MAY, 1963 35 CENTS REPORTER "eluding Electronic Servicing

Special Equipment Speeds Servicing A...,-`" _.. .., . . _ . --:._ Molecular Electronics Explained

Resistors With More Than One Job


_ . u . , . . ... : .: : . .- ...... : . a .,...: .. . e : : . ... . a . + _.. a ! a . e s s . . ! . 1 . ! . . . e i . 1 . . s e e . . / . a ' / 11 . . / . . . / s f ! . . e . ! ! e s . . > . te...... cc...... / a e a a . 1 w . a f i . . : /

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/ ...... 18Í . e . .. t a a e + e1V . 7J / Ma/ i Qç } ; , ! a- ir '+4 . +. . & ! ,. e ! ' "' ac. . 4 .:.a a . SMALL -SYSTEM PRICE!


Designed for TV shops, dealers' showrooms, The JERROLD "Challenger" Amplifier, small apartments and motels Model ACL-200, delivers 20db minimum gain Feeds up to 32 TV and FM sets over the low band, 19db No controls or adjustments over the high band. New "Quick -Disconnect" plug-in outlets Flat response-unique in a low-price amplifier, but necessary for good color TV. Easy to install, Here's the distribution system to sell to TV and no controls to adjust. Famous JERROLD qual- FM dealers for their color -TV showrooms .. . ity is built in to stay. perfect too for the small apartment building or Model ACL-200, $38.97 net motel that's been needing an antenna system See your JERROLD distributor or write but couldn't afford one before. It's also ideal for Jerrold Electronics, Distributor Sales Division, your own service shop. Philadelphia 32, Pa.


JER RO LO New crown -washer screw Exclusive "Gamma" ELECTRONICS New 4- and 8 -way nigh - terminals for stripped or chassis fittings for quick isolation networks. unstripped twin lead. disconnect of any set. A subsidiary of THE JERROLD CORPORATION ...... PREVIEWS of new sets Airline



Eleven different Airline models intro- duced this year use the same pair of chassis as this model. The TV chassis is horizontally mounted, as were those in several of last year's sets. The separ- ate eleven -tube radio -amplifier chassis provides for both FM -AM radio recep- tion and stereo amplification. It has its own power supply and operating con- trols, and functions independently of the TV chassis. The TV can be operated separately, too, but a few steps must be taken be- > fore it can be operated on the service bench without connection to the other 1 '72;' 1 chassis. You must connect the brown and 52020-MtATT gray leads on the TV -radio interconnect- the AC FILAMENT RESISTOR ing cable together to complete supply circuit. The audio circuit in this set is not designed to drive a speaker. so you'll also need a separate audio am- plifier for bench testing. The 8BQ5 audio output stage is a cathode follower, with the output transformer in its cathode cir- DUAL cuit. The secondary of this transformer SILIICON connects through a shielded lead to the RECTIFIER radio chassis, and terminates in a phono - type connector. B+ is developed by a dual silicon rectifier; this unit can be replaced, if it I 1 - TUBE FM -AM-STEREO AMPLI FIER CHASSIS becomes necessary, without removing the 1 I N Y tì chassis from the cabinet. The 7.5 -ohm fusible resistor (for B+ protection), and the 52 -ohm, 20 -watt filament dropping resistor, can also be replaced without disassembly. All three of these com- ponents are clustered near one another on the top side of the chassis. Most of the tubes in this chassis are ' . how- . familiar types. Worth mentioning, É ever, are the 6CG7 (6FQ7 alternate) 41 We horizontal oscillator -AFC (no diode for iP. AFC in this set) and the 23AHP4 pic- ture tube, a 92° type. You'll find a 1N60 (alternate CK706) being used as a video - GROERMINALS PILOT -C detector diode; it's located under the f FOR SPEAKERS AND LIGHT ) snap -off shield shown in the photo. se- PILOT LiCHTS . TERMINALS The operating controls for channel lection, fine tuning, contrast, brightness. vertical hold, and range (AGC) are mounted on a separate control panel. Adjustments for buzz, vertical linearity. height, horizontal waveform, horizontal Sa K R drive (a trimmer), and horizontal hold ,-tr-TERM I NA LS are all located on the rear of the chassis. 62nd Sc., Indianapolis 6, PF REPORTER, fo, May, 1963, Vol. 13, No. 5. PF REPORTER published monthly by Howard W. Same & Co., Ins., 4300 W. All other Indiana. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana. 1. 2 & 3 year subscription price: U.S.A., its possessions, and Canada: $4.00, $7.00, $9.00. countries: $5.00, $9.00, $12.00. Cuisent single issues 35c each back issues SOc each. May, 1963/PF REPORTER 1 Emerson PREVIEWS of new set




Emerson Model C -2001A TV Chassis 120587A Radio Chassis 120585 Amplifier Chassis 120594

This combination model features a TV with a 23" viewing screen, stereo ampli- fier, FM -AM tuner, and four -speed phonograph. The TV chassis is physi- cally similar to one of last year's designs, using a single large printed -circuit board. The turret -type tuner in this set has a 6GK5 RF amplifier and a 6CG8A mixer - oscillator. It also incorporates the preset fine-tuning feature; pushing in and ro- tating the fine-tuning knob engages and rig LOCAL- adjusts each channel oscillator slug. - -DISTANC,= A 5U4GB develops the B+ voltage in this receiver, and the protection device for the LV supply is a .45-amp chemical - type fuse. A #26 wire -link fuse protects the power transformer in case of fila- ment -circuit overload. Tubes used in the IF stages include HORIZ two high -gain 6GM6's for the first and HOLD second amplifiers, and the pentode sec- tion of a 6AS8 for the third amplifier: the diode section of the latter tube i used as the video detector. The pentode half of a 6AW8A serves in the video out- put stage, while the triode section works in conjunction with a 6EM5 to form the combined vertical multivibrator-out- HORIZ put system. The tube complement of the --FREQ horizontal circuit includes a 6CG7 (6FQ7 alternate) oscillator, 6DQ6B (6- GW6 alternate) output, 6DA4 (6DE4 HORIZ HAI A,=C alternate) damper, and 1G3GT (I K3 al- FREQ ternate) high -voltage rectifier. The picture DIODE TRIMMER tube is a 110° bonded 23CP4. A sol- dered -in dual diode is used for AFC. The on -off switch is operated by a FOCUS push button on the front control panel. LEAD AND The operating controls for contrast, TERMINAL BOARD brightness (height inside), and vertical i hold (vertical linearity inside) are also accessible from the front of the cabinet. WIDTH The local -distance (AGC), horizontal HORIZ 'JUMPER hold, horizontal frequency (trimmer), and OUTPUT horizontal drive controls are located at 6DQ6B the rear of the set. ! 9 Focus voltage is selected by connect- ing the lead from pin 4 of the CRT to one of the four terminal points provided for this purpose; each terminal is con- nected to a different voltage. Width is controlled by a jumper across one of the HORIZ in 4 DRIVE resistors the screen circuit of the DAMPER 6DQ6B; maximum width is obtained ß4 6 DA4 a when the jumper is in place.

2 PF REPORTER/May, 7963 ...... PREVIEWS of new sets Olympic



52 OHM 6+ ON-OFF -VOL 30 WATT Olympic FILAMENT Model 9T22 P.E31. /! Chassis 10119 HORIZ Pictured here is the 19" table -model television receiver in HOLD being manufactured Japan for Olympic. The chassis-in two separate sections-is completely hand - wired, and uses tubes familiar to most VERT service technicians in this country. The HOLD 19XP4 picture tube, a 114° type, is the same that is being used in a number of domestic Olympic chassis. The switch - BRIGHTNESS type tuner uses a 2GK5 RF amplifier and / a 5CG8 mixer -oscillator. The oscillator i slugs can be adjusted without removing PICTURE the chassis from the cabinet. However. (CONTRAST) you must first remove the on -off -volume and picture control knobs, four Phillips - head sheet -metal screws holding the front -control escutcheon, and then the V I DEO DET RATIO DET escutcheon. Then, after removing three DIODE INS( DE DIODES INSIDE more metal screws that hold the chan- IF CAN CAN nel -selector retaining bracket, and re- moving this bracket (along with the chan- nel -selector and fine tuning knobs), you can adjust the slugs through slots at the front of the tuner-clearly labeled with each channel number. Two silicon rectifiers, wired so as to double the input voltage, develop B+ for this chassis. Overload protection for the entire set is provided by a 2 -amp line fuse. An 8 -ohm, l0 -watt surge -limiting resistor further protects the B+ rectifiers. A 52 -ohm. 30 -watt filament dropping re-

BOTTOM VIEW OF =J PPER CHASSIS sistor is wired in series with the tubes: one of the photos shows its exact loca- tion. Three diodes are used in this chassis: one for video detection, and two more in the ratio -detector circuit. All three diodes are located inside metal shields-the 6 BNB 5 A05 5 U8 3 DK6 3 BZ6 latter two within the same shield. in SYNC SEP- AUDIO OUTPUT SOUND IF 3RD IF 2N) IF A 6BN8 has an unusual function this the sync separator -hori- HORIZ PHASE ' AF AMP chassis-it's zontal phase detector. Many other tube DET types perform familiar functions: IODE7 vertical multivibrator-output: 6CG7 hori- zontal oscillator -AFC: 12DQ6 horizontal output: and IG3 HV rectifier. The damp- er is a 12GK17, which can be replaced directly by a common 12AX4GTB. Operating controls for AGC. vertical linearity, height, and horizontal fre- quency (a coil) are all adjustable from the rear of the cabinet. Also at the rear. and located on the yoke bracket, are 12BY7A two slugs for controlling horizontal lin- VIDEO OUTPUT earity. Horizontal hold, vertical hold, and brightness controls extend from the right side of the cabinet.

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 3 Zenith ...... PREVIEWS of new s ets





Zenith FINE TUNING FIL AGC B -f Model K3341 H TV Chassis 16K23QS Remote Chassis S-56853

Zenith is making wide use of this chas- sis in '63 consoles. Some models con- taining it also have an FM -AM radio, stereo amplifier, and/or remote control. The set shown here uses a 92° bonded 23ANP4 picture tube, and comes equipped with a six -transistor remote - IF control chassis. SOCKET No provision is made on this power - DOUBL- tuning model for changing channels PURPOSE manually from the front of the set; chan- SHAFT nel -selector rotation must be initiated by SEE TE-XT pressing a push button on the control panel. However, you can change chan- nels manually with a knob on the rear VOLUME .15 AMP cover. A spring -loaded shaft extends STEPPER CHANNEL SLOW -BLOW from the rear of the tuner (see photo); ASSEMBLY RELAY FUSE when pushed straight in, the shaft en- gages the tuner drum, and permits you to rotate the tuner. If the same shaft is slipped slightly to the right before it is pushed in, it engages the channel -index- ing keys that select the channel upon which the tuner will stop when power tuning is used. Before you can adjust 1 the individual oscillator slugs, you must first remove the tuner from the cabinet. Protective devices used in this chassis SIX -TRANSISTOR REMOTE CONTROL CHASSIS include a 5 -amp bayonet -type line fuse, a 7/10 -amp bayonet -type B+ fuse, and a wire -link filament fuse. You'll also find a separate .15 -amp, slow -blow fuse pro- HORIZ VERT PEAK VERT SIZE tecting the remote -control chassis, in FOCUS TONE HOLD HOLD PIX (INSIDE) BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST models so equipped. This fuse is located on the top side of the remote chassis, -VERT LIN as shown in one of the photos. The video detector diode is located under the metal shield covering the third IF transformer, and the dual diode for ï'. 5 AMP horizontal AFC plugs into a socket on top of the chassis. LINE FUSE The main operating controls are lo- I ON TOP) cated on the upper control panel; others are inside the lower control -panel door. Adjustments on the rear apron include the FRINGE LOCK, buzz, AGC, and sound - detector quadrature coil. Width is con- trolled by a metal sleeve located be- tween the yoke and the CRT neck. Anti - pincushion magnets, familiar in Zenith chassis for a number of years, are again used in this set.


See PHOTOFACT Set 533, Folder 1


1 Mfr: Motorola Chassis No. TS -435 .02

Card No: MO TS -435-1 10000 mml 18K 'j'' 10000 mml 100000 Section Affected: Raster. K4-3 mmt 1 K4 -4 2meg Symptoms: Vertical jitter. Voltage fluctuates 4 70 K 40 2.2meg at plate (pin 3) of V4B (8GN8) . VERT SIZE 1580K1 (HEIGHT) 450V Cause: Defective vertical size control. BOOST

What To Do: Replace R4A (2 meg). Taken with pin 2 of V4 shorten to ground

rV f

Mfr: Motorola Chassis No. TS -435 90K _.5V Card No: MO TS -435-2 100mmt 3

52 4.5 V CATH Section Affected: Sync. 2 M3 CATH 390K

Symptoms: Poor horizontal hold. 1 oV Cause: Leaky capacitor in horizontal phase 53 detector circuit. 22K

To Do: 'co- 1000mml 2000V What Replace C48 JUMPER i4 (1000 mmf-2000V) . AlLt 150K 2W 150K 2W

Mfr: Motorola Chassis No. TS -435 Card No: MO TS -435-3 Section Affected: Pix. Symptoms: Badly smeared video. Low voltage at plate (pin 9) of V4A (8GN8). Cause: Defective solder joint causes open con- nection to video peaking coil. What To Do: Replace L15 or resolder its leads.


See PHOTOFACT Set 533, Folder I Ili 13 -uo Mfr: Motorola Chassis No. TS -435 Card No: MO TS -435-4 Section Affected: Pix. mmlD0 SYNC SEP NOISE LIMITER AGE KEYING Symptoms: Video overload. High positive volt- e V5 3BU8 age at AGC plate (pin 3) of V5 (3BU8) . Cause: Leaky pulse -coupling capacitor in keyed AGC stage.

What To Do: Replace C35 (470 mmf-2000V).

SOUND IF 0 B6AU8 A13 Mfr: Motorola Chassis No. TS -435

56 3.5n Card No: MO TS -435-5 mml 5.6 mmt 100K Section Affected: Sound. mmf Symptoms: Sound fades out after fairly long period of operation. Voltage at plate 32 2 (pin 3) 2.4mmf 5% of V3B (6AÚ8) decreases. K 14 1-47mmf N750 10% TERMINAL VIEW LI7 Cause: Plate resistor increases in value, pos- sibly due to damage from defective V3.

What To Do: Replace R41 (27K) and V3 (6AU8).

Mfr: Motorola Chassis No. TS -435

CONTRAST 0 Card No: MO TS -435-6 31 Section Affected: Raster.

n 30K TAP 15 Symptoms: No raster. Voltage @10K at cathode (pin 0 10000mm1 220K 1400V 7) of CRT is too high. 100K 28 6800n Cause: Shorted coupling capacitor between

fâl video output stage and CRT. BRIGHTNESS .05 4 10014 260VE What To Do: Replace C29 (.1 mfd). :',1 100K 260 VC

260V E


See PHOTOFACT Set 560, Folder 1

Mfr: Sylvania Chassis No. 555-1 Card No: SY 555-1-1

Section Affected: Sync. Symptoms: No horizontal or vertical hold. Zero voltage on screen grid (pin 6) of V8

(6CS6) . Cause: Screen resistor has burned open. What To Do: Replace R52 (10K - 2W). Check C44 (.1 mfd) and V8 (6CS6) for leakage or short.

Mfr: Sylvania Chassis No. 555-1 Card No: SY 555-1-2 Section Affected: Pix. Symptoms: No video. Zero voltage at cathode (pin 3) of V5A (6BR8A). Cause: Open AGC control.

What To Do: Replace R5 (190K).

Mfr: Sylvania Chassis No. 555-I VERT MULI VERT OUTPUT 33K Card No: SY 555-1-3 47K Oe6EM7 Lw Section Affected: Raster. DO NOT MEASURE (g) 745VA J

Symptoms: No vertical sweep. .047 Cause: Shorted feedback capacitor in vertical multivibrator. WX 70 LV POWER SUPPLY What To Do: Replace C52 (.1 mfd).


See PHOTOFACT Set 560, Folder 1

Mfr: Sylvania Chassis No. 555-1 Card No: SY 555-1-4

Section Affected: Sync. Symptoms: Unstable vertical and horizontal hold. Positive voltage on noise -limiter grid (pin 1) of V8 (6CS6).

Cause: Leaky coupling capacitor in noise - limiter circuit of sync separator. What To Do: Replace C43 (.01 mfd).

HORIZ HUT HORI2 MOLT Mfr: Sylvania Chassis No. 555-1 0p6CG7 Ios6CG7 Card No: SY 555-1-5 Section Affected: Sync.

Symptoms: Horizontal hold drifts out of range. Voltage at pin 7 of horizontal multivibrator becomes less negative than normal.

Cause: Leaky coupling capacitor between sec- tions of horizontal multivibrator. What To Do: Replace C57 (330 mmf).

Mfr: Sylvania Chassis No. 555-1 Card No: SY 555-1-6 Section Affected: Sound. Symptoms: Distorted sound. Positive voltage on grid (pins 1 and 7) of V7 (6AQ5A). Cause: Leaky coupling capacitor in grid cir- cuit.

What To Do: Replace component combina- tion K1, which contains defective capacitor.

8 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 Prices effective January 1, 1963



ALL PART (except tubes)

L1 Welt It just makes sense that a manufacturer of tuners should be better -qualified, better -equipped to offer the most de- d pendable tuner repair and overhaul service. Sarkes Tarzian, Inc. pioneer in the tuner business, maintains two complete, well-equipped Factory Service Centers-assisted by Engineering personnel-and staffed 14 -HOUR SERVICE by specialized technicians who handle ONLY tuner re- pairs on ALL makes and models. Tarzian-made tuners received one day will be repaired and shipped out the next. Allow a little more time for 1 -YEAR WARRANTY service on other than Tarzian-made tuners. Tarzian offers a 12 -month guarantee against defective workmanship and parts failure due to normal usage. And, compare our cost of $9.50 and $15 for UV combinations. TWO SERVICE CENTERS There is absolutely no additional, hidden charge, for ANY parts except tubes. You pay shipping costs. Replacements on tuners beyond practical repair are available at low cost. ® Tarzian-made tuners are identified by this stamping. When inquiring about service on other tuners, always See your distributor, or use the give TV make, chassis and Model number. All tuners address nearest you for fast fac- repaired on approved, open accounts. Check with your local distributor for Sarkes Tarzian replacement tuners, tory repair service replacement parts, or repair service.

\/SARKES TARZIAN, INC. 537 South Walnut St. 10654 Magnolia Blvd. Bloomington, Indiana North Hollywood, Calif. Bloomington, Indiana Tel: 332-6055 Tel: 769-2720 MANUFACTURERS OF TUNERS ... SEMICONDUCTORS ... AIR TRIMMERS ... FM RADIOS ... AM/FM RADIOS ... AUDIO TAPE ... BROADCAST EQUIPMENT

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 9 For window -size blow-ups of this message, send 10c to Sprague Products Co., 105 Marshall St., North Adams Mass., to cover handling and mailing costs. EVE la** INDEPENDENCE

FOR YOU AND YOUR *IN_i_)EPE_NDENT TV SERVICE DEALER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** * * *

Your independent TV Service Dealer is in business for himself because he too wants to exercise his independence just as you do. You purchased your TV or radio set where you wanted to ... when you wanted to ... and at the price you decided was right. Your TV service dealer is also an independent in the things he buys in his day-to-day work. He buys repair parts where he can get the highest quality and the best service. And, he trained himself in his own way, on his own time, at his own expense, to be able to do the very best for YOU. He stands or falls on what you think of him and his work. He has to do good work to keep your business ... and he knows it! We're lucky in these United States that every day is Independence Day. Independent buying, selling, and servicing is the very lifeblood of American business. Let's keep it that way. .- THIS MESSAGE WAS PREPARED BY SPRAGUE PRODUCTS COMPANY,


651 1063

10 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 publisher Howard W. Sams general manager Mal Parks, Jr. editor Verne M. Ray in REPORTER managing editor Forest H. Belt asst. managing editor including Electronic Servicing Thomas A. Lesh VOLUME 13, No. 5 CONTENTS MAY, 1963 associate editors George F. Corne, Jr. Fred G. Biesecker Previews of New Sets 1 consulting editors Airline Model WG -5713A (Chassis 23S31) Emerson Model C -2001A (Chassis 120587A) E. Burke William Olympic Model 9722 (Chassis 10119) Joe A. Groves Zenith Model K3341H (Chassis 16K23QS) C. P. Oliphant Video Speed Servicing 5 production manager Service hints on Motorola Chassis TS -435 Robert N. Rippy and Sylvania Chassis 555. circulation fulfillment Letters to the Editor 12 Pat Tidd, Mgr. Katherine Krise, Asst. The Electronic Scanner 16 Cora La Von Willard, Ass`'t. art directors Resistors With More Than One Job Robert G. Middleton 20 Special types that undergo predictable changes in Dick Lovell value can perform automatic control functions. Robert W. Reed Symfact: Sync Separator and Splitter 25 advertising & editorial assistants (Using Two Triode Stages) See what happens to voltages and waveforms Gladys Bauer when troubles occur. Georgeanna Caldwell Clare Hull Tuner Repairs Made Easy Wayne Lemons 28 Ellie Rother When you know your way around inside a photography tuner, it's just another TV circuit. Paul Cornelius, Jr. More Visual Symptoms Tell a Story 30 advertising sales offices Unusual CRT presentations give many good trouble clues. John Groce, advertising sales manager F. Corne, Jr. 32 midwestern Know Your '63 Color Circuits: George Convergence Panel and Thomas A. Lesh Hugh Wallace Simplified schematics make the multiple PF REPORTER control circuits more readily understandable. 4300 West 62nd Street, Indianapolis 6, Ind. Special Equipment Speeds Servicing 38 AXminster 1-3100 Quicker Servicing-Auxiliary instruments have eastern countless uses in bench troubleshooting. Charles Horner Molecular Electronics Explained Barron Kemp 50 Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Servicing Industrial Electronics-Microminiaturization 3 West 57th Street, is advancing on many fronts. New York, N. Y. MUrray Hill 8-6350 Guaranteeing Your Service Work 58 Dollar and Sense Servicing-Let there be no room for western misunderstanding between you and the customer. The Maurice A. Kimball Co., Inc. 2550 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 57, Calif. Notes on Test Equipment Forest H. Belt 64 DUnkirk 8-6178; and 580 Market Street, Lab reports on the Jackson Model 800 Color Generator and Heath 10-10 Scope. Room 400, San Francisco 4, Calif. EXbrook 2-3365 Address all correspondence to The Troubleshooter 74 PF REPORTER, 4300 W. 62nd Street, Indianapolis 6, Indiana Product Report 90 11'19, Free Catalog & Literature Service 92 Monthly Index on free literature card

Copyright © 1963 by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. PIF REPORTER is a trademark of Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. No part of PF REPORTER may be reproduced without written permission. No patent ABOUT THE COVER liability is assumed with respect to use of information herein. Acceptance of advertising does not in any manner signify the products, policies This month's issue contains an and services so advertised have been approved, extra -long string of articles on endorsed or recommended by this magazine. practical TV servicing. Among other Subscription Prices: 1 year-$4.00, 2 years-$7.00, things, you'll learn more about analyzing 3 years-$9.00, in the U.S.A., its possessions and Canada. picture symptoms, tear into tuners, Ail other foreign countries: 1 year-$5.00, 2 years- $9.00, 3 years-$12.00. Single copy 35c; back copies 50c examine color convergence circuits, find out how thermistors work, and Indexed in Lectrodex. Printed by tie Waldemar Press Div. see some unusual approaches to of Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. troubleshooting at the bench. FÓRDUCTS MODERN LETTERS kr_le LIVING 1 TO THE antenna PLUG-IN TYPE specialists PORTABLE brand INVERTERS' EDITOR MODELS A . C. HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICITY NowWe

. your n. opt, Rut .r Om 6-RMF (6 volts)p 60 to 80 iaappaü4i watt pEALER' eight 12 Operates Standard A.C. lbs.. D NsET ! Record Players PRICE. . . . $33.00 Black Dictating Machines 12T-RME (12 volts) 90 Beauty to Small Radios 125 watts. Shipping weight Dear Editor: Electric Shavers 12 lbs. DEALER NET I'd like Heating Pads, etc. PRICE. . . . $33.00 you to know PF REPORTER is In your own car or boat! +Additional Models Available tops with me; I've dropped my other Fiberglas subscriptions, but never this one. In the CB antennas "A" Battery February issue, the article "Tough Dogs Lose Their Bite" was very good; the IIIt;l1i, _,r11 ELIMINATOR analyses were just like having an in- For Demonstrating and structor Testing Auto Radios- right there giving the explan- TRANSISTOR or VIBRATOR ations. Let's have more like that. Inci- now you can whip two prob- OPERATED! .'trIIC Designed for testing D.C. dentally, Symfact. is great; keep them lems most common to fiber - Electrical Apparatus Reg- 6)s -. on ular A.C. Lines-Equipped coming! glas antenna with FullWave Dry Disc - performances! Type Rectifier, assuring JOHN DUBSKY noiseless, interference -free operation and extreme long Cleveland, Ohio First: through the "black life and reliability. Great to hear from you, MAY John-par- magic" of exclusive Thermofit ALSO BE USED AS A BATTERY CHARGER ticularly such fine compliments. MODEL 6100-ELIF ... 6 volts at 10 amps. or 12 volts We'll con- PVC at 6 amps. Shipping weight 22 lbs. tinue trying to live up to them. process, brittleness and DEALER NET PRICE 149.95 Ed. cracking are MODEL 6200-ELIT... 6 volts at 20 amps. or 12 volts at Dear Editor: eliminated. Much 10 amps. Shipping weight 33 lbs. DEALER I'm a little confused about the video - more resistant to constant NET PRICE . . . $66.95 output circuit diagram in March Symfact. abrasions. AUTO -RADIO Although the text describes three parallel Second: VIBRATORS paths to B+, I can find only one, The durable, black through the contrast finish is inconspicuous yet By every test ATR Auto. control and R11. Radio Vibrators are best! Should there be a connection from be- gives an impressive, clean, . and feature Ceramic Stack Spacers, Instant Start- tween R8 and L2 to B+? classic look to your car. Looks ing, Large Oversized Tungsten Contacts, Perforated Reed. H. V. WILLIAMS good even after long, hard use. plus Highest Precision Con- struction and Workmanship and San Angelo, Texas Center loaded and only 48" Quiet Operation! There Is an ATR VIBRATOR fo. Dear Editor: high. Choice of mounts. every make of earl Ask your distributor for ATR's Low Priced type 1400, In explaining Symptom 1 of March 6 volt 4 -prong Vibrator; and 1843, 12 volt 3 -prong; or 1840, 12 volt 4 -prong Vibrator. THE WORLD'S FINEST! Symfact, you say, "With RI1 open, one of parallel paths to plate of VI A is OR UNIVERSAL broken, and plate voltage drops to 115 volts." It seems to me that, if R11 opens, KARADIO the plate voltage will be zero. The "Stripes of Quality" MODEL 600 SERIES "Normal Operation" section states there Easily installed in -dash or under - dash. Amplifier power -supply chas- are three parallel paths, but I've failed to sis may be separated from tuner see an alternate source of chassis for easy servicing. Utilizes 6 -tube superhetro- B+ after dyne circuit (2 dual-purpose tubes). Supplied with thoroughly studying your diagram. Could separate 5" x 7" speaker. the Neutral gray -tan baked it be that a voltage is enamel finish. Overall size 4" deep x 61/2' wide x 2" supposed to be high. Tuner Chassis; with Amplifier Chassis, 2%" deep applied at the junction of R8 and L2? antenna x 61/2" wide x 3z/e" high. Shipping weight 7 lbs. WILL OUT -PERFORM MOST SETS! VIRGIL PRIDDY, JR. specialists Model 612-12 Volt, Dealers Net Price $31.96 Louisville, Ky. Model 606-6 Volt, Dealers Net Pric 31.96 co - LOST: One small line, one arrow, and Airplane Style Overhead 12435 Euclid Avenue Mounting under CabRoot NO PRINTE'! a small sign reading "250V." Urgently CIRCUITRY needed for survival of half-starved video Cleveland 6, Ohio TRUCK circuit. Apply at junction of L2 and R8 Export Div., 15 Moore St., in March Symfact. Ed. New York 4, N.Y. KARADIO Excellent Tone, Volume, and Sensitivity! Compact, yet powerful. Fits all trucks, station wagons, most cars and boats. Just drill a % inch hole in roof and suspend the one-piece unit (aerial, chassis and speaker) in minutes. Watertight mounting assembly holds anten- na upright. Yoke -typo bracket lets you tilt radio to any ngle. Extara-sensitive radio has 6 tubes (2 double -purpose), over -size Alnico 5 PM speaker for full, rich tone. Big, easy-to -read illuminated dial. Fingertip tuning control. Volume and tone controls. 33-!n. stainless steel antenna. Neutral gray-tan enameled metal cabinet. 7 x 61 x 4 in. high over-all. Shipping weight 101 lbs. Model TR-1279-12Ator 12V Dealer Net Price 141.96 Model TR -1279- 6A for 6V Dealer Net Price $41.96 See Your Electronic Parts Distributor Write Factory For Free Literature ATR ELECTRONICS, INC. Formerly. American Television 6 Rodio Co

Quality Products Since 1031 ATR ST. PAUL 1. MINNESOTA-U.S.A.


Who needs them? They're all gone ... finis, kaput, raus your Philco Distributor will have the tube you need IN mit, ausgespilt! NOW, with PHILCO Star Bright 20/20 STOCK ... when you need it ! basic types do the job of 91 numbers Picture Tubes, 9 Philco Star Bright 20/20 Picture Tubes give you a big that you needed before. That means that just about all advantage in customer satisfaction . . . with clearer, of the popular tube replacement jobs can be done with brighter pictures. Every Philco Star Bright 20/20 Picture CR Tube numbers. just 9 Philco Tube is made from all new parts and materials, except That's only part of the story. It's important that just one for the envelope, which, prior to re -use is inspected and tube replaces 19 you needed before ... but it is equally tested to the same exacting standards as a new envelope important to you that you can meet most ANY tube and of course, every one still carries a full year warranty! from 10" sizes up to 27" tubes with just 30 need ... Stop in at your Philco Distributor today. Nine Philco Philco "universal" tube numbers. Star Bright CRT numbers are all you need to win .. . This saves you time. Saves you money. It means that on most replacement jobs.

DEPEND ON YOUR PHILCO DISTRIBUTOR ... Your one stop shopping center for all your tubes, parts and accessories.


Genuine GOLD ANODIZED Finish for permanent protection

COLORTRON MODEL C-42 Winegard oli channel yogi patents - U.S. Pot. 2,700,105 - 2,955,289/ Canada -- 511,934. $34.95 list

The world's BEST performing VHF all channel TV antenna, size for size and dollar for dollar, is the Winegard Colortron. The Colortron is more nearly perfect than any other all channel antenna made. It is the only all channel antenna you can buy that carries a factory written guarantee of best performance.

HERE'S WHY COLORTRON IS BEST IT IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT that a single Yi wave director element* 1. A perfect all channel, high gain TV antenna would have will absorb 4 times more signal energy from a TV wave than a the following characteristics: wave driven element**. Because of this indisputable fact, sensitivity of well the Winegard Colortron all channel yagi uses multiple directors - the a -engineered cut channel yagi of equal to get its gain-not multiple physical length on each of the 12 channels. driven elements. -sharp directivity. A single frontal lobe and absolutely no To obtain a near perfect impedance match across the entire pick-up of signal from back or sides on any channel. VHF TV band, it takes only two driven elements. More than two driven -it would have an exact 300 ohm non -reactive impedance on elements will not improve the match any more than every VHF channel 2 through 13. extra wheels would improve a car. The only purpose of driven elements on a TV antenna is to transfer the signal energy to 2. There are several basic designs for high gain, all channel the line. TV ántennas. For practical reasons, only two of these are used today. As every antenna engineer knows, a well -engineered cut -to - channel yagi (with but one driven element and many directors) []A The all channel yagi that incorporates only 2 driven ele- is superior to any ments-but many directors. This design was invented by John other design when peak performance is desired on a single channel. The same fact holds true for best R. Winegard in 1954. Until then, the high efficiency of the yagi results in all channel was limited to single channel antennas. reception ... the yagi design is the most efficient, sensitive ever created on a size for size basis. Q The all channel antenna that incorporates a multiplicity of driven elements in a single plane. These are End -Fire arrays. *Directors are elements connected electromagnetically (not by means of phas- ing lines) to the driven elements. This basic design was first used for TV in 1952. Some end -fire **Driven elements are connected together with phasing lines and the trans- antennas are called "log periodic". mission line is attached to these elements. Antenna is World's BEST


CH4 CHS P45-5D9ci« CHS CH2 CH3 CH2 CH3 ky/NEGARr:..9 CpLORTR

PERFECT --C12 CH6 CH7 CHI CH9 CH6 CH7 CHI CH9 PARTNER TO THE COLORTRON ANTENNA ... THE TWIN NUVISTOR COLORTRON AMPLIFIER CH10 CHII CH12 CH13 CHID CHI1 CHI2 CH13 Winegard's revolutionary new circuit, employ- ing 2 nuvistors, enables the Colortron to over- come the service problems and limitations of COMPARE POLAR PATTERNS other antenna amplifiers. Colortron will not WINEGARD C-42 VAGI. Polar patterns END -FIRE "LOG PERIODIC" model com- oscillate, overload or cross modulate because it from Polar coordinate Recorder Speedomax parable with C-42. Polar patterns taken of signal input. Type G. from some recorder. takes up to 400,000 microvolts is 20 times better than any single transistor NOTE uniform directivity patterns and high NOTE large variation between directivity This uniform front -to -back ratio on all channels. from channel to channel. NOTE reduced amplifier. NOTE absence of spurious lobes and total front -to -back ratio from C-42. NOTE spuri- clear, absence of side pick-up. ous lobes (especially on high band) which The Colorton amplifier will deliver clean, pick up interference. Also has undesirable color pictures or black and white, sharp and side pick-up on low band. bright without smear. It can be used with any good TV antenna but will deliver unsurpassed reception when used with a Colortron antenna. Nothing on the amplifier is exposed to the ele- ments-even the terminals are protected. A rub- a .. 6 7 8 .. 111 1 1 12 1 I i 5 G 7 B , Itl I 12 I ber boot over the twin -lead keeps moisture out. COMPARE FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVES Colortron comes complete with an all AC power WINEGARD C-42 VAGI shows consistent END -FIRE "LOG PERIODIC" (in same supply with built-in 2 set coupler. Colortron sensitivity across all channels. No roll -off on price range) shows varying sensitivity across model AP -200N 300 ohm input and output ends of bands, no suck -outs to ruin color the bands, Peaks in middle of bands with $39.95 list. Model AP -275 300 ohm input 75 reception. sharp roll-ot*s on ends. Serious suck -out in ohm output $44.95 list. middle of channel 3.

