July 25, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 16165 that while we get to stand in front of Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the EXPRESSING SENSE OF CONGRESS the C–SPAN cameras, it is the staff gentleman from Maryland (Mr. REGARDING HISTORIC SIGNIFI- that is the oil and grease and every- GILCHREST), who was the first chair- CANCE OF 210TH ANNIVERSARY thing else that makes this place go. man that I served under on this won- OF ESTABLISHMENT OF COAST Rick Barnett has provided profes- derful subcommittee. GUARD sional service to not only the members Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I of the subcommittee, but to the mem- Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. move to suspend the rules and agree to bers of the full committee, and I could LATOURETTE) for yielding me this time. not have done my job and I know the the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a 372) expressing the sense of the Con- chairman of our subcommittee, the comment about Mr. Barnett’s service gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. gress regarding the historic signifi- on the committee. It was my first time cance of the 210th anniversary of the FRANKS), could not have done his job as chairman of the committee and without him. As a matter of fact, dur- establishment of the Coast Guard, and Rick ensured that the stability, the for other purposes. ing my three terms, we have had three consistency, and the professionalism of The Clerk read as follows: chairmen, the gentleman from Mary- that committee was carried out in an land (Mr. GILCHREST), Mr. Kim, and efficient, prompt manner. H. CON. RES. 372 now we have had the gentleman from I would also like to say something Whereas the Revenue Cutter Service was New Jersey (Mr. FRANKS), and Mr. above Rick Barnett’s ability to ride a established in 1790 under the jurisdiction of Barnett has been the one constant that bicycle. He is also a good horseback the Treasury Department; has made sure all of the ‘‘t’s’’ were rider. In fact, on the day of the tragedy Whereas the Revenue Cutter Service and the United States Life-Saving Service were crossed and ‘‘i’s’’ were dotted. in Oklahoma, when the Murrah Build- Mr. Barnett, I will miss you very combined in 1915 to form the Coast Guard; ing was bombed, Rick and I were riding Whereas in April 1967, the Coast Guard was much. horses in Kennedyville, Maryland, on Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, will transferred to the Department of Transpor- the Eastern Shore when we came back tation where it remains today (except when the gentleman yield? to the House and saw that tragedy un- operating as a service in the Navy in times Mr. LATOURETTE. I yield to the fold. From that point on, Rick made of war); gentleman from Minnesota, the distin- sure that our committee was fully en- Whereas the Coast Guard is comprised of guished ranking member. gaged in the healing process and the nearly 35,000 active personnel and 28,000 re- Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I serve personnel; thank the gentleman for yielding, and legislative process to ensure that that Whereas the Coast Guard is supported by especially thank him for taking time type of terrorist activity would not approximately 35,000 volunteers of the Coast to pay tribute to Mr. Barnett. I also happen again. Guard Auxiliary; appreciate the gentleman’s kind words So I salute Mr. Barnett in his future Whereas the Coast Guard is the Nation’s premier military, multimission, maritime about my previous remarks on the El- career. Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I service that provides unique, nonredundant, liott bill. complimentary capabilities to safeguard Mr. Speaker, I am quite surprised yield myself such time as I may con- sume. United States national security interests; that our colleague on the sub- Whereas the Coast Guard provides unique committee is leaving. I have memos in Mr. Speaker, I think from comments services and benefits to the United States my files going back to the early 1990s of the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. through a distinctive blend of humanitarian, when Mr. Barnett began service on the GILCHREST), we now see Mr. Barnett law enforcement, diplomatic, and military committee and our side had the major- embodies the intermodalism we are so capabilities; ity. His memos were a model of rec- proud of on the Committee on Trans- Whereas the 5 operating roles of the Coast portation and Infrastructure. I would Guard are maritime safety, maritime secu- titude and thoroughness then, as they rity, protection of natural resources, mari- are today. He has provided great serv- urge passage of the bill. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance time mobility, and national defense; ice. Whereas each year the Coast Guard con- He is a thoroughgoing professional, a of our time. ducts on average more than 65,000 search and gentleman in the fullest sense of that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rescue missions, saving over 5,000 lives and term, but especially a bicyclist. It is question is on the motion offered by $1,400,000,000 in property; not well known that he is a superb the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. Whereas each year the Coast Guard, competition-level bicyclist, and the LATOURETTE) that the House suspend through its drug interdiction efforts, keeps only solace I can take in his leaving the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4806. more than $3,000,000,000 worth of drugs off The question was taken. United States streets; the committee is that I will now prob- Whereas the Coast Guard safeguards ocean Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, on ably be the strongest bicyclist on the resources from degradation by pollution and committee among members or staff, ei- that I demand the yeas and nays. overuse through marine environmental pro- ther side of the aisle. That is the only The yeas and nays were ordered. tection and fisheries enforcement programs; consolation we take. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas each year the Coast Guard re- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the sponds to more than 11,600 hazardous waste b 1900 Chair’s prior announcement, further spills, inspects approximately 34,000 United We regret greatly Mr. Barnett’s de- proceedings on this motion will be States vessels and 19,400 foreign vessels, and parture from the committee and wish postponed. investigates over 7,400 marine accidents; him success in all that he undertakes. Whereas the Coast Guard maintains the Wherever he lands, he will be a success largest system of aids to navigation in the f world, with more than 50,000 buoys, fixed because he has demonstrated his pro- markers, and lighthouses; fessionalism here and his objectivity GENERAL LEAVE Whereas the Coast Guard provides critical and thorough pursuit of the highest ice breaking services for the Nation’s inland goal of public service. My congratula- Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I waterways and shipping channels; tions. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Whereas the Coast Guard is responsible for Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I bers may have 5 legislative days within approximately 18,000 highway and railroad yield myself such time as I may con- which to revise and extend their re- bridges that span navigable waterways sume. marks and include extraneous material throughout the Nation; Mr. Speaker, I thank the distin- on H.R. 4806, the measure just consid- Whereas the Coast Guard plays a leading guished ranking member of the full ered by the House. role in the Nation’s undocumented migrant interdiction activities; committee; and I would just mention The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Whereas the Coast Guard is a military to him, if I am his only competition in objection to the request of the gen- service and a branch of the Armed Forces, cycling, he is going to be way, way tleman from Ohio? and plays a crucial role in the President’s ahead of any threat. There was no objection. strategy of international engagement;

