Kansas State Facilities Use 09-10

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Kansas State Facilities Use 09-10 D34 / STUDENT LIFE HANDBOOK tions and what the complainant and respondent must to do to file an appeal or a may be asked by KSU Police to provide personal identification, so that Kansas grievance. If the team determines that the respondent violated this Policy, it will State University may determine persons with knowledge of, or responsibility for, prepare a written report to the complainant, the respondent and the responsible campus damage or injury. Persons without personal identification may not play administrator that describes the review, presents findings and recommendations disc golf until they have suitable identification. for sanctions and remedial actions, referrals and follow-up and explains what the Persons in violation of this policy may be subject to sanctions, including but not complainant and respondent must to do to file an appeal or a grievance. limited to, removal from campus, being banned from campus, or being charged I. Appeals Beyond the Administrative Review Process : A complainant or with criminal trespass. respondent who is not satisfied with the resolution of a complaint, may appeal the .030 Questions administrative review team’s determination and/or, any sanction(s) imposed by Questions regarding this policy are to be directed to the KSU Vice President for the responsible administrator. Administration and Finance at (785) 532-6226. 1. A classified employee with permanent status may appeal to the Classified Employee Peer Review Committee. DIVISION OF FACILITIES 2. A current and former unclassified professional and faculty may appeal to the General Grievance Board. Facility Use Guidelines 3. An undergraduate student may appeal to the Student Discrimination Review A benefit of being a registered organization is the opportunity to use University Committee. facilities for meetings and other activities. 4. A graduate student may appeal to the Dean of the Graduate School. Registration does not guarantee that the space requested will be available for use. Academic activities - teaching, research, and service programs - will always POLICY ON GENDER receive priority use of space. Areas Available For Use The goal of the Policy on Gender is to create an environment at Kansas State 1. General Use Classrooms University in which all students, faculty, and staff interact solely on the basis of 2. Campus Grounds individual strengths and characteristics, without having those interactions shaped 3. Ahearn Sports Complex (extremely limited use opportunities available) by generalizations, stereotypes, or valuations based on gender; and to encour- 4. All Faiths and Danforth Chapels age constructive, thoughtful, and gender sensitive behavior. 5. Weber Arena Members of the Kansas State University community are urged to do the follow- How to Schedule Space ing: 1. Contact Room Scheduling Specialist or Special Event Coordinator at 532- 1. Know how gender ideas and traditions affect behavior, including their own. 6373, Dykstra Hall. Each of us must understand the issues involved in how we interpret and respond 2. Complete the appropriate form for whatever space is being requested for to gender. We must begin by paying attention to the experiences and statistics use. Forms may be found at http://www.ksu.edu/facilities/forms. Print out the ap- that illuminate how women and men encounter different standards and expecta- propriate form, fill out and obtain the signature of your faculty advisor. Submit the tions. form to the Division of Facilities Event Scheduling, 109 Dykstra Hall, at least one 2. Evaluate their own ideas and behavior in this context. New sensitivity must week prior to the intended date of use. If the event is large, at least two weeks is lead to changes in thinking and behavior. Each of us should carefully examine necessary to complete coordination. his or her own ideas for the stereotypes and unfounded generalizations that 3. Fundraising activities require a fundraising permit, which may be issued underlie unwitting gender-biased behavior. either by the Office of Student Activities and Services or by the Division of Facili- 3. Act in ways that show respect for the individual. We must be particularly vigi- ties Special Event Coordinator. A fundraising permit must be obtained before the lant whenever we make evaluations or judgments about others. Such decisions event receives final approval. may be informal: expecting certain behaviors because of someone’s gender; Accountability judging the intelligence of a speaker without listening to what is being said; de- 1. When approval to use space is granted, the organization becomes respon- termining what someone wants or needs without inquiring. Such decisions may sible for that space during the time used. be formal: faculty evaluations of students (grading, recommendations, advising, 2. Either the faculty advisor or his/her designated person should be on-site at all scholarships); evaluations of faculty and staff (merit, promotions, grants, job activities held in/on University property to insure that University rules and regula- assignments, opportunities); peer judgments (faculty and staff searches and tions are followed. reviews, student elections); student evaluations of faculty; staff evaluations of General Responsibilities supervisors and administrators. 