A new sea-level record for the Neogene/Quaternary boundary reveals transition to a more stable East Antarctic Ice Sheet

Kim A. Jakoba,1, Paul A. Wilsonb, Jörg Prossa, Thomas H. G. Ezardb, Jens Fiebigc, Janne Repschlägerd, and Oliver Friedricha

aInstitute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; bUniversity of Southampton, Waterfront Campus, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, SO14 3ZH United Kingdom; cInstitute of Geosciences, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany; and dClimate Geochemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, 55128 Mainz, Germany

Edited by Didier Paillard, Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l’environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, and accepted by Editorial Board Member Jean Jouzel October 19, 2020 (received for review March 5, 2020) Sea-level rise resulting from the instability of polar continental ice Quaternary times (<280 ppmv). A compilation of marine geo- sheets represents a major socioeconomic hazard arising from an- chemical paleo-sea-level and pCO2 records suggests that the thropogenic warming, but the response of the largest component EAIS was stable under these conditions (7). In contrast, while of Earth’s cryosphere, the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), to global the amplitudes of change are controversial (15) (SI Appendix, warming is poorly understood. Here we present a detailed record section S2), sea-level reconstructions from paleoshorelines (16) of North Atlantic deep-ocean temperature, global sea-level, and and benthic geochemical data (9, 17, 18) (Fig. 2) imply EAIS ice-volume change for ∼2.75 to 2.4 Ma ago, when atmospheric melting during the Quaternary “super-” of Marine p partial pressure of carbon dioxide ( CO2) ranged from present- Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (∼400 ka) and 31 (∼1.07 Ma) under day (>400 parts per million volume, ppmv) to preindustrial relatively low pCO2 conditions. Supporting evidence for EAIS (<280 ppmv) values. Our data reveal clear glacial– cy- retreat during the most recent “super-interglacial” MIS 11 cles in global ice volume and sea level largely driven by the growth comes from isotope measurements in mineral deposits re- and decay of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. Yet, sea-level cording past changes in subglacial East Antarctic waters (19), as ∼ values during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 101 ( 2.55 Ma) also sig- well as records of ice-rafted debris (IRD) and detrital sediment nal substantial melting of the EAIS, and peak sea levels during MIS ∼ ∼ neodymium isotopes from offshore the Wilkes Subglacial Basin G7 ( 2.75 Ma) and, perhaps, MIS G1 ( 2.63 Ma) are also sugges- (20). The latter records (20) also indicate EAIS retreat during tive of EAIS instability. During the succeeding glacial–interglacial the last interglacial MIS 5e (∼120 ka). Melting of the EAIS as cycles (MIS 100 to 95), sea levels were distinctly lower than before, inferredinthelateQuaternarywaslikelydrivenbyocean– strongly suggesting a link between greater stability of the EAIS atmosphere warming around Antarctica and grounding-line and increased land-ice volumes in the Northern Hemisphere. We retreat in response to ice–ocean interactions (19, 20). propose that lower sea levels driven by ice-sheet growth in the To further investigate past EAIS response to climate forcing Northern Hemisphere decreased EAIS susceptibility to ocean melt- p ing. Our findings have implications for future EAIS vulnerability to we studied the Neogene/Quaternary transition when mean CO2 a rapidly warming world. (13, 23) fell from levels similar to the anthropogenically per- turbed values of today into the Quaternary range, leading to East Antarctic Ice Sheet | sea level | ocean-cryosphere interaction | intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation Significance

he instability of polar continental ice sheets in a warmer fu- We studied the response of global ice volume/sea level to cli- ∼ Tture is an issue of major societal concern (1–5). Based on mate forcing from 2.75 to 2.4 Ma, when atmospheric CO2 linear extrapolation of recent sea-level rise (2), mean global sea levels last lay in a range similar to the last two centuries. Our level could increase by 65 ± 12 cm by 2100 relative to the 2005 data reveal clear cycles in global sea level largely driven by the baseline, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate growth/decay of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. Peak sea ∼ Change projections (1) of a ∼30- to 100-cm increase by 2100. levels suggest melting of East Antarctic land ice prior to 2.53 Further, satellite observations (4) document substantial mass loss Ma. Thereafter, glacial and interglacial sea levels are distinctly of both the Ice Sheet (GIS) and the West Antarctic lower than before, suggesting that the growth of larger Ice Sheet (WAIS) over the past decade—the two ice sheets that Northern Hemisphere ice sheets lowered sea level globally and are most susceptible to global warming because of rapidly rising acted to stabilize the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by limiting its Arctic air temperatures (1) (GIS) and vulnerability to ocean- exposure to warm ocean waters. Our findings provide a framework to help understand ice-volume variability under atmospheric warming (5, 6) (WAIS). The mass balance of the warmer-than-preindustrial climates. much larger EAIS and its contribution to ongoing sea-level

change, however, remain poorly constrained (1). Author contributions: J.P. and O.F. designed research; K.A.J., P.A.W., and O.F. performed The role of atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide research; K.A.J., P.A.W., T.H.G.E., J.F., J.R., and O.F. analyzed data; and K.A.J., P.A.W., J.P., (pCO2) as a driver of long-term changes in ice volume and sea and O.F. wrote the paper. level over the Cenozoic Era (past ∼66 My) is widely documented The authors declare no competing interest. (7–9) and there is compelling evidence (6, 10–12) of East Ant- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. D.P. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial arctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) retreat during warm intervals of the Board. Pliocene epoch between ∼5.3 and 3.3 Ma when pCO2 levels (13, Published under the PNAS license. 14) last reached values close to the present day (∼400 parts per 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected]. million volume [ppmv]; Fig. 1 A and B and see SI Appendix, This article contains supporting information online at https://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/ section S1). However, there is disagreement over EAIS be- doi:10.1073/pnas.2004209117/-/DCSupplemental. havior under pCO2 levels (13) similar to those of preindustrial First published November 23, 2020.

