Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

July Vol. 637 Pretoria, 20 2018 Julie No. 41779



ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 41779 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The GovernmenT PrinTinG Works Will noT be held resPonsible for any errors ThaT miGhT occur due To The submission of incomPleTe / incorrecT / illeGible coPy. no fuTure queries Will be handled in connecTion WiTh The above.

Table of Contents

Legal Notices

BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ...... 13 Free State / Vrystaat...... 14 KwaZulu-Natal...... 14 Mpumalanga...... 14 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 14 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 14 COMPANY NOTICES • MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 15 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 15 KwaZulu-Natal...... 16 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 16 ORDERS OF THE COURT • BEVELE VAN DIE HOF Gauteng...... 17 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 25 Free State / Vrystaat...... 25 KwaZulu-Natal...... 27 Limpopo...... 28 Mpumalanga...... 29 North West / Noordwes...... 30 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 31 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 32 SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 34 GENERAL • ALGEMEEN Gauteng...... 34 KwaZulu-Natal...... 38 Limpopo...... 40 Mpumalanga...... 41 North West / Noordwes...... 42 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 43


Form/Vorm J297 ...... 43 Election of executors, tutors and curators Verkiesing van eksekuteurs, voogde en kurators Gauteng...... 44 Form/Vorm J295 ...... 44

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Notice of curator and tutor Kennisgewings van kurators en voogde Gauteng...... 44 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 44 KwaZulu-Natal...... 45 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 45 Form/Vorm J193 ...... 45 Notice to creditors in deceased estates Kennisgewings aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels Gauteng...... 46 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 59 Free State / Vrystaat...... 61 KwaZulu-Natal...... 63 Limpopo...... 70 Mpumalanga...... 71 North West / Noordwes...... 72 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 74 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 74 Form/Vorm J 187 ...... 83 Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê Gauteng...... 84 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 100 Free State / Vrystaat...... 102 KwaZulu-Natal...... 105 Limpopo...... 110 Mpumalanga...... 111 North West / Noordwes...... 112 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 113 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 114


Form/Vorm J 28 ...... 122 Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is Form/Vorm J29 ...... 123 First meetings of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of sequestrated estates, companies being wound-up or placed under provisional judicial management Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuld-briefhouers van gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur Form/Vorm J 29CC ...... 135 Close corporations: first meetings of creditors and members of close corporations being wound up Beslote korporasies: eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote korporasies in likwidasie Form/Vorm 1 ...... 137 Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 2 ...... 144 Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 4 ...... 146 Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 5 ...... 152 Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 6 ...... 160 Application for rehabilitation Aansoek om rehabilitasie Form/Vorm 7 ...... 162 Notices of trustees

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Kennisgewings van kurators Form/Vorm 8 ...... 164 Dates fixed for creditors to prove claims Datums vasgestel vir die bewys van eise deur skuldeisers Form/Vorm 9 ...... 165 Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ‘n skuldenaar se boedel

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Closing times for ORDINARY WEEKLY LEGAL A, LEGAL B and LEGAL C 2018 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

➤ 28 December 2017, Thursday for the issue of Friday 05 January 2018 ➤ 05 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 January 2018 ➤ 12 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 January 2018 ➤ 19 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 January 2018 ➤ 26 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 February 2018 ➤ 02 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 February 2018 ➤ 09 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 February 2018 ➤ 16 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 February 2018 ➤ 23 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 March 2018 ➤ 02 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 March 2018 ➤ 09 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 March 2018 ➤ 15 March, Thursday for the issue of Friday 23 March 2018 ➤ 22 March, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 29 March 2018 ➤ 28 March, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 06 April 2018 ➤ 06 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 April 2018 ➤ 13 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 April 2018 ➤ 19 April, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 26 April 2018 ➤ 25 April, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 04 May 2018 ➤ 04 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 11 May 2018 ➤ 11 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 18 May 2018 ➤ 18 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 25 May 2018 ➤ 25 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 01 June 2018 ➤ 01 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 08 June 2018 ➤ 08 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 15 June 2018 ➤ 15 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 22 June 2018 ➤ 22 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 29 June 2018 ➤ 29 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 06 July 2018 ➤ 06 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 July 2018 ➤ 13 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 July 2018 ➤ 20 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 27 July 2018 ➤ 27 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 03 August 2018 ➤ 02 August, Thursday for the issue of Friday 10 August 2018 ➤ 10 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 17 August 2018 ➤ 17 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 24 August 2018 ➤ 24 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 31 August 2018 ➤ 31 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 September 2018 ➤ 07 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 September 2018 ➤ 14 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 21 September 2018 ➤ 20 September, Thursday for the issue of Friday 28 September 2018 ➤ 28 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 05 October 2018 ➤ 05 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 October 2018 ➤ 12 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 October 2018 ➤ 19 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 October 2018 ➤ 26 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 November 2018 ➤ 02 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 November 2018 ➤ 09 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 November 2018 ➤ 16 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 November 2018 ➤ 23 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 30 November 2018 ➤ 30 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 December 2018 ➤ 07 December, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 December 2018 ➤ 13 December, Thursday for the issue of Friday 21 December 2018 ➤ 19 December, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 28 December 2018

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List of tariff rates for pubLication of LegaL notices in the government gazette commencement: 1 apriL 2018

(LegaL notices from sources other than government Departments)

Pricing for Fixed Price Notices Notice Type New Price (R) J158 - Setting aside of Provisional Orders 37.82 J297 - Election of executors, curators and tutors 37.82 J295 - Curators and tutors: Masters’ notice 37.82 J193 - Notice to creditors in deceased estates 37.82 J187 - Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection 37.82 J28 37.82 J29 37.82 J29 – CC 37.82 Form 1 37.82 Form 2 37.82 Form 3 37.82 Form 4 37.82 Form 5 37.82 Form 6 75.66 Form 7 37.82 Form 8 37.82 Form 9 75.66

Sales in execution, Orders of the Court, General Legal, Public Auctions, Company Notice, Business Notices, Liquidators Notice) is priced based on the amount of page space the notice takes up at a rate of R151.32 per quarter page.

Pricing for Variable Priced Notices Notice Type Page space New Price Sales in execution 1/4 151.32 Orders of the Court 1/4 151.32 General Legal 1/4 151.32 Public Auctions 1/4 151.32 Company Notice 1/4 151.32 Business Notices 1/4 151.32 Liquidators Notice 1/4 151.32

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The Government Printing Works (GPW) has established rules for submitting notices in line with its electronic notice processing system, which requires the use of electronic Adobe Forms. Please ensure that you adhere to these guidelines when completing and submitting your notice submission.

Closing Times for ACCepTAnCe of noTiCes

1. The Government Gazette and Government Tender Bulletin are weekly publications that are published on Fridays and the closing time for the acceptance of notices is strictly applied according to the scheduled time for each gazette.

2. Please refer to the Submission Notice Deadline schedule in the table below. This schedule is also published online on the Government Printing works website

All re-submissions will be subject to the standard cut-off times. All notices received after the closing time will be rejected.

Publication Government Gazette Type Publication Date Submission Deadline Cancellations Deadline Frequency

National Gazette Weekly Friday Friday 15h00 for next Friday Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Regulation Gazette Weekly Friday Friday 15h00 for next Friday Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Petrol Price Gazette Monthly Tuesday before 1st One day before publication 1 working day prior to Wednesday of the publication month Road Carrier Permits Weekly Friday Thursday 15h00 for next 3 working days prior to Friday publication Unclaimed Monies (Justice, January / Last Friday One week before publication 3 working days prior to Labour or Lawyers) September 2 per publication year Parliament (Acts, White As required Any 3 working days prior to Paper, Green Paper) publication Manuals Bi- Monthly 2nd and last Thursday One week before publication 3 working days prior to of the month publication State of Budget Monthly 30th or last Friday of One week before publication 3 working days prior to (National Treasury) the month publication Legal Gazettes A, B and C Weekly Friday One week before publication Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Tender Bulletin Weekly Friday Friday 15h00 for next Friday Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Gauteng Weekly Wednesday Two weeks before publication 3 days after submission deadline Eastern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Northern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication North West Weekly Tuesday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication KwaZulu-Natal Weekly Thursday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Limpopo Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Mpumalanga Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Gauteng Liquor License Monthly Wednesday before Two weeks before publication 3 working days after Gazette the First Friday of the submission deadline month Northern Cape Liquor Monthly First Friday of the Two weeks before publication 3 working days after License Gazette month submission deadline National Liquor License Monthly First Friday of the Two weeks before publication 3 working days after Gazette month submission deadline Mpumalanga Liquor License Bi-Monthly Second & Fourth One week before publication 3 working days prior to Gazette Friday publication

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exTrAordinAry gAzeTTes

3. Extraordinary Gazettes can have only one publication date. If multiple publications of an Extraordinary Gazette are required, a separate Z95/Z95Prov Adobe Forms for each publication date must be submitted.

noTiCe submission proCess

4. Download the latest Adobe form, for the relevant notice to be placed, from the Government Printing Works website

5. The Adobe form needs to be completed electronically using Adobe Acrobat / Acrobat Reader. Only electronically completed Adobe forms will be accepted. No printed, handwritten and/or scanned Adobe forms will be accepted.

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7. Every notice submitted must be accompanied by an officialGPW quotation. This must be obtained from the eGazette Contact Centre.

8. Each notice submission should be sent as a single email. The email must contain all documentation relating to a particular notice submission.

8.1. Each of the following documents must be attached to the email as a separate attachment:

8.1.1. An electronically completed Adobe form, specific to the type of notice that is to be placed. For National Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette notices, the notices must be accompanied by an electronic Z95 or Z95Prov Adobe form The notice content (body copy) MUST be a separate attachment.

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8.1.5. Any additional notice information if applicable.

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11. Notices brought to GPW by “walk-in” customers on electronic media can only be submitted in Adobe electronic form format. All “walk-in” customers with notices that are not on electronic Adobe forms will be routed to the Contact Centre where they will be assisted to complete the forms in the required format.

12. Should a customer submit a bulk submission of hard copy notices delivered by a messenger on behalf of any organisation e.g. newspaper publisher, the messenger will be referred back to the sender as the submission does not adhere to the submission rules.

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13. Quotations are valid until the next tariff change.

13.1. Take note: GPW’s annual tariff increase takes place on 1 April therefore any quotations issued, accepted and submitted for publication up to 31 March will keep the old tariff. For notices to be published from 1 April, a quotation must be obtained from GPW with the new tariffs. Where a tariff increase is implemented during the year, GPW endeavours to provide customers with 30 days’ notice of such changes.

14. Each quotation has a unique number.

15. Form Content notices must be emailed to the eGazette Contact Centre for a quotation.

15.1. The Adobe form supplied is uploaded by the Contact Centre Agent and the system automatically calculates the cost of your notice based on the layout/format of the content supplied.

15.2. It is critical that these Adobe Forms are completed correctly and adhere to the guidelines as stipulated by GPW.


16.1. GPW Account Customers must provide a valid GPW account number to obtain a quotation.

16.2. Accounts for GPW account customers must be active with sufficient credit to transact withGPW to submit notices.

16.2.1. If you are unsure about or need to resolve the status of your account, please contact the GPW Finance Department prior to submitting your notices. (If the account status is not resolved prior to submission of your notice, the notice will be failed during the process).


1 7. 1. Cash customers doing bulk payments must use a single email address in order to use the same proof of payment for submitting multiple notices.

18. The responsibility lies with you, the customer, to ensure that the payment made for your notice(s) to be published is sufficient to cover the cost of the notice(s).

19. Each quotation will be associated with one proof of payment / purchase order / cash receipt.

19.1. This means that the quotation number can only be used once to make a payment.

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Copy (sepArATe noTiCe ConTenT doCumenT)

20. Where the copy is part of a separate attachment document for Z95, Z95Prov and TForm03

20.1. Copy of notices must be supplied in a separate document and may not constitute part of any covering letter, purchase order, proof of payment or other attached documents.

The content document should contain only one notice. (You may include the different translations of the same notice in the same document).

20.2. The notice should be set on an A4 page, with margins and fonts set as follows:

Page size = A4 Portrait with page margins: Top = 40mm, LH/RH = 16mm, Bottom = 40mm; Use font size: Arial or Helvetica 10pt with 11pt line spacing;

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2 1. Cancellation of notice submissions are accepted by GPW according to the deadlines stated in the table above in point 2. Non-compliance to these deadlines will result in your request being failed. Please pay special attention to the different deadlines for each gazette. Please note that any notices cancelled after the cancellation deadline will be published and charged at full cost.

22. Requests for cancellation must be sent by the original sender of the notice and must accompanied by the relevant notice reference number (N-) in the email body.

AmendmenTs To noTiCes

23. With effect from 01 October 2015, GPW will not longer accept amendments to notices. The cancellation process will need to be followed according to the deadline and a new notice submitted thereafter for the next available publication date.


24. All notices not meeting the submission rules will be rejected to the customer to be corrected and resubmitted. Assistance will be available through the Contact Centre should help be required when completing the forms. (012-748 6200 or email [email protected]). Reasons for rejections include the following:

24.1. Incorrectly completed forms and notices submitted in the wrong format, will be rejected.

24.2. Any notice submissions not on the correct Adobe electronic form, will be rejected.

24.3. Any notice submissions not accompanied by the proof of payment / purchase order will be rejected and the notice will not be processed.

24.4. Any submissions or re-submissions that miss the submission cut-off times will be rejected to the customer. The Notice needs to be re-submitted with a new publication date.

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ApprovAl of noTiCes

25. Any notices other than legal notices are subject to the approval of the Government Printer, who may refuse acceptance or further publication of any notice.

26. No amendments will be accepted in respect to separate notice content that was sent with a Z95 or Z95Prov notice submissions. The copy of notice in layout format (previously known as proof-out) is only provided where requested, for Advertiser to see the notice in final Gazette layout. Should they find that the information submitted was incorrect, they should request for a notice cancellation and resubmit the corrected notice, subject to standard submission deadlines. The cancellation is also subject to the stages in the publishing process, i.e. If cancellation is received when production (printing process) has commenced, then the notice cannot be cancelled.

governmenT prinTer indemnified AgAinsT liAbiliTy

2 7. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect of—

27.1. any delay in the publication of a notice or publication of such notice on any date other than that stipulated by the advertiser;

27.2. erroneous classification of a notice, or the placement of such notice in any section or under any heading other than the section or heading stipulated by the advertiser;

27.3. any editing, revision, omission, typographical errors or errors resulting from faint or indistinct copy.

liAbiliTy of AdverTiser

28. Advertisers will be held liable for any compensation and costs arising from any action which may be instituted against the Government Printer in consequence of the publication of any notice.

CusTomer inQuiries Many of our customers request immediate feedback/confirmation of notice placement in the gazette from our Contact Centre once they have submitted their notice – While GPW deems it one of their highest priorities and responsibilities to provide customers with this requested feedback and the best service at all times, we are only able to do so once we have started processing your notice submission. GPW has a 2-working day turnaround time for processing notices received according to the business rules and deadline submissions. Please keep this in mind when making inquiries about your notice submission at the Contact Centre.

29. Requests for information, quotations and inquiries must be sent to the Contact Centre ONLY.

30. Requests for Quotations (RFQs) should be received by the Contact Centre at least 2 working days before the submission deadline for that specific publication.

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pAymenT of CosT

3 1. The Request for Quotation for placement of the notice should be sent to the Gazette Contact Centre as indicated above, prior to submission of notice for advertising.

32. Payment should then be made, or Purchase Order prepared based on the received quotation, prior to the submission of the notice for advertising as these documents i.e. proof of payment or Purchase order will be required as part of the notice submission, as indicated earlier.

33. Every proof of payment must have a valid GPW quotation number as a reference on the proof of payment document.

34. Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication of a notice, and in the case of copy, an enquiry, accompanied by the relevant copy, should be addressed to the Gazette Contact Centre, Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 email: [email protected] before publication.

35. Overpayment resulting from miscalculation on the part of the advertiser of the cost of publication of a notice will not be refunded, unless the advertiser furnishes adequate reasons why such miscalculation occurred. In the event of underpayments, the difference will be recovered from the advertiser, and future notice(s) will not be published until such time as the full cost of such publication has been duly paid in cash or electronic funds transfer into the Government Printing Works banking account.

36. In the event of a notice being cancelled, a refund will be made only if no cost regarding the placing of the notice has been incurred by the Government Printing Works.

3 7. The Government Printing Works reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the cost of which has been calculated in accordance with the List of Fixed Tariff Rates, are subsequently found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or complicated tabulation.

proof of publiCATion

38. Copies of any of the Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette can be downloaded from the Government Printing Works website free of charge, should a proof of publication be required.

39. Printed copies may be ordered from the Publications department at the ruling price. The Government Printing Works will assume no liability for any failure to post or for any delay in despatching of such Government Gazette(s).


Physical Address: Postal Address: GPW Banking Details: Government Printing Works Private Bag X85 Bank: ABSA Bosman Street 149 Bosman Street Pretoria Account No.: 405 7114 016 Pretoria 0001 Branch Code: 632-005

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Contact person for subscribers: Mrs M. Toka: E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012-748-6066 / 6060 / 6058 Fax: 012-323-9574

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BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intended transfer in terms of a contract of businesses, and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.

VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome oordrag in terme van ‘n kontrak van besighede en/of klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.


Johannesburg. (2) Bayvilla Investments (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2004/025309/07); (3) Shop No. 5 Dainfern Square Shopping Centre, Corner William Nicole and Broadacres Drive, and Shop GF12A and GF12B, Pineslopes Centre Management Office, Corner The Straight and Witkoppen Road, Fourways; (4) In terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency act, No 24 of 1936 (Sellers) Bayvilla Investments (Pty) Ltd is hereby giving notice of its sale and to transfer 30 days after publication hereof its assets which are situated at Steers, Debonairs and FishAways stores at Shop No. 5 Dainfein Square Shopping Centre, Corner William Nicole and Broadacres Avenue, Dainfern. Steers, Debonairs and FishAways stores at Shop GF12A and GF12B, Pineslopes Centre Management Office, Corner The Straight And Witkoppen Road, Fourways Shopping Centre to (Purchaser) Yenisei Investments (Pty) Ltd who will carry on the said business for their own benefit and account.; (5) Yenisei Investments (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2017/662652/07); (6) Pineslopes Shopping Centre Shop 12A+B, Witkoppen Road, The Straight Avenue, Fourways; (7) Yenisei Investments (Pty) Ltd.

Mooiplaats, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) Mansonia Skrynwerke (Pty) Ltd; (3) Joinery; (4) Sale of business as a going concern; (5) Mansonia (Pty) Ltd; (6) Plot 250, Mooiplaats, Pretoria, Gauteng; (7) SD Nel Attorneys 2nd Floor Hilda Law Chambers, 339 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.

Newtown, . (2) Tebfin Development Proprietary Limited, Registration Number: 2007/001141/07; (3) Tebfin Development Proprietary Limited, 70 & 76 Rahima Moosa Street, Newtown, Johannesburg; (4) Sale and transfer of business to Purchaser; (5) Turbine Hall and Square Proprietary Limited, Registration Number: 2018/197254/07; (6) 70 & 76 Rahima Moosa Street, Newtown, Johannesburg; (7) Adams & Adams Attorneys, 4 Daventry Street, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, 2018/07/04.

Linden, Johannesburg. (2) WTJ Investments Proprietary Limited; (3) Rental of commercial property, 246 Beyers Naude Drive, Blackheath, Johannesburg; (4) Sale of property forming part of the business; (5) Azure Ventures Proprietary Limited; (6) 5 Thora Crescent, Wynberg, ; (7) McLarens Attorneys, 279 Long Avenue, Ferndale, , 10/07/2018.

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Linden, Johannesburg. (2) Lem Wyk Proprietary Limited; (3) Rental of commercial property, 246 Beyers Naude Drive, Blackheath, Johannesburg; (4) Sale of property forming part of the business, Portion 2 and 3 of Erf 230 Linden, City of Johannesburg, Registration Division I.Q, province of Gauteng; (5) Azure Ventures Proprietary Limited; (6) 5 Thora Crescent, Wynberg, Sandton; (7) McLarens Attorneys, 279 Long Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg , 10/07/2018.


Thaba Nchu. (2) Uitkoms Klipbreker BK verteenwoordig deur Mattheus Gerhardus Wessels; (3) Uitkoms Klipbreker, die plaas Uitkomst, Thaba Nchu; (4) Verkoop van besigheid aan nuwe eienaars; (5) Leemon Plant Hire and Sales verteenwoordig deur Armandt Gerhard Kotze en Allan Leslie Ross; (7) F J Lordan Prokureurs, Posbus 1100, Hartenbos, 2018/07/09.



Umlazi. (2) Blaizepoint Trading 356 CC (Registration Number 2002/012086/23); (3) Cash Crusaders Umlazi, Shop S10, Umlazi Mega City, 50 Mangosuthu Highway, Umlazi, 4066; (4) Sale of Business; (5) Cash Crusaders Umlazi (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number 2018/003770/07); (7) Ashersons Attorneys, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town, 0214616240, 2018/07/09.



Ermelo. (2) Starline Trading CC (Registration Number 2007/102121/23); (3) Cash Crusaders Ermelo, Shop 30, Ermelo Mall, Ermelo, Mpumalanga, 2350; (4) Sale of Business; (5) Salestalk 330 (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number 2007/003666/07); (7) Ashersons Attorneys, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town, 0214616240, 2018/07/09.



Upington. (2) Anadia Jordaan; (3) Pro Packaging Upington, Le Roux straat 5, Upington; (4) Teruggee van besigheid op 1 June 2018; (5) Petrus Jacobus van Niekerk; (6) Pro Packaging Upington, Le Roux straat 5, Upington; (7) Becker Bergh & More Prokureurs, Koöperasie straat 13, Upington 8801.

Upington. (2) Anadia Jordaan; (3) Pro Packaging Upington, 5 Le Roux street, Upington; (4) Return of business on 1 June 2018; (5) Petrus Jacobus van Niekerk; (6) Pro Packaging Upington, 5 Le Roux street, Upington; (7) Becker Bergh & More Attorneys, 13 Koöperasie street, Upington 8801.


St James. (2) Ken and Mary Minton Family Trust IT1136/2014; (3) letting of immovable property, 8 Pentrich Road, St James, Cape Town; (4) sale of business / sale of immovable property Erf 88554 Cape Town, in the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Province; (5) Dion Millson; (7) De Waal Boshoff Inc, 303 The Chambers, 50 Keerom Street, Cape Town CBD, 8001, 2018/07/11.

Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town. (2) CAPEFAM GUESTHOUSE CC (Registration No. CK2006/012696/23); (3) BLACKHEATH LODGE (GUESTHOUSE), 6 Blackheath Road, Three Anchor Bay, 8001; (4) Transfer of business to new owners; (5) OBSIDIAN TRADING PROPRIETARY LIMITED (Registration No. 2015/117343/07); (7) Attorneys Miltons Matsemela Inc, Attorneys for Purchaser, 48 Blaauwberg Road, Table View (Ref: F Tredoux/SH), Tel No. (021) 521 1300..

Cape Town, Western Cape. (2) Tudor Hotel Brasserie & Bar (Proprietary) Limited, 2012/045894/07; (3) Tudor Hotel, 153 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001; (4) Sale; (5) Hencetrade 15 (Proprietary) Limited 1994/007932/07 and Tudor Management (Ptroprietary) Limited, 2015/362024/07; (7) Jason Freel & Associates Incorporated, 1st Floor, Rozenhof Office Court,

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20 Koof Street, CAPE TOWN.




PSG KONSULT NUCLEUS (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 1957/002178/07) (Master’s Reference: C288/2018) NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND-UP VOLUNTARILY (Pursuant to Section 79 read with Section 80 of the Companies Act 2008)

Notice is hereby given that on 22 November 2017 an extraordinary meeting of members of the Company passed the following special resolution:

1. That the company be wound up voluntarily by its members; 2. That Dominique Celeste Mc Lachlan be and is hereby appointed as the liquidator, and the she not be required to furnish security for the completion of her duties in terms of the Companies Act, 2008; and 3. That the books and records of the Company be destroyed six months after the final liquidation and distribution account has been accepted by the Master of the High Court. RESOLVE SECRETARIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD, DOMINIQUE CELESTE MC LACHLAN, 77 VASCO BOULEVARD, VASCO ESTATE, GOODWOOD, 7460, Tel: 021 591 1114, Fax: 021 591 1133 , Email: [email protected].


LNOT LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc. LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators of voogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.


Islandsite Investments One Hundred and One (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 2000/028887/07 Master’s Reference: G352/2018 VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375 (5)(b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, that Mrs Adel Doreen McQuarrie, has been appointed by the Master of the High Court as Liquidator of the undermentioned company which is being wound up as a members voluntary winding up: Islandsite Investments One Hundred and One (Pty) Ltd, Master’s Certificate of Appointment No. G352/2018 dated 11 May 2018. Smit Jones and Pratt Attorneys, Liquidator, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000. Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000, Tel: (011)532-1694, Fax: (011)484-2922, Email: sonjal@ t

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Tiber Projects (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 1998/011661/07 Master’s Reference: G427/2018 VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375 (5)(b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, that Mrs Adel Doreen McQuarrie, has been appointed by the Master of the High Court as Liquidator of the undermentioned company which is being wound up as a members voluntary winding up: Tiber Projects (Pty) Ltd, Master’s Certificate of Appointment No. G427/2018 dated 31 May 2018. Smit Jones and Pratt Attorneys, Liquidator, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000. Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000, Tel: (011)532-1694, Fax: (011)484-2922, Email: sonjal@ t

Lot 3 of Erf 143 Atholl (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 1998/007575/07 Master’s Reference: G353/2018 VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375 (5) (b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, that Mrs Adel Doreen McQuarrie, has been appointed by the Master of the High Court as Liquidator of the undermentioned company which is being wound up as a members voluntary winding up: Lot 3 of Erf 143 Atholl (Pty) Ltd, Master’s Certificate of Appointment No. G353/2018 dated 11 May 2018. Smit Jones and Pratt Attorneys, Liquidator, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000. Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000, Tel: (011)532-1694, Fax: (011)484-2922, Email: sonjal@



GARY DUGGAN HEATING VENTILATION AND AIRCONDITIONING SERVICES (IN LIQUIDATION) Reg. No: 2010/155392/23 LEGAL NOTICE: CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Notice is hereby give that the abovementioned insolvent close corporation passed a resolution by the members for the creditors’ voluntary winding up on 28 June 2018 and which was duly registered by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission on 11 July 2018. Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P O Box 1219, Umhlanga, 4320, Tel: 031 570 5496, Fax: 031 570 5302, Email: graeme. [email protected].


Brancepeth Trade and Invest 4 (Pty) Ltd Reg. Nr: 2007/004930/07 Meestersverwysing: C213/16 KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386(1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET EN REGULASIE 8(1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET. Kragtens Arikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ‘n vergadering van lede bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasei gehou sal word voor die Landdros Goerge, Vrydag 03 Augustus 2018 om 09:00. Die doel van dei vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. Tshwane Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria 0186, Tel: 0861 874 926, E-pos: leah@


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and KTG PAPER (PTY) LTD (REG NO: 2013/146285/07), Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The abovementioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this court at 10:00 on 20th September 2018 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. A copy of this order forthwith be: 3.1. Served on the respondent company at its registered address; 3.2. Published in the Government Gazette; and 3.3. Published in the Beeld newspaper. 4. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor of the respondent company by prepaid registered post. 5. The costs of this application are costs in the liquidation. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR EM Attorney: STRYDOM & BREDENKAMP INC. Address: PARC NOUVEAU, 225 VEALE STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA t


Having read the documents filed of record, considered the matter and heard counsel for the applicant IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The estate of the first respondent is placed under provisional sequestration. 2. The Respondent is called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the Court should not order final sequestration of the said estate on 8 AUGUST 2018 at 10:00am or so soon thereafter as counsel is heard. 3. This order shall be served on: 3.1 the respondent 3.2 the South African Revenue Service 3.3 The Master

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4. Costs of this application shall be costs in the sequestration of the respondent. BY THE COURT. REGISTRAR t

ANNEXURE C1 Case No: 39281/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 15 June 2018, Before the Honourable Judge, Mabesele Applicant, Clifford J Grimbeek / Respondent, Jeanette Collins Clifford J Grimbeek- Applicant

and Collins Jeanette- Respondent In re: Final Sequestration order

1. Provisional sequestrating the estate of the Respondent in the hands of the Master of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division. 2. Issuing a Rule Nisi calling upon the Respondent and an other interested person who may have an interest to appear before the above honourable court on 27 July 2018 at 9:30 3. This order be published once in the Government Gazette and Citizen. 4. The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration. t

ANNEXURE M1 Case No: 18866/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 29 May 2018, Before the Honourable Mr Justice Mosopa, AJ Applicant, Basil Manikas / Respondent, Aristides Manikas Basil Manikas - Applicant

and Aristides Manikas - Respondent In re: Final Sequestration order

1. The estate of Aristed Manikas be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this court on 30 July 2018 at 10:00 why final order of sequestration should not be made against his estate. 2. This order be served on the respondent provisionally and on the respondent’s employees, if any, at the same address. 3. This order be published once in the Government Gazette and Citizen. 4. The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration. t

Case No: 24469/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division) Pretoria, 31 May 2018, Honourable Judge Raulinga In the matter between: Green Mile Investments 227 cc ( Registration Number: 2002/045692/23) ( for Liquidation of applicant) In re: For liquidation of applicant FOR LIQUIDATION OF APPLICANT HAVING read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The above Applicant is hereby placed under provisional winding up.

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2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final winding up of the Applicant on 31 July 2018 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3. A Copy of this order be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and Citizen. 4. A Copy of this order to be served on the employees of the Applicant, if any. 5. That the cost of this Application fall within the cost of the Liquidation. t

DRAFT ORDER ANNEXURE “A” Case No: 43023/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) PRETORIA, 28 May 2018, JUDGE KUBUSHI In the ex parte application of: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED, Applicant and DAWOOD AZIZ NKOSI (ID. NO: 640503 5427 08 2), Respondent In re: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED and DAWOOD AZIZ NKOSI (ID. NO: 640503 5427 08 2) IN THE APPLICATION FOR SUBSTITUTED SERVICE After hearing counsel on behalf of the Applicant and reading through the papers filed, this court makes an order in the following terms:

1. That leave be and is granted to the Applicant to serve the Combined Summons by way of one publication in THE BUSINESS DAY newspaper; 2. That the Respondent is granted 1 (ONE) month within which to deliver an appearance to defend; 3. That leave be and is granted to the Applicant to serve all subsequent pleadings and notices by way of one publication in THE BUSINESS DAY newspaper; 4. That the costs of this application shall be costs on an Attorney Client Scale.


Case No: 21460/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, before the Honourable Judge Poswa-Lerotholi In the matter between : Headline Secretarial Services CC, Applicant and Finishing Touch Trading 494 (Pty) Ltd, Respondent

HAVING read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:- IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. That the above mentioned Respondent, is hereby placed under provisional winding up. 2. That the Respondent and any other party who wish to avoid such an order, are called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the court should not order the final winding up of the Respondent on the 26 July 2018, at 09:30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. t

Case No: 21461/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, before the Honourable Judge Poswa-Lerotholi In the matter between: Headline Secretarial Services CC, Applicant and Ampierre Investments (Pty) Ltd, Respondent

HAVING read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:-

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IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. That the above mentioned Respondent, is hereby placed under provisional winding up. 2. That the Respondent and any other party who wish to avoid such an order, are called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the court should not order the final winding up of the Respondent on the 26 July 2018, at 09:30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. t

Case No: 21459/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, before the Honourable Judge Poswa-Lerotholi In the matter between : Headline Secretarial Services CC, Applicant and Theron’s Cartage (Pty) Ltd, Respondent

HAVING read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:- IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. That the above mentioned Respondent, is hereby placed under provisional winding up. 2. That the Respondent and any other party who wish to avoid such an order, are called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the court should not order the final winding up of the Respondent on the 26 July 2018, at 09:30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. t

Case No: 21462/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 28 June 2018, before the Honourable Judge Poswa-Lerotholi In the matter between : Headline Secretarial Services CC, Applicant and 22 KYA Sand (Pty) Ltd, Respondent

HAVING read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:- IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. That the above mentioned Respondent, is hereby placed under provisional winding up. 2. That the Respondent and any other party who wish to avoid such an order, are called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the court should not order the final winding up of the Respondent on the 26 July 2018, at 09:30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. t


HAVING read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter: It is ordered that: The Respondent is placed under provisional winding-up; 1. All persons and/or entities with an interest in the matter are called upon to provide their reasons, if any, why the order in paragraph 1 should not be confirmed and why the Respondent should not be finally wound up on 7 August 2018 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard;

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2. The Applicant is ordered to serve a copy of this Order on: 2.1. The Respondent at its registered address and/or principal place of business; 2.2. The employees of the Respondent by affixing copies to any noticeboards to which the employees have access inside the Respondent’s place of business, or by affixing a copy to either the front gate or the front door of the premises from which the Respondent conducted business at the time of the application; 2.3. On every Trade Union, if any, of which the Respondent’s employees are members; 2.4. On the Master of this High Court; 2.5. On every known creditor of the Respondent per e-mail, alternatively by pre-paid registered post; and 2.6. On the South African Revenue Services; 3. The provisional winding-up order must be published in the Government Gazette and a newspaper or newspapers within the area where the close corporation operates, or as directed by the Court; 4. Costs are costs in the application/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT - Registrar t


HAVING read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter: - IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. The above mentioned Respondent is hereby placed under provisional winding-up; 2. All persons who have legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final winding-up of the respondent on 08 August 2018 at 10:00 am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; 3. A copy of this order be forthwith be served on the Respondent at its registered office and be published in the Government Gazette; 4. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditors by Prepaid Registered post; 5. A copy of this order be served on the Director of the Respondent, Ettienne Jared Van Der Merwe; 6. The cost of this application are costs in the administration of the insolvent estate. BY ORDER OF THE COURT - COURT REGISTRAR t

Case No: 22382/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 10 July 2018, Honourable Mr Justice Maumela In the matter between: A Grade Plumbers and Maintenance (Pty) Ltd t/a A Grade Plumbing, Applicant and Gideon Johannes Geldenhuys, First Respondent and Suzette Geldenhuys, Second Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1.The respondents’ estate be provisionally sequestrated and placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court. 2.The respondents or any interested party is called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the Court should not order the final sequestration of the respondents estate on 13 AUGUST 2018 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3.The provisional order be served upon the respondents personally. 4.The provisional order be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen Newspaper. 5.The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration of the respondents’ estate. BY THE COURT - REGISTRAR Attorney: H ESTERHUIZEN SMALMAN

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IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up with return date on 17/05/2018, on which date the Respondent or any other affected party may appear and advance reasons why this Court should not order the final winding-up of the Respondent; 2. This order be published once in the Government Gazette and once in the Citizen Newspaper; 3. This order be served on the Respondent, on the Respondent’s employees, of any, and all registered trade unions of the Respondent’s employees; 4. This order must be served on the Master of the High Court and ont he South African Revenue Services; 5. Costs of this application will be costs in the liquidation. t


IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up with return date on 17/05/2018, on which date the Respondent or any other affected party may appear and advance reasons why this Court should not order the final winding-up of the Respondent; 2. This order be published once in the Government Gazette and once in the Citizen Newspaper; 3. This order be served on the Respondent, on the Respondent’s employees, of any, and all registered trade unions of the Respondent’s employees; 4. This order must be served on the Master of the High Court and ont he South African Revenue Services; 5. Costs of this application will be costs in the liquidation. t


IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up with return date on 17/05/2018, on which date the Respondent or any other affected party may appear and advance reasons why this Court should not order the final winding-up of the Respondent; 2. This order be published once in the Government Gazette and once in the Citizen Newspaper;

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3. This order be served on the Respondent, on the Respondent’s employees, of any, and all registered trade unions of the Respondent’s employees; 4. This order must be served on the Master of the High Court and ont he South African Revenue Services; 5. Costs of this application will be costs in the liquidation. t

Case No: - IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretora) Pretoria, 18 June 2018, Judge Davis In the matter between: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Registration Number: 1962/000738/06), Applicant and Peter Mantsie Mojapelo (Identity Number: 590806 5362 08 8) in his capacity as Surety and Trustee for the time being of Mantsie Family Trust (IT1846/1999), Respondent COMBINED SUMMONS To the Sheriff or his Deputy: Inform: Peter Mantsie Mojapelo (Identity Number: 590806 5362 08 8) in his capacity of Surety and Trustee for the time being of Mantsie Family Trust (IT1846/1999) and unmarried adult male, whose full and further particulars are to the Plaintiff unknown, who is currently residing at 15 Meadway Mews Street, Kelvin, 2090, which is also the street address of the Mortgaged Property, herein after referred to for the purpose of this action. (hereinafter called “the Defendant”), that The Standard Bank of south Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06), a company duly incorporated according to the Company Laws of South Africa and registered as a Credit Provider as envisaged by Section 40 of the National Credit Act, No. 34 of 2005, with its registered offices at No. 5 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, 2001. (hereinafter called “the Plaintiff “), hereby institutes action against the Defendant, in which action the Plaintiffclaims the relief and on the grounds set out in the particulars annexed hereto marked as Annexure “A “. Inform the Defendant further that if the Defendant disputes the claim and wishes to defend the action, the Defendant shall - (i) within ten (10) days of the service upon the Defendant of this Summons file with the Registrar of this Court at High Court Building, Cnr Paul Kruger & Vermeulen* Streets, Pretoria, 0002 (*Vermeulen Street was renamed Madiba Street by Tshwane Council in March 2012) notice of the Defendant’s intention to defend and serve a copy thereof on the Attorneys of the Plaintiff, which notice shall give an address (not being a post office box or poste restante) referred to in rule 19(3) for the service upon the Defendant of all notices and documents in the action; (ii) thereafter, and within 20 days after filing and serving notice of intention to defend as aforesaid, file with the Registrar and serve upon the Plaintiff a plea, exception, make application to strike out, with or wihout a counter-claim. Inform the Defendant further that if the Defendant fails to file and serve a notice as aforesaid, judgment as claimed may be given against the Defendant without furthr notice to the Defendant, or if, having filed and served such a notice, the Defendant pails to plead, except, make application to strike out or counter-claim, judgment may be given against the Defendant. Inform the Defendant further that the Defendant’s attention is drwan to Section 26(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, which accords to everyone the right to have access to adequate housing. Should the Defendant claim that the order for execution will infringe that right it is incumbent on the Defendant to place information supporting that claim before the Court. And immediately thereafter serve on the Defendant a copy of this Summons and return the same to the Registrar with whatsoever you have done thereupon. LGR Incorporated, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, 1st Floor, Silver Well Retail & Office Park, 27 Graham Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, PO Box 2766, Pretoria, 0001, Tel: 012 817 4707, Fax: 086 501 6399, E-mail: [email protected], Ref: E VAN SCHALKWYK/ZDK/IA000484, C/O Macintosh Cross & Farquharson, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, PO Box 158, Pretoria, 0001, Tel: 012 323 1406, Fax: 012 326 6390. t

Case No: - IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretora) Pretoria, 18 June 2018, Judge Davis In the matter between: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Registration Number: 1962/000738/06), Applicant and Peter Mantsie Mojapelo (Identity Number: 590806 5362 08 8) in his capacity as Surety and Trustee for the time being of Mantsie Family Trust (IT1846/1999), Respondent COMBINED SUMMONS To the Sheriff or his Deputy: Inform: Peter Mantsie Mojapelo (Identity Number: 590806 5362 08 8) in his capacity of Surety and Trustee for the time being of Mantsie Family Trust (IT1846/1999) and unmarried adult male, whose full and further particulars are to the Plaintiff unknown, who is currently residing at 15 Meadway Mews Street, Kelvin, 2090, which is also the street address of the Mortgaged Property, herein after referred to for the purpose of this action (hereinafter called “the Defendant”), that The Standard Bank of south Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06), a company duly incorporated according to the Company Laws of South Africa and registered

This gazette is also available free online at 24 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018 as a Credit Provider as envisaged by Section 40 of the National Credit Act, No. 34 of 2005, with its registered offices at No. 5 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, 2001 (hereinafter called “the Plaintiff “), hereby institutes action against the Defendant, in which action the Plaintiff claims the relief and on the grounds set out in the particulars annexed hereto marked as Annexure “A “. Inform the Defendant further that if the Defendant disputes the claim and wishes to defend the action, the Defendant shall – (i) within ten (10) days of the service upon the Defendant of this Summons file with the Registrar of this Court at High Court Building, Cnr Paul Kruger & Vermeulen* Streets, Pretoria, 0002 (*Vermeulen Street was renamed Madiba Street by Tshwane Council in March 2012) notice of the Defendant’s intention to defend and serve a copy thereof on the Attorneys of the Plaintiff, which notice shall give an address (not being a post office box or poste restante) referred to in rule 19(3) for the service upon the Defendant of all notices and documents in the action; (ii) thereafter, and within 20 days after filing and serving notice of intention to defend as aforesaid, file with the Registrar and serve upon the Plaintiff a plea, exception, make application to strike out, with or without a counter-claim. Inform the Defendant further that if the Defendant fails to file and serve a notice as aforesaid, judgment as claimed may be given against the Defendant without further notice to the Defendant, or if, having filed and served such a notice, the Defendant pails to plead, except, make application to strike out or counter-claim, judgment may be given against the Defendant. Inform the Defendant further that the Defendant’s attention is drawn to Section 26(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, which accords to everyone the right to have access to adequate housing. Should the Defendant claim that the order for execution will infringe that right it is incumbent on the Defendant to place information supporting that claim before the Court. And immediately thereafter serve on the Defendant a copy of this Summons and return the same to the Registrar with whatsoever you have done thereupon. LGR Incorporated, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, 1st Floor, Silver Well Retail & Office Park, 27 Graham Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, PO Box 2766, Pretoria, 0001, Tel: 012 817 4707, Fax: 086 501 6399, E-mail: [email protected], Ref: E VAN SCHALKWYK/ZDK/IA000484, C/O Macintosh Cross & Farquharson, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, PO Box 158, Pretoria, 0001, Tel: 012 323 1406, Fax: 012 326 6390. t

Case No: - IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretora) Pretoria, 18 June 2018, Judge Davis In the matter between: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Registration Number: 1962/000738/06), Applicant and Peter Mantsie Mojapelo (Identity Number: 590806 5362 08 8) in his capacity as Surety and Trustee for the time being of Mantsie Family Trust (IT1846/1999), Respondent COMBINED SUMMONS To the Sheriff or his Deputy: Inform: Peter Mantsie Mojapelo (Identity Number: 590806 5362 08 8) in his capacity of Surety and Trustee for the time being of Mantsie Family Trust (IT1846/1999) and unmarried adult male, whose full and further particulars are to the Plaintiff unknown, who is currently residing at 15 Meadway Mews Street, Kelvin, 2090, which is also the street address of the Mortgaged Property, herein after referred to for the purpose of this action (hereinafter called “the Defendant”), that The Standard Bank of south Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06), a company duly incorporated according to the Company Laws of South Africa and registered as a Credit Provider as envisaged by Section 40 of the National Credit Act, No. 34 of 2005, with its registered offices at No. 5 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, 2001 (hereinafter called “the Plaintiff “), hereby institutes action against the Defendant, in which action the Plaintiff claims the relief and on the grounds set out in the particulars annexed hereto marked as Annexure “A “. Inform the Defendant further that if the Defendant disputes the claim and wishes to defend the action, the Defendant shall – (i) within ten (10) days of the service upon the Defendant of this Summons file with the Registrar of this Court at High Court Building, Cnr Paul Kruger & Vermeulen* Streets, Pretoria, 0002 (*Vermeulen Street was renamed Madiba Street by Tshwane Council in March 2012) notice of the Defendant’s intention to defend and serve a copy thereof on the Attorneys of the Plaintiff, which notice shall give an address (not being a post office box or poste restante) referred to in rule 19(3) for the service upon the Defendant of all notices and documents in the action; (ii) thereafter, and within 20 days after filing and serving notice of intention to defend as aforesaid, file with the Registrar and serve upon the Plaintiff a plea, exception, make application to strike out, with or without a counter-claim. Inform the Defendant further that if the Defendant fails to file and serve a notice as aforesaid, judgment as claimed may be given against the Defendant without further notice to the Defendant, or if, having filed and served such a notice, the Defendant

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 25 pails to plead, except, make application to strike out or counter-claim, judgment may be given against the Defendant. Inform the Defendant further that the Defendant’s attention is drawn to Section 26(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, which accords to everyone the right to have access to adequate housing. Should the Defendant claim that the order for execution will infringe that right it is incumbent on the Defendant to place information supporting that claim before the Court. And immediately thereafter serve on the Defendant a copy of this Summons and return the same to the Registrar with whatsoever you have done thereupon. LGR Incorporated, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, 1st Floor, Silver Well Retail & Office Park, 27 Graham Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, PO Box 2766, Pretoria, 0001, Tel: 012 817 4707, Fax: 086 501 6399, E-mail: [email protected], Ref: E VAN SCHALKWYK/ZDK/IA000484, C/O Macintosh Cross & Farquharson, 834 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, PO Box 158, Pretoria, 0001, Tel: 012 323 1406, Fax: 012 326 6390.


Case No: 404/18 IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR (THE DISTRICT OF HUMANSDORP HELD AT HUMANDORP) HUMANSDORP, 4 July 2018, before the Honourable Magistate Richter In the ex parte application of: THE WILD FIG TREE CC REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2011/080623/23 APPLICANT PROVISIONAL ORDER Having heard the application brought on behalf of the Applicant and after reading the documents filed. IT IS ORDERED 1. That the above-named applicant close corporation is hereby placed in provisional liquidation; 2. That a rule nisi is hereby issued calling on all interested parties to advance reasons, if any, before this Court at 09h00 on 01/08/2018 why the applicant should not be placed in final liquidation; 3. That service of this rule nisi be effected, to all known creditors of the applicant close corporation by registered post and forthwith be published in each of the Government Gazette and a locally distributed newspaper. BY ORDER OF THE COURT


Case No: 2244/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Free State Division, Bloemfontein) Bloemfontein, 28 June 2018, before the Honourable Acting Judge J P DAFFUE In the matter between: DIRK JACOBUS STRYDOM, Applicant and ORAMBAMBA 47 (PTY) LTD (Registration No. 2010/001591/07) (Registered address BRAKKUIL, SASOLBURG, 1947, FREE STATE PROVINCE), Respondent

Having considered the documents filed in this matter and having heard argument IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent Company is hereby placed under PROVISIONAL LIQUIDATION in the hands of the Master of the High Court. 2. A Provisional Order is hereby issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause, if any, to the Court on the 16th day of AUGUST 2018 AT 9:30 why a FINAL ORDER OF LIQUIDATION should not be granted against the Respondent Company. 3. Service of this rule nisi, and a copy of the Notice of Motion and annexures must be effected on the Respondent Company at its registered Address, or its principal place of business within the court’s jurisdiction. 4. This order must, without delay, be published in DIE VOLKSBLAD and the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 5. A copy of the winding-up order must be served on- 5.1 Every registered trade union that as far as the Sheriff can reasonably ascertain, represents any of the employees of the

This gazette is also available free online at 26 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

Respondent Company. 5.2 The employees of the Respondent Company by affixing a copy of the application and provisional order on any notice board to which the employees have access inside the Respondent Company premises or if there is no access to the premises by the employees, by affixing a copy to the front gate or front door of the premises from which the Respondent Company conducted any business. 5.3 The South African Revenue Services. 6. The Sheriff is t make the necessary inquiries and investigations whether the respondent has any employees in its service and if so, serve a copy of the wounding-up order upon. 7. The costs of this application be costs in the winding-up order; BY ORDER OF THIS COURT COURT REGISTRAR t

YES Case No: 3197/2018 051 410 6096 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Free State High Court, Bloemfontein) Bloemfontein, 28 June 2018, Honourable Justice DAFFUE In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant and Boyboy Magwegwetha, Mziwamadoda Potoma, Teboho Mosasa, Mpandolo Diko, Voyalethu Zweni, Loiso Mabuselo, Bonilo Fuya, Thabiso Letsapo, Siyavuya Xongwene, Wanda Zolibanzi and Simon Mkololo, Respondents In re: R23 000 seized on 2 June 2016 at the St Helena 3 Shaft, Harmony Gold Mine, Welkom and held under Welkom CAS 41/06/2016. PRESERVATION ORDER Notice in terms of section 39(1)(b) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) 1 This notice is addressed to Boyboy Magwegwetha, Mziwamadoda Potoma, Teboho Mosasa, Mpandolo Diko, Voyalethu Zweni, Loiso Mabuselo, Bonilo Fuya, Thabiso Letsapo, Siyavuya Xongwene, Wanda Zolibanzi and Simon Mkololo and all other persons who have an interest in the property (the property): Take notice that: 2 The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38(2) of the POCA in respect of the property; 3 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it; 4 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the state. The order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied; 5 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements; 6 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above; 7 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property; 8 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA; 9 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order; 10 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 11 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address:

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The State Attorney, Mr D Mtwebane, 11th Floor, Fedsure Building, Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. Tel: (051) 400 4300. Fax: (051) 400 4336 Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.


Case No: D4593/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) DURBAN, 25 June 2018, BEFORE THE HONOURABLE ACTING JUDGE LAING In the matter between: BDO CANADA LIMITED (in its capacity as the duly appointed corporate trustee of Andrey Yakubovich Babkis, identity number 7010116076086, date of birth 11 October 1970, presently residing at 308-545 Sydney Ave, Coquitlam, British Colombia V3K 3J7, Canada), Applicant In re: ANDREY YAKUBOVICH BABKIS (IDENTITY NUMBER: 7010116076086)

UPON the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the NOTICE OF MOTION and the other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED: 1. A rule nisi do issue calling upon all interested persons to show cause to this Honourable Court on the 25th day of JULY 2018 at 09h30 why the following order should not be made final: 1.1. That the appointment of the applicant as trustee of the insolvent estate of Andrey Yakubovich Babkis (Identity No. 7010116076086) (“the insolvent”) in terms of the laws of Canada be recognised within the Republic of South Africa, on the terms set out in this order, until such recognition is withdrawn by an order of this court. 1.2. That the applicant, after providing security to the satisfaction of the Master of this Court for the proper performance of his administration by virtue of this order and for the Master’s costs and charges, shall by virtue of this recognition be empowered to administer the insolvent’s estate in respect of all assets which are situated within the Republic of South Africa. 1.3. That the rights and obligations of the Master, creditors and the insolvent, defined by the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 in regard to the filing of inventories, meetings of creditors, proof, admission and rejection of claims, sale of assets, plans of distribution, trustees’ accounts and distribution of proceeds, and the rights and duties of a trustee in regard to those matters as defined in the Act shall, until the order may be amended, mutatis mutandis exist in relation to the administration as if the said Act applied pursuant to a sequestration order granted by this Honourable Court provided that; 1.3.1. the rights and duties relating to the nomination, election and appointment of a trustee shall not apply; 1.3.2. the costs of the application taxed on the scale as between attorney and client and such amounts as would have been payable to the Master under the laws of the Republic of South Africa if the estate had been sequestrated under such law and any additional costs and charges of the Master for giving effect to this order, shall be costs of administration; 1.3.3. creditors whose whole cause of action arose within the Republic of South Africa or who are inhabitants of the Republic of South Africa and who have proved claims against the estate shall, by virtue of this order acquire a preference in terms of the ranking of claims provided for in the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, with regard to the payment of dividends from the realisation of assets situate within the Republic of South Africa, over the claims of any creditors whose whole cause of action arose outside the Republic of South Africa or who are foreigners of the Republic of South Africa; 1.3.4. the rights and duties defined in section 70 of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 shall exist in relation to the administration, save that the applicant shall have an unfettered discretion to select the banking institution at which the proceeds from the sale of the assets are to be deposited and the currency denomination in which such funds are to be held; 1.3.5. any assets or proceeds from the sale of such assets, remaining after the payment of all amounts due in respect of the aforementioned charges, costs and claims, may be transferred from the Republic of South Africa only with the written consent of the Master of this Honourable Court. 1.4. That all proceedings aimed at levying execution against the assets of the insolvent situate in the Republic of South Africa be interdicted and restrained pending finalisation of this application. 2. That the provisions of paragraph 1.1 and 1.4 operate as an interim order with immediate effect. 3. That a copy of this order be published in one edition of the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspaper on or before the 20TH day of JULY 2018. BY ORDER OF THE COURT, V GOVINDSAMY REGISTRAR. EDWARD NATHAN SONNENBERGS. (4)/ jd

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HAVING HEARD Counsel for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record,


1. The Respondent is placed under provisional liquidation. 2. A Rule nisi is issued, calling upon the Respondent and/or any interested person to give reasons on 07 AUGUST 2018 why the following order should not be granted: 2.1 The Respondent is finally wound up and placed in the hands of the Master. 3. This order be published in 1 (one) issue of the Government Gazette and the Beeld Newspaper. 4. This order be served on the Respondent and the Employees of the Respondent. 5. This order be served on the Master of the High Court and on the South African Revenue Services. 6. Costs of this application are costs in the winding up of the Respondent. t


HAVING HEARD Counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. A Provisional order is hereby granted in terms whereof the Respondent is provisionally liquidated and placed in the hands of the Master with return date 02 August 2018 in terms whereof any person may approach this Court on the return date to give reasons why the Respondent should not be liquidated. 2. The order is published in the Government Gazette and in the local newspaper of Tzaneen, Letaba Herold. 3. The order to be served on the registered address of the Respondent. 4. Costs to be costs in the liquidation. BY ORDER OF THE COURT REGISTRAR

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Case No: 1806/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (MPUMALANGA DIVISION, FUNTIONING AS GAUTENG DIVISION PRETORIA - MIDDELBURG CIRCUIT COURT) Middelburg, 1 June 2018, Before the Honorable Judge Vukeya (AJ) In the matter between LEC AIR CC, Applicant and AP MINING AND PLANT HIRE CC, REG NR: 2008/014118/23, Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and having considered the matter: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent is provisionally liquidated. 2. The estate of the Respondent is provisionally wound-up and placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court; 3. All interested parties are hereby notified that reasons may be given on the return date bing 30 July 2018 at 10h00 why this order should not be made final and why costs should not be costs in the liquidation; 4. A copy of this order be served on the Respondent at its registered office; 5. A copy of this order be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette; 6. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor; 7. A copy of this order be served on the South African Revenue Services Pretoria; 8. A copy of this order be served on the Master of the High Court Pretoria; 9. A copy of this order be served on the employees of the Respondent; 10. The costs be costs in the insolvent estate of the Respondent. BY THE REGISTRAR OF THE COURT Deysel Attorneys c/o Terblanche-Pistorius t

Case No: 1806/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (MPUMALANGA DIVISION, FUNTIONING AS GAUTENG DIVISION PRETORIA - MIDDELBURG CIRCUIT COURT) Middelburg, 1 June 2018, Before the Honorable Judge Vukeya (AJ) In the matter between LEC AIR CC, Applicant and AP MINING AND PLANT HIRE CC, REG NR: 2008/014118/23, Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and having considered the matter: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent is provisionally liquidated. 2. The estate of the Respondent is provisionally wound-up and placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court; 3. All interested parties are hereby notified that reasons may be given on the return date bing 30 July 2018 at 10h00 why this order should not be made final and why costs should not be costs in the liquidation; 4. A copy of this order be served on the Respondent at its registered office; 5. A copy of this order be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette; 6. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor; 7. A copy of this order be served on the South African Revenue Services Pretoria; 8. A copy of this order be served on the Master of the High Court Pretoria; 9. A copy of this order be served on the employees of the Respondent; 10. The costs be costs in the insolvent estate of the Respondent. BY THE REGISTRAR OF THE COURT Deysel Attorneys c/o Terblanche-Pistorius t

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MR IAN FLEMMING N.O. 2nd Respondent (In his capacity as appointed business rescue practitioner)

Having read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter it is ordered that: 1). That leave is granted to the Applicant in terms of sectionm 133(1(b) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 to proceed with this application; 2). That the resolution placing the 1st Respondent under business rescue is set aside; 3). That the 1st Respondent is hereby placed under provisional liquidation; 4). All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final wining up of the Respondent on 30 July 2018 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; 5). A copy of this order be served on: 5.1. The 1st Respondent at its registered office, by Sheriff; 5.2 On the employees of the Respondent, by Sheriff; 5.3 The South African Revenue Service Pretoria; 5.4 The Master of the High Court; 5.5 The 2nd Respondent by Sheriff. 6). A copy of this order be published forthwith in the Government Gazette; 7). The costs be costs in the insolvent estate of the Respondent. BY THE REGISTRAR OF THE COURT Deysel Attorneys c/o Terblanche-Pistorius


Case No: M73/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH WEST DIVISION, MAHIKENG) MAHIKENG, 18 May 2018, BEFORE THE HONOURABLE MADAM JUSTICE PRESIDENT LEEUW In the matter between Hilda Gadifele Meno, Applicant and Director-General, Department of Home Affairs, Respondent In re: Kagisho George Meno

After hearing Mrs Nel (Legal Aid South Africa) on behalf of the Applicant and after perusing the documents of record it is ordered: PRAYER 1 (Rule Nisi) 1.1 That Kagisho George Meno (ID No.: 340826 5143 083) be declared to be presumed to be deceased in the interim; 1.2 Directing the Applicant to give notice of the rule nisi to the following interested parties: 1.2.1 The last known employer of Kagisho George Meno, to wit Valcen Steel Constructions, at 15 Newclare Road, Industria, Johannesburg; and 1.2.2 Metal Industries Group Pension Fund 1.3 Directing the Applicant to publish the rule nisi in the Government Gazette and a newspaper in circulation at Mapetla, Johannesburg, to wit the Daily Sun Newspaper; and 1.4 The matter is postponed to the 16th of August 2018 for compliance with order 1.2 and 1.3 herein.

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HAVING HEARD Ms Gewers for the Applicant and Ms Van Wyk for the Respondent and Ms Pieterse for the 1st and 2nd Intervening Creditor and Mr Pretoruis for the Intervening Creditor and having read the documents filed or record: IT IS ORDERED: (BY AGREEMENT) 1. That the application is postponed to Friday the 17 August 2018 to the opposed roll. 2. That the Rule Nisi dated 23 March 2017 be and is hereby extended to 17 August 2018. 3. Costs to be reserved. BY THE COURT, MS.K. MINNAAR, REGISTRAR H VDW----S Addinall/M05134 EM ---- Mr F Engelbrecht t


HAVING HEARD Ms Gewers for the Applicant and Ms Van Wyk for the Respondent and Ms Pieterse for the 1st and 2nd Intervening Creditor and Mr Pretoruis for the Intervening Creditor and having read the documents filed or record: IT IS ORDERED: (BY AGREEMENT) 1. That the application is postponed to Friday the 17 August 2018 to the opposed roll. 2. That the Rule Nisi dated 23 March 2017 be and is hereby extended to 17 August 2018. 3. Costs to be reserved. BY THE COURT, MS.K. MINNAAR, REGISTRAR H VDW----S Addinall/M05134 EM ---- Mr F Engelbrecht t


HAVING HEARD Ms Gewers for the Applicant and Ms Van Wyk for the Respondent and Ms Pieterse for the 1st and 2nd Intervening Creditor and Mr Pretoruis for the Intervening Creditor and having read the documents filed or record:

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IT IS ORDERED: (BY AGREEMENT) 1. That the application is postponed to Friday the 17 August 2018 to the opposed roll. 2. That the Rule Nisi dated 23 March 2017 be and is hereby extended to 17 August 2018. 3. Costs to be reserved.

BY THE COURT, MS.K. MINNAAR, REGISTRAR H VDW----S Addinall/M05134 EM ---- Mr F Engelbrecht



Having heard the legal representatives for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record, it is ordered that: 1. The Rule Nisi issued on 22 May 2018, is extended to 17 August 2018, calling on the 1st Respondent and any other interested parties to show cause to this Court on the 17th day of August 2018 at 10h00 why the 1st Respondent should not be placed under a Final Winding-Up Order. 2. This Order be served forthwith on the 1st Respondent at its registered office, the 2nd Respondent, the Receiver of Revenue and the Master and published once in the Government Gazette, and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in Pretoria, Gauteng and Knysna, Western Cape. 3. The costs of the Application are costs of winding-up. t

Case No: 11359/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) Tuesday the 3rd of July 2018 at Cape Town, 3 July 2018, Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Henney In the matter between: Cornelius Johannes Louw, Applicant and Brandstock Exchange (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number: 2015/423158/07) (Registered address: 32 Thom Street, Paarl Western Cape), Respondent PROVISIONAL LIQUIDATION Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the papers filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The above-named respondent is placed in provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court; 2. A rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent and all interested parties to give reasons, if any, on Monday 20 August 2018, as to why: 21. The above-mentioned respondent should not be placed in final liquidation in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court, and; 2.2 The costs of this application should not be costs in the liquidation of the above named respondent. 3. That service and publication of the provisional liquidation order and rule nisi granted in terms of paragraph 1 and 2 above shall be effected as follows:

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3.1 That a true copy thereof shall be served on the respondent at its registered address by the Sheriff or his deputy; 3.2 That a true copy thereof shall be served on the Receiver of Revenue by the Sheriff or his deputy; 3.3 That a true copy thereof shall be served on the employees of the respondent, if any, and on any registered trade unions that may represent the employees of the respondent by the Sheriff or his deputy; 3.4 That a true copy thereof shall be published in one edition each of the “Cape Times” and “Die Burger” newspapers, as well as the Government Gazette. 4. The Registrar of this Court shall transmit a copy of this order to the Sheriff of the province in which the registered office of the respondent is situate and to the Sheriff of every province in which it appears that the respondent owns business. 5. The Sheriff shall attach all property which appears to belong to the respondent and transmit to the Master of this Court an inventory of all property attached by him or her in terms of section 19 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936. BY ORDER OF COURT COURT REGISTRAR t

X Case No: 9743/2018 DOCEX 3, KUILSRIVER IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) CAPE TOWN, 14 June 2018, Before the Honourable Mr Acting Deputy Judge President Siraj Desai In the ex parte application of: YOLISWA MZUZILE MAGANGANE, First Applicant and


Having read the papers filed of record and having heard counsel for the Applicants, it is ordered that: 1. A rule nisi be issued calling upon any creditor and all interested parties to appear before the Honourable Court on THURSDAY 16 AUGUST 2018 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard (“the return date”), to show cause why the following order should not be made final: 1.1 authorising the Applicants in terms of the provisions of Section 87(1) of Act 47 of 1937 to register the notarial contract entered into, by and between the Applicants hereto on 26 July 2017, alternatively; 1.2 that the Applicants be granted leave in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 to change the matrimonial property regime currently applicable to their marriage; 1.3 that the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town be authorised and ordered to register the notarial contract, within three (3) months of this Order; 1.4 that this order will not affect any rights of any creditor in favour of whom a claim accrued against either or both of the Applicants after conclusion of their marriage on 13 September 2017; and 1.5 such further and/or alternative relief as this Honourable Court might order. t

Case No: 19815/2017 Docex 50, Cape Town IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) CAPE TOWN, 3 July 2018, before the Honourable Mr Justice Henney In the matter between: Small Enterprise Finance Agency Limited (Registration Number: 1995/011258/06) - APPLICANT and Tetla Development Services (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number: 2007/003618/07) - RESPONDENT PROVISIONAL LIQUIDATION Having read the application filed of record and having heard counsel for the Applicant, IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent TETLA DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (PTY) LIMITED with registration number: 2007/003618/07 , is hereby placed under provisional liquidation; 2. A rule nisi is issued calling upon all interested persons to appear and show cause, if any, before the above Honourable Court at 10h00 on FRIDAY 03 AUGUST 2018 as to why:

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2.1 The Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation; and 2.2 The costs of this application should not be cost in liquidation. 3. That service of this order be effected as follows: 3.1 At the Respondent’s registered address and principal place of business; 3.2 By one publication in each of the Cape Times and Die Burger newspapers; 3.3 By publication in the Government Gazette; 3.4 Upon the Respondent’s employees in the manner prescribed in section 346A(b) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973; 3.5 Upon the registered trade union representing the employees, if any; 3.6 Upon the South African Revenue Service , 22 Hans Strijdom Avenue, Cape Town; 3.7 Upon the Master of the High Court, Dullah Omar Building, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town; 3.8 Upon all known creditors of the respondent which claims in excess of Twenty Five Thousand Rand ( R25 000,00) by meansof prepaid registered post. 4. The provisions of section 357(a) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 read with section 19 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1963 are incorporated in this Order as follows: 4.1 The Registrar shall transmit a copy of this Order to the Sheriff of the province in which the registered office of the Company is situate and to the Sheriff of every province in which it appears that the respondent own business; and 4.2 The Sheriff shall attach all property which appears to belong to the Company and transmit to the Master an inventory of all property attached by him or her in terms of section 19 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936.

J158 SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS Notice is hereby given by the Master of the High Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number; (2) the applicant; (3) the respondent; (4) the date of the provisional order granted; (5) the High Court Division; (6) the date of the discharge order.

TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Kennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer; (2) die applikant; (3) die verweerder; (4) die datum van uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; (5) die Afdeling van die Hoë Hof; (6) die datum van die afwysingsbevel.


C840/2017—(2) Sinai Berakah (Pty) Ltd, Applicant; (3) Saffron Minerals and Energy (Pty) Ltd, Respondent; (4) 12 December 2017; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 15 May 2018. C380/2017—(2) Cornelis Johannes Rezelman, Applicant; (3) Costa Atlantica (Pty) Ltd, Respondent; (4) 1 June 2017; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 10 April 2018.



VERLORE TITELBEWYS VERLORE TITELBEWYS Vorm vir publikasie kragtens Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937

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Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937, ons ABRAHAM JOHANNES HANEKOM, Identiteitsnommer: 591212 5226 085 en ANNA MARIA HANEKOM, Identiteitsnommer: 580824 000, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar, Van voornemens is om `n Transportakte uit te reik in plek van Akte van Transport T106233/2007 gepasseur deur PIETER FREDERIK VAN DER LINDE, Identiteitsnommer: 430831 5007 081 en CATHARINA GERTRUIDA MARIA VAN DER LINDE, Identiteitsnommer: 530710 0029 085, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar ten gunste van ABRAHAM JOHANNES HANEKOM, Identiteitsnommer: 591212 5226 085 en ANNA MARIA HANEKOM, Identiteitsnommer: 580824 0006 081, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met mekaar Ten aansien van ERF 1092 VANDERBIJL PARK SOUTH EAST NO. 1 DORPSGEBIED, REGISTRASIE AFDELING I.Q., PROVINSIE VAN GAUTENG GROOT: 765 (SEWE HONDERD VYF EN SESTIG) VIERKANTE METER GEHOU KRAGTENS AKTE VAN TRANSPORT T106233/2007, wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is. Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Titelakte beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant. Gedateer te ______op ______2018. REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES MILLS & GROENEWALD PROKUREURS, 104 ROSSINI BOULEVARD, VANDERBIJLPARK, Tel: 0169333366, Fax: 086 730 0749, Email: [email protected]. t


Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937, ons Jacomina Susanna Elizabeth Muller, in my hoedanigheid as Eksekutrise in die Boedel van Wyle WESSEL HENDRIK WENTZEL, handelende onder Eksekuteursbrief Nommer 315/2015 uitgereik deur die Meester van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria te PRETORIA op 20 JANUARIE 2015; en Anna Wentzel, Identiteitsnommer: 5501190121089, ongetroud, van voornemens is om `n Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plek van Akte van Transport T114700/2007 gepasseer deur Marthinus Stephanus Robbertse, Identiteits nommer 3912285009000, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed ten gunste van Wessel Hendrik Wentzel, Identiteitsnommer: 4910055005082, ongetroud en Anna Wentzel, Identiteitsnommer 5501190121089, ongetroud, ten aansien van Hoewe 127 Mullerstuine Landbouhoewes, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Provinsie Gauteng, groot: 2,1413 (TWEE komma EEN VIER EEN DRIE) Hektaar wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is. Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te PRETORIA binne 6 (ses) eke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant. GEDATEER te VEREENIGING op hierdie dag van APRIL 2018 REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES MILLS & GROENEWALD PROKUREURS, 81 GENERAAL HERTZOG WEG, DRIE RIVIERE, VEREENIGING, Tel: 0164231946, Fax: 0164231566, Email: [email protected]. t

AANSOEK OM VERLORE TITELBEWYS Hiermee word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van Artikel 38 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937, ek die REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES TE JOHANNESBURG voornemens is om ñ Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van Transport Akte T77133/1998 gepasseer deur Die eksekuteer in die boedel van Wyle Gertruida Woudrina Klaassen Nommer 13543/1997 ten gunste van 1. CORNELIS KLAASSEN, Identiteitsnommer 4909105087082, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere 2. LUBERTUS KLAASSEN, Identiteitsnommer 4806065091080, ongetroud en 3. STEPHANUS KLAASSEN, Identiteitsnommer 5106285055083, ongetroud ten aansien van sekere Erf 276, Florida North Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling IQ, Provinsie Gauteng, groot 789 (SEWEHONDERD NEGE EN TAGTIG) VIERKANTE METER wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is.

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Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Sertifikaat beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES te JOHANNESBURG binne 6 (SES) weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES SANET RAS PROKUREUR, PETER MOKABALAAN 101, POTCHEFSTROOM 2531, Tel: (018)2948953, Fax: (018)2948958, Email: [email protected]. t

MONDI PENSION FUND (IN LIQUIDATION) 12/8/26512 “Liquidation of the MONDI PENSION FUND (IN LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that the preliminary liquidation account and the preliminary distribution report of the MONDI PENSION FUND (IN LIQUIDATION) 12/8/26512 will lie open for inspection during the period of 23 July 2018 to 23 August 2018 at the offices of : 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6, Pretoria; and 2. The Chief Magistrate, Johannesburg Central Magistrate’s Court, Fox Street & Ntemi Piliso Street, Ferreiras Dorp, Johannesburg, 2048 3. The registered office of the Fund, c/o Robson Savage (Pty) Ltd, 2 Hermitage Terrance, Richmond, Johannesburg. Any interested person who wishes to object to the preliminary accounts and report must lodge his/her objection with the Registrar of Pension Funds, P O Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 on or before 23 September 2018.” Shepstone & Wylie Attorneys, Ground Floor, The Lodge, 38 Wierda Road West, Hunts End, Wierda Valley, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196, Tel: 0836753071, Fax: n/a, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: N/A


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST / DESTOYED DEED OF TRANSFER Notice is hereby given in terms of the provision of regulation sixty eight made under the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, that it is the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST78703/2007 passed in favour of: DIALINA ANN KOCH (PREVIOUSLY VORSTER), Identity Number 370412 0016 08 8, married out of community of property in respect of certain: Property Description: A Unit consisting of (a) Section No. 20 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 454/2003 in the scheme known as VILLA EMMERINE in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at ERF 3016 ROOIHUISKRAAL NOORD EXTENSION 19 TOWNSHIP, LOCAL AUTHORITY: CITY OF TSHWANE METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 99 (Ninety Nine) square metres in extent and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. HELD BY Deed of Transfer Number ST 78703/2007, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at CENTURION this 18 day of May 2018. VAN DER WALT & HUGO INCORPORATED, 126 WILLEM BOTHA STREET, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION, 0157, Tel: 087 232 1351, t

INSOLVENCY NOTICE OF INTENDED TRANSFER OF PROPERTY BY IVORY SUN TRADING 12 CC, Registration Number 2006/177555/23 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended to interested parties and creditors that Ivory Sun Trading 12 CC, Registration Number 2006/177555/23 carrying on business at 143 and 145 Rietfontein Road, and 86 Violet Avenue, Primrose comprising of Erf 1249 Primrose Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, Erf 1257 Primrose Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, and Erf 1258 Primrose Township,

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Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, has disposed of the mentioned assets in terms of a contract of sale to Belo Horizonte Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 2005/027954/07, who will carry on business at the same address for its own account and benefit. The transfer will not be registered prior to the expiry of 30 (thirty) days from the date of last publication hereof. Marcelle Kingsley, 15 Alice Lane, Sandton 2196, Tel: 011 685-8939, Fax: 011 301-3200, Email: marcelle.kingsley@ t

Case/Application No: 2018/19337 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) In the matter between: MULLER, DAWID ANDREAS (Identity number 760715 5115 087), First Applicant And MULLER, RAELEEN (Identity Number 841126 0129 086), Second Applicant CHANGE OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that application will be made to the above Honourable Court on Tuesday the 14 August 2018 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard, for an Order in the following terms: 1. That the Applicants be and are hereby granted leave to change the matrimonial property system which presently applies to their marriage, from one in community of property, to one out of community of property, with the inclusion of the accrual system, in terms of section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984. 2. That the Applicants be and are hereby authorised to enter into a notarial contract, a draft of which is marked annexure “ANC” to the First Applicant’s affidavit, in terms of which the future matrimonial property system of the Applicants will be governed as from the date of registration of the said notarial contract in the Deeds Office, Johannesburg. 3. That the aforesaid change in the parties’ matrimonial regime shall not in any way prejudice the right of the creditors of their joint estate whose claims arose before registration of the aforesaid notarial contract. 4. That the Registrar of Deeds, Johannesburg, be and is hereby authorised to register the aforesaid notarial contract within three months of this order in terms of the provisions of sections 86 and 89(1)(b) of Act no. 47 of 1937, as amended. 5. That the costs of this application are to be paid by the Applicants alternatively by any unsuccessful party opposing the granting of this Order. 6. Further and/or alternative relief. KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that anyone who wishes to object to the proposed order to change the matrimonial property regime, or to make any representations in that regard, such person can do so by writing to the Registrar of the Court and sending a copy to the applicants’ attorney, or by appearing in Court on the day of the hearing. KINDLY TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that the application and the contract which it is proposed to register are available for inspection at the office of the Registrar of the Court and at the office of the applicants’ attorney, Bregmans Attorneys, Suite 314, Killarney Office Towers, 60 Riviera Road, Killarney, JOHANNESBURG (reference R Bregman, telephone number (011) 646-0335). BREGMANS ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 2232, HOUGHTON, 20141, Tel: 0116460335, Fax: 0866809142, Email: Roy@ t


NOTICE IN TERMS REGULATION 68(11B) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRY ACT, 1937 (ACT 47 OF 1937) Notice of Intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of a lost / destroyed bond By Virtue of regulation 68(11B) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937) Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of SB91936/2007, registered on 7 JUNE 2007 passed by The Trustees for the Time Being of THE JENIQ 2 TRUST, Registration Number. IT 6331/2005 In favour of NEDBANK LIMITED, Registration Number: 1951/000009/06 for the sum of R570 000.00 (FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THOUSAND RAND) In respect of A Unit consisting of: (a) Section No. 139 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 578/2007, in the scheme known as BRUSHWOOD in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at FERNDALE EXTENSION 24 TOWNSHIP, LOCAL AUTHORITY: THE CITY OF JOHANNESBURG of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan, is 74 (SEVENTY FOUR) SQUARE METRES in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Held by DEED OF TRANSFER ST74035/2007, which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the Deeds Registry in which bond is registered, namely Pretoria, within a period of 6 (six) weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice, being 20 JULY 2018 this being the first publication date.

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ISSUED IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGESTRIES ACT 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 47 of 1937. I ,the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, intent to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer Number T 101761/2007 dated 31 July 2007 passed by UNKNONW in favour of : AL-FALAAM MINING CLOSE CORPORATE, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2001/026608/23 in respect of: PORTION 263 (A PORTION OF PORTION 217) OF THE FARM GEDULD NUMBER 123, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R.; THE PROVINCE OF GAUTENG, MEASURING 26,8089 (TWENTY SIX COMMA EIGHT ZERO EIGHT NINE) HECTARES, HELD UNDER DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T 101761/2007, which has been lost. All persons having an objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of PRETORIA at GOVERNMENT OFFICE, MERINO BUILDING, 140 PRETORIUS STREET, PRETORIA, within (6) six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Government Gazette. GISHEN GILCHRIST INC ATTORNEYS, 209 ELSTON AVENUE, WESTERN EXTENSION, BENONI, Tel: 011 421 0921, Fax: 011 422 2715, E - mail: [email protected]/[email protected]. za Christo Steyn obo Gishen Gilchrist Inc, 209 Elston Avenue, Western Extension, Benoni, Tel: 0114210921, Fax: 0114222715, Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 42838/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) In the ex parte application of: Charles Victor Strydom and Celesté Strydom (Born Le Roux) Charles Victor Strydom and Celesté Strydom, Applicants and N/A In re: APPLICATION TO CHANGE MATRIMONIAL REGIME IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 Notice is hereby given that CHARLES VICTOR STRYDOM (Identity No: 891115 5023 08 8) and CELESTÉ STRYDOM (Identity No: 900614 0016 08 8) of 51 Albrecht Street, Annlin, Pretoria, Gauteng, who were married in community of property on 14 January 2017, intends to apply to the abovementioned Honourable Court on 3 SEPTEMBER 2018, for an Order ordering that their current matrimonial property system shall no longer apply and authorizing them to enter into a notarial contract by which their future matrimonial property system is regulated. The application and proposed notarial contract are available at the offices of Chantel van Heerden Attorneys, 1015 Marlin Street, Garsfontein X13, or at the offices of the Registrar of the High Court, Cnr Paul Kruger and Madiba Street, Pretoria. Should you wish to object to the said application you may do so by notice in writing setting out the grounds of your objection, which notice must be delivered to the aforesaid premises by no later than 16h30 on 17 AUGUST 2018. CHANTEL VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, PO Box 2003 Garsfontein East 0060, Tel: (012) 993 5907, Fax: 086 5177 463, Email: [email protected].



LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar at Pietermaritzburg intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. T 57952/05 dated 2007/10/25 passed by Morgan Creek Properties 307 Properties Limited registration number 1999/020729/07 in favour of Dawn May Collen Identity number: 560515 0040 088 Married out of community of property in respect of: certain: Erf 819 Hillcrest, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal in extent 1 717 (One thousand seven hundred and seventeen) square metre’s which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of deeds at Pietermaritzburg within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.

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BR SANDWITH INC, 30 OLD MAIN ROAD , HILLCREST, 3610, Tel: 0317652030, Fax: 0317652060, Email: BELINDA@ BELINDASANDWITH.CO.ZA. t

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR PIETERMARITZBURG BILLYN CC T/A ARROW PRINT BILLYN CC T/A ARROW PRINT Dissolution of BILLYN CC T/A ARROW PRINT a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1567 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of BILLYN CC T/A ARROW PRINT a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1567 will be open for inspection for the period 20 July 2018 until 20 August 2018 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, CNR OTTO & CHURCH STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 3.The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, , Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 03 September 2018. Liberty Life, 25 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001, Tel: 0114088714, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 6528/18P IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL DIVISION, PIETERMARITZBURG) In the ex parte application of: CHERYL LYNN BOUMAN, FIRST APPLICANT; HERMANUS LAURENTUIS BOUMAN, SECOND APPLICANT In re: In an application in terms of Section 21 of the Matrimonial Property Act, No.88 of 1984 NOTICE OF MOTION TAKE NOTICE that application will be made on the 1st day of AUGUST 2018, at 9h30 or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. Applicants are granted leave, in terms of section 21 of the Matrimonial Property Act, no. 88 of 1984, to change, by excluding the accrual system, the matrimonial property system applying to their marriage. 2. More particularly, Applicants are granted leave, within sixty days of this order, to execute and to cause to be registered the Post Nuptial Contract a copy of which is annex “A” hereto. 3. Subject to paragraph 2 above, the Registrar of Deeds, Kwa Zulu Natal, is authorized and directed: 3.1 To register the said Post Nuptial Contract. 3.2 To cancel the Applicants’ existing Ante Nuptial Contract, which is registered under number H801/1996. 4. This order, and anything done in terms of this order, shall not affect any rights of any creditor of either Applicant, where such rights have accrued or been acquired prior to the registration in terms of paragraph 3.1 above. 5. There shall be no order as to costs, provided that if any person(s) oppose(s) this application it may be requested that such person(s) be ordered to pay the costs of the application, jointly and severally where applicable. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the affidavit of CHERYL LYNN BOUMAN and the accompanying supporting affidavit are filed in support of this application. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the founding papers in this application together with the Post Nuptial Contract referred to in paragraph 2 above, are available for inspection at the office of the Registrar and also at the offices of Applicant’s attorneys whose address and contact details are set out below. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT a copy of such papers may be made available upon request to Applicants’ attorneys. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person intending to oppose this application or intending to make any representations in connection therewith may do so by: (a) Sending written notice of their said intention to the Registrar of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg and to Applicants’ said attorneys, and/or (b) Appearing in court on the day of the hearing. GRANT & SWANEPOEL ATTORNEYS, THE MEWS, REDLANDS ESTATE, PIETERMARITZBURG, Tel: 0333420375, Email: [email protected]. t

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In re: In an application for leave to enter into a notarial contract in terms of section 21 of Act 88 of 1984 APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21 OF THE MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY ACT 88 OF 1984. CHANGE OF MATRIMONIAL REGIME IN REPECT OF THE FIRST AND SECOND APPLICANTS FROM IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY TO OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY WITH THE EXCLUSION OF THE ACCRUAL SYSTEM. KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that an application, made to the above Honourable Court sitting in Pietermartizburg on behalf of the aforementioned Applicants on the 4th day of July 2018 at 09h30 was adjourned to 7 August 2018at 09h30, on which day the Applicants will seek an order in the following terms: 1) That Applicants be and are granted leave to change the matrimonial property system which presently applies to their marriage from one in community of property to one out of community of property with the exclusion of the accrual system in terms of Chapter 1 of Act 88 of 1984. 2) That Applicants be and are hereby authorised to enter into a notarial contract, a draft of which is annexed to the founding affidavit of the First Applicant and marked anexure “AKM4”, in terms of which the future matrimonial property system of Applicants will be governed as from the date of registration of the said notarial contract in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds, Kwazulu- Natal. 3) That the aforesaid change in the parties matrimonial property system shall not in any way prejudice the rights of the creditors of the joint estate whose claims arose before the registration of the aforesaid notarial contract. 4) That the Registrar of Deeds for the Province of Kwazulu-Natal be and is hereby authorised to register the aforesaid notarial contract within three months of date of this order in terms of the provisions of sections 86, 87 and 89(1)(b) of Act 47 of 1937. 5) That the costs of this application are to be paid by any party who unsuccessfully opposes this application. 6) Further and/or alternative relief. KINDLY FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone who wishes to object to the proposed change, or to make any representations in that regard, should do so in writing to the Registrar of the above mentioned Court at the High Court Building, 331 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg and should send a copy thereof to Applicants attorneys stated hereinbelow, or should appear in the above Honourable Court on the day and at the time of the hearing. KINDLY FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the application papers and the contract which is proposed to be registered, will be available for inspection at the office of the Registrar of the above Honourable Court and at the offices of the Applicants Attorneys, at the address mentioned below during office hours from 20 July 2018 to 3 August 2018. MASON INCORPORATED, 251 CHURCH STREET, 3RD FLOOR, FEDSURE HOUSE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201, Tel: 033 345 4230, Fax: 033 342 4734, Email: [email protected].


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERED TITLE FOR LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the Provision of Section Thirty Eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane intends to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in leiu of Deed of Grant No: TG155015/2007LB(PTA) issued in favour of SELLO PAUL KGANYAGO and TAJANE ROSE KGANYAGO, Married in Community of Property to each other, in respect of ERF 2695 SESHEGO-B TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, MEASURING 399 (THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE) SQUARE METRES, Held By Deed of Transfer Number TG155015/2007LB(PTA) which has been lost or destroyed or rendered unserviceable. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at 101 Dorp Street, POLOKWANE, 0700, Tel: 015 283 2300, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette HOPANE ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 108, PERSEQUOR PARK, 0020, Tel: 0861467263, Fax: 0866835934, Email: seleka@ t

NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane intend to issue a Certificate of Regitered Title in lieu of Cetificate of Registered Title ST709/2007 (51)

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(UNIT) passed by: HIGHLAND NIGHT INVESTMENTS 127 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2003/004535/07 in favour of MATOME SAREL MOLOTO, Identity Number 880628 5627 08 1,Unmarried. In respect of A unit consisting of - (a) Section Number 51 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS 709/2007, in the scheme known as SHALUKA PLAINS in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at ERF 368 PENINAPARK EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP; LOCAL AUTHORITY: POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan, is 103 (ONE HUNDRED AND THREE) square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Government Gazette. Dated at Polokwane on this 13th day of July 2018. De Bruin Oberholzer Attorneys, 27 Genl. Joubert Street, Polokwane, 0699, P O Box 3615, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 015 - 291 2147, REF: HIG3/0001/P Kriek. DE BRUIN OBERHOLZER ATTORNEYS, 27 GENL. JOUBERT STREET, POLOKWANE, 0699, Tel: 0152912147, Fax: 0152912147, Email: [email protected].


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR CANCELLATION OF LOST OR DESTROYED MORTGAGE BOND-REG 68(11C) Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for registration of the cancellation of Mortgage Bond BG41481/1997KD passed by SANTSHI PETRUS SKOSANA in favour of SAAMBOU BANK LIMITED, now First Rand Finance Company Limited in respect of certain of - ERF 326 SIYABUSWA-B TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.S., MPUMALANGA PROVINCE,IN EXTENT 1 202 (ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND TWO) SQUARE METRES,which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the registration of such mortgage bond cancellation are hereby required to lodge their objections in writing with the Office of the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, 1200 Tel 013 756 4000 within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.

HOPANE ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 108, PERSEQUOR PARK,0020, Tel: 0861467263, Fax: 0866835934, Email: seleka@ t

NOTICE OF LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, I the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at NELSPRUIT intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T86505/2007 dated 03 JULY 2007, passed by Estate late MOTSHELE ELIAS MALEROTHO identity number: 5211245519085 in favour of MIKE MOKGAUDI MALEROTHO identity number: 8408105789082, in respect of ERF 5190 EMBALENHLE EXTENSION 9 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.S., PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, IN EXTENT 350 (three five zero) Square Metres; all persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, 1200 within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Nelspruit on 21 MAY 2018. Signed by the Registrar of Deeds. MEINTJES & KHOZA ATTORNEYS, 37 BROWN STREET, 8TH FLOOR MIDCITY BUILDING, NELSPRUIT, 1200, Tel: 0137525449, Fax: 0865920368, Email: [email protected]. t

In die saak tussen: KAREL HENDRIK ERASMUS, Identity Number 630529 5031 08 9 AND BLANCHE ELMARI ERASMUS, Identity Number 650222 0020 08 4 and JOHANNES HENDRIK RUDOLF MYBURG, Identity Number 620107 5025 08 8 AND JIENIE CHRISTINA MYBURG, Identity Number 751007 0199 08 9 In re: NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION THIRTY EIGHT OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 1937 TO ISSUE A CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERED TITLE IN LIEU OF DEED OF TRANSFER T78889/2007 DATED 18 JUNE 2007 LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of

This gazette is also available free online at 42 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

Deeds, MPUMALANGA at NELSPRUIT intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T78889/2007 dated 18 JUNE 2007 passed by: KAREL HENDRIK ERASMUS, Identity Number 630529 5031 08 9 and BLANCHE ELMARI ERASMUS, Identiy Number 650222 0020 08 4, Married in community of property to each other in favour of JOHANNES HENDRIK RUDOLF MYBURG, Identity Number 620107 5025 08 8, married out of community of property and JIENIE CHRISTINA MYBURG, Identity Number 751007 0199 08 9, married out of community of property in respect Certain: ERF 4449 MIDDELBURG EXTENSION 13 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.S., PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, IN EXTENT: 1 175 (ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE) SQUARE METRES HELD UNDER DEED OF TRANSFER T78889/2007. Of which, together with the registry duplicate thereof, has been lost or destroyed or became incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit with street address 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, Tel: 013 756 4000, within six weeks after date of first publication in the Gazette. DU TOIT SMUTS AND PARTNERS, LAW CHAMBERS, VAN NIEKERKSTREET, NELSPRUIT 1200, Tel: 0137454788, Fax: 0866313187, Email: [email protected].



Notice is hereby given that I, the Registrar of Deeds at VRYBURG, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No T546/1993 dated 19 November 1993 registered in the name of MOOLJIE PARSHOTAM Identity Number 4609055121085 and USHABEN PARSHOTAM Identity Number 5504240169082 Married in community of property to each other in respect of certain ERF 3123 MAFIKENG EXTENSION 32 SITUATE IN THE MAFIKENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY REGISTRATION DIVISION J. O. PROVINCE OF NORTH WEST IN EXTENT: 1112 (ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE) SQUARE METRES which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such deed of grant are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Vryburg within a period of 6 (SIX) weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED AT VRYBURG on this the 21st day of JUNE 2018 ______REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Smit Stanton Incorporated, 29 Warren Street, Mafikeng, 2745, Tel: 0183810180, Fax: 0866218406, Email: shamiela@ t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T80876/2005 dated 28 June 2005 passed by: TJAART LOUIS PETRUS KRUGER IDENTITY NUMBER: 300131 5024 08 8 MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY In favour of HEIDI VAN KRUISELBERGEN IDENTITY NUMBER: 690930 0092 08 3 MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY In respect of ERF 1222 LA HOFF TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.P., NORTH WEST PROVINCE, MEASURING: 1 517 (ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEE) SQUARE METRES which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Deed of Transfer are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within 6 (SIX) weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria on 24 May 2018. Registrar of Deeds E.G. Odendaal (Assistant Registrar) VZLR INC, 71 STEENBOKAVENUE, MONUMENTPARK, PRETORIA, Tel: 012 435 9345, Fax: 012 435 9666, Email: [email protected].


