Volume 30 Issue 3 november 2012 TheCrown.ca The streak is over peter Reid

The Lady Royals women’s basket- ball team enters this weekend with the past behind them. It’s a different year, a different team, and a different re- sult. Redeemer won it’s first women’s league basketball game in seven years against the Sault College Cougars re- cently. The team will no longer have to an- swer the question of whether or not the team will win a game this season, as the Royals ended all speculation with a convincing 30 point victory in Sault Ste. Marie. Not only did the team win the game, they were 2 points away from starting the season 2-0 after a 47-46 loss to Algoma University the night before. In the win, Redeemer Rookie Jesse- ca Brown (Grand Manan, NB) had a game high 29 points for the Royals. Victoria Pickering (Campbellville, ON) had 17 points while Morrisa Ly- chak (Nepean, ON) added 16. Danielle White and Keisha Giroux had a team high 11 points each for Sault College. Jesseca Brown also had 26 points in the loss to Algoma. The past has not been kind to the Lady Royals and beginning this week the team will be happy to be moving on from it. Despite a few wins in exhi- bition and tournament play, the team has not won a league game dating continued on page 10 Alcohol (ab)use at Redeemer

Colin Hayes as a Christian institution. tainly a part of me does. I like to think between these two extremes. The two as a Christian institution. Before con- I’ve chosen to write about this A second clarification I’d like to of this part as the insecure, broken, groups I’m going to use are “Chris- tinuing, I’d challenge you to honestly controversial issue simply because make is that I am not against alcohol sinful nature St. Paul refers to as “the tians” and “disciples.” Though many discern where you find yourself on it needs to be addressed, and has consumption in the least and do flesh.” In my head, I am the funniest, of us have often been taught the two this spectrum with regards to every- needed to be addressed for a number not think we’re called as followers most charming, suave, and attractive are interchangeable in meaning, I’ve day living. I’ll wait. Now, think in re- of years. Admittedly, I’ve been pushed of Christ to abstain from drinking man when I drink too much, though it come to recognise a distinction be- gards to your treatment of alcohol. Do to include my voice in this public completely. Christ’s first miracle was is probably closer to a bumbling mess tween them in recent years. A Chris- you consider yourself to be striving to forum due to a recent party that turning water into wine, after all, so to everyone who is not in my head. I tian, as I like to negatively use the honour God in this way, or not? occurred just off campus. However, it seems that God can at least accept recognize, as I think every Christian term (joining with the usage of the I’m first going to address those who before continuing it seems important it being consumed. I myself love al- should, that the Bible is very clear term by secular society), is one who would consider themselves disciples to clarify a few things about the way cohol. Whether it’s beer with friends, that getting drunk isn’t acceptable. said the prayer, were forgiven of their in this area – trying to treat alcohol we treat alcohol on this campus. wine with dinner, or a great glass of Verses like Eph. 5:18, Gal. 5:21, Prov. sins, goes to church and chapel and with the intentions of honouring God. Perhaps it is most important brandy with my father and brother 20:1, and 1 Cor. 6:10 don’t leave much tries to genuinely be a good person. If you’re going to state that you’re a to point out that the opinion and after a day of work, I thoroughly room for debate about how God feels Sure, this is a negative view, but this person acting in this way, and not just thoughts I’m presenting are not new enjoy the stuff. And not only because about his people giving themselves is unfortunately based on observation be a nominal Christian, then prepare or fresh even though this article is of the flavour (though that’s great) over to too much alcohol. So, what and discussions with many people, for a bit of scrutiny. I’d say most of being written in the wake of what I but also because alcohol is relaxing, a surprise, if you’re a Christian stop especially at this school and in this the responsibility falls to this group. would consider a fairly bad party. warms the belly, loosens you up in getting drunk. Problem solved! age group. Disciples are similar to There have been many incidents On the contrary, this is the place I’ve social situations, and could even give Well, not really. If the issue was Christians but with something added. through the past few years of parties come to by digging into scripture and you the courage to finally talk to that this simple I don’t think I’d have They are those who want to go a step that get out of control, people in bad engaging in discussions with peers cutie from English class. Some may to write about this at all. Though further in their relationship with God, situations at club outings, and count- and various “wise folk.” As well, I’ve take issue with this, and I welcome we know, and God’s people knew are actively entering into every aspect less students that have returned to had many hard conversations on the that difference, but let’s set that point thousands of years ago, that drink- of their day to day lives trying to campus in varying degrees of intoxi- subject with God and with those close aside at least for a moment to deal ing too much stood in the face of honour God and build up the brothers cation. One thing I’ve always found to me over the past three years I’ve with the issue I want to discuss – God’s desires for us, we still seem to and sisters they encounter. odd is the people who seem to end up been at Redeemer. As you continue alcohol use at Redeemer. struggle and fall to the desires of our Recognizing that each person’s in this situation. People who, from all (if you do), keep in mind that I’m I’ll even admit I love drinking too “flesh.” At this point, I’d like to make relationship with God is certainly not other observations, seem to be trying not spitting out one-off thoughts but much. Not my heart or my soul, not a distinction about two extremely of- this black and white, it is nevertheless to (or at least should be trying to) fol- genuinely trying to faithfully address the passionate follower of Christ fensively generalized camps of people, helpful in my presentation of what we low after God in a very real way, are a huge issue presented to our school within and that I strive to be, but cer- recognizing that we all fall somewhere need to be doing as individuals and often wrapped up in these situations. continued on page 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Hottest Restaurant is Modest Editorial: Review: even on the Farewell to Movember Chucks volleyball Ivor Wynne page 5 Page 5 Burger Bar court Page 8 Page 10 TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012

EDITOR IN CHIEF Ben Reid Alcohol (ab)use at Redeemer - continued from page 1 [email protected] is to get a person drunk quicker. This than the world is unfortunately not MANAGING EDITOR Derek Benjamins is not befitting an intentional follower a light-hearted decision. It is also a [email protected] of God. decision that requires the support of Another area I think needs to be like-minded people around us. LAYOUT EDITOR seriously reconsidered by those of But suppose you find yourself in a Jenna Bos us who claim to be active disciples place where you aren’t ready to live so [email protected] of Christ is clubbing. Again, just like intentionally in your walk with God. I love alcohol, I love dancing--really If that is the case, please don’t find COPY EDITOR Christine Williams love it. I mean if I could spend all my any condemnation in the earlier parts [email protected] time learning to be a professional of what I’ve written. As I mentioned, dancer instead of being a student I this was intended for those who are DIGITAL EDITOR would, but I lack the natural talent genuinely trying to seek after God in Jordan Bokma and so it’s academics for me. But I their lives and consider themselves [email protected] love dancing! And I love dancing to disciples. I think it’s extremely impor- the terrible music at clubs. However, tant that we remember as a student GRAPHICS EDITOR Melissa West I’ve started to wonder about how body that we are not all in the same [email protected] to honour God in a place like that. place with God. Certain convictions Certainly Christ ate with the sin- will likely not be born from words I REPORTERS ners, prostitutes, and tax collectors, write or speak but, instead, will be Julia Soderholm but I don’t see Christ collecting tax born through your life as you grow Becky Connell from a tax stand, spending time at a and mature with God. Take heart and [email protected] brothel, or indulging in sinful activi- know that you are not judged by a ties. What I mean to say is that there standard you don’t claim to uphold. is a time and place to witness, but Attending a Christian university typically clubbing doesn’t provide us and calling yourself by the name CONTRIBUTERS with that opportunity. There is very “Christian” does require some Laura Heming little differentiation between us and amount of intentionality, however. Ben Goodwin anyone else in the crowd, even if our Continue to strive to be a good per- Brandon Richardson intentions are good. Even if we attend son, but at least begin to recognise the Peter Reid and don’t drink or just have a single impact you can have on other people. Casey Korstanje drink, in what way is being a part of Other people who may, in fact, be Grace Siwik this destructive atmosphere building struggling and genuinely attempting Amy Wiseman up others and worshipping God? The to live rightly with God in this area. Andy Watt problem I see with clubbing doesn’t Have the courtesy to be respectful to Matthew Bokma lie in the intentions or the action it- those who want to pursue righteous- Justin Hiebert self, but in the effect it has on others. ness in this way, and allow them the Syd Hielema By participating in this activity, we freedom to do so without judgment Anthony Ramuscak are actively supporting an environ- and without pressure to go back on Amanda Curran ment that causes others to harm their convictions. To be quite clear, Ian Gallagher themselves through overindulgence this is the desire--at least the voiced Michael Emmanuel and other poor decisions. desire--of those who call this school Andrew Tosland This argument could also be made their home and place of study, and we Micah Vandijk against the types of parties that should all be acting as if this really is seem to occur in off-campus houses the case. Luke Mckee RAs, HAs, CITB team members, God. Specifically in the realm of like those found on Springbrook. By It may seem to some that by up- Colin Hayes and all other sorts of student lead- alcohol and off-campus shenanigans attending, even if we don’t intend holding and attempting to live under ers get caught up in these activities disciples need to be investigating to drink too much, we are support- such intentional rules life can become and yet these are people who have personal choices with alcohol, the in- ing a setting that opens the door for dull and lose its fun. I do know, proclaimed to and signed up to be tentions behind them, and the effect those who struggle with overdrink- though, that the further I’ve pursued Office Numbers an example to others in the way they these actions will have on those they ing. When our brothers and sisters in righteous living, especially in this General: 905 648 2131 x 4291 live. If you are one of these people, act come into contact with. Christ have a problem in this area, it’s area, the more I’ve been surprised Advertising: 905 648 2131 x 4291 accordingly. With drinking itself, there seems our responsibility to build them up by the joy that comes from pursu- Editorial: 905 648 2131 x 4291 I’d place extra pressure (and so to be a mindset of attempting to and present opportunities to live the ing Christ. Feelings of unhappiness does the Bible) on these people to push the limits with how much we ADVERTISING way they intend. Providing alterna- and shame have been replaced by a use alcohol to glorify God, but the consume. People are always speak- Derek Benjamins, Crown Office tives to those we know are having great joy and sense of pride in my fact remains that we are all called to ing of only being “a little buzzed” c/o Redeemer University College trouble, who have communicated as effort. The more I dive into this, the be leaders to others, specifically if we or “feeling it, but not drunk,” as if 777 Garner Road East, much, is something we are called to more I’ve found that God wants these are going to call ourselves disciples somehow this justifies indulging in Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4 through scripture. I wouldn’t take the choices in our lives not for his benefit of Christ. Especially as a Christian another drink. Certainly this point of 905 648 2139 x 4291 stance that this is a black and white but for our own. If you find yourself institution or group of friends, we are “too much” is fairly subjective from issue, as it is certainly possible to at- perhaps more thrown in with the supposed to be showing the non- person to person, but I believe that, Letters to the editor and article sub- tend a party with good intentions and group that I called “Christians,” be Christian world exactly how different, as in most things, God is concerned missions must be sent to thecrown@ not give over to too much drinking, encouraged to continue down the holy, and good a life with Christ can more with our heart than with the ac- redeemer.ca and must include the but we must, as disciples, be actively path of discovering more about God. be. This group, who seek real disciple- tion itself. When out enjoying alcohol name and contact information of investigating the effect our actions As your convictions grow and you ship and transformative living, are and feeling the effect, we need to the writer, although we may print will have on fellow Christians. Not at- take action to live in accordance with claiming to uphold a standard in their proceed with caution before continu- anonymously by special request. tending parties or going to clubs and, God’s wishes, I sincerely believe you lives that should make others ask, ing to drink. Attempting to see how Works submitted as letters will be thereby, providing those we know will find peace, self-assurance, and “Why are they like that?” We are to be far we can go before being drunk and edited for clarity and length only. with the opportunity to join us in do- happiness you might not have been a preview of the world to come, but it sinning is not glorifying God. What The opinions expressed in The ing something else is our mandate as expecting. Moving toward disciple- seems many people are caught up be- are your intentions with the second Crown are not necessarily those brothers and sisters in Christ. ship does not produce a life that is ing a slightly nicer, more than slightly (or third or fourth) drink? Trying to of Redeemer University College’s Though our impact on our brothers stale, but produces instead a vibrant pretentious and hypocritical version see what you can get away with is student body, faculty, or administra- and sisters is crucial, equally impor- life of deep emotion and joy. Because of the world we are a part of. not pursuing righteous living. If we tion. tant when dealing with the places we of its prominence in our society, So what do I see as the problem? enter into the way we drink with the The Crown is published by students are found and the way we drink is drinking and how we use alcohol is a I’d boil it down to three words: inten- intention of trying to see how far we eight times per academic year and is the effect this has on non-Christians. great first step to freeing ourselves for tion, action, and effect. With every can go, this in itself is sinning. As a funded by the students of Redeemer If we are going to present ourselves the learning process of living under choice we make, we must deal with bit of a direct thought related to this, University College and by advertis- as the light and salt of the world, we God’s rule. these three things. What it means to what is God-honouring about taking ing, but is dedicated to the broader need to radically stand out to those This leads to my final point: this is be a disciple is to look at these choices shots? No one really likes the taste, college community. around us. Contextually, this may a process. I don’t claim to have all the through the lens of trying to honour and it really seems their only purpose mean choosing not to drink at all answers. I merely have reflections, or far less than those around us, or and these reflections are born out of taking a stance for our own choices error after error. Living to honour against overindulgence. God is not a single moment decision Like The Crown? If you find yourself reading this but instead a daily choice to do the and thinking I’m making far too large next right thing. Alcohol seems to a deal out of something that isn’t be a way we can easily stand apart “that bad,” that is fine. However, from our peers, and sets us on a path in passionately pursuing Christ we toward righteous living and ultimate aren’t called to partake in activities peace. Keep in mind the path of dis- that are merely inoffensive. We are cipleship is not an easy one, but the instead to strive for, spend our time best parts of life never are. Recognize thinking about and participating that everyone is at different places in things that are explicitly good. and struggling in the pursuit of God. Holistic discipleship requires that Be encouraged in the fact that you we pursue those things that build are not alone in your mistakes, but up ourselves and others. Things are instead one part of the church of like clubbing, supporting bad party Christ which is unified in an attempt environments, and providing others to be a visual representation of Christ. with opportunities to sin are not Build each other up in love with God-honouring in the least, and need words, but don’t forget the intentions to be given much more attention behind and effects of our actions and and thought than what is currently the important role they play on those attributed to them. Being different we are in community with. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook contributed image www.twitter.com/crown_RUC | www.facebook.com/TheCrownRUC ▪ 3 NEWS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012


