SHABBAT EKEV-AUGUST 3 & 4 Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25 Friday, August 3 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer Service Saturday, August 4 9:00 am Lay- led Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, B’nai Mitzvah of Joshua TEMPLE RODEF SHALOM BULLETIN Brandman and Nicholas Dorr 5:00 pm Saturday Afternoon Mincha AUGUST 2007 | AV-ELUL 5767 Service, B’not Mitzvah of Meredith Bloom and Dana Rosenberg

SHABBAT RE’EH-AUGUST 10 & 11 Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17 We Welcome Our Friday, August 10 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer Service NEW DIRECTOR OF Saturday, August 11 9:00 am Lay- led Torah Study Membership 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, B’not Mitzvah of Maya Development Berenholz and Hayley Groff Thursday, August 16 Howard Stregack 6:45 pm Service of Strength, Comfort & AUGUST SHABBATOT & OTHER SERVICES & OTHER SHABBATOT AUGUST See page 2. Healing

SHABBAT SHOFETIM- AUGUST 17 & 18 Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9 Friday, August 17 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer Service Saturday, August 18 IS AUGUST 24 9:00 am Lay- led Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, REGISTER TODAY! Bat Mitzvah of Jenna Milstein SHABBAT KI TETZE - AUGUST 24 & 25 Deuteronomy 21:10 – 25:19 See page 7. Friday, August 24 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer Service Saturday, August 25 9:00 am Lay-led Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, Bring Your “Not Yet Temple Member” B’not Mitzvah of Rachel Friends to our Brooke and Maggie Bussard SHABBAT KI TAVO-AUGUST 31 & Prospective SEPTEMBER 01 Deuteronomy 26:1 – 29:8 Member Coffee Friday, August 31 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer Service Tuesday, August 21 • 7:30 pm Saturday, September 01 9:00 am Lay-led Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, See the back cover. B’nai Mitzvah of Martim Cohen and Amanda Baker From our Director of August Membership Development Shabbat & Other am very pleased to be joining the staff of Temple Rodef Shalom, as Worship well as becoming a fellow congregant here. I am especially honored Ito be the fi rst Director of Membership Development. Opportunities at TRS I am excited to develop a great partnership with everyone that will continue to make Temple Rodef Shalom a meaningful part of our lives Friday evenings 6:30 pm — Erev and our community. In my new position I will assist members to fi nd the Shabbat Summer Service in the ways in which the Temple and its programs can enhance their lives— Sanctuary. This service is shorter through educational learning, spiritual exploration, social interaction, service projects and and more casual for the summer cultural offerings—among the many opportunities that take place every week. months. It is a warm and welcoming service that includes prayer, music I am also looking forward to joining the congregation in celebrating Temple Rodef and a short talk by the clergy on our Shalom’s 50th anniversary in 2012. With the invaluable efforts of many of the exceptional summer theme: Judaism and the lay leaders and congregants, I hope to help secure the future of this historic Temple. environment. A native of Silver Spring and a graduate of the University of Maryland, I come to TRS after 3 ½ years at the Washington D.C. Jewish Community Center where I jointly ran the Development Offi ce. My other past non-profi t and development work includes the JCC of Parallel Shabbat Morning Services Greater Washington and several institutions in Seattle, including the Hope Heart Institute, will not be held in August Intiman Theater, and Seattle Hebrew Academy, with jobs ranging from ticketing and subscriptions to marketing and PR to grants and special events. Third Thursday of Month 6:45 pm — I look forward to meeting all of you—whether at High Holiday services, a “Mommy Service of Strength, Comfort and and Me” class (where my wife Ellen and baby boy Ethan will be this fall), or throughout Healing. This intimate service is the week at TRS. I am available to all members—both current and prospective—to discuss designed to provide respite and any concerns, ideas or questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to seek me out and comfort to all those who need strength introduce yourself. and support during times of need.

Howard Stregack Director of Membership Development

15 ARZA-Bridge to Israel 17 Library

12 B’nai Mitzvah 06 Membership

26 Calendar 09 Men’s Club

16 Caring 14 Religious School

03 Clergy 08 Sisterhood

11 Cultural 10 TRSTY & Jr. TRSTY TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE 18 Donations

| 2 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin You may remember receiving a few years back a CD of the music of our High Holy Days services, thanks From the Clergy to a gift from the Abbey Family. The second part of that generous gift, the music of our Shabbat services, is about to be sent to you with this year’s High Holy DDay tikttickets. ELUL – a month of preparation The Music of Temple Rodef Shalom, Volume II: Shabbat, is a compilation of our If I were about to participate in a court case - the outcome of which most frequently sung melodies of Erev Shabbat would dramatically affect my personal, professional and fi nancial future music at TRS. Again, thanks to the Abbey – I imagine I would spend many days and weeks preparing in order to family, in memory of Jennie Glassberg, Fred Abbey’s grandmother, Student Cantor Robins, ensure my success. our professional choir, Frank Conlon and I Traditionally, the period of the High Holy days is seen in this light. It professionally recorded almost 40 melodies is a time when we “go to trial,” personally and as a community, to be judged for all that – old and new – that we sing at our Friday night services. The CD will serve as a way to help our we have done in the past year. Although I, along with many of you, understand this image members continue to feel more comfortable of the Yamim Nora’im as a metaphor, the vision of the trial serves a valuable purpose. with the music so that we can continue to sing Preparing for the courtroom is critical and meaningful work. Our tradition encourages us – as a congregation – in prayer. to do just that during the month preceding Rosh Hashanah. We can only be successful in We are truly blessed at TRS with a very diverse musical program. With musical forces the month of Tishre if we take seriously the need to prepare during the month of Elul. from bands to professional and volunteer choirs, Elul begins on August 15 and continues until Rosh Hashanah, September 13. There guitarists to keyboardists, even composers, we are many beautiful and thoughtful customs that we are invited to observe in order to use are able to constantly blend the old with the new. this month to prepare for the New Year. My favorite tradition involves the blowing of We can sing the music of our earliest Reform composers alongside music being written for the shofar. In observant communities the shofar is blown at the conclusion of weekday the synagogue today. From the chiri-bim of the morning services for the entire month of Elul. It is truly a wake up call reminding the Chassidic niggun to the stately harmonies of the worshipper that the High Holy days will soon be here. The shofar blast jolts us out of our German choral music, to the guitar twang of the American NFTY camp songs, our services offer complacent daily routine and encourages us to begin to think about the past year and the a variety unmatched by most synagogues in one ahead. We are encouraged to take stock of our spiritual and emotional resources and our area. Our members, no matter their musical to clarify our goals. In reminding us that Yom Kippur is coming, the shofar blasts also tastes, are sure to fi nd something to move them compel us to begin the process of repentance: from whom do we need to ask forgiveness spiritually in the musical settings of our liturgy. These learning CDs present all the different and who do we need to forgive? It is also customary to read from Chapter 27 of the styles of our music, with the hope that the more book of Psalms; a chapter that asks us to draw nearer to God. One may even begin to you’ll listen at home, the more you’ll sing along offer traditional greetings, wishing each other a Shana Tova as early as the fi rst of Elul. when you come to services, no matter the Finally, there is the observance of Selichot. This service, which takes place on the Saturday style. My deepest thanks to Fred, Lisa and their night before Rosh Hashanah, takes the worshipper on a journey through the liturgy and family for the generosity to make this project theology of the Yamim Nora’im. Together, these rituals are calling out to us: “Get ready… possible. I will continue to pursue learning think about what’s coming…the High Holy days are almost here!” CDs for our congregation as we record other special music that we sing, such as the music Rosh Hashanah comes “early” this year. We will all be busy with the usual September of Shabbat Rocks and our Healing services. activities – returning to work, getting our children back into the routine of school, I hope that you enjoy the CD and I look resuming classes and activities. It is going to be a very busy time and many of us will rush forward to hearing more singing along as you into the High Holy days in between other commitments. In this type of situation, it will continue to become be diffi cult to feel the power of the holiday or the meaning of the messages that live in more the liturgy. The Jewish tradition, aware of this reality, has provided us with a safety net to familiar ensure that we are indeed prepared to make the New Year a successful one. Elul – affords with the us an entire month to consider the past year, contemplate repentance and forgiveness, and repertoire. envision the year ahead. May I encourage you, using a traditional ritual or one that you L’shalom, create yourself, to spend this month and next getting ready for the Yamim Nora’im – the Cantor High Holy days. Of course it’s not too early to say… Shana Tova!! Michael Shochet -Rabbi Amy Schwartzman Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 3 | Join Us for a Summer Fabulous Fall Limmud Congregational Continues! Shabbat Dinner! Our Tuesday evening Summer Limmud continues in August. We will analyze a different relationship from the Hebrew Friday, September 7 Bible both from the perspective of a clergy member or biblical scholar 6:00 pm and a psychological perspective. The relationships of spouses, lovers, siblings, parents and children all play a key role in our sacred texts. Come explore these relationships this summer.

