manage- hanced monitoring of coral health and cover. mortgage loan transaction involving a resi- ment and sustainable use of coral reef eco- ‘‘(2) enhancing compliance with Federal dential mortgage loan offered at 0 percent systems to benefit local communities and laws that prohibit or regulate— interest with only bonafide and reasonable the Nation, including through improved inte- ‘‘(A) the taking of coral products or species fees and that is primarily for charitable pur- gration and cooperation among Federal, associated with coral reefs; or poses, an organization described in section State, and locally managed jurisdictions ‘‘(B) the use and management of coral reef 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with coral reef equities; ecosystems; and exempt from taxation under section ‘‘(3) to develop sound scientific informa- ‘‘(3) long-term ecological monitoring of 501(a) of such Code may use forms HUD–1 and tion on the condition of coral reef eco- coral reef ecosystems; GFE (as defined under section 1024.2(b) of systems, continuing and emerging threats to ‘‘(4) implementing species-specific recov- title 12, Code of Federal Regulations) to- such ecosystems, and the efficacy of innova- ery plans for listed coral species consistent gether with a disclosure substantially in the tive tools, technologies, and strategies to with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 form of the Loan Model Form H–2 (as de- mitigate stressors and restore such eco- U.S.C. 1531 et seq.); picted in Appendix H to part 1026 of title 12, systems, including evaluation criteria to de- ‘‘(5) restoring degraded coral reef eco- Code of Federal Regulations), collectively, in termine the effectiveness of management systems; lieu of the disclosure published under sub- interventions, and accurate mapping for ‘‘(6) promoting ecologically sound naviga- section (a) of this section.’’. coral reef restoration; tion and anchorages, including mooring buoy (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ‘‘(4) to assist in the preservation of coral systems to promote enhanced recreational made by subsections (a) and (b) shall take ef- reefs by supporting science-based, consensus- access, near coral reefs; fect on the date of the enactment of this Act. driven State, Tribal, and community-based ‘‘(7) monitoring and responding to severe coral reef management, including conserva- bleaching or mortality events, disease out- SA 2730. Mr. CORNYN (for Mr. RUBIO tion and restoration projects that empower breaks, invasive species outbreaks, and sig- (for himself and Mr. SCHATZ)) proposed local communities, small businesses, and nificant maritime accidents, including chem- an amendment to the bill S. 2429, to re- nongovernmental organizations; ical spill cleanup and the removal of ground- authorize the Coral Reef Conservation ‘‘(5) to provide financial resources, tech- ed vessels; Act of 2000 and to establish the United nical assistance, and scientific expertise to ‘‘(8) conducting scientific research that States Coral Reef Task Force, and for supplement and strengthen State and com- contributes to the understanding, sustain- other purposes; as follows: munity-based management programs and able use, and long-term conservation of coral conservation and restoration projects; reefs; Strike all after the enacting clause and in- ‘‘(6) to establish a formal mechanism for ‘‘(9) enhancing public awareness, under- sert the following: collecting and allocating monetary dona- standing, and appreciation of coral reefs and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. tions from the private sector to be used for coral reef ecosystems; (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as coral reef conservation and restoration ‘‘(10) preventing or minimizing the likeli- the ‘‘Restoring Resilient Reefs Act of 2020’’. projects; hood of vessel impacts or other physical (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘(7) to support the rapid and effective, damage to coral reefs through navigational tents for this Act is as follows: science-based assessment and response to aids and expansion of reef-safe anchorages; Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. emergencies that imminently threaten coral and TITLE I—REAUTHORIZATION OF CORAL reefs, such as coral disease outbreaks, ‘‘(11) centrally archiving, managing, and REEF CONSERVATION ACT OF 2000 invasive species, hurricanes, marine heat distributing data sets and coral reef eco- waves, coral bleaching, and other natural system assessments and publishing such in- Sec. 101. Reauthorization of Coral Reef Con- disasters, vessel groundings or chemical formation on publicly available internet servation Act of 2000. spills, and other exigent circumstances; and Sec. 102. Modification to section 204 of the websites of— ‘‘(8) to serve as a model for advancing simi- Coral Reef Conservation Act of ‘‘(A) the Coral Reef Conservation Program lar international efforts to preserve, sustain, 2000 (16 U.S.C. 6403). of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- and restore coral reef ecosystems in the ju- ministration; and TITLE II—UNITED STATES CORAL REEF risdictions of United States allies and trad- ‘‘(B) the Task Force. TASK FORCE ing partners. ‘‘(c) FEDERAL AGENCIES SPECIFIED.—A Fed- Sec. 201. Establishment. ‘‘SEC. 203. FEDERAL CORAL REEF MANAGEMENT eral agency specified in this subsection is Sec. 202. Duties. AND RESTORATION ACTIVITIES. one of the following: Sec. 203. Membership. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator or ‘‘(1) The National Oceanic and Atmos- Sec. 204. Responsibilities of Federal agency the Secretary of the Interior may conduct pheric Administration. members. activities described in subsection (b) to con- ‘‘(2) The . Sec. 205. Working groups. serve and restore coral reefs and coral reef ‘‘(3) The United States Fish and Wildlife Sec. 206. Definitions. ecosystems that are consistent with— Service.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.028 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 ‘‘(4) The Office of Insular Affairs. ‘‘(C) research priorities for the cooperative integration among neighboring Federal, ‘‘(d) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.— institutes established under section 215(c). State, Tribal, or locally managed jurisdic- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the avail- ‘‘(3) General templates for use by covered tions, including the identification of existing ability of appropriations and at the discre- reef managers to guide the development of— research and monitoring activities that can tion of the Secretary of Commerce, the Ad- ‘‘(A) coral reef action plans under section be leveraged for coral reef status and trends ministrator may enter into cooperative 205; and assessments within the applicable jurisdic- agreements with States to fund coral reef ‘‘(B) coral reef emergency plans under sec- tion. conservation and restoration activities in tion 209. ‘‘(6) An accounting of annual expenditures waters managed under the jurisdiction of ‘‘(c) CONSULTATIONS.—In developing all ele- on coral reef management and restoration such States that are consistent with the na- ments of the strategy required by subsection activities within the applicable jurisdiction tional coral reef resilience strategy in effect (a), the Administrator shall— while the preceding action plan, if any, was under section 204A. ‘‘(1) consult with the Secretary of the Inte- in effect. ‘‘(2) LIMITATION.—The Administrator may rior, the Task Force, covered States, and ‘‘(7) Estimated budgetary and resource not provide more than $500,000 in total fund- Tribal organizations; considerations necessary to carry out the ing under paragraph (1) to any one State in ‘‘(2) engage stakeholders, including coral proposed action plan. any fiscal year.’’. reef stewardship partnerships, coral reef in- ‘‘(d) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Adminis- (b) ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS.—The Coral stitutes and research centers described in trator and the Task Force shall make all Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 6401 section 215(c), and coral reef conservation reasonable efforts to provide technical as- et seq.) is amended by striking sections 205 grant awardees; and sistance upon request by a covered reef man- through 210 and inserting the following: ‘‘(3) solicit public review and comment re- ager developing a coral reef action plan ‘‘SEC. 204A. NATIONAL CORAL REEF RESILIENCE garding scoping and the draft strategy. under subsection (a). STRATEGY. ‘‘(d) SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS; PUBLICA- ‘‘(e) ADOPTION OF CORAL REEF ACTION N ENERAL ‘‘(a) I G .—The Administrator PLANS.—A covered reef manager may adopt a shall— TION.—The Administrator shall— ‘‘(1) submit the strategy required by sub- coral reef action plan developed by another ‘‘(1) develop a national coral reef resilience covered reef manager, in full or in part, as strategy; and section (a) and any revisions to the strategy to the appropriate congressional commit- relevant to the adopting manager’s applica- ‘‘(2) periodically, but not less frequently ble jurisdiction. than every 15 years, review and revise the tees; and ‘‘(2) publish the strategy and any such re- ‘‘(f) PUBLIC REVIEW.—The development of a strategy. coral reef action plan by a covered reef man- ‘‘(b) ELEMENTS.—The strategy required by visions on publicly available internet ager under subsection (a), and the adoption subsection (a) shall include the following: websites of— of a plan under subsection (e), shall be sub- ‘‘(1) A discussion addressing— ‘‘(A) the Coral Reef Conservation Program ject to public review and comment. ‘‘(A) continuing and emerging threats to of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- ministration; and ‘‘(g) PUBLICATION.—The Administrator the resilience of United States coral reef eco- shall publish each coral reef action plan pre- systems; ‘‘(B) the Task Force. ‘‘(e) TRANSITION RULE.—On and after the pared and submitted to the Task Force under ‘‘(B) remaining gaps in coral reef eco- this section on publicly available internet system research, monitoring, and assess- date of the enactment of the Restoring Resil- ient Reefs Act of 2020, the 2018 Coral Reef websites of— ment; ‘‘(1) the Coral Reef Conservation Program ‘‘(C) the status of management cooperation Conservation Program Strategic Plan of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- and integration among Federal, State, Trib- ministration; and al, and locally managed jurisdictions with tration shall be considered to be the national coral reef resilience strategy in effect under ‘‘(2) the Task Force. coral reef equities; PPLICABILITY TO COVERED STATES this section until the earlier of— ‘‘(h) A ‘‘(D) the status of efforts to manage and AND CORAL REEF STEWARDSHIP PARTNER- ‘‘(1) September 30, 2033; or disseminate critical information, and en- SHIPS.—A covered State or non-Federal coral ‘‘(2) the date on which the Administrator hance interjurisdictional data sharing, re- reef stewardship partnership is not required develops a national coral reef resilience lated to research, reports, datasets, and to develop a coral reef action plan under sub- strategy under this section. maps; section (a), but may do so in its own discre- ‘‘(E) areas of special focus, which may in- ‘‘SEC. 205. CORAL REEF ACTION PLANS. tion. In developing a coral reef action plan, clude— ‘‘(a) CORAL REEF ACTION PLANS.—Except as a covered State or non-Federal coral reef ‘‘(i) improving natural coral recruitment; provided in subsection (h), not later than 3 stewardship partnership is encouraged, but ‘‘(ii) preventing avoidable losses of corals years after the date of the enactment of the not mandated, to comply with the require- and their habitat; Restoring Resilient Reefs Act of 2020, and ments of this section. ‘‘(iii) enhancing the resilience of coral pop- not later than 2 years after the publication ‘‘(i) PLAN IN EFFECT.—A coral reef action ulations; of a revised national coral reef resilience plan shall be deemed to be in effect if the ‘‘(iv) supporting a resilience-based manage- strategy under section 204A, each covered plan was submitted to the Task Force under ment approach; reef manager shall prepare and submit to the this section during the preceding 6 years. ‘‘(v) developing, coordinating, and imple- Task Force a coral reef action plan to guide ‘‘SEC. 206. CORAL REEF STEWARDSHIP PARTNER- menting watershed management plans; management and restoration activities to be SHIPS. ‘‘(vi) building and sustaining watershed undertaken within the responsibilities and ‘‘(a) CORAL REEF STEWARDSHIP PARTNER- management capacity at the local level; jurisdiction of the manager. SHIPS.—The Administrator shall establish ‘‘(vii) providing data essential for coral ‘‘(b) REQUIREMENTS.—A covered reef man- standards for the formation of partnerships reef fisheries management; ager preparing a coral reef action plan under among government and community members ‘‘(viii) building capacity for coral reef fish- subsection (a) shall— for the stewardship of coral reefs (in this eries management; ‘‘(1) ensure that the plan is consistent with title referred to as ‘coral reef stewardship ‘‘(ix) increasing understanding of coral reef all elements of the national coral reef resil- partnerships’) in accordance with this sec- ecosystem services; ience strategy in effect; and tion, including guidance for preparation and ‘‘(x) educating the public on the impor- ‘‘(2) revise the plan not less frequently submission of coral reef action plans under tance of coral reefs, threats and solutions; than once every 5 years. section 205. and ‘‘(c) PLAN ELEMENTS.—A coral reef action ‘‘(b) IDENTIFICATION OF REEFS.—Each coral ‘‘(xi) evaluating intervention efficacy; plan under subsection (a) shall include a dis- reef stewardship partnership shall identify ‘‘(F) the status of conservation efforts, in- cussion of the following elements: with particularity the coral reef or eco- cluding the use of marine protected areas to ‘‘(1) Short- and mid-term coral reef con- logically significant component of a coral serve as replenishment zones developed con- servation and restoration objectives within reef that will be the subject of its steward- sistent with local practices and traditions the applicable jurisdiction. ship activities. and in cooperation with, and with respect for ‘‘(2) An updated adaptive management ‘‘(c) MEMBERSHIP FOR FEDERAL REEFS.—A the scientific, technical, and management framework to inform research, monitoring, coral reef stewardship partnership that has expertise and responsibilities of, State fish and assessment needs. identified, as the subject of its stewardship and wildlife management agencies; and ‘‘(3) The status of any coral reef emergency activities, a coral reef or ecologically signifi- ‘‘(G) science-based adaptive management plans in effect under section 209 covering cant component of a coral reef that is fully and restoration efforts. coral reef ecosystems within the applicable or partially under the management jurisdic- ‘‘(2) A statement of national goals and ob- jurisdiction. tion of any Federal agency specified in sec- jectives designed to guide— ‘‘(4) Tools, strategies, and partnerships tion 203(c) shall, at a minimum, include the ‘‘(A) future Federal coral reef management necessary to identify, monitor, and redress following: and restoration activities authorized under pollution and water quality impacts to coral ‘‘(1) That Federal agency, a representative section 203; reef ecosystems within the applicable juris- of which shall serve as chair of the coral reef ‘‘(B) conservation and restoration prior- diction. stewardship partnership. ities for grants awarded under section 213; ‘‘(5) The status of efforts to improve coral ‘‘(2) A State, county, or Tribal organiza- and reef ecosystem management cooperation and tion’s resource management agency.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.029 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7943 ‘‘(3) A coral reef research center described cess of $3,000,000, relative to other covered shall notify the Committee on Appropria- in section 215(c)(4) or another institution of States. tions of the Senate and the Committee on higher education. ‘‘(d) EXCLUSIONS.—For the purposes of cal- Appropriations of the House of Representa- ‘‘(4) A nongovernmental organization. culating block grant amounts under sub- tives of the source and amount of such funds. ‘‘(5) Such other members as the partner- section (c), Federal funds provided to a cov- ‘‘(d) REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE.—The Ad- ship considers appropriate, such as inter- ered State or non-Federal coral reef steward- ministrator shall conduct a continuing re- ested stakeholder groups. ship partnership shall not be considered as view of all deposits into, and disbursements ‘‘(d) MEMBERSHIP FOR NON-FEDERAL qualifying non-Federal expenditures, but from, the Fund. Each review shall include a REEFS.— non-Federal matching funds used to leverage written assessment concerning the extent to ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A coral reef stewardship Federal awards may be considered as quali- which the Foundation has implemented the partnership that has identified, as the sub- fying non-Federal expenditures. goals and requirements of— ject of its stewardship activities, a coral reef ‘‘(e) RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ADMINIS- ‘‘(1) this section; and or ecologically significant component of a TRATOR.—The Administrator is responsible ‘‘(2) the national coral reef resilience strat- coral reef that is not under the management for— egy in effect under section 204A. jurisdiction of any Federal agency specified ‘‘(1) providing guidance on qualifying non- ‘‘(e) ADMINISTRATION.