Lattice Precoding for Multi-Span Constellation Shaping

Koike-Akino, T.; Millar, D.S.; Kojima, K.; Parsons, K. TR2018-150 September 26, 2018

Abstract We introduce lattice precoding (LP) for constellation shaping, which takes kurtosis into ac- count at multiple spans to mitigate nonlinear distortion. The proposed method achieves 0.35 b/s/Hz gain for 64QAM shaping in long-haul nonlinear fiber-optic communications.

European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC)

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Lattice Precoding for Multi-Span Constellation Shaping

Toshiaki Koike-Akino, David S. Millar, Keisuke Kojima, Kieran Parsons

Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. [email protected]

Abstract We introduce lattice precoding (LP) for constellation shaping, which takes kurtosis into ac- count at multiple spans to mitigate nonlinear distortion. The proposed method achieves 0.35 b/s/Hz gain for 64QAM shaping in long-haul nonlinear fiber-optic communications.

Introduction 2.1 Gaussian Kurtosis, Hyperflatness To compensate for a fundamental loss (up to 2 6 1.53 dB) underlying regular quadrature-amplitude 1.9 5 (QAM), various constellation shaping 1.8 methods have been investigated in optical com- 1.7 1–14 4 munications community . With Gaussian-like Kurtosis 1.6 constellations, the achievable information rate is Hyperflatness 1.5 improved in an additive white Gaussian noise 3 1.4 (AWGN) channel. There are two major ap- Kurtosis Hyperflatness proaches in the literature: probabilistic shaping 1.3 2 1–9 10–14 0 50 100 150 200 (PS) and geometric shaping (GS) . Span Length (km) 1–9 The PS modifies the occurrence probabil- Fig. 1: 4QAM signal constellation statistics over fiber ities of the constellation points to manipulate propagation. Signal approaches Gaussian due to CD. signal distribution, e.g., via Maxwell–Boltzmann linear lattice operation of the LP, which tries to (MB) distribution. Although conventional equal- 18 minimize `2 (for energy efficiency ) and/or `∞ ization algorithms can be used with minimal mod- norms (for peak limitation 17). Motivated by the ification, an external entropy coding is required, fact that nonlinear interference (NLI) depends on 2 for example, Huffman coding, trellis shaping , kurtosis 6,9, we use the LP shaping to minimize shell mapping 3, many-to-one mapping 4, and con- `4 norm (as well as `2) so that the achievable 8 stant composition distribution matching . With a rate is maximized at nonlinear fiber channels. Al- shaped 64QAM, 15% throughput and 43% reach though kurtosis-aware shaping was already dis- 5 increases were experimentally verified . Never- cussed 9, the achievable gain was marginal be- theless, a real-time implementation of low-loss cause the signal constellation will be distorted af- entropy coding has been a highly challenging task ter fiber propagation over multiple spans due to for ultra-high-speed optical transmissions. chromatic dispersion (CD). To resolve this issue, 10–14 The GS directly modifies the location of the we optimize the kurtosis of constellation not only constellation points to approach Gaussian. While at the initial span input but also at multiple inter- each constellation point is equally likely, the de- mediate spans in advance. We show that the LP- modulation complexity can be increased in gen- based multi-span shaping achieves a significant eral due to the irregular constellation. Some ef- gain for long-haul optical communications. ficient GS optimizations include multi-ring con- struction 10, Arimoto–Blahut algorithm (ABA) 11–13, Constellation shaping and kurtosis and projection mapping 14. For a particular condi- The effective noise variance due to amplified tion, the GS is reported to outperform the PS 12. spontaneous emission (ASE), self-phase modu- In this paper, we propose a new GS method lation (SPM) and cross- (XPM) based on lattice precoding (LP) 17,18. The LP is a over nonlinear fiber channels is well modeled as 6: generalized version of Tomlinson–Harashima pre- 15 2 2 3 coding (THP) , and used for wireless commu- σeff = σASE + κ0Ptx nications as a technique called vector perturba- 3 0 2  + Ptx κ4(µ4 − 2) + κ4(µ4 − 2) + κ6µ6 , (1) tion (VP). We have first applied the LP to short- 17,18 reach fiber-optic communications , achieving where Ptx is a signal power, κi’s are system- 2 21% reach extension. In fact, this benefit partly dependent coefficients, σASE is ASE noise vari- k came from the shaping gain achieved by the non- ance, µk = E[|X| ] denotes the kth moment of Lattice Shaper 2mL v EDFA x E-to-O O-to-E y Pre-Eq Post-Eq QAM Tx Rx Modulo QAM F(z) G(z) L Demod s Htx(z) SMF Hrx(z) m=3 m=2 m=1 m=0 H(z) w LP x N Spans Noise L THP -L 2 N-1 n 4 min |F(s+v)|2 + r Sn=0 |H HtxF(s+v)|4

