(Biver0 Anb (Sitts
1906.] Givers and Gifts. 41 (Biver0 anb (Sitts, FROM MEMBERS. ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, LL. D., Lincoln.—His "John Quincy Adams and Speaker Andrew Stevenson of Virginia." BARTON, EDMUND M., Worcester.—^Two magazines in continxiation; and three photographs. BRIQHAM, CLARENCE S., Providence, R. I.,—"Bpston in 1682 and 1699;" and one broadside. BROOKS, JAMES W., Petersham.—His address on the 150th Anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Petersham. CHASE, CHARLES A., Worcester.—Photograph of the Court Houses on Court Hill, Worcester. COREY, DELORAINE P., Maiden.—His "Memoir of John Ward Dean;" and a bound file of "The Maiden Outlook." DAVIS, ANDREW MCF., Cambridge.—Five of his own publications; six books; and thirty.«ix pamphlets. DAVIS, Hon. EDWARD L., Worcester.—Nineteen books; and seventy- nine pamphlets. GABVER, Rev. AUSTIN S., Worcester.—Six books; and seven pamphlets. GILMAN, DANIEL C, LL. D., Baltimore, Md.—Two of his own publica- tions; and three pamphlets. GREEN, JOHN, LL. D., St. Louis, Mo.—His "Memorial of Henry Hitch- cock, 1829-1902." GREEN, Hon. SAMUEL A., Boston.—^Three of his own publications; twenty-seven books; two hundred and thirteen pamphlets; fifteen engravings; and "The American Journal of Numismatics," in con- tinuation. HUNTINGTON, Rev. WILLIAM R., D.D., New York.—His "Inter^Church or Intra-Church, Which?" JOHNSON, EDWARD F., Wobum.—His "Captain Edward Johnson of Wobum, Mass, and some of his Descendants." LOUBAT, JOSEPH F., LL. D., Paris, France.—The Codex Borgia; one book; and one pamphlet. MATTHEWS, ALBERT, Boston.—His "The Word Palatine in America." 42 American Antiquarian Sodety. [Oct., L, Hon. SAMUEL W., Winchester.—His speech on the Phillipine Tariff biU, 1906.
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