13-14 November 2017 Tongji University, 2017年11月13-14日 上海,同济大学

Organised by Tongji University & Vrije Universiteit Brussel 大会组织单位:同济大学、布鲁塞尔自由大学VUB


项目资助:欧盟教育、视听及文化执行署 Supported by the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA), European Commission

LEAD EU-China ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP FORUM & LEAD Workshop 13-14 November 2017 Tongji University, Shanghai

Conference Hall C501(5F) Sino-French Center, Tongji University 同济大学中法中心C501, 中国上海四平路1239号


13 Nov. 9.00 -10.00 Registration Welcome Coffee 10.00-11.00 Session 1: Opening and keynote speeches Chair: Prof. YU Xuemei, Director of International Office, Tongji University  LEAD project video  Prof. WU Jiang, Executive Vice President of Tongji University  Eddy Van Gelder, Chairman of University Council, Vrije Universiteit Brussel  HUANG Baoyin, Director China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, Ministry of Education of China: Building World-Class Universities-exploration and experiences of China  Martine Reicherts, Director General, Directorate-General Education and Culture (DG EAC) of European Commission  Q & A Group Photo 11.00-11.20 Coffee break 11.20-12.30 Session 2:Global context and Drivers of changes for University Governance Chair: Prof. SHI Jian, Sichuan University, Director of the Centre for European Studies/Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence  Prof. Stavros Zenios, University of Cyprus, Former President of UNICA


 Prof. CHEN Zhimin, Associate Vice President, Fudan University  Prof. Melita Kovacevic, Former Vice Rector, Zagreb University  Q & A 12.30-13.45 Networking lunch 13.45-15.00 Session 3: Vision and Strategic Planning of University Governance Chair: Prof. YANG Huilin, Former vice president, Renmin University  Anthony Antoine, Executive Director, Institute of European Studies, VrijeUniversiteit Brussel  WU Yan, Center for World-Class Universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University  Prof. Gülser Köksal, Vice President, Middle East Technical University  Q &A 15.00-15.20 Coffee & tea 15.20-16.30 Session 4: Panel discussions: Challenges and Strategies to enhance Academic Leadership in the EU and China contexts Chair: Prof. Dominique Verte, Vrije Universiteit Brussel  Prof. Luc Taerwe, Director of China Platform, Gent University  Prof. SHEN Wei, ACE Founding Co-Chair; Jean Monnet Chair in EU- China Relations; Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor International Relations, Deakin University, Australia  Prof. Joao Amaro de Matos, Vice-Rector International Development, CEMS Executive Board Member, Universidade Nova de Lisboa  Prof.LIU Chun, Deputy director, Office of Science and Technology, Tongji University 16.50-17.30 Session 5: Academic leadership development & Closing Session Chair: Prof. Chang Zhu, Vrije Universiteit Brussel  Prof. LIU Qiang, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Associate Dean, Xinjiang Education Institute  Dr. Lucas Zinner, Head of Research Services and Career Development, University of Vienna  Prof. WU Jiang, Executive Vice President, Tongji University, Tongji University 18:00-20.00 Dinner offered by Prof. ZHONG Zhihua President of Tongji University


LEAD 中欧学术领导力论坛 及研讨会 2017年11月13-14日 同济大学

中法中心C501 中国上海四平路1239号

大会议程草案 11月13日 9点-10点 代表注册及迎宾咖啡 10点-11点 第一环节:开幕式及主旨讲话 主持人:同济大学外事办公室主任于雪梅教授  LEAD 项目短视频介绍  同济大学常务副校长伍江教授致欢迎和开幕辞  布鲁塞尔自由大学 VUB 校董事会主席 Eddy Van Gelder 致辞  教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心主任黄宝印主题发言: 中国世 界一流大学建设的探索与实践  欧盟委员会教育与文化总司长(DG EAC)Martine Reicherts 女 士主题发言

集体合照 11点-11点 茶歇 20分 11点20分- 第二环节:全球化背景下的大学治理的变革动力 12点30分 主持人:四川大学欧洲问题研究中心主任、欧盟“让·莫内讲席教授”石 坚教授  前 UNICA 主席、塞浦路斯大学 Stavros Zenios 教授  复旦大学校长助理陈志敏教授  萨格拉布大学前副校长 Melita Kovacevic 教授  讨论 12点30分- 交流午餐 13点45分 13点45分- 第三环节:大学治理的视野与战略规划 15点 主持人:人民大学欧洲问题研究中心主任、前副校长杨慧林教授  布鲁塞尔自由大学 VUB 欧洲研究所(IES)主任 Anthony Antoine


