Given the updated project assumptions provided by Amazon, the incentives that we outlined in October 2017 have been updated.


Economic Development for a Growing Economy, $1,320,000,000 $1,394,275,000 EDGE

High Impact Business Program, HIB $172,500,000 $337,000,000

Real Estate Tax Incentive $61,400,000 $143,260,000

R&D Tax Credits - $195,000

Total Existing Incentives $1,553,900,000 $1,874,730,000

Capital Investment for Infrastructure Improvement $450,000,000 $450,000,000

Total Incentive Package $2,003,900,000* $2,324,730,000*

*Does not include $250M in local education, workforce and neighborhood investment grants to make the economic benefits of the HQ2 project accessible to all of our community

a. Payroll withholding tax rebates/grants (existing or potential) See EDGE description on next page.

Incentives Section 1 Proprietary and Confidential b. Job creation tax credits (existing or potential) EDGE Tax Credits Overview & Estimated NPV Gross Value: $1,394,275,000 Estimated NPV (16 Years): $721,385,000*

*Includes value of $1500 per employee annual training expenses associated with 10% annual credit for eligible training costs. Income tax credit incentive provided to non-retail companies which commit to new full-time job creation and project investment. Income tax credits are equal to 50% of the amount of payroll tax for newly created full-time employees. • Tax credits are only associated with newly hired full-time employees at the specifically identified project location(s) which pay Illinois personal income taxes. • Full-time employees are defined as those who work not less than 35 hours/week and receive full employee benefits. • Applicant cannot receive more in credits than the project investment.

Eligible Training Costs Annual Credit supplement The EDGE program provides an annual tax credit (for 10 years) equal to 10% of eligible training costs associated with newly hired full-time employees. Employees who are part-time, seasonal, contractual or temporary are not eligible to participate in ETIP sponsored training activities. To be eligible to participate, a person must be a full-time Illinois-based employee of the company, working from a specifically identified location as documented in the EDGE agreement.

Eligible Company types and Functions Generally, manufacturing, assembly, warehousing and office/support functions are eligible to receive this benefit. The following types of entities are not eligible for participation: Units of local, state or federal government; local, state, or federal governmental agencies; local, state or federal operated facilities; businesses primarily engaged in retail sales/services/merchandising, hospitality, restaurant food service, construction and trades; retail banking, financial management service/sales, insurance service/sales, hospitals, physician practices, healthcare facilities, nursing homes, hotels, fitness centers, charities/not-for-profit services.

Eligible Training Costs Typically, eligible training costs include: • Curriculum development • Training materials (including scrap product costs) • Trainee domestic travel expenses • Travel outside the United States (unless the Taxpayer receives prior written approval for such travel by the Department Director based on a showing of substantial need or other proof that such training is not reasonably available within the United States). Travel expenses shall not exceed amount identified as US Government reimbursement limits. • Instructor costs (including wages, fringe benefits, tuition and domestic travel expenses) • Rent • Purchase or lease of training equipment

Primary Eligibility Requirements In our RFP incentives response letter signed by Governor Bruce Rauner, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Senate President John Cullerton, House Speaker Michael Madigan, Minority Senate Leader Bill Brady, and Minority House Leader Jim Durkin, we calculated the gross value to be $1.32B. With the newly provided Project schedule in this RFI, we have adjusted the estimate to $1.33B. In order for Amazon to fully utilize these credits, we will need to make a handful of modifications to the EDGE statute regarding company classification, project length, carry forward, timing, and the application of the credit against individual income tax. We look forward to discussing during your visit the appropriate timing for implementing these legislative modifications.

Incentives Section 2 Proprietary and Confidential Timing of Approvals Approvals are generally provided within 2 weeks of receipt of a complete EDGE application.

Clawbacks All credits are subject to 100% clawback should the company cease operations within 10 years of the anniversary of the agreement, with the intent to relocate another state.