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OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PROVIDENT FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: HANNASBAAI FISHING COMPANY (PTY) LTD (PF NO. 12/8/20246/8138) DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: HANNASBAAI FISHING COMPANY (PTY) LTD will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Financial Sector Conduct Authority, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria; and 2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: HANNASBAAI FISHING COMPANY (PTY) LTD: Orion Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Fund’s Registered Office); and 3. Master of the Western Cape High Court, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town, 8001. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the The Financial Sector Conduct Authority, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria, 0181 not later than 14 days after expiration of the above mentioned 30 day period. GM Hendrickse, GQH Acccounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600, Tel: 0218872343, Fax: 0866198909, Email: [email protected].



Form/Vorm J297


Interested parties are hereby given notice by Masters of the High Court of South Africa that meetings will be held at the places, dates and times specified for the purpose of selecting persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as Executors, or Tutors or Curators as the case may be, in regard to the matters listed below. Particulars for each matter appear in the following order: (1) File number, (2) surname and first names of deceased or minor or curatorship, (3) home address, (4) date of death, (5) place, date and time of meeting. Meeting in a place in which there is a Master’s Office will be held before the Master, elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Belanghebbendes word hiermee deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika kennis gegee dat byeenkomste op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik om deur hulle na gelang van die geval aangestel te word as Eksekuteurs of Voogde of Kurators, ten opsigte van die gevalle hieronder vermeld. Besonderhede vir elke geval verskyn in die volgorde van: (1) Lêernommer, (2) familienaam en voorname van oorledene of minderjarige of kuratorskap, (3) woonadres, (4) datum van oorlye, (5) plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. In `n plek waarin in ‘n kantoor van die Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landros.

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Form/Vorm J295


In terms of section 75 of the Administration of Estates Act No. 66 of 1965 (as amended), notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as Curators or Tutors by Masters of the High Court, or of termination of such appointment (their having ceased in their respective capacity) The information is given in the following order: (1) Number of matter; (2) person under curatorship, or minor, and address; (3) curator or tutor; name and address of curator or tutor; (4) whether appointment or termination (cease in capacity), and date; (5) Master of the High Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965 (soos gewysig), word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van saak; (2) persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; (3) kurator of voog; naam en adres van kurator of voog; (4) of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; (5) Meester van die Hooggeregshof.


MC381/2009—(2) Sundani Ndou, Minor; 47 Burweed Street, Protea Glen Ext 12, , Gauteng; (3) Curator: Cornelius Erasmus Botha, Cornel Botha Attorneys, 25C Kuisis Street, Brummeria, Pretoria, 0184; (4) Termination; 20 September 2017; (5) Pretoria. MC358/2018—(2) MARIA STEYN, Curatorship; WILLOWBROOK RETIREMENT VILLAGE,134 WILLOWBROOK PLACE ,SANDOWN,JOHANNESBURG,2196; (3) Curator: MELISSA ELLEN ROBINSON, 37 ROYCE ROAD, BRYANSTON, SANDTON, 2194; (4) Appointment; 5 July 2018; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT. MC462/17—(2) KUTLO KARABO JELE, Curatorship; PLOT 50, TAMBOTIE, 0120; (3) Curator: DEON CHARL DE VILLIERS, ABSA PRETORIA CAMPUS, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTOO, PRETORIA, 0184; (4) Appointment; 2 November 2017; (5) PRETORIA. MC563/2015—(2) DIRK JACOBUS ACKERMAN, Curatorship; HUIS HERSBLAAR, PRETORIA; (3) Curator: AMARENTIEA JOHANNA ELIZABETH PIENAAR, P.O BOX 12854 HATFIELD 0028; (4) Termination; 28 June 2018; (5) PRETORIA. 9009250043082—(2) KERRY ANN HARDY, Curatorship; LITTLE EDEN HOME - HARRIS AVENUE & WAGENAAR ROAD, EDENGLEN; (3) Curator: DAVID ARTHUR HARDY, 54 SHERBROOKE COMPLEX, LOPIS PLACE, EDENVALE; (4) Appointment; 14 June 2018; (5) M. SAPTOE.


MC24/2018—(2) THAMSANQA WELCOME FUNDE, Curatorship; 11515 CHATTY 11, BOOYSENS PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6059; (3) Curator: Wynand du Preez, 73 - 6th Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045; (4) Appointment; 19 June 2018; (5) Port Elizabeth.

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MC15/2017—(2) TOROSI WILSON ANTONIE, Curatorship; 23 LUPONDWANA STREET, KWANOBUHLE, UITENHAGE.6230; (3) Curator: HENDRIK PETER JOHANNES VAN DER MERWE, P O BOX 27184, GREENACRES, PORT ELIZABETH. 6057; (4) Appointment; 11 July 2017; (5) PORT ELIZABETH. MC69/2017—(2) ANTHONY PATRICK SAMPSON, Curatorship; 126 KAMESH ROAD, KAMESH, UITENHAGE.6230; (3) Curator: HENDRIK PETER JOHANNES VAN DER MERWE, P O BOX 27184, GREENACRES, PORT ELIZABETH. 6057; (4) Appointment; 26 March 2018; (5) PORT ELIZABETH. MC000001/2017E—(2) ADRIANA ENRICO SIMONS, Curatorship; 52 BERGHAAN STREET, THOMAS GAMBLE, UITENHAGE.6230; (3) Curator: HENDRIK PETER JOHANNES VAN DER MERWE, P O BOX 27184, GREENACRES, PORT ELIZABETH. 6057; (4) Appointment; 13 October 2017; (5) GRAHAMSTOWN. MC15/2017—(2) TOROSI WILSON ANTONIE, Curatorship; 23 LUPONDWANA STREET, KWANOBUHLE, UITENHAGE.6230; (3) Curator: HENDRIK PETER JOHANNES VAN DER MERWE, P O BOX 27184, GREENACRES, PORT ELIZABETH. 6057; (4) Appointment; 11 July 2017; (5) PORT ELIZABETH. MC18/18—(2) PHUMZILE NKATSHU, Curatorship; 33 NOSIZWE STREET, KWANOBUHLE, UITENHAGE.6230; (3) Curator: HENDRIK PETER JOHANNES VAN DER MERWE, P O BOX 27184, GREENACRES, PORT ELIZABETH. 6057; (4) Appointment; 12 June 2018; (5) GRAHAMSTOWN. M/C000011/2018E—(2) Christo Jacobus Kleinhans, Curatorship; The Farm Doornfontein, Jansenville, Eastern Cape; (3) Curator: Jan Abraham de Wet, 4 Harold Ashwell Boulevard, Melkbosstrand, Western Cape; (4) Appointment; 27 February 2018; (5) Grahamstown.


CR14/2018/PMB—(2) Edelgard Anna Bure, Curatorship; Shepstone Place Old Age Home, Estcourt; (3) Curator: Sandra Green, Rensburg Spruit Farm, Estcourt; (4) Appointment; 13 June 2018; (5) Pietermaritzburg. CR41/2016—(2) AMRITH MAHADEV, Curatorship; 9 PETREA LANE HOWICK WEST 3290; (3) Curator: ASHIKA MAHADEV, 9 PETREA LANE HOWICK WEST 3290; (4) Appointment; 11 November 2016; (5) PIETERMARITZBURG.


CR450/2015—(2) Xolo Surprise Mafisa, Curatorship; 29 Ntomzima Street, Lawaai Kamp, Robertson; (3) Curator: Shalene , 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (4) Appointment; 21 June 2018; (5) Cape Town. CR258/2015—(2) Phempho Gift Magress, Curatorship; 109 Freeground Avenue, Muizenberg; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (4) Appointment; 21 June 2018; (5) Cape Town. CR61/2018—(2) MONRAY CARL VAN EEDEN, Curatorship; C/O 10 HUISING STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) Curator: JOHANNES HERMANUS OBERHOLZER, C/O 10 HUISING STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (4) Appointment; 22 March 2018; (5) CAPE TOWN. CR185/2015—(2) Frank Ernest Golden, Curatorship; 48 Dreyersdal Road, Bergvliet, Cape Town; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (4) Appointment; 18 October 2016; (5) Cape Town. CR229/2017—(2) Steven Martins, Curatorship; 25A Hartwiglaan, Worcester; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville; (4) Appointment; 6 April 2018; (5) Cape Town. CR397/2017—(2) NOMBULELO SWEETNESS DIBELA-MATSOBOYANA, Kuratorskap; 624 TOM STREET, NEW CROSSROADS; (3) Kurator: JOHANN FRANCOIS VOS, VISAGIEVOS, 181 VASCO BOULEVARD, GOODWOOD; (4) Aanstelling; 2 Februarie 2018; (5) CAPE TOWN. CR427/2015—(2) Thohera Rose, Curatorship; 61 Hassen Khan Street, Strand; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville; (4) Appointment; 16 March 2018; (5) Cape Town.

Form/Vorm J193


All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address; (3) date of death; (4) surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity number; (5) name and address of executor and authorised agent; (6) period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days.

This gazette is also available free online at 46 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018


Alle persone wat vorderinge teen die onderstaande boedels het, moet dit by die betrokke eksekuteur in dien binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui), van die datum van publikasie hiervan. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres; (3) datum oorlede; (4) nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; (5) naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent; (6) tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


012375/2018—(2) NXUMALO, PITANE MESHACK, 10 August 1930, 3008105228084, 48 SIBEKO STREET, KWA- THEMA, SPRINGS; (3) 11 October 2007; (5) LENA NXUMALO, 48 SIBEKO STREET, KWA-THEMA, SPRINGS. 025838/2015—(2) KHUMALO, MANDLENKOSI ALPHEUS, 5 December 1958, 5812055363082, 50 SAND ROAD, KLIPPORTJIE PARK, GERMISTON; (3) 8 September 2015; (5) TSEPISO GRACE KHUMALO, 50 SAND ROAD, KLIPPORTJIE PARK, GERMISTON. 002566/2013—(2) Van Tonder, Eileen, 12 September 1953, 5309120104088, Plot 251, Hillside, Landbouhoewe, Randfontein; (3) 7 Desember 2010; (4) Ian Douglas Van Tonder, 4 Julie 1947, 4707045076086; (5) Legatus Trust, 263 Kent Anvenue, Randburg. 009699/2018—(2) Clifford, Charlene, 25 June 1968, 6806250131087, 951 Vale Road, Weltevreden Park; (3) 16 March 2018; (5) Legatus Trust, 3rd Floor Roan House, 263 Kent Avenue, Ferndale Randburg. 006630/2017—(2) Barnard, Joseph Erasmus, 18 Desember 1967, 6712180122081, Touwstraat 16, Stilfontein; (3) 29 September 2017; (5) Legatus Trust, 3rd Floor Roan House, 263 Kent Avenue, Ferndale Randburg. 003406/2018—(2) KELLERMANN, JOCHEN OTTO, 13 August 1925, 2508135030088, 13 George Street Eldoraigne 0157; (3) 14 January 2018; (5) CHRISTINE MARIA VELTHUYSEN, 13 George Street Eldoraigne. 012230/2018—(2) Van Eeden, Elizabeth Josepha, 8 November 1955, 5511080239081, Pepani Straat 10, Carletonville; (3) 25 Februarie 2018; (5) Legatus Trust, 263 Kent Anvenue, Randburg. 005343/2018—(2) De Winter, Anton, 3 April 1931, 3104035027082, Oostvallei Aftree Oord nr. 71, Coleystraat 657, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (3) 5 April 2018; (4) Johanna Adriana De Winter, 31 Julie 1931, 3107310013081; (5) Legatus Trust, 263 Kent Anvenue, Randburg. 012648/2018—(2) Zilberg, Morris, 19 July 1933, 3307195038084, 42 Mackie Street, Mucklenek, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) 15 April 2018; (5) Ephraim Shain, 308 Elphin Lodge, 222 Modderfontein Rd, Rietfontein 61-Ir, Johannesburg, 1609. 16369/2013—(2) BOSHOFF, HENDRIK, 24 February 1960, 6002245002084, 5 PRIMULA STREET, BELFAST, MPUMALANGA, 1100; (3) 30 September 2013; (5) MARIE-LOUISE KRITZINGER, 133 NICOLAS SMIT STREET, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP, 1739. 22001/2017—(2) Ndhlovu, Mokotudi Emily, 4 July 1965, 6507040501080, 32/15 Small Farms, Evaton; (3) 21 July 2017; (4) Monyake Bensamin Ndhlovu, 12 January 1961, 6101125799080; (5) Jonk Attorneys, P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963. 15093/2017—(2) MAKGOBA, SEMAKALENG RASELEKE RICHARD, 16 June 1977, 7706165329082, 232 UMSENGE STREET, BLOCK VV, SOSHANGUVE; (3) 14 August 2017; (4) MAMOTSEOA GERTUDE MAKGOBA, 23 August 1969, 6908230489088; (5) CHRISTIE BLIGNAUT ATTORNEYS, 295 HAY STREET, BROOKLYN, 0181. 10076/2018—(2) Pretorius, Christina Johanna, 24 August 1959, 5908240051085, 42 Belladonna Avenue, Flora Gardens, Vanderbijlpark; (3) 7 April 2018; (4) Johannes Lodewyk Steenkamp Pretorius, 28 May 1959, 5905285020082; (5) Jonk Attorneys, P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963. 7109/2018—(2) Oosthuysen, Pieter, 13 February 1949, 4902135027087, 309 Beth Duncker Street, Garsfontein X08, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0081; (3) 24 May 2018; (5) Cornel Botha Prokureurs, Posbus 74035, Lynnwoodrif 0040. 006679/2018—(2) Lourens (Nee Potgieter), Magrietha Maria, 2 Julie 1923, 2307020013089, Arthurs Court 9, Bishop Birdstraat 92, Rooihuiskraal-Noord, Centurion; (3) 1 April 2018; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 11234/17—(2) SWANEPOEL, HENDRIK JOSIAS, 17 December 1926, 2612175001080, 6 OBERONPARK, OBERON STREET, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; (3) 11 August 2017; (4) THERESA SUSANNA SWANEPOEL, 15 September 1927, 2709150004087; (5) PIETER ANDREAS SWANEPOEL AND CLEMENT EDGAR SWANEPOEL, 409B LEA STREET, WATERKLOOF GLEN, PRETORIA. 012224/2018—(2) ELLIS, WILLEM JACOBUS, 18 October 1935, 3510185014086, 11 KINNERTON STREET LONDON SWIX 8EA UNITED KINGDOM; (3) 11 May 2018; (5) C/O MOSS COHEN & PARTNERS, 23 WEST STREET JOHANNESBURG 2198 (P O BOX 659 JOHANNESBURG 2000); (6) -. 14397/2018—(2) JACOBSZ, MARGARETE, 6 February 1936, 3602060053089, PANORAMA FRAIL CARE, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 26 June 2018; (4) N.A N.A; (5) BARBARA WILHELMINA DE JAGER, 1018 FREDENHARRY AVENUE, STRUBENSVALLEI, . 20143/2015—(2) MASHIYANE, NDAZINYANI ELLEN, 1 April 1912, 1204010088083, 1297 MOFOLO NORTH, SOWETO; (3) 5 June 2014; (5) SIPHIWE ALFRED MATSHIYANE, 1297 MOFOLO NORTH, SOWETO.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 47

12817/2015—(2) Mkhatshwa, Ramatapa Walter, 14 January 1966, 6601145470083, Leratong Hospice, Leratong; (3) 25 February 2012; (5) JvRKonsult, Mabuza House, 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit,1200 Mpumalanga. 014252/2018—(2) Caig, Pamela Ann Ramage, 20 April 1967, 6704200199082, 214 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg North, Randburg, 2194; (3) 7 May 2018; (5) Nadia Little, First Floor, TMC House, 11 Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2194. 025012/2017—(2) van der Westhuizen, Jan Carel, 22 September 1950, 5009225071089, Hampton Court, 17 The Thamesloop, Terenure Ext 16, 1619; (3) 18 October 2017; (5) Lynette van der Westhuizen, 18 Pinehurst, 7 George Street, Ferndale, 2194. 014109/2018—(2) Maartens, Gareth John, 3 November 1961, 6111035033082, Unit 45 Monterrey, Troupant Avenue, Magaliesig, Johannesburg; (3) 14 June 2018; (5) Nadia Little, First Floor, TMC House, 11 Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2194. 12817/2015—(2) Mkhatshwa, Ramatapa Walter, 14 January 1966, 6601145470083, Leratong Hospice, Leratong; (3) 25 February 2012; (5) JvRKonsult, Mabuza House, 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit,1200 Mpumalanga. 001696/2018—(2) GINSBERG, FREDDY, 22 August 1947, 4708225182082, 25 HILKEN DRIVE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, DURBAN; (3) 25 December 2017; (5) ERROL GOSS, 28 -7TH AVENUE, NORTH, 2193, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 30 DAYS. 5617/2018—(2) HILL, CATHARINA PETRONELLA, 28 Mei 1942, 4205280032088, 140 SONJA STREET, DORINGKLOOF, CENTURION, GAUTENG; (3) 21 April 2018; (4) ERIC STANDLEY HILL, 26 November 1942, 4211265056084; (5) PH TALJAARD, PIETER TALJAARD ATTORNEYS, PRIVATE BAG X2, MENLOPARK, 0102. 5944/2011—(2) Sibeko, Mfuno Elias, 7 August 1931, 3108075138089, 3438 Kwa-Thema 22 Kodisane Street Township; (3) 18 February 2010; (4) Madikapi Betty Sibeko, 26 December 1933, 3312260155086; (5) Ndzondo Kunene Mosea Inc, Suite 210 1st Floor Bophelong Center Building, 4th Street Springs 1560; (6) 30. 020248/2010—(2) Alexander, Fawzia, 26 December 1940, 4012260107082, 11 Vredenburg Crescent, Eldorado Park; (3) 29 July 2010; (5) NL Administration Services, PO Box 2259, Honeydew, 2040. 8913/2018—(2) SARDINHA, JOSEPH, 24 March 1967, 6703245127082, 51 PAARDEBERG AVENUE, OAKDENE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 23 February 2018; (4) CHARMAINE ELIZABETH CITRON, 22 January 1969, 6901220287083; (5) GARACH FIDUCIARY CONSULTING (PTY) LTD, 80 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; (6) N/A. 011313/2016—(2) COX, LOUIS, 29 October 1927, 2710295036083, 222 MODDERFONTEIN ROAD, JOHANNESBURG, 2007; (3) 20 March 2016; (5) BRIAN NEALE, 2 FINCH STREET, DEWETSHOF, 2198. 011650/2018—(2) Fourie, Christoffel Antonie, 11 November 1950, 5011115129084, Plot 220 Rosashof Landbouhoewes, Vanderbijlpark; (3) 7 November 2017; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 006731/2018—(2) Prinsloo, Sophia Magaretha, 13 Augustus 1922, 2208130002089, Steenberg 302, Troystraat 40, Sunnyside, 0002; (3) 27 April 2018; (5) Absa Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 13502/2015—(2) MANYATHELA, LESIBA DAVID, 19 September 1957, 5709195738084, 1224 Stand, Kudube Unit 1, Hammanskraal 0400; (3) 23 September 2015; (4) MOJAKI MAGDELENE MARIA MANYATHELA, 14 June 1965, 6506140620089; (5) DEONE BOOYSEN, ROELAND & BOOYSEN INC, 44 LOSBERG AVENUE FOCHVILLE 2515. 013874/2018—(2) LEVENBERG, RAYMOND, 2 June 1934, 3406025036084, 11 SHAKESPEARE AVENUE, SENDERWOOD, JOHANNESBURG, 2145; (3) 10 June 2018; (5) C/O MOSS COHEN & PARTNERS, 23 WEST STREET, HOUGHTON ESTATE, JOHANNESBURG 2198 (P O BOX 659, JOHANNESBURG, 2000); (6) -. 006153/2018—(2) Jacobs, Christiaan Daniel, 7 Maart 1964, 6403075030080, 149 Nicola Street, 8 Lynessa, Wonderboom, Pretoria; (3) 17 April 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 011482/2018—(2) HODGSKIN, LESLIE, 22 September 1926, 2609225063086, 48B FENTER STREET , HEIDELBERG , 1441; (3) 25 April 2018; (5) SONNEKUS ATTORNEYS, 59 HF VERWOERD STREET HEIDELBERG 1441. 012440/2017—(2) TRUTER, MARIE, 15 Junie 1939, 3906150015084, TOWNHOUSE, KILNERPARK MAISSONETTES NR 8; (3) 18 Augustus 2017; (5) WOUTER VAN WERKHOVEN, PO BOX 75455, LYNNWOOD RIDGE, PRETORIA, 0040. 013783/2018—(2) GRUSIN, RHONA, 15 November 1922, 2211150042084, 16 GRANTWOOD CLOSE, 36 GRANT AVENUE, NORWOOD JOHANNESBURG; (3) 10 June 2018; (5) C/O MOSS COHEN & PARTNERS, 23 WEST STREET HOUGHTON ESTATE JOHANNESBURG 2198 (P O BOX 659 JOHANNESBURG 2000); (6) -. 012389/2018—(2) SMITH, PATRICIA AUDREY, 11 February 1935, 3502110014083, UNIT 5 VILLAGE WALK RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 24 KIRSCHNER ROAD, BRENTWOOD PARK, BENONI; (3) 24 December 2017; (5) CORNELIUS MICHAEL RAUTENBACH, 136 PRETORIA ROAD, RYNFIELD, BENONI 1501. 012938/2018—(2) NDHLOVU, DAVID JAPAN, 15 October 1962, 6210155433088, 3154 MOKHARI STREET, EXT 6; (4) SUZAN RAMATSOBANE MALATJI, 29 April 1977, 7704290565084; (5) SUZAN RAMATSOBANE MALATJI, 3154 MOKHARI, DIEPSLOOT EXT 6. 004068/2018—(2) MABIDI, FHATUWANI DAVID MABIDI, 15 August 1962, 6208155808085, STAND 11980 KAGISO EXT.6; (3) 4 November 2002; (4) LUVHENGO JUDITH MABIDI, 30 August 1964, 6408300783080; (5) LUVHENGO JUDITH MABIDI, STAND 11890 KAGISO EXT.6. 013933/2018—(2) Colley, Eric, 30 May 1935, 3505305091089, Plot 60/61 Cornelius Street, Weltevredenpark; (3) 28 May 2018; (5) Etienne Doyle Vlok, 1st Floor, Burich Building, 21 Clew Street, Monument, Krugersdorp; (6) 30. 12767/2018—(2) KEET, JOHAN DIEDERIK MOHR, 24 August 1958, 5808245060083, 345 MACKENZIE STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; (3) 18 May 2018; (5) VILJOEN WAGNER ATTORNEYS, 41 EHMKE STREET, NELSPRUIT, 1200. 007094/2018—(2) ECKARD, THERESA, 14 July 1939, 3907140049084, 35 ADELAAR CRESCENT, RANDPARK RIDGE; (3) 29 April 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, Private Bag X25 , Hatfield, 0028.

This gazette is also available free online at 48 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

6465/2018—(2) Panagos, Ann Rosaline Marie, 9 December 1934, 3412090006085, Glenhaven Retirement Centre, Ken Droste Care Unit 38, 282 Annette van Zyl Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (3) 23 May 2018; (5) Charl Francois Erasmus, P.O. Box 158, Pretoria, 0001. 3146/2018—(2) WEPENER, ELIZABETH CATHERINA DE VILLIERS, 14 July 1928, 2807140016086, 138 BOYES CRESCENT, GROOTFONTEIN COUNTRY ESTATES, PRETORIA NOORD; (3) 9 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, Private Bag X25 , Hatfield, 0028. 013957/2018—(2) Ntuli, Shumani Patrick, 30 March 1988, 8803305680083, 506 Ursula Mansion,46 Klein Street, , Johannesburg; (3) 29 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) R.E Makgale Attorneys, Suite 501, 5th Floor His Majesty’s Building, Corner Eloff & Commissioner Streets, Johannesburg CBD; (6) N/A. 012335/2018—(2) Shaw, Nancy Amy, 28 February 1923, 2302280029081, 55 Rose Lodge, Elm Park, Suzanne Crescent, Northcliff; (3) 21 April 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box1291, Parklands, 2121to Creditors in Deceased Estate; (6) 30. 015769/2017—(2) De Bruin, Martha Johanna, 16 March 1926, 2603160009089, 685 Tottum Street, Dorandia, Pretoria; (3) 12 October 2017; (5) Matthys Van As Joubert, Brooklyn Office Park, Block B, Suite B-04, 105 - 107 Nicolson Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. 14265/2018—(2) Opperman, Philippus Albertus, 4 Maart 1945, 4503045049086, Nr 12 Terra Nova, Tsitsikamma straat 21, Cosmos Ridge, Trichardt, 2300; (3) 8 Mei 2018; (4) Jacomina Magrietha Aletta Opperman, 14 April 1951, 5104140048088; (5) DJR Schutte, Citadel Fiduciary, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, 9300; (6) Geen. 005879/2018—(2) BREYTENBACH, ANNA MARIA, 29 October 1949, 4910290020086, 13 ERNESTIA, 572 ERNEST STREET, PRETORIA-GARDENS X2, 0082; (3) 3 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NICOLENE BARKHUIZEN ATTORNEYS, 557 POWELL STREET, PTA-GARDENS X 2 0082 OR PO BOX 48942 HERCULES 0030. JHB014467/2018—(2) KHANYE, PHALADI ELIAS, 5 August 1951, 5108055374082, 8 DLAMINI STREET DOBSONVILLE, SOWETO; (3) 8 April 2018; (5) M.L. MATEME ATTORNEYS, 46 VICTORIA AVENUE, P.O. BOX 2105, BENONI 1500. 012339/2018—(2) Schlebusch, Diederiks Johannes, 24 November 1948, 4811245097080, 131 Ouklip Avenue, Wilropark, 1724; (3) 2 April 2018; (4) Francina Catherina Schlebusch, 21 October 1953, 5310210107080; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 2191, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 12452/2018—(2) EUDEY, JEAN MABEL, 19 August 1936, 3608190005089, 46A 6TH STREET HOUGHTON ESTATE, 2198; (3) 8 April 2018; (5) Larissa Erna Kelbrick, 1 Tuscany Office Park, 6 Coombe Place, , 2191; (6) 30. 6215/2018—(2) DUIKER, ITUMELENG BENJAMIN, 21 December 1939, 3912215284087, JOHANNESBURG - SOWETO; (3) 25 September 2016; (4) DAPHNE DUIKER, 12 February 1947, 4702120548083; (5) GERRIT VAN DEN BURG, BLOCK C, EQUITY PARK, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN. 007145/2018—(2) Britz, Johan Lourens, 3 March 1955, 5503035140084, 135 Dickinson Road, Benoni; (3) 20 December 2017; (4) Patricia Lillian Gladys May Britz, 26 June 1956, 5606260162085; (5) FPM Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd represented by Wayne Visser, No 2 Jameson Avenue, Melrose Estate 2196. 14104/2018—(2) WIGGINS, AMANDA, 29 Januarie 1953, 5301290054086, 63 OUTENIQUA STREET, SONLANDPARK, VEREENIGING; (3) 19 Junie 2018; (4) JACOB FRANCOIS JANSE VAN RENSBURG WIGGINS, 2 Junie 1948, 4806025053089; (5) CHRISTO JOHANN OOSTHUIZEN, NASHET BUILDING, UNIT 4, KENNETH STREET, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN. 13794/2011—(2) MAGAGULA, ELIZABETH, 16 October 1967, 6710160512081, 1608 COLTS STREET NELLMAPIUS EXT. 3 PRETORIA 0162; (3) 22 October 2009; (5) BARNARD PATEL INC, 17 IVY STREET, CLYDESDALE HATFIELD, PRETORIA, 0028; (6) N/A. 012137/2016—(2) De Swardt, Wiebrandt, 9 September 1965, 6509095086082, 9 Heide Road, Generaal Alberts Park, Alberton 1449; (3) 27 January 2015; (4) n/a n/a; (5) André Christo Du Toit - Nominee of Rubicon Trust Company Limited, 73 Beyers Naude Drive, Cnr Beyers Naude Drive & Preller Drive, Roosevelt Park, Randburg 2195. 13109/2018—(2) MARAN, PAUL YAGAMBARAM MAREN, 30 July 1947, 4707305154086, 61 Rothsay Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg; (3) 3 February 2018; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 24669/2017—(2) WORRALL, JASON LEE ROBERT, 28 April 1970, 7004285067083, 28 Maple Row, Maple Drive, Northwold, Gauteng; (3) 26 September 2017; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 13443/2018—(2) BRADLEY, BRIAN STEPHEN MOUNTAIN, 6 September 1951, 5109065013082, 9 Tiffany Manor, 114 - 10th Avenue, Ravenswood, Boksburg; (3) 19 April 2018; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 012141/2016—(2) De Swardt, Magdalena, 10 January 1967, 6701100098083, 9 Heide Road, Generaal Alberts Park, Alberton 1449; (3) 19 March 2016; (4) n/a n/a; (5) André Christo Du Toit - Nominee of Rubicon Trust Company Limited, 73 Beyers Naude Drive, Cnr Beyers Naude Drive & Preller Drive, Roosevelt Park, Randburg 2195. 13105/2018—(2) Nel, Dawn, 18 April 1938, 3804180002083, Flamwood Frail Care, Buffeldoorn Street, Flamwood Estates, Klerksdorp; (3) 15 February 2018; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 012772/2018—(2) RAMPHAL, MADHAN, 30 July 1945, 4507305098089, 14 LES MAISONS, 18 STIRLING STREET, WAVERLEY, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 1 June 2018; (5) SUCHITA RAMPHAL, 20 HASWELL STREET, OAKLANDS, JOHANNESBURG, 2192. 26380/2017—(2) Radebe, Maria Judith, 12 September 1943, 4309120314084, 395 Jiyane Street, Skosana Section, Katlehong; (3) 4 November 2017; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 49

002156/2018—(2) MASHA, MABASA MICCA, 4 April 1962, 6204046499085, 25409, 111 NTSIKITI STREET,MAMELODI EXT 4; (3) 12 July 2017; (4) MEHLOTE PATRICIA MASHA, 12 June 1963, 6306121021088; (5) Hlamalane Jerry Musi, P.O Box 651, Pretoria, 0001. 7120/2016—(2) DE NOON, ALEXANDER, 10 Julie 1952, 5207105098087, PLOT 58, GOUDVLAKTE WES, CARLETONVILLE, 2499; (3) 1 Maart 2018; (5) SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 011938/2018—(2) Singh, Roopsunker, 29 October 1951, 5110295141081, 1984 Cosmos Street, South Ext 1, Gauteng, 1835; (3) 17 January 2018; (4) Shikuntla Singh, 27 March 1953, 5303270154084; (5) Shikuntla Singh, 1984 Cosmos Street, Lenasia South Ext 1, Gauteng, 1835. 010091/2009—(2) Conjwa, Sbabatyi Stewart, 7 February 1923, 2302075126084, 952 Mangope drive, Munsieville, Krugersdorp, 1775; (3) 24 November 2006; (4) Phokwane Dorcas Conjwa, 4 December 1943, 4312040203080; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 017747/2017—(2) Papatheophilou, Basil, 14 September 1944, 4409145171087, 28 Kouga Street, Winchester Hills Extension 1, 2091; (3) 17 July 2017; (4) Barbara Papatheophilou, 1 June 1947, 4706010159083; (5) Robert David Lees, LDC Accounting and Tax Consultants Inc, 1st Floor North Wing, Voltex House, 3, River Road, Bedfordview 2007 P.O. Box 512, Bedfordview, 2008. 025871/2016—(2) FRITZ, HENDRIK CHRISTIAN FRITZ, 15 April 1940, 4004155064080, SCHOONGEZICHT 6, WITTENBERG STREET 24, BERGBRON, 1709; (3) 3 October 2016; (5) JACO COETZEE, CLEARWATER OFFICE PARK B3, CNR CHRISTIAAN DE WET ROAD AND MILLENIUM BOULEVARD, ROODEPOORT. 014390/2018—(2) MOORE, LESLIE CHARLES MOORE, 28 January 1947, 4701285124185, 7 YELLOW STONE, NARSISSUS STREET, WELTEVREDEN PARK; (3) 13 October 2017; (4) AUDREY MOORE, 8 May 1965, 6505080016084; (5) BRIAN ALBERTS & ASSOCIATES INC., Unit 2 Block A, Rock Cottage Office Park, Weltevreden Park; (6) 30. 023439/2017—(2) NACHOFF, MICHAEL, 10 December 1926, 2612105048086, 10 MONT NORTE, MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE, NORTHCLIFF VIEW EXT 5, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 22 August 2017; (5) BERNIE HERBERG, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE, JOHANNESBURG, 2196. 012951/2017—(2) SOCHIFA, KEGALIMILE PHYLLIS DAPHNE SOCHIFA, 5 December 1948, 4812050566086, 101 ZONE 3 SEBOKENG 1980; (3) 28 October 2016; (5) MASIKE INC ATTORNEYS, 183 COLUMBINE AVENUE, MONDEOR, JOHANNESBURG, 2091. 28341/2017—(2) Nxumalo, Petros Themba, 22 May 1963, 6305225651089, 111 Hamberg Road, Florida, Roodepoort; (3) 3 March 2017; (4) Patience Bonisiwe Luthuli-Nxumalo, 5 June 1967, 6305225651089; (5) Dykes van Heerden Inc, 19 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort. 008864/2018—(2) VAN STRAATEN, FRANCOIS ENGELERTUS, 15 Augustus 1939, 3908155104087, 12 OAKLEAF TOWNHOUSE, 3 HAWKSHAW STREET, CE 2, VANDEBIJLPARK; (3) 19 Januarie 2017; (4) HESTER PETRONELLA VAN STRAATEN, 27 Desember 1945, 4512270065089; (5) HESTER PETRONELLA VAN STRAATEN, 12 OAKLEAF TOWNHOUSE, 3 HAWKSHAW STREET, CE 2, VANDERBIJLPARK. 4414/2018—(2) BARKLEY, RONEL MARLENE, 15 Augustus 1957, 5708150059080, 28th AVE 887, RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA, 0084; (3) 1 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MR R BARKLEY, C/O J DE BEER , 158 TROUW STREET, CAPITAL PARK, PRETORIA, 0084. 14288/2018—(2) Nel, Rosina Jacoba, 29 October 1946, 4610290035080, Herfsoord, Palm Street 10, Pasteur Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark; (3) 23 December 2017; (4) Johannes Christoffel Erasmus Nel, 27 May 1939, 3905275055082; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 14297/2018—(2) Lamprecht, Marlene Martha, 1 January 1950, 5001010069089, 1 Fern Valley, 369 Main Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; (3) 10 May 2018; (4) Louis Charles Lamprecht, 2 August 1945, 4508025092089; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 007698/2018—(2) Lane, Gordon Howard, 25 July 1931, 3107255034084, 1 Bosleigh Lodge, Tiger Road, Birchleigh, Kempton Park. Gauteng; (3) 11 January 2018; (4) NA NA; (5) Lawrence Masiza Vorster Inc, 214 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth; (6) 30 days. 8757/2018JHB—(2) BURNE, RONALD WESLEY, 17 November 1928, 2811175043080, 2 Hingham Court ,79 Boeing Road East Bedford View; (3) 26 February 2018; (5) M. C. Wilkinson & Co., P O Box 868 Hilton 3245. 14294/2018—(2) Whyte, Doreen Joan, 27 May 1949, 4905270556083, 12 Beryl Drive, Fleurhof, Florida; (3) 7 March 2018; (4) Maurice Abraham Whyte, 3 May 1949, 4905035085089; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 028807/2017—(2) Green, Basil Ivan, 30 May 1938, 3805305001082, 450 Waterfall Hills Mature Lifestyle Estate, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (3) 5 November 2017; (5) C N Sweetnam Attorney, 4 St. David Lane, Houghton, Johanneburg. 7209/2018—(2) Prinsloo, Petrus Paulus Albertus, 22 November 1958, 5811225148084, Koorsboomstraat 27, Amandasig, Pretoria; (3) 17 Junie 2018; (4) Nie van toepassing Nie van toepassing; (5) Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 012341/2018—(2) Van Laar, Herman Johan, 20 May 1958, 5805205086082, 1248 Steenkoppie Street, Featherbrooke Estate, Krugersdorp, 1746; (3) 24 April 2018; (4) Chatrina Elizabeth Van Laar, 27 April 1962, 6204270154083; (5) Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 012332/2018—(2) Ramiah, Sundrasen Ricky, 18 August 1966, 6608185148081, 19 Brookside Crescent, Fernbrook Estate, Campbell Road, Craigavon, Fourways, 2193; (3) 18 April 2018; (4) Simi Ramiah, 7 April 1967, 6704070473088; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 2nd Floor Rosebank Corner, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 2193; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 50 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

2688/2018—(2) Mayimele, Seth, 27 Februarie 1961, 6102275696084, Mark Twain Straat 44, SW 1, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng; (3) 9 April 2018; (4) Rachel Rirhandzu Mayimele, 1 Januarie 1965, 6501010415082; (5) Louis Werner van Wyk, Eerste Vloer, Blok 3, Orwell Park, Orwellrylaan 4, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, Gauteng. 013072/2018—(2) Stander, Sydney Arthur, 9 August 1949, 4908095027082, Unit 93 The Image 2, 4 Dann Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, 1619; (3) 7 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 4014/2017—(2) Bester, Jurie Johannes, 16 Julie 1979, 7907165035089, Walpolestraat 18, Vanderbijlpark, SW 1, 1911; (3) 8 November 2010; (4) Beverley Bester, 2 Augustus 1979, 7908020035082; (5) De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing, Blok 3, Orwell Park, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging. 3460/2018—(2) GODSCHALK, GORUS, 5 Oktober 1948, 4810055047185, 8191 JH WAPENVELD, NOORDERKAMPWEG 26, NEDERLAND, VOORHEEN: HEILBRON, SUID-AFRIKA; (3) 2 Augustus 2007; (4) PIETERNELLA GERARDA GODSCHALK - VAN MAAREN, 13 November 1946, 4611130042104; (5) W.C. LE ROUX, P O BOX 13998, SINOVILLE, 0129. 014391/2018—(2) JOHNS, SHEILA ELIZABETH, 20 September 2018, 4109200062185, 16 ARLINGTON ROAD, BRYANSTON; (3) 6 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) GRETCHEN BARKHUIZEN-BARBOSA, 1 PROTEA PLACE, SANDTON, JOHANNESBURG 2196. 013368/2018—(2) Lambooy, Hinderieka, 21 Mei 1931, 3105210020180, Naguil 3, Drie Riviere Aftreeoord, Drie Riviere, 1929; (3) 5 April 2018; (5) Absa Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 012841/2018—(2) FERRIS, RODNEY GRAHAM, 19 February 1955, 5502195089081, 16 GRASMERRIE STREET, DINWIDDIE, GERMISTAN, GAUTENG, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 12 May 2018; (4) NOT APPLIC NOT APPLICABLE; (5) SALLY ANNE FLETCHER (AS NOMINEE OF LESTER HALL, FLETCHER INC.), 76 OLD MAIN ROAD, KLOOF, 3610; (6) 30. 013905/2018—(2) GELLING, MICHAEL ARTHUR, 25 August 1931, 3108255016089, UNIT 14 WESTLANE, SHADY WOODS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 2194; (3) 4 May 2018; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196. 014147/2018—(2) BATE, ELIZABETH HALYBURTON, 20 October 1919, 1910200056181, G2 MAPLE, C/O WILLOWBROOK RETIREMENT VILLAGE, SANDOWN, 2167; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196. 006758/2018—(2) Kuku, Mpho Aaron, 16 November 1936, 3611165211088, 1650 Morolong Section, Kgabalatsane, Ga-rankuwa,0208; (3) 4 September 2017; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 006799/2018—(2) Jolobe, Siviwe, 1 September 1944, 4409015534083, 101 Blarney Straat, Hennopspark, Centurion; (3) 28 Maart 2018; (5) Rynhart Kruger Attorneys, 54 Hesketh Street Moreleta Park, 0044. 000728/2018—(2) Mazini, Lefu David, 11 February 1958, 5802110988080, 5 Welverdiend LH Farm, Oberholzer; (3) 8 February 2017; (4) Ntaoleng Elizabeth Mazini, 3 August 1953, 530805304080; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc, 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park,1620. 10557/2018—(2) ATKIN, THOMAS ANTHONY, 15 February 1941, 4102155041080, 18 Gill Street, Lambton, Germiston.; (3) 13 November 2017; (5) LEGAL DOCS SPECIALISTS (CK 2009/070533/23), P O Box 35134, Newton Park, 6055. 1585/2018—(2) Magakula, George, 10 June 1965, 6506105637086, No.1030 Block WW Soshanguve Township; (3) 23 August 2012; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 18890/2013—(2) Modise, Tanti Andries, 10 September 1941, 4109105472083, No.162 Mabopane-C Township; (3) 12 September 2013; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 16391/2016—(2) Moshiga, Molahlegi Philemon, 22 September 1950, 5009225493085, No.987 Block BB Soshanguve Township; (3) 22 October 1996; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 5618/2017—(2) Ntshabele, Kgobokang Martin Solly, 8 October 1978, 7810085519085, No.4070/121 Hmmanskraal Township; (3) 3 August 2016; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 014166/2018—(2) MAGERMAN, ABRAHAM JOHANNES, 6 July 1954, 5407065092084, 27 GEORGE WEINER STREET, ELDORADO PARK; (3) 14 July 2018; (4) SENECA MAGDELENE MAGERMAN, 2 October 1957, 5710020056080; (5) Ferhana Jada Attorneys, 272 Rose Avenue Lenasia. 013906/2018—(2) Lewin, Wendy Maura, 9 October 1939, 3910090065084, Unit 168, Golden Harvest 2, Bromhof, Randburg; (3) 24 April 2018; (5) Johanna Catharina Sophia Hageman, FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 013915/2018—(2) Mancha, Ruxmani, 1 March 1940, 4003010103083, Unit 41, 20 Langerman Street, Crown Mines, Johannesburg; (3) 26 April 2016; (4) Ramani Mancha, 12 September 1937, 3709125098080; (5) Fedgroup Trust Administrators, PO Box 782823, Sandton, 2146. 011444/2018—(2) MFUBU, NOMALANGA CYNTHIA, 10 May 1956, 5605100800086, 8464 JAMES DOUGLAS ACRES DAVEYTON EXT02; (3) 4 May 2018; (5) Grace-Litsitso Trust, 58 Marshall Street,4th Floor Suite 411, Johannesburg; (6) 30 days. 025159/2016—(2) Maxwell, Denis Grantham, 14 February 1919, 1902145015083, Unit 64, San Sereno, 30 Fleming Road, Bryanston, 2021; (3) 16 June 2016; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Ronald Cornelis Walterus van ’t Hof, P.O. Box 270, Knysna, 6570. 011651/2018—(2) Maxwell, Gwenneth Johanna, 11 July 1923, 2307110038087, Unit 64, San Sereno, 30 Fleming Road, Bryanston, 2021; (3) 21 February 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Ronald Cornelis Walterus van ’t Hof, P.O. Box 270, Knysna, 6570. 14792/2017—(2) Ditole, Mokhalagadi Mary, 1 February 1935, 3502010291088, No.3981 Kagiso Township; (3) 22 June 2016; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 5180/2018—(2) Marumo, Letsoamotse Eric, 7 July 1958, 5807076212086, No.5023 Zone 5, Sutelong Township; (3) 2 May 2018; (4) Nurse Leah Marumo, 23 May 1963, 6305230312081; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 51

005685/2018—(2) Worsdale, Rosemary Anne, 26 February 1928, 2802260053084, 24 Little Fillan, 11 Prunus Avenue, River Club, Sandton; (3) 2 January 2018; (5) Elsie Cathrine van der Merwe, as nominee of Maitland Executors Ltd, Maitland House 1, River Park, Gloucester Road, Mowbray. 013394/2018—(2) Reid, Sheila Joyce Lobban, 2 August 1927, 2708020072084, 35 St Michaels Retirement Village, Cornelius Street, Weltevreden Park; (3) 27 May 2017; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 013895/2018—(2) Maharaj, Shamitha, 29 June 1913, 5911290136087, 39 Mio Bella, Northriding, Johannesburg; (3) 21 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Kamil Maharaj, 3rd Floor, FNB Building, Cnr Cradock & Tyrwhitt Avenues, Rosebank. 008142/2018—(2) Malofha, Ntsieni Simon, 2 September 1958, 5809025557082, 19 Solmon Road, Unigray, 2197; (3) 12 January 2018; (4) Khaukanani Florence Malofha, 21 February 1958, 5802010149088; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 5223/2018—(2) Mokone, Samuel, 27 September 1962, 6209275387082, No.15197 Mamelodi Township; (3) 6 May 2018; (4) Mamikie Sophia Mokone, 24 August 1958, 5808240950080; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 013859/2018—(2) Poulsen, Janice Elizabeth, 16 September 1949, 4909160059182, 72 La Digue, 68 Dale Lace Avenue, Randpark Ridge, Randburg; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) Rekha Chetty, 3rd FLOOR, FNB BUILDING, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK. 3722/2018—(2) Modutla, Daddy William, 14 June 1958, 5806145803081, No.5 Ntja Street, Atteridgeville; (3) 4 October 2015; (4) Mmaphefo Ruth Modutla, 8 May 1970, 7005080807086; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 013901/2018—(2) Puren, Derick Bryan, 8 August 1939, 3908085016187, Cedar Alzheimer Care, Cedar Street, Boksburg, 1459; (3) 31 March 2018; (4) Isabella Fredrieka Puren, 1 July 1946, 4607010028189; (5) Johanna Catharina Sophia Hageman, FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 008140/2018—(2) Mareme, Letta Lydia, 10 September 1952, 5209100546086, ERF 9338 Extension 2, Daveyton Township; (3) 2 May 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 013858/2018—(2) Colyn, Madeleine Gisele, 3 May 1963, 6305030088089, 30 Bauhinia Crescent, Marais Steyn Park, Edenvale, 1609; (3) 3 May 2018; (5) Johanna Catharina Sophia Hageman, FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 4200/2018—(2) Zitha, Bobuzane Johanna, 4 July 1956, 5607040800085, No.166 Block H Soshanguve; (3) 25 March 2018; (4) Sello Daniel Zitha, 2 June 1954, 5406025254081; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 014999/2017—(2) Maluleka, Julia Mapula, 28 November 1968, 6811280879085, ERF 1330 Refentse Extension StrinkWater, Hammanskral; (3) 13 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 006609/2018—(2) Tshivhandekano, Mudanalo Tshaisa, 4 August 1961, 6108040015088, ERF 29259 mamelodi Extension 5, 0122; (3) 22 May 2018; (4) Rathayaya Albert Tshivhandekano, 22 December 1951, 5112225457082; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 10975/2017—(2) Sebuthuma, Simon Ghlen, 27 July 1980, 8007275491089, No.1620 Block B Letlhabile Township; (3) 28 January 2017; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 006987/2018—(2) Maboa, Solly Molefe, 1 March 1960, 6003015528084, ERF 1325 Block H, Kekana Gradens, Hammanskraal, 0400; (3) 22 May 2018; (4) Rose Menyelo Maboa, 9 December 1969, 6912090482084; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 014812/2017—(2) Ngobeni, Khazamula Thomas, 14 November 1953, 5311145650087, ERF 790 Soshanguve Township, 0152; (3) 24 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 014131/2018—(2) Peden, Roydon Charles, 13 February 1941, 4102135010080, Randjes Estate, 406 Carlingford, 6 Randjeslaagte Road, Johannesburg; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 13837/2017—(2) Nkambule, Goshiwe Edith, 13 March 1944, 4403130474085, No.657 Block AA Soshanguve; (3) 4 June 2015; (4) Kuli Simon Nkambule, 11 November 1939, 3911115676087; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 014136/2018—(2) Zoet, Elsie Susara Magdalena Zoet, 21 July 1942, 4207210041080, 98 Station Street, Carletonville, Johannesburg; (3) 9 July 2018; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 013397/2018—(2) Waterworth, Mary Thelma, 27 May 1930, 3005270069087, 47 Summerfield Park, 41 Carlton Street, Johannesburg; (3) 29 April 2018; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 5637/2018—(2) Le Sueur, Peter Andrew, 2 September 1957, 5709025102089, 27 Christopher Road, El Doraigne, Centurion Pretoria; (3) 30 April 2018; (5) Francois Louwrens Smith, 56 Regency Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Irene. 013902/2018—(2) VEN, JOANNES BAPTISTA, 20 October 1929, 2910200035184, 43 LEPELHOUT STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1911; (3) 2 April 2018; (4) JOSEPHA MARIA CATHARINA VEN, 15 October 1928, 2810155030182; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196. 002162/2018—(2) MBONANI, VUSUMUZI MAURICE, 7 Desember 1942, 4212075497088, 59323/59 SPRINGBOKSTREET, DE DEUR, 1884; (3) 31 Mei 2016; (4) SEIPIE FLORINA TSOAELI, 29 Julie 1955, 5507290738086; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, 7Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 13440/2018—(2) MODERN, WILLIAM, 2 October 1943, 4310025055087, 261 DEMAS STREET, SCHOONGEZICHT, EMALAHLENI; (3) 1 January 2018; (4) MARY GERTRUDE MODERN, 11 May 1947, 4705110107083; (5) WILLEM DANIEL NORTJE, 1ST FLOOR, WCMAS BUILDING, CNR. OR TAMBO & SUSANNA STREET, EMALAHLENI.

This gazette is also available free online at 52 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

6497/2018—(2) GEYSER, MARIA ELIZABETH, 22 February 1930, 3002220006087, UNIT 58 PROTEA RETIREMENT VILLAGE LYNNWOOD RIDGE PRETORIA; (3) 15 May 2018; (5) JOHANNES JACOBUS GEYSER, 24 ATHLONE AVENUE DALVIEW BRAKPAN. 007098/2018—(2) BINELLO, CARRADO, 20 October 1934, 3410205043183, 553 WITOGIE STREET, THE WILLOWS, PRETORIA; (3) 19 May 2018; (4) GRAZIELLA BINELLO, 22 October 1937, 3710220023189; (5) MERISE MONTEZ VAN WYK as Executor of SANLAM TRUST LTD, SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD, LYNNWOOD PRETORIA. 014814/2018—(2) STRYDOM, ILSE, 16 December 1942, 4212160057086, KRUINPARK UNIT 86, WILROPARK, ROODEPOORT; (3) 17 May 2018; (5) MERISE MONTEZ VAN WYK as Executor of SANLAM TRUST LTD, SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD, LYNNWOOD PRETORIA. 013854/2018—(2) Peterson, Robert Leonard, 23 August 1951, 5108235023088, 30 Wilfred Avenue, Alan Manor, Johannesburg; (3) 24 April 2018; (5) Rekha Chetty, 3rd FLOOR, FNB BUILDING, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK. 007084/2018—(2) Pieterse, Lucas Marthinus, 14 Mei 1951, 5105145013084, 1115 Naguilstraat, Montanapark X23, Pretoria; (3) 2 Mei 2018; (4) Maria Johanna Pieterse, 8 Julie 1953, 5307080058088; (5) Standard Trust Beperk, Privaatsak X25, Hatfield, 0028. 013857/2018—(2) Phelps, Penelope, 23 January 1945, 4501230004080, Unit 92 Waterval Village, Corner 3rd Street and Hendrik Potgieter Road, Florida Glen, Roodepoort; (3) 29 March 2018; (5) Rekha Chetty, 3rd FLOOR, FNB BUILDING, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK. 7025/2018—(2) CLOETE, ALETTA JOHANNA, 25 September 1933, 3309250010081, CARIBAEASTRAAT 170, LYNNWOODRIF, 0081,; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383 PRETORIA, 0001. 7023/2018—(2) GREYLING, DOREEN ELIZABETH, 5 June 1953, 5306050114087, HOBHOUSESTRAAT 17B, AMBERFIELD HEIGHTS, ROOIHUISKRAAL , 0157; (3) 4 May 2018; (4) DESBROWE CARLISLE GREYLING, 17 July 1949, 4907175021080; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001; (6) 30. 014179/2018—(2) CRUTCHLEY, HEATHER AGNES CAMPBELL, 6 May 1928, 2805060028081, 108 FLAT NO LAKEVIEW GERMISTON, DENLEE, 1401; (3) 24 May 2018; (5) LIESE PELSER - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 014181/2018—(2) HOWATT, STEPHANIE JENNIFER, 25 November 1947, 4711250045083, NABOOMSTREET 45, WILRO PARK, 1724; (3) 21 May 2018; (5) LIESE PELSER - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 12913/2018—(2) SMITH, LINDA SANDRA, 30 January 1952, 5201300119087, 49 ADAMS AVENUE, KLIPSPRUIT WEST EXT 9, 1811 ,; (3) 24 March 2018; (4) FREDDY SMITH, 23 August 1951, 5108235097082; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001; (6) 30. 7366/2018—(2) MOUTON, MARIA MAGDALENA, 6 December 1940, 4012060059087, ANNLIN PLACE 121, MATLABASSTRAAT 1849, ANNLIN , 0182; (3) 24 January 2018; (4) PIETER LAURENS MOUTON, 4 July 1938, 3807045010084; (5) LIESE PELSER - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 6536/2018—(2) WYPKEMA, ALBERTUS, 7 December 1961, 6112075145083, 4 MARBROOK PLACE, 378 MARAIS STREET, BROOKLYN , 0181; (3) 19 May 2018; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001; (6) 30. 014183/2018—(2) VAN COLLER, DAWID HERMANUS, 8 July 1944, 4407085085085, GEN FRONEMANSTRAAT 122, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1911; (3) 27 April 2018; (4) JACOBUS CHRISTIAAN STANDER, 18 June 1948, 4806185095086; (5) LIESE PELSER - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 006944/2018—(2) VILJOEN, WILHELMINA CATHARINA JACOBA, 9 March 1957, 5703090116082, ELOFFSTRAAT 301, ELOFFSDAL, 0084,; (3) 25 February 2018; (4) JOHANNES PETRUS VILJOEN, 5 July 1952, 5207055023085; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383 PRETORIA, 0001. 014186/2018—(2) WOLFAARDT, JOHANNA HENDRIKA, 29 January 1933, 3301290022085, MCMILLANLAAN 7, FLORIDA PARK, 1709; (3) 14 April 2018; (4) CORNELIUS JOHANNES WOLFAARDT, 10 November 1931, 3111105032082; (5) LIESE PELSER - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 014024/2018—(2) VAN WYK, WYBRAND ANDRIAS LODEWYKUS, 29 November 1926, 2611295019089, 3 SELBORNE STREET, BRAKPAN, 1541 ,; (3) 23 April 2018; (4) RITA ETHEL VAN WYK, 6 August 1938, 3808060011080; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, ABSA TRUST 337 PETROLEUM STREET,ABSA CAMPUS,WATLOO, PRETORIA. 394/2016—(2) PIETERSE, BARBARA MAGDALENA, 31 Desember 1924, 2412310027086, FC2 EQUESTRIA VILLAGE RETIREMENT, MEERLUSTSTRAAT 229, EQUESTRIA, 0184; (3) 3 Oktober 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 008864/2018—(2) VAN STRAATEN, FRANCOIS ENGELERTUS, 15 Augustus 1939, 3908155104087, 12 OAKLEAF TOWNHOUSE, 3 HAWKSHAW STREET, CE 2, VANDEBIJLPARK; (3) 19 Januarie 2017; (4) HESTER PETRONELLA VAN STRAATEN, 27 Desember 1945, 4512270065089; (5) HESTER PETRONELLA VAN STRAATEN, 12 OAKLEAF TOWNHOUSE, 3 HAWKSHAW STREET, CE 2, VANDERBIJLPARK. 16156/2013—(2) Mare, Kathleen Aletta, 8 September 1939, 3909080056087, Farm Schurweberg, Pretoria; (3) 31 January 2013; (5) T van der Gryp, P O Box 97559, Wespark, 0146. 013612/2018—(2) Pretorius, Johannes Frederick, 14 April 1928, 2804145006089, 29 La Gratitude Circlel, Lonehill, Ext 8, Johannesburg; (3) 1 May 2018; (5) Kerryn Franck, P O Box 55560 Northlands Johannesburg 2116.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 53

013595/2018—(2) Clifton, Cecil Victor, 6 November 1935, 3511065066188, Unit 16, Phase 1, Wilro Park Retirement Village, Hex River Road, Wilro Park, Johannesburg; (3) 17 May 2018; (5) Kerryn Franck, P O Box 55560 Northlands Johannesburg 2116. 007316/2018—(2) VAN AARTSEN, SAMUEL JOHANNES, 30 December 1943, 4312305053089, 809A 29STE LAAN, RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) 9 June 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 014021/2018—(2) PILLAY, TILLY, 1 December 1965, 6512010639084, 8 Gousbloem Lenasia South; (3) 14 October 2017; (4) Thaven Pillay PILLAY, 22 January 1969, 6901225197089; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 002886/2018—(2) LINDEQUE, CHRISTIAAN JOHANNES, 10 Desember 1938, 3812105032085, 18 BITTERBOS SINGEL, BATELEUR ESTATE, NELSPRUIT; (3) 11 Februarie 2018; (4) MADELIEF PETRONELLA LINDEQUE, 20 Junie 1938, 3806200054002; (5) SANLAM TRUST LTD, SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 007099/2018—(2) BEETGE, TOBIAS JOHANNES, 22 December 1926, 2612225042084, 318 HANS STRYDOM AVE LYTTELTON CENTURION; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 014820/2018—(2) COETSER, PETRUS WILLEM, 14 Februarie 1970, 7002145015086, HOUSE 1, FARM SPITZKOP 195 JT, SABIE; (3) 26 Mei 2018; (4) MARIEHETTA COETSER, 28 Augustus 1971, 7108280040084; (5) SANLAM TRUST LTD, SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 006931/2018—(2) Bosch, Horst, 4 April 1942, 4204045152182, 419 Danie Theron Street, Pretoria North, 0182; (3) 23 March 2018; (4) Hannah Bosch, 4 July 1940, 4007040081086; (5) Absa Trust Limited, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 014344-2018—(2) MOLOI, MATSHIDISO REBECCA, 25 September 1957, 5709250464089, 24689 KHUTSONG STREET, ZONE 1. , SOWETO; (3) 27 April 2018; (5) MEMAKGOA CLAUDIA SISHEBE, 304513 EXTENSION 25, NATURENA; (6) 21. 013641/2018—(2) Magee, Allan, 17 March 1946, 4603175088084, Unit 5, Hylton Place, Fortress Road, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park; (3) 15 May 2018; (4) Carol Magee, 10 February 1951, 5102100096089; (5) Franco Jacques de Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 014303/2018—(2) NEETHLING, MARTHINUS LOURENTIUS, 18 February 1956, 5602185113089, 14 Java Park, 3 Elandsfontein Street, Newmarket Park, Alberton, Gauteng; (3) 20 April 2018; (5) MICHELLE SERFONTEIN, 1ST FLOOR CHAMBER ON TERRANCE, EATON TERRECE, NEW REDRUTH, ALBERTON ,GAUTENG. 007468/2018—(2) Burger, Hermanus Carl Barend, 13 July 1955, 5507135008083, Holding 210 Modder East Orchards, Delmas, 2210; (3) 3 June 2018; (5) Heidi Octavie Augusta Burger, C/O Odendaal & Kruger Attorneys, PO BOX 836 Delmas 2210. 011576/2018—(2) HOLLOWAY, ARTHUR JOHN, 16 June 1939, 3906165033080, 20 NESTAD AVENUE, SUNDRA, MPUMALANGA; (3) 21 March 2018; (4) GEORGINA ISABEL MARY SEETON HOLLOWAY, 19 November 1938, 3811190005089; (5) Karen Bennett, 20 FAIRBRIDGE STREET, FARRARMERE, BENONI, 1501. 21080/2010—(2) ELS, JOHANNES MARTHINUS, 11 January 1939, 3901115012086, 49 MODDERHILL STREET, EDLEEN, KEMPTON PARK; (3) 27 August 2010; (4) MAGRIETHA PETRONELLA ELS, 7 October 1940, 4010070069088; (5) Karen Bennett, 20 FAIRBRIDGE STREET, FARRARMERE, BENONI, 1501. 014500/2018—(2) Merolla, Vincenzo, 4 November 1935, 3511045019182, Riverlodge 1, Room 1A, Ron Smith Care Centre, Elphin Lodge Complex, 222 Modderfontein Road, Lyndhurst 2106; (3) 20 April 2018; (4) Not applicable; (5) Norman Berger & Partners Inc Attorneys, 84 6th Avenue, Cnr Louis Botha Avenue, Highlands North, Johannesburg, 2192. 013848/2018—(2) Ludick, Charles Rudolf, 9 February 1952, 5202095061088, 33 Brandvlei Crescent, Extention 4, Eldorado Park, 1813; (3) 17 March 2018; (4) Eleanore Susan Ludick, 14 July 1952, 5207140013083; (5) Franco Jacques de Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 013960/2018—(2) van der westhuizen, Cornelia Maria, 8 July 1938, 3807080049088, Carinahof 8, Koringstreet 24, Fochville 2515; (3) 25 October 2017; (5) Johan Wilhelm Christiaan Nel, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 002785/2018—(2) MKWANAZI, JANE PAULINA, 23 May 1935, 3505230193083, 79 Mdaweni Street, Zola, Soweto; (3) 16 September 2006; (5) BRIAN ALBERTS & ASSOCIATES INC., Unit 2 Block A, Rock Cottage Office Park, Weltevreden Park; (6) 30. 007463/2013—(2) BANDA, ALMON WLLIAM, 20 February 1937, 3702205157082, 6005 THOKOZILE STREET ZONE 5 DIEPKLOOF; (3) 6 February 2013; (4) JABULILE EMELINA VILAKAZI /, 9 January 1948, 4801090206084; (5) RSM SA CONSULTING (PTY) LTD, P.O Box 1734, Randburg, 2125. 007463/2013—(2) BANDA, ALMON WLLIAM, 20 February 1937, 3702205157082, 6005 THOKOZILE STREET ZONE 5 DIEPKLOOF; (3) 6 February 2013; (4) JABULILE EMELINA VILAKAZI /, 9 January 1948, 4801090206084; (5) RSM SA CONSULTING (PTY) LTD, P.O Box 1734, Randburg, 2125. 014324/2016—(2) Barton, Pavel, 7 March 1947, 4703075614086, 5 Napier Street Vanderbijlpark 1911; (3) 15 May 2016; (5) Ilze Zurcher, 12 Rikie Postma Street SW1 Vanderbijlpark 1911. 7007/2018—(2) Geertsema, Paul Geert, 9 Julie 1952, 5207095112088, Vista Del Monte nr. 1, Vallotstraat, Glenvista X4, Johannesburg; (3) 1 Junie 2018; (5) PSG Trust (Edms) Bpk, Postnet Suite 96, Privaatsak X025, Lynnwood Rif, 0040. 013573/2018—(2) DE JAGER, MARTHA MARIA DE JAGER, 11 April 1945, 4504110127088, 8 TRENT DRIVE, THREE RIVERS, VEREENIGING; (3) 26 July 2005; (4) DENNIS JOHN DE JAGER, 15 July 1942, 4207155141002; (5) DENNIS JOHN DE JAGER, FIRST FLOOR, SENTIO BUILDING, C/O FRIKKIE MEYER BOULEVARD & F.W BEYERS STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK.

This gazette is also available free online at 54 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

010969/2018—(2) Avery, Dennis John, 27 November 1945, 4511275035089, Unit 18 Forestview, cnr Leonard & George Mann street, Towerby 2191; (3) 30 March 2018; (4) Jennifer Lynn Avery, 9 April 1952, 5204090029086; (5) Sean Dennis Avery, 32 Adelaide Place, Terenure ext 54, Kempton Park 1619. 004182/2018—(2) THERON, BENNIE PETRUS, 11 June 1953, 5306115194082, PORTION 66, KLIPFONTEIN 498 JR, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT.; (3) 9 December 2017; (5) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS, 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA. 011947/2018—(2) LEOMA, MICHAEL THABISO, 1 October 1970, 7010015633086, 615 MAPETLA EAST; (3) 19 April 2018; (4) MAMPHO JEMINA LEOMA, 28 August 1976, 7608281412083; (5) MAMPHO JEMINA LEOMA, 756 PILANI STREET, MAPETLA. 006532/2018—(2) Jansen Van Rensburg, Anneliese Hedwig Paula, 4 July 1945, 4507040014086, 47 Midaslaan Unit 20, Bronberg Retirement Estate, Olympus, 0081; (3) 10 April 2018; (4) Arnold Phillip Jansen Van Rensburg, 24 July 1942, 4207245004087; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 004066/2018—(2) MOKOENA, SAMSON TSHITSO, 5 April 1971, 7104055333085, 33 MAPETLA KGARI STREET, SOWETO; (3) 19 July 2017; (4) JENNIFER NCHADI BOIKANYO MOKOENA, 23 January 1973, 7301230756087; (5) JENNIFER NCHADI BOIKANYO MOKOENA, 33 KGARI STREET, MAPETLA , SOWETO. 006296/2018—(2) Naude, Michael Peter, 11 January 1944, 4401115002087, 122, Doreen Avenue, Pretoria, 0184; (3) 24 March 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 010371/2018—(2) Chaudhry, Margaret Clare, 21 January 1952, 5201210708086, 38, Maclarren Road, Johannesburg, 2090; (3) 25 February 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 5995/2018—(2) Little, Jacoba Wilhelmina Petronella Little, 22 Julie 1929, 2907220023083, Stegerstraat 236 Groenkloof Pretoria; (3) 29 Maart 2018; (5) P J A Neuhoff, Bronkhorststraat 62 Groenkloof Pretoria. 6464/2018—(2) Van den Berg, Pieter Johannes, 28 Maart 1937, 3703285004087, Equestria Village Meerluststraat 229 Equestria Pretoria; (3) 27 Mei 2018; (5) J S Neuhoff, Bronkhorststraat 62 Groenkloof Pretoria. 7199/2018—(2) VERCUEIL, PHILIPPUS CHRISTIAAN, 6 Maart 1930, 3003065009087, Van der Spuystraat 15, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, Pretoria; (3) 19 Junie 2018; (5) Constant Wilsnach, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing. Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007. 013309/2018—(2) Stones, Marjorie, 24 September 1926, 2609240088084, 16 Albuca Avenue, Weltevredenpark; (3) 27 April 2018; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, Identity Number 2809220017083 as Nominee for Standard Trust Limited, 02nd Floor, Rosebank Cnr, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue Parktown North, 2193.. 013312/2018—(2) Bezuidenhout, Susanna Josina, 24 April 1930, 3004240062082, Huis 14 Athlone Avenue, Noycedale Nigel; (3) 23 March 2018; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, Identity Number 2809220017083 as Nominee for Standard Trust Limited, 02nd Floor, Rosebank Cnr, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue Parktown North, 2193.. 013307/2018—(2) Cosgrove, Neville, 25 March 1952, 5203255115086, 37 Diemersdal Ridge Estate, Meyersdal; (3) 25 March 2018; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, Identity Number 2809220017083 as Nominee for Standard Trust Limited, 02nd Floor, Rosebank Cnr, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue Parktown North, 2193.. 013750/2018—(2) RAMASIKE, MOTSABI SYLVIA, 1 December 1952, 5212010756084, 106 GEDZI STREET,MOTEONG SECTION,TEMBISA,1632; (3) 11 May 2017; (4) NONE NONE, NA; (5) SEGALA SESHIBE ATTORNEYS, 111 IBAZELO SECTION,CORNER MAMBO & JULIUS NYERERE STREETS,TEMBISA,1632; (6) 30 DAYS. 027729/2015—(2) HATTINGH, JOHNNY CHRISTOFFEL, 9 April 1945, 4504095103088, PLOT 190, PORTION 6, MARAISDRIFT, NIGEL, 1490; (3) 21 October 2012; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) GISHEN-GILCHRIST INC, 209 ELSTON AVENUE, BENONI, 1500. 003267/2018—(2) Naicker, Kevin, 14 May 1974, 7405145493084, Unit 7 Boskruin Valley, 10 Wilgeboom Street, Boskruin; (3) 11 December 2017; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, Identity Number 2809220017083 as Nominee for Standard Trust Limited, 02nd Floor, Rosebank Cnr, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue Parktown North, 2193.. 019831/2015—(2) Matso, Abram Ntlape, 11 November 1966, 6611115719088, Erf 1295, Duvha Park Ext 2, Mpumalanga; (3) 11 April 2015; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. -—(2) CAITHNESS, THEDA EDRIS, 16 December 1926, 2612160007084, 6 SIVER SAND, 22, 4TH AVENUE, LINDEN, 2195; (3) 26 August 2017; (5) WILLEMS & VAN DER WESTHUIZEN FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 52 MONKOR ROAD, RANDPARK RIDGE, 2194. 013715/2017—(2) Julius, Moses Jemodian, 1 June 1950, 5006015186085, 288 George Hood Avenue, Eersterust, Pretoria 0022; (3) 7 July 2017; (4) Rhona Dolores Julius, 4 August 1951, 5108040666089; (5) NJ Van Rensburg Attorneys, 385 Strulands Street, Die Wilgers, Pretoria 0181. 13748/2018—(2) VELDHOVEN, FRANSCISCUS ANDRIANUS, 27 June 1951, 5106275133080, 52 Victor Whitmall Drive, Sunwardpark ext 3 BOKSBURG; (3) 11 April 2018; (5) ANTIONETTE SWANEPOEL, -; (6) 30. 013374/2018—(2) Suzman, David, 6 October 1931, 3110065005088, 421 Morning Canyon Drive, Corona Del Mar, CA92625 USA; (3) 24 February 2018; (5) Fluxmans Inc., No. 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, 2196, Ref: Jfung/mp/139116. 14401/2018—(2) Webster, Anthony John, 20 August 1947, 4708205537081, 10 Peter Road Illiondale Edenvale; (3) 21 June 2018; (5) Gregory James Webster, c/o P O Box 130258 Bryanston 2074. 14320/2018—(2) MACDONALD, SUSAN BARBARA, 29 December 1959, 5912290702084, 16 Windermere Drive, Farrarmere, BENONI; (3) 15 June 2018; (5) ANTIONETTE SWANEPOEL, MRR 650 Trichardts Road Beyerspark BOKSBURG; (6) 30. 25122/2017—(2) DLAMINI, NANA MARY, 21 July 1942, 4207210369085, 8048A TAKALANI STREET, ZONE 6, DIEPKLOOF; (3) 31 October 2017; (4) KUKU BENEDICT DLAMINI, 27 January 1938, 3801275113080; (5) Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, P O Box 42650, Fordsburg 2033, First Floor, Central House, 69-8th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 55

14626/2018—(2) Brits, Maria Dorethea Magaritha, 6 May 1944, 4405060147086, 14 Prestwick Avenue, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park; (3) 14 November 2017; (5) McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse Inc, 68 Dann Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park. 14313/2018—(2) STEYN, ELIZABETH MARIA, 25 March 1930, 3003250035087, Bethany House, Cnr. Cavendish , BRAKPAN; (3) 15 June 2018; (5) JEFFREY MATTHEE, -; (6) 30. 6181/2018—(2) MINNAAR, PHILIPUS CAREL, 5 October 1932, 3210055020087, 904 33rd Avenue Villiera Pretoira 0001; (3) 13 May 1805; (4) BARENDINA PETRONELLA MINNAAR, 27 August 1937, 3708270037083; (5) EDUARD HAUMANN SMIT, DE JAGER BUILDING C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD&SOUTH STREET CENTURION 0046. 011097/2018—(2) Nene, Sipho George, 12 June 1948, 4806125783080, 56 Loch Avenue, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) Edelstein Farber Grobler Inc., P O Box 412049, Craighall, 2024. 6750/2018—(2) VOLLENBROEK, JOHANNES GERHARDUS ANTONIUS, 1 December 1928, 2812015063189, ONS TUIS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, PARKER STREET, RIVIERA, PRETORIA; (3) 25 May 2018; (4) JACOMINA ELIZABETH SUSANNA VOLLENBROEK, 1 April 1937, 3704010073082; (5) AC Vermaak, 935 Stanza Bopape Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. 008311/2013—(2) GRUTGEN, KATHE, 13 March 1939, 3903130103189, 105 NOTTINGHAM ROAD KENSINGTON JOHANNESBURG; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited, IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157. 14867/2018—(2) MOHAMED, HASSAN, 18 April 1938, 3804185067087, 84 ST. BRIDES AVENUE, MAYFAIR WEST, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 23 January 2018; (4) MAHROONISHA MIA MAHOMED, 7 September 1951, 5109070583087; (5) SADERS ATTORNEYS, NO 1 FROST AVENUE, CNR LIME STREET, SUNNYSIDE, JOHANNESBURG. 010176/2018—(2) ROBERTSON, ERIC, 26 February 1944, 4402265449086, 9 RIVER STREET, ELDORADO PARK, 1811; (3) 22 September 1999; (4) PATRICIA ROBERTSON, 27 August 1942, 4208270090082; (5) DEBRA MEYER, 40 MARK AVENUE, NORTH CLIFF EXT 12. 028745/2014—(2) TLALI, LIMAKATSO ALINA, 16 May 1930, 3005160269086, ERF NO 528, Tladi Township 1868; (3) 18 June 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) TF MATHEBULA INC, 208-212 JEPPE STREET, MARBLE TOWERS BUILDING, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 30. 013643/2018—(2) JONSSON, SVEN PETER LARS, 1 April 1967, 6704015973184, 1196 FALCON CREST, FEATHERBROOKE, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 8 May 2018; (5) BVB ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 21644, HELDERKRUIN, 1733. 014246/2018—(2) BOYIATJIS, DORA, 13 February 1932, 3202130043085, 5 BALTIMORE ESTATES, RADIOKOP, GAUTENG; (3) 21 June 2018; (5) BVB ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 21644, HELDERKRUIN, 1733. 002361/2018—(2) POTGIETER, MARIA MAGDELENA, 28 June 1945, 4506280417082, PRETORIA STRAAT 870, CLAREMONT, PRETORIA; (3) 6 January 2018; (5) L VAN DYK ATTORNEYS, 222 BURGER STREET, PRETORIA NORTH, 0116. 2410/2018—(2) Moganedi, Ebephia Annah, 8 March 1965, 6503080225086, Stand no 888 Umcele Street Hlalanikahle Extension 3 Emalahleni 1039; (3) 22 July 2017; (5) Veronica Rebotile Moganedi, Stand no 888 Umcele Street Hlalanikahle Extension 3 Emalahleni 1039. -—(2) CAITHNESS, THEDA EDRIS, 16 December 1926, 2612160007084, 6 SIVER SAND, 22, 4TH AVENUE, LINDEN, 2195; (3) 26 August 2017; (5) WILLEMS & VAN DER WESTHUIZEN FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, 52 MONKOR ROAD, RANDPARK RIDGE, 2194. 010183/2018—(2) Olivier, Ina, 3 March 1959, 5903030195085, 19 Nightingale Road Altasville; (3) 14 February 2018; (4) Lodewicus Jacobus Olivier, 13 October 1954, 5410135015085; (5) Marnelize Olivier, 12 Avonwold Road, Saxonwold, Johannesburg 2195. 2035/2018—(2) HARRIS, INGRID ROSSOUW, 21 March 1946, 4603210103088, 22 VILLA ROYALE, TROUPANT AVE, MAGALIESSIG; (3) 21 December 2017; (5) MONIKA INGRID FRESEN, c/o P O BOX 78159, SANDTON, 2146. 031346/2014—(2) SWEIDAN, SABINA, 16 August 1916, 1608160030085, 211 PEMBURY, WEIRDA ROAD, SANDTON; (3) 6 August 2014; (5) JONATHAN SWEIDAN, 322 15th STREET, RANDJIESPARK, , 1685. 000879/2016—(2) Mfobo, Mandla David, 18 January 1977, 7701185572084, Erf 4228 Clayville Extension 34 Township; (3) 16 November 2015; (4) Kanyane Jane Mashegoana, 28 August 1977, 7708280337081; (5) Shumani. F Silamulela Attorneys, 14 West Street, Office 25/26, Second Floor, Selwyn Court, Kempton Park. 012956/2017—(2) NKOSI, VUSI CALEP, 28 April 1956, 5604285516088, STAND NO: 3196, SECTION F, EKANGALA, 1021; (3) 20 August 2018; (4) MARIA MAGDELINE NKOSI, 12 September 1970, 7009120423086; (5) MOHLOLO ISAACSON MASHEGO, 40 LANHAM STREET, A E CENTRE, OFFICE NO: 04, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT; (6) 30 DAYS. 012928/2018—(2) Bezuidenhout, Gavin Anthony, 23 September 1952, 5209235037084, Plot 72, Bapsfontein, Gauteng; (3) 3 June 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 14516/2018—(2) ERNST, HERBERT RUDOLPH, 7 Januarie 1926, 2601075048085, LILY STRAAT 9, UITBREIDING 4, KEMPTON PARK, 1619.; (3) 7 Mei 2018; (5) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc, NJ VAN DER MERWE SINGEL 13, SASOLBURG, 1947; (6) 30 DAE. 012956/2017—(2) NKOSI, VUSI CALEP, 28 April 1956, 5604285516088, STAND NO: 3196, SECTION F, EKANGALA, 1021; (3) 20 August 2018; (4) MARIA MAGDELINE NKOSI, 12 September 1970, 7009120423086; (5) MOHLOLO ISAACSON MASHEGO, 40 LANHAM STREET, A E CENTRE, OFFICE NO: 04, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT; (6) 30 DAYS. 003861/2018—(2) Balance, Joel, 16 October 1950, 5010165072087, 284 Heimwee Crescent, Geluksdal, Brakpan; (3) 17 December 2017; (4) Keitumetse Margaret Balance, 23 November 1952, 5211230657080; (5) Keitumetse Margaret Balance, 284 Heimwee Crescent, Geluksdal, Brakpan.

This gazette is also available free online at 56 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

10778/2018—(2) HLATSHWAYO, VICTOR JABULANI, 27 October 1970, 7010275570085, 2207 TSATSINYINA STREET, ZOLA, SOWETO, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 22 June 2017; (5) Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, P O Box 42650, Fordsburg 2033, First Floor, Central House, 69-8th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. 499/04—(2) NDLOZI, EUPHODIA DITOWHANE, 9 July 1961, 6107090552081, 1165 Mofokeng st., Vosloorus; (3) 11 January 2004; (5) ANTIONETTE SWANEPOEL, PO Box 26873, EAST RAND, 1462; (6) 30. 2721/2015—(2) RAKODI, TAOTE ALFRED, 2 January 1968, 6801026606082, WOLMER, PRETORIA, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 16 January 2015; (5) MARISA MOREIRA RICCO, HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS, STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS, 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE, PRETORIA. 6287/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, HEILGERT PETRUS, 12 May 1937, 3705125032087, 14 CHARLIZE PARK, BALTIMORE STREET, CENTURION, 0157; (3) 17 May 2018; (4) BERYL EDITH LANSBURY VAN NIEKERK, 12 June 1941, 4106120050084; (5) JACOBUS ABRAHAM VAN NIEKERK, 1007 SAXBY AVENUE, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION, 0157. 003803/2015—(2) NKHUMELENI, LUGISANI FREDDY, 7 February 1960, 6002075826081, ROODEPOORT, GAUTENG; (3) 2 September 2014; (4) HUMBULANI VELDAH NKHUMELENI, 12 March 1965, 6503120561086; (5) NELSON BORMAN & PARTNERS, 258 BEYERS NAUDE DRIVE, BLACKHEATH. 014441/2018—(2) Essa, Suliman, 13 December 1934, 3412135041089, 62 Penguin Avenue, Lenasia, Johannesburg; (3) 20 March 2013; (5) Bham and Dahya Attorneys, P.O. Box 2413, Benoni. 010176/2018—(2) ROBERTSON, ERIC, 26 February 1944, 4402265449086, 9 RIVER STREET, ELDORADO PARK, 1811; (3) 22 September 1999; (4) PATRICIA ROBERTSON, 27 August 1942, 4208270090082; (5) DEBRA MEYER, 40 MARK AVENUE, NORTH CLIFF EXT 12. 014433/2018—(2) Essa, Nizaam, 22 October 1974, 7410225075088, 62 Penguin Avenue, Lenasia, Johannesburg; (3) 9 March 2018; (5) Bham and Dahya Attorneys, P.O. Box 2413, Benoni. 014433/2018—(2) Essa, Nizaam, 22 October 1974, 7410225075088, 62 Penguin Avenue, Lenasia, Johannesburg; (3) 9 March 2018; (5) Bham and Dahya Attorneys, P.O. Box 2413, Benoni. 398/2012—(2) KGOPANE, THAGEDI PHILLIP, 18 September 1941, 4109185214082, STAND NO 086 MOGASHOA- DITLHAKANENG SEKHUKHUNE 1124; (3) 14 November 2011; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 014038/2018—(2) DU TOIT, LESLIE JOHN, 24 November 1928, 2811244502108, 27 CENTRE ROAD, MORNINGSIDE , EXTENSION 136; (3) 20 May 2018; (4) NONE; (5) RANEL TRUST, 2 RIANA AVENUE , NORTHCLIFF EXT:16, WELTEVREDENPARK 215; (6) 21 DAYS. 011390/2018—(2) THORNTON, VERENA HELEN, 22 January 1931, 3101220040086, 102 CARLINGFORD, RANDJES ESTATE, RANDJESLAAGTE RD, HIGHLANDS NORTH, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 14 February 2018; (4) NONE NONE; (5) TOBIAS PETRUS DU TOIT, 31 PAMIN ROAD, BEDFORDVIEW. 2007; (6) 30 DAYS. 011464/2018—(2) SCHOLTZ, WILLEM CHARL ANDRIES, 29 April 1974, 7404295076084, 97 EIGHTH STREET BOKSBURG NORTH EXTENSION; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST, NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BANCOR AVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2 PRETORIA 0181. 009644/2018—(2) COETZEE, JOSEPH ADRIAAN, 18 February 1959, 5902185111087, 16 AILEEN ROAD, ILLIONDALE, EDENVALE, 1609; (3) 26 August 2016; (5) LOGANATHAN MOODLEY, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 6196/2018—(2) RYALL, WILLIAM ALLAN, 28 May 1947, 4705285144085, 144 HODGINS ROAD BENONI JOHANNESBURG; (3) 25 January 2017; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST LTD, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG 2000. 013865/2018—(2) BRINK, FRANCES JACOBA, 11 March 1939, 3903110077080, 22 MARIA STREET, QUELLERIE PARK, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 30 September 2017; (4) TOMMY BRAMFORD BRINK, 6 November 1936, 3611065068083; (5) TOMMY BRAMFORD BRINK, 9 BEGIN STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH 1739. 010074/2018—(2) Rose, Sally Elizabeth, 8 July 1934, 3407080118189, 21 Little Killarney, Phoenix Road, Selcourt, Springs, Gauteng; (3) 29 March 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Philip De Jager, lexforum, cnr 5th street & 7th avenue, springs. 14609/2010—(2) Jansen Van Rensburg, Catherina Susanna, 28 June 1933, 3306280028083, 8 Glenkaren Avenue, Florida Glen Ext 1, Gauteng; (3) 18 July 2009; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 004596/2018—(2) GWANGWA, SHARLOTTE GOODNESS, 11 March 1975, 7503110509086, 21240 GALAXY STREET , EXT 20 VOSLOORUS 1475; (3) 23 February 2018; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 012567/2018—(2) MNYANDU, GABANGANI JOHANNE, 22 January 1966, 6601225553089, ROOM NO 141 DAVEYTON HOTEL; (3) 6 May 2018; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 008929/2018—(2) Nethersole, Michael Richard Hastings, 3 November 1967, 6711035870084, 1562 Courtfield Street, Dainfern, Fourways, Sandton, 2055; (3) 23 October 2017; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, 2nd Floor, Rosebank Corner, Parktown North, 2193. 011944/2018—(2) MQWATHI, VELI PETRUS, 11 June 1957, 5706115295088, 562051 ZONE 5 , SEBOKENG; (3) 28 April 2018; (4) NOMGQIBELO ANNAH MQWATHI, 7 September 1958, 5809070323083; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 011066/2018—(2) SITHOLE, THULANI GEORGE, 8 March 1984, 8403085630083, 1223 PALM SPRINGS , SECTION C; (3) 20 April 2018; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 008769/2018—(2) HESS, MARIE, 23 January 1925, 2501230012085, 24 THE TRAILS, 127 LINDEN STREET, SANDOWN; (3) 24 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) JUSTIN AUBREY LAPIN, C/O LAPIN ATTORNEYS, 48 ATHOL OAKLANDS ROAD, MELROSE NORTH, JOHANNESBURG, 2196.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 57

014017/2017 PTA—(2) OBERHOLZER, SUSARA JOHANNA, 16 May 1940, 4005160022088, 7 CHRISTIEN STREET, FARRAMERE, BENONI; (3) 23 September 2017; (5) JACOMINNIE MARIA WILMANS, 7 CHRISTIEN STREET, FARRAMERE, BENONI. 6728/2018—(2) KLEU, WILHELM, 15 Junie 1982, 8206155018083, TUPELA CLOSE 3381, ROOIHUISKRAAL NOORD X 23, CENTURION, GAUTENG; (3) 30 Mei 2018; (5) ELKE DE KLERK, ELKE DE KLERK VAN WESSEL OOSTHUIZEN PROKUREURS, SAXBY WEG NO 1018, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION. 004618/2018—(2) Du Toit, Pieter Andrew, 10 April 1939, 3904105131080, 856 Bosloerie Street, Helderkruin Ext 26, Roodepoort, 1725; (3) 5 November 2017; (5) AED Attorneys, 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, 1724; (6) 30 days. 007335/2017—(2) MKWANAZI, SOKA JOHANNES, 12 September 1952, 5209125451080, 15561 PITJIE STREET, DAVEYTON EXT 3; (3) 19 October 2006; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, -; (6) 30. 013165/2018—(2) FRITZ, ADREE, 4 November 1929, 2911040009082, Elm Park Village Suzanne , Suzanne Crescent, Northcliff, 2115; (3) 9 May 2001; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MOLOTO-WEISS ATTORNEYS, 230 JOUBERT STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0299. 12319/2018—(2) LONG, JOHN WALTER, 11 December 1945, 4512115091183, 15 SANDHURST VILLAGE, CLOVA ROAD, SANDHURST; (3) 16 May 2018; (5) SHARON OHAGAN, PO BOX 1001 FOURWAYS 2055. 027439/2017—(2) MOLOTO, MACHETE NICODEMUS, 10 May 1944, 4405105161084, 333 MARLBOROUGH STREET, LOMBARDY EAST, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 3 August 2017; (4) PHETHEDI MABEL MOLOTO, 4 August 1945, 4508040280081; (5) TP MOLOTO & COMPANY INCORPORATED, 4 MOWBRAY AVENUE, BENONI, 1500. 011484/2018—(2) VENTER, ARINA, 13 April 1953, 5304130026082, 9A WITSTINKHOUT STREET,OVERKRUIN,HEIDE LBERG,1441; (3) 20 December 2017; (5) GUSTAVUS KRUGER, OLD MUTUAL BUILDING 19C,CHURCH STREET,STANDERTON,2430. 011245/2018—(2) Nouse, Petrus Cornelius, 16 April 1953, 5304165745085, 31 Percheron Road, Kyalami, Midrand, 1682; (3) 12 March 2018; (4) Keromemane Eunice Nouse, 28 November 1957, 5711280844082; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, 2nd Floor Rosebank Corner, Parktown North, 193. 007494/2018—(2) NKOMO, KABELO JOSEPH, 25 July 1937, 3707255181080, 1690 SWALLOW STREET, MUNSIVILLE EXT 2, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 11 December 2008; (5) EWAN CARTER SMITH C/O CARTER SMITH ATTORNEYS, BLOCK B, GROUND FLOOR, CLEARVIEW OFFICE PARK, 77 WILHELMINA AVE, CONSTANTIA KLOOF. 014144/2018—(2) JARRETT, RORY DAWSON, 11 August 1955, 5508115202084, 5A PLANTATION ROAD, HILLCREST, KWA-ZULU NATAL, DURBAN, 0083; (3) 8 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JEREMY WOOD, UNIT 3, BOSKRUIN BUSINESS PARK, BOSBOK ROAD,BOSKRUIN. 004651/2018—(2) FORMISANO, FRANCESCA, 19 August 1932, 3208190082186, 206 AGULHAS APARTMENTS, KIRBY ROAD, BEDFORD GARDENS, BEDFORDVIEW, GAUTENT; (3) 29 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) ANTOINETTE MARIA GRAZIA FABIO & ALESSANDRA BRAGAZZI, 12B THE PALMS, FREDERICK BEYERS ROAD, BRUMA & 12 CHAGALL, 69 VAN DER LINDE ROAD, BEDFORDVIEW; (6) N/A. 013279/2018—(2) Fuchs, Irene, 9 April 1938, 3804090090186, Unit no 29 Darrenwood Village, 1st Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) J G Naude of the firm S J Naude Attorneys, 36 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Alberton 1449. 013213/2018—(2) Jele, Kaizer Mphathi, 20 February 1958, 5802205629086, 34 Kappmuiden Avenue, Leachville, Extension 3, Brakpan; (3) 13 November 2017; (4) Sibongile Stella Jele, 10 November 1956, 5611100426088; (5) Sibongile Stella Jele, 34 Kappmuiden Avenue, Leachville, Extension 3, Brakpan. 014034/2018—(2) CHARALAMBOUS, HARALAMBOUS, 22 August 1960, 6008225118089, 100 FIRST STREET LINDEN; (3) 7 June 2018; (4) ANNA MARIA CHARALAMBOUS, 22 December 1968, 6812220011086; (5) ANNA MARIA CHARALAMBUOUS, 100 FIRST STREET LINDEN; (6) 30 DAYS. 011992/2011—(2) MOTSOENENG, PANASI FRANS, 7 October 1949, 4910075509089, 2588 PHOMOLONG , REFENGKGOTSO DENEYSVILLE 1932; (3) 18 May 2011; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 012662/2018—(2) RYAN, GRANT SYANEY JOSEPH, 25 September 1962, 6209255275084, 1693 INGRAM FLAT, EXTENSION 4, ELDORADO PARK, JOHANNESBURG, 1813; (3) 5 January 2018; (4) MARGARET MAGDALENA RYAN, 16 October 1965, 6510160221083; (5) E.D VAN SCHALKWYK ATTORNEYS, OFFICE 2, OFFICE BLOCK, 26 BLUMBERG STREET, INDUSTRIA, JOHANNESBURG, 2093. 019037/2017—(2) DEYES, ISABELLA FREDERICKA, 6 September 1922, 2209060005084, THE SOUTH AFRICAN RED CROSS SOCIETY OLD AGE HOME, PRIMROSE, GERMISTON; (3) 29 June 2017; (5) SEAN DWAYNE RAMSDEN, 1ST FLOOR BLOCK A, BRADFORD HOUSE, 12A BRADFORD ROAD, BEDFORDVIEW. 013812/2018—(2) MORRICE, DOUGLAS, 9 February 1971, 7102095105083, 2080 VINCENT ROAD, DAINFERN VALLEY, FOURWAYS,2191; (3) 8 June 2018; (5) ASHNA RAMESHUR, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 014501/2018—(2) FERGUS, WAYNE, 5 May 1971, 7105055037089, 16 DESLON COURT CASON RAOD, BOKSBURG; (3) 29 May 2018; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, P.O. Box 3434 BENONI 1500; (6) 30. 003130/2018—(2) CHAUKE, ANGELINA MADITABA, 4 October 1976, 7610040962085, STAND 1382, WINTERVELDT PHASE 2, 0198, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; (3) 21 December 2017; (4) THOMAS DANIEL CHAUKE, 2 June 1974, 7406025575087; (5) PETER SEBOLA ATTORNEYS, SUITE 401, 4TH FLOOR MONOPATI, 280 VISAGIE STREET, PRETORIA; (6) 30 days. 013680/2018—(2) Gouws, Raymond, 21 April 1957, 5704215037088, Mc Lintic Avenue number 15, Dinwiddie; (3) 11 May 2018; (4) Hendrina Wilhelmina Gouws, 30 April 1959, 5904300057088; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1620.

