S~, MtUf 16, 194.2 HOTEL DULUTH Singing of America


OLIVES Presiding Elis V. Hendrickson


Educational Report MUSHROOM SAUCE Kenneth W. Dennis First Vice President, Duluth Chapter A. I. 8.

Guest Speaker Mr. Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr. FRESH FROZEN PEAS St. Paul, Minne1ota "Total War end Total Vietory"

CHEF'S SALAD Greetings from the National Office Mr. D. Wesley Correll A. I. B. EMBLEM ICE CREAM MOLDS Exec:utlve Counc:ilmen, Milwaukee, Wisc:onsln

Served on fancy colored ice blocks Presentation of the New Administration













E. 8, IIA£DUON Naval Mentorial Services

Conducted by NAVY MARINE POST No. 472 AMERICAN LEGION J. F. KOCH, Cltair111an • •

MEMORIAL ROCK At Foot of Lake Street and Calhoun Boulevard May 30, 1942, 9:30 A. M. Auspices of Memorial Day Association

For Freedom and Liberty Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps History of Memorial Program

* * * * * *

Naval .\1 en orial Roc~·. Lake 5 trrct Olt the Shores of Luke Calhoun, 9:25 A.:\1.-AssntBL\" b:;.• Boy Scout /)rum & Brt!Jlt• Corps, under di­ '<~·as unveiled and dedicated on May 30, 1922, by the local unit of the rection of Fred Coleman. If/omen's Xm;al Stn,icr. Inc., The Xavy J[other's Club, and othtr Co1tecrt b::.• Pillsbury Flour Jl ills Company Band, Geo . • J. Col­ lins, Bandmaster patriotic organi::altcms. Thereafter M cmorial Do)' Services ho'l.'C bet'll Roll Call and Formation of Participating Organi::ations on Holmes obsrn•ed unltually at this plot. A't•enuc at Lake Street. .lft'mrcapolis .Vavy-.llarinc Post Xo. 472 of lite American Legion MARCH TO Mr:~rORlAL iu Parade Formation . ?.villi the cooperation of tile U nitcd Slates ,\'m:y Departmrnt in 1922, CoLORS (.Vatioual .luthem) Pillsbury l'lo11r Mills Cu111po11y Band srntred till' Ship's Hrll of the formrr L'. S. S. Minneapolis. In 1930 INTRODl'CTlO~ of Cltair111an bv Elmer ll'oll, Co111111alldrr 1\'o'l'V-Marine Post · - tltr M cmorial \1 a.ff was donalr•d and crerled, and during the M cmorial Da.v rcrcmouit•s of I !tat year thr Ship's Bell 7.t•as wwcilcd as a pcmtanellf 1NVOCATION-Revercud F . .-1. Mcckl'l, Moyflmvcr Church LrNror.N's GETTYSBCRC AnDREss IIiss Jca1111r C.'rogau tnotmfing of the mast. Mt·srcAL SEt.ECTION-Pillsbttr;• /·lour Mills Company Band To prcscrt•e this Memorial to posterity, there ~~·as dedicated 011 HISTORY OF NAVY MEMORIAt.- l.ieut. CoiiiiiiOIIdtr Fred C. Campbell. M a:y .W, 193/, and peniWIICIItl)' altaclred to Memorial Mas/, a Bron::c L'S.\'R Plaqttc to the uwmMJ' of those Sailors and .\farincs ?J.'ho lost their li11t.l' SoNc-Xat•al Choir, l'. S. \'at•al Rrscrvr .1viation Rau, Minnratalis. in lltr 11' nrld /Var. H !STORY OF :\IARJNF. l\IEMORI\1.· -Captaiu J. r. Ki/'P. L S.\1CR. Com- 11/0IU!ing Of.ficcr, l '. S llariuc Corps Nr.scrve ,h•iatiou Unit. Thrauglt tltr. cnnpcration of the JJ emorial Day Association. thr .lfinrcapolis United \'totes Nm•)• /Jcpartmc111 a11d Minneapolis Xavy-Jfari11e Post, SosG--Nava/ Choir, r. S. Vaval Rcurvc .lviatio" Rase, lfiuucapolis. the stcert11g tdtrel of the formc·r L·• S. S. Minnesota was acquired, ami INTROOliCTIO:-< OF PRINCIPAl SrF.AKF.R-by Frauk J. Col/ius, Cam­ on .\loy 30. 1932, ?('O.f presented officially to Minneapolis Navy-.lfarinr mauder, Fifth District American I~ rginu, Depar/111eut of \/i,­ ne.rota Post by tltl' L' nited Stairs Xavy Departuu:nt iu Ito nor of tlte Sailors AooRr.ss-by H. and M arinl' dead. Tl11s wheel 'i•'OS pcnnanl'nfly motwtl'd mrd prcse11tcd Hubert Humpltrr.y. Jr., Dirutar, lf'ar Services, IVor~·s Progress Administration to till' Cit:;.• nf ,l/innrapolis d urittg tltr. AI cmorial Day Ccrrmollil's of l'LACJ NG OF \VREA THS AT '}.J F. \1 ORTAl..-Partiripating 01·gani::alions 1933. STREWING OF FLOWERS O"i TIIF' \VATI'R b\' U.S. No1!al P/a,tes from U. In 793-1. a Spmrdcttt machine gun ·which saw sen•icc witlr the S. Naval Air Base. lflold-Chamhcrfam Pirld, Liruf. Commander H. C. Doa11, USNR, Commander, 0'lll'Y Roots Mmmrd bj• Picked U. S. M arincs at Brlleau IVaod •was f'rl'senfrd to the .\'01')'-Af arinv Crrws of Sea Scouts Pram ltfimtt'aftalis Area Council. Bo1• Post for fuillrl' nraunting ami drdicalion. Scouls nf ~lmerico. carrying (;old Star Mothrrs, Navy Mothe~s Cluh, Mamtr Mothers Club and Olftrr Patriotic rv Ollleu's Or­ The Mnrinr Mr111orial, supporting a plaqur on tl•lrich are inscribed gani::ations. tlzc na11tcs of 1 N M arillt'S who gave lfteir lives far tltcir country. 1va.~ BENEDICTION-by Reverend F. A Meckrl trausfarrd from lftr l'nivrrsity of Minnesota Campus to litis plot a1td SALUTE BY FJRlNG SQtAn-U. S. Naval Rrurve Aviation Base. Afin­ presenll'd !1:;.' lite Milme.fala Mariues to tlte Minneapolis Park Board, neapolis. Mim1 .. Lieu/. Cammnwler, II. C. Donn, USNR. Com­ manding Offiar on M rmorial Day. 1936. TAPS-by c. R. WillPII Participating Organizations * * * Grand Army of the Republic-Col. 0. S. Pierce, Commander Women's Naval Servlce-Mr!!. E. W. Sackus. President World War Navy Mothers' Club--Martha T<. $anderson, President Marine Mothers' Club--Mrs. Charles Quinn, Pre!Oldent Navy Mothers' Club of Amerlca-:MJ·s. S. F. Wall. Commander American War Mothers-Mrlj. Bertie l\1onn, Prel!ident Women's Overseas League-)fJ·s. Henry DoeM", Prc~tidenl Spanish War Veterans-· Arthur ~lcArlhur Camp No. 16. Ro~· G, Spear. Commander Arthur llfeA•·thur Auxiliary No. 6. Nellie Reed. Pre~l' E. Bonn, Commander nepartm<>nt or Minnesota Auxiliary-Mrs. Frank Morse. Prealdenl l"lflh m,.trkt. Department of Mlnnelt No. 396. Wm. Schonnesen, Commander l"'onrl ffOitsc Post No. 310. R . P. Goodin. Commander Henry Bylleshy Post Nl'l. 345. l\tllo El. Van Arnam. Commandt'r nowntown Post No. 335. Martin C. Briggs. Commander ThendorP Petrrsen Post No. l. Henry t.. Meyers, Commander Wenell Potrlcan .\l'lrnaUonaJ Relations (Thh·d Floor). with the group on the fourth Thursday ot each A quiz on the United Nations the background month. discussing the manuscripts t'<'8d at the of their common interest in the current war, previous mt'eting on the second Thursday. their flags, their governments and rulers and, Those who have something to read on October most !mpottant of all, their future-will be the 14 are asked to notify the secretary, Mrs. M. J. subject of discussion. The section will have for Tritter, Wh. 7007. Mrs. Carroll K. Michener. Its overall theme during the year. "The United chairman. Nations and the Future." Mrs. Wright Brooks. chairman .ltlondny, Oetober 18 1:15 p.m. Spanish m. If enough members are interested In a class of conversation wt> will 10:15 a.m. Spanish n !Sun room). M:rs. S. P. try to arrange one. Please call Mrs. C. F. Lom­ Bordeau, Instructor. Mrs. C. F. Lombard, chair­ bard, Lo. 8370. man. 11 : 15 a.m. Spanish I (Sun room). Mrs. S. P. Bor­ 2:15 p.m. Alternoon Program and BuRtness deau, Instructor. Mrs. C. F. Lombard, chairman. 1\leetlng. Dr. Donald J. CowUng, president of Carleton college and chairman of the Umted 11 :liS a.m. School Age Group. (Old Ubrary). Nations Committee. will describe the position Mrs. Pearl Cummings will speak on "Our Chil­ America must take in the world we are now dren In War Time." Mrs. R. W. Cornelison. making in "Plan the Peace Now." chairman. 11:15 a.m. Junior Group. (Third floor). Are you 4 p.m. Tea hour. satlsfted with yourself? Does your per!'Onality 6 p.m. Evening Division Dinner meeting. ~lts s contain all the sparkle you would like it to Agnes Kennedy, secretary and program director have? Come and hear Miss Zen McConnell of of the Women's Institute of St. Paul. will be the McConnell School of Personal Style Devel­ the speaker. Her subject wlll be "Intimate opment and Fashlon Modeling teU of her inter­ Chats with Celebrities." Dr. Dorothea F. Rad­ esting work In personality development and usch, ehah·man. self improvement. Mrs. James H. Otis, chair­ man. [ 6 ] r 7 1 Mondny, Oetober 18 (Continue d) Monday, Oetober 25 12:80 p.m. Junior Group luncheon. Make reser­ 10:15 a.m. Spanl!,h n (Sun room). Mrs. S. P. vations by noon Saturday. Bordeau. Instructor, Mrs. C. F. Lombard, chair­ man. 1 :15 p.m. Spanlo;h m. Mrs. C. F. Lombard. chair­ 11:15 a.m. Spanish I (Sun room). Mrs. S. P. man. Bordeau, Instructor. Mrs. C. F. Lombard, chair­ 1:15 p.m. SO<'Ial Studies. (Third Boor) What are man the post-war business prospects for Minne­ 11:15-12:15 Booklovers and Drama. Miss Stella apolis? What are the possibilities for employ­ Lumley will review "Mother Russia,'' by Mau­ ment? These and kindred questions will be dis­ rice Hundus. Mrs. R. S. Siehl, chairman. A cussed by Rudolph Lee, head of the Minneapolis member of the Drama section will review a cur­ Research Bureau, which has just completed a rent Broadway play, the title of which will be survey for business leaders of the city who be­ announced later. Mrs. Frank R. Shaw, chair­ lieve that employment will be lhe gauge of so­ man. cial and economic well-being of Minneapolis after the war. Mrs. G. L. Fisher, chairman. 12:80 p.m. C1ub Luncheon. Make reservations by noon Saturday. Hostesses for the "Get Ac­ 1:15 p.m. Pre-School (Old library). Mrs. Pearl quainted" table will be Mrs. William E. Kiehne Cummings, faculty member of the University and Mrs. Orlin Folwlck. of Minnesota's Institute of Child Welfare, wiU 1 :15 p.m. Spanish .Dl. Mrs. C. F. Lombard, speak on "The Pre-School Child and His Rela­ chairman. tionship to the Family Group." Mrs. Cummings talked to us last year and gave a series of in­ 1 :15 p.m. International Relations (Third ftoor). spiring lectures to the School Age Group. Mrs. Miss Mary Shaw of the University of Minne­ J. W. Addington, chairman. sota Caculty will discuss "Our Russian Ally." Miss Shaw has made an intensive study of 2 :15 p.m. Afternoon Program. ~ll ss Barba ra Russia and has some first hand impressions to Davies, actr·ess and reader, will present a cur­ give us. She was in Russia in 1936. She Is at rent Broadway success. "The Patriots," by Sid­ present the Minneapolis chairman of the Amer­ ney Kingsley. Ican-Russian Friendship CouncU. Mrs. Wright Brooks, chairman. 4 p.m. Tea Hour. 2:80 p.m. Afternoon Program. Hobert 11. Hum­ phrey, professor of political science at Macal- • J ester College, will discuss an Important prob- V. Thursday, O~tober 21 lem of the home front in a talk. "Re-examining 10 a.m . Chorus r ehearsal at the home of Mrs. American Democracy." Karl Anderson, Linwood, Lake Minnetonka. 4 p.m. Tea Hour. Miss Barbara Bell will be the assisting hostess. Luncheon wlll follow the rehearsal. 6 p.m. Evening Dlvtslon Dinner Meeting. A rep­ resentative of the Northwest Airlines will speak on "Post War Aviation." Dr. Dorothea F. Rad­ usch, chairman. ( 8 ] r 9 1 Thurs day, October 28 We are happy to welcome eleven new members: 2-4 p.m. (Sun room). Pen Group meeting with Miss Mary Bones lA) U. of Minn. our critic, James Gray, St. Paul Dtspatch and 4870 W. Lake Harriet Blvd. Wa. 3830 Pioneer Pt·c s c::lumnist and critic and the au­ Miss M. Kathleen Brown B.S., U. of Mmn. thor of a number of books and plays. He will Hammond. Wisconsin discuss members' manuscripts read October 14. J..fiss Kathleen Evenson B.S., U. of Minn. He also Is scheduled to tell us what editors and 2166 Grand Ave., St. Paul Em. 6533 publL hers want this year. Mrs. Norbert W. Hart B.S., Northwestern i 2420 Clinton Ave. S. Ge. 9576 Miss Harriette Gi.ft'ord B.S., Northwestem J 126 W. 49th Street Co. 1646 Membership Notes Miss Doris K. Mathison B.S., U. of Minn. Mrs. Lloyd Grllfln. 1\l embershiJl Chairman 2030 Clinton Ave. S. Br. 1428 Hopkins 9401 cno toll 1 Miss Carmen B. Overson B.A., St. Olaf As we begin our club year we are again fully 3829 Tenth Ave. S. Re. 5183 aware of the privilege which enables u~ to sup­ Mrs. Frank W. Niskern - B.A , St. Catherine's port a constructive program based on a bt>llef in 4117 Washburn Ave. S. Wa. 6308 Intelligence and education. Let us extend this Mrs. F. M. Schneider B.S., U. of Wis. privilege to other college women in the commun­ 2-15 Maple Hill Road, Hopkins Wa. 4321 ity. Many women who are new in the community Mrs. Gordon Simons A.B.. U. of Kansas will find our club a source of new friends and its 3304 Ave. S. Wa. 3516 program a stimulation in meeting dally demands. (Transfer from Shawnee-M1ssion) Do not overlook your older friends too, whose Miss Sarah Ellen Wilkins A.B., Oberlin intere~~t In the club may be awaiting an Invita­ 2329 Newton Ave. S. Ke. 7500 tion from you. Please brlng prospective members to the open­ As We See It Ing tea on October 4th or submit their names to Luncheon time should be an opportunity to see the Membership chairman. Those who join now old friends and gain new ones. May we ask your will benefit through participation In a full cluo cooperation at that time and suggest that no year. reservations be made before luncheon is served. The membership committee will pro,•ide hostes­ Initiation fee of ten dollars is waived for the ses who will help you tlnd a table large enough following: 1 for your party or to include those who do not 1. Service men's wives who are eligible to mem­ have a "date" for lunch. We hope in this way to bership. J extend real hospitality to all who come tor lunch­ 2. Transfers In good standing from other eon. Hostt>~Sl'S for October 11 are Mrs. Walter C. A.A.U.W. groups. Robb and Mrs. L. K. McNeal. Hostesses for Oc­ tober 18 will be Mrs. Lawrence R. Dry and Mrs. 3. Eligible recent graduates who join wlthln one L. K. McNeal. Hostesses for October 21> will be year of graduation. Mrs. F rank Pond and Mrs. Marshall S. Jeifryes. [ 10 ] [ 11 ] Library VITAJONS Memberships In our clrculaUng library are Sec Your. Doctor About Vitamins­ now on sale for $3. This entitles members to Then Let Us Fill His Orders. three books each week for one year. Books may HrgltJtrr~tf Jll•nr uat'ist In rharpt> tit c1/l 1111 rll. also be taken out on tbe rental basis ot 14 cents J. F R A N K G 0 U L D & S 0 N per week. Dependable DrttggUit8 Some of tbe new books added lbls summer are: BRYANT AT FIFTIEH CO. 3144-3115 NON-FICTION Mother RuRsla Maurice Hindus E. COPI'~:RUD Phones: Bus. Gc. 4316 Bt'tween Tears and Laughter Lin Yutang Res. Co. 8292 Presiclent Under Cover John Roy Carlson JourneJ Among Warrlere;, Eve Curle Minneapolis Plumbing Co. FICTION HEATING Hungry Hill Daphne du Maurler Katherine Christian Hugh Walpole 1420 NICOLLET A VENUE MINNEAPOLIS Citizen Tom Paine Howard Fast

COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE MYSTERY Without Lawful Authority Manning Coles We Are at Your SerL'ice wtth Flowers and. Decorations for AU Occa.sions. Mrs. Forrest McGinnis, Chairman. HENRY BACHMAN SONS, Inc. 6010 Lyndllle Ave. So. and 3909 W. 50th St. Locust 0741- PHONES-Walnut 6010 Chorus The chorus ot tbe music section will start re­ hearsals October 14 at 10 a.m. Miss Mary Bones LARSON'S MARKET is the director, and Mrs. Russell Lundgren, ac­ companist. In order to accommodate participants, FIRST QUALITY MEATS ONLY jusl six rehearsals have been scheduled. Attend­ ance Is expected at all rehearsals, however. Any 3346 Hennepin Avenue club member Interest-ed in joining this group will be welcome. Please call Miss Bones, Wa. 3830, or PUONFS: CO. 2154 and 2155 any chorus member. Miss Margaret Brix, chair­ man.

[ 12 l r 13 1 Fort>ign Pollc) :ueetlng Kenwood 4566 Licensed and Bonded Of Interest to all College Club members is the Foreign Polley Association meeting Friday, Octo­ ber 15. It Is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the MINNEAPOLIS PROXY PARENTS Association, and it proml~es to be an outstand­ ing meetlDg. James G. McDonald, former heao Child Care by the Hour, Day of the organization and now bead of the Brook­ Week or ll!onth lyn Institute, will speak. Also as an added at­ traction, John Gunther may appear if he has re­ Mrs. Mildred M. Sewrey 2003 Aldrich Ave. S. turned to the by that time. Put down the date and get up a party of friends. Watch the newspapers for the place of meeting. Diamo11ds- Watcl1es MAIN 0846 Clleek Your ,,ddress A. E. CARLSTROM & SON If the address on your Bulletin is incorrect, please give the right address to Mrs. Ewart Nel­ 174 Northwestern Bank Building Arcade son, who is in charge of the addressograph. Watchmakers and Jeu.•ele,.s; 1'h,.ee Generations The Chine~e Robes Display MINNI>Al'OLlS, MlNS. We are still bearing words of appreciation for the special showing of the Imperial Chinese robes at the Art Institute, made possible through the generosity of MI'S. F. G. Atkinson.

Posting Announcements Announcements should either be posted on t.be 2910 HENNEPIN AVENUE Bulletin Board or cleared through the program chairman, Mrs. Richard E. Scammon. Phone - Pleasant 4418 .Job lnformn1ion Center The sta.tl' ot the War Job Informallon Center Brh1g Your Prescription to will not bold regular office hours for the present, but will be glad to give interviews on appoinnt­ ment. l'Uusie Appreeiation The Music Appreciation cla!ls, of which Mrs. J. W. Holiman is chairman and Mrs. Glenn D. Olm­ sted is co-chairman, will meet again on the first Monday of the month at 10:15 a.m. Many inter­ Dependable Pharmaci6t esting programs are planned.

[ 14 1 I 15 I Inves tment Group Unh·ersity of ;,unne~ota The first meeting of the Investment Group will Cotn·o('ations-Fall Quarter, 1913 be held Monday, November 1, at 1:15 In the Sun September SO - Opening convocation Address to Room. As usual, we will continue with outside students by P resident Cotrey. speakers on various subjects relating to invest­ October 7-Lllllan Gish-Topic: From Hollywood ments. Mrs. L. M. Hahn is chairman. to Broadway. Miss Glsh became famous through her charac­ College Information terizations In "Birth of a Nation," "Way Down Announcement will be made in the November Elt.9t," "Orphans of the Storm'' and many other Bulletin about the College information study movies. She turned to the legitimate stage in group. Mrs. McCartney, chairman. 1930, achieving eminence as Ophelia in ''Bam­ tot," as Winnie Day in "Liifc with Father," and The l'tllnneapolis Institute of ArtH In other productions. She Is back in Hollywood. Octobf!r, Novetnber Exhibition• October t l-W. T. Benda.-Toplc: Lecture Dem- onstration on Masks. Pre-Columbian Arts of Latin America Painter, illustrator and creator of the Benda October 2 - 30 Masks, Mr. Benda will discuss and demonstrate his mask~ In pantomime and dance. His masks have been used in stage productions since 1918, QUALITY FOODS both here and abroad. at thE' Lowe.. t Average Price E\ ery D ay October 21-Dean Howard Higgin1, - Toptc: Among the Spirits. Mr. Higgins is dean of Emerson College, Bos­ ton, and head of its division of pyRChology and education. He has studied extensively in magic Nol(it and spirit medlumship. He will present a con­ vincing seance and later explain how It was done. He is the author of "lnflucncillg Be­ lwvior Through Speech." Octobt'r 28-Joe F isher-Topic: The Paciflc Aflame. Adventurer, lecturer and businessman, Mr. Fisher hall been around the world 14 times. crossed de!'lerts. e:ICplored the sources of the Yangtze River and distributed motion pictures in the areas now torn by war. His lecture is accompanied by movies. University convocations are held at 11:30 a.m. IIIAI" 2188 Thut·sdays in Northrop Memorial Auditorium. T H E C. R E I S S C 0 A L C 0 . They are broadcast over WLB, the University 717 l\1Arquette Ave. radio station. [ 16 ] [ 19 ] Ex e euthe Board 19:13·19-14 Olllcen l'r. ~hlt•llt ~lr~. Abbott L. Fletcher .•'lr't \'Icc Prei:ild!'nt lira. Lloyd Grlllln S••contl VIce President )Irs. Richard Scammon Thlr.l Vice P•·esldent 1\tles Dorothy Jane Cllllll>bt•ll SeCrl'tary Mrs. Harold L. Holden A!Jllil·man 1\II~s .\nna. S. Tumqulst Evealn~ Dl'liaion Olll~n Cholm1an )JI~s !Kirothy .Tan~ C"... w~phl'll St•crNary - Mrs. DeLand J. Croze Treasurer Mil'S E\'O.gone sanders Sootlon Ohalrmen CrNlllve Arts Mrs. Arthur Su·achauer Drama lfrs. Frank H. l:iha" l~lterature lirs. John Laphnm :\tu~lc :'IUs:; ,\lar~:ure Ellis Ford Fellow~hlp Miss Lucy Stutlley lllHturlan 1\frs. A. H. lfcAulay HIIU~<' Fumlshlng~ :\lr.~. Lawrence S. Clark House :llana,;ement )Irs. Blanchard K. tlrautn Junior Group :\In!. James H. Otis Lc~rlstatl\•e Program Mr!<. Charles Hoyt J,lhrary :llrs. Fore~t '\\'. llcGlnnls :\lt•tnht'n!hlp :\Irs. Lloyd GrUnn Pr•,Jotrnnl :lfrs. Richard Scammon Publicity Mrs. E. Kenneth Scoggin Suchtl :11 r~. li. Kennt•Lh Pt'l<'rson \\'ur Rolnted Activities Mrs. A. E. Bryn~ciNOn YN\rhook Mrs. Harold L. Iloldrn Bulletin Editor Mrs. Orlln Folwlck .\d\'ertiRing :\!anager Mrs. Claren,;e .\. Hogan Houso ){anager :'\Irs. Olal Bache-WIIg [ 20 l Minneapolis Methodist Ministers Association

Minneapolis, Minn.

Program and Directory 1943,1944


l'rt·~idl'nt-Henry ll 1.~·" j,

\'in· Pre~ident-Rohcrt D. J\nnand SeC'r<'l:tr\'-Trea,.urer-\\. altt.•r Pilgrim

COMMITTEES Program-Laurence E. Nye, Chairman Mearl P. Culver, K. G. Norberg. R. H. Warren, Robert Kelley, Edwin T. Randall

Publicity-George Mecklenburg, Chairman Blaine Lambert, Ottar Hofstad, E. B. Cooney, Arthur Dinsdale

Public Relations-Herbert H. Parish, Chairman j. A Rinke!, Gottfred Nelson, William G. Law, Nat T. Buckley

Courtesies-G. A. Morrison, Chairmnn K. 0. Brudevold, Charles A. Thiel, James Burns

District Cooperation-Allen E. Dripps, Chairman L. R. Cooper, Willis C. Payfer, Olin D. Jackson