NOW WHAT ARE THE BASIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THESE of phase at some frequencies in the TV band-particularly TWO TYPES OF ALL CHANNEL ANTENNAS? on the high band. One big difference is in SENSITIVITY. The Winegard The Winegard Colortron excels, too, by having the best 300 - Colortron patented yagi with multiple directors has far more ohm match in the industry-an average VSWR of better than ability to absorb signal power from a TV wave than multiple 1.5 to 1 across both bands. driven element antennas. In fact, all fringe -type antennas In addition to its performance superiority, the Winegard with multiple driven elements have one or more directors out Colortron has the finest quality construction and permanent front. Why add directors if the multiple driven elements are gold anodizing for weather protection. A personal examina- supposed to be so efficient? The reason is obvious ... directors tion of a Colortron tells this quality story far better than are added to get the gain they can't get with extra driven words. elements. (The polar patterns and frequency response curves above Another big difference is in DIRECTIVITY. The Winegard have been illustrated to give you a basis of comparison be- Colortron patented yagi has far better directivity character- tween Winegard's popular Colortron Mod. C-42 and a highly istics than multiple driven element antennas and the direc- advertised multiple driven element antenna which we have tivity pattern is essentially the same on every channel. The tested (along with other models in this line.) Constant testing Colortron has no signal pick-up from the sides (as you can of all new outdoor TV antennas proves to our satisfaction see above). It offers no receiving surface to side signals and that no other design equals or excels the Winegard Colortron has no complex phasing problems to cause extra pick-up lobes. in quality or performance. We are so positive of this per- It has minimum pick-up from the back. formance superiority that we put a written guarantee on it. sheets write today! On the other hand, multiple driven element antennas have For technical data iranneani large side lobes because the driven elements are always out Nationally advertised month after month.Iging Product There's an Extra Bonus of Quality and Performance in Every Winegard Kin egard ANTENNA SYSTEMS COLORTRON ANTENNA COLORTRON ANTENNA COLORTRON ANTENNA COLORTRON ANTENNA Model C44-Gold Anodized Model C-42-Gold Anodized Model C-42-Gold Anodized Model C41-Gold Anodized 3009-5 KIRKWOOD BURLINGTON, IOWA $64.95 $51.90 $34.95 $24.95 The BUSS quick -acting lectronic fuses \Nie Scanner

CCTV Banking Tellers at Chicago's Union \ National Bank are using a new banking system with RCA closed-circuit television equip- 1 ment. The system is designed so that the bank customer, upon approaching the drive-in station, sees himself on the TV ,- screen. By pressing a signal \ bar, he summons the teller, L who switches the "hear -see" system to two-way operation. Ilr In the photo, the teller is re- moving a deposit slip from a pneumatic tube which whisks TT©T'of sensitive instruments or deli- banking items between the bank cate`apparatus; --or normal acting fuses for and the outdoor station in a matter of seconds. Several tele- vision banking systems of this type are presently in operation protection where circuit is not subject to in numerous areas throughout the United States. starting currents or surges, New RF Amplifiers The Electron Tube Division of Sylvania is now producing a new family of RF amplifier triodes for use in VHF tuners Write for BUS of television Bulletin SFB receivers. The 2HK5, 3HK5, 4HK5, and 6HK5, all alike except for filament ratings, feature "strap -frame" con- struction of the control grids. USSMANN MFG. DIVISION, Edison C, BUSS :the- complete line of fuses ....

Joins Recorder Industry FUSETRON Argus Incorporated, well known as a manufacturer of dual -element fuses photographic equipment, has recently entered the tape re- time -delay corder field. Initial models in- clude the Argus 800, a four - type 11 track stereo unit; the Argus 400, a four -track monophonic unit; and the Argus 200, a dual -track unit. Herbert R. Leopold, presi- I4110\ dent, indicated additional rec- orders will join the line later 11ÌÌ this year.

Win a New Console TV

Four "Telequiz" sweepstakes contests, Amperes Telequiz Sweepstakes Poi especially for service January technicians and dealers, are be- ing conducted by Amperes Electronics Corp. during 1963. The rules call upon the tech- _' harmless surges occur. These fuses preven nician to identify - from a needless outages by safely photograph of a widely used holding startin TV chassis-the manufacturer's currents or surges, - yet they provide saf name and the chassis number. positive protection against short-circuits a A different chassis will be rep- resented in each of the four CO- '. contests: January, April, Sep- tember, and December are the "lucky" months. Entry cards, rules, and full color illustrations to for BUS of the chassis will appear in leading electronic service maga- 183Thlres letin SFB. zines-see the January PF REPORTER and this issue. Entry is simple-just fill out and mail the card. BUSSMANN MFG. DIVISION, McGraw-Edison Co., St. Louis 7, Ma.

16 PF REPORTER May, 1963 And One to Grow On Construction has begun on a signal or visual 290,000 -square -foot, multipur- pose building for Texas Instru- indicating ments, Inc. Site of the new building is the firm's 350 -acre property in Dallas, Texas. Ini- fuses tially, a major portion of the building will be used to con- solidate some of the TI Appa- ratus Division's electronic and electromechanical systems designing and manufacturing ac- tivities. The plant is to be completed in sections, with partial occupancy to begin this fall.

Trade Name Changed

Sidney Harman, president of Jerrold Corporation, announced consolidation of two company subsidiaries on March 1. 1963: Technical Appliance Corp., Consumer Products Divis- ion (TACO) is being combined with Jerrold Electronics Corp., Distributor Sales Division. The TACO line of antennas for consumers will be marketed under the trade name "Jerrold - TACO." The first series of new products is expected to ap- pear on the market later this year.

Capacitor Wall Chart Available dentification of. a faulted Complete information on all uses that give a visual signa ; fuses th types of Aerovox capacitors is etivate an alarm; - and fuses that give contained in a chart designed to visual signal aid activate an alarm. hang on a wall. Measuring 36" x 48", the chart categorizes capacitors according to t3 pe - paper, electrolytic, and mica, Write for BUSS among others. Voltage ratings Bulletin SFB. and power factor are also in- cluded in the listings.

n Co., St. Louis 7, MO.,,, of unquestioned high quality

New, Larger Plant Construction of a new 125,- 000 -square -foot plant for Littel- fuse, Inc. began in mid -March. Site of the new building is in Let BUSS Fuses Des Plaines, a suburb of Chi- cago. The company's sales, en- gineering, research. administra- Help Protect Your tive, and production personnel all expect to be moved into the new quarters sometime in No- PROFITS vember of this year. How Loud Is Too Loud? According to Karl Jensen, president of Jensen Industries, many consumers have the wrong conception of high fidelity: "People seem to feel that high fidelity means high volume, so e tnd every BU S fuse is indivicl they turn everything up as loud as it can go, and let the re- sult blast them out of their house." Mr. Jensen further pointed sted in a sensitive electronic device is play- out that if you must shout to be heard when the hi-fi is your assurance that when you ing, something is wrong with your sound system. High fidelity his actually means a high degree of faithfulness in sound reproduc- or install BUSS fuses, you are safe- tion. Not only is the type and arrangement of equipment im- guarded against complaints, call-backs portant, but so is the quality of service. and adjustments that might result from High -Fidelity Speakers faulty fuses and eat away your profit Vidaire Electronics Mfg. Corp. has been appointed to market a complete line of Lorenz speak- ers, on a nationwide basis, It is just good business through parts distributors. In to sell fuses the BUSS way. addition to the biaxial unit shown (a 12" dual -cone speaker with twin tweeters attached), the line includes both 8" and Write for BUSS 12" dual cone models, an l Bulletin SFB. armored -horn 22" tweeter, and I33 a 2000 -cps crossover network for use with two- or three-way BUSSMANN MFG. DIVISION, McGraw -Edison Co., St. Louis 7, Mo. speaker systems.


Our '63 story begins at the end.

Under the back cover. Truck going.) Or over a stop-and-go go with the more powerful engine. That's our new air-cooled engine sit- delivery route. (Pick-up is quicker.) Or Up front, in the cab, a new individual ting in there, the largest any Volkswagen up steep hills. (You can climb 28% drive 's seat that adusts to give you all Truck ever had. The most powerful, too. grades with a full load: 1,830 pounds.) the legroom you need. A new oversize It turns out 25% more horsepower than Best of alll, you get the extra power passenger seat. A new fresh air heater/ the engine it replaces. without burning extra gas. We still defroster. You'll want the extra power if your average about 24 mpg,. On regular. And that's the inside story on business takes you out on the highway. Other new features? the '63 Volkswagen Truck. (Top speed tops that of any other VW Bigger brakes and a larger cluach to From end to beginning. are you replacing top quality tubes with identical top quality tubes

Now you can carry the identücal tubes that you find designed into most of the quality TV sets you serv- ice. Chances are, you were not aware that these TV sets were designed around special Frame Grid tubes originated by Amperex and that even more tube types originated by Ampere's are being designed into the sets you'll be handling in the future. Amperex frame grid tubes provide 55% higher gain -bandwidth, increase TV set reliability by simplifying circuits and speed up your servicing because their extraor- dinary uniformity virtually eliminates need for re- alignment when you replace tubes. Tubes introduced by Amperex, currentlyused by major TV set makers include: Frame Grid Others 2GK5 4GK5 6GK5 6EH7 6AL3 9A8 2ER5 4EH7 6ES8 6E17 6BL8 15CW5 3GK5 4E17 6ER5 6HG8 6BQ5 16AQ3 3EH7 4ES8 6FY5 7HG612AX7 27GB5 For optimum satisfaction for your customers and a better profit operation for yourself, make room in your caddy now for these matchless -quality tubes. Next time you visit your distributor, look for the green -and -yellow boxes and enjoy confidence in your work such as you never Pave before. Amperex Electronic Corporation, Hicksville, L. I., New York. with more than one job

A change in value during operation is sometimes desirable . . . by Robert G. Middleton

Technicians are used to thinking it can stabilize the overall resistance by connecting an ordinary thermistor of resistance as the most constant of a circuit. in the base -emitter circuit (Fig. 2) . characteristic of electronic circuits. In many late -model TV sets, a The bias between these two ele- Even with no power applied, definite thermistor is used to maintain con- ments is determined in part by the amounts of resistance can be meas- stant height and vertical linearity of voltage drop across the thermistor. ured between various points; so, the raster. Some models achieve When the temperature begins to when electrons are sent racing direct control of yoke current by edge upward, the decrease in ther- through a circuit, it's easy to imagine having the thermistor in series with mistor resistance lowers the voltage resistors as being changeless lumps the yoke windings; others use the across it, and the emitter -base bias that just sit astride the current paths more indirect form of control indi- becomes less. With lower bias, the and enforce Ohm's law. cated in Fig. 1. Here, thermistor collector current decreases enough However, the resistance of some R70 is in the charging circuit that to stabilize the junction temperature circuit elements can be varied by a develops drive signal W9. As heat inside the transistors. change in heat, light, or applied builds up inside the TV cabinet, The thermistor may be ineffective voltage. Components which react in R70 acts to lower the charging - if it is called upon to operate beyond this way can be utilized for a num- circuit resistance, and W9 rises in its rated limits. This situation can ber of automatic control functions, amplitude. Vertical output tube occur when power transistors are and as circuit-protecting devices. V 12B then develops the stronger replaced, as a consequence of wide output needed to overcome the in- tolerances on some types. Hence, Thermistors creasing resistance of the yoke. you will often find a service control Some transistor radios also use in the circuit (such as the 3000 - One of the most familiar ex- thermistors-as "life preservers" for ohm pot in Fig. 2) to compensate amples of a "resistor with more the transistors. Many of us have for differences among transistors. than is one job" the thermistor, learned the hard way that power Tubes, as well as transistors, need which responds to a temperature transistors will "run away" and de- to be protected-but for a different rise by proportionally decreasing in stroy themselves if permitted to rise reason. Since the cold resistance of resistance. It is able to counterbal- above their rated operating temper- tube heaters is much less than their ance the tendency of some other ature. Since this unwanted charac- hot resistance, a large current surge components to increase in resistance teristic is directly opposite to will flow through an unprotected as they become hotter; therefore, thermistor action, it can be thwarted series string when power is first ap- plied. To protect heaters from this first rush of current, various devices have been used. Sometimes a simple series resistor with a high wattage rating is used to absorb the surge. In other cases, you may find Globar resistors connected in series heater strings. These are merely thermistors which are suitably rated for this application. A typical unit has a cold resistance of 130 ohms and a hot resistance of 31 ohms. Another approach to the heater - surge problem in series strings is the thermal relay illustrated in Fig. 3. The resistor, a wire -wound type, Fig. 1. Thermistor R70 modifies W9 to stabilize raster height and linearity. Please turn to page 81

20 PF REPORTER/ May, 1963 NEW ADDED FEATURES-NEW L)W COST The Famous RCA SENIOR VOLTOHMYST® NOW AVAILABLE AE A KIT FOR ONLY $57.95* Added features for extra rersati ity. An i'rp oved kit ver- sion cf the famous RCA SENIOR VOLTOHM`5T. Most impo-tant new feature: a half--olt full-scale DC rarge for more accurate measuring of ov', voltages used in traisistcr circuits. Extra plus -eature: Pre -assembled, factory-tested DC/AC- OHMS probe (WG -299D) ircludec with ever., kit. Other deluse features: 3ig 61/2" meter-one of the most readable ever designed into a 11'VM-electronically p-otected against burnout Color -coded sca es differentiate pea4-to-peak and rms readings -±-3% accuracy fill scale on both RCA 41V -98C (K) AC and DC measurmmets. Senior Y3ltOhmyst Kid. Less than : % tra:kin3 error P-ecision multipier resistors zccurate to -1% Rigged die-cast aluminum case with leathe- herdle B-ushed a uminull control panel with etchec makings

rms) 1AC voltages (0.1 to 42 )0 volts peak -to -peak and 0.1 to :500 volts MEASURES: DC voltages (0.305 to 1500) Resistances (0.2 ohms. to 1,000 megDhms)

RCA Senior Vo tOhrrvst WV -93C, also available factory -wired and cal brated, $79.50' OTHER OUTSTANDING RCA KIT VALUES


RCA SUPER -PORTABLE RCA WV-38A(K) OSCILLOSCOPE VOLT-OHM-MILLIAMMETER KIT RCA VOLTOHMYST'g KIT KIT WO-33A(K) Only $79.95* WV-77E(K) Only $29.95* Only $29.95* Now in kit form. A 'scope you can carry any- weighs only Famous VoltOhmysth quality and performance The V -O -M with the extras! 0.25-volt and where! Rugged and compact, yet in and shop at a low price! Special test features include: 1.0 -volt DC ranges Big easy -to -read 514" 14 pounds. Just right fur -the -home black -and - separate 1.5 -volt rms and 4 -volt peak -to -peak meter Non -breakable sealed plastic case- troubleshooting and servicing of scales for accurate low AC measurements. no glass to crack or shatter - Jacks located white and color TV, radio, hi-fi components, band- Measures AC and DC voltages to 1500 volts, below switches to keep leads out of the way tape recorders, etc. Ample gain and graph resistances from 0.2 ohm to 1,000 megohms. Spring clips on handle to hold leads Attrac- width for the toughest jobs. Scaled Complete with ultra -slim probes, long flexible tive, scuff resistant, rugged carrying case, screen and internal calibrating voltage source -to -peak voltage. leads, special holder on handle to store leads. only $4.95' extra. for direct reading of peak factory -wired and -wired and RCA WV-38A available factory -wired and RCA WO -33A available RCA WV -77E available factory $129.95' calibrated: $43.95' calibrated: $43.95` calibrated:

N. J. Cell your Authorized RCA ELECTRON TUBE DIVISION, HARRISON, RCA Vest Equipment Distributor The Most Trusted Name in Electronics le> 'IJ:-;er Price (Optional)



You no longer have to make the choice plete line of wire and cable including between an extra profit margin and a twin -lead, coax, multi -conductor cable brand name respected by your custom- as well as most popular commercial and ers when buying tubes, batteries, wire MIL -spec types from ITT -Royal and and cable, and transistor radios. ITT-Surprenant facilities. Now, the worldwide facilities of ITT TRANSISTOR RADIOS: a full line from and your ITT Distributor bring you 6 -transistor shirt pocket to AM -FM -SW these four complete lines... each carry- long range models in regular step-ups. ing the nationally -known ITT label .. . Other ITT product lines-ITT capaci- each priced to give you extra profit tors, semiconductors, speakers, inter- margin. coms-also available. Still more will soon Each product line contains the right be added from ITT worldwide facilities models and types and the right prices to and divisions and subsidiaries recently give you maximum profit. acquired in the United States. TUBES: a comprehensive receiving tube Contact your ITT Distributor or write line for entertainment use. Batteries: for full details. ITT Distributor Prod- "To remain competitive today, dealers must penlites, C, D, and 9 -volt miniatures, ucts Division, International Telephone have access to worldwide sources of manufac- poly -packed in display box and pegboard and Telegraph Corporation, Box 99, ture of many lines," says L. J. Battaglia, presi- dent of ITT Distributor Products Division. assortments. Wire and cable: a corn- Lodi, New Jersey. ` til` 'I w r` t 4\ \ ` 1

\ I

\\\""Zenith Gold -Seal Harmonically Resonant TV/FM Antenna. Designed according to antenna principles developed for satellite tracking, space telemetry and military communications. Revolutionizes TV reception.


Now Zenith brings you a complete line of Stereo FM, plus a complete line of exact replacements for Color TV, UHF and VHF quality antennas-easy to Zenith instruments. Best for Color TV! Best sell, easy to install, packed with profits! Zenith Gold - for black -and -white TV! Best for FM and Seal Antennas cover every installation Stereo FM! Best for UHF! Zenith Gold -Seal requirement, from super fringe to metropolitan Antennas are built to the highest Zenith areas. And you can offer your customers a quality standards to give you extra sales and wide selection of indoor and outdoor antennas, profit opportunities!


Zenith Gold -Seal Zenith Gold -Seal Zenith Gold -Seal Zenith Twin Driven Zenith indoor TV Broadband Yagi VHF VHF Folded Inline UHF Stacked Bow -tie FM Stereo Yagi An- antennas and exact Antenna Antenna Antenna tenna (For FM fre- replacements for (Channels 2 to 13) (Channels 2 to 13) (Channels 14 to 83) quencies 88-108 MC) Zenith instruments BUILT TO HIGHEST ZENITH QUALITY STANDARDS! Contact your Zenith Distributor for further information or write: Zenith Sales Corp., Parts Sales Division, 5801 W. Dickens, Chicago 39, Illinois Specifications subject to change without notice.

24 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 Sync Separator In REPORTER 11e Ci and Splitter Using Two Triode Stages


S1 8 @A c2 v 6KA8 1/2 6EB8 SYNC SYNC SPLITTER 3 20K Cl Rl 270 ®,.001 mmf 1 SYNC >--f- W. - I W4 25V 7875' \.LC W1A 551./ 7875,.LC 6.8K INPUT .1 270K 3 100K I NOISE 4.7 SUPPRESSED)

.002 4700n

250V 250V .01 3300 n TO 120V 0 / VERT INTEGRATOR

C] .001 T001 W5 20V 7875'1dC CATHODE PLATE


-band scope; controls DC VOLTAGES taken with VTVM, on inactive WAVEFORMS taken with wide p -p video to CRT). channel; antenna disconnected. * Means voltage set for normal contrast (60 -volt all waveforms. varies with sigral conditions-see "Variations." Low -cap probe (LC) used to obtain

Normal Operation Operating Variations In circuit shown here, triode section of With station signal present, DC 6KA8 (V1B) functions as sync separator; PIN 3 voltage rises to average of 135-145 other half of tube (not shown) is used in keyed volts, because AGC bias on RF and AGC stage incorporating unusual noise -limiter IF stages causes reduced current drain on low circuit. 6KA8 has common cathode for both B+ source. This action is normal in many re- has no effect on sync- sections, returned to 120 -volt B+ source to ceivers, but usually meet operating requirements of AGC-noise separator bias. stage. In most other receivers, cathode of sync separator returns to ground. Signal input to Voltage measurement at this pin is cathode is used grid of V 1B is composite video with noise PIN 2 misleading unless no station pulses suppressed. Signal sets high negative as common point. With DC bias of -7 grid -leak bias on V1B, permitting tube to con- signal present, unusually high duct only during positive peaks (sync -pulse volts is generated by internal receiver noise. Signals obtained from nearby stations produce tips) . Separated sync signals from output of ; bias voltage ranging from to -30 volts. V 1 B are fed to triode section of 6EB8 (V2A) -20 this tube, wired as a phase splitter, supplies Contrast control is located after sync -takeoff negative sync signals from cathode and positive point, so its setting has no direct bearing on signals from plate circuit to balanced dual - amplitude of W 1. diode horizontal phase -detector stage. Vertical sync, also taken from plate circuit, passes DC voltage increases by only 5 through integrator network-R8, R9, C4, and PIN 1 volts with signal present. Much C5-to grid of vertical multivibrator. Voltages greater shift is normal in other on V2A stay nearly constant, with or without separator circuits that operate near zero bias signal applied; for this reason, no mention is with no signal input. Waveform on this pin is made of V2A in "operating variations" section. nearly identical to W2. SYMPTOM i Symptom Analysis Picture can be locked in horizon- Critical Sync tally only by critical adjustment of 4 hold control. Almost impossible to stop vertical roll, even by carefully Vertical and Horizontal operating hold control; tendency of Both Affected picture to "float by" rather than "lock in" proves sync signal is not R5 Open reaching vertical multivibrator.

Voltage and 250V 2 tifief%? Component Analysis 1 100v

Waveform Analysis Amplitude and appearance of W2 show sync signal Voltages on Vi B are normal. Plate voltage of V2A is passing through separator stage. W4 is low in ampli- rises close to 250 -volt B + value because there is tude-5 volts instead of normal 25 volts-and contains no plate current through tube. Almost full B + volt- virtually no sync signal; pulses are lost in random noise age is also measured on grid and cathode of V2A; and video. However, some semblance of horizontal sync it is developed across high resistance of meter, which enters W5 via path through R4 and stray coupling is only path completing circuit from these elements through tube. This signal, fed to cathode of phase detec- to ground. If R4 had been connected to ground instead tor, probably accounts for reason horizontal sync is a of cathode, pin -2 voltage would not have appeared to little steadier than vertical. Decent W2 and abnormal rise so high; however, cathode voltage close to B+ value W4 isolate trouble to phase-splitter circuit. would still have been measured.

SYMPTOM 2 Symptom Analysis Bright line down center of screen No Horizontal Sync looks like drive line at first glance; closer inspection reveals it's fold - over. Presence of this symptom in Foldover in Center of Raster combination with sync loss would normally indicate defect in horizon- tal output, oscillator, or control cir- R7 Increased in Value cuitry - not sync -circuit fault.

OA Voltage and 9v 2 fa - Component Analysis


13V Waveform Analysis Removing AFC voltage input to horizontal oscil- Plate voltage on V2A is 20 volts too low, but this lator eliminates foldover; therefore, trouble isn't in os- small error probably wouldn't arouse suspicions of cillator or output. In sets with keyed AGC, loss of hori- most servicemen. Likewise, voltages on grid and cath- zontal sync throws off timing of keying pulses, thus ode don't offer conclusive evidence in themselves. killing AGC bias. Clamping AGC line (see October, Slightly low voltages on both plate and cathode, con- 1962 Symfact) makes sync trouble easier to isolate. sidered together, furnish subtle clue to insufficient With AGC clamped, W1 looks fairly normal. However, plate current caused by excessive resistance in plate W5 is a bit weak, and an even bigger change is noted in circuit. R7 in this case increased to approximately 15K. amplitude of W4; it's increased to 45 volts. For proper Further increase in resistance naturally lowers voltage operation of AFC, W4 and W5 must be nearly equal. at plate of V2A, and makes symptoms worse. SYMPTOM 3 Symptom Analysis Trouble looks like complete loss of sync-as when sync separator Loss of Sync fails. Both vertical and horizontal hold controls change frequency of Vertical and Horizontal oscillators in normal manner. Prob- Affected Equally lem could be inoperative sync stage, AGC fault, or video -circuit defect causing compression of sync pulses. C3 Open

NO --- i-- Voltage and VOLTAGE Component Analysis 0 r.31y CLUES

Waveform Analysis Importance of clamping AGC as troubleshooting aid Grid and cathode voltages on V2A shift by only 1 is again illustrated by this case. With no clamping bias or 2 volts, so are not really significant help in locating applied, W1 has more than enough amplitude, but look open C3. This fault is more likely to be troublesome at its content: virtually no sync pulses, and video sig- than leakage in C3, which must be severe to upset DC nals riding high into sync area. Now, look at W1 with operating voltages in circuit; a portion of voltage im- AGC clamped-normal sync pulses are present. This pressed on V2A grid through leaky C3 would be cou- test indicates normal signal path as far as grid of V1B. pled to cathode, minimizing shift in operating bias. First Decent waveform (similar to normal W2) is present on symptom of leaky C3 would be horizontal pulling, or plate, but separated sync pattern is missing in W2 at phasing line in raster, due to unbalance in signals fed grid of V2A; this causes suspicion of capacitor C3. to phase detector from V2A.

SYMPTOM 4 Symptom Analysis Picture is troubled by pulling and bending, especially at top of screen; Horizontal Pulling intermittently drops out of vertical and horizontal sync. When vertical hold control is adjusted, picture Jittery Vertical Sync seems to lock in with reasonably good stability, proving some sync is reaching vertical multivibrator. Cl Leaky

V2 A OB 235V 195V

-11V 2 ¡L\ 70V 2 í . Voltage and Component Analysis 3 140V 16V

Waveform Analysis Two clues indicate need for checking sync circuits: Bias on grid of V1B offers biggest clue; it's lower than' Both vertical and horizontal hold are affected, and in- normal, with or without signal applied to receiver spection of blanking bar in picture shows good sync (- 11 volts with; -2 volts without) . Lowered bias is reaching CRT. W1 shows badly compressed sync, with result of positive voltage trickling through leaky Cl. video peaks riding up into sync area. Its amplitude is This component must become quite leaky before it will normal 55 volts. That of W2 is well above normal (85' cause significant trouble. Secondary clue, which could volts) , but signal content is distorted, as in W 1. Notice be misconstrued as trouble in circuit of V2A, is in- how useful scope is for locating troubles of this type; creased bias on tube: -6 volts between grid and cath- even though defect is not too severe on screen, it steps ode. However, this is merely excessive grid -leak bias out and "hits" you when viewed on a scope. built up by abnormally strong W2. TUNER REPAIRS made easy An understanding of the circuits is your most important service aid ... by Wayne Lemons

If you can repair other parts of that a discussion of how it works amplifier of Fig. 3, coil L3 in the TV sets, you can also make most is unnecessary. The advantages of screen circuit provides degenera- of the repairs in tuners. Outside of the pentode are multiple: The tube tion for the stage, which prevents a few mechanical faults or drastic is simple to build and its circuit is self -oscillation and also helps solve realignment, most tuner repairs are noncritical. It has reasonably high the noise problem. as easy as those in other circuits. gain, with excellent stability. Its Cascode RF prime disadvantage is that its in- A circuit used Understanding Tuners herent noise, especially on high TV in radar during World War II was adapted for tele- From a mechanical standpoint, channels, is greater than in other vision RF stages, and for several there are only two types of tuners RF circuits. years was the standard for high in present-day use: The turret (ro- Tetrode RF performance. This "cascode" cir- tating drum) and incremental -in- cuit approaches the low noise fig- ductance (switch) types. Fig. I Noise in RF amplifiers is closely ure of a triode while producing shows both mechanisms as they are associated with the number of grids gain comparable to a pentode depicted on most in the tube used. One way of re- am- schematics. plifier. Electrically, tuners are classified ducing this problem is to use a A typical cascode circuit (using according to the kind of RF stage tetrode. The tetrode tube can ap- the familiar 6BQ7) is shown in they use pentode, tetrode, cas - proach the gain of the pentode, but - Fig. 4. V 1 A acts as a matching code, or neutrode. (Oscillator stages is more difficult to build, and the device between the antenna and invariably use triodes; mixer stages circuit is more critical to adjust for grounded -grid amplifier V 1 B. L3 previously used triodes, but today best performance. combines with the interelectrode tetrodes or pentodes are used.) Special tetrodes have been de- capacitances of the veloped for use as RF amplifiers. two tubes to perform the job of neutralization Pentode RF These operate at a considerably at VHF One of the earliest television RF lower screen voltage than pentodes, frequencies. In amplifiers was the pentode circuit and the reduced screen current fur- troubleshooting this circuit, one of the main factors shown in Fig. 2; it is still seeing ther improves the signal -noise ratio to consider is the DC voltage service. This circuit is so familiar of the circuit. In the tetrode RF distribution. Note that triodes V1 A and V1 B are in MIXER series across the DC supply. This MIXER v1ar A6U8 vmz A6CG8A means that the grid of V 1B must be biased so the DC supply voltage will divide almost equally across the two triodes. The necessary fixed bias is provided by voltage -divider resistors R2 and R3. If plate -to - cathode voltages of the triodes are not equal, one of these bias re- sistors may have changed in value. (Of course, a short in C2 or a de-

ose fective tube could also cause the B6CG8A same trouble.) If R4 is discolored or burned, be sure to replace the tube-whether or not it checks de- fective-for this tube is a common source of intermittent trouble. TURRET TYPE SWITCH TYPE The Neutrode RF Fig. 1. Mechanically, nearly all tuners are either turret or switch types. To achieve greater simplicity,

28 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 inductively coupled to the mixer. The oscillator tube, a triode, is normally in the same tube envelope the mixer. Oscillators in most with FROM modern tuners are of the configu- AM ration shown in Fig. 6, a form of Colpitts circuit. Capacitor Cl serves as an overall frequency adjustment

for the oscillator, with LI as the 255V fine-tuning coil and S1 as the Bt channel selector. C2 and C3 form Fig. 4 Cascode RF circuit uses two high - stages for high signal -noise ratio. Fig. 2. RF pentode is stable, a capacitive divider for feedback; tube, but has high noise level. gain you'll notice C3 is an NPO capaci- and stray circuit capacitances must while maintaining or exceeding pre- tor, a reminder that it has a critical be considered carefully, these con- vious performance, engineers have effect on frequency. C4 is the in- siderations are not quite so impor- almost unanimously turned to the jection capacitor for the mixer. tant during servicing-the tuner is neutralized triode (neutrode) cir- not operating as it should, anyway! cuit in the last couple of years. One Tuner Troubleshooting Thus, tube -socket test adapters can form of the circuit is shown in Fig. The compact construction and be used to good advantage in 5. The RC -coupled neutralization tightly packed layout of modern troubleshooting, even though they makes the amplifier stable over a tuners create considerable uncer- usually cause slight abnormalities wide range of frequencies, while tainty on the part of most service in the operation of the tuner. ar- also keeping the mechanical technicians. It's true that tuner (Special adapters are available for rangement of the tuner simple. parts aren't exactly easy to get at, tuners with captive tube shields.) Oscillation can occur in the cir- but testing them is certainly not For instance, if you find incorrect cuit if Cl is not adjusted correctly impossible; in fact, there are quite values of plate or screen voltage, it or if, as sometimes happens, a few techniques which will im- you'll know you must correct them breaks loose from its mounting. mensely simplify this problem. before making other evaluations of If you have oscillation in this type tuner performance. In cascode cir- of RF stage, first try a new tube; if Using Test Points cuits, the socket adapter can be that doesn't help, use an insulated Fig. 7 shows a test point (TP) used in measuring the voltage across screwdriver to readjust Cl slightly that is incorporated in many tuners. the tubes; also, by making resist- -a quarter turn in one direction It can be used as a scope connec- ance measurements from the adapt- or the other. This adjustment should tion for checking the RF amplifier er, you can often localize the de- stop the oscillation. An open C4 bandpass with a sweep generator, fective part. can also cause oscillation, since the and it is also useful as a VTVM circuit would then resemble an test point to see if the oscillator is Specific Tests If the oscillator is oper- ultra-audion oscillator. working. The socket adapter can be used ating (though not necessarily on Oscillators and Mixers to check coupling capacitors be- frequency) , a negative 2 or 3 volts tween the RF and mixer stages or Early tuners utilized a triode varying somewhat from one - from the oscillator circuit. Leaky mixer because it theoretically cre- to another-will be devel- channel coupling capacitors won't always ated little noise, but more recent oped here. If the tuner oscillator stop a tuner from working, but they designs have universally incorpo- is not working (or you suspect it may cause a considerable loss of rated the tetrode or pentode mixer you can insert a signal from isn't), sensitivity. To check them, remove for higher gain and greater stabil- your marker generator at this point; the oscillator -mixer tube and insert ity. Oscillator injection is accom- by selecting a signal approximately just the adapter socket. If the set plished at the mixer control grid, 20 or 40 me above the channel fre- the uses a series heater string, short where it is applied along with quency (depending upon the IF Coupling is usually by out the heater pins to complete the RF signal. frequency of the set) , you can sub- circuits. Using a VTVM, check the a capacitor, except in a few turret stitute for the missing or off -fre- tuners where the oscillator signal is voltage at the mixer grid; a positive quency oscillator signal. Please turn to page 86 If the tuner you are servicing doesn't have a test point, you can make one by temporarily tacking a 10K resistor to the mixer grid. The purpose of the resistor is to isolate the mixer grid from the capacitance of the test cable, thus minimizing any external effect on the circuit.

