Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department




Jambi, 19 April 2021

Pembimbing I : Bahren, SS., MA Pembimbing II : Yenti, SS., M.Pd Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulhan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Kepada Yth, Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Di- Tempat

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Muslimah Nur Agustin, NIM. 403170893, yang berjudul “Cultural Conflicts as Seen in Ayub Khan Din’s Movie West Is West”, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqasyahkan guna melengkapi tugas-tugas dan memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terimakasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Bahren, SS., MA Yenti, SS., M.Pd NIP. 197912302006041003 NIP. 197208052007102004



Jambi, April 19th 2021

Supervisor I : Bahren, SS., MA Supervisor II : Yenti, SS., M.Pd Address : Faculty of Adab and Humanities State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

To The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and revising everything extended necessary, so we agree this thesis entitled “Cultural Conflicts as Seen in Ayub Khan Din’s Movie West Is West” could be submitted to Munaqasyah (thesis examination) in partial fulfilment to the requirement for the Degree of Humaniora Scholar. So we submit it in order to be received well, thus, we hope it can be usefull for all.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Bahren, SS., MA. Yenti, SS., M.Pd. NIP. 197912302006041003 NIP. 197208052007102004





ٓاَٰي هُّيَا النَّا ُس ِا ََّّن َخلَ ْق ٓن ُ ُْك ِ م ْن َذ َك ٍر وُانْ ٰٓث و َج َعلْ ٓن ُ ُْك ُش ُعو اًب وقَبۤاى َل َّ َ ْ َّ َ ِٕ ِل َت َعا َرفُ ْوا ۚ ِا َّن اَ ْك َرَم ُ ُْك ِع ْن َد ا ٓ ِّلل َاتْ ٓقى ُ ُْك ۗ ِا َّن ا ٓ َّلل عَ ِل ْ ٌْي َخِب ْ ٌي – ٣١

Wahai manusia! Sungguh, Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan, kemudian Kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku agar kamu saling mengenal. Sesungguhnya yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertakwa. Sungguh, Allah Maha Mengetahui, Maha teliti. (QS. Al-Hujurat: 13)1

O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware. (QS. Al-Hujurat: 13)2

1 Al-Hujurat - | Qur'an Kemenag. (2021). Retrieved 20 March 2021, from 2 The Nobel Quran. (2016). Qur’ Retrieved 20 March 2021, from



My deepest dedication goes to my loved ones:

Both of my parents; Mr. Ujang Karna and Mrs. Niati, who never stop loving and praying for me. There are not enough words to express thanks for all this time. I feel blessed to be the daughter of you both.

My sholeh and handsome brothers; Alif Iman Rohiman and Muhammad Taufiq Ismail, who are always part of my life's encouragement. Mbak loves you.



Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin, all praises to Allah, the Almighty God, for the presence of plenty of mercy and his grace, so that the researcher could complete the thesis entitled Cultural Conflicts as Seen in Ayub Khan Din’s Movie ‘West Is West’ which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English Literature department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat and salam are upon our prophet Muhammad Saw, who had brought us from the darkness to this bright modern era and better life. In accomplishing this thesis, the researcher had been given one great to many people. So, the researcher’s sincere gatitude goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi, MA., Ph.D as a Rector of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, and the Vices of Rector; Dr. Rofiqoh Ferawati, SE., M.El; Dr. As’ad Isma, M.Pd; Dr. Bahrul Ulum, S.Ag., MA. 2. Dr. Halimah Dja’far, M.Fill.I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 3. Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag. as the first Vise Dean of Acadmic, Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed as the second Vise Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third vise Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 4. Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd., MA and Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd. as the chairperson and secretary of English Literature Department. 5. Bahren, SS., MA and Yenti, SS., M.Pd. as the researcher's supervisors, mentors, and life coaches. Their wise counsel led me through the technical and non-technical aspects of writing this study. Suggestions and constructive criticism from them greatly aided in the improvement of this thesis, making it much more interesting and engaging than the researcher had expected.


6. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. 7. The head and officers of the library of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi and public library of Jambi province. 8. A special mention for my friend, Muhammad Faydhullah, who had been willing to help me correct the writing in this thesis. Thank you Bro! 9. All of my friends, especially my best friends; Lady Vusvita Sari, Nur Hasyami Berutu, Mudwiyah, Puja Nabila Arifah, Rahmania Zakri and Dini Aprilia Rozana. Thanks for the help, advice and love that you all have given to me while we were studying at our beloved campus.

This study is a long way from being perfect. The researcher needs some feedback and suggestions in order to improve in the future. Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis will benefit readers, especially students in English Literature Department faculty of Adab and Humanities.

Jambi, March 29th 2021 The researcher,

Muslimah Nur Agustin NIM. 401370893



Muslimah Nur Agustin, 2021: Cultural Conflict as Seen in Ayub Khan Din’s Movie West Is West Supervisor I : Bahren, SS., MA. Supervisor II : Yenti, SS., M.Pd.

In this study, the researcher analyzes a comedy-drama movie written by Ayub Khan Din entitled West Is West. This movie tells the story of cultural conflict between George, a Pakistani father, and his British born son named Sajid. Therefore the researcher entitled this research with "Cultural Conflicts as Seen in Ayub Khan Din's Movie West is West". This study aimed to discuss; 1) the kinds of cultural conflicts that occured between the characters of Pakistani and British in the movie, 2) the impact of the cultural conflicts, and 3) the way of the characters deal with the cultural conflicts. Design of this research was qualitative descriptive research. The researcher applied culture conflict theory, also known as cultural deviance theory, by Thorsten Sellin and Milton Bennett’s DMIS (Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity) as a guideline to answer the research questions of problem formulation. Sociocultural approach also used in this research. In collecting the data, the researcher used technique of documentation. The technique used in analyzing the data in this study was a descriptive technique. The results of this research are; 1) There are two kinds of cultural conflict depicted in the West Is West Movie by Ayub Khan Din; (a) Primary conflict, and (b) Secondary conflict. These conflicts occured between man vs. man and man vs. society (the family). 2) The impact of cultural conflict in the movie is the emergence of crimes. 3) In dealing with cultural conflicts, the characters in the movie went through three phases; (a) defence, (b) acceptance, and (c) adaptation.

Keywords: Cultural Conflict, Movie, West Is West.



Muslimah Nur Agustin, 2021: Cultural Conflict as Seen in Ayub Khan Din’s Movie West Is West Pembimbing I : Bahren, SS., MA. Pembimbing II : Yenti, SS., M.Pd.

Dalam studi ini, peneliti ini menganalisis sebuah film bergenre drama- komedi yang mengangkat kisah mengenai konflik budaya antara George, seorang ayah yang berlatar belakang Pakistan, dan anaknya bernama Sajid yang lahir di Salford, Inggris. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memberi judul penelitian ini dengan "Cultural Conflicts as Seen in Ayub Khan Din's Movie West is West", yang bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan mengenai; 1) jenis konflik budaya yang terjadi antara tokoh-tokoh Pakistan dan British yang tergambar di dalam film, 2) dampak dari konflik budaya tersebut, dan 3) cara tokoh-tokoh di dalam film menghadapi konflik budaya yang ada. Desain dari penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Peneliti mengaplikasikan teori konflik budaya, atau dikenal juga sebagai teori penyimpangan budaya, oleh Thorsten Sellin dan DMIS (Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity) milik Milton Bennett sebagai pedoman untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini. Pendekatan Sosiokultural juga digunakan dalam peneitian ini. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Teknik yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data pada penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah; 1) Ada dua jenis konflik budaya yang tergambar dalam film West Is West, yaitu; (a) Konflik premier dan (b) Konflik sekunder. Kedua jenis konflik tersebut terjadi antara individu vs. individu dan individu vs. masyarakat (keluarga). 2) Dampak dari konflik budaya yang ada di film ini adalah munculnya kriminalitas. 3) Dalam menghadapi konflik budaya, tokoh-tokoh dalam film ini melalui tiga tahap, yaitu; (a) tahap pertahanan (b) tahap penerimaan dan (c) tahap adaptasi.

Kata Kunci : Konflik Budaya, Film, West Is West.




NOTA DINAS ...... i

APPROVAL...... ii



MOTTO ...... v

DEDICATION ...... vi


ABSTRACT ...... ix

ABSTRAK ...... x


LIST OF PICTURES ...... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ...... 1 B. Formulation of the Problem ...... 5 C. Limitation of the Problem ...... 5 D. Purpose of the Research ...... 5 E. Significance of the Research ...... 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Culture...... 7 B. Culture Conflict ...... 8 C. Culture Conflict Theory ...... 10 1. Kinds of Cultural Conflict ...... 10 2. The Impact of Cultural Conflict ...... 13 3. Ways of Dealing With Cultural Conflict ...... 15


D. Sociocultural Approach ...... 16 E. Review of Related Literature ...... 18

CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH A. Design of the Research ...... 21 B. Source of the Data ...... 22 C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 22 D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 24

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Kind of Cultural Conflict as Seen In Ayub Khan Din’s Movie West Is West ...... 26 1. Primary Conflict...... 26 2. Secondary Conflict...... 34 B. The Impact of Cultural Conflict in the Movie ...... 37 C. The Ways of the Characters Deal With the Cultural Conflict ...... 41 1. Defence ...... 42 2. Acceptance ...... 44 3. Adaptation ...... 45

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusions ...... 48 B. Suggestions ...... 49

