Laurier's Official Student Newspaper The Cord Weekly

The Cord's Sports Awards Should you not write a are unveiled Page 20 Sunday exam? Page 6 Volume 42 Issue 28 Wednesday March 26 2003 Waging peace

speakers; Naomi Ives, co-ordinator Bryn Boyce of Laurier4Peace, commented on how diverse the speakers were. The day after CNN showed the "As a co-ordinator, if more than war's first strikes on Baghdad, hun- just my closest friends show up dreds of Laurier students flooded to then I'm happy." the Quad for a peaceful demon- Dr. Oscar Cole Arnal com- stration. The largely anti-war mended the anti-war students for crowd huddled in the dank their activism and remembered his evening to express their outrage days of active protest during the over the invasion of the sovereign Vietnam war and civil rights move- state of Iraq. ment. He blasted leaders for their The students were very enthu- lack of transparency and jabbed at siastic despite the cold weather "free trade deals which are free and depressing circumstances of only for the corporations of the the previous night. It was estimated world." Tim Kalinowski, a Global that anywhere from 250-300 stu- Studies student, explained his sup- Bryn Boyce dents participated in Thurday's port for the 1991 Gulf War hinged display peace signs and flags Laurier students Canadian to demonstrate their commitment to peace. s:3opm Peace Rally and subse- on UN backing something that this quent march through the campus. war does not have. The demonstration was organ- Sean Geobey, a fourth year Culture Shock WLU ized by Laurier Students for Public Political Science student, brought a jolts Interest Group (LS4PIRG) very personal tone to the rally. Research and Laurier4Peace, two very active "Those people who die in Iraq, Sold out show features a celebration of pro-peace groups on campus. As each one will be someone's sister, students assembled in the Quad mother, father or brother. We diversity through performance many of were approached by stu- refuse to accept that anyone, any- dents wielding petitions and wav- where in the world is anything less dance performed by the between bamboo poles. The ing placards in protest of the "ille- than human." Ashley Lewis Association of Black students, we entire audience was entertained gal war" in Iraq. got a taste of many different tal- and well, "Shocked." The dance There was a great slate of (continued on page 4) The second annual Culture Shock ents and traditions from around is the imitation of tikling birds and Show, organized by Equality the globe and the university. the bamboo poles are to signify Awareness, was held this past All of the performances were traps set by rice farmers. The hit- Friday in the Maureen Forrester thoroughly enjoyed. However, ting of the poles against the Recital Professors talk Hall. The show was sold my personal favorite was the ground were perfectly in sync out and, unfortunately, no tickets Filipino Tinikling Dance, per- with one another, creating a could be bought at the door, leav- formed by Folklorico Filipino drum-like sound twined with the ing many people disappointed. Canada and Laurier students. The music playing in the background. Hopefully, next year the Culture performance was different from It was truly an awakening. about war in Iraq Shock Show will be held in the anything I had ever seen before, Theatre Auditorium, because after incorporating dance and concen- In fact, the only issues that most this year's performances the bar tration while maneuvering (continued on page 79) Brandon Currie agreed on is that the war is not about on culture has just been raised. With the hordes of pack journalists American thirst for oil, Euro- To kick start the show a mon- and ostensible experts giving their American relations will not be hurt in tage was performed of the Boys II opinions on the morality, causation the long-term and that war is being Men song, "I Will Get There" fol- and legitimacy of the current war in carried out to improve George lowed by our National Anthem. Iraq, I thought I would tap Laurier's Bush's chances in the 2004 presi-