—Under an agreement in section 203(c) shall, at a minimum, in- Federal expenditures and the proper docu- entered into pursuant to subsection (a), and clude the following: mentation of such expenditures; subject to the availability of appropriations, ‘‘(A) A State, county, or Tribal organiza- ‘‘(2) issuing annual solicitations to covered the Administrator may transfer funds appro- tion’s resource management agency, a rep- States for additional awards under this sec- priated to carry out this title to the Founda- resentative of which shall serve as the chair tion; and tion. Amounts received by the Foundation of the coral reef stewardship partnership. ‘‘(3) determining the appropriate alloca- under this subsection may be used for ‘‘(B) A coral reef research center described tion of additional amounts among covered matching, in whole or in part, contributions in section 215(c)(4) or another institution of States in accordance with this section. (whether in money, services, or property) higher education. ‘‘(f) RESPONSIBILITIES OF COVERED made to the Foundation by private persons, ‘‘(C) A nongovernmental organization. STATES.—Each covered State is responsible State or local government agencies, or Trib- ‘‘(D) Such other members as the partner- for documenting non-Federal expenditures al organizations. ship considers appropriate, such as inter- within the jurisdiction of the State and for- ‘‘SEC. 209. CORAL REEF EMERGENCY PLANS. ested stakeholder groups. mally reporting those expenditures for re- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A covered reef manager ‘‘(2) ADDITIONAL MEMBERS.— view in response to annual solicitations by may develop and periodically update a plan ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph the Administrator under subsection (e). (in this title referred to as a ‘coral reef emer- (B), a coral reef stewardship partnership de- ‘‘(g) UNEXPENDED AMOUNTS.—Any amounts gency plan’) consistent with the template de- scribed in paragraph (1) may also include available for block grants under this section scribed in section 204A(b)(3) to guide the representatives of one or more Federal agen- that are not expended shall be transferred to rapid and effective response to cir- cies that have management responsibility in the Coral Reef Stewardship Fund under sec- cumstances that pose an urgent and imme- the reef that is the subject of the partner- tion 208(b). diate threat to the coral reef ecosystems ship’s stewardship activities. ‘‘(h) WAIVERS OF CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS.— within the manager’s responsibilities and ju- ‘‘(B) REQUESTS; APPROVAL.—A representa- The Administrator may waive the eligibility risdictions, and consistent with any applica- tive of a Federal agency described in sub- requirements under subsection (b) through ble coral reef action plan. paragraph (A) may become a member of a fiscal year 2023. ‘‘(b) CORAL REEF EMERGENCIES.—The Ad- coral reef stewardship partnership described ‘‘SEC. 208. CORAL REEF STEWARDSHIP FUND. ministrator shall develop a list of, and cri- in paragraph (1) if— ‘‘(a) AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO AGREE- teria for, circumstances that pose an urgent ‘‘(i) the representative submits a request MENTS.—The Administrator may enter into and immediate threat to coral reefs (in this to become a member to the chair of the part- an agreement with the National Fish and title referred to as ‘coral reef emergencies’), nership referred to in paragraph (1)(A); and Wildlife Foundation (in this section referred including— ‘‘(ii) the chair consents to the request. to as the ‘Foundation’), authorizing the ‘‘(1) new and ongoing outbreaks of disease; ‘‘(e) NONAPPLICABILITY OF FEDERAL ADVI- Foundation to receive, hold, and administer ‘‘(2) new and ongoing outbreaks of invasive SORY COMMITTEE ACT.—The Federal Advisory funds received under this section. or nuisance species; Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not ‘‘(b) FUND.—The Foundation shall invest, ‘‘(3) new and ongoing coral bleaching apply to coral reef stewardship partnerships. reinvest, and otherwise administer the funds events; ‘‘SEC. 207. STATE BLOCK GRANTS. received under this section and maintain ‘‘(4) natural disasters; ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall such funds and any interest or revenues ‘‘(5) man-made disasters, including vessel provide block grants of financial assistance earned in a separate interest-bearing ac- groundings, hazardous spills, or coastal con- to covered States to support management count, to be known as the ‘Coral Reef Stew- struction accidents; and and restoration activities and further the ardship Fund’ (in this section referred to as ‘‘(6) other exigent circumstances. implementation of coral reef action plans in the ‘Fund’, and known before the date of the ‘‘(c) BEST RESPONSE PRACTICES.—The Ad- effect under section 205 by covered States enactment of the Restoring Resilient Reefs ministrator shall develop guidance on best and non-Federal coral reef stewardship part- Act of 2020 as the Coral Reef Conservation practices to respond to coral reef emer- nerships. Fund administered through a public-private gencies that can be adopted within coral reef ‘‘(b) ELIGIBILITY FOR ADDITIONAL partnership with the Foundation), estab- emergency plans. Such best practices shall AMOUNTS.—A covered State shall qualify for lished by the Foundation solely to support be— and receive additional grant amounts beyond coral reef stewardship partnership activities ‘‘(1) based on the best available science and the base award specified in subsection (c)(1) that— integrated with evolving innovative tech- if there is at least one coral reef action plan ‘‘(1) further the purposes of this title; and nologies; and in effect within the jurisdiction of the cov- ‘‘(2) are consistent with— ‘‘(2) revised not less frequently than once ered State developed by that covered State ‘‘(A) the national coral reef resilience every 5 years. or a non-Federal coral reef stewardship part- strategy in effect under section 204A; and ‘‘(d) PLAN ELEMENTS.—A coral reef emer- nership. ‘‘(B) coral reef action plans in effect, if gency plan shall include the following ele- ‘‘(c) FUNDING FORMULA.—Subject to the any, under section 205 covering a coral reef ments: availability of appropriations, the amount of or ecologically significant component of a ‘‘(1) A description of particular threats, each block grant awarded to a covered State coral reef to be impacted by such activities, and the proposed responses, consistent with under this section shall be the sum of— if applicable. the best practices developed under sub- ‘‘(1) a base award of $100,000; and ‘‘(c) AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT DONA- section (d). ‘‘(2) if the State is eligible under sub- TIONS.— ‘‘(2) A delineation of roles and responsibil- section (b)— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Pursuant to an agree- ities for executing the plan. ‘‘(A) an amount that is equal to non-Fed- ment entered into under subsection (a), the ‘‘(3) Evidence of engagement with inter- eral expenditures of up to $3,000,000 on coral Foundation may accept, receive, solicit, ested stakeholder groups, as applicable, in reef management and restoration activities hold, administer, and use any gift (including, the development of the plan. within the jurisdiction of the State, as re- notwithstanding section 1342 of title 31, ‘‘(4) Any other information the Adminis- ported within the previous fiscal year; and United States Code, donations of services) to trator considers to be necessary for the plan. ‘‘(B) an additional amount, from any funds further the purposes of this title. ‘‘(e) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Adminis- appropriated for block grants under this sec- ‘‘(2) DEPOSITS IN FUND.—Notwithstanding trator and the Task Force shall make all tion that remain after distribution under section 3302 of title 31, United States Code, reasonable efforts to provide technical as- subparagraph (A) and paragraph (1), based on any funds received as a gift shall be depos- sistance upon request by a covered reef man- the proportion of the State’s share of total ited and maintained in the Fund. ager developing a coral reef emergency plan non-Federal expenditures on coral reef man- ‘‘(3) NOTIFICATION REQUIRED.—Not later under subsection (a). agement and restoration activities, as re- than 30 days after funds are deposited in the ‘‘(f) ADOPTION OF CORAL REEF EMERGENCY ported within the previous fiscal year, in ex- Fund under paragraph (2), the Foundation PLANS.—A covered reef manager may adopt a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.029 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 coral reef emergency plan developed by an- ‘‘(ii) declare a coral reef emergency or ‘‘(A) vessel removal; other covered reef manager, in full or in deny the petition. ‘‘(B) mitigation or restoration activities, part, as relevant to the adopting manager’s ‘‘(B) EXTENSION.—The Secretary may ex- including whether a coral reef emergency applicable jurisdiction. tend the deadline provided for under sub- plan was implemented; and ‘‘(g) PUBLIC REVIEW.—The development of a paragraph (A) by not more than 15 days. ‘‘(C) any actions taken to prevent future coral reef action plan by a covered reef man- ‘‘(4) APPEAL.—If the Secretary denies a pe- grounding incidents; and ager under subsection (a), and the adoption tition for an emergency declaration sub- ‘‘(6) recommendations for additional navi- of a plan under subsection (f), shall be sub- mitted under paragraph (2), the State or gational aids or other mechanisms for pre- ject to public review and comment. partnership that submitted the petition venting future grounding incidents. ‘‘(h) PUBLICATION.—The Administrator may, not later than 15 days after receiving shall publish each coral reef emergency plan ‘‘SEC. 213. RUTH D. GATES CORAL REEF CON- notice of the denial, appeal the denial to the SERVATION GRANT PROGRAM. prepared and submitted to the Task Force Secretary. Not later than 15 days after re- ‘‘(a) GRANTS.—Subject to the availability under this section on publicly available ceiving an appeal under this paragraph, the internet websites of— of appropriations, the Administrator shall Secretary shall grant or deny the appeal. establish a program (to be known as the ‘‘(1) the Coral Reef Conservation Program ‘‘(5) REVOCATION.—The Secretary may re- of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- ‘Ruth D. Gates Coral Reef Conservation voke any declaration of a coral reef emer- Grant Program’) to provide grants for ministration; and gency in whole or in part after determining ‘‘(2) the Task Force. projects for the conservation and restoration that circumstances no longer require an of coral reef ecosystems (in this section re- ‘‘(i) PLAN IN EFFECT.—A coral reef emer- emergency response. gency plan shall be deemed to be in effect if ferred to as ‘coral reef projects’) pursuant to ‘‘(6) RECOVERY OF EMERGENCY FUNDING.— the plan was submitted to the Task Force proposals approved by the Administrator in The Administrator may seek compensation accordance with this section. under this section during the preceding 6 from negligent parties to recover emergency years. ‘‘(b) ELIGIBILITY.— funds expended in excess of $500,000 under ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An entity described in ‘‘SEC. 210. CORAL REEF EMERGENCY FUND. this section as a result of an emergency dec- paragraph (2) may submit to the Adminis- ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.—There is es- laration arising from direct impacts to coral trator a proposal for a coral reef project. tablished in the Treasury an interest-bearing reefs from man-made disasters or accidents. ‘‘(2) ENTITIES DESCRIBED.—An entity de- fund to be known as the ‘Coral Reef Emer- ‘‘(b) GRANT AUTHORITY.— scribed in this paragraph is— gency Fund’, which shall consist of amounts ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the avail- deposited into the Fund under subsection (c). ability of appropriations, upon the declara- ‘‘(A) a natural resource management au- ‘‘(b) USES.—Amounts in the Fund— tion of a coral reef emergency under sub- thority of a State or local government or ‘‘(1) shall be available only for use by the section (a), the Secretary shall provide Tribal organization— Secretary to compensate covered coral reef grants to carry out proposals that meet the ‘‘(i) with responsibility for coral reef man- mangers to implement a coral reef emer- requirements of paragraph (2) to implement agement; or gency plan in effect under sections 210 and coral reef emergency plans in effect under ‘‘(ii) the activities of which directly or in- 212; and section 209. directly affect coral reefs or coral reef eco- ‘‘(2) shall remain available until expended. ‘‘(2) REQUIREMENTS.—A proposal for a grant systems; ‘‘(c) DEPOSITS INTO THE FUND.—Subject to under this subsection to implement a coral ‘‘(B) a regional fishery management coun- the availability of appropriations, there reef emergency plan in effect under section cil established under the Magnuson-Stevens shall be deposited into the Fund— 209 shall include— Fishery Conservation and Management Act ‘‘(1) amounts appropriated for the Fund; ‘‘(A) the name of the entity submitting the (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.); and proposal; ‘‘(C) a coral reef stewardship partnership ‘‘(2) other amounts appropriated to the ‘‘(B) a copy of the coral reef emergency seeking to implement a coral reef action Secretary for use with respect to coral reef plan; plan in effect under section 205; emergencies. ‘‘(D) a coral reef research center des- ‘‘(d) ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS.— ‘‘(C) a description of the qualifications of ignated under section 215(c)(4); or ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of carrying the individuals and entities who will imple- ‘‘(E) another nongovernmental organiza- out this title, the Secretary may accept, re- ment the plan; tion or research institution with dem- ceive, solicit, hold, administer, and use any ‘‘(D) an estimate of the funds and time re- onstrated expertise in the conservation or gift (including, notwithstanding section 1342 quired to complete the implementation of restoration of coral reefs in practice or of title 31, United States Code, donations of the plan; and through significant contributions to the services). ‘‘(E) any other information the Secretary body of existing scientific research on coral ‘‘(2) DEPOSITS IN FUND.—Notwithstanding considers to be necessary for evaluating the section 3302 of title 31, United States Code, eligibility of the proposal for a grant under reefs. any funds received as a gift shall be depos- this subsection. ‘‘(c) PROJECT PROPOSALS.—Each proposal ited and maintained in the Fund. ‘‘(3) REVIEW.—Not later than 30 days after for a grant under this section for a coral reef project shall include the following: ‘‘SEC. 211. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. receiving a proposal for a grant under this ‘‘(1) The name of the individual or entity ‘‘(a) CORAL REEF EMERGENCY DECLARA- subsection, the Secretary shall review the responsible for conducting the project. TIONS.— proposal and determine if the proposal meets ‘‘(2) A description of the qualifications of ‘‘(1) SUA SPONTE DECLARATION.— the requirements of paragraph (2). the individual or entity. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may de- ‘‘(4) CONCURRENT REVIEW.—An entity seek- termine and declare a coral reef emergency, ing a grant under this subsection may sub- ‘‘(3) A succinct statement of the purposes including at the recommendation of the Sec- mit a proposal under paragraph (2) to the of the project. retary of the Interior. Secretary at any time following the submis- ‘‘(4) An estimate of the funds and time re- ‘‘(B) REQUIREMENTS.—In declaring a coral sion of a petition for an emergency declara- quired to complete the project. reef emergency under subparagraph (A), the tion under subsection (a)(2) that is applica- ‘‘(5) Evidence of support for the project by Secretary shall— ble to coral reefs or ecologically significant appropriate representatives of States or ‘‘(i) certify that an emergency has oc- components of coral reefs subject to the re- other government jurisdictions in which the curred that is ecologically significant and sponsibilities or jurisdiction of the entity. project will be conducted. harmful to coral reefs; and ‘‘SEC. 212. VESSEL GROUNDING INVENTORY. ‘‘(6) Information regarding the source and ‘‘(ii) submit to the appropriate congres- ‘‘The Administrator, in coordination with amount of matching funding available to the sional committees findings and analysis to the heads of other Federal agencies, shall es- applicant. justify the declaration. tablish and maintain an inventory of all ves- ‘‘(7) A description of how the project meets ‘‘(2) PETITIONS.—If a covered State or non- sel grounding incidents involving United one or more of the criteria under subsection Federal coral reef stewardship partnership States coral reefs, including a description (e)(2). believes that a coral reef emergency has oc- of— ‘‘(8) In the case of a proposal submitted by curred, and is impacting coral reefs or eco- ‘‘(1) the impacts of each such incident to a coral reef stewardship partnership, a de- logically significant components of coral coral reefs and related natural resources; scription of how the project aligns with the reefs subject to the responsibilities or juris- ‘‘(2) vessel and ownership information re- applicable coral reef action plan in effect diction of the State or partnership, the State lating to each such incident, if available; under section 205. or partnership may petition the Secretary ‘‘(3) the estimated cost of removal of the ‘‘(9) Any other information the Adminis- for a declaration of a coral reef emergency. vessel, mitigation, or restoration relating to trator considers to be necessary for evalu- ‘‘(3) EVALUATION AND ACTION.— each such incident; ating the eligibility of the project for a grant ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days ‘‘(4) the response actions taken by the under this subsection. after receiving a petition under paragraph (2) owner of the vessel, the Administrator, the ‘‘(d) PROJECT REVIEW AND APPROVAL.— (except as provided in subparagraph (B)), the Commandant of the Coast Guard, or rep- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall Secretary shall— resentatives of other Federal or State agen- review each coral reef project proposal sub- ‘‘(i) evaluate the petition to determine cies; mitted under this section to determine if the whether a coral reef emergency has occurred; ‘‘(5) the status of the response actions, in- project meets the criteria set forth in sub- and cluding the dates of— section (e).