30980–30987 | PNAS | December 8, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 49 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2004209117 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 A






Fig. 1. Neogene to Quaternary climate and sea-level evolution. (A) LR04 stack (21) for the past 5 My; arrow indicates the iNHG (∼3.6 to 2.4 Ma) and its 18 culmination (thick-arrowed interval) (22); green line indicates the benthic δ O level associated with MIS 101. (B) Atmospheric pCO2 estimates of refs. 13 (blue) and 23 (purple) for the past 5 My; the late Quaternary glacial–interglacial pCO2 range (1) is indicated as preindustrial pCO2 band. Yellow shading in A and B highlights the study interval (∼2.75 to 2.4 Ma). (C and D) Site U1313 benthic δ18O and Mg/Ca raw data, respectively. (E) Site U1313 deep-sea temperature. (F) 18 Site U1313 δ Osw-based sea level relative to present (black line); blue shading: 95% probability interval from Monte Carlo simulations (2σ); red line: threshold (11.6 msle) above which a smaller-than-present EAIS is signaled (24–26); m = marine part of EAIS, t = terrestrial part of EAIS. Glacials are highlighted in gray.

18 18 progressive high-latitude cooling and the intensification of North- determine δ Osw (37) (Fig. 1F), and 3) converting δ Osw to ern Hemisphere Glaciation (21, 30–33) (iNHG; Fig. 1 A and B). sea level using a relationship between changes in sea level and 18 −1 Our approach is based on a simple approximation that, once δ Osw of 0.011 ‰·m (27) (Materials and Methods and estimated past global sea level exceeds 11.6 m sea-level equiv- Fig. 1F). Ninety-five percent probability intervals calculated alent (msle) above modern, which corresponds to the complete through Monte Carlo simulations for individual sea-level data melting of the present-day GIS [7.3 msle (24, 25)] and the points yield an average uncertainty for our sea-level estimates marine- and land-based WAIS [3.4 and 0.9 msle (25, 26), re- of ± 28 m (∼2σ [SD]) (Materials and Methods and Fig. 1F), spectively], EAIS instability (i.e., a retreat from its present-day roughly equivalent to the decay/growth of ice four times greater size) can be inferred (see SI Appendix,sectionS4.1for details). than the GIS. Our approach was validated by reconstructing 18 We quantified sea-level and ice-volume changes for the interval δ Osw for the recent (∼0 to 7 ka) at IODP Site U1313 and for ∼2.75 to 2.4 Ma (MIS G7 to 95) by measuring the oxygen- late core-top (multicorer) samples from a neighbor- isotope composition (δ18O) and Mg/Ca ratio in well-preserved ing site (MSM58) which are indistinguishable from the ob- benthic foraminiferal calcite (Oridorsalis umbonatus)fromIn- served modern-day values (see Materials and Methods and SI tegrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1313 [41°0′N, Appendix, section S4.2.8 for details). 32°57′W; 3,426-m water depth (34)] in the North Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 1 C and D). Using this approach we reconstructed Underlying Assumptions of Sea-Level Reconstruction 18 18 changes in seawater δ O(δ Osw), a for global sea level We have minimized the aliasing effects on our records of post- and continental ice volume (35). This was done by 1) calcu- depositional diagenetic alteration and sampling by using excep- lating bottom-water temperatures (BWT) derived from Mg/Ca tionally well-preserved, uncontaminated foraminiferal calcite (SI (36) (Fig. 1E), 2) combining Mg/Ca-derived BWTs with δ18Oto Appendix, sections S4.2.1 and S4.2.2) and our δ18O and Mg/Ca

