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LEAD Shanghai Programme Booklet.Pdf LEAD EU-China ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP FORUM & WORKSHOP LEAD中欧学术领导力论坛 及研讨会 13-14 November 2017 Tongji University, Shanghai 2017年11月13-14日 上海,同济大学 Organised by Tongji University & Vrije Universiteit Brussel 大会组织单位:同济大学、布鲁塞尔自由大学VUB 项目协调单位:布鲁塞尔自由大学VUB 项目资助:欧盟教育、视听及文化执行署 Supported by the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA), European Commission LEAD EU-China ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP FORUM & LEAD Workshop 13-14 November 2017 Tongji University, Shanghai Conference Hall C501(5F) Sino-French Center, Tongji University 同济大学中法中心C501, 中国上海四平路1239号 Programme 13 Nov. 9.00 -10.00 Registration Welcome Coffee 10.00-11.00 Session 1: Opening and keynote speeches Chair: Prof. YU Xuemei, Director of International Office, Tongji University LEAD project video Prof. WU Jiang, Executive Vice President of Tongji University Eddy Van Gelder, Chairman of University Council, Vrije Universiteit Brussel HUANG Baoyin, Director China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, Ministry of Education of China: Building World-Class Universities-exploration and experiences of China Martine Reicherts, Director General, Directorate-General Education and Culture (DG EAC) of European Commission Q & A Group Photo 11.00-11.20 Coffee break 11.20-12.30 Session 2:Global context and Drivers of changes for University Governance Chair: Prof. SHI Jian, Sichuan University, Director of the Centre for European Studies/Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Prof. Stavros Zenios, University of Cyprus, Former President of UNICA http://lead-project.org/ Prof. CHEN Zhimin, Associate Vice President, Fudan University Prof. Melita Kovacevic, Former Vice Rector, Zagreb University Q & A 12.30-13.45 Networking lunch 13.45-15.00 Session 3: Vision and Strategic Planning of University Governance Chair: Prof. YANG Huilin, Former vice president, Renmin University Anthony Antoine, Executive Director, Institute of European Studies, VrijeUniversiteit Brussel WU Yan, Center for World-Class Universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Prof. Gülser Köksal, Vice President, Middle East Technical University Q &A 15.00-15.20 Coffee & tea 15.20-16.30 Session 4: Panel discussions: Challenges and Strategies to enhance Academic Leadership in the EU and China contexts Chair: Prof. Dominique Verte, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Prof. Luc Taerwe, Director of China Platform, Gent University Prof. SHEN Wei, ACE Founding Co-Chair; Jean Monnet Chair in EU- China Relations; Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor International Relations, Deakin University, Australia Prof. Joao Amaro de Matos, Vice-Rector International Development, CEMS Executive Board Member, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Prof.LIU Chun, Deputy director, Office of Science and Technology, Tongji University 16.50-17.30 Session 5: Academic leadership development & Closing Session Chair: Prof. Chang Zhu, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Prof. LIU Qiang, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Associate Dean, Xinjiang Education Institute Dr. Lucas Zinner, Head of Research Services and Career Development, University of Vienna Prof. WU Jiang, Executive Vice President, Tongji University, Tongji University 18:00-20.00 Dinner offered by Prof. ZHONG Zhihua President of Tongji University http://lead-project.org/ LEAD 中欧学术领导力论坛 及研讨会 2017年11月13-14日 同济大学 中法中心C501 中国上海四平路1239号 大会议程草案 11月13日 9点-10点 代表注册及迎宾咖啡 10点-11点 第一环节:开幕式及主旨讲话 主持人:同济大学外事办公室主任于雪梅教授 LEAD 项目短视频介绍 同济大学常务副校长伍江教授致欢迎和开幕辞 布鲁塞尔自由大学 VUB 校董事会主席 Eddy Van Gelder 致辞 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心主任黄宝印主题发言: 中国世 界一流大学建设的探索与实践 欧盟委员会教育与文化总司长(DG EAC)Martine Reicherts 女 士主题发言 集体合照 11点-11点 茶歇 20分 11点20分- 第二环节:全球化背景下的大学治理的变革动力 12点30分 主持人:四川大学欧洲问题研究中心主任、欧盟“让·莫内讲席教授”石 坚教授 前 UNICA 主席、塞浦路斯大学 Stavros Zenios 教授 复旦大学校长助理陈志敏教授 萨格拉布大学前副校长 Melita Kovacevic 教授 讨论 12点30分- 交流午餐 13点45分 13点45分- 第三环节:大学治理的视野与战略规划 15点 主持人:人民大学欧洲问题研究中心主任、前副校长杨慧林教授 布鲁塞尔自由大学 VUB 欧洲研究所(IES)主任 Anthony Antoine http://lead-project.org/ 上海交通大学世界一流大学中心吴燕 中东科技大学副校长 Gülser Köksal 教授 讨论 15点-15点 茶歇 20分 15点20分- 第四环节:专家组讨论:欧盟与中国高校提升学术领导力的挑战及战 16点30分 略 主持人:布鲁塞尔自由大学(VUB)DominiqueVerte教授 根特大学中国平台主任 Luc Taerwe 教授 澳大利亚迪肯大学国际事务副校长 Jean Monnet 讲席沈伟教授 葡萄牙新里斯本大学国际事务副校长 Joao Amaro de Matos 教授 同济大学科研处刘春教授 16点50分- 第五环节: 学术领导力发展及总结闭幕式 17点30分 主持人:布鲁塞尔自由大学(VUB)LEAD项目负责人朱畅教授 北京师范大学教育学部部长助理、新疆教育学院教育科学学院 副院长刘强 维也纳大学科研服务和职业发展处主任 Lucas Zinner 博士 同济大学常务副校长伍江教授总结及闭幕发言 18点-20点 交流晚宴 http://lead-project.org/ LEAD Workshop on Academic Leadership 14 Nov. 2017 Participants with a badge for the HPPD: 14 Nov. 10:00-13.00 Participation in EU-China High Level People-to-People DialogueHPPD (Xijiao State Guest Hotel, Shanghai) 13.50 Arriving at the Conference Hall C501(5F) Sino-French Center, Tongji University 同济大学中法中心C501, 中国上海四平路1239号 14.00-14.15 Introduction of LEAD