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‘‘(2) PRIORITIZATION OF CONSERVATION with an emphasis on coral reefs impacted by ‘‘(4) Of the funds distributed to support PROJECTS.—The Administrator shall agriculture and urban development; projects in accordance with paragraph (3), prioritize the awarding of grants for projects ‘‘(D) promoting ecologically sound naviga- not less than 20 percent and not more than 33 that meet the criteria for approval under tion and anchorages, including mooring buoy percent shall be awarded for projects sub- subparagraphs (A) through (G) of subsection systems to promote enhanced recreational mitted by a Federal coral reef stewardship (e)(2) that are proposed to be conducted with- access, near coral reefs; partnership. in priority areas identified for coral reef con- ‘‘(E) furthering the goals and objectives of ‘‘(g) PROJECT REPORTING.—Each entity re- servation by the Administrator and con- coral reef action plans in effect under sec- ceiving a grant under this section shall sub- sistent with the national coral reef resil- tion 205 and coral reef emergency plans in ef- mit to the Administrator such reports at ience strategy in effect under section 204A. fect under section 209; such times and containing such information ‘‘(3) PRIORITIZATION OF RESTORATION ‘‘(F) mapping the location and distribution for evaluating project performance as the PROJECTS.—The Administrator shall of coral reefs and potential coral reef habi- Administrator may require. prioritize the awarding of grants for projects tat; ‘‘(h) TASK FORCE.—The Administrator may that meet the criteria for approval under ‘‘(G) stimulating innovation to advance consult with the Secretary of the Interior subparagraphs (E) through (L) of subsection the ability of the United States to under- and the Task Force to obtain guidance in es- (e)(2) that are proposed to be conducted with- stand, research, or monitor coral reef eco- tablishing priorities and evaluating pro- in priority areas identified for coral reef res- systems, or to develop management or adap- posals for coral reef projects under this sec- toration by the Administrator and con- tation options to preserve, sustain, and re- tion. sistent with the national coral reef resil- store coral reef ecosystems; ‘‘(i) UNEXPENDED AMOUNTS.—Any amounts ience strategy in effect under section 204A. ‘‘(H) implementing research to ensure the available for grants under this section that ‘‘(4) REVIEW; APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL.— population viability of listed coral species in are not expended shall be transferred to the Not later than 180 days after receiving a pro- United States waters as detailed in the popu- Coral Reef Stewardship Fund under section posal for a coral reef project under this sec- lation-based recovery criteria included in 208(b). tion, the Administrator shall— species-specific recovery plans consistent ‘‘SEC. 214. REPORTS ON ADMINISTRATION. ‘‘(A) request and consider written com- with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years ments on the proposal from each Federal U.S.C. 1531 et seq.); after the date of the enactment of the Re- agency, State government, Tribal organiza- ‘‘(I) developing and implementing cost-ef- storing Resilient Reefs Act of 2020, and every tion, or other government jurisdiction, in- fective methods to restore degraded coral 2 years thereafter, the Administrator shall cluding the relevant regional fishery man- reef ecosystems or to create geographically submit to the committees specified in sub- agement councils established under the Mag- appropriate coral reef ecosystems in suitable section (b) a report on the administration of nuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and waters, including by improving habitat or this title during the 2-year period preceding Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), or promoting success of keystone species, with submission of the report, including— any National Marine Sanctuary or Marine an emphasis on novel restoration strategies ‘‘(1) a description of all activities under- National Monument, with jurisdiction or and techniques to advance coral reef recov- taken to implement the most recent na- management authority over coral reef eco- ery and growth near population centers tional coral reef resilience strategy under systems in the area where the project is to threatened by rising sea levels and storm section 204A; be conducted, including the extent to which surge; ‘‘(2) a statement of all funds obligated the project is consistent with locally estab- ‘‘(J) translating and applying coral genet- under the authorities of this title; and lished priorities, unless such entities were ics research to coral reef ecosystem restora- ‘‘(3) a summary, disaggregated by State, of directly involved in the development of the tion, including research related to traits Federal and non-Federal contributions to- project proposal; that promote resilience to increasing ocean ward the costs of each project or activity ‘‘(B) provide for the merit-based peer re- temperatures, ocean acidification, coral funded, in full or in part, under the authori- view of the proposal and require standardized bleaching, coral diseases, and invasive spe- ties of this title. documentation of that peer review; cies; ‘‘(b) COMMITTEES SPECIFIED.—The commit- ‘‘(C) after considering any written com- ‘‘(K) developing and maintaining in situ tees specified in this subsection are— ments and recommendations based on the re- native coral propagation sites; or ‘‘(1) the Committee on Commerce, Science, views under subparagraphs (A) and (B), ap- ‘‘(L) developing and maintaining ex situ and Transportation and the Committee on prove or disapprove the proposal; and coral propagation nurseries and land-based Appropriations of the Senate; and ‘‘(D) provide written notification of that coral gene banks to— ‘‘(2) the Committee on Natural Resources approval or disapproval, with summaries of ‘‘(i) conserve or augment genetic diversity and the Committee on Appropriations of the all written comments, recommendations, of native coral populations; House of Representatives. and peer-reviews, to the entity that sub- ‘‘(ii) support captive breeding of rare coral ‘‘SEC. 215. AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO AGREE- mitted the proposal, and each of those species; or MENTS. States, Tribal organizations, and other gov- ‘‘(iii) enhance resilience of native coral ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator may ernment jurisdictions that provided com- populations to increasing ocean tempera- enter into and perform such contracts, ments under subparagraph (A). tures, ocean acidification, coral bleaching, leases, grants, or cooperative agreements as ‘‘(e) CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL.—The Admin- and coral diseases through selective breed- may be necessary to carry out the purposes istrator may not approve a proposal for a ing, conditioning, or other approaches that of this title. coral reef project under this section unless target genes, gene expression, phenotypic ‘‘(b) FUNDING.— the project— traits, or phenotypic plasticity. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Under an agreement en- ‘‘(1) is consistent with— ‘‘(f) FUNDING REQUIREMENTS.—To the ex- tered into under subsection (a), the Adminis- ‘‘(A) the national coral reef resilience tent practicable based upon proposals for trator may reimburse or provide funds au- strategy in effect under section 204A; and coral reef projects submitted to the Adminis- thorized to be appropriated by section 216 to, ‘‘(B) any Federal or non-Federal coral reef trator, the Administrator shall ensure that and may receive funds or reimbursements action plans in effect under section 205 cov- funding for grants awarded under this sec- from, individuals and entities described in ering a coral reef or ecologically significant tion during a fiscal year is distributed as fol- paragraph (2) to carry out activities author- component of a coral reef to be affected by lows: ized by this title. the project; and ‘‘(1) Not less than 40 percent of funds avail- ‘‘(2) INDIVIDUALS AND ENTITIES DESCRIBED.— ‘‘(2) will enhance the conservation and res- able shall be awarded for projects in the Pa- Individuals and entities described in this toration of coral reefs by— cific Ocean within the maritime areas and paragraph are the following: ‘‘(A) addressing conflicts arising from the zones subject to the jurisdiction or control of ‘‘(A) Federal agencies, instrumentalities, use of environments near coral reefs or from the United States. and laboratories. the use of corals, species associated with ‘‘(2) Not less than 40 percent of the funds ‘‘(B) State and local governments. coral reefs, and coral products, including available shall be awarded for projects in the ‘‘(C) Indian Tribes and Tribal organiza- supporting consensus-driven, community- Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, or the tions. based planning and management initiatives Caribbean Sea within the maritime areas ‘‘(D) International organizations. for the protection of coral reef ecosystems; and zones subject to the jurisdiction or con- ‘‘(E) Foreign governments not subject to ‘‘(B) improving compliance with laws that trol of the United States. economic sanctions imposed by the United prohibit or regulate the taking of coral prod- ‘‘(3) Not more than 67 percent of funds dis- States. ucts or species associated with coral reefs or tributed in each region in accordance with ‘‘(F) Institutions of higher education, re- regulate the use and management of coral paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be made exclu- search centers, and other educational insti- reef ecosystems; sively available to projects that are— tutions. ‘‘(C) designing and implementing networks ‘‘(A) submitted by a coral reef stewardship ‘‘(G) Nonprofit organizations. of real-time water quality monitoring along partnership; and ‘‘(H) Commercial organizations. coral reefs, including data collection related ‘‘(B) consistent with the coral reef action ‘‘(I) Other public or private individuals or to turbidity, nutrient availability, harmful plan in effect under section 205 by such a entities. algal blooms, and plankton assemblages, partnership. ‘‘(c) COOPERATIVE INSTITUTES.—

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‘‘(1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall profit research organizations, and non- able to the Secretary for the provision State establish 2 cooperative institutes for the pur- governmental organizations to carry out ac- block grants under section 207. pose of advancing and sustaining essential tivities authorized under this title. ‘‘(2) $24,500,000 for fiscal year 2022, of which capabilities in coral reef research, to be ‘‘(e) USE OF RESOURCES OF OTHER AGEN- not less than $8,500,000 shall be made avail- known as the ‘Atlantic Coral Reef Institute’ CIES.—The Administrator may use, with con- able to the Secretary for the provision State and the ‘Pacific Coral Reef Institute’. sent and with or without reimbursement, the block grants under section 207. ‘‘(2) MEMBERSHIP.—Each institute estab- land, services, equipment, personnel, and fa- ‘‘(3) $26,000,000 for fiscal year 2023, of which lished under paragraph (1) shall be housed cilities of any agency or instrumentality of— not less than $9,000,000 shall be made avail- within a single coral reef research center ‘‘(1) the United States; able to the Secretary for the provision State designated by the Administrator under para- ‘‘(2) any State or local government; block grants under section 207. graph (4) in the Atlantic and Pacific basins, ‘‘(3) any Indian Tribe; or ‘‘(4) $27,500,000 for fiscal year 2024, of which respectively, and may contract with other ‘‘(4) any foreign government not subject to not less than $10,000,000 shall be made avail- coral reef research centers within the same economic sanctions imposed by the United able to the Secretary for the provision State basin to support each institute’s capacity States. block grants under section 207. and reach. ‘‘SEC. 216. CORAL REEF PRIZE COMPETITIONS. ‘‘(5) $29,000,000 for fiscal year 2025, of which ‘‘(3) FUNCTIONS.—The institutes established ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The head of any Federal not less than $11,000,000 shall be made avail- under paragraph (1) shall— agency with a representative serving on the able to the Secretary for the provision State ‘‘(A) conduct federally directed research to U.S. Coral Reef Task Force established by block grants under section 207. ‘‘(d) FEDERALLY DIRECTED RESEARCH AND fill national and regional coral reef eco- Executive Order 13089 (16 U.S.C. 6401 note; re- CORAL REEF CONSERVATION PROGRAM system research gaps and improve under- lating to coral reef protection), may, individ- GRANTS.—From the amounts authorized to standing of, and responses to, continuing and ually or in cooperation with one or more be appropriated under subsection (a), there emerging threats to the resilience of United agencies, carry out a program to award States coral reef ecosystems consistent with shall be made available to the Secretary not prizes competitively under section 24 of the less than $8,000,000 for each of fiscal years the national coral reef resilience strategy in Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation effect under section 204A; 2021 through 2025 to support purposes con- Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3719). ‘‘(B) support ecological research and moni- sistent with this title, of which— ‘‘(b) PURPOSES.—Any program carried out toring to study the effects of conservation ‘‘(1) not less than $3,500,000 shall be made under this section shall be for the purpose of and restoration activities funded by this available for each such fiscal year for au- stimulating innovation to advance the abil- title on promoting more effective coral reef thorized activities under section 213; and ity of the United States to understand, re- management and restoration; and ‘‘(2) not less than $4,500,000 shall be made search, or monitor coral reef ecosystems, or ‘‘(C) through agreements— available for each such fiscal year through to develop management or adaptation op- ‘‘(i) collaborate directly with govern- cooperative agreements with the cooperative tions to preserve, sustain, and restore coral mental resource management agencies, coral institutes established under section 215(c). reef ecosystems. reef stewardship partnerships, nonprofit or- ‘‘SEC. 218. DEFINITIONS. ‘‘(c) PRIORITY PROGRAMS.—Priority shall be ganizations, and other coral reef research ‘‘In this title: given to establishing programs under this centers designated under paragraph (4); ‘‘(1) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘Adminis- section that address communities, environ- ‘‘(ii) assist in the development and imple- trator’ means the Administrator of the Na- ments, or industries that are in distress as a mentation of— tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ‘‘(I) the national coral reef resilience strat- result of the decline or degradation of coral tion. egy under section 204A; reef ecosystems, including— ‘‘(2) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- ‘‘(II) coral reef action plans under section ‘‘(1) scientific research and monitoring TEES.—The term ‘appropriate congressional 205; and that furthers the understanding of causes be- committees’ means the Committee on Com- ‘‘(III) coral reef emergency plans under hind coral reef decline and degradation and merce, Science, and Transportation of the section 209; the generally slow recovery following dis- Senate and the Committee on Natural Re- ‘‘(iii) build capacity within governmental turbances, including ocean acidification and sources of the House of Representatives. resource management agencies to establish its impacts on coral reproduction; ‘‘(3) CONSERVATION.—The term ‘conserva- research priorities and translate and apply ‘‘(2) the development of monitoring or tion’ means the use of methods and proce- research findings to management and res- management options for communities or in- dures necessary to preserve or sustain native toration practices; and dustries that are experiencing significant fi- corals and associated species as diverse, via- ‘‘(iv) conduct public education and aware- nancial hardship; ble, and self-perpetuating coral reef eco- ness programs for policymakers, resource ‘‘(3) the development of adaptation options systems with minimal impacts from invasive managers, and the general public on— to alleviate economic harm and job loss species, including— ‘‘(I) coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems; caused by damage to coral reef ecosystems; ‘‘(A) all activities associated with resource ‘‘(II) best practices for coral reef eco- ‘‘(4) the development of measures to help management, such as monitoring, assess- system management and restoration; vulnerable communities or industries, with ment, protection, restoration, sustainable ‘‘(III) the value of coral reefs; and an emphasis on rural communities and busi- use, management of habitat, and mainte- ‘‘(IV) the threats to the sustainability of nesses; and nance or augmentation of genetic diversity; coral reef ecosystems. ‘‘(5) the development of adaptation and ‘‘(B) mapping; management options for impacted tourism ‘‘(4) CORAL REEF RESEARCH CENTERS.— ‘‘(C) scientific expertise and technical as- industries. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall sistance in the development and implemen- periodically solicit applications and des- ‘‘SEC. 217. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. tation of management strategies for marine ignate all qualifying institutions in a cov- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to protected areas and marine resources con- ered State as coral reef research centers. be appropriated to the Secretary to carry sistent with the National Marine Sanc- ‘‘(B) CRITERIA.—An institution qualifies for out this title the following amounts, which tuaries Act (16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.) and the designation as a coral reef research center shall remain available until expended: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and under subparagraph (A) if the Administrator ‘‘(1) $31,000,000 for fiscal year 2021. Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.); determines that the institution— ‘‘(2) $32,500,000 for fiscal year 2022. ‘‘(D) law enforcement; ‘‘(i) is operated by an institution of higher ‘‘(3) $34,000,000 for fiscal year 2023. ‘‘(E) conflict resolution initiatives; education or nonprofit marine research orga- ‘‘(4) $35,500,000 for fiscal year 2024. ‘‘(F) community outreach and education; nization; ‘‘(5) $37,000,000 for fiscal year 2025. and ‘‘(ii) has established management-driven ‘‘(b) ADMINISTRATION.—Of the amounts ap- ‘‘(G) promotion of safe and ecologically national or regional coral reef research or propriated pursuant to the authorization of sound navigation and anchoring. restoration programs; appropriations under subsection (a), not ‘‘(4) CORAL.—The term ‘coral’ means spe- ‘‘(iii) has demonstrated abilities to coordi- more than the lesser of $1,500,000 or 10 per- cies of the phylum Cnidaria, including— nate closely with appropriate Federal and cent may be used for program administra- ‘‘(A) all species of the orders Antipatharia State agencies, as well as other academic tion or for overhead costs incurred by the (black corals), Scleractinia (stony corals), and nonprofit organizations; and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- Alcyonacea (soft corals, organ pipe corals, ‘‘(iv) maintains significant local commu- tration or the Department of Commerce and gorgonians), and Helioporacea (blue coral), nity engagement and outreach programs re- assessed as an administrative charge. of the class Anthozoa; and lated to coral reef ecosystems. ‘‘(c) CORAL REEF MANAGEMENT AND RES- ‘‘(B) all species of the order Anthoathecata ‘‘(d) MULTIYEAR COOPERATIVE AGREE- TORATION ACTIVITIES.—From the amounts au- (fire corals and other hydrocorals) of the MENTS.—The Administrator may enter into thorized to be appropriated under subsection class Hydrozoa. multiyear cooperative agreements with the (a), there shall be made available to the Sec- ‘‘(5) CORAL REEF.—The term ‘coral reef’ heads of other Federal agencies, States, In- retary not less than the following amounts means limestone structures in the form of a dian Tribes or Tribal organizations, local for authorized activities under sections 203 reef or shoal, composed in whole or in part governments, the coral reef cooperative in- and 207: by living coral, skeletal remains of coral, stitutes established under subsection (c), and ‘‘(1) $23,000,000 for fiscal year 2021, of which crustose coralline algae, and other associ- other institutions of higher education, non- not less than $8,000,000 shall be made avail- ated sessile marine plants and animals.