Jakob et al. PNAS | December 8, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 49 | 30981 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 spatial variability even in the deep oceans; we therefore allow for GIS WAIS EAIS -0.60 the influence of incursions of Antarctic Bottom Waters into the 101 deep North Atlantic during glacials (40) by normalizing Ant- arctic Bottom Water and North Atlantic Deep Water following -0.50 ref. 41 (Materials and Methods and SI Appendix, section S4.2.4). G7 Second, temporal change in the δ18O composition of accumu- lating or melting ice can influence the relationship between 18 -0.40 δ Osw and calculated sea level through time (11, 25, 38). δ18 11 Therefore, the selection of an appropriate sea-level- Osw 18 (‰ SMOW) conversion factor is critical because variability in the δ O SW -0.30 composition of glacial ice within and among ice sheets means O G1 that calculations are potentially sensitive to the locus of growth/ 18 melt. Sea-level-δ Osw conversion factors ranging between 0.008 − -0.20 and 0.014 ‰·m 1 have been suggested (11, 27–29) (Fig. 2). − 99 Conversion factors between 0.008 and 0.011 ‰·m 1 are inferred G3 31 (27–29, 42) for ice-volume changes predominantly occurring in -0.10 the high northern latitudes. For Antarctica (11) a conversion ‰· −1 5e factor of 0.014 m is typically assumed, but when ice melt 103 18 derives from marine-grounded sectors, the sea-level-δ Osw re- 0 lation deviates from linearity (Fig. 2). “Best sea-level estimates” 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 for our study (sl-conIGs; Table 1) are calculated using the − Sea-level equivalents (m) 0.011 ‰·m 1 conversion factor (27) (SI Appendix, section S4.2. 18 3). Using this conversion factor is a conservative approach, be- Fig. 2. Implication of different sea-level-δ Osw conversions for estimates of δ18 cause it yields lower amplitudes of glacial–interglacial sea-level interglacial ice-volume loss. y axis shows lower-than-modern Osw values − 18 ‰· 1 δ18 (Δδ Osw) and the x axis (log-scale) the corresponding sea-level increase for change than the 0.008 to 0.010 m sea-level- Osw con- commonly used conversion factors (27–29) (0.011 [black], 0.010 [purple], and versions (28, 29) (Fig. 2). To test the robustness of our main − − 0.008 ‰·m 1 [red]) and those for Antarctica only (11) (0.014 ‰·m 1) ignoring conclusions we also calculated “most conservative estimates” (yellow) and incorporating (brown) the impact of its marine-based ice sheets. 18 applying the nonlinear sea-level-δ Osw relation (11) (Table 1) Δδ18 Stars mark Osw for interglacials of this study and corresponding sea-level that further minimizes both absolute sea levels and amplitudes of equivalents in dependence of the conversion applied. Orange, blue, and change (Materials and Methods). In the following, reported sea- purple diamonds show the same for MIS 31, 11 (18), and 5e (17), respectively. level values are best estimates (sl-con ) unless otherwise stated. Vertical lines indicate the sea-level increase resulting from complete melting IGs – of the GIS (+7.3 m), WAIS (+4.3 m), and EAIS (+53.3 m) (24 26). Results and Discussion Increasing Amplitudes of Sea-Level Change with iNHG. Our record of sea-level change ranges between ∼44 ± 28 m above modern records are true pairs, generated on aliquots of pooled speci- during interglacial MIS 101 and ∼135 ± 28 m below modern mens. Nevertheless, there are other sources of uncertainty to during glacial MIS 96 (Fig. 1F). It reveals clear glacial– consider (see the review of ref. 38 and references therein). 18 interglacial cycles from MIS G7 through 95, with lower ampli- Ocean pH and the δ O and Mg/Ca composition of the parent ∼ ∼ δ18 tudes before MIS 100 ( 2.53 Ma) (typically 50 to 90 m) and water at our study site ( Osw and Mg/Casw), as well as the ∼ δ18 larger amplitudes from MIS 100 onward (typically 80 to 120 m) Mg/Ca-BWT calibration and the sea-level- Osw conversion driven largely by a ∼40-m lowering of sea-level minima from, on applied all have the potential to influence the BWT and sea-level average, ∼60 ± 28 m below modern (prior to MIS 100) to ∼100 ± record. Calculated absolute temperatures and sea levels are 28 m below modern (from MIS 100 onward). Sea levels are not necessarily more uncertain than amplitudes of relative change, only distinctly lower during MIS 100, 98, and 96 than in the older but we designed our study to minimize these uncertainties and to glacials in our record but they are also lower for the intervening take a conservative approach to estimate sea-level maxima and interglacials (MIS 99, 97, and 95) than for the older peak in- ice-sheet retreat during interglacials (hereafter sl-conIGs). terglacials (Fig. 1F). We attribute this pattern to the growth of Our study interval is short in comparison to the oceanic resi- more land ice in the Northern Hemisphere during glacials MIS dence time of Mg so we can rule out large fluctuations of 100 through 96 and its partial survival into intervening inter- Mg/Casw. However, the absolute Mg/Casw value across the glacials. For the studied time interval, knowledge of interglacial Neogene/Quaternary boundary was probably different from today ice masses is extremely limited, but a synthesis of empirical data (5.2 mol/mol) (39). Our calculations follow ref. 39 by employing a and numerical modeling results for late ice sheets steady increase in Mg/Casw across our study interval from 4.25 (43) suggests that the GIS, probably with some minor contribu- to 4.4 mol/mol, and we selected a benthic foraminifer that tions from the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS), are the most likely shows low sensitivity in its Mg-partitioning behavior to changes candidates for this behavior. SI Appendix in Mg/Casw (35). Our sensitivity tests ( , section S4.2. Our finding of enhanced amplitudes of glacial–interglacial 6) show that a Mg/Casw ratio lower than 1.9 to 3.7 mol/mol is change and a lowering of glacial sea levels from MIS 100 through required to contradict our main conclusions—an unrealistically 96 is consistent with evidence from both terrestrial [occurrence large deviation from both the modern value and published es- of Missouri tills (32)] and marine [IRD in the North Atlantic (30, timates for the Neogene/Quaternary transition (39). Further- 31, 44)] geological records (Fig. 3 A–C). These studies, together more, the shallow infaunal habitat of O. umbonatus (35) means with global ice-volume simulations (45), suggest major glaciation that, in rapidly accumulating CaCO3-rich sediments such as of Greenland (GIS), Scandinavia (Scandinavian Ice Sheet), and those at Site U1313, this species is well-buffered from the im- North America (LIS) during MIS 100, 98, and 96 (44). Proxy pact of changes in ocean pH on Mg partitioning (SI Appendix, data further indicate that MIS 100 was the first glacial of the section S4.2.7). iNHG during which the LIS advanced into the midlatitudes 18 Two sources of uncertainty with respect to δ Osw must be (32) and large-scale ice rafting occurred across the North At- considered for our sea-level calculations. First, the global value lantic Ocean to the southern fringes of the Last Glacial Maxi- 18 18 for δ Osw is related to global land-ice volume, but δ Osw shows mum IRD belt (30, 31, 44). Terrestrial climate records from

