Mailed free to requesting homes in Brooklyn, the borough of Danielson, Killingly & its villages Vol. IV, No. 23 Complimentary home delivery (860) 928-1818/email:
[email protected] Friday, March 26, 2010 THIS WEEK’S QUOTE Williams: ‘Time was right to retire’ Foreclosure ‘The time is always QVCC PRESIDENT’S LAST DAY WAS MARCH 12 rates still right to do what is BY MATT SANDERSON right.’ VILLAGER STAFF WRITER DANIELSON — It was nine increasing months ago when former Quinebaug Valley Community College President Dianne Williams Editor’s Note: This story is part of a INSIDE announced she was going to retire. series of articles the Villager is writ- However, it was Friday, March 12, ing to focus on the current state of when she finally emptied her office A8-9 — OPINION Windham County’s housing market. and transitioned her presidential A7 — SPORTS duties to her successor, Dr. Ross B1 — HOT SPOT Tomlin, who began work that fol- BY MATT SANDERSON lowing Monday. VILLAGER STAFF WRITER B3-4 — OBITS For 18 years, Williams, 64, steered With buyer confidence slowly B5 — RELIGION the helm of QVCC through positive evaporating from 2005 to 2006, evi- and challenging times, when it saw denced by the slump in home sale B5-6 — CALENDAR unprecedented growth, additions to prices and coupled by questionable its infrastructure and the formation lending practices of banks and mort- of an ever-growing alternative gage lenders that put millions of peo- LOCAL learning program called Quinebaug ple into homes they simply could not Valley Middle College High School. afford, it has sent a ripple effect that When she announced after last is still jolting the country today dur- year’s commencement that she ing its second-worst economic reces- planned to accept the retirement sion.