PITH AIO> POINT. * office door he saw the office boy eyeing For a minute or two the Edsons Religious. We see, therefore, that the dissemin&. The Republican. his bunch wistfully. might as well have been a couple of AWilliamsport man stumbled and tion ofthe Scriptures has been very thor- “Here, John, would you like a Frenchmen meeting after a sep- ough, and that of all the means long fell down five flights of stairs, and when IN GALILEE. used JAS. A. HAYDENi Publisher. spray?” he asked kindly, and without aration. The elder was the first to re- he landed at the bottom, instead of call- by the Protestant churches forthe spread waiting for the eager answer he saw on cover himself. ing for arnica, he looked at his feet a The Master **alko