emperor from golden goblets

On awakening, he gave audience to ambas- was conducted with perfect order; all the sadors from foreign states, or his own various receipts and disbursements were set tributary cities, or to such caciques as had down in the picture-writing of the country. suits to prefer to him. The arithmetical characters were even more A— They were introduced by the young nobles refined than the ones used for letters; and a in attendance, and, whatever might be their separate apartment was filled with hiero- rank, unless of the blood royal, they were glyphical ledgers representing the palace obliged to submit to the humiliation of accounts. shrouding their rich dresses with the coarse mantle of nequen (sac cloth) and entering was the picture of Montezuma’s barefooted, with downcast eyes, into the Suchdomestic establishment and way of presence. living, as Cortez and his Spanish followers The Emperor addressed brief remarks saw it. Ths End to the suitors, and the parties retired with the same reverential obeisance, taking care to keep their faces turned toward the monarch. ¦ Like much other fine American literature, nineteenth- Well might Cortez exclaim that no court, Prescott's words were written in Boston. It in whether of the Grand Seigneur or any other century was nineteenth-century March infidel, ever displayed so pompous and elabo- Boston also that on 10, 1876, there demonstration the rate a ceremonial! occurred the first practical of The maintenance of this court of several telephone. Read-lt-Now salutes that thousands of individuals, involved heavy ex- Next week anniver- penditures and required complicated accounts. sary rather unconventionally with a story But everything in Montezuma's household by Clarence Day. CLIFTON FADI MAN


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