Meeting: Education Panel Date: Thursday 13 September 2018 Time: 2.30 pm Place: Chamber, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London, SE1 2AA

Copies of the minutes may be found at: http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor-assembly/london-assembly/education


Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Chair) AM Susan Hall AM AM AM

1 Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements (Item 1)

1.1 No apologies for absence were received.

2 Declarations of Interests (Item 2)

2.1 Resolved:

That the list of offices held by Assembly Member, as set out in the table at agenda item 2, be noted as disclosable pecuniary interests.

City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA Enquiries: 020 7983 4100 minicom: 020 7983 4458 www.london.gov.uk Education Panel Thursday 13 September 2018

3 Membership of the Panel (Item 3)

3.1 Resolved:

That the membership and chairing arrangements for the Panel, as agreed by the GLA Oversight Committee on 15 May 2018, be noted, as follows:

Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Chair) Tony Arbour AM Susan Hall AM David Kurten AM Fiona Twycross

4 Terms of Reference (Item 4)

4.1 Resolved:

That the terms of reference for the Panel be noted as follows:

1. To keep under review and investigate as appropriate the development and delivery of the Mayor’s policies and strategies in relation to education and to report back to the GLA Oversight Committee as necessary; and

2. To oversee the activities of the Adult Education Programme Board, which will advise the Mayor on matters associated with the devolution of the Adult Education Budget.

5 Minutes (Item 5)

5.1 Resolved:

That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2018 be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

6 Summary List of Actions (Item 6)

6.1 The Panel received the report of the Executive Director of Secretariat.

6.2 Resolved:

That the completed and outstanding actions arising from a previous meeting of the Panel be noted.

Greater London Authority Education Panel Thursday 13 September 2018

7 Action Taken Under Delegated Authority (Item 7)

7.1 Resolved:

That the recent action taken by the Chair under delegated authority, namely to agree, in consultation with party Group Lead Members, as follows, be noted:  The topic for the first meeting of the 2018/19 Assembly Year;  An output arising from the investigation into special educational needs and disability (SEND) provision in London; and  Its report, Together, Transforming the lives of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in London.

8 Secondary School Exclusions (Item 8)

8.1 The Panel received the report of the Executive Director of Secretariat as background to putting questions to the following invited guests on Secondary School Exclusions:

 Shaun Brown, Head of Curriculum Research, The Difference;  Sarina Totty, Deputy Headteacher at Townley Grammar School;  Councillor Anntoinette Bramble, Deputy Mayor & Cabinet Member for Children's Social Care, Education and Young People, London Borough of Hackney; and  Seamus Oates CBE, Chief Executive Officer, TBAP Multi Academy Trust.

8.2 A transcript of the discussion is attached at Appendix 1.

8.3 Resolved:

(a) That the report and discussion be noted; and (b) That authority be delegated to the Chair, in consultation with Party Group Leads, to agree any output from the discussion.

9 Education Panel Work Programme (Item 9)

9.1 The Panel received the report of the Executive Director of Secretariat.

9.2 Resolved:

That the Panel’s work programme for the remainder of the 2018/19 year be noted.

Greater London Authority Education Panel Thursday 13 September 2018

10 Date of Next Meeting (Item 10)

10.1 The next meeting of the Panel was scheduled for 8 November 2018 at 2.30pm in the Chamber, City Hall.

11 Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent (Item 11)

11.1 There was no urgent business.

12 Close of Meeting

12.1 The meeting ended at 4.26pm.

Chair Date

Contact Officer: Polly Hanford, Telephone: 020 7983 5520; Email: [email protected]