• Tuesday August 7 @ 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Richard Sternberger: Adult Buffet $14.00 David and Nathan

Youth Buffet Ages 6-12 $9.00 • Tuesday August 14 @ 7:30 p.m. Cantor Allen Leider: Kids Meal $6.00 Joseph and his Brothers

• Tuesday August 21 @ 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Laszlo Berkowitz: TBA

• Tuesday August 28 @ 7:30 p.m. Cantor Michael Shochet: David and Jonathan

Buffet includes delicious challah, salad, chicken, vegetables, potatoes, light dessert and more!.

Firm deadline to Register is noon Tuesday, September 4. Log on to

This is the ONLY Congregational Shabbat Dinner that will be held prior to a Family Service this Year. It will also be a great opportunity to meet our new Education Director, Cantor Allen Leider so please join us!

| 4 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Temple Rodef Shalom Policy on Food at Family/Child Events

Allergies to peanuts and tree nuts (such as cashews, walnuts, almonds, etc) are very serious and can be life threatening. For many people with nut allergies, exposure to even a minute trace of nuts can cause a dangerous allergic reaction. Because of the number of children at TRS who have peanut and/or tree nut allergies, the Temple Board of Directors adopted the following policy to minimize the risk to these children: It is the Temple’s policy to take reasonable actions to maintain a “nut free” environment at activities primarily targeted for children. These are the activities of For Lag b’Omer, the Nursery School, the Religious School, the Youth Group and Camp, and any Temple let’s cut our hair! sponsored family/child event. In particular, these include but are not limited to the following: May 22, 2008 is Lag b’Omer, the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, (the days between • Oneg Shabbats following Tot Shabbat and Family Services Passover and Shavuot) where haircuts are • Family Shabbat Dinners traditionally allowed for the only time in • Mitzvah Day those weeks. • Purim Carnival • “Inside Out Rockin’ Shabbat” Celebrate Lag b’Omer with us as we donate • Family Game Night and ice cream socials hair to Locks of Love! • Second Night Seder • Food available during Religious School hours (bake sales, bagel bar, etc.) In order to donate hair to Locks of Love you’ll need: For purposes of this policy, restricted foods include any products with peanuts and/or tree nuts as an ingredient, or with a cautionary label warning such as “may contain nuts,” • a ponytail or braid ten (10) inches or “manufactured on equipment that also processes nuts,” or “produced in a facility that longer. (You can donate hair that’s 6” to processes nuts.” be sold) Where products containing nuts are a necessary part of such activities (such as a • dyed or permed hair is OK – bleached Mitzvah day request to make peanut butter sandwiches), information that such event is not hair is not “nut free” will be prominently stated in the main materials about the event. Additionally, • pull curly hair straight to measure 10 when unavoidable, “nut free” baked goods from bakeries are permissible even if prepared inches on or with equipment that may also process nuts, including sliced Challah. It is understood that the TRS Kitchen and equipment will not be “nut free.” Further, Sign up at! Any events that are primarily adult related activities and private functions will not be restricted questions – email Student Cantor Robins at by this policy. These include food at Board Meetings, adult committee meetings, adult [email protected] education series, adult staff meetings, other general religious services and Bar/Bat Mitzvah receptions Start growing!! The Temple cannot and does not guarantee that food served at Temple functions is safe for allergic individuals. Individuals and parents should continue to exercise caution. This policy will be communicated at regular intervals to Religious School and Nursery RODEF CHOCHMA: School teachers and parents, Youth Group leaders and participants, the Camp Director, Adult B’nai Mitzvah counselors and parents, at Board Meetings and in the Temple Bulletin. Caterers hired by the Temple for Temple sponsored events will be informed of this policy. CLASS TO BEGIN We appreciate your efforts to follow this policy and to help ensure that the Temple is There is still time to sign up for the next a safe place for all of our children. Rodef Chochma, Adult B’nai Mitzvah class. The class will get underway in the early fall. If you have already given your name to Cantor Shochet, you do not need to do Learn to Chant Torah anything. Cantor Shochet and Student Cantor Robins are hoping to start a new Introduction If you are interested in the class, please to Trope class. If you are interested, please email Cantor Shochet. The class will start contact Cantor Shochet via email at: Can- after the High Holy Days. If you have already emailed, there is no need to email again. [email protected]. The class For more information, contact Cantor Shochet at [email protected] will run through late fall of 2008, meeting approximately twice a month. Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 5 | RENAISSANCE Membership Upcoming Event Membership Co-Chairs: Temple Rodef Shalom has several groups designed to help you connect with other Fran Klein • 703/560-1404 • [email protected] members of the congregation. Find your SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 Beth Katz • 703/846-9595 • [email protected] niche in one of our Affi nity Groups! Annual Barbecue The Annual • RENAISSANCE provides social activities for TRS members with Renaissance a focus on activities for members who are in their 50’s and 60’s. To learn BarbecueB will be more about TRS Renaissance events please check the Renaissance e-letter. held on Sunday, To add your name to the email list, please contact Tibor or Barbara Schonfeld at August 26, at [email protected] or call 703/242-7564. thet Temple. This is a wonderful • VATIKIM is a social group for our senior members ages 70+. Stimulating chance to enjoy a nice evening with activities including lunch gatherings, guest speakers, holiday meals, trips to your TRS Renaissance friends, welcome the theater and museums provide wonderful daytime opportunities for our new Renaissance members, and have seniors. Transportation is provided for all of our Vatikim offsite events. a great time. Additional information Please contact Anita Thornton, Program Director, at 703/532-2217, ext. 301 or [email protected] for more information or to be put on will be provided via the Renaissance our mailing list. e-letter and letters the Temple will be sending out to TRS members who are in their 50’s and 60’s. • CHAVERIM is a warm and welcoming group of single parents and their children. To fi nd out more about Chaverim, please contact Anita Thornton, Program Director, at 703/532-2217, ext. 301 or [email protected]. RENAISSANCE • KESHET is Temple Rodef Shalom’s gay and lesbian Affi nity Group. Please contact Ongoing Activities coordinator Bruce Laird at 703/732-7376 or [email protected] for more information or Michael Sebastiani at 703/465-8527 or [email protected]. • Renaissance Book Club

• Round Robin WINE & CHEESE WELCOME Shabbat Dinners Friday August 10 • Dining Out Together 6:00 pm in the Library • Museum Trips We invite newer members and those who are not so new to stop by the library from 6:00 PM until the start of services for wine, cheese, and conversation. It’s nice to see old friends, make new ones, and have someone to sit with at services. All are welcome! • Theatre Trip

| 6 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Join Us for Selichot Services Sukkot is

