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Tp Licklider '-.T' vTSW; ■■ ,— ... rr’T-iaBiTi-rr'-'-- .." T~» .- «—» FLOUR FOR PASSOVER. RE ELECT B. & O. DIRECTORS. HOME COMING WEEK.} No Changes Made at the Annual Meet- 1 RABBIS WILL FIRST INSPECT THE SUPEINTENDENT MILLER MAKES ing of Stockholders. TO THE PUBLIC! MILLS AT WESTMINSTER. The annual meeting of the stock- THE SUGGESTION IN SCHOOL to Race St. we are now in to show our friendf holders of the Baltimore & Ohio rail- Having enlarged our ware room position DIRECTORY. the rotate. After the Wheat is Ground Under road was held Monday in the new an in the best and most complete line of Farming Implementsin trade general, Baltimore & Ohio building, and, as had Their It Goes Under Plans Are Supervision been predicted, all of the directors Given and Next September SPREADERS. were re-elected. President Oscar G. is the Seal to Baltimore Baker. Date Given as Most Suit- Muray presided at the meeting, which nure Without a doub Rabbis Levinson, Schaffer and Sam- was slimly attended and lasted only We the Famous & Burpee. Spreader. able Time. haadle Kemp of will visit West- long enough to count the shares of Over 33000 in use in the Lnned States. uelson, Baltimore, he best on the market today. the mill that is to stock voted. In the Spreader minster to inspect forthcoming issue of the , grind the wheat from which the next The directors of the company are directory. Superintendent not to meet for J homas C. Miller will CORN PLANTERS. Passover bread is made. expected organization incorporate a suggestion for a The amount of care taken in the until next month. The exact date of home-coming day for or est \ and Deere Corn Planters. The Edge Drop planters of this food strikes one as the meeting has not yet been set. In irginians. The Celebrated Black Hawk only preparation , Superintendent Mil- with ea addition to the board is ler is very much in 3 or 3 in a lull, as desired. A puarantee remarkable in this busy age. organizing, earnest about the \ the market. They drop grains matter and in the work of supplying this bread expected to discuss the question of in- suggests that the goveronr J extend an to the Orthodox Hebrews in Baltimore creasing wages. Whether or not any- invitation to all those who known to be the corn drill on the market. have Corn 1)rillj bylall leading and in Maryland, 1,200 barrels of flour thing will be done in this direction it sought fortune in other climes to machine^ visit the are needed. The contract for furnish- is not now possiblle to say, but in again mother state. DISC HARROWS, ed this has been secured by Slagle & view of the fact that the Pennsyl- Superintendent Miller suggests that next Myers. All the work must be done un- vania and other large roads have made September will be an appropriate 4 Head time as Buffallo Pitts, and Roderick Lean Disc Harrows. The; der the supervision of the rabbis, even advances, it is thought in some quar- hundreds of former West Vir- The Imperial John Deere, ginians will be can throw the soil in or to the center to the selection of the wheat. The ters that favorable action will be tak- passing through the out, ___ harrows of the season. Reversible, you state over three ing ' mill in which the wheat is ground is en. The Pennsylvania and subsidiary trunk lines en route the re- to the Jamestown the center as desired. given over wholly to this work until roads increased wages of all exposition. Through his TOOTH HARROWS the contract for the Passover flour is ceiving less than $200 a month 10 per courtesy The Herald is able to give FRAME SPRING full text of his STEEL WOOD filled. It is owned by N. I. Gorsuch & cent. The Baltimore & Ohio employes suggestion, which is as follows: Sons. It was shut down from regular number about 57,000, and should the "In some of CULTIVATORS. operation Friday. Since then a force directors follow the same rule, it is the New England states has been employed in thoroughly estimated that the increase in wages home-coming week has become a fixed 1 not less and last and Deerelbalance frame Cultivator. Also a completeilim cleansing every part of it. The bins, would cost it than $4,000,000 observance, September Ken- The World Benown Buckeye had a the beltings, the machinery, the floors, annually. It is estimated that fully tucky fine celebration in honor with 5 reversible of the return of single Cultivators shovels.