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:04 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00122 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H25JY0.004 H25JY0 16166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE July 25, 2000 Whereas Coast Guard personnel have ment Performance Project, is innova- men and women throughout the Coast fought in every major military conflict since tion resulting from constant budgetary Guard from sea to sea, ocean to ocean, its inception in 1790; and and operational pressure. and express our thanks to them on be- Whereas the men and women serving in the The Coast Guard, Mr. Speaker, re- half of the country for giving us the op- Coast Guard embody a rich tradition of honor, devotion to duty, and dedication to ceives an appropriation of about $4 bil- portunity to be here and to wish them service during times of peace and war: Now, lion a year, about the same amount a very happy 210th birthday. therefore, be it that the Social Security Administra- I want to acknowledge the gentleman Resolved by the House of Representatives (the tion spends every 4 days, to do every- from Maryland (Mr. GILCHREST). He has Senate concurring), That the Congress— thing from rescuing endangered boat- done a tremendous job chairing the (1) recognizes the historic significance of ers, protecting fisheries, stopping ille- Subcommittee on Coast Guard and the 210th anniversary of the establishment of gal immigrants, and interdicting drugs. Maritime Transportation of the Com- the Coast Guard and the indelible contribu- In fact, the street value of the drugs mittee on Transportation and Infra- tions of the Coast Guard to the United States; seized by the Coast Guard exceeds the structure. The Coast Guardsmen tell (2) commends— value of its entire budget. me that from the commandant on (A) the Coast Guard’s effectiveness in pro- As indicated in a recent GAO report down. I commend him for that. Happy tecting the public, the environment, and during the 1990s, the Coast Guard has birth, Coasties. Semper Paratus. United States economic and security inter- been assigned vastly increased respon- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of this ests in the Nation’s ports and inland water- sibilities while shrinking its workforce resolution honoring the United States Coast ways, along the Nation’s coasts, on inter- by 10 percent and operating within a Guard on its 210th birthday which will occur national waters, and in any maritime region budget that has risen by only 1 percent on August 4. As many in this body already in which United States interests may be at in actual dollars. The time has come risk; and know, the U.S. Coast Guard is our nation’s (B) the men and women serving in the for us, it seems, Mr. Speaker, to reward oldest maritime service. What many of you Coast Guard who risk their lives to save oth- the hard-working men and women of may not realize, however, is that the U.S. ers in danger at sea, enforce the Nation’s the United States Coast Guard by pro- Coast Guard is also the seventh largest naval treaties and other laws, protect the marine viding them with the necessary equip- service in the world and operates with the sec- environment, ensure a safe and efficient ma- ment and resources that will allow ond oldest fleet. Yes, that’s right, our Coast rine transportation system, and support dip- them to continue their excellent serv- Guard—the one that’s saved over 90,000 lives lomatic and national defense interests of the ice to this country well into the 21st since 1994, the one that set a record for co- United States worldwide; and century. (3) supports the Coast Guard in its efforts caine seizures last year, and the same service to remain ‘‘Semper Paratus’’—Always At many Veterans’ Day and Memo- that performed with dignity and courage under Ready—as it moves forward to meet the de- rial Day services across this country, it the pressure of numerous aviation accidents mands of the 21st century. is not uncommon for speakers to refer and natural disasters—operates with the sec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to our four Armed Services, the Army, ond oldest fleet in the world. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. While operating with the second oldest fleet Maryland (Mr. GILCHREST) and the gen- Time and again I have heard that. The in the world, the U.S. Coast Guard was one of tleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBERSTAR) Coast Guard is significantly omitted. only two federal agencies to earn an ‘‘A’’ from each will control 20 minutes. Mr. Speaker, I do not think there is the independent government performance The Chair recognizes the gentleman any ill intent involved in that. I think project for operating with unusual efficiency from Maryland (Mr. GILCHREST). it is omitted because the Coast Guard and effectiveness. How was the Coast Guard Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I is the only armed service, as we per- able to achieve a grade of ‘‘A’’ that eluded 18 yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from haps know, that is not a Member of the other federal agencies? The answer, at least North Carolina (Mr. COBLE). Department of Defense. according to the independent government per- Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the I attended a Veterans’ Day service in formance project, is innovation resulting from gentleman from Maryland (Mr. a school, Mr. Speaker, in my district. constant budgetary and operational pressure. GILCHREST) for yielding me this time. It has been 5 or 6 years ago. The local If the Coast Guard can get an ‘‘A’’ operating Mr. Speaker, as was said, this resolu- band honored the military services by under these dire conditions, imagine what they tion honors the United States Coast playing their respective hymns. And could do with better equipment and well-com- Guard on its 210th birthday which will guess what? The Coast Guard’s march- pensated people. occur on August 4. ing hymn, Semper Paratus, was omit- Along these same lines, the Interagency Many people, Mr. Speaker, say to me, ted. I almost knocked the table down Task Force on Coast Guard Roles and Mis- well, what does the Coast Guard do? to get to the music director. I asked sions recently reported that a healthy Coast Never heard of the Coast Guard. her why it was omitted. She said, we Guard is vital to protect and promote many of Well, the Coast Guard does not do too did not have the music. our nation’s important safety, economic and much. All they did since 1994 was res- I said to her, it is the most beautiful national security interests. The men and cue and save over 90,000 lives. All they and most stirring marching hymn