Temple Rodef Shalom will Just Around observe Selichot together with Congregation Etz Hayim at the Corner! 2920 Arlington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22204. If you are building your own sukkah Zion Etogim at Date: September 8, 2007 1-800-66-ESROG or this year, don’t forget to order your [email protected] Time: 9:00 pm Service lulav and etrog! Please contact one of 10:00 pm Dessert Estrog Headquarters at the following vendors directly to place 1-800-550-7230 or an order: Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 7 | Regularly Scheduled Event Book Club Sisterhood The book club will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 19th 10:00 am. We will be Sisterhood Co-Presidents: reading The Yiddish Policemen’s Union Karen Simpson • [email protected] • 703/938-1439 by Michael Chabon. The Hostess will be Judy Burkitt • [email protected] • 703/538-5341 Harriet Beckman 6849 Strata St., McLean, 703 356-3586. • Uniongram Corner From the WRJ raises funds to strengthen Progressive/Reform Judaism all Co-presidents around the world. One of their many ways is selling cards through Sisterhood Organizations. Naturally, TRS Sisterhood is very At the end of each year, funds raised involved in this program. Through the years, we have recognized at Sisterhood events are distributed to our Confi rmands, our Bar/Bat Mitvah young people. Last year, we a number of charitable organizations. started to recognize the members of the Consecration Class. After While support of Temple activities and all, Consecration is a formal welcome into Jewish tradition. Jewish charities here in the United States The cards will be displayed in the Social Hall at the Oneg. There will be many and as well as Israel remain our priority, venues through which you will be able to purchase these cards at various functions. we also contribute to the community at For further information, and to purchase cards, please contact Rachelle M. Bennett at large. Organizations involving children 703-573-0323. and teens, women and senior citizens have received donations this year. A Note of Thanks to Sisterhood Volunteers Sisterhood believes that by donating The following volunteers’ cooperative efforts made this to the community, we are fulfi lling our year’s Staff Appreciation Luncheon on May 15 a big success. responsibilities to our neighbors. Thank you to Harriet Beckman, Rachelle Bennett, Janine Bland, Many new and exciting programs are Nancy Bleeker, Elly Cohen, Bea Daniel, Carol Davidson, Bea now being planned for the upcoming Finkel, Marjorie George, Anne Gorenstein, Win Greenwald, year. We are looking forward to seeing Sharon Higgins, Flo Kittiver, Joan Neiman, Joannie Ossakow, you at these events and we welcome the Toni Sandler, Barbara Schonfeld, Karen Simpson, Cindy involvement of new members. Please Singer, Ilene Van Hoozer, and Rochelle Zohn for food preparation and assisting with setup contact one of us if you have time to and cleanup. Thank you to Ellen Ash for supplying stunning fl oral centerpieces. Thank volunteer or if you have any ideas for you to Anne Duncan, Anita Thornton, Joannie Ossakow, Joan Neiman, Joan Kadonoff and programs. Su Hale for advice and assistance with scheduling, logistics and invitations. Enjoy the rest of the summer. A special thank you to Carol Fink for performing piano duets with Adele Dingfelder, adding musical ambience. B’Shalom, -Karen Simpson and Judy Burkitt, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Bagel Bar The Bagel Bar has become “the place to be” on Sunday • mornings during Religious School. We are looking for SUMMER HOURS additional volunteers to help serve. The commitment is FOR TREASURES only 3 Sundays from September through May, from 8:00 AM until 12:30 PM. Please call Su Hale at 703/560-7712 Treasures will be open on Wednesday mornings right away so we can put you on the schedule for Fall. from 11:00 am until 12:30 pm during June, July, and August. For special appointments, please Traditions Helpline Answer is on page 11. call Toni Sandler 703/734-9533, Susie Lerner 703/241-1055 or Eleanor Linde 703/821-3767. Dear Traditions Helpline, If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Years ago we put up a mezuzah when we moved into our house. It doesn’t have any special Treasures, call one of us, and we will be happy meaning to us. Now I have received a very special mezuzah and want to replace the old one. First, to train you. A Wednesday shift has become available starting in September. If you would can I do it, and if I can, is there a special way to discard the old one? like to work in Treasures, contact Susie Lerner to set up a training session for yourself. -Want to Do What’s Right TRADITIONS HELPLINE

| 8 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Men’s Club Please remember Men’s Club Chairs: to register your occupation or Al Krachman • [email protected] business with the Ric Cooper • [email protected] TRS BIZNET at

So Who Some Thoughtful Program Suggestions Won Dinner The list of suggestions was as varied as the backgrounds of the respondents. for Two at Here are samples: the Palm? • Men’s Club sponsored Job Board for job seekers • Men’s Health Fair The survey is done and the (or invitation series on health issues) Men’s Club appreciates the time and thoughtfulness of all • Creative activities for 2nd to 5th graders those who responded! • Men’s Club golf outing To show our appreciation

we selected two names • Men’s Club sponsored disc golfi ng tournament at random as winners for Dinner for two at the Palm. • Men’s Club sponsored series on Global (Yes, the list included those Warming, Alternative Fuels, Environment who responded by regular • Program on retirement and investing mail. It excluded Al and Ric, (or investing for retirement) however. They would never have lived through the • Program on how to be a Jewish father, husband, and professional shame of winning their own contest prize anyway) • A speaker on child-raising and/or grandchild Congratulations to Barry relations Lotenberg and Kenneth • Men’s softball team Kessler! Such mazel! • Sponsoring kids to social/sports events; mentoring/coaching

• and also several who were happy with the business-oriented workday events that have been a continual part of the Men’s Club programs in the past. Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 9 | Save the Dates!

SR. TRSTY th th YOUTH DIRECTOR: (9 through 12 grades) Brynne Rosenberg September 8 Regressive Dinner Phone: (703) 532-2217 ext. 308 AIM: ilovetrsty September 16 Email: [email protected] Teen Mitzvah Corps Event Cell Phone: 571-366-0317

JR. TRSTY (7th and 8th grades) • September 9 Are YOU a member of Tzofi m Game Night TRS Youth Groups? HOW DO I KNOW? If you are TRSTY 56 (5th and 6th grades) a 5th through 10th grader and checked the box on your Religious School September 15 applications and included a check Krav Maga- Israeli Martial Arts for $36 (7th through 10th graders only), then you are a member in good standing. On the fi rst day of Haskalah, 7th through 10th graders can pick up Attention College Students and Parents your FREE TRSTY hoodie. I THINK I FORGOT TO SIGN ant to receive packages and information from TRS while at school? Even UP FOR YOUTH GROUP! Don’t Wif you have received packages in the past, we need to confi rm addresses worry! In the middle of August, more each year. Email the following information to Brynne at [email protected]: applications will be mailed home to all 11th and 12th graders and to 7th through College Student Name: 10th graders who have not yet signed up College Attended: for youth group. You can sign up for any of the youth groups at any point Expected year during the year. of graduation: WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF Mailing Address: BEING A MEMBER? Members of TRS youth groups get discounted prices Email Address: at all events. 7th through 12th grade members get a FREE hoodie with their Even if you do not wish to receive paid membership and 9th through 12th packages and correspondence from TRS, graders receive membership in NFTY- it is important for us to know where you MAR, the URJ regional youth group. go to school. This information helps us in And let’s not forget the opportunity to case of a crisis situation (for example, the Virginia Tech tragedy) so we can be in touch with parents do all sorts of fun, different activities and students. It also helps us contact students when we do college visits and to know which with Jewish friends! • University Hillels to donate money to.

| 10 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Shir Harmony Jr. Choir Looking for Members All kids in grades 3-6 are invited to sign up to be a part of the Shir Harmony Jr. Choir. The choir, under the direction of Cantor Michael Cultural Shochet, meets about twice a month during the religious school year and performs in programs at TRS and in the community. This year our big event will take us to the Strathmore Center for the Performing Arts KOLEINU in March for a huge community concert featuring all of the area’s choirs HIGH HOLY DAY in celebration of Israel’s 60th birthday. Our fi rst program is the Erev Rosh Hashanah Older Family service. Rehearsals will start in REHEARSALS 2007 mid-August. To sign up, and for more information go to the Temple’s music page at: or go to Pre-High Holy Day Rehearsals • Tuesday, July 31 – 7:30 PM • Tuesday, August 7 – 7:30 PM High Holy Day Rehearsals Teen Singers: Sign up for Kol Machar! • Tuesday, August 21 – 7 pm All Teens from grade 7 and above are invited to join Kol Machar, our • Tuesday, August 28 – 7 pm teen choir. The choir, under the direction of Student Cantor Rebecca • Tuesday, September 4 – 7-8 pm: Robins, performs at TRS and in the community. This year our big event will Yizkor/N’ilah rehearsal also be the March community concert at the Strathmore Center for the 7-8 pm: AM service rehearsal with Performing Arts in celebration of Israel’s 60th birthday. Kol Machar’s fi rst Ed program is the Erev Yom Kippur Older Family service. Rehearsals will 8 pm: regular rehearsals resume start this summer. To sign up, and for more information go to the Temple’s • Monday, September 10 – 7 pm music page at: or go to • Tuesday, September 18 – 7-8 pm: Yizkor/N’ilah rehearsal 7-8 pm: AM service rehearsal with Ed 8 pm: regular rehearsals resume Koleinu Our congregation’s Adult Choir of 40+ singers is always looking for