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‘‘(6) CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEM.—The term Puerto Rico, or the United States Virgin Is- (C) to collaborate with international com- ‘coral reef ecosystem’ means— lands; or munities successful in managing coral reefs; ‘‘(A) corals and other geographically and ‘‘(C) any other territory or possession of (4) to provide technical assistance for the ecologically associated marine communities the United States or separate sovereign in development and implementation, as appro- of other reef organisms (including reef plants free association with the United States that priate, of— and animals) associated with coral reef habi- contains a coral reef ecosystem within its (A) the national coral reef resilience strat- tat; and seaward boundaries. egy under section 204A of the Coral Reef Con- ‘‘(B) the biotic and abiotic factors and ‘‘(18) STEWARDSHIP.—The term ‘steward- servation Act of 2000, as amended by section processes that control coral calcification ship’, with respect to a coral reef, includes 101; rates, tissue growth, reproduction, recruit- conservation, restoration, and public out- (B) coral reef action plans under section ment, abundance, coral-algal symbiosis, and reach and education. 205 of that Act; and biodiversity in such habitat. ‘‘(19) TASK FORCE.—The term ‘Task Force’ (C) coral reef emergency plans under sec- ‘‘(7) CORAL PRODUCTS.—The term ‘coral means the United States Coral Reef Task tion 209 of that Act; and products’ means any living or dead speci- Force established under section 201 of the (5) to produce a report each year, for sub- mens, parts, or derivatives, or any product Restoring Resilient Reefs Act of 2020. mission to the appropriate congressional containing specimens, parts, or derivatives, ‘‘(20) TRIBAL ORGANIZATION.—The term committees and publication on a publicly of any species referred to in paragraph (4). ‘Tribal organization’ has the meaning given available internet website of the Task Force, ‘‘(8) COVERED REEF MANAGER.— the term ‘tribal organization’ in section 3765 highlighting the status of the coral reef equi- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘covered reef of title 38, United States Code.’’. ties of a covered State on a rotating basis, manager’ means a management unit of a (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENT TO NATIONAL including— Federal agency specified in subparagraph (B) OCEANS AND COASTAL SECURITY ACT.—Sec- (A) a summary of recent coral reef man- with jurisdiction over a coral reef ecosystem, tion 905(a) of the National Oceans and Coast- agement and restoration activities under- covered State, or coral reef stewardship part- al Security Act (16 U.S.C. 7504(a)) is amended taken in that State; and nership. by striking ‘‘and coastal infrastructure’’ and (B) updated estimates of the direct and in- inserting ‘‘, coastal infrastructure, and eco- ‘‘(B) FEDERAL AGENCIES SPECIFIED.—A Fed- direct economic activity supported by, and system services provided by natural systems eral agency specified in this subparagraph is other benefits associated with, those coral such as coral reefs’’. one of the following: reef equities. ‘‘(i) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric SEC. 102. MODIFICATION TO SECTION 204 OF THE SEC. 203. MEMBERSHIP. Administration. CORAL REEF CONSERVATION ACT ‘‘(ii) The National Park Service. OF 2000 (16 U.S.C. 6403). (a) VOTING MEMBERSHIP.—The Task Force ‘‘(iii) The United States Fish and Wildlife Section 204 of the Coral Reef Conservation shall have the following voting members: Service. Act of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 6403) is amended— (1) The Secretary of Commerce, acting ‘‘(iv) The Office of Insular Affairs. (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘this sec- through the Administrator of the National ‘‘(9) COVERED STATE.—The term ‘covered tion’’ and inserting ‘‘section 213’’; Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, State’ means Florida, Hawaii, and the terri- (2) in subsection (b), by adding at the end and the Secretary of the Interior, who shall tories of American Samoa, the Common- the following: be co-chairs of the Task Force. wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, ‘‘(3) SPECIAL RULE.—For purposes of para- (2) The Administrator of the United States Guam, Puerto Rico, and the United States graph (1), block grant funds awarded to the Agency for International Development. Virgin Islands. territories of American Samoa, the Com- (3) The Secretary of Agriculture. ‘‘(10) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘Indian monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, (4) The Secretary of Defense. Tribe’ has the meaning given that term in Guam, Puerto Rico, or the United States (5) The Secretary of the Army, acting section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination Virgin Islands under section 207 shall qualify through the Assistant Secretary of the Army and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. as the non-Federal share of project costs.’’; for Civil Works. 5304). and (6) The Secretary of Homeland Security, ‘‘(11) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.— (3) by striking subsections (c) through (j). acting through the Administrator of the The term ‘institution of higher education’ TITLE II—UNITED STATES CORAL REEF Federal Emergency Management Agency. has the meaning given that term in section TASK FORCE (7) The Commandant of the Coast Guard. 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 SEC. 201. ESTABLISHMENT. (8) The Attorney General. U.S.C. 1001). There is established a task force to lead, (9) The Secretary of State. ‘‘(12) INTERESTED STAKEHOLDER GROUPS.— coordinate, and strengthen Federal Govern- (10) The Secretary of Transportation. The term ‘interested stakeholder groups’ in- ment actions to better preserve, conserve, (11) The Administrator of the Environ- cludes community members such as busi- and restore coral reef ecosystems, to be mental Protection Agency. nesses, commercial and recreational fisher- known as the ‘‘United States Coral Reef (12) The Administrator of the National men, other recreationalists, Federal, State, Task Force’’ (in this title referred to as the Aeronautics and Space Administration. Tribal, and local government units with re- ‘‘Task Force’’). (13) The Director of the National Science lated jurisdiction, institutions of higher edu- SEC. 202. DUTIES. Foundation. cation, and nongovernmental organizations. The duties of the Task Force shall be— (14) The Governor, or a representative of ‘‘(13) NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION.—The term (1) to coordinate, in cooperation with the Governor, of each covered State. ‘nonprofit organization’ means an organiza- State, Tribal, and local government part- (b) NONVOTING MEMBERS.—The Task Force tion that is described in section 501(c) of the ners, coral reef research centers designated shall have the following nonvoting members: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt under section 215(c) of the Coral Reef Con- (1) A member of the South Atlantic Fish- from tax under section 501(a) of such Code. servation Act of 2000 (as amended by section ery Management Council who is designated ‘‘(14) RESTORATION.—The term ‘restoration’ 101), and other nongovernmental and aca- by the Governor of Florida under section means the use of methods and procedures demic partners as appropriate, activities re- 302(b)(1) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery necessary to enhance, rehabilitate, recreate, garding the mapping, monitoring, research, Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. or create a functioning coral reef or coral conservation, mitigation, and restoration of 1852(b)(1)). reef ecosystem, in whole or in part, within coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems; (2) A member of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery suitable waters of the historical geographic (2) to monitor and advise regarding imple- Management Council who is designated by range of such ecosystems, to provide ecologi- mentation of the policy and Federal agency the Governor of Florida under such section. cal, economic, cultural, or coastal resiliency responsibilities set forth in— (3) A member of the Western Pacific Fish- services associated with healthy coral reefs (A) Executive Order 13089 (63 Fed. Reg. ery Management Council who is designated and benefit native populations of coral reef 32701; relating to coral reef protection); and under such section and selected as follows: organisms. (B) the national coral reef resilience strat- (A) For the period beginning on the date of ‘‘(15) RESILIENCE.—The term ‘resilience’ egy developed under section 204A of the the enactment of this Act and ending on De- means the capacity for corals within their Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000, as cember 31 of the calendar year during which native range, coral reefs, or coral reef eco- amended by section 101; such date of enactment occurs, the member systems to recover from natural and human (3) to work with the Secretary of State and shall be selected jointly by the governors of disturbances as determined by clearly identi- the Administrator of the United States Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, and the fiable, measurable, and science-based stand- Agency for International Development, and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- ards. in coordination with the other members of lands. ‘‘(16) SECRETARY.—The term ‘Secretary’ the Task Force— (B) For each calendar year thereafter, the means the Secretary of Commerce. (A) to assess the United States role in governors of Hawaii, American Samoa, ‘‘(17) STATE.—The term ‘State’ means— international trade and protection of coral Guam, and the Commonwealth of the North- ‘‘(A) any State of the United States that species; ern Mariana Islands shall, on a rotating contains a coral reef ecosystem within its (B) to encourage implementation of appro- basis, take turns selecting the member. seaward boundaries; priate strategies and actions to promote con- (4) A member of the Caribbean Fishery ‘‘(B) American Samoa, the Commonwealth servation and sustainable use of coral reef Management Council who is designated of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, resources worldwide; and under such section and selected as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.029 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S7948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2020 (A) For the period beginning on the date of technical assistance, and subject to the SEC. 403. ESTABLISHMENT OF FELLOWSHIP PRO- the enactment of this Act and ending on De- availability of appropriations, financial as- GRAM. cember 31 of the calendar year during which sistance for the conservation and restoration (a) IN GENERAL.—There is established a Na- such date of enactment occurs, the member of coral reefs consistent with all applicable tional Coral Reef Management Fellowship shall be selected jointly by the governors of laws governing resource management in Fed- Program. Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Is- eral, State, and Tribal waters, including— (b) PURPOSES.—The purposes of the fellow- lands. (1) the national coral reef resilience strat- ship are— (B) For each calendar year thereafter, the egy in effect under section 204A of the Coral (1) to encourage future leaders of the governors of Puerto Rico and the United Reef Conservation Act of 2000, as amended by United States to develop additional coral States Virgin Islands shall, on an alter- section 101; reef management capacity in States and nating basis, take turns selecting the mem- (2) coral reef action plans in effect under local communities with coral reefs; ber. section 205 of that Act, as applicable; and (2) to provide management agencies of (5) A member appointed by the President of (3) coral reef emergency plans in effect States, Tribal organizations, and Freely As- the Federated States of Micronesia. under section 209 of that Act, as applicable. sociated States with highly qualified can- didates whose education and work experience (6) A member appointed by the President of (b) OFFICE OF INSULAR AFFAIRS CORAL REEF meet the specific needs of each State, Indian the Republic of the Marshall Islands. INITIATIVE.—The Secretary may establish Tribe, and Freely Associated State; and (7) A member appointed by the President of within the Office of Insular Affairs a Coral (3) to provide fellows with professional ex- the Republic of Palau. Reef Initiative Program— perience in management of coastal and coral SEC. 204. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FEDERAL AGEN- (1) to provide grant funding to support reef resources. CY MEMBERS. local management, conservation, and protec- (a) IN GENERAL.—A member of the Task tion of coral reef ecosystems in— SEC. 404. FELLOWSHIP AWARDS. Force specified in paragraphs (1) through (14) (A) insular areas of covered States; and (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall of section 203(a) shall— (B) Freely Associated States; award the fellowship in accordance with this (1) identify the actions of the agency that (2) to complement the other conservation section. member represents that may affect coral and assistance activities conducted under (b) TERM OF FELLOWSHIP.—A fellowship reef ecosystems; this Act; and awarded under this section shall be for a (2) utilize the programs and authorities of (3) to provide other technical, scientific, term of not more than 24 months. that agency to protect and enhance the con- and financial assistance and conduct con- (c) QUALIFICATIONS.—The Secretary shall ditions of such ecosystems, including servation activities that advance the purpose award the fellowship to individuals who have through the promotion of basic and applied of this Act. demonstrated— scientific research; (1) an intent to pursue a career in marine (3) collaborate with the Task Force to ap- (c) CONSULTATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT services and outstanding potential for such a propriately reflect budgetary needs for coral OF COMMERCE.—The Secretary of the Interior career; reef conservation and restoration activities may consult with the Secretary of Com- (2) leadership potential, actual leadership in all agency budget planning and justifica- merce regarding the conduct of any activi- experience, or both; tion documents and processes; and ties to conserve and restore coral reefs and (3) a college or graduate degree in biologi- (4) engage in any other coordinated efforts coral reef ecosystems in waters managed cal science, experience that correlates with approved by the Task Force. under the jurisdiction of the Federal agen- aptitude and interest for marine manage- (b) CO-CHAIRS.—In addition to their respon- cies specified in paragraphs (2) and (3) of sec- ment, or both; sibilities under subsection (a), the co-chairs tion 203(c) of the Coral Reef Conservation (4) proficient writing and speaking skills; of the Task Force shall administer perform- Act of 2000, as amended by section 101. and ance of the functions of the Task Force and (d) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—Subject to (5) such other attributes as the Secretary facilitate the coordination of the members of the availability of appropriations, the Sec- considers appropriate. the Task Force specified in paragraphs (1) retary of the Interior may enter into cooper- SEC. 405. MATCHING REQUIREMENT. through (14) of section 203(a). ative agreements with covered reef managers (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in SEC. 205. WORKING GROUPS. to fund coral reef conservation and restora- subsection (b), the non-Federal share of the (a) IN GENERAL.—The co-chairs of the Task tion activities in waters managed under the costs of a fellowship under this section shall Force may establish working groups as nec- jurisdiction of such managers that— be 25 percent of such costs. essary to meet the goals and carry out the (1) are consistent with the national coral (b) WAIVER OF REQUIREMENTS.—The Sec- duties of the Task Force. reef resilience strategy in effect under sec- retary may waive the application of sub- (b) REQUESTS FROM MEMBERS.—The mem- tion 204A of the Coral Reef Conservation Act section (a) if the Secretary finds that such bers of the Task Force may request that the of 2000, as amended by section 101; and co-chairs establish a working group under waiver is necessary to support a project that (2) support and enhance the success of— the Secretary has identified as a high pri- subsection (a). (A) coral reef action plans in effect under (c) PARTICIPATION BY NONGOVERNMENTAL ority. section 205 of that Act; and ORGANIZATIONS.—The co-chairs may allow (B) coral reef emergency plans in effect nongovernmental organizations as appro- SA 2731. Mr. WARNER (for Mr. under section 209 of that Act. priate, including academic institutions, con- ROUNDS (for himself and Mr. WARNER)) servation groups, and commercial and rec- (e) DEFINITIONS.—In this section, the terms submitted an amendment intended to reational fishing associations, to participate ‘‘conservation’’, ‘‘coral reef’’, ‘‘covered reef be proposed by Mr. Warner to the bill in a working group established under sub- manager’’, ‘‘covered State’’, ‘‘restoration’’, H.R. 133, to promote economic partner- section (a). and ‘‘State’’ have the meaning given those (d) NONAPPLICABILITY OF FEDERAL ADVI- terms in section 218 of the Coral Reef Con- ship and cooperation between the SORY COMMITTEE ACT.—The Federal Advisory servation Act of 2000, as amended by section United States and Mexico; which was Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not 101. ordered to lie on the table; as follows: apply to working groups established under At the appropriate place, insert the fol- this section. TITLE IV—SUSAN L. WILLIAMS NATIONAL CORAL REEF MANAGEMENT FELLOWSHIP lowing: SEC. 206. DEFINITIONS. SEC. lll. ENTERPRISE REGULATORY CAPITAL In this title: SEC. 401. SHORT TITLE. FRAMEWORK RULE. (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- This title may be cited as the ‘‘Susan L. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section— TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional Williams National Coral Reef Management (1) the term ‘‘enterprise’’ means— committees’’ means the Committee on Com- Fellowship Act of 2020’’. (A) the Federal National Mortgage Asso- merce, Science, and Transportation of the ciation; and Senate and the Committee on Natural Re- SEC. 402. DEFINITIONS. (B) the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor- sources of the House of Representatives. In this title: poration; and (2) CONSERVATION, CORAL, CORAL REEF, (1) FELLOW.—The term ‘‘fellow’’ means a (2) the term ‘‘final rule’’ means the final ETC.—The terms ‘‘conservation’’, ‘‘coral’’, National Coral Reef Management Fellow. rule adopted by the Federal Housing Finance ‘‘coral reef’’, ‘‘coral reef ecosystem’’, ‘‘cov- (2) FELLOWSHIP.—The term ‘‘fellowship’’ Agency entitled ‘‘Enterprise Regulatory Cap- ered State’’, ‘‘restoration’’, ‘‘resilience’’, and means the National Coral Reef Management ital Framework’’. ‘‘State’’ have the meaning given those terms Fellowship established in section 403. (b) STUDY AND REPORT REQUIRED.—Not in section 218 of the Coral Reef Conservation (3) INDIAN TRIBE; TRIBAL ORGANIZATION.— later than 180 days after the date of enact- Act of 2000, as amended by section 101. The terms ‘‘Indian Tribe’’ and ‘‘Tribal orga- ment of this Act, the Comptroller General of TITLE III—DEPARTMENT OF THE nization’’ have the meanings given those the United States shall submit to Congress a INTERIOR CORAL REEF AUTHORITIES terms in section 4 of the Indian Self-Deter- report containing the results of a study re- SEC. 301. CORAL REEF CONSERVATION AND RES- mination and Education Assistance Act (25 garding the effect that the final rule would TORATION ASSISTANCE. U.S.C. 5304). have on the following: (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the In- (4) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ (1) With respect to the mortgage finance terior may provide scientific expertise and means the Secretary of Commerce. system of the United States—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:44 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.029 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7949 (A) the stability and resiliency of that sys- On page 2, lines 10 and 11, strike ‘‘staff ers be reserved for their use later in tem; worldwide;’’ and insert ‘‘staff, who work tire- the day; finally, that following leader (B) the liquidity of investment with re- lessly, and often at great personal risk, to remarks, the Senate proceed to morn- spect to that system; and combat hunger and save lives around the ing business, with Senators permitted (C) the relationship of that system with world;’’. private capital. to speak therein for up to 10 minutes On page 3, line 3, strike ‘‘nutrition’’ and in- each. (2) The taxpayers of the United States. sert ‘‘nutrition, including’’. (3) The counter-cyclical role played by the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there enterprises. SA 2734. Mr. BOOZMAN proposed an objection? (4) The cost and availability of mortgage amendment to the resolution S. Res. Without objection, it is so ordered. credit for the purchase of single-family and multi-family residences. 774, honoring the United Nations World f (5) Interested parties, including— Food Programme on the occasion of (A) potential sources of private capital being awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace ADJOURNMENT UNTIL THURSDAY, supporting mortgage finance; Prize; as follows: DECEMBER 24, 2020, AT 10 A.M. (B) investors in mortgage-backed securi- Beginning in the second whereas clause of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if ties and insurance markets; the preamble, strike ‘‘Whereas the WFP’’ there is no further business to come be- (C) market participants, including origina- and all that follows through the semicolon in tors of mortgage loans, servicers of mortgage the fifth whereas clause and insert the fol- fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- loans, and sources of alternative funding lowing: sent that it stand adjourned under pre- with respect to mortgage finance; and Whereas the WFP is the largest inter- vious order. (D) purchasers of homes, including first- national humanitarian organization that ad- There being no objection, the Senate, time and historically underserved borrowers. dresses hunger, promotes food security, and at 1:47 a.m., adjourned until Thursday, (6) The enterprises, including the effect saves lives, including in response to many of December 24, 2020, at 10 a.m. that the final rule would have on the enter- the most dangerous and complex crises in prises— the world; f (A) while the enterprises are in con- Whereas, in 2019, an estimated 135,000,000 servatorship; people around the world suffered from acute DISCHARGED NOMINATIONS (B) if the enterprises were no longer in con- hunger and the WFP provided nutrition as- The Senate Committee on Foreign servatorship; and sistance to nearly 100,000,000 people in 88 (C) during a transition between the states countries; Relations was discharged from further described in subparagraphs (A) and (B). Whereas the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has consideration of the following nomina- (c) EFFECT OF RULE.