The first act was a three-scene own source of expertise - our dential election. fashion show exhibiting cultural beloved professors. Barry Kay, an expert on clothes from many nationalities, This is not an exhaustive survey American politics, certainly made including Indian, Chinese, of the entire faculty, but is meant to the most colourful and impassioned Hungarian, Ukrainian and Israeli. illuminate some of the trends, issues comments on the war saying that the The 17-act show enabled the and questions that our intelligentsia is US is like a "bull in a china audience to watch as many of the discussing in the academic environ- shop...that has pursued its self-inter- world's beautiful cultures stopped ment during these turbulent times. est to the point of losing reality." In in to teach us a thing or two about I interviewed political scientists Barry fact, Kay criticized virtually every fac- them. Kay, Allistair Edgar, and Thomas tion in the conflict, saying, "every- From Polish folkloric dance to Hueglin, historians John Allison and one's a self-interested pig" and that Modern East Indian performed by George Urbaniak, and sociologist the peace movement "exists in a par- the South Asian Alliance. With a Peter Eglin, essentially asking them to allel universe... the/re only doing sexy Latin American Salsa by assess the arguments of the pro and this to feel self-righteous. Nobody LASALAS, a unique and interest- anti-war As a Bryn Boyce factions. result of the takes them seriously." ing Polynesian Dance and a truly complexity of the responses, I will The audience got a taste of talents and traditions from around the globe. urban North American Hip Hop profile each professor individually. (continued on page 10) 2 News Wednesday March 26 20(13 Peaceful prerogative Peace camp set up on campus to foster discussion and promote a peaceful reso- lution to "illegal war" on Iraq

Bryn Boyce spoken since the beginning of 'Operation Iraqi Freedom.' Camping for Peace? If this The camp was set up in front sounds to you like a bunch of hip- of the Peters Building on pies have been drinking the bong University Avenue following the water again then mosey on down Peace Rally held in the FNCC to the camp and start chuggin.' In Quad. The camp has been suc- all seriousness though, these pas- cessful in drawing students to par- sive activists have been out in the ticipate in four-hour or overnight elements and have held silent vig- shifts in the peaceful compound. ils and peace jams for the better John Wilkinson, President of part of a week to protest Bush's the Graduate Students Association hellstorm in Iraq. and member of Laurier4Peace, Laurier4Peace, a group of both has spent three nights at camp Bryn Boyce undergraduate and graduate stu- since announcing its creation. "It's The Laurier community gathers in the Quad to begin an evening of demonstration for peace. dents who strongly oppose the hard to say how many people war in Iraq, set up a Peace Camp have come in," admits Wilkinson, from a similar program in peace camp helps "reinforce the remarked that the camp reminded last Thursday. The group was very but as of Friday 33 people had and quickly gained support in the perception that this war is wrong him of his days as a University of vocal during the turbulent pre-war signed up for shifts. major pro-peace groups at Laurier. and that WLU students and Waterloo student when he days and has continued to be out- The idea for the camp came The makeshift camp has a Canadians do not want this unjust protested the war in Vietnam; he fresh and humbling feel with a and illegal war." wanted to show his supportfor the peace symbol constructed from There has been some opposi- camp because he felt that "what duct-tape and Hula-Hoops, as tion to the peace camp since its' the students are doing is impor- well as a table of lit candles. The inception." You get the occasional tant." camp gives a truly rustic and nat- person walking by shouting "Fuck The camp's main drawing ural feel despite the almost con- Peace" or "Bomb Iraq," explained power stems from its informal stant drone of traffic. Wilkinson. "I'd like to think our nature. "It's nice and easy, you According to the camp's discourse is more advanced can just walk in and out," said organizers, the goal of the peace here," responded Wilkinson refer- Sherry McKever, a peace activist camp is primarily "to be a visible ring to the discussion-based and LS4PIRG member. symbol of opposition to the war camp. The signage facing University on Iraq." Secondly, the camp aims The camp has also seen an Ave. receives a great deal of sup- "to show solidarity with the vic- outpouring of community sup- port from peaceful commuters, tims of violence everywhere," and port. People often drop by to lend eager to lay-on the horn for peace. "provide a place for opponents of or donate materials to the cause. The most ironic of which are cer- the war to gather for support