Refundable/Transferable/Carry-Forwards/Carry-Backs • No carry-back provisions. • Not refundable • Transferable only upon State approval.

c. Investment tax credits (indicate whether investment by a developer, if any, would count) High Impact Business (HIB) Overview & Estimated NPV Value: $337,000,000 Estimated NPV (20 Years): $205,000,000 Per our RFP submission, we calculated the gross value of HIB to be $172.5M. With the newly provided Project schedule outlined in this RFI, we have adjusted the estimate to $337M. HIB supports large-scale economic development activities by providing tax incentives (similar to Enterprise Zones) to companies that make substantial capital investments in operations and create or retain an above average number of jobs. HIB designations are not available to locations within existing Enterprise Zones. Businesses may qualify for the following benefits: • Investment Tax Credit provides a 0.5% credit against the state income tax for investments in qualified property (simple attachment to annual tax return). • Building Materials Sales Tax Exemption provides a 6.25% exemption for qualified sales of building materials, including those for remodeling, rehabilitation, or new construction. The purchaser obtains an exemption document from IDOR which is presented at the time of materials purchase. • Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment Sales Tax Exemption (5-year certificate, renewable) provides a 6.25% exemption against purchases of CONSUMABLE items used in the manufacturing process (i.e. abrasives, lubricants, fuel, etc.). • Utility Tax Exemption (5-year certificate, renewable) provides a 5.1% exemption against electrical, natural gas and telecommunications taxes.

Primary Eligibility Requirements Eligible projects must invest a minimum of $12 million and create 500 full-time jobs before benefits are made available. Investments must take place at designated locations in Illinois, outside of an Enterprise Zone.

Timing of Approvals Approvals are generally granted within 2 weeks of receipt of a complete HIB application.

Explanation for Uncertain or “Non-Guaranteed” Incentive Not applicable.

Incentives Section 3 Proprietary and Confidential Clawbacks None.

Refundable/Transferable/Carry-Forwards/Carry-Backs Credits are not refundable or transferable.

d. Research and development tax credits and any other incentives available in connection with R&D activity conducted by or in conjunction with universities in the State/Commonwealth/Province. R&D Tax Credit Overview & Estimated NPV Gross Value: $195,000 Estimated NPV (3 Years): $173,745 for each $1M annual increase in Illinois R&D spending. Provides income tax credit benefits to companies making investment in research and development in Illinois equal to 6.5% of qualifying research expenditures that exceed the baseline amount. The Illinois R&D tax credit is modeled after the federal R&D tax credit, including the federal definition of qualifying research.

Eligibility Requirements Baseline • 3-year average of R&D costs in Illinois. • If the taxpayer incurred no qualifying expenditures during a base period year, the qualifying expenditures for that year are zero, even if the taxpayer was not in existence or conducting any business in Illinois during that year. • If the taxpayer conducted business in this State for only part of a base period year, the qualifying expenditures for that year shall be equal to the qualifying expenditures actually incurred, multiplied by 365 and divided by the number of days in the portion of the taxable year during which the taxpayer was doing business in Illinois. Qualifying Expenses • Any federally qualifying R&D expenses that are made in Illinois qualify. • Qualified research is defined in IRC section 41(d) and 41(e) and includes the sum of the in-house research expenses, contract research expenses and basic research payments paid or incurred by the business.

Timing of Approvals Submitted as a supporting schedule to company’s annual income tax return.

Explanation for Uncertain or “Non-Guaranteed” Incentive Program reinstated in 2017 with a sunset of 12/31/2021. If this program is extended, it would provide an extra benefit of up to $65,000 per year.

Clawbacks None.

Refundable/Transferable/Carry-Forwards/Carry-Backs Non-refundable or transferrable.

Incentives Section 4 Proprietary and Confidential e. Sales and use tax credits/exemptions or sharing agreements Not applicable.

f. Lodging tax, airport fees, etc. credits/exemptions or sharing agreements Lodging tax credits may be available for a campus hotel used for non-public use, but we need to better understand the design plans for the campus to make that determination.