Socket Adapters B+ Although parts placement and layout are important for achieving Fig. 5. Neutralized triode is now the Fig. 3. Tetrode circuit is more critical in a tuner. most popular high -efficiency circuit. than pentode, but has lower noise. optimum performance

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 29 n pu mq1 uut q u u lu n u n n pn u '°' u n nuln, unnn ,, nu , n ,,,, n ,., .., o ., , M III P'g III ullllu1u hlld uu uu Ilnll u Iud hul uu nu lud IIIIIIII ullllu uIII IIInIII hlld nllllu lud 1111111111111111 nuuu Ilu,ll nuuu rpuq uu, uoii nn tIII nIII IIII um ,,,,, ,.,,, nuu, ,,.,, IIIIII ,,,n, 1, III III,

This dim raster is a consequence of weak high 1 voltage. Blooming accounts for the greatly in- creased height. The width has decreased instead of ex- panding, so the horizontal output stage is apparently not operating as it should-this is probably the basic cause of insufficient HV. The slight drive line in the middle is a sign of a normal drive signal being fed to a weak out- put stage. (A screen resistor had increased value, lowering the screen voltage.)

This case of unstable horizontal sync is compli- 2 cated by foldover at the right side of the raster. The latter symptom could be due to an output -stage fault, but in this case, it is more probably caused by distortion of the drive signal reaching the grid of the output tube. Whatever trouble is warping the drive signal could also be erratically pulling the multivibrator off frequency. (A plate-decoupling capacitor in the second section of the multivibrator had become leaky.)

Horizontal sync is almost locked in, but the 3 picture tends to "slip" sideways; periodically it falls out of sync. The horizontal blanking bar isn't centered on the screen; thus, the trouble isn't simply a phase error in the signal fed back to the horizontal AFC from the fly- back. Instead, the AFC has lost some of its control over the horizontal multivibrator. This particular circuit is stable enough to keep operating close to the correct frequency without being synchronized. (The sync -input coupling capaci- tor in the AFC stage was open.)

Stretch the raster vertically, cut in half, lay the 4 bottom piece over the top piece-and this is what you'll have. The vertical multivibrator is running at 120 cps. The loss of height doesn't mean a weak output stage; there just isn't enough time during each sweep cycle to develop a full-strength sawtooth drive signal. Unusual trouble effects on a TV screen are more meaningful to the trained eye than run-of-the-mill symptoms, since the less familiar patterns often con- ain multiple clues that greatly aid trouble isolation.

Troubleshooting should concentrate on the frequency -deter- mining networks, including the feedback system of the multivibrator as well as the hold -control circuit. (Leakage to ground through a faulty capacitor in the feedback net- work was the answer to this one.)

This linearity problem is not the usual stretching 5 or compression at the extreme top or bottom of the raster; it involves a stretched -out area halfway from the top to the center. Thus, instead of looking for bias troubles, it makes more sense to check for improper shaping of the drive waveform. The RC network that develops this signal often consists of several components, and various faults in this circuit can introduce peculiar types of distortion. (There was an increased resistance to ground from the sync -input line, which is connected to the plate of the multivibrator and shunts the sawtooth- forming network.)

The picture has plenty of contrast, but the 6 brightness is always too low. Video overloading isn't the trouble, because sync stability is good, and con- trast can be varied in a normal manner. Furthermore, well - focused raster lines make CRT or high -voltage troubles seem unlikely. The defect is probably applying too much DC bias between the grid and cathode of the CRT. (An isolating resistor in the brightness -control circuit had increased value. The CRT cathode current, passing through it, developed too much bias voltage.)

7 No signal getting through the tuner? Look again- there are diagonal bars on the screen, so a certain amount of video must be reaching the picture tube. It's obscured by a grainy pattern-not exactly the same as ordinary snow-with a suggestion of a herringbone effect. Oscillation of some RF or IF stage seems to be the most probable explanation. (An open screen -bypass capaci- tor was found in the third IF stage, by using the technique of bridging with a good unit.) " rw -. F(x;uS etc tV2 ... 4 i m ' -..ÍS' 4' ºII A' ;1ïit .. 6 03 COLOR now your NJCIRCUITS

The Convergence Panel . . . by George F. Corne, Jr. and Thomas A. Lesh Current models of color TV sets pletely independent of each other, of three sets of coils, positioned so use practically the same converg- greatly simplifying matters. These they can control vertical and hori- ence arrangement as last year's mod- have been drawn separately in the zontal convergence of the individual els; in addition, both major types schematics accompanying this arti- red, green, and blue beams. A of '63 color chassis have very simi- cle so each one section can be movable pole piece in each coil lar circuitry and setup procedures. studied by itself. serves as a static convergence ad- Therefore, one basic description of justment, to insure that the beams how convergence circuits operate What is Convergence? will land on the proper trio of dots can be applied to all late -model re- The basic idea of convergence is when they travel straight through ceivers. to control the direction of all three to the center of the screen without Many color technicians have electron beams in the tricolor CRT, being deflected. (An additional ad- been slow to gain an understand- so they will stay in "tight formation" justment, the blue lateral magnet, ing of convergence principles, be- and land on adjacent phosphor dots, provides further accuracy in posi- cause the circuits are totally un- regardless of what portion of the tioning the blue beam relative to familiar (having no counterpart in screen is being scanned. The deflec- the red and green beams.) black -and -white TV) and because tion yoke is not able to exert this As the magnetic fields of the de- the many controls, plug connec- precise control, because the beams flection yoke bend the beams away tions, and multiple circuit loops are not exactly centered within the from midscreen, the distance from make the convergence section look yoke coils. To provide accurate the deflection point to the landing difficult to trace. However, it is positioning of the beams with re- point on the screen is increased- not as complex as it seems. The spect to each other, a convergence reaching maximum when the edges sections for controlling vertical and yoke is placed behind the deflection of the screen are being scanned. horizontal convergence are com- yoke on the CRT neck. It consists This changing distance of beam travel adds to the difficulty of keep- ing the beams converged. The solu- C5 0 mM INDICATES 51501 tion is to apply AC PLISO AND SGCKET currents to the CONNECTIONS FROM VERT RI 2 VERT G six convergence coils, producing OUTPUT MASTER CATHODE 56000 3W MAP magnetic fields around each beam 1200 which vary in step with the verti- VERT ¡ VERT BLUE COILS ¡ TV CONVERGENCE -- -- ,B UIEWE AMP CHASSIS 0 cal and horizontal deflection fields -becoming strongest near »IA TV 30NIC the be- VERT RG MASTER TILT ginning and the end of each sweep 600 VERT 600 RG DIFF AMP cycle, when the most correction is 5500 f --- -1 needed.

VERT This dynamic convergence could OUTPUT TRANS- be accomplished in a FORMER crude way by just feeding a sample of the VERT vertical and horizontal sweep cur- GREEN COILS rents to the convergence coils. Basi- cally, this is what actually happens; however, elaborate control circuits are used to vary the waveshape and amplitude of the convergence cur- rents. This flexible means of control makes it possible to correct for manufacturing tolerances in CRT's, interaction between the various Fig. 1. Vertical convergence circuits used in RCA color chassis CTC12. magnetic fields, and other factors.

32 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 Present sets use a bank of 12 In the schematics shown this coils. Some, which mainly affect the dynamic - convergence controls, month, the various coil and overall amplitude of the inputs, are mounted on a small panel that can potentiometer adjustments a r e labeled AMP controls; others, which temporarily be attached to the top labeled with "A" numbers in a se- affect waveshape more than ampli- rear edge of the receiver for greater quence that indicates the order of tude, are called TILT controls. accessibility during adjustments. Al- adjustment recommended by the The basic waveform W 1, de- though most of the controls affect manufacturer. Waveforms of AC veloped in the cathode circuit of a rather widespread area of the voltage, measured with respect to the vertical output tube, appears as screen, and a great deal of interac- ground, are shown for all key input a sawtooth of voltage at pin 2 of tion is noted, the results of adjust- points and certain other points in the convergence plug. However, the ments can still be judged quite ac- the circuits. Remember, these are current at this point actually has a curately by following a recom- not the same as the current wave- more nearly parabolic waveshape- mended sequence and checking a forms in these high -reactance, low - after a current peak at the begin- specified portion of the screen dur- resistance circuits; thus, they can- ning of each cycle, the current grad- ing each step. Details of the pre- not be used to tell if the current ap- ually falls to minimum in the mid- scribed method, using a crosshatch plied to a convergence coil has the dle of the cycle, and then gradually generator, were presented in "Ob- exact waveshape desired. (This in- rises again. Portions of this wave- jective: Pure White" (November, formation can be deduced from form are tapped off by Al for the 1962 PF REPORTER). In a general the screen presentation, anyway.) red and green convergence coils, way, the technique can be summar- Nevertheless, voltage waveforms are and by A5 for the blue coil. These ized as follows: of definite value in determining adjustments operate somewhat the whether the convergence -panel cir- same as volume controls; the higher 1. For vertical convergence, ob- cuits are receiving proper inputs; they are set, the more convergence serve only the center line run- they can also show up certain de- correction is provided. ning from top to bottom, (es- fects in the convergence section. Another input -waveform source pecially near its ends) and its is a center -tapped secondary wind- lines. intersecting horizontal RCA's Circuit ing on the vertical output trans- (a) Use four controls to merge The vertical dynamic conver- former, connecting to pins 4 and 5 the red and green lines. gence controls in the RCA Chassis of the convergence plug. Two pulse (b) Use two more controls to CTC12 (Fig. 1) are named for waveforms of opposite polarity (W2 merge the blue lines with their effects on the current wave- and W3) are developed here and the red and green lines. forms applied to the convergence applied to opposite ends of TILT 2. For horizontal convergence, ob- serve only the line running through the center of the screen W7 350V 7875tiLC W9 20V 7675" \.LC from left to right (especially near its ends) and its inter- secting vertical lines. (a) Use four controls to merge the red and green lines. TO KILLER (b) Use two more controls to AND BURST CIRCUITS merge the blue lines with A7 the red and green lines. 0 i HORIZ BUJE COILS HORIZ WOW / RIGHT HORIZ , { OUTPUT 3. Repeat the entire procedure, if o0-121.: TRANS- necessary, to "rock" the various FORMER HORIZ controls into optimum adjust- LEFT B-2 ment. Good convergence over W10 30V 7875tiLC 6 approximately 85% of the

screen is generally considered RIGHT HORIZ GRN COILS HORIZ normal; full convergence in the A9 R -G-1 1.N n 1500 100 1W remaining edge and corner areas LW

NOR ID will probably be impractical. RIGHT l% HORIZ LEFT LEFT INDICATES PWG AND HORIZ R<-2 e 7 R--3 R -G-4' SOCKET CONNECTIONS Of course, the manufacturer's ra 311 HORIZ RED COILS instructions are more definite .062 actual 1000 than this about which control R6 ,H. TV CHASSIS CONVERGENCE should be adjusted first, and CHASSIS W11 40V 7875'MLC WI3 I5V 7875tiLC W12 15V 7875tiLC whether vertical or horizontal lines of the crosshatch pattern should be inspected during a particular ad- justment. The logic behind these rules will be clearer after you study the schematics and see where each control fits into the circuitry. Fig. 2. Simplified schematic of RCA's horizontal convergence circuits.

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 33 W2d 70V 3Un.LC To vary the red- and green -

1 0 ml6 coil currents in respect to each 50V FROM other, one more pulse waveform is VERT P1 OUTPUT TOP R -G VERT made available to the red CATHODE LINES and green 4700. 1W INDICATES PLUG AND 3 coils, using 120n the secondary winding SOCKET CONNECTIONS TOP BLUE \1 HORIZ LINES connected to pins 3, 6, and 7 of

VERT the convergence plug. Waveforms N CHASSIS CONVERGENCE BLUE CHASSIS COILS W5 and W6 look unequal; however, TOP R -G 3 HORIZ LINES if the common lead of the scope 180 n 120 n 1W were moved from ground to pin 3 r VERT VERT RED GRN of the plug, COILS COILS equal and opposite waveforms with a smaller sawtooth 60 n BOTTOM slope would be seen. The shape of BWE HORIZ VERT the current fed to the coils is ad- OUTPUT LINES TRANS- justed by A4, and a greater share FORMER J 20n of the current is fed to either the BOTTOM R -G HORIZ LINES red or the green coils-depending 60 n BOTTOM R -G VERT LINES on the setting of A3. In this close-knit system, there is much interaction, and resetting any control is likely to have some effect on all Fig. 3. Zenith uses extra tap on transformer for vertical convergence. the coil currents. How- ever the standard adjustment pro- controls A2 and A6. The resultant direction of the sawtooth slope cedure results in a well-balanced output from each control arm variable by means of the TILT con- setup with coil -current waveforms varies in polarity and amplitude ac- trols. The output of A2 is mixed "custom-made" for the require- cording to the control setting; this with WI to alter the waveshape of ments of a particular set. is demonstrated by W4A and W4B, the current fed to the red and Horizontal convergence circuitry which show the output voltages at green coils, and the output of A6 (Fig. 2) follows a similar basic two different settings of A6. This is fed to the end of the blue coils plan, but the controls are simply waveshape of voltage corresponds opposite A3 (also modifying the lettered and numbered to indicate to an approximate sawtooth wave waveshape of the current in these the coils affected and the recom- of current. with the steepness and coils) . mended order of adjustment. Only one input from the horizontal sweep W27 200V 7875,LC W28 25V 7875s.LC system is needed: a pulse (W7) from an isolated secondary on the flyback transformer. When this pulse is applied to the circuit in- cluding the blue coils, ringing oc- ,E. curs, and the resulting waveform HORIZ AFC (W8) is similar to a sine wave. A7 TO KILLER AND has a noticeable effect on the volt- BURST CIRCUITS RIGHT SIDE BLUE HORIZ LINES IHORIZ BLUE COILS age amplitude, and A8 broadens or

TOR IL narrows one peak. (The shape of OUTPUT 31 TRANSFORMER I13Ú 15V ßL5 LC .056 W8 can range from a nearly pure sine wave to something like W12.) Az uf 120 n o RIGHT SIDE Coil A7 has a secondary, across R -G VERT LINES INDICATES PLUG AND LEFT BLUE - which small pulse waveforms W9 SOCKET CONNECTIONS HORIZ LINES HOR IZ GRN COI LS, and W10 1 are developed for the \ 1W 082 lower ends of the red and green N CHASSIS CONVERGENCE LEFT CHASSIS LEFT SIDE coils. (Adjustment of A7 has only SIDE R -G VERT R -G LINES a slight effect on W9 and W10.) HORIZ L ,1 600 RIGHT SIDE LINES The main red -green R -G HORIZ input is ap- HORIZ RED COILS 27 LINES R2 T fi plied through A9 to the center tap OOn IW of A10.

W11 20V 7875' -LC W33 I5V '.75 I, W32 15V 7875,.LC The voltage amplitude of this waveform (W11) is affected by both adjustments to some extent, mostly by stretching or compression \t\jf of the negative peak. But the main function of A l 0 is to proportion the amounts of W11 fed to the red Fig. 4. Horizontal convergence circuits used in new Zenith chassis 27KC20. and green coils; as the slug is

34 PF REPORTER Moy, 1963 And it and Fix it in the time! EASILY SOLVES "TOUGH DOGS"... INTERMITTENTS ... ANY TV TROUBLE


By Easy Point -to -Point Signal Injection, You see the Trouble SIMPLIFIES COLOR TV SERVICING, TOO on the TV Screen and Correct it-Twice as Fast and Easy! Simplified technique stops lost hours never recovered on Enables you to troubleshoot and and TV trouble- "tough dogs", intermittents, general signal trace color circuits in color shooting. This one instrument, with its complete, accurate 1 diagnosis, enables any serviceman to cut servicing time in half ' TV sets, or facilitate installation. ... service more TV sets in less time ... satisfy more custom- ers ... and make more money. Generates white dot, crosshatch With the Analyst, you inject your own TV signals at any time, and color bar patterns on the TV at any point, while you watch the generated test pattern on screen for color TV convergence the picture tube of the television set itself. This makes it quick adjustments. and easy to isolate, pinpoint, and correct TV trouble in any stage throughout the video, audio, r.f., i.f., sync and sweep sections Generates full color rainbow dis- intermit- of black & white and color television sets-including play and color bar pattern to test tents. No external scope or waveform interpretation is needed. Checks any and all circuits-solves any performance problem. color sync circuits, check range Gives you today's most valuable instrument in TV servicing- of hue control, align color de- proved by thousands of professional servicemen everywhere. modulators. Demonstrates to Available on Budget Terms. As low as $30.00 down. Net, 532995 customers correct color values.

Time -Saving, Money -Making Instruments Used by Professional Servicemen Everywhere

Model 960 Transistor Model 360 V O Matic Model 375 Dynamatic Model 700 Dyna-Quik Model 440 CRT Radio Analyst Automatic VOM Automatic VTVM Tube Tester Rejuvenator Tester

B & K MANUFACTURING CO. See Your B&K Distributor Division of DYNASCAN CORPORATION or Write for Catalog AP2O-R 1801 W. BELLE PLAINE AVE. CHICAGO 13, ILL. Canada: Atlas Radio Corp., 50 Win gold, Toronto 19, Ont. Export: Empire Exporters, 253 Broadway, New York 7, U.S.A.

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 35 turned, W12 will increase in am- act as amplitude controls for the to see if the controls are operative. plitude as W13 decreases, or vice R -G and blue circuits. The horizontal convergence cir- versa. Final adjustments A 1 1 and To modify the waveshape of the cuits (Fig. 4) have fewer innova- A 12 vary the phase or waveshape convergence -coil currents, separate tions; the main difference between of W12 and W13. pulse-takeoff windings on the verti- this schematic and Fig. 2 is that cal output transformer are used for the pulses for the lower end of the Zenith's Circuit the red -green circuit and the blue green and red horizontal coils The 12 dynamic convergence circuit. For the latter, opposing (W29 and W30) are taken directly controls in the Zenith Chassis waveforms W22 and W23 are com- from the flyback winding, rather 27KC20 are named according to bined in a proportion set up by than from a secondary on the blue the portion of the crosshatch pat- A25; the action is similar to that adjustment coil. Note that the var- tern that should be checked during of A6 in the RCA. A pulse (W24) ious waveforms are very similar in each adjustment. For instance, the is also taken from terminal A on shape to those in Fig. 2, but gen- label BOTTOM R -G VERT LINES is a the transformer and mixed with the erally have lower amplitudes. reminder to observe the red and incoming cathode waveform for green vertical lines at the bottom proper shaping of W21. Points to Remember center of the screen. Although the To "tilt" the red -green waveform, 1. Convergence controls interact to names are different, the control the pulse represented by W25 and a great extent, partly because functions are basically the same as W26 is applied to the end of the of interconnected circuits and in the RCA chassis. However, there red and green coils opposite the partly because of intersecting are some changes in the circuit W21 input. Its overall waveshaping magnetic fields in the picture hookup-especially in the vertical effect is increased or decreased by tube. Thus, achieving a perfect convergence section-which cause varying A21, and the proportional setting in one area of the screen the controls to have a slightly differ- effect of both inputs on red vs. green may result in deconverging an- ent action. depends largely on A22 and A23- other area. The goal of con- The vertical circuits are shown which are roughly similar to the vergence, then, is to attain a in Fig. 3. The current waveform "differential" controls in the RCA good balance between all ad- taken from the cathode of the verti- circuit. W25, in particular, can be justments. cal output tube is accompanied by expected to change shape quite 2. To preserve this balance, it's the voltage waveform W21; note radically when either A21 or A22 important not to reset any single the difference in shape between it is adjusted; so the main reason for control too drastically at one and W1 in Fig. 1. A24 and A26 checking this waveform would be Pleast turn to page 80 REDUCE INVENTORY! INCREASE SALES!

Save space, save dollars! Make more profit per sale with the Admiral ENSIGN "Big 5" as your basic tube inventory. All materials and parts used in the manufacture of these tubes are new except for the envelopes, which prior to reuse, have been inspected and tested to the same standard as new enve- lopes. Every Admiral ENSIGN' tube is of fine/precision qual- 5 ADMIRAL ity manufacture.


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36 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 k)OUJTRANSISTOR RADIO ANALYST makes it Easy and Profitable to Service all Transistor Radios

TRANSISTOR RADIO ANALYST with Exclusive DYNA-TRACE Single -Point Probe-and Built-in Metered Power Supply and VTVM

RAWo A,tAtY;T Radio Ilf=e11=3 TRANSISTOR Complete Transistor Service Shop in One Instrument Signal -Generator, Power Supply, Milliam- meter, VTVM, Battery Tester, Ohmmeter, and Both In -Circuit and Out -of -Circuit OOP:, Transistor Tester-All in One 4'000000 .F .L:.-i º+sa. ii;ïáN.,E . a.rAL,I Also Speeds Servicing of Tube-Type Radios

CkQßk_CtftCAJfl - Pistpthttattq tìtot&... in mina

transistor radio LOOP ANTENNA Now you can profit from AUDIO servicing! This amazing new B&K "960" OUTPUT ANALYST gives you everything in one com- RF AUDI^ CONVERTER plete easy -to -use instrument. Makes tran- AMP. DRIVER sistor radio servicing quick and easy. Nothing AUDIO SPNR. else is needed except the transistor radios OUTPUT themselves waiting to be serviced. Brings you new customers for service, parts, and OSCILLATOR batteries. Makes this new business yours.

EASILY TROUBLE -SHOOT ANY STAGE SIMPLIFIES IN -CIRCUIT TRANSISTOR TEST BY UNIQUE POINT-TO-POINT SIGNAL INJECTION WITH NEW DYNA-TRACE SINGLE -POINT PROBE The ANALYST gives you a complete signal -generating Unique single -point probe needs only the one contact to source for point-to-point signal injection. Easily enables you transistor under test. No longer are three wires required to. to trouble -shoot any transistor radio-check all circuits connect to emitter, base, and collector. Gives fast, positive stage-by-stage-isolate and pinpoint the exact trouble in meter indication. Saves time. Makes trouble -shooting simple minutes. and easy. Supplies modulated signals, with adjustable control, to BUILT-IN VTVM check r.f., i.f., converter, and detector. Supplies audio signal Includes high -input -impedance vacuum -tube voltmeter, to check audio driver and audio output. Provides unmod- which is so necessary for transistor radio servicing. ulated signal to test local oscillator. Provides separate audio low -impedance output for signal injection into loudspeaker TESTS ALL TRANSISTORS OUT -OF -CIRCUIT coils check speaker performance. voice to Meter has "Good -Bad" scale for both leakage and beta. Also has direct -reading Beta scale, calibrated 0-150. Assures BUILT-IN METERED POWER SUPPLY FOR EASY SERVICING quick, accurate test. Also automatically determines whether Makes it easy to operate radio under test, while you inject transistor is NPN or PNP. Meter is protected against acci- your own signals. Provides from 1 to 12 volts in 1 % volt dental overload and burn -out. steps. Supplies all bias taps that may be required. Model 960. Net, $9995

Solve Every Service Problem and Profit B&K MANUFACTURING CO. with a Modern B&K Service Shop. See Your Division of DYNASCAN CORPORATION CHICAGO 13, ILL. B&K Distributor or Write for Catalog AP2O-R 1801 W. BELLE PLAINE AVE. Canada: Atlas Radio Corp., 50 Wingold, Toronto 19, Ont. Export: Empire Exporters, 253 Broadway, New York 7, U.S.A.

May, 1963 PF REPORTER 37 \ QUICKER SERVICING serviceman who has just replaced a by Thomas A. Lesh fusible resistor, and wonders if the set still has a B+ overload, could banish most of his doubts by tak- ing a reading with a wattmeter or a rectifier -circuit tester. Speaking of things that bestow IsJr1L srIJlIIJJi1 peace of mind-nothing is as wel- come as a service aid that will def- initely indicate whether or not a particular circuit or component is causing trouble. Auxiliary test in- UZYJECJM struments, if their capabilities are fully used, are often more efficient than the "old standbys" for making such tests. Here are several ex- amples, drawn from service -record files:

Hot Rolls In a Silvertone Chassis 528.51 130 (PHOTOFACT Folder 397-3) , verti- cal sync became touchy after the set warmed up. Rolling could be stopped by critically setting the vertical hold control, but slight re- adjustment was necessary at fre- quent intervals. The lock -in point A large proportion of all TV show up in transconductance or was fairly service work can be done with just emission tests. Tube substitution well centered in the con- trol range, so the vertical multi - a few general-purpose test instru- will catch the trouble-if the sus- vibrator was apparently trying to ments such as the VOM, VTVM, pected tube is a fairly common type run at the correct frequency. As a tube tester, and scope, occasionally that the technician is carrying in quick way of finding out if an ade- aided by parts substitution. How- his caddy. Otherwise, a shop job quate sync signal was reaching the ever, quite a few additional pieces is in the offing, unless the techni- vertical circuit, the technician de- of equipment have proved their cian has brought along a tube tester cided to try sync -signal injection. usefulness in the TV shop, because that can make a reliable check for Using the special sync output they permit the technician to do grid leakage and similar defects. If from a signal -substitution unit, certain jobs faster. By inventive use the rare tube proves to be faulty, he fed negative pulses into the grid of of these specialized items, he can he can make an extra trip to obtain the 5U8 sync amplifier (Fig. bypass a great number of tedious a replacement, at much less trouble 1), setting their amplitude at 25 measurements, and can eliminate and expense than would be required volts many uncertainties that tend to turn for pulling the chassis. to duplicate the signal normally present at that point. Vertical hold service problems into "dogs." Tests with a special instrument became much more To give a simple example, too may only provide peace of mind- solid, testifying to the ability of the 5U8 and the many TV sets become bench cases but this counts for a lot in some integrator to pass the pulses in nor- because of tube faults that don't cases! To illustrate this point, a mal fashion. Apparently, the sync signals from the TV stations were being weakened TEST SIGNALS INJECTED: before they reached the sync amplifier. When the test 2. COMPOSITE VIDEO 1. NEG SYNC

1 SYNC POS 1 30V P -P PULSES 25V P -P FEEDBACK FROM setup was changed to inject a 30 - VERT OUTPUT volt composite SYNC SEP SYNC AMP VERT MULT video signal into the v4 B6BH8 i B5U8 OA 6C M7 grid of the sync separator, vertical

3 70v 10000 sync became unstable again, so it FROM mmf .0068 15V VIDEO -5V. 20v, was concluded the separator circuit OUTPUT 2 9 33K 47K 7 was not operating as it should. 2.2 82000 1 22V 8 meg 5000 - 5000 VTVM readings showed a plate mmf = Kl -7 47 Immf I 33000 mmf voltage even lower than the speci- 470K K1 D TO HOLD fied 20 volts. CONTROL The technician im- Kl -4 mediately suspected a fault in plate TO HORIZ 130V AFC resistor KID, but realized that a "cold" ohmmeter reading might be valueless in checking for this elusive Fig. 1. Sync -pulse signal injection helped find cause of poor vertical hold. condition. Then he had an idea:


Left: Jerry Earner, Electronics Serviceman Right: Bill Hulbert, Watertown Electronics, Watertown, N. Y. "Our technician customers ask for SEMITRON REPLACEMENTS because they're quality products engineered to the serviceman's needs."

(Patent Pending)

ANOTHER SEMITRON EXCLUSIVE! Look for the Semitron famous tested and Silicon Rectifier with exclusive Thermal Jacket proven Transistor Replacement (Display. Heat Sink. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Replaces over 2000 EIA American. foreign FREE - ask your Distributor for Semitron - Kit #TH850 - 10 Silicon Rectifiers (850MA, and special type transistors - 90% of replacement and substitution charts for tran- 500PIV), PLUS High Voltage Tester, BOTH for your needs. sistors and diodes. ONLY $6.95.


May, 1963/PF REPORTER 39 if K 1 D were increasing in value Some sweep -circuit analyzers also from a different type of thermal after the warmup period, wouldn't provide a sync -pulse output that problem: The top third of the the symptom disappear if enough can be used with equal success in raster took several minutes to fill parallel resistance were added to troubleshooting this type of prob- out to normal height after the set bring the total plate resistance down lem. An important requirement for was turned on. A defect in either to normal? He connected the leads the substitute sync signal is variable of two control circuits-vertical of a resistor substitution box to amplitude, which makes it possible linearity or vertical size (Fig. 2)- module terminals K1-4 and K1-7, to simulate normal operation on could possibly cause the observed bridging the suspected part, and either local or distant stations. symptom; the linearity circuit might fired up the set. Starting at 10 develop excessive bias on the ver- megohms, he gradually reduced the Flat -Top tical output tube during warmup, shunt resistance; as he passed the Tricky work with a resistor sub- and the size -control circuit might 2-meg point, the trouble began to stitution box also helped to shorten attenuate and distort the drive sig- clear up. This was proof enough- the service time on a General Elec- nal fed to the output -tube grid. he replaced K1, and had no more tric Chassis 21TF (PHOTOFACT Ohmmeter checks didn't defi- trouble. Folder 229-7) which was suffering nitely indicate any wrong resistance values. Tests with power applied would have to be made in the least THE INDUSTRY'S STANDARD possible time, since the trouble ex- Most Widely Used Today isted only during warmup; thus, by Professional Servicemen the technician decided to try a "triple -threat" test. The boost line was monitored with a VOM to SAVE make sure the vertical-multivibrator CUSTOMERS plate supply was staying constant. A VTVM was connected to the plate of the multivibrator, where the DC voltage would respond to a change in the value of R6, R72, R73, or R74. Finally, a resistor substitution box was connected MAKE from the output -tube cathode to ground so shunt resistance could be MONEY used to counteract any rise in value of the linearity control or R77. If the trouble actually were in one of these cathode resistors, the FAMOUS technician figured the shunt resist- DELUXE ance would enable him to set the CATHODE output -tube bias for a linear raster; EJUVENATOR however, in case of drive -signal TESTER For Black & White and Color distortion, he shouldn't expect good "Most valuable and useful" ... "Wouldn't be linearity at any resistance setting. without it" ... "Pays for itself over and over TESTS AND REJUVENATES In latter again" ... servicemen say. Quickly checks the situation, a change in all picture tubes at one of the meter readings would and corrects television picture tube troubles correct filament voltage a in few minutes right in the home with- from 1 to 12 volts give supporting evidence. out removing tube from set. Gives new life 100K to weak or inoperative tubes. Checks for TESTS AND REJUVENATES 260V leakage, shorts, open circuits and emission. 110° tubes and the BRIGHTNESS Removes inter -element shorts and leakage. 100K new 19" and 23" tubes VERT MULT Repairs open circuits and low emission. Re- VERT MULI stores emission and brightness. Life Test VERT OUTPUT TESTS AND REJUVENATES E3 6J5 ' 0 6AH4GT checks gas content and predicts remaining color picture tubes. useful life of picture tube. Makes new tube 3 50V sales easier. Completely self-contained. Rich Checks each gun of leatherette -covered carry -case. Net, $7493 color tube separately

UP -DATE YOUR B&K CRT WITH THESE ACCESSORIES Subscribe to Model C40 Adapter. For use with previous Models 400 and 350 New CRT's-to test and rejuvenate TV color picture tubes and 6.3 volt Picture Tube 110° picture tubes. Net, $9.95 RESISTOR SUB Information Model CR48 Adapter. For use with previous Models 400 and 350 BOX Service 2.7 VERT CRT's-to test and rejuvenate 110° picture tubes with 2.34, meg VERT 2.68, and 8.4 volt filaments. Net, $4.95 SIZE LINEARITY J See Your B&K BaK MANUFACTURING CO. Distributor, Division of DYNASCAN CORPORATION BOOST or Write for 1801 W. BELLE PLAINE AVE CHICAGO 13, ILL. Catalog AP20-R Canadas Atlas Radio Corp.. 5D Wingold, Toronto 19, Ont. Fig. 2. Substitution box was used to Export, Empire Exporters. 259 Broadway. N.Y. 7. U.S.A. check for change of value in resistors.

