Papademos, unity cabinet sworn into office

Papademos, unity cabinet sworn into office

PRINT EDITION: 12 Nov 2011 ’s new unity government under interim Prime Minister was sworn in on Friday to ratify a crucial EU bailout deal and pull the country back from the brink of bankruptcy. Finance Minister , 54, kept his post in the incoming team which includes a former EU commissioner and several far-right lawmakers, a first since democracy was restored in 1974 after the fall of an army dictatorship. Ex-EU environment commissioner , 70, takes over the foreign ministry under a power-sharing deal between the socialist Pasok party, the conservative and the nationalist Laos party. Twelve members of the outgoing socialist administration retained their posts, while the conservatives were also given the defence ministry, which will be run by ex- mayor and former career diplomat , 58. The nationalists received the infrastructure ministry and three junior ministry positions. The new infrastructure minister, 47-year-old Makis Voridis, is a trained lawyer who formerly headed the Hellenic Front, a fledgling party with close links to the National Front movement in France. The new far-right deputy development minister in charge of shipping, 39-year-old , until recently ran a publishing house whose editions include an anti-Semitic pamphlet and books on ancient Greek history, which he promoted in a late-night television show popular with satirists. The swearing-in ceremony was delayed by two hours owing to last-minute negotiations between the three coalition partners, reports said. The new government’s first job will be to persuade the European Union and International Monetary Fund to disburse an €8 billion slice of aid from a 2010 bailout deal that is needed by December 15 before state coffers run dry. Then it must force through painful austerity measures exacted as the price for a second EU rescue package which gives Athens €100 billion in loans, the same amount in debt reduction and a further €30 billion in guarantees. Also tasked with holding early elections as soon as the EU deal is ratified by parliament, the new administration can count on the support of 254 deputies in the 300-seat parliament. AAP

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1 of 1 12/11/2011 3:09 PM