of women of the Coast Guard—with a force did last year was establish a new the armed services. She said next year smaller than the New York City Police Depart- record for cocaine seizures; the same if I get her the music she will play it. ment—carry out these vital missions in this Service that performed with dignity Next year the band did, in fact, play country’s ports and waterways, along its and courage under pressure in response that hymn. 47,000 miles of coastline, lakes and rivers, on to the numerous aviation accidents and Mr. Speaker, there is a current movie international waters or in any maritime region natural disasters. that is just doing tremendously on box as required to support national security. An Independent Government Per- office receipts that portrays the Coast As exhibited by this laundry list of assign- formance Project recently completed Guard in its proper role, and I think ments, the Coast Guard has been spread far its second report card rating the per- that many Americans take very cas- too thin in recent years. A recent GAO report formance of Federal agencies. The good ually what the Coast Guard members found that the Coast Guard has been as- news, Mr. Speaker, is that out of 20 do day in and day out. It is indeed an signed vastly increased responsibilities while Federal agencies rated only the Coast unsung service. I call it oft times the shrinking its workforce by 10 percent and op- Guard and the Social Security Admin- blue collar service. I call them the erating within a budget that has risen by only istration received an overall grade of A buoy tenders. They are clearly the blue one percent in actual dollars. Mr. Speaker, the for their performance. That is the good collar, the Coast Guard, but I think the time has come for this Congress to stop ex- news for those two agencies. Coast Guard is the blue collar armed panding the scope of the Coast Guard’s oper- How was the Coast Guard able to service of this country and they serve ations without providing them with the nec- achieve a grade that eluded 18 other us well. essary resources. Despite the Coast Guard’s Federal entities? The answer, at least Mr. Speaker, in closing I would just outstanding performance record, asking them according to the Independent Govern- like to wish all of our Coasties and our to continue to do more with less jeopardizes

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:04 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00123 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\H25JY0.004 H25JY0 July 25, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 16167 the Coast Guard’s core duties—which are where they patrolled the rivers and and adequately funded. There was a matters of life and death. bays to protect our soldiers. year in the mid-1980s when, on another The time has come for us to reward the Over the years, the Congress, seeing committee on which I served, the Com- hardworking men and women of the Coast a need to provide service to the Amer- mittee on the Merchant Marine and Guard by providing them with the necessary ican public and protection for water Fisheries which had jurisdiction over equipment and resources that will allow them travelers, has authorized new and ever the Coast Guard before it was trans- to continue their excellent service to this coun- more far-reaching and more chal- ferred to the Committee on Transpor- try well into the 21st Century. lenging missions for the Coast Guard: tation and Infrastructure, the Coast To the men and women of the U.S. Coast search and rescue; maintain thousands Guard budget had been pared back so Guard—thank you for your service to our of aids to navigation; break ice in the far that we called it ‘‘Semi Paratus,’’ country and for giving us the opportunity to Arctic and Antarctic; and on the Great but resolved that never again should wish the Coast Guard a Happy 210th Birthday. Lakes and the East Coast: protect the that happen. We would not be here today without your environment, the cleaning up of oil Mr. Speaker, when we take time as dedication and sacrifice. Happy Birthday spills and hazardous material spills; we do today to pay tribute to the men Coasties and Semper Paratus! safeguard our ports by inspecting ships and women of the U.S. Coast Guard for Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I yield to ensure that they are safe when they the service they render all Americans, myself such time as I may consume. are entering our ports; to manage the we shall always have a Coast Guard Mr. Speaker, I commend our com- protection of our fishery stocks out to that is Semper Paratus. mittee chairman, the gentleman from our 200-mile exclusive economic protec- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Pennsylvania (Mr. SHUSTER), our sub- tion zone; and to protect our borders my time. committee chairman, the gentleman from drug smugglers and illegal immi- Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I from Maryland (Mr. GILCHREST), our grants. yield myself such time as I may con- ranking member on our side, the gen- Every year the Coast Guard inter- sume. tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO), on cepts drugs and other illegal shipments Mr. Speaker, August 4 will mark the combining forces to salute the Coast destined for our shores, whose value is 210th anniversary of the U.S. Coast Guard on its 210th anniversary. at least as great and in some years Guard. Since 1790, the men and women Our committee, arguably with the greater than the entire Coast Guard of the Coast Guard have demonstrated Committee on Ways and Means, is the budget. that they are always ready, Semper oldest committee in the House of Rep- I particularly pay tribute to those Paratus, to carry out their critical du- resentatives. We passed the very first Coast Guardsmen and women of the ties. legislation in the first Congress in 1789 Ninth District that covers over 296,000 Today’s Coast Guard has primary re- to establish a lighthouse, the Cape square miles of the Great Lakes, span- sponsibility for the promotion of safety Henry Lighthouse. Concurrently with ning from Alexandria Bay in New of life and property at sea. That is easy that action, the Secretary of the Treas- York, to depending on your persective, to say and difficult to do, because there ury, Alexander Hamilton, approached either the western terminus or the are days when the seas are calm and the Congress to establish a service to western beginning point of the Saint there are days when the seas are enforce our tariff laws. Lawrence Seaway, Duluth, Minnesota. stormy. There are evenings when the The Congress responded with the au- The 92 Coast Guard units that cover stars are out, and the twilight is beau- thorization to construct 10 cutters this area protect some and serve some tiful. And there are evenings when the needed to patrol the coast along the 2.3 million recreational boaters. They storm rages, the icebreakers are out northern States and enforce our rev- keep the lanes and harbors open with there, and the storm ensures that the enue laws. They had to be larger than icebreakers to ensure that the iron ore hours the Coast Guard is on duty will any previously built. They had to be from my district gets down lake to the be very, very dangerous. heavier for winter conditions. They had Lower Lake steel mills, and that small But, Mr. Speaker, they do their job to be faster than anything we had had East Coast communities receive their