40 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 I 1 MALLORY 4freis- Tips for Technicians Mallory Distributor Products Company P. O. Box 1558, Indianapolis 6, Indiana a division cf P. R. Mallory & Co. Inc. Why some filter capacitors develop hum ... and some don't

Aluminum electrolytic capaci- tors are widely used as filters in - DC Power Supplies. This is be- i/ r r r"! I r'! r rory YFlJ cause of their large capacitance in relatively small size. All in all, they do an efficient job of reducing ripple (hum) to ac- ceptable levels. However, all electrolytic capacitors are not alike. This is often why some types seem to allow hum to rise to objectionable levels more quickly than do others. In order to understand why, we must investigate actual construction methods. As you know, electrolytics are basically made by depositing a film of aluminum oxide on aluminum foil to form the positive anode. The oxide is the dielectric. A semi -liquid electrolyte surrounds the anode and is actually the negative cathode. In order to connect this semi -liquid cathode to a terminal, a second piece of aluminum foil is used. This is often called the cathode, but it is not. It is actually only the cathodic connection. (The preceding describes a "polar- ized" electrolytic capacitor.) When high ripple currents are applied to polarized electro- lytics, a thin oxide film forms on the so-called "cathode". It begins to assume the characteristics of a second anode. This in turn, has the same effect as placing two capacitors in series. Consequently, overall capacitance is reduced. Inevitably hum increases. This action is especially noticeable in electrolytics which use plain foil as the "cathode". This is simply because the oxide builds up over a relatively small area. Mallory avoids this problem by etching the "cathode" on electrolytics. As a result, oxide build-up is spread over a vastly increased area. Therefore, ripple currents are main- tained at very low levels for very long time periods. Of course etched "cathodes" cost a lot more to make. But you get them from Mallory at no extra cost. There's much more to the Mallory capacitor story, but we'll leave that to another TIP. Meanwhile, see your local Franchised Mallory Distributor for capacitors, resistors, controls, switches, semiconductors, and batteries. In fact, he's the man to see for all of your electronic component requirements.

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 41 The way things turned out, the AUDIO OUTPUT substitution box could be adjusted 6W6GT

to bring back good linearity, and SUB BOX TEST I the meter pointers hardly budged. TO S POR After a cool -down, the was re- 140V test SOURCE peated with the substitution box TO MIXER CONTACT AND IF connected directly across the lin- OB m° HORA OUTPUT SUB BOX earity control. The results were NC) 6Bo6GT TEST 2 identical, proving the control was 10000 CLEANER changing value. 5 old Bridging SPKR FIELD with a resistor -substitu- FROM 8 + TO VIDEO SEI RECTS OUTPUT tion box has to be done with some ®A -+I00 mld caution. There must be a reason- 1 243V SOURCE able suspicion beforehand that the Fig. 3. Substitution tests located defec- trouble is due to a value drift of tive filter in "stacked" B+ circuit. a resistor in the circuit; otherwise, 111111 tampering with resistance values "sound bars" appeared in the pic- ture; coinciding with these were may only serve to cover up some erratic bends in the raster. other fault such as slowly develop- The most probable source of the sound ing leakage in a capacitor. But interference was the resistance bridging still has definite "stacked" B + system, in which B advantage in some tough cases. the low + po- tential was developed at the cath- Cross Talk ode of the audio output tube. (See The substitution -box method of Fig. 3.) The combination of symp- testing works even better with elec- toms might be caused by poor trolytic capacitors, which are more filtering on the low B + (140 -volt) easily and conclusively checked in line, which would allow audio to this way than by any other means. reach the screen of the horizontal Jif When the trouble is poor filtering, output tube, as well as the plates and an open electrolytic or one of the mixer and video -IF stages. with a high power factor is sus- On the other hand, the audio might pected, it isn't even necessary to be traveling via the 245 -volt line disconnect the original-just bridge to the plates of the horizontal multi - a good unit across it. This test has vibrator and video output stages. particular advantages in checking The technician first tried bridging to see if signals are being coupled an electrolytic substitution box between sections of a receiver via from the 140 -volt line to ground. a B + line, since the filtering action There was no definite improvement of two or more electrolytic capaci- in set operation, so C2B (the only tors can often be checked simul- electrolytic filter between these taneously. If the bridging test clears points) was cleared of suspicion. up the symptoms, the individual But bridging across the 245 -volt filters can then be tested. line eliminated the trouble. The Even slightly inefficient filtering technician could find no electro- can cause a number of vague and lytics wired between this line and disturbing symptoms. In one such ground on the output side of the case, affecting a Hoffman Chassis filter choke; all filtering was being 211 (PHOTOFACT Folder 194-4), performed by C3A (aided by C3B),

FORTIFIED with SILICONE NOT HARMFUL TO PLASTIC! * REBUILT OR JIF away dust, dirt and corrosion on contacts, switches, controls with this NEW siliconized TV TUNERS EXCHANGED cleaner. JIF cleans and lubricates, providing ' ALL TYPES contacts and controls with the longest possible protection. Fast and efficient, JIF saves time and money. CLEAN - LUBRICATE - PRO- Including all parts and labor TECT. Simply apply and work controls a few $9.95 times. Safe, quick -easy to use-JIF won't (except broken wafers-billed at cost) harm plastics. Normally shipped same day received No. Net Part 90 day full guarantee 8670-6 New 6 oz. spray can 1.79 8670 New 3 oz. Pocket size spray can .99 U/V combinations $17.95 NEW CATALOG GC FREE-II Mailing Tarton sent to you on request JUST OFF THE PRESS ELECTRONICS GC CATALOG FR -65 Phone REpublic 3-9189 <2:Z> WRITE TODAY! 4611 West Jefferson Blvd. Gt ELECTRONICS CO. L. A. TUNER EXCHANGE Los Angeles 16, California 400 So. Wyman St., Rockford, Ill., U.S.A.



GomhlEtte this jingle with wards that tell what .ACCt.:NT ON VALUE means to von,

Enter General Electric's ONE-O -ONE Con- able for you. Your General Electric tube test. 101 prizes given every month ... $10 distributor will give it to you free in ap- to $100 with a Grand Prize of $500 in preciation of your purchase of G -E tubes cash. See your General Electric tube dis- and electronic equipment. Enter the ONE - tributor for complete rules and official 0 -ONE Contest. Get 101 Tele -Clues. See entry blank. for easi televisi your General Electric Distributor today. servici Get this book FREE with the purchase of Progress /s Our Most Important Product G -E tubes. Here's 101 Tele -Clues to help make TV repair easier and more profit - ELECTRIC ana GENERAL

Another Accent on Value from G -E ELECTRON/CS Distributors

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 43 returned to the 140 -volt line. De- 10K FROM VIDEO terioration of C3 would leave input OUTPUT filter C2A as the only good electro- 12AX7 lytic anywhere on the main B + NOISE INV 240 SYNC SEP 165V line, and it couldn't do all the mmf BIAS BOX 6 270K Exact necessary filtering by itself. When -6V Replacements C3 was replaced, operation of the 7 set was greatly improved. The tech- 68K for Original T.V. -.1V FROM 4.7 nician would also have replaced C2 VIDEO DET meg 5600 n Equipment as a callback preventive, but he 680K discovered that it had been recently -20V FROM GRID OF HORIZ OUTPUT

changed. So, in the absence of fur- .22 470 K ther trouble symptoms, it seemed unnecessary to take this extra Fig. 4. Bias box was used to "clamp" precaution. grid of noise inverter during tests. cept on the most negative peaks of Biased Analysis the cathode signal (noise spikes "Troubleshooting by substitution" more negative than the sync -pulse

encompasses not only components tips) . The necessary DC potential Cat. No. Use O.E.M. Part No. and signals, but also DC operating was obtained from the grid of the Admiral voltages. Along this line, a bias box horizontal output tube via a net- 1471-A Sound Take -Off 728185.2 is a familiar accessory in many TV work of divider resistors and an 1472-A Sound Take -Off 72C132-19 6332 Horiz. Osc. 94C17-4 shops. Many bench men think of it RC filter. only in connection with AGC and The technician switched the bias - Crosley alignment jobs, and are missing a box connection from the AGC line 7101 2nd Sound I.F. 157856-1 good in limiting it to these ap- to the noise -inverter grid, and Dumont plications. Since many "bias packs" found he could restore a normal 7103 -DE Discriminator 20004441 7104 -DE Sound I.F. 20004511 can supply continuously variable picture at any setting of the bias Emerson negative potentials ranging as high control above a certain point. This 6339-E Width 708275 as -45 volts, they can come in suggested that some of the regular 6340-E Horiz. Osc. 716102 handy to substitute for various bias bias was being lost. Further investi- 7112-E 4.5 Mc. Disc. 708276 voltages other than AGC. gation uncovered leakage in C53, General Electric and Hotpoint Particularly in older TV models, which was reducing the bias to half 6206 -PC TV Ratio Det. RTD-026 (WT56X38) a portion of the grid -leak bias from its normal value. The noise inverter Det. 6207 -PC TV Ratio RTD-025 (WT56X37) is to was conducting each time it re- 6208 -PC TV Ratio Det. RTD-020 some stage often "borrowed" 6209-G1 TV Ratio Det. RTD-024 (WT 56X36) supplement the bias on another ceived a sync pulse at the cathode, 6334-G Horiz. Phase RLI-365 stage; breaking this cross -connection and the resulting negative -pulse 6335-G Horiz. Osc. WT36X402 by substituting fixed bias is fre- output was cancelling the normal Hallicrafter quently helpful in isolating trouble. input pulses at the grid of the sync 1482 IFT Sound I.F. and Trap 5181996 This technique can be demon- separator. Loss of horizontal sync 7101 2nd Sound I.F. 51A1859 strated by reviewing a recent case upset the operation of the keyed Muntz involving a Magnavox 105L-series AGC stage, adding considerably to 7111-M 4.5 Mc. Disc. LO -0076 chassis. The fault was at first diag- the list of trouble symptoms. Philco nosed as a loss of AGC. When a One precaution should be noted 6209-P1 TV Disc. 32.4721 6209-P2 TV Disc. 32-4689-1, 2 bias pack was hooked up to the in the use of bias boxes for trouble 6209-P3 TV Disc. 32-4735-1, 2 AGC line, some of the symptoms isolation: They should not be used 7102-P 4.5 Mc. I.F. and Trap 32-4688-10 disappeared, but sync was still com- to substitute for a B -minus branch R.C.A. pletely absent. Waveform checks of a power supply, or for any other 1483 IF Sound I.F. 76437 showed distorted signals in the vi- source that may be required to de- 1484 Ratio Detector 102692 RD Sound a 1485 RD Sound Ratio Detector 102644 cinity of the sync separator, but not liver heavy current. As general 1486 RD Sound Ratio Detector 102253 in the video output stage. This set hint, avoid connecting a bias box 1487 RD Sound Ratio Detector 100364 has a triode noise inverter (Fig. 4), in the cathode circuit of a tube. 1488 RD Sound Ratio Detector 79141 always a likely suspect in troubles 1489 RD Sound Ratio Detector 101219 Went Blank 6333 Horiz. Osc. 103103 of this nature-so a careful check Everything 6336-R Horiz. Osc. and Sync. 107284 of this circuit seemed advisable. Even when an auxiliary trouble- Westinghouse Studying the schematic, the tech- shooting aid doesn't carry a prob- 6204-W3 TV I.F. V12128.1, 2, 3 nician noted that an input signal lem through to a solution, it can Available was coupled from the video de- render valuable service in reducing through your local distributor tector to the cathode of the noise the number of unknown factors. inverter, and that an output from For instance, an 8" test CRT can MILLER CO.. the plate of this stage was coupled sometimes be the only expedient J. W. to the grid of the sync separator. means of finding out whether the a is as in 5917 S. Main St. ;;,", ', The grid was simply being held at picture tube in set bad, Los Angeles 3, Calif. Ts some negative DC voltage, suffi- the case of a certain Motorola cient to keep the tube cut off ex - Chassis TS -531 (PHOTOFACT Folder



FASTATCH II gives you these new exclusive features: 1. Just one control system for dual con- centric or single controls. 2. Plug-in permanent locking shafts. 3. Universal terminals. 4. Both front and rear units accommodate KR (snap -on) line switches. IT'S A SNAP to own! Trade-in your present stock of Fastatch parts. IT'S A SNAP to use! Single and dual concentrics snap together without tools! Current cross-reference guide is included. Choose from 6 types of universal shafts for either singles or duals-shorten to exact length for your specific needs. 139 exact shafts also available. IT'S A SNAP to guarantee! Assembled units can't loosen-shafts can't pull out. IT'S A SNAP to store! Your Fastatch II FRK-100 Kit is built into a heavy gauge steel cabinet. All of your control needs and your cross-reference guide are ready for instant service.

The FRK-100 KIT contains: 27 assorted front controls 5 SPST on /off switches 9 rear controls assorted 2 DPST on /off switches 40 assorted universal shafts for singles and dual concentrics 1 DP on /off switch Packaged in heavy gauge steel cabinet: complete with current cross-reference guides.

Total Value: $55.80 Your money- saving price: 4855 LESS CREDIT for your Old F and R stock! B-6307 See your Centralab distributor! Cene. ab


In Canada: Centralab Canada Ltd., P.O. Box 400, Ajax, Ontario






Fig. 5. Intermittent short in CRT was suspected, but trouble was elsewhere.

295-8) . The symptom-occasional loss of all video, leaving a blank screen with no control over bright- ness-was a foreboding of an inter- mittently shorted picture tube, but a CRT tester could find no defects. When the "white -out" also ap- peared on a temporarily installed check tube, the customer's anxiety about buying a new 21" CRT was relieved, and shop service of the chassis was gladly okayed. Probing around the set in an ef- fort to make the trouble appear, the technician met with success when he moved the picture -tube cathode lead. It was shorting at the point where it passed through the chassis. Since the cathode normally operates at 160 volts in this DC - coupled set (see Fig. 5), the short to ground placed a positive bias on the CRT and accounted for the perpetually bright raster. The resulting increase in current through R47 had damaged it, but had not yet caused it to burn open. MINIATURIZED Replacing this resistor and repair- ing the worn insulation on the cathode lead took care of the trou- ELMENCO ble. Fortunately, the picture tube was not permanently damaged by Dipped Mylar*Paper Capacitors the short periods of positive -biased operation. first choice with service technicians! Faint Glimmer A check tube, useful as it is, may Now being used in millions of not give an absolutely conclusive substitution television sets, radios, phono- test; in some borderline NOW AT NEW LOW PRICES cases, additional test equipment has graphs, electronic circuitry to be brought into play before the and military applications. Operates at 125° C without derating. condition of the set's picture tube Standard Tolerance ±10% Missile Reliability Completely moisture can be accurately judged. proof Up to 50% smaller than other types. A seven -year -old Admiral pre- sented an extremely dim and rather DON'T ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS! poorly focused picture at the high- Available at all authorized ARCO distributors in U.S.A. est setting of the brightness control. No raster was visible under any other conditions, so it was impos- Community Drive sible to rely on symptoms such as Great Neck, New York blooming to tell whether the trou- A Branches: ble was due to poor high voltage or electronics inc. Dallas 7, Los Angeles 35 Ouo to a bad picture tube. The CRT

46 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 It used to take 2 men to pull a color TV set into the shop... BUT NO MORE

RCA COLOR TV TEST JIB Cuts your manhours on Color -TV home service calls

Here is a real "must" for anyone servicing or planning to The RCA Color TV Test Jig is available through your Author- service color TV sets. ized RCA Parts and Accessories Distributor. See him this No longer must you send two men to a customer's home week to find out how this versatile instrument can help to pull in his entire color set. Now, one man can simply you capitalize on the growing Color TV servicing market. remove the chassis, and bring it back to your shop for Fcr information on where you may obtain the RCA Color testing, troubleshooting and alignment in your RCA Color Test Jig, and for additional specifications, fill out and mail TV Test Jig. the coupon below. Look at some of the extra advantages built into this money- RCA PARTS AND ACCESSORIES, CAMDEN, N.J. saving unit: Minimizes costly damage claims. Pulling chassis eliminates possibility of scratching or damaging a cus- The Most Trusted Name in Electronics tomer's cabinet when transporting it to and from his home. Saves time. Eliminates need to reconverge a cus-

tomer's set when chassis is returned. Convergence RCA Parts and Accessories 1 control panel on Test Jig provides static and dynamic P.O. Box 654, Camden, New Jersey convergence for CTC-10, CTC-11 and CTC-12 chassis. Please send me full specifications on the RCA Color TV Test Jig, and the Versatile. Can be used with CTC-4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 name of the nearest distributor where I may obtain it. and 12 chassis. Safe. Supplied with factory -installed safety glass Name and kine mask. Complete components kit, supplied with unit, pro- Company or Service Shop vides all necessary service components and instruc- Address tions for installing RCA Color Picture Tube. Professional appearance. Finish matches that of City Zone State your other RCA test instruments. J

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 47 tested rather weak, but this was expected, since it was the set's original tube. A check tube presented a Some- what brighter raster, but the bright- ness still didn't seem normal. Thus, the technician felt that an actual measurement of high voltage would provide much -needed evidence. When a VTVM with a high -voltage AN "N MITY probe was pressed into service, the voltage measured 9 kv-just barely enough to make the raster visible on an average CRT. EDP SHOW No trouble could be found in the Room 641A (Sound Section) high -voltage rectifier circuit. An- other measurement with the HV MODEL SHAS probe-this time a peak -to -peak AC check at the rectifier plate cap 1lb -showed a lower reading than in for measuring values up to 30 volts a good set used for comparison. DC and up to 150 ma. A switch- Apparently, then, the horizontal incorporated with the on -off switch flyback circuit was not operating at -selects the function and range of 1 .., I full efficiency. The drive signal at the meter. By merely setting this the grid of the output tube was switch to different positions, the user normal, as were all voltages on this can monitor either the voltage be- tube; no defects could be found in ing supplied to a load or the cur- the damper circuit, either. All indi- rent drawn by that load. so far were to a cations pointing Regulation of the RPS-4 is al- defective flyback transformer, so most perfect at voltages up to 15 the technician set up his flyback volts DC; that is, the voltage re- and yoke tester for an evaluation mains constant at current drains of this component. Its efficiency from a few microamps all the way was found to be below normal. up to the 150 -ma capacity of the After a new flyback was installed, Above 15 volts, however, the raster on the aging picture tube unit. the less was bright and clear enough to give regulation is somewhat effec- it a reprieve from the scrap heap. tive. At 20 volts, regulation is ex- cellen up to about 90 ma, and then the voltage drops slightly with in- Keep 'em Running! creasing loads; at 25 volts, regula- Wise use of all available test in- tions is effective only to about 50 struments and service aids can save ma. It is worth noting, however, entire sets from going to the scrap that these limits are well beyond the heap before their time. By taking power needs of most transistor re- INISPHEHE advantage of all possibilities for ceivers. short cuts in servicing, you can hold Another point worth mentioning repair costs down to reasonable is that the regulation of the RPS-4 levels, and still make a profit. contributes to its "hum -free" oper- ALNICO V ation, and makes the output im- pedance very low. This Soon to be the industry's most Regulated DC Supply eliminates the motorboating problem found imitated speaker . . . a new Here is a power supply to use when transistorized sets are tested heavy magnet, slim profile with equipment containing transis- with some battery supplies, or sound speaker designed and tors or tunnel diodes. The Seco with certain unfiltered power sup- built to give unexcelled per- Model RPS-4 Power Supply uses plies. A special tap is provided for formance through the use of a 2N376A power transistor to reg- operating transistor receivers that ALNICO V, the industry's most ulate its output voltage to within use tapped power supplies. efficient speaker magnet ma- ±3% over a wide range of load The Model RPS-4 is completely terial ... from Oaktron. currents. The voltage at the per- isolated from the power line by its manently attached test leads is con- transformer, thus eliminating the tinuously variable from 0 to 28 danger of damage that sometimes AKTRON volts DC by a potentiometer on the exists when a transistor receiver is INDUSTRIES, INC. panel of the instrument. tested with power -line -operated in- MONROE, WIS. The panel meter contains scales struments.

48 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 't ain't so (a G -E "SG" picture tube never gets trapped)

G -E "SG" straight gun picture tubes* don't need ion customers faster-and say good-bye to emergency traps. Their rugged guns fire electrons with uncanny pick-ups and the ion trap nuisance. precision straight at the aluminized phosphor screens GET THIS "ACCENT ON VALUE" BONUS TODAY -assuring sharply resolved pictures up to 80% brighter. No fuss, no call-backs. How's that for This 16" x 12" x %" poly- "Accent on Value"? These features save your time urethane foam bench pad and give your customers thousands of hours of view- neatly protects the picture ing pleasure. tube from marks and scratches. The handy pad's And that's not all the value accents you get with yours with the purchase these "straight shooters." A single G -E "SG" picture of a G -E SG-21FLP4 tube replaces as many as twenty other types, bent Service -Designed "straight gun or straight gun-the types that get "trapped." shooter." Your reliable In fact, with only 25 G -E "SG's", you're ready to General Electric distribu- replace 250 other picture tube types. You'll serve tor is waiting for your order now. Call him today. *All new parts and material in a reused envelope. MORE "ACCENT ON VALUE" FROM YOUR Progress /s Our Most /mportant Product G -E ELECTRONICS DISTRIBUTOR GENERAL ä_) ELECTRIC

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 49 Servicing Industrial Electronics by Barron Kemp Molecular Electronics explained

It seems clear that the next few posited a complete 14 -part circuit dritic crystal process). Spectrogra- years will see some major changes on a surface l " square. Several phic plates, screen and photolitho- in electronic equipment, both in ap- other semiconductor manufactur- graphic printing, micromachining, pearance and in basic design phil- ers have developed complete circuit air abrasion, ultrasonic machining, osophy. These changes are being modules-on silicon or germanium and electronic etching are just a few brought about by a concentrated ef- base material-no larger than a of the special processes that are be- fort to microminiaturize circuits, conventional transistor. Resistance ing used to build and develop these which ultimately will create in mi- welding and small encapsulated ultra -tiny circuits. crocircuit form the functional equiv- printed circuits provide additional alents of most conventional circuits. means for high -density packaging of Molecular Electronics Whether this process becomes a very small parts into extremely The technique of preparing a breakaway evolution, or expands compact modules. For high -temper- complete circuit from a single block gradually from one level of sophis- ature use, an evacuated ceramic of semiconductor material offers tication to another, will depend thermionic circuit is being devel- what seems to be the ultimate in largely upon how successfully and oped by one firm. electronic design-a circuit whose economically the various new tech- Another approach to micromin- manner of operation depends almost niques can be applied to equipment iaturization utilizes special tech- entirely on the molecular structure and systems. niques to obtain circuit effects from of the various circuit "compo- A wide variety of formulative a single block of material, contain- nents." This form of electronic techniques are being employed in ing no visually identifiable compo- circuitry is divided into two classes microminiaturization. Some manu- nents. -integrated and functional. facturers are fabricating microele- In producing these various micro - Integrated molecular circuits are ments consisting of thin films de- modular electronic devices, many those in which multiple component posited on very tiny glass or ceramic fabrication techniques are used, parts are formed in a single block wafers; these microelements are ranging from the electrical, vacuum, of semiconductor material. This then stacked, interconnected, and and chemical depositing of thin films classification also includes those encapsulated into complete elec- to the growing of flat semiconduc- modules in which the component tronic circuits. One firm has de - tor ribbons (known as the den- parts appear on more than one

Fig. 1. Steps in the fabrication of a Fig. 2. Each portion of the molecular set of molecular electronic modules. unit is equal to a circuit element.



A simple approach to a complex problem

Here is an instrument that is designed to eliminate the guess- work in color TV servicing. A complete analyzer that pro- vides all required test patterns and signals for testing from the tuner to the tri-color tube. Additional analyzing signals for injection at each stage including audio, video and sync, brings to life a truly portable and practical TV analyzer for on the spot service; virtually obsoleting other analyzers with the advent of color. Sencore's simplified approach requires no knowledge of I, Q, R -Y, B -Y, G -Y or other hard to re- member formulas. The CA122 generates every signal nor- mally received from the TV station plus convergence and color test patterns.

The CA122 offers more for less money: A must for color . . . TEN STANDARD COLOR BARS: The type and phase that is fast becoming the standard of the industry. Crystal con- a money maker for black and white TV servicing trolled keyed bars, (RCA type) as explained in most service literature, offer a complete gamut of colors for every color circuit test. ANALYZING SIGNALS: RF and IF signals modulated with WHITE DOTS: New stabilized dots, a must for convergence, any of the above patterns for injection into grid circuits from are created by new Sencore counting circuits. antenna to detector. IF attenuator is pre-set for minimum CROSS HATCH PATTERN: A basic requirement for fast CRT signal for each IF stage to produce pattern on CRT thus convergence. providing a check on individual stage gain. Sync and video, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL BARS: An added feature to plus or minus from 0 to 30 volts peak to peak, have separate speed up convergence, not found on many other color gen- peak to peak calibrated controls for quick checks on all video erators. and sync circuits. Crystal controlled 4.5 me and 900 cycles SHADING BARS: Determines the ability of the video ampli- audio simplify trouble shooting of audio circuits. fier to produce shades (Y Signal) and to make color tem- NEW ILLUMINATED PATTERN INDICATOR: A Sencore first, perature adjustments. An important feature missing on other offering a rotating color film that exhibits the actual color generators. patterns as they appear on color TV receivers. Locks in with selector control. COLOR GUN INTERRUPTOR: For fast purity and convergence pattern checks without upsetting color controls. Insures proper op- You'll pay more for other color generators only. eration of tri -color guns, preventing wasted time in trouble shooting circuits when CRT is at fault. Dealer Net 187.50


A portable wide band 3 inch oscilloscope for fast, on -the -spot testing. An all new simplified design brings new meaning to the word portability's as easy to operate and carry as a VTVM. Though compact in size, the PS120 is powerful in performance: Vertical amplifier frequency response of 4 MC flat, only 3 DB down at 7.5 MC and usable to 12 MC, equips the technician for every color servicing job and the engineer with a scope for field and production line testing. AC coupled, with a low frequency response of 20 cycles insure accurate low frequency measurements without vertical bounce. Sensi- tive single band vertical amplifier; sensitivity of .035 volts RMS for one inch deflection saves band switching and guess- ing. Horizontal sweep frequency range of 15 cycles to 150 KC and sync range from 15 cycles to 8 MC (usable to 12 MC) results in positive "locking" on all signals. New exclu- sive Sencore features are direct reading peak -to -peak volts -no interpretation; dual controls to simplify tuning; lead compartment to conceal test leads, jacks and seldom used switches. Rear tilt adjustment angles scope "just right" for easy viewing on bench or production line. A must for servicing color TV in the home lowest Size: 7"w x 9"h x 111/4"d. Weight: 12 lbs. ... priced broad band scope. All hand wired - all Dealer Net 124.50 (with low cap. probe) American made

Kit 74.50 May, 1963/PF REPORTER 51 Watchmaker's Precision block, because (in some cases) nents such as transistors and diodes plus a these circuits operate better when can be fabricated by the usual meth- subdivided. ods of diffusion or alloying. BULL- DOG GRI Functional molecular circuits are Such integrated modules repre- those which use the functions usual- sent functionally complete circuits ly associated with conventional rather than assemblies of com- semiconductor devices (transistors, ponents. This concept eliminates thermistors, photodiodes, etc.) to many complicating design parame- achieve the same overall purpose ters (such as individual lumped re- that the integrated circuit achieves sistances, capacitances, and induc- with its multiplicity of related tances) by making possible the "parts." lumped parameter of a complete circuit. Integrated Circuits When a semiconductor material is In conventional electronics, the employed as the body of an inte- various circuit functions are per- grated molecular circuit, it is useful formed by assemblies of components to consider various regions of the such as tubes, transistors, diodes, semiconductor as being equivalent resistors, capacitors, and inductors. to conventional circuit elements. In integrated molecular circuitry, all Fig. 1 indicates the procedure used these circuit functions are performed by one manufacturer to mass-pro- within a single block of apparently duce logic circuits for a computer. solid material. This method makes For step 1, an N -type silicon wafer Sp use of special effects within a semi- is cleaned and made ready for pro- conductor to perform circuit func- cessing. In step 2, a coating of sili- UeeigrUed tions, achieving results by the use of con is allowed to form on the sur- "charges" and "spins" within the face. Step 3 involves diffusing a molecules. By using only PN junc- thin layer of P -type silicon through tions, and eliminating other forms the oxide to form a collector -base of components, certain transfer ef- junction. In step 4, the oxide on the fects are obtained that can be em- P -layer is removed from a narrow No. 718 Long -reach ployed for circuit operation. strip-in preparation for step 5, Flat -Nose Plier A complete integrated circuit can adding a strip of N -type material be fabricated in or on a block of (the emitter). Step 6 prepares the Looking for a precision plier that really semiconductor material by means of module for interconnecting and for takes hold in hard -to -reach places? 15 external connections by removing Here's your answer ... this specially to 20 steps that include such designed CHANNELLOCK Flat -Nose techniques as oxide masking, dif- the oxide coating from this layer Plier. Just the ticket for electrical, fusion, metal deposition, alloying, and adding metal contacts. In step radio, TV, Hi-Fi and other electronics work. Micro -matched, scored, long, and surface shaping. For example, 7, "mesa" etching selectively re- flat jaws. Comfortable, blue -plastic resistors are developed from prop- moves the unwanted materials from grips. Top quality, polished forged steel. erly doped bulk material from the block. Ask your tool supplier for a CHAN- or NELLOCK No. 718 Flat -Nose Plier. thin surface layers formed by dif- The end result is a block of mo- If he's out of them, ask fusion techniques. Capacitors are lecular circuits that can now be him to order one for you. obtained by reverse -biasing a PN separated (step 8) into individual junction, or by building up a layer modules. Each module contains all of silicon oxide on the top surface the elements necessary for the com- Write for Catalog of of the semiconductor material and puter circuit. Fig. 2 shows the in- Complete Line of Pliers depositing a layer of metal on top terrelationships between the various of the silicon oxide. Active compo- regions of the module and the sche- Western T. V. Tuner Rebuilders #728 LONG -REACH DIAGONAL CUTTER VHF or UHF ALL MAKES 4¡ 5 Including all parts labor =738 LONG -REACH ROUND -NOSE PLIER `andmotor parts extra al Howl net price. UHF -VHF COMB. $17.00 90 Days Guarantee - 24 Hour Service All tuners are thoroughly cleaned, mechanically and electrically overhauled, aligned with 148 LONG -REACH END CUTTER crystal -controlled equipment, and finally given air check for sensitivity with TV transmitters.

Channellock Pliers are made only by WESTERN TUNER REBUILDERS CHAMPION DeARMENT TOOL COMPANY 1140 No. Vermont, Los Angeles 29, 4130 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego 5, Meadville, Pennsylvania California-NOrmandy 2-1397 California-Atwater 4-2733

52 PF REPORTER/May, 7963 L K!




VERT 9Fie I J' at 1/2 DOTS


I crystal controlled


A standard color bar, white dot, crosshatch on generator especially made for field service Ten standard Stable white color TV ... and at a great savings to you. keyed color dots with new Check these outstanding features and you bars (RCA type) exclusive dot belongs on the top that automati- size adjust- will see why this generator cally provide ment in rear. of your list for color TV servicing. all colors at All patterns crystal controlled offering "rock specified NTSC like" stability. You'll think the patterns are phases ... but without need of painted on the TV screen. interpretation when servicing. Simplified operation speeds up every servic- ing job. Just dial the standard keyed bars, Stabilized 10 thin white white dots, crosshatch, vertical bars or hori- crosshatch vertical lines zontal bars and watch them "pop" on the pattern for sim- for horizontal plifying con- dynamic con- screen. That's all there is to it. vergence ad- vergence ad- Exclusive adjustable dot size. The white dots justments. justments .. . can be adjusted to the size that satisfies your often missing needs by a screwdriver adjustment on the rear. on other generators. No need to argue about dot size anymore. Just select the size that you like to work with best. 14 thin horizontal lines for vertical dynamic Pretuned RF output to Channel 4. Other low convergence. Also channels can be selected if Channel 4 is being missing on many high used in your area by simple slug adjustment. pricec generators. Patterns are injected directly into antenna terminals, simplifying operation and saving servicing time. March into your local parts distributor and demand bars for forcing Reserved output on color the CG126 Sencore color generator that sells at 1/2 signal through defective color circuits. The color the price of others. Don't let him switch you. output control is calibrated at 100 percent at the center of rotation, representing normal out- put. A reserve up to 200 percent is available on the remainder of rotation. Smaller and more portable. With color receivers weighing much more than black and white TV, portable equipment becomes essen- 426 SO. WESTGATE DRIVE ADDISON, ILL. tial for home servicing. The CG126 weighs less than 10 pounds and measures only 11" x 8" x 6".