new members. The choir sings at the High Holy Days Services and about once a month at Shabbat services. For more information, contact Cantor LEARN TO SING Shochet at [email protected]. & READ MUSIC! Looking for Teenagers Who Play Instruments Are you interested in learn- ing basic singing techniques? o you play drums, electric guitar or bass guitar? Learn from our fabulous DHow about saxophone, clarinet, violin or fl ute? soprano, Debra Lawrence, Do you play in your middle school or High school band or orchestra? How about playing at some of our who has been singing in Family Shabbat Services? Cantor Shochet is looking the TRS professional choir for 33 years. to start a Family Shabbat Service Band this fall. The class is especially good for Koleinu Middle School or High School musicians only who can singers, and other choral singers. To sign commit to a few services a year plus some rehearsals in the up, please go to http://musicclass.event- summer. The concept is to have multiple musicians There is no fee, but you and rotate them at the monthly services. You must be ablebl tot readd leadl d sheetsh t or must RSVP. The class is August 19 at sheet music and have a strong background in your instrument. Earn community 3 pm. If you would like more service hours for this! If you are interested, please contact Cantor Shochet at information, please email Debra Lawrence [email protected] at [email protected]. Traditions Helpline Question is on page 8. Dear Want to Do What’s Right, Of course you can remove the old one and put up the one that has of a Torah, by burying it. Of course, you could use the handwritten scroll from meaning for you. The easiest thing to do with the old one is reaffi x it another the original in the new case. The case itself is simply a piece of art and you doorpost, the entry between the house and the garage perhaps. If this isn’t an may do as you wish with it. option for you or you really don’t want to put it back up you need to consider You didn’t ask, but to go along with the mezuzah issue; you don’t need the following: is the scroll inside hand written or a copy? If it is a copy, there to do a prayer when replacing a mezuzah, you only need to do a prayer when is nothing sacred about it and you can get rid of it. However, if it is a hand affi xing the mezuzah to the main doorpost of the dwelling, and when selling a written original then it needs to be disposed of in the same way you dispose home you may leave a mezuzah in place if the new occupants are Jewish. TRADITIONS HELPLINE Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 11 | AUGUST 11 Maya Berenholz B’nai Mitzvah Maya is the daughter of Jennifer and Itzik Berenholz. She is in AUGUST 4 AUGUST 4 the eighth grade at Joshua Brandman Meredith Bloom Williamsburg Middle Joshua (Josh) is the Meredith is the daughter School. Maya is an avid son of Peter and Loren of Steven Bloom and reader and writer whose short Brandman. He will be Elsie Kappler. In the fall, stories and poetry have been in the eighth grade at she will be an eighth published in school and national Robert Frost Middle grade student at Longfellow Middle journals. Maya enjoys singing, dancing School this coming year. School. Meredith belongs to the Drama and acting, and hopes to have a career Josh participates in Project ADAMAA and d Club at school, she enjoys acting and performing on Broadway. Maya also plays the trombone in the Concert writing and would like a career as an likes badminton, swimming, ultimate Band at school. He likes to play soccer, actress or author. Through TOPSoccer, frisbee, baking, drawing and spending to bike, to water & snow ski, and play Meredith works with disabled kids and time at the beach, especially in Israel. video games. Josh collected donations teaches them to play soccer. For her mitzvah project, Maya has been for INOVA Fairfax Children’s Hospital, volunteering with the Arlington Food and participated in Mitzvah Day. He is Assistance Center and as a birthday interested in a career as a psychologist AUGUST 4 buddy with Family-To-Family, helping or psychiatrist. Dana Rosenberg homeless and needy children celebrate Dana is the daughter of their birthdays. Robert Rosenberg and AUGUST 4 Mary Ann Kennedy of Nicholas Dorr McLean. She is a rising AUGUST 11 Nick is the son of 8th grader at Cooper Middle School. Hayley Groff Drs. Laurence Dorr and Dana plays clarinet in her school’s Hayley is the daughter Lisa Barnett. He will be Symphonic Band and plays soccer in the of Mark and Julie Groff. entering the eighth grade Suburban Friendship League with her She is a rising 8th grader at George Mason High School in the fall. team, the Kermits Gone Bad. She also at Kilmer Middle School He is interested in geography and in enjoys skiing, photography, swimming, where she plays the understanding people around the reading, hanging out with friends and fl ute in the symphonic Hayley l world. Nick has competed twice in playing with her dog, Molly. Dana’s works on the school newspaper and the Virginia Geography Bee, fi nishing volunteer work includes participating is a member of the National Jr. Honor this year in the top ten. He plays the in the Yom Kippur food drive and Society. She plays soccer and basketball piano and has played the saxophone in Cooper’s canned food drive. She also with Vienna Youth teams, and also the school band for the past two years. worked on her brother Aaron’s Eagle enjoys biking and swimming. Hayley This year Nick joined the cross country Scout project refurbishing a garden at helped to raise money for the Relay team- he loves to travel. Nick enjoys Churchill Road School. for Life, and pack groceries for needy helping an elderly neighbor and doing families on Mitzvah Day. errands whenever he’s needed.

| 12 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin aspires to play college lacrosse, go pro, while also pursuing a career in Law. He enjoys “pick-up” basketball, B’nai Mitzvah guitar, Pop Warner football, and Master Batiste karate. Martim has a passion for languages, music, writing, and friends, AUGUST 18 summer. Her mitzvah project is both here and in Portugal where he helping to stop mountain top Jenna Milstein spends a good part of every summer. For Jenna is the daughter removal mining and she encourages his Mitzvah project, Martim is raising of Jeff Milstein and everyone to sign up to support this money and volunteering his time to Julie Strauss. She will cause at the KALEL Foundation, a new program be in the 8th grade at focused on helping “at risk” children Holton-Arms School this develop respect for self and others. fall where she is a member of the AUGUST 25 school soccer team and the hand- Maggie Bussard bell choir. Jenna plays Travel Soccer Maggie is the daughter SEPTEMBER 1 with McLean Liberty, she also likes of David Bussard and Amanda Baker swimming, bike riding, tennis, playing Kate Probst. She is Amanda is the daughter the piano, sketching, and knitting. a rising 8th grader at of Jill and Josh Baker. Using her knitting skills, she creates the Field School in She is starting 8th grade “Jammin Jenna’s knit & bead jewelry”. Washington D.C. where at Cooper Middle Jenna worked in an environmental she participates in the Fashion Design School. She enjoys effort to clean-up D.C. parks, and and also the Movie Critics Club. Maggie tennis, bike riding and art. AmandaA d fundraising to assist Magen David loves playing volleyball, and also enjoys plays violin in the school symphonic Adom. She would like to be a tennis, racquet ball, and snowboarding. orchestra. She loves to travel, and veterinarian for both large and small Hobbies include playing drums, acting, this summer spent time on a bike animals. and singing. She sings with Kol Machar trip in Canada and touring Paris with and hopes to have a career as an actress, her grandparents. She recently got writer or teacher. Maggie was an intern involved with Appalachian Voices, an AUGUST 25 at Chesterbrook Elementary School organization trying to stop mountain where she helped the children with art Rachel Brooke top removal coal mining. Amanda Rachel Brooke is and she also worked for the Animal lobbied on Capitol Hill and is hoping the daughter of Sam Welfare League. to help pass the Clean Water Protection Brooke and Gail Act in the coming year. Weiss and is entering 8th grade in the H-B SEPTEMBER 1

Woodlawn Program in Arlington. Martim Cohen Rachel has a passion for soccer and plays Martim, the son of Cliff on the 94 Olympic Development State and Paula Cohen. He team for Virginia and on a McLean will be in the eighth travel soccer team. She loves arts grader at Williamsburg and crafts and traveling with her family. Middle School this fall, Rachel has four brothers and was a where he plays soccer and clarinet in CIT at Camp Rodef Shalom this the school’s Wind Ensemble. Martim Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 13 | New Faces in Religious School the Religious School Offi ce

Meet Haya Bragg, Opening Dates of our new Offi ce Manager! Haya is Religious School a sabra, born and raised in Israel! She Sunday, September 9 First day of Sunday K-6 classes has two children Tuesday, September 18 First Day of Tuesday Madregot in college and has extensive Hebrew classes & Haskalah/Aliyah computer and teaching/tutoring Family Night, 6:30pm experience. She looks forward Wednesday, September 19 First Day of Wednesday to meeting everyone! We hope Madregot Hebrew classes you will stop by, say hello and

SAVE THE DATES SAVE welcome her to TRS. Also, feel

free to stop upstairs and see Please note: Our “Back to School” packets with Jen Schall, who is now the TRS Class assignments, calendar, etc. will be mailed the Offi ce Manager. week of August 27th!