Fig. 2: Lattice precoding (LP) for multi-span constellation shaping, minimizing `2 and `4 norms at multiple span inputs. constellation. Particularly, the kurtosis µ4 plays an overall systems includes all linear impacts such important roll in determining the strength of NLI. as electrical-to-optical modulator Htx(z), SMF An analogous theory was also discussed in en- channel H(z), and optical-to-electrical modulator hanced Gaussian noise (EGN) model. Hrx(z) as well as RRC filters Hrrc(z). The fiber Taking the kurtosis into consideration, the channel H(f) causes severe intersymbol inter- widely used MB distribution can be generalized 9: ference (ISI) at longer distances L, resulting into Gaussian kurtosis as discussed in Fig.1. We may 2 0 4 PX (xi) ∝ exp −ν|xi| − ν |xi| , (2) use pre-CD compensation filter F (z) and post-CD compensation filter G(z), respectively, at transmit- where PX (xi) denotes the probability mass func- ter (Tx) and receiver (Rx). 0 tion of constellation point xi, ν and ν are shap- Fig.2 illustrates the LP 17,18. At the Tx, QAM- 0 ing parameters to be optimized. When ν = 0, modulated symbols s are pre-equalized by pre- it reduces to the standard MB distribution. This CD filter of F (z). The pre-equalized signal x kurtosis-specific generalization offers additional and channel output y are expressed as x(z) = 0.1 b/s/Hz and 0.2 dB gain over the standard MB N F (z)s(z) and y(z) = Hrx(z)H (z)Htx(z)x(z) + 9 for a single-span single mode fiber (SMF) . How- w(z) in z-transform, where w is an effective noise. ever, reduced kurtosis at the fiber input will vanish Here, N denotes the number of fiber spans. after fiber propagation due to CD, and thus such To restrict the amplitude of pre-equalized sym- shaping may not be effective for multi-span long- bols x, THP uses modulo operators at both Tx haul fiber transmissions unless an inline CD man- and Rx. The Tx modulo operator limits symbol agement is taken place. amplitudes as |x| ≤ Λ before the channel input. Fig.1 illustrates the impact of CD across SMF The modulo operator at the Tx is equivalent to the propagation for 4QAM signals whose kurtosis is addition of lattice symbols v ∈ 2mΛ (m is an inte- minimum of µ4 = 1 at sample timing. We assume ger) into the QAM symbols s, as shown in Fig.2. a baud rate of 34GBd, root-raised-cosine (RRC) At the Rx, the channel output y is fed into post- filter with a roll-off of 0.01, and standard SMF CD filter G(z) followed by the Rx modulo operator, whose dispersion parameter is D = 17ps/nm/km. which can auto-cancel any lattice points v. Because of the RRC filter, the signal kurtosis is For THP, the lattice point (or, its integer m) is slightly larger than µ4 = 1 even at zero span. It is uniquely determined such that the pre-equalized observed that the kurtosis rapidly increases over symbols x are Λ-bounded: |x| ≤ Λ. However, fiber propagation due to CD; specifically, the kur- any other lattice points are invariant after the Rx tosis becomes greater than 1.7 after 25 km span. modulo operator. In other words, there are infi- After 80 km distance, kurtosis gain from Gaussian nite degrees of freedom to choose the lattice per- signal (µ4 = 2) is almost negligible. Note that the turbation vector v in the LP, in comparison to the hyperflatness (µ6) also behaves similarly. In this conventional THP. This additional flexibility for LP paper, we propose to use the LP so that the signal can give us a great opportunity refining the chan- kurtosis at multiple spans is maintained small. nel input x to be in favor of the system, for exam- 17 Lattice precoding for constellation shaping ple, minimizing peak power or maximizing the 18 In the presence of CD, the linear transfer function energy efficiency to achieve high shaping gain. of fiber channels can be expressed as H(f) = We optimize the signal x so that the kurtosis at 2  multiple spans input is reduced by considering ` exp −L(2πf) β2/2 , where L is a fiber length 4 2 norm along with ` norm. Specifically, we use and β2 = −Dλ /2πc0 is a CD coefficient (c0 is the 2 speed of light). The total transfer function of the sphere detection with 32 survivors to search for 8 the best lattice points m as follows: 0.35b/s/Hz 7.9 2 min F (s + 2Λm) + 7.8 m∈ B 2 Z 7.7 N−1 X n 4 7.6 ρ H HtxF (s + 2Λm) , (3) 4 7.5 n=0 7.4 GMI (b/s/Hz) where s, m, F , H, and Htx are vector/matrix 7.3 1−Span Shaping representations of the QAM sequence s, lattice 7.2 2−Span Shaping 4−Span Shaping integers m, pre-CD F (z), fiber H(z), and modu- 7.1 16−Span Shaping 50−Span Shaping 7 lator Htx(z), respectively, for a block length of B −4 −3 −2 −1 0 P k 1/k symbols. We denote kxkk = ( |xi| ) as an Launch Power (dBm) Fig. 3: Achievable information rate in GMI with LP multi-span `k norm. The regularization factor ρ is adjusted to 64QAM shaping for N = 50 spans of SMF L = 80 km. balance between the shaping gain and NLI miti- gation at every span input. Note that the objective [3] L. Beygi, E. Agrell, J. M. Kahn, M. 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