REFERENCES ...... 50

APPENDIXES ...... 53



Picture 1 ...... 27

Picture 2 ...... 29

Picture 3 ...... 30

Picture 4 ...... 31

Picture 5 and 6 ...... 33

Picture 7 ...... 34

Picture 8 ...... 36

Picture 9 and 10 ...... 37

Picture 11 ...... 39

Picture 12 ...... 40

Picture 13 ...... 43

Picture 14 ...... 45

Picture 15 ...... 46

Picture 16 and 17 ...... 47



A. Background of the Problem The phenomenon of cultural conflict often occurs in society, it is because culture and society are both interdependent. According to Spencer in Foundation of Modern Sociology, “Culture is a way of life shared by a group, a system of ideas, values, beliefs, knowledge and customs transmitted from generation to generation. The culture is produced by society; in turn a society depends on culture”.3 Thus, the culture can be defined a characteristic or identity of a group of people who inhabit a certain area. Culture arises from actions carried out by society repeatedly so as to form a habit which eventually becomes a culture of society itself. In other words, society produces culture and culture shapes society. Society and culture cannot be separated since both are related to each other and create values in their society. In cultural life, the society may encounter some problems. The problems may cause conflict between them. Conflict can be defined as a struggle between people which may be physical, or between conflicting idea. Fichter stated “Conflict is that form of mutual interaction through which two or more persons attempt to remove each other, either by innihilating or by rendering the other party ineffectual.”4 While Gillin and Gillin stated that “Conflict is the social process in which individuals or groups seek their ends by directly challenging the antagonist by violence or threat of violence”. 5 However, conflicts are not necessarily violence but it can be the conflict in the form of contrary ideas or values. Conflict may grow up through cultural differences. This statement is supported by LeBaron who stated “Culture is always a factor in conflict,

3 Spencer, M. (1982). Foundation of Modern Sociology (3rd ed., p. 57). New York: Prentice Hall. 4 Fichter, J. (1957). Sociology (p. 230). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 5Gillin, J., & Gillin, J. (1956). Cultural sociology (p. 625). New York: Macmillan.



wether it plays a central role or influences it subtly and gently.”6 It is because there are some people who have a narrow view of another’s culture. Usually people feel proud of their own culture and underestimate on other cultures. However, their way of thinking sometimes let them to judge another culture is worse compare to their own culture. Therefore, conflict cannot be avoided. The conflict that grows up through cultural differences called cultural conflict. It is a type of conflict that occurs when different cultural values and beliefs clash. Alexander Grewe defines cultural conflict as one that occurs when people’s expectations of certain behaviour coming from their cultural background are not met, as other have different cultural backgrounds and different expectation.7 It may occur because every country in this world have the different culture. If there are a number of different cultures interact each other and share their beliefs, it is likely to happen that there will be some kind of dissagrements wich result of cultural conflict. The phenomenon of cultural conflict is often depicted in various literary works, such as novel, drama, short story, film and etc. From these literary works, the researcher chose film to be analyzed. Film, also known as movie, is one of literature’s genres that is preferred to be watched by people of various ages. Nowadays, watching movie has become one of the hobbies of most people. It is because in addition to entertaining, movie can also increase knowledge. Movie is a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, watched at a movie theater or on a television or other device. Based on Hornby in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, “Film is a story etc recorded as set of moving pictures to be shown on television or at the cinema”.8 Furtermore, movie is one of the genres of literature, it is based on the opinion of Klarer, a professor of English and American studies, in his

6 LeBaron, M. (2003). Culture and Conflict. Retrieved 29 March 2021, from 7 Culture Conflict | Language Effect on Culture | BohatALA. Retrieved 7 November 2020, from 8 Hornby, A. (2021). Film. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (p. 434). Oxford: Oxford.University Press


book entitled An Introduction to Literary Studies, he specifically included the film genre as a literary work.

At the end of the twentieth century, it is impossible to neglect film as a semi-textual genre both influenced by and exerting influence on literature and literary criticism. Film is predetermined by literary techniques; conversely, literary practice developed particular features under the impact of film. Many of the dramatic forms in the twentieth century, for example, have evolved in interaction with film, whose means of photographic depiction far surpass the means of realistic portrayal in the theatre. Film’s idiosyncratic modes of presentation—such as camera angle, editing, montage, slow and fast motion—often parallel features of literary texts or can be explained within a textual framework.9

From these quotes, it can be concluded that film or movie is a contemporary movement from textual literary mode to visual literary mode. Since movie is one of genres of literature, then this research is in accordance with the researcher’s department, that is English Literature. The issue of cultural conflict occurs in a movie entitled West Is West by Ayub Khan Din. It is a culture-clash comedy drama set in 1976, Salford, North of England. This movie is actually a sequel to the late nineties hit movie entitled East Is East. But it really does not matter if the viewers have not seen its first part as the movie is quite self explanatory for the viewer, without depending much on its original10. Therefore the researcher decided to only analyze the last movie West Is West. The researcher chooses Ayub Khan Din’s movie West Is West because it acts as an ideal mirror to see what cultural conflict going on when the Pakistani imigrant father has to deal with his British born son. From the movie we can see that the different background of cultures and customs between a child and a parent comes into conflict.

9Klarer, M. (1999). Introduction to Literary Studies (p. 154). English: Routledge. 10 West is West (2010) - IMDb. (2011). Retrieved 5 September 2020, from


Ayub Khan Din, a British-Pakistani actor and playwright, adapted his own play to this movie, as he said: “West Is West are pretty much my family background, though there were 10 kids in my family. George and Ella are my mother and father. My father was very strict like George.”11 The movie took a focus on Sajid, who was the youngest son of Pakistani man, George Khan and British woman, Ella. In this movie, Sajid was growing into a teen, he was beginning to face similar problems with his life as a British-Pakistani living in Salford, England. With an English mother and a British accent, Sajid feels more British than Pakistani. However, being a child of mix-married parents made Sajid seen differently by his friends, and he was plagued by bullies in school. Moreover, he had to deal with his Pakistani father who was very strict about Pakistani culture. He always opposed his father. In order to tame him, his father, George Khan brought him to Pakistan. He wanted his youngest son to learn in Pakistan and be a good Pakistani. The main problem in this movie lies in the difference in the cultural background between a father and his son which causes conflict between them. Sajid, who was born in England and lives surrounded by western culture, has to obey his father who is very strict with Pakistani culture, this makes him grow up to be rebellious and unruly. On the other hand, George, who loves Pakistani culture and has high hopes that his son will become a Pakistani like him, should be disappointed because his son does not accept his culture. This disappointment caused him to be rude towards Sajid. The problem in the movie had made the researcher interested in turning this movie into an object of analysis. The researcher believes that the of cultural conflics in this movie is needed to be studied because it is not only exposes the differences of Pakistan and English culture and kinds of cultural conflict but it also explores the impact of cultural conflict on the characters of people involved in it. So, the researcher entitles this skripsi with “Cultural Conflicts as Seen in Ayub Khan Din’s Movie West Is West”.

11 West Is West Interview Special with Ayub Khan Din. (2011). Retrived 3 September 2020, from with-ayub-khan-din/


B. Formulation of the Problem Based on the background in this study, the researcher formulated three problems as follows: 1) What kinds of cultural conflict are reflected in Ayub Khan Din’s movie West Is West? 2) What is the impact of cultural conflict as seen in the movie? 3) How do the characters deal with the cultural conflicts?

C. Limitation of the Problem There are many aspects that can be analyzed in West Is West Movie by Ayub Khan Din, which was released in 2010. But the focus of this research is cultural conflicts that are reflected in the movie. The researcher limits the analysis only on kinds of cultural conflict, the impact of the cutural conflict toward two characters in the movie, the first character is George, an immigrant from Pakistan, the second is Sajid, George’s youngest son who was born in Salford, England. Moreover, the way these two characters deal with the cultural conflicts will be analyzed as well.

D. Purpose of the Research Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purposes of the research are: 1) To identify kinds of cultural conflict as seen in Ayub Khan Din movie West Is West. 2) To identify the impact of cultural conflict toward the characters’ behaviour. 3) To identify how the characters deal with the cultural conflict.

E. Significance of the Research The research entitled “Cultural Conflicts as Seen in Ayub Khan Din’s Movie West Is West” would be expected can broaden the readers insight about international cultures. It also expected can give more detail information


about cultural conflict, so that the readers will be able to know that literary works can contain variety of things that are related to phenomena in human’s life. Besides, this research provide the impact of cultural conflicts toward people involved in it that may increase the readers’ knowledge about culture and as a reference for them whom studying culture. Furthermore the researcher hopes that the results of this research could give some contributions for the literature field especially to the English Literature Department in Adab and Hummanities Faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


A. Culture According to the origin of the language, the term 'culture' comes from the Latin cultus which means 'to care', and from the French colere which means 'to nurture' or 'to cultivate'. 12 Meanwhile, the definition of culture according to Koentjaraningrat, an anthropology professor at the University of Indonesia, is "the whole system of ideas, actions and humans’ works in the context of social life which belongs to humans by learning itself". 13 More specific anymore, E. B. Taylor, in his book Primitive Cultures, defines culture as a complex whole, which is contained inside knowledge, belief, , morals, law, tradition, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."14 From the definitions of culture above, the researcher concludes that culture is everything that is related to the human behaviour in life. It is more than just language, dress and eating habits. Cultural groups may share race, ethnicity, or nationality, but they also arise from generational divisions, socioeconomic class, sexsual orientation, abilities and disabilities, political and religious affiliation, language and gender. Humans can never be separated from culture, and culture will not be able to form without human presence. As God's most perfect creatures, humans are given the intellect to utilize and develop everything around them. Koentjaraningrat classified cultural realization into three categories: system of ideas, systems of activities, and artifacts. The term ‘system of ideas’ refers to culture as a complex of ideas, beliefs, norms, and laws and so on and so forth.15 This realization is very

12 Berger, A. (2000). The Meanings of Culture: Culture: Its Many Meanings. M/C Journal, 3(2). 13 Koentjaraningrat, (2009). Pengantar ilmu Antropologi ( p.144). Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. 14 Setiadi, M, Effendi, Ridwan, & Hakam. (2007). Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar (p. 27). Jakarta: Kencana. 15 Ibid



abstract, cannot be touched or photographed and is present in the minds of individuals who adhere to that culture. The form of culture as a system of ideas can only be felt in everyday life in the form of norms, customs, religions, and rules or laws. An example of a cultural form as a system of ideas that functions to regulate and become a reference for human behavior is social norms. Social norms are standardized in an unwritten manner and are jointly acknowledged by members of the community group. For example, rules or norms of courtesy in speaking to older people and rules for visiting other people's homes. In system of activities, the realization involves the actions and behavior patterns of humans themselves.16 This system consists of human activities that are continuously interconnected with each other. This cultural form is concrete, can be photographed, and can be seen. Examples of this realization are; the culture of the wedding ceremony, the process of selecting leaders, or the simplest examples are the habits that are carried out every day. The realization of culture as a system of artifacts is objects created by humans. 17 This realization is the most concrete, can be seen and touched directly by the senses. The form of this culture is in the form of physical culture which is the results of human culture in the form of a system of ideas or thoughts or patterned human activities. Examples of this cultural realization are; Wayang golek from Java, ulos cloth from Batak, songket from Padang, or a dowry in the form of items that must be given in a traditional wedding ceremony. Everyday clothes worn by humans are also a cultural realization categorized into artifacts.