in spite of all that. The Coast Guard is before, to collect tariffs on imported winter heating oil. responsible for enforcing all Federal goods. In the 1996/1997 winter season, ice- laws, at sea and under the sea, in all of Ironically, these ships ended up cost- breakers on the Great Lakes paved the the United States’ waters and the ing as much as $500 more than the way and broke ice for 16 million tons of United States’ territories. $1,000 each appropriated. All of the iron ore, coal, stone and cement to be They maintain the aids to naviga- ships were built, but it is not clear transported to Lower Lake ports and tion, which is something we almost from historical records where Sec- from the Lower Lakes to the Upper never think of until we are in a boat retary Hamilton found the money to Lakes Region of Minnesota and Wis- and we do not want to run aground. As complete the task. consin. a result of that, as a result of the Coast With that action, the Revenue Cutter The Coast Guard every year under- Guard’s professional, efficient, per- Service was established, the forerunner takes missions to save 5,000 lives and sistent adherence to those aids of navi- of what we know today as the U.S. over 65,000 search and rescue missions. gation, the mariners, whether they are Coast Guard. The Coast Guard is an Every year, their actions protect over on the high seas, in our coastal waters, amalgamation of five Federal agencies $1.5 billion in private and public prop- or in our rivers, they are safe. that also have their origins at the be- erty. The protection of the marine envi- ginning of our country. The Steamboat There is an old saying in the Coast ronment, which is one of the major re- Inspection Service, the Bureau of Navi- Guard, ‘‘You have to go out but you do sponsibilities exclusively designated to gation, the Lifesaving Service, and a not have to come back.’’ the U.S. Coast Guard. Under all cir- very special service, the Lighthouse cumstances, in all weather, in all seas, Service. As I said, the very first action b 1915 throughout the entire many thousands of our committee was to establish a Every year that they go out, every of miles of the U.S. coastline. And the lighthouse. day that they go out on mission, our U.S. citizens are protected from the The Coast Guard over the years has Coast Guard men and women know vast array of problems surrounding served our country in military conflict that they may never come back to pollution, including oil pollution from from the war with France in 1799 to ac- their families. They risk their lives, the vast array of oil tankers and cruise tions today when they lead border par- but they do so in a thorough, profes- ships that navigate through our wa- ties to enforce the Naval blockade in sional manner that is in the highest ters. Bosnia or Iraq or in World War II when tradition of this Nation. Domestic and international they drove landing craft on to the They deserve this tribute and much icebreaking activities from the North beaches of Normandy or in Vietnam more. They deserve to be fully funded Sea to the majestic Great Lakes, to the

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:04 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00124 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H25JY0.004 H25JY0 16168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE July 25, 2000 Arctic Circle, to the Antarctic Circle, Coast Guard gave up those barbecues They save us and they protect us and to the jewel of estuaries, the for dangerous patrols to protect Amer- every day. Every year, they save over Chesapeake Bay. Those waters are pro- ican interests and the interests of the 5,000 lives. Every year, they save over a tected. They are navigable in all democratic process. billion dollars worth of property. Every weather to ensure that schoolchildren, Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to year, they are there to ensure our safe- if they live on an island like Smith Is- support House Concurrent Resolution ty and security on the oceans and on land in the Chesapeake, that they can 372 to honor the U.S. Coast Guard on the inland lakes. get to school in spite of the ice. They its 210th anniversary. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to say might not be disappointed, but because Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ‘‘thank you’’ for my family, for my of the Coast Guard they ensure that my time. constituents, and a happy birthday and they get their education. Or to all the Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I yield a happy anniversary to the Coast barges and the ships that travel 3 minutes to the gentleman from Mas- Guard. It has had 210 years; may they throughout the Nation’s waters, and sachusetts (Mr. CAPUANO), the author have another 210-plus. especially in the Antarctic or the Arc- of the legislation. Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise tic, the U.S. Coast Guard icebreakers 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from today in strong support of House Con- are on duty 24 hours a day. Sometimes California (Ms. WOOLSEY). current Resolution 372, and I want to in the Antarctic, they are cutting Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise thank the gentleman from Pennsyl- through ice that is 12 feet thick. It is a today in strong support of this House vania (Chairman SHUSTER); the gen- lonely duty. But the courageous Coast Concurrent Resolution 372, because I tleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBER- Guard people ensure that it is done. too am proud to recognize the 210 years STAR), our ranking member; for bring- The safety and security of vessels, and the 210th anniversary of the United ing this bill to the floor so quickly so ports, waterways and facilities are all States Coast Guard. we can have it done in time. Mr. Speaker, I have to tell my col- ensured by the Coast Guard. And the I would also like to thank the gen- leagues that I have confessed to Admi- gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBER- tleman from Maryland (Mr. STAR) mentioned the fisheries out 200 ral Loy, the Commandant of our Coast GILCHREST), chairman of the Sub- Guard, that I have a crush on every miles, the exclusive economic zone as committee on the Coast Guard and it is called, is constantly under siege Maritime Transportation, and the gen- man and woman in the Coast Guard. I by the foreign fishing vessel fleet. And so admire what they do and what they tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO), the who is out there to protect the eco- ranking member, for their guidance provide to our country and how well nomics and the marine ecosystem but and leadership on such a relatively im- they do it and what a proud group of the U.S. Coast Guard. portant bill.I would also like to thank individuals that they are. As a military service and a branch of I am especially supportive of this res- the gentleman from Guam (Mr. UNDER- the Armed Forces, the Coast Guard olution because I have the only Coast WOOD), the gentleman from North Caro- also maintains a readiness to operate Guard training center on the West lina (Mr. COBLE), the gentleman from as a specialized service with the Navy Coast in my district, the Two Rock North Carolina (Mr. JONES), the gen- upon the declaration of war, whenever Coast Guard Training Center. tleman from Florida (Mr. GOSS), and the President directs. And we do not We know firsthand what good