This gazette is also available free online at 58 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

013435/2018—(2) Herman, Michael Leonard, 18 March 1930, 3003185022184, 18 Chardomey Crescent. Hurlingham Ext 5 Gauteng; (3) 17 April 2018; (5) Matthew James Paul Herman, 21 Sherbourne Place Quarts Street Jukskei Park 2153. 014474/2018—(2) CAMERON, JOYCE, 12 June 1926, 2606120014081, THE OLD AGE PEOPLE HOME; (3) 26 May 2018; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 FORSTER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (6) 30. 014774/2018—(2) FOURIE, LOUIS JACOBUS PETRUS, 3 July 1961, 6107035083085, 205 LOUIS TRICHARDT BOULEVARD, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) ARTHUR CHANNON, 693 RUBENSTEIN ROAD, MORELETAPARK, PRETORIA, 0044. 014779/2018—(2) VENTER, DANIEL JOHANNES, 31 May 1947, 4705315036087, 34 NORTHROP AVENUE, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) 10 May 2018; (4) MARTHA CHRISTINA VENTER, 4905170040089; (5) ARTHUR CHANNON, 693 RUBENSTEIN ROAD, MORELETAPARK, PRETORIA, 0044. 014983/2016—(2) BUCIKO, MBALEKELWA RAYMOND, 28 September 1958, 5808285880083, 6876 DUBE VILLAGE ,MORAVANE STREET, 1801; (3) 16 July 2015; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 014489/2018—(2) RAATHS, PETRUS CORNELIUS, 2 February 1949, 4902025044085, 43 EL-ROI, 407 BUSH ROAD, WILLOW MANOR, 0184; (3) 15 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 007972/2016—(2) DIALE, DIKELEDI HELEN, 20 January 1940, 4001200733081, 3749 ZONE 3 GA-RANKUWA; (3) 15 April 2016; (5) WENDY MOAGI, 3749 ZONE3 GA-RANKUWA 0208. 010396/2018—(2) KHOMONGOE, RASEPOTLENG CORNELS, 16 January 1946, 4601165419087, N05 BABBY JAKE MATLALA STR, UNITAS PARK EXT3; (3) 12 May 2018; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 7214/2018—(2) Pieterse, Cornelius Johannes Abraham, 19 April 1960, 6004195076084, Weirstraat 382, Pretoria Tuine, 0082; (3) 30 April 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000. 3126/2018—(2) MBATHA, SAKHISENI JOEL, 23 April 1976, 7604235422088, 44 STEENBOK STREET CLAYVILLE EAST GAUTENG; (3) 10 February 2018; (4) PRECIOUS THABILE MBATHA, 4 November 1981, 8111040311083; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30. 6942/18 PTA—(2) BEUKES, MARIA ELIZABETH, 30 January 1935, 3501300027087, ALBERTA 502, 9DE LAAN 977, WONDERBOOM- SOUTH; (3) 12 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 4th Floor, ABSA Ridgeside Office KZN | 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga, 4319; (6) N/A. 023703/2017—(2) MINE, SELLO JOHANNES, 16 December 1952, 5212165373081, 3901 PLAAKIE CRESCENT SPORT VIEW , HIEDELBURG; (3) 22 September 2016; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 012752/2018—(2) Wingate, Jerrold Keith, 20 August 1944, 488827455, 88, 9th Street, Parkhurst, Randburg; (3) 29 April 2018; (4) Nicolette Marie (Brehnan) Wingate, 9 June 1953, 567374619; (5) Arnold Shapiro, c/o Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton. 009655/2018—(2) ANTHONY, CLIVE, 30 June 1967, 6706305087088, 21 Baines Circle Street, Albertsdal, Alberton, 1448; (3) 12 October 2017; (5) ASHNA RAMESHUR, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 6409/18—(2) Hope, Jean, 25 July 1950, 5007250006087, 72 Aero Road, Valhalla, 0185; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR, ABSA TOWERS, 291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 12411/2018—(2) HLOPHE, PHOMZILE RACHEL, 3 February 1944, 4402030312080, 7554 HLAKWANA STREET, TSAKANE, BRAKPAN; (3) 11 August 2017; (5) PATRICK HLOPHE C/O GEYSER ATTORNEYS, 24 ATHLONE AVENUE DALVIEW BRAKPAN. 5978/2018—(2) MOTSENGA, MSESENYANE JOHANNES, 29 August 1942, 4208295277086, UNIT 308 ZONE M SOSHANGUVE; (3) 24 April 2018; (4) MPHO JOSEPHINE MOTSENGA, 14 October 1952, 5210140660085; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4, PHILIP NEL PARK, 0029; (6) 30. 5132/2018—(2) MASEMOLA, VICTOR, 10 December 1962, 6212105651082, 424 THAPELO STREET, MAHUBE VALLEY, MAMELODI EAST; (3) 28 October 2017; (4) MILMA MAMIKI MASEMOLA, 14 August 1965, 6508140557089; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4, PHILIP NEL PARK, 0029; (6) 30. 6736/2018—(2) Swart, Jan Stephanus, 27 September 1928, 2809275013086, Coronationstraat 56, Cullinan, 1000; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000. 5137/2018—(2) MABENA, NTOMBIZODWA JOYCE, 5 May 1962, 6205050623080, HOUSE 81, DIAMOND VILLAGE, OAK AVENUE, CULLINAN; (3) 2 March 2018; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4, PHILIP NEL PARK, 0029; (6) 30. 3123/2018—(2) MALULEKA, TOMO THOMAS, 12 August 1957, 5708125611080, 129 MAHUBE VALLEY, MAMELODI; (3) 22 January 2018; (4) MMAKHUDU JANE MALULEKA, 3 November 1966, 6611030761082; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4, PHILIP NEL PARK, 0029; (6) 30. 3123/2018—(2) MALULEKA, TOMO THOMAS, 12 August 1957, 5708125611080, 129 MAHUBE VALLEY MAMELODI; (3) 22 January 2018; (4) MMAKHUDU JANE MALULEKA, 3 November 1966, 6611030761082; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30. 5137/2018—(2) MABENA, NTOMBIZODWA JOYCE, 5 May 1962, 6205050623080, HOUSE 81 DIAMOND VILLAGE OAK AVENUE CULLINAN; (3) 2 March 2018; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30. 5132/2018—(2) MASEMOLA, VICTOR, 10 December 1962, 6212105651082, 424 THAPELO STREET MAHUBE VALLEY MAMELODI EAST; (3) 28 October 2017; (4) MILMA MAMIKI MASEMOLA, 14 August 1965, 6508140557089; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 59

6155/2018—(2) KOTZÉ, JACOBUS, 18 Julie 1924, 2407185022089, NO. 146 RENAISSANCE, PIET GROBLER LAAN, BRUMMERIA, SILVERTON; (3) 1 April 2018; (5) MARIUS VORSTER, FHBC REKENMEESTERS, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654. 13303/2018—(2) KUNENE, VUSUMUZI FREEMAN, 10 January 1940, 4001105595080, 104 JAN DE NECKER AVENUE, NATURENA, 2095; (3) 17 December 2017; (4) BESSIE KUNENE, 28 February 1950, 5002280289084; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 014084/2018—(2) Kern, Johanna Susanna, 31 July 1926, 2607310016084, 20 Lapping Street, Brenthurst, Brakpan; (3) 25 December 2017; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1620. 004616/2018—(2) Du Toit, Lydia Jacoba, 16 August 1940, 4008160109087, 856 Bosloerie Street, Helderkruin Ext 26, Roodepoort, 1725; (3) 1 October 2009; (4) Pieter Andrew Du Toit, 10 April 1939, 3904105131080; (5) AED Attorneys, 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, 1724; (6) 30 days. 2020/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, ROBERT CLYDE, 22 February 1944, 4402225066087, .; (3) 8 October 2017; (4) LOUISA EVA PRETORIUS, 17 March 1945, 4503170026081; (5) LOUW DE WITT LE ROUX, 1007 SAXBY AVENUE, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION, 0157. 5978/2018—(2) MOTSENGA, MSESENYANE JOHANNES, 29 August 1942, 4208295277086, UNIT 308 ZONE M SOSHANGUVE; (3) 24 April 2018; (4) MPHO JOSEPHINE MOTSENGA, 14 October 1952, 5210140660085; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30.


69/2016BHI—(2) SHINYA-MSI, NOLUTANDO MCDELLIN, 6 July 1982, 8207060772087, 2541 MOUNTAIN VIEW, MATATIELE AND 9 THYALI AVENUE, LOLO PARK, BHISHO; (3) 14 October 2015; (4) SIVIWE MSI SIVIWE MSI, 26 June 1979, 7906265619081; (5) Elliot & Walker, 71 HOPE STREET, KOKSTAD, 4700; (6) 30. 1768/2017—(2) Elliott, Roberta, 29 November 1933, 3311290065182, 5 Hockley Street, Miramar, Port Elizabeth; (3) 11 March 2017; (5) Christopher Robin Cornish, 1 De Villiers Street, North End, Port Elizabeth. 1042/2018—(2) BASSON, FREDERIK ANTONIE, 8 March 1933, 3303085006083, 10 SHAND STREET, KIRKWOOD; (3) 17 November 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) ANDRé VAN DER LINGEN, 8 NOJOLI STREET, SOMERSET EAST, 5850. 1992/2018—(2) NEL, AGNES, 19 Desember 1946, 4612190012086, BUREAUSTRAAT 39, HUMANSDORP 6300; (3) 3 Februarie 2018; (5) CHARMAINE BELL-CROSS, P/A NEL MENTZ STEYN ELLIS ING. BUREAUSTRAAT 14, HUMANSDORP 6300. 001526/2018—(2) Rubidge, Richard Stephen, 8 January 1929, 2901085009089, 3 Burger Street, Graaff-Reinet, 6280; (3) 25 March 2018; (5) Ralie Johanna Blignaut, 22 Church Street, Graaff-Reinet, 6280. 001526/2018—(2) Rubidge, Richard Stephen, 8 January 1929, 2901085009089, 3 Burger Street, Graaff-Reinet, 6280; (3) 25 March 2018; (5) Ralie Johanna Blignaut, 22 Church Street, Graaff-Reinet, 6280. 001005/208—(2) NKENTE, SIPHO CECIL, 19 September 1954, 5409195229081, 554 N.U.16, MDANTSANE; (3) 2 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NOMJANA ATTORNEYS, NO.5 LANCASTER ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON. 341/2018—(2) NTANTISO, NOMASITHEMBE, 10 June 1977, 7706100825087, NYONGWANE ADMIN AREA,COFIMVABA; (3) 25 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) BONGANI GIFTY MTATI OF BONGANI G MTATI ATTORNEYS, SUITE NO.109,TRACCOR BUILDING.NO.52 SPRIGG STREET,MTHATHA,5099. 6256/2017—(2) ROBERTS, CHARLES, 16 November 1942, 4211165088088, LAWS AVENUE 26,BIZANA; (3) 31 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) BONGANI GIFTY MTATI OF BONGANI G MTATI ATTORNEYS, SUITE NO.109,TRACCOR BUILDING.NO.52 SPRIGG STREET,MTHATHA,5099. 001755/2018—(2) BOSWELL, CLAUDETT PEGGY, 5 May 1962, 6205050198083, 41 GREENPOINT ROAD, BUFFALO FLATS, EAST LONDON; (3) 18 February 2018; (5) GARY STANLEY GRAVETT, C/O GRAVETT SCHOEMAN INC., THE HUB, BONZA BAY ROAD, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON. 001627/2018—(2) HOOLE, PETER JAMES, 15 October 1948, 4810155022088, 5 TWIST STREET, AMALINDA, EAST LONDON, 5241; (3) 11 May 2018; (4) VENITA ANN HOOLE, 23 February 1955, 5502230019085; (5) JOHN ANGUS MILES WARREN, c/o 34 WESTERN AVENUE, VINCENT, EAST LONDON, 5247. 001627/2018—(2) HOOLE, PETER JAMES, 15 October 1948, 4810155022088, 5 TWIST STREET, AMALINDA, EAST LONDON, 5241; (3) 11 May 2018; (4) VENITA ANN HOOLE, 23 February 1955, 5502230019085; (5) JOHN ANGUS MILES WARREN, c/o 34 WESTERN AVENUE, VINCENT,EAST LONDON,5247. 819/2015—(2) LESLIE, ERROL BRIAN, 23 September 1951, 5109235659087, 41 BOOYSEN PARK DRIVE, BLOEMENDAL, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 13 September 2014; (5) GARTH LOTZ, 152 CAPE ROAD, MILL PARK, PORT ELIZABETH. 001459/2018—(2) VORSTER, PETER WALTER VAN BLERK, 11 Mei 1931, 3105115013082, STERKFONTEIN PLAAS, CONWAY, MIDDELBURG, OOS-KAAP; (3) 25 Maart 2018; (5) ADRIAAN GROENEWALD, SAFFERY STRAAT 12, HUMANSDORP, 6300. 001428/2018—(2) MANI, NOMHLE BEAUTY, 3 October 1936, 3610030257086, 383 KOMGA, KOMGA TOWNSHIP; (3) 22 February 1998; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NOMJANA ATTORNEYS, NO.5 LANCASTER ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON. 836/2018—(2) TSENGIWE, HOFMEYR MABANDLA, 31 January 1932, 3201315078080, 8 DAN PIENAAR CRESCENT, QUEENSTOWN; (3) 8 November 2017; (4) BUYISWA BEATRICE TSENGIWE, 2 May 1932, 3205020308088; (5) MICHIEL JOHAN BESTER, BOWES, McDOUGALL INC, 27a PRINCE ALFRED STREET, QUEENSTOWN 5319.

This gazette is also available free online at 60 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

002937/2018—(2) Batty, Johanna Jacoba Elizabeth, 26 September 1931, 3109260007089, 8 Memorial Wing, Stella Londt, Cassia Drive, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045; (3) 4 June 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, 78-84 Second Avenue, Greenacres Office Park, Newton Park, 6045; (6) 30. 002821/2018—(2) Kritzinger, Tienie, 18 July 1949, 4907185059088, Kritplaas Landgoed, Joubertina, 6410; (3) 7 March 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, 78-84 Second Avenue, Greenacres Office Park, Newton Park, 6045; (6) 30. 001428/2018—(2) MANI, NOMHLE BEAUTY, 3 October 1936, 3610030257086, 383 KOMGA, KOMGA TOWNSHIP; (3) 22 February 1998; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NOMJANA ATTORNEYS, NO.5 LANCASTER ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON. 2658/2018—(2) CLACK, STANLEY BRIDGEMAN EVANS, 30 June 1926, 2606305023089, 6 RHODES STREET, MOUNT PLEASANT, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 2 May 2018; (4) MAUREEN EVELYN CLACK GRUNDLINGH, 26 November 1938, 3811260073082; (5) KAREN SANDRA LEE, BLC ATTORNEYS, 4 CAPE ROAD, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 001773/2018—(2) BERRY, BETHIA MARY HILLMOOR, 19 May 1928, 2805190022087, MADEIRA OLD AGE HOME, QUEENSTOWN DISTRICT; (3) 13 December 2017; (5) ARTHUR CHARLES BERRY, 19 GREY STREET, QUEENSTOWN, 5319. 002819/2018—(2) FERREIRA, CLARA ISABELLA JOHANNA, 21 September 1933, 3309210054088, 88 LEADWOOD STREET, JEFFREYSBAAI; (3) 23 Mei 2018; (4) IGNATIUS MICHAEL FERREIRA, 15 April 1938, 3804155045083; (5) ERNST PHILIPPUS BLIGNAULT, BLIGNAULT & VENNOTE, 55 DIAZWEG, JEFFREYSBAAI, 6330. 001662/2018—(2) DICKS, RODNEY JOHN, 16 September 1932, 3209165017082, CALLIE EVENS LODGE, CATHCART, 5310; (3) 14 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) FREDERICK JACOBUS ROSSOUW, 4 ROBINSON ROAD, CATHCART, 5310; (6) 30. 002807/2018—(2) ROBERTS, LAURA MYRA, 5 September 1924, 2409050027086, MARANATHA FRAIL CARE, PICKERING STREET, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; (3) 18 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) FREDERICK JACOBUS ROSSOUW, 4 ROBINSON ROAD, CATHCART, 5310; (6) 30. 002842/2017—(2) Ndzoyiya, Herbert Zakhele, 28 April 1949, 4904285150081, 16 Goold Street, West Bank, King William’s Town; (3) 5 September 2017; (5) Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town; (6) 30. 002971/2018—(2) Swanepoel, Illona Daphne, 26 June 1942, 4206260083083, 39 Athlone Street, Mount Pleasant, 6070; (3) 16 April 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, P.O Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057, South Africa; (6) 30. 002539/2018—(2) GUTTENBRUNNER, HANS GUNTER, 6 April 1935, 3504065067082, 52 CARRIDGE WAY, PARK DRIVE CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 8 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LAUREN ROSE HEAN AS NOMINEE OF WARWICK TRUST AND ESTATES (PTY) LTD, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 3208/2018—(2) Titi, Libazi Kathleen, 25 September 1958, 5809250820080, 5 Soga Street, Kwa Nobuhle, Uitenhage; (3) 1 June 2018; (5) JS Levy & Levy Inc., P O Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230. 002691/2018—(2) ZINGITWA, FUNEKA GLORIA, 27 July 1963, 6307270796082, NO. 15 ZIGZAG AVENUE NORWOOD MTHATHA; (3) 24 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) UNATI NKULULEKO ZINGITWA, NO.15 ZIGZAG AVENUE NORWOOD MTHATHA; (6) 30 DAYS. 554/2018—(2) SOPETE, BABALWA VERONA, 24 July 1975, 7507240652088, 8 TRAFFORD ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, EAST LONDON; (3) 28 December 2017; (5) PUMLA MNCWANGO INC, 10 DOUGLAS ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON. 3292/2018—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN, REUBEN, 18 Augustus 1939, 3908185016087, F4 Dunant Park, Sewende Laan, Port Elizabeth; (3) 20 Junie 2018; (4) Anette Janse van Vuuren, 6 April 1943, 4304060057082; (5) Pierre Kemp, Hoofstraat 20, Despatch. 003061/2018—(2) KILROE, GODFREY NOEL, 23 December 1948, 4812235090085, 2 DELVILLE ROAD, LORRAINE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 22 April 2018; (4) SHIRLEY ANN KILROE, 23 July 1950, 5007230070088; (5) GARETH BASILICO, 89 PROSPECT ROAD, WALMER, PORT ELIZABETH. 001808/2018—(2) TURNER, GRAHAM LAWRENCE, 25 August 1938, 3808255094180, 33A MOTH COTTAGE, NELSON AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, EAST LONDON 5247; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) GREYVENSTEINS ING, POSBUS 754, PORT ELIZABETH 6000. 1235/2017—(2) Kilian, Jacobus Wilhelmus, 18 August 1945, 4508185128087, 27 Dolfyn, Boekenhout Street, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 16 October 2000; (4) Deanna Kilian, 6 November 1947, 4711060110002; (5) Joelene Brown, 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 002977/2018—(2) AUDOUIN, MARIE-LOUISE, 25 October 1937, 3710250059087, 3 FROST STREET, UITENHAGE, PORT ELIZABETH 6229; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) GREYVENSTEINS ING, POSBUS 754, PORT ELIZABETH 6000. 1777/2018—(2) Landman, Carel Retief, 14 Julie 1935, 3507145029089, Geelhoutboom, Alexandria; (3) 1 Maart 2018; (4) Johanna Helena Christina Landman, 18 Oktober 1938, 3810180017088; (5) Millers Ingelyf, Beaconhuis, Meadestraat 123, George. 297/2018—(2) TUSWA, NONTSIEELELO PATRICIA TUSWA, 6 December 1940, 4012060310084, HACKNEY VILLAGE, WHITTLESEA, 5360; (3) 13 January 2018; (5) BRENDA MARIAN CAMPBELL, 87 HIGH STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139. 5473/2017—(2) BOUSEMA, OTTO, 24 July 1934, 3407245105188, 1108 LELANE, CATHCART ROAD, HUMEWOOD, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 22 June 2017; (4) GILLIAN PATRICIA GERTRUDE BOUSEMA, 27 January 1937, 3701270098189; (5) GILLIAN PATRICIA GERTRUDE BOUSEMA, 10 WEYBRIDGE DRIVE, WEYBRIDGE PARK, PORT ELIZABETH. 001820/2018—(2) Hartley, Maisie Aileen, 27 May 1926, 2605270018082, Amatola Haven, Stutterheim; (3) 27 May 2018; (5) Deborah Anne Godwin, Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 8081, Nahoon 5210. 2040/2018—(2) MGADI, MAKHWENKWANA WELLINGTON, 1 November 1952, 5211015769084, 1865 THYALI STREET, PORT ALFRED, 6170; (3) 22 June 2018; (4) THANDISWA MARGARET MGADI, 7 July 1954, 5407070813086; (5) BRENDA MARIAN CAMPBELL, 87 HIGH STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 61

003233/2018—(2) Leibrandt (Born Damons), Denise, 23 September 1967, 6709230119083, 2 Armeria Crescent, Bethelsdorp, Port Elizabeth; (3) 24 May 2018; (4) Elton Frans Leibrandt, 1 June 1965, 6506015104086; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 3239/2018—(2) Tsotsa, Tandeka Gloria, 25 August 1956, 5608250869083, 33 Ntlabathi Street, Kwanobuhle, Uitenhage, 6242; (3) 19 May 2018; (4) Bongani Headman Tsotsa, 10 January 1969, 6901105890084; (5) Zonke Budaza Attorneys, 192 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth. 002515/2018—(2) Mbiza, Mawongene, 27 August 1951, 5108275635080, New Rest Location Qokolweni Administrative Area, Mthatha; (3) 10 April 2018; (4) Ncebakazi Dorcas Mbiza, 20 October 1950, 5010200162083; (5) NB Mtshengu Macingwane Inc., No 14 Durham Street, Office No 40, Mthatha. 000174/2018—(2) SOKOYI, MONGEZI ARCHIE, 17 June 1945, 4506175310087, 996 NU 9 MDANTSANE; (3) 16 January 2018; (4) NOMPUMELELO SYLVIA MQOTYWA-SOKOYI, 11 March 1950, 5003110399085; (5) NOMPUMELELO SYLVIA MQOTYWA-SOKOYI, 996 NU9 MDANTSANE; (6) 30 DAYS. 000983/2017—(2) van Heerden, Denise Lesley, 28 October 1941, 4110280092084, 32 Kabega Park Retirement Village, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 1 September 2016; (5) T.I.A.M. Executors and Trustees CC, P.O. Box 35074, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055. 1117/2018—(2) Fraser, John Meikle, 14 November 1945, 4511145118180, 4 Kidd Lane, King Williams Town; (3) 28 December 2017; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 000663/2018—(2) BOOI, THABO, 6 January 1976, 7601065277087, 789E SECTION NEEDS CAMP, EAST LONDON; (3) 25 August 2017; (5) NCUMISA NOMFUNDO NONGOGO, 7 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; (6) 30 DAYS. 002905/2018—(2) Galloway, James Smith, 27 January 1927, 2701275048081, 76 Fairhaven Retirement Village, 1 Woodehad Drive Humewood, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 26 March 2018; (5) Silma Hamdulay nominee of Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 2891/2018—(2) AMERSEDER, MATHAEUS, 27 June 1951, 5106275037083, 13 LORSAN AVENUE PARADISE BEACH 6300; (3) 19 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MAURITZ HERMAN OTTO PIETERSE, 22 SCHELDE STREET JEFFREYS BAY 6330. 001456/2018—(2) DAMANE, PATRICIA NOMVUYISEKO, 1 April 1966, 6604010854084, 15 RIVER GLEN STREET, AMALINDA, EAST LONDON; (3) 24 March 2018; (5) NCUMISA NOMFUNDO NONGOGO, 7 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; (6) 30 DAYS. 937/2018—(2) NGXILA, LOUISA, 18 July 1926, 2607180293086, 1281 NU6 MDANTSANE; (3) 9 February 2018; (5) NIEHAUS McMAHON ATTORNEYS, 43 UNION AVENUE, SELBORNE, EAST LONDON.


2613/2018—(2) DUPPER, BEATRIX MAGDALENA JANETTA, 31 October 1971, 7110310306089, 67 OLIENHOUTSTREET, VIERFONTEIN 2615; (3) 5 March 2018; (5) CLAASSENS VAN NIEKERK INC, P. O. BOX 1378, ORKNEY, 2620. 8373/2016—(2) Ditira, Letebele David, 18 Junie 1963, 6306185760084, 8 Besembos Street Bothaville 9660; (3) 1 Julie 2016; (4) Lydia Motlapula Ditira, 30 November 1963, 6311300809089; (5) Coreen Steyn, 62 President Street Bothaville 9660. 4798/2018—(2) ACKERMAN, ANNA ELIZABETH, 21 Mei 1927, 2705210024081, SALLY MARTIN VERSORINGSEENHEID, MULLERSTRAAT 13, PARYS, 9585; (3) 28 Mei 2018; (5) CHRISTO ACKERMAN, P/A KERKSTRAAT 17, PARYS, 9585. 4698/2018—(2) KITCHING, EBENHAèZER, 25 Desember 1943, 4312255089083, BELLEVUELAAN 4A, PARYS, 9585; (3) 2 Junie 2018; (4) ANNA PETRONELLA KITCHING, 19 Februarie 1945; (5) EBENHAèZER KRIEK, P/A KERKSTRAAT 17, PARYS, 9585. 002912/2018—(2) Dry, Gustav Columbus Fouche, 16 August 1957, 5708165141089, 117 Wendy Lane, Deneysville; (3) 18 January 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, Standard Trust Ltd, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324; (6) 30. 004105/2018—(2) VENTER, JOHANNA HELENA, 27 Maart 1952, 5203270004083, RUSHOF OUETEHUIS NR. 22, KAREL KRAUSESTRAAT, HENNENMAN, VRYSTAAT PROVINSIE; (3) 29 April 2018; (5) STEYN PROKUREURS, CHATEAU JANNEMAN, STAATSWEG 373, WELKOM, 9459. 5341/2018—(2) MOLUPE, TOBELLA ROSSY, 30 April 1938, 3804300233089, 46 GELDENHUYS STREET, REITZPARK,WELKOM; (3) 14 April 2018; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat , Welkom, 9460. 5094/2018—(2) BOTHA, LOURENS RASMUS, 5 September 1961, 6109055037082, 13 MARITZ STREET, DAGBREEK, WELKOM.; (3) 7 June 2018; (4) BARINDA BOTHA, 4 July 1967, 6707040062089; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat , Welkom, 9460. 4933/2018—(2) ACKERMANN, CAROLINA PETRONELLA, 16 September 1915, 1509160045083, VERSORGINGSENTRUM NAJAARSRUS, DOLFSTRAAT, PARYS, 9585; (3) 5 Junie 2018; (5) EBENHAèZER KRIEK, P/A KERKSTRAAT 17, PARYS, 9585. 5013/2018—(2) Snyman, Magritha Hester Snyman, 26 Desember 1943, 4312260012088, 13 Albert Muller Street, Joelpark, Virginia; (3) 19 Junie 2017; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) Hermanus Steyn Badenhorst, 117 Gawie Theron Avenue, Harmony, Virginia.

This gazette is also available free online at 62 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

4726/2018—(2) Petzer, Lourens Johannes, 30 Julie 1947, 4707305039089, 5 Charismah Townhouses, 169 Danie Erasmusstreet, Merriespruit, Virginia; (3) 4 Mei 2018; (4) Anna Magrietha Maria Petzer, 30 Januarie 1949, 4901300021081; (5) Hermanus Steyn Badenhorst, 117 Gawie Theron Avenue, Harmony, Virginia. 2119/2018—(2) BOTHA, THEUNIS STEFANES, 1 Oktober 1958, 5810015079087, A102 SUNSET RIVER RESORT, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) 2 Februarie 2018; (4) CHRISTINA GERTUIDA BOTHA, 16 Junie 1960, 6006160119088; (5) ANDRIES LOUIS VISSER - AGENT, BARNES STRAAT 24, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 674/2015—(2) Mazibuko, Tshane Ben, 24 December 1964, 6412245530085, 46 Osmium Street, Virginia Ext 6, Bloemfontein; (3) 30 December 2014; (4) Mmamodupe Silina Mazibuko, 18 September 1968, 6809180431080; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 005053/2018—(2) Rawlings, John, 1 Mei 1933, 3305015030083, Ouhoutlaan 12 Harrismith 9880; (3) 12 Junie 2018; (4) Nie van toepassing; (5) Balden Vogel & Vennote Ing, Posbus 22 Harrismith 9880. 4924/2018—(2) REYNEKE, CORNELIS JOHANNES FREDERIK, 15 November 1938, 3811155079087, STEABLERSTRAAT 9A, HARRISMITH, 9880; (3) 25 April 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 5011/2018—(2) GOUWS, JOHANNES FLORIS CORNELIUS, 28 Oktober 1960, 6010285047083, 2 BRINDISISTRAAT, FLAMINGO PARK, WELKOM, 9460; (3) 28 April 2018; (4) DEBRA WYNNE GOUWS, 1 November 1964, 6411010017088; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 004934/2018—(2) DU PREEZ, JOHANNA MAGRIETHA, 18 Oktober 1929, 2910180036087, HUIS MARANATA, VAN ZYLSTRAAT, BOTHAVILLE, 9660; (3) 11 Mei 2018; (5) LODEWYK STEPHANUS JACOBUS STOLS, PRESIDENTSTRAAT 13, BOTHAVILLE, 9660; (6) 30 DAE. 3855/2018—(2) Dippenaar, Hendrik Oostenwald, 21 April 1956, 5604215017082, Grewarlaan 4, Parys, 9585; (3) 22 April 2018; (5) Jacob Petrus Coetzee, P/a Mnre Coetzees Ing, Buitenstraat 25, Posbus 5, Parys, 9585. 004917/2018—(2) Nel, Jan Jacobus, 26 Januarie 1939, 3901265020087, 236 Westerbloem Fase 8, Willows, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) 7 Junie 2018; (5) Willem Stephanus Botha, 1ste Vloer, Nedbank Gebou, Pres. Boshoffstraat 17, Bethlehem, 9701. 449/2012—(2) STEMMET, JACOBA CATHARINA, 9 October 1944, 4410090057081, 45 HENRY DYTER STREET, UITSIG, KROONSTAD; (3) 12 November 2011; (4) DANIEL JACOBUS STEMMET, 28 March 1942, 4203285004087; (5) BOTHA ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 250, KROONSTAD. 4785/2018—(2) VILJOEN, IAN, 26 Februarie 1968, 6802265014087, BACHRUST FARM, TIERPOORT, BLOEMFONTEIN,9301; (3) 22 Mei 2018; (4) YOLANDA VILJOEN, 24 November 1965, 6511240038083; (5) LEO KRUGER, POSBUS 38, KOFFIEFONTEIN, 9986. 8086/2017—(2) GELDENHUIS, CHARODU LEVINA, 23 November 1929, 2911230021087, ROZENHEIM RETIREMENT VILLAGE BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 7 Augustus 2017; (5) Karen Van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, Pretoria, 0072. 003137/2018—(2) ROBERTS, DANIEL GERHARDUS, 29 November 1949, 4911295159084, 51 WAVERLEY ROAD, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE, 9301; (3) 15 March 2018; (5) CHAVONNES BADENHORST St CLAIR COOPER, WEST WING, 1ST FLOOR, HONEY CHAMBERS, NORTHRIDGE MALL, KENNETH KAUNDA ROAD, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 5375/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, JOHANNES HENDRIK, 24 April 1961, 6104245087089, MELVILLE RYLAAN 52, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (3) 23 June 2018; (5) JOHN DOUGLAS ANDERSON, 165 ST ANDREW STRAAT, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (6) 30. 5006/2015—(2) NOVEMBER, MZWAKE CANNON SOLOMON, 14 Oktober 1955, 5510145700087, 26079 MASETI STREET, MANGAUNG, PHAHAMENG; (3) 30 September 2014; (5) CHRISTIAAN JOHANNES RAATH, 121 PRESIDENT REITZ AVENUE, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 5324/2018—(2) Steyn, Maria Magdalena, 29 November 1931, 3111290036088, Parksig 5, Panorama, Bethlehem; (3) 18 Mei 2018; (5) Lina Botes, Penkopsingel 43, Generaal de Wet, Bloemfontein; (6) 30 dae. 006569/2017—(2) SEKONYELA, SETJHABA SAMUEL, 22 January 1976, 7601225311081, 2529 HILLSIDE MONTSHO STREET BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 19 April 2017; (4) LEBOHANG EUCALIST SEKONYELA, 16 October 1981, 8110160485081; (5) LEBOHANG EUCALISH SEKONYELA, 2529 HILLSIDE MONTSHO STREET BLOEMFONTEIN; (6) 30 days. 5346/2018—(2) VENTER, BAREND JACOBUS, 30 Desember 1961, 6112305035088, IBISANA MEENTHUIS NOMMER 16 FLAMINGO PARK WELKOM PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) 17 Junie 2018; (5) FB COETZER PROKUREURS, VAN HEERDENSTRAAT 45 THEUNISSEN PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT. 005206/2018—(2) Nkomombini, Vumile Zabeseya, 25 December 1958, 5812255768080, 253 Olivier Tambo Street, Bloemfontein; (3) 31 May 2018; (4) Gosekwang Cathrine Nkomombini, 23 June 1963, 6306230680089; (5) MP Dibete, EG Cooper Majiedt Inc, 77 Kellnerstreet, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 005463/2018—(2) Bekenya, Mzwamabhele Shadrack, 1 January 1959, 5901017552088, 6012 A Hostel, Thabong, Welkom; (3) 17 June 2018; (5) MP Dibete, EG Cooper Majiedt Inc, 77 Kellnerstreet, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 4736/2018—(2) De Jager, Sophia Catrina Jacoba, 31 Augustus 1934, 3408310042082, Weberstraat 3, Parys, 9585; (3) 24 Mei 2018; (5) JP Coetzee (Jnr), Buitenstraat 25, Posbus 5, Parys, 9585. 4571/2018—(2) Van Den Berg, Barend Jacobus Van Den Berg, 31 Mei 1949, 4905315086088, 41A Erasmus street, Ladybrand, 9745; (3) 22 Mei 2018; (4) Elizabeth Jacomina Van Den Berg, 15 Oktober 1953, 5310150124087; (5) Sandra-Ann Hattingh, 5 Church street, Ladybrand, 9745. 1861/2018—(2) NINIVE, SABBATH EMMANUEL, 24 July 1960, 6007245744080, 11531 LEPHOI STREET, MANGAUNG, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 1 February 2018; (4) MOTSHABI JEAN MARIA NINIVE, 13 August 1963, 6308130682082; (5) MOTAUNG ATTORNEYS, 2A HARRY SMITH STREET, WAVERLEY, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300.

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8253/2018/DBN—(2) Naidoo, Loganayagi, 25 May 1933, 3305250096088, 15 Moorcross Drive, Chatsworth; (3) 25 July 2014; (5) Pravin Ramjathan, 273 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth. 001020/2013—(2) MHLONGO, THEMBEKILE MODERN, 31 July 1950, 5007310677083, 169 FLAMBOUYANT DRIVE,DARNALL KWA ZULU NATAL; (3) 25 September 2012; (5) RAKESH MAHARAJ & COMPANY, 87 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET,KWADUKUZA; (6) 30DAYS. 8250/2018/DBN—(2) Naidoo, Rogers, 22 September 1973, 7309225246089, 21 Fiesta Road, Silverglen, Chatsworth, 40302018-04-27; (3) 27 April 2018; (4) Cheryl Naidoo, 18 February 1976, 7602180236081; (5) JD Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban. 7449/2018 Dbn—(2) Caldow, Jean Wylie, 20 June 1922, 2206200034081, 5 Bearemount Park, 4 Ryan Road, Padfield Park, Pinetown; (3) 11 May 2018; (5) Randal James Brereton, 303 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban. 7882/2018/DBN—(2) Chetty, Soobramoney, 1 September 1941, 4109015074086, 122 Crossmoor Drive, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, Durban; (3) 8 May 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) JD Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban. 009827/2017—(2) MSOMI, MZIKAYISE PHILLIP, 25 December 1942, 4212255869080, NO. 4 IMPALA DRIVE, MOBENI HEIGHTS, DURBAN; (3) 25 November 2016; (5) MUSAWENKOSI SAMUEL MSOMI, c/o E R BROWNE & SONS, SUITE 310 COWEY PARK, 91-123 PROBLEM MKHIZE ROAD, DURBAN. 4320/2018DBN—(2) LOCKAY, GANGADEVI, 12 May 1940, 4005120104083, 6 CLARECROFT PLACE, LONGCROFT, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 24 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) R MAHARAJ & COMPANY INCORPORATED, SUITE 7 AL-FALAH CENTRE, 54 PARTHENON STREET, STARWOOD, PHOENIX, 4068.. 6400/2018—(2) SHANGASE, NOFIKA, 10 November 1979, 7911100517086, C32 UJILO GROOVE, NTUZUMA, 4359; (3) 21 March 2018; (4) MZUNGEZWA ALFRED SHANGASE, 28 January 1946, 4601285240082; (5) L. A. KHAN ATTORNEYS, SUITE 118, FIRST FLOOR, QUEEN CITY, 54 DENIS HURLEY (QUEEN) STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 8021/2018DBN—(2) NAIDOO, MOONSAMY, 29 December 1941, 4112295124084, 11 TOLLBURY PLACE, EASTBURY, PHOENIX,4068; (3) 8 April 2018; (4) MUNIAMAH NAIDOO, 22 August 1948, 4808220170080; (5) R MAHARAJ & COMPANY INCORPORATED, SUITE 7 AL-FALAH CENTRE, 54 PARTHENON STREET, STARWOOD, PHOENIX, 4068.. 002682/2018—(2) COMITIS, DIMITRI MICHAEL, 27 October 1964, 6410275015084, 10 Shelbourne Avenue, La Lucia, Durban; (3) 17 November 2017; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; (6) 30 Days. 9651/2017/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, MUNSAMY, 23 October 1941, 4110235144089, 15 MOUNTAIN LAUREL LANE, CROSSMOOR, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 28 April 2017; (4) INDRANI GOVENDER, 8 March 1951, 5103080113084; (5) PRAVINA LAZARUS, 18 PALM GLADES, WEST ROAD, SONNEVELD, BRAKPAN, 1540; (6) N/A. 9075/2012/DBN—(2) KHUBONE, MBONISENI AMOS, 20 October 1975, 7510205708085, HLOKOZI LOCATION, HIGHFLATS, KWAZULU-NATAL, 3306; (3) 21 January 2012; (4) FLORENCE LUNGISILE KHUBONE, 25 December 1975, 7512281037082; (5) WOODHEAD BIGBY, 92 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4159. 006953/2018—(2) Wentzel, Carl Vincent, 3 November 1917, 1711035019083, Flat 307 Azalea Gardens, Margate Retirement Village, Margate, 4280; (3) 5 February 2018; (5) McGlashan McKeown Inc., P O Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650. 4550/2018—(2) LOUWRENS, BARBARA ANN, 8 September 1929, 2909080013089, GREENDALE HOUSE HOWICK; (3) 21 June 2018; (5) Tatham Wilkes Attorneys, 200 HOOSEN HAFFEJEE STREET PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 30. 008557/2018/Dbn—(2) Thom, Evelyn Annie, 31 March 1932, 3203310070187, 15A Macdonald Road, Westville, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 11 May 2018; (5) Elizabeth Evelyn Nicolosi, 15 Macdonald Road, Westville, KwaZulu-Natal. 008744/2017/DBN—(2) BUTHELEZI, SIHINGI NGENANGANI, 9 December 1947, 4712095353088, Q 465 MAYIBUYE ROAD, UMLAZI, 4066; (3) 7 November 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BONGEKA BUTHELEZI, Q 465 MAYIBUYE ROAD, UMLAZI, 4106. 008883/2018/Dbn—(2) Loots, Johannes Gerhardus, 11 November 1920, 2011115067089, 29 Monteith Place, Durban North, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 25 May 2018; (5) Nola Esselaar, 29 Monteith Place, Durban North, KwaZulu-Natal. 006990/2018—(2) HOLBERG, HEREL EVA, 5 April 2018, 4006160072081, C46 EDGE OF THE SEA, UMHLANGA,4320; (3) 5 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) JONATHAN HOWARD MAITLAND CHETTLE, A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS, SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE, HILTON, 3245. 007437/2017—(2) LORICKLALL, REKHA, 26 August 1978, 7808260067086, 20 MOGRA PLACE, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 15 June 2017; (4) NIRANJAN LORICKLALL, 21 June 1975, 7506215171082; (5) SERGIE BRIMIAH & ASSOCIATES, 510 JABU NDLOVU STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 012125/2017—(2) PEER, AMEENA BIBI, 28 June 1935, 3506280038087, ERF 893,PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240; (3) 2 July 2017; (5) ABDUL KADER CASSIM PEER, FIRST AVENUE, EXTENSION 12, SEA PARK. 004152/2018—(2) KHUMALO, NTOMBIFUTHI CORNELIA, 28 October 1970, 7010280714082, WARD 5, CHOLWANE, NKANDLA; (3) 20 January 2018; (4) BONGANI CARLTON KHUMALO, 30 August 1960, 6008305745082; (5) TEMBE KHESWA NXUMALO INCORPORATED, 62/64 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban. 006447/2018DBN—(2) RAJKUMAR, SIXCHADEVI, 28 September 1957, 5709280203085, 2 PAMIR STREET, SHALLCROSS, 4093; (3) 10 April 2018; (4) N/A; (5) ATTORNEYS N. MAHARAJH AND ASSOCIATES, 73 BURLINGTON DRIVE, BURLINGTON HEIGHTS, QUEENSBURGH, 4093; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 64 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

0145882017—(2) Hall, Peter Thomas, 2 January 1966, 6601025150086, 19A Westriding Road, Hillcrest, 3610; (3) 5 October 2017; (4) Erika Suzanna Hall, 9 May 1964, 6405090054086; (5) Winston Puttock Attorneys, P.O. Box 87,Westville, 3630. 4545/2018/PMB—(2) Badenhorst, Jurgens Hendrik, 8 September 1934, 3409085001089, Unit 236, 12 Harrier Lane, Amberfield, 34 Mare Street, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 23 May 2018; (5) J V Hart CC, P O Box 13571, Cascades, 3202. 13124/2007/PMB—(2) NTULI, TEMBI BEATRICE, 28 June 1946, 4606280425083, C348 MPUMALANGA TOWNSHIP, HAMMERSDALE, 3700; (3) 8 April 2007; (5) VELA CYPRIAN NTULI, C348 MPUMALANGA TOWNSHIP, HAMMERSDALE, 3700. 9327/2018—(2) FILLIS, YVONNE ELIZABETH, 27 April 1936, 3604270008085, UNIT No. Banners Rest Village, PORT EDWARD, 4295, Province of KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 22 June 2018; (5) BERYL RUBY BRERETON, BRERETON ATTORNEYS, 140 Gloucester Road, P O Box 48, PORT EDWARD, 4295. 4366/2018—(2) Porter, Jane Margaret, 17 June 1939, 3906170031087, Unit 107 Amberglen, Howick, 3290; (3) 8 June 2018; (5) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST, c/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants , P O Box 235, Howick, 3290; (6) 30. 004344/2018—(2) Peiser, Phyllis Beatrice, 15 January 1929, 2901150042080, Amberglen Frailcare, Howick, 3290; (3) 2 June 2018; (5) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST, c/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants, P O Box 235, Howick, 3290; (6) 30. 002434/2018-PMB—(2) SIBIYA, DOCTOR JACOB, 9 September 1952, 5209095262087, CARA FARM, NYANYADU AREA; (3) 18 March 2018; (4) NGITHENI ELDAH SIBIYA, 20 February 1952, 5210220242085; (5) NGITHENI ELDAH SIBIYA, SIPHO MBATHA ATTORNEYS, CNR BOUNDARY & BEACONSFIELD, DUNDEE, 3000; (6) 30 DAYS. 004500/2018—(2) Nayager, Annamal, 26 June 1933, 3306260083082, 4 Hollyhock Road, Forderville, Estcourt, 3310; (3) 6 January 2018; (4) Govindasamy Nayager, 1 January 1926, 2601015067088; (5) Lombard - Badenhorst Inc., PO BOX 18, 55 CANON ROGERS ROAD, ESTCOURT, 3310; (6) 30. 6163/2018 DBN—(2) SHANGE, SIPHO JABULANI, 26 December 1969, 6912265601088, AMANYUSWA COURT, KWADUMISA, UMGANGENI AREA, KZN; (3) 22 December 2017; (4) MAVIS ZINE SHANGE, 19 August 1972, 7208190437089; (5) MAVIS ZINE SHANGE, AMANYUSWA COURT, KWADUMISA, UMGANGENI AREA, KZN. 008577/2018—(2) NAICKER, MOOTHOOSAMY, 26 June 1940, 4006265102080, 176 SEZELA; (3) 8 April 2018; (4) JANKI NAICKER, 5 May 1949, 4905050128087; (5) SINGH & GHARBAHARAN, FIRST FLOOR, ALLYBRO CENTRE, CENTENARY ROAD, UMZINTO, 4200; (6) N/A. 9307/2018—(2) Reddy, Shunmugam Subramania, 18 November 1953, 5311185108087, 28 Rama Drive, Sandfield, Tongaat; (3) 26 March 2018; (4) Panjalay Reddy, 27 August 1952, 5208270091089; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Bank Centre, Ground Floor, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban; (6) 30. 008292/2018—(2) Cupido, Shirley Annette, 4 October 1937, 3710040069081, 91 Blackburn Road, Redhill, 4051; (3) 4 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Christopher Stuart Finlay, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia. 008744/2017/DBN—(2) BUTHELEZI, SIQHINGI NGENANGANI, 9 December 1947, 4712095353088, Q 465 MAYIBUYE ROAD, UMLAZI, 4066; (3) 7 November 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BONGEKA BUTHELEZI, Q 465 MAYIBUYE ROAD, UMLAZI, 4106. 2330/2018—(2) RABOOBEE, SHEIK HABIBULLAH, 12 July 1931, 3107125075085, FLAT2, 306 FELIX DLAMINI ROAD, OVERPORT, DURBAN; (3) 6 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) FATHIMA D RAJAH & COMPANY, 9 BISHOP ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN 4001. 4632/2014 DBN—(2) NAIDU, STRINIVASAN, 12 April 1963, 6304125223081, 43 SHERATON GARDENS, OVERPORT, DURBAN; (3) 11 October 2013; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) FATHIMA D RAJAH & COMPANY, 9 BISHOP ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN 4001. 008744/2017/DBN—(2) BUTHELEZI, SIQHINGI NGENANGANI, 9 December 1947, 4712095353088, Q 465 MAYIBUYE ROAD, UMLAZI, 4066; (3) 7 November 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BONGEKA BUTHELEZI, Q 465 MAYIBUYE ROAD, UMLAZI, 4106. 006185/2018/DBN—(2) NETTO, DESMOND ARTHUR, 12 July 1931, 3107125019083, 1108, KENSINGTON 311, NORTH RIDGE ROAD, DURBAN NORTH; (3) 26 January 2018; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 6453/2018—(2) JAIKARRUM, ELESHA EVERT ANN, 21 September 1970, 7009210167080, 5 DAKOTA GARDENS, 274 BELMONT ROAD, EFFINGHAM HEIGHTS, 4051; (3) 8 August 2017; (4) VEENAND JAIKARRUM, 6 July 1965, 6507065130088; (5) VEENAND JAIKARRUM, 5 DAKOTA GARDENS, 274 BELMONT ROAD, EFFINGHAM HEIGHTS, 4051; (6) N/A. 008216/2018/DBN—(2) Dicks, Patricia Ann, 6 July 1937, 3707060050082, 322 Nazareth House, 82 Mazisi Kunene Road, Durban; (3) 26 April 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 007296/2018—(2) HOOSEN, HADERALLY, 13 July 1993, 9307135441087, 3 THREADCLAY PLACE, CLAYFIELD, PHOENIX, DURBAN; (3) 25 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) SHIDA BIBI MOHAMED AND SALIM GOOLAMALLY HOOSEN, 3 THREADCLAY PLACE, CLAYFIELD, PHOENIX, DURBAN. 002834/2018—(2) DLAMINI, VELENGAZIWA SAMUEL, 12 December 1932, 3212125371086, D284 UMLAZI, KWAZULU- NATAL; (3) 24 June 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JABULANI WILMOTH THABETHE, 34 WINDSOR AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, KWAZULU-NATAL. 4506/2018/PMB—(2) Klingenberg, Denise Jennifer, 4 June 1949, 4906040004081, 8 Alpine Place, Pinetown; (3) 18 June 2018; (4) Walter Ernst Klingenberg, 12 May 1950, 5005125026082; (5) ECKHARD VOLKER CA (SA), P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3631.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 65

4475/2018—(2) MCKENZIE, CAMPBELL ASHBOURN, 17 May 1926, 2605175047087, 11 SANDOWN VILLAGE, PINETOWN, KZN; (3) 3 June 2018; (4) N/A; (5) B J NICHOLSON, 5 KELBURN PLACE, HAYFIELDS, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 008382/2018DBN—(2) Naude, Rhona, 1 May 1929, 2905010039087, Homeleigh Haven, 12 Marchmont Crescent, Sarnia; (3) 4 December 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320. 010096/2017—(2) HEALEY, Kathleen Grace, 23 January 1971, 7101230005083, 96 Bartle Road, Umbilo, Durban; (3) 1 March 2017; (4) Brendan John HEALEY, 30 July 1970, 7007305438085; (5) Chelin & Associates, 63 Princess Alice Avenue, Glenwood, Durban, 4001. 8219/2018/DBN—(2) AUGUSTINE, ERROL MICHAEL, 5 December 1963, 6312055162088, 02 IXORA ROAD, MEREWENT, 4052; (3) 15 May 2018; (4) AMANDA ALTHEA AUGUSTINE, 18 January 1970, 7001180094089; (5) Mc NAUGHT AND COMPANY, Suite 1, 555 Bluff Road, Bluff, 4052. 009253/2018 DBN—(2) , WILLIAM LEONARD, 2 October 1940, 4010285103086, 99 KINGFISHER BOULEVARD, BRETTENWOOD ESTATE, SALT ROCK; (3) 23 June 2018; (5) JACOBUS IGNATIUS ROOS, SHOP 23, TIFFANY’S SHOPPING CENTRE, SALT ROCK. 3226/2018—(2) Hlatshwayo, Dumisani Abel, 15 September 1952, 5209155682083, 7072 Section1, Osizweni, Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 14 February 2018; (4) Constance Phiwe Hlatshwayo, 14 July 1954, 5407140417082; (5) Nkosi Sithole & Partners, Suite 1a-1c, 62C Scott Street, Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, P O Box 1985, Newcastle 2940. 8935/2018—(2) Norton, Abraham Cecil, 16 May 1925, 2505165030087, c/o Beth Shalom, 85 Vause Road, Berea, Durban, 4062; (3) 2 June 2018; (4) Mrs Miriam Sprinzeh Norton, 6 February 1933, 3302060036081; (5) Miriam Sprinzeh Norton and Grant Cyril Weston, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, DURBAN 4001; (6) 30. 4494/2018/PMB—(2) Buckle, Graham Alan, 13 June 1945, 4506135059089, 606 Sunny Birches, 142 Entabeni Road, Paradise Valley, Pinetown; (3) 9 June 2018; (5) ECKHARD VOLKER CA (SA), P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3631. 002272/2017—(2) SUKRAJH, BASANTH, 5 August 1952, 5208055097087, 128 OLYMPIA WAY, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 28 February 2017; (4) NIRMALADEVI SUKRAJH, 18 September 1951, 5109180062089; (5) NIRMALADEVI SUKRAJH, 128 OLYMPIA WAY, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 30 DAYS. 004366/2018DBN—(2) MTSHALI, DUMISANI, 7 August 1963, 6308075486085, J508 MYEZANE ROAD, KWAMASHU; (3) 21 January 2018; (5) PHILAN CEBISA, UNIT 12 KINGS WOOD COMPLEX 120 FLOKESTONE ROAD SEAVIEW. 008547/2018—(2) Flannery, Patricia Monica, 16 April 1930, 3004160055082, Eden Crescent, Sol Harris Crescent, Durban, KwaZulu Natal; (3) 31 May 2018; (5) Anthony Julian Harper - Nominee Finpas CC, P O Box 22127, Glenashley, 4022. 7581/2018/DBN—(2) LUSHABA, LINDIWE MILDRED, 1 July 1943, 4307010461080, P.O BOX 242, GINGINDLOVU,3800; (3) 17 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) V.B MTHEMBU ATTORNEYS, 2ND FLOOR, CITY FINANCE HOUSE, 4 UNION STREET, EMPANGENI, 3880. 11358/2015DBN—(2) THANGO, THANDI STAFF, 10 April 1950, 5004100404083, 2 MELROSE PLACE, GLENHILLS, DURBAN NORTH; (3) 16 July 2015; (5) -, -. 008347/2018/DBN—(2) WELDHAGEN, TERESA MARY, 8 August 1958, 5808080112080, 9 SYLVANDALE, 354 ROLAND CHAPMAN DRIVE, MONTCLAIR; (3) 1 May 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD, 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 6987/2018—(2) SINGH, LEELAPATHY SAMLAL SINGH, 4 October 1955, 5510040120084, 105 HEXHAM ROAD, PHOENIX 4068; (3) 5 February 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PETER JOSEPH SIVALINGAM NAICKER, SUITE 911, SALMON GROVE CHAMBERS, 407 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN. 007929/2018—(2) MARI, DHEVARAJ, 26 February 1936, 3602265031088, ROAD 750 HOUSE 61 MONTFORD CHATSWORTH; (3) 13 February 2018; (4) NONE NONE; (5) PREMLA DHEVARAJ, 11 RIVERGLEN 124 CHASE VALLEY ROAD PIETERMARITZBURG. 012537/2016—(2) HACKER, TEDDY, 6 February 1928, 2802065022086, 10 HERMANUS, 314 CLARK ROAD, DURBAN 4001; (3) 7 May 2016; (5) JUDD ROBERT REID, SUITE 201, RIDGE 6, 20 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 8884/2018—(2) ARNT, JEANNE LESLEY, 12 March 1928, 2803120002089, THE VALES.26 BEEFWOOD RD, PENNINGTON, KZN; (3) 18 June 2018; (4) N/A; (5) THORPE & HANDS INC, 4TH FLOOR, 6 DURBAN CLUB PLACE, DURBAN. 001963/2018—(2) SINGH, RITHA DEVI, 14 March 1958, 5803140214083, 22 BRAMDAW ROAD, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 19 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) UDESH RAMESAR ATTORNEYS, OFFICES 6, JOOMASOMS ARCADE, 476 CHURCH STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 00/003698/2018—(2) DEOPARSAD, ASHOK KUMAR, 26 May 1961, 6105265241084, 182 DECCAN RAOD, NEWHOLMES, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 5 March 2018; (4) KATHERINE DEOPARSAD, 24 July 1963, 6307240172083; (5) UDESH RAMESAR ATTORNEYS, OFFICES 6, JOOMASOMS ARCADE, 476 CHURCH STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 1235/2018 DBN—(2) DEEPA, SHARAN, 1 June 1992, 9206015067089, 149 DUNKELD ROAD RESERVOIR HILLS; (3) 9 December 2017; (4) ASHNI DEEPA, 8 October 1981, 8110080179087; (5) VENI MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES, 6B RUSSOM STREET BRINDHAVEN VERULAM. 7364/2018 DBN—(2) MANICKUM, MADRAY, 10 May 1933, 3305105261085, 114 JACARANDA AVENUE MOUNTVIEW VERULAM; (3) 6 May 2018; (4) NA NA; (5) VENI MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES, 6B RUSSOM STREET BRINDHAVEN VERULAM. 003500/2017PMB—(2) Mbiko, Mlimi Wilfred, 1 January 1953, 5301017855088, Makhaleni Location, Umzimkhulu, 3297; (3) 18 August 2012; (4) Cornelia Bongiwe Mbiko, 16 October 1963, 6310160030083; (5) Cornelia Bongiwe Mbiko, Makhaleni Location, Umzimkhulu, 3297.

This gazette is also available free online at 66 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

007917/2018—(2) MIDDLETON, NIGEL GEOFFREY, 4 October 1952, 5210045085081, 124 NIRVANA ROAD, BLUFF, DURBAN, 4052; (3) 5 May 2018; (4) RUTH JENNIFER MIDDLETON, 8 November 1953, 5311080092089; (5) ACCOUNTING AND FINACIAL SERVICES, 45 ESTHER ROBERTS ROAD, GLENWOOD, DURBAN 4001. 006224/2018—(2) LIPTROT, ROBERT EBSWORTH, 29 September 1929, 2909295024087, KLOOF REST HOME, 40 ARABELIA ROAD, KLOOF, 3610; (3) 22 December 2017; (4) NORMA URSULA LIPTROT, 14 August 1928, 2808140010087; (5) ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES, 45 ESTHER ROBERTS ROAD, GLENWOOD, DURBAN 4001. 013319/2017/DBN—(2) HENRY, KEVIN DAVID, 9 March 1960, 6003095070080, 6080 MTHOMBOTHI DRIVE, LAMONTVILLE, DURBAN; (3) 12 September 2017; (4) SHIRLEEN HAZEL HENRY, 2 October 1960, 6010220046083; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 13110/2017/DBN—(2) MOODLEY, SEELAN, 9 April 1973, 7304095151089, 3 SUNGLADES, 2 BROOKEND CLOSE, SUNNINGDALE; (3) 3 September 2017; (5) SALOSHNA MOODLEY, HOUSE NO. 14, ROAD 609, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH. 4112/2018—(2) FOUCHé, BERYL, 14 June 1954, 5406140203088, 69 Athol Road, Sunwich Port; (3) 11 December 2016; (4) JACOBUS PAUL FOUCHé, 30 October 1950, 5010305159083; (5) JOANNA MAYNE, PO BOX 12031, DORPSPRUIT, 3206; (6) 30. 3800/2018/DBN—(2) DOOKIE, ASHA DEVI, 7 October 1960, 6010070031086, 183 GOLDEN POPPY CRESCENT, CHATSWORTH; (3) 5 November 2017; (4) JAYANT DOOKIE, 4 August 1956, 5608045116089; (5) JAYANT DOOKIE, 183 GOLDEN POPPY CRESCENT, CHATSWORTH. 007709/2017—(2) Mcdonald, Derek Patrick, 29 May 1953, 5305295152084, 13 Cullis Road, Malvern, Durban, 4070; (3) 22 April 2015; (4) Janet Mary Mcdonald, 23 May 1956, 5605230080088; (5) Dirk Coetzee, 289 Lighthouse Road, Bluff, Durban, 4052; (6) N/A. 4247/2018/PMB—(2) Maseko, Elijah Mbonisi, 27 September 1959, 5909275444088, 5 Doig Road, Estcourt; (3) 4 June 2018; (4) Lee-Ann Maseko, 25 July 1983, 8307250311082; (5) Lalparsad Inc, 31 Richmond Road, Estcourt, 3310. 008353/2018—(2) Livermore, Keith, 19 January 1949, 4901195049189, 22 Alsace, Le Domaine, 100 Acutts Drive, Hillcrest, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 011220/2017DBN—(2) BOSO, MYEKELWA, 12 June 1955, 5506125973082, 1806 BOROUGH ROAD,WIGGINS,CATOR MANOR, DURBAN; (3) 31 July 2017; (4) NOMABHASO SYLVIA BOSO, 14 December 1946, 4612140537083; (5) NOMABHASO SYLVIA BOSO, 1806 BOROUGH ROAD, CATOR MANOR,DURBAN. 003996/2018—(2) WARD, JAMES KEITH RAWDON, 5 April 1932, 3204055083088, MALMANI HOUSE, CLIFTON SCHOOL ROAD, NOTTINGHAM ROAD, KWAZULU NATAL, 3280; (3) 25 April 2018; (5) BRUCE HARKNESS, FIRST FLOOR EAST BLOCK, 67 SEVENTH STREET, LINDEN, JOHANNESBURG. PO BOX 44422, LINDEN, 2104.. 009264/2018—(2) Wright, Graham Desmond, 23 December 1936, 3612235106084, 25 FAIRVIEW ROAD, KLOOF; (3) 20 June 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 108, Beacon Rock, 21 Lighthouse Road, Umhlanga Rocks. 3608/2018/PMB—(2) Sunday, Allan Jacob, 15 March 1963, 6303156544183, 6 Valley View Road, Estcourt; (3) 3 April 2018; (4) Ranima Sunday, 17 February 1969, 6902170079082; (5) Lalparsad Inc, 31 Richmond Road, Estcourt, 3310. 011220/2017DBN—(2) BOSO, MYEKELWA, 12 June 1955, 5506125973082, 1806 BOROUGH ROAD,WIGGINS,CATOR MANOR, DURBAN; (3) 31 July 2017; (4) NOMABHASO SYLVIA BOSO, 14 December 1946, 4612140537083; (5) NOMABHASO SYLVIA BOSO, 1806 BOROUGH ROAD, CATOR MANOR,DURBAN. 015922/2016/DBN—(2) KISOORILALL, CHINTHA, 17 October 1942, 4210170384086, 14 GRENLEN CRESCENT, LENHAM 4068; (3) 30 June 2013; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) PRAVIN BEHARIE, SHASHI MARAJH & COMPANY INC. 128 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DRIVE, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, 4092. 4307/2018/PMB—(2) THAKURDIN, SHAMDEVI, 18 April 1930, 3004180298084, 9 SUNBERRY ROAD, HOWICK WEST, KWAZULU-NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA; (3) 9 May 2018; (5) ASHWAN RAMANAND, 103 BRIXHAM ROAD, ORIENT HEIGHTS, PIETERMARITZBURG. 9032/2018 DBN—(2) RAMBALI, DEWHOOTHIE, 15 October 1948, 4810150048088, 26 SUN CRESCENT, LOTUSVILLE, VERULAM, 4340; (3) 29 April 2018; (4) SOOKCHAND RAMBALI, 18 March 1940, 4003185134087; (5) RAJ BADAL & ASSOCIATES, PO BOX 601, VERULAM, 4340. 002759/2018—(2) Seesha, Prakash, 7 February 1957, 5702075143087, 47 Sarge Road, Copesville, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 13 August 2017; (5) Pranesh Indrajith Attorneys, 41 Lahore Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg. 005035/2017—(2) ACHARI, DEVIJIE, 20 October 1952, 5210200062081, 56 NEWHOLMES WAY, PITERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 25 June 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) PRAKASH RAMSAMY ACHARI, 56 NEWHOLMES WAY, PIETERMARITZBURG 3201. 3098/2017—(2) Thaver, Narainsamy, 12 September 1939, 3909125097088, 171 Cassia Circle Cool Air Dalton; (3) 11 March 2014; (4) Dollay Thaver, 2 February 1953, 5302020132085; (5) Schoerie & Sewgoolam Incorporated, 181 Burger Street Pietermaritzburg 3201. 009304/2018/DBN—(2) Lamp, Jakob, 12 May 1941, 4105125100183, 16 Old New Germany Road, Westville; (3) 2 May 2018; (4) Margaret Alicia Lamp, 6 May 1946, 4605060048081; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 004531/2018/PMB—(2) PIERCY, HILDA ROSA, 9 December 1932, 3212090028083, Hesters Forever Home, 12 Park Road, Howick; (3) 12 June 2018; (5) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick and Margaret Mary McCullough, c/o J Leslie Smith & Co, 332 Jabu Ndlovu Street, P O Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 67

008204/2018/DBN—(2) Skinner, Carol Margaret, 14 May 1948, 4805140079185, Unit 5, Lakeview, Lifestyle Village, 2 Olive Road, Scottburgh, Natal; (3) 8 May 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 009281/2018/DBN—(2) Dlangamandla, Margaret Thembisile, 12 November 1956, 5611120227086, 1002 Turnsouth, 10 Giollispie STreet, Durban; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 4717/2018/PMB—(2) Kassier, Rolf, 27 April 1936, 3604275011084, 4 Panorama Road, Wartburg; (3) 21 June 2018; (5) Herbert Helmut Schulz, Schulz Attorneys, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233. 8531/2010DBNttt—(2) PETERSEN, THELMA, 25 November 1934, 3411250159080, 20 F GARRUPA CRESCENT,NEWLANDS EAST,DURBAN; (3) 11 March 2009; (4) NOT APPLICABLE-UNMARRIED NOT APPLICABLE; (5) RAYMOND SAMUEL ATTORNEY, 603 NEDBANK HOUSE,30 ALBERT STREET,DURBAN,4001; (6) THIRTY(39) DAYS. 009106/2018—(2) FROST, BERYL JULIA, 12 October 1932, 3210120011186, 22 HERBERT ANDREWS ROAD, BRIGHTON BEACH, 4052; (3) 28 November 2017; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE, ------; (5) RAYMOND ASHLEY MEYER, 5 SINEMBE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, LA LUCIA RIDGE, 4051. 19130/2008DBN—(2) Ndlangamandla, Catherine Samkelisiwe, 25 July 1962, 6207250651085, Vezunyawo Area, Mahlabathini, 3865; (3) 5 November 2008; (4) n/a; (5) Zungu WS & Associates, 91 King Mpande Street, P.O Box 921, Ulundi, 3838. 08532/2018DBN—(2) NKONZO, LUCAMA LEMON, 1 January 1949, 4901016323086, P O BOX 230,STAFFORDS POST 4686 UMZIMKHULU; (4) NOKULUNGA NIMVIA NKONZO, 5501110850080; (5) BHEKAMAKHOSI CHRISTOPHER NKONZO, NO.1 LUDERITZ STREET,WESTWOOD VILLAS,BOOYSENS,PRETOIA 0080. 007883/2018DBN—(2) Mhlongo, Doreen Sibongile, 12 March 1964, 6403120903083, D 1504 Udlungwane Street, Ulundi, 3838; (3) 6 May 2018; (4) n/a; (5) Zungu WS & Associates, 91 King Mpande Street, P.O Box 921, Ulundi, 3838. 007582/2018DBN—(2) CHETTY, VEERASAMY MUNSAMY, 2 May 1963, 6305025253086, 77 ROSEMANOR CRESCENT, TRENANCE MANOR ,PHOENIX; (3) 11 November 2017; (4) SANDRA CHETTY, 6 January 1963, 6301060046089; (5) SANDRA CHETTY, SUITE 2 CHARTWELL CENTRE, 15 CHARTWELL DRIVE, UMHLANGA; (6) 30. 004913/2018—(2) WELCH, CEDRIC JOHN, 5 April 1940, 4004055104085, 40 GUS BROWN ROAD, WARNER BEACH, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) 3 January 2018; (5) ECAT TRUST SERVICES PTY LTD, 48 VOORTREKKER ROAD, HUMANSDORP 6300. 005277/2018—(2) STEERS, BARRY JAMES, 11 September 1936, 3609115055183, MOOI HAWENS RESIDENTIA FRAIL CARE, 3 MIDDLETON RD, WINKELSPRUIT; (3) 21 February 2018; (5) ECAT TRUST SERVICES PTY LTD, 48 VOORTREKKER ROAD, HUMANSDORP 6300. 8670/2018—(2) BENNETT, MICHAEL COLIN, 1 July 1965, 6507015281080, 03 SHADY SERINGA, ARBORETUM, RICHARDS BAY, KWAZULU-NATAL, 3900; (3) 27 May 2018; (4) NADINE BENNETT, 8 October 1966, 6610080010085; (5) ELMARIE MAGRIETHA RICHARDS OF SERFONTEIN & RICHARDS INCORPORATED, 220 SIMBITHI OFFICE PARK, SIMBITHI COUNTRY CLUB, SHAKAS ROCK ROAD, BALLITO, 4420. 13908/2016—(2) WHEATLEY, JOHN, 17 August 1946, 4608175134085, 8 KINGSTON VILLAGE, 17 HIGHLAND ROAD, HILLCREST; (3) 24 July 2016; (4) DIANA MARY WHEATLEY, 22 October 1947, 4710220106082; (5) WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS INC, SUITE 14 CORPORATE PARK, 11 SINEMBE CRESCENT, UMHLANGA. 008380/2018/DBN—(2) PONEN, MARIMUTHU MOONSAMY, 19 April 1965, 6504195165084, 28 ABBU GOVENDER ROAD, SANDFIELDS, TONGAAT; (3) 24 May 2018; (4) NAVAMANI MOONSAMY PONEN, 21 December 1965, 6512210157085; (5) NAVAMANI MOONSAMY PONEN, C/O 10 LUXMI COURT, ARBEE DRIVE, TONGAAT. 002678/2018—(2) SHEZI, NKOSINATHI EDMUND, 14 May 1964, 6405145428087, ERF 1271 ISIPINGO ,EXT14 ,4133; (3) 15 January 2018; (4) TRUELOVE NOMPUMELELO SHEZI, 18 September 1972, 7209180448086; (5) TRUELOVE NOMPUMELELO SHEZI, SALMON GROVE CHAMBERS SUITE 823,8TH FLOOR 407 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001; (6) 30 DAYS. 008390/2017/PMB—(2) KHOZA, ZAMOKUHLE SINEGUGU, 10 October 1983, 8310100794085, 1215 MCKENZIE STREET, DUNDEE; (3) 11 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) AUBREY SENZO NTSELE, PERMANENT PLAZA, OFFICE NO. 303, 58 SCOTTS STREET, NEWCASTLE, 2900. 4350/2012/DBN—(2) NTANZI, NONDABUKO SYLVIA, 13 January 1962, 6201130118084, REITVLEI ADMINISTRATION AREA, UMZIMKULU; (3) 25 June 2009; (5) NEIL BOWLES ATTORNEY, 6 HAWKINS STREET, HARDING , 4680. 004197/2018/PMB—(2) MSANI, SENZO DORRIES, 2 August 1975, 7508021175083, ENTUMENI NATURE RESERVE, ESHOWE; (3) 1 June 2018; (4) THULANI MABHUKWANA BIYELA, 28 December 1968, 6812285754083; (5) THULANI MABHUKWANA BIYELA, ENTUMENI NATURE RESERVE, ESHOWE. 004724/2018/PMB—(2) MATSHININI, MOTSAMAI GEORGE, 22 September 1947, 4709225559089, HOUSE NO. B11370, EMONDLO; (3) 6 January 2018; (4) AGRINETTE BUSIE MATSHININI, 2 December 1952, 5212020755084; (5) AGRINETTE BUSIE MATSHININI, HOUSE NO. B11370, EMONDLO. 005540/2017/DBN—(2) MHLONGO, NOMUSA KHETHIWE, 2 June 1970, 7006020859088, MOMBENI AREA, ESHOWE; (3) 9 August 2004; (4) n/a n/a, N/A; (5) SIMPHIWE MHLONGO, MOMBENI AREA, ESHOWE. 005540/2017/DBN—(2) MHLONGO, NOMUSA KHETHIWE, 2 June 1970, 7006020859088, MOMBENI AREA, ESHOWE; (3) 9 August 2004; (4) n/a n/a, N/A; (5) SIMPHIWE MHLONGO, MOMBENI AREA, ESHOWE. 008104/2018—(2) GOVENDER, ARUNACHELLAM, 1 May 1938, 3805015081085, ETETE, STANGER; (3) 14 April 2018; (4) VASTAHALLA GOVENDER, 14 November 1940, 4011140347082; (5) VERONICA SINGH, 45 NORTH STREET, STANGER, 4450, P.O. BOX 1914, STANGER, 4450; (6) N/A.

This gazette is also available free online at 68 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

003932/2018—(2) BEMAYA, PERUMAL, 21 June 1948, 4806215193083, 31 GITA ROAD , NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 9 April 2018; (4) DEVIGEE BEMAYA, 10 February 1952, 5202100654083; (5) DEVIGEE BEMAYA, 31 GITA ROAD, NORTHDALE ,PIETERMARITZBURG ,3201; (6) 30 DAYS. 004719/2018/PMB—(2) XABA, DUMISANI ABRAHAM, 12 March 1955, 5503125784080, HOUSE NO. B296, EMBONDLO; (3) 8 June 2018; (4) IRENE SIZAKELE XABA, 1 February 1958, 5802010538084; (5) IRENE SIZAKELE XABA, HOUSE NO. B296, EMBONDLO. 002916/2018—(2) NXELE, SAKHOWAKHE JAMES, 5 November 1948, 4811055613083, EZAKHENI AREA, MANDINI; (3) 26 November 2017; (4) NTOMBIKHONA LUNGELENI NXELE, 21 September 1964, 6409210408081; (5) VERONICA SINGH, 45 NORTH STREET, STANGER, 4450, P.O. BOX 1914, STANGER, 4450; (6) N/A. 8305/2018—(2) PILLAY, MINNIE BESSIE, 17 Julie 1938, 3807170396084, 2 KRYPTON AVENUE, MOORTON, CHATSWORTH; (3) 26 Augustus 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SHIRLEY KLEINBOOI, 2 KRYPTON AVENUE, MOORTON, CHATSWORTH; (6) 30 DAYS. 12428/2017—(2) Jordaan, Johann Jonathan, 11 February 1977, 7702115071080, 16 Loerie Park, 32 Caefron Avenue, Westville,3629; (3) 7 September 2017; (5) Hester Lana Jordaan, Suite 4, Eltonmanor, 4 Ribston Place, Westville, 3629. 014917/2015—(2) MNGUNI, NKANYISO THOKOZANI, 1 January 1975, 7501016368086, MAZIMAZANA RESERVE, NSELENI TOWNSHIP, EMPANGENI; (3) 10 October 2015; (4) NELISIWE FISOKUHLE MNGUNI, 27 November 1978, 7811270656088; (5) VERONICA SINGH, 45 NORTH STREET, STANGER, 4450, P.O. BOX 1914, STANGER, 4450; (6) N/A. 009159/2018—(2) De Waal, Madelene Colleen, 22 February 1940, 4005220035088, Mbango Valley, Kent Road, Port Shepstone 4240; (3) 14 March 2018; (5) LINDA NIENABER, FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD, PO BOX 27521, GREENACRES, 6045. 015661/2017—(2) Cremer, Brenda Carol, 13 March 1946, 4603130035188, 14 Palms Royale, 94 Round The Green, Sunningdale, Durban 4051; (3) 18 July 2017; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 006169/2017/PMB—(2) VON WILLICH, JOAN, 19 November 1926, 2611190006082, 5 CRAIGSTONE LANE, AMBERGLEN, HOWICK, 3290; (3) 20 November 2016; (5) A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS, SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE, HILTON, 3245. 008267/2018—(2) MUHL, ELIZABETH JOHANNA, 17 February 1940, 4002170024089, Section 39 of SS Rolling Hills Country Club, Autumn Drive, Prestondale, Durban; (3) 31 October 2017; (5) Pieter Schoeman Attorneys, 5 Short Street, Potchefstroom, 2531. 004538/2018—(2) MAHADU, ASHOKUMAR, 11 December 1969, 6912115104085, 183 CIRCLE DRIVE, DARNALL; (3) 13 November 2017; (4) ANITHA MAHADU, 3 September 1972, 7209030107080; (5) VERONICA SINGH, 45 NORTH STREET, STANGER, 4450, P.O. BOX 1914, STANGER, 4450; (6) N/A. 008846/2018/DBN—(2) PATEL, HAVA, 25 August 1935, 3508250080081, 97 PEAK STREET, SHALLCROSS, 4093; (3) 19 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ANIL RABINATH & ASSOCIATES, 299 UNDERWOOD ROAD, SARNIA, 3610. 11119/2017/DBN—(2) DUBE, NOKWETHEMBA ETHEL, 21 March 1949, 4903210564085, WARD 1, AMAHLONGWA MISSION, KWA SIBIYA, SCOTTBURGH; (3) 4 July 2017; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 004002/2018/PMB—(2) GAMA, LUCKY ISAAC, 15 August 1967, 6708155628086, 6080 MTHOMBOTHI DRIVE, LAMONTVILLE, DURBAN; (3) 12 December 2017; (4) NTOMBIZINI PRETTY GAMA, 23 February 1970, 7002230546086; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 005588/2018—(2) SLEED, JANET SPENCER, 24 April 1925, 2504240032085, PALMS WAY, 4 CORAL AVENUE, BELLVEDERE, HILLCREST; (3) 23 February 2018; (5) A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS, SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE, HILTON, 3245. 004098/2018—(2) DLAMINI, MPIYONKE SELBY, 23 September 1956, 5609235619080, 9 KOOS POTGIETER ROAD, GRANGE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 8 October 2017; (4) SIBONGILE DOREEN DLAMINI, 2 September 1961, 6109020661081; (5) Ngomne Estate Administrators, 234 Church Street, Permanent building, 3rd floor suite 301, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) 30 days. 003635/2018—(2) NDLOVU, BONAKELE WINTERBELL, 9 November 1961, 6111090465088, 2047 ANGOLA, GREYTOWN; (3) 15 May 2018; (5) Ngomne Estate Administrators, 234 Church Street, Permanent building, 3rd floor suite 301, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) 30 days. 004336/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, CHAREL ALBERTUS VAN DER MERWE, 23 February 1938, 3802235006083, 2 BONANZA MEWS, BELLVUE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 21 May 2018; (5) SHAWN FREDERICK VAN DER MERWE, 42 CLARK ROAD, PELHAM, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 009310/2018—(2) Schreyer, William James, 27 March 1937, 3703275072086, 11 Sunnybrook Close, Sunningdale, Durban,; (3) 6 June 2018; (5) Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Standard Bank Centre Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 009313/2018—(2) Nanan, Dhanishwar, 12 January 1945, 4501125089089, Lot 816, Jupiter Square, Umzinto; (3) 10 May 2018; (4) Shamawathee Nanan, 4 December 1955, 5512040121088; (5) Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Standard Bank Centre Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 009311/2018—(2) Moodley, Monica, 19 January 1963, 6301190110086, 16 Parlock Hills, Parlock, Durban; (3) 28 February 2018; (4) Sundragasen Moodley, 17 September 1962, 6209175455089; (5) Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Standard Bank Centre Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 69

004397/2018—(2) Edwards, Claude Robert, 29 May 1939, 3905295004086, 17 Amber Avenue, Greendale Park, Howick, 3290; (3) 13 May 2018; (5) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST, c/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants, 3 Harvard Street, Howick, 3290; (6) 30. 2761/2018/PMB—(2) HARRIELAL, DHARAMDEE, 28 January 1931, 3101280187082, 41 Judith Crescent, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 9 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) YA & R BHOLA, 41 Judith Crescent, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg; (6) 30. 007241/2018—(2) ELLIS, JOHN, 4 October 1922, 2110045066185, MILLDENE PARK FRAIL CARE 65 PROSPECT HALL ROAD DURBAN NORTH DURBAN 4051; (3) 8 May 2018; (5) ANN FUTTER, P O BOX 22511 GLENASHLEY 4022. 009177/2018/DBN—(2) BEKKER, MARTHINUS STEFANUS, 6 September 1946, 4609065130084, 1209 Arnleigh, 193 Victoria Embankment, Durban; (3) 5 May 2018; (5) SANLAM TRUST LIMITED, P.O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000. 013067/2017—(2) Singh, Rishipal Deonandan, 7 May 1950, 5005075173082, 28 Train Road, Crossmoor, Chatsworth; (3) 15 July 2017; (4) Prabawathie Singh, 2 August 1954, 5408020075081; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 009181/2018/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, PERUMAL, 14 August 1970, 7008145181083, 42 MASHA CRESCENT, CHATSWORTH; (3) 15 May 2018; (4) DINESHREE GOVENDER, 9 March 1983, 8303090137084; (5) SANLAM TRUST LIMITED, P.O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000. 009039/2018/DBN—(2) HARRIPERSADH, RAI JUNG, 12 December 1955, 5512125176080, 12 LARKSWOOD CRESCENT, WOODVIEW, PHOENIX; (3) 23 April 2018; (4) KANAGAMAH HARRIPERSADH, 13 January 1957, 5701130151085; (5) SANLAM TRUST LIMITED, P.O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000. 8946/2018/DBN—(2) CHETTY, MOGANAMBAL, 11 August 1953, 5308110708080, 3 SUNGUM CRESCENT, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH; (3) 5 July 2017; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 009190/2018/DBN—(2) TUDGE, KATHLEEN, 25 November 1938, 3811250023089, 31 Huntley Road, Malvern; (3) 20 February 2018; (5) SANLAM TRUST LIMITED, P.O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000. 3885/2018—(2) JAFTA, THERESA ALITIA, 3 October 1942, 4210030139084, 102 CYCAS ROAD,AUSTERVILLE,DURBAN,4052; (3) 9 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BRENDON JAMES JAFTA, 26 KNYFF ROAD, BLUFF, DURBAN,4052; (6) 30 DAYS. 003157/2018PMB—(2) GOOLAM, SALIMA, 1 November 1955, 5511010194083, 18 CLEOME DRIVE, LADYSMITH, 3370; (3) 12 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) EBRAHIM ISMAIL MOOLLA, SUITE 4, SAN MARCO OFFICE PARK, HUNTER ROAD, LADYSMITH, 3370. 002980/2018PMB—(2) SINGH, DHANWANTHEY MUNASER, 7 November 1956, 5611070156087, 47 WILLOW DRIVE, LADYSMITH, 3370; (3) 11 August 2017; (4) PRAKASH SINGH, 22 May 1950, 5005225661085; (5) PRAKASH SINGH, SUITE 4, SAN MARCO OFFICE PARK, HUNTER ROAD, LADYSMITH, 3370. 008509/2018—(2) CROZIER, ELIZABETH JANE HARVEY, 23 February 1952, 5202230087089, 7 CASTLE COMBE, 2 MILLBANK ROAD, ASSAGAY; (3) 26 May 2018; (5) DENISE AUDREY WILLIAMS, Office Suite 2 , 16/18 Frosterley Crescent Office Park, Armstrong Avenue, Umhlanga Park, 4051. 008881/2018 DBN—(2) MAHARAJ, DAYANUND, 10 June 1962, 6206105299082, 26 SNOWDROP ROAD, WELBEDAGT, 4092; (3) 25 November 2015; (4) RAGINI MAHARAJ, 21 December 1964, 6412210065083; (5) RAGINI MAHARAJ, 1st Floor, East-Wing, Deodant Building, 12 Payne Street, Pinetown, 3600. 9931/2016 DBN—(2) DIKO, THANDWAKHE, 13 May 1961, 6105135380082, LOT 3676 STREET 510243, LOVU, 4126; (3) 2 October 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SUDESH SIDHLALL, SUITE 601-603, 6TH FLOOR, STRAUSS DALY PLACE, 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, UMHLANGA, 4320. 9285/2018—(2) Mccamley, John Edwin, 12 September 1947, 4709125148082, 6 Montego Bay, 342 Kingsway, Amanzimtoti, 4120; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000. 5358/2016/PMB—(2) METH, BRIAN FRANCIS, 29 October 1941, 4110295060084, UNIT 45, REHOBOTH COUNTRY ESTATE, 276 MURRAY ROAD, LINCOLN MEADE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 23 March 2016; (4) SHEILA MARY CHARLOTTE METH, 22 January 1945, 4501220453180; (5) DARRYL IAN KNOESEN, P O BOX 405, MSUNDUZI, 3231. 3395/18PMB—(2) Landsberg, Johanna Francina, 14 May 1944, 4405140025088, 63 Vjesmond road , scottsville Pietermaritzburg 3201; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS ,291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001. 4559/18PMB—(2) Eldridge, Clara Irene, 25 March 1928, 2803250032088, 8 Conifer Drive, 28A Howick Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 8 May 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, PO BOX 2174, DURBAN,4000. 8652/2018—(2) GILL, DOROTHY, 15 February 1938, 3802150028088, 63B KOLSTERTKRING, MEERENSEE, RICHARDS BAY, KWAZULU-NATAL, 3901; (3) 9 March 2017; (5) ELMARIE MAGRIETHA RICHARDS OF SERFONTEIN & RICHARDS INCORPORATED, 220 SIMBITHI OFFICE PARK, SIMBITHI COUNTRY CLUB, SHAKAS ROCK ROAD, BALLITO, 4420. 5358/2016/PMB—(2) METH, BRIAN FRANCIS, 29 October 1941, 4110295060084, UNIT 45, REHOBOTH COUNTRY ESTATE, 276 MURRAY ROAD, LINCOLN MEADE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 23 March 2016; (4) SHEILA MARY CHARLOTTE METH, 22 January 1945, 4501220453180; (5) DARRYL IAN KNOESEN, P O BOX 405, MSUNDUZI, 3231. 8556/2018—(2) COOPER, AUDREY MAY, 10 September 1928, 2809100008087, 1 RICHMOND AVE, KLOOF, KWA- ZULU-NATAL, 3610; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) DALE CLEVE TOMLINSON, 1 IGWABABA ROAD, KLOOF, KZN, 3610. 7432/2018—(2) MICHAEL, POOBATHY, 12 August 1954, 5408120156088, 7 BROWNMANOR PLACE, TRENANCE MANOR, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 26 September 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) Hajra Patel Incorporated, 2nd Floor, The Centre Building, 106 Avondale Road, Gate Number 4, Greyville Racecourse, Durban.