30982 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2004209117 Jakob et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Table 1. Comparison of our best vs. most conservative times in Lake El’gygytgyn (47) (Fig. 3B) documents two addi- interglacial sea-level estimates for which we propose a smaller tional glacial advances of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets EAIS than today following MIS 100 at ∼2.49 Ma (MIS 98) and ∼2.44 Ma (MIS Best sea-level Most conservative 96) when our record signals sea-level lowstands that are even

Interglacial estimate (sl-conIGs)* sea-level estimate* more pronounced than for MIS 100 (Fig. 3A). The only other high-resolution sea-level record for our study MIS G7 +35 m +20 m interval comes from the Mediterranean Sea (49) and is based on MIS G1 +18 m +9 m MIS 101 +44 m +22 m a different methodology than the one used herein and elsewhere (9, 18, 45, 50, 51). It suggests glacial lowstands during MIS 100, *Calculated as described in Materials and Methods. 98, and 96 that are barely below modern sea level and proposes a ∼0.6-Ma-long decoupling between deep-sea cooling at ∼2.73 Ma ∼ Lake El’gygytgyn in northeastern Russia (46) complement this and major glaciation at 2.15 Ma. Those interpretations are general picture (Fig. 3D). Pollen spectra indicate that summer untenable based on our record and previously available recon- temperatures in the high northern latitudes cooled substantially structions (9, 18, 45, 50). Our record documents prominent sea- during MIS 100, approaching values similar to those of late level lowstands from at least MIS G6 onward that are more in Pleistocene glacials (47). Furthermore, the occurrence of la- keeping with the chronology of iNHG developed from extensive custrine facies consistent with perennial ice cover during glacial marine (30, 31) and terrestrial (32) records (Fig. 3 A–D).

Quaternary Neogene U1313 sea-level record 50 A t EAIS m 0 ice melt GIS & WAIS -50

Sea level (m) G2

-100 102 mainly ice growth


-150 Northern Hemisphere 96 98 100

Northern Hemisphere records

B Glacial sediments at Lake El’gygytgyn

Laurentide Ice Sheet advance to ~40 °N

C 0 (grains g IRD

Increasing IRD in the 20 U1313

high northern latitudes -1 ) 20 D 40 15

10 first Lake El’gygytgyn (°C) Summer temperature 5 strong cooling Summer insolation

E decreasing peak insolation 400 (W m -2 360 )

Southern Hemisphere records )

2 400 - F

(W m 360 Summer insolation G 0 (g cm 0.02 IRD -2 U1361 kyr

0.04 -1

Decreasing IRD in the ) high southern latitudes 0.06

2,400 2,450 2,500 2,550 2,600 2,650 2,700 2,750 Age (ka)

Fig. 3. Neogene to Quaternary marine and terrestrial climate proxy records. (A) Sea level (this study) relative to present (black line); red line: threshold (11.6 msle) above which a smaller EAIS than today is signaled (24–26); m = marine part of EAIS, t = terrestrial part of EAIS. (B) Age of lacustrine sediments consistent with perennial ice cover during glacial times at Lake El’gygytgyn (47) (pink) and Missouri tills (32) (width reflects 1σ uncertainty; purple). (C) IRD from Site U1313 (30, 31), southerly limit of the North Atlantic IRD belt. (D) Mean temperature of the warmest month at Lake El’gygytgyn based on pollen spectra (46). (E) Mean summer insolation at 65 °N (48); dashed lines indicate average peak (maximum) insolation values. (F) Mean summer insolation at 65 °S (48). (G)IRD from Site U1361 (12) offshore the Wilkes Subglacial Basin, Antarctica. Glacials highlighted in gray.