Becky Connell rity culture which we have so welcom- Crown reporter ingly embraced. Yes, facebook is still thriving, but aren’t DVD’s also? And we all know that it is simply a mat- My first introduction to social me- ter of time before blu-ray successfully dia, in a sense, was through MSN Mes- replaces the DVD, despite how much senger. With MSN, one could update some of us would like to deny it. their status, communicate with friends While the temporality of trends and replace expression through words is not necessarily bad, the direction Live in the City: by sending charming little emoticons. we are taking with social networking What’s On in Hamilton: October 2012 Surely, it was the foreshadowing of fa- should be alarming. cebook. Our declining ability to sustain I cringe at the remembrance of my deep relationships is no surprise as The Casbah username: beckyc_luv2sing. (How we may turn to someone’s page in- hard was it to add one letter and stead of their face to see what’s new change “luv” into “love,” or to write in their lives. The ancient practice of Men Without Hats. Monday, November 12, 2012. “to” properly?) But alas, I was 12 years in-person conversation is fleeting as old and writing words in their entirety one is more likely to know about their Danko Jones. Wednesday, November 14, 2012. was not the cool thing to do at my pu- friend’s mood, latest activities, break- bescent age. With MSN, I would stay All About Maggie, Common & Coy. Saturday, November 17, 2012. up, make-up, engagement and even up late chatting with boys while gig- death through a tweet or facebook Neverending White Lights. Tuesday, November 20, 2012. gling with my girlfriends and updating status. my status to tell everyone what I was Funkhaus. Saturday, November 24, 2012. According to the Daily Mail, on July doing. 23rd, 2012, Cheryl Jones, mother of Daniel Romano & The Trilliums. Sunday, November 25, 2012. A little later I was introduced to Karla James, read of her daughter’s MySpace. It offered much of what death from a friend’s facebook sta- twitter offers us today: I could follow tus which read, “RIP Karla,” before the lives of my favourite bands and Hamilton Place the police had a chance to phone her. interact with strangers who shared the Shocked, she said, “I couldn’t under- same interests I had. Today, I cannot stand how complete strangers could remember my account name or pass- Capital One Just for Laughs Comedy Tour. Thursday, November 8, 2012. 7:30 PM see she was dead by looking at Face- word in the slightest which is strange book. . .But I only lived down the road Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra: Masterworks #2: Ravel & Shostakovich. for something that was once such a and I didn’t know my own daughter strong part of my life. was dead.” Saturday, November 10, 2012. 7:30 PM It is no surprise then that I doubt While tools such as facebook and the permanence of facebook in our The Temptations. Sunday, November 11, 2012. 8:00 PM twitter certainly have communicative lives today. Because I thought flare advantages, they should not be treated Dropkick Murphys. Saturday, November 17, 2012. 8:00 PM jeans and MSN were forever, I now be- like a diary; not everything in one’s lieve that facebook most likely is not. Jesse Cook. Saturday November 23, 2012. 8:00 PM life needs to be revealed to everyone, Already tweeting has become a new especially when it involves the privacy Big Wreck & Theory of a Deadman. Thursday, November 29, 2012. 8:00 PM trend which removes the difficulty of and feelings of others. keeping an entire page up to date; all it Jerry Seinfeld. Friday, November 30, 2012. 7:30 PM & 9:00 PM As for my own involvement with requires is one tweet of 140 characters social media today, well, I don’t really or less. With twitter, followers (does give a tweet. anyone else find the term “followers” Molson Canadian Studio at Hamilton Place incredibly creepy?) are able to indulge in the postings of their favourite celeb- rities feeling ever-closer to the celeb- Sloan. Monday, November 12, 2012. 8:00 PM The Watch. Sunday, November 18, 2012. 8:00 PM Michelle Wright. Tuesday, November 20, 2012. 8:00 PM Liona Boyd. Wednesday, November 21, 2012. 8:00 PM Cuff the Duke w/ Graydon James and the Young Novelists. Friday, November 23, 2012. 8:00 PM Faber Derive. Saturday, November 24, 2012. 8:00 PM Corb Lund. Tuesday, November 27, 2012. 8:00 PM Hawksley Workman. Thursday, November 29, 2012. 8:00 PM Enrico Rennella. Friday, November 30, 2012. 8:00 PM

Hamilton Convention Centre

Mother Mother w/ Hannah Georgas. Friday, November 30, 2012. 8:30 PM Xavier Rudd w/ Good Old War. Saturday, December 1, 2012. 8:00 PM

Is looking for a new managing editor If interested, contact [email protected] 4 ▪ CAMPUS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 A walk down memory Postmodernity lane with Micah van in History

Dijk-activities guy becky connell Postmodernity forces us [to] ask Crown Reporter questions about enlightenment vi- sions of knowledge and asks us to On Tuesday, November 6th, Assistant think hard about a Biblical concep- Professor of History: Dr. David Ziets- tion of knowledge. ma presented a colloquium address titled: “Finding Truth in the Absence What challenges did you face in writ- of Truth: A Christian’s Perspective on ing “Finding Truth in the Absence of Postmodernism in History.” Truth: A Christian’s Perspective on Postmodernism in History”? I had to the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Zietsma beforehand and While in my own research I have been discuss his address. particularly focused, this [address] challenges me to break out from [a] What made you interested in particular focus of work to talking this topic? about foundational elements of it as a whole [Postmodernity in history]. Micah van Dijk part of our orientation concert last and Justin Brix. Forevermore won the As a grad student I had to wrestle year. So on September 15th, new stu- Redeemer Battle of the Bands in 2010 with Postmodernity in history and Who is this geared towards? One of the perks of my job is to dents enjoyed a free concert in the Au- and the band and I travelled to Ottawa wondering if there’s validity to it and watch musicians develop over their ditorium again. 400 people witnessed to compete in a provincial competition what it means as a Christian. It is addressed to Christians to time at Redeemer and beyond. One a special concert experience that night verses other college/university bands. encourage scholars and students of these musicians was Josh Vander- as it all started with two stellar perfor- At the time Eric was still only in Grade For those who don’t know, what that postmodernity doesn’t have to laan. Josh drummed for a band called mances by Allosaurus and Bruekke. 12 at HDCH. The following year Eric is “Postmodernity in history”? be viewed as inherently evil or good, “Guilty” which performed in the very Both these bands contained Redeem- began to perform more as a solo act but that there are ways we can use first Battle of the Bands back on No- er alumni, and I can still distinctly and signed to Other Songs Music Co. [Laughs as this is not a simple ques- insights as tools to sharpen our own vember 17, 2007. On November 14th, remember both sets well--especially I’m looking forward to hearing Eric tion to answer] faith and insights about our faith. 2008 Josh entered the same competi- Allosaurus’ last song. After the break, play on November 24th to see and tion with his friend Corey Van Huizen The City Harmonic led people who hear how things are going for him. Postmodernity in history suggests How might Postmodernity help and they won it that year. And in his were now familiar with their songs in A couple random facts: that historical narratives and facts us as Christians? final year Josh was the drummer for a great worship concert experience. 1) Redeemer Battle of the Bands cannot just be taken as self-evident Church in the Box. During Josh’s last A lot has been going on for the band sign-up is in Student Life. It’s a fun givens and we cannot say “this is Postmodernity enables us to expose year at Redeemer, he started men- in the past year. They hit #1 on iTunes experience to play and learn. Visit exactly what happened.” With Post- forms of idolatry that we might not tioning that he was drumming with in Canada, claimed #6 on the Bill- www.redeemer.ca/battleofthebands modernity, perspectives--and I would see in our own lives; community and Eli, Eric, and Aaron in a new project board Heatseekers Albums Chart, and for more details about the rules. The even say worldviews--matter in how loyalties we think are right and good called The City Harmonic. Eli had sold over 100,000 copies of the single deadline is November 15 [we] interpret what’s left of the past. but might be distracting us from a performed at Redeemer several times Manifesto. They’ve also toured in sup- 2) Over 650 seats are taken already deeper focus on our work as Chris- before with his group Elias so when port of the Newsboys and are now for the November 24th concert mean- What does Postmodernity mean tians in the kingdom. Eli approached me to see if they could headlining their own tour. There are ing there is only about 275 left. If you for Christians? perform for our students and greater only two Canadian dates and one of know of friends and/or family think- community, I thought it would be a them is hopefully a packed Redeemer ing about coming but they don’t have good fit, especially because Josh was auditorium. their tickets yet, I’d recommend buy- also in the band. While I’m reminiscing about watch- ing them now. www.redeemer.ca/tch On March 1st 2011, The City Har- ing musicians grow and develop I 3) Last year, Student Life hosted monic played at Redeemer in front of might as well keep going with Eric the “Engaging Music Weekend.” This about 300 people with Nine-O-Five Heideman who will be opening for year we are going to morph it into the opening. This was many people’s first The City Harmonic on November “Engaging Culture Weekend.” It’ll fea- time hearing them live, and it was be- 24th . Eric was never officially a stu- ture a movie night/discussion, a mini- fore most people even knew the words dent at Redeemer but he was in spirit, conference on video-gaming, and the to “Manifesto.” Reaction to that con- always in the halls hanging out. Eric BOTB. cert was so positive that I inquired was the frontman for a band called about having The City Harmonic be Forevermore which featured current Redeemer students Robinson Inkster

Hottie ▪ 5 LOCAL TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 A bittersweet farewell to Ivor Wynne