B. Cultural Conflict Since conflicts occur in human relationships, cultures are rooted in any conflict. Culture influences how we mark, frame, blame, and try to tame

16 Ibid 17 Ibid


conflict. The existence of a conflict is a cultural problem. The term of “conflict” comes from the Latin word conflictus which means collison or clash. Another definition of conflict stated by Fichter is a “form of mutual interaction through which two or more persons attempt to remove each other, either by innihilating or by rendering the other party ineffectual.”18 From this quotation, the reasercher defined conflict as a dislike, hostility, or struggle between people or communities who have different philosophies and ways of living, resulting in contradictory aspirations and behaviour. According to Gillin and Gillin, conflict is “The social process in which individuals or groups seek their ends by directly challenging the antagonist by violence or threat of violence.”19 Furthermore, they distinguish there are four roots of conflict: individual differences, cultural differences, clashing interest, and social change.20 Conflict rooted in cultural differences is usually called cultural conflict. The term culture conflict in Merriam Webster online dictionary defined as “the conflict of behaviour patterns and values that result when different cultures are incompletely assimilated.”21 Cultural conflicts are not uncommon in interactions between people with different cultural backgrounds. It also may occur through migration, changes in national borders, forced assimilation of aboriginal groups, etc. as stated by Thorsten Sellin in William and McShane's book Criminology Theory, as follows:

Conflicts of cultures are inevitable when the norms of one cultural or subcultural area migrated to or come in contact with those of another. Conflicts between the norms of divergent cultural codes may arise: first, when these codes clash on the border of contiguous culture areas. Second, when, as may be the case with legal norms, the law of one cultural group is extended to cover the territory of another. Last, when members of one cultural group migrate to another.22

18 Fichter, Loc. Cit. 19 Gillin and Gillin. Op. Cit., p.625 20 Ibid., p.633-634 21 Definition of CULTURE CONFLICT. (2021). Retrieved 13 February 2021, from 22 Williams & McShane. (1998). Criminology Theory (p. 71). Abingdon: Routledge.


From the explanation above, it could be known that there are three factors that cause cultural conflict, as mentioned. These factors seem to be exist and cause cultural conflict that is seen in the West Is West Movie which would be analyzed by the researcher.

C. Culture Conflict Theory In this research, the theory used as a guideline to answer the questions of problem formulation is theory of culture conflict. This theory, also known as cultural deviance theory, was put forward by Thorsten Sellin in his book Culture Conflict and Crime. 1. Kinds of Cultural Conflict According to Sellin in Frank Schmalleger’s book Criminology Today, he referred to two types of culture conflict; Primary Conflict and Secondary Conflict.23 Here are the explanations: a. Primary Conflict The term primary conflict refers to a situation in which "A fundamental clash of cultures occurs."24 This kind of cultural conflict is a conflict between two or more cultures, for example Indonesian culture vs. Arabic culture, Pakistani culture vs. Western culture and etcetera. There are many examples of this primary cultural conflict, as when an immigrant father kills his daughter's lover or boyfriend, who comes from a different cultural background, in order to uphold a long-standing family tradition. Another concept that is very common in contemporary society is the concept of honor killing by parents. “Honour killings are committed usually to daughters by parents or older siblings because the behaviour of the child is believed to have brought shame to the family. On June 16th 2010, a father and son were sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty for the murder of Aqsa Parvez, a 16-year-old girl

23 Schmalleger, F. (2017). Criminology Today (8th ed., p. 170). New York: Pearson. 24 Ibid.


of Pakistani descent who wanted to wear western clothes and get a part- time job like her Canadian peers.” 25 Although this example seems to be drastic, it is believed by the individuals that commit these crimes that this is completely normal behaviour that has been practiced in their native lands. This example shows that what may have been deemed illegal and murder by Canadian culture was not the case from where these two individuals came from. The individuals in this case were not aware that they had committed something wrong, because based on their culture it is their responsibility to uphold the family name and do whatever it takes to protect it. b. Secondary Conflict Secondary conflict is described by Sellin to be that of which when “Smaller cultures within the primary cultures clash.” 26 This conflict occurs between people within the same basic culture, as when middle-class values (on which most criminal laws are based) find fault with inner-city or lower-class norms, resulting in the social phenomenon known as crime. An example of secondary conflict is the smaller cultures of drug dealers, prostitutes and gamblers that are regarded as clashing with the middle class and upper class values of society. Example for the middle class, making a decent wage through legal means is a way of life and what is considered to be what is considered right, however for those individuals that participate in drug dealing and prostitution it is also seen as their way of life. Therefore when laws are created by the middle class and upper class citizens they are created in a way in which clashes with the way of life of the low class citizens who commit these crimes as a way of earning money and living. Therefore, this crime that is socially

25 UKEssays. (November 2018). Culture Conflict In Canada. Retrieved from essay.php?vref=1 26 Schmalleger. Loc. Cit.


constructed by the higher class results in the only way of life the lower class citizens have being deemed as criminalized activity. These crimes rates continue to flourish because these individuals’ way of life has been criminalized by the upper class. Until a new form of opportunity is granted for these individuals they will continue to maintain their deviant ways of life. In the other side, Stanton devided kinds of conflict into internal conflict and external conflict.27 Internal conflict is a conflict that occurs in heart or soul character selves, it is refers to characters’s internal struggle. While external conflict is a conflict between a character and something outside himself, it could be environment and also human being or other character. While according to Tonya Thompson, the number of conflict categories in literature most commonly accepted is six: 1) Man vs. self, this conflict refers to internal conflict, when a character finds him or herself battling between two competing desires or selves, typically one good and one evil. 2) Man vs. man, this is an external conflict between the character and the social norms (sometimes family). The character’s values or beliefs or preferences go against what’s deemed acceptable or normal within the community. 3) Man vs. society, this is an external conflict between the character and the social norms (sometimes family). The character’s values or beliefs or preferences go against what’s deemed acceptable or normal within the community. 4) Man vs. nature, in this conflict, the protagonist is hindered by or fighting against natural forces like weather, animals, or climate change. 5) Man vs. technology, category of conflict focuses on a person or group of people fighthing to overcome unemotional and unsympathetic machinery that believes it no longer requires humanity. 6) Man vs. fate, This type of conflict occurs when a

27 Stanton, R. (1965) An Introduction to Fiction. Washington: Holt, Rinehart and Wonston.


character is trapped by inevitable destiny, freedom and free will often seem impossible in the stories that adress this conflict.28 2. The Impact of Cultural Conflict Cultural conflict certainly has impacts on the people involved in it, one of the impacts of cultural conflict is the occurrence of crime. Crime and cultural conflict are closely related. This is because cultural conflict can lead to crime, such as Sellin's assertion that "Crime in many instances is a product of culture conflict between the values and norms of a certain subculture in a given society and those of the general culture”29. Further more, Sellin, in Schmalleger’s book, also stated that “The root cause of criminality can be found in a clash of values that arises when different social groups have different ideas of acceptable behavior.”30 The researcher reinforce both of Sellin's statements with the results of Warih Anjani’s research (2014) which show that one form of crime is violence, and one of the factors in the occurrence of violence when analyzed from an anthropological approach is the existence of cultural diversity that is difficult for different groups to understand.31 To clarify the impact of cultural conflict on the emergence of crime, researchers take an example of a cultural conflict between Dayak and Madurese tribes that occurred in West Kalimantan, Indonesia around 1996-1997. The conflict stems from differences in language and communication styles between them that lead to misunderstandings. The Madurese's harsh communication style was captured by the Dayaks as arrogance and rudeness. From this simple difference, criminality arises. Many Dayak people lost their homes because they were burned by the

28 Thompson, T. (2018). Decoding the Six Conflicts in Literature. Retrieved 6 January 2021, from examples 29 Einat, T., & Herzog, S. (2010). A New Perspective for Delinquency. International Journal Of Offender Therapy And Comparative Criminology, 55(7), 1072-1095. 30 Schmalleger. Loc. Cit. 31 Anjani, W. (2014). Fenomena Kekerasan sebagai Bentuk Kejahatan. E-Journal WIDYA Yustisia, 1(1).