g. Tax abatements of any type (indicate whether real, personal or both types of property are covered) Cook County (Class 7b or 7c Program) Property Tax Relief. (The 7c is outlined below) Overview & Estimated NPV Value: $143,260,000 Estimated NPV (12 Years): $94,416,000 Per our RFP submission, we calculated the gross value of this property tax incentive to be $61.4M. With the newly provided Project schedule outlined in this RFI, we have adjusted the estimate to $143M. The Class 7c Incentive of the Cook County Real Property Assessment Classification Ordinance (“Ordinance”) is intended to encourage commercial projects which would not be economically feasible without assistance. The five-year (5) incentive applies to all newly constructed buildings or other structures, including the land upon which they are situated; the utilization of vacant structures abandoned for at least twelve (12) months, including the land upon which they are situated; or all buildings and other structures which are substantially rehabilitated to the extent such rehabilitation has added to their value, including qualified land related to the rehabilitation. Projects which qualify for the Class 7c incentive will receive a reduced assessment level of ten percent (10%) of fair market value for the first three years, fifteen percent (15%) for the fourth year and twenty percent (20%) for the fifth year. Without this incentive, commercial property would normally be assessed at twenty-five percent (25%) of its market value. Class 7c classification may be renewed during the last year in which a property is entitled to a 10% assessment level or when the incentive is still applied at the 15% or 20% assessment level.

Primary Eligibility Requirements Require consent of the municipality and county board. The four (4) mandatory eligibility factors of the Ordinance are as follows: 1. Real Estate Tax Analysis: That the Property’s (the real estate that is the subject of the application) Assessed Value, Equalized Assessed Value or Real Estate taxes for three of the last six years, have declined or remained stagnant due to the depressed condition; 2. Viability and Timeliness: There is a reasonable expectation that the development, re-development or rehabilitation of the commercial development project is viable and likely to go forward on a reasonably timely basis if granted Class 7c designation, and will therefore result in the economic enhancement of the property. Therefore, submitted evidence of economic viability and timely completion of the project should be relevant and specific in addressing the following points: A. New Construction and Rehabilitation Incentive i) Construction Documentation: architectural exhibits and building plans; site plans demonstrating the relationship of the proposed development to its private and public surroundings including open spaces, service areas, driveways, parking areas, walks and adjacent streets, sidewalks and buildings; a description of structures to be demolished and of buildings to be rehabilitated or reoccupied. The applicant must provide a development schedule which at least includes the starting date of construction, the projected completion of construction and the projected date for occupancy. ii) Financial Documentation: Income Tax Statements for the last three (3) years, including Schedule E’s and/or recent appraisals. A description of any lawful participation agreement between the developer and any taxing districts for the sharing of future profits should also be included.

Incentives Section 5 Proprietary and Confidential iii) Owners, Developers, Prime Tenants and other Interested Parties: The business experience and financial strength of the participants is important to the project’s viability. The applicant should therefore provide sufficiently detailed information about the developers, owners, prime tenants, and any other interested parties, including their names and addresses. Information about owners must include all general and limited partners and beneficiaries of a land trust. Any material, legal or tax liabilities, which might affect the project’s viability must be disclosed. 4 B. Vacancy Incentive: i. Evidence of Vacancy: The development must be vacant for 12 months or more. ii. Evidence of Marketing: Documents evidencing that the property was marketed for 6 months or more. iii. Financial Documentation: Income Tax Statements for the last three (3) years, including Schedule E’s and/or recent appraisals. A description of any lawful, participation agreement between the developer and any taxing districts for the sharing of future profits should also be included. 3. Assistance and Necessity: Certification of the commercial development project for Class 7c designation will: A. “But For” Certification: The Incentive materially assists development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of the property and the commercial development property would not go forward without the full Incentive offered under Class 7c. B. Condition Subsequent Certification: Be economically feasible when the incentive expires. 4. Increased Tax Revenue and Employment: Certification of the commercial development project for Class 7c designation is reasonably expected to ultimately result in an increase in real property tax revenue and employment opportunities of the property. The applicant must supply a statistical analysis projecting the added real estate tax revenue and employment which will result from the development, with and without the incentive. Employment figures should be categorized to show projections for new full and part-time employment and for temporary construction employment. The Application must include a resolution or ordinance from the municipality where the real estate is located or from the Cook County Board of Commissioners if the real estate is located in an unincorporated area.

Explanation for Uncertain or “Non-Guaranteed” Incentive All five of the sites selected by Amazon may be eligible for either the 7b or 7c property tax relief program. Upon selection of a specific site, we can review infrastructure and site-related information to maximize the incentives of both the infrastructure and property tax relief incentives.