Luke Mckee

Just as the sun has set upon the Hamilton Tiger Cats’ season, so too it has set on their beloved home turf, Ivor Wynne Stadium. The stadium, one of Hamilton’s oldest and most cherished structures, is set to be taken down at the end of the Canadian Foot- ball League season. On October 27, 2012, the Tiger-Cats completed their home regular season schedule with a resounding win over the lowly Winni- peg Blue-Bombers. Despite that spec- tacular victory, the Ti-Cats completed their season out of the playoffs, once again failing to win the Grey Cup--a disappointing finale marking the end of an era for Hamilton fans. For the fans of the CFL, Ivor Wynne has been one of the rare examples of a stadium that reflects the identity of the city it calls home. The way that someone would speak of Ivor Wynne became synonymous with a descrip- tion of the city itself. Ivor Wynne Sta- dium was not an architectural marvel, it could not boast of cutting edge tech- nology, and upon viewing it did not strike one dumb in awe of its beauty, but it did have a rough edge and charm that reflected the character of Ham- ilton. Ivor Wynne was a blue-collar stadium filled to the brim weekly by hardcore Hamilton fans. The way the grittiness of the fans and the rugged frame of the stadium combined made Ivor Wynne the toughest place to play in the CFL. Like the iconic baseball stadium Fenway Park in , Ivor Wynne’s faded hues, well-worn feel and equally passionate fans combined to create a legendary landmark that resonated with the city. Despite the torrential downpour, high winds, and cold weather, Ivor Wynne was sold out once again as fans years ago, Ivor Wynne was the place to Tony Gabriel), to me, my family sup- ily in cheering on the 1999 Grey Cup stadium will be built on the hallowed paid their respects at a fond farewell be on a Saturday afternoon in Hamil- ported the Tiger Cats through thick Heroes Darren Flutie and Danny Mc- ground of Ivor Wynne. Hamilton Fans to their cherished stadium. As the ton, , Canada. and thin. Home to the oldest football Mannus. The memories shared inside will proudly carry forward the charge Arkell’s theme song blasted from the I was brought up in a family of tradition of any Canadian City, Ivor the stadium made it beloved by Ham- “Oskee Wee Wee, Oskee Wa Wa, Holy loudspeakers the Ti-Cats were indeed fervent Tiger Cats fans. From my Wynne has hosted football legends iltonians everywhere, and will allow Macana! Tigers! Eat ‘em RAW!” into a “hummin’” and, from the Box J Boys grandfather who as a boy cheered for for more than a half-century. I grew the stadium to live on in the hearts of new stadium as a new era begins with on the 50 all the way to the cheap seats the & Wildcats, to up hearing stories of the always loved all who entered through its gates. The the 2014 Tiger Cat season. in section 43, Ivor Wynne was pump- my mother (a big fan of the greatest Angelo Mosca, Bernie Faloney, and City of Hamilton announced on Octo- ing with excitement. As it was over 80 tight end in the history of the CFL, Joe Montford, and joined my fam- ber 12, 2012, that new Pan American Contributed image Zylstra Symposium 2012: An Event which Promises Excitement for Students

becky connell exchange in talking about the role of the world and has been a part of the Crown Reporter faith in politics and culture. We will be Make Poverty History movement) will discussing how we as Christians in the be sharing thoughts on foreign aid in On Tuesday, November 13th, and West can engage in a public way with Africa. As well, Chris Bosh, who is in- Wednesday, November 14th, 2012, the rest of the world. volved with World Vision will be talk- Redeemer is hosting its annual Zyl- ing. Petra Bosma is involved with in- What will the symposium ad- stra Symposium, this year focusing ternational justice mission and Chris dress to challenge us as Chris- on politics and culture. This year’s Enns of World Renew will be discuss- tians? symposium promises to be exciting as ing poverty and community transfor- it engages with the Christian role in It will be looking at questions which mation. John Takema will explore the foreign relations and global poverty. challenge us as Christians: How do labour market and shifts towards that For students interested in social jus- Christians respond to foreign aid? function of Christians and problems in tice, this symposium offers insights What’s behind the apple (Mac prod- labour. into the various spheres of global in- ucts)? How can we as Christians speak There will be a networking opportu- volvement for Christians, and offers to changes in the global market? We nity for students in [the] art gallery; potential networking opportunities will be having a panel on foreign aid this is a great opportunity for students for those who are interested in pursu- and what our commanded role in de- interested in social justice. ing work and volunteer positions in veloping countries is. Why is this significant to Chris- this area. Paul Brink, Associate Professor of Po- tians who are not necessarily en- On Tuesday, there will be a dinner litical Science at Gordan College, is go- gaged academically in politics or presentation hosted by David Peck ing to be discussing the challenges of culture? called, “A City on a Hill: Is America’s thinking about language as we engage Light (Still) Shining in Africa?” as well publicly: do we use scriptural or public It is significant to Christians living in a as workshops and panels throughout language while interacting publicly? globalizing world [that] has an oppor- tunity to hear about [its] responsibil- Tuesday and Wednesday. What excites you about this Sym- ity to [end] impoverishment. It is an I had the opportunity to sit down with posium? exciting opportunity to meet people in Dr. Zietsma, Dean of Arts and Foun- What really excites me is the people the front lines and to explore our call- dations and coordinator of this con- coming, I think students would be re- ing in seeking to make a difference. ference to discuss what students and ally excited if they knew. scholars alike can expect. David peck, director of So-Change (a What is the Zylstra Symposium’s group which works with corporate en- focus this year? tities and nongovernmental organiza- It is an effort for a greater scholarly tions to generate fundraising around 6 ▪ NATIONAL TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 Globe and Mail University Report—A Signpost for Student Priorities

julia soderholm characteristically high marks on a who work to make this University the Crown reporter number of categories, including the best possible version of itself for the highest mark to one of the key ques- students who attend it. tions: “Thinking about all of your ex- One trend over the past few years The release of the annual Globe periences at your university thus far, of these reports is the high marks and Mail University report is always how satisfied are you overall with scored in the categories that relate to quite revealing as to what university your institution?” Redeemer students the school’s sense of community. Re- students value in their educational voted an A average, which would seem deemer has always been known to ap- experience. The Report grades 58 to suggest the majority of the school’s proach this aspect of campus life rath- schools across the country based on population has had a fairly positive er uniquely. Townhouse-style dorms student satisfaction surveys that cover post-secondary experience. that encourage students to share a variety of criteria varying from food This institution has taken part meals, chores, and devotional time services to atmosphere on campus. in this survey for a number of years are a major part of facilitating that, as The surveys are distributed to schools now—this being the sixth—and has are other events in the school geared throughout Canada and, this year, a traditionally had a very positive re- towards the building of community. shocking number of 31 000 students sponse. However, Tim Wolfert, Direc- This has been a very intentional part participated by filling one out. This tor of Communications at Redeemer, of making Redeemer what it is today, survey has become quite reputable, is quick to say that it is not the number and seeing the results reflect that this and is known by many young Canadi- of A’s we receive that make this feel matters to students is very encour- ans as a great place to begin when de- like a success. The University Report aging. “It means we’re on the right ciding which schools to apply to. The is never about Redeemer vs. other track,” says Tim. fact that it is a student-based survey schools. Rather, it is a chance to see Interested in seeing the results of gives it an extra dose of credibility; real where students are at, what matters the survey for yourself? Visit theglobe- students answering questions about to them, and where they would like to andmail.com and see how Redeemer the school that they currently attend see improvement. This kind of infor- did! will deliver more accurate results than mation, straight from the proverbial even the best research methods. horse’s mouth, is invaluable to those This year, Redeemer has scored Do you value your Canadian citizenship?

IAN GALLAGHER Hold the phone. 1812? Wasn’t that In Christian culture, November before Confederation, you say? Wasn’t is traditionally dedicated to the re- that war just a minor colonial conflict? membrance of the dead. The Catholic Allow me to elaborate. Simply put, Church has, for hundreds of years, this war was paramount in Canadian designated November 2 as All Souls’ history. Had our armies not prevailed Day. A secular example of dedication at Fort Detroit, or come out victorious to the dead is Remembrance Day, from the bloodbath at Lundy’s Lane, wherein we pray for the souls of those or survived the death of Sir Isaac who have given their lives for our free- Brock at Queenston Heights, there dom, and we thank those who are still would be only one national anthem with us. Canada has a long tradition of sung at hockey games these days: The standing for democracy and freedom Star Spangled Banner. Canada would in the world, and we have sacrificed not have existed as a sovereign nation much to ensure the survival of both. had the United States prevailed. Contrary to popular belief, Canada The War of 1812 was Canada’s war is a warrior nation–that is, we have of survival. It has been two hundred consistently fought not just for our- years since we defended our land and selves, but also for others. We have laid the groundwork for Confedera- a proud military heritage, and have tion. If you hold dear your Canadian always been fierce fighters. In World citizenship and all the benefits that War I, the Germans called members come with it, be thankful for the sac- of the Canadian Expeditionary Force rifices that our men and women have “storm troopers.” After our victory at made not just abroad, but also here in Vimy Ridge, British Prime Minister Ontario, from 1812-1815. Lloyd George remarked, “Whenever Thomas Jefferson remarked that the Germans found the Canadian taking over Canada would be a “mere Corps coming into the line, they pre- matter of marching.” He was wrong. pared for the worst.” Look where we are today. God has The two World Wars are what blessed us with a beautiful, prosper- come to mind when the average per- ous nation. We are fortunate to live son thinks of Remembrance Day. And here and call ourselves Canadian, with this is of course a natural reaction to our wonderful heritage of French, have, for we had staggering casualties British, and Aboriginal cultures which in Europe in two major wars. But what provided a gateway for the multicul- about the other conflicts that Canada tural society we live in today. From has been a part of? Many forget that the Maritimes to the vast plains and we went to Korea. We toiled in the the mountains, God truly has “do- deserts of Afghanistan to dismantle minion also from sea to sea, and from the Taliban. And we fought for our the river unto the ends of the earth” freedom in the War of 1812. (Psalm 72: 8).

contributed images ▪ 7 WORLD TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 First Look: iPad Mini

