June 27th 2021 : TRINITY 4


Service at Home reflection sheets are still being sent out because we know that a lot of people don’t yet feel safe in an environment with many other people. That is fine. There is no obligation to attend church in person until you feel safe. If you are on the mailing list for Sunday Service sheets, please print off and bring your own copy of the Readings sheet with you to services both at St Michael’s and the other churches in the United Benefice. Please remember that St Michael’s is still open every Sunday and Wednesday between 2 pm and 4.30 pm for individual prayer. Churchyard working parties are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month – the next one will be on July 12th . We meet at 6 pm and carry on for a couple of hours – weather permitting! All welcome. Food Bank. Please do remember the Food Banks. They are needed now more than ever. If you wish to donate directly to Foodbank at Rugeley Community Centre the Centre is now only open for foodbank sessions i.e. 2.00 pm-4.00 pm Tuesdays and Fridays. Alternatively, the Rugeley Food Bank welcomes financial contributions – see Gifts can once again be brought to Church where they will be blessed before being distributed or they can be left in the porch at 17, Road, Hamstall Ridware WS15 3QG. Wherever such gifts are left they will be very welcome and will be taken to the Rugeley Foodbank each Tuesday. ‘Message in a Bottle Race’ – new date! The race will take place on the on Sunday July 15th. Mark your diaries – more details will follow shortly…..

UNITED BENEFICE SERVICE ROTA Hamstall Ridware Yoxall St Michael and All All Saints St Nicholas St Peter Angels 27th June United Benefice Service to celebrate the Patronal Festival of St Peter’s Yoxall Trinity 4 Holy Communion 10.00 am July 4th 10.30 am 10.00 am Trinity 5 Holy Communion Holy Communion July 11th 10.00 am 10.00 am Trinity 6 Holy Communion Holy Communion July 18th 10.30 am 10.00 am Trinity 7 Holy Communion Morning Prayer July 25th 10.00 am 10.00 am Trinity 7 Holy Communion Holy Communion

NB The services shown for Sunday July 18th may be subject to change arising out of Ironman road closures.


Those who are sick: Mary Mycock, Barbara Smith, Kathleen Leawood, Brenda, Angela Perkin, Doug, David and Barbara Rudge, May Windley, Dorothy and Pam Payne. The family of Mike Binsley as they mourn their loss. Give thanks for his example and ministry. The congregations in the other churches in this United Benefice Those who live and work in the Nursing, Care and Retirement homes in the villages both in and near the parishes of the United Benefice. Give thanks for the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine and pray for all those involved in administering it. Please remember the Diocese of Lichfield and Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury Methodist District Giving Thanks for our Vaccines campaign in support of Christian Aid. They have raised £4,532.00 of their £5,000 target – details of how to give can be found at A fair distribution of vaccines by the richer countries of the world to those where there is also great need For Richard and Ella as they prepare for their wedding on July 10th. Give thanks for the opportunity presented by the meeting on June 24th where the churchwardens and the Rector were able to discuss ways of increased working together by the four churches and pray for the future growth of the Lord’s ministry in the United Benefice. Pray for all those affected by the discovery of graves connected with Indigenous Schools in Canada – especially parents of young people who have died at such places.

******************* Since 1982, the Arthur Rank Centre at Stoneleigh has been providing training in mission, ministry and leadership for lay and ordained rural church leaders from across the denominational spectrum. It supplies useful material each week for payer and reflection. Here is this week’s offering: Prayer God of all times and places, we long for freedom from the constraints of this virus, bring us to a place of patience, we pray; we long to go about our lives without fear, bring us to a place of confidence, we pray; we long to sing your praises in churches full of welcome, bring us to a place of safety, we pray; we long for a world in which vaccines are available for all, bring us to a place of justice, we pray. And so may we find healing and health in the goodness of your grace. Amen. (From the Diocese of Southwark’s Discipleship News) Response Do you know someone who has been ‘holding the light’ for others over this last difficult year, and is coming to the end of their own strength? If so, you might like to use this prayer for them; perhaps use your creativity to turn it into a card to give to them: May you find the strength and resolve to continue in the face of all that is being asked of you. When you’ve done your best and given everything you can, may you be assured that this is all that could have been required. When you are confronted by the unreasonableness of some, may you constantly be reminded that many others appreciate your endeavours more than words can say. When messages of hope and comfort rare required of you, may you be granted the words and wisdom that you need. When you feel broken and drained, may you be held fast in the midst of your struggle. And when you simply cannot respond to all the needs that confront you, may your mind dwell on what you have accomplished and not what you had to leave undone. So may you find the peace and stillness of heart to rest and recover when your labours subside. And may our prayers and concern be as unrelenting as the demands that you are facing.

(From the NW Baptist Association / Industrial Christian Fellowship) From the Lichfield Diocese Prayer Diary:

In its prayer tour of the Diocese the compilers of the Prayer Diary are concentrating on the different Deaneries as they face the challenges of resources highlighted by Shaping for Mission. This week the focus is on the Stoke on Trent Deanery and its Area Dean, Shaun Morris. Friday 2nd: Give thanks for the successful Stoke on Trent City Food Bank, the wonderful volunteers, those individuals and churches who contribute on a regular basis, those who depend on the Food Bank to either supplement or form the main basis of their daily food. Give thanks for the provisions made for the homeless through the Macari Centre, the Salvation Army Hostel and the YMCA Centre - those who utilise the facilities and those who sit/sleep on the streets and outside our shopping centres and supermarkets. Pray for Economic Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers who reside in the city - those who work with them and for them especially Sanctus St Mark's, Rev'd Sally Smith, the volunteers and those supporting financially - also for the Beheshtion Church Community which emerged from Sanctus and for the ministry of Iliya Shadravani to the wider Iranian population.

******************* Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. If you have any concerns please speak in complete confidence to the Parish Safeguarding Officer Dr Paul Carter 01889 504347 or the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Mr Neil Spiring 01543 30603