NOTES FROM OUR DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Thank you all for the warm ways I have and a festive celebration of Israel’s 60th with you towards meeting been and continue to be welcomed into the birthday. I am exploring the possibility of the individual Jewish TRS community. I feel blessed to be part of developing a student-run radio station that educational needs of your such a special congregation and am proud you can “tune in” while in the school drop- children as well as your to be serving you as Director of Education. off and pick-up line. own, while maintaining our This year begins my 20th year as a Jewish An immediate priority is to create an school’s educational quality professional. I look forward to applying my atmosphere of welcoming and partnership. and integrity. I know that experience creating a world-class quality Have you ever been to a Nordstrom’s you will experience here education program that is engaging and department store? When you walk through an atmosphere of openness, warmth,hd and personally meaningful for all who choose the door, you know that you are in a special collaboration. You will fi nd that “can do” to be involved. place. Customers are pampered with attitude in our school. I will be using much of my fi rst year friendly service designed to make shopping The Hebrew phrase used for welcoming working in collaboration with our clergy, a warm and positive experience. There is is “b’ru-chim ha-ba-im” – “blessed are our educational staff, our lay leadership a “can do” attitude in meeting customer those who come”. I encourage you to make and our parents to develop a long range needs. an appointment and come in over the plan for our kindergarten through adult Of course a religious school is different summer to share your Jewish educational educational program. We are currently in that it is a sacred partnership with ideas and desires. Together we will reviewing curriculum and school policies shared vision and goals. We’re not selling strengthen our sacred partnership and as we prepare for the new year of religious clothes, and as a school, we’re not selling bring blessings to all who come and learn. school. You will certainly see some exciting classes. We are inviting you and your I look forward to meeting you! changes this year, including engaging family on a spiritual journey of Jewish family programming, student contests growth and involvement. We will work -Cantor Allen Leider, Director of Education

| 14 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin • REPORT ON ARZA- Bridge to Israel Consultation ARZA Co-Chairs: ON IRAN

Russ Bikoff • 703/790-0671 • [email protected] n Tuesday, June 5, Consultation on Norma S. Tucker • 301/897-5124 • [email protected] OIran was held at Washington Hebrew Congregation, sponsored by ARZA, Union for Reform Judaism and the Religious SAVE THESE DATES Action Center. Sessions conducted by out- standing experts covered the following AS WE CELEBRATE topics: • Religion, Politics and Culture in Iran ISRAEL@60 AT TRS - Speaker: Abbas William “Bill” Samii of the Center for Naval Analysis. A basic introduction to Iranian society, history, ■■ Sunday, October 28, 11:45 AM – Strengthening Israeli Society: Organizations that culture with discussion of the media controls Offer Important Programs in Israel. Co-sponsored with the Adult Education Committee and the decision-making mechanisms. ■■ Thursday, November 8– Sunday, November 11 – Art from the Safrai Gallery in • The Strategic Picture – Speaker: Israel Michael Eisenstadt, Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Analysis of the overall ■■ Sunday, March 9, 2008, 11:45 AM – continuation of Strengthening Israeli Society strategic picture as it affects the Mideast and the world with special focus on the ■■ Friday May 9 – Sunday May 11, 2008 – A weekend of celebration. We will begin “nuclearization” of Iran. on Friday at Erev Shabbat in celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel Independence Day. • Iran: Neither Bombast nor Bombs Other programs will continue throughout the weekend to mark this milestone year of – Speaker: John Isaacs, Executive Director Israel@60 and ARZA@30. and President, Council for a Livable World. Presented the case for restraint as we think Watch this page for more dates and about the possibility of military options. programs recognizing Israeli life and • An American Government View achievements – Speaker: Representative Rob Andrews (D-NJ), Co-chair House Working Group on Iran. An analysis of the level and nature of U.S. government concerns, the options ISRAEL EMERGENCY FUND available and the relative merits of the options The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) is collecting funds for the Israel Emergency Fund. The Israeli View The North American Reform community is once again helping our brothers and sisters • – Speaker: Jeremy in Israel. To donate: Funds raised in North America will be forwarded Issacharoff, Deputy Chief of Mission, Israeli to the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) which is providing life-sustaining Embassy. A sketch of the specifi c and programs to the people of Sderot. Please help. You can send a check to the following unique concerns as perceived by the Israeli address: Union for Reform Judaism, Israel Emergency Fund, 633 Third government. Avenue, New York, NY 10017, (212) 650-4221, Fax: (212) 650-4259 . For more information see http://www. • From Israel 21C, Issue # 308 Every week dozens of children in Jerusalem’s digital technology. The lab consists of mobile which combines know-how from the print and poorest neighborhoods are given the opportunity to trolleys containing docking stations for 18 laptop LCD industries, could transform the publishing learn how to use computers with a fi rst-of-its-kind computers, and can be used in any classroom, business. Bookstores could print books to customer mobile computer unit set up by non-profi t Israeli community center or private home demand, vending machines in airports could run off organization Machshava Tova (Good Thoughts). The Two Israeli researchers have developed books for travelers as they wait for their fl ight, and portable computer labs give disadvantaged children a revolutionary new printing technique called newspapers could publish personalized journals vital computer skills and minimize the increasing Jetrix, which enables simultaneous high-speed that contain only the news topics that interest the social gap between rich and poor in the fi eld of printing of an entire page of text. The technology, reader Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 15 | P-FLAG Meetings at TRS (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) Caring Committee PFLAG is a 30-year-old nationwide group with over 500 chapters. Its Caring Committee: mission is to promote the well being of parents and friends of lesbian, gay and Karyn Gottlieb • 703/450-0305 • Email: [email protected] transgender individuals, to provide an Melissa Sporn • 703/893-3883 • Email: [email protected] opportunity for dialog about sexual orientation, gender issues, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity. ince Jews are commanded to perform g’milut chasadim This may be a diffi cult topic for — deeds of loving kindness — every Temple member many, but our strength is sharing our experience with other parents who are automatically is a member of the Caring Committee which in all different stages of hearing this helps members deal with the diffi cult transitions and crises news from our kids, relatives and S friends.TRS is now hosting P-FLAG that life presents. Caring Committee services are described below. If you meetings at the Temple. All persons want to volunteer — and we hope all Temple members will participate interested in knowing more about — call the subcommittee coordinator. If you know of someone in need P-FLAG and our group at the Temple are invited to attend. Meetings — and we all need help from time to time — call the contact number. The are held the second Thursday of Temple must assign some services; others can be arranged through the each month at 7:30 pm. If you would like to attend or would like coordinator. more information, please contact Valli Swerdlow at [email protected] cell 703/615-3834 - (H) 703/319-0424. Bereavement Meals These meetings are open to TRS members It’s hard to know what to do when When a Temple member faces a and the greater community. someone dies. Our Bereavement crisis, cooking is often the last thing Committee helps Temple members on their mind. The Meals Committee Visiting the Sick sort through the process of burying a helps by cooking and delivering meals (Bikkur Cholim) family member by providing funeral as often and for as long as needed. Torah commands us to visit the sick. and cemetery resources and support. If you need a meal, call Anne When a Temple member returns from the If you need bereavement support, Duncan, clergy secretary: 703/532- hospital, it is our tradition to pay a visit, call Anne Duncan, clergy secretary: 2217. If you want to volunteer to deliver a challah and determine if other 703/532-2217. If you want to be a cook a meal, call coordinator Ronnie help is needed. bereavement volunteer, call coordinat O’Connor: 703/642-0289, or e-mail If you have returned from the or Stu Weiss: 703/522-2524, or e-mail [email protected]. hospital, call Anne Duncan, clergy [email protected]. secretary: 703/532-2217. If you want to Support for Widows and volunteer to pay a visit, call coordinator Breast Cancer Network Widowers—Next Step Michael Raizen: 703/841-5421, or e-mail The network provides support and Next Step welcomes Temple members [email protected]. resources for breast cancer patients who have recently lost a spouse. and survivors. We meet monthly for a Participants support each other View the latest casual dinner and conversation. in dealing with issues they face as Caring Committee information If you need support, please call now-single adults. For more Anita Thornton, Program Director: information, contact coordinator on our Temple Website, 703/532-2217 ext. 301 or e-mail Debbie Massey: 703-532-0942 or [email protected]. [email protected].

