
<1~-dJ.i{th AnnUAL BAnQUfT 0 DULUTH CHHPTfR AffifRICHn InSTITUTE Of BHnKin6 0 S~, MtUf 16, 194.2 HOTEL DULUTH Singing of America Invocation OLIVES Presiding Elis V. Hendrickson ROLLS AND BUTTER Educational Report MUSHROOM SAUCE Kenneth W. Dennis First Vice President, Duluth Chapter A. I. 8. Guest Speaker Mr. Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr. FRESH FROZEN PEAS St. Paul, Minne1ota "Total War end Total Vietory" CHEF'S SALAD Greetings from the National Office Mr. D. Wesley Correll A. I. B. EMBLEM ICE CREAM MOLDS Exec:utlve Counc:ilmen, Milwaukee, Wisc:onsln Served on fancy colored ice blocks Presentation of the New Administration COFFEE DANCING - JOE PRILEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA BOARD OF GOVERNORS INEZ M . cA-..Pe£LL, ltU NORTHERN NATIOPIAI.. BANK t.OATHWE'&Ta"N STATE lANK f"'lft5T VICE PIU II O&NT EARLE J ANDRE£. tU2 KENN£TH W . DENNIS J"UtST AND A~IAICAH NAT"L. a ANI< ftRST AND AMIIfUCAN NAT"L- 8~Nf( fV'£R ANDERSON 1t.11. Si.CON.D VICE PltCIIDCNT P'rRST AND AM&RfCAH N~T"L lANK LESTER E. &HEAVY MtNNE&OTA l"tA'fiONAt.. a4Nlt JOHN 0 BAKER, 1042 MINN~SOTA NATIONAL lANK SIEC"CT'-I''r £LIZABETH HOLM MARIE U CRANMER, tt•a f""IRST AND A~CIItiCAN HA.T'L BANK FIM.T AND AM&.ItiCAN NAT"L 8ANI<: T!ot&ASUAi;lt WILLIAM V. POLSKI JR •• 11·&2- C\.YD£ V . STUll£ ""0RTHWit•TitfiiN IT AT&. lANK hO~YH«-RN NAT ONAL.. IAHK C. G. FISHER, 1t•J CHAIRII4AN WOM&N a COMM1nt.C. NORTHERN NATIONAL. DANK EVELYN R. EGGEN V t<. FALGREN, 1841 NOR-THE:RN NATIONAL 8ANK FIRST AND AM£.1UCAN NAT' I.. 8AHt< COIIRUI'O.. OINO S&CftiTAIIY DOROTHY A . KANTON LILY M~E OAST. tUJ NORTHERN NATIONAL lANK ,_IHHESOTA NATIONAL. 8Ar.tK Ollt.,TOR OF EDUCATION CkiU CONSUL. JOHN L. EV"NS J C. BOGGIO F'UU51" ANO AMLIItiCA,., NAT L. 8ANK FIRS'r AND AMIERIC'AN NAT'L. 8ANK CARROLL G. F'IWHE". CtoiAtRMAftl MARIE U . CRANME:A, CO•CHAIRMA,.., MA.OELINE MCGEE WILLIAN LONT'Z. LORRAINC FLCE:R EDWARD ERICKSON WILLARD ARlO EVEl-YN I'.. HOitR DOROTHY DELL ROY OLSON MILDRED TUNSTALL MARY VIRANT JAM£S NOWAK E. 8, IIA£DUON Naval Mentorial Services Conducted by NAVY MARINE POST No. 472 AMERICAN LEGION J. F. KOCH, Cltair111an • • MEMORIAL ROCK At Foot of Lake Street and Calhoun Boulevard May 30, 1942, 9:30 A. M. Auspices of Memorial Day Association For Freedom and Liberty Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps History of Memorial Program * * * * * * Naval .\1 en orial Roc~·. Lake 5 trrct Olt the Shores of Luke Calhoun, 9:25 A.:\1.-AssntBL\" b:;.• Boy Scout /)rum & Brt!Jlt• Corps, under di­ '<~·as unveiled and dedicated on May 30, 1922, by the local unit of the rection of Fred Coleman. If/omen's Xm;al Stn,icr. Inc., The Xavy J[other's Club, and othtr Co1tecrt b::.