and The current inventory of dona- tainly those driving gas-guzzling action." The camp's third goal is tions include a safari hat, tents, a SUVs, but support is support right? to "help the peace movement carpet, many lanterns, candles, The peace camp is formally grow, both to shorten this war and reading material, food and drinks, scheduled to remain open from prevent the next one." sidewalk chalk, as well as March 20-April 30, but the camp Mike Borrelli, President of Canadian flags. is committed to remain open as Laurier Students For Public The camp received a boost of long as students are willing to Bryn Boyce Interest Research Group support on Sunday when K-W MP stand up against the war. Is he pro-war, anti-war or apathetic? Hmmmm... let's think about that one. (LS4PIRG), commented that the Andrew Telegdi stopped by. He WLU chancellor retires; search begins

ership is a quality required by the is similar to the Canadian Government's students. Jeffrey Hawkins Chancellor, who must supply the campus chancellor selection process but slightly So what does this mean for you, the community with guidance. The chancel- altered to deliver more immediate results. paying students of Wilfrid Laurier WLU's current chancellor, John E. lor's expected involvement in various According to Dr. Rosehart the Ad Hoc University? It means that you can nominate Cleghorn, will not be returning for another aspects of university life should provide this committee, established on February 11 of the most radical fascist this side of 1930's four-year term after the June convocation guidance. this year, screens through nominations to Berlin, or you can nominate another ceremony. This means that the university's However, Cleghorn, the fifth Laurier select an appropriate nominee. Following "respected, well-known individual who is most symbolically authoritative position is Chancellor, provided such leadership and the committee's nomination the nominee's committed to the vision and mission of up for grabs. guidance to the university experience that candidacy is then concurred to by the Laurier" as stated by the university's website The selection committee is currently he "may be a hard act to follow," as Dr. Senate, followed by a final stage of for chancellor nominations. In accordance accepting application nominations from all Rosehart remarked. appointment by the Board of Governors. with Rosehart's comments about the future interested parties, including students. So if According to Dr. Rosehart, "John Made up of Dr. Rosehart, the Chair of of Laurier's increasing number of convoca- you think you know someone who is up for Cleghorn really set the benchmark for oth- the Board of Governors, the immediately tions, one should nominate a likely candi- the position, which Dr. Rosehart has stated ers to aspire to. He has a long family histo- passed chair of the Board of Governors and date that can invest ample amounts of time will increase in time consumption due to ry with Wilfrid Laurier that dates back to the the vice-chair of the Senate, the committee and energy to properly ensure that Laurier additional convocations, send a nomina- era of Waterloo Lutheran University. John "will broadly solicit nominations from the students receive the finest chancellor possi- tion in to Marilyn Jacobs, University himself was even a waterboy for the constituency to determine likely and inter- ble. Secretariat, Peters Building P2092 or mja- Waterloo Lutheran football team." He adds ested candidates" according to Rosehart. You can make a difference. [email protected]. that "John has proven himself to be much Rosehart also stated that the job of the Applications are due Friday, April 11 at 4:30 The predominate role of Laurier's chan- more actively involved in university life Chancellor will increase in significance in pm. The new chancellor will be installed at cellor is to confer all degrees and assist in than past chancellors due to his personal the near future as the university plans to the fall convocation ceremonies in the organization of both spring and fall con- and historical ties with the school." embrace smaller, more frequent convoca- October. vocational ceremonies. Additionally, lead- The process of chancellor appointment tions to improve efficiency for graduating Wednesday March 26 2003 News 3 Orgy o' OSAP

