LEARNING OBJECTIVES Replacementcycle After Reading This Chapter, Students Will: • Be Able to Identify the Seven Ocean Basins Where Tropical Cyclogenesis Occurs

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES Replacementcycle After Reading This Chapter, Students Will: • Be Able to Identify the Seven Ocean Basins Where Tropical Cyclogenesis Occurs • tropical cyclone • landfall • eye • storm surge • hurricane • typhoon • supertyphoon • severetropical cyclone • severecyclonic storm • tropical depression • tropical storm • eyewall • tropicaldisturbance • majorhurricane • easterlywave • tropicalwave • Africaneasterly wave • MiddleLevel African EasterlyJet • horizontalwind shear • harmattanwinds • lntertropicalFront • CapeVerde storm • extratropicallow- pressuresystem • subtropicalcyclone • right-front quadrant • mesovortex • dropsonde • spiral bands • eye-wall LEARNING OBJECTIVES replacementcycle After reading this chapter, students will: • Be able to identify the seven ocean basins where tropical cyclogenesis occurs. • B_ea ble to identify the generic naming conventions used to describe the hierarchy of tropical cyclones in each of the seven basins (tropical depression, tropical storm, hurricane, etc.). Gainan appreciation for the history and protocol for generating the lists of specific names used in each of the seven ocean basins. Bea ble to assess the six criteria for tropical cyclogenesis in the setting of real eather data. 463 464 CHAPTER 11 Tropical Weather, Part II: Hurricanes CHAPTER 11 Tropical Weather, Part II: Hurricanes 465 • Understandthe genesis, movementand weather associated with easterly waves. · • Gain an appreciation for why tropical cyclogenesis is rare in the South At 1antic Ocean. • Understandthe positive feedback cycle, Conditionalln~tabilitrot t~e Second Kind,and its role in the development,maintenance and mtens1f1cat1onof tropical cyclones. _ . I I • Understandthe underpinning science of storm surge and its relat1onsh1pto landfalling tropical cyclones. • Understandthe physics that explains the existence of a hu_rricane'seye and gain an apprec'iation that winds in the eye are not always 1_1ght._ _ _ • Understandthe role of subtropical high-pressure systems 1nproviding steering currents for tropical cyclones. _ • Gain an appreciation for the role that the National Hurrican~ Ce_nterplays in warning the public, and be able to interpret some of the advisories and 4i@liJjffj (a) Radarreflectivity shows the eyeof Hur'.i~aneIke ~circula~blue r~gion) starting to moveover the TexasCoast at 0654Z products issued by NHC. on September13, 2008; (b) Dopplerveloc1t1es associated with HurricaneIke at 0404Zon September13, 2008. Fastw inds in the lowertroposphere blowing toward the radarat Houston,TX (shadesof blue anda little purple)were representative of the strong,onshore surfacewinds that produceda destructivestorm surge along the upperTexas coast (courtesy of NOAA). On animations of satellite images , tropical cyclones On March 28, 2004, a rare hurricane over the South At­ TABLE11.1 Saffir-SimpsonHurricane Damage Potential Scale display a noticeable cyclonic circulation. They also have lantic Ocean ~truck the east coast of Brazil near the to:'111 an organized area of convection (thunderstorms) around of Torres abo;ut 800 km ( 500 mi) south of Rio de Janeiro Category Wind(knots; mph) StormSurge (m; f t) or near their center. Figure 11.2a is a radar reflectivity ( see Figure 11.1). Wind speeds estimated by the U. ~. 1: Minimal 64-82 74-95 1.0-1.7 4-5 image from Houston , TX around 07002 on September National Hurricane Center at 78 kt (90 mph) unoffi­ 13, 2008. A few minutes later, Hurricane Ike made land­ 2: Moderate 83-95 96-110 1.8-2.6 6-8 cially ranked the hurricane as a Category 1 on the Saf­ fall (the storm's center crossed over land) on the north­ 3: Extensive 96-113 111-130 2.7-3.8 9-12 fir-Simpson Damage Potential Scale ( see Tabl~ 11.1 ). ern tip of Galveston Island as a Category-2 hurricane . Locally dubbed Hurricane "Catarina" beca~se it came 4: Extreme 114-135 131-155 .3.9-5.6 13-18 Maximum sustained winds were approximately 95 kt ashore in the· Santa Catarina province of Brazil, the storm 5: Catastrophic > 135 > 155 > 5.6 >18 (about 110 mph). Note the yellow and orange echoes killed at least two people , destroyed 500 homes, dam­ around the western flank of Ike 's well-defined eye , aged 20,000 others, and left 1,500 people homeless. which is the roughly circular island of generally light wind s at a hurricane's core. In this chapter , you'll learn Before meteorologists had reliable satellite imagery that thunderstorms organizing around (or near) the cen­ (prior to the mid-l 960s ), hurricanes could have formed ter of a tropical cyclone are necessary for the low­ pressu re system to intensify. over the South Atlantic Ocean and nobody would_have ever known (unless they hit land, of course) . But if the Tropical cyclones attract a great deal of attention from last four decades are any indication , there weren't many. meteorologists, and for good reasons. They destroy prop­ Indeed, Catarina was the only hurricane ever observ~d erty and take human life-tolls that can reach stagger­ in the South Atlantic Ocean