| 16 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Library

LIBRARY OPEN HOUSE JUVENILE September 9th from 8:30AM-1:00PM is • Deborah daCosta. Hanukkah Moon…the the date and time for the annual LIBRARY celebration of a new moon which occurs OPEN HOUSE. Tables will be fi lled with during Hanukkah homeless books (FREE) which need new • A.S. Gadot. The First Gift…about names homes. Tables inside the Library will • Jacqueline Jules. Abraham’s Search For JCA Senior display NEW books which will be sold for a God and The Ziz and the Hanukkah nominal fee. Refreshments of juice, muffi ns Miracle Tech at Temple and fruit will be available. Please come! • Sylvia A. Rouss. Sammy Spider’s First Haggadah Rodef Shalom INVENTORY FALLOUT • Susan Topek Remick. Ten Good Rules: The librarian stereotype doesn’t curse, a Counting Book…counting the Ten Intermediate although who knows what actually happens Commandments from 1-10 as she tallies up all the lost, and often VERY Computer User popular items, which are missing at the end YOUNG ADULT of inventory. Certainly there is grinding of • Susan V. Bosak. Something To Remember Tuesdays teeth, despair and perhaps even a loss of Me By…the loving relationship between Sept. 25 – Oct. 30 faith in the book reading clientele about a young girl and her grandmother over 10am – 12pm whom she usually feels the highest regard. time But how to explain an empty box with • Matt Doeden. Sandy Koufax no CD inside, missing DVDs and books • Brenda Ferber. Julia’s Kitchen…a study Prerequisites: Introduction to which have never been signed out but are of loss, doubt and acceptance the Personal Computer “disappeared”? Without doubt, she does • Caroline Evensen Lazo. Frank Gehry… hope that there will be some searching in touches on Gehry’s remarkable archi- This course continues the various households, corners, shelves, cars tectural career exploration of Windows XP etc. and a returning to the fold. When that • Tami Lehman-Wilzig. Passover Around features begun in Computer happens, all is, of course, instantly forgiven, the World…different customs in a variety faith restored, a sunny day. of countries (includes recipes) Basics. Its objective is to teach • Dorit Orgad. The Boy From Seville…an the student how to set up “RARITIES” SHELF exciting story about the dangers to secret computer features responsive A by-product of donations is that interesting Jews during the Spanish Inquisition to personal requirements and book which really doesn’t fi t into the • Peter Lane Taylor with Christos Nicola. desires. In particular, the class collection but you simply can’t discard it. The Secret of Priest’s Grotto: a Holocaust addresses customization of the One of the items on this shelf located on the Survival Story…an amazing story of how Start Menu, changing computer computer side of the dictionary bookcase is several Jewish families hid for a year and settings in the Control Panel the (facsimile) Isaac Harby Prayerbook which a half in western Ukraine and use of Windows Explorer was published in South Carolina in 1830. • T.S. Yavin. All Star Season…about and My Computer. Students It contains inscriptions inside the back brothers who have little in common will have an opportunity to learn and front covers which trace its “historic except their passion for baseball how to organize the data in their itinerary.” The original could be the earliest Reform prayerbook printed in this country. computer to work effectively and effi ciently. Problem solving, ADULT FICTION I am generally in the Library on fi le search, fi le management, • Michael Chabon. The Yiddish Policemen’s Monday, Wednesday and Thursday using the desktop for shortcuts, Union…another fi ne novel from the mornings and can be reached at and fi le folders are featured. Pulitzer Prize Winning Author of The Copying disks, use of the recycle Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay… x402, at home at 202-363-6172 or at bin and fi nding answers in the a murder in the Yiddish world of the e-mail: [email protected] Help program are also included. Sitka District in the Alaskan Panhandle (6 classes) • Sara Gruen. Water For Elephants…a -Martha Hill “masterpiece of storytelling,” about the Librarian Great Depression, a circus, animals, love Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 17 | • David & Sandy Sellers in memory of Helen O. Sellers Donations A HOUSE OF LEARNING – Beit Midrash

Religious School Fund A HOUSE OF GATHERING Jacknow Meditation and • Raymond & Shirley Galant in memory – Beit Knesset Tribute Garden of Bart Ferris • Julie Groff & family in loving memory • Linda Hoffman & Marc Cohen in honor Where It’s Needed Most of our brother & uncle, Howard of Jenny Rudo, an extraordinary Hebrew • TRS Sisterhood Freiman tutor! • Peter & Linda Rohrbach • Carl & Ellen Salsbury in memory of • Robert & Iris Shamaskin to the David • The Cela & Sidell family in memory of Ida & Isadore Itzkow Iver Schwartz Scholarship Fund in Henry Hahn • Bill & Judi Hooker in fond memory of memory of Julius Ballin, father of Iris • Mildred Salsbury in loving memory of Henry Hahn Shamaskin my husband, Meyer Salsbury, on his • Laura Jacobs in memory of Simon • Barbara & Cal Klausner in appreciation yahrzeit Smoger for the patience and kindness of Julie • Al & Julie Krachman on the occasion Featherman, Marsha Goldberg & Gabor of the yahrzeit of Al’s dad, Leonard REPAIRING OUR WORLD Katona in teaching Josef this past year Krachman – Tikkun Olam • Donna Schwartz & Gregg Maisel in • Barbara, Cal, Hannah, Sam & Josef memory of Henry Hahn Klausner wishing Anita Thornton a Ohel Yacov Community Housing speedy recovery • The Podell family in celebration of Bob’s Nursery School Fund • Abe & Sylvia Datner in memory of recovery • Micah & Irene Levy in honor of Nina Henry Hahn • David & Inez Goldstein in honor of Rifkin’s 5th birthday • Ed & Ruth Rosenbaum in honor of Katie Goldstein & Jacob Goldstein on • Sheryl Garton in honor of Anja Chase our wonderful grandchildren, Jason & the college graduations, Isaac Goldstein & Fran Pfeffer, for all their laughter and Jennifer Kessler, and their achievements on his marriage and in memory of support over the past year • Christina Granja in memory of my Eleanor Goldstein • Robert & Iris Shamaskin with wishes mother, Maria Santos • Mitzvah Day for Anita Thornton’s complete recovery • John Lynn in loving memory of Maudie • In memory of Henry Hahn: Lynn Social Action Fund Jack & Claudia Barnett • Bea Daniel in memory of my brother, • Marsha Mann Merton & Janine Bland David Fink • Moe & Sharon Levy in honor of Richard Linda & Murray Boris • Nancy, Mark & Michael Slonim in Huberman Dan & Judy Burkitt loving memory of Morris Slonim • Linda Hoffman & Marc Cohen in Blanche Cohen • Jeffrey & Ilene Price wishing a full and honor of our friend, David Lawrence, Robert & Michelle Cohen speedy recovery to Anita Thornton becoming TRS President-Elect Robert & Fail Dezube • Julia Baer in memory of Harry Horowitz • Vera Mellen in honor of June Wallach’s Justin & Adele Dingfelder • Jane Mullen & Nyda Budig in honor of special birthday Henry & Harriet Epstein TRS’s Team “Joan’s Girls” for the Avon • Barbara, Cal, Hannah, Sam & Josef Beatrice Finkel Walk which raised over $43K to defeat Klausenr in celebration of Helen & Malcolm & Rose Marie Fraser breast cancer Bobby Schlossberg’s 25th anniversary Shelly & Marc Gordon • Moe & Sharon Levy wishing a speedy Jane Gurin & James Asker recovery to Anita Thornton Temple Tzedakah Fund Nancy Kane • Herman Levy in memory of Herman • Mort & Roslyn Cohen in memory of Irvin & Beth Katz Friedman Mort’s mother, Lillian Cohen Cal & Barbara Klausner • Cherie, Bill & Rachel Artz in memory of Edward & Francine Klein Henry Hahn Fund for the Community Gary & Anne Lampal • Jerry & Win Greenwald in memory of • TRS Sisterhood Cathy Lazaroff & Neal Caplowe Henry Hahn • Vicki & John Nelson in memory of Charles & Hannah Lefton • Konrad & Gloria Schaefer in memory of Henry Hahn and with hopes for Anita’s Moe & Sharon Levy Rica Schaefer speedy recovery Burton & Elaine Litman