 上海交通大学世界一流大学中心吴燕  中东科技大学副校长 Gülser Köksal 教授  讨论 15点-15点 茶歇 20分 15点20分- 第四环节:专家组讨论:欧盟与中国高校提升学术领导力的挑战及战 16点30分 略 主持人:布鲁塞尔自由大学(VUB)DominiqueVerte教授  根特大学中国平台主任 Luc Taerwe 教授  澳大利亚迪肯大学国际事务副校长 Jean Monnet 讲席沈伟教授  葡萄牙新里斯本大学国际事务副校长 Joao Amaro de Matos 教授  同济大学科研处刘春教授 16点50分- 第五环节: 学术领导力发展及总结闭幕式 17点30分 主持人:布鲁塞尔自由大学(VUB)LEAD项目负责人朱畅教授  北京师范大学教育学部部长助理、新疆教育学院教育科学学院 副院长刘强  维也纳大学科研服务和职业发展处主任 Lucas Zinner 博士  同济大学常务副校长伍江教授总结及闭幕发言 18点-20点 交流晚宴


LEAD Workshop on Academic Leadership 14 Nov. 2017 Participants with a badge for the HPPD: 14 Nov. 10:00-13.00 Participation in EU-China High Level People-to-People DialogueHPPD (Xijiao State Guest Hotel, Shanghai)

13.50 Arriving at the Conference Hall C501(5F) Sino-French Center, Tongji University

同济大学中法中心C501, 中国上海四平路1239号

14.00-14.15 Introduction of LEAD workshops

14.15-16.30 LEAD workshop: Significance and cultural perspectives of academic leadership

 Workshop facilitators: (15.00-15.20 coffee & tea Prof. Dr. Yasar Kondakci, METU break) Gaoming Zheng, University of Tampere 16.30-17.00 LEAD workshopSummary & closing session

 Dr. Meiying Jing, NAEA  Prof. Joao Amaro de Matos, Vice-Rector International Development, Universidade Nova de Lisboa  Prof. Stavros Zenios, University of Cyprus, Former President of UNICA 17.00-18.00 LEAD consortium meeting  Project management & follow up

18.30-20.30 Dinner


15 November

9.00-11.00 LEAD Consortium meeting  Project management and follow up  LEAD MOOC  LEAD Book 11.00-17.00 Partner networking social programme (optional)


LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD Workshop 13-14 November 2017

Speakers ______

Martine Reicherts - Director-General for Education and Culture, European Commission 欧盟教育文化总司长 Martine Reicherts began her career as a lawyer in Luxembourg. In 1984, she joined the European institutions. Between 1995 and 1998, she was deputy head of European Commission President Jacques Santer's cabinet before becoming E. C.'s spokesperson until 1999. In 2000, she joined the General Directorate of Administration and Personnel as head of unit and became director of "Administration and personnel management" (Luxembourg & Ispra) until December 2002. From 2003 to 2007, Martine Reicherts was in charge of the Commission's Office of Infrastructures and Logistics in Luxembourg after which she was appointed Director-General of the Office of Publications until 2015. In September 2015, Martine Reicherts became Director-General of DG education, youth, sport and culture of the European Commission.

HUANG Baoyin, Director of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, Ministry of Education 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心主任 黄宝印 Mr. HUANG Baoyin is the Director of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC), Ministry of Education, China. Before this, he was the Deputy Director General of the Department of Academic Degrees and Graduate Education, MOE, China; the Director of the Office of Academic Degrees' Committee of the State Council, P. R. China. He graduated in World Economics from Renmin University of China.

Prof. Dr. ZHONG Zhihua - President, Tongji University 同济大学校长 钟志华 Prof. Dr. ZHONG Zhihua was appointed as President of Tongji University (Shanghai, China) in September 2016. He was born in July 1962 in Hunan Province (China), got his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping University (Sweden) in 1988, and was elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering in November 2005. He started his career in July 1992, working in succession as Dean of School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Assistant President, Vice President of Hunan University (China). He was President of Hunan University (China) from 2005 to 2010, Director of Science and Technology Commission and President of Science and Technology Association in Chongqiang Municipality from 2010 to 2014. He was Secretary General of Chinese Academy of Engineering during 2014 to 2016.

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers

Prof. Dr. WU Jiang - Executive Vice President, Tongji University 同济大学常务副校长 伍江 Prof. Dr. Jiang WU, Foreign Member of Academy of Architecture (France), planner and 1st class registered architect of China, now the Executive Vice President of Tongji University, Shanghai. He is the Chairman of Shanghai Urban Planning Association, vice chairman of Urban Planning Association of China, vice chairman of Shanghai Architecture Society, and the Steering Council Member of the Architecture Society of China (ASC) from 2003. From 2010,he was elected as the Steering Committee Chairman of the Global University Partnership for Environment and Sustainability in Nairobi (GUPES).From 2003 to 2008, Wu was the deputy director general of Shanghai Municipal Urban Planning Administration Bureau. In the past 20 years, Wu has published more than 10 books and more than 70 articles in his research fields.

Eddy Van Gelder - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vrije Universiteit Brussel 布鲁塞尔自由大学VUB大学董事会主席 From 1984 to 2017 he is the general manager of the Brussels Regional Investment Company (BRIC). This investment company is owned by the Brussels Regional Government and its goal is to support the development of small businesses in the Brussels region. From 2001 till now Chairman of the board of Directors of VUB with the change of the governance model as one of the most important issues during the last years. He is Board member of different (Kaaitheater, Magritte museum) cultural organizations. He is also Member of the Board of Director of International Solvay Institutes, University Hospital of VUB, and Chairman Audit Committee, GREDIMO.