Jakob et al. PNAS | December 8, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 49 | 30983 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Other published sea-level records (9, 18, 38, 45, 49–52) cov- (MIS 100, 98, and 96) and during the intervening interglacials ering the iNHG are typically of low temporal resolution and (MIS 99 and 97). partly contradictory. Our record shows a well-defined glacial– interglacial structure with typically higher-amplitude changes EAIS Instability. Some model-derived sea-level estimates (50) than those other records largely because our data signal more suggest that highstands did not exceed 11.6 msle above modern pronounced sea-level fall during glacials, particularly from MIS for the past ∼5.3 My, implying maintenance during interglacials 100 through 96 (Fig. 4 A and B and see also SI Appendix, section of an EAIS at least as large as today. That suggestion, however, is S5.1). One main factor responsible for larger amplitude changes not readily reconciled with other model-based (6) and sedi- in our record relative to others is the tendency for more highly mentological (10) evidence documenting a dynamic behavior of resolved datasets to better capture more of the glacial–interglacial the EAIS during the early Pliocene. Some proxy-based records signal. More highly resolved datasets are needed to verify the full (9, 18, 49, 51, 52) also yield sea levels >11.6 msle for some in- influence of this effect, but our analysis suggests it explained terglacials in our study interval (Fig. 4A), but their validity has 18 ∼20% of the variation in the amplitude of benthic δ O (and thus been called into question (see SI Appendix, sections S3 and S5.1 sea-level) records across MIS 101 through 100 before our study, and references therein). In contrast, even our most conservative and ∼30% including our record (Fig. 4C). A second factor calculations indicate peak sea-level highstands that exceed the contributing to the lower sea levels that we construct arises as a 11.6 msle threshold clearly during interglacials MIS 101 and, for side effect of calculating sea levels using a method that prior- at least some portion of MIS G7 (22 and 20 ± 28 m above itizes conservative estimation of interglacial sea-level maxima, modern, respectively), and our best estimates also point to a that is, ice-sheet retreat (sl-conIGs;seeMaterials and Methods temporarily smaller EAIS than today during interglacial MIS G1 for details). Adapting our calculations to instead prioritize (18 ± 28 m above modern; Table 1 and Fig. 2). These calculated conservative estimation of glacial sea-level minima, that is, ice- sea-level highstands imply a retreat of all marine-based sectors of sheet growth (sl-conGs;seeSI Appendix, section S5.2 for details) the EAIS, which presently store ice equivalent to ∼19 msle (26). yields less extreme, mean sea-level values of ∼70 m below This observation is broadly consistent with 1) three-dimensional modern for MIS 100 (Fig. 4B). This value is closer to—but still ice-sheet model results (55) showing that a retreat of almost all — nearly 20% lower than the lowest of the previous sea-level es- marine-based ice of the EAIS is plausible under pCO2 conditions timates from less-well-resolved datasets (Fig. 4B) and implies a of 400 ppmv and 2) geological evidence (19, 20) for substantial correspondingly greater land-ice budget despite the low-slung ice-margin retreat of the EAIS during late Quaternary intergla- profile of early northern ice sheets (53, 54) (see also SI Appen- cials MIS 11, 9, and 5. Our record of sea-level and inferred ice- dix, section S5.3). Regardless, our main findings are unchanged: volume changes suggests a dynamic response of the EAIS to sea levels are distinctly lower than before both during glacials interglacial radiative forcing across MIS 101 (∼2.55 Ma) and,

A Quaternary Neogene

40 t EAIS m ice melt 0 GIS & WAIS -40 Sea level (m) -80 102 G2 mainly 104 ice growth G4 G6 -120

100 Northern Hemisphere 96 98 2,400 2,450 2,500 2,550 2,600 2,650 2,700 2,750 Age (ka) MIS 100 B C 0.6 40 t EAIS O m 18 ice melt 0.3 0 δ GIS & WAIS -40 0 Sea level (m) -80

mainly -0.3 Mean centered ice growth


Northern Hemisphere MIS 101 -0.6 MIS 100

2,500 2,520 2,540 1 2 3 4 Age (ka) Sample spacing (ky)

Fig. 4. Compilation of selected Neogene to Quaternary sea-level records. Sea-level estimates relative to present (black line) for the (A) ∼2.75 to 2.4 Ma (MIS G7–95) interval and (B) ∼2.55 to 2.50 Ma (MIS 100) interval; red line: threshold (11.6 msle) above which a smaller EAIS than today is signaled (24–26); m = marine part of EAIS, t = terrestrial part of EAIS. Sea-level values of this study in blue (solid line: best estimate approach ensuring sea levels for interglacials are

calculated conservatively [sl-conIGs;seePaleotemperature and Sea-Level Reconstructions for details]; dashed line: adapted approach ensuring more conser- vative glacial values [sl-conGs]), of ref. 9 in gray, of ref. 45 in purple, of ref. 49 in brown, of ref. 18 in blue-green, and of ref. 50 in black. (C) Relation between sample spacing and amplitude in benthic δ18O records for MIS 100 and 101 (for references see SI Appendix, Table S3 for details): As sampling resolution increases, the amplitude of the recovered signal increases (coefficient = −0.16261, SE = 0.04559, P < 0.01) with no detectable difference between MIS 101 and MIS 100 (coefficient = 0.11128, SE = 0.06448, P > 0.05), which explains 30.4% of data variability.