1. Pick up litter and put into trash container 4. Actively discourage those who behave in ways that are gender-biased. We 2. Put furniture back into original arrangement. all have responsibility for disapproving, interrupting, and disassociating ourselves 3. Empty trash cans into nearest dumpster if trash contains discarded food. from inappropriate behavior when we observe it, especially among our peers. 4. Check nearest restrooms and pick up litter. We can create a positive environment by a clear and strong community consen- Campus Grounds sus that gender-biased behavior is inappropriate and unethical. 1. If 1/4 inch or more of rain is received during the 24 hours prior to the event, 5. Actively encourage behavior that is gender-sensitive. Gender is an important the activity may need to be postponed. part of humanness and we would all be impoverished by rigidly treating everyone 2. No stakes of any kind are to be driven into the ground without approval from alike. Gender can be a source of invaluable talents, insights, and accomplish- the Division of Facilities. ments and we seek to appreciate its effect on all of us while preserving equity 3. No vehicles are to be driven or parked on the grass anywhere on campus. and fairness. 4. Requesters are not to mow the grass. 5. Use only marble dust to mark playing fields for games. POLICY ON SMOKING AT KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Ahearn Sports Complex (includes Field House, gymnasium, natatorium and Memorial Stadium) Smoking is a public health and fire hazard. Locations where smoking is allowed Note: Extremely limited use opportunities available in Field House and gymna- shall be restricted in order to: (A) prevent infringements upon others and (B) cre- sium. ate and maintain an environment that is in the best interests of the safety, health, 1. No food or drink is permitted in the complex without prior approval. This STUDENT LIFE and well being of all the users of university property. includes Memorial Stadium Smoking is not permitted in any university building or vehicle. Research inves- 2. A facilities monitor must be present at all scheduled activities. For Memorial tigating smoking is allowed in laboratories designated for that purpose with Stadium and Natatorium events, the monitor should be hired through the Division authorization grated by the Department of Environmental Health & Safety. of Continuing Education, University of Man. Smoking is prohibited within thirty (30) feet of marked entrances to university 3. Any substance used to mark the floor must be approved by Ahearn person- buildings. nel. The Building Authority is responsible for compliance with this policy at each 4. A minimum of two lifeguards with valid American Red Cross Life-guard Train- building. ing Certificates, hired through the Division of Continuing Education, University of Unlawful smoking is a misdemeanor and is punishable under state or local law. Man, must be present for all activities held in the Natatorium. This policy is effective January 5, 2009, and is in accordance with K.S.A. 21- 5. Specific use criteria have been established for the recently renovated Memo- 4009, et seq, and City of Manhattan Ordinance No. 6737. This current policy rial Stadium. rescinds the KSU Policy on Smoking in University Buildings, Dated August 15, These criteria are: 2002. a. Absolutely no vehicles are to be driven onto the track or field. b. No animals permitted. DISC GOLF POLICY c. Absolutely no stakes are to be driven into the ground. Issued February 18, 2009 d. No smoking in the facility, especially on the turf. e. No food or drink should be used on the track or turf, especially sunflower .010 Introduction seeds, peanuts, popcorn, or syrupy drinks. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Kansas State University encourages persons to engage in activities that help f. Two portable toilets are onsite. The restrooms in Ahearn Field House or the maintain good physical health. Disc golf play (for description, please see http:// K-State Student Union may be used. The Alumni Center restrooms are not avail- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disc_golf has the potential to lead to injury and property able for activities in Memorial Stadium. damage on the main University campus. This policy is designed to limit the g. Only lime chalk may be used to mark the field. reasonable chance of injury or damage while maintaining the University grounds h. Golfing, shot putting, javelin or discus throwing are not permitted. as a place for public use. i. Use of long spike track shoes is banned. High heel shoes are banned. .020 Policy j. Folding chairs or tables cannot be placed on the turf or track. Kansas State University prohibits the playing of disc golf on the University main k. D1 parking lot is available for parking for participants and spectators of activi- campus between the hours of 7:00 a.m.
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