1~et.'ting.; held second and fourth :\I onllays of the month, in \\'c~ley Temple. Grant anti Stcn:n,.) CALENDAR and PROGRAM PROGRAM PLANS (This folder contains plan~ for the first one-half year) The first meeting of each month will be given over to a discussion of some phase of local church activity: the Scptemb<>r 21-Minneapolis Distric-t Conference second meeting to a guest speaker, who will interpret the In charge of Dr. Mearl C. Culvt:r, Di!pousibility in At•kmnn, J. B .• 4375 Wehhl'r Pkwy. C'h-3072 \\'ar Time" :>rrn·th C'hur·<-h. Hth & Frt>mont A\'t-. N. Worship l'heme: "Jc~us, a ·~ran of Nobil- Auuand, n. D., ·1033 Park AYE>. 1'1-1577 C'r, Earl F., 50!lZ Quet>n Avt'. S. - Wa-85!1S :-\ovember 8 -Book Review by William G. Law l>l>la of Stewardship" North BrnJil•h, !'tnt·y swtl \\·yomlng Church<>:<~ Leader: L. R. Cooper lllnkc•, t •• H., l'lllt> 1 'll)', .\llnnP>Iotn \Vor.. hip Theme: "Je~u~. a :O.!an of Prayt'r'' 1'111<' City and Hu~lldtlwn Chut·cht>!l Ht•Urlt>\'oltl, K. 0., :!163 36th AVI'. S. Dr-GG:1ll l•!l)wurth ('huo·ch. 32nd St. anrt !17th A Vt'. S. 22 -Book Review by Olin D. Jackson November BU<·kle), .Nat T., 3i05 N.E. \'an Btll'<'ll . nr-7f>ll Gue!ot Speaker: Bishop f{alph S. Cu~hman ('ulutultln llf'lght>< Chureh, I :uuld & ('pntral N. ~;. t:r-76H Subject: "Cru,.ade ft)r a New \Vorld Order" r:urn,.., .In m"" ,\l., 2llll St.. nnd ExcQislor __ Phnne J:IU \\'or,hip :~heme. "Je:-us, a .\fan of St·li- t::xc.,l!l lor Mt-I hurllxt l 'hllt't'll, K-:t'E•I>- lot·. ,\11 nn. !(',.,.nl.'ss nn,~n..·::.!'l, H. N .. :!2-16 N .B . Lhwuln St ~ ----- Gr ... .JffOl 'rl'luity t.:hur·d1, Lvwl'r aul ____Ml-fi~~W December 13 -Book Hevicw by G. A . .\.lorri~on Lak<' llarr·IH Chun·h, Hth & lTI•lr. C. K Pace l'nokf', Jo:. A., r:unfll."ld llolt•l ------At-1;',41 Informal Dbcus::.ion: "The Local Church \\'t-sll'y l'hur·l'h, C1o•ntlt at Mnr·qnettt• A,.,.. ____Ge-13114 Program of Ad\'cnl" C'uunt-Y. 1•;, H., 6012 ollst Av~. S .. ~---· _ ·---Pa-22S7 \Vor,;hil> Theme: ") esus, a ~~an of Purity" .Minnduthn l'hut'l'h, :17lh An•. !>. nt oOlh St. l>u -ara~; rooper, L. H., 42411 Brook~l --- _ - •\l-!il l l Guest Speaker: Leo Bohanon, Dep't. oi lli:>ummit AYt>., St. l'aul .Nr.-~S,:I Subject: "Problenh of Race Rclalions" Jl<•>Hdo·llt Ul~hoJI, l)ffk• I,S7 Sutnmll A\t> .. Ht. l'llul --".'l'tt-~8~:1 Wor,hip TltenH•: "Jestb, a ).[an of Chilcl­ llnhlf', t'ptrm K, O~r'li'C>, !\linn. likcncss" ll:<>wo nnd Ghamplln l'hurt'h~!< ntu:lxou, J. Thoma~. JSHI Jo't·..-mt>Jtl Aw•. X - ( 'h -411!1] Di~cu,.sron: "The Local Church Program F1,:-.s and oxboro Churf•ht•::o of Evangtli~m" IJrifll'"'· Allen 1~ .. ~!IX \'au Lllll'I'TI St., Annkn _ Phnne lH! Leader: Hlainc Lambert Anuka .\lf'thudlt>t Church \Vorship Thcull'· "Je!otb, a 11!an of Con<.c­ f1nlhnn•. (\ v .. Anvk~:t, at.r+'. n._ .\nnkn :!FH cration" Jnrn• <'hapd and ll<, I.Jal, li!tlj Pr•nn A\'1'. :-\. _ \Yh -J 5:!2 Pt·nn An•nu" l'hut·ch, 6!115 Pt•nn A\1: :-> January 24-Book Redew by George Mecklenburg llal'l'on, Prank \\'.. 720 ~: 26th St. J3r-~593 Guest Speaker: Gideon Seymour, Editorial Vli\'N C'hur·ch, i2~ E. 26th l"t. Editor, Star-Journal llny{·od{, \VIurleld, 7100 lnlng A\'e. Wh-2SS~ Subject: "The Church's Stake in the Peace" lll-nn"pln Anmue Chur<·h • :\ln-2347 Worship Theme· ''Je:;u,, a ).{an of \\'it­ Hn~ ne~. u. E .. 2641! Aldrich A\'e. s._-.... K(l·llO~t ness'' \\'esle> t.:hur·ch, Ct'llOl & ~lnrl(ueue A\'P. Go:-4~04 Hofstad, Otlar, H57 17th Ave. S·-·-····· -···-· Pn-:!52:: Asbury Norwt'gian-Danlsh, 45lh & Bloomington Ave. Hutfman, Russell A .. 4639 \Ventworth Avt'. s. __..__ __ Lo-9i0S Hohart Church, 4550 Blaisdell Ave. .• e-3010 .lat'kl!on, Olin D., 3116 Irving Ave. s. _ ------Co-30H Joy('e Mt>morlal Chur~h. 31st & Fremont Ave. S.-- Co-62S~ Johnson, Marlen, 2U40 Salem Ave., St. Louis Park _ Wh-733!1 St. L; Park Ch., 2940 ::>alem Ave., St. Loul>! Pk. \\'h-7:1a!l l{ollt>y, Rohert W, S12 Hh Avt'. N. Br-5~711 !Sonier C'hut·<·h, 41H Aldrich A'·e. N. Kjellbt!rg, Olenn, Llnwnrom, Minnesota Lln~ l.anP, .1. H., 6G4 Af, :lOth & I•Ythlnle Ave. N l.aw, \\'. 0 .. 1711 K ~2nd l;;t.__ _ nn-4~11 f•:IIK<'Wnt.-r ('hurc·h, 52nd RL. at 13th Ave. 1'1. (,('WIN, ll!'tli'Y H., 463i Zt!nlth Ave. S .. - ·---~- Wn-114!11 l• . City, ~llnnt'~ol:• Huek Cret"k Chun·b ~l«cklenburg, Gt>orge, 5510 Edgewater Ul\"d. TIP-2:}~i \\' .,;;lt~Y C'hut•dl, t:.·ant al Marctuelte Ave. c:o•-430 1 :\lurrl:;un, U. A. !istl!l Lyndalt> Avl'. S. t'n-11 1::1 Hkhfidcl nnrr~·h, 5!1th & Ln•onll· Avt!. S. Xf"IHon, Oottrr.,d, Ull :lOth Ave. X. llHhlt>hem and Salom Xorwt>glan-lJanl~h l'hurc:lw:< sat .. m .\IHiwol,.t, a9th x. l•J. & uth ::;t .. Coltunltln UPI.Rht" xorh~:q~. K. c:., ts2l! lith Ave. s. -- _ At-7sn;, J•'lrlit SWt·dish l'hurch, lllh Av(<. R. & 1!1\h St. __ •\t·i11~ :>:ye L!turf'nc:P E .. 222 Grovl"lnncl Avl'. •. Of'·ll~l!l Jl~mH·(lln AvenuP Church___ - ~\ln-~!111 orslle, H. A .• l•)ll.(•f'l:;ioJ•, :\linnf'MOta llloomlngllln J.o'.,t•ry ~ lo:di:n Pr·atrle ('hurdtP!< Pan•, Charll':< Xel~on, 1523 Hewitt Avl'.. St. Paul ..\11-11162 llltmhne l lll\'N'"II~·. I •n:,;ldt."nt Xt•-:ttua Prul~-s;,l;lf UUJL<'d T('llllll:l"RIICe :\10\ emt•nl. !!II I H odl-(~tiO llldg.. Ur · 21l2ll Paulson. Lt't>, i\linnt"n!>nlls, Hnutt> 111 COolden \'a11t•) l\JHI PtU"k('r L<\kt' t'hnrrht'' 1'1\~ (<•r, Willi~< C., ( 'amflr•n Stali(IO. .:llinru•:q~t~ll!' ~- Al-~OSS !Jrooklyn l..'t>>llt-r and lln.non Chun-he>< Pllgt•hn, W. ~ .• !1112 16th AVP. S. __ l>u -!IOns \\'a.lkt'r Chun·h. :nst and 16th Ave. K TIO.Ines, Richard r., 2611 t~n<·llcl Plnce______Ke-422!1 Hennt-pin A\t·llllt' Church --- ~ln-2:14; Rnnllnll. l~tlwln T.t H X . l!ith St., llnpkin", ,\linn. - 11<>-~lt!ill Hopkins i\lcthod st Church Rlnkel, J. Arthur. 2550 3rd Ave. S. Simpson Church. 2740 l!!t Ave. S. Soltau, .Henrr J. 2722 13lh Ave. s. \\'nrr<'n, RU>l.!ll'l H.: 10114 Que£-n Avl'. ;>.;. <.:nh·n•·y Churrh, Oak Park ancl Pt•nn Av<' :-.1

CHURCHES TO BE SUPPLIED: BPthl'l, C'Eortnr, T·~lwnPZI'I', ~lunn.t anti Sl. Prnm·is

RETIRED MINISTERS n:,rrell, NOrt'IN DPM., 208 ll1t>lhourn!' AVt·. S.E. - ---Cl-1010 Handy, J. C., 3418 Emer"on Ave. S.- H(\-~81~ Lee, \Vm. C .. 1636 Blnlr Ave., St. l'aul _ ------.:111-i9r.s .:ltad:'len, 11. K., Excelalor. Minnesota ,\IcKenzle, E. H., 310 \V. :\llnnehaha Pnrkwny .r.o-5itS Mlllt>r. t'. ll., 4~16 Wooclland Blvd. __ ._ Pn-324~ SNli.Jerg, J . A .. VeteranR' Adm., Mpls. nu-73~1 Shevenlut<, C. \V., l!:xcelsfor. i\llnn. Thiel, Charles A., lil6 4th St. S. B. -- Gl-3HG \'nllt~nl>·ne. G. G., 3345 Park Ave. C'o-4072 \\'ahlqulsl, K R., Lind~trom, :\[Inn La urence Everett Nye MINNfS~I AfO~[A II~N ASS~[IA II~N NORT~fAST DIVISION

* * *



* * *

<71wz4-jowdJt. B~ e~ (!)ciokt 14 cuuJ, 15, 1943

HIBBING, MINNESOTA Ruth Quigley, Hibbing President Elmer A. Mueller, ...... Vice-President Herbert R. Pecenon, Duluth Secretary (Filling che unexpired term of Ann Regner, Me. Iron) William E. Noyes, Tower . .. . Treasurer Herbert R. Peterson, Duluth Member Executive Committee

Nominating Education . .. a k-eystone of our Liberty Emil A. Erickson, Chairman . Virginia . Gilbert "F. n ·ry gou•rnment tft.g t• nerale~ when trmled to fiN rulers Aldo Frillici . Laina AJacola Cloquet of the people alone. Tl.Je people !I.Jemselves are tbe only Alice Magnusson Chisholm safe depositories. Ami to render et•rn tbrm safe thrir minds Dan Dasovic . Cook mmt be im pro~ ·ed . ... I think. by far tbe most importauf Florence Strand Tower /Jill in our OIVII code is that for the diffusion of kn

Legislative H. R . Peterson, Chairman Duluth Eunice Geary Hibbing John Moriarity . Cotton Elmer A. Mueller Virginia Harold Savre . Buhl

P11g~ Tbrtr Auditing MEETINGS S. A. Elnes, Chairman H ibbing All general sessions will be held in the auditorium of the B. B. Beal H ibbing H igh School Building and sectional meetings will be held in W. G. Rodgers ..... H ibbing the places designated in the program. The auditorium is sound equipped. Elections Horace H. W.tshburn, Chairman Hibbing ADMISSION TO MEETINGS Jack Sampson Cloquet Admission to all meetings will be by the M.E.A. member­ Mario Retica Buhl ship card. ~fembers and guests of the Association will be ad­ Edna Gandsey . Virginia mitted to the main floor on presentation of their membership Ernest Bruley ... El) cards and complimentary tickets. Seats on the main floor are Joe Kampa Grand Rapids not reserved. Only members " ·ill be permitted to attend the Christine ~!. Rud Duluth business session Friday morning. Admissions for non-mem­ John Moriarity Cotton bers may be purchased during the convention at the ticket Henry D. funk St. Louis County Schools window of the High School Auditorium for all general ~es­ Victor Reishus Biwabik sions except the business session Friday morning. Non-members Marian Lee Tower who purchase tickets will have reserved seats in the balcony. Cora Randall ...... Chisholm The price of admission for Thursday afternoon is fifty cents Exhibits including tax, for Thursday evening fifty cents including tax, and for Friday evening, $1.65 and $1.10 including tax. \Villiam E. Noyes, Chairman . Tower Local Arrangements BUSINESS MEETING Kenneth L Pederson, Chairman ...... Hibbing T he business meeting will be held during the general ses­ Ella Anderson ...... H ibbing sion Friday morning. L. M. Becker ...... Hibbing The chairman of the nominating committee will submit M. E. Gelinas ...... Hibbing rhc n:lmcs of nominees to the Delegate Assembly of the F. E. Nordstrom ...... Hibbing Minnesota Education Association . T heckb Pierson ...... Hibbing Other nominations may be made from the floor. H elen Scott .. Hibbing Nominations for offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and for Member of M.E.A. Executive Board will be nude from Housing the floor. ~ominaring speeches .1re limited co three mmutes. Catherine Cunniff, Chairman ..... Hibbing Voting booths will be placed in the main corridor of the Publicity High School Building. Morris ~{. Stevens ...... H ibbing Balloting for candidates will be from 1:30 to 5:00 o'clock Friday afternoon. Tickets Paul A. \Veld .... Hibbing ENROLLMENT T hose wishing to enroll during the convention may do so Program at the enrollment desk in the main corridor of the High School Nyda McClure ...... Hibbing Building. Membership dues in the Minnesota Education As­ HEADQUARTERS sociation are two dollars and seventy-five cents ( $2.75) which Superintendent's Office, High School Building include a subscription to the Minnesota Jcnmral of Education. Membership dues in the National Education Association arc REGISTRATION two dollars ( $2.00) which include a subscription to the Main Corridor, High School Building jourual of !be Natioual Ed1tcation AssocialiO?r. Pagr Four ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SCHOOL EXHIBITS We wish to express our appreciation to all individu:1ls and (High School Building) organizations who have so generously contributed to the pre­ par:ttion and succcs~ of the convention. \'C'e acknowledge our Children's High School Library indebtedness to the Board of Education, the Chamber of Com­ Books Fay Cuzner merce, and the Village Council for the many facilities placed Library ar our disposal. We would like to express our appreciation to German Hibbing I ligh School the people of Hibbing for so graciously opening their homes Jessie J. Schneider and to the newspapers and r:tdio for their cooperation in giving Room 217 freely of their time and space for the publicity of the con­ vention. High School Hibbing High School GUIDES AND USHERS Art and Crafts Elizabeth Pritchard Room 210 We are indebted to Mr. L M. Becker and his corps of as­ sistants for their services as ushers, to Mr. C. A. MacMiller and Junior High Hibbing Junior High School members of the Hi-Y Club, to Mr. A. Mattioli for the Bov School Art Clarence Johnson Scouts, :10d to the Boy Scouts themselves who have so court;­ Room 212 ously acted as guides during the convention. Junior Red llibbing Public Schools ANNOUNCEMENTS Cross Lewclla Penrod The Hibbing Chamber of Commerce and the Hibbing Ardis Towler Education Association will entertain at a tea in the cJfeteria Room I 17 of the High School Building, Thursday afternoon from four to Hibbing Public Schools six o'clock. The teachers of the Alice School will be the Manuscript Dr. F. Nolte, GrJde Supervisor hostesses. Writing Karl Room 106 There will be .l Duluth State Teachers College rea, Fri­ day afternoon, from three to five o'clock at the Hoi}' Trinity Patriotic Hibbing Public Schools Lutheran Church. Assembly Gertrude Schumacher, Art, Elementary Grades For reservations for rooms in private homes, see Mrs. Elia­ Room 104 son, Secretary of the Hibbing Chamber of Commerce, Androy Hotel. Petal Demonstration by Sixth Grade Pupils Ample parking space with floodlights and police protection Painting under the direction of Pearl Waymire has been provided on the high school practice field directly 2:30P.M. Friday east of the High School Building. Room 206 The Council Chamber on the first floor and the Court Photography Hibbing Camera Club Room on the second floor of the Village Hall have been given Board Room us for lounges during the convention through the courtesy of Judge Christ Holm and the Village Council of Hibbing. Puppet Show Virginia Senior High School and High Allie M. Y ljneo Dr. M. M. Hursh is on call, and a nurse is on duty con­ School Art Room 210 tinually during the convention in the doctor's office on the ground floor of the High School Building. Visual Educa­ Marion W. Smith, Duluth The Commercial Exl1ibits are in the High School Cafeteria. tion Rooms 17 and 18 Pagr Si\ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1:45 P.M. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14,7:15 P.M. Hibbing High School Auditorium Hibbing High School Auditorium Ruth Quigley, President, Presiding Ruth Quigley, President, Presiding Elizabeth Dworshak, Duluth, Org:misc Singing of The Scar-Spangled Banner Directed by Carl Harms, Vocal :\fusic, Junior College and High School, Hibbing PROGRAM