This gazette is also available free online at 70 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

007643/2018—(2) Chetty, Krishna, 8 June 1943, 4306085119086, 17 Herman Drive, Moorton, Chatsworth; (3) 17 May 2017; (4) Anjelay Chetty, 25 May 1957, 5705250217089; (5) Anjelay Chetty, 17 Herman Drive, Moorton, Chatsworth. 6596/2018DBN—(2) NZUZA, PRISCILLA BUYISIWE, 15 February 1961, 6102150767083, G367 DLOKWE ROAD, P.O KWAMASHU, 4369; (3) 22 September 2017; (4) JAPHET SIHLE NZUZA, 14 May 1956, 5605145822087; (5) L MTHEMBU & ASSOCIATES, SUITE 413, TOWER B, SALISBURY CENTRE, 347-351 DR PIXLEY KASEME STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 3749/2009/DBN—(2) NXUMALO, ZANDILE ZANELE, 12 January 1978, 7801120791086, Y561, UMLAZI, 4066; (3) 16 March 2008; (4) JOHANNES MNTUMUNI NXUMALO, 12 April 1968, 6804125376086; (5) JOHANNES MNTUMUNI NXUMALO, Y561, UMLAZI, 4066. 6251/2018DBN—(2) WELDON, PATRICIA EMELDA, 15 May 1950, 5005150707085, NO.106 C HERRING CIRCLE, NEWLANDS EAST, 4037; (3) 11 March 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) L MTHEMBU & ASSOCIATES, SUITE 413, TOWER B, SALISBURY CENTRE, 347-351 DR PIXLEY KASEME STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 3988/18PMB—(2) Kockott, Vernon, 8 July 1941, 4107085045085, 7 Lochiel Lodge,3 Sullivan Road, Bisley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 21 March 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, PO BOX 2174, DURBAN,4000. 9295/2018—(2) Makhongela, Elijah Mogoale, 18 April 1959, 5904185799085, 975 Lamontville Road, Chatsworth, Durban, 4027; (3) 25 April 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000. 3060/2018PMB—(2) Pyle, Hereen, 26 August 1946, 4608260105081, 9 Holland Hill, 73 Roberts Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 20 March 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 8556/2018—(2) COOPER, AUDREY MAY, 10 September 1928, 2809100008087, 1 RICHMOND AVE, KLOOF, KWA- ZULU-NATAL, 3610; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) DALE CLEVE TOMLINSON, 1 IGWABABA ROAD, KLOOF, KZN, 3610. 005385/2017—(2) ZAMA, BHEKIZITHA JOHN ZAMA, 3 November 1958, 5811035455083, 127 ZOLILE MNGUNI AVENUE, KWAMAKHUTHA; (3) 21 April 2017; (4) THOKOZILE PAULINA ZAMA, 27 November 1964, 6411270434080; (5) MAPULE MATHIBA & ASSOCIATES, SUITE 1203 SALMON GROVE, 407 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001; (6) 30 DAYS.


001308/2018—(2) Maritz, Cornelis Johannes, 28 March 1952, 5203285011081, RE Farm Beaufort 32 Levubu 0929; (3) 30 April 2018; (4) Elisabeth Maritz, 12 November 1953, 5311120174186; (5) Pieter F Botha Attorney Agent of Executor, 28A Landdros Avenue Louis Trichardt 0920; (6) N/a. 007076/2017—(2) THUPI, MPELEGENG SOPHIE, 20 November 1954, 5411200603086, ERF 3342 ZEBEDIELA, MAGATLE VILLAGE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 27 October 2016; (5) RENEILWE DELIN HOPANE, 35A GROBLER STREET, POLOKWANE, 0699; (6) 21 DAYS. 4540/2018—(2) THOSAGO, JULIA MERIAM, 18 November 1973, 7311180256087, 16210 STURGEON STREET,EMDO PARK EXTENSION 29 POLOKWANE; (3) 22 June 2018; (4) ALFRED MATHABE THOSAGO, 23 July 1968, 6807235325083; (5) P. E MASHOLA & CO INC, 88 ONDER STREET POLOKWANE; (6) 30 DAYS. 004139/2018—(2) Bruwer, Eduard Christiaan Bruwer, 22 June 1952, 5206225023082, Gedeelte 765, Loskop Noord 12 JS, Marble Hall 0450; (3) 8 May 2018; (4) Cornelia Martha Maria Bruwer, 3 December 1957, 5712030009083; (5) Maria Cornelia Wentzel, No. 1 Konstabel street, Groblersdal.. 004139/2018—(2) Bruwer, Eduard Christiaan Bruwer, 22 June 1952, 5206225023082, Gedeelte 765, Loskop Noord 12 JS, Marble Hall 0450; (3) 8 May 2018; (4) Cornelia Martha Maria Bruwer, 3 December 1957, 5712030009083; (5) Maria Cornelia Wentzel, No. 1 Konstabel street, Groblersdal.. 1687/2008—(2) WATKINS, KGALADI RAHAB, 5 April 1968, 6804050623080, 428 SUID STREET, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 25 January 2008; (4) STEVEN WATKINS, 15 November 1965, 6511155050081; (5) THOMAS GROBLER ATTORNEYS, 14 LANDDROS MARé STREET, POLOKWANE. 000298/2017—(2) BENADE, PHILLIPPUS ANDRIAS, 19 July 1938, 3807195095083, PLOT 176, IVYDALE, POLOKWANE; (3) 3 November 2016; (4) FRANCINA SUSANNA BENADE, 26 May 1943, 4305260046080; (5) J. SPANGENBERG, CALCULUS ACCOUNTANTS,, 3 BICCARDSTREET, POLOKWANE. 0699; (6) N/A. 4372/2017—(2) Masemola, Selemagae, 25 July 1963, 6307250687087, ERF 36 Langutani Crescent, Lotus Gardens, 0008; (3) 30 May 2017; (4) Raletseiri Moses Masemola, 10 February 1952, 5602105767089; (5) LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria. 004694/2018—(2) MOHONWE, NGWAKO BERNARD, 9 September 1960, 6009095476086, STAND NO: 70 MAVELE VILLAGE, NWAMITWA; (3) 21 May 2018; (4) MOKGOLOTHANE SALOME MOHONWE, 11 January 1964, 6401110541087; (5) MPHO MOKHITHI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS, 42 SCHOEMAN STREET, POLOKWANE; (6) 30. 3356/2018—(2) MALWANDLA (MHLONGO), HLUPHEKILE AGNES, 27 September 1961, 6109270346086, HOUSE 602E, GIYANI, 0826 ,; (3) 7 January 2018; (4) NGHENANI JOEL MALWANDLA, 10 July 1957, 5707105781087; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383 PRETORIA, 0001; (6) 30. 003737/2018—(2) TALJARD, JOHANNES HENDRIK, 15 December 1961, 6112155123083, 11 NGOAKO RAMATLODI DRIVE, ONVERWACHT, LEPHALALE 0557; (3) 28 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LEWIS FRANCOIS TALJARD, 11 NGOAKO RAMATLODI DRIVE, ONVERWACHT, LEPHALALE 0557. 4325/2018—(2) , Hendrika Maria Rene, 6 April 1938, 3804060202183, Hermanstraat 34, Ellisras; (3) 21 Mei 2018; (5) Menno Glas, Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 71

4327/2018—(2) Malan, Celeste Canzonette, 28 November 1930, 3011280052089, Camelot Echo Estate, Ellisras; (3) 27 Maart 2018; (5) Menno Glas, Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555. 4323/2018—(2) Pretorius, Willem Hendrik, 29 Maart 1929, 2903245020089, Plaas Ecarte, Ellisras; (3) 26 April 2018; (5) Menno Glas, Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555. 003505/2018—(2) Steyn, Adriaan Sarel, 9 October 1947, 4710095024089, Hoewe 160, Polokwane, 0699; (3) 22 December 2017; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 3008/2018—(2) Hollington, William John Michael, 8 December 1950, 5012085018083, 5 Limpopo Avenue, Musina, 0900; (3) 18 January 2018; (4) Lilian Levina Hollington, 10 September 1955, 5509100076087; (5) Lilian Levina Hollington, 9 Irwin Street, Musina, 0900. 6362/2016—(2) MAMABOLO, MAKGATHI ERNEST, 10 October 1939, 3910105611088, STAND NO. 910, GA THOKA, MOTHAPO VILLAGE; (3) 12 August 2016; (4) SEFORA NORIAH MAMABOLO, 20 July 1968, 6807200460089; (5) JK DEPANYEKGA ATTORNEYS, 19A GROBLER STREET SUITE 404 DADA HOUSE POOLOKWANE. 007921/2017—(2) MAHLAELA, MORONGOA CECILIA, 9 January 1965, 6501090256083, 920 WESTERNBURG; (3) 20 October 2017; (5) DORCUS PEBETSE MATSHEDISO KGARE, 5512 HEMLOCK STREET, KOSMOSDAL, CENTURION. 002248/2018—(2) MOOTANE, SEKEDI REBECCA, 17 June 1959, 5906170919081, STAND NO. 1105 UNIT C, MANKWENG TOWNSHIP; (3) 17 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JK DEPANYEKGA ATTORNEYS, 19A GROBLER STREET SUITE 404 DADA HOUSE POOLOKWANE. 007921/2017—(2) MAHLAELA, MORONGOA CECILIA, 9 January 1965, 6501090256083, 920 WESTERNBURG; (3) 20 October 2017; (5) DORCUS PEBETSE MATSHEDISO KGARE, 5512 HEMLOCK STREET, KOSMOSDAL, CENTURION. 004529/2018—(2) ABBUBAKER, NAZIMA, 25 June 1980, 8006250160081, 33 VINSTRA ROAD VALHALLA PRETORIA 0185 GAUTENG; (3) 29 May 2018; (5) ABBUBAKER OMAR, 33 VINSTRA ROAD VALHALLA PRETORIA 0185 GAUTENG. 2898/2018—(2) NKOSI, LEPHEPHANE JOHANNAH, 2 March 1975, 7503020913089, 10127 MANGANENG 1127; (3) 14 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) M.S MOLOTO INC ATTORNEYS, 52 LANDROS MARE STREET,PIONEER BUILDING,OFFICE 303, 3rd FLOOR, POLOKWANE 0700; (6) 30 DAYS. 004694/2018—(2) MOHONWE, NGWAKO BERNARD, 9 September 1960, 6009095476086, STAND NO: 70 MAVELE VILLAGE, NWAMITWA; (3) 21 May 2018; (4) MOKGOLOTHANE SALOME MOHONWE, 11 January 1964, 6401110541087; (5) MPHO MOKHITHI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS, 42 SCHOEMAN STREET, POLOKWANE; (6) 30. 003647/2018—(2) MODISE, NGALE GEORGE, 31 October 1933, 3310315140087, STAND NO 538 MOTETEME, WARD 34, 0473; (3) 12 April 2018; (4) MATLODI SARAH MODISE, 22 November 1936, 3611220182084; (5) M.S MOLOTO INC ATTORNEYS, 52 LANDROS MARE STREET,PIONEER BUILDING,OFFICE 303, 3rd FLOOR, POLOKWANE 0700; (6) 30 DAYS. 004111/2018—(2) DIENER, DAVID ERASMUS, 12 December 1954, 5412125015083, 07 PAUL MILLS STREET, MUSINA, LIMPOPO; (3) 11 May 2018; (4) MARIA MAGDALENA DIENER, 15 November 1955, 5511150069087; (5) MERISE MONTEZ VAN WYK, Sanlynn Building; Block B; Ground Floor; c/o Sanlam Street & Lynnwood Road; Lynnwood. 002248/2018—(2) MOOTANE, SEKEDI REBECCA, 17 June 1959, 5906170919081, STAND NO. 1105 UNIT C, MANKWENG TOWNSHIP; (3) 17 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JK DEPANYEKGA ATTORNEYS, 19A GROBLER STREET SUITE 404 DADA HOUSE POOLOKWANE. 24786/2014—(2) MMARA, DINEO, 2 March 2000, 0003020922088, STAN NO. 117 SEFEME VILLAGE, BOTLOKWA, 0812; (3) 13 October 2014; (5) R MOKGOLA & ASSOCIATES, 15 BOTHA STREET, PO BOX 547, MODJADJISKLOOF, 0835. 002248/2018—(2) MOOTANE, SEKEDI REBECCA, 17 June 1959, 5906170919081, STAND NO. 1105 UNIT C, MANKWENG TOWNSHIP; (3) 17 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JK DEPANYEKGA ATTORNEYS, 19A GROBLER STREET SUITE 404 DADA HOUSE POOLOKWANE. 6362/2016—(2) MAMABOLO, MAKGATHI ERNEST, 10 October 1939, 3910105611088, STAND NO. 910, GA THOKA, MOTHAPO VILLAGE; (3) 12 August 2016; (4) SEFORA NORIAH MAMABOLO, 20 July 1968, 6807200460089; (5) JK DEPANYEKGA ATTORNEYS, 19A GROBLER STREET SUITE 404 DADA HOUSE POOLOKWANE. 8851/2017—(2) MOTHIBA, MAGWAI CHARLES, 6 June 1950, 5006065969083, P.O BOX 1060 SESHEGO 0742; (3) 11 August 1990; (5) MPHO MOKHITHI INCORPORATED, P.O BOX 4123 POLOKWANE 0700; (6) 30 DAYS. 24786/2014—(2) MMARA, DINEO, 2 March 2000, 0003020922088, STAN NO. 117 SEFEME VILLAGE, BOTLOKWA, 0812; (3) 13 October 2014; (5) R MOKGOLA & ASSOCIATES, 15 BOTHA STREET, PO BOX 547, MODJADJISKLOOF, 0835.


002426/2018—(2) MOLDENHAUER, BRIAN DAVID, 1 May 1951, 5105015049085, 6 MILLER STREET NELSPRUIT; (3) 28 May 2018; (5) ARCHIBALD CHARLES BREMNER, Executor, Hough & Bremner Attorneys P O Box 642 Nelspruit 1200. 001613/2018—(2) HLATSHWAYO, NOVEMBER ALBERT, 1 April 1951, 5104015368082, STAND NO. E1113 GLENMORE, DUNDONALD, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE; (3) 16 March 2018; (4) THABISILE JOSEPHINA HLATSHWAYO, 11 October 1955, 5510110794081; (5) THABISILE JOSEPHINA HLATSHWAYO, STAND NO. E1113 GLENMORE, DUNDONALD, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE.

This gazette is also available free online at 72 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

000401/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, HERMAANUS JACOBUS CHRISTOFFEL DU PLESSIS, 21 February 1950, 5002215089088, 16 MELISSA STREET, DEL JUDOR EXT 4, WITBANK, 1034; (3) 19 March 2017; (4) JOHANNA CATHARINE DU PLESSIS, 21 March 1951, 5103210084080; (5) JOHANNA CATHARINA DU PLESSIS, 16 MELISSA STREET, DEL JUDOR X4, WITBANK, 1034. 006923/2018—(2) ADLAM, THOMAS, 25 January 1949, 4901255156080, 6 DUIWELPIEK STR, AERORAND, MIDDELBURG; (3) 14 March 2018; (4) LEONIE JANET ADLAM, 24 April 1947, 7404251493086; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, Privaatsak x 45, Lynnwood, 0040. 002666/2018—(2) Du Toit, Ina Magdalena, 2 September 1945, 4509020139081, 8 Lakeside Critchely Hackle Lodge, 585 Teding Van Berkhout Street; (3) 24 April 2018; (5) SANLAM TRUST LTD (BW), SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 002747/2018—(2) Du Toit, Jacoba Carolina, 3 June 1937, 3706030012081, Rothdene, Meyerton; (3) 18 November 2017; (4) Barend Daniel Du Toit, 20 May 1930, 3005205004084; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (T100003), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, :Pretoria, 0001. 002759/2018—(2) Van Zyl, Jacob Bernard, 4 July 1952, 5207045130081, 03John Baker Street, White River; (3) 17 February 2018; (4) Susara Susanna Van Zyl, 11 May 1960, 6005110012088; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park 0102. 002383/2018—(2) Roos, Jacobus Johannes Hercules, 29 October 1933, 3310295039085, 113, Lilian Ngoyi Street, Witbank; (3) 5 April 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 0006472018—(2) MAGABANE, NYAKALE MICHAEL, 3 November 1969, 6911035387085, STAND NO; 58 DEBRRUIN ERMELO; (3) 28 December 2017; (4) LUNGILE VALENCIA MAGABANE, 16 June 1973, 7306160363085; (5) Ngomne Estate Administrators, COURT SIDE SHOPPiNG CENTRE Cnr N4 HIGHWAY & Ou KAAPSCHEHOOP ROAD; (6) 30 days. 002878/2018—(2) Visser, Barend Jacobus Visser, 28 August 1938, 3808285070085, 6 Andries Pretorius Street, Bethal 2310; (3) 8 February 2018; (4) Johanna Sofila Visser, 21 March 1942, 4203210046088; (5) Franco Jacques de Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 002789/2018—(2) GREYLING, CORNELIA MARGARETHA GREYLING, 19 Maart 1925, 2503190005083, WOONSTEL 15, MACADAMIA AFTREEOORD, ORANGESTRAAT, NELSPRUIT; (3) 14 Maart 2018; (5) PWG PROKUREURS, POSBUS 265, ERMELO, 2350. 1770/2018—(2) PRIGGE, GUNTER GUSTAV, 2 August 1951, 5108025003084, Farm Welverdiend Piet Retief 2380; (3) 22 December 2017; (5) PWG ATTORNEYS, 20 TAUTE STREET, ERMELO 2350. 002875/2018—(2) Pieters, Henrihetta Riana, 15 November 1966, 6611150149084, 70 Piketberg str, Secunda 2302; (3) 22 March 2018; (4) Johannes Marthinus Jacob Pieters, 30 May 1961, 6105305005085; (5) Franco Jacques de Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 004567/2017—(2) KHABA, MACALENI ELIAS, 13 May 1966, 6605135268084, HOUSE 3819 - EXT 1 - SAKHILE - 2431; (3) 13 October 2016; (4) MPHAKISENG PAULINAH KHABA, 25 October 1968, 6810250592082; (5) MPHAKISENG PAULINAH KHABA, HOUSE 3819, EXT 1, SAKHILE, 2431. 1591/2017—(2) BETTE, JAN, 5 November 1951, 5111055032080, GROOTBOSCHKOP, DULSTROOM; (3) 5 October 2016; (4) Johanna Henrica Bette,, 7 November 1962, 6211070080087; (5) FERREIRA NEL & PARTNERS, 46 CHURCH STREET, LYDENBURG 1120. 000598/2018—(2) SIBISI, NKOSANA SAMUEL, 14 November 1963, 6311145304080, 581 DUMISANI STREET, THUTHUKANI, 2434; (3) 27 September 2012; (4) NOMTHANDAZO ESTHER SIBISI, 5 November 1962, 6211050388088; (5) KRUGER & ASSOCIATES, OLD MUTUAL BUILDING 19C, CHURCH STREET, STANDERTON, 2430. 013962/2018—(2) CALDER, TREVOR ALLWYN, 17 June 1942, 4206175130086, 32 PAUL KRUGER STREET, LEEUDOINGSTAD; (3) 16 October 2013; (4) MARA CATHARINA CALDER, 16 May 1952, 5205160067088; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 FORSTER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (6) 30. 002754/2018—(2) MAHAMBA, VELLIE BEN, 3 April 1957, 5704035504085, 10 FRANK BATH STREET MIDDLEBURG; (3) 6 March 2018; (4) POPPY MAHAMBA, 7 January 1971, 7101070546089; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST, NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BANCOR AVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2 PRETORIA 0181. 002753/2018—(2) MOUTON, HEITJE MAGDELENA FRANSINA, 8 May 1933, 3305080006083, WHITE RIVER; (3) 13 July 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST, NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BANCOR AVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2, PRETORIA, 0181. 2281/2018—(2) OLESEN, KNUD ERIK, 30 June 1927, 2706305021081, 7 HUNTER STREET, NELSPRUIT; (3) 23 April 2017; (4) ELA KIRSTEN OLESEN, 29 October 1927, 2710290014085; (5) ERICH ENGELBRECHT, 40A Marloth street, Nelspruit, 1200. 2889/2018—(2) BOHM, IRMGARD MARIA MAGDALENA, 1 December 1931, 3112010078087, PORTION 14 FARM VERGENOEG 177 JT; (3) 20 March 2018; (5) VILJOEN WAGNER ATTORNEYS, 41 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit, 1200.


3149/2018—(2) JOOSTE, ANNA CATHARINA, 10 Mei 1927, 2705100029083, 14 MIEMIE LAAN KLERKSDORP; (3) 3 Mei 2018; (5) DAWID STEFANUS GREYLING, 55 ROOIBOS STR KLERKSDORP. 003711/2018—(2) De Vries, Andrew, 24 Oktober 1926, 2610245043082, Oog van Schoonspruit, Ventersdorp; (3) 2 Mei 2018; (5) Manong Badenhorst & Badenhorst Ingelyf, Dr Yusuf Dadoostraat 61, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 73

002578/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, ROBERT ALBERTUS, 3 December 1983, 8312035104083, FARM DE EG BUHRMANSDRIF 2867; (3) 27 March 2018; (5) CHUANITA PRETORIUS, 1 JACOB STREET LICHTENBURG 2740. 007272/2017—(2) LAURIE, JOSEPH FRANK, 1 January 1944, 4401015234087, 57 BENEDEN STREET, EAST END, RUSTENBURG; 0299; (3) 4 March 2016; (4) ENID CAROLINE LAURIE, 12 February 1952, 5202120165086; (5) JOHANNES FRANCOIS GROBLER, CNR BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREET,RUSTENBURG,0299. 003993/2018—(2) Pretorius, Catharina Elizabeth, 25 April 1931, 3104250081087, 106 Scholtz Street, Lichtenburg; (3) 18 June 2018; (5) Van Vuuren Inc, 4 Suster Street, Lichtenburg. 003886/2018—(2) MOKATI, SEFEKETSANE WILLIAM, 21 May 1983, 3805215187088, 57 BURN STREET, RUSTENBURG NORTH, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) 21 June 2018; (5) JOHANNES FRANCOIS GROBLER, CORNER BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0299. 003179/2018—(2) Bothma, Christiaan Stefanus, 1 Januarie 1953, 5301015113084, Rand Straat 28, Koster, 0348; (3) 17 April 2018; (5) M Worth Prokureurs, Palm View Estate 14, Veronica Straat 573, Montana, Pretoria,0182. 003489/2018—(2) VAN STADEN, ADRIAAN HENDRIKUS, 13 May 1969, 6905135104085, 233B JOUBERT STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) 22 May 2018; (5) JOHANNES FRANCOIS GROBLER, CORNER BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREETS, RUSTENBURG. 007800/2016—(2) LESIGA, LEBANG BEN, 29 October 1975, 7510295328083, MAHIKENG UNIT 14; (3) 11 December 2016; (4) RACHEL NTHWAPELO BOIKANYO, 10 April 1978, 7804100280088; (5) DONOVAN THEODORE MAJIEDT, HONEY ATTORNEYS, NORTHRIDGE MALL KENNETH KAUNDA ROAD BLOEMFONTEIN 9300. 2141/2010—(2) MOTLHOKOANE, WESI SIMON, 16 June 1954, 5406166079081, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 24 August 2009; (4) MARGARET MATLAKALA MOTLHOKOANE, 24 August 1958, 5808240895087; (5) MEYER VAN DER WALT ATTORNEYS, 66 RETIEF STREET; POTCHEFSTROOM; 2531. 392/2014—(2) GAOBUSIWE, PEBA MARY, 2 Maart 1940, 4003020538088, HUIS NO: 250C, MAIPING; (3) 2 Januarie 2014; (4) MOTHUSIEMANG GAOBUSIWE, 9 Maart 1939, 3903095589083; (5) MOTHUSIEMANG GAOBUSIWE, POSBUS 63, KURUMAN 8460. 4150/2016—(2) Motjale, Tauesele Sehume, 12 October 1929, 2910125314086, Y73 Lephurwane Street, Jouberton, Klerksdorp; (3) 12 August 2014; (5) Christiaan Jacobus Maritz, Private bag X2103 Mahikeng 2745. 3997/2018—(2) BOTES, GERT ADOLF, 8 March 1963, 6303085076083, 13 DU TOIT STREET, FREEMANVILLE, KLERKSDORP; (3) 25 May 2018; (4) SUSARA JOHANNA BOTES, 18 July 1965, 6507180065086; (5) CM DE KLERK ATTORNEYS, P.O BOX 6222, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP, 2572; (6) 30. 3888/2018—(2) LOTTER, CATHERINA ELIZABETH LOTTER, 30 September 1948, 4809300166089, 48 GAMTOOS STREET STILFONTEIN; (3) 25 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) CM DE KLERK ATTORNEYS, P.O BOX 6222, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP, 2572; (6) 30. 3791/2018—(2) SEHLABO, NCHAMO GEORGE, 1 January 1957, 5701055176083, 5 DRAKENSBERG STREET, KARLIENPARK, RUSTENBURG; (3) 11 May 2018; (4) RABALELO VIRGINIA SEHLABO, 7 November 1960, 6011070839080; (5) VOLKER HELMUT JOHANNES KRÜGER, Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, @Office Building, North Block 04, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg; (6) 30. 000597/2018—(2) CLIDARAS, ANTHONY DEANE, 20 August 1950, 5008205010083, 10 TOTIUS ANE, ORKNEY, 2619; (3) 10 October 2017; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, Privaatsak x 45 Lynnwood 0040. 000557/2018—(2) THAISI, MAHLOMOLA ALFRED, 8 January 1940, 4001085443087, No. 3070 OCKIE ACKERMAN CRESCENT, UNIT 9, MMABATHO; (3) 29 August 2017; (4) SANNAH MATLAKALA THAISI, 8 September 1955, 5509080873081; (5) MOTLHABANI ATTORNEYS, 12 ROBINSON STREET, OLD VOLKSKAS BUILDING, MAHIKENG, 2745. 013724/2018—(2) PANTHER, ELIZABETH CORNELIA, 25 June 1962, 6206250208086, 9SENEKAL STREET ROOSHEUWEL KLERKSDORP 2570; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited, IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157. 007436/2018—(2) MOTAUNG, LEBOHANG AGNES, 13 November 1969, 6911130327085, 1080 BLOCK B, LETHLABILE; (3) 6 November 2016; (5) CORNELUS JOHANNES ALEXANDER LOURENS, LUDORF STRAAT 30, BRITS. 004020/2018—(2) VAN DYK, MAGDALENA MARIA PETRONELLA, 22 February 1951, 5102220136088, 39 BOTHA STREET LEEUDORINGSTAD; (3) 20 April 2018; (4) DIRK JOHANNES VAN DYK, 2 October 1939, 3910025028082; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN AS NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LTD, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WATLOO. 003977/2018—(2) SWANEPOEL, ANDRE PIETER, 2 May 1967, 6705025168087, HOUSE 35 EXT 21 VILLA RONDA PHASE 2 WATERVAL EAST; (3) 23 July 2017; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN AS NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LTD, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WATLOO. 003497/2018—(2) HILDEBRAND, DAPHNE KATHLEEN, 19 February 1935, 3502190008088, RUSTENBURG; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) ELMARIE COETSEE, 258 BEYERS NAUDE DRIVE, BLACKHEATH, 2118. 013724/2018—(2) PANTHER, ELIZABETH CORNELIA, 25 June 1962, 6206250208086, 9SENEKAL STREET ROOSHEUWEL KLERKSDORP 2570; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited, IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157.

This gazette is also available free online at 74 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018


001378/2018—(2) DE KLERK, PAUL ANDRIES, 3 Augustus 1942, 4208035003081, PERSEEL 299, KAKAMAS, 8870; (3) 16 Maart 2018; (4) JENNIE CHRISTINA DE KLERK, 15 Maart 1942, 4203150042089; (5) JENNIE CHRISTINA DE KLERK, POSBUS 159, KAKAMAS, 8870. 1104/2018—(2) Van Greunen, Wilhelmus Gerhardus, 19 Februarie 1944, 4402195093087, Reynoldstraat 210, Douglas 8730; (3) 26 Januarie 2018; (5) Paulus Retief Derks, GF Pieterse, Ceronio & Derks, Hertzogstraat 14, Posbus 82, Hartswater, 8570. 002274/2017—(2) DIPONE, OTHUSITSE ELFIE, 1 July 1953, 5307015929080, HOUSE NO 19, LONGANENG SECTION, MARUPING VILLAGE; (3) 4 June 2017; (4) BAETSI VIRGINIA DIPONE, 2 April 1953, 5304020552080; (5) KBVS ATTORNEYS, 51 BEARE STREET, KURUMAN, 8460. 001976/2018—(2) CHETTY, AUMMERASEN ARNIN, 27 November 1966, 6611275243085, 2 STRUBEN AVENUE, RHODESDENE, KIMBERLEY, 8301; (3) 16 May 2018; (4) DAVINA LORRAINE CHETTY, 2 December 1966, 6612020219081; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA PROVINCIAL BUILDING, C/O NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY STREETS, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 1835/2018—(2) Corbett, Hilda Merle, 9 Januarie 1944, 4401090033081, Franceystraat 19, New Park, Kimberley, 8301; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 001696/2018—(2) KENNEDY, BETTIE CHRISTINA NATALINA, 4 Augustus 1942, 4208040151081, DREYERSTRAAT 48, CAROLUSBERG 8247; (3) 8 April 2018; (4) JOHANNES ALBERTUS KENNEDY, 3 Augustus 1942, 4208035010086; (5) CHRISTIAAN DIPPENAAR, PO BOX 120, SPRINGBOK 8240. 2042/2018—(2) pilcher, etienne de vos, 11 August 1952, 5208115017083, 1 hulley street, beaconsfield, kimberley, 8301; (3) 8 January 2018; (4) aletta johanna elizabeth pilcher, 8 December 1958, 5812080009080; (5) absa trust limited, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, 1st floor, bloemfontein, 9301. 2109/2018—(2) botha, theodorus erns corneluis, 3 January 1935, 3501035026081, 9 hugo street, monumenthoogte, kimberley, 8300; (3) 5 March 2018; (4) johanna petronella botha, 20 June 1936, 3606200025089; (5) absa trust limited, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, 1st floor, bloemfontein, 9301.


008276/2018—(2) CREAN, SHIRLEY ANNE, 24 October 1936, 3610240047087, 18 JULIANAVELD SOUTH, PINELANDS; (3) 15 April 2018; (5) CELEST VENTER, LOR DEA TRUST CC, PO BOX 156, DURBANVILLE, 7551. 008526/2018—(2) KHEREKAR, GALIEMA, 21 January 1935, 3501210271080, 6 CARIBBEAN MEWS, CARIBINIER STREET, WYNBERG; (3) 21 April 2018; (5) CELEST VENTER, LOR DEA TRUST CC, PO BOX 156, DURBANVILLE, 7551. 008095/2018—(2) DE KOCK, HENDRIK ALBERTUS, 21 February 1935, 3502215023088, 59 VENUS STREET, OTHELLO RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BRACKENFELL; (3) 9 May 2018; (4) SYBRAND ALBERTUS DE KOCK, 19 June 1938, 3806190026085; (5) CELEST VENTER, LOR DEA TRUST CC, PO BOX 156, DURBANVILLE, 7551. 006851/2017—(2) JOHNSON, JOSEPH PHILLIP, 20 March 1953, 5303205022083, 117 MADALIEFIE STREET, LENTEGEUR, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 30 March 2012; (4) DIANE GERALDINE JOHNSON, 23 January 1960, 6001230033088; (5) MANSON TOBIN ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 3584 DURBANVILLE, 7551. 8639/2015—(2) HAHNE, ALBRECHT WINFRIED GEORGE, 1 Augustus 1948, 4808015064084, 6 VAN NIEROP CRESCENT, SONNENDAL, PAROW, WESKAAPPROVINSIE; (3) 28 April 2015; (5) EUGENE SCHOEMAN PROKUREUR, VAN DER MERWESINGEL 53, BLOMVLEI, BELLVILLE, 7530; (6) 30 DAYS. 007757/2018—(2) VAN DEN BERG, JACOBUS PETRUS, 16 Januarie 1959, 5901165050083, 62 FAIRVIEW, EERSTELAAN GEORGE, 6530; (3) 29 Januarie 2018; (4) JOHANNA CORNELIA VAN DEN BERG, 8 April 1957, 5704080058086; (5) BRINK ROUX PROKUREURS, POSBUS 17, WESSELSBRON, 9680. 019180/2017—(2) RUST, JOHANNES PIETER, 8 Maart 1986, 8603085173089, JAQUET STRAAT 1, VREDENDAL; (3) 28 April 2017; (4) N/A; (5) GERRIT MOLLER PROKUREURS, 11B CANAL EDGE FOUR, TYGER WATERFRONT, TYGERVALLEI, 7530. 004302/2018—(2) Demes, Daniel, 11 September 1932, 3209115060083, 55 Gordon Road, Heathfield, Cape Town, 7945; (3) 11 July 2016; (4) Winifred Augusta Demes; (5) JOHANN DE VOS - Identity Number 671225 5044 08 7 - as nominee of SENTINEL INTERNATIONAL TRUST (Pty) Ltd [ formerly EXECUTOR SERVICES] and Farrell John Demes, PO Box 44774, Claremont, 7735; (6) 30. 002436/2018—(2) PALMARY, MURIEL ELIZABETH, 12 January 1946, 4601120048088, 6 KRUGER STREET, BELVILLE, CAPE TOWN, 7530; (3) 15 December 2017; (5) NAOMI NEL, 196 KITCHENER AVE, KENSINGTON, JHB, 2094. 007879/2018—(2) DAVIDSON, DAPHNE FRANCIS, 4 July 1935, 3507040065089, 16 CECELIA WAY, MATROOSFONTEIN, 7490; (3) 21 September 2016; (5) LUCILLE GELDENHUYS ATTORNEYS, LUCILLE GELDENHUYS, 1ST FLOOR, MERLOT HOUSE, BRANDWACHT OFFICE PARK, TRUMALI STREET, STELLENBOSCH, 7600; (6) 30.

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008854/2018—(2) Landers, Rose, 1 February 1910, ., 2-13951 - 70th Avenue, Surrey, B.C. Canada, V3WOA3; (3) 19 December 2012; (5) JOHANN DE VOS as nominee of Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, 6th Floor, Mariendahl House, Newlands on Main, Main Road, Newlands; (6) 30. 004023/2018—(2) Retief, Joelene Suzette, 25 Maart 1959, 5903250047081, 6 Ficus Street Heldervue Somerset West 7130; (3) 31 Januarie 2018; (5) Johannes Hermanus Engelbrecht, PO Box 740 Strand 7140; (6) 30. 009943/2018—(2) Meintjes, Janna Elise, 5 January 1944, 4401050038088, Portion 50 of the Farm Riet Vallei nr 167, Montagu, 6720; (3) 23 May 2018; (5) Karen Lotter, Sanlam Trust, P O Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 19065/2017—(2) TOFTE, CORNé, 20 September 1971, 7109200335083, MUIRSTRAAT 44, HEIDELBERG, WES-KAAP 6665; (3) 25 Oktober 2017; (5) P.W.HOFFMAN PROKUREURS, VAN RIEBEECKSTRAAT 44 HEIDELBERG WES-KAAP 6665. 9725/2018—(2) Hoffman, Cornelius Lourens, 25 May 1963, 6305255067081, 18 Heathfield Road, Sea Point,8005; (3) 15 April 2018; (5) Baker Tilly Greenwoods Services (Pty)Ltd, P O Box 3311 Cape Town 8001. -—(2) ATKINSON, BERNARD, 5 October 1940, 4010055065184, 26 MILNERTON DRIVE, MILNORTON RIDGE, CAPE TOWN; (3) 25 April 2018; (5) ANN DU TOIT, STANDARDD TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 5562, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (6) 30. 003988/2018—(2) Cyster, John Joseph, 6 September 1925, 2509065049080, 29 Sheldon Road, Crawford, Athlone; (3) 26 October 2015; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 009167/2018—(2) Davis, Frank Robert, 29 March 1954, 5403295118088, 10 Luxor Street, Highbury, 7580; (3) 10 April 2018; (4) Lorraine Cathy Davis, 29 September 1963, 6309290071082; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 003004/2018—(2) Le Roux, Petrus Johannes, 21 April 1949, 4904215106088, 17 Denne Street, Belmont Park, Kraaifontein; (3) 27 July 2017; (4) Jacoba Maria Le Roux, 22 April 1951, 5104220107085; (5) Chris Gerber, P O Box 4133, Durbanville 7551. 26338/2018—(2) HARROP, MICHAELL JAMES, 22 August 1951, 5108225191184, The Tides, 2 Axminster Road, MUIZENBERG, 7945; (3) 24 December 2017; (5) BARRY JAMES GREGG, C/O MICHAEL MATTHEWS & ASSOCIATES, SUITE D1, WESTLAKE SQUARE, 1 WESTLAKE DRIVE, WESTLAKE,7945. 18586/2016—(2) Olkers, Grace, 1 December 1928, 2812010273080, No: 42 Toplands Avenue. Voorburg; (3) 18 February 2016; (4) Widow N/A, N/A; (5) Pinini Attorneys, Suite 708,7th Floor. 47Strand Street-Cape Town. 1642/2010—(2) PIENAAR, WILLIAM, 12 September 1960, 6009125117080, 22 MENDELSON ROAD, MANDALAY, 7785; (3) 22 November 2009; (5) ESI Attorneys, P O Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7536. 002511/2017—(2) KHAN, JALAIGHA, 18 September 1938, 3809180100084, 67 DOREEN ROAD, RYLANDS ESTATE, ATHLONE 7764 CAPE; (3) 19 February 2015; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ABDURAHMAN KHAN, LEX CHAMBERS, 395 IMAM HARON ROAD, LANSDOWNE 7780 CAPE. 8739/2018—(2) ELLMANN, WILHELM CHRISTIAN JOHAN ELLMANN, 8 Augustus 1954, 5408085085082, Classic Close 14, Fairway Heights, Worcester, 6850; (3) 13 Mei 2018; (4) Cecilia Ellmann, 5 November 1956, 5611050025088; (5) Efficient Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor Imperial Terraces, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 7754/2002—(2) Abdullah, Asa, 5 November 1897, 007802079M, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 28 September 1994; (5) Gideon Jacobus Truter, 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista, 7460. 000843/2018—(2) Miles, Lionel Palmer, 5 February 1928, 2802055060088, Unit A19 Woodside Village, Norton Way, Rondebosch, 7700; (3) 24 December 2017; (4) Marion Isabel Miles, 27 September 1937, 3709270114088; (5) Sprigg Abbott Incorporated, Private Bag X22, Milnerton, 7435. WC009839/2018—(2) BRIGGS, RUTH MARJORIE DOROTHY, 15 April 1940, 4004150059085, 19 WABOOM STREET, HERMANUS, 7200, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 30 January 2018; (5) GEOFFREY CARTER, 56A Clarensville, 56 Regent Road, Sea Point, 8005. 007309/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, HENDRIK CHRISTOFFEL, 23 September 1925, 2509235003082, HUIS LETTIE THERON, HERMANUS; (3) 14 April 2018; (5) Basson & Louw Ingelyf, Hofstraat 29, Malmesbury. 007397/2018—(2) CRAFFORD, JACOB DANIEL ADRIAAN, 24 November 1937, 3711245009088, ALLEGROSTRAAT 20, LEGATO AFTREEOORD, DURBANVILLE; (3) 28 Maart 2018; (5) RIAAN CRAFFORD, LUSITANOSTRAAT 4, MALMESBURY. 005426/2018—(2) VAN HARTE, ALEXANDER, 20 Februarie 1934, 3402205054088, KERKSTRAAT 14 , ABBOTSDALE 7301; (3) 10 Februarie 2018; (5) FREDERIK JOHANN CARL HARMSE, Hofstraat 29, Malmesbury. 009528/2018—(2) Lawrence, Yvonne, 7 April 1918, 1804070038082, Hellen Keller, Lily Drive, PInelands; (3) 4 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 009638/2018—(2) Tomlinson, Patricia Winifred Elizabeth Zita, 19 September 1924, 2409190041088, 61 Kidbrooke Place, Hermanus; (3) 20 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 9607/2018—(2) MC LACHLAN, JAMES, 7 Oktober 1938, 3810075011089, 63 DOLPHIN STREET, HERMANUS; (3) 3 Junie 2018; (5) JOHAN PIENAAR VAN ROOYEN, GUTHRIE & THERON, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS, 7200. 8193/2018—(2) Roux, Andries Stefanus Roux, 10 Mei 2018, 4203255003085, Baeometra Crescent 5, Zevenwacht Estate, Kuilsrivier, 7580; (3) 22 Mei 2016; (5) Abraham Casparus Venter, Posbus 117, Bellville, 7530. 001219/2017—(2) Jansen, Pierre Francois, 5 April 1968, 6804055109085, 108 Myrtle Crescent, New Horizon, Plettenberg Bay; (3) 13 November 2016; (4) Jessica Jansen, 12 September 1977, 7709120136089; (5) Jessica Jansen, 108 Myrtle Crescent, New Horizon, Plettenberg Bay, 6600. 009333/2018—(2) Peters, Ethel Helena, 8 May 1928, 2805080035082, 30 Marsden Road, Walmer Estate, Cape Town, 7925; (3) 11 March 2018; (5) Patricia Ethel Papier, 19 Aintree Avenue, Ascot Village, Ottery, 7800.

This gazette is also available free online at 76 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

009504/2018—(2) SCHOLTZ, ELAINE TROUT, 18 May 1934, 3405180085084, 20 AALWYN ROAD , BELHAR , 7493; (3) 10 April 2018; (5) C.B.Fortuin and Associates, 29 Halt Road , Elsies River , 7490. 008362/2018—(2) Scaillet, Henri Anatole Hector, 12 September 1929, EH926706, Cape Town Yact Club; (3) 10 February 2018; (5) Mark Haydn Elmes, 26 Hope Street, Gardens, Cape Town. 009498/2018—(2) HEUIGH, JACOBUS, 27 June 1925, 2506275141087, 8 AVEY ROAD , EPPING FOREST, ELSIES RIVER , 7490; (3) 26 April 2018; (5) C.B.Fortuin and Associates, 29 Halt Road , Elsies River , 7490. 009558/2018—(2) Moseley, Peggy Elaine, 27 March 1925, 2503270028088, Carlisle Lodge, 116 Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek; (3) 8 June 2018; (5) Craig Frank Guthrie, C/O Guthrie Colananni Attorneys, 102 Fish Hoek Centre, Main Road, Fish Hoek. 009514/2018—(2) van Wyk, Frank Andrew, 30 Oktober 1946, 4610305073084, Irisstraat 61, Groenheuwel, Paarl; (3) 10 Augustus 2016; (4) Fiela van Wyk, 29 September 1951, 5109290211089; (5) Johannes Marius de Jager, Thomstraat 36, Paarl. 019638/2017—(2) DE KLERK, ANNA ELIZABETH, 9 November 1934, 3411090089083, SPOORWEGSTRAAT 161, ABBOTSDALE; (3) 1 Junie 2017; (5) ERIK LOUW, Hofstraat 29, Malmesbury. 009551/2018—(2) Upton, Patricia Edith, 15 November 1932, 3211150041085, 5 Yarmouth, 38 Yarmouth Road,Muizenberg; (3) 16 March 2018; (5) Craig Frank Guthrie, C/O Guthrie Colananni Attorneys, 102 Fish Hoek Centre, Main Road, Fish Hoek. 006964/2017—(2) REUVERS, ELSIE AGNES, 11 July 1925, 2507110029081, Vogel Valley Farm, R43 Road, Botrivier 7185; (3) 24 February 2018; (5) PE du Plessis Attorneys, 11 Arum Street, Onrus River 7201. 009485/2018—(2) Ralarala, Bafana Moses, 8 Mei 1939, 3905085248083, Graisonsingel, Graison Close 1, South Fork, Strand; (3) 18 Augustus 2015; (4) Makhosazana Hazel Ralarala, 8 Junie 1943, 4306080342089; (5) Makhosazana Hazel Ralarala, Graisonsingel, Graison Close 1, South Fork, Strand; (6) 30. 5719/2018—(2) ASSUR, ELLENA AGNES, 17 July 1946, 4607170076085, 21 BENTO STREET, AVONDALE, ATLANTIS; (3) 26 March 2018; (5) RUDOLF KIRT ADAMS, 31 MARSDEN ROAD, WALMER ESTATE, WOODSTOCK 7915. 7735/2009—(2) KENNIFORD, ROBERT WILLLIAM, 7 November 1941, 4111075079088, 27 VREEM STREET, MILNERTON, CAPE TOWN; (3) 24 February 2009; (4) LORETTA YOLANDA KENNIFORD, 14 June 1951, 5106140120080; (5) LORETTA YOLANDA KENNIFORD, MO BOX 211 // UNIT 8, CANAL EDGE 4, TYGERWATERFRONT, BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN; (6) 30. 009640/2018—(2) Fuller, Alfred Vivian, 2 April 1935, 3504025064088, 41 Eastwood Place, Sunningdale, 7441; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) Cindy Debra Barnard as nominee of Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 009086/2018—(2) Shenxane, Veliswa, 20 January 1971, 7101200683083, 805 4th Avenue, Stellenbosch Kayamandi, 7600; (3) 7 February 2017; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 10743/2018—(2) Theunissen, Cornelia, 21 September 1933, 3309210067080, Huis Jan Swart, Lourensrivierweg, Strand; (3) 3 Julie 2018; (5) Riana Lemmer & Schoonees Ing, Posbus 9, Strand. 009217/2018—(2) Cristiano, Christian David, 8 March 1932, 3203080073080, Ladies Christian Home Gardens Cape Town; (3) 11 April 2018; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 26095/2014—(2) LOUW, MARILYN LORNA, 15 July 1948, 4807150532087, 35 Keppel Street, Walmer Estate, Cape Town; (3) 20 June 2014; (5) DORRINGTON JESSOP, 28 DRAPER SQUARE, DRAPER STREET, CLAREMONT. 009937/2018—(2) Kirk, Pamela Dewes, 26 August 1944, 4408260120085, 755S, Eliseo Drive #9, Greenbrae, Marin, California, 94904; (3) 29 December 2017; (5) Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, 1 North Wharf Square, Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001. 10911/2018—(2) Cooper, Alexander Hammond, 11 Maart 1948, 4803115051081, Kloofstraat 8, Caledon, 7230; (3) 23 Mei 2018; (5) Charl Stephanus Cilliers, P/A: Guthrie & Theron Prokureurs, Hoopstraat 19, Caledon,7230. 9599/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, CHARL PETRUS, 20 Februarie 1937, 3702205004086, 227 ONRUS MANOR, ONRUSRIVIER, HERMANUS; (3) 3 Junie 2018; (4) MARIA MARGARETHA DU PLESSIS, 2 Februarie 1941, 4102020036083; (5) JOHAN PIENAAR VAN ROOYEN, GUTHRIE & THERON, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS, 7200. 009360/2018—(2) Bredeveldt, William Paul, 27 October 1933, 3310275068088, 07 Waterbury Road, Plumstead, 7800; (3) 18 June 2017; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 017719/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Helena Hendrika, 25 Junie 1944, 4406250002081, Somerkoelte, Lambertsbaai, 8130; (3) 21 Augustus 2017; (5) Christiaan Jacobus Visser (Eksekuteur), Riedemanstraat 12, Lambertsbaai, 8130. 009724/2018—(2) Setton, Sultana Leone, 28 May 1924, 2405280007088, Lotus River Place, Buck Road, Lotus River, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 30 April 2018; (5) Fluxmans Inc., No. 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, 2196, Ref: Jfung/ mp/139221. 009137/2018—(2) SNYDERS, JEREMY, 20 February 1963, 6302205180080, 2 JUPITER STREET, SAREPTA, KUILS RIVER, 7580; (3) 13 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DEON NEUHOFF ATTORNEYS, 602 BUITENKLOOF STUDIOS, 8 KLOOF STREET, GARDENS, CAPE TOWN 8001. 7275/2018—(2) Leukes, Evelyn Gerhard, 14 August 1953, 5308145100089, 12 Silo Street, Ravensmead, 7405; (3) 23 January 2018; (4) Marilyn Rose Leukes, 18 October 1954, 5410180127082; (5) Old Mutual Trust Limited - Y Nordien, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30 days. 006116/2018—(2) Kenney, Lyneth Glenda, 4 May 1948, 4805040083089, 12 Solyet Court, Selous Road, Claremont; (3) 12 February 2018; (5) Bisset Boehmke McBlain, 4th Floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town. 8636/2018—(2) TAYLOR, ANETTA CAROLINE, 29 Julie 1932, 3207290255080, 254 Tenth Avenue, Eikendal Kraaifontein; (3) 4 Mei 2016; (5) ROCHELLE NETJULINE WAGENAAR, Brighton weg 60, Kraaifontein, 7570.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 77

009176/2018—(2) Gates, Phyllis Clare, 26 October 1926, 2610260041086, 123 Runciman’s Drive, Simonstown; (3) 2 March 2018; (5) Old Mutual Trust Limited - Y Nordien, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30 days. 9130/2018—(2) COETZEE, WILNA CECEIL, 25 May 1937, 3705250053080, 8 Waterkloof Crescent, Mooigezight, Bellville; (3) 18 May 2018; (4) N/A; (5) VAUGHAN HENRY ULYATE, VAUGHAN ULYATE & ASSOCIATES, UNIT 5, CANAL EDGE 4, FOUNTAIN STR, TYGER WATERFRONT, BELLVILLE. 8847/2018—(2) HEYNS, JILL DOREEN, 13 March 1937, 3703130101187, Unit 216, Evergreen Retirement Village, Muizenberg; (3) 19 May 2018; (5) Damian Winston Enslin, c/o Michael Matthews & Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Westlake,7945. 014141/2016—(2) Marais, Christian Ludolph, 26 July 1933, 3307265032082, 33 Hohenort Avenue, Constantia, Cape Town; (3) 16 June 2016; (5) Cornelia Irma Marais, Valentine Sargeant, 4th Floor Wale Street Chambers, 38 Wale Street, Cape Town 8001. 009642/2018—(2) Holland, Marsha Carol, 28 December 1951, 5112280033083, 94, Three Fountains, Philadelphia, Atlantis; (3) 11 February 2018; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 007123/2018—(2) SHABANGU, SAMSON ERNEST, 6 Oktober 1974, 7410065178083, 40 DAVIDS AVENUE WELLINGTON 7655; (3) 6 Februarie 2018; (4) RIKA SHABANGU, 30 April 1975, 7504300211087; (5) RIKA SHABANGU, 40 DAVIDS AVENUE WELLINGTON 7655. 006274/2017—(2) VAN TONDER, CHRISTOFFEL FREDERICK, 10 Junie 1940, 4006105106085, 20 ALBERT STREET, LADISMITH, 6655; (3) 29 Maart 2017; (4) MARIA CHRISTINA BARENDINA VAN TONDER, 18 Mei 1944, 4405180087089; (5) KIBA DE KLERK, P.O. BOX 1166, WORCESTER, 6849. 015314/2017—(2) MAJIET, MOGAMAT RIAAL, 15 March 1949, 4903155198089, 16 QUASAR CRESCENT SURREY ESTATE 7764; (3) 11 August 2016; (4) ABASIA MAJIET, 15 July 1955, 5507150074085; (5) SCHRUEDER INC. ATTORNEYS, 168 ROSMEAD AVENUE KENILWORTH 7708. 009762/2018—(2) Steyn, Johannes, 26 April 1948, 4804265014085, Shalestraat 23, Stellenridge, Bellville; (3) 1 Junie 2018; (4) Ursula Patricia Steyn, 24 Augustus 1951, 5108240111084; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Edms) Beperk, Old Mutual Trust (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000. 009477/2018—(2) Basson, Mary Doreen, 31 October 1926, 2610310017086, Noordhoek Manor , Noordhoek; (3) 18 April 2018; (5) Old Mutual Trust Trust (Pty) Ltd, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 515/1999—(2) Wilson, Josephine, 31 July 1934, 3407310219088, 121 Webner Street, Ravensmead, 7490; (3) 5 December 1998; (5) Angeline Magdalene Saaiman, No. 30 Sixth Avenue, Ravensmead, 7490. 007953/2018—(2) Nutbey, Johannes Antonius, 14 December 1927, 2712145045181, Helderberg Village Cottage 534, Private Bag X11, Somerset West; (3) 10 April 2018; (5) Frits Nutbey, Unit 6217, Somerset West, 7130. 016977/2017—(2) Khan, Mohamed Ozayr, 23 June 1982, 8206235283087, 59 Taurus Road, Surrey Estate, 7764; (3) 16 September 2017; (5) Gadiga Khan, 59 Taurus Road, Surrey Estate, 7764. 009515/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Fiela, 29 September 1951, 5109290211089, Irisstraat 61, Groenheuwel, Paarl; (3) 10 Junie 2017; (5) Johannes Marius de Jager, Thomstraat 36, Paarl. 009838/2018—(2) Heydenrych, Hendrik Josefus, 23 Augustus 1936, 3608235018089, Langverwag Aftree-Oord 308, Morkelstraat 12, Uniepark, Stellenbosch; (3) 18 Junie 2018; (5) Tonya Adri Barnard - Agent, Muscadelhuis; Brandwacht Kantoorpark; Trumalistraat; Stellenbosch; 7600. 005050/2018—(2) Damons, John, 10 March 1956, 5603105238089, No. 6 Sandpiper Crescent, Electric City, Eerste River, 7100; (3) 19 January 2017; (4) Emily Damons, 5812010161084; (5) Chantal Louise Manuel, Office 110 33 On Strand, Strand Street, Voortrekker Road, Bellville, 7530. 010367/2018—(2) BOYCE, BRIAN ALEXANDER, 26 May 1950, 5005265037188, 9 VILLA ROSA, THATCH STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) 12 June 2018; (5) PATRICIA BOYCE, C/O MORKEL & DE VILLIERS INC., P O BOX 43, SOMERSET WEST, 7129. 9001/2018—(2) PETERSEN, EDWARD, 6 September 1940, 4009065054089, 20 - 11TH AVENUE, HAZENDAL, ATHLONE; (3) 1 April 2018; (4) Doreen Elizabeth Petersen, 29 January 1942, 4201290109081; (5) DEBORAH-LEE BOTES, 1ST FLOOR, GROVE EXCHANGE, 9 GROVE AVENUE, CLAREMONT. 010243/2018—(2) BUTTNER, DOROTHEA HILDEGARD, 14 July 1921, 2107140027088, Village of Golden Harvest, Sandbaai, HERMANUS; (3) 29 May 2018; (4) N/A; (5) LUCAS CORNELIS STEYN, VORSTER & STEYN, MITCHELL HOUSE 16 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS. 18516/2016—(2) DAMONSE, BRIAN FREDERICK, 20 January 1958, 5801205154087, 73 THIRD STREET, RUSTHOF, STRAND; (3) 18 October 2016; (4) JENNIFER CHARMAINE DAMONSE, 13 November 1953, 5311130206085; (5) JENNIFER CHARMAINE DAMONSE, 73 THIRD STREET, RUSTHOF, STRAND. 9746/2018—(2) Streicher, Susanna Hermina, 8 Augustus 1947, 4708080017084, Groenkloof Aftree-oord, Huis 40, Sandhoogtepad, Groot Brakrivier; (3) 6 Junie 2018; (5) Dekker Prokureurs, Kleine Libertas, Kerkstraat 33, Mosselbaai; (6) 30 dae. 010243/2018—(2) BUTTNER, DOROTHEA HILDEGARD, 14 July 1921, 2107140027088, Village of Golden Harvest, Sandbaai, HERMANUS; (3) 29 May 2018; (4) N/A; (5) LUCAS CORNELIS STEYN, VORSTER & STEYN, MITCHELL HOUSE 16 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS. 10531/2018—(2) HANSEN, ANNE DOROTHY, 21 June 1928, 2806210024186, 216 HELDERBERG VILLAGE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) 28 May 2018; (5) LYNDI LABUSCHAGNE, P.O BOX 43, SOMERSET WEST. 9343/2018—(2) Van Rooyen, Helen, 9 Maart 1941, 4103090045087, Santos Haven Aftree-oord 33, Heiderand, Mosselbaai; (3) 11 Mei 2018; (5) Dekker Prokureurs, Kleine Libertas, Kerkstraat 33, Mosselbaai; (6) 30 dae.

This gazette is also available free online at 78 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

018177/2016—(2) Boltney, Marie Wilhelmina, 22 July 1934, 3407220072080, No. 7 Nick Kearns Avenue, Bellville South, 7530; (3) 16 July 2016; (5) Chantal Louise Manuel, Office 110 33 On Strand, Strand Street, Voortrkker Road, Bellville, 7530. 28472/2014—(2) Latief, Asia, 3 November 1944, 4411030444082, 11 Erica Street, Lentegeur, Mitchell’s Plain; (3) 16 September 2010; (4) Ebrahim Latief, 10 October 1943, 4310105143084; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 4849/2018—(2) Claasen, Maggie, 15 July 1948, 4807150145088, 46 Starling Road, Robinvale, 7349; (3) 11 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Chris Fick And Associates, PO Box 4917, Cape Town 8000. 9553/2018—(2) GILL, MARIA ELIZABETH, 12 September 1932, 3209120032085, 108 HERITAGE MANOR, HAZELDEN DRIVE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) 28 May 2018; (5) LYNDI LABUSCHAGNE, P O BOX 43, SOMERSET WEST, 7129. 1170/2018—(2) Lloyd, Rita Anna, 20 February 1942, 4202200085189, 24 Blue Gum Street, Mikpunt, Klipheuwel, 7303; (3) 18 September 2017; (4) Tony Arthur Francis Lloyd, 20 June 1941, 4106205101182; (5) Schalk Willem de Wet, 12 San Domenico, 10 Church Street, Durbanville, 7550. 009687/2018—(2) Hambly, Alida, 18 June 1940, 4006180025085, De Drostdy Home for Alzheimers, Mike Muller Street 1, Swellendam, 6740; (3) 19 January 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 014872/2017—(2) Miller, Heather Viola, 16 August 1941, 4108160052186, 3 Skip Road, Greenhaven, Athlone; (3) 15 August 2017; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 010107/2018—(2) Du Toit, Martha Hendrina, 26 Oktober 1930, 3010260041088, Huis Vergenoegd, Hoofstraat, Paarl; (3) 9 Junie 2018; (5) African Mutual Trust Company (Edms) Beperk, Van der Lingenstraat 25, Paarl. 009037/2018—(2) De Villiers, Jacobus Johannes, 13 Februarie 1925, 2502135001082, The George and Annie Starck Homes, Frans Conradierylaan, Bellville, 7530; (3) 23 Maart 2018; (4) Jacoba Maria Elizabeth De Villiers, 6 April 1925, 2504060002085; (5) Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 009028/2018—(2) HANNABUSS, JOHN CHARLES, 20 Februarie 1941, 4102205106180, KRUINSINGEL 17, BONNIEVALE, 6730; (3) 27 Mei 2018; (4) JACQUELINE EDWINA HANNABUSS, 23 September 1947, 4709230097083; (5) VAN NIEKERK & LINDE PROKUREURS, POSBUS 49, BONNIEVALE, 6730. 004539/2018—(2) OHLSON, MARLENE JOYCE, 4 August 1958, 5808040166085, 6 DE MIST STREET, PAROW, 7500; (3) 3 January 2018; (5) L.A DALVIE & ASSOCIATES, UNIT 1, RABAT VILLAGE, VANGATE CITY, ATHLONE, 7764. 18350/2015/1B—(2) NUTTALL, CHRISTOPHER JOHN NUTTALL, 14 August 1945, 4508145090187, 26 Palmer Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town, Province of Western Cape; (3) 22 November 2014; (5) WARREN JEROME DE MARIGNY BURNE, Suite 105, 1st Floor, Granada Square, 16 Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga. 005237/2018—(2) Venter, Jacobus Johannes, 23 Oktober 1971, 7110235244084, 35 Kingston Road Kingswood George; (3) 17 Februarie 2018; (4) Maryna Venter, 18 Mei 1973, 7305180163087; (5) Maryna Venter, Postnet suite 122 Private Bag X6590 George 6530. 010218/2018—(2) PITLO, ARNE EDUARD, 14 September 1943, 4309145041183, 11 ARUNDEL STREET, WESTCLIFF, HERMANUS; (3) 16 June 2018; (5) WILLIAM GEORGE ROBERTSON, 66 CHURCHSTREET, WORCESTER, 6850. 009529/20018—(2) SWANEPOEL, HENDRINA JOHANNA PETRONELLA, 12 Maart 1945, 4503120066088, TULBAGHSTRAAT 157, WORCESTER; (3) 24 Mei 2018; (5) ANTON ANDRÉ STRYDOM, KERKSTRAAT 66, WORCESTER, 6850. 001203/2018—(2) Giesecke, Monika Luise, 20 Desember 1943, 4312200012180, De Wet Straat 17, GANSBAAI, 7220; (3) 12 Januarie 2018; (5) Hester Blackburn, Basson Blackburn INC., 371 Main Road, PAARL, 7646. 8901/2018—(2) Taylor, Richard Walter, 16 December 1939, 3912165035083, 4 Hopsgardens Road, Fernridge, George; (3) 13 May 2018; (5) Abraham Christoffel Swart, 36 Cathedral Street, George. 9717/2018—(2) Holmes, Abraham, 5 April 1941, 4104045508508, 71 Romelia Crescent, The Conifers, Blue Downs; (3) 5 May 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ANN ABRAHAMS, 69 Doublom Crescent, Roosendal, Delft. 014810/2017—(2) SALIS, ASPASIA ELIZABETH, 12 August 1917, 1708120002008, AG. BARBARAS, 22, PALEO FALIRON, ATTICA GREECE.; (3) 6 December 2016; (5) Legacy Fiduciary Services and Estate Planners (SA), C/O LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES SA, P.O.BOX 36218, GLOSDERRY, 7702; (6) 30. 005211/2018—(2) KAPP, EDWARD ROBERT, 19 October 1928, 2810195047089, 28 CONQUEST ROAD, BELTHORN ESTATE, CRAWFORD; (3) 25 February 2018; (5) Legacy Fiduciary Services and Estate Planners (SA), C/O LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES PRIVATE TRUST LTD, P.O.BOX 36218, GLOSDERRY, 7702; (6) 30. 009730/2018—(2) Jordaan, John Frederick, 7 March 1942, 4203075077087, 6 Ranonkel Street, Laingville, St Helenabay; (3) 4 November 2016; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 007111/2018—(2) PETERSEN, YVONNE MURIEL, 10 April 1935, 3504100080082, 34 Torrid Road, Surrey Estate, Athlone; (3) 27 January 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 12281/2012—(2) Williams, Anton, 23 August 1973, 7308235892080, 13 Gillwell Close, Epping Forest, Elsies River, 7490; (3) 20 July 2012; (4) Juanita Williams, 29 January 1980, 8001290187087; (5) Liza Theunette Avenant, Venter van Eeden Inc, Old Dutch Square, c/o Bill Bezuidenhout & Old Paarl Road, Bellville. 020203/2017—(2) PIETERSEN, CAROLINE, 29 June 1952, 5206290213089, NO 4 CONN STREET, ELSIES RIVER; (3) 25 September 2017; (5) ABDUL KARRIEM JACOBS AND ASSOCIATES, 4th Floor Belle Cape Building,13 Blanckenberg Road, Bellville 7530; (6) 30 DAYS. 7241/2018—(2) LESSING, LINETTE, 30 Augustus 1949, 4908300068087, NORTHUMBERLAND SLOT 18, PARKLANDS, 7441; (3) 16 April 2018; (5) Efficient Board of Executors (Edms) Beperk, 3de Vloer, Imperial Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, Posbus 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 79

009325/2018—(2) Koopman, William Martin, 10 May 1938, 3805105111081, 51 Bosch Street, Kuils River; (3) 29 March 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 009748/2018—(2) Rademeyer, Denise Linette, 10 April 1948, 4804100050088, 46 Albert Road, Hout Bay; (3) 7 December 2017; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 009733/2018—(2) Van Noordwyk, Nicolaas Johannes, 16 August 1926, 2608165040088, C01 Welverdiend, De Oewer Street, Bellville; (3) 20 March 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 009327/2018—(2) Kolbe, Aziza, 26 December 1954, 5412260041084, Elfde Laan 70, Leonsdale; (3) 5 December 2017; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 008008/2018—(2) Hendricks, Julyan Michael, 21 December 1957, 5712215134086, 25 Blossom Street, Groendal, Franschoek, 7690; (3) 16 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Alan Jeftha, Ground Floor, Great Westerford 240 Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa. 8660/2018—(2) THOMPSON, AUBREY HARRY LOUIS, 3 April 1964, 6404035218088, 23 STIRLING STREET, ROCKLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7798; (3) 3 April 2018; (4) CHARMAINE MELINA THOMPSON, 20 March 1967, 6703200587080; (5) J MANDY & ASSOCIATES (AGENT), LOCKWOOD 4, COLCHESTER PARK, COLCHESTER CRESCENT, PARKLANDS, 7441. 006638/2018—(2) Hosie, Robin Christopher, 18 March 1947, 4703185062085, 90 Stonehurst Way, Longwood Estate, Pinehurst, Durbanville, 7550; (3) 29 January 2018; (4) Patricia Mary Hosie, 12 October 1949, 4910120085085; (5) Elna Van der Walt of Bespoke Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 2442, Durbanville, 7551. 9104/2018—(2) Steer, Thora Jane, 6 June 1949, 4906060125089, 15 Dennegeur Avenue, Strandfontein, Western Cape; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 709 The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 007196/2015—(2) Le Roux, Fransina Christina, 29 June 1934, 3406290208087, 59 Grosvenor Lane, Avondale, Atlantis, 7439; (3) 31 March 2015; (5) Helen Anne Hendricks, 18 Briar Avenue, Austinville, Blackheath, 7580. 006653/2018—(2) Yao, Kan, 21 July 1969, 6907215876186, Unit 530, 30 Cape Beech Crescent, Kleinmeer Lifestyle Village, Plattekloof; (3) 24 February 2010; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 9915/2018—(2) Nardone, Peter, 11 February 1925, 2502115049085, cape town; (3) 12 October 2017; (5) Baker Tilly Greenwoods Services (Pty)Ltd, P O Box 3311, Cape Town, 8001. 020190/2017—(2) Hold, Erica Leonie, 1 January 1927, 2701010044080, Murambi House, Wellington Avenue, Wynberg, 7800; (3) 31 October 2017; (5) Sakeena Engel, 17 Old Stanhope Road, Claremont, 7708. 009856/2018—(2) ROSTOLL, HENDRIK JOHANNES, 28 March 1953, 5303285044080, 12 LOERIE AVENUE, OUTENIQUA STRAND WESTERN CAPE 6529; (3) 11 April 2018; (5) CLAUDIUS NICOLAAS ROSTOLL, 221 GORDON ROAD, HATFIELD, PRETORIA. 9388/2018—(2) Markus, Hendry Alfred, 8 September 1967, 6709085196087, 8 Prins Street, Steinkopf, Springbok, 8244; (3) 4 April 2014; (4) Mariana Markus, 24 October 1968, 6810240518080; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 709, 7th Floor, The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 9818/2018—(2) Smit, Stephanus Christoffel, 19 September 1940, 4009195020083, 3 Roos Maryn Street, Tara, Durbanville, Western Cape; (3) 27 April 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 709 The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 9953/2018—(2) Botha, Ferdinandus Petrus, 25 November 1947, 4711255105080, 96 Hout Street, Kraaifontein, 7560; (3) 8 January 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 709, The Cliffs Niagara Way, Tygerfalls. 13900/2016—(2) KEMP, JEAN, 21 August 1947, 4708210631085, 11 CHEETAH CLOSE,EASTRIDGE, MITCHELLS PLAIN,7785; (3) 12 December 2015; (5) CAROL BRENDA DE CERFF-JANTJES, 1 KOFFIEPEER CLOSE, EASTRIDGE, MITCHELLS PLAIN,7785. 3455/2009—(2) WANNERTON, JOHN WILLIAM THOMAS, 27 May 1933, 3305275062081, 8 Pearson Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town, 7708; (3) 11 February 2009; (5) Zeeshaan Nordien, 105 Millvale House, 6 Millvale Road, Milnerton, 7441. 9171/2018—(2) Houghton, Terence William, 16 February 1955, 5502165143082, 14 Fiona Crescent, Panorama; (3) 25 March 2018; (5) Jan de Jager, P O Box 7222, Welgemoed, 7538. 9175/2018—(2) Tucker, Audrey, 2 October 1928, 2810020060683, 143 Wiener Street, Bellville; (3) 20 December 2017; (5) Jan de Jager, P O Box 7222, Welgemoed, 7538. 007022/2018—(2) KNIGHT, BRUCE GORDON, 23 June 1969, 690623, 166 HYDETHORPE ROAD, LONDON, SW 12 OJD; (3) 26 November 2014; (4) LEANNE KNIGHT, 20 June 1971, 7106120014087; (5) Roald Hubert Besselaar, 4th Floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town. 010443/2018—(2) Bresler, Helena Johanna, 18 Augustus 1925, 2508180006082, Huis Pam Brink Myburghstraat 16, Strand, 7140; (3) 12 Mei 2018; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 20428/2017—(2) SWARTZ, EDWIN, 1 November 1969, 691101568608, 21 FIGTREE CLOSE, EASTRIDGE, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 19 November 2017; (4) CHARLENE SWARTZ, 15 September 1981, 8109150301084; (5) SALIE & SALIE, 169 TARONGA ROAD CRAWFORD; (6) 30 days. 0150128/2017—(2) WILLEMSE, LOUISA PETRONELLA, 16 February 1925, 2502160032085, APARTMENT 1113, HUIS ANDRE VAN DER WALT, DURBAN ROAD, BELLVILLE; (3) 21 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) GRAEME FALCK // FALCK ATTORNEYS, DROSTDY CENTRE 16, C/O BIRD- & ALEXANDER STREET, STELLENBOSCH. 007332/2018—(2) GILMOUR, LOUIANA CHRISTINA, 16 August 1937, 3708160118084, 8 STELLEN OORD, TARENTAAL LAAN, STELLENBOSCH; (3) 24 April 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) JOHN ANGUS MILES WARREN, c/o 34 WESTERN AVENUE, VINCENT,EAST LONDON,5247.

This gazette is also available free online at 80 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

9194/2018—(2) JOHANNES, JOYCE ANITA, 13 Julie 1962, 6207130168086, 7 IRENE ROAD, GRASSY PARK; (3) 7 April 2018; (5) SILMA HAMDULAY as NOMINEE OF STANDARD TRUST LTD, STANDARD TRUST LTD, PO BOX 5562, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 30672/2014—(2) DE WET, YASIEM, 18 September 1959, 5909185129084, 31 KUNENE WAY , MITCHELLS PLAIN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 29 July 2013; (4) FALDELA DE WET, 23 February 1958, 5802230206082; (5) FALDELA DE WET, 31 KUNENE WAY, MITCHELLS PLAIN, WESTERN CAPE. 006479/2018—(2) Godley, Diana Josephine, 20 September 1935, 3509200068085, Monte Rosa Home for the Aged, Gardens, Cape Town; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 006875/2018—(2) Van Tonder, Samuel Murray, 19 Oktober 1956, 5610195066080, Plot 87, Hartebeesfontein, Hopefield, 7355; (3) 20 Maart 2018; (5) Francois Hamman, Markstraat 13, Vredenburg, 7380. 009364/2018—(2) Van Wilgen, Andre Halbe, 5 July 1947, 4707055083089, 76 Mountain Rise, Scarborough; (3) 26 March 2018; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited - C Fester, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30 days. 009371/2018—(2) Van Der Merwe, Martha, 18 April 1931, 3104180010081, 117 Ametis, 4 Gordons Bay Road, Strand; (3) 21 February 2018; (5) Old Mutual Trust Limited - C Fester, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30 days. 009519/2018—(2) Myburgh, Petrus Geliermus Johannes, 10 April 1963, 6304105138085, 95 Kimberley Street, Goodwood 7460; (3) 5 May 2018; (4) Tania Charlotte Myburgh, 10 July 1968, 6807100331088; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited - C Fester, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30 days. 007539/2018—(2) Patricia June, Greaves, 30 June 1934, 3406300045081, Vie Est Belle No.8 Bon Temps, 8 Good Times Street, Sonstraal Heights, Durbanville; (3) 24 April 2018; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 6357/2018—(2) LOMBARD, PAUL ADRIAAN, 16 Maart 1950, 5003165038083, 3 Koeltepleklaan, Stilbaai, 6674; (3) 10 Maart 2018; (4) Beverley Lombard, 14 Mei 1956, 5605140054082; (5) Boshoff Visser Ingelyf, 29 Veldkornetstraat, Swellendam, 6740. 009468/2018—(2) Barton, Stanley Rhodes, 21 July 1941, 4107215013086, 41 Babiana Street, Langebaan; (3) 3 March 2018; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited - C Fester, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30 days. 001155/2017—(2) VAN WYK, RACHEL ANN, 23 July 1964, 6407230146087, 25 WARBLER ROAD, ELECTRIC CITY, EERSTE RIVIER, 7100; (3) 11 September 2016; (5) ESTELLE SAMANTHA VAN WYK, c/o ALET GERBER ATTORNEYS, UNIT 8A, BELLPARK OFFICE PLACA, cnr DE LANGE & DURBAN ROADS, BELLVILLE. 6053/2018—(2) Bestha, George Cecil William, 6 February 1952, 5202065007087, Cnr 12th Avenue and Avro Road, Kensington, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 28 December 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Rabia Achmat of R Achmat Attorneys (Authorised Agent), 247 Heideveld Road, Vanguard Estate, 7764. 007849/2018—(2) ADELAAR, HETTY MARGARET, 18 Oktober 1926, 2610180032082, 7 Rotary park aftree-oord, Lichtenstein straat, Swellendam, 6740; (3) 6 Mei 2018; (5) CHRIS TAYLOR PROKUREUR, Posbus 757,Swellendam, 6740. 10366/2018—(2) Cooke, Valerie Mary Mcleod, 8 October 1923, 1210080072086, 17 Crane Street, Flamingo Vlei; (3) 3 November 2017; (5) Jolandi van der Merwe, c/o Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc., 301 Durban Road, Bellville. 009518/2018—(2) Muller, Bertram Desmond, 11 May 1954, 5405115242089, 15 Caproni, Rocklands; (3) 12 April 2018; (4) Sylvia Daphne Muller, 7 July 1950, 5007070021084; (5) Old Mutual Trust Limited - C Fester, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30 days. 009708/2018—(2) DU TOIT, MARK, 4 January 1980, 8001045146081, 20, 10TH AVENUE, BELMONT PARK, KRAAIFONTEIN, 7570; (3) 1 June 2018; (4) ALETHEA CORNEL DU TOIT, 24 June 1982, 8206240167085; (5) ALETHEA CORNEL DU TOIT, 20, 10TH AVENUE, BELMONT PARK, KRAAIFONTEIN, 7570; (6) 30 DAYS. 008861/2016—(2) , Leonard, 7 March 1955, 5503075084085, 155 Piketberg Way, Stonehurst Estate, Westlake, Cape Town; (3) 20 May 2016; (5) Mazars, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings, Precinct, Century City, CAPE TOWN 7441. 11395/2013—(2) van Biljon, Susanna Jacoba, 6 Maart 1931, 3103060057089, Erf 660, Main Road, Struisbaai; (3) 28 Oktober 2011; (4) Arnoldus Stephanus van Biljon, 7 Maart 1928, 2803075047006; (5) Johann Jordaan c/o Hereditas Trust, PO Box 11392, Queenswood, 0121. 009939/2018—(2) Arendse, Kelsey, 16 March 1977, 7703165125081, 9 Eclipse Road, Milnerton, 7441; (3) 5 May 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, ABSA West Building, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441. 23121/2014—(2) KOHLER, LORRAINE LA-VITA, 10 October 1938, 3810100065084, 58 PARKDENE ROAD; RAVENSMEAD; 7493; (3) 8 August 2013; (4) ERIC DENIS KOHLER, 27 July 1927, 2707275066080; (5) GRANT JON KOHLER, 17 GRAND VUE ROAD, WALMER ESTATE, WOODSTOCK, 7925. 008335/2018—(2) Jansen Van Rensburg, Anna Elizabeth, 17 Mei 1946, 4605170137089, Geluksoord, Tarentaal Way, Stellenbosch, 7600; (3) 31 Maart 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, ABSA West Building, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441. 002712/2018—(2) HENDRICKS, FRANCES WINIFRED, 24 Julie 1938, 3807240296082, ALPINE WEG 18, MATROOSFONTEIN; (3) 19 Oktober 2017; (5) GREGORY MERVYN HENDRICKS, LP PROKUREURS, SUITE J-K, 2DE VLOER, BELLE CAPE GEBOU, 13 BLANCKENBERG STRAAT, BELLVILLE. 8416/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS, 14 April 1946, 4604145041088, PLAAS BAUERSKLOOF, DISTRIK RIVERSDAL 6670; (3) 27 April 2018; (5) S A HOFMEYR & SEUN, ROBERTSONSTRAAT 6, RIVERSDAL, 6670.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 81

021149/2017—(2) KOHLER, ERIC DENIS, 27 July 1927, 2707275066080, 58 PARKDENE ROAD; RAVENSMEAD; 7493; (3) 2 June 2016; (5) GRANT JON KOHLER, 17 GRAND VUE ROAD, WALMER ESTATE, WOODSTOCK, 7925. 8763/2018—(2) Stander, Susanna Johanna, 25 November 1919, 1911250065080, Huis J J Watson, Cradockstraat 38, George; (3) 19 Mei 2018; (5) Millers Ingelyf, Beaconhuis, Meadestraat 123, George. 008529/2018/CT—(2) MC ARTHUR, HELGA PAULINE, 16 January 1922, 2201160019081, BADISA Huis, Uitvlucht, 3 Piet Retief Street, Montagu; (3) 12 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) June Paula Welsh and Denise Lorna Gibson, 3B & 5B The Ridge, 8 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge, 4019. 008724/2018—(2) Connellan, Gillian, 29 July 1957, 5707290052088, 6 Montclare, 170 Ocean View, Seapoint; (3) 2 April 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 005208/2018—(2) ESTHER CATHARINA, VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 23 August 1953, 5308230016083, FLAT NO 2, 33 MORREES STREET, MORREESBURG; (3) 10 February 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 009665/2018—(2) MARY-ANN, LEWIS, 10 July 1944, 4407010086083, 9 COETZENBURG STREET, WESTRIDGE, MICHELLS PLAIN; (3) 25 April 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 010924/2018—(2) FOUCHEE, BARBARA, 30 September 1935, 3509300184089, 79 Cecil Road, Salt River, Cape Town, 7925; (3) 1 May 2015; (5) PAUL JONATHAN FOUCHEE, Gunstons Attorneys, Block F, The Terraces, Steenberg Office Park, Tokai, 7945; (6) 30. 005208/2018—(2) ESTHER CATHARINA, VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 23 August 1953, 5308230016083, FLAT NO 2, 33 MORREES STREET, MORREESBURG; (3) 10 February 2018; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 009816/2018—(2) TOMES, ZIA MARJORIE, 14 February 1950, 5002140022089, UNIT 10, 1 MONTEGO BAY, PONDICHERRY ROAD, HOUT BAY; (3) 18 June 2018; (5) BRINN ROBEY TOMES, C/O TEMLETT & CO, FIRST FLOOR, 36 VICTORIA AVENUE, HOUT BAY 7806. 010391/2018—(2) KRITZINGER, JAN LODEWYK, 30 Julie 1952, 5207305033082, MONTAGUSTRAAT 4, MOSSELBAAI, WES-KAAPPROVINSIE; (3) 13 Mei 2018; (5) HERBIE OOSTHUIZEN & ASSOCIATES, 71 MONTAGU STREET, MOSSEL BAY, WESTERN CAPE. 009920/2018—(2) Visser, Theunis Johannes Nicolaas, 11 May 1936, 3605115013081, Panorama Palms, Unit G1-2, 66 Uys Krige Drive, Panorama, Parow, 7500; (3) 30 May 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Absa Trust Ltd, Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 000431/2018—(2) SCHULER, HELGA JOHANNA, 9 July 1937, 3707090027084, 10 AVENUE FONTAINBLEAU, FRESNAYE, WESTERN CAPE, 8005; (3) 19 November 2017; (5) WILLEM ADRIAAN VAN DE VENTER t/a INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, PO BOX 3956, TYGER VALLEY, 7536. 009777/2018—(2) Leguma, Ronald James, 9 April 1944, 4404095091088, 1 Coetzenberg Street, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7798; (3) 24 April 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Absa Trust Ltd, Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7446; (6) 30. 006392/2018—(2) Neethling, Frederik, 23 September 1934, 3409235027083, Chrismar Villas D7, Jessiestraat 25, Bellville; (3) 2 November 2017; (4) Elizabeth Helena Neethling (gebore Blom), 8 Desember 1938, 3812080021087; (5) S P Beeselaar Prokureurs Ingelyf, Proteaweg 10, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, Posbus 887, Brackenfell, 7561. 006392/2018—(2) Neethling, Frederik, 23 September 1934, 3409235027083, Chrismar Villas D7, Jessiestraat 25, Bellville; (3) 2 November 2017; (4) Elizabeth Helena Neethling (gebore Blom), 8 Desember 1938, 3812080021087; (5) S P Beeselaar Prokureurs Ingelyf, Proteaweg 10, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, Posbus 887, Brackenfell, 7561. 009645/2018—(2) Ackerman, Marius, 30 Januarie 1964, 6401305001087, Brandt Straat 32, Meed Town, Beaufort Wes; (3) 24 Mei 2018; (4) Anna Gertruida Ackerman, 22 Junie 1955, 550622009408; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 000351/2018—(2) Gonzalves, Agnes Mary, 20 January 1924, 2401200054086, 11 Desch St, Idas Valley, Stellbosch, 7600; (3) 16 June 2017; (5) Edward Gonzalves, 4 Hahn St, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600. 009913/2018—(2) Conradie, Martha Maria, 22 January 1941, 4101220004081, 48 Bloem Street, Goodwood; (3) 29 April 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 007113/2018—(2) Alie, Isaac Gerald, 18 July 1942, 4207185107080, 60 Columbine Avenue, Ottery; (3) 6 December 2017; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 009917/2018—(2) Lambrechts, Johannes Hendrik, 8 December 1936, 3612085007085, 66 Richmond Street, Vrijzee,; (3) 28 March 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 007347/2018—(2) Fourie, Benjamin Israel Kemp, 29 Augustus 1956, 5608295087089, Stasieweg 154, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell; (3) 28 Februarie 2018; (5) S P Beeselaar Prokureurs Ingelyf, Proteaweg 10, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, Posbus 887, Brackenfell, 7561. 9171/2018—(2) Houghton, Terence William, 16 February 1955, 5502165143082, 14 Fiona Crescent, Panorama; (3) 25 March 2018; (5) Jan de Jager, P O Box 7222, Welgemoed, 7538. 8298/2018—(2) Taube, Ruth Ilse Luise, 1 February 1937, 3702010346185, 10 Emerald Fern Crescent Fernwood Estate, Old Sir Lowry’s Pass road, Somerset West; (3) 25 April 2018; (4) predeceased n.a; (5) Brigitte Luise Taube, 10 Grewe Street,McGregor,6708. 013353/2015—(2) Egner, Gwynneth Priscilla Mary, 15 July 1921, 2107150032085, 15 Mayfield Crescent, Noordhoek Manor, Noordhoek, 7985; (3) 3 August 2015; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 26 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975.