TRANSISTOR (A) Regular transistor

Automatic TRANSISTOR t RESISTOR Featuring\ Controlled (B) Resistor is added the all NEW Rejuvenation


From SENCORE, designers of the famous Mighty Mite Tube Tester and TRANSISTOR + RESISTOR + CAPACITOR + DIODES other valuable time savers, comes another industry best. An all new (C) Adding diode and capacitor method of testing and rejuvenating picture tubes. Although the method is new, the tests performed are standard, correlating directly with set-up Fig. 3. Steps in the plating process of information from the RCA and GE manuals. making a molecular circuit module, Check these outstanding you features and will see why this money matic equivalent of this molecular making instrument belongs on top of your purchasing list for both monochrome and color TV testing. circuit. The module is smaller than any single conventional component Checks all picture tubes thoroughly and carefully; checks for inter -element shorts, cathode emission, control grid cut-off capabilities, gas, and life test. shown in the schematic-proof that Automatic controlled rejuvenation. A Sencore first, preventing the operator molecular electronics can provide from over -rejuvenating or damaging a tube. An RC timing circuit controls the circuits miniaturized almost beyond rejuvenation time thus applying just the right amount of voltage for a regulated imagination. Although this circuit interval. With the flick of a switch, the RC timer converts to a capacity type welder for welding open cathodes. New rejuvenation or welding voltage can can be designed on a single silicon be re -applied only when the rejuvenate button is released and depressed again. wafer, in practice it has been found Uses DC on all tests. Unlike other CRT testers that use straight AC, the CR125 desirable to separate the resistors of uses well filtered DC on all tests. This enables Sencore to use standard recom- the input circuit from the load re- mended checks and to provide a more accurate check on contror grid capa- bilities. This is very important in color. sistor-thus, the two blocks shown No interpretation chart. Two "easy view" neon lights clearly indicate shorts in Fig. 2. between any element. A chart is included for interpretation of shorts, if desirable. Another semiconductor module This chart is not necessary for normal testing on the CR125. (Fig. 3) begins life as a slice of No adaptor sockets. One neat test cable with all six sockets for testing any pure semiconductor material us- CRT. No messy adaptors, reference charts or up -dating is required. The - Sencore CR125 is the only tester with both color sockets. (Some have no color ually silicon. This slice is divided sockets, others have only the older type color socket.) into many small wafers-one of No draggy leads. A neat, oversized compartment, in the lower portion of the which is shown, enlarged, in Fig. CR125 allows you to neatly "tuck away" the cable and line cord after each check in the home. 3A. A transistor region is formed near one end of this piece, by stand- ard diffusion techniques. Fig. 3B il- lustrates the addition of a resistor SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER as an integral part of the collector WORTH $500 region of the transistor. The resistor All six sockets, including Most SENCORE products are sold by recommenda- latest color socket, was formed at the same time as the on one tion. So that you will be first in your area to buy neat cable. and recommend the CR125, this coupon is worth transistor, and by the same diffusion $5.00 on the purchase of the CR125 when pre- process. Fig. 3C sented to your parts distributor. shows the module Herb Bowden with three diodes and a capacitor SENCORE, INC. Why not save $5.00 now? President 426 S. WESTGATE DRIVE added. The diodes are diffused into ADDISON, ILLINOIS the end of the bar opposite from the

54 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 MOTOROLA takes the GUESSWORK out of buying radio communications tubes


OF GETTING MAXIMUM RELIABILITY, LONGEST SERVICE LIFE AND HIGHEST DOLLAR VALUE As the leading supplier of new FM 2 -way radio, Motorola insists on utmost reliability and top performance in tubes used in its original equipment. Naturally, we maintain the same high standards in controlling the quality of our replacement tubes. Motorola's laboratory research, testing, evaluation and painstaking tube selection procedures are virtually unique in the tube d stribution market. Yet, this costs you no more. Communications Quality tubes FOR YOU Motorola BONUS BENEFITS are competitively priced ... are The Premium Coupon prcgram of Motorcla's Comriunicatiois available from strategic Division is an ad fed bonus for tube buyers. These coupons are immediately redeemable for a huge se ection of narre brand merchancise locations throughout the country ... are including small appliances, sporting goods` test equip -rent and conveniently packaged for shop and shay. This is a continui Tg hand and power-ools for tle home and field use. And our wide selection of program that has been available to all for 'ears. It's no: seasor al or turned on and off as the market d ctates. receiving and special purpose tubes meet virtually every servicing requirement.

Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc. National Parts Department , sze Attention Street ;r;, ... 4910 West Flournoy Chicago 44, Illinois Please send Motorola's FREE Tube Fact Kit

MOTOROLA (jOMMUNICAT,CNS GET THE FULL Name -- QUALITY TUBE STORY. Write today fer your FREE Tube Fact Kit. Company


May, 1963/PE REPORTER 55 SHOP TALK transistor, while the capacitor is by formed by a larger diffused area DICK PAVEK over the center of the resistor region. RESISTIVE DOMAIN

Thus, the same diffusion steps re- 110 INSULATING This is the first installment of a col- VAC DOMAIN quired to form a conventional THERMOELECTRIC umn that will appear in this mag- tran- DC jzine. It will contain shop hints, sistor were used in this module to DOMAIN product news and advice for tech- nicians. We hope you will like it. form the entire circuit. These same techniques can be CONVENTIONAL COMPONENT MOLECULAR DOMAIN Did you know that hardened twin lead employed to form more complex TOPOLOGY TOPOLOGY may be stripped easily without breaking units. All semiconductor modular Fig. 4. Two types of DC power supply. the wires if the insulation is heated first networks like those in Fig. 3 are plied to with a, match ? the resistive domain, heat fabricated by using the same three is passed through the center (ther- process Ever think what happens when steps, the various elements mal) domain, which is electrically you cut someone out at an inter- (transistors, diodes, resistors, and an insulator but a very efficient section and he sees the name on the capacitors) being formed by dif- side of your truck? He's not going thermal conductor. The heat causes to be YOUR customer. fusions on the surfaces of the ma- DC to be generated by the thermo- terial. The initial silicon slice has a electric domain; the DC output has The greatest service aid we've seen very high resistivity, which effec- no ripple-requiring no filter-be- in a long time is a tiny coil of wire used tively isolates each diffused area. to splice new parts into printed cause the rate of heat flow to the or wired The dimensions and positioning circuits. They're known as Colman thermoelectric domain is uniform. of the diffused SPLICERS and are available from any areas are accurately One company, prominent in this good jobber. (A good jobber is one that determined by a photolithographic field, has built a number of classes process handles our line). Try the SPLICERS; in which a silicon dioxide of functional blocks to operate at you'll never be without them again. coating is formed on the wafer. frequencies ranging from the in- (Silicon dioxide is an effective frared spectrum to DC. These in- We will send a special kit of $10 masking agent for the diffusants worth of Colman service aids to any clude several types of amplifier, a used in this technician whose tip we publish. process.) Thus, dif- variety of multivibrators, a variable fusion Write to me care of paths will be formed only in potentiometer, a few multiposition areas where the silicon dioxide has switches, an analog -to-digital con- COLMAN ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS been selectively removed by the verter, and a two -stage computer P. 0. Box 2965 Amarillo, Texas photo process. During diffusion, coder. Some of these molecular cir- then, silicon dioxide is reformed cuits are produced by dendritic over the remainder of the wafer, growth of single -crystal germanium, protecting Sticky sludge in your all conductive paths and resulting in a long, precisely flat rib- the surface area. After diffusion, bon that requires no "lapping." the wafer contains a predetermined Conventional techniques of diffus- needle profits? pattern of isolated electronic paths sion, evaporation, and plating are and terminals. Aluminum is then de- applied to this crystal ribbon as it posited over the insulating silicon leaves the melt; therefore, the ger- dioxide surface to provide point-to- manium semiconductor devices are point connections between the vari- completed in one continuous oper- ous electronic junctions. ation, except for attaching of leads. Functional Circuits As a more recent development. In producing functional molecu- lar circuits, the desired overall elec- tronic purpose is conceived at the outset, and then designed into mul- U SE DUOTONE tilayer semiconductor modules. As an FOR example, suppose an AC -to -DC FAST SUCCESS converter is required. It could be Needle replacement problems go down the built from conventional parts (trans- drain when you use Duotone needles. former, rectifier, and three filter Genuine diamond, synthetic sapphire and components) osmium tipped. No phonograph can be as indicated in Fig. considered completely serviced if its worn 4A. On the other hand, it could be needle is not replaced. Most of your cus- built as a functional block of semi- tomers don't know that worn needles ruin conductor material, as shown in their records. Tell - them. Remember Duo Fig. 4B. In tone is a name they know and trust. the latter case, the unit is designed on an unusual You'll be bubbling with concept increased sales. of physics: transferral of energy from one form of molecular ma- M-e10Z0`nÉA terial to another. Each form of COMPANY, INC. KEYPORT, N.J. material is called a Fig. 5. Modules do the work of large Parts show display rooms 614A -615A domain. When AC energy is ap- number of conventional printed boards. 56 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 CASTLE OFFERS YOU multizoned germanium crystals are being grown as den- NOW! drites, thus reducing the number of separate steps to a finished circuit. These circuits have at least three zone - interfaces. Combining THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN layers - or domains - and two these two techniques to mass-produce molecular elec- tronic equipment as complex as complete amplifiers is one long-range objective of the research taking place TV TUNER OVERHAULING! in this field. Thin Films Thin-film deposion (by evaporation), long consid- ered a laboratory phenomenon, is today a recognized method for producing molecular electronic circuits with special functional characteristics. This process, depend- ing upon its application is comparatively simple, fast, and inexpensive. A work chamber is partially evacuated by means of vacuum pumps to eliminate molecular interference that can be caused by gases normally present at atmospheric pressures. Unless removed, these gases accumulate in the space between the evaporant and the surface upon which it is to be deposited. The evaporant is placed at a carefully chosen point in the work chamber and heated to a high intensity. It then vaporizes and travels in a straight line, condensing to form a thin film on the comparatively cool surface of the substrate material. The thin films on molecular electronic devices are deposited through masks or stencils, and accuracy is absolutely essential; unwanted results would be ob- ALL MAKES tained if deposited areas did not have sharp edges. Substrates for film -type molecular components can ALL LABOR be passive elements like germanium, or active elements titanate. These substrates, in wafer AND PARTS such as barium (EXCEPT TUBES)* form, are cleaned chemically or ultrasonically before being plated with their thin films of such substances as ONE PRICE silicon oxide, silicon dioxide, aluminum, gold, silver, or nichrome. THIS ONE LOW PRICE INCLUDES ALL UHF , VHF Fixturing and masking is extremely critical. The AND UV COMBINATION" TUNERS masks are carefully designed and manufactured, and the work must be positioned exactly in the work chamber In a decade of experience overhauling TV Tuners to permit deposition only where desired. In many cases, of ALL MAKES, Castle has developed new where more than one layer of different materials are to handling and overhauling techniques which be deposited on a single substrate, it is necessary to give you . mask for several circuits at once. As many as 18 suc- -FastService cessive layers have been successfully deposited on a A recent study at our Chicago Plant revealed single substrate, permitting considerable complexity of that of all tuners accepted for overhauling, over circuit arrangements. 30% were completed and shipped within . . . Semiconductor molecular networks can be contained Seven Hours... all others within 24 Hours. in a very small package. Lying on the table in Fig. 5 Simply send us your defective tuner complete; include are several conventional circuit boards using individual tubes, shield cover and aiy damaged parts with model transistors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors; each board number and complaint. 90 Day Warranty. includes five electronic circuits, each performing a basic Exact Replacements are available for tuners unfit for By contrast, the single board in the en- overhaul. As low as $1295 exchange. (Replacements circuit function. are new or rebuilt.) which can perform the gineer's hand contains modules *UV combination tuner must be of one piece construc- functions of 23 of the regular boards. Each molecular tion. Separate UHF and VHF tuners must be dismantled module is enclosed in a hermetically sealed package and the defective unit only sent in. (like that held by the tweezers)-some as small as 1/4"

x Vs" x 1 '32", a total volume of only .001 cubic inch. Pioneers in TV Tuner Overhauling

Compare that with the volume ( nearly one cubic inch) for each individual circuit using conventional compon- ents, and you have some idea of the progress already achieved in microminiaturization. And with better mol- CASTLE ecular techniques constantly under development, there's TV TUNER SERVICE, INC. little telling just how tiny electronic systems will eventu- 5701 N. Western Ave., Chicago 45, Illinois ally become. 653 S. Palisade Ave., Cliffside Park, New Jersey Canada: 136 Main St, Toronto 13, Ontario * Major Parts are additional in Canada GIJiUUNiL L ING


In these days of ever -extended is, it will almost surely be more prof- take care of it as soon as possible guarantees and warranties, with itable for you in the long run if it -and I do!" many of the major manufacturers leans toward a liberal philosophy. Whether you choose to be this assuming longer and broader liabil- Basic as it may seem, customer sat- liberal is a matter of your own ities, perhaps it is high time we re- isfaction is the only thing that can policy, of course, but it does point evaluate our own service guaran- be definitely counted on to build out that your guarantee can be more tees. a business. Low-priced service may liberal if you do good service, What is your guarantee to your get you some customers, but un- charge a reasonable price for it, and customer? It's surprising just how fortunately those it draws are sel- count your callbacks as just another many service dealers have only a dom the ones you really want. The overhead expense. vague notion beyond the rather well customer to cultivate is the one who Notice I said count your call- advertised idea of giving a 90 -day is willing to pay a fair price for backs. Keep track of how much guarantee on parts. Will you re- good service - but make sure you free work you would have to do place the parts absolutely free of keep him by promptly and cour- (on the average) to permit a liberal charge? If other parts go bad at teously taking care of any problems guarantee policy. It may be less than the . same time, will you charge for he has and making reasonable ad- you realize, and you wouldn't have all your labor? Is your guarantee justments on callbacks. Nobody to raise your regular service rates spelled out on your service order likes to pay twice for service that by any exorbitant amount to cover or bill? Does your guarantee make should have been guaranteed! the cost of guarantee work. Don't sense to the customer? Does it One successful technician friend forget the cost of replacing parts make sense to you? Do you explain of mine has always had one of the (other than those you replaced the your guarantee to your customer most liberal guarantees I've known. first time) under such a guarantee. when the service job is finished? He guarantees not only the parts he Some shop owners prefer to use installs, but every part in the set a "share -cost" Stingy or Generous? type of warranty to (except the picture tube) for 90 take care of parts that were not re- Attitudes concerning guarantees days after a shop repair. "I have placed during a service job, but range between two extremes. A few fewer callbacks than anyone I that subsequently go bad. Under servicemen take the chip -on -the - know," he says, "because I give the this plan, the serviceman can guar- shoulder attitude that all customers set a thorough going over in the antee the service labor and those are chiselers who work in collusion shop, and I know-don't just parts which he had replaced, while to milk the profit from a service call. guess-that it is working right when the customer pays for any additional Others have such a liberal guarantee it leaves. I charge a little more, sure, parts that fail during the normal that they often lose money on some but not much more; and there is no guarantee period. This plan relieves jobs. Both extremes are bad bus- problem with explaining my guaran- the technician of responsibility for iness, perhaps; but of the two, those tee and trying to siphon off more parts other than those for which he with the liberal guarantee (unless money from the customer when a has been paid, and which carry their work is atrocious) will be the callback does occur. The customer the manufacturer's ordinary 90 -day companies that will grow and stay is happy because he's assured that warranty. healthy, for in reality the number he won't likely have to spend any of deliberate chiselers among custo- more money for 90 days. Then, if How to Write Your Guarantee mers is small even though their vo- he does phone in with a complaint, cal output is sometimes alarming. there is no hemming or hawing Unlike most other writing, a Whatever your guarantee policy around. I just say I'll be there to guarantee statement often suffers

58 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 OR cPRFORMANc.fF,ri

ì Good I+4ousekeepiiing. G UPNANTEES



trusted buy sign, profit's high sign

The Raytheon Receiving Tubes Every Raytheon Tube-receiv- FREE - business -building Good you install are specified by many ing and picture tubes-carries the Housekeeping Seal promotion ma- well-known manufacturers of radio, famous Good Housekeeping Guar- terial for your use. Mailed to you TV sets, hi-fi, stereo and tape re- anty Seal, trusted buy sign of direct. Please write Raytheon, Dis- cording units. They are designed in 40,930,000 American women. tributor Products Division, West- because of proven dependable per- Your customers will appreciate you wood, Massachusetts. formance. (Raytheon Tubes are even more when you offer them this used in 23 of America's missile sys- extra satisfaction Guaranty. tems, where they've earned a top Result-customer loyalty that RAYTHEON reputation for rugged reliability.) means more business.

Moy, 1963 PF REPORTER 59 from brevity. It should spell out the conditions of your guarantee in no uncertain terms! Once you have es- tablished a policy, let the customer know about it. Explain the situation even though the explanation might seem redundant to you. A statement like, "Parts not replaced not guar- anteed," may seem ridiculous to FRIT you, but if that's your policy-say so! A simple guarantee like "Parts and labor guaranteed 90 - days" ATA L O G might seem adequate to you, but to your customers, especially the tricky ones, this means you intend to fix the set no matter what happens dur- NOW AVAILABLE ing the 90 days. Spell it out-in two or three ways if you havle to. Let Most Complete Catalog & there be no doubt as to what the Replacement Guide customer can expect from his guar- TELEVISION antee. One successful company uses HI FIDELITY COVERS ALL this guarantee, in writing: AUTO RADIO HOME RADIO YOUR NEEDS "All tubes, parts, and materials COMPONENTS placed in your set by us, and 1963.4 FOR charged for on this bill, are MERITGUIDE CATALOG 6 REPLACEMENT GENERAL QUALITY guaranteed for 90 days from this date. Should any of these parts, ELECTRONIC tubes, or materials fail within COMPONENTS the guarantee period, we will re- place them at no charge to you. For obvious reasons we cannot guarantee tubes, parts, or ma- HI -FIDELITY terials we did not replace, nor can we guarantee labor we did TELEVISION not perform. We do guarantee HOME RADIO that the work described on this bill has restored your set to nor- AUTO RADIO mal performance unless other- RECORDERS wise specified on this bill. Please notify us if your set does not P -A SYSTEMS perform properly. This guarantee does not cover damage resulting from accidents, abuse, or neglect CORPORATION COIL AND TRANSFORMER on the part MINIMUM of anyone except the members of this firm, nor does RETURNS it cover either parts or labor on repairs necessitated Form 830 by the 1963-64

Order Your Merit Catalog & Replacement Guide Now.

Name Position



City Zone- State

MERIT COIL & TRANSFORMER "I'll bet Mrs. Smith will be sur- CORPORATION p:ised at the condition of her Merit Plaza Hollywood, Florida set when we deliver it!"

60 PF REPORTER, May, 1963 ,..leave sooner-get there faster!

It's there in hours...and costs you less!

-, Buses Daily Running Time 15 Lbs. 25 Lbs. 35 Lbs.* r BOSTON- GREYHOUND PACKAGE EXPRESS, Dept. 52-R. 18 5 hrs. min. $1.80 $2.10 $2.35 NEW YORK - 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, Illinois PITTSBURGH- or obligation, complete CLEVELAND 14 2 hrs. 55 min. 1.60 1.85 2.15 Please send, without cost Package Express service CHICAGO- information on Greyhound ...including rates and routes. ST. LOUIS 8 6 hrs. 10 min. 1.90 2.15 2.45 LOS ANGELES- NAME TITLF SAN DIEGO 38 2 hrs. 30 min. 1.25 1.45 1.70 CINCINNATI- COMPANY LOUISVILLE 15 2 hrs. 40 min. 1.50 1.70 1.95 er low rates up to 100 lbs. ADDRESS STATE PHONF Save time! Save money! Ease those inventory control prob- CITY lems too! Ship via Greyhound Package Express! Packages go CALL YOUR LOCAL GREYHOUND BUS TERMINAL OR MAIL THIS CONVENIENT COUPON TODAY everywhere Greyhound goes, on regular Greyhound buses. Very often they arrive the same day shipped. Ship nation- E Y H o U N D P.i . wide, anytime...twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, met Collect, Prepaid, weekends and holidays. Ship C.O.D., .:. . '1, . , Package or open a charge account. Insist on Greyhound -.. J- Express. It's there in hours... and costs you less. IL 4 J

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 61 failure of parts not listed on this bill. Thank you." This sort of wording clearly states the terms of the guarantee and should leave no doubt in the customer's mind as to what is and what is not covered. It states in two different ways that only the parts you installed and labor you performed are covered in the guarantee-an important point. A guarantee need not be drawn up in legal terms unless the firm is more interested in eluding than fulfilling its guarantee obligations. No guarantee is any better than the responsibility of the firm that offers it. A guarantee is an "act of faith" on the part of the company, and all companies-large and small-some- times make adjustments exceeding their liabilities be- cause of extenuating circumstances, or to keep a good customer. Remember that it nearly always costs less to keep a customer than to round up a new one. PHILCO QUALITY TESTED RECEIVING TUBES Stopping Price Squabbles A complete line of receiving tubes to fit It is an axiom of selling any make, any that when you mention the model TV or radio, manu- price you factured to exact Philco standards, thor- should not stop talking. Mention it and pro- oughly tested and each with the famous ceed right into the advantages of what you're selling. Philco "extra"-"satisfied customers". Don't let the customer fix his mind so much on the price that he misses the values. Say something like, "The bill is $32.50, Mr. Jones, and I want you to note our guarantee here on the bill. PHILCO Every part we had to replace is guaranteed for 90 days, FURNITURE POLISH and we'll replace it free should it fail. We have com- Make your customers smile with delight pletely checked out your set's performance and made when you give their hi-fi or TV cabinet that all the necessary adjustments. If you have any trouble, "factory -fresh" look with Philco Furniture you just let us know and we'll be glad Polish. to take care of it Specially created for your TV and for you." You can be radio, and other fine more or less elaborate than this, furniture. Gives a and bright, glowing sheen impossible with ordi- of course you must say it in your own words, but nary waxes. above all you must mean what you say! Your guaran- tee is a customer advantage that you can PHILCO DELUXE sell-use it! HIDE-ATENNA When You Get A Callback Mounts on back of any television receiver. Telescopes out of sight when not in use. When the customer calls back with a complaint, The best performing, trouble -free antenna whether it is real or imagined, your fault or not, you available. Chrome finished. 39" elements can nearly always keep the customer happy fitted into Ivory plastic with friend- base. Spring - liness, diplomacy, and willingness loaded pressure plate holds elements in to listen sympathet- positive position. ically. These will all come to -you naturally if you have a genuine desire to please your customer. If you don't POPULAR have this desire, you shouldn't be in business, and you're PRICED ANTENNA not likely to be for long. Deluxe model "rabbit:ear" Always offer prompt "servicing of your guarantee." antenna with 3 sectional col- Then go out and do it. The worst lapsible elements. part of most call- Polished backs is dreading styrene base. Twin -X lead them. Usually a problem is more with open spade lugs for easy than half solved when you start doing something about installation. it. Don't let the customer's hysterical description of the trouble put water in your backbone-the trouble is PHILCO "8" BALL AUTO RADIO TOP al- most sure to be less complex than the one described. COWL OR FENDER MOUNT ANTENNA Don't delay making a callback-make it even faster Excellent for general replacement than you did the original call. as well as new installations. Triple Even the most obnoxious customer is chrome plating over brass. Ad- often appeased by promptness. justs to any angle up to 35°. In airlines, the pilot will nearly always announce to Three sections telescope into 22" his passengers the reason for any delay, and it is re- length, extend to 56". 54" low - markable how patient and understanding loss lead, fully shielded. the passengers are; but let there be even a 10 -minute delay with no ef- fort DEPEND ON YOUR PHILCO DISTRIBUTOR on the part of the airlines to explain, and even the Your one -stop -shopping center for all parts and accessories. most tranquil passengers are fit to be tied. This psy- chology holds true for you, too, because it is basic to PARTS & SERVICE OPERATIONS human nature. Sympathize with the customer, offer help, and then give it RH I LCO promptly, and you'll find the customer PHILCO meeting you more than halfway. Service I guarantee it. A SUBSIDIARY OF ,- iC1iI7cwivr PHILCO MODERN COPPER ENGRAVED CIRCUITS - ¡Di seqied Sauce Every RCA VictorNewVistctTVuses Space Age Sealed Circuitry... extra dependable easy -to -service circuits that are... 11108re precise n old-fashioned all hand-wired circuitry!

Let your own TV service records prove the dependability of RCAVictor New VistaIV Old-fashioned all hand -wired Circuitry Precision Crafted RCA Space Age Sealed Circuitry


The Most Trusted Name in Electronics

TMK (s)®



Fiel or mobile, business OF pleasure NOTES Bet Me new, lowcost ON TEST EQUIPMENT by Forest H. Belt RCA Push -Button Color

A "new look" in test equipment is MARK VIII exemplified by the instrument shown in Fig. 1 the Model 800 Color Bar - 27 -Mc Cites Band RIOfFPhMIE - Dot Generator from Jackson. Its low, wide appearance adds to the prominence of the rows of push-button selector switches that dominate the front panel. Specifications are: 1. Power Required -95-120 volts AC, 50-60 cps; 60 watts. 2. RF Output - Channel 3, 4, or 5 selected by rear -panel switch; un - modulated sound carrier displaced 4.5 me from the video carrier. 3. Video Patterns - Convergence sig- nals consisting of dots, 12 vertical Fig. 1. Push buttons are distinctive Here's the LOW-COST C -B radio -phone for car, boat, lines, 14 horizontal lines, or crosshatch features of this color -bar generator. home, office, or shop. High sensitivity receiver pulls of 12 vertical and 14 horizontal lines; In weak signals. 21/2 watt speaker output delivers sync available at video on ample volume to overcome engine noise. Automatic panel jack; bar color -TV screen. noise suppressor minimizes Ignition interference. available at panel jack, with polarity 5. Controls and Terminals-Row of Light and compact-only 31/2 inches high, weight only controlled by panel switch and ampli- twelve PATTERN -SELECTION push but- 9 pounds; fits easily under the dashboard of even tude compact cars. controlled by potentiometer. tons; row of four FUNCTION -SELEC- 4. Color Signals - Green, cyan, blue, TION push buttons; rotary GUN -KIL- PLUS THESE PREMIUM FEATURES: - B -Y, magenta, R -Y, red and yellow; LER switch; VIDEO -GAIN potentiometer; signal phases all correspond to those VIDEO (+ and -) slide switch; VIDEO, RCA MARK VIII RADIO -PHONE on the NTSC color -phase wheel; each SYNC, COLOR DEMOD, GND pin jacks; 9 crystal -controlled transmit and receive channels hue presented singly as a wide color CHANNEL SELECTOR Tunable slide switch (on receiver permits reception of all 23 C -B channels; dial marked in both channel numbers and frequency Exceptionally good voice reproduction-high 900 cps 180 cps intelligibility B.O. B.O. Excellent modulation characteristics Operates from standard 117 -volt AC: separate 6 - and 12 -volt DC power supplies (optional) for mobile installations H LINE 60 cps SHAPER B.O. Electronic switching-no relay noise or chatter Illuminated "working channel" feature plus many more features to increase usefulness and efficiency. V SYNC SHAPER AC Unit only x14950* DC Power Supplies, Where Needed, $19.95' SYNC BURST VIDEO 'Optional list price PHASE DRIVER VIDEO OUT KEYER OUTPUT -0 INVERTER The Most Trusted Name ® in Electronics 3.58 mc PHASE COLOR CATH XTL O SYNC OUT .---MAIL COUPON FOR MORE INFORMATION INVERTER MIXER FOLL - - -, OSC RCA Electron Tube Division Commercial Engineering Dept. E -33-R 415 South Fifth Street, Harrison, N.1. RF RF OSC RF OUT MODULATOR -0 Please send more information on the RCA Mark VIII 27 -Mc 2 -Way Radio -phone.


Address -

City 'one State Fig. 2. Block layout shows interrelation of various sections of the unit.




IC r ..


This is the 300 ohm Belden Weldohm they're ordering...... Yes, it is strong ... it has one and a half times the breaking strength and two and a half times the flexing life of ordinary lead-in. Order No. 8230.

Here's the Belden microphone cable Butch is going to take along for the high school job ... No. 8410. It's abrasion and im- pact resistant. It's limp ... lies flat on the floor. It has long flex - life and high tensile strength.

Call your Belden jobber. He carries a complete line of lead-in cable .. . a also microphone and shielded power supply cables; hi-fi, stereo and phono- Be Cartoon graph cables; power supply cords; rubber -vinyl, multi -conductor portaKe Gag Writer! cordage; antenna rotor cables; hook-up wire; TV and cheater cords; Win a $25.00 Savings Bond aluminum ground wire ... and related items. He has it all ... in stock. Send us your gag ideas for future cartoons. For each of your gag ideas our advertising manager uses, he'll send you a $25.00 Savings Bond ... plus a Belden Gag Writer's Certificate. Write Belden Manu- facturing Company, Att: Mrs. Madelsa Allison, Belden 80, Illinois. 415 South Kilpatrick Avenue, Chicago WIREMAKER FOR INDUSTRY SINCE 1902 - CHICAGO

power supply cords cord sets and portable cordage electrical household cords magnet wire lead wire

May, 7963/PF REPORTER 65 rear panel); pilot lamp; four -lead gun - TRANSISTORIZED killer cable; three-lead RF output cable. CHARGER 6. Size, Weight, Price-l31/2" x 43/4" MADE IN ,LaR U.S.A. x 9"; 121/2 lbs; $239.95. 0AR-Dpr CENERA 'i C. The Model 800 is different from other FOR WINTER -WEAK color -bar generators in its use of push buttons for selecting the functions of BATTERIES the instrument, including power on -off. The faces of all the buttons are stamped with either the name of the function performed or a picture of the pattern (color or lines) produced by the signal TO AC WALL OUTLET being generated. This enables the user to see at a glance what presentation to Fig. 3. Best way to push the buttons. expect on the screen of the television nals. From the driver, the composite sig- BC12 12 VOLT set being tested. nal is coupled through a video output TRANSISTORIZED The unit furnishes all the patterns BATTERY CHARGER stage to the VIDEO jack; a potentiometer mAMDFACTURED needed for making convergence adjust- controls the amount of video signal fed to MADE ments to color sets, as well as the NTSC the jack, and the setting of a slide switch color -bar patterns for alignment of chro- determines the polarity. ma sync and demodulator circuits. The TO CIGAR LIGHTER The driver signal is coupled also to R -Y and B -Y signals can be used for the RF modulator stage, either the "solid -bar" or the "null" where it is mixed with a television method of aligning color demodulators. -channel signal from the RF oscillator. A 4.5 -mc Fig. 2 shows the various stages of the crystal MODEL NO. BC -6 FOR 6 VOLT oscillator, when instrument, and indicates how they work actuated, provides a MODEL NO. BC -12 FOR 12 VOLT sound together to provide the several signals. -carrier signal for testing 4.5 -mc traps in color sets. ONLY DLR. The master oscillator is crystal -con- 8O The Model 800 can be used with NET trolled at a frequency of 220.5 kc any - color receiver simply by connecting the AT YOUR ELECTRONIC different from the 189-kc circuit used in DISTRIBUTOR output cable to the set's antenna ter- most dot -bar generators. Blocking -oscil- MANUFACTURED BY minals and feeding the signal into an lator divider stages controlled by the - unused channel 3, 4, or 5. If for WORKMAN l(lc master oscillator are used to deliver - SARASOTA FLORIDA PRODUCTS, INC. - some reason it is desirable to bypass the the precise frequencies needed for var- RF and IF circuits of the television re- ious functions of the unit. Shaper stages ceiver, you can clip a lead from the form the pulses necessary to develop VIDEO jack to a point just past the New ERNS; Perfect Pin sharp, clean lines; vertical lines are taken Crimper video detector. This could be handy from the 220.5-kc oscillator, and hor- for testing the chroma stages without izontal lines are initiated by the 900 -cps de- Picture -Tube Repair Tool pending on the front divider circuit. end of the television Also for -5U4, 65N7, 68Q6, etc. set a situation which often arises Horizontal and vertical sync pulses are - Eliminates that hard when you are asked to estimate the cost taken from 15,750 -cps and 60 -cps divid- soldering job of overhauling a set. ers, shaped, and fed to the driver stage only $1.25 We used the Model 800 on one of our PT -1 1 for mixing with the composite each 3/32" PIN pattern lab receivers, and made several obser- signal. The horizontal and vertical lines vations concerning its operation. Being are mixed in the PATTERN -SELECTION unused to the push buttons, we encoun- switch according to the chosen pattern; Fix loose pin connec- tered a bit of trouble with the instru- tions in seconds. Pays dots are formed by developing a cross- ment sliding across the smooth bench for itself in time saved hatch signal and clipping out the lines s,/ top as we pushed button after button. on first ¡ob. 3" long. with a diode, leaving only the points of Patented but we soon wised up and used the Intermittent operation of picture tubes due intersection. technique shown in Fig. 3; we to defective solder connections easily cor- The color -bar signal starts with the simply rected. Provides solid electrical placed a hand on top of the instrument connections, 3.58 -mc crystal. The color phase is se- can also be used as channel -selector with the thumb' downward, pushed the lected by the COLOR -SELECTION switch, wrench and screwdriver. Pin keeps its buttons with the thumb, and had no which uses a phase -inverter stage original form. A 3 -in -1 tool. and further trouble. an LC delay -line arrangement to feed 3 MODELS The sync of the unit was stable, both ELIMINATE SOLDERING the chroma burst to the color mixer horizontally and vertically, although we Makes Solid Electrical Connections in correct phase to produce the desired had to set the fine tuning of the receiver Phono Pin -Plug Crimper color. A pulse from the horizontal sync rather critically. This is not an uncom- Slip wire in "pin shaper keys the plug," insert color mixer, to form mon experience in using dot -bar gen- in tool, and a color bar C -rings lc ea. only one-half as wide as erators that haven't been calibrated with ... the dsqueeze raster; a phase job is e AU -2 Use end of inverter works with a station sync signal. (This calibration is 1/8" PIN tool to push a diode delay arrangement to slow the on C -ring for not too difficult, although it is not rec- ground con- start of the chroma burst, so the color nection. ommended unless you are familiar with bar will be in the center of the screen, Ant- plugs, hi-fi, multiple plugs, public the use of your scope as a counting in- address, radio and TV tubes, radar, speakers, with no color on either side. strument. Directions and loop connections. Many, many more uses. for this procedure The bar of chroma information is Model LC -3 for 5/32" pin diameter are included in the instruction manual coupled through a cathode follower tube At your ports distributor or write us which accompanies the Model 800.) to the PATTERN -SELECTION Switch, and Mfg. Co. We found the sync output of the unit BERN 9853 Chalmers, then to the driver stage where it is mixed useful for stabilizing scope displays, es- Detroit 13, Mich. with the horizontal and vertical sync sig- pecially when using the scope for de -

66 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 RTV Exact replaçement controls Dual factory as3Embled, ready to install. Dual controls in 'i :Ic -as- sembled form. IWeei all popular needs wi-h fen compcnen:s.