neigh- the gentleman from Alabama (Mr. CAL- bors Two Rock Coast Guard training have to wait for a declaration of war. LAHAN) for their support on this legis- We know that there are very often ille- lation. center is, how much they participate in gal immigrants that go on tramp Mr. Speaker, we have all heard the our community, what wonderful neigh- steamers, go on a number of vessels. history of the Coast Guard and what it bors they are, and what an important Mr. Speaker, recently in the Carib- is all about and why we are here. But I role they play in protecting our coun- bean I was on a Coast Guard cutter want to just bring a little bit more of try and making sure that people are that was directed to intervene in any a personal note to it. A few years ago, safe and saved when they have acci- vessel that they thought there were il- my family and I were enjoying a nice dents out in the waters. legal immigrants. In one incident, summer day out in the Boston Harbor Mr. Speaker, through my time in this there was a, what we might call a and we had the misfortune of stum- Congress, I have supported the efforts tramp steamer, a merchant marine bling across an inebriated recreational to modernize and maintain this impor- fishing vessel from an Asian country boater. In his disoriented state, he did tant Two Rock Training Center. We filled with over 50 illegal, hostile immi- not have the slightest idea what he was have received strong community sup- grants. A small group of Coast Guard doing and he proceeded to ram the boat port in doing that because my commu- people, led by an officer who was a pro- that contained my wife, my child, my nity is proud that these Coasties live in fessional young woman, boarded that brother-in-law and his wife, several our community, work in our commu- tramp steamer, arrested those illegal times. nity, and participate in our community immigrants without incident, and as- Mr. Speaker, if it were not for the and serve our Nation so well. sured that they were taken into cus- Coast Guard, I have no doubt that my I am proud that we are taking the tody. family would have suffered serious in- time tonight to thank all of the mem- The Coast Guard is a mighty fine jury. And if it were not for the Coast bers of the Coast Guard who have con- outfit. And during all the wars that Guard’s actions after the incident, I tinued to dedicate their lives to mak- they were involved in, including Viet- know that my family would have suf- ing our country a safer and cleaner nam, and I was in Vietnam in the mid- fered more trauma than they deserved. place. Let us continue our commitment 1960s with the Marine Corps. And I have They were there when we needed them. to supporting the Coast Guard. Let us to say that the Marine Corps has a They were there after the incident to say happy birthday on their 210th anni- beautiful hymn. The gentleman from walk us through the process on how to versary, and I urge my colleagues to North Carolina said the Coast Guard, prosecute this individual and what our vote for H. Con. Res. 372. their song is a beautiful song, and it is. rights and obligations were. They did it Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I yield I would give a vote that the most beau- with a humane face. 2 minutes to the gentleman from tiful song is the Marine Corps hymn, To me, that is what the Coast Guard Michigan (Mr. STUPAK). but the second most beautiful would be really is. They do a thousand things a Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Coast Guard hymn. But the Coast day that the average American never the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. Guard served its Nation in Vietnam. sees. But they do 10,000 things a day OBERSTAR) for yielding me this time. And sometimes, yes, those young that every average American, whoever Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Coasties had barbecues on the back of steps 1 inch onto the oceans or the in- the United States Coast Guard and the those Coast Guard cutters in safe wa- land seas of this country, sees regu- men and women who serve in this great ters. But more often than not, the larly. organization. The Coast Guard has a

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:04 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00125 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H25JY0.004 H25JY0 July 25, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 16169 demanding mission which has evolved simply accepting the responsibility, no Coast Guard which pays such careful far beyond its roots as the Revenue matter what the decisions of the attention to safety on the lake which Cutter Service when it was created 210 yachtsmen or others that are out there has, in so many cases, saved people’s years ago. that have put American Coast Guard lives and which enforces the laws Today, the Coast Guard responsibil- personnel at risk, they are ready to which need to be enforced on our wa- ities cover many critical facets of take that responsibility. terways. American commerce and defense. We We in this Congress have put tremen- I want to join in the effort here to sa- rely on the Coast Guard for maritime dous burdens on them with drug fight- lute the Coast Guard and to let the safety and mobility, law enforcement, ing, with controlling the flow of ships. Coast Guard know in that area how and interdiction of drugs, environ- A country cannot go to war when nec- proud we are of the work that they do. mental protection and response, and essary without the Coast Guard oper- They are such an important part of national defense. ating in the ports of our Nation. this country. The Coast Guard, as many people do We need to make sure we do more Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I yield not probably recognize, is an esteemed than just commend them. We need to myself such time as I may consume to leader in modern management tech- make sure they have the resources to make some concluding remarks. niques. Indeed, they offer an excellent have the very best equipment and the Mr. Speaker, another reason we, on management model for other Federal best pay for the people who take these the Great Lakes, have to celebrate this agencies to follow. risks to really help America in all 210th anniversary of the Coast Guard is Mr. Speaker, in my district which times. that, at long last, the Congress not borders the Great Lakes, there are All our branches of the service are only has, through our committee, pro- more than 1,500 miles of coastline in tremendously important to the coun- vided the authorization but through my Great Lakes district. I am pleased try, but the Coast Guard is there every the appropriation process provided the funding to build the first new replace- to have more than 500 Coast Guard per- day of the year, every week of the year. ment icebreaker for the Mackinaw, sonnel serving on 14 bases and ships in Whether there is war or peace, they are which has kept the lanes open, the my district, such as the search and res- out there taking risks. Whether it is shipping lanes in the winter months cue helicopters in Traverse City or the for a pleasure boater who has found and in the early spring months to move Icebreaker Mackinaw docked at Che- themselves in difficult conditions, a the iron ore down lake and coal down boygan, just to name a few. commercial fisherman who may be lake as well as limestone and gravel The United States Coast Guard is a caught with bad equipment or a