Madurese people, on the other hand, many Madurese people died because they were beheaded by the Dayaks. 32 Crime, also known as deviant behaviour, is a concept related to evil behaviour or actions commited by a person or group of people. In fact, there are many definitions of crime expressed by experts, but here I would only mention a few definitions of crime from a formal juridical and sociological aspect. In formal juridical aspect, Kartono defined crime as a form of behaviour that is contrary to human morals (immoral), harms society, asocial, and violates the low.33 Tappan also defined crime in this aspect as “an intentional act in violation of the criminal law committed without defense or excuse, and penalized by the state as a felony or misdemeanor”34 From these two definitions, the researcher concluded that the crime referred to in this aspect is a deviant act that violates the law. Without laws that restrictics certain forms of behavior, there can be no crime, no matter how socially deviant or repulsive the behavior is. In sosiological aspect, crime is all forms of speech, actions and behaviour that are very detrimental to society in terms of economics, politics and social psychology. It violates the norms of society (wether stated in the criminal low, or not).35 A more comprehensive sociological definition according to Schwendinger is that crime includes “any harmful acts." From these definitions, it can be said that crime in the sociological aspect is any action that harms other parties, even it doesn not violate the criminla law of the state. From the explanations above, the researcher concluded that cultural conflict can have an impact on the emergence of crime. However, a crime

32 Paramitha Wulandari, N. (2013). Hari ini 18 Februari : Kekerasan Antaretnis Dayak dan Madura Pecah. Republika. Retrieved from 18-februari-kekerasan-antaretnis-dayak-dan-madura-pecah 33 Kartono, K. (2003). Patologi Sosial 1 (p.143). Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. 34 Schmalleger. Op. Cit., p.3 35 Kartono, Op. Cit. p.144


is not always an act or behaviour that violates the law, but as long as the it is detrimental to others, it can be considered as a crime. 3. Ways of Dealing With Cultural Conflict Since the conflict originates from cutural differences, the researcher borrowed Milton Bennett’s DMIS (Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity) which was first created in 1986 to see how do the characters in West Is West movie deal with conflicts caused by cultural differences that they face. Based on DMIS, in dealing with cultural differences, each individual or group goes through six stages; denial, defence, minimization, acceptance, adaptation and intergeneration. These stages are the process by which individual or group moves from an ethnocentric point of view, in that they consider their own culture to be superior to other cultures, to an ethnorelative point of view, where all cultures are considered equal.36 a. Denial This stage shows where individuals or groups think there is no culture other than their own. Those who enter this stage do not recognize the existence of other cultures besides theirs. People who are at denial stage are not interested in the fact that there are cultural differences because they do not recognize the existence of other cultures. b. Defence Here, a person or group of people has recognized the existence of another culture but still considers their own culture as the best and foremost culture in the world. This stage also considers other cultures as a threat, so they try to defend their own culture. c. Minimization At this stage a person or group of people is at the stage of accepting cultural differences and free from feeling threatened. However, people at this stage expect similarities among the existing cultural differences.

36 Bennett, M. (1986). A developmental approach to training for intercultural sensitivity. International Journal Of Intercultural Relations, 10(2), 179-196.


Therefore, people at this stage try to impose their cultural values in order to be accepted by other cultures and want to change other cultures to have similarities with their culture. d. Acceptance people at this stage already accept and appreciate elements from other cultures. People at this stage accept the fact that people who come from other cultures have different values and behavior patterns but are still equal to them as humans. However, at this stage it does not mean that a person has an agreement with existing cultural differences. They only acknowledge and accept other cultures without giving their approval to that other culture. e. Adaptation At the adaptation stage, a person's perspective is broader because they begin to position themselves based on the point of view of other cultures. At this stage, a person is able to respond in the form of feelings or behaviors that are in accordance with the context of each different culture so that the level of empathy is higher than the previous stage. f. Intergeneration At the integration stage, people's experiences of themselves are extended to include movement in and out of different cultures. Or in other words, they can switch between cultures flexibly and competently.

D. Sociocultural Approach Approach is the way of dealing with something37. Approach is always used by researchers when they want to analyze a literary work. In this research, the researcher used sociocultural approach. Sociocultural is based on the idea that society and culture shape cognition. Social customs, beliefs

37 Hornby, A. (2008). Approach. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (p.17). New York: Oxford University


and values are all part of what shapes a person’s identity and reality. It is used to describe awareness of circumtances surrounding individuals and how their behaviours are affected specifically by their surrounding, social and cultural factor. The sociocultural approach examines the influence of social and cultural on people’s behaviour.38 According to Catherine A. Sanderson in Social Psychology, she said that: “Sociocultural perspective is a perspective describing people’s behaviour and mental processes as shaped in part by their social and/or cultural contact, including race, gender, and nationality.” 39 Based on the quotation, the sociocultural approach provides researchers with a more informed view and understanding of the motivations which cause person to behave in particular way. Sociocultural perspective was created by Lev Vygotsky as a response to behaviorism. The main idea of the theory is that the ways people interact with others and the culture they live in shape their mental abilities. The main desire of Vygotsky was design a new way to look at and come up with a solution to educational and social problems of the time. He believed other factors, besides biological instincts, caused humans to act the way they do.40 Furthermore, he believed everything is learned in two ways levels, as he stated: “Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological).”41 Based on explanation above, in analyzing the influence of cultural conflict toward the characters’s behavior in West Is West movie the writer applied sociocultural approach to support the theory of culture conflict. It means the contents of literary workrelated to the social phenomena, including the cultural conflict that appears in the movie.

38 Sociocultural approach – A Journey Through Psychology. (2020). Retrieved 18 November 2020, from 39 Sanderson, C. (2010). Social Psychology (p.4.). United States: Wiley. 40 McGlonn-Nelson, K. (2005). Looking Outward: Exploring the Intersections of Sociocultural Theory and Gifted Education. Journal Of Secondary Gifted Education, 17(1), 48-55. 41 Vygotsky, Et, al. (1978). Mind in society (p. 57). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


E. Review of Related Literature The researcher is the first who analyzed about cultural conflict as seen in West Is West Movie by Ayub Khan Din in English Literature Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, but the researcher found some previous studies related to this research, those are: The first previous study was written by Siti Hoiruna (2019), State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The research entitled The Strategies in Managing Conflict by the Main Character in Wonder Women Film by Patty Jenkins was designed to find out what conflicts are faced by main character and how the strategies used by main character to solve all kinds of conflicts in the film. The researcher used conflict theory by Nina Genneby to support her research. The researcher found that there were three types of conflicts: inter-personal, intra-personal and intra-society. Besides the researcher found several strategies used by the main characters in resolving conflict, such as to avoid problems and ask for help. Second previous study was written by Yulita Eva Setiawan (2012) Sanata Dharma University. The research entitled The Culture Clash of The Chinese American in Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter. This study discussed about clash culture between China and America using Socio- cultural Historical approach. The result of the analysis shows that, conflicts regarding the matter of culture happened because of the different characteristics between Lu Ling and Ruth which then results in misunderstanding of cultures. As a Chinese American Ruth was accustomed more to the American culture than she is to the Chinese culture. It was because of the nature of children of the immigrants to assimilate to the culture of the country they were born at. In contrary, as a Chinese immigrant, Lu Ling tends to preserve the culture of her native country because she believes that her native culture was considered as the best.


The third was an article by Arif Burhanudin (2017), English Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University. The research entitled The Ambivalence of Identity as a Result of Intergenerational Cultural Clash in PP Wong’s The Life of a Banana aims to identify the intergenerational cultural clash and its effect into identity making process in PP Wong’s The Life of a Banana. Theory of post- colonialism specifically about ambivalence by Homi K. Bhabha was used to analyze this research. The findings of this research showed that there were three aspects as intergenerational clash between the main character and her Chinese grandmother: education and career selection, rearing system, and cultural clash. The researcher also found that there were three aspects of cultural clash between the main character and the classmates: stereotype, physical appearance and language. All those conflicts in the forms of clashes contribute into ambivalence of identity of the main character. The fourth previous study was written by Erna Susilawati (2011), Indonesia University of Computer, Faculty of Letters, English Department. Her study entitled the Influences of Cross and Clash Culture Towards the Main Character’s Development in V.S Naipaul’s A House for Mr. Biswas. The writter used postcolonial theory to discuss the study. The result of this research showed that, the cross and clash culture which influence the main character is divided into three aspects; religion, social life and economic. All of these aspects give big influences to the main character, Mr. Biswas. He lived in the area that has two cultures; Indian and local Trinidad and Tobago culture which made him an ambivalent character. He preserved some of Indian cultures and throwed some of the rigid cultures that were not appropriate with that era such as caste system based on jati, joint family system and superstition. On the other hand, he also adapted western culture such as nuclear family system, the emancipation for women to get formal education, and he believed that the economic status depends on the occupation.


The fifth was written by Arif Paozi (2017), State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Faculty of Letter and Cultural Science, English Department. The research entitled the Clash of Culture Between America and China in Ha Jin’s Short Story After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town took focus on how was the clash of culture between China and America. The researcher used theory of narratology to analyze the research. The result of the study concluded that the clash of cultures shown in the story first happened in the field of communication including language and manners toward people. Second, this happened in the customs relating, for food has important role in this story. From several previous related studies above, the researcher found some similarities and differences of them with this research. The similarities lie on the research topic and design. The focus of their studies was about clash culture and conflict with qualitative research design. It is similar to this research which analyzes cultural conflicts with qualitative design as well. Whereas the differences lie on the theory, approach and data of the research. Most of those studies used conflict theory, post-colonialism theory, and theory of narratology, while this research would use culture conflict theory and sociocultural approach to support the theory. Moreover none of those studies took West Is West movie as the data to be analized. These are the differences of those related studies with this research.


A. Design of the Research Every researcher has design of the research to do the research of academic writing. In writing this thesis proposal, the researcher used qualitative descriptive method. It was suitable for this research because there were many interpretations and perceptions in this research, and the qualitative method could bind the whole differences of interpretation and perception. Judith Preissle in Creswell’s book, he states that:

Qualiative research is a loosely defined category of research designs or models, all which elicit verbal, visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory data in the form of descriptive narratives like field notes, recordings, or other transcriptions from audio and videotapes and other written records and pictures or films.42

From the statement above, qualitative research could be defined as a research procedure that produce descriptive data in form of written words and from people that can be observed. According to Gay in Melaningsih Noviana’s thesis, descriptive method is a method of research which involves collecting data in order to test the hypothesis or to answer the question concerning the current status of the subject of the study. 43 It could be concluded that the purpose of the descriptive method is to capture the fact accurately. It can be used to answer the research questions. The presentations’ data describe in form of words. The researcher applied qualitative descriptive method to explain the materials because it analyzed the nature of object, to describe a situation systematically, problem, phenomenon, or provide information about living

42 Creswell, J. (1998). Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 43 Melaningsih, N. (2010). The Representation of Arabs-Muslim Characters In Karl May S Travel Narrative Entitled Oriental Odyssey I. Bandung: Respiratory UPI.



condition, or describe attitude towards an issue. On this research the researcher focused on the cultural conflicts that are reflected in West Is West Movie. Therefore, the qualitative descriptive research was used to analyze the issue of this research.