—The final rule shall contributed to a significant increase in hun- tions by unanimous consent and the not take effect until the date that is 180 days ger around the world, and the WFP has nominations were confirmed: after the date on which the Comptroller Gen- surged its capacity in order to meet that C. KEVIN BLACKSTONE, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEM- eral of the United States submits the report compounded need; BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MIN- required under subsection (b). Whereas the United States played an inte- ISTER-COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- gral role in the founding of the WFP, re- DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES Mr. BOOZMAN (for Mr. OF AMERICA TO THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR- SA 2732. mains its strongest supporter, and provides, LESTE. WICKER) proposed an amendment to the as of the date of adoption of this resolution, CYNTHIA KIERSCHT, OF MINNESOTA, A CAREER MEM- bill H.R. 3153, to direct the Director of BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUN- more than 40 percent of its annual resources; SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND the National Science Foundation to In the seventh whereas clause of the pre- PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA support research on opioid addiction, TO THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA. amble, strike ‘‘Price’’ and insert ‘‘Prize’’. GEETA PASI, OF NEW YORK, A CAREER MEMBER OF and for other purposes; as follows: f THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF CAREER MIN- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- ISTER, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLEN- IPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO sert the following: APPOINTMENTS THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. DAVID REIMER, OF OHIO, A CAREER MEMBER OF THE Mr. BOOZMAN. The Chair, on behalf SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUNSELOR, TO BE (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as of the President pro tempore, upon the AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY the ‘‘Expanding Findings for Federal Opioid recommendation of the Majority Lead- OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC Research and Treatment Act’’ or the ‘‘EF- OF SIERRA LEONE. er, pursuant to Public Law 116–113, and BRIAN D. MCFEETERS, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEM- FORT Act’’. BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MIN- (b) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds that— in consultation with the Chairman of ISTER-COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- (1) research gaps currently exist in the pre- the Senate Committee on Finance, ap- DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES vention and treatment of opioid addiction; points the following individuals to the OF AMERICA TO MALAYSIA. (2) the National Science Foundation’s re- Independent Mexico Labor Expert f search on opioid addiction has increased un- Board: Kyle Fortson of the District of derstanding of the neuroscience of addiction, Columbia and Charlotte Ponticelli of CONFIRMATIONS substance abuse intervention, the role of il- licit supply networks, the secondary effects Maryland. Executive nominations confirmed by on families, the use of technology to address f the Senate December 21, 2020: the opioid epidemic, and options for alter- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION native, non-addictive therapeutics for pain; ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, DECEM- BER 24, 2020, THROUGH TUESDAY, ERIC J. SOSKIN, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE INSPECTOR GEN- and ERAL, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. (3) the National Science Foundation and DECEMBER 29, 2020 DEPARTMENT OF STATE the National Institutes of Health have recog- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I nized that fundamental questions in basic, C. KEVIN BLACKSTONE, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEM- ask unanimous consent that when the BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MIN- clinical, and translational research would Senate completes its business today, it ISTER-COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- benefit greatly from multidisciplinary ap- DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES proaches and collaboration. adjourn to then convene for pro forma OF AMERICA TO THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR- sessions only, with no business being LESTE. SEC. 2. NSF SUPPORT OF RESEARCH ON OPIOID CYNTHIA KIERSCHT, OF MINNESOTA, A CAREER MEM- ADDICTION. conducted, on the following dates and BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUN- The Director of the National Science Foun- times, and that following each pro SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA dation, in consultation with the Director of forma session, the Senate adjourn for TO THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA. the National Institutes of Health, shall sup- the next pro forma session: Thursday, GEETA PASI, OF NEW YORK, A CAREER MEMBER OF port merit-reviewed and competitively THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF CAREER MIN- December 24, at 10 a.m. and Monday, ISTER, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLEN- awarded research on the science of opioid ad- December 28, at 10 a.m. I further ask IPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO diction. THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA. that when the Senate adjourns on Mon- DAVID REIMER, OF OHIO, A CAREER MEMBER OF THE Mr. BOOZMAN proposed an day, December 28, it next convene at 12 SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUNSELOR, TO BE SA 2733. AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY amendment to the resolution S. Res. noon on Tuesday, December 29; further, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC 774, honoring the United Nations World that following the prayer and pledge, OF SIERRA LEONE. BRIAN D. MCFEETERS, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEM- Food Programme on the occasion of the morning hour be deemed expired, BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MIN- being awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace the Journal of proceedings be approved ISTER-COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES Prize; as follows: to date, and the time for the two lead- OF AMERICA TO MALAYSIA.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.030 S21DEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1191 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IN RECOGNITION OF RALEIGH as he retires from a career spanning almost IN RECOGNITION OF THE LEGACY BALDERSON’S 90TH BIRTHDAY four decades in public service. OF SHERIFF MICHAEL J. ASHE, JR. Prior to his work for the City of Roanoke in HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN 2003, Chief Johnson served the City of HON. RICHARD E. NEAL OF VIRGINIA Watauga’s Department of Public Safety for OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more than two decades, from 1982 to 2003. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, December 21, 2020 His tenure at Watauga DPS included several Monday, December 21, 2020 Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise positions including Detective, Paramedic, Fire Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, it is with great today to recognize Mr. Raleigh Gilbert Fighter, SWAT Team Leader, Patrol Com- satisfaction that I rise today to recognize the Balderson, in honor of his 90th Birthday on mander, and Deputy Chief. During this period, remarkable career of retired Hampden County December 19, 2020. I would like to take this the agency was a totally integrated public Sheriff Michael J. Ashe, Jr. Sheriff Ashe, in a time to recognize the many achievements of safety department with all personnel cross- career spanning over four decades, has cre- Mr. Balderson, as well as commemorate this trained in the areas of law enforcement, fire ated the model of rehabilitating inmates across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the special occasion in his life. suppression, and emergency medical services. Mr. Raleigh Balderson is a resident of my country. A native of my hometown of Spring- hometown, Montross, Virginia. He is a very Chief Johnson joined Roanoke’s Police De- field, Massachusetts, Sheriff Ashe has spent well-respected citizen and barber in the town partment as Chief in 2003. Under his leader- his life embodying the fundamental principle of Montross, and he is known and loved by ship, the Roanoke Police Department became that all who are willing to work for a second the entire community. He has served as a one of the best in the state, achieving the chance, ought to receive one. His signature deacon and trustee at Nomini Baptist Church Texas Police Chief’s Best Practices Recogni- philosophy of ‘‘strength reinforced with de- and is currently a deacon emeritus, a testa- tion in 2011, a highly respected accomplish- cency; firmness dignified in fairness’’ led to ment to his strong involvement in the commu- ment requiring meeting 168 standards. This countless lives being changed for the better, nity and care for those he knows and loves. recognition has been repeated every four while resulting in one of the lowest reincarcer- ation rates in the United States. This year marks a second major milestone years since and is one of many achievements Originally a social worker, Sheriff Ashe for Mr. Balderson, as he retired from his own that led to the addition of his role as Assistant barber business on March 21, 2020. Mr. sought to provide long-term care and housing City Manager in 2016, with responsibility over Balderson started his own business in to the youth who were most in need of it. Montross, Virginia, and recently retired after Police and Fire Services and special projects. Serving as the first Assistant Director of Dow- 62 years of being in business. Mr. Balderson’s In 2018 Mr. Johnson transitioned to assume ney Side homes for the youth, Mike Ashe dis- barbershop in Montross is well loved by the full responsibility as an Assistant City Man- played remarkable leadership by being the entire community and is known for a place of ager, providing invaluable administrative input first to welcome to his home battered or at-risk good company and great conversations. on operations, budgets, personnel policies and children, a reminder that no member of the community shall be forgotten. His commitment Therefore, Madam Speaker, I ask that you other support critical to the City Manager’s Of- to those who are often forgotten in society led rise with me today to honor and celebrate Mr. fice. He also carried responsibility for many Raleigh Gilbert Balderson’s 90th Birthday on to his candidacy for Sheriff of Hampden Coun- major City initiatives, including the role of December 19, 2020. I would like to also rec- ty. Since his initial election in 1974, Ashe was ognize and remember the late Bonnie Jean Project Manager for the New City Hall facility, re-elected every 6 years without contest until Owen Balderson, Mr. Balderson’s beloved wife the implementation of the Roanoke Citizen’s he announced his retirement in 2016. of 59 years. I wish Mr. Balderson a happy Academy and many others. His departmental Anyone who has gotten to know Sheriff 90th birthday, and I hope this time is filled with direct reports included the Police Department, Ashe will affirm that he had never been in the celebration and God’s continued blessings. Fire Department, Informational Technology, business of incarceration, rather his focus was f Special Projects, Solid Waste Services, and on corrections. His doctrine on correctional su- City Hall facilities. pervision was guided by the simple principle PERSONAL EXPLANATION that inmates should be held accountable and A graduate of both Dallas Baptist University be positive and productive. The Sheriff long HON. A. DREW FERGUSON IV and having completed a Master of Public Ad- understood that if he were to adequately reha- ministration from the University of North OF GEORGIA bilitate his inmates, he would need to put to- Texas, Denton, Chief Johnson is also a grad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gether a competent coalition of staff and vol- uate of the F.B.I. National Academy; 207th unteers who could command the situation, Monday, December 21, 2020 Session. Beyond his duties with the City of while exemplifying the upmost profes- Mr. FERGUSON. Madam Speaker, I missed Roanoke, he was also active within his profes- sionalism. the vote on H.R. 3384, the MORE Act on De- sion as a member of the F.B.I. National Acad- Sheriff Ashe instituted an inmate Basic In- cember 4, 2020 to leave to care for a sick emy Associates, the International Association tensive Regimen in which all inmates are re- quired to undergo during their first 5 weeks of family member. If I had been present, I would of Chiefs of Police, and the Texas Police have voted ‘‘Nay’’ on H.R. 3384, the MORE incarceration. During this critical time, inmates Chiefs Association, which he served as Presi- Act, No. 235. are required to participate in programs that dent in 2018. f focus on substance abuse, anger manage- Through his decades of service in Public ment, cognitive thinking, victim impact, and IN RECOGNITION OF GARY Safety and City Management, Gary Johnson’s more. In Hampden County, it is excepted that JOHNSON effort and leadership have created a legacy inmates work on assignments or some sort of represented in the quality of life citizens of Ro- productive activity, for at least 40 hours per HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS anoke and the other communities enjoy in the week. With over 140 programs available, in- mates are encouraged to famously ‘‘answer OF TEXAS communities he has served. I wish him and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the bell’’ for a productive day, just like they will his wife, Sherrill, his daughters and family, all have to do if they are to be productive citi- Monday, December 21, 2020 the joy and satisfaction deserved in a well- zens. Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise earned retirement from a life of public service. Under his leadership, Hampden County was today in recognition of Gary Johnson, Assist- home to the nation’s first Day Reporting Cen- ant Manager for the City of Roanoke, Texas, ter, the first program of its kind to offer support

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.001 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E1192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 21, 2020 for inmates close to re-entering society. A Mr. Schmitz has been recognized by his self a neighborhood kid, Terri said, ‘‘Someone model that has been replicated throughout the community and has helped every neighbor needs to lead South Park who loves South country. Similarly, Sheriff Ashe was respon- through acts of service by shoveling their Park. I think that is going to resonate with the sible for the nation’s first Incarceration Support snow, mowing their grass, outdoor repairs, kids.’’ Systems, offering assistance to those newly and becoming a favorite with the neighbor- As Principal, Mrs. Schuta has more than freed from incarceration. And if that wasn’t hood dogs by providing them with hot dogs. resonated—she initiated, innovated and when enough, Sheriff Ashe helped construct the Mr. Schmitz was called to service when his necessary, intimidated, to deliver quality edu- Western Massachusetts Correctional Addic- country needed him, and then continued his cational opportunities for her students, their tions Center, one of the nation’s original cor- service to his fellow neighbors and community. families, her faculty and staff. She introduced rectional facilities dedicated to substance I want to extend my deepest appreciation and new programs into her school, fought for more abuse treatment. thanks to Mr. Schmitz for his contribution and resources, stood up for her students and de- Throughout his career, Sheriff Ashe’s tire- service. manded more from them as well as herself to less work has made our community a safer, f better prepare her students to achieve and more just, caring place. During his tenure, succeed. Sheriff Ashe witnessed over 4,600 inmates IN RECOGNITION OF BENNY Terri brought the same energy, enthusiasm, graduate his educational programs, earning a tenacity and work ethic I saw in her as our GED or a high school equivalent diploma. 1978 class president with her every day as While Mike Ashe oversaw his inmates con- HON. RASHIDA TLAIB South Park High School Principal. She led the tribute over 1 million hours of community serv- OF MICHIGAN way in building partnerships with local busi- ice to Hampden County communities. While IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nesses and non-profits and now as a des- ignated Community School, South Park stu- heading the Massachusetts Sheriffs Associa- Monday, December 21, 2020 tion, Ashe was able to present his successful dents and their families benefit from enhanced philosophy for community corrections to the Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today to learning opportunities, parent engagement and rest of the Commonwealth, further promoting acknowledge the work of public servant healthy living experiences. She has been a an emphasis on rehabilitation rather than pun- Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon as we source of positive change in the city’s edu- ishment. A recipient of the White House honor his memory. cation system as a whole and has impacted ‘‘Champions of Change’’ Award, Sheriff Ashe Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Benny the lives of both her students and colleagues. has made the Commonwealth proud while il- Napoleon began his law enforcement career Terri’s enormous contribution to South Park lustrating through his work, that the United working in Detroit’s police department in the High School has not gone unnoticed. In fact, States is indeed a nation of second chances. 1975. He worked his way up the ranks to she has been recognized for fostering ac- f serve as chief of police in 1998 before retiring countability in the high school, which resulted in 2001. Napoleon became assistant Wayne in a 10 percent increase in its graduation rate PERSONAL EXPLANATION County executive in 2004. In 2009, he was ap- over the past several years. She also pio- pointed Sheriff of Wayne County, the role he neered the Bright Lights of South Park pro- HON. DEBBIE LESKO continued to serve in until his recent death. gram. This project highlights successful South OF ARIZONA Benny Napoleon’s tenure as Wayne County Park graduates as a source of inspiration for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sheriff was marked by his work to reduce in- current students. Students can then use that mate populations, by utilizing alternatives to inspiration as motivation for their academic Monday, December 21, 2020 incarceration and employing electronic teth- work and to live up to their full potential. She Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, had I been ering. Napoleon was well-known for his affable oversaw the well-received and extensive build- present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call personality and big-heartedness. He is a true ing renovation project, the successful 100th No. 244. son of Detroit. His absence will be felt by the Anniversary Celebration including the 2016 re- f communities of Wayne County. lease of ‘‘Our Fallen Warriors, Remembered,’’ Please join me as we recognize Wayne a timeline of more than 150 of our bravest DALE SCHMITZ County Sheriff Benny Napoleon for his many during their experiences as South Park stu- contributions to Wayne County and the 13th dents through their loss of life in service to our HON. ED PERLMUTTER Congressional District and honor his memory. country. OF COLORADO f Amazingly, Terri has always found time for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES others as she is an active and passionate HONORING THERESA SCHUTA community volunteer. Terri was awarded the Monday, December 21, 2020 organization’s Campaign Volunteer of the Year Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. BRIAN HIGGINS award in 2019 in recognition of outstanding today to recognize Dr. Dale Schmitz, WWII OF NEW YORK commitment to the United Way. Her profes- Veteran who served with the 115th Cavalry. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sional achievements and personal contribu- Mr. Schmitz not only served his country honor- tions earned her well-deserved recognition as Monday, December 21, 2020 ably; he is a grandfather and a man of integ- one of 42 extraordinary women featured in the rity that has committed to serve his commu- Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Madam Speak- book, ‘‘Women in The City of Good Neigh- nity. On December 22nd, Mr. Schmitz will turn er, I rise today to honor the significant con- bors.’’ 100 years old. On this day, Adams County will tributions of Theresa ‘‘Terri’’ Schuta, one of Her work with United Way, local charities proclaim, ‘‘Dale Schmitz Day’’, honoring his six my closest friends as well as a true leader and families in need has positively impacted years of service to our country and commit- within the Buffalo Public Schools and the and inspired so many individuals as she per- ment to his family and community. South Buffalo community she has so diligently sonifies the values of faith, friendship and After his service with the 115th Calvary in served, on the occasion of her retirement as service others instilled in her as a member of World War II, Mr. Schmitz took a job with Principal of South Park High School. the Drilling Family of Lilac Street. She and her Eaton Metals in Denver, CO, staying with the A proud product of the Buffalo Public husband, Michael Schuta, a retired Buffalo Po- company until the 1980’s. During this time, Mr. Schools, Terri returned to the halls of the lice Officer, continue that tradition of service Schmitz continued his service to the commu- schools we walked together as classmates with their daughter, Katie, who has followed in nity by helping the Guardian Angels Catholic throughout the 1970’s as the Principal of Terri’s footsteps as the principal of the Buffalo School in the Berkley neighborhood with main- Southside Elementary School for seven years Public Schools’ school of culinary arts and tenance work. Mr. Schmitz was an active vol- until her appointment as South Park High management. Katie and husband, Jonathon unteer for Habitat for Humanity until the age of School Principal in 2009. Rising through the Whiteside, have recently had a son, Joseph 95 and continues to give back to Veterans administrative ranks, she also gained experi- Michael Whiteside, adding proud grandmother through organizations like the Wounded War- ence as the assistant principal at Lorraine Ele- to Terri’s many titles. Their son, Michael, holds rior Project. At the age of 97, Mr. Schmitz flew mentary. an MBA and works as a senior accountant at to Washington, D.C. by himself with the, In the profile of Mrs. Schuta following her PCB Piezotronics in Cheektowaga, New York. ‘‘Rocky Mountain Honor Flight Program’’, vis- appointment, The Buffalo News headline got it Madam Speaker, I am so proud of all Terri iting the memorials and landmarks that were just right when it said ‘‘Community roots an- Schuta has accomplished, the indelible mark dedicated to the service of WWII Veterans. chor new principal to South Park,’’ Calling her- she has made in uplifting the lives of her