__ and, in fact, the whole premises must 20 per cent, of the employes get less of her sons and daugh- ters who had be scrupulously clean. It is passed than $200 a month. gone beyond her bor- LAND ROLLER. ders. Other states have upon by the committee. done likewise. "While not an old state that has no After the rabbis have become satis- reckoning for the McColm Soil Pulverizer, a roller oppo- ro GOVERN BOWLING ALLEYS. from her admission to We are the exclusive Agents fied that the surroundings are all they the union, nev- ertheless as a of Rition A full line of steel and wo< d land rollers. should be a brief religious service is part the old mother manu- the with a round point and the mill starts to work. The DRDINANCE COMMITTEE WILL state, West Virginia has some of the are the for the Hallock Weeder, onlyflat tooth, held, vTe Agents oldest settlements -west of the on its merits. rabbis always maintain a ‘'watcher" Alle- actuif dav. Sold SUBMIT MATTER TO COUNCIL. and thousands of d|U principally on the premises, who closely scruti- ghenies, descendants of her old nizes the work as it progresses. As families are scattered Youths Under 6 Years to Be Barred the BROWN WAGON the flour comes out it is placed in new throughout West, even to the Pa- cific slope. Some, too, have white oak staved barrels. As these From Pool, Billiard and Bowling gone east. sold in the dosen’l Why not invite them all to We 1,'u die the Celebrated Brown agon, the only wagon countylthat are filled they are stamped in Hebrew come back in at 11 P. M, to the old home section and see to sell them. Their own meritsi make the sale. More ueein;our county characters by the "watcher" who also Rooms—Must Close the a new of require guarantee superintends the placing of it on the Virginia today? Next year other on record. The ordinance committee of the thousands oday than any wagon cars. When a carload is made it is city will visit the Jamestown ex- council held an on also sealed by the "watcher” and important meeting position, and three of the great trung when it was decided to GRAIN DRILLS started to Baltimore. The seal must Monday night, lines leading to Norfolk pass through a law to the council which be broken there by another repre- report our territory. Why not invite our rel- use in would, in a measure, govern the con- friends the Old Reliable Penn Foret Feed Grain Drill. Over 300 in the, County sentative of the committee, when the atives, and neighbors of years We handle luct of the pool, billiard and bowling to All Drills sold under a Guarantee to give flour is unloaded and stored in the gone by call and see us either as and all are perfect satisfaction. positive •ooms of the For some time today, giving warehouses to be delivered only as city. past they come or go to the exposition? here have been filed with perfect satisfaction. called for by the official baker. It is complaints Let the invitation be extended by our he authorities certain generally taken out in lots of fifty bar- city regarding governor and the public generally, and features of these of business, no DFERING BINDER. rels at a time. It requires about 12 places doubt very many would plan to the noise from the bowi- weeks or three months to make it up particularly make a visit at that time. and the fact that of Raks .3 into the Passover bread. ng alleys youths “Of course, family reunions would I for tne Deering Binders, Mowers* lender were these Agents The same care is exercised in the years frequenting be a prominent feature of such a • and 1 cans. places of business. put up in i gallon gallon selection of the wheat as in other fea- home-coming, but doubtlelss a number At the last cf the council tures in connection with this impor- meeting of our cities and towns, and even the I matter was in the hands of CORN CRUSHERS tant Jewish event. Mr. Myers said he placed smaller communities, would plan to he members of the ordinance commit- that nothing but a high-grade, long- have special exercises appropriate to with instructions to formulate a i i l t i 1 * ‘1111 )) lDm VI J e will muster. It must lee, the occasion. Is the wortn are for ttG Ditto, Star trip berry variety pass suggestion We the Agents / pleasure that would meet the exigen- will a lifetime. be absolutely free from ull outside sub- considering?" fi one a Ball which lact you cies of the case. One of those who geared, and Bearing or Hand Corn Planters, Cream stances. such as garlic other impuri- | We handle a full line of Corn Shellers, Cutting Boxes, : ippeared before the committee was and Gar, ties which are usually found in all General Yard Master.
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