Invocation Rev. H. G. Whitfield, Norwegian War Rhapsody $·inding-Dickinson First Presbyterian Church, Hibbing Deep River Negro Spiritual Welcome .. H. A. Frankson, Liebestraum Lis1.t Mayor, Village of Hibbing The Desert Song, selection .. Romberg Welcome . S. A. Patchin, Superintendent of Schools, Hibbing Polka from the opera "Schwanda" .. Jaromir Weinberger

Combined Fifth and Sixth Grade Chorus- Waltz, "Stars In My Eyes" .. .. Kreisler Directed by Katherine Hessler, Within the \Valls of China, an episode Knrherine Lively Vocal Music, Elementary Grades, Hibbing AccompaniH, Clar:t Belle Troxel Summertime from "Porgy and Bess" Gershwin One Morning in May Kentucky Mountains Tango Gade Who's Goin' to Shoe N. Carolina Lonesome Tune Navajo Blanket Navajo Indian Toccata on "America" jepchcott Ballet of the Boll Weevel Texas Mistress Shady American Year of Jubilo . .. Henry C. Work Singing of The Star-Spangled Banner Wait, Old Mule . . . Early American Tune Directed by Norman C. johnston All che Pretty Little Horses . Negro Lullaby Supervisor of Vocal Music, Duluth Schools Arguin' de Bargin ...... Negro Folktune Climbing up Zion's Hill . N. Carolina Little David ...... ,.. Negro Spiritual * * * llai)-Tbl' Firj/ Tesl of China's Roll' in a New Our focmr Frcet!mm Mano.1h Lei de-Tedesco, World Order Colonel M. Thomas Tchou, Former Secretary to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek Formerly forum leader for the United States Office of Education and lecturer for the Inter­ Greetings from the N.E.A. and M. E. A., Walter E. Englund, national Institutes of Understanding Executive Secretary of the M.E.A. r~g r J!ighl ]'ugt Niu~ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 9:00 A. M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15,8:15 P.M. Hibbing High School Auditorium Hibbing High School Auditorium Ruth Quigley, President, Presiding Ruth Quigley, President, Presiding

Singing of The Scar-Spangled Banner Directed by Carl Harms, Vocal Music, Junior College and High School, Hibbing

Educalicm in a Chauging World Dr. John 0. Christianson, * * * Superintendent of the Farm School, University of Minnesota

America Dances- AMERICA'S VIOLINIST Virginia Reel Barn Dance ALBER! SPALDING Oh California Pop Goes the Weasel Four in a Boat Directed by Ruth Raleigh, Physical Education, El­ ementary Grades, Hibbing. Assisted by Ruth Davis. * * * Cobb-Cook School, Hibbing. Accompanied by Florence Lawrenson, Cobb-Cook School, Hibbing.

Business Meeting Report of Nominating Committee Nominations of Candidates for President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member of M.E.A. Executive Board At the close of Mr. Spalding's concert tbe mt>mbrrs of tbt Report of Legislative Committee Associatio1~ are to remain in the auditorium. Report of Committee studying the discrepancy that exists be­ tween the constitution of the Northeast Division and the practice of determining the personnel of the del­ Report of Elections Committee egation to the Delegate Assembly Presentation of President-Elect Report of Resolutions Committee J~ Rwzd

Page Four/em Page Fiftnm Todays Food H. Juruor College Knights of Columbus Club Rooms Problems Elsa Wallin louis, 23rd St. and 7th Ave. Home Service Depanment of General Mills FRIDAY, 12:00 NOON Music Chairman, lois E. Pollard, Eveleth Business Meeting Secretary, Paul Cramer, Ely

luncheon $1.00. Make reservations with Lois Ro·we, Greetings Dean R. R. Shumway, Hibbing Junior College University of Minnesota 12. Industrial Arts and Vocational Education- The Issut•s am/ Trends of First Lutheran Church American Education Dean W. E. Peik, College of Education, University of Minnesota 22nd St. and >rd Ave. E. FRIDAY, 12:15 P.M. Short Talks: Chairman, Elmer A. :Mueller, Virginia 1. Soaj1 iu the Sixfb Gr111/e-Dr. August Willm:m, Secretary, $. K. Wick, St. Paul Itasca Junior College Remarks by S. K. \Vick, State Supervisor of Trade and 2. Wbat \Viii Br tbe J>lt~rr of tbe Junior College Industrial Education, St. PJul , Minnesota aftrr ti.JI' War?-Dean 0. H. Gibson, Eveleth Junior College Ind1tSirial Edttcalion for the Post-War J>eriot! H. H. Humphreys, Jr., 3. At/mission of Hig/, Ra11kin8 High School Slut!mls Professor of Political Science, Macalestcr to junior College witbout Dij1loma!-Dr. Charles College, St. Paul, 'Minnesota Bane, Virginia Junior College Business Meeting 4. N uru5 Training Program in CooperatiOn with Local Hospitals--Charlotte Dawley, Hibbing Luncheon '> 1.00. Make re~ervarions with F. E. Conner, Hibbing I Iigh School Junior College Busines~ Meeting 13. Instntmental Music Little Theatre Memorial Building luncheon $1.00. Make reservations with the Dean of your Junior College FRIDAY 2:30 P. M., BUSINESS MEETING 15. Junior High School Junior College Library 3:00 P. M. WORKSHOP High School Building Chairman, Harry Steffen, Hibbing FRIDAY, 3:00P.M. Joint meeting with Vocal Music Section Chairman, 0. H. Schmidt, Principal Junior I Iigh Business meeting for sectionnl members only School, Eveleth Workship open to all members of the Association Secretary, Margaret Donovan, Eveleth Education in \Vorkship on Music on Central America Jose B. Acuna, the Home Front Conducted by Augustus Zan1ig, Exchange Professor, formerly of Heredia,Costa Nntional Recreation Association, at present Rica, now at Winona State Teachers College with the United Scates Trcasu1y Depart­ ment in Washington D. C. Business Meeting

Pagr Sixl~<'ll Pug•· Sr1 rttlrru 17. Kindergarten-Primary and Range Branch of the 18. Library Grace Lutheran Church Association of Childhood Education- FRIDAY, 12:00 NOON FRIDAY, 2:00P.M. Chairman, Fay Cuzner, Hibbing Chairman, Ardis Towler, Hibbing Secretary, Mary Cooper, Hibbing Secretary, Ella Bemis, Hibbing Joint Meeting with the English Section

The Junior Red Cross What Shall We Do a11d lts Activities . .. . . Edith Seligman, about th{' Comics? ...... Dr. Dora V. Smith Director of Junior Red Cross, Nlinnesota Professor of English at the University Arrowhead Chapter, Duluth of Minnesota Business Meeting Business Meeting Luncheon $1.00. Make reservation with Mary Cooper, High School Library, Hibbing 17. Kindergarten-Primary and Range Branch of Ameri­ can Association of Childhood Education­ 19. Local Associations Room 112 Presbyterian Church High School FRIDAY, 2:30 P. M. FRIDAY 5:00 P. M. Chairman, William C. Simmons, Duluth Kindergarten-Primary Chairman, Pearl Quine, Hibbing Local Associaliom ...... Dr. Fred Von Borgersrode, Secretary, Doreen Worrall, Hibbing Research Director, Minnesota Education Association Range Branch o£ A.C.E. (All teachers interested in local associations, whether of­ Chairman, Vera Davis, Chisholm ficers or not, are invited to attend the meeting and par­ Secretary, Alice B. Tomfohr, Chisholm ticipate in the discussion.) Business Meeting TeaciJing for Victory ...... Dr. R. C. Williams, President o£ Superior State Teachers College, 20. Mathematics Room 132 formerly Research Director, Iowa State De­ High School partment of Public Instruction FRJDAY, 2:00P.M. Chairman, Louise Gellerman, Hibbing Music- Bernardine Troendle Young, Violinist Joint Meeting with the Science Section Clara Belle Troxel, Pianist The Cr:mcenfrafiott of SulpJJid(' June Kenworthy Gelein, Soloist Ores by Flotatio-n Methods ...... Albert H. Fedler, Business Meeting Chemist with Phosphate Concentration Corporation, at present in Hibbing experimenting in methods of concl:ntrating low grade ores Dinner $1.00. Make reservations with Vera Davis, Chisholm, or Pearl Quine, Hibbing Business Meeting

Pogr Eigbltell Page Niflclet/1 21. Physical Education Boys' Gymnasium 24. Social Studies Room 109 H igh School High School FRIDAY, 2:00P.M. FRIDAY, 2:00 P. M. Chairman, Frank Savage, H ibbing Chair man, H elena Deen, H ibbing Gymna,~lics a111l . Tbe Future of Central Gynmastic Dancing Dr. Ralph P1per, aud Eastern Europe Dr. Zaboj V. Harvalik, Coach of Gymnastics, Department of Physical formerly of the University of Prague, now Education, University of Minnesota at the Duluth State Teachers College Business Meeting Business Meeting 22. Science Room 132 High School 25. Special Classes Washington School FRIDAY, 2:00P. M. North Hibbing FRIDAY, 3:00 to 5:00 P. M. Chairman, Victor E. for~e th, Hibbing Chairman, Mary Dinwiddie, Hibbing Joint ~fceting with the Science Section Secret:trv, Maude ~L Dinwiddie, International Falls The Concentration of Sulpb~tft• Ores by Flotation Metbods Albert H. Pedlcr, Open Forum Conducted by Mayme Schow, Chemist with Phosphate Concentration Corpor:nion, State Supervisor of Special at present in Hibbing experimenting in methods of Classes in Minnesota concentrating low grade orcs Tea will be served from three to f ive o'clock Business Meeting Business Meeting 23. Senior and Junior High School Principals and 26. Speech Room 300 Superintendents Italian Hall H igh School FRIDAY, 12:15 P.M. FRIDAY, 2:30P. M. Chainnan, C. N. Mickelson, Grand Rapids Co-Chairmen, M. Magdalene Feyereisen, Gilbert, Secretary, Kenneth L. Pederson, Hibbing C. E. Davies, Eveleth Secretary, James P. Kearney, Coleraine Em plo') mmt Problems of Youtb Stanley P. Vaill, I. Discussion-Student Tal1'11l Bureau District ;\bnagcr of Norchwestern Chairman, C. E. Davies, Eveleth Bell Telephone Company 2. Discussion-Speech Activities C

ooEJnncH16~W ...Y 16q To CHI.SHOLM 8111 -


ACCOUNTANTS GASOLmE AND OILS (RetaU) REAL ESTATE E. WUcox Nelson Co. Pure 011 Co. II David c. Bell Investment Oo. ADVERTISnlG (Direct Mall) GAS LIGHT-Merchandise Purchases RE-ROOFING AND INSULATION Burgess-Beckwith, Inc. Minneapolls Gas Llgllt Co. Garlock Re-Roo1ing Co.

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CATERER IRON-sTRUCTURAL TIRJI'.8 Cbapman-Graham. Inc., Ice Cream Crown Iron Works North'ftl'tern T1re Co. ot M1nneapoU. 5 COAL, FUEL OIL (RetaU) LANDSCAPE DESIGNING AND FLORIST TRANSFER AND STORAGE Nela swanson. Inc. Landscape Designer-H. P. Baker cameron Transfer & storage eo.