Clawbacks None.

h. Millage/property tax rate reductions See Class 7 program above. i. Rate freezes and/or caps on income, business license and/or other taxes See Class 7 program above.

j. Film tax credits Film Services Tax Credit Overview & Estimated NPV Estimated value of the incentive is dependent on the actual spend. The Illinois Film Production Tax Credit Act, offers producers a credit of 30% of all qualified expenditures, including post- production. Tax Credit Benefits include: • 30% of the qualified Illinois Production Spending. • 30% credit on Illinois salaries up to $100,000 per worker.

Incentives Section 6 Proprietary and Confidential • 15% additional credit—applicants receive an additional 15% tax credit on salaries of individuals (making at least $1,000 in total wages) who live in economically disadvantaged areas whose unemployment rate is at least 150% of the State’s annual averages • As Amazon has done in the past with shows like “Patriot” filmed in Illinois, Amazon can continue to take advantage of the Illinois Production Tax Incentive program to produce more creative content at a greater value for its platform. • Amazon may also consider shifting its commercial advertising production to Illinois and again take advantage of the Illinois Production Tax Incentive program for its advertising concerns. • If Amazon incurs an Illinois Income Tax Liability, Amazon may also consider the purchase of Illinois Production Tax credits to use as part of an in-state tax strategy. • Class 7c classification may be renewed during the last year in which a property is entitled to a 10% assessment level or when the incentive is still applied at the 15% or 20% assessment level.

Eligibility Requirements • Must spend at least $50,000 in Illinois Production Spending for a project less than 30 minutes. • Must spend at least $100,000 in Illinois Production Spending for a project 30 minutes or over. • Receipts and financial materials must be processed by a Certified Public Accountant • 30% credit on Illinois salaries up to $100,000 per worker. • Subject to completion and acceptable review of application • Illinois Production Spending includes tangible, personal property and services purchased from Illinois vendors and compensation paid to Illinois resident employees: (1) An Illinois vendor is an entity that provides goods and services to the applicant and is domiciled in the state. (2) An Illinois resident qualifies as someone who has a valid Illinois state ID or driver’s license, issued prior to commencement of production. • Compensation maximum is $100,000 for each Illinois resident employee. Section 528.30 Eligibility Determination Applicants must satisfy all of the following criteria in order to be eligible for a credit: a) Ownership of Copyright in Accredited Production a. The applicant must own the copyright in the accredited production throughout the Illinois production period; or b. The applicant has contracted directly with the owner of the copyright in the accredited production, or a person acting on behalf of the owner, to provide services for the production, where the owner, of the copyright is not an eligible production corporation. (Section 10 of the Act) b) Aggregate Illinois Production Spending – Accredited Productions Commencing on or After May 1, 2006 In order to qualify for a credit under the Act, the applicant must incur, in the 12-month period after the commencement of principal filming or taping of the production, Illinois production spending that exceeds the following amounts from pre-production through post-production: a. $100,000 for productions of 30 minutes or longer; b. $50,000 for productions of less than 30 minutes. c) Diversity Plan The applicant must submit a diversity plan that meets the criteria set forth in Section 528.20 of this Part. d) Competitive Need for Credit The applicant must file a written statement or other documentation evidencing that the receipt of the credit is essential to the decision to operate the accredited production in Illinois. The documentation must show that the applicant has multi-state or international location options and could reasonably locate outside the State, or can demonstrate that at least one other state or nation is being considered for the accredited production, or other documentation showing that the receipt of the credit is a major factor in the applicant’s decision to locate the accredited production in Illinois. e) Training Programs In order to qualify for a credit, the applicant must advise the Department whether it intends to participate in training, education, and recruitment programs, if available, that are organized in cooperation with Illinois colleges and universities, labor organizations, and the motion picture industry and are designed to promote and encourage the training and hiring of Illinois residents who represent the diversity of the Illinois population. (Section 30(a)(4) of the Act)

Incentives Section 7 Proprietary and Confidential Timing of Approvals • Applications must be submitted 24 hours prior to the filming of principal photography • Application approval may take up to 90 days • Claiming Credits: Upon completion of the project, applicant has up to two years to submit attestation of qualified expenditures via a licensed independent CPA • Credit issuance may take up to 90 days

Explanation for Uncertain or “Non-Guaranteed” Incentive The Illinois Film Tax Credit is currently scheduled for legislative renewal in 2021.