Andrew Tosland when using the devices. completely new applications to take In addition to the features previ- advantage of the much larger screen ously mentioned, the iPad is also size in comparison to the iPhone. For- Since the introduction of the iPad made of aluminum in contrast to the tunately the same is not required for many have commented that the device plastic finish found on many Android the iPad mini, as it features the same is simply a large iPod touch. This week tablets, giving the iPad mini increased resolution as the previous iPad 2. With Apple helped to bring those comments durability and a level of quality that this, Apple is able to shrink its inter- back with the introduction of the iPad cannot be matched. To combat these face down to the 7.7 inch screen and mini starting at $329. Featuring a devices Apple created a slightly larger allow current iPad applications to run smaller screen and an A5 processor screen at 7.7 inches, which might not natively with no modification by the that was introduced with last years seem like much of a difference, but developer. For the average user this iPad 2, the iPad mini is placed in di- has shown to be a large improvement means that when they buy an rect competition with popular 7 inch in usable space when comparing the iPad mini they will be able to use Android tablets, such as the Kindle two. the 250,000 applications created for Fire, and Nexus 7. Both of these de- Overall, the iPad mini seems to have the iPad on day one. vices are offered at a price point a clear advantage in its physical size, The iPad mini offers the full iPad ex- of around $200 and have begun to build materials, and internal specifi- perience at a reduced price. Although be a threat to the full sized iPad, which cations when compared to its closest it doesn’t offer the power the full-size is priced at $499. competitors. One of Apple’s greatest iPad carries, it contains enough fea- However this lower price point is strengths in the space of mobile tech- tures in the smaller package to justify not without its flaws; many of the tab- nology is the massive amount of qual- the price. The iPad mini is available lets feature screen sizes that are half ity applications that have been created from the Apple Store for $329. the size of the 10 inch iPad, and do not to support the devices. When Apple feature current generation parts lead- released the original iPad in 2010 ing to a slow, frustrating experience developers were required to write Contributed image Obamanible of the terrorist group “Weather Un- MICHAEL EMMANUEL derground” and bombed the Capitol Building, the Pentagon and various Before the judge’s gavel slams down other government buildings. School commanding the court’s authority, be- saw better influences for Obama. In fore the sentence is pronounced, be- Hawaii, his professor Edward Said fore the guilty verdict is determined, was a radical anti-colonialist and ve- and long before justice is executed to hement critique of Israel. Obama had the satisfaction of the law, every court close contact with Said after univer- has to determine if a crime took place. sity until Said’s death. In Harvard, No lawful court can punish anyone Obama’s law professor Roberto Unger until the crown has proven that the was a committed Marxist who even accused is guilty beyond a reason- joined Brazil’s socialist government able doubt. Every crime is composed but was kicked out, returning to Har- of two elements, the actus reus, the vard. Mysteriously, Obama’s close guilty act, and the mens rea, the guilty contact with Unger abruptly ended mind. That is to say, every crime re- before federal election in 2008. quires both an act and a motive to be And don’t forget Obama’s pastor a crime. If one or the other is not pres- for twenty years, the man who mar- ent, then you may have broken the law ried Obama and baptized his children, but you are not legally guilty of being Jeremiah Wright. This holy man is fa- a criminal. mous for preaching “God damn Amer- With the American election just ica!” Wright’s pulpit doesn’t spread behind us, a lot of talk has been cir- the Good News; it spreads a radical culating about criminals. No, I’m not version of the social gospel called lib- talking about the ones in our prisons. eration theology. In this twisted scrip- Nor am I referring to the ones picking ture, Christ is viewed as a revolution- our pockets… Scratch that. I am talk- Obama says yes, and he’s continued to both approved of the event. They may not even Canada will be groveling at ary who told men everywhere to revolt ing about the ones who pick our pock- feed Americans their future. have both rooted for their team. They his feet anymore. against their oppressors. In Wright’s ets. I’m talking about the criminals in And it doesn’t taste good. Obama’s may have even both enjoyed the game. And why is Obama doing all of this? case, the oppressor is white America. government, particularly the heads of social programs are wasteful. He has Neither took the shot. Osama’s death What is his motive? Where is the mens Jesus communed with the dregs of government. In fact, they’re the ones put millions of dollars towards expen- may have been America’s accomplish- rea in all of this? society but counseled with the Divine. who do the most pickpocketing. And sive so-called “green energy” without ment, but it was not Obama’s. “He’s a Marxist thug!” Obama communes with the divine of no recent leader stands out in this cat- justifiable payout, while perfectly What has Obama actually done? “He’s a socialist stooge!” society but counsels with the dregs of egory to me more than Obama. This cheaper energy sources exist. Sources Well he has done nothing to stop the “He’s a Communist!” ideologies. You might say Obama is is because not only has Obama been such as oil. But aren’t we are running Syrian genocide. He has done nothing … At least these are some of the the antithesis of Christ, at least when the perpetrator of a number of guilty out of oil? Well I suppose America is. to support pro-democracy protestors claims made so far. But aren’t those it comes to seeking wise counsel. What acts, but because he also has the guilty And why is that? Might it have some- in Iran. He has done nothing to stop claims completely ungrounded and could be more criminal? mind to account for it. thing to do with the fact that Obama Iran from gaining nuclear weapons. only made by the extremist-far-right? Show me a list of things that will Bad political leaders compromise has cut all oil drilling in the United Meanwhile he has slashed Ameri- Nope. In fact the real Obama is much harm America and I’ll show you their nation’s internal stability. Louis States and cancelled all plans for the ca’s nuclear arsenal and encouraged worse. Obama’s first term as President. Show XIV of France did this when he bank- Keystone Pipeline, something which America’s allies to slash their arsenals Sometimes a person is judged by me a list of men who want to see Amer- rupted his country in order to build would have brought thousands of jobs as well. the company they keep. Fair enough. ica harmed and I’ll show you Obama’s his palace at Versailles. The turmoil to America’s desperate economy? It Can you see the irony here? America But that’s not always accurate. After closest friends and mentors. Hmm… that resulted caused the monarchy to makes one wonder… must end its nuclear program for the all, Jesus was known for keeping com- Do you think there is a connection? be overthrown two generations later Perhaps Obama is concerned about sake of peace while the Soviet Union, pany with tax collectors and sinners. Unfortunately for the free world, in the French Revolution. Disastrous the environmental effects of oil drill- North Korea, and Iran are given free A better method is to judge a person the American public didn’t. Obama is political leaders compromise their ing, whatever they may be. A perfectly reign to stockpile as many nuclear war- by the counsel they keep. Jesus kept back in office. And this time around, nation’s external stability. England’s supportable thesis, except that, oddly heads as they please. But we wouldn’t counsel with God. Obama is usually Obama doesn’t have to fear reelection. prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, enough, Obama has sent billions of want American intervention! No, no, found around very prominent and If his guilty acts debilitated America did this when he refused to stand dollars down south to support drill- no. That might upset the nut-jobs with respectable people. His counsel, how- the first time, what will he do now? against Hitler and went down the ing in countries like Brazil, Columbia, all the nuclear weapons. They might ever, is not so respectable. His mens rea shows no sign of having route of appeasement. The thousand and Mexico. Now why might he do even attack us! And we don’t have any Have you heard of Obama’s fa- changed. of English lives lost in WWII, not that? Intriguing, but for now let’s look nuclear weapons to defend ourselves ther? You know, the one who lived In the first book of Samuel the peo- to mention those massacred in the at America’s external stability under with because we got rid of all of them. in the tin huts in Kenya and made ple of Israel demand God give them a Holocaust, were the price. Obama is Obama’s vigilante watch. Something about world peace. his way to America where he made king like all the other nations around guilty of both. He has compromised Obama killed Osama Bin Laden. Tell me, Mr. President, when Iran a life for Obama? What an inspira- them. It seems the American people America’s internal and external stabil- Didn’t he? No, the American soldiers declares war on the infidel, who will be tional story for Obama and the media have asked for the same thing. They ity. This makes him a political leader did. Well he gave the commands. Yes… there to defend you? Your allies? Tell to tell the American public. This is a want a leader who will give them the of the very worst sort. Criminally bad because any other President wouldn’t me, how useful are no allies? Because figure Obama should look up to. And nanny state that cares for them from you might say. have been able to give those same you won’t have any! he does. For whatever reason though, cradle to grave like those in Europe. Internally, America’s apple pie is commands. I can see it now: Obama has thrown America’s allies neither Obama nor the media reveal They want a leader who tolerates all gone leaving nothing but an empty “President Bush, we’ve found Osa- under the bus in favour of appease- how Obama senior was an anti-Amer- the wickedness in the world abroad pie plate, and even the tinfoil is being ma. The men wait on your command. ment. (Remember Chamberlain?) ican, anti-colonial extremist. so long as America has nothing to do cut up to shape bullets for the Chinese Should they strike?” Obama is the first American President Or how about Obama’s mentor, with it. What was the Lord’s response Army. Obama has bankrupted Ameri- “Dagnabbit General, I can’t find the to take the side of Argentina against Frank Marshall Davis, a man hot-list- to the Israelites? In 1 Samuel 8: 18 it ca. Certainly, when he was elected to words to describe the situation. I think Britain in the Falkland dispute. Just ed by the FBI during the cold war be- says, “And you will cry out in that day office in 2008, the situation he found we’d better wait a couple years until to make sure Britain got the message, cause his passionately anti-American because of your king whom you have himself in wasn’t ideal, but what has someone more qualified can give the he returned a bust of Sir Winston pro-Communist writings proved him chosen for yourselves, and the lord he done to remedy the situation? If proper commands.” Churchill, their gift to the Whitehouse. to be a threat to American security will not hear you in that day.” God supporting social programs costs bil- Crediting Obama with killing Osama Obama is the first president to take the had war actually broken out. And this abandoned Israel to the Assyrians and lions of dollars, and you don’t have is like crediting Prime Minister Steven side of Palestine against Israel. Obama is just the beginning. Babylonians. He can abandon you too, billions of dollars, can you support so- Harper for scoring Sidney Crosby’s supported the removal of America’s There’s also Bill Ayers, Obama’s America. And when God’s gavel slams cial programs? Simple arithmetic says gold-medal-winning goal in the 2010 long-standing ally in Egypt, President friend and campaign supporter in down, no one can command other- no. Fundamental morality says no. Olympics. They may have Mubarak. By the time he’s out of office Chicago. This winner was a founder wise. contributed image FEATURES TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 An Open Letter Restaurant review: to People Who Chuck’s Burger Bar

Ben Reid Clap at the End Editor-in-chief Growing up just outside Charlotte- town, Prince Edward Island, an area with a restaurant on just about every corner, food has always been a passion of Movies of mine. I love eating out! Since com- ing to Ontario four years ago it has al- ways been my desire to find some of the best restaurants in the Hamilton area. And now after 4 years of waiting I think I have found one of them. Chuck’s Burger Bar is a small little restaurant located on Locke street, just 10 minutes down the mountain in Hamilton. It has only been opened for a year and a half, but already has a reputation of being one of the best burger joints in the area. After going there a couple of times, my girlfriend Hannah and I decided to go and give it an “official” review. Luckily when we got there, a table was open. With only 28 seats in the restaurant getting a table is often diffi- cult. Chances are you will have to wait 10 or 15 minutes but, let me tell you, it is well worth the wait. With over 60 toppings, choosing wasn’t easy. Han- nah got the Turkey Brie and Pears burger: a grilled turkey burger, creamy brie, grilled bartlett pears, cranberry jelly and black pepper & chive mayo. To drink, Hannah had the Sir Perry, a cider-like beer made with pears. She loved both of her choices. I had a slightly more manly burger, the BBQ pulled pork and smoked cheddar: an Angus beef burger, smoked lime & te- quila BBQ sauce, pulled pork, smoked cheddar and fried onions. As Rickard’s beer says, “take the best day of your life, and put it in your mouth.” That is what it tasted like. It was Hand’s contributed image down the best burger I have had. The huge all-beef patty would have been Julia Soderholm enough, but then it is topped with a Crown Reporter ½ pound of pulled pork. It doesn’t get they are in two places at once. It’s the better than that. To drink I had a Pint magic of the theatre. Or, it’s modern of Beau’s brewery Lug-Tread lagered Dear people who clap at the end of After being introduced to Chucks the character of Chucks, and that tak- technology. Believe what you will, just ale. It was tasty, but a little light for my movies, please stop clapping. by Hannah earlier this summer, we ing those away could change Chuck’s liking. All in all, our meals were fan- have gone there on several occasions. completely. I would have to agree. It Clapping at the end of movies only tastic and the service was great. Our As pleased as I am that you en- Each time the food has been amaz- is a busy, but cozy atmosphere perfect feels acceptable because you’re in a meal for two with drinks included, joyed that piece of filmic art, and as ing. We have had to wait a couple of for a date night but also a great op- large, dimly lit space with a crowd of came in at $49.57. With most of the grateful as I am that you still come to times, but once you get your food the tion for a night out with the fellas. If people. Would you still have clapped beers being imported or from micro- the Theatre on a Friday night in the wait is quickly forgotten. We asked sitting down isn’t an option, Chuck’s for Slumdog Millionaire if you saw breweries, the prices might be slightly age of internet downloads I have to the manager at Chuck’s if they were offers take-out too. However you want it for the first time in your living higher than you’re used to. Just the ask you to please—keep your hands at planning on expanding to help deal to enjoy it, I encourage to get out and room on your 17 inch Panasonic relic two burgers with a side of fries and a your side and stop clapping. with wait times but she told us the try this Hamilton gem. You will not from 2004? Odds are, this impulse side of sweet potato fries came in at a I understand the insurgence small restaurant atmosphere and the regret it! wouldn’t immediately spring to mind. much more reasonable $29.34. of feeling that tends to rise after Don’t get me wrong—I enjoy a location on locke street both add to witnessing some really great art. great movie as much as the next per- We’ve all felt it, for instance, after a son, and seeing it in theatres remains, particularly gnarly guitar solo at the somehow, special. I don’t know if it’s sell-out show of a favourite band. the sticky floors, or the extra large And in some ways, this response is boxes of Junior Mints, or the guy in only natural—this somewhat bizarre- the seat behind you who seems to be when-viewed-outside-of-our-cultural- breathing especially loud. Maybe a context ritual of slapping our palms combination of all these factors. And together repeatedly in reaction to acknowledging enjoyment and ap- something we’ve enjoyed. However, preciation of great art is a good thing. for the sake of your own dignity and Maybe you could write the director for the sake of your fellow movie- a letter to express your thanks! That goers, please, do us all a favour and would be productive and logical! suppress it, just this once. Sadly, said director will not hear your An important thing to note: What applause from inside the walls of your you’ve just witnessed, that whole local Cineplex. And neither will the conglomeration of image and sound actors. In fact, not a single person and swelling music, was merely being involved in the production of the projected onto a screen. A screen, as movie will be aware of your audible in a two dimensional, white piece of appreciation. The only people who We want YOUR feedback! perforated vinyl hanging on the wall will hear are your annoyed fellow in front of you. These days, it can get audience members. And we are ask- somewhat confusing when 3D tech- ing you, most politely, to please—stop Send us your questions and feedback on the paper to nology is involved but I assure you, clapping. the actors only look like they could [email protected] reach out and touch you. Or reach out Yours, and take hold of your wrists so as to Send news articles, opinion peices, cartoons, and photos to stop you from clapping (which would Julia actually be some pretty incredible [email protected] technology). Most likely, the actors themselves can be found in and around the Hol- lywood area, being photographed buying a coffee or taking their dog on a walk or, alternatively, filming an- other movie! No, this does not mean ARTS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 Alumni Art Show

julia soderholm the current Art program, and the stu- crown reporter dents in it. The show offers a wide range of media, including painting, drawing, Redeemer’s alumni art show “Fall photography, and even some sculp- Eclection” certainly lives up to its ture. Within these mediums there is name; a wide collection of artists of even more diversity as each artist’s a variety of ages and backgrounds specific style is showcased. This range makes for a diverse show. Alumni in style and medium is a mark of the from the last 26 years were invited to eclectic attitude of the Art Department take part, although, show coordinator here, nurtured by our esteemed facul- Joshua Hildebrandt says that the ma- ty members. Every student is encour- jority of the artists were fairly recent aged to pursue their individual style grads. The show itself was put on to and nurture it throughout their four celebrate the school’s 30th anniver- years at Redeemer. This is evident in sary—a visual reminder of the journey the show, with such a wide range of this institution has been on since its subject matter and style. inception three decades ago. The opening was on the evening of Displaying the work of the school’s Saturday, November 3rd, and was a alumni is a fantastic way to acknowl- well-attended event, with a number edge the success and progress of Re- of the artists themselves showing up. deemer grads while encouraging cur- It was certainly an appropriate way to rent students whose time here may be celebrate Redeemer’s thirty years as drawing to a close. As an Art student graduates old and new interacted with myself, it’s good to see the work of current and even future students of the those who came before me, and to be institution. Be sure to check out the reassured that there is life after Re- show over the next few weeks before it deemer’s Art Studio. Every student comes down on November 30th. who attended this school is a part of Redeemer’s story; the artists whose work is displayed in the gallery have each had some small part in shaping

