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The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION r : I BABE WANTS Jimmy Me Larnin. West Texas Chamber $85,000 SALARY Lightweights— Sammy Mandell and Tony Canze erl. CLASH FRIDAY I FONSECA TOPS SHARKEY Financially Sound I BEST. Featherweights —Kid Chocolate, Earl Mastro and Bat Battallno. • FORT WORTH Jan. IS—<**>— Brown and Bantamweights—A1 Sound financial cor., ons of the Bushy Graham. LEAGUE HITTERS West Texas Chamber of Commerce SETTLES ISSUE AVOWS MAULER Flyweights- Black Bill and Mid- I i get Wolgast. and Installat on of an efficient I system of records of the adi. 1* Bears, Owls, Frogs Triple I Detroit Win* Team Batting Dempsey Follows Rickard Race Segregation stratlon of its funds were shown Holders of Quint Championship With In Choosing in the report r C. r Coombes of Rehearing Denied Su 'ford, treasurer of the or n- Cellar .299 Average Boxers AUSTIN, Jan. 11—Supreme court lzatlon, to the executive committee Wednesday upheld final ruling of of the board of directors here Sat* CHICAGO Jan. 13—UP)—Lew Fon- By GAYLE TALBOT. Jr., NEW YORK, Jan. 13—</P>—Bo cities are urday. seca. whose major league baseball lower courts that power- (Associated Press far as Jack Is concerned, less to enforce race segregation or- Sports Writer) career apparently was over when Dempsey dinances. It denied rehearing to W LD : IIP>fE\TS Dallas. Jan. 13—f/P;—Texas Uni- he was shipped to the minors by the the heavyweight champion of the the cit; of Dallas In s p ot ceding MEXICO CITY. Jan. 13—Truck versity and Arkansas, whose teams Philadelphia nationals four years world is Jack Sharkey of Boston. against Liberty Annex corpofation. farmers of the state of Sonora at ago, was the leading batsman of the fought it out for the 1929 South- Ranking the boxers in each divi- owner of a negro subdivision The a recent meeting voted to suspend American league last season. west conference basketball crown, sion for the ring, fistic magazine, ordinance was held contrary to the exportation of vegetab'e* > the Fonseca, playing first base for the will renew court relations this week the Manassa mauler “due process of law'* clause of | United States until the market is Cleveland Indians, won the league placed Sharkey end at Fayetteville, and there Is an federal constitution. strengthc-'d. batting title with the lowest average at the top of the heap and termed even chance 1930 laurels will be at sinoe Cobb's 1914 him the "accredited world's stake. Ty championship heavy- mark. Fonseca batted 556 times in The Razorbacks, vic- weight champion." champion 148 209 times torious over the Texas Christian games, hitting safely Max Seccnd chance at the championship by for an of .369. Horned Frogs in their opening ser- overage Back of the Boston sailor Dem- A1 ies, and the Longhorns, tied with falling victim to Southern Method- Runner-up psey ranked Max Schmeling of the the four-time leaders by virtue of ist. A1 Simmons, outfielder of Germany; Tuffy Griffiths of Sioux world Philadelphia at- triumphs over Rice and Baylor in An invasion of north Texas champion City, la., and Phil Scott of Eng- by Fonseca, their openint tussles last week, hletics. was runuer-up to land. Then he grouped seven men the Rice Owls will be the only clash Friday and Saturday. with an average of .365. and Henry —Tommy Lough ran. Otto Von SALE Beat Porkers counter attraction. The feathered Manush. St. Louis Brown outfielder, Porat, George Godfrey, Johnny Last year Texas w*as the only ones, trounced Ah by Texas and was third with .355. Risko, Victorio Campolo, Young —OF — team to defeat the the ten were Paulino Uzcudun. j Porkers, down- Southern Methodist last week, will Others in leading Stribling and ing the Ozark giants in one of two Jimmy Foxx, Philadelphia. .354; The rankings were made before try a comeback. They tackle S. M. games at Austin, only to lose a Lazzeri, New York, 354; Bob Paulino's victory over Von Porat U. Friday night at Dallas and take Tony Detroit, .350; Earl Combs. in the Madison Square Garden Fri- on Texas Christian Saturday night Fothergill, New .345; Babe Ruth, New day night. at Fort Worth. Baylor and the Ag- York. and Ties own fais Shirt De- Of his plans, Dempsey gies are not scheduled. York, .345; Harry Heilmann, De- little that was definite. He believed b Match Even troit, .344; and Dale Alexander. Sharkey was good enough to repel Games last reek would indicate troit. .343. Continues Until all attempts to take the heavy- Thursday Get out the conference field Is tightly Detroit Leads poisons weight title out of this country, but matched. Arkansas was a The team batting championship given hinted that if the sailor failed, he hard battle by the Frog-, winning. was won by Detroit, with a mark of Associated (Dempsey' might try a come-back. We’re this of . 