B. Source of the Data Source of data is raw data that has not been processed for meaningful use to become information.44 The source the data in this research was a movie entitled West Is West by Ayub Khan Din. It is culture-clash comedy drama set in 1976, Salford, North of England. This movie is actually a sequel to the late nineties hit film East Is East. But it really does not matter if the viewers have not seen its first part as the movie is quite self explanatory for the viewer, without depending much on its original. The movie that consist of 103 minutes was directed by Andy DeEmmony and was first release on 12 September 2012 in Toronto International Festival Film (TIFF). The researcher took the script and the scenes from the movie to identify the cultural conflicts and its impact toward the characters in the movie. Therefore the forms of the data were dialogues and pictures from the movie.

C. Technique of Data Collection Data collection has a very vital role in a research, Sugiyono states; “Data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research, because the main purpose of research is to get data.”45 The purpose of data collection is to get information related with the topics. There are many ways to collect the data, like Chatherine Marshall and Gretchen Rossman state: “The fundamental methods relied on by qualitative researchers for gathering information are, participation in the setting, direct

44 Rouse, M., (2009). What Is Raw Data?. [Accessed 18 November 2020]. Available at: 45 Sugiyono. (2008). Metode Penelitian Kualitatof (p.24). Bandung: Alfabeta.


observation, in-depth interviewing, and document review.” 46 Moreover Creswell states: ”The data collection procedures in qualitative research involve four basic types: observation, interview, documentation andvisual image. 47 In this research, the researcher used documentation to get the information. Sugiyono defines documentation as a “record of past events. It can be in the form of writings, pictures, or monumetal works of a person.” 48 Furthermore Atkinson and Coffey state:

Documents contain text (words) and images that have been recorded without a researcher’s intervention. For the purposes of this discussion, other mute or trace evidence, such as cultural artifacts, is not included. Documents as ‘social facts’, which are produced, shared, and used in socially organized ways.49

Based on the quotations above, documentation refers to how to record the events in form of document, a note or file that saved. It is about events or something that has occurred in the past. Some forms of them as kinds of documentation are picture and literary work by someone. Therefore, documentation is one of the usable methods to literature research. The researcher took some steps to collect the data of this research: 1. Downloading the movie The researcher downloaded West Is West movie by Ayub Khan Din from and took the sript from the 2. Watching the movie repeatedly The researcher watched the movie repeatedly and took the scenes and dialogues that related to formulation of problem in this research

46 Miles, M., & Huberman, A. (1984). Qualitative Data Analysis (p.309). Newbury Park CA: Sage. 47 Creswell, J.(1994). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (p.148). USA: Sage Publication 48 Sugiyono, Op. Cit., p.240 49 Bowen, G. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method (p.1). California: Western Carolina University.


3. Reading the script and marking the sentences The researcher read the the script and marked the words or sentences that related to formulation of problem in this research

D. Technique of Data Analysis After the researcher had done to collecting all the data that relevant to the research, the next step, the researcher analyzed the data to fond the result for this research. Moleong states that “Data analysis technique is analytical activities in a study carried out by examining all data from research instruments, such as documents, notes, recordings, test results, and so on.”50. Other statement by Bogdan in Andi Praswoto’s book, he states that: “Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes and other materials, so that they can be easily understood, and their findings can be shared with others.”51 From those statements, it could be concluded that data analysis is the process of searching and arranging systematically data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, so that it could be easily understood, and findings could be informed to others. It means that analyzing data means looking for the data related to problem formulation through interviews, field notes and other materials and then organizing them systematically to be easily understood and informed to others. The researcher applied descriptive technique to analysis this research. Based on Nawawi, he notices that:

“Descriptive can be interpreted as a problem solving procedure that is investigated by describing state of the subject or object of research (novels, dramas, short stories, poems) at the present time based on the facts that appear or as they are .”52

50 Moleong, L. (2014). Metodology Penelitian Kualitatif (p.248), Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya 51 Prastowo, A. (2011). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Perspektif Rancangan Penelitian (p.208). Yogyakarta: Ar-ruzz Media. 52 Siswantoro. (2016). Metode Penelitian Sastra Analisis Struktur Puisi (p.54) . Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.


Based on statement above, descriptive is a technique to find out the answer of problems. Descriptive technique also can be used to analize data in the form descriptive. Therefore, this technique could help the researcher to find out the answer. The researcher had some steps in analyzing the data in order to make this research more specific. First step was identifying. The researcher identified the data and made assumptions or found the cultural conflict in West Is West Movie by Ayub Khan Din. Second, classifying the data. The researcher classified the data in forms of action, conversation and expression in the movie wich are related to cultural conflict. Third step was analysing, describing and explaining. The researcher analyzed, described and explained the data about kinds of cultural conflict as seen in the movie, what are the influence of it toward human behaviour, and how do the characters deal with the conflict. The last step was making the conclusion. After all the data had been analyzed, described and explained in the research, the researcher drew the conclusion of the research.


A. Kinds of Cultural Conflict as Seen in West Is West movie After doing the analysis, the researcher found that there were two kinds of cutural conflict in West Is West movie based on Culture Conflict theory of Thorsten Sellin; Primary Conflict and Secondary Conflict. It could be seen in the discussion below. 1. Primary Conflict As noted at second chapter, primary conflict is a cultural conflict that occurs when the clash involves fundamental beliefs. In other words it is a conflict between two or more people with different cultural values. When the cultural elements of a culture including religious systems, politics, customs, language, tools, buildings, works of art and etc, do not match with cultural elements from other cultures, then that is where the possibility of primary conflict occurs. In West Is West movie, there were several cultural conflicts included as primary conflict, which would be discussed below. The first primary conflict was the conflict regarding greeting. As we already know greeting is a language, both body language and spoken language, which is used by people to initiate communication. Besides being used to start a conversation, greetings are also conveyed to respect the other person. It can be conveyed directly or indirectly. Greetings that are delivered directly are usually when people meet face-to-face, and greetings that are delivered indirectly are usually delivered by letter, telephone or other media. Greetings are included in the realization of culture which is the scope of the system of ideas, as the author has listed in previous chapter, regarding examples of cultural realization in the system of ideas are rules or norms in speaking to people, especially to older ones.



People may have different opinions and ways of conveying greetings depending on their different cultural backgrounds. These differences often lead to misunderstandings even conflicts between them. This happened in West Is West movie by Ayub Khan Din. There were several scenes in this film that depicted the differences in greetings between Pakistani and British cultures, but only one scene reached the stage of the conflict. It was man vs. man conflict between Sajid and his father, George. It could be seen from the picture and dialogue below:

53 (Picture 1)

Annie : “Assalamualaikum. Hi all, everyone here in Pakistan sends you their salams.” George : Waalaikumsalam. What do you say!? Sajid : It’s only a letter. George : I’ll letter in a minute, baster. He’s your brother. You should respect to him. He’s in Pakistan!54

The picture and dialogue above show the conversation scene between Sajid, George, Ella (Sajid’s mother) and Annie, Ella’s best friend in their chip shop after Sajid was back from school. They were talking about a letter from George’s family in Pakistan, the letter was witten by Maneer, Sajid’s brother. In the letter, there was written “Salam alaikum” as a greeting. George answered “Waalaikum salam”, and asked Sajid to

53 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:05:19 – 00:05:47 54 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:05:19 – 00:05:47


answer the salam too, but Sajid did not want to by saying “It’s only a letter”. It made George angry with him, so there was an argument between them. The scene included as a primary cultural conflict, where the greetings rules in Pakistani culture did not match the greetings rules in British culture. As Pakistani and Muslim, George felt that answering salam is an obligation, whether it is direct or indirect. Moreover in Pakistani culture, respect elders is important. These were the reason why George asked Sajid to answer the salam. Whereas in British culture, there was no rule about salam. British people never say “Salam alaikum” as greetings, they also did not really care about respecting their elders. Therefore Sajid was reluctant to obey his father to answer the salam, moreover it was only from a letter, it made him felt that he had no obligation to answer the greeting, until a brief debate occured between them, even thoungh in the end Sajid relented and answered the salam. The next scenes is primary cultural konflict regarding the differences in habits between the characters of Pakistani and British. Habit is something that has long been done and has become part of a community of people's lives, usually from the same place, culture, time, or religion. It is also a cultural phenomenon that is part of the system of activities. Every community or group of people has different life habits, these differences can also lead them to conflict. The following were some of the data that the researcher took from the film as an illustration of the primary cultural conflict regarding differences in habits.

George : All my family, see? He just like them. Just like Pakistani. He can do, in’it? Sajid : Why didn’t you buy him a tractor? George : Why are you a bloody stupy?55

55 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:06:35 – 00:06:48


In the dialogue, George was talking to his family in British about his family life in Pakistan. He said that his Pakistani family always work together in the field using bollocks, as known as cows, and it has become their habit. He seemed proud of the custom his family had. Unlike his father, Sajid seemed unhappy with the tradition of his family in Pakistan. It could be seen from his expression and his words "Why didn't you buy him a tractor?". This sentence described his disapproval of using cows to plow the fields, because for him cows are ancient media. Sajid thought that way because people in his country have used tractors to plow their fields. Sajid's response annoyed George, until George said "Why are you bloody stupy". The sentence was not a question, but it was an expression of his annoyance with Sajid, because he thought Sajid did not understand anything about the traditions in Pakistan that his family had to preserve. Another scene depicting primary cultural conflict was the difference in the habit of choosing a place to sleep between Pakistani and British people, see the discussion below.