This gazette is also available free online at 82 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

9175/2018—(2) Tucker, Audrey, 2 October 1928, 2810020060683, 143 Wiener Street, Bellville; (3) 20 December 2017; (5) Jan de Jager, P O Box 7222, Welgemoed, 7538. 008704/2018—(2) Cupido, Myra Elizabeth, 20 December 1947, 4712200066088, 17 Daphne Crescent, Woodlands; (3) 11 January 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 009923/2018—(2) Kretschmer, Leopold Ignatius, 24 March 1944, 4403245094083, Roglandstraat 98, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) 8 March 2018; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 009528/2016—(2) ROBERTS, PETER, 25 May 1957, 5705255217084, 14 GAIL ROAD RETREAT CAPE TOWN; (3) 18 May 2016; (4) PEGGY ROBERTS, 29 May 1960, 6005290129082; (5) C&A FRIEDLANDER ATTORNEYS - C CONWAY, PO BOX 855 SUN VALLEY 7985. 2647/2005—(2) NDEVUE, NEL, 31 May 1958, 5805315677085, 108 MSOBOMVU DRIVE ILTHA PARK KHAYELITSHA; (3) 4 September 2003; (4) NTOMBOXOLO NDEVU, 31 December 1961, 6712310583087; (5) BUNTU ACTION NDEVU, C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion. 013995/2017—(2) BLOEMBERG, GERALD, 11 November 1970, 7011115236081, 10 NORTHUMBERLAND CLOSE, PARKLANDS; (3) 1 Augustus 2017; (5) ST ADENS NATIONAL ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES, POSBUS 1170, CAPE GATE, 7560. CA1860/2018—(2) Alexander, Johanna Adreana, 15 Februarie 1930, 3002150071085, Eenheid 148, The Beach Club, Hermanus; (3) 4 September 2008; (4) Johannes Alexander, 21 Desember 1938, 3812215051082; (5) Christine Elizabeth Alexander, Pinedenestraat 138, Ravensmead. 2622/2018—(2) KOHNE, CARL HEINRITH WILHELM, 2 Maart 1935, 3503025065087, 28 TUSCANY PARK, ISLAND VIEW, HARTENBOS, 6520; (3) 10 Januarie 2018; (5) Rauch Gertenbach Inc, KERKSTRAAT 10, MOSSELBAAI, 6500; (6) 30. CA10576/2018—(2) Grobbelaar, Evert Johannes, 6 November 1930, 3011065040085, Bella Vista Aftree oord, Cross Straat, Bellville; (3) 10 Junie 2018; (5) Susanna Petronella Joerdens, 8 Villa Del Mar, Paarlstraat, Panorama. 009679/2018—(2) Liebenberg, Rachel Elizabeth, 19 Mei 1954, 5405190092086, Hermanus; (3) 7 Februarie 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 009916/2018—(2) Dornbrack, Heinrich, 17 Augustus 1959, 5908175068088, 37 St Francis Avenue, Paarl North, 7646; (3) 27 April 2018; (4) Doreen Dornbrack, 16 Januarie 1958, 5801160097081; (5) Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 009924/2018—(2) Kruger, Hester Carolina, 6 July 1937, 3707060029086, Kamer 32, Huis Zenobia Du Toit, Heidelberg, 6665; (3) 3 May 2018; (5) Mornè Andrè Van Niekerk, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 8290/2017—(2) GOLDSMITH, ALETTA WEST, 24 September 1923, 2309240004088, 18 HELDEBERG ROAD, SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN; (3) 16 March 2017; (4) N/A N/A, --; (5) K.W SMITH (ULRICH ROUX & ASSOCIATES), 2ND FLOOR PARKHURST SQUARE, 38 ON 4TH AVENUE, PARKHURST, JOHANNESBURG. 009941/2018—(2) Neethling, Jacoba Alida Van Breda, 7 Augustus 1931, 3108070009087, Chrismar Villas D14, Jessiestraat 25, Chrismar, Bellville, 7530; (3) 19 Mei 2018; (4) Ernest Jacobus Neethling, 9 Junie 1924, 2406095037088; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 9265/2018—(2) JOHNSON, GLENDA MAGDALINE, 11 April 1954, 5404110762084, 5 LUPIN STREET LENTEGEUR MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 14692/2016—(2) SCALABRINO, CAROLINA JOSEPHINA, 27 June 1920, 2006270048080, NO 09 KENMORE ROAD TAMBOERSKLOOF; (3) 17 July 2016; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 012498/2017—(2) Wilson, Maureen Lilian, 28 September 1960, 6009280130084, 21 Mopanie Street, Plattekloof, Cape Town, 7500; (3) 8 June 2016; (5) ANN DU TOIT, STANDARD TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 5562, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (6) 30. 003445/2017—(2) Kruger, Sarah, 29 May 1939, 3905290100087, 11 Heldeberg Street, Bellville; (3) 4 January 2017; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 7577/2017—(2) Koopman, Maria Magritha, 3 April 1945, 4504030531088, 4 Zircorn Circle, Sheridan Park, Steenberg, Cape Town; (3) 16 March 2017; (4) Willem Hendry Koopman, 30 November 1944, 4411305132081; (5) Marina Horak, Horak Inc Cape Town Attorneys, First Floor, Oxford House, Cnr Oxford & Wellington Streets, Durbanville, 7550. 7494-2018—(2) Salie, Mogamat, 23 November 1937, 3711235104089, 10 Bamford Close, Crawford, Western Cape, 7764; (3) 4 December 2017; (5) Amina Faker, 33 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7764. 7496-2018—(2) Gamildien, Muneeb, 10 August 1976, 7608105251089, 6 Neil Close, Montagu’s Gift, Western Cape, 7941; (3) 27 March 2018; (5) Rezaa Gamildien, 50 Daniels Crescent, Grassy Park, 7941. 8548/2018—(2) PALVIE, ALBERTHA MARIA DORITHEA, 23 Desember 1934, 3412230038089, TERRA VINO 19, JACQUESLAAN, WELLINGTON; (3) 5 Mei 2018; (5) MARIUS VORSTER, FHBC REKENMEESTERS, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654. 8827/2018—(2) NAKELI, DINAH HESTER, 1 September 1942, 4209010336082, 15 WYE ROAD MANNENBERG; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 009941/2018—(2) Neethling, Jacoba Alida Van Breda, 7 Augustus 1931, 3108070009087, Chrismar Villas D14, Jessiestraat 25, Chrismar, Bellville, 7530; (3) 19 Mei 2018; (4) Ernest Jacobus Neethling, 9 Junie 1924, 2406095037088; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 83

005773/2017—(2) SMIT, GORDON EMERAL, 12 Januarie 1940, 4001125448088, HUIS RAVENZICHT, KRAAIFONTEIN, 7570; (3) 21 Maart 2017; (4) KARIN ELIZABETH SMIT, 5 November 1941, 4111050033084; (5) MICHIEL GEORGE LOCHNER, LOCHNER & VENTER CONSULTING CC, POSBUS 7114, NOORDER-PAARL, 7623. 011024/2018—(2) Gerber, Joy, 9 April 1936, 3604090045085, Evergreen Retirement Village, Muizenberg, 7945; (3) 21 June 2018; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 26 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975. 009693/2018—(2) Rossouw, Engela Susanna, 26 September 1939, 3909260057087, Assegaaibosstraat 12, Amandelrug, Kuilsrivier, 7580; (3) 24 Februarie 2018; (4) Willem Francois Rossouw, 28 Augustus 1940, 4008285057088; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 8557/2018—(2) BERGH, PETRONELLA SUSANNA, 1 Oktober 1939, 3910010086087, LA ROCHE SUID 8, PAARL; (3) 1 Mei 2018; (5) MARIUS VORSTER, FHBC REKENMEESTERS, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654. 8557/2018—(2) BERGH, PETRONELLA SUSANNA, 1 Oktober 1939, 3910010086087, LA ROCHE SUID 8, PAARL; (3) 1 Mei 2018; (5) MARIUS VORSTER, FHBC REKENMEESTERS, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654. 002667/2018—(2) VAN ROOY, JOHN WILLIAM, 25 April 1949, 4904255022088, STELLENBOSCH; (3) 6 June 2015; (4) YVONNE VAN ROOY, 14 June 1950, 5006140403082; (5) NICOLENE ARINA MULLER, 25 MARKET STREET, STELLENBOSCH; (6) 30. 010183/2018—(2) DE WET, JACOBUS GUSTAF DE WET, 25 August 1927, 2708255045086, PARKLANDS, CAPE TOWN; (3) 15 May 2018; (5) NICOLENE ARINA MULLER, 25 MARKET STREET, STELLENBOSCH; (6) 30 DAYS. 8646/2018—(2) SHEWRY, PATRICK, 16 Februarie 1958, 5802165035084, MOLLSTRAAT 45, PAARL; (3) 20 April 2018; (5) MARIUS VORSTER, FHBC REKENMEESTERS, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654. 7431/2018—(2) JONAS, CATHARINA MARIA, 11 November 1934, 3411110045081, WELLINGTON; (3) 29 Maart 2018; (5) MARIUS VORSTER, FHBC REKENMEESTERS, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654. 009807/2018—(2) MICHALOWSKY, AUBREY MICHAEL, 12 February 1932, 3202125016088, 13 FARMS EDGE , PELKALMY ROAD , BERGVLIET , CAPE TOWN; (3) 28 April 2018; (5) PJ BLANCKENBERG -BUTLER BLANCKENBERG NIELSEN SAFODIEN INC, TANNERY PARK ,2ND FLOOR ,21 BELMONT ROAD ,RONDEBOSCH ,7700 ,CAPE TOWN. 7605-2018—(2) Behardien, Mogamat Yusuf, 28 April 1940, 4004285081087, 25A Allison Road, Pinati Estate, Western Cape, 7764; (3) 11 March 2018; (5) Najmie Behardien, 25A Alloson Road, Pinati Estate, 7764. 014977/2017—(2) PARKER, FATIMA, 23 September 1956, 5609230225081, 4 HANEKAM ROAD PELICAN PARK 7941; (3) 16 August 2016; (4) MOHAMED SHAFIE PARKER, 19 June 1956, 5606155173080; (5) PROGRO INSURANCE BROKERS CC, 34 ALPINA ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708.

Form/Vorm J 187


In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, (3) description of account other than first and final; (4) if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; (5) period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate’s Office; (6) Advertiser details.

This gazette is also available free online at 84 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018


Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, (3) beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; (4) indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; (5) tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor; (6) Adverteerder besonderhede.


008375/2016—(2) Nugu, Muremeli Innocent (8802185831089); Mthabolala Village, Limpopo; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Louis Trichardt, Pretoria). (6) Pretorius & Wilsnach Attorneys; 386 Orient Streetr, Arcadia, Pretoria; Email: jana@pretwil.; Tel: 012 342 9505. 6427/2013—(2) Smith, Magrietha Doretia (3305130062086); H38 Eskom Property, Grootvlei,Mpumalanga; (3) Second Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Balfour, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350819. 015143/2016—(2) TICCONI, SILVESTRO (3305075017087); 1201 BONAVENTURE FLATS 112 VOS STREET SUNNYSIDE PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) COUZYNS INC; 3RD FLOOR ROSEBANK CORNER 191 JAN SMUTS AVENUE ROSEBANK JOHANNESBURG 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-788- 0188. 15978/2017—(2) AUCAMP, ANNA-MARIE ELIZABETH (5911180043088); 5 POHL STREET, PARKRAND, BOKSBURG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARTHINUS WESSEL AUCAMP (5505165044085); (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) JF DU TOIT PROKUREURS; 223 RONDEBULT STRAAT, FARRAR PARK, BOKSBURG; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 913-3571. 10131/07—(2) MAHOMED, FARIEDA (4703240095088); 349 HELIODOR STREET LAUDIUM PRETORIA 0037; (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) ANOVER MAHOMED (4611185095080); (5) 21; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) FIONA O HASSIM & CO; P.O.BOX 55726, WIERDA PARK, 0149; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823369937. 015480/2016—(2) JARDIM, ANGELO TITO SOUSA (5306285012080); 5 KOMPANJIE STREET, WITPOORTJIE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, PRETORIA). (6) Lulu Kritzinger Electus Trust; Po Box 12541 Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0763389560. 007357/2017—(2) COETZEE, JOHANN (5709115064082); PLOT 189 VENTERSDORP ROAD, RANDFONTEIN; (3) First and Final; (4) AMANDA COETZEE (NÉÉ MARAIS) (6912240058081); (5) (RANDFONTEIN, PRETORIA). (6) Lulu Kritzinger Electus Trust; Po Box 12541 Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0763389560. 5074/2018—(2) Van der Merwe, Pieter Carl (6009295006089); 204 Theo Street, Wierdapark, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Strydom; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 009723/2018—(2) Mkwanazi, Sehloko Abram (4808105529087); House 17951, Zone 14 Sebokeng, Vereeniging; (3) First and Final; (4) Lilly Maria Mkwanazi (Born Mbangeni) (5002220709084); (5) 20 July 2018; (Sebokeng, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Greyling; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 4529/2015—(2) Du Preez, Francois Alwyn (7210185117080); The Avenue 558, Henley on Klip; (3) The Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) NA; (5) (Meyerton, Marshalltown). (6) Jonk Attorneys; P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0871502814. 010114/2018—(2) Schapiro, James Alexander (4209305011085); 26 Laquila Featherbrooke Estate, Krugersdorp; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: SG; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: Sonja. [email protected]; Tel: 0112831100. 011092/2018—(2) Fourie (Gebore Kamfer), Maria Magrita (3906090057089); Cosmos Aftree-Oord, Mopaniestraat, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Jan Daniel Fourie (3602255024085); (5) 20 Julie 2018; (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (EDMS) BPK - E. Strauss; Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kent Laan 265, Ferndale, Randburg; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 85

4368/2018—(2) JOUBERT, MARTHINUS JOHANNES (7901275042085); 33 BAYSWATER PLACE, BENGUELA AVENUE, RANDPARK RIDGE; (3) First and Final; (4) GEORGE FREDERICK MEYER (6706055163089); (5) 21 DAYS; (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) DE JAGER ATTORNEYS; 1018 FREDENHARRY AVENUE, STRUBENSVALLEI, ROODEPOORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114757582. 004331/2017—(2) KOKONIS, ELIZABETH FRANCINA GERTRUIDA (3801220074080); 25 Garden Mews, Kipling Street Raceview Alberton 1449; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Palm Ridge, Johannesburg). (6) BERNARD L DU PLESSIS INC; P O Box 1346 ALBERTON 1450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 907 1216. 15950/15—(2) KOTZE, TOBIAS WILLEM (3604125055083); 47 CHESTERTON STREET, STILFONTEIN, NORTH- WEST PROVINCE, 2551; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (STILFONTEIN, PRETORIA). (6) GRANT THORNTON JOHANNESBURG; PRIVATE BAG X5, NORTHLANDS , 2116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105907468. 005806/2018—(2) Griffiths, John Miles (3612045065082); 25 Beyers Street, Krugersdorp Wes; (3) First and final; (4) Emmerentia Herculina Griffiths (4609290006083); (5) (Krugersdorp, Marshalltown). (6) Miemie Hendriksz & Ass; PO Box 1095, Rant en Dal, 1751; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116606800. 004636/2018—(2) Nel, Johan Jacobus (5108285035081); PTN 88, Elandsvlei 249 IQ, Randfontein 1759; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randfontein, Marshalltown). (6) Miemie Hendiksz & Ass; PO Box 1095 Rant en Dal 1751; Email: miemieh@; Tel: 0116606800. 010743/2017—(2) Lötter, Marthinus Francois Victor (2212175015089); 511 Lukas Street, Lukasrand, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) Martha Aletta Lötter (2405120069009); (5) (Pretoria, North Gauteng). (6) Juriën Jordaan; 213 Braam Pretorius street, Wonderboom Pretoria, 0182; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125431113. 5603/2011—(2) Eygelaar, Maria Jakoba (2908150042085); 610 Holgate, Elarduspark, Pretoria; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) N/A; (Pretoria, North Gauteng, Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Limited; PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0607020000. 1956/2017—(2) Nhleko, Thomas Isaac (2707065184085); 64 Aintree Crescent, Kyalami Estates, Midrand, 1684; (3) First and final; (4) Dorah Madipudi Nhleko (2911070230087); (5) (Randburg, Pretoria). (6) Johannes Albertus Erwee; 98 Lindfield Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, 0081; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481788. 130/2018—(2) BURTON, HAROLD JAMES (3301265043082); COSMOS HOUSE, 5 MURRAY STREET, WAVERLEY, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (JOHANNESBURG CENTRAL MAGISTRATE COURT, PRETORIA). (6) MD JOUBERT CAPAZORIO INC.; 3 HIGH RIDGE PLACE, WATERKLOOF RIDGE, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123471928. 01223/2016—(2) BOTHA, CYNTHIA DENISE (4512290016088); 3 LISBON CRESCENT, THORN VALLEY ESTATE, GREENSTONE HILL, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) ROBERT GODFREY BOTHA (4506085036087); (5) 21 DAYS; (EDENVALE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ERROL GOSS ATTORNEYS; 28 - 7TH AVENUE, PARKTOWN NORTH, 2193, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114471979. 010743/2017—(2) Lötter, Marthinus Francois Victor (2212175015089); 511 Lukas Street, Lukasrand, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) Martha Aletta Lötter (2405120069009); (5) (Pretoria, North Gauteng). (6) Juriën Jordaan; 213 Braam Pretorius street, Wonderboom Pretoria, 0182; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125431113. 15922/2015—(2) BOTHA, DEIRDRE (6409070127086); UNIT 6, DISSELBOOMPARK ERASMUSKLOOF, EXT 2; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MASTER JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RORICH WOLMARANS & LUDERITZ INC.; BLOCK C, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3628990. 008422/2016—(2) LINDA, SIPHO HEZEKIEL (4604065537081); 16 VAN DER POST AVENUE, PARKRAND, BOKSBURG; (3) First and final; (4) MOKGADI ISABELLA LINDA (4803240135080); (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) HIRSCHOWITZ ATTORNEYS; SUITE 8, 1ST FLOOR KIMAX BUILDING, 69 MARKET STREET, BOKSBURG; Email: hirschowitz@telkomsa. net; Tel: 0119175267. 018380/2017—(2) Keane, Manus (4307095050188); Queenshaven. 64 Outspan Road, South Hills, Johannesburg; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesbburg, Johannesburg). (6) NFB Finance Brokers Gauteng; P O Box 32462, Braamfontein 2017; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118958000. 015793/2017—(2) Prinsloo, Andries Petrus (3408315037087); 51 Drakensberg Street , RANDFONTEIN ,; (3) First and Final; (4) Juanita Dorothy Prinsloo (4203120043084); (5) (RANDFONTEIN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONNEKUS ATTORNEYS; 59 HF VERWOERD ROAD, HEIDELBERG, 1441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0163413525. 1381/2018—(2) De Beer (born Graham previously Dean), Alice Lorna (2603270024085); 7 Garrick Road, Darrenwood, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Strydom; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886- 7195. 26071/2017—(2) van Niekerk, Joachim Hermanus (5112065112086); 95 Kanna Street, Northmead Ext 4, Benoni 1501; (3) First and final; (4) Anna Susanna Paulina Van Niekerk (5303010103086); (5) (Benoni, South Gauteng). (6) LOUINA MARAIS; P.O BOX 390 THORNHILL PLAZA POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824120854. 020256/2016—(2) RADEBE, LUCAS MVULENI (5708155789087) (n/a); 07 WATER VAL ROAD, SELCOURT; (3) First and Final; (4) IRENE THOKOZILE RADEBE (5807030564085); (5) 21; (SPRINGS, Gauteng). (6) Ndzondo Kunene Mosea inc; Suite 210, 1 Floor Bophelong Centre Building, 4th Street Springs 1560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)815-3281. 22554/2017—(2) Liddle, Courtney (8909155205085); 12 Circle Drive, Dawncliffe, Westville, 3629; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (Durban, Marshalltown). (6) Jonk Attorneys; P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963; Email: admin1@jonkprokureurs.; Tel: 0871502814.

This gazette is also available free online at 86 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

23860/2017—(2) Bashing, Johannes Gilbert (4703015044089); 288 Carma Street, Reiger Park X1; (3) First and Final; (4) Mirriam Sdudla Bashing (5305190706083); (5) 21 days; (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) Jose & Associates; 88 Marshall Street, 3rd floor samancor house; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011492 0992. 20268/2017—(2) FERREIRA, DIRK JOHANNES (4310235081089); 177 KITZINGER AVENUE, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (BRAKPAN, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) LIEBENBERG MALAN & LIEZEL HORN INC; 61 VAN DER WALT STREET, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN 1541; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-7409289. 27058/2016—(2) BICKERTON, GARY PARKER (5712265020086); 36 DUNKIRK STREET, DELVILLE, GERMISTON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SMIT & HERBST ATTORNEYS; 108 JOUBERT STREET, GERMISTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 873 8435. 009733/2018—(2) Viljoen, Cornelius Hermanus Herculas (3008035008085); Proteahuis Nr. 33, H/V Churchill & Tulipstraat, Primrose, Germiston; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) 20 Julie 2018; (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (EDMS) BPK - Mnr. E. Strauss; Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kent Laan 265, Ferndale, Randburg; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 8501295469083—(2) MPHAHLELE, MAMAKGEME (8501295469083); STAND NO 17 ,VALTAKI AH BRONKHOSRPRUIT,PRETORIA.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 5235/2018—(2) Palmer, William Thomas (4009165088086); Unit 506, 3 Rufus Way, Amber Valley, Howick, Kwa Zulu Natal; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Kwa Zulu Natal, Johannesburg). (6) NL Administration Services; PO Box 2259, Honeydew, 2156; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117914015. 025811/2017—(2) Jordan, Anne Josephine (2108070029086); 80 Van der Linde Road, Bedfordview, Germiston; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a (n/a); (5) 21; (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Epsilon Financial Planning Consultants CC; 5 Vegkop Road, Hartenbos, 6520; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 787 4342. 004600/2018—(2) SYDOW, JOHANNES (2805285033080); 875 VETRIVIER STREET, SUIDERBERG , PRETORIA , 0082; (3) First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH MAVIS SYDOW (3007170024089); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 004130/2018—(2) Maurin, Eric Patrice (14CF07660); 76 Aquapark, 323 Lucky Bean Crescent, Moreletapark, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) Elmaré Maurin (Born Joubert) (6206120120180); (5) 20 July 2018; (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Greyling; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 6951/2017—(2) BADENHORST, LOUISA KATHELEEN (3105230033080); 11 ALIDA CLOSE, BENONI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SMIT & HERBST ATTORNEYS; 108 JOUBERT STREET, GERMISTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 873 8435. 002413/2018—(2) BOTHA, CALEB CHARLES (5510205012084); 42 BIRCH STREET, MAYBERRY PARK, ALBERTON, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) JEAN THERESA BOTHA (6102280045087); (5) (PALMRIDGE, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) VAN RHYNS ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 2277, ALBERTON, 1450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118673233. 024463-2017—(2) LUHLONGWANA, CHRISTOPHER (3707265188083); 80 LUANDA STREET, REEDVILLE, SPRINGS; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (PALMRIDGE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BUTHELEZI ATTORNEYS; 19 TEEBOS AVENUE, 1ST FLOOR, PALMRIDGE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-904-3031. 018225/2017—(2) MATSIMELA, APOLLOS PHALANE (4905065615086); 21 ALUTA CRESENT,HOSPITAL VIEW TEMBISA; (3) First and Final; (4) MATHEEPE VIOLET MATSIMELA (4803180626080); (5) (TEMBISA, SOUTH GAUTENG , JOHANNESBURG). (6) M.L. MATEME ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 2105 BENONI; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 420 1936. 003407/2018—(2) Van der Walt, Dawid Jacob (3711055010085); Pêrelstraat 39, Rayton, 1001; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N/A; (5) 21; (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Petra Venter; Posbus 81004, Doornpoort, 0017; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0125671757. 015313/2017—(2) DIAMOND, STEVEN RODGER (4507305039083); 46 GLEN ESTATE, VAN TONDER ROAD, EDENGLEN EDENVALE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, PRETORIA). (6) REX-PHILLIPS ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 801, BEDFORDVIEW, 2008; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114538670. 23725/2014—(2) BURDEN, DONOVAN MICHAEL (5510195228088); PLOT NUMBER 5, KOSMOS ROAD RYNONE AH, PRETORIA; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus, Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street,Waterkloof Glen Ext2,Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7124. 007388/2018—(2) ACKERMANN, SAMUEL WILHELM (5109065089082); 3DE STRAAT 69, GREYMONT, JOHANNESBURG, 2195; (3) First and Final; (4) EMILY REBECCA ACKERMANN (5206200001087); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 27361/2009—(2) KWANINI, JAMES (4801085571088); 8769 MAPAELA STREET EXTENSION 3 DOBSONVILLE SOWETO; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MASIKE ATTORNEYS; 183 COLUMBINE AVENUE, MONDEOR, JOHANNESBURG,2091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 942 1198. 013802/2017—(2) LUBISI, LORRAINE PEARL LUMKA (6906030407086); 457 MICHIGAN STREET, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) REGINALD CASSIUS LUBISI (6605235353083); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LTD - REGINALD CASSIUS LUBISI; NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367128.

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1232/2017—(2) Mpshane, Molefe Shadrack (4403275476085); House No 50 foxglove crescent lotus gardens pretoria; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Elizabeth Margaret Dimakatso Mpshane (Born Mogolo) (5502230177081); (5) 21 Days; (Attridgeville, North Gauteng , Pretoria). (6) Selahleattorneys; Office 126 Centenary Building 23 Bereau lane, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123247441. 28074/2017—(2) Morton, Charles Raymond (3709085051087); 35 Phuket, Winchester Hills X2; (3) First and final; (4) Elizabeth Vuyiswa Morton (5508240644085); (5) (Johannesburg, Marshalltown). (6) Jonk Attorneys; P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0871502814. 003670/2018—(2) FERREIRA, ALIDA MAGRITA (5707120127084); 252 MILNER STREET, WATERKLOOF, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) VFV ATTORNEYS, F FERREIRA; 39 SELATI STREET, ASHLEA GARDENS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 460 8704. 6160/2015—(2) EVERT, JOHANNES HERMANUS (5712155046084); OLIENHOUTLAAN 1096, BULTFONTEIN, DISTRIK PRETORIA; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA). (6) LT PRETORIUS ATTORNEYS; 829 CODONIA AVENUE, WAVERLEY, PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 3321770. 9844/2017—(2) MALINDI, OLGA NOMAKHUZE (6606101123089); ANTJIE KRIGH STREET, FARM ZUURFONTEIN, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) First and final; (4) STEYN MALINDI (5807065890082); (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RORICH WOLMARANS & LUDERITZ INC.; BLOCK C, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: lani@; Tel: 012-3628990. 003354/2018—(2) Heller, Jean Lorna (3406140019080); 43a Maxhaven Village, Danie Street, Cresta, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Estates & Testamentary Services; Office Suite 2, 16/18 Frosterley Crescent Office Park, Armstrong Avenue, Umhlanga, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315629152. 14039/2012—(2) Mbatsha, Songezo (8406235664084); 65 Dolce Vita, Die Hoewes, Centurion; (3) First and final; (4) Unmarried; (5) 21 days; (Pretoria Magistrate’s Court, Master of the High Court - Pretoria). (6) Thapelo Lizwi Mndaweni Attorneys; 408 Doone House, 379 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 304-2051. 000820-2018—(2) MAKHENE, MOTSUMI (5304295710082); 1382 TOKELO STREET, SILUMA VIEW, KATLEHONG; (3) First and Final; (4) EMILY MAKHENE (5708150390588); (5) 21; (PALMRIDGE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BUTHELEZI ATTORNEYS; 19 TEEBOS AVENUE, 1ST FLOOR, PALMRIDGE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-904-3031. 12833/2018—(2) ETSEBETH, JAKOBUS MARTHINUS (4811055053082); KAALPLAATS 394, FOCHVILLE, 2502; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JACOBA PETRONELLA HENDRENE ETSEBETH (5203030048081); (5) (FOCHVILLE, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010643. 035893/2014—(2) SIBEKO, NOMTUBO PAULINA (3510190135082); 840 NTSHANGASE STREET, TSAKANE TOWNSHIP, BRAKPAN; (3) First and Final; (4) NONE NONE; (5) (TSAKANE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MAGINGXA ATTORNEYS; 39 THIRD STREET ARCADE, 6TH FLOOR, OFFICE 13, SPRINGS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113623760. 24010/2007—(2) TEKA, MARGARET MAMPURU (7406190340085); DOOR 107, 86 VOLK STREET, SUNNYSIDE PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) RORICH WOLMARANS & LUDERITZ INC.; BLOCK C, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3628990. 5460/2018—(2) Magongoa, Margaret (4911230349080); 1603 Siluma Drive, Spruitview Ext; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Alberton, Johannesburg). (6) Telfer & Associcates; P O B ox 70693, Bryanston, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2672600. 001368/2018—(2) Van Der Zon, Johan Antonius Maria (5207035122080); Plot 45 Driefontein No 179, Muldersdrift, Krugersdorp; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Furter Carstens & Partners; P.O. Box 997, Krugersdorp 1740, C/O Rissik and Joubert street, Krugersdorp 1739; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119533873. 13322/2017—(2) Kheswa, Andrew Kenneth (8805215366083); 62190 Zone 17, Sebokeng; (3) First and final; (4) Thato Mogale (8912250380084); (5) (Sebokeng, Johannesburg). (6) Telfer & Associcates; P O B ox 70693, Bryanston, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2672600. 26946/2014—(2) Xaba, Futhi Morris (6905165621081); 2392 Masopha Street, Orlando East, Soweto, Johannesburg; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) N/A; (Johannesburg, South Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited; PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0607020000. 028102/17—(2) VORSTER, STEPHANUS PETRUS (3511115016084); 30 ANDRé STREET, PIERNEEF PARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PHILLIPPIENA JACOBA STRODE; PO BOX 236, DAMDORYN, 0280; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0829251236. 24010/2007—(2) TEKA, MARGARET MAMPURU (7406190340085); DOOR 107, 86 VLOK STREET, SUNNYSIDE PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) RORICH WOLMARANS & LUDERITZ INC.; BLOCK C, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3628990. 12647/2016—(2) DAVIES, MAUREEN HELEN (4609290065188); 37 MAPLE CRESCENT, VANDERBIJLPARK, GAUTENG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ROBERT LOUW; 11 LIMPOPO STREET THREE RIVERS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0836768177. 11753/2018—(2) Schneider, Max Jacob (2102035039082); Our Parents Home Retirement Village, The Gardens, Springs Road, Norwood; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Telfer & Associcates; P O B ox 70693, Bryanston, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2672600.

This gazette is also available free online at 88 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

9207/2018—(2) Coverdale, Loretta Noreena (5511150211085); 42 John Pop Road, Eldoradopark; (3) First and final; (4) Ivan Peter Coverdale (5309215006081); (5) (Lenasia, Johannesburg). (6) Telfer & Associcates; P O B ox 70693, Bryanston, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2672600. 006021/2018—(2) BELL, ANNA ELIZABETH (4401310062084); 90 JAPIE NESER STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN en 111 STEGMAN STREET, RANDGATE, RANDFONTEIN; (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) —; (5) (RANDFONTEIN and BLOEMFONTEIN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST FLOOR, CORNER OF NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY STREET, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 07486/2018—(2) VAN WYK, JOHAN (5108195054081); 14 Kyle Crescent, Golf Road, 3 Rivers; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, Johannesburg - 004975/12). (6) ROBERT LOUW; 11 LIMPOPO STREET THREE RIVERS VEREENIGING; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0164234064. 004743/2018—(2) Zimba, Tebogo Jacob (6007205843088); 35 Gwangwa Street, Atteridgeville, 0008; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Atteridgeville, Pretoria). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 7103/2008—(2) KUNENE, PRINCESS (7606040912088); 24 MC GRATH STREET, WITPOORTJIE ROODEPOORT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RORICH WOLMARANS & LUDERITZ INC.; BLOCK C, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3628990. 008560/2018—(2) SHANGE, MAUREEN (7410020324087); 288 QUORN DRIVE ,37 OLIVE CREST ESTATE NORTHRIDING,2162.; (3) First and final; (4) LETHUKUTHULA PHAPHAMANI SHANGE (7601265351088); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663- 1680. 7755/2018—(2) Skhosana, Jacob Elizah (4603155329086); 16147 Robertson Street, Tskana Ext 5; (3) First and final; (4) Thonyelwa Josephina Skhosana (4705270398084); (5) (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Telfer & Associcates; P O B ox 70693, Bryanston, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2672600. 012427/2017—(2) Velloen, Martina Jacoba Cornelia (5104050009088); 1211 Felix street, Mountain view; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Annemarie de Lange as nominee of Lubbes Trust Pty Ltd; 20 Tecomaria street, Montana, 0186; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125486460. 004235/2017—(2) Ngwasheng, Spanye John (4607165376086); 1013 Kubu Street, Ext 2, Mamelodi East; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 004404/2018—(2) Rowles, Dolly (7901060190081); Nr 10 Gracefields, 51 Vivian Road, Willow Park Manor, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Annemarie de Lange as nominee of Lubbes Trust Pty Ltd; 20 Tecomaria street, Montana, 0186; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125486460. 003194/2018—(2) Van Niekerk, Jan Albert (5208165078084); 845 Jacques Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 3335, Tyger Valley 7536; Email: laurette.koen@; Tel: 0448027100. 17623/12—(2) ROMANIS, FRIEDA (4004150452181); 79 PROTEA AVENUE, ATHOLL, JOHANNESBURG, 2196; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, PRETORIA). (6) GRANT THORNTON; PRIVATE BAG X5, NORTHLANDS, 2116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (010)590-7470. 34370/2014—(2) KADING, ROBERT WALTER (3802255043081); 355 PINE AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG; (3) First and final; (4) BRIGITTA KADING (4912250919182); (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC.; PRIVATE BAG X40, BENMORE, 2010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)562- 1250. 004734/2016—(2) Rowe, Peter William (4902255081088); 2 West Lorne Street, Floreat, Western Australia; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 003641/2018—(2) Coetzee, Johannes Hendrik (5204015049086); 10 Moorhen Close, Bluegill Waterfront, Kempton Park; (3) First and final; (4) Henriette Roelfine Coetzee (5003270044083); (5) (Kempton Park, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 006248-2017—(2) Ehlers, Christina Johanna (4904280059089); Unit 31 SS La Montanara ,Verwoerd Park,Extension 3,1669; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc; 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-394-9960. 010534/2016—(2) Seanego, Kwena Jane (5105010669085); 21 Meintjies Street, Clayville West, Olifantsfontein; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831163. 004734/2018—(2) Erasmus, Gerhardus Petrus Johannes (5607085001086); 712 Da Gama Street, Daspoort; (3) N/A; (4) Gertruida Magdalena Erasmus (6106270065088); (5) N/A; (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 007311/2018—(2) WIGGILL, DARRYN JAY (8109245241089); 11 MOOI STREET, MARLANDS, GERMISTON, 1401; (3) First and final; (4) VICTORIA ANNE WIGGILL (8502120078081); (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY)LTD; PO BOX 52297, SAXONWOLD, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873358213.

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020381/2016—(2) Jerling-Olivier, Aletta (4809040020083); 14 Carter Street, Duncanville, Vereeniging; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Vereeniging, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831163. 021744/2017—(2) McCallum, Barbara Jean (3010010073183); Anchusa-The-Annex, Howard Drive, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 0452/2018—(2) BASSON, JOHANNA ELIZABETH (3002200012089); HAAL B, SIESTA HOUSE, HERFSOORD, VANDERBIJLPARK, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) LEANA ELIOT; 1 EATON TERRACE, NEW REDRUTH, ALBERTON, GAUTENG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119079813. 005682/2017—(2) Mosothwana, Eugene Mtimkulu (5906166180086); 95 Dolfyn Street, Theresapark Ext. 2; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) Jane Modibedi Mosothwana (6307151077081); (5) (Pretoria-North, Pretoria). (6) Karen Van Niekerk Attorneys; PO Box 102260, Moreleta Plaza, 0167; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-997-4865. 015677/2017—(2) JARVIS, TERENCE DAVIS (5401115186087); 6 AMBELSIDE ROAD, DINWIDDLE, GERMISTON; (3) First and Final; (4) PETRONELLE JOHANNA JARVIS JARVIS (6510080034087); (5) (GERMISTON, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA). (6) ARIZA VERMEULEN; 477/8 WHITERITE STREET, AGRI-HUB OFFICE PARK, THE GRAIN BUILDING, BLOCK B; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0128071989. 014755/2016—(2) KHUMALO, SHADRACK (7009145835082); No. 4 TREUR STREET, BRACKENDOWNS, ALBERTON 1448; (3) First and Final; (4) MBUSO LUCY SITHOLE (8501181083089); (5) (PALMRIDGE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BALOYI E. G ATTORNEYS; Suite 515, Floor 5 Klamson Towers, Cnr Commissioner, JHB; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 331- 7513. 003251/2017—(2) PHELANE, JULIE PULENG (5007125437087); 79 VENUS CRESENT EXTENTION 6 1782; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 01149221593. 026791/2017—(2) MOKGALA, HLAKUDI PIET (5702285773087); 9991 SONWABE EXT 7 KATLEHONG; (3) First and Final; (4) MAHLATSE MOKGALA (9004010869082); (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 004807/2017—(2) MOTAUNG, MAMA MARIA (6003030496085); 443 NHLAPO SECTION, KATLEHONG SPRUIT 1431; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 011542/2009—(2) MOAGI, OUPA KLEINBOOI (5312115251088); 71208 GED 21 EXT 20 SEBOKENG; (3) First and Final; (4) DIMAKATSO MARIA MOAGI (5805120510083); (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace- litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 024399/2017—(2) MTHOMBENI, ISAACK AMOS (6610035302082); 5414ZONKIZIZWE XET1 KATLEHONG 1431; (3) First and Final; (4) MAPULE CINDY MTHOMBENI (7201030563081); (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 27025/2017—(2) SIKUNDLA, MORGEN (5505175608085); 5284 PROTEA GLEN EXTENTION 4; (3) First and Final; (4) NOKWAKWA SIKUNDLA (6209050903088); (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 025432/2017—(2) MADONSELA, MPIYAKE STUURMAN (5506145401080); 548 LESEDI STREET IMPUMELELO LOCATION; (3) First and Final; (4) SHEILA FANISIWE MADONSELA (7108270653086); (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 01149221593. 000235/2018—(2) Wells, Margaret (2609220028084); 31 Sunrise Estate, 5th Road, Northwold, Randburg, Johannesburg.; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 008722/2017—(2) Sallie, Mogamad Hassim (4804025127086); Unit 28 Kwa-Maningi, Corner Houtkapper and Lark Street, Meredale; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831163. 029227/2014—(2) Dlamini, Dira Nelson (5509095238080); 4 Seal Road, Dunnottar; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Nigel, Johannesburg). (6) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated; P.O.Box 61726, Marshalltown,Johannesburg.; Email: rbooysen@; Tel: 011 838 9110. 003251/2017—(2) LEBENYA, SELINA MORITHERI (5007125437087); 5067 LIBYA STREET PALM RIDGE X4; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 004891/2017—(2) SUKAZI, ALFERD OBED (5106215599085); 6WYOMING COURT FELKIRK STREET GERMISTON 1401; (3) First and Final; (4) KHANYISILE MAVIS SUKAZI (6008040478080); (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 01149221593. 014199/2015—(2) MATHIBELA, MOSUME JOHANNES (6010125532088); 1658 LAKESIDE PROPER EVATON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 024448/2017—(2) Mabunda, Molobane Maria (4804100394080); 2437 Xaba Street, Etwatwa, Daveyton; (3) First and final; (4) Wackson Richard Mabunda (4704275511080); (5) (Daveyton, Johannesburg). (6) Andrew Lishivha Inc; 88 Marshall Street, Samancor House , 8th Floor, Johannesburg; Tel: 011 838 9110.

This gazette is also available free online at 90 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

01615/2015—(2) GROENEWALD, JOHAN FREDERIK (3510105003086); PLOT 24, SYFERFONTEIN, HARTBEESPOORT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRITS, PRETORIA). (6) LATEGAN, VILJOEN, PRETORIUS / MB7925; PO BOX 4736, BRITS, 0250; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-2527534. 004435/2017—(2) Cutler, John Jamieson (3803095069187); 1 Villa Petit, Corner Bloemkom and Seiring Road, Marias Steyn Park, Edenvale; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831163. 22507/2017—(2) SMITH, SUZETTE (6107270130088); 4 LOUW WEPENER STREET VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) ANDRIES SMITH (6207135082084); (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) S I ADMINISTRATORS (PTY) LTD; 12 RIKIE POSTMA VANDERBIJLPARK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169321494. 24189/2017—(2) Mabanga, Elizabeth (6501240343088); 1990 Sibonyane Street, Etwatwa, Daveyton; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Daveyton, Johannesburg). (6) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated; 8th Floor , Samancor House ,88 Marshall street , Marshalltown; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-838-9110. 023937/2015—(2) JACOBS, PIET (4001025121082); 79 GOUDSTRAAT ELDORADO PARK 1811; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, street 4th floor, suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 31852/2011—(2) LESUFI, MAARABE SILAS (6106025561084); 6WYOMING COURT FELKIRK STREET, GERMISTON, 1401; (3) First and Final; (4) MAMPHEDI AGNES LESUFI (6806020691089); (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, Street 4th floor, Suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 019710/2011—(2) SAMPSON, RODNEY LOUIS JOHN (6106275168085); UNIT 36 ROYAL CLOSE ZUKA AVENUE, ROODEPORT; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, Street 4th Floor, Suite 411; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114921593. 12095/2017—(2) SEBELE, STEWART (5309085768083); 2719 EBONY PARK EXT 6 1632; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Grace-litsitso trust; 58 Marshall, Street 4th Floor, Suite 411; Email: info@; Tel: 0114921593. 15756/2012—(2) VAN SCHALKWYK, LOUIS (5301095008089); FARM LOSKOP 110, GROBLERSDAL, 0470; (3) First and Final; (4) CORNELIA MARGARETHA VAN SCHALKWYK (5804150155083); (5) (GROBLERSDAL, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 007146/2018—(2) WOLFAARDT, GEZINA CORNELIA (3106130016084); TIERHOUTSTRAAT 16, FREEWAY PARK, BOKSBURG, 1459.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 15623/2015—(2) DE KLERK, MARIA ELIZABETH (4207080018085); PLOT 74 CNR SPRINGS AND PROTEA ROADS PUTFONTEIN BENONI; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GEYSER ATTORNEYS; 24 ATHLONE AVENUE DALVIEW BRAKPAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117444620. 1357/2017—(2) HAASBROEK, PETER HERMANUS (3308075012082); NO 544 ALAN WOODROW III, 21 RANGEVIEW ROAD, DALPARK, BRAKPAN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (BRAKPAN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MARTEEN MICHAU AS NOMINEE OF SANLAM PRIVATE WEALTH (PTY) LTD; 11 ALICE LANE, SANDTON, 2196; Email: MARTEENM@ PRIVATEWEALTH.SANLAM.CO.ZA; Tel: 011-778-6641. 8887/2016—(2) FAVIS, BENJAMIN (2808215052089); 104 Vaude ,4th Ave Gresswold Johannesburg 2090; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RUSSELL LOFTUS; VICTORIA GATE WEST, HYDE LANE, HYDE PARK, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0 82 651 5548. 3006/2018—(2) OELOFSE, TOMMIE HERMAANIS (9403035063087); 5A Goethe Street, Vanderbijlpark; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) S I ADMINISTRATORS (PTY) LTD; 12 RIKIE POSTMA VANDERBIJLPARK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 016 932 1494. 20731/2017—(2) MPEMBE, WISEMAN SIYANDA MPEMBE (8508125739080) (N/A); 69708 COSMO CITY, EXTENSION 8; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) WAKABA AND PARTNERS; 29 GUILLAUME AVENUE, BORDEAUX, RANDBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-0260727. 15707/2017—(2) Tlhone, Molife Daniel (4403195204088); No.1489 Block L Soshanguve Township; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Vaalbank, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 16017/2017—(2) Zondo, Thuso Joseph (5004125377082); No.1629 Block BB Soshanguve Township; (3) First and final; (4) Sesiki Elizabeth Zondo (6405050916084); (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 13406/2017—(2) Mabena, Libangeni Johannes (5010105837086); No.1800 Vaalbank Township; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Vaalbank, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 11471/2017—(2) Madikgetla, Johannes Jabulani (6201035297082); No.1076 Winterveld Township; (3) First and final; (4) Euginia Madikgetla (6607020804080); (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 13396/2017—(2) Mahlangu, Sipho Abram (4304235251081); No.930 Soshanguve- AA Township; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 91

15705/2017—(2) Mthombeni, Alfred (5005275421083); No.513 Section A Ekangala Township; (3) First and final; (4) Martha Masonto Mthombeni (4207270258087); (5) (Ekangala, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 00812/2018—(2) Mothapo, Maredi William (6709025313081); No.6416 F4 Eesterust Township; (3) First and final; (4) Florah Nkele Mothapo (8103300481086); (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 11319/2017—(2) Masindi, Maria Mokgadi (7709010732088); No.7348/15 Extension 3 Soshanguve Township; (3) First and final; (4) Isaac Edward Masindi (711126543082); (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 5741/2016—(2) Mundlovo, Rafael Jeremias (30MA03747); Thabamaroela Family Units, Block C1 Room G03, Mooinooi Township; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Orlando, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 2696/2018—(2) Nkuna, Lesego (0510260549082); No.21287 Extension 7 Soshanguve Township; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 004375/2018/Jhb—(2) Le Roux, Pierre (5908115118084); 1 Willowbrook, 46 St Aubyn Street, New Redruth, Alberton, 1448; (3) First and final; (4) Marie Elizabeth Le Roux (6102080165085); (5) (Alberton, Johannesburg). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 6176/2018—(2) RICHARDSON, ANTHONY PHILIP (5805025015089); 7 NORDIC COURT, 3 CAROU CRESCENT, WAVERLEY; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ESTATES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 017871/2017—(2) Humphris, Pamela Dorothy (3101050026080); 602 Nightingale, San Sereno, Fleming Street, Bryanston; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Marshalltown). (6) Barbara Green; P O Box 11034, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, 0054; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0825585110. 4293/2011—(2) Gorman, Brenda Margaret (7201300324081); 9 Little Place, Sunnyridge, Germiston; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse Inc; 68 Dann Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119756528. 2829/2017—(2) DIAS, PEDRO MARIO DA COSTA (4810025129089); THE HILL, 5 SOUTH ROAD, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) OTILIA MARIA HORTA DIAS (5807040157086); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Ken Braude & Associates; Ground Floor Autoparks House, 13 Park Crescent, Glenhazel, 2192; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 887-9440. 005813/2017—(2) Schutjes, Sheila Anne (3812040044088); 43 Canyon Avenue, Berario, 2195; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Johannesburg, Pretoria). (6) Gary Schutjes; 43 Canyon Ave, Berario, 2195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833071850. 3916/2018—(2) Makgoba, Joel Sello (6803025435083); No.1308 Mabopane-X Township; (3) First and final; (4) Mmamotse Eunice Makgoba (6901080892089); (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 0264/2013—(2) Masemola, Ramakgolo Gilbert (6109275770082); No.369 Jerusalem, Nebo Township; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Vaalbank, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 13917/2017—(2) GROBBELAAR, LEON MARIUS (6806105135085); ANGELICASTREET 678, DORANDIA, 0182,; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21; (PRETORIA NOORD, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST; P O BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001/ 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011-225-1722. 15758/2017—(2) ENGELBRECHT, ANNA DORETHEA (4208230063088); BLINKWATERSTREET 48, CLAREMONT , 2092 ,; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 5744/2018—(2) HABIB, TREVOR JOHN (6005135116088); 40 NAHOON STREET, BRACKENDOWNS , ALBERTON , 1449; (3) First and Final; (4) ROELINE ELIZABETH HABIB (7707030043080); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) PRETTY MAAKE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8184. 0416/2018—(2) Matlaila, Khathatso Mabel (4612030149080); No.10440 Atteridgeville Extension 4 Township; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 12355/2017—(2) Chiobvu, Donex Mandala (MA267997); No.171 Robalt Street, Proclamation Hills Township; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Rustenburg, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 9797/2016—(2) DA SILVA, JAIME LAZARO PEIXOTO (4708285153080); 6 ALIDA AVENUE, MOOINOOI , 0325 , ,; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BRITS, PRETORIA). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 3552/2018—(2) Chego, Puleng Patrick (5506135542083); No.2121 Mawela Street, Monsterlus Township; (3) First and final; (4) Elizabeth Thandi Chego (6209120916086); (5) (Nebo, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075.

This gazette is also available free online at 92 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

7551/2013—(2) Maphanga, Zamazama Paul (3505145198086); 24 Mqantsa Section, Tembisa; (3) First and final; (4) Mpho Jacobeth Maphanga (5401011108086); (5) (Tembisa, Johannesburg). (6) McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse Inc; 68 Dann Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119756528. 3814/2018—(2) Mthethwa, Bhekuyise Johannes (6210206050089); No.257 Lotus Gardens Township; (3) First and final; (4) Jabulisiwe Annastacia Mthethwa (6807110652080); (5) (Pretoria Central, Pretoria). (6) LL Gungqwa Inc.; Suite 505 Bank Towers,190 Thabo Sehume Street Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-326-1075. 008617/2017—(2) VENTER, HENDRIK ADRIAAN (5212205006089); DERDELAAN 49, GEDULD, 1559; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) ANNA MARGARETHA VENTER (5210010046084); (5) (SPRINGS, PRETORIA). (6) KEFILWE MORARE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8397. 023629/2017—(2) Greeff, Maria Margreta (4909060113089) (NA); 35 Sashann,80 Victoria Straat,Oakdene,Johannesbu rg,2190; (3) NA; (4) Christian Greeff (4505225022080); (5) NA; (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Chris de Jager Attorneys; Postnet Suite 207,Private Bag X4,Wierda Park,0149; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0812122419. 002582/2018—(2) Stander, Anna (3303160039082); 9 Setlaar Street,Witpoortjie, Roodepoort; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) N L Administration Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 2259, Honeydew , 2040; Email: antionette@; Tel: 0117914015. 027656/2017—(2) Van Niekerk, Joyce May (2701020028081); 76 Village of Golden Harvest, corner President Fouche and CR Swart Roads ,Golden Harvest ,Randburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) N L Administration Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 2259, Honeydew , 2040; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117914015. 014928/2017—(2) PENNIALL, JOHANNA WILHELMINA CHRISTINA (2212070011084); WYKS WOONSTEL 6, MARKET LAAN , VEREENIGING , 1939; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, PRETORIA). (6) KEFILWE MORARE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8397. 12874/2017—(2) PIENAAR, JOHANNA LOUISA (2212190002088); HUIS HERSFSBLAAR FLATS 1244 WEBB ROAD QUEENSWOOD PRETORIA 0186; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RSM SA CONSULTING (PTY) LTD; EXECUTIVE CITY CROSS & CHARMAINE AVE.PRESIDENT RIDGE RANDBURG 2194; Email: nicole.gomes@; Tel: 011-329-6000. 025709/2017—(2) LEFAKANE, KELEJOANG ANNA (3811130244087); 508 QUININE STREET, PROTEA GLEN, SOWETO; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOUTH GAUTENG , JOHANNESBURG). (6) M.L. MATEME ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 2105 BENONI; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 420 1936. 6209/2018—(2) VAN DAM, ALFRED MATTHYS ALBERT (3109205096189); 5 JANET LANE, 7 ECONOMIDES ROAD, BEDFORDVIEW,GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) LETIZIA MACBAIN (3411290052188); (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) L BOTHA; PO BOX 3785, EDENVALE, 1610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828084308. 4556/2011—(2) Xenopoulos, Christakis Elia (2711305069080); Willowbrook Retirement Village, Sandown, Sandton; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (South Gauteng, Johannesburg, South Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Fluxmans Inc.; No. 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, 2196, Ref: Jfung/mp/110429; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113281777. 013466/2017—(2) MANAMELA, SAMPSON KWENA (4912135401083); 14063 NDLOVU STREET, DAVEYTON; (3) First and final; (4) GLADYS THANDI MANAMELA (5206060382080); (5) (DAVEYTON, SOUTH GAUTENG , JOHANNESBURG). (6) M.L. MATEME ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 2105 BENONI; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 420 1936. 027619/2017—(2) Handelsman, Leslie (3008255065088); Los Angeles, USA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (South Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Fluxmans Inc.; No. 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, 2196, Ref: Jfung/mp/1369+45; Email: jfung@; Tel: 0113281777. 010552/2018—(2) DUMA, WILLIAM (327418); 199 NGEMA SECTION, GERMISTON; (3) First and Final; (4) NEVER MARRIED; (5) (GERMISTON) (6) FOUT ATTORNEYS; 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JHB; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0104923831. 9614/2017—(2) Freer, John Saise (2807205018084); 97 Douglasdale Retirement Village, 57 Niven Street, Bryanston, 2191; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a (n/a); (5) 21 Days; (RANDBURG, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) Monica Rousseau; P O Box 32416, Glenstatia, 0010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0826276695. 022655/2015—(2) GOUWS, PIETER DANIEL (2807165042082); 32 DAFFORD AVENUE, BENONI EXT 4 , 1501 ,; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (NIGEL, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258414. 1327/2017—(2) SMIT, HILDA (2606240016081); WOONSTEL 2G, SUNNYSIDE GARDENS, REITZ STRAAT, SUNNYSIDE; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) N.V.T N.V.T; (5) 21 DAE; (PRETORIA SENTRAAL, PRETORIA). (6) ARNO OLCKERS PROKUREURS; SUITE 7, 2DE VLOER, SINOVILLE CORNER, BRAAM PRETORIUSSTRAAT 284, SINOVILLE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0125432780. 004466/2018—(2) COX, JENNETTE (4504120031189); 18 PHUMELANI 248 SULLIVAN STREET LYTTLETON PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) PHILLIMON MALEKA; NEDGROUP TRUST NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BENCOR AVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2 PRET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7131. 001243/2016—(2) BAKER, STEPHANIE MARY (2708020033185); KRONEDAL, 650 PRETORIUS STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (n/a, PRETORIA). (6) MB CALITZ ATTORNEYS; 969 VAALWATER STREET, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, 0081; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0791157765. 014006/2017—(2) Le Plastrier, Hilton James (4904295034085); 45 Serena Road, Croydon, Kempton Park; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Nolands Jhb Inc; P O Box 2971 Pinegowrie 2123; Email: rebeccam@; Tel: 0117894966.

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015453/2017—(2) Alberts, Estelle (4406190096086); 490 Rutger Street Moreleta Park 0181; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) J A du Plessis; P O Box 7445 Centurion 0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0126440737. 011395/2016—(2) Nkosi, Nicodemus Mathews (3902105354082); Erf 0469 Canary Lane, East Bank, Alexandra; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Alexandra, Johannesburg). (6) Nkangala Attorneys; 412 Works@Market, Corner Albertina Sisulu Road & Von Brandis Street, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113338241. 11034/2013—(2) Van der Westhuizen, Cernaliae Margaret (5706290130084); 818 Barbara Street, Tileba, 0182, Gauteng; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Lance Julian De La Peyre (6905025019088); (5) (Pretoria North, Pretoria). (6) H Botha/HvdB; Absa Trust c/o Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, The Tramshed, 0126; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012- 340 0093. 3638/2018/PMB—(2) de Lange, Anna Martha Elizabeth Maria (2901240002086); 82 Afrikaner street Vryheid 3100; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Vryheid, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J M Steenkamp & Co; P O Box 863 159 High street Vryheid 3100; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (034)981-3211. 7733/2006—(2) MANS, MARTHA LOVINA MANS (4502110032084); 21 SPRINGBOK STRAAT, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (RANDFONTEIN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CHRISTA ROSSOUW PROKUREURS; P/A: P.O.BOX 46, GEORGE, 6530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0629256101. 016492/2017—(2) Lamont, John Alex (6212195020081); 506 Mississipi Street, Fairview Faerie Glen, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria - North Gauteng). (6) PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd - Port Elizabeth; PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413926900. 11925/2012—(2) FOURIE, ANNA SOPHIA ELIZABETH (5310150061081); CHARO STREET 17, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP,2571; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) Jaco Schlebusch; 19 Viney Street, Potchefstroom; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018-290-7913. 009149/2017—(2) Halom, Linda (5502200259083); Stand 1880 26 Camelia Street, Lakeside Ext 1, Benoni; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 1952/2011—(2) COETZER, PIETER SCHALK JACOBUS (8001235125085); KLERKSDORP,2571; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) Jaco Schlebusch; 19 Viney Street, Potchefstroom; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018-290-7913. 6772/2013—(2) FOURIE, HERMANUS LAMBERTUS (2910075007086); VAN RIEBEECKSTRAAT 33, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531; (3) First and Final; (4) JEANETTE FOURIE (3309240013088); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) Jaco Schlebusch; 19 Viney Street, Potchefstroom; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018-290-7913. 9359/2017—(2) Loopstra, Egbert Jans (4412315027089); Erf 380 De Rust, Wes-Kaap; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kaapstad, Pretoria). (6) BJ Admin Services; Posbus 24254, Gezina, 0031; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0828572965. 013832/2017—(2) DU PLESSIS, SAREL JACOB (3102145049087); F 28 EQUESTRIA RETIREMENT VILLAGE 229 MEERLUST STREET EQUESTRIA 1089; (3) First and Final; (4) MARIA ELIZABETH DU PLESSIS (3011250044082); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) PHILLIMON MALEKA; NEDGROUP TRUST NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BENCOR EVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2 PTA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7131. 010114/2017—(2) Maritz, Desmaree San (6205200011087); 21 Aasvoel Street, Reynorif, Witbank; (3) First and Final; (4) Frederik Andries Maritz (5604025102082); (5) (Witbank, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust LTD (BW); Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-470-0147. 002733/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, MARTHA JACOBA (4310220019086); MOTHWA HAVENS 353 BOOYSEN STREET ELOFFSDAL PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) PHILLIMON MALEKA; NEDGROUP TRUST NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BENCOR EVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2 PTA; Email: pmaleka@nedbank.; Tel: 012 436 7131. 11982/2018—(2) de Jager, Johannes Nicholas Benjamin (4507285125084); 3 generaal cronje straat, meyerton, 1961; (3) First and Final; (4) yvonne de jager (5006100053083); (5) 21; (meyerton, johannesburg). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 013521/2017—(2) MATHIBE, NEO WINNIEFRED (5405051051080); 4182 KUDUBE UNIT 6 TEMBA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MORETELE, NORTH GAUTENG). (6) BALOYI MASANGO INCORPORATED; 1215B DUGMORE STREET QUEENSWOOD PRETORIA 0186; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123427178. 003601/2018—(2) Petersen, Frederick Alfred (4111095037082); 22 Leconfield Court, Sinclair Road, Lambton, Germiston,1401 there after 7Huyser Street, Delmas,2210, Mpumalanga; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Germiston en Delmas, Johannesburg). (6) Johannes Albertus Erwee; 98 Lindfield Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria,0081; E-pos: johanerwee@; Tel: 012348-1788. 006972/2016—(2) STEENKAMP, JACOBUS JOHANNES THEUNIS (6609145105088); MOOIKLOOF RIDGE, MOOIKLOOF, PRETORIA; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) DORKAS SINCLAIR; OLD MUTUAL TRUST, NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS, WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2, PRETORIA 0181; Email: Dorkass@nedbank.; Tel: 0124367123. 008019/2015—(2) MEINTJES, JOHANNES HENDRIK (4905235008089); 420 BEN VILJOEN STREET, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; PO BOX 6287, PRETORIA 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367123. 000978/2018—(2) Gwegwe, Maboyi Nelson (4204135172082); 527 Entshonalanga Section, Tembisa 1632; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Tembisa Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg Master’s Office). (6) The Star; Tel: 0118707121.

This gazette is also available free online at 94 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

009936/2017—(2) Kalla, Ebrahim (3810105040082); 257 Baard Street, Raslouw, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Theo de Kooker; 301 Anthony Street, Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0129988776. 012236/2017—(2) Kroon, Hendrik Gerhardus (5211215113083); Plot 44, Swawelpoort, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Theo de Kooker; 301 Anthony Street, Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0129988776. 006545/2017—(2) Weideman, George (3803085036089); Farm 10, Swartkrans, Krugersdorp, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Paulina Dorothea Weideman (3911040010089); (5) (Krugersdorp, South Gauteng). (6) De Vos Attorneys (Trinka de Vos); 4th Floor Imperial Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824165167. 2447/2018—(2) Wasserfall, Joan Sophia (3510030102086); 305 Malcolm Street, Garsfontein X6, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) First and Final; (4) Ronald Ralph Wasserfall (3208145076085); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Stegmanns Ingelyf; Posbus 344, Pretoria,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861333402. 21097/2014—(2) KUNENE, MATRINAH NTOMBINI (6006130331086); 192 WHITESTINKWOOD STREET, PROTEA GLEN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PROTEA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SEKATI RALEPELLE ATTORNEYS; OFFICE 6, MOLAPO OFFICE PARK, 245 MOLELE STREET, MOLAPO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119861182. 18854/2017—(2) DUBE, DHLOKWAKHE PHILLIP (2911255139087); 1911 KHAYA STREET, SENAOANE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PROTEA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SEKATI RALEPELLE ATTORNEYS; OFFICE 6, MOLAPO OFFICE PARK, 245 MOLELE STREET, MOLAPO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119861182. 29059/2015—(2) MPHAHLELE, MAFORI MORE ANTHONY (6603045286080); 438 MEYERSDAL NATUERE ESTATE, MEYERSDAL; (3) First and Final; (4) DINEO LUCIA MPHAHLELE (7203040423082); (5) (PROTEA MAGISTRATE’S COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SEKATI DANIEL RALEPELLE; OFFICE 6, MOLAPO OFFICE PARK, 245 MOLELE STREET, MOLAPO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119861180. 20348/2009—(2) CAMPBELL, NOEL ROWAN CAMPBELL (5807215098008); 13 CHESTNUT STREET, PRIMROSE, GERMISTON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) LOWNDES DLAMINI INC; 56 WIERDA ROAD EAST, WIERDA VALLEY, SANDTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)292-5777. 013499/2017—(2) HITA, EVELYN (6212120364083); 87 ST GEORGES ROAD, BELLEVUE EAST, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) RONNIE JONATHAN HITA (6101195407085); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Bregmans Attorneys; PO Box 2232, Houghton 2041; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116460335. 5462/2018—(2) Koch, Peter (3509085019088); 59 Roosmaryn, 92 Rosemary Avenue, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria North, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 16238/2017—(2) Havenga, Anna Catharina Maria (4906090051081); 774, Plaas Street, Pretoria, 0082; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria North, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102; Email: pearl.saaiman@; Tel: 0877366457. 12599/2017—(2) MOTAU, NANCY MAKGOMO (7703310437084); 401 PRETORIUS STREET, ARCADIA GARDENS, ARCADIA, PRETORIA, 0083.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS; 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STRAAT, MENLOPARK, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-460-3244. 5477/2014—(2) MOKGETHI, NANCY NTEBE (3309200200089); 345 BUSHWILLOW ESTATE, ROODEKRANS; (3) N/A; (4) Pre-Deceased - KOOS STEPHEN MOKGETHI (3309200200089); (5) 21 days; (Magisterial District of ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MARK-ANTHONY BEYL ATTORNEYS; 94 PRITCHARD STREET, 4TH FLOOR SCHREINER CHAMBERS, JOHANNESBRUG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 333 7790. 000252/2018—(2) Badenhorst, Jacob Jacobus (3207235033089); 886 Peter Way, Tres Jollie AH, Honeydew, Roodepoort, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Hester Maria Badenhorst (3806120026080); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (B20947); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 749/2018—(2) WULFF, EDGAR NORMAN (5105105026084); 87, 5THSTREET, NABOOMSPRUIT; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (NABOOMSPRUIT, POLOKWANE). (6) MINNAAR ATTORNEYS; 401A QUEENS CRESCENT, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 082 4555688. 7817/2018—(2) HENRY, GEORGE CHESTER (2006205084184); 2 PIGEON PLACE, NORSCOT SLOPE, FOURWAYS EXT12, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) L BOTHA; PO BOX 3785, EDENVALE, 1610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828084308. PTA008161/2017—(2) Pillay, Vimalan Dillon (8809035261086); Unit 34, Hill View, Proclamation Hill, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Segari Pillay (8403070158082); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Petzer Du Toit & Ramulifho Attorneys; 213 Richard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123429895. 028102/17—(2) VORSTER, STEPHANUS PETRUS (3511115016084); 30 ANDRé STREET, PIERNEEF PARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PHILLIPPIENA JACOBA STRODE; PO BOX 236, DAMDORYN, 0280; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0829251236. 015609/2015—(2) HLOPHE, LYMON (5710195794085) (n/a); 4404 NGCOBO STREET,TSAKANE; (3) First and Final; (4) KHABONINA CHELINAH HLOPHE (5703210757088); (5) 21; (SPRINGS, Gauteng). (6) Ndzondo Kunene Mosea inc; Suite 210, 1st Floor Bophelong Centre Building, 4th Street Springs.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)815 3281.

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001241/2017—(2) MOKGOKONG, MADIMETJA SOLOMON (7709185304085); 27A OSPREY STREET, AMBERFIELD CREST, CENTURION, 0157; (3) First and final; (4) GAIL OREEDITSE MOKGOKONG (8003310534082); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) TF MATHEBULA ATTORNEYS; 208-212 JEEPE STREET, JOHANNESBURG 1ST FLOOR MARBLE TOWERS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-333-72-98. 005122/2015—(2) MALOANE, LEHLOHONOLO GUMS (3002015241089); 2119-B NALEDI 18; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: reception@; Tel: 0114920253. 000293/2016—(2) OLIFANT, DIKELE JOHN (3608055203084); 140 BOIPATON TOWNSHIP VANDERBISL PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) MANANA MARIA OLIFANT (3606100191080); (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 22963/2009—(2) SUMBANE, GWAMBI (4610270517081); 629 MAKHULONG SECTION,TEMBISA,1632; (3) First and Final; (4) NONE NONE (NA); (5) 21 DAYS; (TEMBISA MAGISTRATE’S COURT, PRETORIA). (6) SEGALA SESHIBE ATTORNEYS; 111 IBAZELO SECTION,CORNER MAMBO & JULIUS NYERERE STREETS,TEMBISA,1632; Email: seshibe@; Tel: 0833757232. 001438/2016—(2) HLONGWANE, MEKHUBA (5204095310085); ERF 05 CALABASH EXT 2 RONDEIT TOWNSHIP; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 012143/2017—(2) SPALDING, RICHARD (6308065225089); ERF 2697 RIVERLEA EXT 3 TOWNSHIP; (3) First and Final; (4) MIRIAM AGNES SPALDING (6712180459087); (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 9447/2015—(2) LAHER, EBRAHIM AHMED (5403275082080); 17 SWORDFISH AVENUE LENASIA EXT 7; (3) First and final; (4) HASEENA LAHER (5809190071083); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) MOHAMED KAROLIA ATTORNEYS; 4TH FLOOR, THE FIRS, CORNER CRADDOCK AND BIERMANN AVENUE, ROSEBANK, JOHANNESBURG; Email: mohamed@karolia.; Tel: 0764306111. 016857/2015—(2) MOLELI, NOZIZWE ELSINAH (4206300084083); STAND 3108 MOROKA 1818; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: reception@; Tel: 0114920253. 11961/2018—(2) DE BRUIN, JANET MAUD (2912080019080); EUREKA CARE TIMBER STREET, WENTWORTH PARK , KRUGERSDORP , 1739; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KRUGERSDORP, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SHELDON MEINTJIES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258413. 917/2018—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, FREDERIK JACOBUS (4311135029087); PLATANLAAN 14, FLAMWOOD , 2471; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) SUSANNA JANSE VAN RENSBURG (5405090026085); (5) (KLERKSDORP, PRETORIA). (6) SHELDON MEINTJIES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: sheldongordon. [email protected]; Tel: 0112258413. 021725/2016—(2) NTINGA, NONZONZO MIRRIAM (1807160158082); 2955 OLD DOBSONVILLE, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) TF MATHEBULA ATTORNEYS; 208-212 JEEPE STREET, JOHANNESBURG 1ST FLOOR MARBLE TOWERS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-333-72-98. 009909/2018—(2) CURRIE, ALEXANDER TULLIS SPENCE (4208265101183); 22 SUN TROPAZ 2 CALVINIA ROAD BRENTWOOD PARK BENONI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, SOUTH GAUTENG (MARSHALLTOWN)). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: lizaan. [email protected]; Tel: 012-684-4168. 028559/2015—(2) MCCABE, MURIEL ELAINE (3305280051087); 43 DIAMOND ACRES, KUDU STREET, ALLENS NEK, 1709; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) C B SLOANE CA(SA); 38 GROSVENOR ROAD, BRYANSTON, 2021 (P O BOX 55, WITKOPPEN, 2068); Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824464107. 002073/2018—(2) BESTER, BAREND CHRISSTOFFEL (6206045032080); 13 Bessie Lanser Street Heidelberg Ext 2; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Heidelberg, Johannesburg). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 575-4663. 010342/2018—(2) BOTJE, HERMAN BART (4705195109087); 160 BRONBERG RETIREMENT VILLAGE OLYMPUS ROAD PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, SOUTH GAUTENG (MARSHALLTOWN)). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: lizaan.didlick@momentum.; Tel: 012-684-4168. 005212/2018—(2) Rajool, Ursula (4110140109086); 5 Savanna Road, Bakerton, Springs, 1559; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Springs, Johannesburg). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd.; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (087)352-2813. 016470/2017—(2) Kleynhans, Bethia Alfreda (4409150026085); 956 Clifton Avenue, Protea Retirement Village Heuwelsig , Centurion, 0157; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd.; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (087)352- 2813.

This gazette is also available free online at 96 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

024545/2017—(2) NAIDOO, DAVIDSON (7712095075084); 1072 LIVERPOOL STREET, EXTENSION 1, LENASIA SOUTH; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CHIBA-JIVAN INC; 190 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118372468. 18933/2015—(2) KEMPIS, GEORGE STEOHEN (2911175004080); COTTAGE 302 CARLINGFORD, 6 RANDJIESLAAGTE ROAD, HIGHLANDS NORTH, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NONE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) DE WET VAN DER WATT (SANDTON); P O BOX 78159, SANDTON, 2146; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-268-2152. 22082/2017—(2) LOMAX, MARGARET ISABEL (4709010090084); 62 CHAUCER ROAD, LOMBARDY EAST, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NONE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) DE WET VAN DER WATT (SANDTON); P O BOX 78159, SANDTON, 2146; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-268-2152. 006096/2018—(2) Antunes, Antonio Moreira (5106245144084); 12 Blyderivier Street, Norkem Park, Kempton Park, 1618; (3) First and Final; (4) Maria Clara Concicao Vieira Antunes (5412090113087); (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 352 2816. 020037/2017—(2) SCHULZ, NORMA CONSTANCE (3004220014087); 121 DURBY ROAD, KENSINGTON, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) STRATIN CONSULTING AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY PTY LTD; 34 WEBBER ROAD GERMISTON 1401; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118730203. 023672/2016—(2) SINGH, HEMANT RAJ (6005315215080); LENASIA SOUTH; (3) Second Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (LENASIA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: D Sinclair; PO Box 6287, Pretoria 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367123. 015475/2016—(2) SHABANGU, JOHN WELLINGTON (4501025663082); 2 UMSONTI STREET BIRCH ACRES; (3) First and Final; (4) TERRESIA SIPHIWE SHABANGU (5108160384083); (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 022552/ 2017—(2) ADAMSON, MARIA (4405020478183); 21 RYNE PARK, VAN DYK STREET, SW 5, VANDERBIJLPARK, GAUTENG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Vanderbijlpark, Johannesburg). (6) Liam Greeff Attorneys; PO Box 600, Park South 1910; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169824318. 001374/2018—(2) RAMATSHA, JEREMIAH JERRY (5003035485084); 10365 JADULA STREET KWA-THEMA SPRINGS GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) BELINA RAMATSHA (5604110731084); (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) M A MASUKU ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 3415 SPRINGS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 362 5256. 013416/2017—(2) MAKHUBO, VINA SAMARIA (3306130158080); 33 THIPE STREET KWA-THEMA SPRINGS GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) M A MASUKU ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 3415 SPRINGS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 362 5256. 019484/2015—(2) BONGWE, ZIWELILE JOYCE (5909190724085); 29 DA GAMA STREET SECUNDA 2302; (3) First and Final; (4) VUSI ROBERT BONGWE (5802055201085); (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SA ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS & TRUSTEES PTY LTD; 381 ONTDEKKERS ROAD, FLORIDA PARK, ROODEPOORT 1709; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 4755393. 029367/2015—(2) SACKS, HARRY (4805215081082); 1 TANIA ROAD, MORNINGSIDE VILLAGE, FRENCH LANE, MORNINGSIDE, 2196; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) C B SLOANE CA(SA); 38 GROSVENOR ROAD, BRYANSTON, 2021 (P O BOX 55, WITKOPPEN, 2068); Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824464107. 25572/2016—(2) BUCIBE, PORTIA YENA (7309070461080); 2363 MASINYANE STREET, TSAKANE, BRAKPAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRAKPAN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FELICE CAPRIELLO ATTORNEYS; 97 DUNVEGAN STREET, SYDENHAM, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 485-4496. 19056/2015—(2) Gray, Gregory (3407235082082); 1 Floral Place, Florida North; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg). (6) Louise Tonkin Incorporated; 484 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Hills; Email: zola@ltinc.; Tel: (011)472-2828. 000629/2017—(2) MALEBANE, MALOSE SIMON (5612245251084); STAND 53 STEENBOK STREET CLAYVILLE EXT 7; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 161/2004—(2) Abrahams, Gabieba (-); 717 Hazeldrive, , Soweto; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria). (6) Louise Tonkin Incorporated; 484 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Hills; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)472-2828. 004722/2018—(2) OOSTHUIZEN, RYNHARDT (6311235013088); 670 VAALKOP STREET, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, 0043; (3) First And Final; (4) SUZETTE OOSTHUIZEN (6408150125085); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: NA; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 11127/2017—(2) Tischhauser, Andreas (3012115038186); 58 Waterval Village, cnr Hendrik Potgieter and 3rd Street, Florida Glen; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg). (6) Louise Tonkin Incorporated; 484 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Hills; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)472-2828.

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009201/2016—(2) MAUPA, SELINA (5110160366086); 12821 DOBSONVILLE EXT 4, SOWETO; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG SOUTH). (6) AMASUBAS ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, SAMANCOR HOUSE 10TH FLOOR, SUITE 1001, MARSHALLTOWN, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-568-4742. 005479/2018—(2) BOSHOFF, GUILLAUME HENRI VICTOR ROBBERTZ (4006135002080); 1057 BRAAM PRETORIUS STREET, UNIT NO.11, MONTANA PARK, PRETORIA, 0159; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: NA; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 8472/2017—(2) RAY, ALLAN DOUGLAS (3312015026087); 201 Jutlander Avenue, Beaulieu Country Estate, Kyalami, 1684; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) LOURENZA JACOBA RAY (3307300065089); (5) (RANDBURG MAGISTRATES COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GRANT WILLEMSE; PO Box 1290 Northcliff 2115; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117287728. 005726/2018—(2) MTAMBO, SESANE SUSAN (3009170240087); 142 MAOKO STREET,EMOYENI ,TEMBISA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 001007/2018—(2) SIBEKO, NONTSHUKUMO SYLVIA (3709250185082); 1014 A MKHAHLANE STREET,KLIPSPRUIT,1809; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 023018/2017—(2) ENGELHARDT, RUDOLF HEINZ (6909225315080); 41 KOBIE STREET,KRUGERSDOP; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 010504/2017—(2) Maullin, Gloria Cecilia (3410300010087); 6 Poinsettia Road, Wychwood; (3) First And Final; (4) Keith (Estate Late) Maullin (3307125033080); (5) (Germiston, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: P Moodley; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112958664. 012978/2017—(2) VENTER, RITA (4604190041082); 2 RUITER ROAD, DAGGAFONTEIN EXTENSION, SPRINGS; (3) First and Final; (4) CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES VENTER (4202075051084); (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MATSEMELA KRAUSES & NGUBENI INCORPORATED; 8 SUTTER ROAD, SELECTION PARK, SPRINGS; Email: mkncivil4@ (Ref. Mrs C Krause/D Dunn); Tel: 011-815-3255. 885/2016—(2) REDDY, MEENAMBALL (4706230090084); 639 BOSSPERWER STREET, MONUMENT PARK, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) MOONSAMY REDDY (4111075076084); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) JAFFER ATTORNEYS; 577 CARL STREET, PRETORIA WEST; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123271200. 002199/2018—(2) MOKWENA, BOINGOTLO CYNTHIA (4704050668089); Stand No 791,Magogwe Village ,Mafikeng ,2739; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 15981/2017—(2) Van Wyk, Andries Phillipus (4106135107085); 38 Floss Street, Kensington; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse Inc; 68 Dann Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119756528. 17100/2016—(2) Pudikabekwa, Matladi Elizabeth (3803020256081); 861 Block K Soshanguve 0152; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 013810/2017—(2) MOLEYA, MATLHORO MARIA (3106050137084); 81 MADIBA STREET ,ATTERIDGEVILLE,0008; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 28504/2017—(2) VAN RENSBURG, PETRUS JACOBUS (3603145013080); 1 A LOSBERG AVENUE; (3) First and Final; (4) JOHANNA CHRISTINA VAN RENSBURG (3908140043085); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: natashak@; Tel: 0115754495. 23279/2011—(2) Van Dyk, Hendrik Benjamin (5310075094084); 222 Koedoe Street, Wierda Park, Centurion; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Aletta van Dyk (5409030095085); (5) (Pretoria, Johannesburg). (6) Jansen Attorneys; 158 Zamia Palm Street, Montana Park, 0182; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0814355706. 005657/2018—(2) MOGASHOA, KGELELE JIM (5109145336081); STAND 2405,DEVLAND EXT.30,1811; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 013335/2017—(2) MPHAHLELE, MAMAKGEME (8501295469083); STAND NO 17 ,VALTAKI AH BRONKHOSRPRUIT,PRETORIA.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 010153/2016—(2) MDODA, ZOLISA FELICITY (7104050536088); 9036 KAGISO, KRUGERSDORP, 1754; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KRUGERSDORP, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SWART REDELINGHUYS NEL & PARTNERS INCORPORATED; 245 VOORTREKKER ROAD, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP, 1739; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119544000. 013121/2017—(2) TSOTETSI, MADITABA SOPHY (5603040704088); 23A RICARDO STREET, VOSLOORUS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) CL BEZUIDENHOUT ATTORNEYS; NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, GROUND FLOOR WEST WING (REGUS) SUNNINGHILL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112368638. 003613/2018—(2) NELL, HENDRINA WILHELMINA (3210040227086); OVOLI 103,972 9TH AVENUE ,WONDERBOOM SOUTH,0084; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680.

This gazette is also available free online at 98 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

002190/2018—(2) DU PREEZ, STEPHANUS PETRUS JOHANNES (4206085001088); 190 EASTLANDS, MATURE LIFESTYLE 101, EASTLANDS DRIVE, SESFONTEIN, BENONI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, PRETORIA). (6) PHOENIX ADMINISTRATORS AND TRUST; POSTNET SUITE 777, PRIVATE BAG X37, LYNWOOD RIDGE, 0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824490395. 25915/2016—(2) KNOWLES, WILLIAM PERVICAL ROBERT (2901225033080); 31 DASSEN ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459; (3) First and final; (4) MADELAINE KOWLES (4204210039081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MONA & ASSOCIATES; 71 MOWBRAY AVENUE, WESTERN EXTENSION, BENONI 1501; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114211151. 4809/2018—(2) MALOKA, MABEL (6007120545081); 48 KAAPMUIDEN AVENUE, LEACHVILLE, BRAKPAN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (BRAKPAN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) T P MOLOTO & COMPANY INCORPORATED; 4 MOWBRAY AVENUE, BENONI, 1501; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)4211378. 026840/2017—(2) MASONDO, MOSES MFUNENI (5811075665088); 259 RADEBE STREET , EZIZAMELENI WAKKERTROOM 2480; (3) First and final; (4) TRYPHINA ZOZWA MASONDO (6006070452082); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: info@; Tel: 0114632655. 006098/2017—(2) MNGWEVU, GEELBOOI DANIEL (5008115279083); 10012 MNGUNI STREET , KWA-THEMA 1575; (3) First and final; (4) NOBELUNGU BELLINA MNGWEVU (5201190341080); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 10509/2012—(2) MATHATHO, LEKHWI RAMSKIN (4307225472088); 99 MOROE STREET,ATTERIDGEVILLE,0008; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 5108/2018—(2) Zimba, Maria Winnie Basetsana (6112090616084); 35 Gwangwa Street, Atteridgeville, 0008; (3) N/A; (4) Tebogo Jacob Zimba (5707220210087); (5) N/A; (Atteridgeville, Pretoria). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 024373/2016—(2) WHITE, RACHEL ELIZABETH NOLA WHITE (3208110033087); Mildene Park Retirement Village, 65 Prospect Hall Road, Durban North; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) VINCENT LAUBSCHER & ASSOCIATES; Unit 4, Bastion Close, Bushhill Office Park, Cnr Hawken Ave & Ostrich Road, Bromhof; Email: antionette@vla.; Tel: (011)791-0635. 4055/2018—(2) Van Der Merwe, Daniel Benjamin (2210285020080); Wynneweg 39, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 013957/2017—(2) NEOCLEOUS, ALIKI (3104200051081); C/O SAINT GEORGE HOTEL, PLOT 58 DORINGKLOOF, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) KLAGSBRUN EDELSTEIN BOSMAN DE VRIES; PO BOX 178, GROENKLOOF, 0027; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124529881. 704/2018—(2) TROSELLO, WILLEM JOHANNES (5006255621080); 31 POPLAR STREET, DECLERQVILLE; (3) First and Final; (4) GERTRUIDA MAGDALENA TROSELLO (5501170234084); (5) (KLERKSDORP, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: natashak@; Tel: 0115754495. 002166/2016—(2) CILLIERS, ANNA MAGRIETHA ADRIANA (5910170124080); 17 IMPALA NORTH, 629 SAPORIA STREET, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) NVT NVT; (5) 21; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) GERNEKE & POTGIETER ATTORNEYS; 307 DANIE THERON STREET, PRETORIA NORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 565 4573. 005897/2018—(2) Jansen Van Vuuren, Daniel Rudolf (3809035054080); 1205 Bionberg Retirement Village, Midas Street, Olympus; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 6436/2016—(2) BADENHORST, DAVID ANDRIES (3404025047086); 17 VAN DALSEN STREET, WEST PARK, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) ELSIE CATHERINA BADENHORST (3902130052081); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) JOHANN DE WET ATTORNEYS; 825 ARCADIA STREET, ARCADIA; Email: yolanda@jdwattorneys; Tel: 0120300119. 7155/2015—(2) Pullen, Anna Margaretha (1802170034084); 833 Milligalstraat, Moreletapark, Pretoria; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Le Roux Van Niekerk Prokureurs; Posbus 32181, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: pietervn@iafrica. com; Tel: 0129983009. 459/2018—(2) MORABA, MANTHIBU HARDAD PEACE (5712075794086); 407 MMESI PARKI, DOBSONVILLE NORTH MOLETE STREET; (3) N/A; (4) MALEFA IRENE MORABA (5701260768088); (5) N/A; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MBEDZI ATTORNEYS; 12 CNR EDWARD & HERBERT STREET ROODEPOORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0110524532. 27058/2016—(2) BICKERTON, GARY PARKER (5712265020086); 36 DUNKIRK STREET, DELVILLE, GERMISTON; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SMIT & HERBST ATTORNEYS; 108 JOUBERT STREET, GERMISTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118738435. 001028/2018—(2) Masetle, Ebenezer Johannes (5203045837080); 664 Mark Twain Street, Groblerpark, Ext 9, Roodepoort; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: DG; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831100.

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001243/2016—(2) BAKER, STEPHANIE MARY (2708020033185); KRONEDAL, 650 PRETORIUS STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (n/a, PRETORIA). (6) MB CALITZ ATTORNEYS; 969 VAALWATER STREET, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, 0081; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0791157765. 010898/2018—(2) SWART, TERTIUS JACOBUS (4804225031088); 07 PIET RETIEF BOULEVARD, SET, VANDERBILJPARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) DIANE SWART (5208110113085); (5) (VAN DERBILJPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Emily Chauke; Sanlynn Building; Block B; Ground Floor; c/o Sanlam Street & Lynnwood Road; Lynnwood; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)470-0351. 6620/2010—(2) WILMOT, LESLIE FREDERICK (2009205101016); 63 ARISTOLE CRESCENT, ENNERDALE, EXTENSION 3, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (PROTEA MAGISTRATES COURT, SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT). (6) Mrs. SELINAH NALEDZANI; 279 COLUMBINE AVENUE, MONDEOR, JOHANNESBURG, 2091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861333235. 29272/2011—(2) ZULU, THAMSANQA MICHAEL (6212125552088); 71 MEHLOMAKHULU STREET DUBE VILLAGE SOWETO; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NGL ATTORNEYS; BUILDING 3 WOODHILL OFFICE PARK, 53 PHILIP ENGELBRECHT AVENUE, MEYERSDAL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 867-0476. 17296/2016—(2) BADENHORST, ELSIE CATHERINA (3902130052081); 17 VAN DALSEN STREET, WEST PARK, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) JOHANN DE WET ATTORNEYS; 825 ARCADIA STREET, ARCADIA; Email: yolanda@jdwattorneys; Tel: 0120300119. 21455/2013—(2) RIDDERHOF, JOHANNES (5501285066082); 984 GELDENHUYS STREET,STRUBENS VALLEY EXTENSION 4, ROODEPOORT, 1735; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) UNA POSTHUMUS; SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD LYNNWOOD; Email: Una. [email protected]; Tel: 012 470 0315. 019484/2015—(2) BONGWE, ZIWELILE JOYCE (5909190724085); 29 DA GAMA STREET, SECUNDA, 2302; (3) First and Final; (4) VUSI ROBERT BONGWE (5802055201085); (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SA ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS & TRUSTEES PTY LTD; 381 ONTDEKKERS ROAD, FLORIDA PARK, ROODEPOORT, 1709; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 4755393. 006164/2018—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, LOUIS PETRUS (5005285102087); 5 TIMBAVAI STREET, SECUNDA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 011259/2018—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, HENDRIK JACOBUS (4808285099083); 37 GRASKOP STREET, RONDEBULT, GERMISTON; (3) First and final; (4) CECELIA MAGDALENA BEZUIDENHOUT (4809100060086); (5) (GERMISTON, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 013033/2017—(2) ROLL, MARIA CLOTILDE (4902100091183); 80 KINGFISHER DRIVE, PECANWOOD, HARBEESPOORTDAM; (3) First and final; (4) MICHAEL ROLL (4102065112187); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) KLAGSBRUN EDELSTEIN BOSMAN DE VRIES; PO BOX 178, GROENKLOOF, 0027; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124528991. 5349/2015—(2) NKHOTO, TSIU MICHAEL (3409025147083); 85 DRAGON DRIVE, KLIPSPRUIT EXT 2; (3) First and final; (4) ANNAH MANKA NKHOTO (3601250212083); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NGL ATTORNEYS; BUILDING 3, WOODHILL OFFICE PARK, 53 PHILIP ENGELBRECHT AVENUE, MEYERSDAL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-867-0476. 15457/2016—(2) RUPPING, RIHAN (6112085060082); 11 CULLINAN GOLF ESTATE, MAIN STREET, CULLINAN; (3) First and final; (4) JOHANNA MAGRIETA RUPPING (5202030042086); (5) (CULLINAN, PRETORIA). (6) JJR INC; 308 BROOKS STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-362-2556. 878/2018—(2) BUITENDAG, HENNING PETRUS (2910175081080); 7 CILLIERS STREET, SUIDEROORD, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA JOHANNA SUSANNA BUITENDAG (3011080078086); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115754495. 8255/2006—(2) MENDELSOHN, HAROLD (2312025035087); FLEMMING HOUSE, RANJESLAAGTE ESTATE, RANJIESLAAGTE ROAD, HIGHLANDS NORTH,JOHANNESBUR; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT). (6) PENNY GRIFFITHS ATTORNEY; 9, NORWOOD CENTER, 120 WILLIAM ROAD, NORWOOD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0845240009. 23704/2013—(2) JOUBERT, PIERRE HADLEY (6604045100081); 9 Avon Road, Witpoortjie Ridge, Impala Park, Boksburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BOKSBURG MAGISTRATES COURT, NONE). (6) PENNY GRIFFITHS ATTORNEY; 9, NORWOOD CENTER, 120 WILLIAM ROAD, NORWOOD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0845240009. 878/2018—(2) BUITENDAG, HENNING PETRUS (2910175081080); 7 CILLIERS STREET, SUIDEROORD, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA JOHANNA SUSANNA BUITENDAG (3011080078086); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115754495. 11425/2016—(2) KRUGER, MECHIEL ANDRIES (3006095064089); 338 HANS-STRYDOM AVENUE, KLOOFSIG, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) ANNA SOPHIA KRUGER (3809090014086); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) LEISTNER ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 8587, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 -807-3915.

This gazette is also available free online at 100 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018


000000027062018—(2) Viljoen, Johannes Jacob Scheepers (4607015008087); 101 Maree Street, Potchefstroom, 2531; (3) First and final; (4) Maryann Cathleen Viljoen (4607140042084); (5) (Potchefstroom, Port Elizabeth). (6) Wynand du Preez; P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-3916129. 000997/2018—(2) Du Plessis, Jan Daniel Louw (6503075020088); DR HJ Verwoerd Laan 37, Despatch, 6220; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906406. 2905/2017—(2) BEZUIDENHOUDT, JANNIE FREDERICK (5706165010080); MAASDORP STRAAT 4, BURGERSDORP 9744; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) ELIZABETHA MARGARETHA BEZUIDENHOUDT (6001260059086); (5) (BURGERSDORP, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) VAN NIEKERK & KOEN PROKUREURS; SANLAMGEBOU, PIET RETIEF STRAAT, POSBUS 234, BURGERSDORP 9744; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0516530851. 7083/2011—(2) Kolanti, Vuyisile Wellington (6612135526081); 32 Clyde Street, Central, Port Elizabeth; (3) L & D Account; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Howard Collen Inc; 11a Shirley Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3653700. PE 5309/2017—(2) JORDAAN, LLEWELLYN HENRY (3901155002088); 3 GRACELANDS, NOORSEKLOOF, JEFFREYS BAY; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) EMMERENTIA SUSANNA JORDAAN (4202140029081); (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) CW Malan Jeffreys Bay Incorporated; 15 Oosterland street, Jeffreys Bay; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (042)293-1053. 003275/2017—(2) Nel, Hendrina Francina (2408170023082); 5 Lairdhaven, 62 High Street, Matatiele; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Maluti, Mthatha). (6) Standard Trust Limited; PO Box 27560, Greenacres 6057; Email: Elizabeth.Ferreira@; Tel: 0214012611. 005140/2016—(2) Nel, Petrus Stefanus (2410055003080); 5 LAirdhaven, 62 High Street, Matatiele; (3) First And Final; (4) Hendrina Francina Nel (2408170023082); (5) (Matatiele, Mthatha). (6) Standard Trust Limited; PO Box 27560, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012611. 000562/2017—(2) ZAAYMAN, STEPHANUS ESAIAS (4103125017085); Gordons Folly, Wehmeyerstraat, Willowmore 6445; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (WILLOWMORE, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) Steyn & Van der Vyver Ingelyf; Knysnastraat 45, Posbus 10, Willowmore; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-923 1010. 2303/1995—(2) Adams, Raymond (ID UNKNOWN); 10 St Jerome Street, West End, Bethelsdorp, Port Elizabeth, 6059; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown). (6) Nelson Attorneys; 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3656463. 1174/2017—(2) KLEINHANS, STEPHANUS ANDRIES (2712295036089); 5 ELLIOT STREET, MANOR HEIGHTS, DESPATCH; (3) First and Final; (4) LYDIA THELMA KLEINHANS (3111030020087); (5) 21 DAYS; (UITENHAGE, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PORT ELIZABETH, EASTERN CAPE). (6) VAN ROOYEN & EFSTRATIOU ATTORNEYS; 57 SIXTH AVENUE, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413652844. 000913/2017—(2) KWAKWARI, FEZILE ROBERT KWAKWARI (5506255753080); 44 NTENETYANA STREET, LINGELIHLE, CRADOCK, 5880; (3) First and final; (4) NTOMBENTSHA ELSIE KWAKWARI (6303110378082); (5) (CRADOCK, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) Metcalf & Co; 80 Frere Street, Cradock, 5880; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0488813024. 000296/2018—(2) TURNER, EILEEN MYRTLE (3403250007088); 33A MOTH COTTAGE, NELSON AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) GRAHAM LAWRENCE TURNER (3808255094180); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) GREYVENSTEINS ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 754, PORT ELIZABETH, 6000; Email: louis@; Tel: 041-5015546. 006548/2011—(2) SOBIKWA, VUYELWA EUNICE (5906190777089); 10 MANKAYI STREET, ZWIDE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) RAKESH SAM ATTORNEYS; 64 PICKERING STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3642550. 000497/2018—(2) FOXCROFT, JEFFREY HILTON (5811145047085); 42 WILSON STREET, GONUBIE, 5257; (3) First and final; (4) YVONNE BEVERLEY FOXCROFT (6109040076088); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) BATE CHUBB & DICKSON INC.; 34 WESTERN AVENUE, VINCENT, EAST LONDON, 5247; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437014529. 20893/2014—(2) FARRAT, NADEEMA (4505180128088); 59 AVALON CRESCENT, GELVANDALE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) McWILLIAMS & ELLIOTT INC.; 152 CAPE ROAD, MILLPARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 - 5821250. 006552/2011—(2) SOBIKWA, BONGANI SHAWN (5906135664087); 10 MANKAYI STREET, ZWIDE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) RAKESH SAM ATTORNEYS; 64 PICKERING STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3642550. 021226/2014—(2) Fourie, Petrus Cornelius Fourie (3710225057083); 7 Tait Street, Newton Park Port Elizabeth; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Sanlam Trust Limited; Po Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; Email: taryn.large@sanlam.; Tel: 0413925476. 145/2018—(2) Skinner, Richard Newlyn (2902205043180); 27 Two Rivers Place, Kenton on Sea; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Alfred, Grahamstown). (6) Neave Stötter Inc; P O Box 76, Port Alfred; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 046 624 1163.