| 18 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Israel Quest • Alan & Estelle Brauer in memory of Donations Bernice Leighton Rabbi Burstein Scholarship Fund Walt & Sheila Margeson • The Thrasher family in memory of • Barbara Coleman in memory of Henry Debbie Massey Arlene Green Hahn John & Ilene Pachter • The Mullen 3 in memory of Caren Pomeroy • Adam Gruen & Beth Silver in memory The Parents of Miss Thornton’s TRS • Ken & Andrea Weckstein in memory of of Henry Hahn Nursery School class Henry Hahn • John & Laura Huennekens in memory Fran Pfeffer & David Zarrow of Henry Hahn Charlie & Lois Price CARING FOR EACH OTHER • Laura Jacobs in memory of Henry Hahn Jeffrey & Ilene Price – G’milut Hasadim • Deana Shulman & family in memory Shelley & Andy Prince of Henry Hahn and of our dear friend, Mike Rankin Caring Community Rabbi Mordecai Simon The Rodef Chochma ’06 Class • Warren & Joan Neiman with Mazel Tov • Carl & Ellen Salsbury in memory of Morris Rosen to the Ossakows on 40 marvelous years Meyer Salsbury Jen Schall • Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Schwartzman in • Hedi Fortune & family in appreciation Robert & Iris Shamaskin memory of Henry Hahn for the moving and personal memorial Joan Silverlieb • Warren & Joan Neiman in memory service for our mom, Miriam Alexander & Lynn Starr of Shirley Rogers, mother of Dr. Steve Wertheimer Joanne & Tom Stefanick Rogers • In honor of Rabbi Burstein’s 8 years of Beth Stroul • Warren & Joan Neiman in honor of dedicated service to TRS: TRS Nursery School Staff the TRS teams at the Avon Walk for the 2007 Conversion Class John & Freda Thyden Cure and the Susan J. Komen Race Luis, Karen & Joshua Baquedano Arthur & Rebecca Weissman Amy Beckman & Steven Gaba Judith Yavner Kestenbaum Comfort Fund Marshall Berman & Karen Kaplan • Marge Kestenbaum in honor of my Paul Bernstein & Susan Pederson Library Fund friends Steven & Christine Boehm • Nan Rudin in honor of Armand & Judy • The Thrasher family in memory of Henry & Nancy Chajet Weiss on their 50th anniversary Donald K. Thrasher Ann Dominick & Mark Boyll • Angie Slonim in loving memory of • Mort & Myra Roney in loving memory Fiona Druy Morris Slonim of Evelyn Wendel Joseph & Mindy Facenda & family • Jane Winer in memory of Harold & • Marina Beckhard & Alan Luberda Jerry & Win Greenwald Elizabeth Winer wishing a speedy recovery to Anita Nancy Kane Thornton and in sympathy for the death Evan & Lisa Katzman Frank Conlon Jewish Music Library of her father, Henry Hahn David & Nancy Lawrence • Mort & Myra Roney wishing Anita Jeffrey Lepon & family Thornton a complete recovery Accessibility Fund Alan & Beulah Levy • Mort & Myra Roney in memory of • Alan & Beulah Levy in loving memory Sally Margolis Henry Hahn of our parents, Alec & Anita Sacks, Joe Debbie Massey • Richard & Doris Parna with wishes for Levy and Esta & Charlie Hodes Andrew, Jane & Katie Mullen Frank’s recovery Rosalie Pallo • Alma Rosenbaum with get-well wishes A HOUSE OF PRAYER Lillian Pilzer • David & Arlene Lanter in memory of – Beit T’fi lah Robert & Judy Rosenbaum Arlene’s dearly loved parents, Samuel & Jonathan Ross & Linda Harris Yetta Raff Spirituality Fund Carl & Ellen Salsbury • Richard & Doris Parnas in memory of • TRS Sisterhood Julie Samuels & Barry Holt Henry Hahn Donna Schwartz & Greg Maisel WORLD JEWRY– Clal Yisrael Ileen Shefferman Caren Golden Pomeroy Fund The Shrager/Ableman family • The Weckstein family in memory of our Israel Solidarity Fund Joan Silverlieb beloved sister and auntie, Caren Golden • Gina Goldstone in memory of Henry Marcus & Rachel Simon Pomeroy Saleman Beth Stroul Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 19 | TRS ENDOWMENT FUNDS – Dor L’Dor Donations General Endowment Fund Rabbi Burstein Scholarship Fund (cont.) • Jerry & Win Greenwald in memory of TRS Sisterhood • Lisa & Bill Szymanski in honor of our Henry Hahn and with warm wishes Lee Walzer & Kevin O’Keefe son, Brian, becoming a bar mitzvah for Anita Thornton’s continued Armand & Judy Weiss • Peter & Julie Poggioli in appreciation of improvement Arthur & Rebecca Weissman your making Zoe’s bat mitzvah so lovely & meaningful Jennifer Blalock Scholarship Fund CLERGY FUNDS • Read deButts & Lisa Ostroff in appre- • Debbie Massey in memory of my ciation for your help, guidance and beloved mother, Martha Price Simon Senior Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund support for our son Benajmin’s bar mitzvah • Cal & Barbara Klausner • Kenneth & Phyllis Jacobs in memory of Martha Goldberg Associate Rabbi’s • Libby Chisholm in appreciation for all Discretionary Fund NEW MEMBERS your TLC • Richard & Vali Swerdlow in memory of • Al & Julie Krachman in honor of the Bessie Marco and Lillian Young • Beverly & Derek Brennan—703/536-2709 retreat • Lisa & Bill Szymanski in honor of our 1105 N. Illinois Street Arlington, VA 22205 • Jeffrey & Ilene Price wishing Mazel Tov son, Brian, becoming a bar mitzvah Ben Brennan 10/4/2000 to Judy & Marty Leader on the births of • Peter & Julie Poggioli in appreciation of Sam Brennan 8/8/2003 their two new grandsons your making Zoe’s bat mitzvah so lovely • Marc Cohen & Linda Hoffman with & meaningful • Andrew & Julie Gerstel—703/757-2992 gratitude for the meaningful bar 9298 Ivy Tree Lane Great Falls, VA 22066 mitzvah service for Mickey Judy Berkowits Memorial Fund Jamie Gerstel 5/25/2001 • Lisa & Bill Szymanski in honor of our • Bruce Wyman & Joanne Wilkenfeld in Samantha Gerstel 5/14/2004 son, Brian, becoming a bar mitzvah appreciation for the lovely ceremony at • Hank & Deborah Miller in appreciation our wedding • Jill Mendelson—703/272-7245 for making Natalie’s baby naming such a • Kevin Heilbronner & Erin Brauer 4413 Fairstone Drive, #205 Fairfax, VA 22033 special day for our family in appreciation for the prayers you • Barbara, Cal, Hannah, Sam & Josef with delivered at the bris and naming of our • Sherri Richman—703/237-6133 mazel tov to Stefan Lund and family son, Jakob Taylor Heilbronner 1810 N. Lexington Street Arlington, VA 22205 • Gary & Kathy Brill in loving memory of Beyla Richman 1/06/2001 Michael Brill PROGRAMMING AND Shayna Richman 4/26/2004 • Peter & Julie Poggioli in appreciation of CULTURAL FUNDS your making Zoe’s bat mitzvah so lovely – Tarbut Yehudiah • David Rothenberg & Charisse Kiino— & meaningful 703/883-1433 • Read deButts & Lisa Ostroff in Youth Activities Fund 1433 Hardy Court McLean, VA 22101 appreciation for your help, guidance • Rabbi Richard Sternberger in loving Jake Rothenberg 4/6/2002 and support for our son Benajmin’s bar memory of Meyer Sternberger Zora Rothenberg 4/7/2004 mitzvah • Barbara, Cal, Hannah, Sam & Josef Klausner wishing best of luck in the • Holly & Rick Stearns—703/534-1364 Cantor’s Discretionary Fund future to Rabbi Burstein 2350 Meridan Street Falls Church, VA 22046 • Sunny Greene in appreciation for the Evan Stearns 2/9/2006 wonderful baby naming service for Music and Volunteer Choir Fund my granddaughter, Elizabeth Morgan • Al & Julie Krachman in honor of Anita’s • Howard & Michelle Zahalsky — Greene work on the retreat 703/847-6654 • Neil Pogorelsky & Birgit Hansl in honor • Jack & Claudia Barnett with wishes for 2032 Lord Fairfax Road Vienna, VA 22182 of Noah’s bris the rapid and continued recovery of Daria Zahalsky 8/25/1999 • Linda Hoffman & Marc Cohen with Anita Thornton Jacob Zahalsky 8/11/2001 thanks for the moving service for our • The Chai Notes in memory of Irwin Aden Zahalsky 5/12/2004 son, Mickey Cohen, at his bar mitzvah Abrahams, father of George Abrahams • Debora Benchoam in memory of • Judith Joseph in honor of Brett Ander’s Matilde Couriel confi rmation