Clawbacks None.

Refundable/Transferable/Carry-Forwards/Carry-Backs Tax credit can be carried forward 5 years from when originally issued by Illinois Film Office/Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

k. Tax incentives associated with the creation of an enterprise zone, development district or innovation zone Opportunity Zones Overview & Estimated NPV The estimated NPV of the incentive is dependent on the length of the investment in a qualified opportunity zone. A product of the recent federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), Opportunity Zones are a new economic development tool that leverage tax deferral and abatement mechanisms. Qualified Opportunity Zones will provide: (i) the ability to invest only the gain rather than the full corpus of a current investment; (ii) a broader range of investments eligible for the deferral; (iii) a potential basis step-up of 15 percent or substantially more of the initial deferred amount of investment; and (iv) an opportunity to abate all taxation on capital gains post-investment. This program will provide businesses, projects, and commercial property in eligible low-income census tracts attractive financing and what could amount to a substantial long-term subsidy for economic development. The provision will also provide opportunities for investors, individual and corporate, to defer current capital gains, significantly increase basis in their current investments, and abate all future capital gains on the investment.

Eligibility Requirements The new provision allows taxpayers to defer the short-term or long-term capital gains tax due upon a sale or disposition of property if the capital gain portion of the sale or disposition is reinvested within 180 days in a “qualified opportunity fund.” If the investment is maintained in the “qualified opportunity fund” for five years, the taxpayer will receive a step- up in tax basis equal to 10 percent of the original gain. If the investment is maintained in the “qualified opportunity fund” for seven years, the taxpayer will receive an additional five percent step-up in tax basis. A recognition event will occur on Dec. 31, 2026, in the amount of the lesser of (i) the remaining deferred gain (accounting for earned basis step-ups) or (ii) the fair market value of the investment in the “qualified opportunity fund.” Because of the recognition event trigger, several structuring opportunities may be available to increase basis step-up, substantially in some cases. Importantly, investments maintained for 10 years and until at least Dec. 31, 2026, will allow for an exclusion of all capital gains from post-acquisition gain on the investment in a “qualified opportunity fund” to be excluded from gross income. For an investment maintained longer than 10 years and upon a sale or disposition of the investment, the new provision also allows the taxpayer to elect the basis in the investment to be equal to the fair market value of the investment.

Incentives Section 8 Proprietary and Confidential Timing of Approvals These “qualified opportunity zones” will be designated through a nomination of census tracts qualifying as “low-income communities” (as such term is defined under Section 45D of the Code for New Markets Tax Credits) by the governor of each state to the Treasury Department and certification of the zone by the Treasury Department. Each state may nominate no more “qualified opportunity zones” than 25 percent of designated “low-income communities” in each state. One of the five sites (Burnham Lakefront) is eligible to be nominated and will be included in the State’s designation.

l. Other tax incentives not described above Not applicable.

2. WORKFORCE EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELOCATION a. Grants for workforce education, training, and relocation See d. below.

b. Loans for workforce education, training, and relocation (no interest/low interest) Not applicable.

c. Reimbursements for workforce education, training, and relocation See d. below.

d. Other workforce education, training, and relocation programs (including but not limited to internships and cooperative education programs linked to universities and technical schools) In our RFP submission, we offer to partner with Amazon on up to $250M in workforce development, education initiatives, and neighborhood development grants to expand access to the Project’s economic benefits. The timing and source of capital are program-specific and subject to discussion with Amazon. Investments will be made over the 16-year project period, with potential for additional investments to extend beyond the initial project phases.

3. PROJECT AND INFRASTRUCTURE-RELATED a. Site acquisition and preparation assistance (discretionary grants and no interest/low interest loans) Prime Sites Overview & Estimated NPV Estimated NPV will be site-specific and based on development project plans. Prime Sites Grants assist with the “bondable” costs of development of sites being considered by businesses through the Large Business Development Program and the Business Development Public Infrastructure Program. The Illinois Large Business Development Program (LBDP) provides incentive financing to encourage large out-of-state companies to locate in Illinois and encourage existing Illinois companies to undertake major job expansion or retention projects. Funds may be used for typical business activities, including financing purchase of land and buildings, construction or renovation of fixed assets, site preparation, and purchase of machinery and equipment. LBDP funds are targeted to major economic development opportunities that will result in substantial private investment and the creation and/or retention of jobs.