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93/2017—(2) KROG, GERALD (3006085050080); 8 FALCON RIDGE, ABBOTSFORD, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) KEMP ATTORNEYS; 8 REYNOLDS VIEW, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437484064. 000211/2018—(2) George, Rosie (3905150037080); 24 Rosesteeg, Uitenhage, 6241; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; Email: Charlene.VanGreunen@; Tel: 0873350805. 2564/2017—(2) Emslie, Lorraine (2803100015085); Damant Lodge, Port Alfred; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Port Alfred, Grahamstown). (6) Michael Ruben Burmeister; 17 Heythrop Drive, Linkside, Port Elizabeth; Email: mikeburmeister65@gmail. com; Tel: 041 - 3734611. 01267/2017MOHPE—(2) Van Zyl, Elize (5205200073088); Frere Singel 21, van Riebeeckhoogte, Uitenhage; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) M S Strydom as genomineerde Eksekuteur namens G P van Rhyn, Minnaar & Kie Ing.; G P van Rhyn, Minnaar & Kie Ing., Rhymin Gebou, Republiek Plein, Posbus 192, Uitenhage, 6230; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (041)922-9124. 005823/2017—(2) Van Niekerk, Van Zyl Calvyn (4212275002084); 21 Aliwal Street, Tulbagh, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Kevlar Financial Services; P O Box 27971, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3738010. 0000000243/2018—(2) Strydom, Stephanus Esaias Terblanche (4002105026084); Vaalpadskloof, Steytlerville; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Steytlerville, Port Elizabeth). (6) SW Herselman; 24 Sutherland Road, Mosel, Uitenhage; Email: willie. [email protected]; Tel: 041-9922416. 1008/2018—(2) Luiters, Petrus (6804055236086); Algoaweg 91, Uitenhage; (3) First and final; (4) Liesel Luiters (7310150042089); (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) SW Herselman; 24 Sutherland Road, Mosel, Uitenhage; Email: willie. [email protected]; Tel: 041-9922416. 5542/2016—(2) MBA, MARTIN LUTHER BONAKELE (2617772); COFIMVABA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (COFIMVABA, MTHATHA). (6) PIETER JACOBUS COETZEE; BOWES, McDOUGALL INCORPORATED, 27a PRINCE ALFRED STREET, QUEENSTOWN 5319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 045 807 3800. -—(2) Poisat, Elizabeth Maria (3210310030087); Aandmymering, Uitenhage; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) SW Herselman; 24 Sutherland Road, Uitenhage; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041- 9922416. 000814/2017—(2) FERREIRA, PETRUS JOHANNES (2701275027085); 10 TUSCAN VILLAS, MACON ROAD, LORRAIN, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Lessing, Heyns, Keyter & van der Bank Inc.; 14 Baird Street, Uitenhage; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-9911301. 000826/2018—(2) VAN STADEN, ANDRE JACOBUS (3803155095080); 6 PARASOLSTRAAT, WAVECREST, JEFFREYSBAAI,6330; (3) EERSTE & FINALE; (4) MAGDALENA CHRISTINA VAN STADEN (4008300095089); (5) (HUMANSDORP, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) BLIGNAULT & VENNOTE; POSBUS 1500, JEFFREYSBAAI, 6330; E-pos: estelle@; Tel: 042 293 2211. 000000021472018—(2) Deysel, Alice Patricia (4709080158084); 33 McLuckie Street, Francis Evatt Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) First and final; (4) John Henry Deysel (3906125067087); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Wynand du Preez; P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-3916129. 4734/2017—(2) SALOMON, FRANZ CHRISTOPHER (2708175039086); COTTAGE 310 LAUBSCHER PARK EAST, MAIN ROAD, WALMER, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) KAPLAN BLUMBERG ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 27028, GREENACRES. 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0722759409. 020706/2017—(2) Barnard, Daniel (3602065001083); 17 Tenth Avenue, George, 6529; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (George, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited Ref: Lynne Louis; P O Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057; Email: LynneL@; Tel: 0413988027. 2619/2017—(2) Levine, Norman Charles (3404265131087); 116 Settlerspark, Port Alfred, 6170; (3) First and final; (4) Greta Catherine Buisson-Street (3210120048089); (5) (Port Alfred, Grahamstown). (6) Messrs Coetzees Inc; 25 Buiten Street, P O Box 5, Parys, 9585; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 056-811-2136. 7141/2010—(2) Mashiyi, Bulelani (8606255831089); 21 Mnyamanzi Street, HillCrest, Mthatha; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Mthatha, Mthatha). (6) Mantyi Attorneys; 1st Floor, ClubLink Building, 28 Madeira street, Mthatha; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 047-531-1364. 5390/2017—(2) Pietersen, Gideon Stephanus (2606065007082); Valleihof,Kirkwood; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) J Louw Attorney; P O Box 7115,Newton Park,Port Elizabeth 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 042 3643577. 000030/2016—(2) Hechter, Christina, Maria (3701050021088); 4 Patrick Road, Charlo, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First and final; (4) Philip, Charel Hechter (3608255004084); (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Ambiton Financial Services; PO Box 40036, Walmer Post Office, Walmer, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415817170. 20031/2014—(2) VAN DYK, ELSA JOHANNA (6404070093081); OSKLOOF, CRADOCK, 5880; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CRADOCK, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) Metcalf & Co; 80 Frere Street, Cradock, 5880; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0488813024. 3124/2015—(2) LE ROUX, STANLEY KEITH (3310025025081); 7 LAMONT STREET, QUEENSTOWN, 5320; (3) NOT APPLICABLE; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) NOT APPLICABLE; (QUEENSTOWN, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) MAURICE SHADIACK ATTORNEYS INC.; P.O. BOX 398, QUEENSTOWN, 5320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 045-8392027.

This gazette is also available free online at 102 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

000304/2018—(2) Clark, Elizabeth Marion (2402270002088); 2 Berea Gardens and then Lily Kirchmann Home, Jarvis Road, Berea, East London; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 8081 Nahoon 5210; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 7354633. 5379/2017—(2) MACFARLANE, PATRICIA ANN (3505120020081); 3 STANSBURY PARK, SEYMOUR STREET, SOUTH END, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) PW Harvey & Co (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 5675, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 6065; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413732710. 7236/2009—(2) MEYER, FLORIS BELLINGAN (2710085030080); HAZELHURSTSTRAAT 6, MOUNT CROIX, PORT ELIZABETH.; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) Theron du Plessis; Bankstraat 15, Aliwal Noord, 9750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-6338000. 4407/2017—(2) BRENNAN, JENNIFER ANN (6109230031083); 9912 PALMBROOK DRIVE, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78717, USE; (3) First and final; (4) CHARLES EUGENE BRENNAN (4903035108084); (5) (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) PW Harvey & Co (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 5675, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 6065; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413732710. 1268/2016—(2) VAN ANTWERPEN, CORNELIUS (3404145020088); 103 KUDU FLATS, GOULD STREET, SYDENHAM, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (N/A, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CA TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD; WATERFRONT BUSINESS PARK, POMMERN STREET, HUMERAIL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: INFO@CATC. CO.ZA; Tel: 0418201130. 3017/2017—(2) ALLEN, JACK AUSTIN (2304275053084); 58 BOUGAINVILEA DRIVE, WESTERING, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (N/A, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CA TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD; WATERFRONT BUSINESS PARK, POMMERN STREET, HUMERAIL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0418201130. 000212/2018—(2) Swart, Esme Elfreda (3511020079086); Kennersley Park, Bonza Bay Road, Beacon Bay; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 8081 Nahoon 5210; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 7354633. 002819/2012—(2) MVANE, MZIMASI THEOPHILUS (7008265678082); 17 UKHOZI CRESCENT SUNNY RIDGE EAST LONDON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) DM LUKHOZI ATTORNEYS INC; 2 KEW ROAD VINCENT EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437211562. 000372/2016—(2) Troskie, Francina Barendina (4704120698082); 10 Laurel Street, Amalinda, 5247; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906407. 001620/2018—(2) Gerber, Daniel (4607045064084); Aandblomstraat 49 Uitenhage; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Anna Louisa Gerber (4808210047082); (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Conradie Campher & Kemp; Hoofstraat 20, Despatch; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0419335111. 718/2018—(2) PAGE, MEGAN MAY (8501110062089); 28 LING BEACH ROAD DORCHESTER HEIGHT EAST LONDON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-684- 4168. 003317/2017—(2) Kleinhans, Jacobus Martinus (4912205081088); 6 Houtkapper Avenue, Cradock, 5880; (3) First and final; (4) Marie-Louise Kleinhans (5604050093081); (5) (Cradock, Port Elizabeth). (6) AED Attorneys; 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, Roodepoort, 1709; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-033-8701. 2494/2015—(2) Truter, Alan John (5906045108084); 14 Greenway Street, Lovemore Heights, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Port Elizabeth). (6) Leon Keyter; PO Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466229401. 002313/2017—(2) Deas, Gavin Burns (5512065001082); 29 Noord Street, Aberdeen, Klein Karoo; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Aberdeen, Grahamstown). (6) The Herald; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Tel: 0415047148. 000127/2016—(2) NTULI, WELILE (4409245453088); 57 HAYA STREET, ZWIDE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) ANDILE NGQAKAYI INCORPORATED; 3RD FLOOR CAPITOL BUILDING, 545 GOVAN MBEKI AVENUE, NORTH END, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)484-6294. 1092/2018—(2) Oakley, BASIL (5407185063080); 3 WEITZ STREET STEYTLERVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (STETYLEVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) GREYVENSTEINS ATTORNEYS; 104 PARK DRIVE CENTRAL PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415015565. 001598/2018—(2) Murray, James Lennox Andrew (4911305039087); Red Currantstraat 22 Jeffreysbaai; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) Conradie Campher & Kemp; Hoofstraat 20, Despatch; E-pos: alicia@; Tel: 0419335111.



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260/2016—(2) JOHNSON, ADAM MAROPE (4312025132080); SONNEBLOMLAANS 82, HEIDEDAL, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING; (4) ZAZIPHI ELIZABETH JOHNSON JOHNSON (5212110793086); (5) 21 DAE; (NVT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) PHATSHOANE HENNEY, RINDA MYNHARDT; PHATSHOANE HENNEY, POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004058. 10744/2015—(2) BOTHA, LYDIA (2301050028083); 22 VICTORIA ROAD, WILLOWS, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING; (4) NVT NVT; (5) 21 DAE; (NVT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) RINDA MYNHARDT, PHATSHOANE HENNEY; PHATSHOANE HENNEY, POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004058. 11017/2017—(2) FICK, ANNA CATHARINA FICK (3701010060085); BONTEBOKSTRAAT 31, FAUNA, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING; (4) NVT NVT; (5) 21 DAE; (NVT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) RINDA MYNHARDT, PHATSHOANE HENNEY; POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004058. 9546/2016—(2) VAN TONDER, ANDRE (5707205108082); 10 WEDEPOHL STREET SASOLBURG 1947; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SASOLBURG, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) MOLENAAR & GRIFFITHS INC.; 6 NJ VAN DER MERWE CRESCENT SASOLBURG 1947; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169760420. 006358/2015—(2) URQUHART, DOUGLAS ALLEN (2612185027083); 1 JOSEPH STREET, THABA NCHU, FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (LADYBRAND, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) LEON MARE ATTORNEYS; 27 DAN PIENAAR STREET LADYBRAND 9745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0519242512. 006405/2016—(2) Ranyane, Khantse Rahaba (6201030517088); 19 Lombard Street Harrismith 9880; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Harrismith, Bloemfontein). (6) Balden Vogel & Partners Inc; P O Box 22 Harrismith 9880; Email: info@baldenvogel.; Tel: 0586221035. 8540/2017—(2) Davenport, Margaretha (3503110021086); 62 Serenitas, 51 General Hertzog Road, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein, Grahamstown). (6) Gerber Botha & Gowar Chartered Accountants Ref: ZZDAV; P O Box 1, Cradock 5880; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0488811678. 3349/2018—(2) VISAGIE, SUSANNA ADRIANA VISAGIE (5812140024087); SCIROCCO 5, ALIBAMASTRAAT, PELLISSIER, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Claude Reid Ing Verw: Johan van Schalkwyk / Ina; Posbus 277, Bloemfontein 9300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514479881. 004394/2017—(2) VAN NIEKERK, JOHANNES ALBERTUS (3510205018083); DE VOSSTRAAT 9, KROONSTAD, VRYSTAAT; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) GERHARDUS CHRISTOFFEL ENGELBRECHT; POSBUS 1606, KROONSTAD, 9500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0562121811. 010620/2016—(2) Guldenpfennig, Rudolph Wilhelm (5909255034081); Plaas Solferino, Warden, 9890; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21 DAE; (Warden, Bloemfontein). (6) W.S. Botha; S-BRO/ Finansiële Adviseurs, Posbus 2689, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 058 3030450. 4611/2018—(2) DE BEER, BARENS PETRUS (4506045064088); 22 HARTLEYSTRAAT, MOREWAG, KROONSTAD, 9499; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: alidal@; Tel: 051-4010643. 2751/2017—(2) SMIT, ELIZABETH JOHANNA (3201180004088); PLAAS KROMKUIL, DISTRIK BULTFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BULTFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) MNR NJ SMITH (EKSEKUTEUR); P/A KOOT OOSTHUIZEN PROKUREURS, PRES. SWARTSTRAAT 12, BULTFONTEIN, 9670; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0518532682. 5046/2017—(2) Faber, Febe (3510140027082); Huis Silwerjare, Petrus Steyn, 9640; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Cornelius Jacobus Faber (2903075012081); (5) (Lindley, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0583070300. 10563/2017—(2) KELLERMAN, GEORGE PETRUS JOHANNES (2911215013083); STRIATA VERSORGINGSEENHEID, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) SUSANNA JOHANNA JACOBA KELLERMAN (3210230030084); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) LIEBENBERG MALAN LIEZEL HORN INC; PO BOX 35737, MENLO PARK, 0081; Email: estates@; Tel: 012-9930464. 002918/2018—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, ONA (7210210076087); 24 VLAKPLAATS STREET, NAUDEVILLE, WELKOM; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST FLOOR, CORNER OF NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY STREET, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 7246/2016—(2) LABUSCHAGNE, FREDERIK JACOBUS (2212205022089); Stillehawe Tehuis, van der Wathstraat, Dewetsdorp; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (DEWETSDORP, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) MALHERBE SAAYMAN & SMITH; Posbus 44, Hoofdstraat 36, Zastron, 9950; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-6731217. 25291/2014—(2) VOKO, BONISWA MIRRIAM (6610250840089); 3 Boom Street, Zastron, 9950; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (ZASTRON, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) MALHERBE SAAYMAN & SMITH INC; 36 Hoofd Street, P O Box 44, Zastron, 9950; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-6731217. 000242/2018—(2) MUNROE, LYNETTE JOAN (4508290016086); COTTAGE 15 , PERIDOT AVENUE , WELKOM RETIREMENT VILLAGE, WELKOM; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) JOHN THOMAS MUNROE (3905075019080); (5) (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010624.

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11163/2016—(2) MALAN, WILLEM DU TOIT (2509285020085); AVONVREDE, 15 VAN DER LINDE STRAAT, VREDE 9835; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) AMY-LOUISE DIXIE MALAN (2409090008088); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) MERVITZ & MALAN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS INC; PO BOX 1708, BROOKLYN SQUARE 0075; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123463044. 009305/2017—(2) MOTLOUNG, NCHEFENG JOSIAH (5603195788084); ERF 4151, BOHLOKONG BETHLEHEM; (3) First and final; (4) FIKILE JOSEPHINE MOTLOUNG (5905070761080); (5) (BETHLEHEM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) NIEMANN GROBBELAAR ATTORNEYS; 3 THERON STREET, BETHLEHEM, 9700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0583031268. 001092/2018—(2) WEPENER, DANIEL JOHANNES (3706065010083); GA WATERMEYER STRAAT 14A, LANGENHOVENPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) MARIA ELIZABETH WEPENER (4210280013088); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) LEON VERMAAK PROKUREUR; JAN BRANDSTRAAT 10, LANGENHOVENPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4363751. 9451/2008—(2) OOSTHUIZEN, HUBERT (7210115126086); VAN ZYL STREET 95, BRANDFORT, PROVINCE FREE STATE; (3) First and final; (4) JACQUELINE OOSTHUIZEN (7805270088086); (5) (BRANDFORT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) A P PRETORIUS & PARTNERS; 19 GODDARD STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514477911. 3912/2018—(2) NDAYI (LIBAZI), ZOLEKA VERONICA (7005270551080); 24 RONTGEN ROAD, HOSPITAL PARK, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (3) First And Final; (4) KHAYA CARMICHAEL LIBAZI (6009135936081); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Claude Reid Inc Ref: John Anderson / Ina; PO Box 277, Bloemfontein 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514479881. 410/2018—(2) MOHOEBI, SELLO ISAAC (3010065216083); 1645 SETLABA STREET, ROCKLANDS, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) FIXANE ATTORNEYS; SUITE NO8 87 KELLNER STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514300765. 11163/2016—(2) MALAN, WILLEM DU TOIT (2509285020085); AVONVREDE, 15 VAN DER LINDE STRAAT, VREDE 9835; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) AMY-LOUISE DIXIE MALAN (2409090008088); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) MERVITZ & MALAN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS INC; PO BOX 1708, BROOKLYN SQUARE 0075; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123463044. 009156/2017—(2) VERWEY, CORNELIUS TOBIAS (3411155025089); WRIGHTSTRAAT 6, DISTRIK KROONSTAD, PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) NAUDé - THOMPSON INGELYF; CROSS STRAAT 98, KROONSTD, 9499; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0562123280. 008704/2017—(2) Marais, Petronella Maria (3708100031082); Welgedacht Aftree-Oord 12, Kolbooistraat, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) David Stephanus Marais (4108165077089); (5) (Bloemfontein, Bloemfontein). (6) Nel & Vennote; Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 054-3378100. 24130/14—(2) Oosthuizen, Elsje Catharina (1407130019082); Bethelem Afree Oord, Paul Van Gent Street, 8, Bethlehem .; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355280. 13219/2012—(2) MATLAKENG, TEFO PIET (5501145312080); UNIT 1477, THABONG, WELKOM, FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) MATLAKALA MAGDELINE MATLAKENG (6012210906086); (5) (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) STEYN ATTORNEYS; CHATEAU JANNEMAN, 373 STATEWAY, WELKOM, 9459; Email: invorder2@; Tel: 057-3525301. 452/2018—(2) Van der Merwe, Johannes (4705105103089); Castelynrylaan 37, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein, 9317; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Ethel Laura Elizabeth Van der Merwe (5903100134089); (5) (N/A, Bloemfontein). (6) Old Mutual Trust; P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514005920. 2430/2018—(2) STEYNBERG, MARGARETHA (3101170034089); 12 HAKAO CRESCENT VANDERBIJLPARK SE 3 1911; (3) First And Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (VANDERBIJLPARK, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc Ref: LL/TLR/MAT29290; PO BOX 471, SASOLBURG 1947; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169760506. 1418/2016—(2) SEEKOEI, KENEILOE REGINA (4306210434087); 32673 TURFLAAGTE, BLOEMFONTEIN,FREE STATE.; (3) EERSTE & FINALE; (4) —; (5) 21 DAE; (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Andreas Stefanus Carlo du Preez; P/a McIntyre van der Post Posbus 540 BLOEMFONTEIN 9300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0515050200. 000679/2018—(2) VAN DER BERG, PETRUS PAULUS (2511085042087); Koedoestraat 174, Fauna, Bloemfontein, 9325; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA JACOBA VAN DER BERG (3308210022087); (5) (Bloemfontein Landdroskantoor, Meester van die Vrystaatse Hooggeregshof). (6) BRANDON SYLVESTER; Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandstraat 2, Bellville, 7530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219472630. 011035/2017—(2) ALEXANDER, MADINEO MARGARET (6404170824088); ERF 11677 K.D TSINGTSING, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) CHRISJAN CHRISTOFFEL ALEXANDER (6403065067084); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ANDRIES LOUIS VISSER; 24 BARNES STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514114000. 004898/2016—(2) MOKOLUTLO, REBECCA PULENG (5704290712084); 2125 PHEKO STREET, KGOTSONG, BOTHAVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) TAOLE ZACHARIAH MOKOLUTLO (5611035727089); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ANDRIES LOUIS VISSER; 24 BARNES STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514114000. 3310/2018—(2) ELS, HEILETTA LEVINA CATHRINA (2712080010083); BULTFONTEIN AFREE OORD BULTFONTEIN PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAE; (BULTFONTEIN PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT, BLOEMFONTEIN PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT). (6) FB COETZER PROKUREURS; VAN HEERDENSTRAAT 45 THEUNISSEN; E-pos: aktes@; Tel: 0577330091.

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000585/2018—(2) Coetzee, Eugene (5601075074088); 6 Castalia Street, Helicon Hoogte, Bloemfontein; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Aletta Elizabeth Coetzee (5904260020084); (5) 21; (n/a, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) EG Cooper Majiedt Ing; Kellner Straat 77, Westdene, Bloemfontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514473374. 20452/2014—(2) Moleko, Mohau John (5405175687082); 261 J Elite Phuthaditjhaba; (3) First and Final; (4) Kefuwe Caroline Moleko (5903210753083); (5) (Phuthaditjhaba, Bloemfontein). (6) Sebabatso Jeremia Radebe; E108 FDC Building, Setsing Qwaqwa; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0716086639. 8668/2017—(2) TOERIEN, WILLEM ADRIAAN (6612045027089); 49 GLEN EDEN, VAALPARK, 1947; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) 21 DAE; (SASOLBURG, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc Ref: MAT27671; PO BOX 471, SASOLBURG 1947; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0169760506.


15286/2015/DBN—(2) Naicker, Veerasami (5001215120083); 16 Swift Crescent, Lotus Park, Isipingo, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) Muniamma Kisten Naicker (5804180112088); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) JD Vedan and Company; 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314091397. 1987/2018/PMB—(2) ROGERS, DAPHNE JOY (2811120042088); FLAT NO. 307 HIBISCUS HEIGHTS, MARGATE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, MARGATE, KZN; (3) First and Final and Redistribution Agreement; (4) —; (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) HYLTON JOHN McGARR; McGARR & CO, 41 BOYES LANE, MARGATE, KZN; Email: natalie@; Tel: 039 312 2662. 1987/2018/PMB—(2) ROGERS, DAPHNE JOY (2811120042088); FLAT NO. 307 HIBISCUS HEIGHTS, MARGATE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, MARGATE, KZN; (3) First and Final and Redistribution Agreement; (4) —; (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) HYLTON JOHN McGARR; McGARR & CO, 41 BOYES LANE, MARGATE, KZN; Email: natalie@; Tel: 039 312 2662. 26324/2014—(2) KASSIE, DEPIKA (8010220171087); 69 WEAVER STREET ,PARHAVEN,EXT 8,GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) SHAILENDRA SINGH (8107105020080); (5) 30DAYS; (MARSHALLTOWN ,GAUTENG). (6) RAKESH MAHARAJ & COMPANY; 87 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET,SUITES B & C ,STANGER; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 032 5511055. 4434/2016—(2) De Jager, Johannes Petrus (7105125034082); 80 Yellow Wood Drive, Zimbali, Ballito; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Stanger, Durban). (6) BLAKE BESTER DE WET & JORDAAN INC; First Floor, Block B, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Avenue, Constantia Kloof 1725; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116751731. 4434/2016—(2) De Jager, Johannes Petrus (7105125034082); 80 Yellow Wood Drive, Zimbali, Ballito; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Stanger, Durban). (6) BLAKE BESTER DE WET & JORDAAN INC; First Floor, Block B, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Avenue, Constantia Kloof 1725; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116751731. 012087/2016—(2) LYNCH, DOREEN (3009210108088); 112 MONTROSE FLATES, 82 BEACH ROAD AMANZIMTOTI, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) TRUTER CROUS & WIGGILL INC; P O BOX 6629, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN 1767; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 692 1640. 008704/2017/DBN—(2) Govender, Soobramany (2508025157082); 111, Road 709, Montford, Chatsworth, Durban; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) JD Vedan and Company; 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314091397. 3393/2017/DBN—(2) Bhoola, Jayanty (4105175096083); 62 Edgebury Road, Eastbury, Phoenix, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) Sivita Bhoola (4304200053082); (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Ashlyn Kandhai Attorneys; 23 Coronation Road, Mithanagar, Tongaat; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 032-9443446. 015024/2017 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, PADMAVATHEE (3809050123083); 47 EVENSIDE ROAD, CANESIDE, PHOENIX, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) - - (-); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) JANICE SELLICK ATTORNEYS; SUITE 3, DA GAMA HOUSE, 4 ST MARYS ROAD, KLOOF, 3640; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317647363. 10954/2016 DBN—(2) TATHIAH, LOGANATHA THAMANNA (4406085104086); 21 Carlton Towers, 80 Somtseu Road, Durban 4001; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) AMURTHAKULSHUM TATHIAH (4403050097080); (5) (Durban). (6) RAJAN MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES; 1401 Durdoc Centre, 460 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban; Email: rm@rajanmoodley. com; Tel: 0313074155. 004706/2017—(2) Naidu, Krishnavathee (3904020085080); 63 Capricorn Street, Woodhurst, Chatsworth; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) Nolan Naicker and Company; 107 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314005983. 008941/2013—(2) MAHARAJ, HARRIDUTT (4302185125081); 7 JASMINE STREET DANNHAUSER; (3) First And Final; (4) KEWSHILA MAHARAJ (5701230102087); (5) (DANNHAUSER, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DBM ATTORNEYS Ref: EST/ THUSHEN/H07604; PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343281303. 7469/2017—(2) DON, JOHN BUCHANAN (5308055785184); SECTION 13 PRAIRIE PARK SOUTHPORT KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Barry Botha & Breytenbach Inc; 16 Bisset Street Port Shepstone; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 039-6825540. 7822/2017—(2) GROBBELAAR, JACOBUS JOHANNES (2810305025082); 54 Seafern Flats, 17 Peter Mokaba Street, Berea Durban 4001; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company Ref: MMM/ TK/17DE1113; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338459700.

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8529/2017/PMB—(2) O’Brien, Leslie Irene (3105170015089); Botha’s Hill Rest Home, 88 Old Main Road, Botha’s Hill, 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg & Pinetown, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Ewing Executive Services (PTY) LTD; PO Box 1, HIllcrest, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-7655937. 1407/2018 DBN—(2) Kallideen, Bhanmathie (4409100078087); 177 Drewstead Road,Reservoir Hills,Durban,4091; (3) First and final; (4) Rugbeer Kallideen (3008085078087); (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Anuradha Kallideen and Associates; 612 Salmon Grove Chambers , 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313068392. 798/2017 DBN—(2) Rambhuron, Karoon Sewnarian (6108045245086); 5 Gail Road, Sheffield Beach,Salt rock; (3) First and final; (4) Veena Rambhuron (6302080177086); (5) (Stanger, Durban). (6) Anuradha Kallideen and Associates; 612 Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban,4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313068392. 012457/2017—(2) SOOKDEO, KERSHNEE (8510210120085); 191 CLOSEMORE CRESCENT, STANMORE, PHOENIX; (3) First and Final; (4) LLOYD SOOKDEO (8609215112087); (5) 21; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) BAIJNATH AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE 503, METLIFE BUILDING, 391 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3069748. 7959/2016/PMB—(2) MDLALOSE, SIBONGILE CYNTHIA (7309260542087); 2 KAMEELDORING STREET, ARBOR PARK NEWCASTLE; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (NEWCASTLE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DBM ATTORNEYS Ref: EST/ THUSHEN/H07486; PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: .. 012456/2017—(2) RAMPHALL, DHANKRESHAN (7407095915187); 17 PERSEUS ROAD, BONELA, MAYVILLE, 4058; (3) First and Final; (4) MOLLY RAMPHALL (7611230129089); (5) 21; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) BAIJNATH AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE 503 METROPOLITAN BUILDING, 391 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-306-9748. 010358/2017 DBN—(2) Ramharak, Sukreem (3911105096080); 27 Mitchell Crescent, Mithanagar, Tongaat; (3) N/A; (4) Kamla Ramharak (4405300085088); (5) N/A; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) Govender, Pather & Pillay; 31 Parry Road, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313014542. 002195/2016/PMB—(2) Burger, David Andries (4904015080087); 3 Harrogate Hall, 432 Essenwood Road, Berea, 4001; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Pietermaritzburg). (6) D R P Fourie; P O Box 13884, Cascades, 3202; Email: com; Tel: 0333438600. 1712/2018—(2) PATON, NEVILLE DESMOND (3702015012089); 88 CLOVER HOUSE TUCKER AVENUE UVONGO; (3) First and final; (4) IRENE CHRISTIAN PATON; (5) (Port Shepstone, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Barry Botha & Breytenbach Inc; 16 Bisset Street Port Shepstone; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 039-6825540. 2392/2018/PMB—(2) MSOMI, THEODORE ALGERSON; 560219 NDWANDE ROAD, DAMBUSA, EDENDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) LISTER & LISTER ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 144, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3454530. 7989/2015—(2) PERSHAD, KEMRAJ (4301215491083); 42 ROBIN STREET, KHARWASTAN; (3) First and final; (4) ANICA DEVI PERSHAD (4903190635087); (5) (DURBAN). (6) S KALIDEEN; P O BOX 26447; ISIPINGO BEACH; 4115; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -. 10488/2017 DBN—(2) CHETTY, NOAH (5612145222086); 64 Hexham Road, Westham, Phoenix 4068; (3) First and final; (4) KATHERINE CHETTY (5704170081089); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) RAJAN MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES; 1401 Durdoc Centre, 460 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313074155. 1825/2007 DBN—(2) NGCOBO, PHYLLIS PIKANI (2806100274081); 329 THOKOZANI NENE ROAD, LOVU; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) SIBRAN AND SIBRAN ATTORNEYS; SUITE 102 ALDROVANDE PALACE, 6 JUBILEE GROVE, UMHLANGA RIDGE, DURBAN, REF:SS4349; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315663563. 28699/2014—(2) MANTAMBO, MZIWANDILE MORRIS (4406195424085); 212 ESTHER ROBERTS RD, GLENWOOD; (3) First and Final; (4) SITHEMBILE MAUREEN MANTAMBO (4807180560082); (5) (DURBAN MAGISTRATES COURT, Durban). (6) Tembe Kheswa Nxumalo Incorporated; 62/64 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban; Email: khanyisani@tkninc.; Tel: (031)303-2022. 4171/2016DBN—(2) PIRSAHEB, DAWOOD (3712125095080); 26 SHELLSIDE CIRCLE CANESIDE, PHOENIX; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) KATHUN BIBI PIRSAHEB (3401150053087); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) MANOJ HARIPERSAD & ASSOCIATES; SUITE 1, 2ND FLOOR, WEARCHECK HOUSE, 16 SCHOOL ROAD, PINETOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317023627. 000952/2018/PMB—(2) Forster, Jan (4602095125182); 19 Wilson Road, Merrivale Heights, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) Joan Forster (4707030141085); (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg, KZN). (6) Findlater Attorneys; 78 Main Street, Howick, KZN, 3290; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333302301. 7290/2012—(2) Pillay, Soobramoney (800241655A); House number 21, Road number 749, Montford, Chatsworth; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) Nolan Naicker and Company; 107 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314005983. 13884/2008DBN—(2) SHARMA, LAILA (4712220095083); 79 LEMURIA GROVE, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) First and Final; (4) AMRATHLAL BHARATH SHARMA (4208185112088); (5) 21 DAYS; (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) ATTORNEYS N. MAHARAJH AND ASSOCIATES; 73 BURLINGTON DRIVE, BURLINGTON HEIGHTS, 4093; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314091629. 009283/2017 DBN—(2) MATTHEWS, JOYCE WILSON (3107060026184); COCONUT VILLAGE RETIREMENT CHALETS, 5 SHORT STREET, FREELAND PARK, SCOTTBURGH 4180; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Scottburgh, Durban). (6) Barkers; 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315807400.

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758/2018—(2) BUTTERWORTH, JAMES (3811045072185); 5 DRONGO DRIVE, INCHANGA PARK, CATO RIDGE; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (CAMPERDOWN, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Randles Incorporated; PO Box 12031, Dorpspruit 3206; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333928000. 8391/2016—(2) MIKHIZE, ZANELE OTTILIA (5605080738082); 232 MAGAYA ROAD, UNIT 13, IMBALI; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Randles Incorporated; PO Box 12031, Dorpspruit 3206; Email: estates@randles.; Tel: 0333928000. 378/2015 DBN—(2) SATHRIA, GOOLAM MOHAMED (3401255104082); DRAYCOTT, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) DAWOOD MANGERA; 1 HULSTON ROAD, CLARE ESTATE, DURBAN, 4091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)269-2638. 003724/2017—(2) COETZEE, ANNA DAWN (3607260037089); 34 JOHN PARKS, PIONEERPARK, NEWCASTLE; (3) First And Final; (4) JOHAN LEWIS COETZEE (3112095026084); (5) (NEWCASTLE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DBM ATTORNEYS Ref: ESTATE/ODETTE/H07516; PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343281319. 006974/2017—(2) GUNTHER, DIRK CHRISTIAAN FRANS (3208095016081); 9 DE KOCKSTRAAT, UTRECHT; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (UTRECHT, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DBM ATTORNEYS Ref: ESTATE/ODETTE/H07560; PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343281319. 10227/2005/PMB—(2) JIYANE, GILI GILLARD (2607305094088); BLACKBANK FARM; (3) First And Final; (4) JABULILE CHARLOTTE JIYANE (2810110216082); (5) (DANNHAUSER, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DBM ATTORNEYS Ref: ESTATES/ ODETTE/H0737; PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343281319. 013074/2016—(2) GCUMISA, PHUMAPHI ELIZABETH (6511230456089); 60 GRASMERE DRIVE , NAGINA, PINETWON; (3) Amended Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL). (6) YASHICA CHETTY ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 8885, CUMBERWOOD, 3235; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3949818. 002920/2018/PMB—(2) Killerby, Wilfred Frank Edward (3708255068087); 24 Sir Frederick Road, ESTCOURT, 3310; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ESTCOURT, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Jordaan Geldenhuys; P.O.Box 865 ESTCOURT 3310; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0363525813. 014158/2017/DBN—(2) MARAJH, PITHAMDUTT (5012230091084); 182 RIVERSIDE ROAD, UMGENI PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) KAMALA DEVI MARAJH (5012230091084); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) SHASHI MARAJH & COMPANY; 128 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DRIVE, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, KWAZULU-NATAL; Email: samanthac@shashimarajh.; Tel: 0314019511. 000125/2018—(2) Isaac, Robert John (2312305065184); Dune Village Frailcare, Pinetown, 3610; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, Pietermaritzburg). (6) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST; PO BOX 235, HOWICK 3290; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333302164. 16632/2013/DBN—(2) NAIR, LUTCHMINE (4111160117082) (N/A); HOUSE 42, ROAD 750, MOMTFORD, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) CHARLES PILLAI LIASIDES AND ASSOCIATES; 37 OVERPORT DRIVE, OVERPORT, DURBAN,4091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031/2071437. 002296/2018 DBN—(2) Asarigadu, Michael (4411225156087); 18 Saxon Crescent, La Lucia; (3) First And Final; (4) Chinthamani Asarigadu (4804260146080); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) Gavin Gow Attorneys Ref: EST98/0001; P O BOX 610, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315611011. 005114/2017—(2) SINGH, DHANRAJI (4508120147085); 69 NADERI ROAD, BELVEDERE, TONGAAT, 4400; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) BALA NAIDOO AND COMPANY; SUITE 1, ASHANTI CENTRE, 19 ARBEE DRIVE, TONGAAT, 4400; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0329451371. 3592/2018 DBN—(2) JOSEPH, SOLOMON JACOB (5702165132081); 12 Loftmanor Place, Trenance Manor, Phoenix 4068; (3) First and final; (4) LUTCHMEE JOSEPH (6301080240084); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) RAJAN MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES; 1401 Durdoc Centre, 460 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 3074155. 013542/2017DBN—(2) Haschick, Lyra (4807090005087); 1371 Penn Valley, Golf Estate, Pennington; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Scottburgh, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 13596/2016/DBN—(2) RAMASRAI, DEVANUNAN (3104035050084); 19 TEAKWOOD CRESCENT, TRENANCE PARK, VERULAM; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 days; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) BUX & ASSOCIATES; 138 WICK STREET, KATHRADA CENTRE, VERULAM; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325338525. 278/2018/PMB—(2) BOMPAS, GEORGE GWINNETT (3105295016087); 65 KITCHENER ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) HEPBURN INCORPORATED; P O BOX 11324, DORPSPRUIT, 3206; Email: estates@; Tel: 033-3455861. 5168/2017 DBN—(2) KERSLAKE, TONY ANDREW (7507245069080); 20A HILLBROW ROAD, KLOOF; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) HVM ADMINISTRATION SERVICES (PTY) LTD; 29 SAVELL AVENUE 2018; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-562-7400. 011835/2017DBN—(2) PAYNE, ERIC (2602065015084); 8 WARWICKSHIRE CRESCENT, BOTHAS HILL, KWAZULU, NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAMPERDOWN, DURBAN). (6) S H & S SECRETARIAL SERVICES CC; P O BOX 1344, WANDSBECK, 3631; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312663234. 2708/2015 DBN—(2) NXELE, THEMBA PETROS (5402145155084); NO. 32 LARWOOD PLACE, WOODLANDS, DURBAN, 4004; (3) First and final; (4) BOTI DOROTHY MARY NXELE (5510100606089); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) THEASEN PILLAY AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE 11, FIRST FLOOR, 14 PALM BOULEVARD, UMLANGA RIDGE NEWTOWN, GATEWAY-UMHLANGA, 4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5666743.

This gazette is also available free online at 108 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

457/2017 DBN—(2) ROOPNARAIN, JAIRAJ (5010195067081); 20 ANGLEWOOD CLOSE, WOODVIEW, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and final; (4) SAKUNTHULA ROOPNARAIN (5210290082080); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) THEASEN PILLAY AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE 11, FIRST FLOOR, 14 PALM BOULEVARD, UMLANGA RIDGE NEWTOWN, GATEWAY- UMHLANGA, 4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5666743. 9331/2017 DBN—(2) MAHARAJ, BASDAW (3608115061084); UNIT NO. 1, 31 WESTDALE CRESCENT, RESERVOIR HILLS, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) KAMALADEVI MAHARAJ (4005010068083); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) THEASEN PILLAY AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE 11, FIRST FLOOR, 14 PALM BOULEVARD, UMLANGA RIDGE NEWTOWN, GATEWAY- UMHLANGA, 4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5666743. 6769/2015 DBN—(2) SINGH, DEVNARAIN (3809285084084); 28D GARDEN STREET, VERULAM, 4340; (3) First and final; (4) AMY SINGH (4107030117088); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) THEASEN PILLAY AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE 11, FIRST FLOOR, 14 PALM BOULEVARD, UMLANGA RIDGE NEWTOWN, GATEWAY-UMHLANGA, 4319; Email: theasen@; Tel: 031-5666743. 6515/2011/DBN—(2) REDDY, HAROLD (4410285124084); 134 SILVERGLEN DRIVE, SILVERGLEN, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 002583/2018/DBN—(2) LEACH, BASIL WILLIAM (3711235020087); 20 SCHOOL ROAD, ILLOVO BEACH, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 002552/2017—(2) HARLAND, MARGERET WEBSTER (1712050040087); 88 SANCTUARY WAY, DOON VILLAGE, PINETOWN, 3610; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; 2 NCONDO PLACE, RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 9128/2008/PMB—(2) Sibisi, Velephi Eli (2811010131082); 187 Mahlase Street, Bhekuzulu, Vryheid, KZN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Vryheid, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Cox & Partners/S Jordaan/07S010815; P O Box 5, Vryheid 3100; Email: lit4@; Tel: 0349822711. 14581/2009/DBN—(2) KUNENE, NOMUSA GLORIA (6806230453080); U 132, UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, 4066; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) V.B MTHEMBU ATTORNEYS; P.O BOX 8111, EMPANGENI RAIL, 3910; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (035)772-3724. 13708/2011/DBN—(2) MNYANDU, HAMILTON MUZI (6102065911081); P.O BOX 135, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3233; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) V.B MTHEMBU ATTORNEYS; P.O BOX 8111, EMPANGENI RAIL, 3910; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (035)772-3724. 14701/2008DBN—(2) THABETHE, ROSEMARY BUSISIWE NTOMBI (6712230703088) (N/A); 17 ROBDENE ROAD, NEWLANDS WEST, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) SHARM MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES; 14 CRETE STREET , STARWOOD ,PHOENIX; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 5003445. 2245/2018DBN—(2) RAINE, DAVID NEVILLE (3610015117180); THEMBELA HOME (SALVATION ARMY), DURBAN; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) R J THORNHILL & COMPANY INC; P O BOX 132, HILLCREST 3650; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317651984. 7594/2017—(2) Slabbert, Andre Johan (5510145209188); 14 Carribbea, Karryn Avenue, Ballito; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KwaDukuza Magistrate Court, Durban). (6) CJ COGAN ATTORNEYS; Office 1, The Workstation, 1 Old Main Road, Umhali, 4390; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0329470865. 16697/2017—(2) EDMONDS, FAITH MARIE (4501260089183); Le Domaine, 29 Mont Matre West, 100 Acutts Drive, Hillcrest, Kwa-Zulu Natal; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Pinetown, Pretoria). (6) ELMA DEPPE; CNR JUSTICE MAHOMED & JAN SHOBA STREETS, BROOKLYN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-425-3480. 004979/2017—(2) VAN DER MERWE, ALEXANDER DAWID (6308255817083) (N/A); 57 CEDARA ROAD, HILTON, 3245; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (HOWICK, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS; SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE, HILTON, 3245; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333862509. 005983/2017/PMB—(2) FORSYTH, SHEELAH ANNIE COULTER (3105300073180); 5 Whitebacked Way, Amber Valley, Howick; (3) Second And Final; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick Ref: MMM/ LN/17DE1085; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Tel: 0333303360. 463/2017/DBN—(2) PHEASANT, JAMES PERCY (3210125020083); 91 SOMERSET VALLEY ESTATE , 7 HAMBRIDGE AVENUE, SOMERSET PARK, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4319; (3) First and final; (4) IVY ISOBELLA PHEASANT (3608080061085); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) WOODHEAD BIGBY ATTORNEYS; 92 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313609728. 007648/2017—(2) Nelson, Ann (4802250151185); 19 Peacehaven, Margate, 4275; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Grant Andrew Clinton (nominated official by PSG Trust ); P.O. Box 848, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 566 2480. 8271/2017/PMB—(2) Truter, Petrus Johannes (3307045041080); 3 Schroeders Road, Wartburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (New Hanover, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Schulz Attorneys; Box 33, Wartburg, 3233; Email: rosemarie@schulzattorneys.; Tel: (033)503-1429. 801/2017/PMB—(2) Cole-Bowen, Patrick St John (3606165034084); 3 Valmar Mews, 57 Main Street, Howick, KwaZulu- Natal; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Lions River, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J V Hart CC; P O Box 13571, Cascades, 3202; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333471099. 004705/2017PMB—(2) Mlambo, Bekukuphiwa Nehemiah (4501155363081); Ezibindini Area, Danny Dalton, Babanango, 3835; (3) First and final; (4) Fikile Oscar Mlambo (4706300258082); (5) (Babanango, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Zungu WS & Associates; 91 King Mpande Street, P.O Box 921, Ulundi, 3838; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (035)-8701882.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 109

DBN015486/2017—(2) Ngubane, Simo (9712126527085); J2, 1152 Esikhawini, 3880; (3) First and final; (4) Mbali Vivian Ngubane (8802151463081); (5) (Esikhawini, Durban). (6) DM Govender Attorneys; P O Box 5528, Durban, 4000; Email: lindeni@; Tel: (031)3077911. 001495/2018/DBN—(2) PILLAY, NEELA (6301210017089); 82018 STREET, BELGATE, TONGAAT; (3) First and final; (4) RICKY PILLAY (5904125146082); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) S R SIVI PATHER ATTORNEYS; 10 LUXMI COURT, ARBEE DRIVE, TONGAAT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0329441040. 443/2018/PMB—(2) Alston, Cedric Hugh (3803285022087); 95 Utrecht street Vryheid 3100; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Vryheid, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J M Steenkamp & Co; P O Box 863 159 High street Vryheid 3100; Email: cobus@trotter-; Tel: (034)981-3211. 4259/2016/PMB—(2) VORSTER, PETER JOHN (3809205021083); LA BRI RETIREMENT VILLAGE, PENDULA FLATS NO 609, FYFE STREET, NEWCASTLE; (3) First and final; (4) LEA MAGDALENA VORSTER (4208110023087); (5) (NEWCASTLE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) GROENEWALD ATTORNEYS; 41 VICTORIA ROAD, NEWCASTLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343171400. 003939/2016/PMB—(2) GARDNER, PETER WILLIAM MURRAY (5305115776088); 55 BIDSTON ROAD, WESTRIDGE, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, CNR SOMTSEU ROAD & STANGER STREET, DURBAN, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SHEPSTONE & WYLIE; P O BOX 1368, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: fmoodley@wylie.; Tel: 033-3551780. 002811/2016—(2) SIVALINGUM, ARUMUGAM MOODLEY (6707045145087); 3 BRAEMAR AVENUE, LA LUCIA; (3) First and final; (4) MOODLEY SENTHAMARAI (6804020142088); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) SENTHAMARAI MOODLEY; 3 BRAEMAR AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0837853249. 6660/2016—(2) GOVENDER, PRIVATHY (4401150153084); 15 RAINSTOCK CLOSE, RAINHAM, PHOENIX, DURBAN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Randles Incorporated; PO Box 12031, Dorpspruit 3206; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333928000. 002694/2018/PMB—(2) VERBEEK, JENNIFER ANN (3412160049080); 6 Hoopoe Lane, Amberfield, Howick, 3291; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick Ref: MMM/LN/18DE1032; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Tel: 0333303360. 10753/2016 DBN—(2) HARICHARAN, SHALINI (5305120182082); 220 BELMONT ROAD, EFFINGHAM HEIGHTS, 4051; (3) First and Final; (4) HARRY PERSADH HARICHARAN (5502035060086); (5) 21; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) ANITA GOUNDEN ATTORNEYS; 110 GOUNDEN HOUSE, 20 CHE GUEVARA ROAD, DURBAN; Email: BHAVNA@ ANITAGOUNDEN.CO.ZA; Tel: 0313014303. 001714/2018/PMB—(2) THOMAS, BRUCE GEOFFREY (7509235166082); 12A Poland Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick Ref: MMM/LN/18DE1022; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Tel: 0333303360. 8385/2017—(2) BURE, BASIL WYNDHAM (3811035019089); 2 DALE ROAD, HILTON; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company Ref: MMM/Theresa/17DE1121; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338459700. 2654/2016DBN—(2) Botha, Margareth Shirley (4607040012088); 18 John Adams Road, Waterfall,KZN 3610; (3) First and final; (4) Joseph Hercules Botha (4109105073089); (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Johan Kruger and Associates; 20 Lauth Road, Manors, Pinetown 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-7096300. 014050/2017—(2) Page, Barry Hamman Godfrey (3307225013081); 19 Kirriemuir Drive, Westville and Rob Roy Retirement Village, Frail Care Centre, DG3, 3 Rob Roy Crescent, Bothas Hill; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Annie Padayachee; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000. 8178/2016/DBN—(2) Tiran, Louis Pieter (6309265009083); Lot 68, Saligna Crescent, Kwambonambi, KwaZUlu-Natal; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Empangeni, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Annie Padayachee; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000. 2093/2017 DBN—(2) MUNZ, PAMELA CLAUDETTE (3903300060086); 41 WESTBROOK AVENUE, WESTVILLE, 3629; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) n/a; (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC; 7 TORSVALE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, UMHLANGA, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5705578. 1167/2018—(2) BANDU, VEERDUTH HARRILALL (4306185081087); 15 Manuel Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (6) SHAMOLA DASRATH & ASSOCIATES; 512 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg // Docex 57, Pietermaritzburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333423004. 009541/2017—(2) STEYNBERG, WYNAND LOUW (7201085063086); 15 BEVERLEY DRIVE WESTVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 2482/2018/PMB—(2) Niebuhr, Gilbert Carl Heinrich (2604195036089); 30 Hoog street Paulpietersburg 3180; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Paulpietersburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J M Steenkamp & Co; P O Box 863 159 High street Vryheid 3100; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (034)981-3211. 002699/2018—(2) BESWICK, STEVEN HARRY (5111055045082); 82 DISA DIVES VELD EN VLEI RICHARDS BAY; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: milcah. [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 012722/2017/DBN—(2) White, Ronald Stuart (2404045019082); Flat 258 Morrow Mews, Flame Lily Moth Cottage, 565 Stella Road Malvern; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Durban, Durban). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; P O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000844.

This gazette is also available free online at 110 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

001419/2018—(2) HIRALAL, INDURJEETH (4001245070085); 47 STERNGROVE AVENUE, GROVE END, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) PREMILA DEVI HIRALAL (5110280134083); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) SHOBHANA DEVI DOOKEN AND ASSOCIATES; 403 PALMVIEW DRIVE, PALMVIEW, PHOENIX, 4068; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315055209. 004255/2017—(2) DUBAZANE, NONTOKOZO YVONNE (8909271255089); NO 99 GAUVARIDGE NEWLANDS-WEST; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM MAGISTRATES COURT, DURBAN). (6) ISOLEZWE INDEPENDENT NEWS PAPER; 18 PERCY OSBOURNE RD, GREYVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313082911. 5016/2017/PMB—(2) Goldberg, Suzanne Wendy (3011180015087); 101 Branksome Towers, 172 Musgrave Road, Durban; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Sanan & Watts Inc.; 2301 Durban Bay House, 333 Anton Lembede Street, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313053747. 002711/2017 DBN—(2) PILLAY, ANTHONY VINCENT JOSHUA (6405025120085); 50 KAPOTA STREET, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH,4091; (3) First and Final; (4) ASHNEE PILLAY (6811160111088); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) SUDESH SIDHLALL & ASSOCIATES; Suite 601-603 Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga; Email: [email protected], [email protected]; Tel: 031 307 7002. 002698/2018—(2) WICKHAM, CLIVE DOUGLAS (3811115007087); 7 EAGLE DOWN 27 RESERVIOR ROAD WINSTON PARK GILLITS; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 002308/2018—(2) Morcom, Douglas Aubrey (4701275018082); Pinelodge, 18 Valley Road, Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu- Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) 21 DAYS; (n/a, Pietermaritzburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as FNB Trust Services (PTY) Limited); P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350824. 2291/2018/DBN—(2) NTULI, BUSISIWE FLORENCE (4304130301080); 612 KING BHEKUZULU DRIVE, LOT A 2161, INANDA, 4309; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) MOONEY FORD ATTORNEYS; 7TH FLOOR, PERMANENT BUILDING, 343 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3049881. 2479/18Pmb—(2) Roets, Annette Petronella (3904250070083); 4 Green Acres, 42 Morcom Road, Presbury, Pietermaritzburg,3201; (3) First and Final; (4) Matthys Johannes Stephanus Roets (3101235005082); (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; 4th Floor Absa Ridgeside, 33 Richefond Circle,Umhlanga,4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669460. 4789/2017—(2) Nell, Elsie Catharina (5305300013081); Goedgenoeg D/H 2, Goedgenoeg, Newcastle, 2940; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) S Maibchund; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Suvarna. [email protected]; Tel: 011-5095913. 008090/2017/PMB—(2) RAMNATH, THARAMATHIE (5309060763083); 32 REGINA ROAD, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ATTORNEYS RAJEETH MEWALALL & COMPANY; 411 BURGER STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333422690/1. 007079/2017/PMB—(2) RAMNATH, PREMCHUND (4007215074080); 32 REGINA ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ATTORNEY’S RAJEETH MEWALALL & COMPANY; 411 BURGER STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333422690/1.


23100/2014—(2) Pretorius, Hendrik Christian (4003155058084); Plot 97, Noodhulp, Warmbad; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Verona Andreah Pretorius (5806270049088); (5) (Bela Bela, Polokwane). (6) Legatus Trust (Edms) Beperk; Posbus 17, Pinegowrie, 2123; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0861722626. 26282/2014—(2) VAN VLIET, ANDRIES JOHANNES STEPHANES (4404120017082); 19A BENDOR DRIVE, BENDOR, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) C MARAIS; c/o BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-291-5274. 1616/2018—(2) SCHOEMAN, FRANSINA HENDRIKA (3803220039089); PLOT 10 RIETFONTEIN POLOKWANE LIMPOPO; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) A J LINDE; P O BOX 4458 POLOKWANE LIMPOPO 0700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152960523. 6055/2017—(2) MOSEAMEDI, ROSINA (5306190234084); PLOT 524, TARENTAALRAND, LETABA, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (NKOWANKOWA, POLOKWANE). (6) M BLESSIE; C/O BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-291-5274. 003007/2018—(2) MAREE, LOUWRENS STEPHANUS (6605075058081); 11 LOBELIA LANE, FLORA PARK,POLOKWANE, 0700; (3) First and Final; (4) MARIANA MAGDA MAREE (7110180026080); (5) (POLOKWANE). (6) UNA POSTHUMUS; SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD LYNNWOOD; Email: Una. [email protected]; Tel: 012 470 0315. 013832/2017—(2) CHUENE, MATSOBANE FRANS (6207135680085); 801 ZONE A LEBOWAKGOMO; (3) First and Final; (4) DORIS CHUENE (7004280335089); (5) (LEBOWAKGOMO, POLOKWANE). (6) PHILLIMON MALEKA; NEDGROUP TRUST NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BENCOR EVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2 PTA; Email: pmaleka@; Tel: 012 436 7131.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 111

2771/2017—(2) PHALA, VICTOR MAKGOROPANE (6303315442089); STAND NO 9 ,DIKGALAOPENG VILLAGE, BOLEU, GROBLERSDAL, 0474; (3) First And Final; (4) SEGODI DAPHNEY PHALA (6206080512087); (5) (Groblersdal, POLOKWANE). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: D Sinclair; PO Box 6287, Pretoria 0001; Email: DorkasS@; Tel: 0124367123. 007924/2017—(2) CHUMU, DITONKANE LIBRA (5902025941081); STAND 10123, MAOLOLO VILLAGE, 1064; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Polokwane, Polokwane). (6) MS MOLOTO INC ATTORNEYS; 52 Landros Mare Street, Pioneer Building, 3rd Floor, Office no:303-304; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152959421. 9223/2015—(2) COMBRINCK, GESINA MARIA MAGRIETA (3502150022087); NR 63 DIE KORAAL, SOUTH STREET, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO). (6) STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS; RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK, 11 LOOP STREET, TZANEEN, LIMPOPO; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 015 307 4458. 9223/2015—(2) COMBRINCK, GESINA MARIA MAGRIETA (3502150022087); NR 63 DIE KORAAL, SOUTH STREET, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO). (6) STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS; RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK, 11 LOOP STREET, TZANEEN, LIMPOPO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 307 4458. 3077/2016—(2) MASETLHA, THABANG (8905015427083); 541 MAKGATLE VILLAGE MARBLE HALL; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (MARBLE HALL / MOTETEMA, POLOKWANE). (6) MOTLOBA ATTORNEYS; 190 THABO SEHUME STREET, BANK TOWERS BUILDING, FIRST FLOOR, SUITE 115, PRETORIA; Email: info@motloba-attorneys.; Tel: (012)3261444. 1663/2017—(2) MATLALA, MOTSWALEDI REUBEN (5304025801086); STAND NO: 1139, LEBOWAKGOMO, ZONE A; (3) First and Final; (4) VIRGINIA MATLALA (6211200792080); (5) 21; (Polokwane, Polokwane). (6) MS MOLOTO INC ATTORNEYS; 52 Landros Mare Street, Pioneer Building, 3rd Floor, Office no:303-304; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152959421.


00521/2012—(2) SEKETE, SIPHO GIFT (7103135476088); 1015 FECELA STREET KAMAGUGU NELSPRUIT; (3) AS AMENDED; (4) THEMBI JOYCE SEKETE (7902030384085); (5) (Nelspruit, Pretoria). (6) HOUGH & BREMNER ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 642 NELSPRUIT 1200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 -752 3177. 000884/2018—(2) VILJOEN, LUKAS CORNELIS (2603075002088); MPUMALANGA FRAIL CARE CENTRE, WEST ACRES, NELSPRUIT; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) BERDINA CHRISTINA VILJOEN (2704140002085); (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) HOUGH & BREMNER PROKUREURS; POSBUS 642 NELSPRUIT 1200; E-pos: [email protected]. za; Tel: 013 - 7523177. 001093/2018—(2) VILJOEN, BERDINA CHRISTINA (2707140002085); MPUMALANGA FRAIL CARE CENTRE, WEST ACRES, NELSPRUIT; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) HOUGH & BREMNER PROKUREURS; POSBUS 642 NELSPRUIT 1200; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 013 - 7523177. 4658/2017—(2) Jackson, Catharinea Joachimina (4005290029086); 103 Trimarhof, Plumber Street, Witbank Mpumalanga; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (Witbank, Nelspruit). (6) Krügel Heinsen Incorporated; Postnet Suite 184, Private Bag X7260, Witbank 1035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013-653 6400. 975/2017—(2) COETZEE, CHRISTIAAN OSCAR (4003305078081); 6 NJALA STREET, WHITE RIVER, MPUMALANGA, 1240; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (WHITE RIVER, MPUMALANGA te NELSPRUIT). (6) WOLFAARDT ATTORNEY; P O BOX 4023, WHITE RIVER, 1240; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 7500320. 022120/2014—(2) MOKGOTHO, HAROLD TUMELO (7811255601083); FONTEIN STREET STAND 1415, MASHINGSHING,1123; (3) First and Final; (4) ADELAIDE MIKHENSO MOKGOTHO (7808280526087); (5) 21; (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) NTULI INCORPORATED; 35 HENDRIK POTGIETER STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137552603. 274/2018—(2) DEANE, MARGARET ETHEL (2609080031087); UNIT 10 PUMALANGA AFTREEOORD, WEST ACRES, NELSPRUIT; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) VILJOEN WAGNER ATTORNEYS; 41 EHMKE STREET, NELSPRUIT, 1200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137552540. 6801/2017—(2) Versveld, Elsie (5904180130088); Gedeelte 7, Bultkop Plot, Tolwe, Limpopo; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) Martiens Versveld (5312135075087); (5) (Senwabarwana, Polokwane). (6) Legatus Trust (Edms) Bpk Verw: M van Jaarsveld; Posbus 17, Pinegowrie 2123; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861722626. 001902/2016—(2) Mentz, Johan Louis (5003055019086); Plaas Blinkwater, Witrivier, Mpumalanga; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) n/a; (5) (Witrivier, Nelspruit). (6) HL Roos; Posbus 2332, Nelspruit, 1200.; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0823436270. 353/2017—(2) De Haas, Hubert Willem (4604225019087); 02 Schoeman Street, Nelspruit; (3) First and Final; (4) Maryna De Haas (6306230057080); (5) (eMalahleni, Mpumalanga). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 020835/2014—(2) MNISI, MALWANE JOHANNES (3308165205083); STAND NO. 2520, KANYAMAZANE, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) NOMSA JOSEPHINE MNISI (3910100491080); (5) (KABOKWENI, MBOMBELA). (6) ME MAZIBUKO ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 3707 MBOMBELA 1200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137524647.

This gazette is also available free online at 112 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

2563/2016—(2) DU PLESSIS, PAUL LODEWYK (4312300031080); 10B SOPHIA STREET, BREYTEN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRETYEN, NELSPRUIT). (6) BEKKER BRINK & BRINK INC. ATTORNEYS; 60 CHURCH STREET, ABSA BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, ERMELO, 2350; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0178112003.


2746/2013—(2) Ntaolang, Kesetselemang Eni (5703031287083); 9 Keiskama Street, Randlespark, Klerksdorp, 2571; (3) First and Final; (4) Oatlhotse Franscis Ntaolang (5507135750080); (5) (Klerksdorp, Mafikeng). (6) Meyer van Sittert & Kropman; 5 Roma Avenue, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2571; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018 474 9200. 001105/2017—(2) Roestoff, Cornelia Adriana (6108110005084); Plot 207, Modderfontein, Rustenburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Rustenburg, Mmabatho). (6) Legatus Trust; P.O Box17, Pinegowrie, 2123; E-pos: rene.leroux@legatus.; Tel: 0861722626. 1449/01—(2) MOCHEKO, ROSEMARY PLANTINA (5503170772089); ERF 1142 MOGWASE UNIT 4; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) Rustenburg Legal Administration Trust Ref: FRIEDA GOUWS; Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300, Ref: Lizett; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145921135. 777/2018—(2) VAN JAARSVELD, ESTELLE (5908140130088); BEST STRAAT 98, CHRISTIANA, 2680; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (CHRISTIANA, MAFIKENG). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK; 1E VLOER, HOEK VAN NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY LANE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 1500/2017—(2) LEAO, JENNIFER (7207190004089); 144 VILJOEN STREET, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRITS, PRETORIA). (6) LVP ATTORNEYS; PO BOZX 4736, BRITS, 0250; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0122527534. 006564/2017—(2) Wolmarans, Magdalena Carolina (4810150174082); Villa Jacky Nr 3, Leipoldstraat La Hoff, Klerksdorp; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Klerksdorp, Mmabatho). (6) Manong Badenhorst & Badenhorst Inc; 61 Dr Yusuf Dadoo Street, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (018)4681647. 7667/2016—(2) HUGHES, TREVOR EDWIN HUGHES (3407295016087); DE WET STRAAT 12, STILFONTEIN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) MAUREEN HUGHES (3709250008086); (5) (KLERKSDORP, NOORDWES - MAFIKENG). (6) ALTA ROOS ESTATE ADMINISTRATION & TRUSTS; 32 METEOR ROAD, URANIAVILLE, KLERKSDORP, 2570; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0184694555. 7864/2016—(2) DU PLESSIS, GESIENA DOROTHEA (4803220121084); MIDWAY AVENUE 95, VIERFONTEIN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (VIERFONTEIN, NOORD WES - MAFIKENG). (6) ALTA ROOS ESTATE ADMINISTRATION & TRUSTS; 32 METEOR ROAD, URANIAVILLE, KLERKSDORP, 2570; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0184694555. 005923/2017—(2) VILJOEN, MARTHA MAGDALENA (4909240072080); 27 SWALLOWS RETREAT,ARENDSKLOOF, RUSTENBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MASTER OF THE NORTH WEST HIGH COURT, MAFIKENG). (6) GROBLER LEVIN SOONIUS INC; CNR BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREET,RUSTENBURG, 0299; Email: rina.o@glslaw.; Tel: 0145979900. 004347/2016—(2) KILIAN, JOHANNES MARTHINUS STEFANUS (3209165039086); Huis Sering Ouetehuis, 151 Kock Street, Rustenburg; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAFIKENG). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: D Greeff; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123660326. 001270/2017—(2) SHEPHERD, THEO (6312015127080); FARM 103 PORTION 65 BOSHOEK, RUSTENBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MASTER OF THE NORTH WEST HIGH COURT, MAFIKENG). (6) GROBLER LEVIN SOONIUS INC; CORNER BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREETS, RUSTENBURG, 0299; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145979900. 005767/2017—(2) SHEPHERD, THORA MERCIA (3408020016087); FARM 103, BOSHOEK, RUSTENBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAFIKENG). (6) GROBLER LEVIN SOONIUS INC; CORNER BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREETS, RUSTENBURG, 0299; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145979900. 7958/2018—(2) Jordaan, Gerald (5102075006089); 11 Matoli Street, Stilfontein, North West; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Stilfontein, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: mandie@; Tel: 0123481088. 6841/2017—(2) DIKGALE, MASEKELA VICTOR (7001036010081); 4591 EXT 11 IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) First and Final; (4) BOITUMELO SELINAH DIKGALE (7101120573083); (5) (MAHIKENG). (6) LTS LEGAL SOLUTIONS PTY (LTD); OFFICE 413, VANNEL BUILDING, 31 BOOM STREET, KLERKSDORP; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0649214612. 2440/2018—(2) NTLABA, BALEKILE JAMES (6604025315089); 84 ROSEBANK STREET, ALABAMA, KLERKSDORP; (3) First and Final; (4) CONSTANCE KENALEMANG NTLABA (7409130416080); (5) (MAHIKENG). (6) LTS LEGAL SOLUTIONS PTY (LTD); OFFICE 413, VANNEL BUILDING, 31 BOOM STREET, KLERKSDORP; Email: ltslegalsolutions@; Tel: 064-921-4612. 1011/2017—(2) SWART, MAGDALENA PETRONELLA (4206150012085); FARM GEDULD, STELLA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VRYBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) CJP OELOFSE ATTORNEYS; 1 CHURCH SQUARE NORTH, LICHTENBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0186322744. 14808/2016—(2) DE RIDDER, PHILLIP RUDOLPH (4903055039086); PLOT 15 ANA AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS, HARTEBEESTFONTEIN, BRITS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRITS, PRETORIA). (6) DE RIDDER ATTORNEYS; 72 SCOTT STREET, SCHOEMANSVILLE, HARTBEESPOORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0829445790.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 113

889/1999—(2) LONKOKILE, ONEENG KATHLEEN (4106100513085); 3603 MMABATHO UNIT 12; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MAFIKENG). (6) CHRIS MARITZ; PRIVATE BAG X2103, MAFIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0183813025. 3548/16—(2) MAPHOTO, POTSI IRAADT (5401115236080); 7037 EXTENSION 3,BOITEKONG, RUSTENBURG; (3) First and final; (4) UNMARRIED; (5) (BRITS, MAHIKENG). (6) JUNIUS MOLOTO ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 6840, RUSTENBURG, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145926013. 001618/2017—(2) PITSE, MEMORIA GLADYS (6309070876080); 1117B LEBONE STREET,TLHABANE, RUSTENBURG; (3) First and final; (4) DIVORCED; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) JUNIUS MOLOTO ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 6840, RUSTENBURG, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145926013. 5098/2017—(2) RAMOGAE, NKGEDI SIMON (5606285897087); 13 HEDEIRA ROAD, GEELHOUTPARK, RUSTENBURG; (3) First and final; (4) PHILISTUS MAMOLOKO RAMOGAE (5709180811086); (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) JUNIUS MOLOTO ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 6840, RUSTENBURG, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 014-592-6013. 2877/2017—(2) VORSTER, BAREND JOHANNES (5709295009089); 6A CHARL AVENUE, LICHTENBURG; (3) First and final; (4) JOHANNA ELIZABETH VORSTER (5606250009080); (5) (DITSOBOTLA, MAHIKENG). (6) WJ COETZER ATTORNEYS; 17 DANIEL STREET, LICHTENBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0186321344. 51/2007—(2) MOTLHABANI, MONGALE SIMON (5103245634081); No. 2526 ZONE 1, ITSOSENG TOWNSHIP, 2744; (3) First and final; (4) MPOETSENG GERTRUDE MOTLHABANI (5112110608088); (5) (ITSOSENG MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE, MAHIKENG). (6) MOTLHABANI ATTORNEYS; 12 ROBINSON STREET, OLD VOLKSKAS BUILDING, MAHIKENG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0817643996. 1311/2018—(2) MBATHA, METIMOLO PAUL (4702165655082); 5356 MOKHURE CLOSE MMABATHO UNIT 13; (3) First and Final; (4) KEDIBONE ADELAIDE MBATHA (4908290691088); (5) (MAFIKENG). (6) CHRIS MARITZ; PRIVATE BAG X2103, MAFIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0183813025.


3310/2017—(2) DU PLESSIS, JOHANNES GERHARDIS (3204075026083); BULTSTRAAT NO 31, UPINGTON 8801; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (UPINGTON, KIMBERLEY). (6) LANGE CARR & WESSELS INGELYF; POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0543375000. 002187/2016—(2) VAN WYK, WILLEM JOHANNES (3609185241085); FRIKKIE MOUTONSTRAAT NO 14, MORNING GLORY, UPINGTON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) DORATHEA VAN WYK (4310090098087); (5) (UPINGTON, KIMBERLEY). (6) LANGE CARR & WESSELS INGELYF; POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0543375000. 002299/2017—(2) MORUBISI, SAKANYANE JOHN (5207125825089); HUIS NO: 84E, WINGATE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MPOLETSANG SANNAH MORUBISI (5001290186082); (5) (MOTHIBISTAD, KIMBERLEY). (6) DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE ING; POSBUS 63, KURUMAN 8460; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 053-030 0094. 3020/2017—(2) Seas, Dominicus Savio (8107255147089); Erf 9, Lepelsfontein, Garies, Noord-Kaapprovinsie; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Springbok, Kimberley). (6) Arno van Zyl Prokureurs; 2 Uitspanstraat, Springbok; E-pos: arriesvz@gmail. com; Tel: 0277181109. 716/2017—(2) CAWOOD, MARIA ADRIANA (3111210009082); HUIS SPES BONA, DOUGLAS, 8730; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DOUGLAS, KIMBERLEY). (6) HERMAN VAN HEERDEN INGELYF; POSBUS 402, DOUGLAS, 8730; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0532981828. 3385/2017—(2) STANDER, ELIZABETH (2411130004085); HUIS SPES BONA, LOCH ROPERSTRAAT, DOUGLAS; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N/A; (5) (DOUGLAS, KIMBERLEY). (6) CJ STANDER; LOVIUS BLOCK, EERSTELAAN 31, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (051)430-3874. NC887/2015—(2) Brandt, Hermanus (5104025068086); Randstraat 22, Upington, 8801; (3) First and Final; (4) Antoleen Brandt (5510200085085); (5) (Upington, Kimberley). (6) Loura Markram; p/a Wessels & Smith Ingelyf, Weidemanstraat 3, Posbus 2982, Upington, 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (054)338-8100. NC1047/2017—(2) Liebenberg, Catharina Paulina Du Toit (5006250044080); Groenpuntweg 47A, Upington, 8801; (3) First and Final; (4) Willem Johannes Paulus Liebenberg (4611075015085); (5) (Upington, Kimberley). (6) Loura Markram; p/a Wessels & Smith Ingelyf, Weidemanstraat 3, Posbus 2982, Upington, 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (054)338- 8100. 822/2018—(2) Nortje, Louis Andries Hermanus (5103035010088); Giddy Straat 49, Douglas; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21; (Douglas, Kimberley). (6) HESTER JOHANNA CATHARINA DU PLESSIS; Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4474394. 3665/2015—(2) Pieters, Johanna (5109160024083); 44 jaspis street, kakamas, 8870; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (kakamas, kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: jose.els@absa.; Tel: 0514010630. 703/2018—(2) BARNARD, CLAUDIUS (6608065079083); 10 FINCHAMSTRAAT, POSTMASBURG, 8520; (3) AMENDED; (4) —; (5) (POSTMASBURG, KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010643. 1855/2018—(2) immelman, hester wilhelmina (3205020005080); 8 van der merwe street, sutherland, 6920; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (kakamas, kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: jose. [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630.

This gazette is also available free online at 114 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018


5839/2015—(2) BASSON, IVAN JEROME (6403035025089); 16 LAROZETTE ROAD, DENNEMERE, BLACKHEATH; (3) First and final; (4) PEARL DESIREE BASSON (6310040261080); (5) (BLUE DOWNS, CAPE TOWN). (6) ST ADENS NATIONAL ESTATES AND TRUSTS; FIRST FLOOR, TYGERVALLEY CHAMBERS 3, WILLIE VAN SCHOOR AVENUE, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219499297. 014101/2017—(2) GARDINER, DAWN BERYL (3003200032085); C.P.O.A., SEA POINT PLACE, SEA POINT 8005, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) C & A FRIEDLANDER INCORPORATED; 3RD FLOOR, 42 KEEROM STREET, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4877900. 005014/2018—(2) MITCHELL, JEAN (4507230122087); 70 VIOOLTJIE STREET, LENTEGEUR, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) N PARKER ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 2710, CLAREINCH, 7740; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0721998955. 18447/2017—(2) Geldenhuys, Nicolaas Albertus (3511065106083); Moorreesstraat 58, Malmesbury; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Malmesbury, Kaapstad). (6) Mnre Du Plessis & Mostert; Posbus 5, Malmesbury; E-pos: eduard@dupmos.; Tel: 0224821101. 5630/2017—(2) BUYS, ANNA ELIZABETH (3006240019087); 15 TASSELBERRY STREET, KLEINBRON ESTATE, BRACKENFELL, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (KUILS RIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) EUGENE SCHOEMAN ATTORNEY; 53 VAN DER MERWE CRESCENT, WELGEMOED, WESTERN CAPE; Email: csms@mweb.; Tel: 0219132158. 0816/2017—(2) COETZEE, JOHANNES NICOLAAS (4302245103086); ALBERTSTRAAT 7, WELLINGTON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JOHANNA LAVINA COETZEE (4410260122087); (5) (WELLINGTON, CAPE TOWN). (6) DE VILLIERS & SCHREVE ATTORNEYS; 5 CHURCH STREET, WELLINGTON, 7655; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 8731171. 4074/2014—(2) HAWKINS, NEIL DAVID (7807185083087); 12 BELLA MARE STREET, SUNNINGDALE 7441; (3) THIRD AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) C & A FRIEDLANDER INCORPORATED; 3RD FLOOR, 42 KEEROM STREET, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4877900. 5475/2018—(2) Wills, Rodney Arthur (5209095127082); 8 Oak Street, Greyton, Western Cape, 7233; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, Cape Town). (6) AD Bosman; PO Box 21, Greyton, 7233; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828988426. 16230/2015—(2) KRAMER, OSWALD JAMES (2609145039083); 22A MAGNOLIA STREET, BRACKENFELL; (3) Amended First; (4) ELSIE MARGARET KRAMER (3811100073086); (5) (KUILS RIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) FPS ATTORNEYS, F P STEYN, EXECUTOR; 8 GERT KOTZE STREET, BRACKENFELL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021- 9820665. 12994/2013—(2) JOHNSON, KOOS (3312145082083); DREYDENSTRAAT 19, WELLINGTON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) CLARA JOHNSON (3002250268086); (5) (WELLINGTON, CAPE TOWN). (6) DE VILLIERS & SCHREVE ATTORNEYS; 5 CHURCH STREET, WELLINGTON, 7655; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 8731171. 021089/2016—(2) Douglas, Petrus Johannes Jacobus (5611215073080); 58 Kruispad, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Riana Douglas (6009270002087); (5) (Brackenfell, Kaapstad). (6) Riana Douglas; 58 Kruispad, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 014-592-0361. 7653/2013—(2) CROCQUET DE ROSEMOND, PIERRE EDWARD (7103015074086); 19 SWALLOW ROAD, SEDGEFIELD; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) DEON OLIVER P/A VILLAGE TRUSTEES; PO BOX 869, KUILS RIVER, 7579; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)903-3186. 002100/2018—(2) Van Ryneveld, Zema Marie (2612070035084); 5 Pinedene Houtbay; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) S G Malherbe; PO Box 4073 Tygervalley 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861919070. 007014/2018—(2) Beneke, Magdalena Anna (2202250008083); Huis Pam Brink Myburgh Street Strand 7140; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Strand, Cape Town). (6) S G Malherbe; PO Box 4073 Tygervalley 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861919070. 20189/2017—(2) CRAFFORD, DOROTHEA MARIA (3308170041085); SANTOS HAVEN RETIREMENT VILLAGE, HEIDERAND, MOSSEL BAY; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) STEPHANUS PETRUS CRAFFORD (2212305034083); (5) (MOSSEL BAY, CAPE TOWN). (6) S J DIEDERICKS INC; 62 DA GAMA STREET, DA NOVA, MOSSEL BAY; E-pos: legalc@diedericksinc.; Tel: 0446903325. 005941/2018—(2) Breda, Johanna Francina (4307120130088); 16a, 9th Avenue, Ravensmead, Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Herold Gie Attorneys; Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001; Email: ddtraill@; Tel: 0214644713. 020144/2017—(2) Jacobs, Dulcie Frances (3506130042081); 26 Coronation Road, Woodstock, Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) Herold Gie Attorneys; Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001; Email: ddtraill@; Tel: 0214644713. 005501/2018—(2) VAN HEERDEN, JOHANNES LODEWICUS (3208085065080); CLUSTERSTRAAT 16, HEATHER PARK, GEORGE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, KAAPSTAD). (6) ANDRè OLIVIER; MIDBOARD FINANSIëLE DIENSTE, POSBUS 36, GRAAFF-REINET; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0498922224.

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3958/2017—(2) Ganie, Omie Kalthoem (3210160071082); 82 Sirius Road, Surrey Estate; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Mogamed Faizel Bardien; De Klerk & Van Gend Attorneys, 2 Oakdale Road, Claremont; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216833553. 017922/2015—(2) LINDERS, SARAH DOROTHEA (3106240062085); 59 Whitehart Street, Jamestown, Stellenbosch 7613; (3) SUPPLEMENTARY; (4) EPHRAIM ERIC THOMAS LINDERS (3611285063088); (5) (Stellenbosch, Cape Town). (6) Cluver Markotter Inc; P O Box 12, STELLENBOSCH 7599; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218085600. 24301/2014—(2) MULLER, JOHAN ANDRIES (3101275002080); KERK STRAAT 17 HERBERTSDALE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) FREDA ALETTA MULLER (3301040029083); (5) (MOSSELBAAI, KAAPSTAD). (6) SJ DIEDERICKS INC; 62 DA GAMA STRAAT DA NOVA MOSSELBAAI; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-6903325. 1166/2017—(2) BATT, ANNA PETRONELLA (4103210031082); 17 GREEN STREET, ASHTON, 6715; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (MONTAGU, CAPE TOWN). (6) VAN ZYL & HOFMEYR ATTORNEYS; 32 BATH STREET, MONTAGU, 6720; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0236141100. 2025/2018—(2) LOWE, RAYMOND EARLE (3601135025080); 2 VILLAGE MEWS, 21 UIL STREET, SEDGEFIELD, 6573; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAUBENHEIMERS INCORPORATED; PO BOX 21, GEORGE, 6530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044 8732043. 385/2018—(2) RUDOLPH, SONYA (2902170003086); UNIT 206, ONRUS MANOR, ONRUSRIVIER; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) STUART GRAHAM COHEN; 38 DE VILLIERS STREET, ONRUSRIVIER; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0283163909. 18280/2017—(2) GERBER, ANNA MAGDELENA (5205030875082); KIRBY STRAAT NO 22, GORDONSBAAI; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KAAPSTAD, STRAND). (6) LANGE CARR & WESSELS INGELYF; POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0543375000. 005931/2016—(2) JACOBS, SARA (3609240111083); 18 SALLIDON AVENUE, BEAUFORT WEST; (3) First and final; (4) PIET JACOBS (4202215117084); (5) (BEAUFORT WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) CRAWFORDS ATTORNEYS; 36 DONKIN STREET, BEAUFORT WEST; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (023)414-2161. 9623/2017—(2) Ruditzky, Juliet (3906230031085); 53 Three Anchor Bay House, 10 Three Anchor Bay Road, Three Anchor Bay; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) Getz Hyams Surdut; 1031 Picbel Parkade, 58 Strand Street, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214190846. CA11084/2017—(2) Hawkins, Elsbeth Cecilia (1811070036081); Palm Gardens Retreat, 75 Regent Road, Sea Point, 8005; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (None, Cape Town). (6) MGI Bass Gordon; 17th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, 1 long Street, Cape Town, 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)405-8500. 14328/2017—(2) VISSER, CORNELIA SUSANNA ELIZABETH FREDERIKA VISSER (3704290004088); Nuwerus Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Russellstraat 85, Worcester; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) Murray Fourie Le Roux ingelyf; Adderleystraat 32, Worcester. 6850; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 023-3470851. 3262/2018—(2) Kolodzyck, Jutta Roswitha (4205160371184); 14 Nerina Avenue, Kleinmond, Western Cape, 7195; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, Cape Town). (6) AD Bosman; PO Box 21, Greyton, 7233; Email: adbosman@telkomsa. net; Tel: 0828988426. 16875/2008—(2) Kotze, Marthinus (5511205048011); 5A Dalton Street, Ravenmeads; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Johanna Kotze (5804080134018); (5) N/A; (Bellvile, Cape Town). (6) E . J McCULLUM & ASSOCIATES; 31 JOPIE FOURIE STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-911-3264. 8230/2017—(2) EDWARDS, MOHAMMED ARSHIEK (7302115164082); DU PLESSIS STRAAT 4, GRABOUW, 7160; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) SHALEEN CAREN EDWARDS (7403200184082); (5) (GRABOUW, KAAPSTAD). (6) NICO WEHMEYER ATTORNEYS; ORCHARDSTRAAT 21, GRABOUW, 7160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218595100. 1178/2018—(2) DICHMONT, IAN ALEXANDER (2004045029089); Woodside Village, Norton Way, Rondeboch, Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) Dichmont & Thomson; PO Box 18521, Wynber, 7824; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217621357. 000041/2018—(2) JACOBS, KOELSUM (5805251036080); 225 ST PATRICK, HIILVIEW, LAVENDER HILL EAST; (3) First and final; (4) ISMAIL JACOBS (5901235143082); (5) (Wynberg Magistrate Court, Cape Town). (6) A V DAWSON & Co; 7 Link Road, Belgravia, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219448800. 20925/2017—(2) GILL, JANE LOUISE (6502170290182); 18 PINOAK CRESCENT, PEERS HILL, FISH HOEK, 7975; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes; 26 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)785-1580. 128/2018—(2) Tessendorf, Jean Ferrier (4405130029082); 3 Paalenhof Crescent, Edgemead, Cape Town, 7441; (3) First and final; (4) Cyril Frederich Bernhard Tessendorf (4108175028080); (5) (Cape Town). (6) Nelson Attorneys; 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3656463. 16875/2008—(2) Kotze, Marthinus (5511205048011); 5A Dalton Street, Ravenmeads; (3) First and Final; (4) Johanna Kotze (5804080134018); (5) N/A; (Bellvile, Cape Town). (6) E . J McCULLUM & ASSOCIATES; 31 JOPIE FOURIE STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-911-3264. 4118/2017—(2) CLOETE, DE VILLIERS (4807125075089); 3 SHIRAZ STREET, DIE WINGERD, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) Matthee Attorneys; 56 Caledon Street, Somerset West 7130; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 850 0831. 8794/2005—(2) MATTHES, VOLKER MICHAEL (4412095078187); 524 SEVENOAKS, MAIN STREET,NEWLANDS; (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) DIANE HARDY; C/O STBB P O BOX 23355 CLAREMONT 7735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216734787.

This gazette is also available free online at 116 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

13374/2018—(2) PLUCK, ALAN WILLIAM (3307215067188); 22 MCLEOD STREET, STUARTS HILL, SOMESET WEST; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) Morkel & De Villiers Inc.; The Forum, 13 Drama Street, Somerset West; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 850 9700. 7043/2017—(2) STRELOW, HILDE LUISE (2509090044080); 34 STORMHAVEN PARK, BIZWENI AVENUE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) Morkel & De Villiers Inc.; The Forum, 13 Drama Street, Somerset West; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 850 9700. 16875/2008—(2) Kotze, Marthinus (5511205048011); 5A Dalton Street, Ravenmeads; (3) First and Final; (4) Johanna Kotze (5804080134018); (5) N/A; (Bellvile, Cape Town). (6) E . J McCULLUM & ASSOCIATES; 31 JOPIE FOURIE STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-911-3264. 003116/2017—(2) VAN HARTE, SUSAN EVERLYN VAN HARTE (3709190065089); KERKSTRAAT 14, ABBOTSDALE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) ALEXANDER VAN HARTE (3402205054088); (5) (Malmesbury, Kaapstad). (6) JOHANN HARMSE; Hofstraat 29, Malmesbury, 7300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 022) 487 1919. 011296/2016—(2) WILLIAMS, DERRICK MARTIN (5909035246088); 49 DA GAMA COURT, DA GAMA ROAD, BROOKLYN, MAITLAND, 7405; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (NONE, CAPE TOWN). (6) MISHA HESSE; STANDARD TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 5562, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 988 9637. 018972/2015—(2) Griffen, Garth (4906175112089); 78 Brommersvlei Road, Constantia, 7806; (3) First; (4) —; (5) 21; (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4811. 018913/2017—(2) Howes, Catharina Maria Elizabeth (3003010022086); 12 Holmdene Road, Plumstead, Western Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Chris Gerber Deceased Estates, Wills & Trusts; P O Box 4133, Durbanville 7551; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 976 6186. 018972/2015—(2) Griffen, Garth (4906175112089); 78 Brommersvlei Road, Constantia, 7806; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4811. 004211/2017—(2) Neven, Roger Petrus (2708075182184); 6372 Erinvale Golf Estate, Somerset West, 7130; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) HGG Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; 10 Fagan Street, Somerset West, 7130; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218512778. 10661/2008—(2) HARRIS, GEORGE (2510135073084); 40 BOB LOUBSER STREET, PALMIET, KLEINMOND, 7195; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) HERMANUS ACCOUNTING; 20 HOPE STREET, HERMANUS, 7200; Email: HEIDI@ HERMANUS.CO.ZA; Tel: 0283130741. 013433/2016—(2) JULIE, NORMAN MERVYN (4308095088087); 31 MULLER STREET, ROSEDALE, EESTER RIVER, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and final; (4) VERNA HELENA JULIE (4712200064083); (5) (KUILSRIVER MAGISTRATE COURT, CAPE TOWN). (6) A V DAWSON & CO; 7 LINK ROAD, BELGRAVIA, BELLVILLE, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219448800. 016585/2016—(2) HUPPERT, ANTHONY CHARLES CURTIS (6010105014081); 7 PARKVIEW TERRACE, CONSTANTIA, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) J.P. VAN ZYL INC ATTORNEYS; 4TH FLOOR, ASHERSONS CHAMBERS, 34 PLEIN STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214610111. 12387/2016—(2) Van Cappellen, Juliaan Jan Maria Leo (090008017304); Bloklaan 54 1730 Aswse Brabant Belgium; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (n/a, Cape Town). (6) Marais Muller Hendricks Inc; P O Box 3392 Tyger Valley 7536; Email: karen@; Tel: 0219433000. 8112/2017—(2) VAN RHYN, ANDRIES ADRIEAAN (3809155091086); 140A STEWART STREET, GOODWOOD, 7460; (3) First and Final; (4) CATHERINE JOHANNA VAN RHYN (4010250070088); (5) 21 DAYS; (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) DE WAAL ESTERHUYSE INC; KANTOOR C6, LEONARDO PARK, H/V HOOF EN LINK WEG, PARKLANDS, 7443; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0215572967. 18174/2017—(2) Adams, Jackie (5310025100080); 7 Cotte Road, Groenclei, Lansdowne; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Thelma Agnes Adams (5407150218081); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Heath Attorneys; Private Bag X29, Suite 247, Somerset West, 7129; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218543004. 4704/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, CHRISTO (3804095026086); GOLF PARK 75, PINESTRAAT, HEATHERPARK, GEORGE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JOHANNA JACOBA VAN NIEKERK (3503010059087); (5) (GEORGE, KAAPSTAD). (6) STADLER & SWART ING.; POSBUS 46, GEORGE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0448744090. 2950/2018—(2) MUNNIK, KAREL FREDRICK (3809295022082); 49B DE LAT BAT STREET, WORCESTER, 6850; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (WORCESTER, CAPE TOWN). (6) Steyn Attorneys Inc Ref: SWS/LMyburg/18010; P.O. Box 72, Worcester, 6849; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0233428404. 2200/2017—(2) DELPORT, MARILYN GRIZELDA (3907200124082); 5 Weber Street, Idasvalley, Stellenbosch 7600; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (STELLENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN). (6) Cluver Markotter Inc Ref: SMG/mt; P O Box 12, STELLENBOSCH 7599; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218085600. 16026/2017—(2) ODENDAAL, PATRICIA ROSEMARY WENTWORTH (3002100053084); 502 BERGHOF, 44A HOF STREET, GARDENS, CAPE TOWN, 8001, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) MS L. BARLOW C/O FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS; P. O. BOX 536, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214057403. 018805/2017—(2) Haagen, Janny (3907220068186); 34 Greenvalley Close, Diep River; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: estates1@; Tel: 0217978191.