Prof. Dr. YU Xuemei - Director of International Office, Tongji University 同济大学外事办公室主任 于雪梅 Prof. Dr. YU Xuemei was appointed as Director of the International Office of Tongji University (Shanghai, PR China) in April 2014. She got her PHD degree at the Technical University Berlin (Germany) in 2004 majored in Intercultural Communication and German as foreign language. She started her career in July 1993, working in succession as Dean of School of International Education, Director of Deutschkolleg of Tongji University. She worked for Ministry of Education of China from 1997 to 1998 in Peking and researched as Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Technical University Berlin from 2007 to 2008.

Prof. Shi Jian, former vice president of Sichuan University 四川大学欧洲研究中心主任 石坚 SHI Jian is Jean Monnet Chair Professor in EU social studies (2008 -), former vice president of Sichuan University for the international affairs (2001-2012), Chair of Academic Board of Brussels Academy for China and European Studies (BACES) since 2014, and the director of the Centre for European Studies/Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. Prof. Dr. Shi has his doctorate from Lehigh University, U.S.A, and his research focus is on European Culture, EU society studies and also the European Integration and China-EU people to people dialogue. He has been leading EU Jean Monnet and Erasmus funded projects, and has published 10 books and over 70 papers in academic journals. Prof. Dr. Shi has also offered courses in European/EU studies both at undergraduate and graduate levels at Sichuan University.

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers

Prof. Stavros Zenios, former President of UNICA, former rector of University of Cyprus 欧洲首都大学联盟前任主席、塞普里斯大学前校长 Stavros Zenios is professor of Finance and Management Science at University of Cyprus and Senior Fellow at The Wharton School Financial Institutions Center. He is currently holder of a Maria Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship and a Visiting Fellow of the Brussels-based think tank Bruegel. He was a past president of UNICA and Rector of University of Cyprus during 2002-2010, and served as vice-chairman of the Cyprus Council of Economic Advisors and on the Board of the Central Bank of Cyprus. He is the author of two books and more than 130 articles in leading international journals in risk management, financial engineering and management science. He received awards for work on the performance of financial institutions and was recipient of the 2006 EURO Excellence in Practice Award for work on personal financial planning. His book with Patrick Harker on the «Performance of Financial Institutions» was translated in Chinese.

Prof. Dr. Chen Zhimin - Associate Vice President of Fudan University 复旦大学校长助理 陈志敏 Dr. Chen Zhimin is Associate Vice President of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He is a Changjiang Scholar and a Jean Monnet Chair of European foreign policy. He is vice president of Chinese Association of International Studies. He serves as editor- in-chief of Chinese Political Science Review, member of Advisory Board or editorial committee of several international journals, such as The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and The Pacific Review. His research interests include international relations theory, diplomacy studies, Chinese foreign policy and EU studies. His major publications in Chinese include: China, the United States and Europe: Cooperation and Competition in a New Trilateral Relation (2011, first author); Contemporary Diplomacy (2008, first author); Foreign Policy Integration in European Union: An Mission Impossible? (2003, first author); Subnational Governments and Foreign Affairs (2001). He also co-edited (with David Zweig) China's Reforms and International Political Economy (2007). Professor Chen received all his degrees from Fudan University. He was a visiting fellow at Harvard University (1996-1997), also visiting scholar at Queen’s University, University of Durham, Lund University, Sciences Po. and Keio University. He was made a Chevalier dans L’Ordre des Palmes Academiques by the French Government in 2006.

Prof. Dr. Melita Kovačević, former vice rector of Zagreb University 萨格拉布大学前副校长 Prof. Dr. Melita Kovačević is former vice rector of Zagreb University. Prof. Kovačević initiated the establishment of a joint program on master level Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Program in Cognitive Science on the level of the University of Zagreb. Prof. Kovačević has been involved in Higher Education reform on university, national and European level. She has been a member of numerous national and EU bodies, working groups as well as she organized and participated in related activities. Prof. Kovačević has worked in a multitude of European and American universities as a researcher, senior scholar or as invited lecturer. Her main research interests are cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, cognitive neuroscience and language pathology.

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers

Prof. Dr. Yang Huilin, Director of Centre for European Studies, Renmin University of China 中国人民大学原副校长、中国人民大学国学院院长、欧洲问题 研究中心主任 杨慧林 Yang Huilin earned his M. A. in Literature and Ph. D. in Philosophy from Renmin University of China (RUC). He was previously Vice-President of Renmin University of China (2008-2014) and the President of China Comparative Literature Association (2011-2014). Currently he serves as the Vice-Chair of the University Academic Committee, Vice-President of China Religious Society, member of the Academic Degree Commission of Sate Council as well as the Director of Centre for European Studies at Renmin University of China. As a scholar of religious studies and comparative literature, his publications in Chinese include Christian Background and Its Cultural Extension (2001), Brief History of Western Literary Criticism (2003), The Guide to Western Literary Criticism (2013), At the Boundary of Literature and Theology (2012), Searching for the Meaning (2013), etc. The collections of his papers in English include Christianity in China: the Work of Yang Huilin (M.E. Sharpe Ltd. 2004) and China, Christianity and Questions of Culture (Baylor University Press, 2014), which was awarded the Christianity Today’s 2015 Book Awards in the United States.