Art by Andrea Vanderkooij

A Market Worth Minding p-rofl-says

Laura Heming After Professor Duson gave out Halloween candy: Tables covered in handmade art, The difference between this and A common attitude to this issue is your average market is that the Hand- that these products are being made Student: We are all going to be fat! with jewellery, pottery and countless Dunson: better you than my children. handmade works by local artisans. Made Market promotes a “small-box,” unfairly anyway, so we aren’t re- Originality and items of unique char- sweatshop-free atmosphere, where ally harming anyone. The more that acter all displayed within a tight-knit nothing is made unfairly but is instead is bought from big name stores like In regards to midterm marks: “As Shania Twain community setting with light snow made locally. In addition, something , the more demand there is says, ‘That don’t impress-a me much.” - Dr. Haas falling upon the late-fall ground. The that is very much focused on by the for restock of these products and the HandMade Market is the fact that ev- more common the products will be- sound of an acoustic guitar as you “I was a bully, if I wanted to eat someones walk through bustling country paths. ery dollar that is spent is a practical come. This is why workers in third- statement against the oppression of world countries will continue to work lunch, I would! I was a hungry kid...” - Mrs. An introduction to the winter season Suárez that almost seems too perfect. workers in third-world countries. This for outrageously low wages. It is when On November 24 and 25th, from is so often forgotten in this day and we are aware of the cruel and unjust 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the fourth annual age because practicality has seemingly reality of the other side of things that “When a boy notices that a girl doesn’t have Christmas HandMade Market is com- blinded us as consumers. we begin to grow in compassion. We a penis he will think ‘that better not happen ing to Beamsville, a close neighbour of We often focus on the one-sided- can then begin to put into practice our to mine!” - Dr. Luchies Ancaster, setting up at two locations ness of consumerism, that is, what words and feelings that something is we can get out of it, rather than see- wrong and take a step toward change. including Fielding Estate Winery and “If there had been another gender, Shake- The Good Earth Food and Wine Co. ing from all focal points to understand Carpool, bus or hitchhike to join in who and what is behind what we are this memorable weekend at the onset speare would have been trisexual!” - Dr. The HandMade Market is an event Faber that travels throughout the Niagara buying. If there is nothing else we can of the winter season. It will be a week- area, promoting local artists and giv- do to stand against the unfair treat- end that will bring both awareness and ing them a chance to both get their ment of the third-world workers who change to the realities of third-world I tend to flip flop a lot....Like Mitt Romney – Dr. names and products out there as well are being treated inhumanly, we can workers, and will support local, home Dunson as engage in an encouraging com- at least actively refuse or refrain from grown artists in a collaboration of art- munity with people who will appre- the consumption and promotion of istry and small steps toward changing The bad news is there is a midterm, the good unfairly made items. It is so easy to an immoral reality. ciate the works of their talents. This news is....well, there is no good news. - Dr. forget about how the refusal of an ac- communal celebration of artistry is a Dunson rare occurrence and is most definitely tion really does speak much louder worth participating in. than we think. 10 ▪ SPORTS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 Modest is hottest even on the volleyball court

Brandon Richardson volleyball. Quite often I look forward Bible and throw it at a specific section to these games as the atmosphere is of the school and call them out? No. I We’ve all heard the term “modest exhilarating and the competition on do believe that the women’s volleyball is hottest,” but the question we can the court is quite fascinating. It was team should be recognized for a lot ask ourselves is this: is it? Some use on my way to one of these games last more than this issue. But do I believe this phrase to condemn the styles and year that an acquaintance (who will that the issue should be confronted? trends that come and go and some go unnamed) mentioned his reasons Yes. We are a Christian institution definitely use it as a way of hiding for attending the first set of games in and this is not the first time this issue insecurities. Apart from the debate, the Royals dual header. has come to light. there are some important things to Specifically speaking about the So that this article does not extend look at when it comes to modesty. women’s games, this man stated that past your attention I will lay the facts A while ago I found myself on Fa- he only attending the women’s match straight. Know this, there are many cebook and I came across an interest- to watch the women’s team play in men in Redeemer and many men ing comic that someone had posted. their “booty shorts.” I urge you to not outside of Redeemer who are strug- The comic strip had two frames. In be surprised that some fans watch- gling with issues of lust. I have heard the first frame there was an image ing the women’s volleyball games are the conversations about the women’s of a North American woman in a only there because of the “show” they team’s dress on the volleyball court bikini looking at a Muslim woman in get to watch. I also do not want you to and all of the comments relating to a burka. The American woman said think that I am, in some way, suggest- that. I will avoid mentioning personal to herself, “Poor male-dominated ing the only reason men show up to ones. As a whole, men have taken society,” while looking at the Muslim the women’s volleyball games are be- notice of the indecent dress on the woman. The second frame displayed cause of what the women are wearing. court. As someone who has been the same two characters, although The women’s team has earned their part of many teams outside of the this time the Muslim woman was fans based on their talent as well. Christian “bubble” we often find looking at the North American For the record, although I am not ourselves in, I can guarantee you that woman in the bikini, thinking, “Poor perfect in the area of purity, I myself those outside of Redeemer who are male-dominated society.” am not affected by the women’s coming to watch our teams (at other I don’t mention this comic to teams clothing but I do sit in the universities, away teams or curious debate between races or mentali- bleachers and I do hear the talk and community members) also take note ties, or even gender issues. It is food conversation that takes place. I have of what the women’s team is wear- for thought as we head into the also placed a tight grip on where my ing. The constant pulling down of rest of this piece. Modesty amongst mind can and cannot go and I would the more-than-skin-tight spandex at Christians has always been a hot probably be a lot more affected by the every end of play is quite noticeable topic, one which can offend many if women’s volleyball team’s attire if it to all genders. not carefully dissected and articu- were not for this. One of the most frustrating lated. I am also aware that there have I struggle with another sort of issue things about the situation is that the been countless articles written at though, one that has to do with the women’s volleyball team is not just Redeemer throughout the years about difference between Christianity and individually going out and buying What I am suggesting is that a change in today’s culture. We must be willing modesty amongst students. Modesty culture. Without bringing in a host these spandex shorts. You can see in sporting attire can contribute to to be counter-cultural at times as well is a topic which is discussed every so of theological arguments, I will sum- that Redeemer has supplied our the cause of purity and create more of as to seek better ways to remain pure often, and I have taken it upon myself marize. We as Christians are in the team with these shorts as the Royals a balance between the two women in in a culture that continues to empha- to open the can of worms again. world but commanded not to be of logo is stitched on the front of them. the comic you read about earlier. size a degree of impurity. Our school The issue I would like to briefly the world. Thus signifying that a vis- I point this out because I do not Do I suggest that our women’s must be that shining light on a hill; touch on in the topic of modesty is ible difference must be seen between have anything against individuals team wear full coverings? No I do not. we are becoming fewer and farther specific to sports, as you can tell by Christians and the culture in which on the women’s team. My concern But I do believe there is a balance to between. where this article has been placed in we live. As a Christian school I believe is that this type of sportswear is not be found. This balance can distin- The Crown. it is essential to take note of this. contributing to the fight for purity in guish our Christian university from The Loyal Royals are quickly be- The Bible contains numerous our school or outside of our school. the other teams in the OCAA as a coming one of the most talked-about warnings against lust, sexual im- Last disclaimer: I do not believe it is university that respects our women as fan bases in the OCAA. We support morality and other sexual sins that only the women’s job to contribute well as supports men in a pursuit of our teams with an enthusiasm that we are to be aware of and flee from as to men’s purity; it needs to be clear purity. At some point, individuals in is unrivalled in our competitors’ Christians (Matt. 5:28, 1 Cor. 6:18, 1 that the conversations in our school our school need to put their feet down schools. Perhaps the largest fan base Thess. 4:3-5, Col. 3:5, Job 31:1, and and the thoughts within men’s minds and end the constant shift towards we have is for men’s and women’s the list goes on). Do I want to take the should be pleasing to our Creator. the lack of modesty we find trending contributed image

The streak is over continued from page 1 back to February 10th, 2006 against people talking about everything that added 10 points. Haeven Durrant had in the OCAA over the past 5 seasons. and look to improve their record this St. Clair College. The score was 67- is going right with our program rather a team-high 14 points for Sheridan. With a record of 68-6 over the last 5 weekend at home when they take on 56. Cross town rival than focusing on the past.” While the win against Sault College years as well as 3 Provincial Champi- Lambton and St. Clair today and to- began the Royals losing streak on Feb- Lady Royals veteran Morrissa the week before was significant and onships and 3 National Championship morrow. ruary 17th, 2006 and the Royals have Lychak was asked about the losing ended the losing streak, it was against a appearances, the Bruins have been the not won a meaningful game since, for streak. “It was a big deal to us. We team that is in their second full season team to beat. The last time the Bruins an unflattering 0-87 record. talked about it often. The coaches in OCAA women’s basketball. The win played Redeemer at home was last Fleming College in Peterborough want to turn the program around and against the Bruins on Friday night was year. The Royals lost 102-43. recently lived through its own losing they are being very proactive. We un- a win against the most dominate team The Lady Royals currently sit at 2-2 streak that began in 2005. They were derstand that it’s not going to happen riding a 74 game losing streak dating overnight but it is exciting to see the back to 2005. They broke the streak time and effort that is being put into on October 28th, 2009 when they de- the team in so many different ways”. feated Centennial College 57-43. Dave Mantel was also asked about the It is clear that the program is mov- streak. He said, “I’m happy this years ing forward behind the direction of team has already put the losing streak the coaching staff of Rob Hooper and behind them. We want to have a posi- Greg Best. The team has brought in a tive outlook towards the future and number of recruits over the summer, move forward”. has worked hard to successfully bring Not only did the Royals break the in a number of key sponsorships, and streak, they continued the winning. have added an exhibition trip out East The Lady Royals defeated powerhouse to kick off the 2012-2013 season. Ath- Sheridan College 62-61 in front of an letic Director Dave Mantel comment- energetic crowd. The game, that saw 4 ed regarding the women’s basketball lead changes and 5 ties, came down to program. He said, “We see a great the last shot as the Bruins had a chance opportunity for improvement in wom- to win but the shot rimmed out. Victo- en’s basketball within the OCAA. Over ria Pickering (Campbellville, ON) had the last year or two we have received a a game-high 21 points for the Royals great deal of interest from elite athletes as the team shot 33% from beyond the interested in coming to Redeemer. We arc compared to Sheridan’s 8%. Pick- are continuing to make improvements ering had 5 of Redeemer’s 8 3-point- to the program so that we have a lot ers as she shot 5/9 and a total of 8/12 to offer to them. We’ve been blessed throughout the game. OCAA player of by significant community support that the week Jesseca Brown (Grand Man- has allowed us to make these improve- an, NB) had 13 points for Redeemer ments. Now it is a matter of getting while Morrisa Lychak (Nepean, ON) ▪ 11 ROYALS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 Men’s Home openers spolied rugby moving for- ward

