IS LEMETER \GNETICS " IPPORTS IE WEIGHT ONE ~/ ./ )UNG .EPHANT s a jaster, more reliable memory, too! LLY TEST t we hope it attracts your ention to the thorough "ee-stage inspection and testing len every TELEMETER MAGNETICS ~mory product - from core to ray to buffers and memory systems. .C·l!r~.····~ ')1 r·,1 :!~:rIGS arufac'c;re: th" :-;)em;~r)' sy:;te;' complete from core pro- du~;t i::: irin.c: t ~is':,j ... and because TElEf~ETER MAGr'lETIGS tests FlU cal ;~e tnat milch :;ur~i when you specify memory ",'!;ar 'lJ':\::~~ mernar! "y~tems to satisfy practically any :;)t)figuf?t:on. linns :-;f :1:'''-' Hl to 1,~:;;O,OOU bits are COlllmon.,. memories can be iiiuil ~,il' :i, a:j:jitic;n, n.~! offers you :\ selection of memory up:t~, ":ili! r:vr.ie tirnl?s of ;,1 microsecond:;, 6 to 8 microseconds, ilnd 3 microseconds. i::', IIII'll/un s(uclt JUT [i.':cti or:ic circu in TEU:W::n:R f,li'IGNH!GS menlOl y systems employ solid state elements a '20-lIIir'f"()s(,(,()lId "ystem 20 Jf! UfJld., ui 2'2 liI',,\ I'll!'!! ilrc on n!il;,-in (>W;'j tor com~~3ctness anti mainten'lf]ce ease, I' .7 , / (':'! .' ,I .r ) / f '/ • ,'f ,. r' t ,.' f ( ,r .... I I j • ~ ~. / i "'(" ( ,: r I .~ • I i j' I ' { i I [ • / (~ '. \ ,\fulIu/ul'lur l '/'. ,,!, 1PORTAlH JOB OPPORTUNITIES liJ\11tW,ilffii j itJit:Il": l,~ill( ,1i(~i'tllijH !~'fu.;liT:USdjll\Ji~t !!lDH tfUfjjlF~l~ !!i~'(~:iij»; TELEMETER MAGNETICS Inc.
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