Anthony Antoine - Executive Director, Institute for European Studies, VUB 布鲁塞尔自由大学VUB欧洲研究院执行主任 Anthony ANTOINE has been the Executive Director of the Institute for European Studies (IES) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) since 2002 and Deputy Director of the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) since 2016. He is member of the VUB University Council and member of the audit committee of the Erasmus University College Brussels. He is familiar with university structures and has an expertise in executive management in both the private and the public sector. Anthony holds a degree in Political Science and studied at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the University of Central Lancashire (Preston, UK) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Yan WU, Center for World-Class Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学世界一流大学中心 吴燕 Yan WU is an Assistant Professor at the Center for World-Class Universities (CWCU) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). She has been in the ranking team at CWCU since 2005. She obtained her bachelor (2000) and master degree (2003) both in Philosophy from East China Normal Universities. Since 2013, she has been a Ph.D. candidate majoring in Public Management of Education at SJTU. Her primary research interests include the ranking and evaluation of universities. She had been responsible for the Global Research University Profiles (GRUP) project, which started in 2011 and has been developing a database on the facts and figures of around 1200 research universities in the world. The database has been or will be used to produce much more comprehensive and customized comparisons of research universities at a global level. Since 2016, she has been responsible for the International Conference on World-class Universities. She spoke on her research at the IREG-7 Conference, AIR Forum 2016 etc.

Prof. Dr. Gülser Köksal- Vice President of Middle East Technical University 中东科技大学副校长 Gülser Köksal is Vice President of Middle East Technical University. She is responsible for strategic planning, institutional research and IT management. She is also a faculty member at the Industrial Engineering Department of METU. She has worked as a consultant and at visiting positions for several academic and industrial organizations for total quality management, product planning and design optimization. Her research focuses on similar areas as well as decision making and data mining, about which she published extensively.

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers

Prof. Dr. Dominique Verté, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 布鲁塞尔自由大学 VUB 教育 系副主任、校董事会成员 PhD in gerontology, Dominique Verté is Professor at the Department of Adult Educational Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Together with prof. Nico De Witte he is the founding director of the Belgian Ageing Studies. This is a research project which aims to measure the living conditions and quality of life of older people in Belgian municipalities. The project promotes evidence-based policy at the local level by providing input and mobilizing knowledge for planning and inclusive, age-friendly policy programs. He supervises several PhD students in the field of social gerontology. He has also been involved in several qualitative studies, which focus on diverse aspects of growing older in the city and several European research projects. His research interests have focused on political, social and cultural participation in old age, community development and volunteering, civic engagement, housing and age-friendly communities, problems of social exclusion, and issues relating to vulnerability and elder abuse. Besides teaching and supervising several research projects, Dominique is also member of the board of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel since 1993 and has excellent managerial skills.

Prof. Dr. ir. Luc Taerwe, director of the China Platform of Ghent University 根特大学中国平台主任 Luc Taerwe is a Senior Full professor in Structural Concrete at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium), where he is a member of the Board of Directors, the Pro Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Director of the Magnel Lab for Concrete Research and Head of the Department of Structural Engineering. Moreover he is a member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Technical Sciences and he was a High- End Foreign Expert at Tongji University (2014-2016; Shanghai). He is also director of the China Platform of Ghent University and he has an extensive experience in co- operation with Chinese universities . Prof. Dr. Wei SHEN, Co-Chair of Alliance of Chinese and European Business Schools, Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (International Relations) at Deakin University 澳大利亚墨尔本迪肯大学协理副校长、中欧商校联盟联合创办人与联席 主席 Prof. Shen is the Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (International Relations) at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia since September 2017, and holds the Jean Monnet Chair in EU - China relations awarded by the European Commission. Prior to Deakin, he was the Director of Confucius Institute and Professor of International Business at Lancaster University (UK) and Associate Dean for China and Professor of International Affairs at ESSCA School of Management (France). He is also the founding Co-Chair of Alliance of Chinese and European Business Schools (ACE), Vice-President of EU-Asia Centre, Special Dean’s Advisor for Beijing Jiaotong University School of Economics and Management and Research Professor at ESSCA EU-Asia Institute. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) and has been an invited professor at Sciences Po de Paris, Institut des Hautes Etudes Européennes (Strasbourg), Antwerp Management School and several leading Chinese universities.

Prof. Dr. JOÃO AMARO DE MATOS, Vice-Rector International Development, Universidade Nova de Lisboa 葡萄牙新里斯本大学国际事务副校长 Prof. Dr. JOÃO AMARO DE MATOS is Vice-Rector International Development and CEMS Executive Board Member of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He holds a PhD in Physics (USP, Brazil, 1988) and a PhD in Finance (INSEAD, 1995). Besides his productive academic and research international activity in Europe and Latin America he is the Associate Dean for Institutional Relations and International Development at Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 2005. He is a CEMS Executive board member since 2008 and has been appointed by EFMD as expert supporting business education development in Cuba.