Ben Goodwin

In the two years of its existence, the Redeemer Men’s Rubgy Club has come a long way. Last year the team, along with its women’s team counterpart, was formally established as a club un- der Senate and played a grand total of two games. Naturally the games were well attended, but practices often had a lot of no-shows and there was little in the way of coaching. Of course the team had fun and finished the season with a victory over Calvin College, but at the end of last year there was little more than a foundation to talk about. That foundation has been built upon this year. The season thus far has featured two exhibition games against Photo property of RUC athletics the Balmy Beach Rugby Club and the Brampton Beavers Rugby Club, both Peter Reid In the women’s game, the Lady the court the entire night. She led the point but unforced errors by the Roy- of the Ontario Rugby Union (ORU). Royals seemed to be in complete con- team in digs with 13 as her defense als saw them fall behind with Mohawk According to team captain Luke Mc- trol grabbing an early lead in the first proved to be just as strong as her of- eventually winning the game 15-13 Kee, the team would “love to go Var- The Men’s and Women’s volleyball teams opened up their season’s at game. However, Mohawk made a late fense. Elise Kollenhoven (Acton, ON) and the match 3-2. sity and join the OCAA, but Athletics charge and put the pressure on the also had a big night for Redeemer fin- Eric Heidbuurt (Waterdown, ON) makes that call.” In the meantime, home in front of a packed house. The Mohawk Mountaineers were the visi- Royals. Redeemer squeaked out the ishing with 11 total points from 6 kills, and David Klomps (Surrey, BC) led the ORU seemed like a good fit for the first set win 25-23. After the comeback 3 aces, and 2 blocks. the Royals offensively. Heidbuurt fin- fledgling club. Redeemer isn’t a full tors and as always, provided a great night of competition. Unfortunately in the 1st set, Mohawk seemed to grab Kristin VanHartingsveldt had a ished with 16 kills and 21 total points league member and only plays exhi- all of the momentum heading into the team high 12 total points for the visit- while Klomps added 16 kills and 18 to- bition games with ORU teams, but if for Redeemer, Mohawk stole victories in both games and handed the Royals 2nd game. ing Mountaineers. tal points. Jesse Dykxhoorn (Holland the Athletics Department doesn’t de- Mohawk used the momentum to In the men’s game, the Royals Marsh, ON) led the team defensively cide to take the club to the varsity level opening night loses. The opening matches lived up to take control in the 2nd and tied up seemed to come out flat while - Mo with 11 digs. right away, McKee says there’s “poten- the match at 1-1 with a 25-17 victory. hawk proved to be ready to play taking Mo Sulaiman had a team high 19 tial to enter into a Cup competition in their billing, as there was only stand- ing room in the Royals gymnasium From there, the games remained tight a quick 2-0 lead. Scores from the first total points for the visiting Mountain- the ORU, playing real league games and could have tipped in either teams games were 25-22 and 25-20. How- eers. for a championship.” with many people actually sitting on the floor to get a view of the action. favor. A few less errors by the Moun- ever, halfway through the 3rd game, Unforced errors seemed to be the While that may seem a long way off, taineers gave them the 3rd (25-22) the momentum seemed to be chang- theme of the night for both Royals dedication to the club and attendance The Royals crowd did their best to provide a home court advantage but in and 4th (25-23) sets and the 3-1 win. ing as a few big points got the crowd teams. To many hitting and serving at practices is at an all-time high de- Redeemer’s Curtiss Straatsma back into the game. The Royals pulled errors cost Redeemer valuable points spite this year’s two defeats. The 0-2 the end, the Mountaineers were able to focus on the game and not their sur- (Brampton, ON) had a fantastic game out a close game winning 25-23. Re- on opening night. They will try to start to the season is nothing to be for the Royals in the loss. Straatsma deemer rode the energy into the 4th make things right when they travel to worried about, given that ORU teams roundings and come out with the two key victories. led the team in kills (11) and total game where they won easily 25-17. In Fanshawe College and St. Clair Col- are generally comprised of grown men points (12) and seemed to be all over the 5th, both teams battled point for lege this weekend. that have been playing rugby all their lives and the members Redeemer’s young squad are almost all new to the sport. McKee expresses optimism about the future, saying the guys are “getting the hang of it” and that “ev- Nationals Bound ery college team goes over basic skills again and again, so that’s not a bad thing.” The club has two more games sched- Women’s Cross Country Team headed to National Championships uled for the season, an away game against an ORU team from Oakville finished 44th with a time of 22:13, and Because it is an open Championship, on both the student athlete experience on November 10th and a game in the Peter Reid finishing in 49th place for Redeemer each institution is than left to draft as well as on Redeemer itself. We feel dome against Mohawk on the 17th. was Tracey Ubbens (Toronto, ON) in a their own qualification rules for their that it is also the perfect way to say Both, according to McKee, are winna- The Women’s Cross Country team time of 22:50. teams. thank you to those graduating athletes ble, and the club is hoping for a large is off to the CCAA National Cham- Redeemer will also be sending When this rule came into affect a for all of their time and commitment home crowd to seal up the season and pionships. After winning bronze at veteran male runner Taylor Kraayen- number of years ago, Redeemer stated to representing Redeemer so well over strengthen Redeemer Rugby’s varsity this years OCAA Provincial Cham- brink (Port Lambton, ON) to compete that a Royals team or individual can the past number of years.” aspirations. pionships, the team will be eager to at Nationals as well. Taylor finished qualify for an out of province National The last time an individual runner see where they fit against the best in in 11th place at the OCAA Provincial Championships in one of two ways. qualified was in 2008-2009 when Canada. Championships and is running at the One is by capturing Gold or Silver as Christine DeBrouwer finished 5th at At the Provincial Championships highest level of his career. There were a team and the other is by finishing in the Provincial Championships. Only the one-two punch of Julie Koopmans a total of 102 runners at the Provincial the top 7 as an individual and becom- one other time did a member of the (Chatham, ON) and Jillian Marquardt Championships. Taylor finished off a ing 1 of 7 members of Team Ontario. Royals Women’s Cross Country team (Pembroke, ON) once again ran well great season where he finished each If the National Championship takes qualify for the National Champion- for the Royals and will look to lead the meet with a time better than the pre- place in Ontario than the team quali- ships and that was Elissa Wildeboer team into the National Championships. vious, improving to where he almost fies with a Bronze medal. This years in 2003-2004 when she finished 3rd First across the line for Redeemer at cracked the top 10. Championship is in Quebec. overall. Provincials was Koopmans. She tore The decision was made last week However, exceptions can be made The women’s team has been so close up the course in Sault St. Marie with that despite finishing in 3rd place at and that is the case this year. Athletic to qualifying many times in years past a time of 19:25. Koopmans finished the OCAA Provincial Championships, Director Dave Mantel had this to say, and finally broke through into the top in 12th place overall. Right behind Redeemer University College would “Our Women’s Cross Country team two this season. 5 times in the past 10 her in 13th was teammate Marquardt still send the women’s cross country is very young and very talented. We years, the women’s team have found in a time of 19:30. The 3rd and 4th team to the National event as well as think that making the exception and the podium at the Cross Country scorers for Redeemer were Adrianna Taylor Kraayenbrink. sending them this year will be very Provincial Championships but every So (Toronto, ON) andAnnie Stollery As a result of the CCAA National valuable for our team. It gives them single time it has captured Bronze. (Waterloo, ON) with respective times Cross Country Championships being the opportunity to compete at a very From 2003-2004 to 2008-2009, Re- of 20:29 and 21:16 in 26th and 35th an open event, each OCAA institution high level and gain valuable experi- deemer won a bronze medal 5 out of place. Rounding out the women’s team that fields a team in the Provincial ence for seasons to come. Redeemer’s the 6 years. wasGina Van Haren (Lacombe, AB) in Championships that finishes in the administration saw the value in pro- This years National Championship 42nd place with a time of 21:44, Janae top 5 or has an individual who finishes viding the resources to send the team will take place in St-Lambert, Quebec Vlaar-Philbrick (Vineland, ON) who in the top 14 can send their runners. knowing the impact that it can have from November 8th-10th. 12 ▪ OPINIONS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 Will assisted suicide Protocol become a reality in of Assisted Canada? Suicide

CASEY KORSTANJE Grace Siwik In 1997, physician-assisted It offered a carefully crafted descrip- in their approach, even though at suicide was temporarily legalized tion of his death by suicide that was times what they were writing ran in Oregon. After the process was In early September, just as school was couched with the sort of delicate counter to their core beliefs. They did Physician-assisted suicide involves made illegal again, the data was starting, the Hamilton Spectator and phrases that limit offense and add a what journalists are supposed to do... a delicate and lethal cocktail of drugs. gathered and a study was done to the Toronto Star published a full-page touch of heroism. The story ended tell you what is going on. The procedure of ending a life is review the procedures. story on the life and death by suicide with his call for Canada to do the Late last month, the federal govern- potentially more thought-out than of a 54-year-old Toronto man. The right thing, to throw out the laws ment filed its appeal of a British making one. Questions such as, “how According to a case study, the first Waterloo Region Record followed up against assisted suicide, just as it had Columbia court decision in June that will we do this?” “Is this the right year physician-assisted suicide was with a related story a few weeks later. done the right thing by throwing out struck down Canada’s assisted suicide thing to do?” are asked in both occa- legalized there was a special lethal Like his father before him, the To- the laws against abortion. law as unconstitutional. sions. The difference being one brings dosage of drugs prescribed to patients ronto man had been diagnosed with The article was nakedly uncritical. In The ruling was followed by editorials life to this world, while the other by their attending physicians. This Huntington’s disease. His wife told fact, it implied approval without ut- in the Globe and Mail, the Canadian sends life to the grave. case study was conducted after the the Star that in January her husband tering a single word to that effect. Medical Association Journal, and From sickness to death, this is the deaths of these terminally ill patients decided to preempt the terminal So the students began to ask the sorts other papers demanding the country, story of the physician-assisted suicide under the Oregon Death With Dignity disease. They set a date, and he ended of questions the article didn’t. What in the name of decency, allow doctors procedure. Act. The information was gathered his life in April. is going on in Canada? Are there to offer euthanasia. Keeping the patient’s interests in from the physicians and their patient Some of you may have seen the story, alternatives when people suffer and The court in B.C. gave the federal gov- mind is the most important thing. Ac- profiles and notes. The study found close to 2 million did, including those the end is inevitable? How is it done? ernment one year to appeal and, if it cording to the Netherlands Ministry that doctors used a mixture of water who clip articles for their bosses in Where in the world is it legal, and lost, to change the law. of Foreign Affairs, there is an intricate and ethanol, mixed with either seco- government and business and who what is the experience? What do the So what follows is the information procedure for allowing euthanasia barbital or pentobarbital. The drugs link their web pages to articles that churches say? What are the argu- Redeemer’s j-students dug up. Their in terminal cases. Their protocol in- are respectively a barbiturate deriva- support their cause. ments in favour and against? What aim is to let you know that changes volves six steps to ensure the patient’s tive and a central nervous system de- The story was also carefully analyzed about the law? are afoot in Canadian society, to give best interest. pressant. This means that breathing by Redeemer’s journalism students. What follows are the answers to you a larger picture of this issue and, and heart rate are decreased. These It included interviews with the spouse those questions and others. They are frankly, to sound an alarm. · Assuring a well-considered drugs are also used for controlling along with a poignant photo of a written in journalistic fashion, which and voluntary patient. Without epilepsy and hallucinations. Acting as happy couple. forced the students to remain neutral their consent this process is il- a sedative, hypnotic, and anesthetic, legal. this cocktail was extremely successful. The results of the Oregon case · The physician must diagnose study were that 5 minutes after inges- the patient’s suffering as unbear- tion the patient was unconscious. On the street able. There can be no scientific After 26 minutes, on average, death diagnosis for potential improve- was accomplished. In all cases there ment. The definition of unbear- were no complications with this drug One person said that they “would Dr. James Hamilton Watt, a medi- able pain is yet to be determined. combination. ANDY WATT agree with [assisted suicide] only for cal specialist with a Ph.D. in radiol- However, some of the patients did the terminally ill.” This growing shift ogy, said that “while assisted suicide · The patient must be informed stay unconscious for long periods of of their prognosis and decline “To be or not to be?” An age old does not mean a lack of morality but may have occurred in the past, medi- time before eventually dying. One pa- without the physician-assisted question. In Canadian society there is rather a wish that others have an ac- cine has become increasingly litigious tient was unconscious for 11.5 hours. suicide. a shift taking place between whether ceptable quality of life at all times. for anyone involved in the care of a According to a Radio Netherland or not active doctor assisted suicide Some adopt a Pro Choice view patient. So much so that there is far Worldwide report on euthanasia, · Discuss the prognosis and should be legalized. The trend ap- like florist Susan who said: “It’s your less personal freedom involved.” doctors there have the ability to say come to a consensus that there is pears to be leaning toward legalizing own choice. You have the right to As a result, the caregiver can not no to a request for physician-assisted no other option. it. In past years the belief was that a determine whether or not you want make the call to help a person die suicide. Doctors are obligated to do doctor should only strive to extend to stay in this world.” When asked or give them a completely pain-free everything in their power to save · The attending physician must and better a person’s life. if she would hold human life as less experience. He goes on to say that someone’s life. If there is a potential consult another physician that On a misty rain-filled day, average important than the individual’s right “due to this nature of medicine, a treatment, it must be explored before has no connection to this patient people stepped up to give their opin- to choose, she responded with “Yes.” medical practitioner cannot leave a assisted suicide can be investigated. or the case. They must see the pa- ions and many of them still hold onto Phil, the owner of a bookstore, morphine drip running at the same While some struggle to hold on to tient and agree with the original the idea that while “quality of life is made it very clear that the individual rate to maintain a terminally ill hope, others turn to drugs. Euthana- diagnosis. important, preserving it is far more “would have to be responsible for patient’s pain relief. Doing so would sia is a complicated matter. The sci- important.” their decision no matter what the cause the patient to die painlessly ence is delicate as the results lead to a · The physician must practice People with this view agree with outcome might be.” Nevertheless, but is grounds for the removal of the literal life or death situation. Only in extreme medical care to assure Nick, the manager of a subway res- all people holding this view believed caregiver’s medical licence. We need the case of physician-assisted suicide, the patient’s comfort throughout taurant, who says, “If you are given that the individual must be sound of to be protected from the law itself.” is death the goal and life the obstacle. the process. The consulting physi- one year to live, you should live it. mind and not depressed in order to He suggests that legalizing this cian must see the patient and Life is too precious, every moment is make the proper choice. If they were practice is the correct course of action establish whether all the possible too precious.” deemed depressed then the right to and would protect the medical field. treatment has been explored. With life being held in such high end their life should be taken out of However, personally, “[he] would regard, it would seem obvious that their hands. not assist the patient”. This struggle suicide should be prevented at all In our society there are differ- to determine what is the proper and costs. However, Nick’s view seems to ing opinions. But there seems to moral course of action when dealing vanish for most once the prospect of be a common inner turmoil people with assisted suicide is a characteris- terminal illness is introduced. struggle with. tic of our society. European Experience