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21371/2016—(2) SHAW, NORMAN PHILLIPS (2706215024084); 44 HERITAGE MANOR, SOMERSET WEST; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) Morkel & De Villiers Inc.; The Forum, 13 Drama Street, Somerset West; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 850 9700. 018805/2017—(2) Haagen, Janny (3907220068186); 34 Greenvalley Close, Diep River; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: estates1@; Tel: 0217978191. 020476/2017—(2) Myburgh, Albertus Johannes (3902255036083); Room 2 Plumstead Rusoord, 1 Birmingham Road, Plumstead; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217978191. 003883/2018—(2) Alexander, Yvonne Doreen (3507090084089); 35a Woodley Road, Plumstead; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: estates1@; Tel: 0217978191. 008183/2017—(2) Scott, Dorothy Mary (2305030045083); 404 Advanced Care, Pinewood Retirement Village, Pinelands; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (Goodwood, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED Ref: R Naidu; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166280. 018805/2017—(2) Haagen, Janny (3907220068186); 34 Greenvalley Close, Diep River; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg 7800; Email: estates1@; Tel: 0217978191. 019499/2016—(2) Fenton, George Neale (2401075020089); E76 La Provence, Graniet Street, Welgelegen, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Cape Times; Tel: 0214884898. 3132/2016—(2) Stander, Elizabeth Jacoba (3308280082086); Andries Hamman Old Age Home, Baring Street, Worcester; (3) First and final; (4) Wilhelm Friedrich Deichmann Stander (3212215026087); (5) (Worcester, Cape Town). (6) Tygerberg Trustees (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 5483, Tygervalley 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 917 0712. 4075/2018—(2) BOLINDER, CARL ERIK DOUGLAS (84732450); 9 VICARAGE GARDENS, KENSINGTON, ENGLAND; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PAARL, CAPE TOWN). (6) ROLFE ATTORNEYS; 2 MONACO SQUARE, 14 CHURCH STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219756101. 004198/2018—(2) WILLIAMS, LORNA MARINA (5409150173084); 28 Harmony Close, Hanover Park, 7764; (3) First and Final; (4) Nicholas Jacobus Williams (subsequently deceased) (5105035637083); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) FA ALLIE & ASSOCIATES; 15 Thornton Road, Gleemoor Estate, Athlone, 7764; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-633-2615. 004898/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Abraham Jacobus Adriaan (5110065017081); Huis Verdi, Legato, Durbanville; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) African Mutual Trust Company (Edms) Bpk; Van der Lingenstraat 25, Posbus 3339, Paarl; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)860-1500. 19410/2016—(2) WINSON, SYLVIA DOREEN WINSON (2607150042083); KENNICK HOUSE,PITTOSPORUM AVENUE,THORNTON,WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) D.BUTLION & ASSOCIATES; 39 ALAMEIN ROAD, MILNERTON,7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827743795. 32759/2014—(2) Williams, Fadiela (4811230004083); No. 18 Von Willigh Crescent, Oakdene, Kuils River, 7580; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) CL MANUEL ATTORNEYS; Office 110, 33 On Strand, Strand Street, Voortrekker Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 902 0202. 001632/2017—(2) Jeffery, Terence Edward (3511275021080); 9 Marlborough Rylaan, Noordhoek Manor, Noordhoek; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Jeanette Denise Jeffery (3812040028081); (5) (Simonstad, Kaapstad). (6) VisagieVos; Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)591-9221. 12579/2017—(2) Jacobs, Carol (5701040107086); -; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Marais Muller Hendricks; Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219005332. 14057/2011—(2) SCHEEPERS, JEAN ANDRé (3308255007084); MELKBOONSTRAAT 22, STILBAAI, PROVINSIE WES-KAAP; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) ALETTA SCHEEPERS (3611180032089); (5) (RIVERSDAL, KAAPSTAD). (6) JACQUES EHLERS PROKUREURS; HOOFSTRAAT 54, PIKETBERG, 7320; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0229131144. 5020/2016—(2) Olivier, Joey Christopher (6001305173082); Nikolaaisingel 60, Uitbreiding 23, Mosselbaai; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Winnie Olivier (5512280069088); (5) 21 dae; (Mosselbaai, Kaapstad). (6) DEKKER PROKUREURS; KLEINE LIBERTAS 1, KERKSTRAAT 33, MOSSELBAAI, 6500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-690 5653. 018011/2017—(2) CANDY, MARGARET ELIZABETH (3011260289180); 602 PINEWOOD VILLAGE, PINELANDS, CAPE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) CURR VIVIER INC; P O BOX 3866, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: debbie@; Tel: 0214249168. 01250/2017—(2) Cohen, Ester (also known as Estelle) (1709070036087); Cape Peninsula Organisation for the Aged, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) Mazars; Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings, Precinct, CENTURY CITY, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218185367. 000789/2016—(2) ISMAIL, HAWA (4009100059085); 7 FIFTH STREET, ATHLONE; (3) First and final; (4) AHMED ISMAIL (3908055052089); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) SCHRUEDER INC. ATTORNEYS; 168 ROSMEAD AVENUE, KENILWORTH 7708; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-761-1843. 001060/2016—(2) De Koker, Alida (7004070234088); 06 Burgundy street, Brackenfell, Western Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Brits & Matthee Attorneys; 23 Bright street, Somerset West, 7130; Email: paul. [email protected]; Tel: 0218523650.

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012729/2017—(2) Kleinhans, Abel Jacobus (6210245003081); 20 Castleton Way, Edgemead, 7441; (3) First and Final; (4) Adriaana Jacomina Kleinhans (6809150123081); (5) 21; (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4811. 20817/2017—(2) Smit, Magdalena Elizabeth (3807270034080); Aandskemer Tehuis, Pleinstraat, Malmesbury; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Malmesbury, Kaapstad). (6) DE WET PROKUREURS; 12 SAN DOMENICO, 10 CHURCH STREET, DURBANVILLE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0878082825. 21884/2014—(2) SORENSEN, VINCENT ALFRED (P0429725); 49 CHALSEDOON STREET, WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) WERKSMANS ATTORNEYS; 142 EDWARD STREET, TYGER VALLEY, BELLVILLE, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-9109030. 021059/2017—(2) Fernandez, June Sylvia (4306060086086); 3 Syracuse Street, Sunningdale; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Finway Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 2 Buxton Avenue, Oranjezicht, Cape Town; Email: derick@; Tel: 0214242091. 10339/2017—(2) Rothig, Hermann Florian (2607015039183); 11 Sluysken Street, Welgemoed, Bellville, Province of the Western Cape; (3) First; (4) Erika Herta Rothig (2501170030188); (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc; 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214816380. 004481/2018—(2) DUNCAN, DONALD HENRY (3409215108085); 5 FERNDALE STREET DESHAMPDEN SAREPTA KUILSRIVER 7580; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) L.A DALVIE & ASSOCIATES; UNIT 1 RABAT VILLAGE VANGATE CITY ATHLONE 7764; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216370103. 009620/2016—(2) Joseph, Johannes (5503245177082); 1 St Stanislas Street, Sea Wind, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) Lucinda Joseph (6208200233081); (5) 21; (Simons Town, Cape Town). (6) Shalene Schreuder Attorney; 7 Park Street, Corner of Koeberg and Park Street, Durbanville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-976-0585. 009338/2017—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, SARAH MARIA (3010310031089); HUIS MOORREES, HEUWEL STRAAT, MOORREESBURG, 7310; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (MOORREESBURG, KAAPSTAD). (6) MIDKAROO TRUST; POSBUS 48, MIDDELBURG EASTERN CAPE, 5900; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0498027301. 7112/2017—(2) Mazondwa, Mzukisi Cassius (7208265485088); 8 Corby Close Highbury Park Kuilsriver; (3) First and Final; (4) Noxolo Dolly Mazondwa (7203120751089); (5) (Kuilsriver, Cape Town). (6) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd; Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X 19 Durbanville 7551; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214925094. 16100/2017—(2) LAYMAN, IRENE (3905260279085); 23 ARRIES STREET, SURREY ESTATE, ATHLONE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) R.H.STUURMAN & CO; P.O. Box 258, Kasselsvlei, 7533; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 9512473. 016177/2017—(2) SMIT, DIRK JOHANNES SMIT (4510035030083); SALMONSTREET 4 , KUILRIVIER; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) ELIZABETH JUDITH SMIT (4912200060087); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) JOHANN HARMSE; Hofstraat 29, Malmesbury, 7300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 022) 487 1919. 001381/2018—(2) BADENHORST, JOHANNES WESSEL PETRUS (5112045007083); 31 EAGLE CRESCENT, SOMERSET WEST, 7129; (3) First and Final; (4) LINDA ANNALIE BADENHORST (5608050067086); (5) 21 days; (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Cedar Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd; The Business Centre, No 1 Bridgeway Road, Bridgeways Precinct, Century City, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861777750. 004317/2017—(2) BRAND, JAN JURIE (3003315022088); HUIS AJ LIEBENBERG, PIKETBERG, 7320; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PIKETBERG, KAAPSTAD). (6) MC HANEKOM; DIE TREKSTRAAT 34, POSBUS 234, PIKETBERG, 7320; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0229132800. 006574/2015—(2) SUTCLIFFE, ELIZABETH (1407090005089); 134 KIDBROOKE PLACE, HERMANUS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (HERMANUS, HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN). (6) D M ADAMS; 26 HIGH STREET, HERMANUS; Email: don@; Tel: (028)312-2849. 993123/2018—(2) Hanslo, Ernest Walter (4010025137089); 126 Woodley Road, Plumstead; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Cape Times; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214884898. 22124/2014—(2) STEVENS, LETITIA (8410230239082); 18 MEERSIG STREET, HORNLEE, KNYSNA; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21; (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE). (6) SOHN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 11 PITT STREET, KNYSNA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044 3823000. 11140/2012—(2) MEIRING, HILDA MARIA THERESA MEIRING (2802180010081); UNIT 4 SCHONENBERG RETIREMENT VILLAGE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Erica Goedhals; 8 van der Merwe rd, Somerset West; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0233474000. 017622/2017—(2) Erasmus, Nomvuyo Nelia (4908270459084); 17 27TH Avenue, Bongolethu, Oudtshoorn; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Oudtshoorn, Cape Town). (6) FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350826. 6516/2018—(2) SHELDON, SHIRLEY ELIZABETH (6206150073085); 6 GUMTREE ROAD, STEENBERG; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) J.P. VAN ZYL INC ATTORNEYS; 4TH FLOOR, ASHERSONS CHAMBERS, 34 PLEIN STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214610111. 012293/2017—(2) Vlissides, Emmanuel (3801265040087); 14 Lochiel Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 Days; (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Galbraith Rushby; 89 Roodebloem Road, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7925; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214473840. 14216/2016—(2) Roman, Harry Benjamin (5510195146082); 88 Mitchells Laan, Woodlands, Mitchellsplain, 7785; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Selina Anne Roman (5901230141081); (5) (Mitchellsplain, Kaapstad). (6) Susanne Rall-Willemse; Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)887-1021.

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6513/2018—(2) SHELDON, DAVID EDWARD (5505225133084); 6 GUMTREE ROAD, STEENBERG; (3) First and Final; (4) SHIRLEY ELIZABETH (NOW DECEASED 6516/2018) SHELDON (6206150073085); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) J.P. VAN ZYL INC ATTORNEYS; 4TH FLOOR, ASHERSONS CHAMBERS, 34 PLEIN STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214610111. 3528/2018—(2) MARSDEN, DESIRE ANNE (4209250127084); 42 FIRST AVENUE, FISH HOEK, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ESTATES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: TERESA.TREW@THEWARWICKGROUP.,COM; Tel: 0800 505050. 4529/2018—(2) Domingo, Ebrahim (5508015781088); 31 Kudu Street, Kewtown; (3) First and Final; (4) Togieda Domingo (5004230630086); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 709, 7th floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873522950. 2969/2018—(2) van den Berg, Susanna Salomina (4709080072087); 83 Barnard Street, Oakdale, Bellville, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 709, 7th floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873522950. 009025/2017—(2) Potwana, Machule Seymour (2412065150083); 50 NY 146 Guguletu, 7750; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg Magistrates Court, Cape Town). (6) A V Dawson & Co. Attorneys; 7 Link Road, Belgravia, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219448800. 019772/2017—(2) BEUKES, JOHN JACOBUS (3004135064086); 15- 23 ROAD AVENUE, ELSIES RIVER , 7490; (3) First and final; (4) MARTHA MARIA BEUKES (3207010074084); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS; 2 7th AVENUE, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 553 1238. 14362/2017—(2) KOCH, JOHANNES ALBERTUS (4907085091082); 9 NEGENDE LAAN, MOORREESBURG, 7310; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) CECILIA ALETTA KOCH (5212290071089); (5) (KAAPSTAD) (6) HJ JANSE VAN VUUREN; 47 LANGSTRAAT, MOORREESBURG, 7310; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0224334600. 17791/2017—(2) WILLEMSE, ANNA WINEFRED (4109060067084); PROTEASTRAAT 18, RIVERSDAL 6670; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (RIVERSDAL, KAAPSTAD). (6) S A HOFMEYR & SEUN; ROBERTSONSTRAAT 6, POSBUS 16, RIVERSDAL 6670; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0287132424. 001548/2015—(2) OSNER, MICHAEL (3801105022089); 1 PORCUPINE PLACE, SIMOLA GOLF & COUNTRY ESTATE, KNYSNA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABDO & ABDO ATTORNEYS; 33 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437007900. 021226/2016—(2) van Schoor, Myrna (5210300002086); 45 42nd avenue, Elsies River, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) H. Manuel; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0838955565. 014088/2017—(2) Jacobs, Nicolaas Adriaan (6005025080089); 14 Morgenster Street, Oak Glen,; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 180002017—(2) Aligianis, Panagiotis (4911285009084); Junosingel, Agulhas; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bredasdorp, Kaapstad). (6) Luttig Badenhorst Fourie Prokureurs; Posbus 21, Bredasdorp; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0284241119. CA19182/2017—(2) Boehnke, Johanna Christina (3806070059081); 24 Grieve Crescent, Vergesig, Durbanville; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Abrahams & Gross Inc; P O Box 1661, Cape Town, 8000; Email: naailah@; Tel: 0214221323. 12173/2017—(2) DINGEMANS, WILHELMINA (3106100055187); 9 BOWDEN PARK, DRAMA STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, Cape Town). (6) Leon Frank & Partners Ref: MM/mh; PO Box 208, Somerset Mall 7137; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218510737. 004893/2016—(2) VERMEULEN, VIOLET ENSLEEN (2306230040080); DU LOTSTRAAT 17, GROENVLEI, PAARL, 7646; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (PAARL, KAAPSTAD). (6) VAN WYK VAN HEERDEN PROKUREURS ING.; HOOFSTRAAT 296, PAARL, 7646; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218711050. 6002/2018—(2) Gelderman, Gerrit Jacob (3901175020086); Crassulastraat 4, Caledon, 7230; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, Kaapstad). (6) Guthrie & Theron Prokureurs; Posbus 17, Caledon; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (028)212-1060. 020021/2017—(2) REDELINGHUYS, STEPHNE DENISE (5803070128089) (na); AUBURN STR 3, DENNEBERG, PAARL; (3) N A; (4) NA NA (NA); (5) 21; (PAARL, KAAPSTAD). (6) DIE BURGER; MEDIA 24, 112 EDWARDSTRAAT, TYGERVALLEI; E-pos: [email protected]>; Tel: 0877401087. 4020/2018—(2) SPRINGETT, MARIA JOHANNA (2908210081081); 108 NELSON STREET, VASCO ESTATE,GOODWOOD, 7460; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) ELIZABETH JOHANNA DE WET; 30 KANONBERG STREET, DE BRON, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 02141666133. 003543/2018—(2) NEL, ALETTA SUSARA (3208300064082); TEMPLEMAN RYLAAN 63, KNYSNA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (GRAAFF-REINET, KAAPSTAD). (6) P W MEYER & ASSOSIATE; Kerkplein 22, Graaff-Reinet 6280; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0498923583. 007647/2018—(2) Phillips, Gadija (3412270077088); 13 Mannenberg Avenue, Mannenberg; (3) First and final; (4) Abdulaziz Phillips (4610065001083); (5) (Athlone, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219190490. 000538/2018—(2) Trout, Regina Martina (4508080153081); 19 Groenkloof Street, Mamre; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Atlantis, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: info@roopapotgieter.; Tel: 0219190490.

This gazette is also available free online at 120 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

18938/2017—(2) RAYNARD, DOUGLAS DONALD (3306185082086); 4236 ADENANDRA ROAD, BETTY’S BAY; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CALEDON, CAPE TOWN). (6) GUTHRIE & THERON; 10 MAIN ROAD KLEINMOND 7195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0282713031. 013375/2016—(2) Heymann, Annemarie (8712120052081); 28 Baring Street, Worcester; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Worcester, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 004922/2018—(2) BROOKS, MELVILLE STANLEY (2804175111080); SILVERMINE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, NOORDHOEK, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 23355, CLAREMONT, 23355; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216734844. 8268/2017—(2) SLIEP, HARMEN SLIEP (3301135044187); 179 3RD AVENUE, KLEINMOND; (3) First and final; (4) HELEEN SLIEP (5502220038087); (5) (CALEDON, CAPE TOWN). (6) GUTHRIE & THERON; 10 MAIN ROAD KLEINMOND 7195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0282713031. 4045/2017—(2) VIRISSIMO, ANTONIO DAS NEVES (2903285066083); 15 VREDENBURG CRESCENT, KLEINBOS, PAROW, 7500, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) LAUBSCHER & HATTINGH Inc.; 1st FLOOR, IMPERIAL TERRACES, TYGERWATERFRONT, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)9442400. 018308/2017—(2) MARAIS, MARIA MAGDALENA HESTER (2812180017085); Huis Nuwerus, Russelstraat, Worcester; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Kaapstad). (6) Wilna Roux Prokureurs Ingelyf Verw: WR/BOE; Baringstraat 27, WORCESTER 6850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0233422098. 21030/2017—(2) KOTZE, JOHANNA SUSANNA KOTZE (2205240067088); 105 BENADEHOF, NEETHLING STREET, STRAND; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, CAPE TOWN). (6) Hannes Pretorius, Bock & Bryant; 81 Helderberg College Street, Somerset West , 7130; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 852 8313. 4905/2018—(2) Smith, Bella (3402070160184); 52 Langenhoven Road, George, 6529; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (George, Cape Town). (6) Millers Incorporated; P O Box 35, GEORGE 6530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0448741140. 002608/2018—(2) Raven, Kenneth Raven (5904015130089); 92 Jason Street, Worcester; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Amanda Sylveinia Raven (5611270135089); (5) (Worcester, Cape Town). (6) Renier van Zyl Attorneys; PO Box 487, Brackenfell, 7561; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219816140. 008567/2018—(2) Helm, Lorna (3007040050082); 12 Silvermine Retirement Village, Noordhoek; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Simonstown, CAPE TOWN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LIMITED Ref: C FESTER; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166604. 017563/2017—(2) LEYLAND, PETER WILLIAM (5305265156081); 2 VALLEY ROAD, MURDOCK VALLEY, SIMON’S TOWN; (3) First; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: LVR; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0215586742. 003101/2018—(2) MARTIN, LILA JOAN (3108050039088); 31 WHITEHALL COURT, MAIN ROAD, RONDEBOSCH; (3) First; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: LVR; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0215586742. 7875/2018—(2) Truter, Petrus Jurgens (4612255077081); 11 Bloekom Avenue, Calitzdorp; (3) First and final; (4) Sara Maria Truter (4612200069084); (5) (Calitzdorp, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219190490. 6403/2018—(2) Roos, Susanna (5802100198088); 20 Burkea Crescent, Greenlands, Bellville South; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: info@; Tel: 0219190490. 020417/2016—(2) Booysen, Richard (5404125839083); Scheepersstraat 5A, Oudtshoorn, 6625; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) Magdalene Booysen (5204200046087); (5) (Oudtshoorn, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906397. 018954/2018—(2) Saunders, Pamela Joan (3907050050080); 37 Batavia Street, Somerset West, 7130; (3) Amended First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes; 26 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)784-1580. 523/2018—(2) LOCK, TONY JOHN (6005295119104); 23 BRAMBLE HILL CHANDLER’S FORD EASTLEIGH HAMPSHIRE UNITED KINGDOM; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SIMONSTOWN MAGISTRATES’ COURT, MASTER’S OFFICE, CAPE TOWN). (6) SALVATORE PUGLIA ATTORNEYS; UNIT 302, 3RD FLOOR, THE COLOSSEUM BUILDING, NO 3 ST GEORGES MALL, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214252286/7. 006205/2017—(2) Pearson, Herbert Oswald (3102115032089); 120 CPOA Riverside Place, Alnwick Road, Diep River, 7800; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) Patrick Vernon Swemmer; Unit D14, Westlake Square, Westlake, 7945; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)701 0220. 9836/2006—(2) Nel, David Schalk (3612295014087); 56 Victoria Street, Robertson; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Robertson, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 7566/2018—(2) Rentzke, Wihmelia Leora (4304010018085); Matzikama House 9, 25 Paddock Straat, Van Rhynsdorp, 8170; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Van Rhynsdorp, Kaapstad). (6) Susanne Rall-Willemse; Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)887-1021.

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14574/2017—(2) BOLTON, BRIAN GEORGE (3910225004081); 7 WITHYCOMBE CLOSE, CONSTANTIA, WESTERN CAPE 7806; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) MR R. CHEESEMAN C/O FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS; P. O. BOX 536, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214057403. 30720/2014—(2) WINDVOGEL, DOREEN (2903240084080); 182 ROYAL ROAD, MAITLAND; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) RILEY INCORPORATED; 212 ROSMEAD AVENUE, WYNBERG, 7800; Email: cheryl@; Tel: 0217977116. CA20824/2017—(2) Timmie, Henry Christian (4901055088087); Augustastraat 4, Ravensmead, Wes-Kaap; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Cecelia Christine Timmie (5502200201085); (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad). (6) Steyn en Van Rhyn Ingelyf; Voortrekkerstraat 45, Goodwood; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)5913421. 4947/2010—(2) Holtzkampf, Llewellyn William (3907015062089); 165 St Kilda Road, Rondebosch East; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge way, Century City; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4673. 007927/2018—(2) HANSEN, CLARENCE GEORGE (3811065062082); 10 MARICO ROAD EDGEMEAD CAPETOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) VALERIE HANSEN (4212170061086); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPETOWN). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-684-4168. 007927/2018—(2) HANSEN, CLARENCE GEORGE (3811065062082); 10 MARICO ROAD EDGEMEAD CAPETOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) VALERIE HANSEN (4212170061086); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPETOWN). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-684-4168. 018626/2017—(2) MYBURGH, JACOBUS WILLEM (5008275062089); 43 CANTERBURY STREET, KINGSTON, CAPE TOWN, 7530; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) BGR PYPER TURNER ING.; POSBUS 385, SOMERSET MALL, 7139; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218500170. 012215/2015—(2) MYKLEBUST, MICHAEL JOHN (4707245048083); FROGGY FARM, TESSELAARSDAL, CALEDON DISTRICT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CALEDON MAGISTRATE’S COURT, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABDO & ABDO ATTORNEYS; 33 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437007900. 17025/2017—(2) Ramsauer, Bertram Heinrich Richard (4604305032083); Seaviewrylaan 1040, Franskraal; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Hermanus, Kaapstad). (6) Riana Lemmer & Schoonees Ing; Posbus 9, Strand; E-pos: riana@rianalemmer.; Tel: 0218510111. 016757/2016—(2) Dibela, Velisa Vincent (5611115890088); 52 Susan Way, Brentwood Park, Blue Downs; (3) First and Final; (4) Priscilla Dibela (6407290107086); (5) 21; (Kuilsriver, Cape Town). (6) Shalene Schreuder Attorney; 7 Park Street , Corner of Koeberg and Park Street , Durbanville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-976-0585. 5843/2018—(2) Venter, Andries Johannes Venter (2508305022089); Bottlierssig nr 10, H/V Brinkley en Wildernesstraat, Fraai Uitsig, Kleinbrakrivier, 6503; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Ella Jacoba Venter (3603200014080); (5) (Mosselbaai, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 016569/2017—(2) VILLET, HENRY JOHN (3101185037085); 35 ANCASTLE GREEN, HENLEY ON THAMES, OXFORDSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 23355, CLAREMONT, 7735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216734844. 017189/2017—(2) Slamet, Shaun Hadley (6209215196081); Vyfdelaan 7, Wellington,7655; (3) First and Final; (4) Dolfina Slamet (6301130127083); (5) (Paarl, Kaapstad). (6) Monique van Rensburg; P O Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: monique. [email protected]; Tel: 021 947 2471. 007927/2018—(2) HANSEN, CLARENCE GEORGE (3811065062082); 10 MARICO ROAD EDGEMEAD CAPETOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) VALERIE HANSEN (4212170061086); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPETOWN). (6) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited; IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-684-4168. 003736/2018—(2) Buchanan, Henrietta Clementine (3704260094085); 32 Melina Street, Rosendal, 7550; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, ABSA West Building, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)501-8150. 000466/2018—(2) VAN STADEN, GEZINA MARIA EVALENA (5109210636084); 8 GEELHOUT CRESCENT, GORDON’S BAY, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, CAPE TOWN). (6) SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 23355, CLAREMONT, 7735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216734844. 011286/2017—(2) Van Niekerk, Anne Pamela (2803180006087); 5 Halstad, Oakhill Village, Sunninghill Drive, Sunninghill 7441.; (3) First and final; (4) — (6); (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) B LUBBE & ASSOCIATES; P O BOX 11476, BLOUBERGSANDS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0215544882. 24873-2014—(2) Isaacs-Awaldien, Yasmina (5601070074083); 31 Montague Road, Maitland, Western Cape, 7405; (3) First and Final; (4) Nazeem Awaldien (5806105093087); (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) M Z Barday & Associates; 13 Belgravia Road, Athlone, 7764; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216978610. 9486-2015—(2) Adams, Yusuf (2608125073088); 8 Pope Street, Salt River, Western Cape, 7925; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) M Z Barday & Associates; 13 Belgravia Road, Athlone, 7764; Email: Shahieda@; Tel: 0216978610.

This gazette is also available free online at 122 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

6662/2018—(2) MATTHEE, WESSEL JOHANNES (6102195094089); 3 CHANTA CLAIRE, BAARTMAN STREET, SOUTHFIELD, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) BERNADT VUKIC POTASH & GETZ ATTORNEYS; 11TH FLOOR, 1 THIBAULT SQUARE, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4053800. 1955/2015—(2) Samodien Abrahams, Koethoem (7403260127088); 10 Elfin Avenue, Heathfield, Western Cape, 7945; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) M Z Barday & Associates; 13 Belgravia Road, Athlone, 7764; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216978610. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES/ INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS

Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date upon which and (4) division of court by which order is made and (5) upon the application of.


Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum waarop en (4) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en (5) op die aansoek van.

S12/2018—(2) Poseidon Home of Pegasus Logistics CC (2009 / 151122 / 23), Principal Place of Business at 24 Corner Fifth Avenue & Villiers Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth; (3) 12 June 2018; (4) Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; (5) Wescoal Trading Proprietary Limited. S11/2018—(2) Kasimira Trading 145 (Pty) Ltd (2011 / 002244 / 07), Principal Place of Business at 17 A Darling Street, North End, Port Elizabeth; (3) 19 June 2018; (4) Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; (5) Coega Dairy (Pty) Ltd. S12/2018—(2) Poseidon Home of Pegasus Logistics CC (2009 / 151122 / 23), Principal Place of Business at 24 Corner Fifth Avenue & Villiers Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth; (3) 12 June 2018; (4) Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; (5) Wescoal Trading Proprietary Limited.. B72/2018—(2) Jan Abraham Nell (690917 5177 084), Insolvent estate; (3) 28 June 2018; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Sandra Ann Axsel. B47/2018—(2) Orambamba 47 (Pty) Ltd (2010/001591/07), Company in liquidation; (3) 28 June 2018; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Dirk Jacobus Strydom. B77/2018—(2) Paul Steyn Boerdery (Pty) Ltd (1999/023304/07), Company in liquidation; (3) 29 June 2018; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited. B51/2018—(2) Lethabo Milling (Pty) Ltd (2013/112031/07), Company in liquidation; (3) 28 June 2018; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Absa Bank Limited. 2008/162168/23—(2) PYPKAN BOERDERY CC (2008/162168/23), CLOSED CORPORATION; (3) 5 July 2018; (4) THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA FREE STATE DIVISION, BLOEMFONTEIN; (5) PYPKAN BOERDERY CC. 2005/136856/23—(2) THUSANANI CONSULTING CC (2005/136856/23); (3) 28 May 2018; (4) DURBAN HIGH COURT; (5) K. MOODLEY. N166/2018—(2) ATK IT (PTY) LTD (2013/108154/07), 3 COUNTY BUSINESS CENTRE, MAIN ROAD, UMHLALI, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 14 May 2018; (4) SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION C340/2018—(2) Plasto Properties 5 (Pty) Ltd (2005/005112/07), 12 Pontac Street, Paarl, Western Cape; (3) 28 May 2018; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Green Oaks No. 1 (Pty) Ltd.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 123

C419/2018—(2) PACIFIC STEEL CC (2006/003621/23), UNIT B, 170 MAIN ROAD, SOMERSET WEST, WC; (3) 22 June 2018; (4) CREDITORS VOLUNTARY; (5) CREDITORS. C848/2016—(2) BEATRICE MOKHARI (850503 1236 086), 5 HUMMINGBIRD,ROAD, PELICAN PARK, WC; (3) 1 August 2017; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE . C210/2018—(2) ORANGE MONEY MATTERS (PTY) LTD (2017/002642/07), 36 ROBYN CRESCENT, WELGELEN, WC; (3) 18 April 2018; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) CORNE METCALFE . Ref-C345/2018--—(2) Eastland Development CC (1999/007316/23), 20 Roebel Street, Marais Industry, Vredenburg,W. C; (3) 23 May 2018; (4) Western Cape Division- Cape Town; (5) Creditors Voluntary.

Form/Vorm J29


The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, or being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, the nomination of liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973 and considering the statement of affairs of the company, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date of the provisional and date of the final order, and (4) special resolution and (5) division of court by which order is made, and (6) date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, of gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, of nomminasie van likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, en die oorweging van die verklaring van die sake van die maatskappy na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en (4) spesiale resolusie en (5) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en (6) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

G3010-2009—(2) COUNTRY FOOD LIMITED (2005/018743/06), UNIT 16, NO 1 MELROSE BOULEVARD, MELROSE ARCH MELROSE; (3) Final Order: 17 November 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. T474/18—(2) KAREL JOHAN ROUSSEAU (6810135017081), 248 CELLIERS STREET, MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 29 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 124 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T311/18—(2) JASPER MAURITZ & FREDA MOUTON (6007220014087 & 5306015127083), RABARBERSTRAAT 19 KAREN PARK AKASIA PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 7 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T3332/17—(2) ERNEST CHARLES BARRETT (681217 5218 08 2), 4 KINGFISHER CLOSE CLUBVIEW; (3) Final Order: 18 December 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T364/18—(2) MARINDA BEZUIDENHOUT (591030 0105 08 2), 1193 COBHAM ROAD QUEENSWOOD PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T23038/14—(2) CATHARINA MARIA KOEKEMOER (600806009284), BUFFELDRIFT 99 PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 20 March 2014; (3) Final Order: 12 December 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T23038/14—(2) CATHARINA MARIA KOEKEMOER (600806009284), BUFFELDRIFT 99 PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 20 March 2014; (3) Final Order: 12 December 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T5054/12—(2) JAN JOHANNES & MARIA SUSANNA CLAASSEN (740824 5210 08 1 & 710213 0030 08 0), 42 LEYDS STREET MEYERTON; (3) Provisional Order: 26 May 2016; (3) Final Order: 1 July 2016 (4) —; (5) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (6) 3 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE MEYERTON. T5125/10—(2) ZACHARIAS JOHANNES DE BEER (531009 5020 08 5), LETABALAAN 12A TZANEEN; (3) Final Order: 3 December 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T26/17—(2) KNEAD BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP HAZELWOOD (PRETORIA) (PTY) LTD (2013/236747/07), CORNER PINASTER AND DALY AVENUES HAZELWOOD PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 1 November 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. G511-2017—(2) SUNEDISON GREEN POWER SOUTHERN AFRICA (PTY) LTD (2010/021722/07), 2ND FLOOR, GLOBAL HOUSE, 28 STURDEE AVENUE,ROSEBANK 2196; (3) Final Order: 5 June 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 8 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G1125-2018—(2) LEAGO MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING (PTY) LTD (2015/348831/07), 98 PRESIDENT STR, GERMISTON SOUTH, GAUTENG 1401; (3) Final Order: 23 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 3 August 2018, 09:00, GERMISTON MAGISTRATE. T892/17—(2) HENDRIK STEFANUS LABUSHAGNE (621217 5166 08 6), 33 FRANCIS RD RISPARK AGRICULTURAL PLOTS; (3) Final Order: 13 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T372/18—(2) FRANCOIS MULDER (791028 5084 08 6), 11 MARIGOLD STREET PRIMROSE GERMISTON; (3) Final Order: 20 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE GERMISTON. T1921/15—(2) SECRETS OF YOUTH (PTY) LTD (2012/065126/07), 149 DIRK VAN DEVENTER AVENUE, WONDERBOOM, PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 1 June 2015; (3) Final Order: 4 September 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T22931/14—(2) MORNE LEON & SONICA DE VILLIERS (7612225065089 & 7809040025089), 15 KALLIE BRITS STREET SECUNDA; (3) Provisional Order: 4 December 2014; (3) Final Order: 6 February 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2852/17—(2) JAQUES KENT (760617 5139 08 5), 19 HERSCHELL STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Provisional Order: 13 December 2017; (3) Final Order: 12 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK. T3383/17—(2) AMANDLA MEGANICAL (PTY) LTD (2013/129118/07), 34 BLUE BELL STR REIGER PARK BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 11:30, MAGISTRATE BOKSBURG. T2254/17—(2) SERAGE INNOCENT PHALA (761206 5336 08 5), 26 WYLAND STREET, MIDRAND, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 6 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T763/17—(2) DIKELEDI PRISCILLA RAMOLOTJA (651016 0367 08 4), 10 HERBERT ROAD ORCHARDS PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 7 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T763/18—(2) ISTC INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (2013/155304/07), 733B RUBENSTEIN DRIVE MORELETA PARK PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 4 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1141/16—(2) PAN-JEA GROUP (PTY) LTD (2010/002664/07), CNR HANS STRIJDOM AND BLOUHAAK STREET 665 MORELETTA PARK PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 6 May 2016; (3) Final Order: 24 June 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T324/18—(2) DESIREE DREYER (611202 0188 08 9), 70 GEMINI CRESCENT ENNERDALE EXTENTION 1; (3) Final Order: 9 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 125

T2158/17—(2) MARTHA MARIA CATHARINA NORTJE (790607 0029 08 8), 22 DOLUMBIA STREET; (3) Final Order: 30 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1574/17—(2) ADRIAN PETRO FOURIE (630607 0107 08 6), 303 BLOUAALWYN STR DORANDIA PRETORIA NOORD PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T5830/09—(2) HENDRI JOSEPH VAN ASWEGEN (8302085110080), 27 HUIS NO 5 LEPELLE NORTHERN WATER PHALABORWA; (3) Final Order: 18 September 2009 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T374/18—(2) CORNELIA MARGRIETHA SUSANNA SCHOEMAN (690124 0276 08 2), UNIT 4 168 VANDERBIJL STR MEADOWDALE GERMISTON; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE GERMISTON. T511/18—(2) ANAND PILLAY (711006 5130 08 0), FLAT 2 SANDALHURST AMPTHILL AVE BENONI; (3) Final Order: 4 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI. T254/18—(2) PETRUS STEPHANUS GROBLER (800720 5050 08 8), 189 ATTIE STREET CLAREMONT PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 9 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T0465/12—(2) RITCHIE: LANCE LOWDEN (670128 5109 08 5), KING WILLOW CRES 5, RANDYESFONTEIN, MIDRAND; (3) Final Order: 14 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T968/15—(2) BISSETT: MARK GEORGE FINLEY (731107 5204 08 5), 39 PIKKEWYN AVENUE, BIRCH ACRES, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 29 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T0428/18—(2) JACOBS: PHILIPPES PETRUS AND XENIA (660822 5245 08 7 AND 670817 0145 08 2), MEARASTREET 1244, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1727/17—(2) SUPERIOUS TRADING 157 (PTY) LTD (2013/150395/07), 821 PARK STREET, CLYDESDALE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1875/17—(2) OOSTHUIZEN: JAN JOHANNES AND ELIZABETH (670218 5020 08 3 AND 681016 0227 08 4), 144 KRUGER AVENUE, LYTTLETON , PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 10 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2787/17—(2) LEKGOTLA: MASHITA MONICCA (750309 0392 08 1), 249 VILLAGE STREET, MIDRAND, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 27 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T1800/16—(2) MNTHIYALE JABULANI CHRISTOPHER (760731 5307 08 7), UNIT 12 FLAT 112, PARKHOLM, 363 SKINNER STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1569/17—(2) BOUCHER: CLIFFORD BENJAMIN (780629 5061 08 2), NEALE WEG 114, ROSE ACRES, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 11 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T1800/16—(2) MNTHIYALE JABULANI CHRISTOPHER (760731 5307 08 7), UNIT 12 FLAT 112, PARKHOLM, 363 SKINNER STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T429/17—(2) THOMS JESICA (890720 0026 08 4), 504 27TH AVENUE, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3756/12—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT: PETRUS JOHANNES JEREMIAS AND ANITA ALLETA (6310285120081 AND 7606122017085), 38 ELANDSRAND DRIVE, ELANDSRAND, CARLETONVILLE, JHB; (3) Final Order: 8 August 2012 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T0160/18—(2) HEUNIS: LEON ARNAUD AND ROSINA CATHARINA (510117 5034 08 2 AND 521027 0032 08 9), SEILENROCK STRAAT 3, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP; (3) Final Order: 21 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: KLERKSDORP. T1860/11—(2) KRUGER: PIETER HENDRIK AND CHARMAINE (6406155203089 AND 6701150117080), 25 VILLA ARTE STREET, JAN NIEMAND PARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 16 October 2009 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0250/18—(2) COETZEE: LEON AND MARIA ALETTA (590420 5025 08 1 AND 630321 0100 08 9), LOUISA STRAAT 49B, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PALM RIDGE. T3320/17—(2) MALAKOOT ASSET RISK PROTECTION (PTY) LTD (2013/070323/07), 267 WEST AVENUE, DIE HOEWES, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 17 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 126 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T248/18—(2) BOTES: CHARLOTTE ANGELINA (690708 0095 08 6), 04 STRYDOM ROAD, RIETONDALE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 2 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2387/10—(2) WESTSIDE TRADING 494 (PTY) LTD (2005/029507/07), 609 OUPAD AND VAN BEETHOVEN; (3) Final Order: 2 February 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1697/17—(2) KROUCAMP: WILLEM JACOBUS (580402 5163 08 0), 565 WILLOWDENE ROAD, DIE WILGERS, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1846/16—(2) MOTLEKAR ROOF AND FILE (PTY) LTD (2010/019657/07), 562 MAIN ROAD, ERASMIA,, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 1 June 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1668/17—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN: IAN AND CHANTELLE (8909165032081 AND 9204220026081), POPULIERSTRAAT 11, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: RANDFONTEIN. T1915/17—(2) BOSMAN: JAN HARMS (730603 5042 08 8), 369 BRITSWEG, AKASIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 11 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0429/18—(2) VAN DER SPUY: BELINDA ALHEA (710806 0226 08 5), 499 PAGEL STREET, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PRETORIA NORTH. T3056/16—(2) DUBE ALLEN (720310 6688 08 1), 4 SKINNER AVENUE, FOURWAYS, JHB; (3) Final Order: 25 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T1650/17—(2) BOTHA: TRENTON PAUL (800115503087), 5 MONTE TOSCANA, DOUGLAS WEG 28, BEDFORDVIEW, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T0428/18—(2) JACOBS: PHILIPPES PETRUS AND XENIA (660822 5245 08 7 AND 670817 0145 08 2), MEARASTREET 1244, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T729/18—(2) ROYAL HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (2004/017495/07), 876 PRETORIUS STREET, ARCADIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1697/17—(2) KROUCAMP: WILLEM JACOBUS (5804025163080), 565 WILLOWDENE ROAD, DIE WILGERS, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0328/18—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN: GERHARD (790626 5081 084), FLUFFTAIL STREET 21, FALCONRIDGE, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 5 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: VEREENIGING. T2387/10—(2) WESTSIDE TRADING 494 (PTY) LTD (2005/029507/07), 609 OUPAD AND VAN BEETHOVEN; (3) Final Order: 2 February 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1860/11—(2) KRUGER: PIETER HENDRIK AND CHARMAINE (640615 5203 08 9 AND 670115 0117 08 0), 25 VILLA ARTE STREET, JAN NIEMAND PARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 16 October 2009 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3400/16—(2) GRANVILLE NICHOLSON FAMILIE TRUST (PTY) LTD (1970/008798/07), NDR GEBOU 5DE LAAN 7, NABOOMSPRUIT; (3) Final Order: 14 January 2009 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: MOKGOPONG. T0440/18—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT: MARINDA (760422 0060 08 3), EMERALD GARDENS 103, FOURIESBURG STREET 3, ROOIHUISKRAAL NORTH, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0176/18—(2) SMITH: STEPHEN JAMES AND MICHELLE LEE (880902 5027 08 3 AND 891116 0011 08 6), 18 CHRISTIAAN DE WET STREET, DUNCANVILLE, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: VEREENIGING. T0620/18—(2) SHABALALA FREEDOM CULUKWAZI NTOKOZO (780616 5199 08 7), 24998 DRAGON FRUIT STREET, PROTEA GLEN EXT 28, SOWETO; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T127/18—(2) JOUBERT: ANN JOSEPHINE AND RANDAL MARK (620630 5215 08 6 AND 741110 0174 08 7), 60 CHIANTI LEEUWKOP ROAD, SUNNINGHILL, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 14 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T968/15—(2) BISSETT: MARK GEORGE FINLEY (731107 5204 08 5), 39 PIKKEWYN AVENUE, BIRCH ACRES, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 29 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK.

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T921/15—(2) PERFECTA TECHNICAL PRECISION WORKS (PTY) LTD (2001/006085/07), 350 ALWYN STREET WALTLOO EXT 1 PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 2 July 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 7 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T731/18—(2) GRAYSTON PROP NUMBER 001 (PTY) LTD (1998/015184/07), 876 PRETORIUS STREET ARCADIA PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T84/18—(2) SUNSHINE STREET INVESTMENTS 28 (PTY) LTD (2002/004533/07), 287 LYNWOOD ROAD, MENLO PARK; (3) Final Order: 23 January 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. G983-2016—(2) REINSURANCE SOLUTIONS (PTY) PTY (2002/030741/07), BLOCK A KINGSLEY OFFICE PARK 85 PROTEA RD CHISLEHURSTON SANDTON; (3) Final Order: 28 April 2016 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 9 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE COURT. G931-2017—(2) GREEFSPAN COMMUNITY SOLAR (PTY) LTD (2015/424345/07), 4TH FLOOR GLOBAL HOUSE 28 STURDEE AVE ROSEBANK; (3) Final Order: 4 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G911-2017—(2) SEDGE ENERGY 4 (RF) (PTY) LTD (2012/208268/07), 4TH FLOOR GLOBAL HOUSE 28 STURDEE AVENUE ROSEBANK; (3) Final Order: 4 October 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G20642-2014—(2) JENNIFER KALAIVANI NAIDOO (6805010326086), 212 BERGHILL 3RD AVENUE FLORIDA; (3) Final Order: 14 August 2015 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 August 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G1189-2017—(2) NOVELWAY INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (1996/000614/07), STANDARD BANK CENTRE, SIMMONDS STR, 9TH FLR JOHANNESBURG 2001; (3) Final Order: 13 December 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G1183-2017—(2) NADINA LAURA SINEQUAN (6807300105089), NORTHCLIFF EXT 2, 2374; (3) Final Order: 16 November 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G983-2016—(2) REINSURANCE SOLUTIONS (PTY) PTY (2002/030741/07), BLOCK A KINGSLEY OFFICE PARK 85 PROTEA RD CHISLEHURSTON SANDTON; (3) Final Order: 28 April 2016 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 9 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE COURT. G561-2017—(2) MY KAROO (PTY) LTD (2015/301847/07), 11 SCHOEMAN STREET, DE RUST WESTERN CAPE 6650; (3) Final Order: 27 June 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G272-2018—(2) IRCA VEREENIGING (PTY) LTD (1995/008077/07), 381 ONTDEKKERS ROAD, FLORIDA PARK EXT . ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G542-2018—(2) WISHBONE CAFE AND BISTRO (PTY) LTD (2016/384573/07), 85 8TH STREET, PARKMORE SANDTON GAUTENG 2010; (3) Final Order: 3 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G900-2016—(2) STORM VAN VUUREN ILANDI (7803080114085), 60 SILVERSTONE, ROOITOU AVE WELTEVREDEN PARK 1709; (3) Final Order: 30 August 2016 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 6 August 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G568-2017—(2) BM MOLEFI PROPERTIES 241 (PTY) LTD (2005/036295/07), 03 ISLE OF HOUGHON CNR, BOUNDARY AND CARSE O’GOWRIE PARKTOWN GAUTENG; (3) Final Order: 29 November 2016 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G221-2018—(2) AUDAGNOTTI CHASE GINO (8808105079089), N/A; (3) Final Order: 2 February 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G42-2018—(2) MASINGITA ESTATES PTY LTD (2001/006268/07), 27 NULBERRY GARDENS, VAN VUUREN STREET, ALLENS NEK ROODEPOORT GAUTENG 1373; (3) Final Order: 19 January 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTARTE. G91-2018—(2) CLOVERDENE EXT 8-1509 (PTY) LTD (2005/0355849/07), 25 ESTHER ROAD MARISTER BENONI; (3) Final Order: 29 January 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, BENONI MAGISTRATE. T20714/14—(2) WESSEL JOHANNES STEPHANUS & MONIQUE VILJOEN (810330 5108 08 0 & 820126 0120 08 0), 7 KEURBOOM FLATS FIFTH AVENUE WONDERBOOM SUID PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 13 October 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T183/18—(2) MADELEIN OOSTHUIZEN (751113 0091 08 4), 15 PROTEA STREET WEST VILLAGE DRIEFONTEIN GERMISTON; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE GERMISTON. G613-2018—(2) AFRASIA CORPORATE FINANCE (PTY) LTD (2015/108968/07), BUILDING 2 COMMERCE SQUARE, 39 RIVONIA RD, SANDHURST GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 20 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G621-2018—(2) 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP TICKETING (PTY) LTD (2008/024962/07), SAFA HOUSE, 76 NASREC ROAD, NASREC EXT 3, 2013; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB.

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G523-2018—(2) CREATIVE RIDES ADVETISING (PTY) LTD (2015/056699/07), 57 LOWER MOUNT STREET, KING WILLIAMS TOWN; (3) Final Order: 17 January 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G601-2018—(2) ENCANTADOR (PTY) LTD (2014/195685/07), 75 DU PRESS STREET, HEIDELBURG GAUTENG 1438; (3) Final Order: 20 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 9 June 2018, 11:00, HEIDELBURG MAGISTRATE. G618-2018—(2) BXB PROJECTS (PTY) LTD (2014/120174/07), NO 2 MURATI PLACE, HURLINGHAM MANOR, SADNTON GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G904-2017—(2) DK PTTS (PTY) LTD (2005/028677/07), 16 GRAYVILLEA STREET, MEYERSDAL ALBERTON; (3) Final Order: 5 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, PALMRIDGE MAGISTRATE. G311-2017—(2) ELIZABETH CASSANDRA GOUWS (4503280092080), 9 WANTAGE ROAD PARKWOOD; (3) Final Order: 26 March 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G615-2018—(2) FAR EAST SOURCING (PTY) LTD (2012/099908/07), 225 VALLEY CENTRE, 396 JAN MUTS AVE, CRAIGHALL PARK, GAUTENG 2096; (3) Final Order: 29 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G628-2018—(2) THEMBA BENEDICT LANGA (6610025425083), 1163 HEUWEL AVENUE, FLORIDA HILLS ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 31 May 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G616-2018—(2) FOAMPAK ZARLIT (PTY) LTD (2008/027943/07), 65, 11TH ROAD KEW GAUTENG 2090; (3) Final Order: 29 June 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. T0629/18—(2) Geovision South Africa (Pty) Ltd (2001/013209/07), 81 Mustang Ave Pierre van Ryneveld; (3) Final Order: 19 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. G24-2017—(2) CYNDARA 189 (PTY) LTD (2010/005298/07), 26 DALE LACE AVENUE RANDBURG; (3) Final Order: 1 December 2015 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G610-2018—(2) RMS PROPERTY AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD (1990/000630/07), BIULDING 32 , WATERFORD OFFICE PARK, WATERFORD DRIVE DOUGLASDALE, GAUTENG 2021; (3) Final Order: 22 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G611-2018—(2) OOSTHUYZEN GIDEON PHILIPPUS & MAACHTELO GERTRUIDA (6104245186 089 & 630416 0021 085), 15 GEORGE HERIOT STREET, NIGEL GAUTENG; (3) Final Order: 20 April 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, NIGEL MAGISTRATE. T0116/18—(2) AUCAMPT: EUGENE HENDRIK GERHARDUS (880607 5164 08 9), DINETTE PARK 8, HELGARD STREET 12, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD EXT 15,; (3) Final Order: 16 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 30 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0116/18—(2) AUCAMPT: EUGENE HENDRIK GERHARDUS (880607 5164 08 9), DINETTE PARK 8, HELGARD STREET 12, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD EXT 15,; (3) Final Order: 16 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 30 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. G279-2013—(2) LEPELESANE STEPHEN NONYANE (640208536308), 17306 MOHLONO CRECSENT VOSLOORUS EXT 25; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2013 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 August 2018, 11:30, BOKSBURG MAGISTRATE. G629-2018—(2) OLEO LUBRICANTS (PTY) LTD (2016/054515/07), 103 MARAIS STREET, HEIDELBURG GAUTENG 1441; (3) Final Order: 6 June 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 11:00, HEIDELBURG MAGISTRATE. T2017/17—(2) MAROELANA SENTRUM (PTY) LTD (1993/000513/07), CO WESSELS GROUP PRO EQUITY COURT, UNIT G1 1250 PRETORIUS STREET, HATFIELD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 25 April 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1668/17—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN: IAN AND CHANTELLE (890916 5032 08 1 AND 920422 0026 08 1), POPULIERSTRAAT 11, GREENHILLS, RANDFONTEIN; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: RANDFONTEIN. T127/18—(2) JOUBERT: ANN JOSEPHINE AND RANDAL MARK (620630 5215 08 6 AND 741110 0174 08 7), 60 CHIANTI LEEUWKOP ROAD, SUNNINGHILL, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 14 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T0160/18—(2) HEUNIS: LEON ARNAUD AND ROSINA CATHARINA (510117 5034 08 2 AND 521027 0032 08 9), SEILENROCK STRAAT 3, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP; (3) Final Order: 21 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: KLERKSDORP. T0176/18—(2) SMITH: STEPHEN JAMES AND MICHELLE LEE (880902 5027 08 3 AND 891116 0011 08 6), 18 CHRISTIAAN DE WET STREET, DUNCANVILLE, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: VEREENIGING. T0328/18—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN: GERHARD (790626 5081 084), FLUFFTAIL STREET 21, FALCONRIDGE, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 5 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: VEREENIGING.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 131

T0250/18—(2) COETZEE: LEON AND MARIA ALETTA (590420 5025 08 1 AND 630321 0100 08 9), LOUISA STRAAT 49B, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PALM RIDGE. T0429/18—(2) VAN DER SPUY: BELINDA ALHEA (710806 0226 08 5), 499 PAGEL STREET, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PRETORIA NORTH. T248/18—(2) BOTES: CHARLOTTE ANGELINA (690708 0095 08 6), 04 STRYDOM ROAD, RIETONDALE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 2 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2017/17—(2) MAROELANA SENTRUM (PTY) LTD (1993/000513/07), CO WESSELS GROUP PRO EQUITY COURT, UNIT G1 1250 PRETORIUS STREET, HATFIELD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 25 April 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T127/18—(2) JOUBERT: ANN JOSEPHINE AND RANDAL MARK (620630 5215 08 6 AND 741110 0174 08 7), 60 CHIANTI LEEUWKOP ROAD, SUNNINGHILL, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 14 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T729/18—(2) ROYAL HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (2004/017495/07), 876 PRETORIUS STREET, ARCADIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T429/17—(2) THOMS JESICA (890720 0026 08 4), 504 27TH AVENUE, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1800/16—(2) MNTHIYALE JABULANI CHRISTOPHER (760731 5307 08 7), UNIT 12 FLAT 112, PARKHOLM, 363 SKINNER STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2387/10—(2) WESTSIDE TRADING 494 (PTY) LTD (2005/029507/07), 609 OUPAD AND VAN BEETHOVEN; (3) Final Order: 2 February 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. G568-2017—(2) BM MOLEFI PROPERTIES 241 (PTY) LTD (2005/036295/07), 03 ISLE OF HOUGHON CNR BOUNDARY AND CARSE O’GOWRIE PARKTOWN GAUTENG; (3) Final Order: 29 November 2016 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. T576/16—(2) JOOSTE: GERRIT (800813 5015 08 4), 10 VELDKORNET STREET, ANNLIN SINOVILLE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 16 March 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0250/18—(2) COETZEE: LEON AND MARIA ALETTA (590420 5025 08 1 AND 630321 0100 08 9), LOUISA STRAAT 49B, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PALM RIDGE. T3320/17—(2) MALAKOOT ASSET RISK PROTECTION (PTY) LTD (2013/070323/07), 267 WEST AVENUE, DIE HOEWES, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 17 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T546/16—(2) PILLAY: PAM CLAIRE (760802 0082 08 0), 107 LECHEN PLACE, 269 GLOVER AVENUE, DIE HOEWES, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 1 April 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2387/10—(2) WESTSIDE TRADING 494 (PTY) LTD (2005/029507/07), 609 OUPAD AND VAN BEETHOVEN; (3) Final Order: 2 February 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. G637-2018—(2) ZWELOTHANDO MINERAL AND RESOURCE (PTY) LTD (2009/023158/07), 61 BOWLING AVENUE, MORNINGSIDE MANOR, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 22 May 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. T1860/11—(2) KRUGER: PIETER HENDRIK AND CHARMAINE (640615 5203 08 9 AND 670115 0117 08 0), 25 VILLA ARTE STREET, JAN NIEMAND PARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 16 October 2009 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2125/15—(2) USN NATURAL WELLNESS (PTY) LTD (2004/010207/07), 97 SOVEREIGN DRIVE ROUTE 21, CORPORATE PARK IRENE X31, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 17 June 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3400/16—(2) GRANVILLE NICHOLSON FAMILIE TRUST (PTY) LTD (1970/008798/07), NDR GEBOU 5DE LAAN 7, NABOOMSPRUIT; (3) Final Order: 14 January 2009 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: MOKGOPONG. T0429/18—(2) VAN DER SPUY: BELINDA ALHEA (710806 0226 08 5), 499 PAGEL STREET, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PRETORIA NORTH. T0440/18—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT: MARINDA (760422 0060 08 3), EMERALD GARDENS 103, FOURIESBURG STREET 3, ROOIHUISKRAAL NORTH, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 132 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T1856/17—(2) K2013183734 (PTY) LTD (2013/183734/07), DRIE GEWELS BUSINESS PARK, NO 1 CLEVELAND ROAD, CLEVELAND, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 5 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1650/17—(2) BOTHA: TRENTON PAUL (800115503087), 5 MONTE TOSCANA, DOUGLAS WEG 28, BEDFORDVIEW, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T568/17—(2) STUDIO 9 DEVELOPERS (PTY) LTD (2006/028775/07), 20 HILLSIDE STREET, SILVERLAKES, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T968/15—(2) BISSETT: MARK GEORGE FINLEY (731107 5204 08 5), 39 PIKKEWYN AVENUE, BIRCH ACRES, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 29 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T0328/18—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN: GERHARD (790626 5081 084), FLUFFTAIL STREET 21, FALCONRIDGE, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 5 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: VEREENIGING. T0219/18—(2) BALLOCH TRADING (PTY) LTD (2003/001187/07), 218 ODENDAAL STREET, MEYERSPARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 13 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1727/17—(2) SUPERIOUS TRADING 157 (PTY) LTD (2013/150395/07), 821 PARK STREET, CLYDESDALE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0176/18—(2) SMITH: STEPHEN JAMES AND MICHELLE LEE (880902 5027 08 3 AND 891116 0011 08 6), 18 CHRISTIAAN DE WET STREET, DUNCANVILLE, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: VEREENIGING. T1697/17—(2) KROUCAMP: WILLEM JACOBUS (580402 5163 08 0), 565 WILLOWDENE ROAD, DIE WILGERS, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1838/15—(2) VAN ROOYEN: ELAINE (761205 0058 08 5), 99 VALLEY FARM, MOOIKLOOF RIDGE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 25 August 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1670/17—(2) BOTHA: SHAWN PIETER AND FRANCIS ELIZABETH ERICA (771024 5067 08 4 AND 790203 0201 08 1), 59 WILMA STREET, MONTCLARE, PTA; (3) Final Order: 17 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0429/18—(2) VAN DER SPUY: BELINDA ALHEA (710806 0226 08 5), 499 PAGEL STREET, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PRETORIA NORTH. T1918/17—(2) BUCHNER: CHRISTIAAN SCHARRETT (781226 5011 08 1), NO 1 IBEX PARK, THE WILDS ESTATE, PRETORIUS PARK, PRETORIUS; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0180/17—(2) NEL: LOUISA MARIA (551213 0131 08 8), 47 KREMETART STREET, AMANDASIG, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 23 February 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T248/18—(2) BOTES: CHARLOTTE ANGELINA (690708 0095 08 6), 04 STRYDOM ROAD, RIETONDALE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 2 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2037/17—(2) BRYDEN ALTA (610521 0020 08 8), 111 ALENTI ESTATE, ZEEKOEGAT; (3) Final Order: 25 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0160/18—(2) HEUNIS: LEON ARNAUD AND ROSINA CATHARINA (510117 5034 08 2 AND 521027 0032 08 9), SEILENROCK STRAAT 3, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP; (3) Final Order: 21 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: KLERKSDORP. T2078/17—(2) FRAYNE: CARL FORREST (600327 5033 08 0), 547 MOLLY RYDE STREET, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 25 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2090/17—(2) BUYS: LOUIS SCHALK (660122 5056 08 3), 35 WILLOW BROOKE, MEERLUST, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 21 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0465/12—(2) RITCHIE: LANCE LOWDEN (670128 5109 08 5), KING WILLOW CRES 5, RANDYESFONTEIN, MIDRAND; (3) Final Order: 14 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T0328/18—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN: GERHARD (790626 5081 084), FLUFFTAIL STREET 21, FALCONRIDGE, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 5 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: VEREENIGING.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 133

T3969/15—(2) FAWCETT SECURITY SERVICES (GAUTENG PROVINCE) (PTY) LTD (2015/337076/07), STAND 4924, SOSHANGUVE SOUTH EXT 4, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 31 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T130/17—(2) VAN EYK: MULDER (770610 5040 08 8), 190 MALAMALA STREET, MEADOW HEIGHTS, MORELETA PARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 18 April 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0428/18—(2) JACOBS: PHILIPPES PETRUS AND XENIA (660822 5245 08 7 AND 670817 0145 08 2), MEARASTREET 1244, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T729/18—(2) ROYAL HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (2004/017495/07), 876 PRETORIUS STREET, ARCADIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0620/18—(2) SHABALALA FREEDOM CULUKWAZI NTOKOZO (780616 5199 08 7), 24998 DRAGON FRUIT STREET, PROTEA GLEN EXT 28, SOWETO; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T1569/17—(2) BOUCHER: CLIFFORD BENJAMIN (780629 5061 08 2), NEALE WEG 114, ROSE ACRES, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 11 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T369/18—(2) CROUCAMP: DEWALD (750125 5192 08 0), 102 TAYLOR STREET, AKASIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3179/17—(2) KROOL: CHESLON ALWIN AND SHAWNESE RONELLE (761214 5145 08 7 AND 780210 0188 08 7), F1 V/D LINDE STREET, GROLERSPARK, ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 4 December 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1646/17—(2) BESTER: LEZAAN (900519 0010 08 2), 102 BISHOP BIRD STREET, ROOIHUISKRAAL NORTH, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T535/17—(2) CUMMING: TARYN ANN (880823 0273 08 6), 26 ST JOHNS WOOD, 136 BELLAIRES DRIVE, NORTH RIDING, , RANDBURG, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 31 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3756/12—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT: PETRUS JOHANNES JEREMIAS AND ANITA ALLETA (631028 5120 08 1 AND 760612 2017 08 5), 38 ELANDSRAND DRIVE, ELANDSRAND, CARLETONVILLE, JHB; (3) Final Order: 8 August 2012 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T1915/17—(2) BOSMAN: JAN HARMS (730603 5042 08 8), 369 BRITSWEG, AKASIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 11 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1875/17—(2) OOSTHUIZEN: JAN JOHANNES AND ELIZABETH (670218 5020 08 3 AND 681016 0227 08 4), 144 KRUGER AVENUE, LYTTLETON , PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 10 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. G457/2018—(2) COPY CANDY CC (2009/132753/23), Close Corporation; (3) Final Order: 19 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) —; (6) 1 August 2018, 09:00, Insolvency Magistrate, Randburg. T1800/17—(2) RUSSELL: MATTHEW JOHN AND THERESA (900511 5004 08 7 AND 910226 0017 08 7), 115 BOOYSEN STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 3 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1698/17—(2) KEEFER: LIEZL (740810 0001 08 8), 18 BONNENESS, SUMMERWAY CLOSE, LAKEFIELD, PTA; (3) Final Order: 27 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2027/17—(2) KGW CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (2013/230962/07), 38 ILKEY STREET, LYNNWOOD GLEN, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 23 January 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0360/18—(2) KRANZBERG GAME (PTY) LTD (2012/164251/07), 16 BOABAB STREET, ELDORAIGNE X11, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 24 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 21 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0258/18—(2) KINGHORN: MORNE (830311 5006 08 2), 55 SPRING VALLEY, KOLGANS STREET, MONUMENT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0319/18—(2) ROUSSEAU: ANGELIQUE (920213 0273 08 2), 700 RUBENSTEIN STREET, MORELETA PARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 6 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 21 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T319/17—(2) CONSILIA CONSULT GROUP (PTY) LTD (2005/030622/07), 4TH FLOOR, SAGE VIP BUILDING, ARAMIST STREET, MENLYN MAINE, WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2, PTA; (3) Final Order: 7 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 13 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 134 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T1597/17—(2) GROBLER: WILLEM JACOBUS (681125 5092 08 8), 861 ST BERNHARD STREET, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 21 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. B46/2018—(2) Maluti Trust (IT 1047/1998), Insolvent estate; (3) Provisional Order: 3 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 21 June 2018 (4) —; (5) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division,Bloemfontein; (6) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Master Bloemfontein. D102/2018—(2) TAKE CHARGE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2001/029493/07), 161 UMBILO ROAD, BANCO HOUSE, DURBAN; (3) Final Order: 23 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) KWAZULU - NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 8 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. N166/2018—(2) ATK IT (PTY) LTD (2013/108154/07), 3 COUNTY BUSINESS CENTRE, MAIN ROAD, UMHLALI, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION.; (5) —; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, STANGER. N167/2017—(2) FLIPPROP ESTATE AGENTS (PTY) LTD (2007/006635/07), 4 WINDSOR AVENUE, WESTVILLE, 3629; (3) Final Order: 3 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION.; (5) —; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, PINETOWN. N97/2018—(2) KAMEEL DORING TRUST (IT214/2008), 02201 121 BR 121 SUB OF METSELFONTEIN, 379 BLOODRIVIER RURAL, VRYHEID; (3) Final Order: 5 July 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, VRYHEID. N201/2017—(2) NICODEMUS THOKOZANI NTSHANGASE & PHUMELELO BROMBO MKHIZE NTSHANGASE (601114 5406 089 & 630605 0464 085), 42 KLIPRIVIER AVENUE, NCANDU PARK, NEWCASTLE, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 4 May 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 10 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG. N22/2018—(2) NAMARUKA TRUST (IT2003/1999), RIVERSIDE FARM, MOOI RIVER, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Final Order: 21 June 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, MOOI RIVER. N108/2017—(2) MARGARET IRIS CLAY BOWEN (570109 0038 082), INSOLVENTE BOEDEL; (3) Finale Bevel: 19 Julie 2017 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARTIZBURG; (6) 16 Augustus 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, PINETOWN. T184/17—(2) WERNER & CORRIE VAN WYK (791218 5230 08 2 & 900828 0043 08 8), PUSELA PLOT 410 TZANEEN; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2017 (4) —; (5) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (6) 6 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE TZANEEN. T3005/16—(2) SIYAMISANA 95 (PTY) LTD (2012/183950/07), 8 BUITEKANT STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 5 May 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MIDDELBURG. T3005/16—(2) SIYAMISANA 95 (PTY) LTD (2012/183950/07), 8 BUITEKANT STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 5 May 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MIDDELBURG. T316/15—(2) SCHOEMAN: FREDERICK DANIEL RUDOLPH AND LINDA (730113 5081 08 6 AND 701011 0056 08 4), 12 LUTTIG STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 27 February 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MIDDELBURG. T316/15—(2) SCHOEMAN: FREDERICK DANIEL RUDOLPH AND LINDA (730113 5081 08 6 AND 701011 0056 08 4), 12 LUTTIG STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 27 February 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MIDDELBURG. T3005/16—(2) SIYAMISANA 95 (PTY) LTD (2012/183950/07), 8 BUITEKANT STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 5 May 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MIDDELBURG. T316/15—(2) SCHOEMAN: FREDERICK DANIEL RUDOLPH AND LINDA (730113 5081 08 6 AND 701011 0056 08 4), 12 LUTTIG STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 27 February 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MIDDELBURG. T2925/15—(2) CANDICE BRONWEN KLOPPER (760107 0117 08 8), 73 CUCKOO AVENUE SAFARI GARDENS BRITS; (3) Final Order: 1 October 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BRITS. M000057/2015—(2) Natasha Pretorius (7908100031084), Plot A71 Barnard Vlei, Rustenburg North West Province; (3) Final Order: 27 August 2015 (4) —; (5) NORTH WEST HIGH COURT, MAHIKENG; (6) 10 August 2018, 10:00, Master,Mahikeng. Ref-C250/2018—(2) Weskuspan (pty) ltd (2013/112951/07), Shop 20, Weskus Mall, 110 Saldanha Road, VREDENBURG, W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 26 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 3 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court -VREDENBURG (HOPE FIELD). C349/2018—(2) LA Lucia HR (Pty) Ltd (1988/006900/07), 5 Cormorant Crescent, Steenberg Golf Estate, Tokai, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 23 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution: By Registrar of Companies.; (5) —; (6) 2 August 2018, 09:00, Wynberg Magistrate’s Court.

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C210/2018—(2) ORANGE MONEY MATTERS (PTY) LTD (2017/002642/07), 36 ROBYN CRESCENT, WELGELEGEN, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 18 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 12 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA-WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 3 August 2018, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C340/2018—(2) Plasto Properties 5 (Pty) Ltd (2005/005112/07), 12 Pontac Street, Paarl, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 28 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 25 June 2018 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 6 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Paarl. C848/2016—(2) BEATRICE MOKHARI (850503 1236 086), 5 HUMMINGBIRD ROAD, PELICAN PARK, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 1 August 2017; (3) Final Order: 1 August 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA- WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 2 August 2018, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATE’S COURT. Ref-C250/2018—(2) Weskuspan (pty) ltd (2013/112951/07), Shop 20,Weskus Mall, 110 Saldanha Road, VREDENBURG,W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 26 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 3 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court -VREDENBURG (HOPE FIELD). N205/2017—(2) HW YARNS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (2008/221000/23), CLOSE CORPORATION; (3) Provisional Order: 28 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 28 November 2017 (4) —; (5) —; (6) 10 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG. C219/2018—(2) OXBOW INFINITE (PTY) LTD (2016/152431/07), 6 MILLVALE HOUSE, MILLVALE, MILNERTON, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 10 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 11 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA-WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 31 July 2018, 09:00, CAPE TOWN MASTER’S OFFICE.

Form/Vorm J 29CC


The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South Africa or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No. 69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) and 77 of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 356, 375(5) (b) and 412 and 356 of the Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that persons indebted to the under- mentioned Close Corporation are required to pay their debts to the liquidator forthwith unless otherwise indicated and that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the undermentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the following purposes: (i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High Court; (ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation; (iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the nomination of a person for appointment; (iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of Close Corporation; (2) name and description of Close Corporation; (3) name and address of liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting and (5) period within which debts must be paid, if this is not done forthwith.

This gazette is also available free online at 136 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018


Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 356, 375(5)(b) 412 en 356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat persone wat enigiets aan die onderstaande Beslote Korporasie verskuldig is, onmiddellik die skuld aan die likwidateur moet betaal, tensy anders aangedui is en dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die volgende doeleindes: (i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die Hooggeregs hof ingedien is te oorweeg; (ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys; (iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir aanstelling; (iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang of te verkry. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; (2) naam en beskrywing van Beslote Korporasie; (3) naam en adres van likwidateur; (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

G225/2018—(2) Sachor Engineering CC CC, In Liquidation; (3) A Poole, Unit B5, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Street, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort; (4) 3 August 2018, 09:30, The Magistrate, Germiston. G1012/2017—(2) Bredell 1 of 429 Property and Investments CC (2008/106316/23), (In liquidation) / No 93 Bonness, Summer Way Place, Lakefield Benoni; (3) O Kotze & L B Mundalamo, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Benoni. T1037/2018—(2) Ferry Express CC (1996/002508/23), (In liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & R Sewgoolam, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G472/2018—(2) The Jewel Box Manufacturing Jewellers CC (1992/002269/23), (In liquidation) / Shop 12 Karaglen Spar, 9 Baker Street Edenglen; (3) G L S de Wet & R F Lutchman, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Germiston. G20960/2014—(2) Wilrod Metals CC (2007/225191/23), (In liquidation) / 35 Main Reef Road Primrose Germiston; (3) G L S de Wet & M A Dlavane, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Germiston. T2546/2017—(2) Tremento Trading 15 CC (2002/089337/23), (In liquidation) / 92 Kruger Street, Potchefstroom; (3) G L S de Wet & M van Rooyen, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom. G517/2018—(2) REAL ZONE IT FIRM CC (2002/095580/23), REAL ZONE IT FIRM CC, P O BOX 3868 ,MIDRAND ,1685; (3) JOHN MZIMBA, P O BOX 4277, PRETORIA, 0001; (4) 2 August 2018, 09:00, MASTER JOHANNESBURG. T728/15—(2) Ciendo 29 cc (2007/035206/23), In Liquidation; (3) JCW Roelofse & MM Mogale, P O Box 8871, Centurion, 0046; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Bela Bela. T21236/14—(2) STEP IT UP CONSTRUCTION CC (2011/089980/23), 118 KOCK STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) F LANGFORD AND K KEEVY, ARDBEG TRUSTEES, SUITE 103A WATERKLOOF GARDENS, 270 MAIN STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 0181; (4) 15 August 2018, 08:30, MAGISTRATE RUSTENBURG. T3184/2013—(2) BEAR ENGINEERING CC (1999/022483/23), 1999/022483/23; (3) F LANGFORD AND NY SERITI, ARDBEG TRUSTEES, SUITE 103A WATERKLOOF GARDENS, 270 MAIN STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 0181; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. G948/17—(2) RBG ELECTRICAL CC (In Liquidation) (1993/030212/23), 216 OAK AVENUE, FERNDALE, GAUTENG, 2036; (3) JH du Plessis & DT Majiedt, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 3 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T1197/18—(2) XYLONOR 377 CC (In Liquidation) (2001/101402/23), 323 LYNWOOD ROAD, MENLO PARK, 0081; (3) JH du Plessis & PTT MFOLOE, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 7 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Pretoria. G531/18—(2) AFRICAN GAME TROPHIES CC (In Liquidation) (1993/015987/23), SUITE 7 DENAVO HOUSE, 156 YORK STREET, KENSINGTON B, RANDBURG, 2194; (3) JH du Plessis & N Moodley, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. G1179/17—(2) AMBER CASCADES TRADING 62 CC(In Liquidation) (2004/021319/23), 48 MOLESLEY AVENUE, , 2006; (3) JH du Plessis & JF Barnard, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 3 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg.

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S11/2016—(2) BRONCO TRADING 528 CC (2007/034330/23), BRONCO TRADING 528 CC(in liquidation); (3) NOLWAZI PRECIOUS ZULU, 234 CHURCH STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) 15 August 2018, 14:00, PORT ELIZABETH (MASTER OF THE EASTERN CAPE HIGH COURT; (5) FORTHWITH. N101/2018—(2) Cold Springs Properties CC, In Liquidation; (3) A Poole, Unit B5, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Street, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate, Newcastle. D147/2017—(2) NET PROJECTS CC (1997/047825/23), In Liquidation; (3) Neil David Button and Glaudine Judith Lombard, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg 3200 and P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042; (4) 2 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Pinetown. D147/2017—(2) NET PROJECTS CC (1997/047825/23), In Liquidation; (3) Neil David Button and Glaudine Judith Lombard, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 and P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042; (4) 2 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Pinetown. D121/2018—(2) SHAMTRANS CC (1994/013687/23), 301 Inanda Road, Sea Cow Lake, Durban, 4034; (3) N CRONJE AND D VAN DER MERWE, 201 Beacon Rock, 21 Lighthouse Road, Umhlanga; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Master Durban. D118/2018—(2) THUSANANI CONSULTING CC (2005/136856/23), 2 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA RIDGE DRIVE, UMHLANGA ROCKS; (3) N CRONJE AND N.A.M TSHIVHASE, 201 Beacon Rock, 21 Lighthouse Road, Umhlanga; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Master Durban. N43/2018/PMB—(2) MARGATE PANEATERS AND REFINISHERS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK1987/016189/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) J W E MADDOCKS, POSTNET SUITE 47, PRIVATE BAG X01, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, PORT SHEPSTONE. T857/11—(2) Future Perfect Investra 71 CC (2006/098010/23), In Liquidation; (3) PJC Van Staden & B Mphokane, Unit F 04 First Floor, 14 12th Street, Menlo Park; (4) 13 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Witrivier. T3445/16—(2) Specam 10 CC (2008/174441/23), In Liquidation; (3) PJC Van Staden & AN Ndayamara, Unit F 04 First Floor, 14 12th Street, Menlo Park; (4) 13 August 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Nelspruit. T800/18—(2) Jackes Steel and Premix CC (1997/057750/23), In Liquidation; (3) M Haywood & ER Smith, P.O. Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027; (4) 13 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Nelspruit.

Form/Vorm 1


Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) name and address of trustee or liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting; (5) period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

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Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal, tensy anders vermeld. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, tyd en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou; en op ander plekke voor die Landdros.

T2654/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: BESTER CHARL (630114 5115 081); (3) PAULA ALEXANDRA F BEZUIDENHOUT, P O Box 10333, Fonteinriet, 1464; (4) 7 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of The High Court Pretoria. G1186/2016—(2) 4th Dimension Research and Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg. T406/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Renier Barnard & Chantal Barnard; (3) G L S de Wet & M E Sello, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G1012/2017—(2) Bredell 1 of 429 Property and Investments CC (In Liquidation); (3) O Kotze & L M Mundalamo, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Benoni. G85/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Benjamin Johannes Beytel & Jacqueline Beytel; (3) G L S de Wet & R Maharaj, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T2419/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johan Christiaan Gouws & Maryna Marie Gouws; (3) G L S de Wet & J T Leso, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 17 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1139/2017—(2) Insolvente Boedel: Christiaan Cornelius Grobler; (3) O Kotze & L Venter, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom. G231/2017—(2) Indyebo Consulting (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet, T Medupe & F Serithi, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 15 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg. G343/2017—(2) Mean Mr Mustard CC (2000/067705/23) (In Liquidation); (3) O Kotze & T V Matsepe, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Roodepoort. T2776/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nicolaas Cornelius Meiring; (3) A B Shaban & J Brown, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T2899/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Carminni Padayachy; (3) V A Tsopotsa & S F Margolis-Pantelias, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. G410/2016—(2) Perceptions Packaging and Design (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontin 2094; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T1037/2018—(2) Ferry Express CC (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & R Segoolam, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1928/2017—(2) Insolvente Boedel: Annemarie Roodt; (3) V A Tsopotsa & F Gani, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 17 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1041/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Richard Abbie Skosana & Nhlanhla Happiness Mahlangu; (3) G L S de Wet & T Oosthuizen, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 15 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Middelburg (MP). G670/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marius Spies; (3) A B Shaban & E J Jacobs, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni. G472/2018—(2) The Jewel Box Manufacturing Jewellers CC (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & R F Lutchman, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Germiston. T2550/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Johannes Jan Mathys van der Merwe; (3) G L S de Wet & L van der Merwe, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. G1412/2012—(2) Unusual Destinations (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) A B Shaban & K S Mahlangu, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G20960/2014—(2) Wilrod Metals CC (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & M A Dlavane, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Germiston.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 139

T2546/2017—(2) Tremento Trading 15 CC (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & M van Rooyen, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom. T1858/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Martheunis Johannes Potgieter & Adel Potgieter; (3) G L S de Wet & D Appavoo (co JZH Muller), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 17 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Witbank (Emalahleni). T0182/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Christoffel de Beer; (3) G L S de Wet & A Darmalingham (co R Parbhoo), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3210/17—(2) Milnex 225 CC (2004/095364/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Terence Morrison, 40 8th Avenue Parktown North Johannesburg; (4) 27 August 2018, 10:00, North Gauteng Master of the High Court Pretoria. G517/18—(2) REAL ZONE IT FIRM CC (2002/095580/23) (In Liquidation); (3) NJ MZIMBA, P O BOX 4277, PRETORIA , 0001; (4) 2 August 2018, 09:00, MASTER JOHANNESBURG; (5) 0. G820/2016—(2) Msweli Industrial Projects (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & N E Ramapuputla, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 20 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T1429/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: MARITZA BEKKER (830722 0349 08 9); (3) CHARLOTTE PELSER, 41 VINDHELLA ROAD, VALHALLA, PRETORIA; (4) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. G170/2018—(2) Pafuri Camp (Pty) Ltd (1995/005788/07) (In Liquidation); (3) GN Ngobeni, 117 Phula Lodge, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria; (4) 1 August 2018, 10:00, Randburg. G1864/2010—(2) MBROS (PTY) LTD (2006/025212/07) (In Liquidation); (3) HJT ELOFF & MWH MATHIBEDI, P O Box 2190 JHB 2000; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. T960/17—(2) P K SECURITY SERVICES (PTY) LTD (1998/003979/07) (In Liquidation); (3) TM RAMODIKE & HM HAMMAN, P O Box 2190 JHB 2000; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T1622/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ruvern Mario Muller (641025 5108 081); (3) M Moledi, P O Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059; (4) 7 August 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. T639/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nyembe, Christina Soneni (670219 0059 08 4); (3) SO Beauchamp, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G436/2018—(2) Inagystix (Pty) Ltd (2013/102891/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MR Benninghoff, GDS Ramalho & AAG Khammissa, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 30 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T334/16—(2) Philver Services (Pty) Ltd (2002/003168/07) (In Liquidation); (3) AW Van Rooyen & WF Langson, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 14 September 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. G936/2017—(2) I/E: BIZ AFRIKA 991(Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (1999/010327/07) (In Liquidation); (3) W M MAGAGANE, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 23 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G601/2012—(2) Terry’s Gardens & Maintenance CC (2000/009522/23) (In Liquidation); (3) A Moollajie, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Court, Brits. T1361/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: ANTONIETTE DAVINA DE PHINO (8209290876084); (3) JM DAMONS, Po Box 12224, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 2 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT. T2675/15—(2) UTAFUTAJI 75 (PTY) LTD (2009/020047/07) (In Liquidation); (3) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196; (4) 2 August 2018, 10:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T0655/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: - (6610265009084); (3) JCW Roelofse & MP Raath, P O Box 8871 , Centurion , 0046; (4) 3 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Modimolle. T21045/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van Zyl, Johannes Jurgens (6803065098080); (3) JCW Roelofse & JJ De Gama, PO Box 8871, Centurion, 0046; (4) 10 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Ermelo. T0813/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mnisi, Lethuxolo Joshua & Glry Khonji (7706115256088 & 7002010285087); (3) JCW Roelofse & KR Vengadesan, P O Box 8871 , Centurion , 0046; (4) 7 August 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. T728/15—(2) Ciendo 29 cc (2007/035206/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JCW Roelofse & MM Mogale, P O Box 8871 , Centurion , 0046; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Bela Bela. T1412/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hawker, Joslin (7502215161082); (3) JC Kloppers-Lourens, P O Box 8871 , Centurion , 0046; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. G1084/2017—(2) Lining and General (Pty) Ltd (2012/057184/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JCW Roelofse and SM Rampoporo, P O Box 8871 , Centurion , 0046; (4) 9 August 2018, 11:30, Magistrate Boksburg. T21236/14—(2) STEP IT UP CONSTRUCTION CC (2011/089980/23) (In Liquidation); (3) F LANGFORD & K KEEVY, ARDBEG TRUSTEES, POSTNET SUITE 162, PRIVATE BAG X1, THE WILLOWS, 0041; (4) 15 August 2018, 08:30, MAGISTRATE RUSTENBURG. T704/17—(2) Mega Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd (2015/048397/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MJD Breytenbach/JN Mahanyele, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 13 August 2018, 10:00, Master Nelspruit. T4092/15—(2) Proziplex (Pty) Ltd (2011/007361/07) (In Liquidation); (3) ST Kekana, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. G553/2015—(2) BPM CONSULTING (PTY) LTD (2006/028273/07) (In Liquidation); (3) F LANGFORD & MS MOTIMELE, ARDBEG TRUSTEES, POSTNET SUITE 162, PRIVATE BAG X1, THE WILLOWS, 0041; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE, RANDBURG. T2059/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: CHARMAINE CHRISTA OOSTHUIZEN (77091600200986); (3) FRANS LANGFORD & JUNITA CAROLINA KLOPPERS-LOURENS, SUITE 103A WATERKLOOF GARDENS, 270 MAIN STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; (4) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 140 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T2020/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: JOHAN LUKAS DE WET & ANTIONETTE DE WET (8301205113081 & 8905250068089); (3) FRANS LANGFORD & JOHN GINO ADOLPH, SUITE 103A WATERKLOOF GARDENS, 270 MAIN STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE FOCHVILLE. T1696/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: JOHN & JOHANNA PETRONELLA DE WET (500724 5023 080 & 541227 0095 088); (3) FRANS LANGFORD & HEILA MAGDALENA HAMMAN, ARDBEG TRUSTEES, POSTNET SUITE 162, PRIVATE BAG X1, THE WILLOWS, 0041; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. T22588/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charles Johannes Beaurain & Maria Cornelia Venter (520813 5011 082 & 541026 0106 089); (3) A.D. McQuarrie, P.O. Box 1161, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 13 August 2018, 10:00, Master Nelspruit. T3184/2013—(2) BEAR ENGINEERING CC (1999/022483/23) (In Liquidation); (3) F LANGFORD & NY SERITI, ARDBEG TRUSTEES, POSTNET SUITE 162, PRIVATE BAG X1, THE WILLOWS, 0041; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T1605/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Roy Patterson (590524 5241 083); (3) Izak Boshoff & Jerry Sekete Koka, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 7 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Kempton Park. T1571/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Martin Johannes & Beatrix Smith (730621 5157 086 & 720517 0095 085); (3) Zaheer Cassim, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. T1275/2016—(2) Home By MCA (Pty) Ltd (2005/001887/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Daniese Elaine Steyn, 74 General Kock Road, Maroelana, Pretoria; (4) 7 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court Kempton Park. T1895/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Amanda Sandra Grundling (640408 0011 081); (3) P Maree & P T T Mfoloe, 542 Petronella Street, Garsfontein, 0042; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Pretoria; (5) N/a. T896/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: MLUNGISI TREVOR ZWANE (800505 5778 089); (3) ME SYMES, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 22 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. G163/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: HENNIE DE BEER (780216 5132 087); (3) ME SYMES & ST KEKANA, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 22 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: RANDFONTEIN. T3142/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: KIM CAROL FOX (670721 0056 085); (3) ME SYMES & ME RETIEF, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: RANDBURG. T1415/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: KC WHISTON (8006060029088); (3) R Stockhoff & MH Motala, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, PALM RIDGE. T2893/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: FJ VAN STADEN (8203045107085); (3) R Stockhoff & TV Odell, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, PRETORIA. G457/2018—(2) COPY CANDY CC (2009/132753/23) (In Liquidation); (3) A I Surmany/S J Lapoorta, RMG Trust CC P O Box 783601 Sandton 2146; (4) 1 August 2018, 09:00, Insolvency Magistrate, Randburg. T2823/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: KRIEK LEON GERHARDUS & JE TAIME (780724 5028 080 & 800630 0023 081); (3) Paula Alexandra Bezuidenhout, P O Box 10333, Fonteinriet, 1464; (4) 30 August 2018, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T2527/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: WEWEGE JOHANNES MARTHINUS & CHARMAINE MARY (630222 5120 082 & 591129 0003 089); (3) PAULA ALEXANDRA F BEZUIDENHOUT, P O Box 10333, Fonteinriet, 1464; (4) 6 September 2018, 11:30, Magistrate Boksburg. G23/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: EUGENE & AMELDA STEENKAMP (680426 5264 084 & 690305 0201 085); (3) D ENSLIN, C/O 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 0159; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. T2634/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: MALATSOANE MASHATOLE ISAIAH & MARGARETH DIMAKATSO (690506 5422 085 & 871017 0801 084); (3) PAULA ALEXANDRA F BEZUIDENHOUT, P O Box 10333, Fonteinriet, 1464; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Germiston. T1925/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: MULLER CHRISTIAAN HENDRIK (740911 5279 081); (3) PAULA ALEXANDRA F BEZUIDENHOUT, P O Box 10333, Fonteinriet, 1464; (4) 20 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Pretoria. T2450/17—(2) Insolvente Boedel: JOHANNES GERHARDUS & MARLENE JUDY LYONS (840613 5096 080 & 891219 0287 084); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL & GLAUDINE JUDITH LOMBARD & MICHELLE MICHAEL, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 22 Augustus 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF PRETORIA; (5) 2018-08-22. 22274/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: HARRINGTON ZELMARIE (8408150172085); (3) KGATLE LOUISA SELINA, 417 SAVANNA COUNTRY ESTATE;CNR SOLOMON MAHLANGU & BRONKHORSPRUIT ROAD; PRETORIA; (4) 23 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. G1073/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Taazmin Mahomed (670311 0151 05 0); (3) G.I Smit & H.A Plaatjies, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg. T2545/15—(2) Insolvente Boedel: PAUL STEFANUS DE BRUYN (801128 5003 082); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL & NARAN MAHARAJH, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 22 Augustus 2018, 10:00, LANDDROSHOF MIDDELBURG; (5) 2018-08-22. T1707/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marius van Zyl (911217 5032 08 9); (3) Louise Muller and Mosa Moledi, P.O. Box 38991, Garsfontein East 0060; (4) 9 August 2018, 10:00, Master: Pretoria. T2637/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Henry Christie and Nicolene van Onselen (741007 5154 08 2 & 750115 0073 08 8); (3) Louise Muller & Ahmed Moosa Gani Suliman, P.O. Box 38991, Garsfontein East 0060; (4) 9 August 2018, 10:00, Master: Pretoria. T84/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: C DU PLESSIS (8708270072085); (3) R Stockhoff & MP Dibete, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 141

T1438/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: GJ & E GROENEWALD (8912215060086 & 8806280043086); (3) R Stockhoff & RG Mahomed, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, VEREENIGING. G925/201—(2) RIZO TRADING (PTY) LTD (2015/145125/07) (In Liquidation); (3) HASHIM YUNUS ISMAIL AND JOHANNA THORISO LESO, 223 BRONKHORST STREET, UNIT 9 PARKLANDS, BROOKLYN, 0181; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. M39/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Herman & Nicita Viljoen; (3) M. Dowries, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739; (4) 8 August 2018, 08:30, The Magistrate Rustenburg. T1845/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: A & H ENSLIN (6903285131081 & 7402020065083); (3) R Stockhoff & MB Ngutshane, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, PRETORIA. T2353/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: JC GEYER (4302025033081); (3) R Stockhoff & M Erasmus, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, VEREENIGING. T4800/11—(2) Insolvente Boedel: JOHANNES NEL & MANDY FAY WESSELS (660823 5006 08 1 & 661031 0058 08 6); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 22 Augustus 2018, 09:00, LANDDROSHOF ROODEPOORT; (5) 2018-08-22. T1663/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: MR FLYNN (8510095122081); (3) R Stockhoff & GM Van Tonder, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 09:00, MEYERTON. T699/17—(2) SONIC AUTO BODY (PTY) LTD (2012/214825/07) (In Liquidation); (3) R Stockhoff & PJC Van Staden, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 9 August 2018, 09:00, PRETORIA NORTH. T3073/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: R ROOS (9003315101084); (3) R Stockhoff, K Van der Westhuizen & FH Suliman, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, VEREENIGING. C709/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacqui Maria Rens (7403060088084); (3) Mrs. T. Hill, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore- North, Krugersdorp, 1739; (4) 2 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Wynberg. T632/2016—(2) NIKKEL TRADING 119 (PTY) LTD (2005/017757/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & MM Mogale (co ML Ledwaba), Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1484/2017—(2) THE COMPANY SPECIALIST (PTY) LTD (2012/227023/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & MM Baloyi, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 29 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T21251—(2) LEBEA THATO JACOB (3710095566087) (In Liquidation); (3) GDS RAMALHO, 2 Riana Avenue, Northcliff, Ext 16; (4) 1 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T1863/11—(2) Insolvente Boedel: FLORIS ANDRIES JOHANNES LOURENS (690208 5174 08 5); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 20 Augustus 2018, 10:00, LANDDROSHOF BRITS; (5) 2018-08-20. T2159/2015—(2) DAJ EXECUTIVE INSURANCE BROKERS (PTY) LTD (2007/034704/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & SJ McKenzie, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 31 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1582/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: AL & EC ANDREWS (7601025251081 & 7408160155089); (3) R Stockhoff & EG Sebastian, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 09:30, KRUGERSDORP. G583/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nthabiseng Moabi (8206070377085); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni. T1433/17—(2) Insolvente Boedel: WILLIAM FREDERICK & LAURENCE ENGELBRECHT (640922 5025 086 & 720510 0065 083); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL & BETHUEL BILLYBOY MAHLATSI, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 21 Augustus 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF JOHANNESBURG; (5) 2018-08-21. T0452/2018—(2) EAM 1(PTY) LTD (2015/189557/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & Karen van Niekerk, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 28 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1628/2017—(2) INYATHI INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2008/000194/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & ATA Galeng, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 17 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T3445/2017—(2) LANDMARK DSP INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD (2014/053066/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & Y Ebrahim, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 29 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T2936/2017—(2) MOVELLON PRO TRADING (PTY) LTD (2007/033673/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & MF Sulaman, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1845/2016—(2) ROWAN TREE 107 (PTY) LTD (2004/004088/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & L Morake, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. G355/2016—(2) JAE FIRE AND PROJECTS (PTY) LTD (2013/099283/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & Taryn J Neizel, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 31 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BRAKPAN. T1482/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: FM MAMAILE (7803036404085); (3) R Stockhoff & TV Matsepe, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 9 August 2018, 10:00, PHALABORWA. G926/17—(2) GP CARS (PTY) LTD (2015/224863/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JH du Plessis & ZV Ngogodo, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 2 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. G531/18—(2) AFRICAN GAME TROPHIES CC (1993/015987/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JH DU PLESSIS & N MOODLEY, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg.