C.A. Fraser King student loans is not based upon financial need, then what are they to be based upon? Financial need A conservative MP has brought forth a Private should be the most important of criteria, there are so Member's Motion that could change the way that many other avenues for students who are not in the Canada Student Loan Program operates. The MP, financial need." Other students, such as Nevin Tan, John Herron, would like to see restrictions based agreed with the motion, stating, "since a lot of stu- upon parental income be lifted from the program. dents do not have their tuition paid for by their par- The motion which reads "that in the opinion of this ents and that income should not affect the amount of House, the government should consider eliminating loan a student receives." the parental contribution standard from the Canada The Director of Records and Awards at WLU, Student Loan Program," exposes and puts up for Pauline Wong, stated that the motion is "not widely debate what the Canadian Alliance of Student known" and although there was no official stance Associations (CASA) referred to as "a serious flaw in from the Student Awards Office, she gave her feel- the Canada Student Loan Program." ings on the matter: "Personally I think there is need Erin Stevenson of CASA affirmed that "the gov- for a parental contribution. I would like to see a re- ernment has very unrealistic expectations' for the visitation to the methods of calculation for the amount of money that families can contribute parental contribution. I believe it is appropriate for a towards a student's education," continuing to say parental contribution to be there." Dean of Students, that "as a result of these expectations access is being David McMurray believed that the motion had good limited." The CASA has noted that a family of four intentions, questioning "[why] should the student be with an annual income of $80,000 is expected to penalized by parental policy? There is always a rela- contribute $30,000 over four years towards their tionship between student and parent and the parents children's education. While Stevenson stated that do not always give consent for their child to go to "according to a study by the Millennium Scholarship university, and the student, not being a minor, should Foundation, 61% of students receive less than not be held responsible." McMurray further declared $2,000 a year in parental support. An additional that "the motion could be a policy that creates 13% receive no support." equality... if the government creates more programs While Stevenson stressed that "the government such as scholarships and bursaries to compensate." must take action now so post-secondary education is At this point the motion is being debated in the accessible for everyone," opinion on campus varied House of Commons, whether it will be implement- in degrees of support. First year Business student. ed is currently unforeseeable. Brian Taylor declared an opposition to the motion, "that brings up the logical question, if the granting of Bag O' Crime CAUSE DISTURBANCE 2005 with what appeared to be a hash Sh/fty Sereda HRS MON MAR 1 7/03 TRESPASS 1114 HRS THU pipe in his mouth. The pipe was Concourse display gives students a math lesson in human equality. Officers responded to the Science MAR 20/03 seized but no drugs were found Building after receiving a com- Officers responded to a class- on the individual. He was issued plaint that several males room in the Science Building with a written trespass notice. appeared to be getting ready to after receiving a complaint from a fight. On arrival there was no sign faculty member that a student MEDICAL ASSIST 0001 HRS of the group. The building was was refusing to leave and there SAT MAR 22/03 checked with negative results. was a class scheduled. The indi- An ambulance was called for a vidual was evicted from the room student who had in the collapsed ■ Complete 25-Hour Seminar Packages MISCHIEF 2320 HRS MON and the matter will be forwarded womens' washroom at the Turret. ■ Proven Test-Taking Strategies MAR 17/03 to the Judicial Affairs Council. Paramedics attended to her and ESL Teacher Training Courses " Personalized Professional Instruction While on routine patrol an officer she was transported to hospital. ■ Intensive 50-hour TESL courses ■ Comprehensive Study Materials ■ techniques ■ Repeat Policy observed four males scattering COUNTERFEIT WED MAR Classroom management Free ■ Detailed lesson planning ■ Simulated Practice Exams