• Pillsbury Flour Jl ills Company Band, Geo . • J. Col­ lins, Bandmaster patriotic organi::altcms. Thereafter M cmorial Do)' Services ho'l.'C bet'll Roll Call and Formation of Participating Organi::ations on Holmes obsrn•ed unltually at this plot. A't•enuc at Lake Street. .lft'mrcapolis .Vavy-.llarinc Post Xo. 472 of lite American Legion MARCH TO Mr:~rORlAL iu Parade Formation . ?.villi the cooperation of tile U nitcd Slates ,\'m:y Departmrnt in 1922, CoLORS (.Vatioual .luthem) Pillsbury l'lo11r Mills Cu111po11y Band srntred till' Ship's Hrll of the formrr L'. S. S. Minneapolis. In 1930 INTRODl'CTlO~ of Cltair111an bv Elmer ll'oll, Co111111alldrr 1\'o'l'V-Marine Post · - tltr M cmorial \1 a.ff was donalr•d and crerled, and during the M cmorial Da.v rcrcmouit•s of I !tat year thr Ship's Bell 7.t•as wwcilcd as a pcmtanellf 1NVOCATION-Revercud F . .-1. Mcckl'l, Moyflmvcr Church LrNror.N's GETTYSBCRC AnDREss IIiss Jca1111r C.'rogau tnotmfing of the mast. Mt·srcAL SEt.ECTION-Pillsbttr;• /·lour Mills Company Band To prcscrt•e this Memorial to posterity, there ~~·as dedicated 011 HISTORY OF NAVY MEMORIAt.- l.ieut. CoiiiiiiOIIdtr Fred C. Campbell. M a:y .W, 193/, and peniWIICIItl)' altaclred to Memorial Mas/, a Bron::c L'S.\'R Plaqttc to the uwmMJ' of those Sailors and .\farincs ?J.'ho lost their li11t.l' SoNc-Xat•al Choir, l'. S. \'at•al Rrscrvr .1viation Rau, Minnratalis. in lltr 11' nrld /Var. H !STORY OF :\IARJNF. l\IEMORI\1.· -Captaiu J. r. Ki/'P. L S.\1CR. Com- 11/0IU!ing Of.ficcr, l '. S llariuc Corps Nr.scrve ,h•iatiou Unit. Thrauglt tltr. cnnpcration of the JJ emorial Day Association. thr .lfinrcapolis United \'totes Nm•)• /Jcpartmc111 a11d Minneapolis Xavy-Jfari11e Post, SosG--Nava/ Choir, r. S. Vaval Rcurvc .lviatio" Rase, lfiuucapolis. the stcert11g tdtrel of the formc·r L·• S. S. Minnesota was acquired, ami INTROOliCTIO:-< OF PRINCIPAl SrF.AKF.R-by Frauk J. Col/ius, Cam­ on .\loy 30. 1932, ?('O.f presented officially to Minneapolis Navy-.lfarinr mauder, Fifth District American I~ rginu, Depar/111eut of \/i,­ ne.rota Post by tltl' L' nited Stairs Xavy Departuu:nt iu Ito nor of tlte Sailors AooRr.ss-by H. and M arinl' dead. Tl11s wheel 'i•'OS pcnnanl'nfly motwtl'd mrd prcse11tcd Hubert Humpltrr.y. Jr., Dirutar, lf'ar Services, IVor~·s Progress Administration to till' Cit:;.• nf ,l/innrapolis d urittg tltr. AI cmorial Day Ccrrmollil's of l'LACJ NG OF \VREA THS AT '}.J F. \1 ORTAl..-Partiripating 01·gani::alions 1933. STREWING OF FLOWERS O"i TIIF' \VATI'R b\' U.S. No1!al P/a,tes from U. In 793-1. a Spmrdcttt machine gun ·which saw sen•icc witlr the S. Naval Air Base. lflold-Chamhcrfam Pirld, Liruf. Commander H. C. Doa11, USNR, Commander, 0'lll'Y Roots Mmmrd bj• Picked U. S. M arincs at Brlleau IVaod •was f'rl'senfrd to the .\'01')'-Af arinv Crrws of Sea Scouts Pram ltfimtt'aftalis Area Council. Bo1• Post for fuillrl' nraunting ami drdicalion. Scouls nf ~lmerico. carrying (;old Star Mothrrs, Navy Mothe~s Cluh, Mamtr Mothers Club and Olftrr Patriotic rv Ollleu's Or­ The Mnrinr Mr111orial, supporting a plaqur on tl•lrich are inscribed gani::ations. tlzc na11tcs of 1 N M arillt'S who gave lfteir lives far tltcir country. 1va.