30984 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2004209117 Jakob et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 perhaps, even earlier to at least ∼2.75 Ma (MIS G7) under from the late Pliocene onward (51, 59). This reorganization was conditions of modest pCO2 levels (Fig. 1 B and F), and this in turn driven by surface-water cooling in the high southern conclusion is robust even for our most conservative reconstruc- latitudes together with the expansion of Antarctic Ice Sheets (51, tion of ice-volume/sea-level variability (Table 1, Fig. 2, and see 59) (SI Appendix, section S6.1). Glacials from MIS 100 onward in also SI Appendix, section S4.2). From ∼2.53 Ma onward, how- our reconstruction also terminate to produce highstands (∼8 ± ever, sea-level highstands were consistently lower, falling well 28 m above and ∼6 and ∼11 ± 28 m below modern for MIS 99, below the 11.6 msle threshold value—a pattern that is clear in 97, and 95, respectively) that are distinctly lower than the one ∼ ± A both our most conservative and our best interglacial (sl-conIGs) reached during MIS 101 ( 44 28 m above modern; Fig. 3 ), estimates (Figs. 1E and 2)—and thus signaling a larger, more roughly approaching today’s level. We hypothesize that residual stable EAIS. The structure of the benthic oxygen isotope com- land ice grown on the continents of the Northern Hemisphere posite suggests that this stability endured for most of the Qua- during major glacials (MIS 100, 98, and 96), possibly the GIS and ternary until the "super-interglacials" of the late Pleistocene, for the LIS (43), survived into subsequent interglacials (MIS 99 to example MIS 11 and 5 (Fig. 1A), for which retreat has already 95). This ice storage suppressed interglacial sea levels, protecting been proposed based on independent lines of evidence (19, 20) the EAIS from exposure to marine basal melting of ice shelves (Fig. 2). and promoting stability of the EAIS. Our hypothesis for a decreasing marine influence and thus a ∼ EAIS Dynamics Controlled by Ocean–Cryosphere Interactions. Orbi- more stable EAIS from 2.53 Ma onward gains support from tally paced insolation forcing and changing pCO play a prom- simulations of global ice-volume changes (45), suggesting that ice 2 in the Northern Hemisphere equivalent to ∼10 msle survived inent role in controlling late Pleistocene global ice-volume SI Appendix variations (7, 8). However, the combined influence of these two into interglacials MIS 99 to 95 ( , section S6.2). Supporting evidence for increased stability of the EAIS from forcing factors does not offer a straightforward explanation for ∼ the inferred retreat of the EAIS during interglacial MIS 101 and 2.53 Ma comes from two lines of evidence in geological records the short-term destabilization during interglacials MIS G7 and, from circum-Antarctica. First, there is a significant decrease in SI Appendix the accumulation of IRD in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin at ∼2.5 perhaps, G1 ( , section S6.1). Southern Hemisphere G insolation (48) was not unusually high during these interglacials Ma (12) (Fig. 3 ). The second line of evidence (61) comes from compared to other interglacials in our study interval (Fig. 3F) sediment drifts off Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, documenting a and published records, albeit of modest temporal resolution, decrease in sedimentation rates and a lack of IRDs signaling stabilization of the Lambert Glacier system—the largest ice suggest that pCO2 levels for MIS 99 and 97 are similar to or even

— ∼ EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES exceed those of MIS 101 (23) (Fig. 1B). Thus, the influence of at stream on East Antarctica at 2.5 Ma. Simulations of surface- least one other pivotal factor in addition to top-down radiative air temperature anomalies over Antarctica (45) suggest that the forcing is needed to explain inferred interglacial retreat of the observed stabilization of the EAIS is unrelated to melting driven EAIS. A potential mechanism to consider is subsurface melting by the atmosphere. Thus, we propose that sea-level-led changes in response to ocean warming because it controls the volume of in basal melting strongly influenced EAIS (in)stability alongside pCO2 change and orbital forcing during the studied interval (SI the Antarctic Ice Sheet today (56). Higher mean sea levels than Appendix today due to ice melt in the Northern Hemisphere increases the , section S6.1). Our records strongly suggest a dynamic behavior of the EAIS likelihood of Antarctic Ice Sheet exposure to the direct influence ∼ of warm ocean waters melting marine-grounded sectors of the prior to 2.53 Ma, with retreat during interglacial MIS 101 most ice sheet—ice shelves—from below. Removal of ice shelves re- clearly indicated. Lower sea levels in our record following the culmination of the iNHG suggest that the development of major duces backstress and enhances seaward ice flow, thereby further ∼ enhancing ice melt and sea-level rise, and potentially pushing the ice sheets in the north at 2.53 Ma played a decisive role in Antarctic Ice Sheet toward a runaway marine ice-sheet instability EAIS stabilization through lowered glacioeustatic sea levels and (57). This mechanism may be particularly significant for the reduced basal marine melting. Our detailed records provide a framework to help understand ice-volume variability in a bipolar- WAIS and marine-terminated EAIS basins with reverse-sloping p beds that deepen toward the ice-sheet center (e.g., the Recovery glaciated world under CO2 conditions similar to those of today Basin) (6, 58). and the near future. p Links between EAIS stability, orbital forcing, CO2, high- Materials and Methods latitude (ocean) temperature, and Southern Ocean sea-ice ex- Sample Material and Processing. A total of 340 samples from IODP Site U1313 tent are widely invoked (12, 19, 20, 59). As elaborated upon in ′ ′ – [41°0 N, 32°57 W, 3,426 m water depth (34)] were used, taken along the the following, we here propose an ocean cryosphere interaction primary shipboard splice from 131.06 to 114.12 m composite depth (mcd), in which glacial ice storage in the Northern Hemisphere had a covering the interval from 2.76 to 2.41 Ma (MIS G7 to 95) following the age positive feedback effect on global ice volume during the culmi- model of ref. 30. Our baseline resolution was achieved using samples with an nation of iNHG through sea-level-led EAIS stabilization. 8-cm spacing (temporal resolution of ∼1,500 y), but measurements were undertaken at higher resolution across glacial terminations (4-cm spacing, ∼750 y), interglacials MIS G7, G1, and 101 (4-cm to 2-cm spacing, ∼750 to 375 Reduced Marine Basal Melt Increased EAIS Stability. Starting with y), and glacial MIS 100 (2-cm spacing, ∼375 y). In addition, seven samples MIS 100 in our record, sea-level lowstands are distinctly lower from the uppermost section of IODP Site U1313 [“most recent samples”;0to than before even for our most conservative glacial estimates 0.25 mcd, corresponding to ∼0 to 7 ka (62)] and nine core-top samples (sl-conGs; see SI Appendix, section S5.2 for details)—a pattern (∼33°5′N–41°2′N, 28°1′W–36°1′W, ∼2,600 to 3,500 m water depth) from R/V consistent with sea-level reconstructions derived from previous Maria S. Merian cruise MSM58 (63) were investigated to ensure the overall work (9, 18) (Fig. 4A). Both proxy records (30, 32) (Fig. 3 B–D) validity of our approach, as benthic carbonate extracted from these samples and simulations of global ice-volume changes (45) indicate that is expected to reflect modern deep-water conditions (SI Appendix, section this sea-level lowering was predominantly driven by increased ice S4.2). These samples were processed with exactly the same methodology (as growth in the Northern Hemisphere. The latter was associated outlined below) applied to the MIS G7 to 95 samples from IODP Site U1313 (best sea-level estimates [sl-con ]) unless stated otherwise. with a decrease in astronomically driven peaks in solar radiation IGs E An average of 12 specimens of the benthic foraminifer O. umbonatus (48) (Fig. 3 ) but ultimately caused by increased CO2 seques- were picked from the >150-μm dried sediment fraction of each sample. For tration in the deep Atlantic during cold stages (60), which was combined δ18O and Mg/Ca analysis, tests were cracked open and two splits initiated by a fundamental reorganization of glacial deep-ocean were taken from this single pool of individuals (approximately one-third of circulation and reduced ocean–atmosphere exchange processes the pool was used for δ18O and two-thirds for Mg/Ca analysis). We selected