Incentives Section 9 Proprietary and Confidential Eligibility Requirements Project costs must meet the definition of “Bondable Costs” which include but are not limited to: • Acquisition Costs: Costs of all improved or unimproved real property including appraisal fees, title opinions, surveying fees, real estate fees, title transfer taxes, condemnation and related legal expenses. • Utilities: Installation or replacement of utilities. • Buildings, Additions or Structures: New construction of buildings or structures: New additions to existing buildings or structures; Reconstruction of an existing building or structure (including Installation of new structural or interior walls, doors, ceilings, utilities, interior finishes, carpeting, furnishings and equipment along with demolition; Exterior work to surface, structure or foundation to extend useful life; Roof Work limited to removal of the system to the decking as well as stone, metal or other work to control water damage or Ice formation; Interior work such as painting or plastering, sanding, replacing electrical and light fixtures, decorative remodeling, paneling. handicapped accessibility Improvements, moving toilets, water fountains, telephone, etc. • Site Improvements: Demolition; Grading sidewalks, terracing, exterior lighting, seeding/sodding if part of a larger bondable project; Replacement of bridges, ramps, curbs, overpasses, and underpasses; Landscaping, installation of plant material If associated with a bondable project; Construction of a new road, parking lot or campground, extension of a road, parking lot or campground; Upgrade of road or parking lot.

Timing of Approvals Approvals for Prime Sites Grants are generally provided within 2 weeks of a complete Prime Sites application.

Explanation for Uncertain or “Non-Guaranteed” Incentive Subject to legislative approval.

Clawbacks None.

Refundable/Transferable/Carry-Forwards/Carry-Backs Not applicable.

Incentives Section 10 Proprietary and Confidential b. Infrastructure acquisition and construction assistance (discretionary grants and no interest/low interest loans) Overview & Estimated NPV In our initial submission, we offered up to $450M of capital for infrastructure improvements to cover the key infrastructure projects identified by the developers for each of the sites below. The timing and source (specific municipality/ agency) of each capital project is dependent on final site selection and design specifications.


• Parks and Land Bridges: Two new landscaped bridges, including a central green at 29th Street, will connect pedestrians to the lakefront and become a dynamic, publicly-accessible space surrounded by higher-density workspaces and vibrant street life. • Public Realm: build a framework that orients the neighborhood to the lakefront through improving existing roads and new roadways. • State Capital Sources (Metra, Capital Grants Burnham Lakefront Programs, Prime Sites incentives) • New Train Station: A new multi-modal transit station on 31st street on the Metra electric line creates a gateway for residents, employees and visitors • TIF to the Bronzeville community and the Burnham Lakefront. Connecting to neighborhoods and institutions along the lakefront including Millennium Park, Downtown , the Hyde Park neighborhood, The University of Chicago, The future Obama Presidential Center, and the Museum of Science and industry in Jackson Park.

• 777 West Chicago – On-site roadway, park, elevated deck and river walk infrastructure. The site will require the construction of a north/south spine road, associated east/west links to the existing City grid, new parks and open space, and a linear river walk. Additionally, a new pedestrian bridge following the Erie Street alignment and further connecting to the existing • State Capital Sources (Metra, Capital Grants River North neighborhood would be additive to the development but not Programs, Prime Sites incentives) necessary. The cost for such an extension is highly variable based on design River District specifications, width/height, desired loading, and other such factors. • Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) • Transitway link to Ogilvie and Union Station Metra commuter hubs • TIF • Regional traffic infrastructure improvements of major intersections at and near the site will optimize traffic flows into and out of the region. These improvements will consist of signal upgrades and optimization, as well as the potential lane re-configuration of certain critical local roads.