| 20 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Todah Rabbah from MAZEL TOV TO Anita Thornton and Family • Cantor Michael Shochet who was honored by y family and I would like to thank our The Jewish Federation of wonderful Temple Rodef Shalom family for all Greater Washington as a M local community hero for of your expressions of love, comfort and support during his extraordinary service my recent illness and the loss of my father. All of your as the volunteer chaplain prayers, visits, meals, phone calls, cards and other generous coordinator for The Fairfax County Police Department. expressions of friendship and caring have meant so much to us. We feel truly blessed to be part of such a warm and caring community • Stan Levin for winning the 2007 Westwood Country and we appreciate each and every one of you. Club member-guest golf tournament. L’Shalom, Anita Thornton Program Director CONDOLENCES TO • Shelley Kramer on the death of her mother Edythe Kramer • Don Weinstein on the death of his father, Albert Weinstein • The family of Miriam Wertheimer on her death • Nancy Limprecht on the death of her mother, Lorraine Silverman • Stephen Altheim on the death of his mother, Dorothy Altheim • Melanie Flossman on the death of her mother, Miriam Klein • Bob Schlossberg on the death of his mother, Florence Schlossberg • Ken Lifl and on the death of his grandfather, Carl Lifl and • Drew Mullen on the death of his mother, Mary K. Mullen Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 21 | | 22 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin Chantel's Catering • Deli & Dessert Platters • Cakes for all occasions • Special desserts for low-carb, diabetic, gluten-free

2003 Winner of YMCA Loudoun County Dennis Stanley, Chocolates Galore President & more best of 703/709-1488 Taste - Dessert Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 23 | | 24 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin For excellence in child, family and aging services... Think JSSA

Are you concerned about:

• your child's ability to make and keep friends? • your aging parents' safety and security? • your own feelings of anxiety or depression? • your teen's school performance? • your relationship with your spouse, boss or parents? JSSA can help. Our professionals provide a wide array of services and programs for the entire family including behavioral and mental health care, career and aging services.

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Jewish Social Service Agency Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 25 | SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY

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6:00 pm Intermediate Biblical Hebrew 7:00 pm Membership Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Pre-High Holy Day Koleinu Rehearsal 7:30 pm Summer Adult Limmud

12 13 14

7:30 pm Children of Holocaust Survivors Meeting 7:30 pm Summer Adult

August 2007 August Limmud

19 20 21

3:30 pm Koleinu Vocal Class 6:00 pm Breast Cancer with Debra Lawrence Support Network 4:00 pm Shir Harmony Dinner Rehearsal 7:00 pm High Holy Day Koleinu 5:00 pm Kol Machar Rehearsal Rehearsal, Welcome 7:30 pm Summer Adult & Dinner Limmud 7:30 pm Prospective Member Coffee 26 27 28

5:30 pm Renaissance Annual 5:00 pm Shir Harmony BBQ Rehearsal 6:00 pm Kol Machar Rehearsal 7:00 pm High Holy Day Koleinu Rehearsal 7:30 pm Summer Adult Limmud

| 26 | Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY

1 2 3 4 9:30 am Sisterhood Board 7:00 pm Knitting Circle 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer 9:00 am Lay-led Torah Study Meeting Service 10:30 am Shabbat Morning 12:00 pm Summer Lunch with Service Clergy-OOB 5:00 pm Afternoon Mincha Service

8 9 10 11

12:00 pm Downtown Talmud 6:30 pm High Holy Days Trope 6:00 pm Wine & Cheese 9:00 am Lay-led Torah Study Study –out of the Class Welcome 10:30 am Shabbat Morning bldg. 7:30 pm P-Flag Meeting 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer Service 12:00 pm Summer Lunch with Service Clergy –OOB

15 16 17 18

9:30 am Sisterhood Book Club 6:45 pm Service of Strength, 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer 9:00 am Lay-led Torah Study –out of bldg. Comfort, & Healing Service 10:30 am Shabbat Morning 7:00 pm Committee Night Service 7:30 pm Rosh Chodesh

22 23 24 25

9:30 am Sisterhood Bridge 5:30 pm Inside-Out Rockin’ 9:00 am Lay-led Torah Study 12:00 pm Summer Lunch with Shabbat 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Clergy-OOB Service

29 30 31

6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Summer Service Temple Rodef Shalom August 2007 Bulletin | 27 | Temple Rodef Shalom Senior Rabbi Amy M. Schwartzman Prospective Senior Cantor Michael A. Shochet Assistant Rabbi Jeffrey S. Saxe Member Founding Rabbi Laszlo Berkowits Student Cantor Rebecca Robins Coffee Offi cers President Hannah Moore Members like Vice President/ You can’t President Elect David Lawrence Vice President Ronnie Schulman be wrong! Vice President Lynn Shapiro Starr Vice President Barry Holt You are a part of Temple Treasurer David Fish Rodef Shalom because Assistant Treasurer Peter Elinsky you know: Secretary Susan Weinstock Assistant Secretary Andrew Joskow • What a warm and welcoming congregation we are • How open and available the clergy are Trustees • The caliber of the Religious School, Nursery School and Camp Marshall Berman, Marla Schnall, and • The breadth of programs and activities Judith Seiff You are invited to bring friends or neighbors as your guests to a Staff Prospective Member Coffee on Tuesday, August 21 at 7:30 pm. Executive Director, Beth Silver Director of Education, Cantor Allen Leider Clergy, Staff and Members will be here to welcome all prospective members and Program Director, Anita Thornton answer questions. There will be a short overview presentation about TRS followed Director of Membership Development, by a tour of the building. Howard Stregack Nursery School Director, Fran Pfeffer Please RSVP to Howard Stregack, Director of Membership Development at Camp Director, Jay Rapoport 703/ 532-2217 ext 319 or [email protected]. Reservations are Youth Director, Brynne Rosenberg helpful for planning purposes, but walk-ins are always welcome.

Temple Offi ce 703/532-2217 We hope that you will let your friends and neighbors know about this wonder- ful evening and encourage them to come. Please join them and help show what Email: [email protected] TRS means to you! The TRS Bulletin is published 12 times a year on the 1st of each month.

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