CREAMERY Flortst-Baker-Peteraon Oo. WEATHER STRIP. a.nd ACOUSTICAL CONTR, Franklin COOperative Creamery 00. ? E. PETERSON I Hauensteln & Deggendorf DENTIST LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING Dr. Roy H. Eveland Despatch LaundrY 5 DICTATING MAOHINES Ltnomm Dictaphone Bales Corp. ThomPIOD Lumber Oo. .3 DRUGGIST MEN'S WEARING APPAREL Barry Pharmacy I Nlcolaa, Inc. ELEOTRIOITY-Merchandl.ae Purchalee MILLING Mln.neapolls General Electrto Co. Russell-Miller M1ll1ni Co.

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS MINN'EAPOLIS CREDIT EXCHANGE, me. Pieraon-WUcox Electrtc Co. C. H. Brown ENTERTAINMENT AND MUSIC PAP.tm Fleck's Artist Studio W1Jcox-Moaher-Le1rbolm Oo.

ENVELOPES PHOTOGRAPHY (Commerclal) Heinrich Envelope Mfgr. Norton-Peel & Hibbard Studioe


PREIGHT PORWARDERS PLUMBING (Wholesale) Twin City Bhippera Aam. central supp].}' eo.

FUNERAL DIRECTOR PRINTING-LITHOGRAPHING Welander Qul.st Co. 0. H. Dahlen Printine co. GAMES AND TOYS RAILWAY (Transportation) Boo Line Ry. T. J. Lindstrom 3 PROGRAM 1 THURSDAY OCT.28 t- NEo CLA :>S IC ROOM 19'-13


·l ~3J·1It~~ fi"-~·· ": . i ~~· ~.~ . .·J'> 1.· ·- 1!" . Sl .. Tllit!~ I. .. ~~ -; t . _.) 'f}'. TI-JE UNITEDNATIONS 6- D EC A RA I I 0 N Qf ~ INTERDEPENDENCE ~-_ *)

T 100% ATTENDENCE * 100% LEADS November 11, 1943

CfNTRAL LUT~fRAN C~URC~ Gr®t Street ®d Fourth Avenue South and GfT~SfMANf EPISCOPAL C~URC~ 905 Fourth Avenue South


Purpose For all women to unite in a day's study of their responsibility for a just and lasting peace in a new world order and to continue programs of study and action in every organization in every community.

Sponsored by: MINNEAPOLIS COUNCIL OF CHURCH WOMEN MINNESOTA UNITED NATIONS COMMITTEE MINNEAPOLIS WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL .. BROTHBRHOOD AFTERNOON SESSION Tunc: "Maternn" WORLD COMMUNITY DAY ("America the Beautiful") MRS. CARL F. ZIETLOW, Chairman CENTRAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 0 land of lnnds, America, The friend of faith and truth, REv. LUTHER M. RosELAND, Pastor 2:00 Prelude 0 freedom, justice, peace and love, The hope of age and youth, "Sarabande" Bobm Guard that which God hath given thee, "Meditation" from "Thais" · Masrenet Thy wealth all wealth above- The faith in true democracy, Theme: ((THE PRICE OF AN ENDURING PEACE" First Movement, Violin Concerto DeBeriot In brotherhood and love. RrcHARD LARSON, Violin The blood of pilgrim nntion.s here MRs. J. RuooLPH PrrrERSON, Accompanist Commingled flows in thine. The hopes of martyrs, Jaints and seers Shme in thy faith divine. MRs. WRIGHT BRooKs, Chairman In thee God's world-wide fatherhood MORNING SESSION Binds races into one, Panel Discussion: "ECONOMIC INTERDEPENDENCE" While science, labor, art and life All pray: "God's wiiJ be done!" 10:30 Invocation MISs WrNIFRED FLANNAGAN 0 God, the &viour of mankind, Address: "THE PRICE OF AN ENDURING PEACE" Secretary of Public Alh•rs, Y.W.C.A., Moderator Make false divisions cease! HuuERT H. HuMPHREY, JR. May all who love Thee work and pray DR. jAMBS CuNEO For brotherhood and peace! Professor of Political Science, Macalester College Profes~or of Spanisll, University of Minnesota One nation indivisible We raise our hymn to Thee, Until one fellowship of love "Brotherhood Hymn" MR. WALTBR HuLL Shall stretch from sea co sea. Securitres Commission, State Capitol HENRY H. TWEEDY, Yale University MR. I VER LIND 11:30 Panel Discussion: "WORLD BROTHERHOOD" Publicity Director of Midbnd Sales Cooperative THB CITY OF MAN MRs. RussELL PowERS, Y.W.C.A. Inter-racial Committee, Moderator Mwic by Frederic M. Lee RABBI NAHUM ScHULMAN Hymn: "The City of Man" The Poets have dreamed of a City of God Mikro Kodesh Synagogue Where the night is as fair as the day, MRS. c. HEPNER Where sorrow and crying have wmged their w. swift flight, Lutheran Mi.ssronary to Japan until 1942 3:00 Panel Discussion: "WORLD ORDER" And earth's tears have been all wiped away. DR. SAMUEL M. STRONG MRs. A. J. McGUIRE But a City of God in a Kingdom of dreams, Professor of Sociology, Macalester College LiJc.e the silvery gleam of some srar, Execunve Secretar~·, Minne.,ota United Nations Committee Is far from the City of Man that we know Moderator In the Kingdom of thmgs as they are. Prayer and Benediction DR. B. M. GANCY For a mantle of grief hke a deep purple pall, Prominent Plulipino lawyer in pre-war Manila Is spread o'er the lives of the poor; And childhod and age face the spectre of want, MALCOLM Keel< With the footfalls of dcnrh ac the door. 12:30 Sacri6cial Luncheon Principal, Pt·escott School Yet the City of God is not far away, (Each person brings her own lunch, coffee will be served) Like some glittering light that we scan. REv. RoBERT KELLY We are bualding the City of God ev'ry day, Pastor, Border Methodist Church When we serve in the City of Man. The gold in the streets of the City of Man, MRs. PAUL KuNIAN, Chairman Balloting With its shadowing pain nnd its needs, Is the gold of our love for the lives that are crushed, 1:00 Discussion: "INTERDEPENDENCE OF PEOPLES" Benediction And the glint of our own golden deed& ]. WILMER GRESHAM, D.O. GETHSEMANE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. joHNS. HIGGINS, Rector

EVENING SESSION 8:00 Prelude: "Come Saviour of the Gentiles" Bac:h MRs. jAMES CRANSTON, Organist Worship Service from "Lands Tied Together" - by Margaret Applegarth M1ss SARAH WILKINS, Leader Baritone Solo: "Recessional" Kipling joSEPH jOHNSON Address: "WORLD COOPERATION, A DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE" HuBERT H. HuMPHREY, jR. Benediction D Postlude: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Be Present Now" Karg-Eiert MRs. jAMes CRANSTON, Organist

COMMITTEES ON ARRANGEMENTS Mrs. Wright Brooks, Chairman COUNCIL OF CHURCH WOMEN Mrs. Mary Crump Mrs. C. F. Sanders Mrs. D. C. Eckenheck Mrs. Emil M. Schaefer z z Mrs. Homer Pile Mrs. Homer Smith 0 0 Mrs. Carl Zietlow

D D EVENING GROUPS Mrs. Lyman Gerrish Miss Adelaide Rood Mrs. J.D. Husbands Miss Dencie Spalding Mrs. Margaret Riemann Miss Sarah Wilkins

UNITED NATIONS COMMITTEE Mrs. A. j. McGuire Mrs. Howard Strong

WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL Mrs. Henry Bessessen Mrs. H. M. Mueller Mrs. Arthur Brin Mrs. Hjalmar Petersen Mrs. E. C. Enbody Miss Elfrida Swenson Mrs. Frank Mapes Mrs. C. F. Whitcomb Mrs. Schuyler Woodhull j!Jennepin §benue .metbobist (!Cburcb MINNBAPOLIS


Alas! how full of fear Is the fate of the Prophet and Seer! For evermore, for evermore, It shall be as it bath been heretofore; The age in which they live will not forgive The splendor of the everlasting light, That makes their foreheads bright, Nor the sublime Fore-running of their time!

From "The Divine Tragedy" By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Sunday, Nouembt'r 14, 194J

MINISTRY OF MUSIC Mu. W. C. Klil.LEY Soloisls: ELsA LAP.SON, Church School Worker Contrfllto CH111STOPH£R HuSETR, Basr MR. )OliN ). GAJIRIEL

Financial Sccretllr)' Minist~r of Mrmc Church Office Telephone, Main 2347 THUI.E w. Fa.EDJJCI[KlM Studio, Main 2347 erbtr of Si>trbfct e rbtr of ~ trb tct

~otntng ~or~~tp ~fnt•"iitJJtttl anb Cfltbtn SID'ttmon-"Ruds Shnkt!n With tht! Wind" pupar atton tot DotaJJtp Rev. Laurence E. Nye Scripture Sentences In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word 15tntbtttfon : : Dr RttlnC's as he retum8 to the pulpit. iltfltnt ~tbfta tt on heads during this part of the service) Your servants. + LAUREN'CE E. N·n; WINf'TELD S. HAYCOCK ~f!mn 482-"Heralds of Chnst'' Copmhovrr teaatotol J nbatatfon uran t l.tctutt nrm ~tmbe~ ~ttttnas Almlghty God, unto Whom all hearts are open, all desires lmown, and from We are pleased to welcome back to The 1lrst or a series of four meeting:; Whom no secrets are bid, cleanse the thoughts ot our hearts by the Inspira­ our Lecture Course Platfonn Dr. Wnl to ttcquR!nt prospecUve members with tion of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthDy mag­ Durant, who will b<' lhe second speaker 1ht' hiR"tory, ideals, program and per­ nlty Thy Holy Name. through .Tesus Christ our Lord. Amen. on the currenr ~cture Counle Pl'ogram ~onnel of tbe Church, v.1U be held on on Tuesday evening, November 16. at 8 Wednesday, November 17, at 7:41; p.m. + p.m. Dr. Durnnt':; subject will be, "A In the Art Room. Subsequent meetings ~ntbtm-"Hallelujah Chorus" ("The Mounr of Olives") Bmhoven Philosophy of Life for Our Times." Dr. are scheduled for Tuesdays, November Durant has spol•en lo us on two pre· 23. 30 and December 7, Those lnterel.'lted + vious occasions and Is regarded as one In jolnlng Hennepin Avenue Church on tJn:1ptutt Rtabfna-from Isaiah 40 of America's leading philosophers and necember 12. are requested to fill out ln!ormntlon cards accordingly, which The voice of him that crfeth In the wlldemess, Prepare ye the way of the historians. Because of his lncll>lve wll, Lord, make straight In the desert a hJghway tor our God. Evezy valley shall bls pollsbed epigrams, o.nd above all, h18 :11 r· to be found in the pews. be exalted, and every mountain and bill shall be made low: and the crooked profound ohl'E'rvatlons on contemporary !He, he bas frequently been compared mntbn:~ttl ot • ttt shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: and the glory of the Lord Another fine program 1s planned for shall be revealed, and all tleah shall see It together: for the mouth of the Lord with Voltaire. He Is the author of sev­ bath What I cry? eral books. the best known ot which are. thls evening In the University of Life. spoken IL The voice said, Cry. And he said, shall All tlesb Mr. Is grass, and all the goodllness thereof 1s as the tlower of the tleld. The grass "The Story of Pbllosophy," and ,.story Al Jordan of the YMCA wtll lead witheret.h. the dower tadeth: but the Word of our God sht.Ll.l stand forever. of ClvUizatton." two parts of which have lhe singing In the Social Hall, and Mr. 0 Zion, that bringest good tidings, 1Ht up thy voice wilh strength; lift It up, already appeared. Dr. Durant's greatest Hubert H. Humphrey wUl bring the be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God! contribution as an historian and writer Cba.pel meSSI!.ge. All young people, sen­ has been that of giving a complete and lor high through a.ge thirty five, wiU find ~emn 243-"Holy Spirit, Faithful Gwde'' Wt!lls Impartial picture of his subject In terms a cordial welcome any time between the of what 18 stgnlflcant to the contem­ honr~e of 5:30 a.nd 8:30. + porary scene. 11tJ)nnkaafbtnlJ 15iu~ krt~ ~ctiptuu Jttsdon-St. M:mhc:w 11: 1-15 The Lectur1! wUJ be preceded by an Organ Recital by .Mr. Fredrickson, be­ Tha.nks~ving Baskets are to be pre­ ®rg a n ~tb tta tfon : : ~tltnt 19tllHtt gtnniJlg at 7:SO p.m. flared this year for the needy !lhut-in.s or 011r <'burch. ParenL'! of Church School \&lUtton I t9taHtt :: 11tJ)t ltotb•s ~rapr t :: ~ ljorel lltsponsr JQott ehlldren are requested to cooperate with . The Dorea.. Circle Is assisting Mrs. t.helr young$ters in making contribu­ + Herman this cvenlnJ:" \\"lth the Univer­ tion!! of food, In either rationed or un­ ~~ t GmotS~fp ot tbication • • ~bottl l lltts pon«t Speclal Christmas rates for magazine to the cburch on November 21. Prepara­ RUbscriptlons and renewals are still t.Jon and distribution of tbe baskets will ~tftttotH .antJ)tm-"Holy Lord GO<.!'' Cain available through the Junior Guild. Call be under tbe leadership of Mrs. T. E. + Mrs. Charles S. Hoyt. Wa. 6687. Parkhill. -'IDut taulptt JFl obJtt~ 4:00 P.M.-Queen Esther Group will meet in the Boutell Alcove. All girls Mrs. H. V. McCulloch and family con­ in the seventh, eighth or ninth tributed the dowers which beautify the grades are cordially invited. Sanctuary this moming in loving mem­ 7:00 P .M.-Choir rehearsal. Ol'Y of Mr. McCulloch. 7:45 P.l\f.-Lecture in Social Hall. tlltoba~ Friday 9:30 A.i'U.- Morning Worship. 2:00 P.l\1.-The Mothers' Club will 9:30 A.M.-Church School for children meet in the Harrison Room. Dr. Ar­ nold H. Lowe will speak on "The from two years through ninth grade. Christian Conscience in Peace," and 9:30 A.l\L- "Church of Youth" in Mrs. Orrin H. Strand will lead de­ Youth Chapel- Rev. Mr. Haycock, votions. A nursery room will be speaker. provided for small children. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. 7:80 P.M. -Scouts. l1 :00 A.M.-Church School Kindergar­ ten group-Toddlers' Room. ~t~?Pt anb ~bonttl 5:30 P.l\1.-UnJverslty of Life Supper. In order to Invite a larger part of the 6:30 P.M.- Chapel Serv1ce-Mr. Hu­ Church membership to participate 1n the bert Humphrey, Jr., speaker. Club programs, the Crypt and Chancel 7:80 P.M.- Interest Groups. Players are forming a new group, The tli&D t~ Wttk Crypt and Chancel Theatre Workshop. Tuesday Many phases of dramatic work wU1 be 10 :00 A.~l.-The Minneapolis District offered with this new experiment. Mem­ meeting of the W.S.C.S. will be held bers of the congregation who are inter­ in the Art Room. Dr. Robert Divine, ested may leave their names in the juvenile authority, will be the Church office or call Miss Carolyn speaker. Joyce, Ke. 4382. A forthcoming play will 7:30 P.M. Organ recital by Thut·e be announced soon In the bulletin. W. Fredrickson. 8:00 P.M.- Lecture by Dr. Will Dut·­ ll}oJ:St OOtat jfot um ant. The concluding lecture and discussion Wednesday on Post War problems will take place at 12 :SO P .l\1. Mr·s. Ernest Scherer, 4936 7 :45 next Thtu·sday evening, November Elliot Ave., will be hostess to the 18, in the Social Hall. Dr. Arthur Up­ Ethna Landers Circle at a luncheon gren, popular speaker from the Federal meeting. Reserve Bank. is to be the discussion 12:80 P.M. -The Elizabeth Vinall Cir­ leader. You are cordially Invited to par­ cle will meet at the home of Mrs. ticipate in this ft.nal meeting. C. H. Cousins, 4904 Stevens Ave. S. Rev. Mr. Haycock will lead devo­ ,Rotro tions. Orcler-. fur ChriAtmas greetlng eards I :00 P.M.- The Marietta Savage Cir­ and wrappings may be placed through cle luncheon meeting will be held at the Myrle Bradshaw Circle by calling the home of Mrs. G. E. Pannkuk, Mrs. Anthony Bayer, Gl. 5865. 5124 Indianola Ave. Mrs. E. K. Scoggin will lead devotions. The Lucille Raine!! Circle will bold a 1:30 P.M.- The Dorcas Circle meet­ rummage sale at 304 Marquette Ave. on ing will be held in the Art Room. November 16 and 17. Anyone wishing Mrs. R. W. White will lead devo­ to contribute articles for the sale may tions. and Mrs. J. C. Handy will call Mrs. Warren Thomas, Wa. 5245. or speak on "We Who Are America." Mrs. R. L. Dunton, Re. 3050. Mrs. George Greene will have Each year, Methodist families act·oss charge of the musical program. the land place their subscriptions for the 7:45 P.M.- New member meeting in one paper which interprets and creates Art Room. Methodist opinion in America. Every 7:45 P.M.-The Margaret Wallace Hennepin family should have "The Missionary Society will meet at the Christian Advocate" in their homes. The home of Mrs. Harold TuthUl. 600 W. Club rate is $1.50 per year. Please write Franklin Ave. on the envelopes provided in the pews Thursday the information requested, enclose the 9:30 A:M.-Red Cross Sewing Unit­ money, and place on the oft'ering plate. Longfellow Room. Your promptness in organizing the Ad­ 9 :80 A.M.-Red Cross Surgical Dress­ vocate Club for Hennepin Avenue ing Unit-Scout Room. Church will be appreciated. U N 1 V E R S I T Y OF L I F E