AMY WISEMAN There has been much more talk of “decriminalized.” Council of Europe (PACE) approved wife, Jane, will appeal to the courts Holland’s policies when it comes to According to an article written by a resolution on January 25th of this again on behalf of her late husband assisted suicide because there have Imogen Foulkes (BBC), “This would year stating that “euthanasia must and others who wish to end their The past decade has been one of been significant changes to them. appear to rule out the current practice always be prohibited.” This resolution suffering. incredible change in many European For example, it is legal to euthanize of Dignitas, in which patients from brought about a lot of debate consid- Another country that’s grappling countries. For a continent that is babies and children who are expected outside Switzerland arrive, see a doc- ering it was the first official stance with the idea of euthanasia is Sweden. known as an attractive tourist spot for to die within their first year or who tor, and die all in the same day.” taken against euthanasia in Europe. Passive euthanasia (stopping treat- culture-seeking travellers, it also has suffer “certain neurological disor- In 1998, an organization called In the UK, where euthanasia is ment that would prolong life) is legal an allure for another group of travel- ders, like spina bifida” (Beltramo, “Dignitas” set up a base near Zurich illegal, there was a recent case that there. However, the majority of Swed- lers: those with the desire to end their Carlos;Euthanasia in Europe: From where death for the ill and those with caught quite a bit of attention. Tony ish doctors don’t want to get involved. lives. Horror to Hope; 2012). other disorders is offered. From 1998 Nicklinson, had a stroke in 2005 and Countries’ policies on euthanasia “Mercy-Killing” or euthanasia Dutch law states that euthanasia is – 2008, the majority of people going was left paralyzed and lost the ability are constantly under debate and has been a topic of heavy debate for allowed if the chances of recovery are to Dignitas to die were German . to speak. This August, at the age of changing. So far, the countries that many years and has opened the door none, the pain is excruciating, and the In Germany, the law isn’t clear 58, he went to court to plead for the have allowed euthanasia are: Hol- for more discussion as it has become doctors are asked multiple times by when it comes to assisted suicide. right to have a doctor help him end land, Belgium, Luxembourg, and more popular in recent times. the patient to end their life. It’s not illegal, but it cannot involve a his life. Life was very hard for him Switzerland. The first European country to legal- However, the country that has been doctor. Because of the Nazi treatment and he finally decided that he was ize euthanasia was the Netherlands attracting “suicide tourists” is Swit- of the disabled and terminally ill, ready to finish his time on this earth. (Holland) in 2002. Belgium followed zerland. Though euthanasia is not euthanasia in Germany is still a bit He lost his case in the high court that same year but has not produced legal there, assisted suicide without “taboo.” and ended up dying from natural as much coverage of the issue. the participation of a doctor has been The Parliamentary Assembly of the causes a few days later. Nicklinson’s ▪ 13 OPINIONS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 Editorial: Movember: A letter of encouragement to mo-bros and mo- sistas

Ben Reid all over the world. However, Movem- range of innovative, world-class journey, whether it be a friend, col- month of November, each mo-bro ber remains most popular in Canada programs in line with their strategic league, family member, partner or must grow and groom a moustache. Editor-in-chief followed closely by the UK, Australia, goals. boyfriend. These inspirational women There is to be no joining of the mo to and then the United States. Movember started back in 2004 are committed to raising awareness of [one’s] sideburns. (That’s considered While Many people grow mous- and since then has raised over 300 men’s health issues and much needed a beard.) There is to be no joining of taches, some just spectate and enjoy million dollars. Each year Movember funds for men’s health along the way. the handlebars to [one’s] chin. (That’s the creations. Others, particularly continues to grow, reaching a total of So ladies, I encourage you to support considered a goatee.) Each mo-bro ladies who prefer clean-shaven men, 125.7 million dollars last year, with the men in your life during this excit- must conduct himself like a true dislike the month strongly. It is safe expectations of topping that goal this ing time and, if your compelled, to country gentleman. to say that there are some members year. donate too. So there you have it. A little knowl- from all camps who don’t really know So men, Mo-Bros, if you are Now you may be wondering where edge about Movember. Originally the real reason for Movember. Many sporting a moustache--great, you is all this money going? Movember is starting in Austrailia, and now an think it is just an excuse for men to are already half-way to becoming a committed to keeping costs as low as international phenomenon. I encour- grow their facial hair and let them- gentlemen full of class. However, we possible. In fact, last year in Canada age men to sport a ‘stache and to selves loose for a month. However, it mustn’t forget the real reason behind 89.6% got put directly into programs donate to this worthy cause. You will is much more than that. Movember. Don’t just sport the with Prostate Cancer Canada reciev- not regret it. Movember’s main goal is to raise ‘stache, instead sign up and donate ing 77.7% of the cut. Typically for a For those already partaking, I will funds and awareness for men’s some money. Don’t just wear your non-profit, putting 80% of funds di- leave you with these words of en- health, specifically prostate cancer moustache in vain; instead, use it for rectly to programs is the international couragement from fourth year David and male mental health initiatives. good and support this great cause. standard. Movember has beat that by Klomps. “With a week’s worth facial According to their website, the funds And ladies, Mo-Sistas, you also almost 10%. hair on our faces, many Mo-Bros are Movember: The time of year where raised are directed to programs run have an important role to play. For those who didn’t start on probably noticing less attention from men take a few weeks off from the ra- directly by Movember and their Movember’s website says a Mo-Sista November 1, it is not too late to join. the ladies. Stay strong, gentlemen. zor to add a little decor to their faces, men’s health partner, Prostate Cancer is essentially a woman who loves a The rules are simple: each mo-bro There are some good girls out there specifically over their upper lip. Canada. Together, these two channels Mo, an individual that is dedicated must begin the 1st of November with that appreciate the Mo. Keep working Over the past few years “Movem- work together to ensure that Mo- to supporting the Mo Bros in her life a clean shaven face. (For those joining at it and don’t give up.” ber” has gained significant popularity vember funds are supporting a broad through their moustache growing now, just start now.) For the entire

Kierkegaardian Reflections: Preliminary Remarks

opinion might change upon further Christian perspective, and throughout ing, either implicitly or explicitly, the more specifically, to me in my spatial- Matthew Bokma study), that although Kierkegaard’s my study I wish to trace the contours continual relevance of Kierkegaard’s temporal context. Furthermore, apart project was primarily directed against of Christianity from his arguably “ex- works through the critique of our from my intentions contained in each Dear Redeemer Community, the Christian nominalism of modern istential” perspective. From the works beloved campus and community individual article, I want to provide Denmark, he mounted his attack by of Kierkegaard, I want to explore the life. However, dear reader, do not a tentative model for how students Currently I am anticipating an writing in a way that strikes the heart relationship between the individual approach my writings with the sole might allow themselves and their Independent Study next semester of the individual. He wrote to inspire and a collective society, or, more intention of studying Kierkegaard; work to be influenced by the great on the writings of the Danish author people to reflect upon themselves, specifically, the relationship between I will not be regurgitating his ideas. thinkers of history. I hope that the Kierkegaard (1813-1855), who is for it is within the individual that the the Christian and the institutionalized Although his literary strategies and students of Redeemer University will widely recognized as the ‘father of locus of transformation is found. Ki- Church. terminology might be employed, I be inspired by my project and conjure existentialism’ and whose influence erkegaard’s strategy therefore main- As part of my Independent Study, will not be using them along with the spirits of reflection, ambition and reaches a variety of disciplines such tains the integrity of individuality. I will be writing a series of articles a comprehensive knowledge of creativity ultimately for the sake of as theology, psychology, literary One should not begin to understand titled “Kierkegaardian Reflections.” Kierkegaard’s entire corpus, nor will Christ’s mission. theory, politics, and philosophy. conflict on the interpersonal level; This aspect of my study is best they be used in a strict, Kierkegaard- According to philosopher Stephen conflict, with its various manifesta- described as an experiment. My ian fashion. Also, I am not seeking C. Evans, Kierkegaard identified tions, fundamentally stems from experiment will be to build upon a after authorial intent. The study of himself as a “religious thinker” whose intrapersonal human passions, and philosophical foundation that I have his works and the production that primary purpose was to “reintroduce it is through the choices performed acquired throughout my studies and follows is intended to convey how Christianity into Christendom.” I by specific individuals that history to intellectually interact with a variety Kierkegaard continues to be relevant believe, however (and of course my is driven. Kierkegaard writes from a of Kierkegaard’s insights by express- to academia generally speaking, and,

The views presented do not necessarily represent the opinions of The Crown staff or the broader Redeemer community Each “Letter to the Editor” intended for publication by its writer should be printed, providing that (a) there is space available, (b) that the letter does not contain erroneous or slan- derous material, and (c) that the editor-in-chief does not deem the letter to be offensive to the Redeemer community. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. 14 ▪ SPIRITUALITY TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012 Chaplain’s Corner

Here’s your riddle of the day: what western world we don’t have time for a life in which all things are held to- LIFE do clocks and abortionists have in babies. Babies are inefficient: they cry gether in Christ; instead, we live as common, and what do they have to do at night, they poop at the worst times, if all things are held together by the The thief comes only to steal and kill with our theme of the year, “All things they limit our freedom, they’re just clock, by deadlines, by to-do lists, by and destroy; I have come that they held in Christ?” Ponder these two sta- plain inconvenient. We’re too busy to time pressures. may have life, and have it to the full tistics. raise them. To the extent that we live this way, (John 10: 10). For you created my in- (1) The small Greek island of Ikaria Now combine these statistics: an is- we have accommodated to the idola- most being; you knit me together in (pop. 9000) boasts the longest life- land where clocks are ignored boasts try that justifies abortion. You see, the my mother’s womb. I praise you be- span per resident the world’s highest longevity; the devil’s fundamental strategy with idol- cause I am fearfully and wonderfully of almost any region on earth. Re- western world is too busy to allow ba- atry is that we reject it with our lips made; your works are wonderful, I searchers have spent time there ana- bies to be born. while embracing it with our lives. That know that full well. My frame was not lyzing why this is Is Redeemer pro-life? If Hauerwas is strategy gives him a double win: (1) the hidden from you when I was made in so, and two of their conclusions are right (and I think he is), then it’s not Christian community embodies idola- the secret place. When I was woven very striking: (1) hardly anyone pays clear if we are pro-life at Redeemer. try, and (2) we also embody hypocrisy together in the depths of the earth, attention to clocks on the island, and We may say that we are pro-life, but because our words and our lives don’t your eyes saw my unformed body its residents are rarely rushed; (2) the our lifestyles and the harriedness in match up. As one who struggles with (Psalm 139: 13-16). social ethos on the island is one in our hearts proclaim the deeper mes- this, I need this prayer: which people feel free to drop in on sage that we have also bowed down “Lord, forgive us as we bow before SYD HIELEMA Here’s your riddle of the day: what each other unannounced at almost at the altar of the western world’s the throne of the clock, and grant us do clocks and abortionists have in any time; there is a deep sense of com- idolatrous adulation of being too busy. wisdom and discernment to tear down common, and what do they have to munity and relational support. We’re too busy for devotions, too busy this idol so that the LIFE that Jesus do with our theme of the year, “All (2) Abortion rates are very high in for deep conversations, too busy to gives may fill us more and things held in Christ?” Ponder these our world. Why? It’s a complex ques- weep with those who weep, too busy to more. Thank you for those who mod- two statistics. tion, but Christian ethicist Stanley attend chapel, too busy to truly LIVE el that kind of life for us. Amen.” Hauerwas answers it simply: in the the life that Jesus gives. We don’t live Take time Blanket drive is Take your time and read this slowly. It may save you time in the long run. warming up