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers

Prof. Dr. Chun Liu, Tongji University 同济大学科研处副处长 刘春 Dr. Chun Liu works as the deputy director of Office of Science and Technology and he is responsible for the research project management at Tongji University. Meanwhile, he is a professor at the College of Surveying and GeoInformatics, Tongji University, Shanghai, P. R. China. From 2005, he is Deputy Director of Key Lab of Advanced Engineering Surveying of National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformaiton (NASMG).His research interests focus on spatial data quality, LiDAR data processing, and integrated geographical data and GPS measurements for urban and engineering applications. He worked as the research fellow at The Hong Kong polytechnic University, Nottingham University and The Ohio State University respectively. As a Principle Investigator (PI), he manges around 20 research funds, provided by NSFC, State 973 Plan, State 863 Plan and local Shanghai government. He is a member of the expert group of the State 863 scientific projects of Navigation and LBS. He got the first class award of China surveying and mapping science and technology progress and second class award of Shanghai science and technology progress in 2011. So far, he has developed 5 patents and 9 copyrighted protection software and he has published more than 100 publications, covering the geographic information science, integration of 3S and imagery processing.

Dr. Qiang Liu, Associate Dean, Xinjiang Education Institute; Assistant Dean, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学教育学部部长助理 (分管国际交流与合作)、新疆教育学院教育科学学院副院长 Dr. Qiang Liu is Assistant Dean for International Exchanges, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, and International PhD Supervisor at Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Associate Dean for Research and Curriculum Innovation at Xinjiang Education Institute, Assistant Secretary-General of Comparative Education Society of Asia, and Executive Director of APEC Higher Education Research Center. He got his PhD from Newcastle University (UK) with distinction and then became a post-doctoral researcher in Graduate School of Education, Peking University. He was Senior Researcher in E.G. West Center, Newcastle University from September, 2007 to December, 2009, Visiting Fellow in Atlas Economic Research Foundation, United States in 2006, Visiting Scholar of Erasmus Mundus Programme with the support of European Union in 2015. His research mainly focuses on comparative study of UK higher education, internationalization of higher education, policy analysis of educational finance. At the moment, he has been the Principals Investigator in 1 national project, 4 ministerial and provincial projects, 7 international projects, and actively participated in several major projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education, P.R. China.

Dr. Lucas Zinner, University of Vienna 维也纳大学科研与职业发展处主任 Since more than 20 years Lucas Zinner is dedicated to research and research policy and is currently head of the Research Services and Career Development Department of the University of Vienna. After conducting research in Mathematics and working in the Austrian Science Foundation, he returned to the University of Vienna in 2004 and help establishing the Research Services and Technology Transfer Department. Since 2007 he has been in charge of setting up the university-wide Centre for Doctoral Studies. Lucas is involved in many international projects related to the Research – Education – Innovation triangle such as the EUCHINADOC project. He is actively participating in international conferences and was invited speaker, e.g. at the University Business Forum 2013, the 2013 Meeting of the Council of Deans and Directors of Graduate Research in Australia, at EUA-CDE and UKCGE in 2015 or PraxisUnico in 2016. Moreover, Lucas was delegated by the Austrian Ministry to the ERA Working Group on Innovative Doctoral Training of the European Commission, and - linking theory and practice - he has experiences in acting as a facilitator and trainer in workshops for PhD supervisors. As coordinator of the EU funded LLP Project PRIDE dealing with the professionalization of staff supporting doctoral education at higher education institutions Lucas prepared the basis to establish the international PRIDE Network Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education and is currently acting as its president.

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers

Prof. Dr. Chang Zhu - Director VUB-CI and EU-China Higher Education Research Center, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 布鲁塞尔自由大学 VUB 中欧高等 教育研究中心主任、LEAD 项目负责人朱畅教授 Prof. Dr. Chang Zhu is the LEAD Project Manager. She is professor in Educational Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel since 2010. Prof. Chang Zhu coordinates the LEAD (Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education) project (from 2015- 2018); and from 2013-2016 she was project coordinator of the EU-China DOC project under the EU Erasmus Mundus Program. Prof. Chang Zhu is director of the EU-China Higher Education Research Center (ECHE), the Online and Blended Learning Competence Center, and the Belgian Director of the Confucius Institute at VUB. She is promoter and principal investigator of several key fundamental research projects in the field of higher education, internationalisation, university governance, academic leadership, international academic mobility, student competence and literacy development, and educational innovations.

Dr. Jing Meiying 国家教育行政学院国际合作与培训部副主任 井美莹 Jing Meiyiing is deputy director in the Office of International Cooperation, National Academy of Education Administration (NAEA). Previously she worked as deputy director of Division of Research and Cooperation, NAEA; senior program officer and secretary of external relations at the NAEA President’s Office. She also served as education officer in London from 2003 to 2006 at the Chinese Embassy to the UK. She was a visiting research fellow at the University of Sydney from June to August in 2009 as an Australian Government Endeavor Award. As a Ph. D student at Peking University, she took a three-month research visit at the University of Tampere funded by the Chinese government scholarship. Her research interest is on the transformation of Chinese local universities and the research at University of Applied Sciences.

