Many Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution

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Many Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution Ann. Henri Poincar´e4 (2003) 1 – 22 c Birkh¨auser Verlag, Basel, 2003 1424-0637/03/0401-22 $ 1.50+0.20/0 Annales Henri Poincar´e Many-Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution Piers Coleman Abstract.The study of many-body physics has provided a scientific playground of surprise and continuing revolution over the past half century. The serendipitous discovery of new states and properties of matter, phenomena such as superfluidity, the Meissner, the Kondo and the fractional quantum hall effects, have driven the development of new conceptual frameworks for our understanding about collective behavior, the ramifications of which have spread far beyond the confines of terres- trial condensed matter physics- to cosmology, nuclear and particle physics. Here I shall selectively review some of the developments in this field, from the cold-war period, until the present day. I describe how, with the discovery of new classes of collective order, the unfolding puzzles of high temperature superconductivity and quantum criticality, the prospects for major conceptual discoveries remain as bright today as they were more than half a century ago. 1 Emergent Matter: a new Frontier Since the time of the Greeks, scholars have pondered over the principles that govern the universe on its tiniest and most vast scales. The icons that exemplify these frontiers are very well known - the swirling galaxy denoting the cosmos and the massive accelerators used to probe matter at successively smaller scales- from the atom down to the quark and beyond. These traditional frontiers of physics are largely concerned with reductionism: the notion that once we know the laws of nature that operate on the smallest possible scales, the mysteries of the universe will finally be revealed to us[1]. Over the last century and a half, a period that stretches back to Darwin and Boltzmann- scientists have also become fascinated by another notion: the idea that to understand nature, one also needs to understand and study the princi- ples that govern collective behavior of vast assemblies of matter. For a wide range of purposes, we already know the microscopic laws that govern matter on the tiniest scales. For example, a gold atom can be completely understood with the Schr¨odinger equation and the laws of quantum mechanics established more than seventy years ago. Yet, a gold atom is spherical and featureless- quite unlike the lustrous malleable and conducting metal which human society so prizes. To under- stand how crystalline assemblies of gold atoms acquire the properties of metallic gold, we need new principles– principles that describe the collective behavior of matter when humungous numbers of gold atoms congregate to form a metallic arXiv:cond-mat/0307004v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 4 Jul 2003 crystal. It is the search for these new principles that defines the frontiers of many- body physics in the realms of condensed matter physics and its closely related 2 Piers Coleman Ann. Henri Poincar´e discipline of statistical mechanics. In this informal article, I shall talk about the evolution of our ideas about the collective behavior of matter since the advent of quantum mechanics, hoping to give a sense of how often unexpected experimental discovery has seeded the growth of conceptually new ideas about collective matter. Given the brevity of the article, I must apologize for the necessarily selective nature of this discussion. In particular, I have had to make a painful decision to leave out a discussion of the many-body physics of localization and that of spin glasses. I do hope future articles will have opportunity to redress this imbalance. The past seventy years of development in many-body physics has seen a period of unprecedented conceptual and intellectual development. Experimental discoveries of remarkable new phenomena, such as superconductivity, superflu- idity, criticality, liquid crystals, anomalous metals, antiferromagnetism and the quantized Hall effect, have each prompted a renaissance in areas once thought to be closed to further fruitful intellectual study. Indeed, the history of the field is marked by the most wonderful and unexpected shifts in perspective and under- standing that have involved close linkages between experiment, new mathematics and new concepts. I shall discuss three eras:- the immediate aftermath of quantum mechanics— many-body physics in the cold war, and the modern era of correlated matter physics. Over this period, physicists’ view of the matter has evolved dramatically- as witnessed by the evolution in our view of “electricity” from the idea of the degenerate electron gas, to the concept of the Fermi liquid, to new kinds of electron fluid, such as a the Luttinger liquid or fractional quantum Hall state. Progress was not smooth and gradual, but often involved the agony, despair and controversy of the creative process. Even the notion that an electron is a fermion was controversial. Wolfgang Pauli, inventor of the exclusion principle could not initially envisage that this principle would apply beyond the atom to macroscopi- cally vast assemblies of degenerate electrons; indeed, he initially preferred the idea that electrons were bosons. Pauli arrived at the realization that the electron fluid is a degenerate Fermi gas with great reluctance, and at the end of 1925[2] gave way, writing in a short note to Schr¨odinger that read “With a heavy heart, I have decided that Fermi Dirac, not Einstein is the correct statistics, and I have decided to write a short note on paramagnetism.” Wolfgang Pauli, letter to Schr¨odinger, November 1925[2]. 