This gazette is also available free online at 142 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T21759/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: DG SHABANGU (7704030752083); (3) R Stockhoff & ALD Mohohlo, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 August 2018, 10:00, PRETORIA. G948/17—(2) RBG ELECTRICAL CC (1993/030212/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JH DU PLESSIS & DT MAJIEDT, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 3 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T1870/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: SEAWAARD NEIL GRAEM (6102125141083); (3) KGATLE LOUISA SELINA, 417 SAVANNA COUNTRY ESTATE;CNR SOLOMON MAHLANGU & BRONKHORSPRUIT ROAD; PRETORIA; (4) 24 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT KRIEL. T1197/18—(2) XYLONOR 377 CC (2011/101402/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JH DU PLESSIS & N MOODLEY, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 7 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Pretoria. T2138/2016—(2) PENIEL DEVELOPMENT (PTY) LTD (2009/008940/07) (In Liquidation); (3) YUNUS ABOO BAKER ISMAIL AND JOELENE BROWN, 223 BRONKHORST STREET, UNIT 9 PARKLANDS, BROOKLYN, 0181; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. G20940/2014—(2) ARMADILLO LININGS (PTY) LTD (2012/010504/07) (In Liquidation); (3) HASHIM YUNUS ISMAIL, 223 BRONKHORST STREET, UNIT 9 PARKLANDS, BROOKLYN 0181; (4) 15 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, BENONI. G1179/17—(2) AMBER CASCADES TRADING 62 CC (2004/021319/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JH DU PLESSIS & JF BARBNARD, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 3 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T2948/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tasneem Mahomed Khan (7610190012087); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 10 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Baberton. T2948/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tasneem Mahomed Khan (7610190012087); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 10 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Baberton. E40/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: I/E Darlington, Rowan Lynton & Lezel (810306 5175 089 & 820526 0012 080); (3) W Van Rooyen / SS Mohlomi, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 17 August 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate, East-London. B1/2018—(2) RM Engineering Pty Ltd (2013/105393/2007) (In Liquidation); (3) DT Majiedt, Honey Attorneys, PO Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9300; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrates Court, Welkom. B79/2017—(2) Majormatic 177 Pty Ltd (2005/006435/07) (In Liquidation); (3) DT Majiedt, Honey Attorneys, PO Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9300; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:30, Magistrates Court, Bethlehem. B114/17—(2) Tony’s Boating CC (1986/006561/23) (In Liquidation); (3) S J Kalianjee, P O Box 521445, Saxonwold, 2132; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, Sasolburg. B55/2017—(2) ARCHI-M STUDIO (PTY) LTD (2013/136630/07) (In Liquidation); (3) ER SMITH & DT MAJIEDT, SYMINGTON & DE KOK & HONEY ATTORNEYS; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER BLOEMFONTEIN. N101/2018—(2) Cold Springs Properties CC (In Liquidation); (3) A Poole, Unit B5, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Street, Constantia Kloof; (4) 14 August 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate, Newcastle. N150/2017/PMB—(2) D’Anna Tours (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) V A Tsopotsa, Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Verulam. D173/2017—(2) TEADEN WATERPROOFING CC IN LIQUIDATION (1998/018879/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Nicola Cronje, 201 Beacon Rock, 21 Light house , Umhlanga Rocks; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Master Durban. N35/2018/PMB—(2) CHANTILLY TRADING 20 PTY LTD (2005/032644/07) (In Liquidation); (3) PIERRE DE VILLIERS BERRANGE, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT - HOWICK. N76/2018/PMB—(2) Insolvent Estate: PAUL & MARITZA OBERHOLZER (760418 5108 083 & 820218 0023 087); (3) NICOLA CRONJE, 201 BEACON ROCK, 21 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, UMHLANGA; (4) 9 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE PINETOWN. N161/2017/PMB—(2) Insolvent Estate: NJABULO NDLOVU (890717 6247 086); (3) NICOLA CRONJE, 201 BEACON ROCK, 21 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, UMHLANGA; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE SCOTTBURGH. N75/2018/PMB—(2) Insolvent Estate: KHULEKANI MALCOLM SHABANE (920715 5444 088); (3) NICOLA CRONJE, 201 BEACON ROCK, 21 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, UMHLANGA; (4) 6 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE SCOTTBURGH. N76/2018/PMB—(2) Insolvent Estate: PAUL & MARITZA OBERHOLZER (760418 5108 083 & 820218 0023 087); (3) NICOLA CRONJE, 201 BEACON ROCK, 21 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, UMHLANGA; (4) 16 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE PINETOWN. N43/2018/PMB—(2) MARGATE PANELBEATERS AND REFINISHERS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK1987/016189/23) (In Liquidation); (3) J W E MADDOCKS, POSTNET SUITE 47, PRIVATE BAG X01, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; (4) 23 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, PORT SHEPSTONE. D34/2018—(2) Traffic Clothing (Pty) Ltd (CK2002/024998/07) (In Liquidation); (3) K R Knoop , M Ndekwe , D S Ndlovu & I Dinath, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Durban. T1284/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Koch, Stefanus Bartholomeus (510315 5096 08 1); (3) AW Van Rooyen & SJ Kalianjee, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 10 September 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Nelspruit. T800/18—(2) Jackes Steel and Premix CC (1997/057750/23) (In Liquidation); (3) M Haywood & ER Smith, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027; (4) 13 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Nelspruit. T857/11—(2) Future Perfect Investra 71 CC (2006/098010/23) (In Liquidation); (3) PJC Van Staden & B Mphokane, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 13 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Witrivier. T3445/16—(2) Specam 10 CC (2008/174441/23) (In Liquidation); (3) PJC Van Staden & AN Ndayamara, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 13 August 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Nelspruit.

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T3623/2016—(2) Pieben 2 Trust (IT 5397/2006) (In Liquidation); (3) P Maree, 542 Petronella Street, Garsfontein, 0042; (4) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Klerksdorp. G514/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE SWARTZ ENVER LIONEL & PETULA; (3) S MOODLIAR & BL MILLS, SANEK TRUST RECOVERY SERVICES (PTY) LTD, 3RD FLOOR, 5 ST GEORGE’S MALL, CAPE TOWN, 8001; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S COURT RANDBURG. C127/2017—(2) Jadason Transport (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) O Kotze & T E Mshengu, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 16 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Atlantis. C67/2018—(2) WP DOMAN KONSTRUKSIE CC (2008/077495/23) (In Liquidation); (3) L GROENEWALD & L MORAKE, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 3 August 2018, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C47/2018—(2) HENTIQ 1627 (PTY) LTD t/a TOOLTECH PLATICS (1999/001934/07) (In Liquidation); (3) GD WALLACE, L GROENEWALD & SS MOHLOMI, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 3 August 2018, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C174/2018—(2) CLASSIQUE CUISINE CC (1998/032781/23) (In Liquidation); (3) LIEZEL VENTER and MICHAEL TIMKOE, P.O. BOX 50861 - WEST BEACH - 7449; (4) 31 July 2018, 09:00, THE MASTER IN THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN.. C85/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Frederic Jean Charles Makelberge; (3) L Von W Bester and S M Ntsibande, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441; (4) 16 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Atlantis. C69/2018—(2) L AND L PAINT SUPPLIES CC (1996/042213/23) (In Liquidation); (3) DANIE ACKER & MOSA MOLEDI, RAUCH GERTENBACH TRUSTEES, LACHE HOUSE, 120 YORK STREET, GEORGE; (4) 20 July 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE, GEORGE. C454/2017—(2) Richard and Harris Construction CC T/A De Jongh Engineering (2002/054640/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Johannes Jacob Theron and Safiyah Ebrahim Cook, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000; (4) 10 August 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville. C223/2018—(2) AREGEE INVESTMENT NO 74 CC (2009/199808/23) (In Liquidation); (3) LIEZEL VENTER and PETER CAROLUS, P.O. BOX 50861 - WEST BEACH - 7449; (4) 7 August 2018, 09:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN.. C213/16—(2) Brancepeth Trade and Invest 4 (Pty) Ltd (2007/004930/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Johannes Zacharias Human Muller & Mariette Benade, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 3 August 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate George. C815/2017—(2) Velella Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd (2016/340100/07) (In Liquidation); (3) CB St Clair Cooper & Y Ebrahim, CK Trust P O Box 3065 Tyger Valley 7536; (4) 3 August 2018, 11:00, Magistrates Court, Bellville. C680/2016—(2) The Trojan Horse Brand (Pty) Ltd (2001/018165/07) (In Liquidation); (3) WM Magagane, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 14 September 2018, 11:00, Magistrate, Bellville. C38/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: JANINE DE KONING (7510030238084); (3) MARCEL NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT - GEORGE. C263/2018—(2) GREAT ENERGY DRINKS CC T/A NAMAQUA MEATS (2008/126382/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JOCHEN ECKHOFF and YUSUF EBRAHIM, 7th Floor, Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale and Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001; (4) 3 August 2018, 11:00, MAGISTRATE’S COURT, BELLVILLE. C61/2017—(2) FORT HOLDINGS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (2007/065917/23) (In Liquidation); (3) DS NDLOVU AND MMM KUTUMELA, P O BOX 675, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (4) 17 August 2018, 09:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; (5) PAID. C525/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN FRANS DANIEL EVERSON (720814 5186 088); (3) L Lombard & E Lourens, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited, P O Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 17 August 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville. C165/2018—(2) C OLIVIER 3 TRADING CC (2009/089559/23) (In Liquidation); (3) J L Krynauw & M Abrahams, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited, P O Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C161/2018—(2) WARLOCK CONSTRUCTION CC T/A SEAL PLUMBING (2000/061898/23) (In Liquidation); (3) R Pieters & M Baliso, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited, P O Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C164/2018—(2) C OLIVIER 2 TRADING CC (2009/097074/23) (In Liquidation); (3) J L Krynauw & N P Zulu, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited, P O Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C163/2018—(2) C OLIVIER 1 TRADING CC (2008/251024/23) (In Liquidation); (3) J L Krynauw & R E Stroh, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited, P O Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 8 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C462/2017—(2) TURN AROUND TRADING 73 (PTY) LTD (2003/025216/07) (In Liquidation); (3) ER SMITH & MAL CHITJA, SYMINGTON & DE KOK & STOWELL ESTATE ADMINISTRATION TRUST; (4) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KUILSRIVIER.

This gazette is also available free online at 144 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act of 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) the number of estate/company; (2) the name and description of estate/company; (3) the date, hour and place of meeting and (4) the purposes of meeting. (5) Any additional annexure or resolutions. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (4) die doel van byeenkoms. (5) enige additionele aanhangsels of resolusies. In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

T1851/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: MOTSOMI NOLUVUYO ELSIE (7709020388087); (3) 2 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDFONTEIN; (4) PROVE CLAIM. G814/13—(2) Cardio Fitness Properties (Pty) Ltd (1984/000472/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; (4) Special Meeting: Proof of claims. G276/2017—(2) Tradeforth 34 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (3) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; (4) Special meeting to proof claim. G1256/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jaqueline Camarinha Alvares (3) 16 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; (4) Special meeting to proof claim. G1105/2017—(2) All Clutch & Brake (Pty)Ltd (2001/003397/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 1 August 2018, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg; (4) proof of late claim. T21672/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Engelbrecth, Barend Jacobus & Anel (660907 5010 08 4 & 680414 0238 08 9); (3) 15 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort; (4) Proof of claims.. T691/16—(2) Guamompha Trading Enterprise CC (2009/062046/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 14 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of claim.. T2042/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lubbe, Edward & Margaret Jaqueline (781216 5011 08 2 & 740901 0125 08 1); (3) 14 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims.. T1702/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maris, John Demos (690223 5055 08 5); (3) 14 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of claim.. T21682/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Compaan, Rachel Maria Johanna (730220 0029 08 3); (3) 14 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of claim.. T0952/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Niemand, Diena Johanna Magdalena (610808010080); (3) 20 July 2018, 10:00, Magistrate: Bronkhorstspruit; (4) Proof of claims. G168/2017—(2) RAND BEDDING (PTY) LTD (1993/004215/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 15 August 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE OFFICE BENONI; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS; T3170/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: B & MS Wilke (6201015003088 & 6011300109080); (3) 16 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate PRETORIA NORTH; (4) proof of claims. G523/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ismail Ebrahim Haffejee (8303015250087); (3) 8 August 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate,Randburg; (4) Prove Claims. T2032/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: EW Spies (7808115023086); (3) 7 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate KEMPTON PARK;

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(4) proof of claims. T747/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Olga Van Niekerk (6401210008086); (3) 7 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Prove Claims. T1001/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cornelius William Allison (5710095022082); (3) 2 August 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate,Bronkhortspruit; (4) Prove Claims. T0504/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Janite Gezina Beneke (6803170113089); (3) 7 August 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Prove Claims. G829/2013—(2) The Agency for Advertising and Marketing (Pty) Ltd (1997/020140/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 20 July 2018, 10:00, Johannesburg; (4) Proof of late claim. T1432/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: TAMMY ELIZABETH VAN BILJON (800806 0008 088); (3) 20 August 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA; (4) TO PROOF CLAIMS. T2483/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: JENNIFER LOUISE ROY (760707 0099 085); (3) 17 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: GERMISTON; (4) TO PROOF CLAIMS. T1517/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: W Abelman (7505195065082); (3) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court JOHANNESBURG; (4) proof of claims. T798/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: HESTER SALOMINA MERRITT (600707 0038 08 7); (3) 27 July 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF HIGH COURT, PRETORIA; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. T0149/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: PJ MABENA (8107025647087); (3) 10 August 2018, 10:00, VEREENIGING; (4) Proof of further claims. T3501/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: S SCHOEMAN (6712090105085); (3) 10 August 2018, 10:00, PRETORIA; (4) Proof of further claims. T0380/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: C MEYER (8504155040085); (3) 9 August 2018, 09:30, VANDERBIJLPARK; (4) Proof of further claims. M30/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van der Berg; Gertruida Maria (7309020133086); (3) 10 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Mahikeng; (4) Further proof of claims. M94/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Grobler; Johannes Hermanus (7604215155088); (3) 10 August 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Mahikeng; (4) Further proof of claims. T1651/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: IH CHAUKE (6906305516086); (3) 10 August 2018, 10:00, PRETORIA; (4) Proof of further claims. T238/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Jacobus Francois & Carolina Getruida Erasmus (5808085053081 & 6309140256081); (3) 1 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp; (4) Proof of further claims. G626/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: HARRY JAMES (711106 5056 085); (3) 8 August 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate Roodepoort; (4) 1. To prove further claims. S38/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johan Nieuwerth (6605295047088); (3) 8 August 2018, 14:00, 523 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth; (4) Proof of Claims. T2294/2016—(2) Fishof 1463 CC t/a Worksafe Polokwane (2008/062650/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 August 2018, 09:00, Master Polokwane; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. C41/2018—(2) NMC PROPRIETARY LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) (In Liquidation) (3) 7 August 2018, 09:00, THE MASTER, WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. C41/2018—(2) NMC PROPRIETARY LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) (In Liquidation) (3) 7 August 2018, 09:00, THE MASTER, WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. C1038/2016—(2) NJ Gnobi Properties CC (2005/050252/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 21 August 2018, 11:00, Magistrate Court Bellville; (4) Notice is hereby given that a General Meeting of Creditors is to be held in accordance with the Provisions of Section 386(1)(d) of the Companies Act of 1973, before the Magistrate in Bellville, Western Cape, on Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 11:00 for the purpose of an enquiry into the affairs of the Close Corporation in liquidation. C426/2017—(2) KWAAI GRILL (PTY) LTD (2016/146725/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 9 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg; (4) To prove claims. C183/2017—(2) P V I Solar (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (3) 7 August 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town; (4) PROVING OF FURTHER CLAIM AND ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS. C66/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jean - Pierre Van Zyl (8608075107088); (3) 8 August 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate, Kuilsriver; (4) Further proof of claims. C428/2016—(2) J & R Grondverskuiwing (Pty) Ltd (2001/019615/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 8 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrates Court, Strand; (4) Proof of claims. C668/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thobela Mpathi (790403 0170 084); (3) 22 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court - Goodwood; (4) Proof of Claims. C273/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Anna Elizabeth Carstens (671112 0009 085); (3) 16 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrates

This gazette is also available free online at 146 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

Court - Laaiplek; (4) Proof of Claims. C20603/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christoffe Frederik & Lee-Ann De Wit (820715 5042 081 & 850525 0091 089); (3) 15 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court - Kuils River; (4) Proof of Claims. C643/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Yvonne Cowie (600530 0104 083); (3) 29 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrates Court - Strand; (4) Proof of Claims. C20442/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mariana Minette Mai (500708 0124 084); (3) 16 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court - Laaiplek; (4) Proof of Claims. C654/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Louise Leach (721030 0040 084); (3) 23 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court - Somerset West; (4) Proof of Claims. C792/2016—(2) Business Venture Investments 1041 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (3) 7 August 2018, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, Vredendal; (4) Further proof of claims. C460/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: DANIEL EDWIN SCHMIDHAUSER (7711215189080); (3) 3 August 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; (4) Proof of claims. C793/2016—(2) Silkblaze 12 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (3) 30 August 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Malmesbury; (4) FOR PURPOSES OF AN ENQUIRY. C493/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: EFRAIM STEPHANUS IGNATIUS VAN ROOYEN (511017 5050 08 9); (3) 8 August 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE, MOSSEL BAY; (4) TO PROVIDE CREDITORS WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE THEIR CLAIMS. C677/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: CATHARINA ELIZABETH CRAWFORD (6308280152084); (3) 25 July 2018, 10:00, Stellenbosch Magistrate; (4) Special meeting further proof of claims. Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/ company; (3) description of account; (4) account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, (5) date, (6) period (if longer than 14 days).


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) beskrywing van rekening; (4) rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, (5) datum; (6) tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).

G606/2017—(2) ARNOS ENGINEERING CC formerly known as ALPHALAB ENGINEERING CC (2002/014766/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG.; N/A; (5) 20 July 2018 T1870/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hugo George Niemand, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Maser of the High Court Pretoria; Master of the High Court Johannesburg G240/2016—(2) Lumlow Property CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; None

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T2737/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Anton Sidney Petersen & Lesley Jean Petersen, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Palm Ridge (Alberton) T3328/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Vanessa Smit, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None G909/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christo Johannes van Wyk & Chandre van Wyk, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate Roodepoort T21109/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lorna Alfrieda Kruger, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Krugersdorp T2694/2011—(2) Gladiator Security Services CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Potchefstroom G526/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Catherina Petronella Els, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate Randburg G1054/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thomas Price Classen, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate, Germiston T2195/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Joseph Peter da Silva & Adele da Silva, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T2718/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Keith Edward Chisnall, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg T1214/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Colin Wayne Botha, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston T1919/2015—(2) Anber Fruits (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate White River G988/2017—(2) Maroon Horizon Trading 2 cc (2005/079161/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Johannesburg; Brakpan T.22086/2014—(2) INSOMNIA CAFE CC (1987/019507/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE G99/2016—(2) BLUE GROTTO ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (2006/167871/23) (In Liquidation), (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; MAGISTRATES’ COURT SPRINGS; (5) 9 July 2018 T2907/2015—(2) Printech (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T5146/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Havenga, Monique (830223 0016 083), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T1385/04—(2) Insolvent Estate: DREYER, IZAK DANIEL & JOHANNA PETRONELLA (500126 5010 08 5 and 530530 0107 08 1), (3) First and Fnal Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; POTCHEFSTROOM T1301/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Joubert, Bart Stephanus & Lelanie (720430 5049 083 & 740305 0069 086), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Benoni T0853/12—(2) TSHINAKAHO CONSTRUCTION & PROJECTS CC (2006/164254/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; N/A G0278/17—(2) TSHISIKU BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD (2012/045874/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG T2236/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lamprecht, Wessel Hermanus (770913 5167 087), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T20842/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: D & C L Conradie, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Vanderbijlpark T3130/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: H L & A Barnard, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Alberton / Palm Ridge T21413/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: T C Gangazhe, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Germiston

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T3252/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: H Jacobs, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2278/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: E Joubert, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2743/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: F C & S M P Korff, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Volksrust T764/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: J G & C M P Harmse, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Vereeniging T758/05—(2) Insolvent Estate: S N Kumalo, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Boksburg T827/06—(2) Insolvent Estate: M M Korb, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Heidelberg T740/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: L & E Marais, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Naboomspruit T818/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: M-L Kruger, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Vanderbijlpark T22613/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: V Stols, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Brakpan T1633/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: J H Murray, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Brits T5432/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: M & E E Grobler, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2622/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: R P & D de Winnaar, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Middelburg T156/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: M van Wyk, (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Vereeniging T637/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: T Beyers, (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Kempton Park T4682/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: J M Dadley, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T710/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: F A J Venter, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Louis Trichardt T1599/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Buys Marthinus (620624 5051 08 5), (3) The Second and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Roodepoort; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. T2339/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Coetzer Martha Susanna Christina (550228 0107 08 7), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. T4015/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mbobo Benjamin Mandla & Nothembaketho Monica (490418 5597 08 4 & 590228 0992 08 4), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Vereeniging; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. T50/17—(2) PACV Civil Construction CC (2006/167822/23) (In Liquidation), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Master of the High Court Polokwane; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. T22555/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Siswana Mavis (620320 0894 08 1), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Randfontein; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. T3209/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Prodipix 147 CC (2011/041985/23), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. T1422/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Steynberg David Marius & Maria Magdalena (670108 5118 08 8 & 680412 0288 08 8), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Pretoria Noord; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018.

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T22324/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van Vuuren Andre (540922 5138 08 0), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Ventersdorp; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. T118/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Coetzee Stefanus Francois (600423 5117 08 8), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Delmas; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 July 2018 - 03 August 2018. G635/16—(2) Royal Wholesale Paraffin Distributors (Pty) Ltd (2009/004019/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Benoni G517/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Arnoldus Viviers (5502135139087), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Benoni T284/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Omoniyi Patrick Akerele (7103016169083), (3) Second Supplementary Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; - T0251/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Matome Frans & Morungina Christinah Sekgobela (611128 5295 084 & 650502 0607 084), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Phalaborwa G0358/17—(2) INTEGRATED PLANT SUPPLIES CC (1993/021235/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; BRAKPAN G0493/16—(2) VEST-VISION 129 (PTY) LTD (2003/026485/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; RANDBURG T2054/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Germishuysen, Nanette (6910010102089), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Master of the High Court Johannesburg T5129/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Msibi, Zachara Gudlimpi (6503145358088), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) Pretoria; Master of the High Court Johannesburg T0368/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Badenhorst, Johannes Albertus & Ann Rosemarie (740208 5112 085 & 910910 0294 081), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Brits T2768/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: VORSTER, BAREND JOHANNES MARTHINUS & ANNA ELIZABETH DOROTHEA (890110 5198 080 & 910506 0006 085), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE CULLINAN G1156/2016—(2) Rara Avis Property Investments (Pty) Ltd (1997/020801/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Johannesburg; Brakpan T2050/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: MEYER, JASPER JACOBUS & SUSARA FREDRIKA (760112 5017 085 & 760716 0095 084), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; N/A T1434/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: ENGELBRECHT, JUNE FRANCIS (580618 0102 084), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; N/A T7436/2009—(2) GOLDEN DIVIDEND 86 (PTY) LTD (2005/018896/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; - T22496/14—(2) Grandu Sports Bar CC (2008/248097/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; n/a T910/16—(2) Drake Fisheries CC (2009/095222/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; Master of the High Court NELSPRUIT T21159/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Janine Louise Pistorius (790630 0138 08 9), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate, Vereeniging G805/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sabir Ahmad Popat (560829 5762 18 6), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; N/A T21380/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Yolanda de Wit (621113 0153 08 0), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate, Randburg T3967/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christiaan Lourens van der Westhuizen (590505 5006 08 9), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate, Heidelberg T7242/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Anna Magrietha Barker (560901 0179 08 6), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; N/A T2831/15—(2) Rand Technical Services (Pty) Ltd (2006/023158/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; n/a

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T21203/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gideon Andries Kruger (560826 5110 08 5), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg T2032/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: EW Spies (7808115023086), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; Magistrate KEMPTON PARK T3927/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charmaine du Plessis (710402 0046 08 7), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; N/A T351/07—(2) Insolvent Estate: Grobler Daniel Willem Jan (720724 5199 082), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master Pretoria; Magistrate White River T21583/2014—(2) Yoruba Industrial Supplies (Pty) Ltd (2012/012952/07) (In Likwidasie), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; - T3897/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charlene Francis Rutherford Davidson (881206 0044 088), (3) Amended First Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Roodepoort G1111/15—(2) LIBERTY LANE TRADING 267 (PTY) LTD (2007/017727/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) -; RANDBURG; (5) 25 July 2018 T1686/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: VERWEY JOHANNES DANIEL JACOBUS (6910055260081), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; -; (5) 25 July 2018 T2041/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: HOOPER MARIA ELIZABETH (560902 0017 086), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; -; (5) 25 July 2018 T2041/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: HOOPER MARIA ELIZABETH (560902 0017 086), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; -; (5) 25 July 2018 T2276/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: LJ NUTTAL (6704060050086), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg & Pretoria; n/a G162/07—(2) Q-TIQUE 44 PTY LTD (2005/014676/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; The Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg T3079/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bryan van Heusden (5610195094082), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria G457/16—(2) AMAJAK (PTY) LTD (2014/158721/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT G477/2013—(2) HARIBHAI DINESH (720922 5337 08 8) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; PALM RIDGE G496/12—(2) Eagle Optimal Living (Pty) Limited (1981/000802/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; N/A G840/2015—(2) Rand-Asia Trade Finance SA (Pty) Limited (2000/024233/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; N/A T1407/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: DJ & C CLAASEN (7008085066088 & 9107220449080), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vanderbijlpark T2396/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: PD & PC HARTZER (6011045039089 & 7902160066080), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; n/a G16/2016—(2) KTT Worx Custom Stainless CC (2002/027838/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution; (4) Johannesburg; Randburg G289/2017—(2) Fitch Southern Africa (Pty) Limited (1990/002436/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; N/A G347/2016—(2) Stradmore Investments CC (2002/099345/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; N/A T1127/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: DU TOIT LOUISE (830314 0197 088), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA; MAGISTRATE COURT, RUSTENBURG T0155/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: VAN STADEN FLORIS STEPHANUS AND JANOUMA (840103 5024 084 & 860123 0011 089), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA; MAGISTRATE COURT, PRETORIA NORTH

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T1274/99—(2) JNW MOTORS (PTY) LTD (77/00046/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; N/A; (5) 20 July 2018 G1186/17—(2) LESLIE-ANNE BENNET EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS CC (1996/005138/23) (In Likwidasie), (3) EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE REKENING; (4) JOHANNESBURG; . T22196/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: John Mabina & Natalie Ineeleng Morolong, (3) First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 20 July 2018 B49/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: STEENBERG WALTER GEOFFREY (7211045229081), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER BLOEMFONTEIN; N/A N214/2016—(2) BETS INDUSTRIES BK (IN LIKWIDASIE) (2002/011869/23) (In Likwidasie), (3) EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING; (4) MEESTER PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU-NATAL; LANDDROS NEWCASTLE, KWAZULU - NATAL; (5) 20 Julie 2018; (6) 14 DAE. N95/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: SAMEER SATHAR (7404175113080), (3) THIRD AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN AND MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PIETERMARITZBURG; - N90/2017/PMB—(2) AJB TRADING CC (2005/118997/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PIETERMARITZBURG; MAGISTRATE COURT - NEWCASTLE N20072/2014/PMB—(2) Ballista Investments (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate Pinetown D160/2017—(2) Valucorp 426 (Pty) Ltd (2015/305120/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution; (4) Durban; Camperdown N90/2008—(2) Insolvent Estate: Anna Thelma Wichmann (4608130036086), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution; (4) Pietermaritzburg and Johannesburg; n/a D43/2017—(2) ROYAL HILL TRADING CC (2006/163842/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Durban; Pine Town; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 14. N365/2002—(2) ALLOYD GENERAL ENGINEERING CC (1996/003717/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban D86/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Carmol Trust (IT 1036/2013), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution; (4) Durban and Johannesburg; n/a D000005/2015—(2) RAUDIG CIVILS CC (1994/021908/23) (In Liquidation), (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN; - D124/12—(2) ROI IMALI PROPERTIES CC (2006/159561/23) (In Liquidation), (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN; MAGISTRATE COURT - ESHOWE D20005/2014—(2) MINZO TRADING (PTY) LTD t/a SUPA QUICK MTUBATUBA (2007/025415/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN; MAGISTRATES COURT, MTUBATUBA & MAGISTRATE’S COURT, PINETOWN; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 20 JULY 2018 - 3 AUGUST 2018. M27/2012—(2) SHAKINA TRADING 21 CC (2008/067568/23) (In Liquidation), (3) AMENDED FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MAFIKENG; POTCHEFSTROOM; (5) 20 July 2018; (6) 14. M07/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: KOCH HANS JACOB (700519 5215 084), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) -; RUSTENBURG; (5) 25 July 2018 M29/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: GRANT SEAN MURDOCH & SERIEN (780626 5077 08 4 & 790313 0042 08 6), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) -; RUSTENBURG; (5) 25 July 2018 K13/2014—(2) Insolvente Boedel: Peter John Burnett Cupido & Chantell Shirlene Cupido (8504245250082 & 8406050177089), (3) Eerste en Finale Likwidasie & Distribusierekening; (4) Bloemfontein; Kuruman; (5) 20 Julie 2018; (6) 14. K28/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: RUDOLPH & JACOBA PETRO BUYS (5701295015083 & 5802260028083), (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) KIMBERLEY; KEIMOES C1038/2016—(2) NJ Gnobi Properties CC (2005/050252/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C406/2017—(2) Pearl Coral 1470 CC (2010/143064/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Paarl C581/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Melanthea Millicent Davids (now Mishqah Warnick) (7808080097081), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg

This gazette is also available free online at 152 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

C708/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: FRANCIS MICHAEL RICHTER (8307055239082), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; None; (5) 20 July 2018 C56/2016—(2) Motostars Action Vehicles CC (2001/015843/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg C142/2017—(2) KATAWA TRADING 99 (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2015/392065/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg; (5) 20 July 2018 C717/2017—(2) African Compass Trading 183 (Pty) Ltd (2015/048881/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Strand C392/2016—(2) Solid Space Projects (Pty) Ltd (2014/049319/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; - C153/2017—(2) Peninsula Pipeline Services CC (In Liquidation) (2005/061634/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master’s Office; Magistrate Bellville C250/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Morne Dean & Dawn Emerina Van Niekerk (800222 5219 086 & 791204 0022 088), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg C1038/2016—(2) NJ Gnobi Properties CC (2005/050252/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C231/2016—(2) BLOK LANDSCAPING CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN; NONE; (6) 14 DAYS.

Form/Vorm 5


The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company and (3) account; (4) date when account confirmed; (5) whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and (6) name and address of trustee or liquidator. UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN KONTRIBUSIES IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE

Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy en (3) rekening; (4) datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; (5) of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en (6) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

G835/2009—(2) ABT IMPORT-EXPORT CC (1991/023113/23) (In Liquidation); (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JH BLIGNAUT AND GK MOHOSH, WESTRUST | MAZARS P O BOX 10527 JOHANNESBURG 2000. T2230/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: GRAY,RYAN (8409175111082); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 19 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) KHATZILE SIMON MAHLANGU, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 153

T3580/12—(2) FIVE STAR PAINT AND CEILINGS CC (2005/096833/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 February 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) CHERYL ANNE JONES, SUITE 111, CENTRAL TOWERS BUILDING, 286 PRETORIUS STREET, PRETORIA. G1143/2015—(2) A-Waybury Adventures CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contributrion Account; (4) 4 June 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) G L S de Wet & P D Buwa (co R Miller), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. G327/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: George Frederik Marx Beetge; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 4 June 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) E Makhese & S A G Khammissa, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T22346/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pieter Hendrik Schalk Bezuidenhout; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) G L S de Wet & B Ngutshane, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T4730/1999—(2) Insolvent Estate: John Bos; (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid; (6) E Makhese, Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. G578/2013—(2) Galaxy Lifestyle and Leisure CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 13 October 2015; (5) Contribution to be collected; (6) G L S de Wet & O J Sithole, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust. T2717/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cheryl-Ann Chisnall; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 1 June 2018; (5) Dividends to be paid and Contribution levied; (6) L Naude & G L Warricker, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T2581/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sarel Johannes Horn; (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) None / Shortfall; (6) E Makhese & J M Damons, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T2581/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sarel Johannes Horn; (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) None / Shortfall; (6) E Makhese & J M Damons, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T1497/2015—(2) Jaydon Panelbeaters and Spraypainters CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 17 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) G L S de Wet & M S Ramogotswa (co AW van Rooyen), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T1435/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rory Jesse Jones; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 4 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) G L S de Wet & R Cassim, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T1398/2016—(2) Manigel (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 16 May 2018; (5) None; (6) G L S de Wet & K Titus, Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. G967/2015—(2) Octo Trading 349 CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 4 June 2018; (5) None; (6) E Makhese & S I Ganie, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T5064/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pieterse Familie Trust (IT6274/05); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 1 June 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T22990/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: The Anlez Investment Trust (IT3231/2007); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 22 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) O Kotze & J Baloyi, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T619/2009—(2) Three Kings Properties (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) Second & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 25 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid; (6) c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T2492/17—(2) SPECIALIZED BUSINESS ACTIVITY (PTY) LTD (2009/02915/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (4) 12 June 2018; (5) None; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE), PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167. T5311/10—(2) MULAYA (PREVIOUSLY LANDIGWE), NOMBULELO LYDIA (751215 0855 085) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 12 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) KHATHAZILE SIMON MAHLANGU & DESIREE JUDITH MASEGE, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167. T0450/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: LUIES, ALBERTUS JOHANNES & CHARISSA (910423 5032 08 4 & 941103 0055 08 1); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 19 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE), PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167. T614\15—(2) WOLMARANS, QUINTIN LEONARD (800623 5067 088) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 1 June 2018; (5) None; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE), PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167. T1240/2017—(2) STRECKAIR AVIATION CC (2010/104546/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 1 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE), MARINSA CHRISTINA, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0027. T2286/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: PHAKELI, TSOLO SOLOMON (600523 5515 080); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 28 June 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE), MARINDA CHRISTINA, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0027. G617/2017—(2) Highland Night Investments 25 (Pty) Ltd (2001/023697/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H Kaplan & S Moodliar, PO Box 4078, Rivonia, 2128.

This gazette is also available free online at 154 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T597/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Swart, Gerrit (790705 5182 082); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 5 Julie 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) PH Hamman & F Seriti, PO Box 4078, Rivonia , 2128. T2494/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: DAWID ROUX POTGIETER (570518 5091 08 8); (3) SECOND & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 March 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) PH HAMMAN & ST KEKANA, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. G1468/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Transform Steel CC (1990/000962/23); (3) Amended Third Liquidation & Distribution Account.; (4) 15 March 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid to secured creditors and a contribution levied.; (6) Terry Morrison & Associates CC, P O Box 2823 Saxonwold 1293. T0735/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marelize Van Der Bank (730527 0202 084); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) B Dicks, PO Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059. T248/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ignatius Petrus & Jeanette Schutte (5610285132081/6512220159089); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION , DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T5617/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: H J E Wheeler; (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 29 January 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K van der Westhuizen, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T20683/14—(2) Chloe van Wyk Trade CC (2010/001544/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 23 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T271/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Danel Coetzee (8702170003084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 25 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T5498/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Elma Cilliers (7812010117084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T987/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marcus Sempoporu & Wilhelmina Malefsane Senabe (6011135921089/6609300748086); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T589/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Petros Mhlanhla Sibiya (6601055886088); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 29 May 2018; (5) SHORTFALL; (6) E WAGNER, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T1219/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andre Johannes & Sylvia Elizabeth Van Zyl (7207145185082/7412180089088); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION , DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) E WAGNER, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T5066/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lloyd Lawrence Reyneke (7809235119085); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 11 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T20902/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Michell Anita Van Schalkwyk (8804040094085); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T715/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gerhardus Coenraad & Philizity Rozane Van Der Merwe (6402075113086,6508290126082); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 11 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T2986/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacques Gideon Cornelius & Judy Johanna Elizabeth Tredoux (8312055001086/8906170186084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 May 2018; (5) FUNDS PAID TO GUARDIAN FUND; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T366/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jaco De Villiers (7906135008085); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 29 May 2018; (5) FUNDS PAID TO GUARDIAN FUND; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T1105/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Andries Stoltz (7410035064082); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T986/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andre & Liezel Elizabeth Potgieter (7412125064089/7709140220087); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 18 April 2018; (5) FUNDS PAID TO GUARDIAN FUND; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T3276/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nhlanhla Sibusiso Gideon & Florence Skosana (6912125808089/7310050500087); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T4177/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Theunis Jacobus & Martha Aletta Moolman (5609285048081 & 5803270036082); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 27 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 155

T23065/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tanja Du Toit (8006120011084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 24 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T4598/08—(2) C & M Bricks Pty Ltd (2006/003573/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) KC MONYELA, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD, RIETONDALE, PRETORIA. G899/15—(2) AG Book Distribution CC (201103171623) (In Liquidation); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION , DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 23 November 2016; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. T989/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marena Elisabeth Mohlala (7405010623084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 29 May 2018; (5) FUNDS PAID TO GUARDIAN FUND; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. G899/15—(2) AG Book Distribution CC (201103171623) (In Liquidation); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION , DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 23 November 2016; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD, RIETONDALE, PRETORIA. T860/16—(2) CM Transformer Services CC (1994/032038/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 21 June 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / H Kajie, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T4777/09—(2) Botshabelo Game Lodge and Reserve (PTY) LTD (2006/016059/07) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / BB Mahlatsi, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T5037/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hinzelman Jason Anthony (750630 5162 082); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Paid Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) W Van Rooyen / K Van Niekerk (co: C Murray), PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. G1048/16—(2) KC Facilitators CC (1995/050811/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 26 June 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / A Taunyane, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T2642/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gous Samuel Eric (620622 5227 08 8); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) 5 July 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / IS Ponnen, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T1322/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nkabinde Emmanuel Temba & Linyakoane Thalitha (630218 5723 081 & 671101 0297 089); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Paid Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) W Van Rooyen / M Gumbo (CO: JF Engelbrecht), PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T247/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marais Wanda (581105 0082 085); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. G0308/17—(2) REFILWE TEXTILES CC (2010/080214/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) P. BOTHOMLEY, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. G0882/16—(2) SHELLEY GEFFEN CATERING CC (2000/047195/23) (In Liquidation); (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 5 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. G0268/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: GUSTAV BOTES (6602215114007); (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) P. BOTHOMLEY, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. T4140/15—(2) Paparich Property Development CC (2009/012607/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 20 April 2018; (5) Secured Awards; (6) T W van den Heever, H Draht & T Essop, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. G45/14—(2) Revax Mining Investments (Pty) Ltd (2011/004317/07) (In Likwidasie); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account; (4) 22 June 2018; (5) None; (6) J C W Roelofse D J Masege, PO Box 8871 Centurion 0046. T0935/17—(2) Isabellas Franchising (Pty) Ltd (2012/007807/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 20 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) C Murray, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T1190/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Fiona De Beer (790412 0055 088); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 30 October 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) A.D. McQuarrie & F. Tjale, PO Box 1161, Johannesburg, 2000. T1319/13—(2) Extreme Profile Cutting CC (2008/170242/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 4 July 2018; (5) Preferent / Contribution; (6) MJD Breytenbach/NJ van Blerk, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3044/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: A Loots (8605200061081); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 26 April 2018; (5) Concurrent; (6) KC Monyela, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T1601/17—(2) PJA van Wyk Plafonne CC (2005/085774/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 July 2018; (5) None; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/ T Esssop, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.

This gazette is also available free online at 156 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

T22003/14—(2) SES & RM Botha (7005025058084 & 7409080141084) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) Concurrent; (6) B Dicks, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T20584/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: JP & R Visagie (8403255026088 & 8506020026082); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Preferent; (6) R Stockhoff / HY Ismail, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T493/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: SM Roets (8312200062082); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) Preferent/Contribution; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/A Wagner, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3830/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: RK Tsholo (8012240707081); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 6 July 2018; (5) Concurrent; (6) A van Jaarsveldt, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T2390/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: NM Smit (8502080212084); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Preferent / Contribution; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/JD Pema, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T2832/15—(2) Ultimate 4 X 4 Spares and Accessories CC (2008/038097/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 5 July 2018; (5) Preferent; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/ GL Warricker, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3057/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: JG Potgieter (7510075116088); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 4 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T2176/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: AL & PM de Bruyn (7101095017082 & 6408300802187); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 4 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) R Cassim & PB Mokwena, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. G817/2013—(2) FOODSTREAM CC (2008/227315/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 10 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) SAG Khammissa , H Mayo, & M Sibiya, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. G817/2013—(2) FOODSTREAM CC (2008/227315/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 10 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) SAG Khammissa , H Mayo, & M Sibiya, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T20557/2014—(2) Salvaged Wood CC (2007/105843/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CM Cloete & MI Patel, C/O Xirimele Trustees PTA, PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T72/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: A Abdool (8109175221085); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 25 April 2018; (5) Concurrent; (6) BL Mills (co MJD Breytenbach), National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T220/16—(2) Boston Connect (Pty) Ltd (2010/021635/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 22 June 2018; (5) NONE; (6) A van Jaarsveldt / A van Wyk, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T1346/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: RM van Aswegen (7903125019081); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Concurrent; (6) ST Kekana, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T21077/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: WJ Lange (6210285002084); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Preferent / Concurrent; (6) KC Monyela, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3995/15—(2) Kerliscore (Pty) Ltd (2014/038216/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation , Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) Preferent/Contribution; (6) MJD Breytenbach/GN Ngobeni, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T2263/17—(2) Maralene’s Transport CC (2000/043770/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 4 June 2018; (5) None; (6) MJD Breytenbach/MW Magagane, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T727/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cox Jennifer Colleen (6704150054089); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Elizabeth Margaret Edwards and Norman Mbuyiswa Mzizi (Wilsnach C) c/o Xirimele Trustee PTA, P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1035/2015—(2) Jawe Engineering Supplies (Pty) Ltd (2013/070819/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 18 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) Daniese Elaine Steyn & Jimmy Baloyi (co: Mabutho Louis Mhlongo), PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T4012/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Swanepoel Elsie Carolina; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 7 May 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) M Kuilder and J Brown, PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T1378/2016—(2) Hennox 135 CC T/A Itireleng Construction (2004/030298/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 28 June 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) CM Cloete & Y Tayob, C/O Xirimele Trustees PTA, PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T21617/14—(2) HEYDAY CHICKEN CC (2009/212557/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, 1459.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 157

T2753/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mattheus Theordorus and Cornelia Madalena Roux; (3) The Amended First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution; (4) 26 March 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) DM Botha, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. G658/2017—(2) MEDAIR CHARTER (PTY) LTD. (1995/004367/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First liquidation and distribution account; (4) 5 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Miller / L G Mpakati, P O Box 783601 Sandton 2146. G520/2017—(2) NATURE FRUIT JUICES CC (2001/037356/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and final liquidation and distribution account; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J. Muthanyi / G N L Moabelo, P O Box 783601 Sandton 2146. T1411/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: DD MOODLEY (8211025109088); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 23 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Stockhoff & TME Kwape c/o: HJT Eloff, 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. T2559/02—(2) Brink and Hatting CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 22 July 2004; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) DM Botha, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. T2861/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: HENRIETTE GOOSEN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T4965/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Aubrey Charles Barnard and Valerie Loreen Barnard; (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2819/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jimmy Fihlang Motloung; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 10 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2366/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Albert Barend Neethling and Janina Neethling; (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 20 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1699/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sureta Schultz; (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 29 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T440/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Carien Daffue; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 21 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2001/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: MAHLONG REGINALD AND MANGAKANE CANAN MALATJE; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T23042/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: NSOLVENT ESTATE: PHILLIPUS RUDOLPH KOCK (680427 5015 088); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 August 2017; (5) None; (6) HASHIM YUNUS ISMAIL, 223 BRONKHORST STREET, UNIT 9 PARKLANDS, BROOKLYN, 0181. T1135/16—(2) VRYSTAAT MIELIES PTY LTD (1996/017678/07) (In Liquidation); (3) SECOND LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 11 July 2018; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO SECURED CREDITOR; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. T1929/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: YOLANDE VREY; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 4 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T280/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN DANIEL HENZEN AND ANRIE RETHA STEYN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 5 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T6539/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: MATLOU CHARLES AND KGABO ENETTE MASHAMAITE; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 10 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. S 51/2017—(2) Splash Sales and Marketing CC (In Liquidation) (1999 / 001 783 / 23) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 11 July 2018; (5) Preferent Awards and Concurrent Dividends; (6) Sean M Johnson & Tirhani Sitos de Sitos Mathebula, cnr Westbourne & Clevedon Roads, Central, Port Elizabeth 6001. S20023/2014—(2) Cordustex Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd fta Cordustex (1995 / 001 829 / 07) (In Liquidation); (3) Third & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 13 July 2018; (5) Super Preferent Award; (6) Gary Shrosbree, Michael Timkoe, Raphael Brink & Aviwe Ndyamara, C/O Shrosbree Trustees, cnr Westbourne & Clevedon Roads, Central, Port Elizabeth 6001. B259/2010—(2) LADIKELA GAME LODGE (PTY) LTD (2002/001907/2007) (In Liquidation); (3) THIRD & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 10 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JF ENGELBRECHT & DT MAJIEDT, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. D99/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Titus Pillay (6912295153084); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 11 January 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. N136/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Grant James and Julie Statt (6501255203086, 6407110129088); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 20 December 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D136/2013—(2) Springstone Trading (PTY) LTD (1998/011499/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 12 June 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

This gazette is also available free online at 158 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

D150/2015—(2) Supermine And Civil Construction CC (2008/064160/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 11 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D10/2016—(2) Platnaby Investments CC (2005/179592/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 12 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) M P Madlala, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D135/2013—(2) Permatrade 20 (PTY) LTD (1993/007148/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 30 November 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D53/2016—(2) Pyramin Construction CC (2009/024262/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 27 November 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D248/2011—(2) Supergold Trading 083 CC (2003/077404/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 13 June 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. N20142/2014—(2) A Higgs Brake and Clutch CC (2009/112287/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 10 May 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D208/2016—(2) Siandile-Siyabonga Training & Projects CC (2007/127892/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 16 November 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D90/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Goonasagren Naidoo (6907125095083); (3) First and Final Liquidation,Contribution and Distribution Account; (4) 16 November 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D70/2017—(2) Trekertimbers CC (1999/008911/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 30 November 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D183/2016—(2) Rashdee Clothing CC (1996/006964/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 8 June 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D129/2012—(2) Signature Life Hospitality (PTY) LTD (M2007/021374/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 13 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. D208/2016—(2) Siandile-Siyabonga Training & Projects CC (2007/127892/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 16 November 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) K R Knoop, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. N107/2012—(2) CEST-SI-BON VILLAGE CC (1987/001887/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 28 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) GLEN USHER, PO BOX 11703, DORPSPRUIT, 3206. N158/2015—(2) E & E PROPERTY HOLDINGS CC (1990/003521/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 28 June 2018; (5) Contribution being collected; (6) GLEN USHER, PO BOX 11703, DORPSPRUIT, 3206. D72/16—(2) Pinnacle Auto Parts (Pty) Ltd (M2006/026841/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 1 February 2018; (5) Secured Award; (6) T W van den Heever & M R Ramonetha, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. E000030/2015—(2) ABUTI 1195 CC (2004/045849/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 25 June 2018; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO SECURED CREDITOR AND CONTRIBUTION TO BE COLLECTED; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. M118/2010—(2) DITONA CONSTRUCTIONS (PTY) LTD (2001/028957/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FOURTH & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 10 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CBStC COOPER, JN BEKKER & CT MAREDI, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. C155/2017—(2) Xigo (Pty) Ltd (2010/009205/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JJ Steenkamp and NE Ramapuputla, KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000. C160/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: BILTONG DIRECT CC (IN LIQUIDATION); (3) THE FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) DS NDLOVU, P O BOX 675, CAPE TOWN, 8000. C430/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: THE FORENSIC SCIENTIST CC (IN LIQUIDATION); (3) THE FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 21 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) DS NDLOVU & CM CLOETE, P O BOX 675, CAPE TOWN, 8000. C 344/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: LLEWELLYN CARELSE (810601 5170 08 4); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution; (4) 20 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) L van Zyl, P O Box 264, Woodstock, 7925.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 159

C20644/2014—(2) Trace Holding Company (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 19 June 2018; (5) Contribution is being collected; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche and Tasneem Shaik Mahomed, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C359/2016—(2) Lenlite Electrical CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 19 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Janetta Evelyn Carr and Surendra Naidoo, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C457/2016—(2) Inform SA Marketing (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 21 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid and Contribution levied; (6) G L S de Wet & L Ramsaroop, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust. C491/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Yatzee Investments CC; (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Dividends paid; (6) G L S de Wet, S Moodliar & D C October, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. C755/2008—(2) Trade Avail 175 CC (In Liquidation); (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 25 June 2018; (5) Contribution is being collected; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche, Andre Charl Van Heerden and Celeste Joyal Pick, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C755/2008—(2) Trade Avail 175 CC (In Liquidation); (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 25 June 2018; (5) Contribution is being collected; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche, Andre Charl Van Heerden and Celeste Joyal Pick, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C203/2017—(2) Knysna Electronics CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 22 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Johannes Jacob Theron and Azwifaneli Rambevha, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C353/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gary Wayne Seale; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 21 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Janetta Evelyn Carr and Ntebaleng Christina Morobane, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C359/2016—(2) Lenlite Electrical CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 19 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Janetta Evelyn Carr and Surendra Naidoo, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C854/2016—(2) Barcode Labels CC (2000/002832/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Payment of secured and Section 99 preferent awards; (6) T C Van Zyl & V Reddy, c/o Mazars, P O Box 134, Century City, 7446. C0469/17—(2) HENCO PROPERTY GROUP MANAGEMENT CC (2002/054161/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 9 July 2018; (5) None; (6) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. C924/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Chantal Greyling (8110110124087); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 20 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. C114/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Donovan & Irene Margaretha Lucas (6806205051083/6908170054082); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 24 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 SOUTPANSBERG ROAD RIETONDALE PRETORIA. C76/2017—(2) One Vision Investments 23 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 27 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) C F Bester & H A S Moosa, Mazars Houser, Realto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C757/15—(2) Platinum Clothing Hyde Park 33 CC (1998/038401/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 31 January 2018; (5) Contribution; (6) T W van den Heever & M C Rawoot, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. C218/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Hendrik & Carin Burger; (3) Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 4 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) C F Bester & H Henning, Mazars Houser, Realto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C543/2017—(2) Symfony Digital Solutions CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) None; (6) T C van Zyl & M L Ledwaba, c/o Mazars, P O Box 134, Century City, 7446. C854/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: JDP Burger (6301245009085); (3) Supplementary Fourth and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Preferent dividends are being paid; (6) Johann Lambrechts Krynauw & Melwyn Patrick Nash, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C288/2017—(2) Aquanautic Centre (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) JF Klopper & M Roux, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C66/2015—(2) Revan Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd (1995/013128/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Second Supplementary Fifth and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 5 July 2018; (5) Preferent awards are being paid; (6) R Pieters, MF Bardien & ED James, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C576/2017—(2) Smith and Thomas Fabrics CC (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Karin de Brauwere van Steeland, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C427/2016—(2) Triple Trust Organisation NPC (1988/005077/08) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) L Lombard & E R Smith, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C1067/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ann Avery Austin Wickens (5010100102080); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 27 June 2018; (5) None; (6) David October & Nomachule Oliphant, 116 Halt Road, Elsies River, 7490.

This gazette is also available free online at 160 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

Form/Vorm 6


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for his or her rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite his or her name. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) number of estate; (2) full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; (3) date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; (4) division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; (5) ground of application.


Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om sy of haar rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor sy of haar onderskeie name aangedui is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel; (2) volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy/haar geboortedatum en identiteitsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; (3) datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en woonadres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; (5) rede van aansoek.

T22238/2014—(2) Zuma, Priscilla Mumsie Baby, 13 August 1975, 7508130241081, Businesswoman, 7 Diggers Red Close, Midstream Estate, Centurion, Gauteng, Divorced; (3) Provisional Date: 30 September 2014, Final Date: 18 November 2014, 7 Diggers Red Close, Midstream Estate, Centurion, Gauteng, Unemployed; (4) GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 12 September 2018, 10:00; (5) SECTION 124(2)(a). T2104/12—(2) Van Der Voort, Johannes Fredericus George, 16 April 1979, 7904165032083, Architect, Standerton, 47A Brits Street, Standerton, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 16 August 2013, 47 Brits Street, Standerton, Architect, Standerton; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 4 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936. T0302/13—(2) CLAASSEN, ILZE, 24 May 1982, 8205240002086, Cargo Managaress, Turkish Airlines, 7 Sim Road, OR Tambo Airport, Kempton Park, Gauteng Province, 7 SHERIDAN STREET, FARRARMERE, BENONI, GAUTENG PROVINCE, Married OUT of community of property; (3) Provisional Date: 17 January 2013, Final Date: 15 February 2013, 2 SPRAY STREET, FARRARMERE, BENONI, GAUTENG PROVINCE, CARGO MANAGERESS; (4) High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 11 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) for the Rehabilitation of the Applicant under Case No 23703 / 2018 . T5651/09—(2) RICHTER, JUAN, 29 May 1982, 8205295037086, Mine Manager, employed by Eyethu Coal of 37 Schonland Drive, Ferrobank, Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, 29 Barbet Place, Bakenveld Golf Estate, Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, Married OUT of community of property; (3) Provisional Date: 25 September 2009, Final Date: 25 September 2009, 129 Collery Road, Sunairpark, Brakpan, Gauteng Province, Unemployed, Unmarried; (4) High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 23 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This Application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) for the Rehabilitation of the Applicant under Case No 26658 / 2018 . T5651/09—(2) RICHTER, JUAN, 29 May 1982, 8205295037086, Mine Manager, employed by Eyethu Coal of 37 Schonland Drive, Ferrobank, Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, 29 Barbet Place, Bakenveld Golf Estate, Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, Married OUT of community of property; (3) Provisional Date: 25 September 2009, Final Date: 25 September 2009, 129 Collery Road, Sunairpark, Brakpan, Gauteng Province, Unemployed, Unmarried; (4) High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 23 July 2018, 10:00; (5) This Application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) for the Rehabilitation of the Applicant under Case No 26658 / 2018 . T1052/16—(2) Naidoo, Annalisa Emelia, 9 April 1978, 7804090100080, Unemployed, 54 Hammenwood Road, Woodnew, Phoenix, Durban, KwaZulu Natal, Unregistered Common Law Marriage; (3) Final Date: 5 May 2016, 15 Stone Manor, 42 North Road, Morningside, Sandton, Manager; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 20 September 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act..

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 161

T1266/12—(2) SCHELLINGERHOUT, WANDA, 7 March 1967, 6703070117083, Teacher at Ferrum High School, 9 Villa Eureka, Scott Street, Newcastle, UNMARRIED; (3) Final Date: 5 April 2012, 993 33rd Avenue, Villeria, Pretoria, Teacher; (4) THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 14 September 2018, 10:00; (5) In terms of Section 124(2). T1127/17—(2) Van Wieren, Levon, 25 September 1989, 8909255099081, Sales Rep, Wika Instruments, Trichardt, 23 van Riebeeck Street, Bethal, Single; (3) Final Date: 1 June 2017, 32 Duiker Street, Secunda, Employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 4 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). T3394/2016—(2) Van Wyk, Ronald Richard, 21 May 1966, 6605215103086, Senior CAD Draughtsman, Rustenburg, 47 Ysterhout Avenue, Proteapark, Rustenburg, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 7 December 2016, 12 Olienhout Block 3, Siesta Single Quarters, Geelhoutpark, Employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 3 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). T1941/2017—(2) Mwale, Chisala William Mwale, 8 November 1972, 7211085972087, Validation Officer, Johannesburg, 89 Marie Linde Road, Croydon, Johannesburg, Married. Mwale, Constance, 11 June 1976, ZN128356, Unemployed, 89 Marie Linde Road, Croydon, Johannesburg; (3) Final Date: 17 August 2017, 89 Marie Linde Road, Croydon, Johannesburg, Employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 5 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). N20121/2014—(2) Van Schalkwyk, Barend Jacobus, 19 October 1978, 7810195006080, Site Agent at Scribante African Mining, No. 19 Seaview, Mtunzini, Married in community of property. Van Schalkwyk, Alicia, 29 July 1985, 8507290054085, Nail Technician, No. 19 Seaview, Mtunzini; (3) Final Date: 11 May 2015, No. 05 Contua, Veld en Vlei, Richardsbay, Site Agent at Scribante African Mining; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pietermaritzburg, 13 September 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. M50/2010—(2) RUDMAN, STAN, 7 February 1980, 8002075013084, ENGINEER, 12 HANNINGTON LANE, LYNNWOOD GLED, PRETORIA, GAUTENG PROVINCE, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY. RUDMAN, N/A,; (3) Final Date: 29 July 2010, 12 HANNINGTON LANE, LYNNWOOD GLED, PRETORIA, GAUTENG PROVINCE, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF AGAPE; (4) NORTH WEST DIVISION, MAHIKENG, 6 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Would be in the interest of my employer, its members and the community at large if my estate is rehabilitated.., N/A. M20001/2014—(2) Brelage, Herman, 20 September 1965, 6509205155082, Group Engineer at CBH - Supreme Chicken, No. 36 Pezcod Street, Van Der Hoff Park, Potchefstroom, North West Province, Married in community of property. Brelage, Anna Alida, 29 October 1967, 6710290122082, Housewife, No. 36 Pezcod Street, Van Der Hoff Park, Potchefstroom, North West Province; (3) Final Date: 19 December 2013, No. 18 Landdros Street, Rustenburg, North West Province, Engineer at Brelage Engineering & Consulting CC; (4) High Court of South Africa, Mahikeng, 6 September 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. C257/2012—(2) SWART, DONOVAN, 23 November 1973, 7311235084088, manager of importing company, 9 Leonard Giles, Rooirivier Rif, George, 9 Leonard Giles, Rooirivier Rif, George, Married; (3) Provisional Date: 1 March 2012, Final Date: 22 March 2012, 9 Leonard Giles, Rooirivier Rif, George, Manager; (4) Eastern Circuit Division, George, 24 August 2018, 09:00; (5) C257/2012-Insolvent estate: Donovan Swart (id 7311235084 088) married out of community of property. First & Final Liquidation and Distributors Account 22 March 2012. Awards being paid to secured and preference creditors. CF Bester, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Realto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Centry City, MI patel, Good Hope Trustees, 22nd Floor, Golden Acre, 9 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001. C651/2015—(2) ROUX, PAUL JACOBUS, 30 October 1983, 8310300021081, PHARMACIST, SHOP 43, DISCHEM, CANAL WALK, CENTURY CITY, 42 BLACK HAWK CRESCENT, SUNNINGDALE, CAPE TOWN, MARRIED; (3) Provisional Date: 5 October 2015, Final Date: 11 November 2015, 14 CANARY STREET, JOOSTENBERGVLAKTE, BELLVILLE, WESTERN CAPE, PHARMACIST; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN, 10 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Application for the Applicant’s rehabilitation in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936.. C314/2012—(2) WEBSTER, BRYAN DALE, 4 February 1957, 5702045013089, Consultant, 7 Sultana Road, Sonstraal, Durbanville, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 29 May 2012, 40 Symphony Villas, Sonsraal Heights, Durbanville, Estate Agent; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 4 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. C617/2010—(2) HANEKOM, CHANTELL, 3 April 1977, 7704030070080, Manager, 12 Melina street, Rosendal, Bellville, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 30 July 2010, 23 Panorama street, Brackenfell, Manager; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 4 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. C755/2011—(2) BRAND, NICOLAS WILLEM, 13 March 1980, 8003135123087, Police official, 32 Hofmeyer street, Kraaifontein, Married in of community of property; (3) Final Date: 14 October 2011, 2 Park street, Moorreesburg, Police official; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 4 September 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. C104/2013—(2) Kaye, Dennis Henry, 16 May 1951, 5105165105083, Manager at DHK Logistics (Pty) Ltd, No. 204 Taranga, 11 Glenhof Road, Newlands, Cape Town, Married out community of property; (3) Final Date: 6 February 2013, No. 14 Beauvais Avenue, Constantia, Western Cape, Businessman and Managing Director; (4) High Court of South Africa, Western Cape, 20 September 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act.

This gazette is also available free online at 162 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

C682/2012—(2) Nikki Venter, Nikki, 30 September 1977, 7709300051082, Attorney at Roberts Incorporated, No. 10 Mostert Street, Melkbosstrand, Cape Town, Married out community of property; (3) Final Date: 8 August 2012, No. 5, 20th Avenue, Melkbosstrand, Cape Town, Self-employed; (4) High Court of South Africa, Western Cape, 20 September 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act.

Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate; (2) name and description of estate; (3) date of sequestration order; (4) division of the High Court by which order is made; (5) date of confirmation of final account,and (6) name and address of curator. KENNISGEWINGS VAN KURATORS

Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel; (3) datum van sekwestrasiebevel; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; (5) datum van bekragtiging van finalerekening, en (6) naam en adres van kurator.

T1431/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Vorster, Anzel (7810010119084); (3) 16 May 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 6 March 2017; (6) M Meisel, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. T22018/14—(2) Dwars Een Eiendom CC (1996/023807/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 19 September 2014; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 22 February 2017; (6) Steynsburg R & Oelofsen M, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T4017/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Diedericks S (8007165052082); (3) 10 December 2015; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 7 July 2017; (6) Haywood M & Adam B, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T1889/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Erasmus NJ (6604195130086); (3) 11 May 2010; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 16 March 2015; (6) Van Staden PJC & Malema MK, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T2181/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Damon JM & CM (6908315168086); (3) 28 September 2012; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 16 July 2015; (6) Van Staden PJC & Cloete CM, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T3636/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Melato AL & MJ (7404205995084); (3) 5 September 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 2 September 2014; (6) Haywood M, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. C205/09—(2) Santo Domingo Kennels CC (1996/041291/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 3 March 2009; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 7 September 2017; (6) Van Staden PJM & Higgins MI, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T8181/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Steenkamp EAN (6606205026089); (3) 7 January 2010; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 8 February 2013; (6) Haywood M & Cloete CM, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T4126/15—(2) Ebie Auto Electrical Services CC (B2008/099211/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 4 March 2016; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 4 August 2017; (6) Steynsburg R, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T5300/11—(2) Een Twee Trust (IT5629/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 9 December 2011; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 25 September 2013; (6) Van Staden PJM & Prinsloo EW, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T242/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Erasmus RE (7605290105088); (3) 12 February 2009; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 27 January 2016; (6) Haywood M & Sturbuck CA & Yzel JW, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T3208/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Louw GE (7002170194087); (3) 20 August 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 3 June 2016; (6) Haywood M, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T3302/6—(2) Insolvent Estate: M.J. MARUMA (880702 5346 082); (3) 2 December 2016; (4) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (5) 25 August 2017; (6) M.E. SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. G 502/16—(2) MIDPOINT ENGINEERING CC (2001/020613/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 7 June 2016; (4) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT JHB; (5) 25 October 2017; (6) M.E. SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. G 502/16—(2) MIDPOINT ENGINEERING CC (2001/020613/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 7 June 2016; (4) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT JHB; (5) 25 October 2017; (6) M.E. SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. T3404/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: DJ & SL FERRIS (601201 0061 082); (3) 12 March 2014; (4) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (5) 14 November 2014; (6) M.E. SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. G1314/11—(2) Shandre Investments (Pty) Limited (1993/000089/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 20 September 2011; (4) Special Resolution; (5) 23 January 2012; (6) Sean Christensen, KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 20 JULIE 2018 No. 41779 163

G360/11—(2) Archstone Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd. (2008/018203/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 4 February 2011; (4) South Gauteng High Court; (5) 17 August 2017; (6) T. Hill; E.M. Motala; A.M. Nonyongo, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739. T2932/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: SHANE BENETTE HARTNICK; (3) 14 November 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 21 February 2018; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2381/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: MELISSA CAROLINE SUBAYA; (3) 27 September 2013; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 4 August 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1999/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kamhlushwa Auto Paint CC; (3) 25 February 2011; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 11 October 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3615/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: ZANELE SOPHIE NOMADLOZI; (3) 27 August 2010; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 6 March 2018; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1019/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: EWALD WILLEM SWART; (3) 24 March 2010; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 26 January 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T408/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: KEVIN & ALLISON MARGARET RENSBURG; (3) 5 March 2015; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 22 December 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T0022/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: NICOLAAS MARAIS LOMBARD; (3) 26 January 2015; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 9 May 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1639/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: LIVHUWANI MICHAEL NEMUTUDI & MIKATEKO PRECIOUS SHIRINDA; (3) 20 May 2011; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 23 January 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2444/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: MAMPANE JIMMY MOLOTO; (3) 27 November 2013; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 11 July 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3849/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: CRAIG WALTER & CHERYL BERNICE MULDOON; (3) 12 September 2012; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (5) 17 March 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. S25/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Meiring Property Trust No. 1 (IT799/2002); (3) 13 May 2014; (4) Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; (5) 29 April 2016; (6) C P Van Zyl, L V W Bester and M I Petersen, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. B15/2012—(2) TEMBADOR 177 (EDMS) BPK (IN LIKWIDASIE) (2007/008784/2007)(In Likwidasie); (3) 26 Januarie 2012; (4) BLOEMFONTEIN; (5) 12 Augustus 2013; (6) TV MATSEPE & MJ MOPHETHE, P/A PHATSHOANE HENNEY, POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. C92/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maria Johanna Germishuys (6506120013081); (3) 10 February 2015; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 20 September 2016; (6) T C Van Zyl & R D Fenner, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C490/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Die Rooster’s Hill Property Trust (IT6423/2003); (3) 22 March 2012; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 25 August 2014; (6) D Terblanche and M F Bardien, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C1002/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Dalton Glenville & Chantel Randall (7412315135087 and 7512080163089); (3) 9 September 2011; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 20 March 2013; (6) B N Shaw and M P Walters, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C371/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andries Machile and Sonia Yvonne Hardneck (5210145078085 and 5704060120088); (3) 23 March 2012; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 13 June 2016; (6) T C Van Zyl & J V Thomas, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C204/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Darren Lee Staples (7306075239081); (3) 23 March 2012; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 8 April 2016; (6) T C Van Zyl & A Q Khatieb, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C1332/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thomas and Jessica Alida Pretorius (5311015204080 and 5101170549084); (3) 18 November 2010; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 23 January 2013; (6) B N Shaw, H M M Terblanche and M M Sidyiyo, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C93/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Petrus Botes (7903095044085); (3) 4 March 2011; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 20 March 2013; (6) T C van Zyl and M Dowries, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C29/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Shamiema Abdullah (7904270243088); (3) 24 February 2011; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 2 May 2014; (6) T C Van Zyl and A V Dawson, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C92/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Elmien Botes (8212121314085); (3) 11 March 2011; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 15 June 2015; (6) T C van Zyl and E J Pietersen, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C207/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jaco and Elize de Swardt (6903295076086, 7101220252083); (3) 16 March 2012; (4) Cape Town; (5) 10 December 2015; (6) Danie Acker, Moegamat Ashraf Mohamed, P O Box 3 Mossel Bay 6500.

This gazette is also available free online at 164 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

C29/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Shamiema Abdullah (7904270243088); (3) 24 February 2011; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 2 May 2014; (6) T C Van Zyl and A V Dawson, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C142/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Juan Jacques Bredenkamp (7312225052085); (3) 17 March 2011; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 19 August 2015; (6) T C van Zyl and C J Pick, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C1101/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: Douglas Benjamin Forbes (5211075131084); (3) 23 October 2009; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 20 July 2012; (6) T C van Zyl, E J Pietersen and J S Venter, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C1209/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gerhardus Jacobus Rossouw (4912175041088); (3) 13 May 2010; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 9 October 2012; (6) T C van Zyl, B N Shaw & J V Thomas, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C984/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lucas Joubert; (3) 25 November 2013; (4) Western Cape High Court; (5) 8 November 2017; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche & Hillary Anne Plaatjies, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C19/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kenneth Robert Lubbe (4705125017004); (3) 7 February 2012; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 1 December 2015; (6) T C Van Zyl & A Moollajie, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C542/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Petrus Johannes Van Rooyen (7002245005086); (3) 3 May 2010; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 14 October 2013; (6) D Terblanche and G H Philander, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C971/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Phillip Jacques Fouche (505085073080); (3) 13 November 2012; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 22 October 2014; (6) D Terblanche and A P Maralack, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C138/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Van Niekerk Lambrechts (5908075074087); (3) 9 March 2012; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 3 March 2016; (6) T C Van Zyl, A Strydom and Z C Twala, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C1128/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Clint Adrian Neal Dixon (7104035216087); (3) 18 November 2010; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 3 March 2016; (6) T C Van Zyl, A Strydom and T Moodley, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C819/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Adele Visser (6906250294081); (3) 3 September 2010; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 10 May 2012; (6) T C Van Zyl, B N Shaw and E A Beddy, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City. C222/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Clinton Gunn Grobbelaar (7105180516086); (3) 21 June 2012; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) Cape Town; (5) 30 September 2015; (6) T C Van Zyl, E G Sebastian and H M M Terblanche, Mazars House, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring P/Ltd, 1st Floor, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City.

Form/Vorm 8


Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the High Court by which creditors of companies in liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of company in liquidation; (2) name and description of company; (3) date or time fixed by the Master; (4) name and address of liquidator.


Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van ’n distribusie kragtens ’n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; (2) naam en beskrywing van maatskappy; (3) datum of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; (4) naam en adres van likwidateur.

G814/13—(2) Cardio Fitness (Pty) Ltd (1984/000472/07) (In Liquidation); (3) 3 August 2018; (4) EJJ van Rensburg & MT Molefe, PO Box 90755, Garsfontein, 0042.

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Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner / debtor of his or her making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his or her estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, Identity No, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and partner Identity No, partner occupation, partner addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date. KENNISGEWINGS VAN OORGAWE VAN ‘N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL

Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker/ skuldenaar kennis gegee van sy of haar aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy of haar boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.

Hendrik Jacobus Nortje, 721109 5191 08 2, unemployed, 88 Carnation Street, Lindopark, Pretoria, Married in community of property; Juanita Nortje, 681103 0097 08 7, system administrator; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Talanta du Rant, 801020 0072 08 1, administration clerk, 4 Protea Complex, 5 Bayley Street, Farrarmere, Benoni, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Benoni; (4) -, -. Mona Archibald Liebenberg, 351030 0016 08 1, pensioner, 34 Slater Street, Parkrand, Boksburg, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Boksburg; (4) -, -. Oswald George Treptow, 630718 5071 08 4, mechanic, 811 Moot Street, Daspoort, Pretoria, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Francois Alwyn Booyens, 741021 5005 08 7, site manager, Villa Nosa, Unit 28, Koos de la Rey Street, Beyerspark, Boksburg, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Boksburg; (4) -, -. Samantha Lourens, 720227 0046 08 4, sales manager, 52 Delarey Street, Lyttelton, Pretoria, married out of community of property; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Cornelius Johannes Jacobs, 680805 5017 08 1, manager, 750 Rubenstein Drive, 17 Sanethof, Moreletapark, Pretoria, Married in community of property; Isabella Elizabeth Jacobs, 680628 0059 08 4, administration clerk; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Jacoba Isabella Smit, 601214 0010 08 2, registration clerk, 177 Booysen Street, Eloffsdal, Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Cleopatra Kelebogile Mathatsie, 820426 0266 08 5, credit controller, 2482 Vundla Drive, Rockville, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Johannesburg; (4) -, -.

This gazette is also available free online at 166 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

Johan Christian Jacobus Potgieter, 711103 5095 08 0, self-employed, 25 Honiball Street, Rynfield, Benoni, Married in community of property; Carolina Johanna Jacoba Potgieter, 730124 0072 08 7, unemployed; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Benoni; (4) -, -. Yolande Debbo, 810410 0281 08 0, office manager, 181 Pruimbos Avenue, Weltevredenpark, married out of community of property; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) -, -. Petrus Johannes van der Spuy Swart, 530827 5064 08 9, pensioner, 638 - 32nd Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria, Married in community of property; Margaretha Louisa Swart, 550624 0045 08 9, unemployed; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Johan Christian Jacobus Potgieter, 711103 5095 08 0, self-employed, 25 Honiball Street, Rynfield, Benoni, Married in community of property; Carolina Johanna Jacoba Potgieter, 730124 0072 08 7, unemployed; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Benoni; (4) -, -. Jacob Barend Leeuwner, 821231 5012 08 1, casual worker, 15 Die Meent, Allandale Street, Elarduspark, Pretoria, Married in community of property; Nasstasja Leeuwner, 840812 0106 08 0, administrator; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Thea de Kramer, 731004 0004 08 3, bookkeeper, 39 Columbia, Paramount Estate, Drive-in Drive, Hazeldean, Pretoria, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Nadia Evelyn Westcott, 940725 0023 08 0, sales representative, 46 - 5th Street, Marlands, Germiston, Married in community of property; Delmari Westcott, 960215 0504 08 6, general worker; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Pretoria, Germiston; (4) -, -. Martha Molelekeng Pamela Tlatsi, 640317 0626 089, Self Employed, 1 Ridgeway Lofts, Mondeor EXT 2, Gauteng Province; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria High Court, 13 August 2018, 00:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria; (4) Martha Molelekeng Pamela Tlatsi, 1 Ridgeway Lofts, Mondeor EXT 2, Gauteng Province. Willem Henderick Van Staden, 5812255161088, Fitter and Turner, Plot 32 Randridge, Randfontein; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Johannesburg, Randfontein; (4) G.D. Ficq Attorneys, 11 Dieperink Street, Roodepoort, 12 July 2018. Petrus Johannes Meiring, 870506 5008 08 4, Retrenched, Plot 10 Vleikop, Randfontein; Maruschka Alecia Meiring, 880415 0168 08 3, School Teacher; (2) Application: Gauteng Plaaslike Afdeling, Johannesburg, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Johannesburg, Randfontein; (4) G.D. Ficq Prokureurs, 11 Dieperinkstraat, Roodepoort, 1724, 12 July 2018. Daniel Christoffel Bester, 7411135048082, Logistics Manager, 535 Irvine Avenue, Mountain View, Pretoria, Gauteng, Married in Community of Property; Retha Bester, 7702060089087, Configuration Officer; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria North; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 14 February 2018. Jan Paul Magiel Van Der Merwe, 600411 5039 08 9, Truck Driver, 21 Evans Road, Small Farms, Benoni, Gauteng, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Pretoria, Benoni; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 22 March 2018. William Jan-Hendrik Garnett Bennett, 901030 5142 08 5, Ketelmaker, 21 Syringa Laan, Wilro Park, Roodepoort, Gauteng, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 14 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 Julie 2018, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 6 Junie 2018. Angelique Gebhardt, 850813 0010 08 9, Onderwyseres, 27ste Laan 629B, Villieria, Pretoria, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 15 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 Julie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 6 Junie 2018. Jan Christoffel Germishuizen, 651123 5182 08 6, Werkloos, 597 Stasie Straat, Pretoria Noord, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Maria Elizabeth Germishuizen, 670702 0042 08 5, Administrateur, 597 Stasie Straat, Pretoria Noord; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 16 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 Julie 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria Noord; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 6 Junie 2018. Francisco John Pretorius, 631119 5079 08 7, Bestuurder, 15 Vega Straat, Fishers Hill, Germiston, Gauteng, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 15 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 Julie 2018, Pretoria, Germiston; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 6 Junie 2018. Catharina de Beer, 790613 0022 08 1, Sekretaresse, 805 Taljaard Straat, Daspoort, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 14 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 Julie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 6 Junie 2018.

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Lambertus Petrus Jonker Victor, 851104 5106 08 3, Verkoopsman, Plot 25, Rooikat Straat, Petit, Benoni, Gauteng, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Ida-Marie Victor, 850303 0002 08 8, Krediet Kontroleerder, Plot 25, Rooikat Straat, Petit, Benoni, Gauteng; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 16 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 Julie 2018, Pretoria, Benoni; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 6 Junie 2018. MARITZA HORN, 840528 0065 080, TRAINER, 1245 SUDBURY AVENUE, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA; (2) Aansoek: GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 29 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 Julie 2018, PRETORIA, PRETORIA; (4) WENTZEL- HOFFMANN ATTORNEYS, C/o LIEZL VAN DYK ATTORNEYS, 222 BURGER STREEET, PRETORIA-NORTH, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, 9 Julie 2018. Donavin Botha, 810917 5073 08 0, Fitter & Turner, 13 Dennehof Club Street, Peacehaven, Vereeniging, Unmarried; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Pretoria, Vereeniging; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 23 July 2018. Jaun-Pierré Stanley Oosthuizen, 901020 5020 08 4, Teacher, 272 Eland Street, Randvaal, Meyerton, Unmarrried; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 13 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Pretoria, Meyerton; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 23 July 2018. Elmar Cobus Myburgh, 760417 5025 08 1, Unemployed, 8 Bosman Street, Vanderbijlpark, Unmarried; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 23 July 2018. Sonika Wiggill, 860117 0082 08 2, Sales Person, Holding 165 Vyfhoek, Potchefstroom, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Pretoria, Potchefstroom; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Inc, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 23 July 2018. ADEL TODD, 771017 0050 089, ADMINISTRATION CLERK, 8 GEDALJE PUTTICK ROAD SUNDOWNER RANDBURG; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, RANDBURG; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 13 July 2018. DANIELLE HENDERSON, 880211 0484 087, SALES ADMINISTRATION OFFICER, NO 3 WOODMERE VILLA’S LAUREL STREET WOODMERE PRIMROSE GERMISTON; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, GERMISTON; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 13 July 2018. Etienne Fourie, ., Diesel Fitter, 98 Burger Avenue, Lyttelton Manor, Centurion, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Andreas Van Niekerk, 7507245096083, Sound Engineer, 28 Eagle Rock, Stellenbosch Place, Northcliff x 25, Divorced; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Pretoria, Johannesburg; (4) Esmeraldo Attorneys, 149 Cowen Ntuli Street, Middelburg. JACOBUS LODEWIKUS VENTER, 770801 5070 080, DIESEL MECHANIC, 87 TIMBER STREET WENTWORTH PARK KRUGERSDORP; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 13 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, KRUGERSDORP; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 13 July 2018. Violet Selowa, ., Security Officer, 05 Makuruntsi Street, Saulsville, Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: Pretoria, 15 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Peter Sydney Slabbert, ., Unemployed, 146 Elke Street, Kliprivier, Meyerton, Unmarried; (2) Application: Pretoria, 13 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Meyerton; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. LIZAHN ANELDA OOSTHUIZEN, 711016 0248 084, SOCIAL WORKER, 1 ST STREET 97 RAND-EN-DAL KRUGERSDORP; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, KRUGERSDORP; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 13 July 2018. Zacharias Catharina Martin, ., Area Manager, 927A 6th Avenue, Wonderboom South, Pretoria North, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria North; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Gerald James Martin, ., Unemployed, 927A 6th Avenue, Wonderboom South, Pretoria North, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria North; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Elsebe Maas, ., Unemployed, 146 Elke Street, Kliprivier, Meyerton, Unmarried; (2) Application: Pretoria, 13 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Meyerton; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion.

This gazette is also available free online at 168 No. 41779 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JULY 2018

Eben Jansen Van Vuuren, ., Industrial Electrician, 10 Brian Road, Homelake, Randfontein, Married in community of property; Ruska Jansen Van Vuuren, ., Unemployed; (2) Application: Pretoria, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Randfontein; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Johannes Henning Britz, ., Unemployed, 14 Jukskei Street, Norkem Park, Kempton Park, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria, 13 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Kempton Park; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Elzette Britz, ., Financial Manager, 14 Jukskei Street, Norkem Park, Kempton Park, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria, 13 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 30 July 2018, Pretoria, Kempton Park; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Maria Elizabeth Smit, 7008170256081, Administratiewe Bestuurder, Stasiestraat nr. 11, Bultfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat; (2) Aansoek: Vrystaat, 16 Augustus 2018, 09:30; (3) 20 Julie 2018, Bloemfontein, Bultfontein; (4) De Villliers Prokureurs, Deale weg nr. 89 Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein. Maria Elizabeth Smit, 7008170256081, Administratiewe Bestuurder, Stasiestraat nr.11, Bultfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat, n/a; n/a, n/a, n/a, n/a; (2) Intrekking: 18 Junie 2018; (3) 4 Mei 2018, Bloemfontein, Bultfontein Landdroskantoor; (4) Huggett Hendriks Ing, 62A Calliopestraat,Pentagonpark,Bloemfontein. Richard Ralph Pieters, 720502 5359 08 2, general manager, 22 Keans Drive, Hiltara Park, Hilton, married in community of property; Jenine Pieters, 711215 0165 08 8, administration assistant; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg, 15 August 2018, 09:30; (3) 20 July 2018, Pietermaritzburg; (4) Morne Attorneys, 42 Linwood Drive, Boughton, Pietermaritzburg. NICOLAAS VENTER, 6305215031086, LODGE MANAGER, NO 2,OORLOGSFONTEIN PLOTS,R11 ROAD TO MOKOPANE,THABO MBEKI DRIVE,0601; (2) Application: IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA,LIMPOPO DIVISION,POLOKWANE, 9 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 14 September 2018, POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE; (4) ELMARIE BIERMAN ATTORNEYS, 10B CHURCH STREET,POLOKWANE,0699, 10 July 2018. Theunis Hendricis Oosthuizen, 8911215024084, Diesel Mechanic, 182 Hooge Street, Mokpane, Limpopo, N/A; N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A; (2) Application: Limpopo Division Polokwane, 14 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, High Court Building, Block B, 4th Floor, Corner of Bodenstein and Biccard Street, Polokwane, Limpopo, Magistrate’s Court, Corner of Hooge and Retief Street, Mokopane, Limpopo; (4) Herman Potgieter Attorneys, 36 Voorstreet, Mokopane, Limpopo, 10 July 2018. Monitha Vermaak, 7703310004082, Medical Sister, Portion 3, Holding 62, Rietspruit, Lephalale, Divorced; (2) Application: Limpopo Division, Polokwane, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 23 July 2018, Polokwane, Lephalale; (4) Esmeraldo Attorneys, 149 Cowen Ntuli Street, Middelburg. Marisca Buys, 811020 0059 08 6, Job Card Clerk, 6A Pecan Street, Meiringspark, Klerksdorp, Married Out Community of Property; (2) Application: North-West, Mafikeng, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Mafikeng, Klerksdorp; (4) King Jordaan & Swart, 17 Golf Street, Klerksdorp, 13 July 2018. Phillippus Jacobus Wilhelmus Buys, 760508 5125 08 5, Parts Manager, 6A Pecan Street, Meiringspark, Klerksdorp, Married Out Community of Property; (2) Application: North-West, Mafikeng, 16 August 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 July 2018, Mafikeng, Klerksdorp; (4) King Jordaan & Swart, 17 Golf Street, Klerksdorp, 13 July 2018. Rodney Gregory Hellenberg, 521125 5131 08 6, junior foreman, 179 Lower Klipfontein Road, Silvertown, Athlone, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 16 August 2018, 09:30; (3) 20 July 2018, Cape Town; (4) R Hendricks & Associates, 1 Garfield & Alamein Roads, Claremont. Glenn Trevor Bradfield, 5809265156082, Sales Agent, 3 Chandos Close, Woodbridge, Island, Milneron, Cape Town, Single; (2) Application: Cape Town, 14 August 2018, 09:30; (3) 23 July 2018, Cape Town, Cape Town; (4) K. Maharaj Incorporated, Suite 301, 40 Masonic Grove, Durban, 4001, 9 July 2018. Nkosivumile Vickson Malamlela, ID: 7309215857085, ‘n toesighouer, Provincial Road Camp, Botrivier, Wes-Kaap, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Bongiswa Malamlela, 8209151816088, ‘n padwerker; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 16 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 Julie 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 11 Julie 2018. Rene Nienaber, ID: 7610275225083, ‘n finansiele kontroleerder, 107 Villa Della Fonte, Arum Road, Bloubergstrand, Wes- Kaap, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 15 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 Julie 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 11 Julie 2018. Siyabonga Nanto, ID: 8205115722081, ‘n padwerker, 2928 Unknown 4, Botrivier, Wes-Kaap, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 17 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 Julie 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 11 Julie 2018.

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Llewellyn Michael Michaels, ID: 8907165112085, ‘n brandweerman, Middeltonstraat 6, Ladismith, Wes-Kaap, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 14 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 Julie 2018, Meester Kaapstad, Ladismith; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 11 Julie 2018. Siyabonga Nanto, ID: 8205115722081, ‘n padwerker, 2928 Unknown 4, Botrivier, Wes-Kaap, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 17 Augustus 2018, 10:00; (3) 20 Julie 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 11 Julie 2018.

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