C ome ~ Peece of God . and dwell aga i n on earth. Corre. with the celm ..het hlliled Thy Prince ' s bir th, Come . with th~ healing of Tny gentle touch. Come, Peace of God. that this world ntleds so much .

Com:t t Blessed Pc:;ece , as when, in hush of sve, God 1 s benediction falls on sould who ;riov6; J.s shines e stE;r when we£ r ~ ds~ dvpt rts, Come ~ Peace of God , and rule within our hearts .

--t.a, RCiwlend

Hennepin J..venut.o •. ietr.odist Church Minno,polis , Minn~sote Novemter 14, 1943 Hennepin Avenue University of Life N 0 T E S November 14, 1943 We hope everyone who is an enrollee in the University of Life ·will &f:e to it that he has signed ORDER OF SE.rNICE 8 pledge card and is determined to help ~a rry the financicl program of this anniversary year. The r e ­ Lvoders: Elaine Swiech and tleel Page sponse so far has been excellent, but we would desire to have nur whole membership get under the load. It Meditation is ~ne wey in which ynu cen all serve.

Bring selfish lives from shadow-lands of loss "District Conperatinn" Into the radiance of the Saviour's cross, 1~ grnup nf nur members were in nttcndance et the Where, in the: t gift -- so precious, yet so lone sub-district r~lly this cfternnon et Hobart Church. Life find its brntherhnoo and lnve its throne . Our cEbinet h~s gone ~n reonrd es favoring our full cn op~ r cti~n end suppnrt of the plans end pr ogram as Orgt>n Prelude Mr . Thure Fredricksnn c&rried ~ut b~ our Minneapolis District officer s . The mid-winter Institute et Camp Ihduhepi will be e Call to Worship high p~int in fun and study as e city wide group. Other w~rthwhile programs will be in the ~ffing Hymn 28ti 11 Fight the Goro Fight" Mnnsell tltr~"UI!;h the winter t.nd spring mnnths .

Responsive Re~ding "The ~elted L0rd" p . 594 "Dr. Raines ReturniS 11 Dr . llnines will r eturn this cnming week from a Organ Med itatim Silent Prayer four weeks tnur nf Army c&mp~ in the midwest end Evening Prayer LC"rd 1 s Preyer s0uth. He has ~d unusuel and pr~fitoble experiences, and we shall desire to ht ve o fire- side hnur with him Vnrship in Tithes end Offerings as sn~n es he can sp~re the time up~n his r eturn. In Offortnry Anthem 11 Finlandia 11 Sibelius the rnerntime, plen tn greet him in the sonctu&ry next Universitt nf Life Chnir Sunday m~rning, end ~grin in the doings nf our regular prrgrrm in the evening. E.,-mn 491 11-hmerica the Bcr utiful11 &tes (Stanzas 1,3,4) 11 Church l.lembership 11 A new class nf members-to- be will meet in the kJdre&s ~. Hubert H. Humphrey , Jr. JFt Ronm this coming Wednesdey evening f~r their Professor, Pnliticel Sci~nce, Lacalester Cl"llege first prepar~tnry meetjng tngether . If there 6re any in the University of Life whn wculd like tn becl"me bcnadic ti nn members nf Hennepin Avenue Church. &nd hove not been onntncted b~ & minister, please indic~te tn us to­ .P<'stlude night your interest, end we shall happily include you . THIRD ANNUAL



..Jiacalester 6olfe9e Saint Paul, Minnesota

Winnipeg, Mamtoba


November 18-20, 1943 Members of the Conference

Dinner General Chairman-OR. D. C. MASTERS

Head of Macalutcr College Delegalion-DR. HERBERT j. WOOD


Chairman-Or. W. C. Graham Prof. F. A. Young Prof. H. Humphrey Prof. S. Strong Miss Borghild Sundheim Principal, United College Mr. Hjalmer Bjornson Phyllis Abroe Margaret Hill Donald Mitchell Lois Baldwin Barbara Hood Elizabeth Perry Phyllis Bambusch Robert Hood Georgia Pohl Mary Bartholomew Thomas Hughes Anita Shiftlett "The Heart 0 Y e !" Wm. Dichmont, Canadian Composer Violet Bjornberg Harriet Johnson Evelyne Sweet Betty Carlson Connie Jorgenson Darl Tesch Soloist, Miss Betty Lewis Thomas Champlin Grace Langley Virginia Wolfangle Jane Crichton Myron Lee Louise Woodhouse Margaret Durkee Ralph Lindstrom lver Ye8Ber Ruth Ficken Donald Lyttle Donald Zehm Harold Goltz Fred Manthey Farewell from Macalester -Dr. Herbert J. Wood Harold Hermann Donald Meisel


Closing Address of the Conference Hon. StuartS. Garson Dr. W. C. Graham Prof. J. E. L. Graham Dr. V. L. Leathers Prof. Arthur Phelps Premier of Manitoba Prof. L. F. S. Ritcey Miss M. Graham Dorothy Beales Barbara King Ann Phelps Neil Campbell Betty Lewis Margaret Prang Gordon Cunningham Don. MacLaren Don Pratt John Freeman Len. McArthur Lois Snyder A. C. Green Dave McKee Dorothy Scott John Graham Ken. McCartney Berenice Warne "0 Canada" Gordon Harland Bob McLean P. G. White Mary Harris Margaret Main Mina Woodhead Alan Hockin Gwenda Morrison Ross Woodman EJizabeth Holland Keith Morrison Gren Yeo Walter Hucul Ann Pennie DEAR OLD MACALESTER Rus,ian National Anthem

Dear Old Macalester Ever the same; to those whose hearts are UlTilled by thy dear name. Cherished by all 1hy sons. loved by all thy daughters. Hail! hail to thee our college dear. We are in word and deed Thy name shall ever be, Thy champions. Our guiding star; For thee we'll fight and pray, Thy children shall proclaim In all thy needs. Thint' honor far. Forward to prornin<'nce. Fver our hearts to thee March forever onward. Cling with deep affection. Hail. hail to thee. Hail. hail to thee, Our college dear. Macalester.

HAIL UNITED! We're the lads from north of Portage. Watch our dust! Brams or muscle we've no short.ge. Win or bust. Fairest gals in aU creabon. Here have we. Finest College in the nation. Send us out to victory.

Chorus Raise the roof for old United! Tell the world that 11hc's the best Nowhere else our faith is plighted In tho land of East or West. We could ne""er love unother. Beller College could no~ be. Fill your lungs and roar, my brother. Hail your academic Mother· Here's to old U. C.

Coda Katana. Katana. Katana, Kasula, Kasaw! United! United! Katana. Katnrah. Katawl Wesley! 'Tobal Wl1ite and Red! Ever leading. n~r. never led!

~nere the oind is ~ithout !ear and the head is held high; T-here kncr.lodge is freoj trhore tho r.·orH has not bo.::n broken up into !ragmunts by narrow domestic r-alls; Fhor~ r.orda co~o out fro~ the depth of truth; Where tiroloas striving stretches its arm~<; to'iard p~rfoction; !t',hc)r~J tho cluar stream of roa.;on has not lost itg ~ay into the dr~ary deeort sand of dead habitj Whore tho mind is led f on:E-rd by thee into aver-;-.idening thought &.nd. action --

Into that he~von of ireedom1 ~Y Father, lat my ccuntr; E.:r.ako.

RaoindrE-nath 7agore OFFICERS PSALY LXVII

CF.AI R~AN God be ~erci!ul unto ue, and bless ~! rs. Vern A. Schul berg us·I and cause hie face to shine upon us; Selah. VICE CHA i ru~AN Th£.t thy way may be known upon Mrs. Ever ett Drake earth, thy sEwing health among all n&t i ona. SECRETARY Let the people praise thoa~ 0 God; Hrs. H. s. Hol:tquitt let all the people praise t hea. ::'REI. SURER 0 let the nations be glad and sing Mrs. R. p , ?1e.rx for joy; for thou shalt judge the people rightoously1 and PROGRA!' CHJ.I ID!.AN govern tho nations upon ?:rs. f , E. Boyd earth. Solah, Let the peoplo praiao thea, 0 God; HOSTESS CHJ\I R!>!AN let all tho people p~ise Hra . Ever ott Dre.ko thea. Th ~n sr.all the enrth yield her in­ l!Et!BERSHIP CP.AIR! ! M~ crecse; end God, even our own J~ rs. Louie Froa~ God, shall bless us S God ehall bleu ue; t.nd all ends of the e&rth e~ll !ear hi m.