workshops 14.15-16.30 LEAD workshop: Significance and cultural perspectives of academic leadership Workshop facilitators: (15.00-15.20 coffee & tea Prof. Dr. Yasar Kondakci, METU break) Gaoming Zheng, University of Tampere 16.30-17.00 LEAD workshopSummary & closing session Dr. Meiying Jing, NAEA Prof. Joao Amaro de Matos, Vice-Rector International Development, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Prof. Stavros Zenios, University of Cyprus, Former President of UNICA 17.00-18.00 LEAD consortium meeting Project management & follow up 18.30-20.30 Dinner http://lead-project.org/ 15 November 9.00-11.00 LEAD Consortium meeting Project management and follow up LEAD MOOC LEAD Book 11.00-17.00 Partner networking social programme (optional) http://lead-project.org/ LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD Workshop 13-14 November 2017 Speakers ____________________________________________________ Martine Reicherts - Director-General for Education and Culture, European Commission 欧盟教育文化总司长 Martine Reicherts began her career as a lawyer in Luxembourg. In 1984, she joined the European institutions. Between 1995 and 1998, she was deputy head of European Commission President Jacques Santer's cabinet before becoming E. C.'s spokesperson until 1999. In 2000, she joined the General Directorate of Administration and Personnel as head of unit and became director of "Administration and personnel management" (Luxembourg & Ispra) until December 2002. From 2003 to 2007, Martine Reicherts was in charge of the Commission's Office of Infrastructures and Logistics in Luxembourg after which she was appointed Director-General of the Office of Publications until 2015. In September 2015, Martine Reicherts became Director-General of DG education, youth, sport and culture of the European Commission. HUANG Baoyin, Director of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, Ministry of Education 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心主任 黄宝印 Mr. HUANG Baoyin is the Director of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC), Ministry of Education, China. Before this, he was the Deputy Director General of the Department of Academic Degrees and Graduate Education, MOE, China; the Director of the Office of Academic Degrees' Committee of the State Council, P. R. China. He graduated in World Economics from Renmin University of China. Prof. Dr. ZHONG Zhihua - President, Tongji University 同济大学校长 钟志华 Prof. Dr. ZHONG Zhihua was appointed as President of Tongji University (Shanghai, China) in September 2016. He was born in July 1962 in Hunan Province (China), got his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping University (Sweden) in 1988, and was elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering in November 2005. He started his career in July 1992, working in succession as Dean of School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Assistant President, Vice President of Hunan University (China). He was President of Hunan University (China) from 2005 to 2010, Director of Science and Technology Commission and President of Science and Technology Association in Chongqiang Municipality from 2010 to 2014. He was Secretary General of Chinese Academy of Engineering during 2014 to 2016. LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers Prof. Dr. WU Jiang - Executive Vice President, Tongji University 同济大学常务副校长 伍江 Prof. Dr. Jiang WU, Foreign Member of Academy of Architecture (France), planner and 1st class registered architect of China, now the Executive Vice President of Tongji University, Shanghai. He is the Chairman of Shanghai Urban Planning Association, vice chairman of Urban Planning Association of China, vice chairman of Shanghai Architecture Society, and the Steering Council Member of the Architecture Society of China (ASC) from 2003. From 2010,he was elected as the Steering Committee Chairman of the Global University Partnership for Environment and Sustainability in Nairobi (GUPES).From 2003 to 2008, Wu was the deputy director general of Shanghai Municipal Urban Planning Administration Bureau. In the past 20 years, Wu has published more than 10 books and more than 70 articles in his research fields. Eddy Van Gelder - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vrije Universiteit Brussel 布鲁塞尔自由大学VUB大学董事会主席 From 1984 to 2017 he is the general manager of the Brussels Regional Investment Company (BRIC). This investment company is owned by the Brussels Regional Government and its goal is to support the development of small businesses in the Brussels region. From 2001 till now Chairman of the board of Directors of VUB with the change of the governance model as one of the most important issues during the last years. He is Board member of different (Kaaitheater, Magritte museum) cultural organizations. He is also Member of the Board of Director of International Solvay Institutes, University Hospital of VUB, and Chairman
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