ANTHONY RAMUSCAK Brandon Richardson on as believers. By reflecting on the you can learn to depend on him rath- creational story we are able to see er than on yourself.” When we find that our God rested on the Sab- ourselves overwhelmed by workload, In the summer of 2006 I at- remembering the picture of that man bath. Whether or not you support a jobs, volunteering, social tensions and tended a leadership program at Camp sleeping on a bench in the cold, and I “You are just a vapor that appears traditional view of the Sabbath you every other aspect of University life at Brebeuf in Rockwood, Ontario. Those prayed, “Father, you know I love you. for a little while and then vanishes can see that our Father has displayed Redeemer, remember that it is a time two weeks God showed me things I am limited in my abilities, but help away” (James 4:14a). a practice that is crucial to our walk that we can look to Christ and see His that I knew were real, but never me to help your children.” The irony is killing me. As my on earth. A classic case of burnout power shine through. Even if we are really thought about before. It was a I came home that summer and fingers punch out this article based will result for anyone who does not living perfectly within our callings we wakeup call. went on with my daily life. Going to on “time” my mind is studying for the put some aspect of the Sabbath to will find ourselves in need of reliance In John 21:15-17, Jesus asks Simon therapy one day I saw a man standing midterm I have tomorrow, my heart practice in their life. on Christ. Peter “Do you love me?” three times. at the side of the road with a sign, is waiting impatiently for ball hockey I will now insert a plug for Craig The bottom line is this, if you find As I look back on this event at camp “I’m hungry.” holding back the tears and my feet are twitching, remind- Groeshel’s book Weird, in which the yourself scrambling to put together and before, reading these verses and I begged my mom to stop the car and ing me of that run I was meaning to first three chapters deal with this the fragments of time that are left bringing them into my life I gave the help him, but we were in the middle endure tonight. I could bore you with issue of time. Based on Groeshel’s over after your daily activities per- same answer as Peter, “Yes, Lord; lane and cars were coming fast; she all of the little details about a regular arguments we are able to see that he haps it is time to turn to God. Rely on you know I love you.” It wasn’t until said it was not safe. After therapy I day in my shoes but most of you who suggests that God calls us (or leads Him to highlight the things in your I came to Redeemer and heard our wanted to grab a sandwich for the are reading this article are students us) to specific actions in life. Pairing life you may not need to be involved chaplain, Syd Hielema, break it down guy, but he wasn’t there anymore. and ARE in my shoes. this with the belief that God is in in as well as the strength to carry on for us in his class that I understood That is the story behind the The truth is, the student occu- control over time and that one of our in the things you should be involved Jesus asked me, “Do you [philia] blanket-drive. November 2006 I or- pation is a busy one. Our time at key missions as Christians is to align in. Similarly to our financial re- me?” (meaning, do you love me ganized a blanket-drive in high school Redeemer is short (paralleling our life ourselves with His calling, we are able sources, as we give God our time (the through thick and thin?). I said, “Yes, and raised 100 blankets for the Good described as a vapor in James) and to conclude with a very important first fruits at that) He will be faithful Lord; I love you as a friend.” I went Shepherd Center and Living Rock there is a constant pressure to work lesson. God’s calling on our lives will in providing us with an abundance of to camp in the leadership program Ministry. I am organizing a blanket- harder, longer and faster all through- never exceed the time that He has time to reflect on what He has done not knowing what was all involved. drive here at Redeemer for the whole out the four or five years we spend given us. Although subtle, a sense of with that time, and you will not be In the second week of the program month of November. I made a vow to at 777 Garner Rd. East. We also find pride can sometimes arise in one’s in need of more. Trust in God and Jesus asked me “Do you [agape] me?” God that night at Living Rock Min- ourselves in a North American culture busyness as we look past what God look to Him especially during those ( meaning, would you die for me?). I istry: “Father, you know I love you. that emphasizes worth by what we has asked us to do and look to what overwhelming moments. gave the same answer, “yes, Lord; I I am limited in my abilities, but help do. A great deal of pride is wrapped we feel we should be doing or could If you are looking for further read- love you as a friend.” Little did I know me to help your children.” up in the self-flattering activities that be accomplishing. Only by living in ing on this subject I highly encourage what was going to happen. As most of you know from Face- we busy ourselves with and, without what Christ has called us to can we you to pick up Craig Groeschel’s book. During the second week we went book, Timeout, and the Redeemer pointing to the escape route, a great avoid this. It is an easy read containing life- on a trip. I asked my counsellor where website, November 1st was the official deal of this can be attributed to the Groeschel also says, “God will often changing principles. we were going. No answer. The day start of the blanket-drive; it will culture we find ourselves in. give you more than you can handle so of, moments before the bus came, I remain open until November 30th. The Sabbath is crucial to reflect felt the need to go and pray so I went It is my hope that this blanket-drive to the grotto of Our Lady and I prayed will become an annual event. We asking God to keep us safe, asking the have raised over 200 blankets for Holy Spirit to guide us. The bus came; the less fortunate before November, my counsellor saw me at the grotto thanks to the interview on 900CHML, praying and he came to me and asked a local radio station, conducted on if he could pray with me. I nodded October 19th, which helped greatly. I with a smile. He prayed asking God to promised that if I raised 200 blankets give us strength as He gave Simon of I would dress up as Santa Claus. I Cyrene the strength to carry the Cross didn’t expect that after my first radio of Christ with Jesus. After, we went to interview the goal would be met. the bus only to find out it was not the Therefore, December 7th, the last day wheelchair bus they ordered. In my of classes before exams, Santa Claus heart I heard, “Pick up your cross and will be at Redeemer at 11 AM (but follow me.” With help I walked on the Santa needs elves to help hand out bus and sat in the seat. They folded candy canes). up my wheelchair and put it in the If you are interested in taking part back of the bus. We came to Living in the Redeemer University College Rock Ministry in downtown Hamil- blanket-drive, running the whole ton. We started to volunteer in the month of November, please drop off building: upstairs, kitchen, out front, new or used warm blankets at the and downstairs. That night we didn’t Student Life Office at Redeemer Uni- go to bed. Instead, we went around versity College (located at 777 Garner at night to see first-hand where and Road East in Ancaster, Ontario), in what conditions the less fortunate Micah House (located on 333 King people live and sleep. My heart sank, Street East, Hamilton, Ontario), or but just before we went back in the the Good Shepherd Centre (located Living Rock building we saw a man on 135 Mary Street). sleeping on a bench in front of the contributed image church. Tears filled my eyes. That night I prayed with tears in my eyes, ▪ 15 SPIRITUALITY TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012

November 18, 2012 7:00 p.m.

Guest speakers Jeff Strong and Matt Pamplin


Starts with a toothbrush

AMANDA CURRAN I have many amazing friendships at mean attending an event on campus Redeemer, and in life overall, that are that you may not know many people some of the most unlikely matches. at, or talking to that student in your What a crazy thing it is to think It is funny how that happens; we try English class that you have never met. about the little things that make our so hard to decide who we want to be It could even be as simple as having day better. I think almost everyone friends with and who we think would a dorm dinner with a dorm you do can agree that something about the make a good friend, and then some- not know. (Admit it, after the first day feels so much better when you one comes along that doesn’t fit that two weeks of school dorm dinners are start the day with brushing your mould and their friendship turns out usually between dorms that you are teeth. What would happen if all of to be one of the best. already friends with, or dorms of the Redeemer started their day off by I would like to give a challenge for opposite gender that help you conve- brushing their teeth? Just kidding. each Redeemer student right now. niently get to know a certain person What would it be like if everyone at I know that some people are not from the dorm.) If you really wanted Redeemer intentionally tried to make too keen on meeting new people, or to, you could even refer to #1 in order a random person’s day? initiating new friendships, but I want to fulfill #2. As a fourth-year student, I have to give you three practical ideas that #3 Stop rushing to get to class, and met a variety of people so far at everyone can profit from. then rushing home. Meet new people Redeemer. However, somehow I still #1 Redeemer has this great (and around school, say “hi” to new people don’t feel that I have put the best sometimes creepy) thing with our in the halls, borrow the egg you need effort into getting to know people email accounts that allows us to for baking from a dorm you don’t at Redeemer. We can probably all know any students email address/last actually know well. When we stop admit that when we walk into a room name by simply starting to type their and take time to enjoy those around of new people there is an automatic name into the “to” field on Zimbra. If us, we also have more opportunities reaction to give a quick glance around you are up for the challenge, send a to make someone’s day. Why not the room and decide which people quick note of encouragement to one pause in your rush to class in order are ones that you want to be friends new person this week. It could be as to hold the door for someone behind with. This is a sad reality that I know simple as a Bible verse, or it could be you. Or smile at the person who looks I am extremely guilty of. Reflect- an actual short note of encourage- super stressed as they pour over their ing back on my years thus far at ment. If you want to be anonymous, homework in the library. Why not Redeemer I can see so many times get an name from the email list, and appreciate all the differences and that I have done that. This is not to then drop a note in their mailbox uniqueness of the other Redeemerites say that I base all my friendships on instead. around you. first appearance or judge all books by #2 Make it your goal to go out of Take the time today to brush your their cover. However, I know that it your comfort zone in terms of friend- teeth... and then go make a random is an automatic reaction sometimes. ships this week or month. This could person’s day! contributed image Feminism and Christians becky connell restricted from many rights, the Saudi The third wave of feminism we must also consider biblical clues and this is just a sample of her role Crown Reporter Arabian monarch surprised many as involves the act of female assertion, that God has no regard for gender: for the year. What she found with the In many Christian circles, men and he opened up the vote to women and claiming that women are just as ca- “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, experience was a lot of “loneliness.” women flinch at the very mention of acknowledged their right to run for pable as men in most, if not all, areas. neither slave nor free, nor is there What was her goal? She responds the f word. Yes, I am talking about municipal elections. If you believe in This wave of feminism continues to male and female, for you are all one to the guardian: “I wanted to help free feminism. If you are strongly anti- the equality of men and women, then argue for equal rights; however, it can in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). women from this impossible ideal of feminist, I encourage you to read this by this definition you are a feminist. border on silliness as it sometimes Christ does not judge us by our sex, womanhood. And invite them to cut very brief article with an open-mind The second wave of feminism took argues for the sameness of both gen- and neither should we. themselves, and one another, some before you flip the page and gag at the a more radical approach in the 1960’s ders. While men and women should So how does this fit into our lives slack.” very thought of any justification for and 70’s when many women found it certainly be given equal rights, they as Christ-followers? While we want to uphold God’s the abominably-mentioned subject. difficult to find jobs and to be treated cannot get around the fact that they As Christians, we are challenged word as Christians, we must also keep If you think you may be a feminist as equals simply because they were possess genitalia which distinguishes with the Bible and its comments in mind the context in which the Bible yourself, chances are that you prob- female. With this wave of feminism, them as male and female. on gender roles. For Christians and was written. In Paul’s day, if a woman ably are. In this article, I intend to radical campaigning took place, such We must keep in mind that women non-Christians alike, the Bible’s view did not wear a head covering she was take you through a brief history of as the 1969 protest against the Miss have belonged to patriarchal systems on women has often been critiqued assumed to be a harlot. However, that feminism and how it affects our role America Pageant which involved for centuries and while the fight for as oppressive and subordinate, and it stigma is long absent today. as Christians today. women marching down the street and equality may not be as relevant in has sometimes been used as a tool for Again, women and men are not to The first wave of feminism, at a ba- throwing “gender oppressive” items the West today, it continues to exist male dominance in the church and in be considered the same but should sic level, began with the suffrage for such as bras, make-up, girdles, high in other nations. In addition, women the privacy of Christian relationships instead be treated as equals. the right of women to vote. In 1893, heels and fake eyelashes at observers. must continue to work within a soci- In 2011, Rachel Held Evans wrote As Christians, we recognize the New Zealand was the first nation to However, this wave of feminism also ety which historically, literarily, and A Year of Biblical Womanhood after brokenness of our world and the in- allow the woman’s vote, initiating brought an awareness of the difficulty politically has been predominantly embodying the biblical description of equalities which we may come across. the freedom to vote for many other of women in the workplace. If you be- written by men. women and how they should live for With this in mind, we are hopefully nations and allowing this freedom lieve that women and men should be Why are we equal? a year. When she was menstruating, able to engage with one another as in the following decades. In 2011, hired based on their skill and resume While some men and women may she would sleep on a different couch Christians where his story is as im- despite the fact that women were still rather than their sex, then by this jump to biblical references to justify than her husband and she submitted portant as her story. definition you are a feminist. the inequality of males and females, to all of her husband’s commands, 16 ▪ DIVERSIONS TheCrown.ca ▪| november 2012

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