pamphlets and booklets from a - 19/03 MISCHIEF FRI MAR 21/03 SAT ■ Skills development: grammar, pronun- « Personal Tutoring Available display in the between ciation, speaking, reading and writing foyer the Food Services staff reported MAR 22/03 „ Thousands 0f Satisfied Students ■ Comprehensive teaching materials Schlegel and Peters Building. receiving a suspected counterfeit Person(s) unknown pulled down 9 ■ Teaching praeticum included | Oxford Seminars When they observed the officer ten dollar bill. The bill was turned some tiles Wilf's. ■ Listings agencies, and schools, / ceiling outside of onn oxc 7( q they ran from the over to Regional Police Fraud recruiters from around the world » "000-XOT-O /it area. Branch. For More litfo Contact Oxford Seminars: (416)924-3240 TRESPASS 2240 HRS SAT MAR j-800-269-6719/ 416-924-3240 22/03 Crime OfThe Week COUNTERFEIT 2330 HRS While on patrol an officer THU MAR 20/03 observed a group of non WLU ATTEMPT THEFT MON MAR The Turret manager turned over males smoking on the first floor of 17/03-TUE r] MAR 18/03 two suspected fifty dollar bills the Aird Building. They were Stazßucis Person(s) unknown attempted tc and pointed out a male student requested to put out their ciga- THIS ENTITLES THE STUDENT BEARER TO 10% j access the i Telephone Card dis- who had passed the bills. The rettes and leave. All but one com- ! OFE THE PURCHASE OF ANY ! pensing machine outside Wilf's individual was questioned and plied and he was subsequently ! REGULAR PRICED MERCHANDISE. I ■ ■ There were pry marks on the uni' found to be in possession of charged under the Trespass Act. ■ ■ but it appears access was no another fifty dollar bill having the : : Off , gained. same serial number as one of the ASSAULT 0330 HRS SUN ViiS 1 Ao/ QX? other bills passed. The matter has MAR 23/03 ; IU/o i v -' HARASSMENT WED MAR been turned over to Regional A WLU officer was assaulted j ON YOUR ! 19/03 Police Fraud Branch. while attempting to affect an ! f\ GRAD SUIT, PROM SUIT, INTERVIEW SUIT, ! A WLU student reported that she arrest for mischief. Charges have WHATEVER THE OCCASION j was being harassed by an older MISCHIEF 0305 HRS FRI MAR been laid. part time male student. The male 21/03 RSIP!B®iK^y(SI student was contacted and spo- While on patrol an officer found MISCHIEF FRI MAR 21/03 - SAT ■ fIKIMiHf&wHBMm MALL FAIRVIEW ken to by Security and he was one of the gate arms at lot 20 bro- MAR 22/03 | CONESTOGA MALL; 747-1290 894-0770 warned that continuation of his ken. Person(s) unknown broke a win- behaviour TT —I1 could result in charges. dow in the TA MacDonald House 1 Li Ml 11 *11 m i The male indicated that he under- POSSESSION DRUG PARA- link. | stood and stated he would no PHANELIA 0220 HRS FRI MAR 213 King St. W, 744-5271 make J NOT VALID ON SALE MERCHANDISE - NOT VAUD WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTION J longer contact with the 21/03 ii complainant. A UoW ii student was observed I ONE VOUCHERPER COMBINATION OFFER VALID AT THE ABOVE LOCATIONS | ii i. ■* 4 News Wednesday March 26 2003 Senate and BOG platforms Rallying in the

Before checking out The GAP's Thank you to the Laurier Graduate and Jason Shim. spring collection, check out these Students who nominated me for - of BOG name peace Senate and Board of Governors the Senate and the Board of Anthony Piscitelli UG election platforms... Governors of Wilfrid Laurier My name is Anthony Piscitelli and (continued Cover) the University. I look forward to serv- I'd like your support in represent- from by pro-war demonstrators. Only one speaker approached Stacey L. Biggar - UG Senate ing all graduate students on these ing you as a member of the WLU the bodies. I can be reached at Board of Governors. This is an The department of Religion microphone despite the fact it Christopher was left open to all. Christopher WLU Senate is a forum for all charles. [email protected]. important position at WLU, and Culture's Dr. laid down the basis Sadler, a first year voices to be heard, for opinions to although many are not aware of its Ross clearly History student, clash and for decisions to be Michael Conway - UG Senate existence. So before I proceed I'd for the days' rally by saying "this is spoke out in support of the Bush- made. This year we witnessed like to explain what this position not a protest against the American led war in Iraq. "A quick death by Bush a bomb better than these happening in respect to the Wilfrid Laurier University, my entails. A governor is responsible people, it's against the is a slow WLUSA legal action and more name is Michael Conway and I for all non-academic matters on administration and the Blair gov- death by starvation," stated Sadler. The recently