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.004 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1193 South Park High School family and the legacy not only to members of the Task Force but her husband Melvin of Big Island, Virginia; she has left for others to follow in school and also to the broader RSC. His vast knowledge brother William O’Brien and his wife Ellie of in the community. Her spirit, steady leadership of the intricacies of both complex foreign pol- Kitty Hawk, North Carolina; and sister-in-law and unwavering belief in the value of ‘‘doing icy issues as well as the intricacies of legisla- June Newman Paxton of Roanoke. She is also your life’s work where you live,’’ is her legacy tion, especially economic sanctions has been survived by ten grandchildren and their and an example for others to follow. I look for- invaluable to me and Task Force members. spouses Corey (Danielle) Paxton, Traci (Matt) ward to years of continued friendship and wish Omar Hossino’s passion and tireless work Rowe, Jessica (Scott) Mackaro, Katie (Marc) Terri much happiness and fulfillment in her re- ethic has also been a driving force behind Palmieri, Jennifer Paxton, Sara (Greg) Hall, tirement. I have no doubt that she will find that turning the report into legislative initiatives. Fi- William (Brittany) Paxton, Theresa (Michael) and more with her loving family and friends in nally, I would like to recognize my Legislative Peregoff, Kimberly (Lacy) Burnette, and Rob- the years ahead. Director Oren Adaki of my staff for his deep ert (Courtney) Paxton, as well as ten great- f dedication and important contributions to this grandchildren, Hannah, Shiloah, Norah, Paige project as well. Judith, Tyler, Victoria, Evelyn, Ava, Anna RECOGNIZING THE REPUBLICAN f Grace, and Joey. STUDY COMMITTEE NATIONAL f SECURITY AND FOREIGN AF- PERSONAL EXPLANATION FAIRS TASK FORCE AND OMAR HONORING CHEN LOK LEE HOSSINO HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS OF INDIANA HON. DWIGHT EVANS HON. JOE WILSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA OF SOUTH CAROLINA Monday, December 21, 2020 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, December 21, 2020 Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, Monday, December 21, 2020 I was not present for the following roll call Mr. EVANS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam votes. Had I been present for them, I would honor an influential and dedicated man, Chen Speaker, I rise today to express my gratitude have voted as follows: Roll Call 247—H.J. Lok Lee. Mr. Lee was a devoted educator and to serve as the Chairman of the Republican Res. 107, Further Additional Continuing Ap- prominent printmaker and painter based in Study Committee’s National Security and For- propriations Act, 2021 YAY. , PA. For over twenty years, he eign Affairs Task Force this Congress. In f was a Professor of Printmaking, Silkscreen June, the Task Force issued its National Se- and Lithography at Moore College of Art and curity Strategy report after convening a num- HONORING JUDITH PAXTON Design in Philadelphia, which is the first and ber of meetings with top policy experts and only visual arts college for women in the engaging in complex discussions on the for- HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH United States. Additionally, he taught Chinese eign policy challenges we face. The RSC’s OF VIRGINIA calligraphy and painting classes to the com- National Security Strategy spans over 120 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munity through the Community College of pages and includes over 100 detailed policy Philadelphia and other private venues. recommendations on tackling the Chinese Monday, December 21, 2020 Mr. Lee was a political refugee from China Communist Party, Russia, Iran, and the Salafi- Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I offer who escaped narrowly with his life from com- jihadi movement, and for standing up for de- these remarks in honor of Judith Junkin Brown munist forces in 1950 and was forced to leave mocracy and human rights. The report boldly Paxton of Salem, Virginia, who passed away his family behind. When his life was in jeop- stood up for a foreign policy of American lead- on December 7, 2020 at the age of 90. She ardy, his family helped him escape, and he ership through the principle of peace through was a pillar of the Salem community who swam towards Hong Kong and was rescued strength. It was also noticed and condemned served her fellow citizens as a volunteer and by a boat and eventually taken to the shores by adversaries such as the Chinese Com- good neighbor. of Hong Kong. He stayed in Hong Kong for munist Party, the Kremlin, and the Chief of Judy Brown was born on September 9, eight years, studying at the prestigious Hong Staff of the President of the Iranian regime. In 1930 in Roanoke, Virginia, to Elijah Brazelton Kong University, and then went on to enter the only a few months a number of the report’s Brown and Martha Judith Junkin Brown. She United States as a political refugee in 1959. ideas have already been implemented by the graduated from Andrew Lewis High School in He settled in New York City’s Chinatown and Trump Administration, or have been intro- 1948. worked his way through the Chinese res- duced as legislation. For example just last Her family, church, and community were the taurant business to support himself as a bur- week Secretary of State an- objects of her activity and energy. As a mem- geoning artist and to learn enough English to nounced that the United Front Work Depart- ber of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, she sang establish footing in his new country. He also ment of the Chinese Communist Party would in the choir for 70 years, directed the chil- began to study under some very prominent be sanctioned, something first proposed by dren’s choir, served on the Vestry, read to the and contemporary artists. While at the Arts the RSC Task Force report. This month also, children at St. Anne’s Day School, and per- Students’ League in New York, he worked RSC members introduced six bills taking on formed numerous other services for the con- with George Grosz, Stephen Greene and Rob- China for it’s IP theft, Rep. JACK BERGMAN in- gregation. She also volunteered at the office ert Hale, along with New York painter Hans troduced a bill to audit U.S. contributions to for the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Vir- Hoffman. the United Nations, and I was grateful to intro- ginia. Her compassion and faith inspired her From 1967 to 1970 Chen Lok Lee studied duce the Badr Organization Designation Act, work as a coordinator for the St. Paul’s volun- abroad at the Rome Academy in Italy and and the Stop the Killing in Syria Act, both teers who serve lunches for the Roanoke Area earned an MFA at the Tyler School of Fine based upon the National Security Strategy re- Ministries. Arts as a printmaker, painter and lithography port. As her friends and neighbors, the people of under Romas Viesulas and Richard Callner. In I am grateful for the leadership of my col- Salem enjoyed Judy’s goodwill and hospitality. 1973, he was awarded a prestigious fellowship leagues on the Task Force including RSC She cooked chili for the crews of the Street from the Ford Foundation to study at Tama- Chairman Rep. MIKE JOHNSON, Rep. ROB Department as they cleared snow, organized rind Lithographies in . He was rec- WHITMAN, Rep. DON BACON, Rep. ANN WAG- decorating of lampposts for Christmas, and ognized at an international exhibition in Hong NER, Rep. DAN CRENSHAW, Rep. RALPH NOR- put up flags for Independence Day. From pro- Kong, as invited by Her Majesty’s Service in MAN, Rep. BRYAN STEIL, Rep. ALEX MOONEY, gressive dinners to bridge games, the activi- 1982. In his new adopted hometown of Phila- Rep. JACK BERGMAN, Rep. NEAL DUNN, Rep. ties of Salem were brightened by Judy’s delphia, he was selected to participate in the CLAY HIGGINS, and Rep. MICHAEL WALTZ. friendliness and generosity. Mayor’s Commission for Cultural Exchange I appreciate the hard work of Omar Hossino Judy was married to the late William Joseph between Philadelphia and sister city Tianjin, of the RSC staff in managing the Task Force’s Paxton Jr., who served as Salem’s City Man- China, from 1986 to 1987. meetings, developing policy recommendations, ager. She is survived by sons W. David Mr. Lee was a loyal and dedicated husband and writing the report. I am grateful for Omar Paxton and his wife Vicki of Roanoke, Joseph to Linda, whom he met while studying in Hossino’s dedication and service to the Task Paxton and his wife Annette of Broadway, Vir- Rome. Linda, also an artist and educator, Force. Omar Hossino has been a key advisor ginia, and James Paxton and his wife Hilda of brought Chen home to her family in Bucks and invaluable asset on foreign policy issues Salem; daughter Martha Paxton Nowlin and County, Pennsylvania, and then married him

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.008 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E1194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 21, 2020 in 1973. They moved to New Mexico, and valuable direction and guidance. On July 1, PERSONAL EXPLANATION then Chicago, before settling back in Pennsyl- 2013, Lieutenant Fleeton was promoted to vania where Professor Lee was hired at Lieutenant and was assigned to the Santa Fe HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Moore College of Art and Design. Springs Area for two years before transferring OF VIRGINIA He was the loving and devoted father to to the San Gorgonio Area. In March 2016, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Romana (Cliff), whom they named after the Lieutenant Fleeton was appointed Lieutenant Monday, December 21, 2020 city of Rome where he and Linda first met, Commander of the CHP’s Inland Communica- son Raymond, and doting grandfather of tions Center in Fontana, where she provided Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I was not Hanalee, a naturally talented artist. He raised unwavering leadership and guidance to over present for the following roll call vote. Had I his children with every devotion and detail, en- 75 dispatch and Transportation Management been present, I would have voted NAY on Roll suring they had resources, support, guidance Center (TMC) personnel, including the River- Call No. 248. and care to grow up well. He sacrificed much side and San Bernardino County Freeway f to give them a good life and the promise of fu- Service Patrol programs. Lieutenant Fleeton’s REINTRODUCTION OF H.R. 8768, tures they would be proud of. He was very unequivocal passion to mentor and develop THE ‘‘KEEPING AMERICA’S EN- proud of them all. field officers shined throughout all these roles. ERGY RESOURCES MOVING ACT’’ Chen Lok Lee passed away on December Lieutenant Fleeton officially retired from her 13, 2020. Professor Lee leaves behind a leg- service with California Highway Patrol on No- acy of strength, courage, honor and devotion, vember 17, 2020. For her remarkable accom- HON. SYLVIA R. GARCIA and touched the lives of all who knew and plishments and 25 years of commitment to OF TEXAS loved him. public service as a peace officer in the greater IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of the 3rd Congressional District Inland Empire, it is my honor to recognize Monday, December 21, 2020 of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia I Lieutenant Veda Fleeton on this day. Ms. GARCIA of Texas. Madam Speaker, I extend gratitude to the late Chen Lok Lee for f rise today to echo the words of my Texas his dedicated support and service to the Com- HONORING KATHRIN (KATE) SEARS friend and colleague, Mr. WEBER, to support monwealth of Pennsylvania. the reintroduction of H.R. 768, the ‘‘Keeping f HON. JARED HUFFMAN America’s Energy Resources Moving Act’’. HONORING LIEUTENANT VEDA This is vital legislation needed to support a OF CALIFORNIA FLEETON vital industry, the U.S. lightering industry. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES turn, this legislation will support our domestic Monday, December 21, 2020 refining industry and its workers and help sup- HON. NORMA J. TORRES port U.S. energy security and independence. It Mr. HUFFMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise OF CALIFORNIA is a small technical fix to the law that will allow today in recognition of Kathrin (Kate) Sears for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seafarers aboard lightering vessels to continue her outstanding career in public service as to do the vital work they do—import and ex- Monday, December 21, 2020 Marin County’s District 3 Supervisor. port crude oil and natural gas to and from our Mrs. TORRES of California. Madam Speak- Kate has been a resident of Southern Marin refineries in Texas and the Gulf Coast, Dela- er, I rise today to honor Lieutenant Veda for most of her life, and it is the place where ware and Southern California. We have bipar- Fleeton of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) she developed the principled values that have tisan support for the legislation and the ap- for her 25 years of service. The calling to be guided her private and public careers. a peace officer is one of the highest vocations She earned a bachelor’s degree in Asian proval of the agencies who will administer and of public service. An individual who accepts studies at Carleton College in Minnesota, a implement this legislation when it becomes this calling is worthy of the highest respect master’s degree in Chinese studies at the Uni- law. As my colleague Mr. WEBER has said, we and honor from their community, the State, versity of Washington, a doctorate in political simply ran out of time to move the bill—but we and our nation. science from the University of Michigan, and a will continue our efforts and press forward in Lieutenant Fleeton’s career with the Cali- law degree from Harvard University. In 2005, the next Congress. I thank my colleagues for fornia Highway Patrol began on November 6, after working as an attorney in a private prac- their support of this legislation and look for- 1995, and after successfully completing her tice for 16 years, Kate joined the Consumer ward to enacting this important technical fix in Academy training, she reported to the East Law Section of the California Attorney Gen- the next Congress. Los Angeles Area as a CHP officer. She was eral’s Office. In 2011 Governor Jerry Brown f later assigned to the Southern Division, where appointed Kate to the Marin County Board of HONORING HYNDMAN VOLUNTEER she excelled in connecting with the public in Supervisors after the heartbreaking death of FIRE DEPARTMENT CHIEF RON- her many roles. As part of the Southern Divi- Charles McGlashan. She was reelected in ALD ALLEN SPIKER sion Recruitment Unit, she was dedicated to 2012 and 2016. recruiting the best candidates to protect and Throughout her tenure on the Board of Su- HON. JOHN JOYCE serve our communities. While at Southern Di- pervisors, Kate represented the residents of OF PENNSYLVANIA vision, she also contributed to the Public Infor- Marin, its renowned public lands and the envi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mation Unit through her interactions with the ronment with passion and skill. She worked to news media and to numerous Dignitary Pro- improve public transportation, strengthen serv- Monday, December 21, 2020 tection details where she provided security for ices for older adults, and increase affordable Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- top-level dignitaries from around the world. housing opportunities. Kate has helped to plan er, I rise to honor the life and legacy of Lieutenant Fleeton also dedicated her time and implement key Marin initiatives including Hyndman Volunteer Fire Department Chief and skills to the Southern Division Background Bay WAVE and Drawdown: Marin. As Chair of Ronald Allen Spiker, who passed away on De- Investigative Unit, a temporary assignment Marin Clean Energy, Kate worked to develop cember 1, 2020. that occurred during her road patrol tenure at energy efficiency programs and expanded Chief Spiker selflessly served the Hyndman Baldwin Park that began in 2003. Within this electric vehicle charging stations in Marin. Volunteer Fire Department for 30 years. He unit, Lieutenant Fleeton conducted thorough From Angel Island to Muir Woods, Kate has also was an EMR for the Hyndman Rescue and comprehensive backgrounds for hundreds also fought for Marin’s parks and open Squad. For this work, he gained a reputation of applicants who were later chosen to begin spaces. I am proud to have worked with her as a man who was always willing to offer help their careers with the State highway patrol. to find compromise in resolving community to anyone who needed it. Chief Spiker also Because of her deep engagement with the issues, including through the Muir Woods generously invested time in teaching and men- community in these assignments, Lieutenant Parking Reservation System. toring younger firefighters. Fleeton received multiple accolades for her Kate is a champion for the people and In addition to his service as fire chief, Chief hard work. places of Marin County and leaves an appre- Spiker was a truck driver for his entire profes- Lieutenant Fleeton was promoted to Ser- ciable legacy as she retires from the Board of sional life and worked at Croner Inc., New En- geant on August 1, 2007 and was assigned to Supervisors. Madam Speaker, I respectfully terprise Stone and Lime, and Rice Tire. He the Morongo Basin Area, later transferring to ask that you join me in honoring Kate for an was also a member of the Kennells Mill Rancho Cucamonga Area. As Sergeant, she accomplished tenure, and extend to her best Sportsmen’s Club and the National Rifle Asso- focused on providing her field officers with in- wishes in her future endeavors. ciation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.012 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1195 I extend my deepest sympathies to Chief RON WAGONER Joyce lived an extraordinary life by all Spiker’s parents Ron and Jessie, his loving measures. Her husband, Steve, describes her wife of 31 years Anita, and his son Tyler. On HON. ED PERLMUTTER as ‘‘beautiful at many levels, and bordering on behalf of Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional OF COLORADO being renaissance.’’ Joyce embraced the pop- District, it is an honor to recognize Chief Ron- ular role of being a homemaker to her family, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ald Spiker’s legacy of service to the John but her efforts and passions didn’t end there. Hyndman community. Monday, December 21, 2020 Joyce returned to college in her 40s and grad- f Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise uated with a degree in social work. Her pas- today to recognize Ron Wagoner with the City sion was always in the well-being of those HONORING THE 65TH ANNIVER- of Lakewood for his long tenure with the City less fortunate. SARY OF THE CHARLES HOUS- and his countless contributions to our commu- Joyce blazed historic trails in her commu- TON BAR ASSOCIATION nity. nity. She co-founded Community Transitions, Ron began work with the City of Lakewood a non-profit organization that served homeless HON. BARBARA LEE on December 28, 1970 and, after 50 years of families, established a volunteer program for OF CALIFORNIA service, plans to retire in January 2021. the District Attorney’s office, and built the DA’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Throughout his time with the City, he has had ‘Shape Up’ initiative. She was appointed by many different responsibilities and roles—from Monday, December 21, 2020 Governor Bill Ritter to the board of the Charter Laborer to Maintenance Supervisor—but he is School Institute and served on the boards of Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, I best known for his work ethic and delightful the League of Charter School and the Youth rise today to honor the Charles Houston Bar nature. Transformation Center. Additionally, she co- Association (CHBA) and their 65 years of Through 50 winters, he has ensured snow founded and chaired the board of Colorado’s service throughout California’s 13th congres- removal and ice control for the City of Lake- first military charter school, the Colorado Mili- sional district and the country. wood and its residents. He actively partici- tary Academy. CHBA was originally founded in 1955 as the pated in the Colorado Chapter of the Amer- The Schuck’s had an unwavering commit- Charles Houston Law Club and was named in ican Public Works Association (APWA), par- ment to children, particularly to those who are honor of the groundbreaking lawyer and edu- ticularly related to snow, ice and pavement, disadvantaged. They founded Parents Chal- cator, Charles Hamilton Houston. Bearing his and chaired the APWA Snow and Ice com- lenge, a nationwide nonprofit to empower low- name, CHBA continues to uphold his legacy mittee from 1985 to 2013. income parents with financial and informa- by fighting for racial equality and social During his service, he also managed pave- tional resources so that they may choose the change. ment quality for 1,345 lane-miles of city schools best suited for their children’s needs. Located in Oakland, California, The Charles streets. This meant selecting, coordinating and Parents Challenge has been carrying out its Houston Bar Association has been a driving directing suppliers of multiple maintenance mission of serving parents and children across force promoting diversity in the legal profes- materials including pavement, sewer, water- our nation for over 21 years. sion and advocating against racial injustice. line, sand, and salt as well as evolving equip- In 1975, The California State Bar’s Board of ment purchases to support maintenance of In a move that took her out of her comfort Governors recognized the Charles Houston streets, sewers, waterlines and storm water fa- zone, Joyce embraced the campaign life when Bar Association as an official state bar asso- cilities. Ron also helped lead and participate in Steve sought the Republican nomination for ciation. The CHBA is also an affiliate member emergency responses to infrastructure fail- Governor of Colorado in 1986. Not so secretly, of the National Bar Association (NBA) and the ures, storm damage, police responses and fire many expressed that they wished she was the California Association of Black Lawyers responses, and helped hire and supervise un- candidate because she excelled at building re- (CABL). told numbers of employees with varied back- lationships and communicating with people The CHBA has been a continuous source of grounds. from all walks of life. Unbeknownst to Steve, legal advocacy in the African American com- Ron’s work ethic and leadership earned him Joyce kept a diary of her experience on the munity. Their focus on protecting the legal Lakewood’s Employee of the Year in 2016. campaign, which she converted into a trail- rights of the people has kept them on the Outside of work, Ron is a dedicated father and blazing book titled, ‘‘Political Wives, Veiled precipice of change. grandfather. I want to extend my deepest ap- Lives.’’ During the early 1980’s CHBA partnered preciation for Ron’s long career in public serv- Joyce had many passions in her life, but with the California Association of Black Law- ice and countless contributions to our commu- none more than her family. Joyce was pre- yers to criminalize the KKK. Through their ef- nity. I wish him the best in retirement and fu- ceded in death by her parents Frank and Flor- forts California passed legislation that can still ture endeavors. ence, and sister Rolene. Joyce is survived by be found in the penal code today. f her loving husband Steve, children: Bill The Charles Houston Bar Association has (Dede), Tom, and Ann; her grandchildren: always fought to protect civil rights and advo- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Emily, Molly, Hillary, Whitney, Gabriel, Conner, cated for equality. These efforts led to the OF JOYCE HABER SCHUCK Colton, and Bryce; great-grandchildren: CHBA earning recognition from the National Madyson, Emyrson, Grayson, Hudson, and Bar Association as one of its Most Out- HON. DOUG LAMBORN Liam. standing Affiliates in 1977, 1986, 2002, and OF COLORADO Joyce leaves behind a legacy of grace, 2004. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES kindness, compassion, and generosity. She The CHBA’s values and mission are re- Monday, December 21, 2020 lived her life with enthusiasm and purpose, flected in accomplishments and legacies of its and her commitment to those in need will ben- members. From California’s first African Amer- Mr. LAMBORN. Madam Speaker, I rise efit generations to come. ican Supreme Court Justice Wiley Manuel to today to honor the life of Mrs. Joyce Haber the First African American Vice President-elect Schuck, cherished wife, mother, grandmother, f KAMALA HARRIS, The Charles Houston Bar As- patriot, community activist, and dear friend. sociation and its members continue to dedi- Joyce was born December 9, 1937, to lov- PERSONAL EXPLANATION cate themselves to creating and being the en- ing parents, Frank and Florence Haber, in gineers of social change. , New York. She met the love of On behalf of California’s 13th Congressional her life, Steve, while at a party hosted by a HON. DEBBIE LESKO District, I want to extend my sincere congratu- mutual friend. They married in 1958, following OF ARIZONA lations on this important milestone. I thank the his college graduation. As newlyweds, Steve Charles Houston Bar Association for being a and Joyce lived and worked in Syracuse and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tireless advocate for an inclusive community. I New York City until they accomplished their Monday, December 21, 2020 wish them continued success in training and dream of starting a family and moving to Colo- organizing future generations of leaders to ad- rado Springs. They had three beloved chil- Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, had I been dress the issue of diversity in the legal profes- dren: William David (1959), Thomas Allen present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call sion and the challenges of racial inequality. (1961), and Ann Elizabeth (1968). No. 246, and YEA on Roll Call No. 247.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.017 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E1196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 21, 2020 CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF While expanding his businesses locally, na- 8. support funding for the TOD FRANK J. MCGUIRE tionally and internationally, he always gave loop which can be a national Pilot and model back to his community as he led the Chamber similar to our esteemed Beltline, without dis- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS of Commerce in the 1970s with a focus on placing long-time residents. OF NEW YORK bringing back jobs. Even an unsuccessful run I challenge my colleagues in this body to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for political office never steered him from pub- pass these pieces of legislation and deliver on lic service as he served as a trustee of the the unfinished business of Georgia’s Fifth Monday, December 21, 2020 New York State Urban Development Corpora- Congressional District. Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Madam Speak- tion and was chairman of the Western New I would also like to take a moment to thank er, I rise today to celebrate the life of Mr. York Economic Development Corporation. His leadership in the House and their staff for wel- Frank J. McGuire. Mr. McGuire passed away efforts as a member of the New York coming me with open arms but more impor- on July 7, 2020 at the age of 92, after a life- Sportsplex Committee secured state funding tantly for their leadership in these very chal- time of business and community leadership, for the Buffalo Bisons baseball stadium and as lenging times. Their commitment to getting re- philanthropy and service to Buffalo and West- a major player on the Business Backs the Bills sults on behalf of American people is laud- ern New York. Committee in the late 1990s, he certainly con- able, and the work over the last few years to His contributions are so many in so many tributed to our beloved football team still call- keep this giant ship on course and to get it arenas, including economic, civic, cultural and ing Buffalo its home. back on normal course. charitable that even his son found it difficult to I, like many others, sought his counsel and We also need to adapt to the changing describe so he let the quote that guided his fa- can attest to his direct and no-nonsense way times. The post-World War II economy is not ther’s work speak to how Frank McGuire lived the exchange of ideas, priorities and strategies coming back. The gig economy is here to his life. ‘‘A ship is safe in the harbor, but that were debated. You knew where you stood stay. The gig economy is upon us and to remain is not what ships were built for.’’ As reported with Frank McGuire as he knew the value of competitive we have to invest in and reinvest in the Buffalo News, this well respected and family, faith, friendship and loyalty. He knew well-known leader, ‘‘was not afraid of risk or in strategies of empowering people at all sta- the value of a job well done and always kept tions in life to be their best selves and own challenge, and always described as brilliant, his focus on creating and expanding employ- tough, honest and fair.’’ their own futures. ment opportunities for the community that As more Americans choose independent Frank McGuire was a job creator and a gen- gave him his start. erator of opportunity; he was an entrepreneur and flexible work, this coverage gap will only Though never seeking the spotlight, his gen- get bigger, which is why our lawmakers need for decades before that term became more erosity and significant contributions to numer- widely embraced and celebrated. Still working to update our safety net as soon as possible. ous charities were deservedly recognized. That is why I am proud that today’s into his nineties as chairman of the McGuire These included University at Buffalo School of Coronavirus relief bill delivers $900 billion in Group, Frank McGuire never acquired titles, Management Niagara Frontier Executive much-needed aid but this is not enough. We he built companies—30 of them—giving 1,700 award in 2001, the United Way Tocqueville need to pass another round of stimulus people employment and careers as an indus- Society Philanthropist of the year in 2007, and checks and we need to ensure that state and try leader in the fields of construction, health Business First’s Lifetime Achievement Award local governments—which are at the forefront care, commercial and industrial real estate de- in 2013. and bearing the impact of paying for this pan- velopment. Madam Speaker, I honor the trailblazing leg- demic—are reimbursed. His roots were anchored into the South Buf- acy of Frank J. McGuire. He embodied the And, I would like to close on a point of per- falo community as the oldest of five sons of passion, energy, and commitment to cause sonal privilege. Frank J. McGuire Sr. and the former Mary that makes Buffalo unique. We will forever be I have a picture of a man who was a Kelly, and a graduate of Holy Family School grateful for his outstanding service and leader- straight-A student at and South Park High School. Sergeant ship. We extend our deepest sympathy to his Carver High School in Montgomery, Alabama McGuire served his country honorably from wife, Donna, his children, grandchildren and who was pushed out of the educational sys- 1946 to 1948 having joined the U.S. Army the friends and family of the McGuire Group. tem because he chose to stand up for justice after becoming an electrician. f and equality for all in the 1960s. His ability to lead was recognized by his fel- He was a peaceful and law-abiding student low classmates as he was president of the THE UNFINISHED BUSINESS OF who organized hundreds of other students to School of Engineering of the University at Buf- CONGRESS participate in the Selma to Montgomery falo Class of 1953. His work as an electrician March. It was only a few years ago that I during his college days took him to new HON. KWANZA HALL found out who he was. I was reflecting with heights as he personally climbed to install the OF GEORGIA my mother on her photo collection from the aircraft beacon light at the top of a local radio IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES civil rights movement one day, and to my as- tower. If there was a challenge to be met, tonishment she stated that the peaceful Monday, December 21, 2020 Frank McGuire was the man to step up to get protestor being dragged on the ground by a it done. Mr. HALL. I rise today to include in the police officer in 1965 was my father. His innate skill set was more fully on display RECORD a statement on behalf of my prede- His name was Leon Hall and he was the as an employee of General Electric Company cessor John Lewis and constituents of Geor- youngest staff member of the Southern Chris- where at the age of 26, he became one of the gia’s Fifth Congressional District. We have tian Leadership Conference, and aide to Dr. youngest managers and contributed to the de- some unfinished business, and I call on Con- Martin Luther King, from 1963 to 1968. He sign and development of the nuclear reactors gress to: was a foot soldier in the fight for justice along used in the first atomic submarines. Those ex- 1. expunge all records for nonviolent offend- with Hosea Williams, who stood on the Ed- periences formed the foundation on which this ers impacted by the war on drugs; mund Pettus bridge next my predecessor John pioneer took his limited savings and with the 2. permit those individuals who were pre- Lewis. All three of them were beaten, verbally support of his parents, who mortgaged their viously incarcerated to vote and end the prac- abused, and illegally incarcerated countless home, founded his first company, Industrial tice of disenfranchisement on these bases; times, just as we see today with Eric Garner, Power & Lighting Corporation. This electrical 3. make it more difficult for police to escape Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and others. engineering and construction organization be- accountability when the rights of law-abiding This has been an unfortunate reality in the came a powerhouse completing more than Americans are violated; U.S. and around the world for millions of black $200 million in projects throughout upstate 4. pass legislation that once and for all bans and brown people for far too long—injustice New York, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Colorado the box and prevents employment discrimina- and unlawful treatment by those responsible and Alaska and became the first American tion against those previously incarcerated indi- for upholding the law has to end and it has to company of its kind to work in the People’s viduals; end now. Republic of China in 1981. Real estate devel- 5. establish the John Lewis Institute with an While I have seen this picture for my entire opment in Western New York and Florida allocation of money from Congress to support life, before that conversation with my mother I would follow as well and expansion into health this endeavor; never realized that the individual in it was my care operating nursing and rehabilitation facili- 6. support the Prince Hall Masons Building; father. ties in Western New York, Long Island and 7. support the renovation and the restoration The picture was taken in 1974 and showed Michigan. of Dr. King’s office; and my father. Leon Hall, a board member of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.022 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1197 Southern Regional Council, testifying before SUPPORT FOR S. 1310 (ORGANIZA- The State Department should also maintain this very body about the issues related to edu- TION OF AMERICAN STATES communication with the Committee on Foreign cation and students being pushed out of edu- LEGISLATIVE ENGAGEMENT ACT Relations in the Senate and the Committee on cation systems, much as he was. Our Majority OF 2020) Foreign Affairs in the House of Representa- Whip Representative CLYBURN and Represent- tives through regular briefings on the progress of any forum that is created under Section 4 ative BENNIE THOMPSON were also board HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL of this legislation and its implementation. members of the SRC at that time. OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES With the Western Hemisphere facing seri- The body of work they established at that ous threats from authoritarian regimes and time is the scholarship we now refer to as the Monday, December 21, 2020 malign actors, it has never been more impor- school to prison pipeline. Some of America’s Mr. McCAUL. Madam Speaker, I want to ex- tant for the U.S. and our partners to promote greatest talents, our most brilliant minds—ca- press my support for the Organization of values of freedom in the region. pable of creating inventions, innovations, or American States Legislative Engagement Act. I commend Senator CARDIN and Senator great companies that can employ thousands The Organization of American States (OAS) WICKER for their leadership on this issue, and and provide cures to ailments—are lan- brings together the nations of the Western I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- Hemisphere to promote democracy, human guishing in prison due to an unjust legal sys- tion. rights, security, and economic development. f tem. Many of them were brutalized on a traffic This bill directs the Department of State to stop or walking innocently down the street. develop a strategy to support efforts in the THE 2020 CHRISTMAS TREE BILL: I rise to bring attention to the need for jus- OAS to strengthen critical anti-corruption ef- ‘‘MONEY VERSUS WEALTH’’ tice reform and to explain the import of why I forts and promote human rights. support justice ref arm projects, like the last It also requires a report detailing the organi- HON. MARCY KAPTUR prisoner project, the innocence project, ban- zation’s progress toward advancing human OF OHIO ning the box for reentry to work. I support the rights, combating impunity, and supporting the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES participation of democratically elected legisla- overall evolution of the way we work, who Monday, December 21, 2020 tors in OAS activities. works, and how we contribute and provide Finally, this bill encourages democratically Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, Americans value to a future society that truly is just for elected legislators from member states to dis- should wonder why Pennsylvania Senator PAT all. cuss the most important issues facing the re- TOOMEY—a Harvard educated, former Wall Young people who fill prisons should be em- gion—including defending human rights, pro- Street foreign currency swap trader—held up powered to create and build our companies as moting democracy, and supporting anti-corrup- this relief bill so necessary to help people in knowledgebased workers with or without a col- tion efforts. our pandemic-plagued nation. He was wrong lege degree doing jobs that require new tech As co-chair of the US-Mexico Inter- to hold up the bill, but he is right on putting a skills that they have, and those in jails for non- parliamentary Group, I recognize the important spotlight on the Federal Reserve. Bottom line: How will our nation pay the $2 trillion bill for violent offenses should be released and given role that legislators can play in advancing shared foreign policy interests. However, the this necessary relief to the American people, training to do the same. That’s why I support United States must take all necessary meas- and our escalating debt? First, let me begin the MOREs act and SAFE act. But the critical ures to ensure that any interparliamentary with this basic lesson President Franklin Roo- component of this is the categorical forum created under this legislation provides a sevelt’s generation taught mine: There is a dif- expungement of records and wholesale invest- platform for substantive discourse to address ference between ‘‘money’’ and ‘‘wealth.’’ Sen- ment in the creation of companies with, for, serious issues impacting the region, including ator TOOMEY appears to be concerned about and by citizens reentering the economy—com- countering threats to democracy and human America’s deteriorating financial position. So panies that will pay taxes and keep people off rights, transnational crime, impunity, and sys- am I. the streets. The SAFE Act should have temic corruption in accordance with the Inter- Wealth = tangible assets that produce real minority- and women-led financial institutions American Democratic Charter. products (agricultural land, a factory, a donut at the center of the transition that we need to The United States must also make all efforts shop, a forest, etc. . . . real products. Money move our country forward in a uniformed fash- to ensure that interparliamentary forums are is but an ephemeral accounting transaction. ion. not coopted by actors who aim to undermine As Congress debates this $2 trillion-dollar vital U.S. policy interests in the region by pro- bill, of one thing we can be certain: it is not We need a comprehensive solution to end moting socialism and embracing malign actors paid for. The U.S. has gone from the world’s these injustices. I believe in second chances like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). largest creditor (+$360 billion) in 1980, to its and the power of redemption. People returning This legislation includes critical language largest debtor (¥$97 trillion) in 2019. The per- from incarceration should have opportunities ensuring that only democratically elected legis- cent of household debt equals 68 percent of and pathways to succeed and contribute to lators participate in any newly-created forum. the GDP, an astounding figure—($14.35 trillion society in a meaningful way without stigma A ‘‘democratically elected legislator’’ under this of a GDP of $21.16 trillion). The Federal Re- from the wrongs they’ve done in the past. This legislation should be strictly defined as an indi- serve soon will gather its member banks to same principle is applicable to Congress too. vidual who was elected as a result of periodic, figure out how to finance this debt. The money free and fair elections. Further, any legislator to pay for it will be borrowed as onerous tax- I would end on the following observation. who is known to be convicted for or engaged ation at this time would harm the recovery. But The country was built on the backs of African in corruption or transnational criminal activi- the American people will have to pay back descendants of slaves, indigenous people and ties, including trafficking of people, goods, or lenders for years to come, including increasing other immigrants including Chinese, Irish, illicit narcotics, moneylaundering, terrorist fi- payments to foreign creditors that are financ- Italians, Mexican and Central Americans, nancing, acts of terrorism, campaign finance ing America—China, Japan, and Brazil, those from South Asia and people from all violations, bribery, extortion, human rights vio- among others. Senator TOOMEY is shining a over the world. We need a country that func- lations, or undermining democracy, should be laser beam on the Fed as it will be the su- tions without regard to where your ancestors barred from participation. preme negotiator in these ‘‘money’’ trans- come from. We need opportunity mindful of The U.S. must also work with the OAS to actions that will impact our nation’s future that. We need a justice system mindful of that. ensure that any forum or action taken under ‘‘wealth’’. Our nation has been accumulating Only then can we begin to end the divisions this legislation is feasible and cost effective, more and more debt and not been paying of our country and begin to unite. keeping in mind the ongoing budgetary con- down principal for a very long time due to straints of the OAS and the importance of ad- wars, huge tax cuts to the wealthy, and a Tough times bring out the worse or the best vancing the objectives outlined under the Or- haughty attitude among some that the U.S. is in people and we need to standup and ensure ganization of American States Revitalization invulnerable to the selling off of productive as- that we not let the COVID crisis continue to and Reform Act of 2013, including the imple- sets. During the 1990’s, to ease the interest bring out the worse but rather take the next mentation of a results-based budgeting proc- payments on our accumulating U.S. debt, the few weeks of this administration and first 100 ess in order to strategically prioritize, and U.S. financial system was turned inside out to days to 6 months to get something right in this where appropriate, reduce current and future inflate and leverage globally Americans’ country and get the country back on course. mandates. wealth in the housing sector. Wall Street, with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.023 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E1198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 21, 2020 the Fed looking on, ushered in the horrific ment on our unfortunate inability to live within heads, in the future any bill Congress passes 2008 housing crisis with millions of trans- our means. Frankly, to be a strong and inde- must protect the real value of our municipal actions that failed. Individual American families pendent nation, with wealth creation here at and state assets—water and sewage systems, are still recovering from that hard body blow to home, these are bills we should aim to pay bus systems, parks, hospitals and universities, their real wealth achieved through home own- ourselves. That requires real leadership. roads, equipment, etc. They should not be le- ership, their primary source of savings. Yes, The Fed’s Chair, an unelected position, is veraged through international borrowing that Wall Street feverishly booked paper money now the second most important office in requires growing interest payments over time losses while big securities firms ate one an- Washington, DC. 99 percent of the public that in tum indebts our communities in per- other, leaving about 4 giant firms that now doesn’t think much about the Fed. But it be- petuity as has occurred already with student transact the majority of money trades in our comes the key lynchpin in the ability of our na- debt loans and the housing melt down. country. Incidentally, their CEO’s took away tion to float economically. Its growing, sub- A truly strong America requires we look our- more money and bonuses than before the terranean financial control over daily life can selves in the mirror and design a ‘‘Build Back crash. They transferred their losses to home- come at a terrible price. The Fed’s money and Better Recovery’’ that is not financialized but owners in every hamlet in our nation as well debt penchant for our nation is like consuming is truly ‘‘made in America’’, not borrowed. The as booked losses to many lenders that had a tad of arsenic at a time. Rather, to reverse American people deserve no less for what less money power. the cycle of middle-class downward mobility, they have been enduring during this Pandemic Senator PAT TOOMEY is a former Wall Street America needs real wealth creation at home, and with the accelerating economic washout refugee as the bank at which he worked was not just money supply manipulation again. For of the middle class since the 1980’s. There is gobbled up by Germany’s Deutche Bank. He example, why shouldn’t seniors be able to a huge difference between money and wealth. holds a rigid fealty to free markets as a Club earn fair interest again on their accumulated for Growth endorsed Senator. He and I hold savings? They loan their precious dollars to f vastly differing views about many issues, but banks and are paid nothing in return. The as- SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS we come from manufacturing states deeply piring generation should not have to be harmed by the current Wall Street-Fed eco- pawned through heavy education debt loads Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, nomic model, where every real asset is dis- from which the financial sector benefits. If agreed to by the Senate of February 4, posable. We both share a deep concern about Congress fails to pay attention, real assets of 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- rising U.S. debt levels and the role of the Fed- local municipalities and states could well be tem for a computerized schedule of all eral Reserve as an agent of national decline. leveraged by the Fed to pay more American meetings and hearings of Senate com- He has focused on America’s terrible ‘‘money interest to foreign bond holders. Heedless bor- mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- vs. wealth’’ predicament whether one chooses rowing continues to fund America’s inability to tees, and committees of conference. to listen to him or not. Our nation’s capital grow the real economy here at home. The sig- This title requires all such committees markets are now dependent on foreign invest- nificant diminishment of manufacturing as a to notify the Office of the Senate Daily ment to prop them up. Our nation is not finan- robust sector of our economy that creates Digest—designated by the Rules Com- cially independent. The question is which sec- broad economic uplift of the middle class can- mittee—of the time, place and purpose tor of our economy will next fall victim to Wall not be matched by the ‘‘financial services’’ of the meetings, when scheduled and Street’s financial roulette with the Federal Re- sector nor the new ‘‘tech industry’’ which any cancellations or changes in the serve’s acquiescence—will the wealth of our produce very lopsided economies, with a few meetings as they occur. states and municipalities be compromised or very rich but many more poor. As an additional procedure along emptied out as was our housing sector? That Record credit card debt and the indebting of with the computerization of this infor- is a deep concern in view of what Wall Street the aspiring generation—all are signs of a mation, the Office of the Senate Daily orchestrated as the housing bubble burst. creeping financialization of our society that Digest will prepare this information for For foreign investors buying U.S. debt, U.S. takes power and control away from ordinary printing in the Extensions of Remarks taxpayers annually now shell out over $130 citizens. Is it any wonder Americans are in section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD billion annually in interest payments to China, backlash mode? The amount of interest tax- on Monday and Wednesday of each Japan, and Brazil to name three. Since the payers are paying foreign creditors has been week. 1980’s the share of foreign ownership of US on an ascending curve since the l980s. It can- Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, De- debt has risen from less than 4 percent to well not continue if our nation is to remain free. cember 22, 2020 may be found in the over 40 percent. This is an astounding indict- With this ‘‘debt bomb’’ hanging over our Daily Digest of today’s RECORD.