2 Unsolved riddles of the 1930s The period of condensed matter physics between the two world-wars was character- ized by a long list of unsolved mysteries in the area of magnetism and Vol. 4, 2003 Many Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution 3 a) Anderson-Higgs Mechanism Meissner Effect b) ρ Asymptotic Freedom Kondo resistance minimum T Figure 1: Two mysteries of the early era, whose ultimate resolution 30 years later linked them to profound new concepts about nature. (a) The Meissner effect, whose ultimate resolution led to an understanding of superconductivity and the discovery of the Anderson-Higgs mechanism, (b) The Kondo resistance minimum, which is linked to the physics of confinement. superconductivity[3]. Ferromagnetism had emerged as a shining triumph of the application of quantum mechanics to condensed matter. So rapid was the progress in this direction, that N´eel and Landau quickly went on to generalize the idea, pre- dicting the possibility of staggered magnetism, or antiferromagnetism in 1933[4]. In a situation with many parallels today, the experimental tools required to real- ize the predicted phenomenon, had to await two decades, for the development of neutron diffraction[5]. During this period, Landau became pessimistic and came to the conclusion that quantum fluctuations would most probably destroy antifer- romagnetism, as they do in the antiferromagnetic 1D Bethe chain - encouraging one of his students, Pomeranchuk, to explore the idea that spin systems behave as neutral fluids of fermions[6]. By contrast, superconductivity remained unyielding to the efforts of the finest minds in quantum mechanics during the heady early days of quantum mechanics in the 1920s, a failure derived in part from a deadly early misconception about superconductivity[3]. It was not until 1933 that a missing element in the puzzle came to light, with the Meissner and Ochensfeld discovery that superconductors are not perfect conductors, but perfect diamagnets.[7] It is this key discovery that led the London brothers[8] to link superconductivity to a concept of “rigidity” in the many-body electron wavefunction, a notion that Landau and Ginzburg were 4 Piers Coleman Ann. Henri Poincar´e to later incorporate in their order parameter treatment of superconductivity[9]. Another experimental mystery of the 1930’s, was the observation of a mys- terious “resistance minimum” in the temperature dependent resistance of copper, gold, silver and other metals[10]. It took 25 more years for the community to link this pervasive phenomenon with tiny concentrations of atomic size magnetic impurities- and another 15 more years to solve the phenomenon - now known as the Kondo effect- using the concepts of renormalization. 3 Many-Body Physics in the Cold War 3.1 Physics without Feynman diagrams Many-body physics blossomed after the end of the second world war, and as the political walls between the east and west grew with the beginning of the cold war, a most wonderful period of scientific and conceptual development, with a frequent exchange of new ideas across the iron curtain, came into being. Surprisingly, the Feynman diagram did not really enter many-body physics until the early 60s, yet without Feynman diagrams, the many-body community made a sequence of astonishing advances in the 1950’s[11]. ω high energy plasmon plasmon modes electron-hole continuum e-quasiparticles q 2 k F Figure 2: Illustrating the Pines-Bohm idea, that the physics of the electron fluid can be divided up into high energy collective “plasmon modes” and low energy electron quasiparticles. The early 1950s saw the first appreciation by the community of the impor- tance of collective modes. One of the great mysteries was why the non-interacting Sommerfeld model of the electron fluid worked so well, despite the presence of in- teractions that are comparable to the kinetic energy of the electrons. In a landmark early paper, David Bohm and his graduate student, David Pines[12] realized that they could separate the strongly interacting gas via a unitary transformation into two well-separated sets of excitations- a high energy collective oscillations of the electron gas, called plasmons, and low energy electrons. The Pines-Bohm paper is a progenitor of the idea of renormalization: the idea that high energy modes of the system can be successively eliminated to give rise to a renormalized picture of the residual low energy excitations.
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