during the modern satelh_;e ing proportion when these powerful storms pass over era Somewhat understandably, Catarina caught Brazi - highly populated, low-lying coastal areas that are vulner­ ian . forecasters by surprise.. There h ave b een only tw.o able to storm surge- the wind-driven rush of the sea other tropical cyclones observed over t h e sou thAtlant1c into coastal areas as a strong tropical cyclone arrives. Ocean since the 1960s, in April 1991 and January 2_004 . Figure 11.2b is an image of Doppler velocities around For the record tropical cyclone is. t h e generi·c, umver- 04002 on September 13, 2008 , a few hours before the sal name given' to low-pressure systems th· a t form ov,er ~eflectivity image in Figure 11.2a. This velocity image 11 llldicates a swath of fast winds in the lower troposphere warm tropical or subtropical· seas . I.n t h_ is· cha pter ' youeft of blowing toward Houston and the Texas Seaboard (shades A visiblesatellite image of a rarehurricane off the discover why the South Atlantic 1s virtuall y her . es ii@iiJjli• . h Atl t. c sometnn of blue and a bit of purple). These onshore winds pro­ j~@hJIJiiPhotographs of a portionof the upperTexas eastcoast of Brazilon March26, 2004 (courtesy tropical cyclones , while the Nort an i 11 1 duced a formidable storm surge that destroyed parts of ••• •••• •·-•·•-•-• Coastbefore (top) andafter (bottom) Hurricane of NASA). teems with them. th Ike.The yellow arrows point out featuresthat appear in eachimage e coast (see Figure 11.3). From space , the swirling (courtesyof USGS) 466 CHAPTER 11 Tropical Weather, Part II: Hurricanes CHAPTER 11 Tropical Weather, Part II: Hurricanes 467 60N 45N 30N 15N EQ 15S 30S 45S 60S (a) (b) 0 30E 60E 90E 120E 150E 180 150W 120W 90W 60W 30W @j@jjJIII•(a) Spiral Galaxy Messier 101 bearsa strikingresemblance to somehurricanes. This awesomeimage is a compositeof about50 individualexposures from the HubbleSpace Telescope (courtesy of NASAand ESA); (b) HurricaneIvan on Ni@!ililFITheprimary global breeding grounds for tropical cyclones(shaded areas) and the typicaltracks they take (redarrows). September5, 2004 (courtesyof NASA). force winds are known simply as severe tropical cyclones Globally each year, approximately 80 to 90 tropical cy­ galactic-arm appearance on satellite images, together 2. Northeast Pacific Basin (from Mexico to the Inter­ (Austra lian forecasters refer to "weaker" hurricane­ clones reach tropical storm intensity, with about two-thirds with an eye staring menacingly into space, absolutely national Dateline) strength storms simply as cyclones). Continuing on our of these attaining the threshold of 64 kt (74 mph) to qual­ invites ,investigation by the scientifically curious (see 3. Northwest Pacific Basin (from the International Date­ world tour, we note that forecasters call a strong tropical ify as a hurricane ( or typhoon, etc.). In order to efficiently Figure 11.4). line to Asia, plus the South China Sea) cyclone in the North Indian Ocean a severe cyclonic communicate information about these systems and avoid 4. North Indian Basin (includes the Bay of Bengal and storm. Finally, in the Southwest Indian Ocean, the generic confusion when more than one is active at the same time, Giii.liii~~~~.::;..t!!:.,...~"""'llllll.. Check out the satellite loop of Hurricane tropical cyclone is the chosen designator. meteorologists give them a number-letter tag when they be­ Isabel (2003) on the companion CD, and the Arabian Sea) come a tropical cyclone. For example, Tropical Depression also a movie of the angry ocean surface under Isabel 5. Southwest Indian Basin (from Africa to about 100°E From "hurricane" to "typhoon" to "severe cyclonic storm," the labels that meteorologists attach to strong trop­ 2-E would be the second tropical cyclone of the season in taken from a hurricane hunter aircraft. longitude) 6. Southeast Indian/Australian Basin (100°E longitude ical cyclones vary widely across the globe. As it turns the Northeast Pacific Basin. This generic naming conven­ As you probably already know, the most intense trop­ to 142°E longitude) out, the lists of names that forecasters use to distinguish tion never changes. ical cyclones that form in the tropical Atlantic and north­ 7. Australian/Southwest Pacific Basin (142°E long i­ storms that form in a particular basin also vary across the Most tropical cyclones receive a name once they reach east Pacific Oceans, with sustained surface winds of at tude to about 120°W longitude) globe. Before we delve into these naming conventions, tropical storm intensity. Table 11.2 shows the six alpha­ least 65 kt (74 mph), are called hurricanes . How about we first need to trace the life cycle of a typical tropical cy­ betized lists ofnames currently used by the National Hur­ the rest of the world? Figure 11.5 contains a lot of information that we will clone because, in some ocean basins, assigning a name ricane Center for the North Atlantic Basin. The lists of explore in this chapter. One observation that we'd like to depends on the cyclone's stage of development. names are recycled. So, for example, the 2009 list will be used again in 2015.
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