storm, and rock upstream. interdicting drugs, protecting our fine progressive organization, Semper We desperately need a new ice- shores, the Coast Guard takes tremen- Paratus, always ready, and we have breaker. The Coast Guard is now in the never needed them more than we do dous risks. process of design and build. We are One of the great privileges I have is today. I join my colleagues in wishing very grateful to see a replacement representing the Coast Guard Acad- the Coast Guard happy 210th birthday, coming for the venerable Mackinaw and there will be many many more. We emy. I want to publicly thank them for that has provided such stellar service. rely on them day and night. what they have done, their participa- I mentioned earlier that the Coast Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I tion in OpSail in New London. No one Guard is a very special service. The re- thank the gentleman from Michigan was prouder than the people of Eastern marks of the gentleman from Con- (Mr. STUPAK) for that splendid state- Connecticut when we saw in New York necticut (Mr. GEJDENSON) about chris- ment and congratulate him on his close Harbor before they came to New Lon- tening call to mind that my wife, Jean, working relationship with the Coast don Harbor, the Eagle, the Coast Guard had the privilege of christening the Guard over many years. ship, followed by the Amistad, by the William J. Tate, a buoy tender built at Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the way, into New York Harbor. the Marinette Marine Shipbuilding gentleman from Connecticut (Mr. Mr. Speaker, I thank the ranking Company on the Great Lakes. Captain GEJDENSON), the ranking member of member for the time, and I urge sup- William J. Tate was a member of the the Committee on International Rela- port of the resolution. U.S. Lighthouse Service and a man of tions. Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, does action who is a pioneer in many ways. the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. b 1930 My wife was truly honored and thrilled GILCHREST) have his speakers? to have christened the Tate and to be a Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, we part in our family of that very special thank the ranking member for yield- have no more speakers. tradition of the U.S. Coast Guard. ing. Let me say, ever since my wife was Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I yield In 1998, the Coast Guard seized $2.6 a sponsor of the Coast Guard ship in 1 minute to the gentleman from Ohio billion in illegal drugs attempting to New London, she took a particular in- (Mr. KUCINICH). enter this country. It is ironic to note terest and responsibility for the Coast Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I want that, in that year, the Coast Guard’s Guard. to thank the gentleman from Min- operating budget was $2.8 billion. Several weeks ago, we went to see a nesota (Mr. OBERSTAR), ranking mem- Every year we get more in our invest- new movie that a friend’s wife was a ber, and the gentleman from Maryland ment back from the U.S. Coast Guard. producer, and Gail Katz helped produce (Chairman GILCHREST) for their work Finally, it was a very good friend of The Perfect Storm. When she came on this issue. mine who was Commandant of the away from that movie, my wife was fu- The Coast Guard’s ninth district has Ninth Coast Guard District and later rious that the people in the Coast a substantial presence in Cleveland, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, Guard were asked to take such risks in Ohio; and they serve, of course, the Admiral Jim Gracey, who said; ‘‘It such dangerous conditions, particu- Great Lakes. I want to tell my col- takes a very special person to wear this larly they she thought sometimes when leagues what a great job they do in our color blue, and we are all proud to wear people did not use the best of judg- area providing for safety as well as for it.’’ We in the Congress are all proud ment. the movement of commerce, particu- that the men and women of the U.S. So when we were at OpSail and had larly during bad weather. When it is Coast Guard day in and day out wear the privilege to be with the Coast snowing, the icebreaker has become that color blue and serve our Nation so Guard, head of the Coast Guard Acad- legendary for helping to keep the com- well. emy, which is in New London, Con- merce of the lake moving. Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I necticut, she expressed her concern. I We rely on our Coast Guard in the yield myself such time as I may con- think she was taken aback to a degree greater Cleveland area, and all of Lake sume. with the calmness that the head of the Erie is so grateful, all the cities along Mr. Speaker, just to reiterate what Coast Guard Academy responded by that lake were so grateful to have a the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:04 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H25JY0.004 H25JY0 16170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE July 25, 2000 OBERSTAR) said, we are also collec- and every member selflessly gives each day Guard is performing right now in America’s tively, as a body, proud of the Coast to our nation. The United States Coast Guard westernmost frontier—my home district on the Guard blue. I say to the gentleman is this nation’s oldest and its premier maritime island of Guam. During the past several years, from Minnesota (Mr. OBERSTAR), my agency. Indeed, this year we will celebrate the Guam has experienced a significant influx of daughter, when she was 15, some years 210th anniversary of the creation of this Au- Chinese illegal immigrants. Chinese crime ago christened a class of buoy tender gust service. syndicates organize boatloads of indigent Chi- called the Busal with a bottle of cham- The history of the Service is historic and nese citizens to illegally enter the United pagne, and she smacked it and broke it multifaceted. It is the amalgamation of five States for an exorbitant fee of $8,000–$10,000 on the first try. She was a little wor- Federal agencies—the Revenue Cutter Serv- per person. After undergoing an arduous jour- ried about it, but she went and did it. ice, the Lighthouse Service, the Steamboat In- ney under fetid, unsanitary conditions, the Chi- So I understand the sense of pride that spection Service, the , nese reach Guam dehydrated, hungry, dis- his family has in taking part of that and the Lifesaving Service, which were origi- ease-ridden and sometimes beaten. Upon ar- celebration. nally independent agencies with overlapping rival, the smuggled Chinese become inden- So, Mr. Speaker, we wish the Coast authorities. They sometimes received new tured servants as they attempt to pay their Guard Semper Paratus and happy names, and they were all finally united under passage to America. birthday. the umbrella of the Coast Guard. The multiple Guam’s geographic proximity and asylum Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, missions and responsibilities of the modern acceptance regulations make it a prime target on this, the occasion of the 210th anniversary Service are directly tied to this diverse herit- for Chinese crime syndicates. According to the of the United States Coast Guard, it is fitting age and the magnificent achievements of all of INS in 1998 about 900 illegal Chinese immi- to acknowledge the outstanding contributions these agencies. grants were apprehended by the Coast Guard, made to the