------~----~~.______- ______l!EETI~G DATE DEVOTIONAL !re. E. J, illow Second Tuesday of each month l'URSERY Hre . Joaoph Dzubay 2:00 p.H. l!USIC !!rs. • • • RELIGIOUS EDUC/T!OliT COtH'CIL Hre. H. s. Holmquist Ther~ will be a nursery attend&nt at e&ch meeting to care for the children

Music during the tea hour I


1- Date - the Fridny preceding each Febru&ry 11-Hrs. H. S. Holmqu ilt regular monthly mevting at 4409 Aldrich Ave. so. 1:30 P·M · Pl 1438

Hc..rch 10 -Ure. \". E. Boyd HOSTESSES FOR BOARD !·!EETil!GS 221 fest Rustic Lodge Re 1229 October 8 - Hrs. FL p, ..an 117 w. l'innohaha Pkwy. Lo 6809

November 5-Hre. VTilli&m Cumminga 1 Jr. 2808 Humboldt Avo . So. Ke 7933

December 10-Mra. E· J , ~illow 2730 }:cKinloy St. N.E. Gr 6156 Je.nue..ry 7 -Hrs. Joo Dzubay 3407 Knox Avo. N. Ch 9754


~------,~-- ' ~------_:::::~ , ~, ...... ""! PROGRAM PROGRAl~ December 14, 1943 January 11, 1944 Devotion• Urs . c. J. Ehrenberg Devotions Ers . E&r1 Otto Speaker Miss Lucy Studley Speaker Wrl· Hubert Humphrey "Christmas Celebrations" "The Family and Civic Reform"

HOSTESSES HOSTESSES Mrs. H. M. Bilden Mrs. Joe Dzubay Urs . Gerald Kane ] Mrs. U. E. DeLaHunt Mrs. Fred J, ~athewe Mrs. ClE"-rence Olson PROGRAM PROGRAM February 151 1944 Harch 14} 1944 Devotions Mrs. Andrew Hobart Devotions llrs. Curtis Davi1 Speaker Mrs. Russell Duncan 11 Japanese Ro-Location" Speaker Hiss ¥Jylle B. J~ c N ioll "Keeping The Family Togethe r"

HOSTESSES HOSTESSES lira. Glenn Davis Mrs. Charll}e McKI}nzie Hrs. Cl&ude Hathowe Mrs. c. L. Ekluna Urs. George Fisher Mrs. Louis Freeman PROGRA.l.( PROGRM' April 111 1944

Devotions Hrs. Everett Dr&ke Devotion• Mrs. l'!, E. Boyd Speaker Dr. ~illiam Luyten "International Af!airs" Speakor The Reverend ~!orris c. Robinson "Tho Chrltti&n Fc:.mily end the Peace to Come"


Mrs. F. N. Replogle .:ra . Ross Latch&r. Mrs . E. J . Willow 1'rs. Arnold .'orUit Mrs. J, B. Syverson }'rs. Robert Rensch BOOK LIST

Our Littlo Child F~ccs Lifo - Odoll Thoro 1 a No Plt.co Liko Homo -- - - Ellenwood The Homo and tho Chrieti&n Life - - -Heyr.~rd June 131 1944 Tho Fino /1rt of Living Together -- -Beevon ~en Childr~n Aak------Bro ~o~ The P~r~nts - ---- Gruenberg Picnic for ~embers ~nd chi ldren~ ~t You Owe Your Child - - Sporry Th3 Child' s Appro~ct plane to be t.nnounced let er. to Religion ------Fox The Feith of our Children - -Jones A!AG/.ZH'ES Childron 1 e Roligion Thv Christi&n H~o

11 l:~nu' 1

Fried Chicken

i~ashcd Potatoes - Gravy

Cranberry Rclich - s.1..:et Potatoes

Scallop..::d Corn

FNsh Vegetable Sticks - ?icklas

Roll s

Ste~~cd Plum Pudding


Victory Banquet r:ovcmbor 29' 1943

ToD.stoastcr Blaine B. Barker S)l~ctions High School Pep Band Grc-tings Ri ·ht Taddo Co- Captain Gus Stro~ncr 11 11 Th~ Scoru Ceach 3i.ll Adam Laft Tac::J.o Co- Captain Goo . Johnson • ·act 'l'hc Chc.rnps u. s. o. Talk Hub~rt Hunphrey, Professor i-oli ti\!c.al Sci... nc..:: , J'acal13st ... r ColLec T:1c :'Dy- off A. 1~ . ·.:ahl Tor.orrow 1 s il3lfback Sports Film €ommunitp ~etbobi5t ~burcb

Could and Central Avenues N. E. GRanville 7644

NATT. BUCKLEY, Pastor GRanville 7614 3705 Van Buren N. E.

®ur Jnbitation To all who mourn and need comfort-to all who are \•:eary and need rest to all who are friendles1 and wish friendshtp-to all who pray and to aU who do not, but ought-to all who sin and need a Savior and to whosoever will-thia church opens wide its doors and in the name of jesus, the Lord, says: Wtlcomt


/I"A .Jt\ N E of E D DULUTH s


,4'\~d~ ~ tV 1-\\ m.. ~ fE 1 1 m~ QI3

THURSDAY FEBI~UARY 3 1944 I ) PROORAi. (Continued) 2 1. PROORAY Pngen.nt 11\iithin Our Followship1 l.!rs. Percy Thompson, President, Presidinr; Dirootod by Miss Floy Sohoidlor

Doxolor,y ContrD.lto Solos Urs. Boa.triQO' J.'rocn~P ·''. - Olson · h·;., Invocation The Reverend T. c. McQueen Aoconpnnist Uiss Florance Ross '. .... -: Cor:ununity Sincilll; Led by Miss Irene Kusnierek - Address - Professor Hubert H. Acconpe.nist - Urs. J . H. Majo Hw:lphroy Jr. "A TllfE FOB GREATNESS" Introductions "Ood Bloss Our Nativo Lo.nd" - Soc Prlc;o l C Minutes of 1943 - Mrs . H. E. Farnam ,lnnual Meetint PARTICIPANTS I1~ PAGE;..:.TT Report of the - J,{rs . GeorGe Rockwood Treasurer Mrs. Philip Eokoan Road or Unry Voloshik ... Dusinoss Girl Report of the - Miss Chesta E. }.litchell ArdellA Uolson HC'usohold Eq. General Seoretary ployeo UO.rio Price Industrial News from Nationa.l - Mrs . R. W. Northup Girl Boo.rd Joan llicho.ud '.lost Duluth Girl Reserve '! t Report of the Tellers- Miss ~!o.ry HU{;O Intorra.cin.l Cotlr.littoe CharGe to Y.VI.C .A. - IJrs . Percy Thor.1pson Leaders Chorus

11 Jn.not Lorn.ngor Eiloon Strn.llG Hytnn- Faith of Our - see PnGe lG Murio 1 Rhude Fathers" Yvonno Smith Vivian Dort Shirley llio Adjourtlllent to Auditorium Ropo Ho.l.onbock Juton Tellors 14rs. Walter Leonard, Annual Ueetinr; Cha.irnnn, l~iss MD.ry litJGo, Chn.iroo.n PresidinG ~s . s. s. Poirior Urs. R. W. McCorrno.Ck "star Spancled Bannor"-page 17 (Pro&ran Continued - Pnce 2) 3e SO!!E FACTS iJID FIGURES FOR 1!)43 4. The Doc.ri of Diroctors o.nd Stc.ff of the Younc llooon• s to girls who ho.w lo.f't town f er tho vu.riou.s Christ~ Association of Duluth prosont thoir nnnunl uniformed services or for war jobs;- dlle also t) report to tho noobors of tho ~ssociation. restlessness and resulting shifting of interesta Groups have ll'anted more in!ormt\1. program than heretofore and have done a great deal of se~ PURPOSE vice related to the war , such aa Red Cross, u. S. o. , hospital work, etc. To build n foll~ship of nooon nnd girls dovoted to tho task of roa­ The Y. W. C. A. , through i~a :Beard, Committee!:\ lhinr in our oorn:ton lifo thoso idonls of rorsonal and socinl living and Staff baa ~orkod closely nith other com­ munity agencies on such problema ~s juvenile to which \'IO aro con::d ttod by our faith as Christians. delinquency nnd day care of children of wor~ ing QOthcrs; hRs cooperated on community In this endeavor we sook to under­ projects like tho War Fund Cnmra1gn , Bond stand Josus, to share his lovo for Drives, Civilinn Defenso programs, Christian nll pooplo, and to brow in tho Mission, etc. knov7lodr~o c.nd lovo of God .. The Y. if. c. A. faces the new year m th Tho girl on tho covor who tolls us thAt tho Y~1.C.A . of appreciation of the un~crstanding And support Duluth \?tlO o.lort to ootU:tunity noods in 1~3 dooc not of the comounity. It accepts ~ith hnmility toll n now story. Tho Y .~; . c . A . M.s boon pro.cticinc thit: tho urgent challenge to mako its s~rvicea nlortnoss for 43 years o.nd soakinG r.ith vnryinc doGrQos moro adequate end far-ronchir.& than ever before . of suocoss to DOCt tho noods discovered.

The follouing pageo give a brief s~ary of Moro thtUl trro yoc.rv of mli' hc.vo nado thoir i::qnct on the ~ooen and girls who c~c to the T. W. c. ~ ~11 citi~o~; yot Girls' needs are basicc.lly tho snoc~ during 1943 ru1d hon tho Y. ii'. C. A. me tried wcr or no wo.r . Girls noed frionds 1 fun, sntisf~~n£ to neat their needs. work 1 n docont plo.co to livo~ faith in tho ultinnto triunph of rirht. 'o.r intonsifios thoso noods1 tho do~nds of tho cmorr,onoy put new nnd inoroo.sod strains upon youDG wooon,.. Tho Y.':i.c.A. ho.s spoodod up its programs on physic~l fitness, recroo.tion, housinc at~ porsonnl oounsolin{ to koep cirls fit for tho dopands of thoir work nnd for nooting thoir porsono.l probloi:1B • Such progro.o, with its tro.ininc in donocrntio ·ways of work1 is a vital pnrt of the wamon-in~wo.r offort. Tho many and vnriod procro.~ o.ctivitios o.nd sorvioos havo boon r.\Otivntod, aa nlwnys, by tho unoho.nc;inc Christio.n pu.rposo of tho Assccintion. There has boon oonsidoro.blo turnover in tho Groups, due 5. s. GIRLS AND ifOMEl WID H!VE SOUGHT THE YllCA IN 1943 () Young ~ooen and girls, chief~ ne~coaars in the city, coco for a plnce t o live, for cocpan­ 0 Children under 12, sooe of thee ''door key children"• ionship, for the protection of the "~ r.hile · came to ploy, to learn to snic, to find loodcrebip they r etained their inde}andence. Transient to help thee CTow. strangers sought short-tioe hooes.

QJunior High !U'ld Sez.ior High School Girls sought 0 Comz;unity groups cooe to find a place for meetings , - frionds • understo.nd1ng, t-..dvisership, fun, and an to plP~ , t o work, to plan. answer t o the fundnnentol "need to be noedod" . Travelers, - cronds of then - of every description, O Catlpers, 8 - 18-ycrr-olds, cnoe frotl Minnesota, I own, aoU&}lt ndvico, r est, 1nforcatian, nnd travel Wisconsin and North Dnkota for vacation fun , nn accooodations. oxpcrionce in cooperative living, nnd B chance for f~llonshi] in a nen environcento 0 Adven ture-so ekir~R girls trying to find their soldiers or snilora, wives vrishine to join 0 Employ\~d. girls frou business establi shccnts, hOLieS , nnd husbands norking in tho ahi]yards, and·wocen inuuntrios sought fun and friends, rclenso froc out of onployment came for tenpornry help tension, n. ne" outlook on life, n nodiUT.l through nhile ca1d. ng thci r n~lj u.s tt1ent s . ~hich to oorvc, nidcned knouledga, ~ ch~~co to develop their c~p~cities for le~dership , nnd help 0 Volunteers C1'..ne to carry responsibility ,n.nd to r ender invaluable comcunity service in the with their work proble~s . war effort. 0 Girls and nolilon of all ages, seeking to keep physi co.lly Meobership fit for tho dc~ds of these busy d~s, c~ for 0 ~ of the above-nnoed uo~en nod girls n b:tln.ncod oo:-1 th nnd recreation progrru:~ , for n health cxno, rod for activities to iqprovo old and many others cauo f or t ho privilege of belonging to an organization nhich is skills or to learn neu ones and for relaxation. a part of a great nntional and inter­ national Christian TIOr:..'Ul t a covccent m. th () New Americans in Duluth c~~ to the Intcrnntional a purpose ohicb inspires and n prograc Institute for fricndlin~ss , to pl~v nith others, which dewnods the best one has to give. to learn Anericnn ~ays , t o uork toqnrd citizenship. People of various nationalities, r ~ces , and creeds participate nithout difference at the throe See the following png~s for the Tt~s in ~hich centers of the Branch. the Y. If. C. A. b.n.s re sp ondod. 0 Net;ro girls nnd nonen car19 to oeot new friends, for leadership e,qroesion, for self ioprov~cont and recro~tion nnd to help procote interracial understanding. 7. 8 Progran ~ith N. Y. ~ girls-Enrollment 300 HOlT THE Y. u. C. A. HAS RESPONDED Rocrc~tion for West Duluth E~lo.ycd Girls Enrolloent 50 f) Prograo f or Childrfl!l under 12 Total attendance in dept. activities 6577 Swi~ing cl~sses nnd Lcnrn to ~1::::; T7cel: Attcndnnce 307 Co~~i ty service included publishing USO Supervised Boorect i~n for Wap,azinc, staffing of :Bond :Booths. parties Neighborhood children Attendnnco 500 for s ervice oen, pro6Tac for Co~ it.Y SunDer St~-at-Hooe Caops at Fund dinners and Christoas Projects. Central Building & ~est Duluth Enrollnent 71 (D Health Education Groups Enrolloent 484 Attendance 440 Attendance 5694 €) Girl Reserve Clubs SW!uuing r.as the oost populnr activity, Girl Reserves are Junior Menbers of including classes in Junior and S·nior tho Y. \1 . C. A. Lifo Saving, in cooporntion with the 13 self-govarning clubs of gir ls Red Cross. Othor sports included archery, from 8 differ~nt schools in Duluth, badointon, volloybnll, basketball, bi­ Uest Duluth, and Gary. Enrollucnt 645 cycling, tennis an~ go lf. Attendance 8345 Club service prJjects, - "Tops" , 0 International Institute Jr. Nurse Assistants, Teachers' Group activities at Gary, Irving Center Aides, - enlisted 200 girls. Those and Central Enroll.I:;e!lt ?52 ctrls and ~7 others in lese con­ Attendance 15127 tinuous service activities gave Progra.."J includes clubs f or boys and girls thousands ~f hours of pntr io tic and inforoal r ecrention. Tho Institute service. "Coed• J prot;rno"proved servos as a coeting plnco for nany coc- popular ~d constructive. cuni ty groups such as clinics, Nationalit.Y 0 Camp Wanakimn LodE::os , Union ocetint;s, N1dpnrties. In spite of ~ifficulties of transportation, Services to individunls included help on rntionin£, securing le~ders , etc. , the citizenship and iooigration. season at Wanakimn q:-s a happy and ()Rousing successful one enjoyed by 215 girls. The "Y" Residence nccooodn.tes ?5 percanent The new wash house Md well and the guests, chicfl..v r.irla 18 - 24 years of age, installation of electr icity addod who help deteroino policies through their ouch to cnoporst ooofort. eloctod House Council. Peronnent guests 157 @ ~usine sa and Industrial De1 2 rtnent Transient guests 3136 • ~ :Business Girls t Clubs ru1d I Many of these short tioe visitors were hay-fever Industrial club "ith an enrolloent 224 sufferers and clinic visitors. 9. 10. G :eundi118 ®Volunteer teaderehip The three Y. \1. c. A. buildings in ndd1t1on to housing Y. ii. goups, 241 individual a have servod as volllllteers, n.ffordod ooetint; pln.cos for cnny club leaders, oeobors of the B~~rd of Directors, outside groups. nnd of various coowi ttocs and councils.. Nuobcr of outside group oectinga 346 ® Meobership Attendance at outside groups 12576 Esticated "casual Visitors" 26000 Adult ~eobership is open to any girl or uocan Grnnd total of outside people over 18 years of age "ho believes in the usin~ the building ZS576 Ass oci~ti ~n .1nd who is nilling to nseune sooe responsibility for its on-going progran. Q Trnve lor s ' Aid to Aesistonco of nnny kinds UPs given Junior Uecbers are Girl Reserves or 74 children, 42 boys ~d girls, 2112 other teen-age girls ·who wish to join. 210 ~en end wo~en and 1786 service Voting Mecbers in 1943 367 Ue~ service-men reooved the dust Associate Meobcrs in 1943 51 of trnvcl in the office at tho Union Junior Mcobors in 1943 646 Depot, ehnvad and chnnged soiled 1 clothes. Pillows eased the hard benchos J The Y.lt C. A. Progr'-'.o is carried on in tho during hours of nai tin.g - p.nd the heavy f~llouins Branches and Centers: sea bn&s or barrncks bngs cculd be left tor n feu hours under the caro of the Central Headq~ters ond Activities Building uorkerc. 202 ~est Second Street