Standard Controls The industry's longest line of wire -wound and carbon UNI -ME

F eld-a;serrbled dual con- c.n'ric conjination con- trols. [asy, 'ast, positive assnbly.

No compromises here - for all your servicig needs, get Clarostat replacement controls. Entire line ;s designed for the technician, providing the fastest, most convenient, and most profitable replacement for every need. See your Clarostat distributor, or write for catalog ... DISTRIBUTOR SALES BTATDIVISION 6)LARDCLAROSTAT MFG. CO., INC. DOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 67 modulator adjustments. Means are pro- vided for aligning the demodulators with or without a scope, but many experi- enced color -TV technicians prefer the scope method since it permits closer and more precise alignment. With the Model 800, it is not necessary to make separate scope connections to the various CRT grids, for the connections are al- ready made via the gun -killer cable, and are automatically brought to the COLOR DEMOD jack on the panel of the instru- ment. By using this easy connection, and the B -Y and R -Y signals from the gen- erator, aligning color demodulators is quite an uncomplicated procedure. The top row of four push buttons includes one marked "Stand By"; in this position, the ground tap on the transformer secondary is opened, dis- abling the B+. Thus, the 800 can be left "idling" while connections and/or adjustments are made, without inter- ference from the unit, while it remains ready for instant use whenever it is needed.

DC Scope

DC scopes are becoming more popu- lar, as service technicians discover the unique advantages of measuring DC and AC voltages simultaneously. A recent addition to this class of scopes is the Heath Model 10-10 DC Oscilloscope, pictured in Fig. 4. Specifications are: I. Power Required -105-125 volts AC; 50-60 cps; 100 watts. 2. Vertical Amplifier - Frequency re- sponse, within 2 db from DC to 200 kc; sensitivity, .1 volt peak to peak try this with any other for '/4" deflection; input loading, 3.6 cartridge megohms shunted by 35 mmf; coup- (at your own risk) ling, AC or DC, selected by switch. 3. Horizontal Amplifier - identical with vertical amplifier; less No way to treat a cartridge, for sure-That is, any cartridge except the Sonotone than 5° phase models featuring the new Sono -Flex''- needle. No more bent or broken needle shift between horizontal and vertical. shanks caused by flicking off some lint, dropping the arm, or scraping it across 4. Sweep Ranges-From 5 cps to 50 the record. kc, in four ranges; external capacitance

The newly developed Sonotone Sono -Flex:! needle to the rescue! Gripped in a resilient butyl rubber mount, you can flex this needle shank in a 360 -degree orbit without breaking. Pluck it-flick it-bend it-bump it-it will continue to perform as good as new. Moreover, the Sono -Flex brings advantages in performance never before offered by any replacement cartridge: Higher compliance, wider and flatter frequency response, lower IM distortion, and longer needle and record life. Sonotone Sono -Flex`' increases your profits two ways Sonotone cartridges are better than ever, easier to sell, because they're better performers. Further, you eliminate callbacks because of broken needle shanks. Sono -Flex needles are standard right now in these Sonotone cartridges models: 9TAF, 16TAF, 916TAF and the Velocitone Mark Ill. Sono -Flex opens up lucrative needle replacement business for upgrading these Sonotone cartridges models: 9T, 9TA, 9TV, 9TAV, 16T, 16TA, 16TAF and 916TA, original equipment in over a million phonographs. Replacement is fast, simple-requires no tools-assembly snaps into position easily, and gives im mediate proof of better performance plus abuse -proof, longer needle life. See your distributor today and ask for Sonotone cartridges with the Sono-Flex"1 needle.

SONOTONE CORPORATION Electronic Applications Division Elmsford, New York Fig. 4. DC scope features DC or AC op- In Canada: Atlas Radio Corp., Ltd., Toronto cartridges speakers batteries eration and amplifiers exactly alike. microphones electron tubes . tape heads hearing aids headphones

68 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 simplyHOW TO CUT THE COST OF POWER sayTRANSISTORS -WITHOUT Ielec CUTTING CORNERS: Now you can offer your customers inexpensive Radios; the DS 25 and DS 26 to cover small replacements for their Delco audio output tran- signal needs in Delco and just about every other sistor needs. The IDS 520 and our new DS 525 auto radio or small portable on the market. How's can be used in place of the Delco DS 503 and DS that for a complete line of transistors? Oh, you 501 where low cost is a factor. Each of these low- need application and cross reference charts too? priced transistors can produce 4 watts of output Look in the package. They come with all Delco with top Delco reliability. They're ideal for the transistors. All are available now through your servicing of older car radios or for the experi- United Delco electronics parts distributor. menter or ham operator. The DS 520 and the new DS 525 will be a profitable addition to your basic Delco Radio automotive radio service line of Delco transistors: the DS 501 and DS 503 parts and electro -mechanical devices are distrib- -to restore full power audio output in all Delco uted nationally through United Delco. DELCO RADIO, Division of General Motors, Kokomo, Indiana p' United V Delco

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 69 can be added for lower sweep rates; HORIZ and VERT inputs. amplifiers. A frequency compensated six- sync either internal or external, se- 7. Size, Weight, Price -73/4" x 43/4" x step attenuator is used to couple the in- lected by switch. 11"; 121/2 lbs.; $79.95, Kit. put signal to the first stage, which is a 5. Cathode -Ray Tube-3RP1, 3" face, The Model IO -10 is designed primarily phase splitter. Three of the six attenuator green trace, medium persistence; cov- for the industrial service technician. Its steps connect the scope for DC opera- ered by green graticule with cross- frequency response fits it best for use in tion, while the other three set up the hatch design. testing all sorts of electronic switching scope for AC operation. The phase split- 6. Controls and Terminals-Three rotary systems, ultrasonic devices, and com- ter divides the input signal for push-pull range switches for VERTICAL, HORIZON- puter circuitry. The horizontal and verti- operation. The signal is then fed in push- TAL, and FREQUENCY; three potentio- cal amplifiers are identical in this instru- pull form to the driver stage. In the meters (concentric with the rotary ment, and the almost nonexistent phase driver stage, DC balancing networks are switches) for fine control of VERTICAL shift between the two amplifier systems included to permit accurate DC and AC and HORIZONTAL gain, and FRE- makes the Model IO -10 especially useful measurements at all signal levels. The QUENCY; VERT and HORIZ positioning as a computer readout device or a phase amplified signal is then DC coupled to controls; FOCUS and INTENSITY -AC OFF checking instrument. the grids of the push-pull output stages, controls; pilot lamp; six binding posts: As shown in the diagram of Fig. 5, which are in turn DC coupled to the two for GROUND, one for EXT SYNC, the Model IO -10 is characterized by two CRT deflection plates. one for EXT CAP, and one each for exactly identical horizontal and vertical The horizontal amplifier is identical to the vertical, except that a switch con- nection provides for inserting the sweep signal from the internal generator. Neither amplifier contains the frequency - peaking components commonly found in wide -band scopes, since the intended ap- Tw2Vitda ot, plications of the IO -10 eliminate the necessity for such wide response. The sweep generator is the multivi- brator type that is very common in modern oscilloscopes. The frequency of the sweep generator in the scope we 1?oxtixrTV examined extends well below the 5 cps marked on the frequency dial. The med- ium -persistence CRT used in this in- strument seems best suited for sweep rates above 30 cps; we noticed quite a Those who use Those who use bit of flicker in traces scanned at lower sweep rates. However, such low sweep other brands rates could prove a distinct advantage in I1UAM of several industrial operations, although a longer -persistence phosphor would make replacement loudspeakers replacement loudspeakers slow scan rates easier to use and analyze. Synchronization for the sweep genera- tor can be supplied externally or taken internally from a sample of the vertical input signal tapped off in the plate cir- cuit of one of the push-pull driver stages. In fact, the horizontal FREQUENCY switch has nine positions; four of them encom- pass the sweep rates from 5 to 50 kc using external sync, four more cover the same sweep -frequency range using in- ternal sync, and the ninth position dis- connects the horizontal amplifier from the sweep generator and connects it to the horizontal input jack. The sync sig- nal, whether internal or external, is fed to a cathode follower which isolates the sweep generator from any loading or de - tuning effects the sync source might We're proud to say that have. this group is bigger* Another cathode follower prevents any

According to the findings of Brand Name VERT VERT PHASE PUSH-PULL PUSH-PULL * IN AIT SPLITTER DRIVER OUTPUT Surveys, Chicago, Illinois in March and April I 1963, more servicemen prefer Quam speakei SYNC SWEEP CRT than all outer replacement brands combined. IN GEN Major reasons stated for the preference: Quality! Availability! Performance! HORIZ HORIZ PHASE PUSH PULL PUSH-PULL IN pTT SPLITTER DRIVER OUTPUT

QUAM-NICHOLS COMPANY Fig. 5. Sync switch controls both the 234E East Marquette Road, Chicago 37, Illinois horizontal sweep frequency and sync.

70 PF REPORTER /May, 1963 Cells Shown Approximate Size RCA PHOTOCELLS An extremely wide choice for design or replacement

The RCA family of Photoconductive, Photo - appliances. RCA Photoconductive Cells are Commercial Cadmium Sulfide Photocells Photovoltaic Cells is designed to the sensor element in automatic door openers, Volts Power Dissipation Illuml- junction and DC or Watts Photo- nation Photocurrent ratings, pilot -flame monitors in home heating systems, RCA Peak Conlin- urrent Foot (ma) provide a wide choice in electrical Volts Can les Min. Mae. storage level indicators, home, Type AC uo vo Demand c (ma) cell size and shape. It includes both glass and light flashers, 4403 250 0.3 0.75 50 50 7 16 glass -metal types. industrial and municipal automatic lighting 4404 600 0.3 0.75 50 50 2.5 5 1.5 4 controls. RCA Photojunction Cells are used 4448 `600 0.3 0.75 50 50 RCA's cadmium -sulfide Photoconductive 4453 1600 0.3 0.75 50 50 3 7 extensively for sound pick-up from film, and 1 Cell line is the widest in the industry. 7163 600 0.3 0.75 50 50 3 rapid reading of punched tape and cards. 4423 250 0.2 - 20 50 1.5 4 Each RCA Photocell type meets the most RCA Photovoltaic Cells find use in the direct 4424 ,110 0.2 - 50 12 3.6 14.5 exacting specifications and environmental de- 4425 110 0.2 - 50 12 3.6 14.5 conversion of solar power into electrical S02500 250 0.2 - 20 12 0.24 0.80 mands ... is characterized by high sensitivity, power and in light measuring units. 4402 200 0.05 - 5 12 1 1.6 - reliability, and long life. For proven reliability and performance, 4413 110 0.05 - 5 12 1 1.0 2.75 7412 200 0.05 - 1 12 0.065 0.275 RCA Photocells are in use in a wide range plus widest selection, specify and use RCA 7536 200 0.05 - 1 12 0.065 0.275 of light -operated control, switching, and meas- Photocells. For detailed information, the 6694A 150 0.03 - - 90 3 0.057 0.65 urement applications...have been adopted as booklet, "Photocells and Circuits," 10E-261, The demand rating m y be utilized fora period of 20 minutes each time twice every 24 hours. a standard component by many leading man- is available from your RCA INDUSTRIAL For name and address of your local RCA Industrial Tube Distributor ufacturers of business machines and home TUBE DISTRIBUTOR. write or call your nearest RCA Distributor Products Sales Office NEW YORK, N. Y.: 36 W. 49th St., MUrray Hill 9-7200 NEEDHAM HEIGHTS 94, MASS.: 80 "A" St., Hlllcrest 4-8480 WASHINGTON 6, D. C.: 1725 "K" St., S.W., FEderal 7-8500 ATLANTA, GA.: 134 Peachtree St., N.W., JAckson 4.7703 The Most Trusted Name in Electronics CLEVELAND, OHIO: 1621 Euclid Ave., CHerry 1-3450 CHICAGO, ILL.: Merchandise Mart, 467-5900 DALLAS 7, TEXAS: 7901 Carpenter Freeway, MElrose 1-3050 nl KANSAS CITY 14, MO.: 7711 State Line, EMerson 1-6462 LOS ANGELES 22, CAL.: 6801 E. Washington Blvd., RAymond 3-8361 interaction between the sweep generator source-preferably a sawtooth-to shock - and the horizontal amplifier. This is nec- excite the inductance. The sweep ranges, 846V essary because the internal sweep signal and the vertical amplifier sensitivity and 1V2 TO CRT is applied at the input of the horizontal response, make the IO -10 useful for this 117 (SILICON attenuator, and without the cathode fol- test, with no modification whatsoever. -75V VOLTS --II REG RECT lower the attenuator components could As in any DC scope, balancing is very AC affect the frequency of the sweep gen- important. In an instrument as sensitive + 330V. erator. as the Model IO 6X4 -10, even the very I An interesting sidelight on the Model slightest supply voltage variations can 1 10-10 is the -I- 150V availability of a sample easily upset this balance and cause all REG sawtooth waveform taken from the in- sorts of erroneous readings, so two of the ternal sweep generator; this sawtooth DC voltage supplies (Fig. 6) in the instru- Fig. 6. Power supply partly regulated. waveform is connected to the EXT CAP ment are regulated. The -75 volt supply binding post. Many service technicians is regulated by on 0C2 voltage regulator network and an OA2 voltage regulator, are making use of ringing checks for test- tube; a silicon diode serves as rectifier to provide a regulated B+ of 150 volts ing all sorts of inductances (see "Ringing in this circuit. The 330 -volt high B+ is DC. Checks for Coils" in the March issue), rectified by a 6X4 vacuum -tube rectifier; High voltage for the CRT is rectified and one of the requirements is a signal a portion of this is applied to a divider by a 1V2 high voltage rectifier tube, and filtered by a pi -type filter network, de- veloping nearly 850 volts of negative DC potential. The CRT voltage is negative with respect to ground so the beam -ac- celerating elements can be connected either to ground or to normal B+ volt- ages, simplifying circuit design. One function of the Model IO -10 we ROHN found particularly useful was checking for phase shift within a stereo amplifier. Since the horizontal and vertical am- phifiers are exactly alike, this check is very accurate. A sine -wave signal source The most Fmous /ltrwme in is connected to the input of the stereo amplifier in such a way as to feed both TOW1RS ALL NI/NDSI channels in phase. To "calibrate" the of scope, the signal is fed simultaneously Here are the advantages you get into the scope's vertical and horizontal when you insist on input jacks. The vertical and horizontal ROHN TOWERS gain controls are adjusted for a small line LARGEST FULL RANGE OF TOWERS-you can get any- crossing the center of the scope thing from home TV and amateur radio towers to graticule at exactly 45°. We used the heavy-duty communication and micro -wave towers. AC function of both scope amplifiers. Included are 170 foot self-supporting towers, 1,000 foot guyed towers, and "fold -over" towers. Regard- The overall phase shift between chan- less of your needs, ROHN can supply it. nels can be checked by connecting the UNQUESTIONED LEADERSHIP IN DESIGN AND MANU- scope to the respective outputs of the FACTURE-you get the latest in advanced tower engi- left and right stereo channels. Any dif- neering. All communication towers are engineered to EIA specifications, and are proved by thousands ference in the two channels of the am- of installations. No other manufacturer can surpass plifier will reflect itself in a change in the the quality and fine reputation of ROHN. "tilt" of the 45° sweep line on the scope. QUALITY MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP-Only high- Balance of the stereo amplifier can be est quality steel is used which fully meets the speci- adjusted using this system as an fications for the job. ROHN towers are hot -dipped indicator.' galvanized after fabrication-a feature ROHN pio- To locate the point where any unbal- neered! ance might be occurring, merely start at SERVICE WHEREVER YOU WANT IT-ROHN represent- the inputs of the two amplifier channels, atives are world-wide. Complete erection service for and proceed testing stage by stage communication systems, broadcasting, micro -wave, and other needs is available; also competent engi- through both channels of the entire unit. neering service to help you. When the line tilts, there is a difference Settle for the BEST in TOWERS-ROHN-today the in phase or gain in one of the amplifier world's largest, exclusive manufacturer of towers of channels, just prior to the point being all kinds! checked. (It will be necessary, when checking stage by stage, to shift the For your needs, contact your local ROHN salesman, attenuator switches of the scope as you distributor or dealer; or write direct for information. progress to higher -level stages.)

now in our labe . ROHN Manufacturing SEND THE HANDY COU- Company We're analyzing these test instru- Box 2000 PON INDICATING YOUR Peoria, Illinois ments for future "Notes" columns. NEEDS Send me complete literature on the following ROHN Products: EICO Model 427 E Home TV Towers Amateur Towers DC -AC Scope E Communication Towers AM -FM Broadcasting Towers Electro Model EC -3 Power Supply ROH N Micro -Wave Towers Government G -C Model 36-568 Transistor Radio Manufacturing Nome Troubleshooter Firm Heath Compan y Model 1M-30 Transistor Tester Address SENCORE Model CA122 Color BOX 2000 Generator PEORIA, ILLINOIS City state J



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May, 1963/PF REPORTER 73 E TROUBLESHOOTER answers your service problems

Flaming Flyback tubes in the flyback circuit are new ex- cept R105 and linearity coil L41, and Only 18 months ago, we replaced the these check good. original flyback in a Motorola Chassis TS - The 3/10 -amp sweep fuse didn't blow 533 (PHOTOFACT Folder 316-10), which when the flyback burned out - how was overheating. This replacement re- come? cently caught fire-ruining itself, sev- H. G. Cox eral tubes, and the customer's disposi- Garden City, Iowa tion. We installed another recommended L41 could have a defect that wasn't re- replacement unit, but the same symptom vealed by the test you made, or the as- of overheating in the small lower There is no substitute for reliable wind- sociated .068-mfd capacitor could he ing has developed again. faulty. The coil is very dependent on this service! Every T&C II has the extra The set will operate for a period rang- capacitor for correct operation, and the ing from a few minutes to a whole eve- value of the capacitor is extremely int- built in feature of dependability. ning. When it conks out, a vertical line portan t. Substituting the coil -capacitor Everytime you switch on a Utica remains on the screen, gradually shrink- combination should he your next move. ing to a height of 6" or 8". This would A number of other defects, mo.s'ly hard - product, you tune in quality. seem to indicate yoke trouble, but the to -find intermittent conditions, could cause yoke is apparently okay. All parts and the flyback to overheat. A fairly common The deluxe T&C II features all the performance you could possibly 6800 o . TO HV 2000V 1W.w. want. Dual conversion 6 channel RECT 100 mmf FROM 2000V crystal controlled transceiver with HORIZ OUTPUT tunable reciever. S meter and signal o TO HV (c,l YOKE PLUG strength output indicator, external HORIZ RECT SIZE To68 crystal socket, auxiliary speaker 2 terminal and universal power supply

are only a few of the many plus 4 3/10 AMP 180 features that make T&C II a terriffic 1 260V ó 260V buy at only $199.95 5 f 2000 v DAMPER AGC 6AU4GT KEYING PULSES BOOST SOURCE 540V


Dual conversion 6 channel crystal con- trolled. Exceptional sensitivity and selec- tivity. Double Gated Noise Suppression PRECISION TUNER SERVICE circuit, AVC with improved squelch cir- P. O. BOX 272 1200 S. WALNUT ST. cuit. Universal power supply. Deluxe chrome cabinet. List Price 179.50 BLOOMINGTON, IND. EDISON 99653


Name All Types T.V. Tuners Cleaned, Repaired and Aligned to Factory Specifications. Same day in shop service on most Tuners. Price Includes Minor Parts, Major Parts at Cost Price. We use Original Address Parts if possible. State Make Model and Enclose all Parts and Tubes. Pack Well and Insure.





No businessman n eleztro.ic parts distribuion u n of=ord to overlook the -emar'cab-e pric'ng and profit fe:dues that have NOW NEW OVALS! been built into the new, b-oider updated Virg Series of genera All the popular oval sizes and impedances ore mow available in the new JENSEN purpose and replacement Vikirg series of replacement and general speakers by JENSEN. pu -pose loudspeakers. You get them at the This collect on al fa;t-risovirc right prices.. . . and best profit margin! ilems has what êt =does, to deserve first alece in your speaker mark'etirg plans with List the of the Nom. Model Magnet Wiped. undisputed pus Size No. Wt. Oz. Ohms Price -p JENSEN rezutat.on for quali 3 3K7 .68 3.2 $ 3.80 and advanced design. 3'h 35K7 .68 3.2 3.80 4 4K5 .53 3.2 2.90 Low lists make yoJr deaer'& 4 4K7 ..68 3.2 3.55 resale easier, New discoun- 5 5K5 .5.3 3.2 3.25 5 5K7 ..68 3.2 3.85 gives him a be -ter marg n 5/a 52'5K7 .68 3.2 4.35 YOU buy at las+.est cost - 6 6K7 ..68 3.2 4.35 7 7W3 1.00 3.2 6.55 and we can prove -c' tie 7 7J9 1,.47 3.2 6.65 highest profit percentage 8 8W3 1,.00 3.2 5.85 8 8J9 1.47 3.2 6.90

ever offered on a 10 1 011 0 1.73 3.2 9.00 loudspeaker IirF 12 12J10 1.73 3.2 10.50 3x5 3X5K5 .53 3.2 4.10 Facts are facts. A.âk your 4x6 4X6K7 .68 ' 3.2 4.80 4x8 4X8 W9 1.00 8-1) 6.00 JENSEN represe-tative cboct 4x10 4X10W9 1.00 8-`:J 6.50 tie new JENSEN "iking retJp- 5x7 5X7W3 1.00 3.2 5.35 5x7 5X7W9 1.00 8-1 ) 5.35 cr drop us a ne at the =cctary. 5x7 57J9 1.47 3.2 5.40 6x9 6X9W3 1.00 3.2 5.95 6x9 6X'9W9 1.00 8-1 D 5.95 6x9 6919 1.47 3.2 6.40'

NSEN MANUGCrLJ+- O Of Ttsr a:JfE:F CO 3:3,2 SOUTt LA CdiCPG0 38. IL 3anáa: Radìeaxors of C3 na 'furv,!ta UCCA, S. A_-, B-iellos Aire o: f3pz teL S, A, riakcaipan

May, 7963/PF REPORTER 7.5 trouble in this type of transformer is a sweep system, without overloading the NEW SAMS BOOKS short between one of the windings and B+ supply; that's why the fuse didn't the frame. and there's a possibility this blow. sante trouble has recurred in both JUST OUT! Enlarged 6th Edition re- placement units. Trouble in of the famous Howard W. Sams the yoke cir- Sync Cuts Loose cuit, such as a short in C103 or C104, A General Electric Model 17T026 Tube Substitution Handbook might also he causing your problem. If (PHOTOFACT Folder 342-7) plays nor- Still Biggest and Best-Over 1000 New Substitutions the yoke has a high -resistance leakage to -New Section on Communications mally until a station break occurs; then Tubes! its core, it might cause the overheating the picture falls out of sync. Since I Still Only $1.50! without necessarily having too great an suspect AGC trouble, I've Completely updated-now lists over 8,800 direct effect on the picture. checked and substitutions-over 1000 more than in Vol. 5! Ex- monitored the AGC line; in addition, panded Receiving Tube Directory now includes over By all means, he very sure screen re- 2,100 types, listing 5,152 substitutions. Picture Tube I've replaced the IF tubes and checked Section sistor R104 in the output stage is in good lista 537 types, with 1,835 recommended all the way through the picture and sync substitutions. Other Sections list over 370 submin- condition, and double-check the drive sig- iature types with recommended substitutions, in- circuits, but can find nothing abnormal. dustrial and foreign substitutes for American re- nal at the output -tube grid. Also investi- WILLIAM L. SECOR ceiving. tubes, and American receiving tube substi- gate the possibility of a short or leakage tutes for foreign types. A "must" for tube caddy Indianapolis, Ind. and bench. 128 pages; 5% x 8 W. causing a current overload on tite boost Order TUB -6, still only $150 line. The flyback failure is probably due You have the right idea in checking Amateur Radio Station Manual to excessive circulating current in the for AGC or video Nothing else like it-a complete log book designed trouble, since the the way radio amateurs want it! Consists of 10 Sec- tions, separated by heavy -stock index dividers, providing log sheets for entering complete informa- COLOR COUNTERMEASURES tion on all transmissions, frequently worked sta- Symptoms tions, operating records for WAS WAC, WAZ, DX, and service tips from actual shop experience special schedules, network data, and equipment. Chassis: Zenith 29JC20, Includes complete prefix listings for countries all 27KC20 over the world. Generous log space permits entries Symptoms: High -voltage corona arcing around bell for over 1,000 of picture tube; loud crack- transmissions. 128 pages; 8% x ing and popping 11"; comb binding. Order ASM-1, only ä95JJ noise. Tip: The Practical TV Tuner Repairs first thing to do, when these symptoms appear, is to replace the 6BK4 regulator. by Robert G. Middleton. Here, at last, is a "shirt- You should also replace the 3A3 high -voltage rectifier. This condi- sleeves" book to help you solve those front end serv- tion is icing troubles. Explains how you can quickly deter- usually caused by an inoperative regulator tube, permitting the high volt- mine if a tuner is at fault; gives step-by-step pro- age to increase in value-to cedures for isolating troubles to specific circuits and as high as 30 kv. The same fault could occur if some defect components. Illustrations and check charts guide developed in the regulator circuit-necessitating shop repairs. you through preliminary analysis, test and measure- Whatever the cure, ment techniques, and practical repair and alignment check and reset the high -voltage adjustments-output cur- rent, regulator procedures. Shows you how to evaluate test data, current, and high voltage-to insure the circuits are operating make complete tuner replacements, etc. $25o within their 128 pages; 5%J x 8%". Order TUN -1, only L limits.

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City Zone State SUPPLEMENT TO LATEST ROLL CHART 648-27 IN CANADA: A. C. Simmonds & Sons, Ltd., Toronto 7 inn 658-6

76 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 59 FROM PLATE OF VIDEO OUTPUT ®5000 22K mmf SYNC SEP powerful 14701 0B6AU8 470 mmf .15 TO VERT 1.5V I"'._ 2 INTEGRATOR and portable 330K 100 mmf 255V AGC TO I TUNER TO HOR I Z TO AFC AGC CLAM PER . AGC TOIF iilllllllllllluu I A ° 2.2 T .047 meg 2.2 3.3 3.9 meg meg meg 240 K FROM VIDEO DET

3900n 20000 800 5 -controlled channels, 100% all -tran- Im mf mmf POWERFUL-S-watts, -channel crystal sistor, the Cadre series of transceivers can be used in any vehicle, boat or office. They deliver sharp, clear reception over the greatest transmission range simple sync circuit in this receiver is sen- possible in the 27 me citizens band. Five fixed crystal -controlled channels sitive to distortion in the input signal. spell accurate, fast communication contact. Sensitive dual superheterodyne The most conclusive isolation test you can circuit responds to weakest signals. Tuned ceramic filters increase selectivity. make is to check the appearance of the Reception is clear, free of noise-automatic noise limiter defeats ignition noise; vertical blanking bar in the picture when adjustable squelch eliminates annoying background signals. Extended range the trouble occurs, as described in "Speak- AGC provides uniform audio output. Solid state circuitry throughout means ing of Stable Sync" on page 30 of the no heat problems, no tubes to burn out, ability to withstand vibration and June, 1962 PF REPORTER. Better yet, shock, negligible current drain, compact size. monitor the video -output waveform with a Four Cadre 5 watt, 5 -channel models-one is best for your CB application. $194.50 scope. Whether or not distortion is noted, CADRE `515'-AC/DC transceiver can be used anywhere. tuning. $209.95 substitution of R59, C64, C65, and R60 CADRE `510'-Ac/Dc unit. Offers 23 channel manual CADRE `520'-Dc only with DC power cord and mounting kit-ideal would be advisable. Trouble in these com- NEW! for mobile and portable use-operates from 12 volt auto battery or special ponents can cause insufficient DC bias or battery pack. $187.50 distortion of the signal at the sync -separ- NEW ! CADRE `525'-for complete field portability. Standard AC cord per- ator grid; these faults not only will inter- mits recharging of two built-in nickel -cadmium batteries, telescoping antenna, fere with the operation of the separator, aluminum carrying handle. $269.95 but also may result in reduced or poorly PORTABLE-Power is only a part of the story with Cadre transceivers. These filtered AGC voltage. units go anywhere-operate anywhere. An optional accessory, (Cadre 500-1 Portable Pack) adapts Cadre 510, 515 and 520 for field use. The Portable Deflated Vertical Pack is a lightweight case which contains rechargeable battery supply (two 500-2 nickel cadmium 6 -volt batteries). These units can be used for base or A Sylvania Model 21C407 (PHOTOFACT mobile application as well as in the field. Cadre 5 -watt models in the Portable Folder 389-4) had no vertical sweep- Pack weigh less than 9 lbs. Cadre 500-1, $29.95, Cadre 500-2, $10.95. just a white line across the screen. A For the finest CB transmission anywhere, rely on Cadre. For literature write : short was found in the vertical multivi- brator-output tube; when a replacement 4 CADRE 5 -WATT, ALL TRANSISTOR CB RADIOS was installed, the raster was still only 2" or 3" high. Tuning the set to an un- used channel restored full vertical sweep, but when the tuner was switched back to an occupied channel, the raster collapsed again to a height of only a few inches. Bench tests disclosed that R62, a 1.2- meg resistor, had increased in value to

500K .0022


VERT MULI OUTPUT 11 BVERT lODE7 -75 -30V 7 001 . .047 a 2' 1.2 meg meg 100 VERT mid HOLD 1.5 meg


FZ E- INDUSTRIES CORP. O COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS DIVISION O ENDICOTT, NEW YORK O AREA CODE 607, 748.3373 1 CAC meg 220K Canada: Trl.Tel Assoc., Ltd., 81 Sheppara Ave. West, Willowdale, Ont. Export: Mohan Exporting Corp., 485 Broadway, New York 13, N. Y.