56 (Picture 2)

Maneer : We sleep up here. Sajid : He dragged me all the way from Salford to sleep on a fucking roof? Maneer : Some people might say that were a step up.57

56 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:21:04 – 00:21:12 57 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:21:04 – 00:21:12


The picture and dialogue were a conversation between Sajid and Maneer, his his brother who had been lived in Pakistan and had adapted to Pakistani customs. They were talking about the place they would sleep in. Maneer said they would sleep on the roof of the house, but Sajid who was used to sleeping in the room looks annoyed. For him, sleeping on the roof was not comfortable, maybe he thought that he would get cold and would be attacked by mosquitoes if he sleeps on the roof. Sajid's annoyance was seen when he said "He dragged me all the way from Salford to sleep on a fucking roof?". The word "He" that Sajid meant was his father, George. He was annoyed with his father, because his father took him to Pakistan so he had to sleep on the roof like other Pakistani. Besides the differences in choosing a place to sleep, in the West Is West movie, people with Pakistani culture and those with a British culture had differences in choosing a place to defecate on a daily basis. this difference can also cause conflict between them, see the following discussion.

58 (Picture 3)

Sajid : I need the bog. Maneer : Help yourself. Sajid : Shit in a field? Maneer : Not the fields. They like you to go in the scrub. Sajid : Bit fucking choosy, aren't they?59

58 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:21:18 – 00:21:26 59 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:21:18 – 00:21:26


The picture and dialogue above were the scene where Sajid and Maneer argue about how Pakistanis defecate. At that time Sajid wanted to defecate but he could not find a toilet in his family's house in Pakistan, then he asked Maneer, Maneer led him to the field behind the house. Sajid was shocked and asked, "Shit in a field?", the sentence expressed that he felt strange and did not like it, maybe he felt it was inappropriate to defecate other than in the toilet. But Maneer denied it, he explained to Sajid "Not the fields. They like you to go in the scrub." The sentence explained that Pakistanis did not defecate anywhere, but they would find a bushy place so as not to disturb others. Then Sajid said "Bit fucking choosy, aren't they", the sentence shows his frustration with the habit of Pakistani people in defecating. As noted in the previous chapter about cultural realizations, social norm was an example of a system of ideas. Social norm is unwritten rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society. Every group of society may have different social norms due to the differences in their culture. Differences in social norms often cause disputes and even conflicts. This occured in this movie, as the following scene.

60 (Picture 4)

George : I'll fucking kill him! Baster! Not even his bloody brothers gave me trouble with the police. Ella : That's enough, George.

60 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:09:43 – 00:10:35


Sajid : Yeah, and where are they now? I hate you! Why don't you just fuck off?61

The picture and dialogue above depicted the man vs. Society conflict between George vs. Ella and Sajid that occurred in their house after Sajid was released from prison. From the picture, it could be seen that George was very angry with Sajid for his behavior which made his parents ashamed. In Pakistani culture, stealing was a very dishonorable and shameful act, whether done by a teenager or an adult, it was considered to be against the social norm and law, and those who adhere to Pakistani culture would think that people who did so deserve to be severely punished. This was the reason why George was angry with Sajid, because Sajid's action had damaged the honor of the family. Moreover, Sajid was the only child who got him into trouble with the police. This increased George's anger to the point that he said "I'll fucking kill him!". In contrast to George, his wife, Ella thought that Sajid's behavior was normal because he was still a teenager. He felt that giving advice was sufficient and there was no need to be rude to the sajid. This can be seen when he defended Sajid by saying "That's enough, George". This difference in social norm between Pakistani and British has led them to the primary cultural conflict. This conflict is very similar to example of primary conflict that the researcher wrote in chapter two, regarding parents who have the heart to kill their children for the honor of the family. The last data included in the primary cultural conflict was conflict regarding clothing. Clothing is one of the cultural realizations that are classified as artifacts, because it is an object created by humans. People with different cultures usually have different types of clothes, as known as traditional clothes, they must be proud of their respective clothes so that it

61 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:09:43 – 00:10:35


often causes conflicts between them. As happened in the scene of the West Is West movie below.

62 63 (Picture 5) (Picture 6)

From the pictures above it could be seen that the clothes they wore were different. The picture on the right was George, Maneer and Tanvir (George's son-in-law) wearing Pakistani clothes, and the picture on the right was Sajid in a suit usually that worn by British people.

George : Why are you wearing that? Sajid : Cause I want to. Maneer : Where are the Pakistani clothes I gave you? Sajid : I’m not wearing them. Tanvir : Why not? You looking smart like us. George : Go put on. I warn you mister. Sajid : No. (PC 4)64

The dialogue snippet above was the conflict between George Maneer and Tanvir against Sajid. This conflict occurred in the morning, in front of their house in Pakistan, when they would go together to see their family's fields. Before they left, George saw Sajid wearing suits, he immediately asked Sajid to change the suits to Pakistani clothes. He felt uncomfortable seeing Sajid wearing suits, it did not suitable for the weather in Pakistan which was quite hot. Besides George, Tanvir also asked Sajid to change the suits, he did not look happy with the suits that

62 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:25:12 – 00:25:55 63 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:25:12 – 00:25:55 64 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:25:12 – 00:25:55


Sajid was wearing, this can be seen from Tanvir's words "Why not? you looking smart like us". From the sentence that he said, he looked really proud of the Pakistani clothes he was wearing. In the other hand, Sajid did not care about what they said. He insisted not to change the suits. For him, the suits he wore were modern and better, unlike the traditional clothes worn by his father and brothers. That was why he repeatedly refused their request. This difference in clothing leads them to conflict even though at the end of the scene George, Tanvir and Maneer give up on forcing Sajid to change his clothes. 2. Secondary Conflict Secondary conflict was described at previous second chapter as when smaller cultures within the primary cultures clash. It could also be interpreted as a conflict between small cultures in a large culture, or conflict between people in one culture. In West Is West movie, there were not only primary conflicts, but secondary conflicts were also depicted there. It could be seen from the two scenes that the researcher would discuss as follow. The first scene depicting secondary cultural conflict was man vs. man conflict between Basheera and his doughter, Reehana. See the following picture and dialog.

65 (Picture 7)

65 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:23:57 – 00:24:13


Reehana : How many more of his son will bring here. Basheera : (slaps Reehana) That’s enough! Don’t you dare... don’t ever sepak like that about him. He’s your father. He can do whateverhe likes!66

The picture and dialogue were scene of secondary cultural conflict between Pakistanis. It happened in the morning when they were preparing breakfast in the kitchen for family members. The picture above showed the scene when Basheera slaped Reehana, she did not do it without cause. The conflict started when Reehana and her husband, Tanvir, were gossiping about George, their own father. Reehana said "How many more of his son will bring here", this sentence was an expression of her frustration with George, because George brought his two British sons to Pakistan. Their gossip was heard by Basheera, and it made her very angry. For Basheera, what they had done was terrible. In Pakistani culture, respect for parents is an obligation, especially a father. Father was the head of the family who deserves respect. In a family, it was the father who had the most right to do whatever he wanted. This was proven when Basheera said "He’s your father. He can do whateverhe likes!". This scene was included in a secondary conflict because the conflict involved people who had the same cultural background, Reehana and her mother were both Pakistani and embrace Pakistani culture, but Reehana violated social norms in Pakistani culture, this was what caused secondary conflict between them. The second scene included in the secondary cultural conflict is the conflict between Jahanggir (George's Pakistani name) and his old friend, Abdullah. The conflict occurred when George, Maneer and Sajid came to Abdullah's house with the aim of proposing Abdullah's daughter to become Maneer's wife. See the following picture and dialog.

66 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:23:57 – 00:24:13


67 (Picture 8)

Abdullah : You are my friend, Jahanggir. But there cannot be marriage between my daughter and your son. George : But why? Abdullah : I mean you no disrespect. But in England your life is different.68

The picture and dialogue were the scene took place in the house of Abdullah, when George and his sons came to propose Abdullah's daughter to marry Maneer. The conflict occurred when Abdullah refused George's proposal by saying "You are my friend, Jahanggir. But there cannot be marriage between my daughter and your son." The sentence was a respectful rejection expressed by Abdullah to George. But George seemed disappointed at the rejection, this could be seen when George said "But why?". He did not expected that his friend rejected his proposal. In the other side, Abdullah had reasons over the rejection, “I mean you no disrespect. But in England your life is different”, this sentence told that Abdullah did not want to gave his daughter to George because George was no longer a Pakistani that he knew before, he thought that George had changed a lot after he lived in Pakistan, moreover, Abdullah was worried that his daughter will be abandoned by Maneer, As George did to his first wife, Basheera. He left his family in Pakistan andmarried with British Woman, Ella.

67 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:34:43 – 00:35:07 68 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:34:43 – 00:35:07


The conflict could be classified into secondary cultural conflict because George and Abdullah both came from the same cultural background, Pakistani culture. However, Abdullah considered George only half Pakistani because he had been living in British and neglected Pakistani culture.

B. The Impact of Cultural Conflict in the Movie In the West Is West movie, the researcher discovers that cultural conflicts lead to crime. This was accordance with Sellin's cultural conflict theory which believes that "Crime in many instances is a product of culture conflict..." which means that cultural conflicts have an impact on the presence of of crime. Well crime itself means deviant behavior. In this film, the researchers found several deviant acts committed by the characters George and Sajid, which were caused by the cultural conflicts they faced. As the researcher mentioned at the previous second chapter, crime could be defined from a formal juridical aspect and a sociological aspect. Crime in a formal juridical aspect was a behavior considered immoral and violates the law. Researcher found that there was one behavior of a character who was considered to had violated the law and received punishment. Look at the following picture.

69 70 (Picture 9) (Picture 10)

Shop Owner : That's the little bastard.71

69 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:09:40 – 00:09:42 70 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:09:46 – 00:09:58


The two pictures above show a scene where Sajid has stolen stationery and some souvenirs from a shop. He stole when he was skipping school. However, the shop owner discovered his action, and Sajid was reported to the police until he was finally imprisoned. The action that Sajid had committed was considered as crime in the formal juridical aspect, because he had violated the law and resulted in him being sentenced to prison. Sajid's criminal behavior was the impact of cultural conflicts that he faced with his father. This is proven by the following sentence.