Jakob et al. PNAS | December 8, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 49 | 30985 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 the species O. umbonatus for our study for four reasons. First, it is buffered the “most recent samples” from Site U1313, a Mg/Casw correction was not to the influence of changes in seawater carbonate ions (64) (i.e., deep-ocean applied as calcareous foraminiferal tests from these samples experienced

pH). Second, it shows a low sensitivity to temporal variations in Mg/Casw (35). present-day Mg/Casw conditions. The oxygen-isotope composition of sea- Third, its large chambers are easier to clean for Mg/Ca analysis than other taxa, water (relative to the Standard Mean Ocean Water [SMOW] standard) was and fourth, it is consistently present throughout the studied core sections. then calculated (37, 69) using O. umbonatus-based δ18O and BWT estimates 18 18 18 (δ Osw, SMOW = [(BWT – 16.9)/4.0] + δ Ob + 0.27). Finally, δ Osw was con- 18 verted to sea level (27) assuming that a 0.11‰ change in δ Osw is equivalent Foraminiferal Preservation. The preservation of O. umbonatus tests in our to a 10-m change in sea level. Our most conservative sea-level estimates samples was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and binocular 18 were calculated as described for our best estimates, but δ Osw was con- microscope. We studied representative specimens from both glacial and 18 verted to sea level (27) following the nonlinear δ Osw-sea-level conversion interglacial intervals. Close-up views were generated using a Zeiss Sigma of ref. 11 (brown line in Fig. 2) to minimize absolute sea levels. SEM at the Institute of Geosciences, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, Because our records come from the North Atlantic, application of the benthic and a Zeiss SteREO Discovery.V8 microscope at the Institute of Earth Sci- δ18O-Mg/Ca approach to sea-level reconstruction requires an adjustment for ences, Heidelberg University, Germany. Results indicate excellent test pres- changing deep-water masses with different local geochemical signatures that ervation (SI Appendix, section S4.2.1). bathe the seafloor on glacial–interglacial timescales (40). Southern-sourced 18 waters yield considerably lighter δ Osw values compared to northern-sourced Oxygen-Isotope and Mg/Ca Analyses. The oxygen-isotope composition of O. waters (41, 70). During glacials (interglacials) of our study interval, southern- umbonatus for all samples investigated in this study was analyzed using a sourced (northern-sourced) waters were dominating at Site U1313 (40), thus δ18 ThermoFinnigan MAT253 gas-source mass spectrometer equipped with a biasing Osw toward lower (higher) values. To account for this water-mass δ18 Gas Bench II at the Institute of Geosciences, Goethe-University Frankfurt, difference in Osw, we applied a normalization factor to the foraminifer- δ18 Germany. Values are reported relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite derived Osw values used for sea-level reconstruction. Following ref. 41, this = × δ18 (VPDB). The external precision, determined from replicate measurements of normalization factor was calculated using a linear regression (BWT 5 Osw ‰ an in-house carbonate standard (Carrara marble), is 0.06‰ (at 1σ level). + 2.6) between modern (70) North Atlantic Deep Water (2.6 °C and 0.1 )and − ‰ δ18 All samples of O. umbonatus for Mg/Ca analysis were cleaned following Antarctic Bottom Water (0 °C and 0.5 ) temperature and Osw endmem- bers. This adjustment was carried out to calculate both our best estimates and the cleaning protocol of ref. 65. First, the crushed test material was rinsed our most conservative estimates. For the calculation of modern δ18O values several times with MilliQ and methanol to remove clay minerals or any other sw from our “most recent” samples of Site U1313 and the core-top samples of fine-grained sedimentary material. Next, organic material was removed via MSM58, however, a water-mass adjustment is not required. oxidative cleaning using hydrogen peroxide buffered with sodium hydrox- Tests presented in SI Appendix indicate that our major conclusions are not ide. After oxidative cleaning, a reductive cleaning step (mixture of hydra- highly sensitive to the assumptions that underpin our calculated best sea- zine, ammonium hydroxide, and ammonium citrate) is often applied to level estimates and also emerge from our most conservative calculations remove coatings from test surfaces. However, we have omitted reductive (see, e.g., SI Appendix, sections S4.2.5 and S4.2.6). All assumptions made in cleaning because 1) it removes Mg from foraminiferal tests and therefore our paper to reconstruct sea level are summarized, critically assessed, and decreases their Mg/Ca ratios (65, 66) and 2) after testing a pilot series of evaluated in SI Appendix, section S4.2; in brief, this section contains addi- samples and their response to a cleaning procedure without reductive tional information on the general quality of proxy data, the selection of cleaning we found that coatings, if existent, did not affect measured Mg/Ca calibrations to convert proxy data into sea level, and the potential influence contents. Finally, a weak acid polish (0.001 M nitric acid) was used to remove of past Mg/Ca and δ18O variability on our reconstruction. contaminants that may have adsorbed on test-fragment surfaces during sw sw