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 77 about 4 megohms-probably because of hold -control circuit, has considerable in- the short in the tube. With this defect fluence on, operating in AGC FROM SYNC PHASE INV frequency this type KEYING present, the circuit could produce normal of multivibrator.) Probably the free -run- PULSE CATH PLATE sweep as long as it was free -running, but ning frequency of the circuit was con- not when a sync signal was applied. siderably below the normal 60 cps. 1.001 HORIZ AFC 1 1 DON DUDLEY Incoming sync pulses, amplified by 6AL5 Fond du Lac. Wis. 7 13.SV VIIB and fed back to the grid of VI/A, 100K To 68K forced the multivibrator to speed up HORIZLT to 1W Thanks, Don, for sharing your unusual . MU 60 cps. Because of the abnormally slow SV 4.7 e.vperience with us. Here's a probable ex- meg charging of the RC network including .0022 planation for why the circuit acted as it R62, the resulting drive waveform was did: With R62 greatly increased in value, too weak to produce more than a few the drive signal developed for the output - inches of vertical sweep. Nf tube grid would build up more slowly than WIDTH normal to a positive peak. This would Sing Along With ... WINDING ON FLYBACK affect the feedback from the output stage I have a Model 21C3Z Admiral to the grid of V 11 A in such a way as to (PHOTOFACT Folder 275-2) with a B+ delay the start of the next cycle. (Remem- overload, no high voltage, and a singing in place of the 3/8 -amp sweep fuse indi- ber, the feedback circuit, as well as the flyback transformer. A meter connected cates excessive current in the horizontal output stage. The drive waveform at the grid of the horizontal output tube is Model 301 COMBINATION TESTER okay when i pull this tube. With the tube in the socket, however, I can barely make out this waveform, and can't even come close to locking it in on my scope. I've replaced the yoke, flyback. boost 0 capacitors, and all the resistors in the NEW TUBE TESTER output and damper stages; what should i do next? JOE A. DUERRINGER Toledo. Ohio The "singing" flyback, and your in- CRT TESTER- ability to get a normal waveform at the grid of the horizontal output tube, both REACTIVATOR indicate the horizontal-multivibrator fre- quency is much too low, This isn't the multivihrator's fault, because the drive waveform is normal when the output tube is disabled. Apparently, the nrultivi- V.O.M. brator is being thrown off frequency by faulty AFC action; this could he caused 20,000 OHMS PER VOLT either by trouble in the AFC phase -de- tector stage itself, or by faulty feedback from the width -coil winding of the fly - All hand hack transformer. Check for any condi- wired ... only tion, including a wiring error, which might all American 0975 higher unbalance the phase detector. To speed up made ... Slightly in the West troubleshooting, you can pull the AFC TUBE TESTER SECTION ... will test cathode emission, tube; this should restore normal horizon- Here is a complete port- inter -element leakage and gas content of all present tube types tal sweep and allow you to check the qual- able service shop at your and new tube types... NUVISTORS, COMPACTRONS, NOVARS, ity of the sawtooth signal being fed hack side wherever you go. 10 -PIN TUBES, battery type tubes, auto radio hybrid tubes, from the width coil to the AFC stage. Three of the most essen- voltage regulators, foreign and hi-fi tubes, thyratrons and most tial instruments are now industrial tube types Advanced heater pin switching feature combined into one com- overcomes obsolescence caused by the introduction of new base LC Probe Attenuation pact unit ... each section pin arrangements. My scope is equipped with a jack operating independently. CRT TESTER-REACTIVATOR SECTION ... will signal 6.3 Save countless dol- test, repair and reactivate all that supplies a reference of lars gain black and white and all color ... tremen- picture tubes Checks for shorts, leakage and emission Elimi- volts rms (18 volts peak to peak). To dous convenience as you nates inter -element leakage and shorts Restores emission and use this source in calibrating waveforms work with the Model brightness with a specially designed high voltage pulse Ex- taken with my low -capacitance probe. 301 in the shop and on clusive feature enables you to watch the reactivation on the meter would it be advisable for me to set up calls. Features large 6" as it takes place eliminating the possibility - of over -reactiva- the calibration using a direct probe, and easy -to -read meter ... tion Provides correct filament voltages including the 2.35 and long lasting etched alu- 8.4 volt types. then deduct the 10:1 attenuation factor minum panel. Housed in of the LC probe? Or is it practical to VOM SECTION sensitivity is 20,000 ohms per volt/DC sturdy leatherette carry- ... feed the calibrating waveform to the ... 5000 ohms per volt/AC 6 DC Voltage Ranges: 0-15/75/150/ ing case with special scope's vertical input through the LC compartment for test 300/750/1500 volts 6 AC Voltage Ranges: 0-15/75/150/300/ 750/1500 volts 3 Ohms Ranges: 0-1000/100,000/10 unit, and use no attenuation factor? I'd leads and line cord. Size: megohms (10 ohms center scale) 5 DC Current Ranges: 0-75pa/7.5 ma./ also like to know of some other handy 171/2" wide x 13" high 75 ma./750 ma./15 amps. 2 Capacity Ranges: .001-15/.1-80 AC voltages that I x 41/2" deep. mfd. sources of. various can use to calibrate the scope for higher See your electronics parts distributor or write for complete literature peak -to -peak readings. ROBERT GOLDSTEIN f/I/eJu!II/ZqJELECTRON/CS CORPORATION Brooklyn, N.Y. manufacturers of quality electronic products If you use the low -capacitance probe for all measurements, you might just as 111 Roosevelt Avenue, Mineola, New York

78 PF REPORTER May. 1963 well apply the calibrating waveform to values in that stage. Be especially critical been wrong with this capacitor? the scope through the probe, and thus of R82, R87, R106, C64, and C66. R. E. FERGUSON eliminate the need for figuring in an at- Wolf Point, Mont. tenuation factor. 1f you frequently switch Critical Leakage back and forth from a low -capacitance There could have been a poor solder 'to a direct probe, it would be better to In servicing an Olympic Model 1CB72 joint which you corrected in the process make your initial calibration by use of (PHOTOFACT Folder 365-10) which had of checking, or perhaps your capacitor the latter. Then, for all waveforms taken quite a few faults, I ended up with in- checker doesn't apply sufficient voltage in with an LC probe, the apparent ampli- sufficient width and only 9.5 kv on the the leakage test to show up a breakdown tude should be multiplied by 10 to obtain HV anode. The drive signal applied to that occurs in actual operation. Since this the actual value. the horizontal output tube appeared capacitor is continually subjected to high You can extend the calibrating range slightly weak, so I tried troubleshooting pulse voltages, it can develop defects that of the 18 -volt waveform simply by care- the grid circuit. The input coupling ca- will cause malfunctioning of this circuit, ful choice of vertical-attenuator switch pacitor showed the correct value (.001 even though it can still pass a conventional settings. I'd recommend using the x10 mfd) and no leakage when I tested it on DC leakage test. When you have suspi- scale, and letting the 18 volts peak to a capacitor checker; but just to be sure, cions about a capacitor in a critical spot peak equal 18 squares or marks on the I replaced it anyway. The width in- such as this, the most conclusive test you CRT graticule. Then a waveform of the creased, and high voltage went up to can make is to substitute a known good same height would be produced by a 1.8 - 13 kv. Can you explain what might have part. volt signal on the xl setting, or by a 180 -volt signal on the x100 scale. Actual- ly, you would be setting up a ratio where- Model 501 COMPONENT SUBSTITUTOR by each division on the graticule would be equal to .1, 1, or 10 volts, depending ...places a complete range of on the switch setting used; this simple arrangement would allow quick and easy components at your fingertips measurements of all signals from less than a volt to over 200 volts. If you want unusually precise measure- 4 ments of signals, coupled with the free- dom to calibrate with any signal ampli- tude, I'd recommend an external scope - calibration unit. This piece of equipment provides a continuously variable voltage of known amplitude over a range from less than 1 volt to more than 100 volts. for fast Again, On Again Off substitution An Olympic Model KD 119 (PHOTO - FACT Folder 397-2) occasionally fails to develop high voltage; sometimes it goes only dark after playing awhile, and must be turned off and back on again to bring back the high voltage. Twice, I attempted $3 150 to check voltages, but the high voltage Will substitute A surge protector Electrolytics returned to normal as soon as I touched up to 4 different switch prevents arc- are the probe to the horizontal output grid. components at ing, sparking,or heal- discharged Slightly higher in the West Have you any idea how I can fix this the same time ing of electrolytics automatically All hand wired trouble? All American made ABE PUMPER Brooklyn, N. Y. The Model 501 provides all the substitutes for electronic SUBSTITUTES FOR: Apparently, the horizontal multivibra- components you want and CARBON RESISTORS tor is stopping, and making the test con- need in your every day work in- 12 VALUES 1 watt: 10/18/33/56/100/180/330/560/1000/ nection shocks it into operation. Try con- ... more than any other 1800/3300/5600 ohms strument of its type. No long- 12 VALUES 1/2 watt: 10,000/18,000/33,000/56,000/ necting your scope or VTVM to the hori- er do you have to handle hard - 100,000/180,000/330,000/560,000/1,000,000/1,800,000/ zontal output grid before you turn the set to -manipulate crumpled parts 3,300,000/5,600,000 ohms on; then, when the symptom appears, you ...solder and unsolder com- Wound) ponents as you trouble shoot POWER RESISTORS (20 watt Wire can quickly determine whether the fault 20 VALUES: 2.5/5/7.5/10/15/25/50/75 /100/150/250/500/ a set. With a twist of a knob ohms is in the multivibrator or in the output and a flip of a switch you can 750/1,000/1,500/2,500/5,000/7,500/10,000/15,000 stage. If the trouble is a slow -starting set the 501 to any one of over CAPACITORS (600 volts) values sub- check component 80 component ... 12 VALUES: .0001/.0005/.001/.0025/.005/.01/.015/.02/ multivibrator, carefully stituting as many as four dif- .05/.1/.22/.5 mfd. ferent components simultane- HORIZ MULI ously. Smart, sturdy grey ELECTROLYTICS (450 volts) 6CG7 17 VALUES: 4.8/10/12/14/18/20/28/30/40/50/70/80 14 hammertone steel housing ... FROM ODI 130/150/200/230 mfd. .7V '001 -13V TO HORIZ handy storage compartment HORIZ 1-- OUTPUT AFC GRID accommodates the insulated RECTIFIERS (Universal) O V test leads provided with the .00al CRYSTAL DIODES-all general purpose low voltage types 82 instrument. Size: 10" wide x SELENIUM POWER RECTIFIERS-up to 500 ma., 800 Ply 61/4" high x 41/2" deep. SILICON POWER RECTIFIERS-up to 750 ma., 800 PIV 170v See your electronics parts distributor or write for complete literature

330 K 270V 3300 n2 220K f77/elzcII/z«JELECTRONICS CORPORATION 10 m14 anufac/urers of quality electronic products 111 Roosevelt Avenue, Mineola, New York

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 79 '63 Color Circuits (Continued from page 36) time. If convergence isn't just right on the first try, it's better to proceed with the whole se- quence and go back a second time to "rock in" the inaccurate adjustments. 3. Perfect convergence, especially around the edge of the screen, can't reasonably be expected; trying to achieve it is a waste of time. At least 85% accuracy is normal, and excellent conver- gence over the central area of the screen should be easy to ob- TYPE IL ... why use old fashioned wax end -filled cardboard tain. capacitors in radio repairs? Avoid call-backs with Planet 4. Periodically during dynamic con- type IL dual section tubular . . . electrolytics hermetically vergence sealed in aluminum tubes with wax impregnated insulating procedures, the static convergence magnets includ- jacket ... U/L approved plastic covered leads . . . wrap- - around mounting strap. Planet IL's are smaller and longer ing the blue lateral magnet - lasting. Planet IL's are also available in 450 volts for TV should be reset for accurate servicing. Ask for them by type number at your distributor. merging of the beams in the middle of the screen. Write today for complete information. 5. If good dynamic convergence cannot be obtained by repeated attempts, it's advisable to set PLANET SALES CORPORATION all controls for minimum effect 225 Belleville Avenue Bloomfield, New Jersey to permit starting over with a "clean slate." In general, ampli- tude controls are positioned for least output, and tilt controls are adjusted to mid -position. NEW.. 6. Failure of any control to pro- FOR SOLDERING duce the prescribed effect on EASE.. the screen is the surest sign of THE trouble in the control circuit. All controls should have a SOLDERING AID clearly visible effect on a cross- KIT hatch pattern if they are work- ing normally. 7. After trouble has been partially No. 348 The Soldering Aid Kit Only $3.00 isolated by turning controls, conventional scope waveforms Put it in your pocket or carry it in your case ... X-Acto's new Solder- with help to determine if the ing Aid Kit is always handy, whenever you need it and with the tools proper pulse inputs are reaching you need. the convergence circuits. In many cases, the scope can also This time -saving kit contains a double -chuck handle and five different be used to check the action of tools-a fork, a knife & scraper, a tracer, a reamer and a brush, each made controls. of hard chrome -plated steel to which solder will not adhere. Perfect for 8. Most troubles can be finally printed circuits and other repairs. located by ohmmeter checks, since faults such as open coils, 348a Fork .40 348d Reamer .40 348b Knife & Scraper .50 348e Brush .60 poor control -arm contacts, and 348c Tracer .40 348h Handle 1.00 loose plug or terminal connec- Each tool individually replaceable from X -Acto. tions are the most common. One end of the suspected part must See it and X-acto's many other high -quality tools today at your usually be unsoldered for this distributor's, or write to: test, but at least there's no prob- lem of accessibility when you're X-ACTO PRECISION TOOLS, INC. working on a convergence 48-41 VAN DAM ST., DEPT. T-6, LONG ISLAND CITY 1, N. Y. panel!

80 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 Resistors NEW VERSATILITY & COMPACTNESS (Continued from page 20) in PROFESSIONAL TEST EQUIPMENT initially holds the current to a safe level. As the heater temperature AC VOLT -WATT METER #261 rises, so does that of the resistor. L7 NCO'` Formerly designated as #260 Kit $49.95 Wired $79.95 Heat expansion warps the bimetallic AC voltmeter and load -compensated audio -wattmeter of unique blade until the contacts close, short- quality and accuracy. Measures AC voltage from 1 millivolt to ---- 1000 volts in 11 ranges, and power from .015 milliwatt to 150 ing out the resistor and applying watts in 7 ranges, across standard loads from 4 to 600 ohms. The instrument incorporates a tapped power resistor load full voltage to the receiver. Al- (4, 8, 16, and 600 ohms) to handle up to 80 Watts of power on 8 ohms, and 40 watts on other taps. lt may be switched to though the resistance of the blade external load up to 150 watts. The meter is automatically com- pensated for any load selected, internal or external, to provide is quite small, normal operating a single watt scale for all loads and ranges. develops enough I2R loss to VOLTMETER:Ranges:.01, .03, .1, .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 current RMS volts. Frequency Response: ±Odb 10c to 150kc, -3db at keep the blade warm and the con- r ; 500 kc. Input Impedance: 2 megohm shunted by 15mmf. Accuracy: ±4%. as receiver tacts closed as long the r*x -'i WATTMETER: Ranges: 15mw, 1.5mw, 15mw, 150mw, 1.5W, 15W, 150W. Frequency Response: ±Odb 10c to 100kc. Accuracy: ±5%. is left on. Internal Loads: 4 (40W), 8 (80W), 16 (40W), 600 (40W). External Thermal relays have also been Loads: 4, 8, 16, 600 (all to 150W). used to some advantage for extend- ing the life of tubes in parallel ...USE THESE! heater configurations-usually by 0 CHANGE connecting the relay in the B+ cir- Bat. METERED VARIABLE cuit to hold back the application of AUTO -TRANSFORMER plate and screen voltage until the itTelee AC BENCH SUPPLIES heaters have attained operating tem- i, MOM perature. #1073 (3 -amp rating) A device similar to a thermal re- Kit $35.95 Wired $47.95 #1078 (71/2 -amp rating) lay, but working in reverse, can Kit $42.95 Wired $54.95 protect equipment from damage Connect to 60 cycle, 120 volt line and caused by short circuits. This unit obtain any desired voltage between 0 and 140 volts. Highly efficient variable auto - is a thermal circuit breaker (M7 in transformer of toroidal core design gives you continuously variable output, linear Fig. 4) . In case of a current over- versus rotation, with excellent regulation load, the thermal element heats and negligible waveform distortion. Model 1078 permits either 50 or 60 cycle until it opens a set of relay contacts. operation. This thermally induced operation explains why the breaker frequently USE THIS! cannot be reset for several seconds j CHA G after it opens: it has to cool enough ig,,,.. Extra -Low -Ripple so the contacts can be returned to 6- and 12 -Volt their original position. BATTERY ELIMINATOR AND Another type of resistor with a TMIS..". .1 CHARGER #1064 protective function is the fusible Kit $45.95 Wired $54.95 unit. Like the resistor in a circuit Connect to 60 cycle, 120 breaker, it acts as a B+ surge .r volt line and obtain high- ly filtered low do voltage limiter during normal operation. Al- continuously variable over two ranges 0-8, though a fusible resistor can survive 0-16 VDC. Heavy-duty pi -type LC filter is rated to take the full rated current output a momentary increase in current continuously (10 amps on 8V range, 6 beyond its rated limit, a continued amps on 16V range), reduces ripple as low as 0.3% at 2 amps on the 16V range. An II - essential instrument for servicing battery- PNP illr operated equipment, including transistor or hybrid types, and an excellent battery charger.

Also New From E/CO:

AC VTVM & = TRANSISTOR 1 -; IN -CIRCUIT AMPLIFIER AND CIRCUIT gie.CAPACITOR #250 TESTER #680 TESTER #955 Kit $49.95 i. .[ Kit $25.95 Kit $19.95 d -IN'a Wired $79.95 rW Wired $39.95 Wired $39.95 try Brr-© e

For complete catalog of over 106 EICO kits and wired units-hi-fi, test equipment, citizens radio, ham gear-plus name of nearest distributor, write to dept. pF-5

L, ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT CO., INC. (LEICO/® f.i 3300 Northern Blvd., Long Island City 1, N. Y.

Fig. 2. Bias circuit includes thermistor ADD 5% IN THE WEST Export Dept., Roburn Agencies Inc., 431 Greenwich St., New York 13, N.Y. to counteract "thermal runaway.' May, 1963/PF REPORTER 81 overload will cause it to burn open. Since this type of component is THE INDUSTRY'S deliberately operated close to its failure point, the value of a replace- ONLY COMPLETE ment unit is quite critical. An ohm or two, one way or the other, can "LOOK -ALIKE" LINE make the difference between no pro- tection, satisfactory operation, or BIMETALLIC BLADE OF BOTH NEEDLES premature burnout. CONTACTS Thermistor Measurements 1 T AND CARTRIDGES! The specifications of thermistors RESISTOR are rather critical, if they are to Fig. 3. Thermal -relay contacts close da11As1 produce exactly the desired amount when resistor is heated by current. of temperature compensation. Their response to current, voltage, and law) is 0.1 ma. Then, if the voltage temperature changes depends on a across R70 is 50 volts, the hot resis- number of factors such as the elec- tance figures out to be 500K ohms. trode contact area, ratio of surface Temperature Checks to volume, surface characteristics The that determine the air -interface work of some technicians includes coupling, and whether they are taking measurements with thermistors, mounted in still or moving air. as well as measurements of thermistors. Thermistors are also made of Many industrial shops, various materials to obtain different in particular, make use of an electronic operating characteristics. Some con- thermometer. This may be either sist of iron oxide; others are of a separate instrument or nickel oxide or manganese dioxide, an adapter to be used in conjunction with with binders such as titanium diox- a VTVM. Some probes used ide or clay. To minimize the num- with this type of meter contain a ber of different types that have to thermistor, which operates as part be manufactured or stocked, ther- of a bridge circuit. Other probes for mistors are sometimes shunted with 150 Exact ordinary resistors (as in Fig. 2) to Replacement obtain the optimum temperature PROLINE Cartridges characteristic for a particular circuit. The specifications of greatest in- terest in servicing are the cold resis- 300 Exact tance and hot resistance. The former Replacement is easily determined with an ohm- Needles meter at room temperature; for example, R70 in Fig. 1 will measure about 800K ohms unless it is defec- Speeds your phono tive. On the other hand, hot resis- service ... assures consistent tance does not lend itself to direct high quality and complete measurement. By the time the power compatibility of needles and has been switched off and the ohm- cartridges. Inventory and handling meter probes have been connected MASTER TELEVISION AND COMMUNICATION costs are cut to the bone. And the to the thermistor, its temperature ANTENNAS industry's greatest array of sales tools has usually dropped enough to re- The achievement of five years of research -cross-reference catalogs, wall charts, and development. PROfessional LINE means sult in a false reading. Quality through precision machined, all displays and merchandisers - is aluminum construction. Performance through Hence, accurate hot tested electrical available to suit your requirements. -resistance design. Value at moderate measurements require pricing. Ask your E -V distributor, or send checking the Constant "in-service testing" has established thermistor with new commercial standards for performance coupon for profitable details, today. power on, in terms and reliability. Praline has been proven of voltage and current. Voltage drop by exceeding the toughest requirements of remote mountain top and heavily metro- across the component is readily de- politan installations. See your distributor or write for free liter- termined with a VTVM, and the ature on Prolines for all television channels, Zercy;z FM bands, and communications frequencies. easiest way to figure the current is ELECTROVOICE, INC., Dept. 537R Buchanan, Michigan to find the voltage drop across a Please send my free needle and cartridge catalogs known resistance in series with the plus name of nearest distributor. Cush thermistor. Referring to Fig. 1 Name - again, if 100 volts is measured ft Address across 1-meg resistor R71, the cur- City State 621 HAYWARD ST., MANCHESTER, N. H. J rent through it (according to Ohm's DISTRIBUTED NATIONALLY

82 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 BYPASS PRODUCT the same purpose are thermocouple AEROVOX MYLAR* types. These usually consist of two NEWS small wires made of different ma- CAPACITORS PROVIDE SUPERIOR FROM . terials (for instance, copper and constantan), twisted together and FOR welded. When the probe is heated, PROTECTION the bimetallic element generates a current that can be measured with EVERY SERVICE JOB! a microammeter.

Other Variable Resistors The hot resistance of a thermistor is related to the voltage present across its terminals, but this factor is given much less attention than the temperature -vs -resistance char- acteristic. However, in certain other types of special resistors, a change of resistance resulting from a change in applied voltage is of primary im- portance. One component in this category is the varistor used in re- cent Philco TV sets to provide auto- matic regulation of width and high Registered DuPont trademark voltage. This unit is connected in Aerovox Bi -Electric Capacitors are packaged in handy see-thru the grid -bias circuit of the horizontal plastic bags for your convenience ... sealed for your protection. output tube, and also receives a Look for the famous Bi -Electric stand at your distributor's store. pulse voltage from the flyback trans- former. When the pulses increase in amplitude for any reason, the re- sistance of the varistor is lowered; this action causes additional bias to be placed on the output tube, so the flyback pulses will be brought back to the normal level. A more complete description of this circuit is given in "Highlights of '62 TV Lines" (October, 1961 PF RE- PORTER). Still other resistors respond to Aerovox Type BE Bi -Electric® Mylar Paper Aerovox Type V84C-V161 Aerofilm® Mylar Capacitors are extremely stable axial lead fluctuations in light. These are not Bypass Capacitors combine the advantages of an exclusive Polycap® case from end -to - units offering the exceptional protection photoelectric cells, because they do end, and process controlled end -fills to of the Polycap® case and epoxy end -seals not generate current when illum- provide complete sealed protection for which will not flow, soften or melt at any inated, but merely decrease in re- every service job! Over and over again, operating temperature! These high -quality insulation resistance A photoconductor actual tests prove that this superior, uni- capacitors have high sistance. typical form construction eliminates the cracking and low dielectric absorption and power contains a deposited film of cad- and chipping problems common with con- factor. mium sulfide, vacuum -sealed inside ventional dipped bypass capacitors-even Aerovox Bypass Kits AK -100 and AK-101HS. when the Bi -Electric units are used for axial a glass cell. Its dark resistance may provide you with a ready supply of the most lead installations. be about 100K ohms, or perhaps popular V84C-V161 units in a practical metal cabinet. as high as several megohms. In It's no wonder that Aerovox Mylar Paper Eliminate costly normal room light, the resistance Capacitors, featuring the Polycap Bypass delays and increase drops to 50K or less; very bright case, are becoming more popular every day. your profits with Protect your reputation and your profits by these money -saving asking your Aerovox distributor salesman kits now available or counterman for Aerovox Type BE or Type from your Aerovox V84C-V161 Bypass Capacitors. distributor.

Remember-it pays to use Aerovox! EROOX AEROVOX CORPORATION DISTRIBUTOR DIVISION NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Manufacturing Excellence Fig. 4. Excessive B+ current overheats Technical Leadership - circuit breaker and opens contacts. See Us In Room 529 At May Ports Show

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 83 light can reduce it to as low as 300 and transistors as "signal -sensitive ohms. resistors." In fact, the name transis- "Automatic Brightness and Con- tor is a condensation of the words trast Control" in the April, 1962 transfer resistor. As diagrammed in PF REPORTER explains how cad- Fig. 6, the amplifying device and mium sulfide cells are used in TV its output load resistance form a receivers to control CRT bias, voltage divider across a DC source. video amplifier gain, or both. De- When the effective resistance of the tailed testing procedures are also tube or transistor is varied by ap- given. To summarize these, valid plying an input signal to it, voltage tests can be made with an ohm- fluctuations are produced at the meter, since illumination of the pho- midpoint of the voltage divider. This toconductor is easily controlled even Fig. 5. Diode X1 in bias circuit per- changing voltage is utilized as an when this component is disconnected forms same function as a thermistor. output signal. from the circuit. The first sign of more current flows through the The amplifying action of a tube impending failure is a decrease in diode-heating it and lowering its makes use of its AC plate resist- the resistance spread-or ratio- forward resistance. In turn, the ance . There is also a DC plate from maximum dark to maximum diode reduces the bias, stabilizing resistance which, in a class-A am- light. the flow of collector current. plifier, is independent of the AC "Acting" Resistors Another "resistor by a different characteristic. In the "stacked" B+ A component doesn't have to be name" is a voltage regulator (VR) circuit of Fig. 7, this DC resistance labeled a resistor to function as tube, which is essentially a voltage - is used as a simple voltage -dividing one! It might be startling to find a sensitive resistor having a negative element to drop the power -supply semiconductor diode doing the job characteristic. As the applied volt- voltage from 250 to 135 volts- usually assigned to a thermistor, age attempts to rise above a pre- without affecting the amplifying but such an arrangement is oc- determined level, the VR tube ability of the tube. Here's a good casionally used. Diode X1 in Fig. 5 inserts just enough shunt resistance example of a "resistor" doing more conducts continually in the forward in the circuit to hold the voltage at than one useful job. direction, and helps to establish the this level. base -emitter bias. When the transis- It wouldn't be stretching a point On the Other Hand... tor tends to conduct excessively, too far to refer to all amplifier tubes So far, this article has stressed

SAVES your back... SAVES

1 your time .. . N--47"-- W

I I SHORTY DOLLY for RADIO and TV a quick, inexpensive way just 47 inches high for STATION WAGONS and PANEL PICK-UPS to correct off -standard Designed for N, radio and appliance men who make deliveries by station voltage wagon or panel truck ... the short 47 inch length saves detaching the set for loading into the "wagon" or TV sets, hi-fi's and other electronic equipment operate best when pick up. Tough, yet featherlight alu voltage holds closely to the normal 115-120 volts for which they minum alloy frame has padded felt were designed. Over -voltage and/or under -voltage affects the per- front, fast (30 formance of the tubes and the life expectancy second) web strap of all other com- ratchet fastener and two endless rub- ponents. Why fight an off -standard voltage condition? Correct it ber belt step glides. New folding with an Acme Electric T -8394M Voltage Adjustor. FOLDING PLATFORM platform attachment, at left, saves Corrects voltage over a range from 95 to 125 volts 151/4" x 241/2" top. your back handling large TV chassis to normal YEATS volts, simply by turning a Snaps on or off. 115/120 regulating switch. Includes or table models. Call your YEATS Model No. voltmeter which indicates output voltage; cord (Platform only) 5 and plug and $11.95 dealer or write direct today! Height 47" plug-in receptacle. Tell your supply dealer you want the Acme Weight 32 lbs. Electric T -8394M 300 watt, Voltage Adjustor. No other so compact, complete, practical, inexpensive. Write for Bulletin 091. I ee zde COVER AND PADS YEATS semi fitted covers are made ACME ELECTRIC CORPORATION of tough water repellent fabric with San 3581-2031 adjustable web straps 945 Water St. Cuba, N. Y. and soft, scratchless white flannel liners. All In Canada: Acme Electric Corp. Ltd., 50 Northline Rd., Toronto, Ont. FURNITURE PAD shapes and sizes - Write TV COVER APPLIANCE DOLLY SALES COMPANY A ef e YEATS 2103 N. 12th STREET MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN


PLATE OR COLLECTOR LOAD plug-in plug-in remote RESISTANCE lock -on AC/DC drop -in mag phono/tape and emergency TR -2 with converter AC/DC converter head pre -amp power relays carrying cover OUTPUT SIGNAL more! TUBE OR TRANSISTOR Harman-Kardon TROUBADOR offers more OUTPUT RESISTANCE RESISTANCE VARIED BY INPUT SIGNAL operating features, more application versatility,

Fig. 6. Tube or transistor operates as more value than any other transistorized variable element of voltage divider. some common examples of resistors mobile or portable public address amplifier. which do two desired jobs. Some- times, however, the second job is either undesired or unsuspected; in this case, it can lead to problems in designing or servicing equipment. One such difficulty arises when an ordinary resistor in a TV sweep - TR -1 oscillator circuit develops thermistor 15 -watt amplifier 30 -watt amplifier characteristics (usually increasing in resistance as the temperature goes Until you see and hear Troubador for addition to usual voice coil impedance yourself, the dramatic performance and outputs, a 25V constant voltage output up). Experienced technicians learn economy benefits of this remarkable makes adding or deleting speakers easy. to expect this trouble in some cases series may only be advertising claims to And the TR -1 can be used free-standing, of intermittent rolling or tearing, you. Here's why these amplifiers will sat- flush mounted, or with universal mounting and make a point of checking oscil- isfy virtually every rental, conventional or brackets to affix it to any convenient unusual field requirement: surface. a lator resistors with soldering gun THE TR -1 is a compact 15 watt am- THE TR -2 is a 30 watt amplifier in- or a squirt of freeze spray. plifier ideal for fire, police, marine, sight- corporating all features and advantages of Resistors can also make trouble seeing, ambulance, military, utility, the TR -1, plus some unique others. It has by volunteering for second jobs as construction, resort and other mobile or two microphone channels; there are two portable commercial uses where only low music inputs on a fader control; individual noise generators (in TV tuners and voltage D.C. power may be available from boost -cut bass and treble controls; both hi-fi amplifiers) or as thermal re- a battery or vehicle ignition system. Trou- 25V and 7O.7V balanced and unbalanced lays. As a consequence, they lose bador gives you all the operating facilities constant voltage outputs as well as voice both jobs; they must be replaced. you'll ever need-more than you ever ex- coil impedance outputs. There is space pected! Separate channels for a low im- on the TR -2 chassis for a drop -in AC -to - Conclusion pedance microphone (no input matching DC converter. Provision has also been transformer needed) and a music source made for a special plug-in relay that auto- Ohm's law hasn't been repealed, ( crystal or ceramic phono, tuner, tape re- matically and instantly switches the am- but the relationship of E, I, and R corder) ... with full mixing! A really use- plifier over to a standby battery in the is sometimes confused by resistors ful tone control employing a 4 -position event of AC power failure. This makes the which change value under certain filter network ( normal / to -cut / anti -feed- TR-2 a continuous-duty fail-safe amplifier back / hi -cut ), to help overcome problems especially suited for applications where conditions. Whenever you're puzzled with program material, acoustics, speaker uninterrupted communication is essential; by seemingly inconsistent readings and microphone characteristics. Optional ideal as an "emergency control" sound in a circuit, check to see if a dual - plug-in preamplifier with built-in, legiti- system. A combination cover and carrying function resistor (by design or ac- mate RIAA and NARTB equalization to handle makes the TR -2 as neat and easy accommodate any magnetic phono car- to transport as a small portable typewriter. cident) is pulling the wool over tridge or tape head-and still be able to Want more details? Send us the cou- your eyes. drive the amplifier to full output. pon or, better yet, visit your authorized It draws only one ampere for full out- Harman-Kardon distributor and see for AUDIO OUTPUT put on average voice or music program. yourself. ® 251661 Cannot be damaged by accidental appli- H. -roo cation of incorrect battery polarity; oper- r Harman-Kardon, Inc. Desk PFR -5 ates on positive or negatively grounded Commercial Sound Div. s vehicles. A solid-state converter is avail- 55 Ames Court, Plainview, L.I., N.Y. 175 V able to adapt the TR -1 for use on 117 Rush me the full Troubador story. VAC; locks to the side of the TR -1 to make it a combination AC/DC amplifier. Name

245V More! A plug-in relay permits the am- Address plifier to be turned on or off from a remote 135V LINE location, even from the microphone. There City State is an output to feed a tape recorder. In Fig. 7. DC plate resistance of 2516 harman kardon is utilized as B_ dropping resistor. eg, A subsidiary r' THE JERROLD CORPORATION

May, 1963iPF REPORTER 85 Tuner Repairs (Continued from page 29) voltage here indicates a leaky PROFESSIONAL This is the busi- ca- nesslike approach THE pacitor. Capacitors with even very to service record slight leakage technicians keeping. Tripli- should be replaced as cate forms serve a precautionary measure against as order form, use nvoice and office future callbacks. record, with Oscillator troubles spaces for com- are often plete information SPEAKER caused by leaky capacitors, espe- on every job. OFFICIAL Separate listings cially the fine-tuning capacitors in for receiving some tuners. However, bad tubes, ORDER BOOKS tubes, pix tube, parts, serial num- open resistors, or defective coils bers, labor and also come in for their for every tax charges, sig- THAT SELLS share of sus- natures, etc. 75c picion. Sometimes it is necessary a book, 56.50 for TV-RADIO dust -proof box of to select tubes for replacement in 10. In stock at the oscillator circuit or else read- service }our distributor. just the "overall" oscillator fre- x r r ITSELF call quency. Usually there is an adjust- ment that affects all channels-like FREE Cl in Fig. 6; but sometimes there will be one adjustment for the high Write for your channels and another for the low. free folder de- For tuners that do not have these scribing Dave Rice's OFFICIAL adjustments, it is usually wise to ORDER BOOKS, keep trying tubes until you find one including an ac- that gives you the correct channel tual size sample at the right point on the channel copy of the handy selector. If absolutely necessary, a order form. short, stiff, insulated wire soldered ELECTRONIC to the plate pin of the oscillator PUBLISHING CO" INC. tube can be moved closer to or 133 N. JEFFERSON ST. farther from the chassis to alter CHICAGO 6, ILLINOIS the oscillator frequency. An in- crease in frequency of any single channel coil will occur if you squeeze its turns closer together; Now you can correct but, in an incremental -inductance off-standard voltage (switch -type) tuner, changing one coil in this way will affect the fre- with a New Utah Thin -Drive Speakers in quency on all lower channels. self service bubble pack display Utah's radically new Thin -Drive TO MIXER GRID Speaker is available in all popular _t_ 1.5 sizes. It uses a completely new mag- mmf c1 netic material (Lodex by G.E.) . The C2 VOLTAGE "pot" is reduced in size and weight D-2-2 ! - mml ADJUSTER -efficiency and performance in - 10 mmf increased. The Thin -Drive is thinner NPO Electronic equipment operates best in profile, allowing more knuckle 15K at the 115-120 volts for which it was room in tightly packed sets. designed! No longer do you have to A beautiful combination! make -do with high or low voltage, which affect the performance and Utah's new Thin -Drive speakers operating life of tubes and other come individually carded-sealed in components. Use a Terado Voltage clear plastic bubbles for optimum Adjuster, which will correct any protection and display. voltage within a 95 to 135 range, to Utah's attractive self service a normal 115-120. Great for TV, display rack offers fingertip con- hi-fi, and universal A.C., motors in venience, self -merchandising - self - low or high voltage areas. pricing. See your Utah distributor. TWO MODELS: Planet (up to 300 Watt) Dealer Net $7.80 Polaris (up to 500 Watt) Dealer Net $9.20

SW N CH 13 POSITION See your electronics parts jobber, or writer ALL COILS SHORTED EXCEPT THE LAST ONE I CORPORATION 1073 Raymond Ave. Fig. 6. This typical TV tuner oscillator St. Paul 8, Minnesota I G O --WI° H U N T N T N, INDIANA is a form of the Colpitts circuit. In Canada, Atlas Radio Corp., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.