George : Not even his bloody brothers gave me trouble with the police. Sajid : Yeah, and where are they now? I hate you! Why don't you just fuck off?72

The dialogue above was the conversation between George and Sajid in their home, after Sajid had just been released from prison. In the conversation it was clear that George was very angry with Sajid because Sajid made him have to deal with the police, which of course damaged the honor of the family. moreover George considered Sajid’s behaviour very outrageous, he even compared Sajid with his brothers. However, Sajid did not accept his father's words. He felt that his behavior was due to his father being very strict with Pakistani culture. He said “Yeah, and where are they now?”, The sentence was not a question, but an expression that he agreed with his father's words about the other siblings of him never got their family into trouble with the police, but all of them left their home because they hated their strict Pakistani father. The sentence also proved that the cultural conflict that existed in their family had affected many things. Sajid's siblings left their home due to cultural conflicts between them and their father, while Sajid stayed at home, but he did whatever he wanted and violated many existing rules, such as skipping school and stealing.

71 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:09:43 – 00:09:44 72 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:10:19 – 00:10:25


Apart from crime in the formal juridical aspect, in West Is West movie, the researcher also found two scenes that depicted crime in the sociological aspect. The crimes was commited by George. See the following picture.

73 (Picture 11)

In the picture above, George was seen hitting his son's head. George's action was also considered deviant behavior or can be called criminal. Although it did not violate any criminal law nor resulted in him being sentenced, but it was still a crime. As noted in chapter two, crime in the sociological aspect is any harmful acts. As long as it considered to be detrimental to others physically and materially. The scene was part of the crime in the sociological aspect because George injured Sajid physically by hitting his head. The crime that George committed was the impact of cultural conflict. Look at the following dialog.

George : Why you wearing that? Sajid : Cause I want to Maneer : Where are the Pakistani clothes I gave you? George : Go put on Sajid : No George : Go, Baster, put on! Sajid : No74

73 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:25:12 – 00:25:55 74 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:25:12 – 00:25:55


The dialogue occured before George hit Sajid on the head. It took place in front of George's family home in Pakistan involved George, Sajid Maneer and Tanvir. They were about to go see their family's farm. Before leaving George told Sajid to change his suits with Pakistani clothes. Because Georgr felt suits were not the right outfit to wear in the weather in Pakistan. But Sajid did not want to obey their orders, because he did not like Pakistani clothes. Sajid still said “no” even though George had ordered him several times. This made George very angry and hit Sajid on the head. From the discussion above, it could be understood that clothing represented cultural identity or ethnic identity, everyone would certainly be proud of their respective traditional clothes and they would think that theirs are better that others, so that often there are conflicts because of these thoughts. The conflict may lead to physical violence which is considered criminal. So it could be said that the cultural conflict has influenced George's behavior to become a criminal. George's physical violence against Sajid was not only done once, he hit the sajid several times on the head because of his frustration with Sajid due to cultural differences, such as the scene which would be discussed as below:

75 (Picture 12)

The picture above was the scene of George hitting Sajid on the head. As in the previous scene, George's act was considered as a crime in

75 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:32:19 – 00:32:35


sociological aspect because it was physically detrimental. This criminal behaviour was caused by the cultural conflict between them. Read the following dialog.

Sajid : You know I can't speak Pun-fucking-jabi! George : Sajid, answer him! Sajid : Chigi-chigi-chigi George : (hit Sajid on the head)76

From the dialogue, it could be seen that Sajid and George were arguing over the Pakistani language. At that time Sajid, George and Maneer were on their way to the house of Abdullah, George's old friend. While on the way, they met a Pakistani man harvesting rice, he was greeting Sajid using Pakistani language, but Sajid was just silent, he could not and would not use Pakistani. Seeing this, George asked Sajid to answer, but Sajid denied it, he said "You know I can't speak Pun-fucking-jabi!". From the sentence, Sajid seemed underestimate the Pakistani language because it was not his main language, on the other hand George who was very proud of Pakistani language did not accept that the language is mocked, even if it is done by his own son, therefore he hit Sajid on the head. Language is one of the elements of culture, therefore, conflicts caused by differences in language were considered as cultural conflicts. So, the scene above was a picture of George's criminal behavior rooted in differences in language. From the analysis of the several data that the researcher had presented above, it could be concluded that the cultural conflicts in the West Is West movie have an impact on the emergence of crime.

C. The Ways of the Characters Deal With the Cultural Conflict Based on Milton Bennett’s DMIS, the researcher found that in West Is West movie there were three reactions of characters in dealing with cultural

76 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:32:19 – 00:32:35


conflicts; defense, acceptance and adaptation. These reactions occured sequentially, therefore the researcher devides them into stages. 1. Defence At this stage George and Sajid both maintained their respective cultures. George maintained his native Pakistani culture and looked down on British culture, on the other hand Sajid maintained British culture and looked down on Pakistani culture. They also thought that their respective cultures are the best than others. Here are two scenes and the discussions that prove they were at this stage.

Ella : Maybe he doesn't want to... George : To be a Pakistani? Ella : I'm not saying that. George : Now all bloody English. I no want it go wrong again. Ella, he my last one. I tell you, he listen to me this time.77

The above conversation was a scene where George argues with his wife, Ella. From the conversation, George seemed to defend Pakistani culture and against British culture, as when he said "Now all bloody English. I no want it go wrong again". From his words, it can be seen that George considered British culture as a threat, because all his children adopted British culture instead of Pakistani culture. She should be disappointed by the hope that his children can preserve Pakistani culture. But George did not give up, he still insisted on instilling Pakistani culture in his youngest son, Sajid. It was expressed when he said "I tell you, he listen to me this time", from this sentence George revealed that however he would make Sajid follow him. Until he decided to bring Sajid to Pakistan so that Sajid could learn how to be a good Pakistani. On the other hand, Sajid, who had the opinion that British is much better than Pakistani culture, did not want to obey his father to follow Pakistani culture, he always opposed his father and defended British culture. Even when he found out that his father had transferred him to

77 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:11:45 – 00:12:34


Pakistan to study, he was very angry. The following picture and dialogue was a proof that Sajid opposed his father to follow Pakistani culture.

78 (Picture 13)

Mr. Ji Eyaz : Your father wishes to entrust me with your spiritual and academic education here in Pakistan. Sajid : You said it was a holiday! George : Baster, don't you start that with me. Sajid : I didn't want to come to this fucking dump in the first place!79

The picture and dialogue above were the scene where George had escorted Sajid to Mr. Ji Eyaz, a religious teacher in Pakistan. He wanted to entrust Sajid to study religion and learn about Pakistani. But Sajid did not want to and was very angry with his father, because he thought his father took him to Pakistan only for a holiday, and not to stay and study there. Sajid clearly refused his father's order, because he did not like anything about Pakistan. Such as tradition, habit or even place. He considered that Pakistani culture was very ancient, and he felt uncomfortable and out of the place. This made him fight his father and Pakistani culture, as when he said “I didn't want to come to this fucking dump in the first place”. The two scenes that the researcher attached above prove that at the beginning of the story George and Sajid opposed each other to defend their

78 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:30:12 – 00:30:30 79 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:30:12 – 00:30:30


native culture. George was very proud of his Pakistani culture and wanted his children to embrace Pakistani culture. Likewise Sajid, who was born and raised in British circles, of course, held tight to the culture that was there, and he looked narrowly at his father's culture. 2. Acceptance At the acceptance stage, George and Sajid began to accept the cultural differences between them. George began to appreciate the culture inherent in Sajid, as well as Sajid, he also began to accept his father's Pakistani culture. Even though they have accepted each other, they still thought that their culture is better. See the following scenes and descriptions.

Pir Naseem : He's just a boy. George : You don't know him. All he know is he hate me. Pir Naseem : It's time he needs. Send the boy to me. I'll settle him down.80

The dialogue above was where George begins to accept the cultural differences between him and his son. In the dialogue, Pir Naseem is seen helping George to broaden his views. When George told Pir Naseem about Sajid, who was very naughty and did not respect his father's culture, Naseem reminded George that Sajid was still a child and needed time to get used to Pakistani culture, so George had to learn to be patient and not be too pushy toward Sajid. After got advice from Pir Naseem. George finally realized that Sajid was still a child, besides that Sajid also grew up in the Western culture, therefore it took time for Sajid to adapt to Pakistani culture. From then on, George began to accept the situation and tried not to push his will too much on Sajid. He then let Sajid learn from Pir Nasem. On the other side, Sajid also started accept and learn about Pakistani culture. The acceptance stage of Sajid started when he made friends with a Pakistani boy named Zaid. See the picture and dialogue below.

80 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:39:23 – 00:39:53


81 (Picture 14)

Zaid : They don’t want you and Maneer to live here (Pakistan). Sajid : I don’t fucking wanna live here.82

The picture was taken when Sajid was with his Pakistani friend. It was his friend who helped Sajid to accept Pakistani culture. At first, it was very difficult for him to make friends with Sajid, because Sajid disliked anything related to Pakistan. But, over time, he was able to attract Sajid's attention about Pakistan, he introduced Sajid to things in Pakistan that Sajid did not know. Their friendship indicates that Sajid is starting to accept Pakistani culture. However, even though Sajid had accepted the cultural differences between Pakistan and British, he still thought that British was better in any way. Like when he said "I don't fucking wanna live here.", It means that Sajid still did not want to live in Pakistan and prefered British as the main place for him to live. 3. Adaptation At the adaptation stage, Sajid began to try to blend in with the environment in Pakistan, he began to try to get involved with activities carried out by people with Pakistani culture. In the process of adapting, he was assisted by Pir Naseem. He received a lot of advice from Naseem which made him want to adapt to his surroundings in Pakistan, as below:

81 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:36:41 82 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:37:04


Pir Naseem : We have to adapt to the situations and worlds we find ourselves in.83 Pir Naseem : But you still look like you. What needs changing? The boy? Or the world around him?84

These advices made Sajid realize that he could not go on fighting Pakistani culture, he also may not be able to change his surroundings in Pakistan including the culture. Therefore he must change himself to survive in Pakistan. His adaptation to Pakistani culture began when he first tried wearing Pakistani clothes.

85 (Picture 15)

Pir Naseem : How does it feel? Sajid : Comfortable, I feel comfortable.86

The picture and dialogue above was a scene where Sajid started trying to wear Pakistani clothes that he did not want to wear before. He just realized that Pakistani clothes were not as bad as he thought. He felt comfortable wearing those clothes. This shows that the sajid were beginning to adapt to Pakistani culture. Apart from trying to wear Pakistani clothes, other scenes that show Sajid has adapted Pakistani culture are when Sajid started doing activities

83 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:56:00 84 West Is West Movie, duration: 01:00:04 85 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:59:52 86 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:54:19 – 00:54:30


that are usually done by Pakistanis. Here are some illustrations that Sajid had started to get used to doing activities that are usually carried out by Pakistanis.

87 88 (Picture 16) (Picture 17)

In picture 13 Sajid was seen bathing a buffalo in the river while joking with his Pakistani friend, the thing that he had never done with his friends in England. He no longer thought that the river was slum. He started to enjoy it. Then in picture 13 he is seen grazing goats, an activity he did not like before. The two activities above proved that Sajid was familiar with Pakistani culture. He started to adapt the habits that the Pakistani people always do. In fact, even though he was initially against Pakistani culture, he couldn't change the culture, all he could do was adapt to that culture.

87 West Is West Movie, duration: 00:56:56 88 West Is West Movie, duration: 01:05:16


A. Conclusions Based on the findings and discussions in the previous fourth chapter, the researcher concluded that there are two kinds of cultural conflict in the West Is West movie by Ayub Khan Din. They are; 1) Primary Conflict, where the characters of British were often at odds with the characters of Pakistani. Then, 2) Secondary conflict, where the conflicts involved fellow followers of Pakistani culture, such as when Basheera clashed with Reehana and George clashed with Abdullah. These two kinds of cultural conflict occured between man vs. man and man vs. society (family). Regarding the impact of cultural conflicts as seen in the movie, researcher found that the cultural conflicts have an impact on the emergence of crime. There are two types of crime in this movie; first, crime in formal juridical aspect and second, crime in sociological aspect. Crime in the formal juridical aspect was committed by Sajid, when he stole and was imprisoned. Then the crime in the sociological aspect was committed by George, when he did physical violence against his son, Sajid. The researcher also found that the characters of George and Sajid went through three stages in dealing with cultural conflicts; the stages are 1) defence, they both defended they respective cultures and looked narrowly to other culture. 2) acceptance, in this stage they begin to tolerate and accept other cultures but still have an assumption that their own culture are best than others. 3) adaptation, here, Sajid begin to adapt to Pakistani culture and no longer compare with the culture they have, he started to make peace with the culture that he initially did not accept. He even follow Pakistani customs.



B. Suggestions After doing the research on the West Is West movie by Ayub Khan Din, the researcher would like to give some suggestions related to this research to the readers. First, the researcher highly recommend this film to watch, because this film is very fun and moving, especially for those who are interested to learn about culture. The playwright had wrapped the story of cultural conflicts that occur in a family with different cultural backgrounds in a humorous way, so that this movie would not be boring to watch. Second, the researcher hopes that other researchers who want to analyze about culture can do research on primary cultural conflict and secondary cultural conflict. Because only a few of researchers conducted research on these two kinds of conflict, despite the fact that these conflicts frequently occur in society real life and are frequently portrayed in literary works, including novels, short stories, fairy tales, and even poetry.


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APPENDIX I Some Scenes Related to the Formulation of the Problem in the West Is West Movie by Ayub Khan Din

No. Pictures Dialogues Duration Descriptions Annie :Assalamualaikum. Hi all, everyone here in Pakistan sends you their salams.” Primary cultural conflict George:Waalaikumsalam. caused by the What do you say!? 00:05:19 difference of 1 – opinion Sajid: It’s only a letter. 00:05:47 regarding George: I’ll letter in a greeting minute, baster. He’s your between Sajid brother. You should and George respect to him. He’s in Pakistan! George: All my family, see? He just like them. Just like Primary Pakistani. He can do, in’it? cultural conflict 00:06:35 between Sajid 2 - Sajid: Why didn’t you buy – and George him a tractor? 00:06:48 caused by the George: Why are you a differences in bloody stupy? habits Maneer: We sleep up here. Primary Sajid: He dragged me all the cultural conflict way from Salford to sleep on 00:21:04 between Sajid 3 a fucking roof? – and Maneer 00:21:12 caused by the Maneer: Some people might differences in say that were a step up. habits Sajid: I need the bog. Maneer: Help yourself. Primary Sajid: Shit in a field? cultural conflict 00:21:18 between Sajid 4 Maneer: Not the fields. – and Maneer They like you to go in the 00:21:26 caused by the scrub. differences in Sajid: Bit fucking choosy, habits aren't they?


George: I'll fucking kill Primary him! Baster! Not even his cultural conflict bloody brothers gave me between Sajid trouble with the police. 00:09:43 and Ella vs. 5 Ella:That's enough, George. – George caused 00:10:35 by the Sajid:Yeah, and where are difference in they now? I hate you! Why social norm don't you just fuck off? between them George: Why are you wearing that? Primary Sajid: Cause I want to. cultural conflict Maneer: Where are the between Sajid vs. George, Pakistani clothes I gave you? 00:25:12 Maneer and Sajid: I’m not wearing – 6 Tanvir caused them. 00:25:55 by the Tanvir: Why not? You difference in looking smart like us. respective George: Go put on. I warn clothes you mister. Reehana: How many more of his sons will bring here. Secondary 00:23:57 Basheera: That’s enough! cultural conflict – Don’t you dare... don’t ever between 7 00:24:13 sepak like that about him. Basheera and

He’s your father. He can do Reehana whateverhe likes

Abdullah: You are my friend, Jahanggir. But there cannot be marriage between Secondary my daughter and your son. 00:34:43 cultural conflict – between 8 George: But why? 00:35:07 George and Abdullah: I mean you no Abdullah disrespect. But in England your life is different

00:09:40 Shop Owner: That's the – little bastard 00:09:42 Criminal

George: Not even his behaviour in 00:09:46 bloody brothers gave me formal juridical – 9 trouble with the police. aspect 00:09:58 commited by Sajid: Yeah, and where are Sajid they now? I hate you! Why 00:09:43 don't you just fuck off – 00:44:00


George: Why you wearing that? Criminal Sajid: Cause I want to. behaviour in 00:25:12 sociological Maneer: Where are the – 10 aspect Pakistani clothes I gave you? 00:25:55 commited by George: Go put on. George Sajid: No

Sajid: You know I can't Criminal behaviour in speak Pun-fucking-jabi! 00:32:19 sociological – 11 George: Sajid, answer him! aspect 00:32:35 Sajid: Chigi-chigi-chigi. commited by George Ella: Maybe he doesn't want to... George: To be a Pakistani? Ella: I'm not saying that. 00:11:45 George was 12 - George: Now all bloody – opposing English. I no want it go 00:12:34 British culture wrong again. Ella, he my last one. I tell you, he listen to me this time. Mr. Ji Eyaz: Your father wishes to entrust me with your spiritual and academic education here in Pakistan. Sajid was Sajid: You said it was a 00:30:12 opposing his 13 holiday! – father and George: Baster, don't you 00:30:30 Pakistani start that with me. culture

Sajid: I didn't want to come to this fucking dump in the first place! Pir Naseem: He's just a boy. George: You don't know George was 00:39:23 him. All he know is he hate starting to learn – 14 - me. and negotiate 00:39:53 with Sajid Pir Naseem: It's time he needs. Send the boy to me.


I'll settle him down

Zaid: They don’t want you and Maneer to live here Sajid made friends with (Pakistan). 00:36:41 15 Zaid, a Sajid: I don’t fucking Pakistani boy wanna live here.

Pir Naseem: We have to adapt to the situations and Pir Naseem worlds we find ourselves in. 00:56:00 tought Sajid to and - Pir Naseem: But you still adapt Pakistani 01:00:04 look like you. What needs culture changing? The boy? Or the world around him? 00:54:19 Pir Naseem: How does it Sajid’s – firsttime feel? 00:54:30 wearing 16 Sajid: Comfortable, I feel Pakistani comfortable. clothes

Sajid was 00:56:56 bathing bufallo - and 17 and herding 01:05:16 goats

Ella: You look so different

Sajid: What are you doing Sajid refused to 01:08:04 here? be picked up – 18 Ella: I... I've come to take back to Salford, you home. 01:08:18 England Sajid: I'm not going!


APENDIX II Biography of Ayub Khan Din (The Playwright of West Is West Movie)

Ayub Khan Din is a British Pakistani actor and playwright who was born in 1961 in Salford. He studied drama first at the Salford College of Technology, and trained as an actor at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. As an actor, Khan Din has appeared in a number of British films and TV series including and ’s , in which he played the title role of Sammy. In the 1980s and early 1990s he performed mainly in works for the stage. During his early career as an actor Khan Din started to write, and his first play, East Is East, was produced in 1996 by the Tamasha Theatre Company in co- production with the Royal Court and Birmingham Repertory Theatre. It told the story of a large Anglo-Pakistani family headed by volatile fish-and-chip shop owner George, and explored the complexities of British-Asian identity. The play was inspired by Khan Din's childhood in Salford. Like the play’s characters, his father was British-Pakistani and his mother was white; Khan Din has said in interviews that the character of Sajid Khan is a self-portrait. It was a critical success, and is now regarded as one of the landmark plays in contemporary British theatre. There have been a number of major revivals. In a 2014 revival directed by , Khan Din played the role of George himself. In 1999, a film version of East Is East was produced, adapted for the screen by Khan Din and starring as the father and Linda Bassett as the mother. A critical and commercial success, it won the 1999 BAFTA Award for Outstanding British Film. Khan-Din’s sequel to East Is East, West Is West, was released in 2011 with Puri and Bassett reprising their roles. Also partially autobiographical, the film – set five years after the original – saw George taking his youngest son to Pakistan. Both titles come from the Rudyard Kipling poem ‘The Ballad of East and West, the opening line of which reads: ‘Oh East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet’.89

89 Ayub Khan Din. (2021). Retrieved 24 March 2021, from din