Prof. Dr. Yasar Kondakci 土耳其中东科技大学教育管理与规划副教授 Prof. Dr. Kondakci is Associate Professor in Educational Administration and Planning at The Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey. Prof. Dr. Kondakci gained his PhD degree at Ghent University, Belgium in the field of Management and Organization. His research focuses on higher education, educational change, and social justice in education. Dr. Kondakci is a section editor of the Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (REAL) journal. He served as council member of the European Educational Research Association between 2008-2009. He is still on the administrative board of the Turkish Educational Administration Research and Development Association (EARDA). Dr. Kondakci has been serving as the Associate Dean to the Graduate School of Social Sciences at the Middle East Technical University. His articles have been published in prominent journals of educational sciences field including Higher Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Management, Administration and Leadership.

Gaoming Zheng 芬兰坦佩雷大学高等教育组 郑高明 Gaoming Zheng is a University Instructor, doctoral candidate, at Higher Education Group (HEG), Faculty of Management, University of Tampere in Finland. She received her master degree from Master of Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE) Programme, funded by Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, and her bachelor degree on English studies from Southeast University. Her doctoral research is on quality assurance of doctoral education collaboration between Europe and China. She is also engaged in several international projects, such as ‘EU-China-Doc Project’ and ‘LEAD’ Project, Project of Capacity building of Finnish-Chinese educational cooperation professionals. Her paper “Towards an analytical framework for understanding the development of a quality assurance system in an international joint programme” was awarded the Best Paper Prize at the Eu-Spri Forum Early Career Researcher(ECC):“Science, Innovation and the University: Keys to Social Impacts” in 2016. Her research area covers European-Chinese collaboration in higher education, doctoral education, internationalization of higher education, and quality assurance.

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum & LEAD workshop Speakers

Participants list ______

Name Institution Position/Function Marcin Grabiec Delegation of the European Union to China Education and Culture Counsellor Martine Reicherts European Commission Director General DG EAC Leena Wilkman University of Tampere Head of International Education Center Yuzhuo Cai University of Tampere Professor, Higher Education Group Yohannes Mehari University of Tampere Higher Education Group Yulia Shumilova University of Tampere Higher Education Group Sari Saastamoinen University of Tampere Head of Administration, Faculty of Management Gaoming Zheng University of Tampere Researcher, Higher Education Group Eddy Van Gelder Vrije Universiteit Brussel Chairman, University Council/Board of Directors, VUB Advisor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Belgian Dominique Verte Vrije Universiteit Brussel Ageing Studies Chang Zhu Vrije Universiteit Brussel LEAD coordinator, Director VUB ECHE & VUB-CI Anthony Antoine Vrije Universiteit Brussel Director, Institute of European Studies (IES) Eugenia Marchetti Vrije Universiteit Brussel LEAD Project Management Unit Joao Amaro Matos Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Vice Rector International Development Gülser Köksal Middle East Technical University Vice President Yasar Kondakci Middle East Technical University Associate Professor in Educational Administration & Planning Advisor to the President for International Relations and Hale IşıkGüler Middle East Technical University Collaborations Melita Kovacevic Zagreb University Former Vice Rector Stavros Zenios University of Cyprus Former Vice Rector; Professor of Finance and Management Science

LEAD Shanghai Forum

Lucas Zinner University of Vienna Head of Department - Research Services and Career Development Luc Taerwe Gent University Director of China Platform China Platform, Representative of Province of East Flanders and Chi Zhang Gent University Ghent University of Belgium Huang Baoyin Director China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Ministry of Education 教育部 黄宝印 Development Center 学位与研究生教育发展中心主任 Huang Renwei SASS Board Chair, SASS High-End Think Tank; Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) 黄仁伟 SAAS Former Vice President Wu Xueming 吴雪明 Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) Director, Office of International Cooperation, SASS Jiang Hongchi 蒋洪池 China University of Geosciences (CUG) professor from Higher Education Research Institute of CUG Liu Xu 刘旭 China University of Geosciences (CUG) Lecturer from Higher Education Research Institute of CUG Lv Jinhan 吕金函 Fudan University PhD Student Chen Zhimin 陈志敏 Fudan University Associate Vice President Guo Jianru 郭建如 Peking University Professor, Management of Higher Education Jing Meiying 井美莹 National Academy of Education Administration Deputy Director of International Cooperation and Offshore Training Wu Xiao 伍肖 National Academy of Education Administration Programme Officer Li Qian 李虔 Guizhou Institute of Technology Lecturer Luo Bin 罗滨 Yunnan Normal University Deputy Dean, School of Information Science & Technology Liu Yan 刘艳 Yunnan Normal University Deputy Director of Scientific Research Department Cha Shijun 茶世俊 Yunnan Normal University Deputy Dean of Leader Training College Liu Liusheng 刘六生 Yunnan Normal University Deputy Dean of Higher Education Research Institute Li Jingjing 李晶晶 Yunnan Normal University Higher Education Research Institute 高等教育学院讲师

