Scavenger Hunt

The Scavenger Hunt questions can be answered by listening to the information presented by the guides, looking at museum exhibits and reading display information. It helps to focus student attention as they explore . The Scavenger Hunt may be photocopied and distributed as desired.

Fort William Henry and The

1. Fort William Henry is located at the southern end of Lake ______.

2. The French built a fort at the north end of the lake named . This fort was later renamed ______.

3. What is the name of the mountain located east of the fort? ______.

4. Which river flows past nearby Fort Edward? ______.

5. Who were the first people to camp on this site? ______

6. How where the walls of the Fort built to withstand a cannonaide? ______

7. What Country built the Fort? ______

8. During which war was the Fort built? ______

9. The army of which Country destroyed the Fort? ______

10. How long did the siege last? ______

11. Capt. Robert Rogers founded a group of fighters and militia that served throughout the Revolutionary War. This group was known as Roger’s ______.

12. By what other name is the French and Indian War known? ______.

Fort William Henry Timeline – match the year with the event shown. Year may be used more than once. 1755 1756 1757 1763 1763 1953

_____ War officially declared between Great Britain and France. _____ St. Patrick’s Day attack on Fort William Henry _____ Excavation and reconstruction begins at Fort William Henry _____ Montcalm defeats Col. Monroe and the Fort is surrendered _____ William Johnson builds the Fort _____ Treaty of Paris signed on Feb 10, _____ Battle of _____ Official end of the French and Indian War with the Treaty of Paris