Weightlifting Queensland June, 2005 The Official Journal of Queensland Weightlifting Association Inc. Inside this issue: From the QWA Office 5 From the Editor 7 Legends of International 8 Weightlifting—David Rigert Results—Australian U16 11 & U18 Championships 1kg Rule & Records 16 2005 Junior World 17 Championships—Busan, Technically Speaking 20 Results—Oceania & 22 South Pacific Junior Weightlifting Champion- ships Competitive Weightlift- 26 ing For Children QWA League & Masters 28 League In Memoriam 33 Did you Know…? 35 The Queensland Junior Team brought back many trophies and medals from the 2005 Australian Under 16 and Under 18 Championships ,held in Mel- bourne from the 16th to the 17th of April, winning the both the U18 Men and Women’s Team events and placing 2nd and 3rd in the Men’s and Women’s U16 Team tally, respectively. .Congratulations, to John Waltz , Erika Yamasaki HISTORIC and Davina Hughes who took out 3 of the 4 best lifter accolades of the Cham- EDITION. pionships, in their respective age categories. See page 11 for full results. Take a trip Photo supplied by AwardPhotos.net down memory lane to com- The QWA is Supported by the Queensland Government through Sport memorate the & Recreation Qld: introduction of the 1kg Rule. PagePage 2 Weightlifting Queensland 2 Queensland Weightlifting Association Inc. Office: The Velodrome, The Sleeman Centre, Chandler Qld 4155 Postal Address: PO Box 1056, Capalaba 4157 Telephone: (07) 3823 1377 Facsimile: (07) 3823 1371 Email:
[email protected] Web Site: www.qwa.org Executive Director: