Lovell's Gazetteer of the Dominion of Canada
LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. bOl tawa. It has 4 churches (Epis., Pres., Meth. the Sparkes Creek, and a station on the C.P.R., ajid Baptist), 10 stores, 2 hotels, 1 bank (of between Mattawa and North Bay, on Lake Ottawa). 1 woollen mill, 1 sash and door fac- Nipissing. It has 2 churches (Epis. and Meth.), tory, 1 printing and newspaper office (Russell 1 general store, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill, besides ex- "Leader"), besides express and telegraph of- press and telegraph offices. Pop., about -200. fices. Pop.. 500. RUTHER GLEN, a post office in Marquette RUSSBLLi, a post village in Marquette co., CO., Man. See McAulay. Man., a station on the Russell branch of the RUTHVEN, a post settlement in Essex co., C.P.R.. 12 miles north of Biuscarth (76 miles Ont., and a station on the Pere Marquette Ry., north-west of Minnedosa), on th« North West- 34 miles from Walkerville, 4 miles from Leam- (Epis., ern div. of the line. It has 3 churches ington. It has 3 stores 1 branch bank and Meth. and Pres.), 17 stores, 3 hotels, 1 flour a waggon shop. Pop. 350. and mill, 1 pump factory, 2 banks (Union RUTLEDGE, a post office in Pontiac co.. newspaper office Merchants), 1 printing and Que., the nearest station is Quio (Quyon), on and telegraph (The 'Banner'"), besides express the Ottawa and Waltham branch of the C. offices. Pop.. 500. P.R., 33 miles north-west of Ottawa. district. Que. RUSSELL, a lake in Saguenay RUTTANVILLB," a settlement in Lisgar co., Northumberland RUSSELLS, a settlement in Man., 12 miles from Maniiou, a station on the CO., N.B.
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