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.025 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS Monday, December 21, 2020 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS Senate agreed to the motion to concur in the amendment of the House of Representatives to the amendment of the Senate to H.R. 133, Con- solidated Appropriations Act. Senate Julius Rosenwald and the Rosenwald Schools Chamber Action Act: Senate passed H.R. 3250, to require the Sec- Routine Proceedings, pages S7887–S7949 retary of the Interior to conduct a special resource Measures Introduced: Seven bills were introduced, study of the sites associated with the life and legacy as follows: S. 5078–5084. Page S7939 of the noted American philanthropist and business executive Julius Rosenwald, with a special focus on Measures Passed: the Rosenwald Schools. Page S7902 Buying American: Committee on Commerce, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park Redes- Science, and Transportation was discharged from fur- ignation Act: Senate passed H.R. 5472, to redesig- ther consideration of S. Res. 625, affirming the ben- nate the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site as the efits of ‘‘Buying American’’, and the resolution was ‘‘Jimmy Carter National Historical Park’’. Page S7902 then agreed to, after agreeing to the following DESCEND Act: Committee on Commerce, amendments proposed thereto: Page S7899 Science, and Transportation was discharged from fur- Scott (FL) Amendment No. 2726, in the nature of ther consideration of H.R. 5126, to require individ- a substitute. Page S7899 uals fishing for Gulf reef fish to use certain descend- Scott (FL) Amendment No. 2727, to amend the ing devices, and the bill was then passed. Page S7902 preamble. Page S7899 Scott (FL) Amendment No. 2728, to amend the Enrollment Correction: Senate agreed to H. Con. Res. 128, directing the Clerk of the House of Rep- title. Page S7899 resentatives to make a correction in the enrollment BUILD Act: Committee on Banking, Housing, of H.R. 1520. Pages S7924–28 and Urban Affairs was discharged from further con- United Nations World Food Programme: Com- sideration of S. 371, to provide regulatory relief to mittee on Foreign Relations was discharged from charitable organizations that provide housing assist- further consideration of S. Res. 774, honoring the ance, and the bill was then passed, after agreeing to United Nations World Food Programme on the oc- the following amendment proposed thereto: casion of being awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize, Pages S7901–02 and the resolution was then agreed to, after agreeing Cornyn (for Fischer) Amendment No. 2729, in to the following amendments proposed thereto: the nature of a substitute. Pages S7901–02 Page S7928 Restoring Resilient Reefs Act: Committee on Boozman Amendment No. 2733, to amend the Commerce, Science, and Transportation was dis- resolving clause. Page S7928 charged from further consideration of S. 2429, to re- Boozman Amendment No. 2734, to amend the authorize the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 preamble. Page S7928 and to establish the United States Coral Reef Task Port of Beirut: Committee on Foreign Relations Force, and the bill was then passed, after agreeing was discharged from further consideration of S. Res. to the following amendment proposed thereto: 682, recognizing the devastating explosion that Page S7902 rocked the Port of Beirut on August 4, 2020, and Cornyn (for Rubio/Schatz) Amendment No. 2730, expressing solidarity with the Lebanese people, and in the nature of a substitute. Page S7902 the resolution was then agreed to. Page S7928 D1121

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D21DE0.REC D21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with DIGEST D1122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST December 21, 2020 EFFORT Act: Senate passed H.R. 3153, to direct Fortson of the District of Columbia, and Charlotte the Director of the National Science Foundation to Ponticelli of Maryland. Page S7949 support research on opioid addiction, after with- Signing Authority—Agreement: A unanimous- drawing the committee amendment in the nature of consent agreement was reached providing that Sen- a substitute, and agreeing to the following amend- ators Thune, Roberts, and Blunt be authorized to ment proposed thereto: Page S7929 sign duly enrolled bills or joint resolutions from Boozman (for Wicker) Amendment No. 2732, in Monday, December 21, 2020 through Sunday, Janu- the nature of a substitute. Page S7929 ary 3, 2021. Page S7928 Transparency in Federal Buildings Projects Act: Pro Forma Sessions—Agreement: A unanimous- Committee on Environment and Public Works was consent agreement was reached providing that the discharged from further consideration of H.R. 2502, Senate adjourn, to then convene for pro forma ses- to amend title 40, United States Code, to require sions only, with no business being conducted on the certain prospectuses for public buildings to be made following dates and times, and that following each publicly available, and the bill was then passed. pro forma session, the Senate adjourn until the next Page S7929 pro forma session: Thursday, December 24, 2020, at Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act: 10 a.m.; and Monday, December 28, 2020, at 10 Committee on the Judiciary was discharged from a.m.; and that when the Senate adjourns on Monday, further consideration of H.R. 1418, to restore the December 28, 2020, it next convene at 12 noon, on application of the Federal antitrust laws to the busi- Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Page S7949 ness of health insurance to protect competition and Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- consumers, and the bill was then passed. Page S7929 lowing nominations: Yucca House National Monument Expansion By 48 yeas to 47 nays (Vote No. EX. 288), Eric Act: Senate passed H.R. 1492, to update the map of, J. Soskin, of Virginia, to be Inspector General, De- and modify the maximum acreage available for in- partment of Transportation. Pages S7910, S7921–22 clusion in, the Yucca House National Monument. During consideration of this nomination today, Page S7929 Senate also took the following action: Enrollment Correction: Senate agreed to H. Con. By 48 yeas to 46 nays (Vote No. 285), Senate Res. 127, directing the Clerk of the House of Rep- agreed to the motion to proceed to the motion to resentatives to make a correction in the enrollment reconsider the vote by which cloture was not in- of H.R. 133. Pages S7922–30 voked on Friday, December 19, 2020. Page S7910 By 48 yeas to 46 nays (Vote No. EX. 286), Senate House Messages: agreed to the motion to reconsider the vote by Further Extension of Continuing Appropria- which cloture was not invoked on Friday, December tions Act: Senate agreed to the motion to concur in 19, 2020. Page S7910 the amendment of the House of Representatives to By 48 yeas to 44 nays (Vote No. EX. 287), Senate the amendment of the Senate to H.R. 1520, to upon reconsideration agreed to the motion to close amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for further debate on the nomination. Pages S7910–11 the publication of a list of licensed biological prod- C. Kevin Blackstone, of Virginia, a Career Mem- ucts. Page S7923 ber of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister- Consolidated Appropriations Act: By 92 yeas to 6 nays Counselor, to be Ambassador to the Democratic Re- (Vote No. 289), Senate agreed to the motion to concur public of Timor-Leste. in the amendment of the House of Representatives to the Cynthia Kierscht, of Minnesota, to be Ambassador amendment of the Senate to H.R. 133, making consoli- to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. dated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September Brian D. McFeeters, of Virginia, to be Ambas- 30, 2021, by the order of the Senate of Monday, Decem- ber 21, 2020, 60 Senators having voted in the affirma- sador to Malaysia. tive. Pages S7922–28 David Reimer, of Ohio, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Appointments: Ambassador to the Republic of Sierra Leone. Independent Mexico Labor Expert Board: The Geeta Pasi, of New York, to be Ambassador to Chair, on behalf of the President pro tempore, upon the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. the recommendation of the Majority Leader, pursu- Page S7930 ant to Public Law 116–113, and in consultation Messages from the House: Pages S7938–39 with the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Fi- nance, appointed the following individuals to the Enrolled Bills Presented: Page S7939 Independent Mexico Labor Expert Board: Kyle Additional Cosponsors: Pages S7939–40

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Additional Statements: Page S7938 Thursday, December 24, 2020. (For Senate’s pro- Amendments Submitted: Pages S7940–49 gram, see the remarks of the Majority Leader in to- day’s Record on page S7949.) Record Votes: Five record votes were taken today. (Total—289) Pages S7910–11, S7921–22, S7927–28 Committee Meetings Adjournment: Senate convened at 12 noon on Mon- day, December 21, 2020 and adjourned at 1:47 a.m. (Committees not listed did not meet) on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, until 12 noon on No committee meetings were held. h House of Representatives Recess: The House recessed at 9:35 a.m. and recon- Chamber Action vened at 4:04 p.m. Page H7290 Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 7 public Directing the Clerk of the House of Representa- bills, H.R. 9039–9045; and 2 resolutions, H. Con. tives to make a correction in the enrollment of Res. 127–128, were introduced Page H7322 H.R. 133: The House agreed to H. Con. Res. 127, Additional Cosponsors: Page H7322 directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 133. H. Res. 1271, providing for consideration of the Page H7300 Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 133) to promote Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘Making economic partnership and cooperation between the consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending United States and Mexico; providing for disposition September 30, 2021, providing coronavirus emer- of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R.1520) to gency response and relief, and for other purposes.’’. amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for Page H7300 the publication of a list of licensed biological prod- Directing the Clerk of the House of Representa- ucts, and for other purposes; and for other purposes tives to make a correction in the enrollment of (H. Rept. 116–679); H.R. 1520: The House agreed to H. Con. Res. 128, H.R. 2245, to amend the Endangered Species Act directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives of 1973 to prohibit import and export of any species to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. listed or proposed to be listed under such Act as a 1520. Pages H7300–01 threatened species or endangered species, and for other purposes, with amendments (H. Rept. Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘Making 116–680, Part 1); further continuing appropriations for fiscal year H.R. 1108, to provide for funding from the Air- 2021, and for other purposes.’’. Page H7301 port and Airway Trust Fund for all Federal Aviation United States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act: Administration activities in the event of a Govern- The House concurred in the Senate amendment to ment shutdown, and for other purposes, with an H.R. 133, to promote economic partnership and co- amendment (H. Rept. 116–681, Part 1); operation between the United States and Mexico, H.R. 4545, to provide for the discharge of a pri- with an amendment consisting of the text of Rules vate education loan in the case of death or total and Committee Print 116–68, with the first portion of permanent disability of a student obligor, and for the question comprising Divisions B, C, E, and F, other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. by a yea-and-nay vote of 327 yeas to 85 nays, Roll 116–682, Part 1); No. 250. Pages H7301–14 H.R. 4782, to establish a national commission on H. Res. 1271, the rule providing for consideration online platforms and homeland security, and for of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 133) was other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. agreed to by a yea-and-nay vote of 227 yeas to 180 116–683, Part 1); and nays, Roll No. 249, after the previous question was H.R. 865, to provide for the long-term improve- ordered without objection. Pursuant to section 2 of ment of public school facilities, and for other pur- H. Res. 1271, the House shall be considered to have poses, with amendments (H. Rept. 116–684, Part taken from the Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 1520) 1). Pages H7321–22 with the Senate amendment thereto, and to have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D21DE0.REC D21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with DIGEST D1124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST December 21, 2020 concurred in the Senate amendment with an amend- ment consisting of the text of Rules Committee Committee Meetings Print 116–69. Pages H7290–H7300 SENATE AMENDMENT TO THE UNITED United States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act: STATES-MEXICO ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP The House concurred in the Senate amendment to ACT H.R. 133, to promote economic partnership and co- Committee on Rules: Full Committee held a hearing on operation between the United States and Mexico, the Senate Amendment to H.R. 133, the ‘‘United with an amendment consisting of the text of Rules States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act’’ [Consoli- Committee Print 116–68, with the second portion of dated Appropriations Act, 2021]. The Committee the question except Divisions B, C, E, and F, by a granted, by record vote of 8–4, a rule providing for yea-and-nay vote of 359 yeas to 53 nays, Roll No. the consideration of the Senate amendment to H.R. 251. Pages H7314–15 133, the ‘‘Consolidated Appropriations Act of H. Res. 1271, the rule providing for consideration 2021’’. The rule makes in order a motion offered by of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 133) was the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or her agreed to by a yea-and-nay vote of 227 yeas to 180 designee that the House concur in the Senate nays, Roll No. 249, after the previous question was amendment with an amendment consisting of the ordered without objection. Pursuant to section 2 of text of Rules Committee Print 116–68. The rule H. Res. 1271, the House shall be considered to have waives all points of order against consideration of the taken from the Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 1520) motion. The rule provides that the Senate amend- with the Senate amendment thereto, and to have ment and the motion shall be considered as read. concurred in the Senate amendment with an amend- The rule provides one hour of debate on the motion ment consisting of the text of Rules Committee equally divided and controlled by the chair and Print 116–69. Pages H7290–H7300 ranking minority member of the Committee on Ap- Bankruptcy Administration Improvement Act of propriations. The rule provides that the question of 2020: The House agreed to take from the Speaker’s adoption of the motion shall be divided for a sepa- rate vote on the matter proposed to be inserted as table and pass S. 4996, to ensure funding of the divisions B, C, E, and F, and the Chair shall first United States trustees, and extend temporary bank- put the question on such portion of the divided ruptcy judgeships. Pages H7315–17 question. The rule provides that if either portion of Senate Referrals: S. 371 was held at the desk. S. the divided question fails of adoption, then the mo- 2204 was held at the desk. S. 2346 was held at the tion shall immediately be considered to have failed desk. S. 2353 was held at the desk. S. 2716 was of adoption. Section two of the rule provides that held at the desk. S. 2800 was held at the desk. S. upon adoption of the rule, the House shall be con- 2827 was held at the desk. S. 3099 was held at the sidered to have concurred in the Senate amendment desk. S. 3100 was held at the desk. S. 3948 was to H.R. 1520 with an amendment consisting of the held at the desk. S. 3952 was held at the desk. S. text of Rules Committee Print 116–69. The rule 4079 was held at the desk. S. 4222 was held at the provides that the Clerk shall be authorized to make desk. S. 4556 was held at the desk. S. 5076 was necessary technical and conforming changes in the held at the desk. engrossment of the House amendments specified in the first two sections of the resolution. The rule pro- Senate Messages: Message received from the Senate vides that if a veto message is laid before the House today and messages received from the Senate by the on H.R. 6395, then after the message is read, fur- Clerk and subsequently presented to the House ther consideration of the veto message and the bill today appear on pages H7290 and H7300. shall be postponed until the legislative day of Mon- Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes de- day, December 28, 2020; and on that legislative day, veloped during the proceedings of today and appear the House shall proceed to reconsideration and dis- on pages H7299, H7313, and H7314. pose of such question without intervening motion. The rule provides that the chair of the Committee Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- on Appropriations and the chair of the Permanent journed at 9:13 p.m. Select Committee on Intelligence may insert in the Congressional Record not later than December 28, 2020, such material as they may deem explanatory of the Senate amendment and the motion specified in the first section of the rule. Testimony was heard from Chairman Lowey and Representative Granger.

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of priority coastal geospatial data to inform and im- Joint Meetings prove local, State, regional, and Federal capacities to No joint committee meetings were held. manage the coastal region. Signed on December 18, f 2020. (Public Law 116–223) S. 1982, to improve efforts to combat marine de- NEW PUBLIC LAWS bris. Signed on December 18, 2020. (Public Law (For last listing of Public Laws, see DAILY DIGEST, p. D1110) 116–224) S. 910, to reauthorize and amend the National Sea H.J. Res. 107, making further continuing appro- Grant College Program Act. Signed on December priations for fiscal year 2021. Signed on December 18, 2020. (Public Law 116–221) 18, 2020. (Public Law 116–225) S. 945, to amend the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 H.J. Res. 110, making further continuing appro- to require certain issuers to disclose to the Securities priations for fiscal year 2021. Signed on December and Exchange Commission information regarding 20, 2020. (Public Law 116–226 foreign jurisdictions that prevent the Public Com- f pany Accounting Oversight Board from performing inspections under that Act. Signed on December 18, COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, 2020. (Public Law 116–222) DECEMBER 24, 2020 S. 1069, to require the Secretary of Commerce, (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) acting through the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to estab- Senate lish a constituent-driven program to provide a dig- No meetings/hearings scheduled. ital information platform capable of efficiently inte- grating coastal data with decision-support tools, House training, and best practices and to support collection No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Thursday, December 24 9 a.m., Thursday, December 24

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Thursday: House will meet in Pro Forma session. session at 9 a.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Hall, Kwanza, Ga., E1196 McCaul, Michael T., Tex., E1197 Higgins, Brian, N.Y., E1192, E1196 Neal, Richard E., Mass., E1191 Brooks, Susan W., Ind., E1193 Huffman, Jared, Calif., E1194 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E1192, E1195 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E1191 Joyce, John, Pa., E1194 Tlaib, Rashida, Mich., E1192 Evans, Dwight, Pa., E1193 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E1197 Torres, Norma J., Calif., E1194 Ferguson, A. Drew, IV, Ga., E1191 Lamborn, Doug, Colo., E1195 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1193 Garcia, Sylvia R., Tex., E1194 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1195 Griffith, H. Morgan, Va., E1193 Lesko, Debbie, Ariz., E1192, E1195 Wittman, Robert J., Va., E1191, E1194

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:13 Dec 27, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D21DE0.REC D21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with DIGEST