~ BENEDICTION-by Reverend F. A Meckrl trausfarrd from lftr l'nivrrsity of Minnesota Campus to litis plot a1td SALUTE BY FJRlNG SQtAn-U. S. Naval Rrurve Aviation Base. Afin­ presenll'd !1:;.' lite Milme.fala Mariues to tlte Minneapolis Park Board, neapolis. Mim1 .. Lieu/. Cammnwler, II. C. Donn, USNR. Com­ manding Offiar on M rmorial Day. 1936. TAPS-by c. R. WillPII Participating Organizations * * * Grand Army of the Republic-Col. 0. S. Pierce, Commander Women's Naval Servlce-Mr!!. E. W. Sackus. President World War Navy Mothers' Club--Martha T<. $anderson, President Marine Mothers' Club--Mrs. Charles Quinn, Pre!Oldent Navy Mothers' Club of Amerlca-:MJ·s. S. F. Wall. Commander American War Mothers-Mrlj. Bertie l\1onn, Prel!ident Women's Overseas League-)fJ·s. Henry DoeM", Prc~tidenl Spanish War Veterans-· Arthur ~lcArlhur Camp No. 16. Ro~· G, Spear. Commander Arthur llfeA•·thur Auxiliary No. 6. Nellie Reed. Pre~<idenl f'harlt>l' E. Bon<l Camp Nn. n, Wm. E. JtenUrow, Commander American Legion- Department of Mlnnet'ota-Roy AnderS<>n, Commander nepartm<>nt or Minnesota Auxiliary-Mrs. Frank Morse. Prealdenl l"lflh m,.trkt. Department of Mlnnel<Ota. Frank J. Collins. Commander. J·'iflh Dh•lricl Auxiliary. Department of Minnesota, Mrs. II. C. fiutto. PI"N<i- dent Ruslness & Profe~sional Post No. 332. l:.eo. A. Reuder. Commander W"hltettlde Po~ll No. 319. Lydia Mlckloo. Commander William Perk Post -so. 279, Dr. Wesley W. McQueen. Commandt-r William Laidlaw Post No. 208. James R. Akers. Commander William Laidlaw p,..st Auxiliary, Mn;, James R. Aker!!. President .Minneapolis Bearcat Post No. 504. JMk R. Carrier, Commander Navy-;\fartne Pot<t No. 472, Elmer Wo\1. Commander Nn,»·-Martne Pnst Auxiliary. Mrs. Ray Barker. Pre~<ident Navy-MarinE' Post Squadron. Sons Qf American Legion. Dewey Tomlln~<on. C'antain ~avy-Marln<' Post Junior Auxiliary, Joyce Call, President C'alnoun Post No. 231. Harold Warmington, Commander f'alho\m Po~t Auxiliary, Mrs. l\1. J. Hamnton. President Minneapolis F'lre 8: Polt<:e Po::>t No. 396. Wm. Schonnesen, Commander l"'onrl ffOitsc Post No. 310. R . P. Goodin. Commander Henry Bylleshy Post Nl'l. 345. l\tllo El. Van Arnam. Commandt'r nowntown Post No. 335. Martin C. Briggs. Commander ThendorP Petrrsen Post No. l. Henry t.. Meyers, Commander Wenell Pot<t No. 233, l!l. J. Friede, Commander Lieut. Commander H. C. Doan, USNB.. Oommandlng Officer, U. S. Naval RCl!erve Avtotton Base La Societe des 40 Homm11a Et 8 Ch11vaux, Voiture No. 46. Erwin F. Northey, Chl'f dt' Gare Disabled American Veterans, Minneapolis Chapter No. 1. Inc., Oscar Moline. Com­ mander Women's Auxlllarv. Diuhled American Veterana, Minneapolis Chapter No. l, Inc .. Aurelia Miller, Commander Federation of Women's Relief Corps, Auxiliary G. A. R .. Maude L. Maley. Dcle­ ll'llte Vetcr11ns of Foreign Ware-D"partment or Minnesnta Hennepin County Cnuncll. Rollo Mudge, Commander James Ballentine Post No. 246, VIctor Flab, Commander Patterson Post No. 7. Dan Slattery. Commander Woortrow 'VIIson Po11t No. H91. ErneAl R. Andenon, Commander Fleet Reserve Aesoclatlon, U. R. Navy, Frank Drost, President: D. E. Franklin. ::;t'cretar~·-Trell.'!Urer. Branrh No. 38 Military Ordor of the Purple Heart, Clayton Carmichael Chapter No. 8, Fra.nk dellfall!;non. Commander Unltod Philippine War Veterans, Jolo Outpost.
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