LEAD Shanghai Forum

Li Zhen 李震 Yunnan Normal University Scientific Research Department Director of Centre for European Studies, Former Vice President, Yang Huilin 杨慧林 Renmin University of China Dean of School of Chinese Classics Yan Jin 闫瑾 Renmin University of China Executive Director of Centre for European Studies Song Baowen 宋宝雯 Renmin University of China Coordinator of Centre for European Studies Guan Kongwen Renmin University of China Program Manager of Centre for European Studies 关孔文 Executive Deputy Director of the Centre for European Studies/Jean Li Zhuyu 李竹渝 Sichuan University Monnet Centre of Excellence Director of the Centre for European Studies/Jean Monnet Centre of Shi Jian 石坚 Sichuan University Excellence Zeren Langjia Sichuan University PhD Researcher Song Jianbo 宋建波 Guizhou Institute of Technology 贵州理工学院 Vice President Kong Lingyu 孔令昱 Guizhou Institute of Technology 贵州理工学院 International Exchange & Cooperation Office Liu Hua 刘华 Shanxi University Associate Dean,School of International Education Deputy Director of Center for EU Studies, Director of Academic Xin Hua 忻华 Shanghai International Studies University Research, Shanghai Institute for European Studies He Gang 何刚 Huazhong University of Science and Technology Deputy Director, International Exchange Center Tingzhu Chen 陈廷柱 Huazhong University of Science and Technology Associate Dean, School of Education Li Liu 刘黎 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Director of Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School Wu Yan 吴燕 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Center for World-Class Universities Chen Bing 陈兵 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Vice Director of Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School Zhong Zhihua 钟志华 Tongji University President

LEAD Shanghai Forum

Wu Jiang 伍江 Tongji University Executive Vice President, International Office Yu Xuemei 于雪梅 Tongji University Director, International Office Zhang Xiangrong Tongji University Program Coordinator, International Office 张向荣 Liu Chun 刘春 Tongji University Professor/ Deputy director, Office of Science and Technology Wang Guojun 王国军 Tongji-SEM Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management Zhou Hua Tongji-SEM Associate professor, School of Economics and Management Chen Weizhong Tongji-SEM Professor School of Economics and Management Ulf Henning Richter Tongji-SEM Associate Professor of Global Business and Strategy Yang Liu Tongji-SEM Assistant Professor School of Economics and Management Tong Aiqin Tongji-SEM Associate Professor School of Economics and Management Fan Xiudi Tongji University Associate Researcher Cai Sanfa 蔡三发 Tongji University Deputy Director Division of Planning and Development, professor Jiang Jie 姜洁 Tongji University Administrative Assistant Division of Planning and Development Cai Wendi Tongji-SEM PHD Student School of Economics and Management Zong Danlei Tongji-SEM Master Student School of Economics and Management Li Weiwei Tongji University Master student of Higher Education Institution Andrea Sianesi MIP Politecnico di Milano Dean, MIP Politecnico Ying Zhang RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam Associate Dean for China, RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam ACE Founding Co-Chair; Jean Monnet Chair in Wei Shen ESSCA School of Management EU-China Relations Samir Ayoub ESSCA School of Management, Angers, France Dean, ESSCA School of Management Maximilian Rech ESSCA School of Management Programme Director Alejandro Escudero- ESSCA School of Management Associate Dean for International Relations Yerro

LEAD Shanghai Forum

Rui Yan EU-Asia Centre Project Officer Liping Xue Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Deputy Dean of School of Business Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Xi Chen Director of International Relations School of Business, Hong Zhao University of China Academy of Sciences Dean, Sino-Danish Centre Guowei Hua Beijing Jiaotong University Associate Dean, School of Economics and Management Qiusheng Zhang Beijing Jiaotong University Dean, School of Economics and Management Lin Goethals ESSCA School of Management Research Assistant ESSCA School of Management / Ghent Andrea Strelcova Research Assistant / PhD Candidate University Beijing Normal University; Xinjiang Education Assistant Dean, Faculty of Education, BNU; Associate Dean for LIU Qiang 刘强 Institute Research and Curriculum Innovation at Xinjiang Education Institute Xinjiang Education Institute 新疆教育学院教育 孜维达˙阿布都克里木 Dean 院长 科学学院

LEAD Shanghai Forum

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum Practical info ______

How to get to to Tongji University/ Kingswell Hotel Tongji/ Jinjiang Metropolo Hotel

 From Shanghai Hongqiao Airport/ Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station . Taxi(about 90 RMB, 40minutes) . Metro line 10 ( direction of Xinjiangwancheng Station)to Tongji University Station (5 RMB, about 1 hour)

 From Shanghai Pudong International Airport . Taxi(about 180 RMB, 1 hour) . Metro east extension(the direction of ), interchange to metro line 2 (the direction of East Xujing Station)to East Nanjing Road Station, interchange to metro line 10 (the direction of Xinjiangwancheng Station)to Tongji University Station (7 RMB, about 2hours )