22 was three Press Photo continuing to 18 after the Christians came .299. The Tiger's average system. Jacob Ruppert “I still feel," said Jack, "that even near overtaking a 13 to 5 disad- better than that of the ath- (right), president of the New York Yankees, and unusual sale of shirts Doctors know that points Ed Barrow, with my long absence from ring vantage at the half. letics who finished second. secretary, barked an emphatic "no" when Babe Pvth. the and ties for the benefit I could a this modern scientific laxative Texas had ai * competition, give good ose brush with Bay- Charlie Gehrmger, Detroit second threeyear contp«ct at $85,000 annually, a raise of those who did not Jf$l5e,oboemanded account of myself with any of the works in smaller lor before winning Its second start was the busiest batsman efficiently baseman, present crop of heavyweights. On have an to The Bruins tied the count just be- He rated eleventh In opportunity ^ooes because you chew it. in the league. a the far* of things, however. I feel fore the end of the regular playing of 147. Tills gave two-stroke ad- make the! rselections Safe and mild for old and tire list with a mark of .339; played I am done as an active participant." young. period, and the Longhorns were vantage over his nearest rival. Hor- in the mo6t games—155; led in Follows Rickard our famous 9- forced to two extra sessions to ton Smith of the Missouri Ozarks. during win, stolen bases with 2t; scored 131 runs succeeded 35 to 32. 50 GOLFERS IN Among the discards—the eighty Dempsey's rankings Day Clearance. White for another title, and gained two those made for the ring for several S. M. lT. Splits Even who failed to shoot 159 or better— Broadcloth ties. He tied with his teammate. years by the late Ter Rickard. English Southern Methodist broke even were some of the country's golfing Feenamint for the most each Here's the ranked shirts at $1.45, and oth- Alexander, hits, way Dempsey in its invasion of the lower end of elite, including the veteran cam- \ 215, and with another the leaders: er shirt values in the conference, losing to the Aggies collecting THIRD ROUND paigner. Walter Hagen. The "Haig", pro- teammate, Roy Johnson, and Man- Light heavyweight— Maxey Ros- Friday night but coming back to yesterday picked up his ball at the' ush led in two base hits with 45. He enbloom. Jimmy Slattery, Lou portion. nudge out Rice, 41 to 40. last night end of the eighth hole and announ- 106 Scozza. Leo Lomskl. America’s at Houston. also batted in runs. LOS ANGELES Jan 13—HalL g^ g^ ced he “had enough." Walker. T e Babe Ruth drove out 46 home Middleweight*— Mickey most Beau- ■ 1 / Standing: a hundred select wanderers of the Caught when the storm was at its Dave Shade. Rene Devos, Ace Hud- W L Pet. runs to retain his title, while Joe tiful $1 national fairways today behind peak, the British open champion kins. Arkansas .2 0 1.000 Sewell of Cleveland, led in sacrifices put TiesJl^f C them two rounds of golf took 40 strokes on the first 8 holes, Fields and now Texas .2 0 1.000 with 41. distressing Welterweights—Jackie only over the after shooting an 81 in Friday s Texas A. 6z M.1 0 1.000 rain-soaked, wind-swept Riviera and to con- opening round. S. M. U. 1 1 .500 course, prepared CHEST Hagen was not alone. Fourteen fklN Baylor .0 1 .000 Young Guard Controls tinue play in the Los Angeles $10,- I-LrCAUS FOR 000 tournament, cheered the others gave up in despair. Chief Rice .0 2 .000 I WASHINGTON. Jan. 13—.-T»i— open by 1K1* toothing, safe ointment that fre- of a clear among these were Henry Cuicu. one T. C. U.0 2 .000 Control of the senate republican prospect day. quently relieve* in one application— of New leading pros: •nJ seldom fails organization by the "Young Guard” A young professional from Colum- England's when applied once Wood: winner of the Hawai- every hour for 5 hours. All druggist* MANY UNIONS and western Independents as bia. Ohio. Denny Shute. who yes- Craig ian A1 Watrous, Detroit MEXICO CITY. Jan 13—At the against the old ..uard regulars was l terday conquered the treacherous open: pro; beginning of 1930 there were 2.235 claimed today as the i.organized course anc! the rioting elements to Johnny Daw-son, high ranking ama- employers’ unions and 2.921 labor party was shoot a 74.