residents of California’s First Con- The Coast Guard, through its previous INS and local Guam officials. In 1999, approxi- gressional District by Coast Guard Group agencies, is the oldest continuous seagoing mately 700 had been apprehended and this Humboldt Bay. The sacrifices made over the service and has fought in almost every war year alone approximately 400 have been ap- years by these dedicated men and women are since the Constitution became the law of the prehended. The Coast Guard remains stand- worthy of appreciation and recognition. land in 1789. The Coast Guard has tradition- ing by as we speak, ever vigilant in their ef- The Humboldt Bay Group has a long history ally performed two roles in wartime. The first forts to mitigate the influx of illegal migrants to on California’s North Coast. As early as 1854, has been to augment the Navy with men and Guam. D.M. Pearce was appointed the first Keeper of cutters. The second has been to undertake Mr. Speaker, Chinese crime syndicates Humboldt Harbor. In 1856, the Battery Point special missions, for which peacetime experi- have exploited Immigration and Nationality Act Lighthouse became the first lighthouse on the ences have prepared the Service with unique (INA) asylum regulations. Because Guam, North Coast, aiding sailors along what is one skills. Today the Coast Guard is engaged on through INA directives, has to accept asylum of the stormiest coastlines in the nation. At the many open sea patrols in the war on drugs applications, Guam becomes a cheap and at- height of maritime travel, six lighthouses oper- throughout the vast oceans and seas of the tractive location for shipment of smuggled Chi- ated along this stretch of coastline. world. nese. Coast Guard Air Station Humboldt Bay was The Coast Guard has been dedicated to The Marianas section of the Coast Guard, commissioned on June 24, 1977 as Air Station protecting the environment for over 150 years. stationed out in Guam has been tasked to Arcata and redesignated Air Station Humboldt In 1822 the Congress created a timber re- interdict, when possible, these wretched Chi- Bay in May 1982. Its commissioning com- serve for the Navy and authorized the Presi- nese vessels that are transporting these illegal pleted a long process begun by local residents dent to use whatever forces necessary to pre- migrants. The local command, which is cur- and fishermen wanting a year-round aviation vent the cutting of live- on public lands. rently undermanned and over extended, is Search and Rescue (SAR) facility for Northern The shallow-draft cutters were well-suited to doing the impossible under such cir- California. The Station is also home to modern this service and were used extensively. Today, cumstances. Lighthouse Keepers, who maintain navigation the current framework for the Coast Guard’s In recent months there has been much dis- aids and lighthouses from Crescent City to Marine Environmental Protection program is cussion the high level of OPSTEMPO and Point Arena. the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of PERSTEMPO to describe the state of over-ex- Group Humboldt Bay’s area of responsibility 1972. tension of manpower and the drain on re- extends from the Mendocino/Sonoma County In 1973, the Coast Guard created a National sources within our military. Without a doubt, line north to the California/Oregon border. Six Strike Force to combat oil spills. There are these discussions equally apply to the dedi- units under the Groups’ command patrol more three teams, a Pacific unit based near San cated men and women of the Coast Guard. than 250 miles of rugged, sparsely populated Francisco, a Gulf team at Mobile, Alabama, To sum up the U.S. Coast Guard’s con- coastline. In carrying out its missions, Group and an Atlantic Strike team stationed in Eliza- cerns, an increased level of activity in mari- Humboldt Bay’s personnel operate 24 hours a beth City, North Carolina. Since the creation of time safety, Exclusive Economic Zone moni- day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. the force, the teams have been deployed toring, and illegal immigration apprehension on They are ready to respond at a moment’s no- worldwide to hundreds of potential and actual Guam are collectively creating tremendous tice to ocean emergencies, and they remain spill sites, bringing with them a vast array of operational burdens on the beleaguered men constantly vigilant in the fight against drug sophisticated equipment. and women of the Coast Guard. Coupled with smuggling, illegal fishing, and illegal migration. The 200-mile zone created by the Fishery very real concerns over modernization and It is an honor today, as the nation com- Conservation and Management Act of 1976 procurement, the U.S. Coast Guard is being memorates the 210th anniversary of the Coast quadrupled the offshore fishing area controlled forced to do more with less—the less, of Guard, to recognize and commend these dedi- by the United States. The Coast Guard has course, being older and inadequate equip- cated men and women who selflessly serve the responsibility of enforcing this law. ment—in order to complete their mission re- and protect. The Coast Guard additionally has the major quirements. Semper Paratus! responsibility for conducting and coordinating The Commandant of the Coast Guard, Ad- Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Search and Rescue operations and licensing miral James M. Loy is truly to be commended today in emphatic support of H. Con. Res. and regulating safety and commercial boating for his leadership and dedication to the men 372. I want to thank my colleagues who rules. This enormous task is performed day in and women of the Coast Guard. Admiral Loy helped make this resolution possible: My fel- and day out by the dedicated men and women also needs to be praised for his vision in low co-sponsor Congressman MIKE CAPUANO of the Coast Guard. stewarding the Deepwater Project and explain- as well as Congressmen SHUSTER and As you may be able to tell, the Coast Guard ing the vital importance of this modernization GILCHREST from the Transportation Committee, performs a complex but necessary array of effort to both Congress and the Administration. and the House Leadership for bringing this to missions that effect the very life blood of this To be sure, Congress and the Administration the floor in expedited fashion. nation in the areas of national defense, com- need to seriously review their national security As a proud member of the Congressional merce, the environment, and lifesaving. priorities to find some additional resources for Coast Guard Caucus, I am in awe of the U.S. Mr. Speaker, I would like to particularly our beleaguered Coast Guard and relieve the Coast Guard and all the hard work that each highlight one essential mission that the Coast high level of OPSTEMPO faced by these men

VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:04 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00127 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\H25JY0.004 H25JY0 July 25, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 16171 and women. We are all very proud of the in- GENERAL LEAVE Sec. 1131. 4,4′-difluorobenzophenone. Sec. 1132. A certain fluorinated compound. credible work that the men and women of the Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I ask Coast Guard do every day. With that Mr. Sec. 1133. DiTMP. unanimous consent that all Members Sec. 1134. EBP. Speaker, I urge swift and overwhelming pas- may have 5 legislative days within Sec. 1135. HPA. sage of this resolution. which to revise and extend their re- Sec. 1136. APE. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise in marks on H. Con. Res. 372. Sec. 1137. TMPDE. strong support of House Concurrent The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Sec. 1138. TMPME. Resolution 372, recognizing the 210th objection to the request of the gen- Sec. 1139. Tungsten concentrates. anniversary of the United States Coast tleman from Maryland? Sec. 1140. 2 chloro amino toluene. Sec. 1141. Certain ion-exchange resin. Guard. There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, the U.S. Coast Guard is Sec. 1142. 11-aminoundecanoic acid. the premier maritime safety agency in f Sec. 1143. Dimethoxy butanone (dmb). Sec. 1144. Dichloro aniline (dca). the world. Its broad array of missions MISCELLANEOUS TRADE AND Sec. 1145. Diphenyl sulfide. protect our coastlines and our commu- TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS ACT Sec. 1146. Trifluralin. nities. These missions include inspect- OF 2000 Sec. 1147. Diethyl imidazolidinnone (dmi). ing commercial vessels for compliance Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I move to Sec. 1148. Ethalfluralin. with all safety requirements; search Sec. 1149. Benfluralin. suspend the rules and pass the bill and rescue; oil pollution prevention Sec. 1150. 3-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4–triazole (H.R. 4868) to amend the Harmonized and response; maintaining all of the (amt). Tariff Schedule of the United States to Federal aids-to-navigation on our navi- Sec. 1151. Diethyl phosphorochoridothiate modify temporarily certain rates of (depct). gable waterways; icebreaking in the duty, to make other technical amend- Sec. 1152. Refined quinoline. Arctic, Antarctic, and domestic water- ments to the trade laws, and for other Sec. 1153. DMDS. ways; drug and migrant interdiction; purposes, as amended. Sec. 1154. Vision inspection systems. and enforcing the fisheries laws in our The Clerk read as follows: Sec. 1155. Anode presses. 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone. Sec. 1156. Trim and form. For 210 years, the Coast Guard has H.R. 4868 Sec. 1157. Certain assembly machines. defended our Nation in wars and armed Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Sec. 1158. Thionyl chloride. conflicts—whether protecting our ships resentatives of the United States of America in Sec. 1159. Benzyl carbazate (dt–291). from pirates in the 1800’s to landing on Congress assembled, Sec. 1160. Tralkoxydim formulated SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (‘‘achieve’’). the beaches of Normandy on D–Day. Sec. 1161. KN002. The men and women of the Coast This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Miscella- neous Trade and Technical Corrections Act Sec. 1162. KL084. Guard have driven their ships and air- of 2000’’. Sec. 1163. IN–N5297. Sec. 1164. Azoxystrobin formulated. craft through hurricanes to save mari- SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Sec. 1165. Fungaflor 500 EC. ners in distress, and directed the clean- The table of contents of this Act is as fol- Sec. 1166. NORBLOC 7966. up efforts of the disasters involving the lows: Sec. 1167. IMAZALIL. Exxon Valdez and New Carissa. Sec. 1. Short title. The people of the United States owe Sec. 1168. 1,5- dichloroanthraquinone. Sec. 2. Table of contents. Sec. 1169. Ultraviolet dye. a debt of gratitude to the men and TITLE I—TARIFF PROVISIONS Sec. 1170. Vinclozolin. women of the Coast Guard. While most Sec. 1001. Reference. Sec. 1171. Tepraloxydim. Americans sleep soundly in their beds, Sec. 1172. Pyridaben. Subtitle A—Temporary Duty Suspensions the members of the Coast Guard are Sec. 1173. 2-acetylnicotinic acid. and Reductions risking their lives to save ours. The Sec. 1174. SAMe. Coast Guard conducts over 65,000 CHAPTER 1—NEW DUTY SUSPENSIONS AND Sec. 1175. Procion Crimson H-EXL. REDUCTIONS search and rescue missions annually, Sec. 1176. Dispersol Crimson SF Grains. saving more than 5,000 lives, and $1.4 Sec. 1101. HIV/AIDS drugs. Sec. 1177. Procion Navy H-EXL. Sec. 1102. HIV/AIDS drugs. Sec. 1178. Procion Yellow H-EXL. billion in property. Therefore, it is en- Sec. 1103. Triacetoneamine. Sec. 1179. Ortho-phenyl phenol (‘‘OPP’’). tirely appropriate for the Congress of Sec. 1104. Instant print film in rolls. Sec. 1180. 2-methoxypropene. the United States, as representatives of Sec. 1105. Color instant print film. Sec. 1181. 3,5-difluroaniline. the people, to express our gratitude to Sec. 1106. Mixtures of sennosides and mix- Sec. 1182. Quinclorac. the Coast Guard by passage of House tures of sennosides and their Sec. 1183. Dispersol Black XF Grains. Concurrent Resolution 372. salts. Sec. 1184. Fluroxypyr 1-methylheptyl ester Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I urge my Sec. 1107. Cibacron Red LS–B HC. (FME). colleagues to strongly support passage Sec. 1108. Cibacron Brilliant Blue FN–G. Sec. 1185. Solsperse 17260. Sec. 1109. Cibacron Scarlet LS–2G HC. Sec. 1186. Solsperse 17000. of House Concurrent Resolution 372, Sec. 1110. MUB 738 INT. Sec. 1187. Solsperse 5000. commemorating the 210th anniversary Sec. 1111. Fenbuconazole. Sec. 1188. Certain taed chemicals. of the establishment of the United Sec. 1112. 2,6-dichlorotoluene. Sec. 1189. Isobornyl acetate. States Coast Guard. Sec. 1113. 3-amino-3-methyl-1-pentyne. Sec. 1190. Solvent Blue 124. Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I Sec. 1114. Triazamate. Sec. 1191. Solvent Blue 104. yield back the balance of my time. Sec. 1115. Methoxyfenozide. Sec. 1192. Pro-jet magenta 364 stage. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Sec. 1116. 1-fluoro-2-nitro benzene. Sec. 1193. Benzenesulfonamide,4-amino-2,5- HUTCHINSON). The question is on the Sec. 1117. PHBA. dimethoxy-n-phenyl. motion offered by the gentleman from Sec. 1118. THQ (toluhydroquinone). Sec. 1194. Undecylenic acid. Sec. 1119. Certain chemical compounds. Sec. 1195. 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic Maryland (Mr. GILCHREST) that the Sec. 1120. Certain compound optical micro- acid. House suspend the rules and agree to scopes. Sec. 1196. Iminodisuccinate. the concurrent resolution, H. Con. Res. Sec. 1121. Certain cathode-ray tubes. Sec. 1197. Iminodisuccinate salts and aque- 372. Sec. 1122. Other cathode-ray tubes. ous solutions. The question was taken. Sec. 1123. Certain categories of raw cotton. Sec. 1198. Poly (vinylchloride) (PVC) self-ad- Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, on Sec. 1124. Rhinovirus drugs. hesive sheets. that I demand the yeas and nays. Sec. 1125. Butralin. Sec. 1199. BEPD 2-butyl-2-ethylpropanediol. The yeas and nays were ordered. Sec. 1126. Branched dodecylbenzene. Sec. 1200. Cyclohexade-8-en-1-one. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Sec. 1127. A certain fluorinated compound. Sec. 1201. A paint additive chemical. Sec. 1128. A certain light absorbing photo Sec. 1202. Ortho-cumyl-octylphenol (OCOP). ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the dye. Sec. 1203. Certain polyamides. Chair’s prior announcement, further Sec. 1129. Filter blue green photo dye. Sec. 1204. Mesamoll. proceedings on this motion will be Sec. 1130. Certain light absorbing photo Sec. 1205. Vulkalent E/C. postponed. dyes. Sec. 1206. Baytron M.

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