86 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 TEMPORARY TEST POINT : : . : : ': :. '.. . .. :'.m:::::: FOR TUNERS NOT HAVING ONE Yi».. ±...... «.. I06: 2:a. .- . . . .. = :-,1110 ... r :a:...ur .' L1 =Ma ...... ,o: : mr ¡r...ú .ii.. ==.LL. r. ._...M. :.... .11P .r...... u ...... 1w ....u.. +'.:11:äG::::":u.. "' .. . . 1 /:Yi me .w.1 .: ,..... a... mu ...r. .u...... uu /MINIM 1...... \ saw Ç s...... a. ..wMI i\ww... ww or .ó. a 13.3113131113313r . .::::::ii -.. _ . _...... '.'... . 1 .. .1 i =. .:...... ::: -a::a y"so oNM , : . 1NOT ffi ¡}ii:ovw w I j} . . t ..aur. w.:. i z t f .' r I\\R....r.,lt.u..\ ar. C ,,sil wT IYi C...... ¡¡ .rlii uu.t\L1.... r:r .u..u..tll.1 ii ) 17 1.tir.'..\ I aq.. a..p. iM...N.O .. ...r. a .. ;o....o....i..a.. Fig. 7. Mixer -grid test point is help- ..11\.. 40 2:ii.N.iiriiii ful for checking RF and oscillator. .\art r s ..N..aY11 .oe. . sx. ii; ii.AMI :¡ Antenna Coils el!!!!!!:2H111/11:674111"11111/1w In metropolitan areas the an- íir..ii .--a.../u. .r. . tenna coil-or balun-is seldom a r..r `:`.iii1::: Ú..1. 1111131111 ;;":: problem, but in areas where out- 1011.1.1 .....=e== :.... _ side antennas are used, the coils »mimer..r.r... .--'MINNIAPOtIf, .i...r ..rta.. :a.r. Cf MIHN. LLR .1 _ H 1. are often damaged by lightning or =.....M01....r..rM _ ...... us...!.N. .1.11.3. . 11 .aY..l1 ..../a.aar....a...w._`...... a.. 11 Lti static discharges. Checking the coils ...... i r..._.r rrr..,. .11fifflw...... L-r.....u.... r...arvrr...... a» me with is rw..n.aa....w...... Om.. an ohmmeter not always . WOMB .aa.1...... a.rl.`-..=...... w.w...... MM.." :i...... r.u ...u..... Mid, because the resistance of the i riii.r..ú-...... rr coils is extremely low, and they sometimes parallel one another in SERVICE YOUR CALLS TO TOP such a way that an ohmmeter check C/B means nothing. TALK POWER WITHOUT A SCOPE! The device shown in Fig. 8A Here's a modulation meter and transmitter tester for Citizens Band and low power can be used to bypass the antenna transmitters. Wide meter scale reads modulation direct in percentage-0%-120%-BOTH coil, and connect the antenna di- positive and negative peaks. No expensive scope needed! Reads transceiver RF output to a fraction of a watt. Meter scale calibrated for 0-5 watts RF output; 0-400 ma RF output. rectly to the RF amplifier grid. Will serve as field strength or remote RF indicator. Also detects presence of A.M. and hum You simply connect one of the ca- modulation on FM transmitters. Has high impedance input for Handy Talkies-jack for pacitors headphone or scope monitoring. A compact unit complete with adaptor and accessory kit. to the grid pin and the Attenuator accessory available for power output to 50 watts (Model 511A). other one to ground. If a notice- ':.,-_, .,;; -_ MODEL 5106 $48.95 NET able improvement in picture quality MODEL 511A (attenuator accessory) $15.95 NET results, there is trouble in the an- IN -LINE ANTENNA TESTER-tests antenna efficiency and RF power output DIRECTLY IN WATTS! Dual air coupler rated at 1000 watts maximum. Unit is designed for 50 ohm tenna coil. coaxial liefficiencgynes-inserts no error in coax up to 160 MC. TotoBp meter scale reads antenper ws: inareadndins Ratio fromI:1 cent- Or simnnain RF GOOD -POOR. tom scalethree FORWARD POWERWave AND REFLECTED POWER DIRECTLY Amplifier Stage IN WATTS! Three watts ranges -0.10, 0.100 and 0.1000. Model 520AP accessory adap- You can also use tors consist of a 24' coaxial cable with Motorola and phone tips to coax adaptor. the same de- MODEL 520 A $49.95 NET vice to check an RF stage: Just MODEL 520 A with 520AP $54.95 NET remove the RF tube from its socket, MODEL 520AP (Accessory-Adaptors only) $5.25 NET connect one capacitor to ground, 2 -WAY RADIO TEST SET -Combination Crystal Checker, RE Signal and Field Strength Meter. Checks crystal activity on third overtone receiver crystals -checks fundamental types and third overtone receiver crystals at fundamental frequency. Use 0-50 ma meter CERAMIC DISCS for final RF amplifier tuning. Quick -checks a crystal's "on channel" operation. Supplies low power, unmodulated RF signal for adjusting squelch, etc. -or tone modulated RF signal for peaking. Comes with 15 ft. remote cable -uses two 1.5 V "C" cells. MODEL 500, wired and factory tested $29.95 NET

TRANSISTOR REGULATED POWER SUPPLY -A metered variable DC supply that main 50 mmf tains constant voltage over wide load variation. Five output and meter ranges -0.1.5 V, 0.15 V, 0.30V, 0-30 ma and 0-150 ma. Max ripple 10 MV -output impedance 1.8 ohms. Two variable bias voltages (0-1.5 V and 0-7.5 V) available as well as 0-15 V simultaneously. ks MODEL RPS-4 $36.95 NET

ANT TERMINAL STRIP TRANSISTORIZED "S" METER -Indicates signal strength accurately with no loading on AVC. Illuminated "zero" to "30 db over 9" meter -controls for zero set and sensitivity. A Self -powered by 9 V transistor battery. Easily adapted to both transistor and tube type P1'á` receivers -makes handsome matching set with Signal Filter below. 50 MODEL 540 $13.88 NET

mmf ß SIGNAL FILTER -Noise limiter and controllable squelch electronically clips noise pulses - 50 increases reception range. Filters ignition noises without costly suppression installations. For most C/B tubetype transceivers -all AM superhet receivers with 6 or 12 V AC or mm DC and 150 V "B" power supply. ®ANT® MODEL 530 $15.88 NET --- TO MIXER ` i For complete SECO ELECTRONICS, INC., 1221 S. Clover Drive, Minneapolis 20, Minn. information v rb Please rush information on following equipment and include folder describing complete on Seco C/B Seca RPS-4 TUBE or 2 -Way range of test equipment: D 510B Cl 520A D 500 D D 540 D 530 Radio test REMOVED equipment, NAME see your B electronic COMPANY supply deal- ADDRESS Fig. 8. To check antenna coil, bypass er or send this coupon. CITY STATE signal around it through capacitors. _,

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 87 and clip the other to the plate pin opens, the AGC voltage will be For example, molded tube sock- in the socket-as shown in Fig. excessive and the tuner output will ets can often be repaired with an 8B. If the picture quality improves be lowered drastically. ice pick. You can tighten the con- when you bypass the stage, it ob- A quick test is to simply ground nections by inserting the pick be- viously is faulty. the AGC terminal with a screw- tween the socket body and the out- AGC Delay Resistors driver or jumper, and see if the side of the contact, forcing the con- One common cause of low tuner picture improves. If so, check the tact in toward the center so it will sensitivity is excessive AGC volt- condition of the delay resistor. take a firmer grip on the tube pin age. This happens if the delay re- when the tube is reinserted. If the Mechanical Troubles sistor (Fig. 9) opens or increases point of the pick is flattened, it be- in value. To overcome the posi- Intermittent, weak, or inopera- comes an ideal reamer for cleaning tive bucking voltage supplied by tive tuners can also be caused by and brightening the inside of the the delay resistor, the AGC volt- mechanical faults. You can repair contact. age must be more negative than many of these mechanical troubles Check carefully underneath sock- would otherwise be required. For with a minimum of equipment and ets to make sure all the connec- this reason, if the delay resistor a certain amount of ingenuity. tions are tight; if in doubt, re - solder. Check wires leading away from the socket to other contacts and check for tight connections at 1962-63 both ends. (Sometimes a seem- ingly intermittent socket is really a loose connection somewhere else TV Replacements in the tuner.) If a tuner has a broken switch wafer or rotor, it may be more eco- Lead Stancor's nomical to buy a replacement tuner. Tuner -repair companies offer most types on an exchange basis. How- ever, some tuners are designed so at least a portion of the wafer switches can be replaced without too much difficulty. Remember, though, the shaft often can be in- serted into the switch rotor in more than one way. So one special pre- caution to take, if you do replace a switch wafer, is to make sure that all the switches "track" when you reinsert the shaft.

Parts Replacement Parts buried deep inside the tuner may be difficult to reach and replace. Removing the components necessary for free access to the part may be time-consuming, or virtually impossible. Here, the tech- niques often suggested for printed - circuit repair are helpful: Instead

I RF PA A or PA AMP e Stancor exact replacement transformers for 1962 This 1963 Stancor Parade of USE JUMPER and 1963 television sets are now available from your Parts dramatizes our continuing AGC TERMINAL GROUND HERE /ON TUNER distributor. For the first time in the history of the program of providing an exact FOR CHECK transformer replacement market, parts are in stock replacement transformer for your FROM for sets the dealers are selling today. These brand- every need, available through AGC SOURCE new units are among the more than 90 yokes, your electronic parts distributor. DELAY RESISTOR AGC flybacks, powers, and vertical output transformers CLAMPER added to the Stancor line so far this year.

I IN SOME SETS 1 You can rely on him ... and on STANc OR ELECTRONICS, INC. Fig. 9. Simply grounding tuner AGC 3501E W. ADDISON CHICAGO 18, ILL. line checks for delay -resistor fault.



Fig. 10. Feedthrough capacitor can be replaced with two ceramic disc cuits. of clipping the old part close to where it is soldered, either crush it or clip it out to leave as much as possible of the old lead still con- nected. Then you can bend a hook in the new lead and slip it over the old lead; thus, you can make the solder joint out in the open where it is easier to reach. Feedthrough Capacitors These capacitors are sometimes hard to replace because of their location or because an exact re- placement is not available. For by- pass types, except in certain neu- tralizing or tuned circuits, you can use the method shown in Fig. 10. In many circuits, only one of the capacitors will be required if the leads are kept short, but the use of two capacitors is a wise precaution. Positioning of Parts full -range SOUND Only a few parts in the tuner are extremely critical in positioning. or atomic blast ...There's a Precision PA amplifier to handle any Many parts may be moved from Popgun their original position if necessary sound requirement, large or small. Realistically power -rated, you can select (or if the position of the original a unit to provide uniform coverage on every job. part is unknown) without undue effect on tuner operation. A good You can count, too, on Precision's reputation for quality ... dependable design precaution to follow is to keep the that means versatility and operating simplicity throughout the entire line. leads of components - especially bypass capacitors - as short as Write for Popular PA and Professional Sound Catalogs. possible, and not to change the point at which these capacitors are grounded. Gjol #` Send the Tuner to a Specialist? The answer is: Certainly, if you 1i1lüif1ili cannot do the repair profitably you MODEL 10PA MODEL G5M MODEL 25MPA yourself. Remember, though, PA Low end of a popular line of PA Deluxe preamplifier, mixer, All -transistor 25 watt mobile are in a good position to make equipment ranging up to 100 equalizer from Precision's pro- amplifier featuring low current fessional group. drain from 12 volt car battery. sure the tuner is operating prop- watts of audio output. sound erly, since you have the rest of the set and can check its performance under the best of conditions. With tuners, as with all servic- ing, a lack of familiarity is what makes most technicians reluctant to o-yn in eL tackle the job. Familiarity, how- h ELECTRONICS, INC. PRECISION only with practice; ever, comes 9101 KING STREET FRANKLIN PARK, ILL. / with enough of this, you can be- come a tuner expert.

May, 1963/PF REPORTER 89 New Novar Tubes (46Z)

Three new novar types for A use in the horizontal output !S stages of TV receivers have been released by the Electron Tube Division of RCA. The 6JB6, 12JB6, and 17JB6 are identical except for their fila- ment ratings. The latter two, for use in series strings, have heaters with controlled warm- up. These tubes feature a sepa- For further information on any of the following items, circle rate base -pin for connecting to grid 3, so a positive voltage can the associated number on the Catalog & Literature Card. be applied to minimize "snivets." Other features are increased voltage and dissipation ratings for the plate. Silicon Rectifier (44Z) Battery Showcase (47Z) A new silicon rectifier with Popular transistor radio bat- built-in heat sink is the TH800 tery replacements are featured Semitropics Corp. The in this 15" x 241/2" x 101/2" metal jacket covering the main "Eveready" showcase display body of the rectifier is iso- from National Carbon. Its glass - lated from the electrical ele- topped cabinet invites customers ments; thus, it can be placed to stop, look, and buy. There in physical contact with the is an abundance of extra stor- chassis without risk of short- age space in the rear of the ing. Rated at 850 ma, the unit is obtainable with several peak - case. Also included at no extra reverse -voltage ratings from 100 to 1000 volts. cost is a battery tester capable of checking all the various types of batteries likely to be encountered. High -Voltage Wire (45Z) Stylus -Pressure Gauge (48Z) Designed to fulfill the need This new Robins stylus -pres- for a flexible high -voltage lead, sure gauge will measure the the Oneida "Hi -Flex" has an tracking force of almost any insulation rating of 22,000 stylus and cartridge assembly. volts. The wire contains 16 The unit is calibrated in 1/2 - strands of 30 -mm pure tinned gram increments from 1/2 gram copper. It comes packaged in to 8 grams. Designated Model 15' coils or bulk wound on SG -2, it has a list price of ""\\ 250' spools. $1.45.


e.GIidPlìi777C'2afi r(i/IhIT)7lf P.O. Boo 1005 . ISl'Itl.l.A(;l'UA, IOW

NO MORE NEED FOR AN UNSIGHTLY AND COMPLICATED ARRAY OF ANTENNAS ON ANY ROOF. IF IT'S TELEVISION. PLUS FM RADIO RECEPTION YOUR CUS- TOMER WANTS. THE SA -242, BY ANTENNACRAFT, IS THE ANTENNA TO INSTALL. THIS ALL CHAN- NEL TV ANTENNA IS ESPE- CIALLY DESIGNED TO RECEIVE THE FM BROADCAST BAND ,McT2F d, AS WELL. AND ONLY ONE LEAD-IN IS REQUIRED. FOR STERLING PERFORM- ANCE ON TV AND FM. AND 5 inch TO INSURE SATISFIED CUS- WIDE - BAND HIGH SENSITIVITY TOMERS. INSIST ON ANTENNA - CRAFT'S SA -242. MORE INFORMA- OSCILLOSCOPE TION IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. Model SA -242 For Block and White or Color Laboratory quality scope with highly stable circuitry and iia ü tIf , i' t ï ü 1yi fii i iïoi fìli fi ì G'i T every feature for accurate TV %'r Itolli'a{ÌlilíiLiti>ti'r work, COLOR and BLACK and _' ilüi JÌì íbï" '' "il. `ì li ü ïi i`i i'` itr WHITE. Widely used, too, in i many laboratory and industrial musk applications. Y,:tr ...... a , ti1.111111figi,

q . Electrical Instrument Co. us May Show, Room O . )... See at the Parts 9r. 124 McDonough St. Dayton, Ohio

90 PF REPORTER/May, 1963 SERVICE SEE NEW (49Z) Lead Splicers NEWS from EPL INDUSTRIAL MODELS For quicker and easier re- BOOTH 4008 placement of components such as resistors and capacitors on printed -circuit boards, Colman "Splicers" can be used as fol- "Don't tell me lows: Clip the faulty compo- nent from the printed board, leaving short lead stubs. Slip all power supplies are the same a "Splicer" over each stub; in- sert the new component leads in the other end of the "Splicers," and solder. The job is ... I've used Electro for 10 years completed before appreciable heat is conducted to the printed board. and I know better!"

Compact Speaker (50Z) This 10 -watt speaker by Jen- sen Mfg. Co. features special corrosion- and weather-proof construction, in a slim 81/2" x 2 3/16" size. Designed primari- ly for schoolrooms, offices, res- taurants, stores, and similar in- stallations, the C-835 can also be used for time -warning and alarm signals. Its impedance is 8 ohms, and its frequency re- sponse is from 35 cps to 18 kc, with a bass resonant point at 70 cps. Net weight is only 1 lb., 10 oz. The unit carries a list price of $10.00.

VOM (51Z) This 200K -ohm -per -volt VOM from Triplett features a meter movement with taut -band sus- (... quote from a user who refused to be sold a substitute) pension; no pivots, bearings, or hairsprings are used. The unit has a 5-ua meter, and can measure semiconductor leak- 30 ADC output age from .1 ma to 12 amperes. The Model 630 -NS, in a at 1% AC ripple molded black case measuring 3 11/32" x 51/2" x 71/2", car- ... upto50ADC ries a list price of $99.50. for short periods

Desoldering Tool (52Z) "PS -30" 12 VDC Power Supply offers many perform- Available from local distribu- ance/operating advantages of high-priced brands. tors is this new desoldering tool for removing and re- Broad application . . . service all communication placing compactron sockets on equipment; use as power source for base station printed boards. The unit is de- operation, quality control, varied industrial and signed by Eversole Industries to fit your present soldering gun. laboratory needs. It is possible with this tool to Variable voltage 8 -position selector switch gives heat all the terminals simultan- ... eously instead of one at a time. wide range of voltage adjustment. Similar tools for removing Low DC impedance 0.27 ohms, other multicontact components ... no load to full are available. load. Guaranteed 1 year ... many years of satisfactory Miniature Tubes (53Z) service assured with special circuitry, patented Three 9 -pin miniature vacu- conduction cooling and top quality components. um tubes designed for home entertainment equipment are Stocked at Your Electronic Distributor being marketed by ITT. The 18 OTHERS FROM 6 TO 12SV ... $19.95 TO $195.00 ECL800 (6KH8) is used for push-pull audio amplification FREE SELECTION GUIDE PS -562R ON COMPLETE LINE with phase inversion, and has a total power dissipation of 12 ELECTRO PRODUCTS watts. The ELL80, capable of up to 9 watts of push-pull out- LABORATORIES put, is designed for use as an 6125-T Howard, Chicago 48 (Niles), Ill. audio output tube in stereo amplifiers, recorders, and radios. 3140 Phone: 647-6125 or as a reactance tube in TV receivers. The EM84A voltage - Canada, Atlas Radio Ltd., Toronto indicator tube can provide a visual tuning indication for AM - FM radios, as well as audio -level monitoring in tape recorders. Since 1936... Pioneers in Low Voltage DC Power Supplies


ANTENNAS & ACCESSORIES professional sound equipment. See ad page 89. MAY, 1963 1Z. BLONDER -TONGUE -28 -page catalog, 25Z. "Planning Master TV Antenna Sys- SEMITRONICS-Replacement and sub- tems;" stitution charts for transistors and di- also booklet, "Closed -Circuit odes; also Telechron clock troubleshoot- Acme Electric Corp. 84 Television Guide for Business and In- dustry." ing and replacement guide. See ad page Admiral Sales Corp. 36 39. 2Z. CHANNEL MASTER Brochure de- Aerovox Corp. 83 - 26Z. VOLKSWAGEN 60-page illustrated scribing Super -Crossfire high -gain an- booklet "The - Amperex Electric Corp. 19 tenna, designed for both stereo -FM and Owner's Viewpoint," de- TV reception. scribing how various business enter- Antennacraft Co. 90 prises use VW trucks; complete speci- 3Z. CUSH CRAFT -Illustrated brochure on fications Antenna Specialists Co., The 12 complete line of Citizens -band antennas on truck line. See ad page 18. Arco Electronics, Inc. 46 and accessories, including Blitz Bug TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS ATR Electronics, Inc. 12 coaxial lightning arrester. See ad page 82. 272. CLEVELAND INSTITUTE OF B & K Mfg. Co. 42. JERROLD - Information on Model ELECTRONICS - "Pocket Electronics Div. of Dynascan Corp. 35, 37, 40 UVC-7083 Ultra -Vista UHF converter Data Guides" with conversion factors, Belden Mfg. Co. 65 for MPATI and translator areas, with formulas, tables, and color codes. Also RF amplifier preceding nuvistor folder, Berns Mfg. Co., Inc., The 66 oscil- "Choose Your Career In Elec- lator. See ad 2nd cover. tronics," describing home -study elec- Bussmann Mfg. Div. 16-17 SZ. JFD-Brochure on LPV log -periodic TV tronics training programs, including antennas and Transis-tenna; also bul- FCC -license preparation. Cadre Industries 77 letins and catalogs showing entire line 28Z. GRANTHAM SCHOOL OF ELEC- Castle TV Tuner Service 57 of TV -FM indoor antennas and acces- TRONICS -Booklet describing resident Centrelab, Div. of Globe -Union, Inc. 45 sories. and correspondence courses available to prepare Champion DeArment Tool 52 you for an FCC commercial Co. AUDIO & HI-FI radiotelephone operator license. Clarostat Mfg. Co., Inc. 67 29Z. MOTOROLA TRAINING INSTI- Colman Electronic Products 56 6Z. DUOTONE-Supplemental 1963 catalog TUTE Comprehensive home -study and needle -replacement Wall Chart. See course on- FM Cush Craft 82 ad page 56. two-way communications servicing, including a section on tran- Delco Radio Div. (GMC) 69 7Z. QUAM-NICHOLS --- Speaker Replace- sistors and transistorized equipment. ment Guide listing the speakers used in Duotone Co., Inc. 56 302. HOWARD W. SAMS -Literature de- all automobiles from 1955 through 1962. scribing all See ad page 70. current publications on EICO Electronic Instrument Co., Inc. 81 radio, TV, communications, audio/hi-fi, 8Z. SONOTONE-Specification sheet SAH - Electro Products Labs 91 and industrial electronics, including 70 giving information on Sono -Flex Fall -Winter 1962 Book Catalog and de- Electronic Publishing Co., Inc. 86 flexible phono needle. See ad page 68. scriptive flyer on 1962 Test Equipment Electro -Voice, Inc. 82 Annual. See ads pages 73, 76. COMMUNICATIONS GC Electronics Co. 42 TEST EQUIPMENT General Electric Co. 9Z. CADRE -Bulletins on four 5 -watt Citi- 312. ANTRONICS-General catalog describ- Receiving Tube Dept. 43. 49 zens -band radios, and on new 1.5 -watt ing Anchor Model T-475 Reacto-Tester, hand-held transceiver. See ad page 77. Greyhound Corp. 61 which repairs, analyzes, and tests every type of picture tube. Harman-Kardon, Inc. 85 COMPONENTS 322. B & K -Catalog AP2O-R giving data 102. BUSSMANN and information on Model 850 Color ITT Distributor Products Div. 22-23 -Bulletin SFUS, 12 -page Analyst, Model 960 Transistor booklet listing the complete line of Radio Buss and Fusetron fuses Analyst, Model 1076 Television Analyst, Jackson Electrical Instrument Co. 76, 90 by size and Dynamatic 375 VTVM, V-O-Matic 360, Jensen Mfg. Co. type; also shows proper fuseholder and Model 625 75 list price. See ad pages 16-17. Dyna-Tester, Models 600 and Jerrold Electronics Corp. 2nd Cover 700 Dyna-Quik tube testers, Models 420 11Z. SPRAGUE - Catalog C-614 showing and 440 CRT Tester-Reactivators, and complete listings of all stock parts for 1070 L. A. Tuner Exchange - 42 Model Dyna-Sweep Circuit Ana- TV and radio replacement use, as well lyzer. See ads pages 35, 37, 40. Littelfuse, Inc. 4th Cover as Transfarad and Tel-Ohmike capaci- 332. 32 -page tor analyzers. See ad page 10. EICO-New catalog of kits and Mallory, P. R. & Co., Inc. 41 wired equipment: test equipment (in- Mercury cluding new Model 902 IM/Harmonic Electronics Corp. 78,79 SERVICE AIDS Distortion Meter and AC VTVM), Merit Coil & Transformer Corp. 60 stereo and monophonic hi-fi, Citizens - Miller, J. W. Co. 44 122. CASTLE -Leaflet describing fast over- band transceivers, ham gear, and tran- haul service on television tuners of all sistor radios. Also information on gen- Motorola Communications & makes and models; also illustrated lists eral construction procedures, "Short Electronics, Inc. -Comm. Div. 55 of universal and original -equipment Course for Novice License," and "Vis- tuners. See ad page 57. utronic Teaching See ad page 81. Oaktron Industries, Inc. 48 Aids." 13Z. INJECTORALL - New 1963 catalog 34Z. HICKOK-Information about specifica- Philco Corp. showing complete line of chemicals used tions of new Model 677 Wide Band Parts & Service Operations 13, 62 in electronics. Oscilloscope; also "Scope Facts." Planet Sales Corp. 80 14Z. PRECISION TUNER -Information on 35Z. KARG Data sheet and instruction repair and alignment service for any booklet- for MX -1G Stereo Multiplex Precision Electronics, Inc. 89 TV tuner. See ad page 74. Signal Generator; also "Alignment And Precision Tuner Service 74 15Z. YEATS Literature describing the Adjustment of Stereo -FM Tuners And - Adapters." Quam-Nichols Model 5 appliance dolly, featuring all Co. 70 aluminum I-beam construction. See ad 36Z. MERCURY -Literature giving informa- page 84. Raytheon Co. tion and specifications on popular -priced 59 servicemen's test equipment. See ads RCA Electron Tube Div. pages 78, 79. Electronic Instrument Section 21 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICES Commercial 64 37Z. PEL ELECTRONICS -Bulletins giving Engineering Dept. 16Z. ACME ELECTRIC -Specifications and information DM201 Receiving & Picture Tubes ..71, 3rd Cover on all -transistor applications for control-type magnetic "grid" dip meter and SG101 signal RCA Parts & Accessories 47 amplifiers with câpacities from 5-1000 generator. RCA Sales Corp. 63 watts and voltage ranges from 24-160 on volts. See ad page 84. 38Z. SECO -Information Transistor and Rohn Mfg. Co. 72 Tunnel Diode Analyzer, a "complete 172. ATR-Literature on 1963 series Kara- transistor lab" requiring no setup data. Sams, Howard W. & Co., Inc. 73, 76 dios, including both transistor -powered See ad page 87. and Sarkes Tarzian Inc. tube types. All sets available as 39Z. SENCORE Complete information on "universal" or "customized." See ad CA122 - and Tuner Div. 9 page 12. Color Circuit Analyzer Seco Electronics, Inc. 87 PS120 Wide -Band Scope. See ads pages 18Z. ELECTRO PRODUCTS Descriptive 51, 53, 54. Semitronics Corp. 39 folder ECS-363 and cross-reference- Se- SENCORE, Inc. 51, 53, 54 lection Guide PS -562R giving specifica- TOOLS tions and information on available DC Sonotone Corp. 68 power supplies. See ad page 91. 402. BERNS -Data on 3 -in -1 picture tube Products Co. 10 repair tools, on Audio Pin -Plug Crimper Sprague 192. GC ELECTRONICS -New FR -65 gen- Inc. 88 that lets you make pin -plug and ground Stancor Electronics, eral catalog containing 330 pages of connections for shielded cable without new products and standard lines of all Terado Corp. 86 soldering, and on ION adjustable "beam divisions. See ad page 42. bender." See ad page 69. 202. GREYHOUND information Utah Electronics Corp. 86 - Complete 41Z. ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT - on Greyhound Package Express, includ- Literature from Endeco on improved Utica Communications Corp. 74 ing rates and routes. See ad page 61. desoldering and resoldering techniques 21Z. Volkswagen of America, Inc. 18 LAFAYETTE RADIO -Brochure with for use on PC boards. information about owning associate 422. EVERSOLE - Sheets describing and Western TV Tuner Rebuilders 52 store. listing prices of DeSod desoldering tools Winegard Co. 14-15 22Z. OLYMPIC-Catalog showing complete for removing and replacing parts on line of stereo and monophonic hi-fi, printed circuit boards, including new Workman Electronic Products, Inc. 66 radios, and TV receivers. tip for miniature IF transformers. X -Acto Tools, Inc. 80 23Z. PACO Information on Model 1010 Precision stereo -FM- multiplex unit, including pre- TUBES Yeats Appliance Dolly Sales Co., Inc. 84 amp and amplifier; also data on new 432. AMPEREX 33 -page condensed tube stereophonic tape deck. catalog with- numerical index, descrip- Zenith Sales Corp. 242. PRECISION ELECTRONICS -Catalog tions, and basic specifications. See ad Parts Sales Div. 24 giving information on popular PA and page 19. SERVICE

with RCA tibes ` '{

Let RCA put your name in lights

Put a bright new face on your store front with a striking SIGNS IN TWO POPULAR SIZES illuminated outdoor hanging RCA business sign. Through 3' x 5' Double -Faced Illumi- Authorized RCA Tube Distributors, RCA offers you a RADIO TV HI-FI rated Hanging Sign -1A1341 choice of two new double-faced illuminated shop signs imprinted with your business name. Made of weather- SERVICE 2' x 5' Double -Faced Illumi- proof RCA business nated Hanging Sign -1A1340 translucent plastic, signs: . e with RCA tubesat Brighten your entire shop front YOUR NAM Give your business a smart, modern, SERVICE efficient appearance with RCA tubes C. 410 Focus attention on your services Fix your shop location in the minds CM, YOUR NAME of potential customers Associate your business with the prestige and customer acceptance of RCA-the most Find out now how you can get yours. Your participating Authorized trusted name in electronics RCA Electron Tube Distributor has all the facts. Call him today.


Cei The Most Trusted Nerne in Electronics 2412

SUB -MINIATURE MICROFUSES and microfuse holders 8AG INSTRUMENT FUSES for internal connection 1/500 AMP. thru 5 AMPS. and panel mounting. 1/500AMP.thru5AMPS. C 125 volts. Will interrupt 10,000 AMPS. DC short circuit. For instrument and meter protection, Littelfuse pioneered the design and development of reiiable fast -acting fuses. LITTELFUSE Des Plaines, Illinois