. Kingswell Hotel Tongji 同济君禧大酒店 Address 地址: No.50, Zhangwu Road, Yangpu District, 200092 Shanghai. 上海市杨浦区彰武路 50 号 Tel 电话: (+86)21-33626888

. Jinjiang Metropolo Hotel (Magnotel Hotel in the map) 锦江都城上海白玉兰宾馆 Address 地址: No.1251, Siping Road, Yangpu District, 200092 Shanghai. 上海市杨浦区四平路 1251 号 TEL 电话:(+86)21-65986888

Registration: Date: November 13th,from 09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Venue: Room C501, Sino-French Center, Tongji University, 1239, Siping Road, Yangpu District, 200092 Shanghai, China

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum – practical info

会议报到及参会路线: 报到时间:11月13日周一 上午09:00-10:00 地点:上海市杨浦区四平路1239号 同济大学中法中心C501 (5楼) 到达路线: 1. 上海虹桥国际机场或上海虹桥站(高铁站)至同济大学/君禧/白玉兰 出租车(约90元,40分钟)或地铁10号线(新江湾城方向,5元,1小时)至同济大学 站 2. 上海浦东国际机场至同济大学/君禧/白玉兰 出租车(约180元,1小时)或地铁2号线(广兰路方向),广兰路下车,站内换乘地 铁2号线(徐泾东方向)至南京东路站,换乘10号线(新江湾城方向)至同济大学站

入住酒店信息: 上海同济君禧大酒店 地址:上海杨浦区彰武路50号,近四平路。 联系电话: 021-3362 6888 上海锦江都城白玉兰宾馆 地址:上海杨浦区四平路1251号,近国康路。 联系电话: 021-6598 6888

会务联系: 会务组:韩世荣 电话:139 1896 6444 邮箱:[email protected] 同济大学外办 张向荣 电话:021 6598 9031 手机/微信:136 3668 6730 邮箱:[email protected]

Contacts: Mr. HAN Shirong, Working group of LEAD Worksop Tel (+86) 13918966444 [email protected]

Mr. ZHANG Xiangrong, International Office, Tongji University TEL: 0086 21 65989031 Mobile/Wechat: 13636686730 [email protected]

Prof. Chang Zhu +32 (0)472660624 [email protected]

LEAD Academic Leadership Forum – practical info

LEAD Academic Leadership F orum-practical info

Governance and Academic Leadership of Chinese and European Universities in the Context of Innovation and Internationalization (LEAD)

中欧大学治理和学术领导力项目: 在创新和国际化背景下中欧大学治理和学术领导力能力建设

www.lead-project.org ABOUT THE LEAD PROJECT The LEAD project aims to enhance the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions related to Governance and Academic leadership in the context of Innovation and Internationalisation of Higher Education in China and the EU.

The LEAD project is supported by the European Commission within the framework of its Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building funding scheme in the field of Higher Education. LEAD is coordinated by Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In this three-year initiative, six series of workshops and other project activities in the EU and China will be organised from October 2015 to October 2018.

LEAD项目旨在加强中国和欧洲高校在创新和国际化背景下大 学治理和学术领导力能力建设。该项目由欧盟Erasmus+支持。 该项目协调单位是荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学。项目为其三年,从 2015年10月到2018年10月。

THE OBJECTIVES OF THE LEAD PROJECT: • to develop and implement training for academic leaders on university governance and academic leadership • to enhance capacities of academic leaders of HEIs on university governance and leadership (such as policy making, strategic planning and change management) • to support and enhance internationalization of HEIs • to strengthen EU-China cooperation on university governance & academic leadership and foster a better understanding of academic leadership approaches in the EU and China

LEAD项目的目标 • 开展对学术领导者在大学治理和学术领导力方面的培训和研讨 • 提高学术领导者在此领域的能力 • 支持和增强高校的国际化 • 促进中国和欧盟在大学治理和学术领导力方面的理解与合作 THE LEAD WORKSHOPS IN EUROPE AND CHINA LEAD培训和研讨系列活动

• LEAD kick-off event, 1st workshop & training programme and job shadowing Brussels, Belgium, March 2016 • LEAD 2nd workshop & training programme and job shadowing Beijing and Kunming (Yunan province), China • LEAD 3rd workshop & training programme and job shadowing Finland and Portugal • LEAD 4th workshop & training programme and job shadowing Shanghai and Wuhan (Hubei province), China • LEAD 5th workshop & training programme and job shadowing Ankara, Turkey • LEAD 6th workshop & training programme and job shadowing and LEAD final event Brussels, Belgium


• Round table and Forum • Coaching • Job shadowing • Online material and MOOC on university governance & academic leadership • Site visits • Needs analysis and quality assessment • Dissemination Coordinator Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Contact: [email protected]

Partners Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) University of Tampere Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Middle East Technical University Peking University Tongji University Huazhong University of Science and Technology National Academy of Education Administration Yunnan Normal University

Associate partners Ghent University Maastricht University Amsterdam University Stockholm University Beijing Normal University Xiamen University Sichuan University Hunan University Shanghai Jiao Tong University Jinan University (Guangzhou)

Supporting partners The Mission of P. R. China to the EU Belgian Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Com- mission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.