• The “Wells-Wentworth Connector” is scheduled to begin construction in June of 2018. The Wells-Wentworth Connector is a multi-phase project that will create a new road between the Loop and Chinatown. The project will also realign Wentworth Ave. between Archer and Cermak to bring this portion of Wentworth in line with the portion of Wentworth south of Cermak Rd. The realignment of Wentworth Ave. will greatly improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians, while forming better links between New Chinatown Square and the traditional Chinatown south of Cermak Road. • CTA Red Line Station at 15th & Clark: Providing an additional stop on the city’s most popular transit line will provide even better access on the • State Capital Sources (Metra, Capital Grants southern portion of the 78. Preliminary engineering and design work is Programs, Prime Sites incentives) complete on the station and the Chicago Transit Authority agrees that the The 78 station is both desired and feasible. • Local Agency Sources (Chicago Transit Authority, CDOT) • Relocation of the existing METRA train line: On the eastern edge of the site a commuter rail line runs adjacent to Clark Street. To connect the site back • TIF to the existing city grid, we are relocating the train line internal to the site and capping the tracks within a tunnel so that the train is “hidden” beneath the Roosevelt Road height. METRA has agreed to the relocation and the engineering to perform the work is underway. • Chicago Riverwalk: The half-mile of riverfront along the is a critical component of developing a sense of place at the 78. The master plan embraces the river and references its former path with an internal park. Work rebuilding the seawall will begin shortly and building out the 100-foot riverfront path will follow.

• A new Metra Station to replace the existing Clybourn Metra Station. Since we are not building a building over the tracks and the parking structure/ tower will be part of the vertical development, the cost for the trackwork, platforms, the canopies, vertical circulation, the tunnel/bridge and some part • State Capital Sources (Metra, Capital Grants of the lobby and amenity portion would be considered part of the “Station Programs, Prime Sites incentives) Costs”. Lincoln Yards • Local Agency Sources (Chicago Transit Authority, • The realignment of Elston Avenue to mitigate existing traffic congestion. CDOT) 2,500 feet of new complete streets ROW for the roads, plus retaining wall and grading through the Mariano’s parking lot and new viaduct and retaining • TIF and grading up through Belgravia onto Elston. • The development of new bridges at Dominick Street and Armitage Avenue

• State Capital Sources (Metra, Capital Grants • Requires the fewest infrastructure improvements Programs, Prime Sites incentives) • A new Metra Stop: Tracks currently run through the Fulton market site and Fulton • Local Agency Sources (Chicago Transit Authority, a platform, signals, and all other improvements. CDOT) • Open spaces & parks: Median improvements along Randolph • TIF

Incentives Section 11 Proprietary and Confidential Eligibility Requirements Will be reviewed on a project by project basis and in aggregate of any desired site.

Timing of Approvals Once a site is selected by Amazon, we are confident that the provision of capital for infrastructure will be timely and we look forward to discussing this with you on your visit.

Explanation for Uncertain or “Non-Guaranteed” Incentive Please note that if TIF is the identified source for funding, the Cook County property tax relief incentive may not be eligible at full value.

Clawbacks Not applicable.

Refundable/Transferable/Carry-Forwards/Carry-Backs Not applicable

c. Temporary office space to accommodate immediate hiring during initial construction The development team of the relevant site will work with you to obtain suitable temporary office space.

d. State/Commonwealth/Province financing, to include:

(i). Forgivable loans Not applicable.

(ii). No interest/low interest loans Not applicable.

(iii). Credit ehancement Not applicable.

(iv). Leases Not applicable.

(v). Bond financing Not applicable.

e. Sustainability/renewable energy programs Not applicable.

f. Environmental mitigation/remediation assistance Not applicable.

Incentives Section 12 Proprietary and Confidential g. Grant/cash matching incentives Not applicable.

h. Permitting fee discounts, abatements or waivers Not applicable.

i. Utility fee discounts, abatements or waivers Not applicable.

j. Impact or other development fee discounts, abatements or waivers Not applicable.

k. Other project or infrastructure-related incentives Not applicable.

4. PROJECT MANAGER / OMBUDSMAN TO COORDINATE/EXPEDITE APPROVALS. The Governor’s office and the Mayor’s Office will each appoint a project manager/ ombudsman. The initial appointees will be Deputy Governor Leslie Munger and Deputy Mayor Bob Rivkin.



Incentives Section 13 Proprietary and Confidential