()Personnl Service Depar~ent International Institute Branch 1. Advises and holps r.ork out plnns Office - 202 nest Second Street ~lth thooe r.ho have becooe confused Gary Center - 115 ~est McGonngle Street or benildored by the proble~s which they face. West Duluth Center 605 North Centrnl Avenue 8. Tecporary CAI'O at THE ANJ.r.l!JC , an npartoont mAintained by the city and adainis terod by tho Y. Tf. C. A. hA.e been given in 182 cases. Referrals from other agencies nuobcred 127; froo theY. ~ . C. A. 55. 11. 12. Incooe Incoce 1943 Actual 1944 Bud gat 1943 B\.dget Ad!:inistration $1, 720.00 $!.64'7.~ $1, 720. 00 Girl Reserve Business and Industrial Health Educntion 1,240.00 1, 230. 75 1, 240. 00 Personal Service 3,015. 00 3, 009. 45 3, 015. 00 Residence 14, 400. 00 14, 537.91 14, 945. 00 Building & Maintenance 6, 875. 00 6, 923. 11 6. 790. 00 General Incooe and Expense 3,010.00 2,754. 49 2,970. 00 Cr>.::1p Wannki win 3,525.00 3,970. 82 3,400. 00 Receipts from Comounity Fund 19,600,00 19, 600, 00 19,734.00 Travelers ' Aid l,o8o.oo 1~081 . 99 1 1, 080-.0Q Trn.volers Aid Cotli.'luni ty Fund 1, 500.00 1,518, 50 1, 8QO. OO \Vost Duluth 360,00 242.49 • 300,00 West Duluth Colil r:.uni ty ]Und 2 , 200, 00 2,015.78 2, 200. 00 International Institute 310, 00 303.13 310, 00 Internnti onal Institute Comounity Fund 6,120. 00 6, 031. 41 6,200.QO $64, 955. 00 $64, 867. 38 $65,704.00 Expenditures Expenditures Administration 26,176. 00 25 , 881.17 . Girl Reserve 26,758.00 265, 00 250. 82 275. 00 Business and Industrial 170, 00 169. 91 170.00 Health Educ~tion 967. 00 823. 23 967. 00 Personal Service 3,015. 00 2,981.82 Residence 3,015.00 7, 525. 00 7, 390.00 7 ,445 .0 Buildinc and Aaintenance 8.366. 00 8. 813. 41 General Incooe and Expense 8, 403. 00 3,276. 00 3,200. 53 3,281. 00 Camp \To.nakitrin 3,625.00 4, 070. 82 Travelers' Aid 3 ,500. 00 2, 580.00 2,579.93 2,880. 00 li'est Duluth 2,560. 00 2. 246. 75 International Institute 2 , 500. 00 6, 430. 00 6, 279. 50 6 ,510. 00 City Service Gain 27. 63 Operating Goin 150. 96 $64, 955.00 $64,867.38 $65,?04.00 The Y. W. c. A. books hnve been audited by Mr. A. A. Pfonnin~er , auditor of tho Duluth Con:uni ty Fund Md the auditor' a report trill be on file ln the business office•

. I~

14. 13. THE »OARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Percy Thoopeon 1st Vice President Mrs. a. c • Dudley TEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2nd Vice President Mrs. Robert C. Weed 3rd Vice President Miss Irene Kusniorok Mrs. John A. S tephonoon Mrs •. ~ •. c. DUnl6y I Recording Secretnry Wrs. H. E. Fnrnntl Mrs~ Arthur T. Laird Mr. Lewis C!\stle Mr. c~vour H~rtley i Corresponding Secretary :t.lrs. E. E. Adaos Mr. Eowons Collins Trensurer Mrs. George M. R ocb':ood Mr. Thomas G. Bell Mr. R. L. lAeyall

Mrs. John Allen • Wra. w. D. Avery Vrs. W. H. Benson Mrs. H. E. Bartelt THE ST.\FF Mrs. Hnzen Carle ton • Mrs. J. E. DRnieleon Mrs. Philip Hanft Miss Chesta E. Mitchell Genernl Socret~ry Miss Minnie Henrickson • Miss Olive Riddell Business & Indust- Miss Mnry Hugo • ri'l.l Urs. Cnrl Johnson Uiss Alice O'Connell Health Education Mrs. Fred KP.us Wiss Floy Scheidler Girl Rcset'lc Miss Irene Kusnierok Miss ~sther Yukl Intcrnnt · n 1 Vrs. A. T. laird Institute Miss Ray Leland Miss Laura Lundberg Intern.'lt i ?n~l Mrs. J. H. Majo In~:>titute Mrs. Edward Nichola Miss Lillian Ferguson Trcvelors: Aid ~rs. Otto OL~son Urs. Ella McK. Hay Travelers· Aid Wrs. E. M. Rauschenfels lt!rs. A. J . Z oerb Personal Service Mrs. Arthur Roberts Mrs. s. S. Poirier Reside:-tcc Yrs. A. G. Schadewald Mrs. Leslie High Mrs. Charles T. Stirrntt lhlilding Mrs . ChRrles Balli l&rs . Fred Stout U'es t Duluth Mrs. Wnrian Sci th Yrs. J. B. ~iener

• Resigned during the year. ROUE ON THE RANGE 15. BA!rTLE RYlm OF THE REPUBLIC Oh 1 Givo mo a homo whoro tho buffalo rowm, Mine eyes have seen the glory Uhoro the door ond tho ontolopo ploy. Of the coming of the Lord; r:horo soldon is hoo.rd o. disoourot;in · word, He is trampling out the vintage ~nd tho skios nro not cloudy o.ll doy. Jhere the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning Chorus : Of His terrible Ewift sword Ucno , hone. on tho rar~o . Hi a tru\11 is marching on. ·.• hero tho doer o.nd tho antolopo ploy, ···hero soldoc is hoard o disoouroc;illt; l7ord Choruet And tho skies o.ro not cloudy all doy. Oloey, glory, hallelujah 1 Glory, r,lory, hallellljah J now ofton ot nir;ht Ythoro tho hoo.vons o.ro brir;ht Glory, glory, hallelujah l ·.:}loro tho lichts fron tho Gli ttorinr. sto.rs, His trutn is marching on. IInvo I stood thoro o..r:nzod o.nd o.skod a.s I co.zod, If thoir Glory oxooods thot of ours ~ · I have seen Him in the watch-fires Of a hundred circling camps, JEA.lUE ',iiTll THE LICHT !3RC1oiU IlhiR They hav~ buildec Him an altar I dronm of Joanio with tho licht brown hair In the evening dews and damps , I:.crno lilio o va.por on tho (.;Oldon uir. I can read His righteous sentence I soo her trippinG whoro tho briGht stroa~ play, By the dim and flaring lamps; G~y os tho daisies alone hor ~y . His ~ 1a marchi ng on. l~ny aro the fond notos hor marry voioo would pour, ALOHAOE Echood by tho birds in tho crave o•or ond o'or. hh1 I dro~n of Jonnio with tho liGht brown r~ir. Proudly sweeps tte rain- cloud o ' er the cliff, JSlrot liko a vnpor on tho soft suor.~or ~ir . Borne awiftl~ by the western galea . FAITH OF OUR FATHERS While the song of lovers' partin~ grief Sadly echoes ~' the flowering vale. Fnith of our ~thors • livinc still In spito of dunGeon , firo and sword, Chorus: 0 hcn7 our ho:>.rts boot hiGh with joy Farewell to thee, fnrewel~ to theel ·.,hono• or wo honr thnt Glorious word~ The winds will CErry back~ sad r(;frain; Faith of our fo.thors~ holy faith, One fond embrnce before we say good-bye ·.:o w;ill bo truo to thoo till doo.th. Until we meet ogcln. Fo.ith of our ro.thors, wo will lovo Sweet tho thoughts I bear mcy with me Doth friond ond foo in all our str!fo, Donr mam 1 riee of the hapl y past; And pro:>.ch thoo, too, o.s lo~o knows how. And tho' non we !hisper, fare- thee-well, Dy rJlndly words a.nd virtuous lifo. Yet we kno- -e s~all meet again at last. Fo.ith of our Fa.thors, holy faith, .o will bo truo to Thoo till donth, 17. THE STAR- SPAlroLED DAN1lER 10~

0 s~y L cnn you soe, Dy tho dawn' s onrly liGht, \lhct so proudly wo hail' d At tho twilight's last &loacinG? Y~oso broad stripes nnd bright stnra, Thro 1 tho perilous fi&ht• o•or tho r~rts wo wntoh' d• GOD BLESS OUR NATIVE LAl!D 10TO so Gnllnntly stroanint? And tho rockets' rod clnro, Tho bombs burs tine in air, God bless our nnti~ lnnd~ Gnvo proof thro1 tho nisht F'.:.rl!l my she ovor stnnd,. Thnt our fl~c vms still thoro. fnrouGh storm nnd niGht; Whet1 the wild teopests Rave, Chorus: Ruler of wind o.nd vmvo, 0 sny, doos thnt Stnr Spnne.lod Do Thou our oountry sCJ. ve Bnnner yot wo.vo By Thy croa.t r.rl~;htL" o•or tho lnnd of the froo And tho homo of tho br~vo? "Not for this land nlone, 0 thus bo it evor But bo God 1 s neroios nhawn \.hon froo non shnll stand From shore to shore; Dotwoon thoir lcv'd hocos And r.ny tho nations soo And tho ~r ' s dosolntion1 Th~t non should brothers bo Blost with vict•ry nnd ponce, And forn ono ~ly 11 l~y tho honvon roscuod land The wide world o•or. Praise tho Pow• r that ho.th ~do ~d proaorvod us n nntionl Thon conquor wu oust \•bon our onuso it is just, And this bo our motto: "In Ood is our trust'"•

Chorus a And tho Stnr Spo.ns;lod Dnnnor In triunph sha.ll wnvo o•or tho lnnd of tho f.roo And tho homo of th~ brnvo \


Ow whcth in tra · ere house, and rent been each bout prope rent order Car It and een ~in. emy Un oC each bar­ that had ::~: The rent ( cks HUBERT HUMPHREYS. JR. 1 panyi for YW SPEAKER-Hubert H. Fai rm•l· Humphreys. Jr., professor of ies w polltica I science nt Maca lester media college, will speak on "A area hii~ Time for Greatness" at the an- buildi the nual dmner mecUng of the l YWCA tomorrow at 6:15 p.m. in the central YWCA. ProCes­ II~~ sor Humphreys' address will ~ne emphas1ze the challenge that a ~ve war-lorn world places upon rsac- Christian citizens of a democ­ the racy. Mrs. W. 'I'. Leonard is ossi­ chairman of arrangements for Jrrl­ the program. Chairman o! the edly dinner is Mrs. Phi1Jip Hanft, be­ The girl reserves from West sent Duluth and International In- to\ stitutc wUl_A~erve. Discussion of United Progressive Political Action (Amalgamation of the Farmer-Labor and Democratic Parties) Able Speakers: Chas. D. Egley and H. H. Humphrey Jr. Free Admission-Questions Answered PLACE 2815 East Lake St. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TIME Monday Eve., February 7, at 8 P. M. Come and Bring Your Liberal Friends

Under the Joint Sponsorship of the 11th and 12th Ward Farmer-Labor Clubs of Minneapolis 2 utfli!Pwlo