cleaning. Samples were subsequently dissolved in 0.075 M nitric acid for analysis. For quality control, we screened Al/Ca, Fe/Ca, and Mn/Ca ratios Uncertainty Band Associated with Sea-Level Reconstructions. The uncertainty during Mg/Ca analysis to check for Mg-bearing contaminant phases like clays associated with our sea-level reconstruction from Site U1313 (∼2.75 to 2.4 or coatings not removed during cleaning that affect foraminiferal Mg/Ca Ma) was determined through Monte Carlo simulations yielding 95% non- ratios (65) (SI Appendix, section S4.2.2). parametric probability intervals. The Monte Carlo simulation was carried out Samples for Mg/Ca analysis were measured using a Thermo Fischer Ele- using the software R [version 3.4.2 (71)]; input data for the simulation were the δ18 δ18 ment high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer except Mg/Ca and O values with their analytical errors and the BWT, Osw,and for samples covering MIS 100, which were analyzed using a Perkin-Elmer sea-level equations with their calibration errors (27). Thus, our approach relies Optima 4300DV inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer; on the following assumptions. The error in our sea-level record comes mainly δ18 all Mg/Ca analyses were carried out at the University of Southampton Na- from two sources: the uncertainties associated with Osw estimation and sea- δ18 tional Oceanography Centre. Exceptions are Mg/Ca ratios of core-top sam- level calibration. The uncertainty in the Osw reconstruction, in turn, mainly δ18 δ18 ples from MSM58, which were analyzed at the Institute of Earth Sciences, derives from errors in the Osw calibration, the analytical precision of O Heidelberg University, using an Agilent 720 inductively coupled plasma- measurements (±0.06 ‰), and uncertainties in BWT estimates. The uncertainty optical emission spectrometer. Reported values were normalized relative in BWT estimates (±1.11 °C) itself is based primarily on two factors: analytical to the EURONORM Certified Reference Material (ECRM) 752-1 standard [Mg/ precision of Mg/Ca measurements (±1.31%) and error in the BWT calibration Ca ratio of 3.762 mmol/mol (67)] to account for machine offsets. To ensure (36). Individual data points were randomly sampled 10,000 times within their instrumental precision, an internal consistency standard was monitored. Rep- proxy uncertainties. We then extracted 95% confidence intervals for each time licate measurements yielded an uncertainty for Mg/Ca better than ± 1.31%. horizon based on the observed variability between the 2.5th and 97.5th per- centile of the simulated data, roughly equivalent to 2σ (SD). Propagated un- certainties in individual sea-level estimates range from a minimum of ± 26.7 m Paleotemperature and Sea-Level Reconstructions. In our paper, we differen- to a maximum of ± 29.0 m, with a mean uncertainty of ± 28.0 m (note that the tiate between our best (sl-conIGs) and most conservative (i.e., those calcula- main text refers to mean value). The calculated uncertainty is within the range tions that minimize absolute sea levels and amplitudes of change) sea-level of uncertainties typically associated with sea-level records reconstructed from estimates. These were reconstructed as follows. paired benthic Mg/Ca and δ18O records (±20 to 30 m; SI Appendix,sectionS3). For our best estimates, Mg/Ca ratios were converted into BWTs using a species-specific equation for O. umbonatus derived from core-top calibra- tions (36) (BWT = {ln[(Mg/Ca)/1.008]}/0.114). This calibration is based on data Data Availability. All study data are included in the paper, SI Appendix,and Dataset S1. obtained using a cleaning procedure that includes both oxidative and re- ductive cleaning of foraminiferal tests, whereas our samples required only oxidative cleaning (discussed above); thus, following refs. 65, 68 measured ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank M. Cooper, J. O. Herrle, S. Hofmann, Mg/Ca values were adjusted by reducing each value by 10% before calcu- J. A. Milton and B. Schminke for laboratory assistance and M. Burchard for lating BWTs. In addition, Mg/Ca values used for our BWT reconstruction his support in statistical analyses. This research used samples provided by the were adjusted to past variations in Mg/Ca . This was done by using equa- Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Funding for this study was provided by sw the German Research Foundation (grants FR2544/2 and FR2544/6 to O.F., tion 3 of ref. 36 and most recent estimates (39) of past Mg/Ca (minimum sw JA2803/2-1 to K.A.J., and PR651/15 to J.P.), the European Union via a Marie and maximum Mg/Casw values of 4.25 and 4.4 mol/mol, respectively). We Curie Fellowship to O.F. (Project PLIO-CLIMATE), and the European Consor- note that such a correction relies on the assumption that the sensitivity of tium for Ocean Research Drilling to K.A.J. via a research grant. P.A.W. Mg incorporation in foraminiferal tests with respect to temperature remains acknowledges funding from the Natural Environment Research Council the same under varying Mg/Casw. For the MSM58 core-top samples as well as (grant NE/D006465/1) and a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award.

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Jakob et al. PNAS | December 8, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 49 | 30987 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021