with the conflict in Iraq. am running for Student Senate. In campus, most importantly manag- ernment who have crowd I of am running for Undergrad Senate my three years at WLU, I have par- ing Laurier's budget. started a war erupted against him and Laurier Rep because I am not afraid to ticipated in many activities includ- Consequently the Board of aggression." He activist, Matt led stand up for what the student body ing intramural athletics, FOOT Governors makes decisions on called on the uni- "What do we Street a chant, "What do we of WLU believes in. We can work Patrol and Charity Ball. I am issues like tuition deregulating and versity administra- want? PEACE! together to ensure the administra- actively seekingthe vote of student departmental funding. A strong tion to make sure When do we want want? PEACE! cent When do we want tion of our school recognizes and population based on the fact that I governor will be a powerful voice "not one is it? NOW!" understands how we feel. am just your average Laurier stu- for students on our campus made [in invest- it? NOW!" I to be elected to this ments] from bomb- Myles Wilson, A topic that surfaces regularly dent. My intent in Senate is to want -Matt Street is the maintenance of quality in ensure that Wilfrid Laurier is the position because I will fight for our making industries." a member of the PC club, reference to our degrees. Do you best possible place for students to interests on these matters. I have Dr. Ross finished by attributed the feel your education from Laurier is enjoy athletics, academics, food had numerous dealings with Dr. belting out his plac- lack of pro-war worth as much as it was? As much services and an all round student Rosehart this year and I can use ards' slogan; "not a demonstrators (under as it could be? It is our responsibil- life. I have no ultra-political agen- this relationship to benefit stu- single Canadian soldier in an ille- ten) to the fact that "it is motivate ity to voice answers to these ques- da except to keep this school dents. As a member of the Political gal war." much harder to people tions with conviction and certain- working for the students, give Science Council and Arts Councils An email circulated around to oppose another's protest." ty and i am the candidate to do everyone the best university career I have gained invaluable experi- the Progressive Conservatives Wilson supported Sadler's pro- this on your behalf. possible and make your vote rep- ence on student issues. Next year I Club mailing list from Daniel de war stance saying that, "I think I have attended Senate meet- resent you and your student needs. will also be representing students Young. The email announced an war is a necessary evil," and that ings and witnessed first-hand the Unlike other candidates, I have again as a member of the WLUSU Annual General Meeting but also George W. Bush "won't sit level of intelligent and proactive made the Senate my only respon- Board of Directors. Thank you and announced that "there will be a around and let another 9/11 hap- decision-making that is possible sibility and am willing to report please support me in fighting for pro-warrally when and where the pen." when respect and cooperation are directly to the student body via you by voting for your Board of anti-war protest is held." The rally was very apropos present. You can continue to Senate updates run by The Cord. Governors representative. PC Club President, Paul given the gloomy and menacing access this medium by wisely This is all to ensure that democra- Stickney stated that the pro-war weather and the students showed choosing a Senate representative cy and the student voice are pres- Other candidates running for the rally idea was de Young's "per- their commitment to remaining that is committed, open-minded ent within the Senate. If you want WLU Board of Governors include sonal idea and not that of the educated about the war. Despite and capable of standing up for your student government to do the Connolly D. Aziz, Zahid Jat'ry, and club." Stickney was unequivocal the occasional conflict of opin- what we all support. Seize your most for you, vote Michael Jason Shim. in asserting that the PC club has ion, the rally proved that the opportunity to be heard. Conway for Wilfrid Laurier Senate. no official position on the war hawk and dove can peacefully and that the club's mandate "is to co-exist.

Charles Borras - Grad Other candidates running for the deal with provincial matters of Senate/BOG (acclaimed) WLU Senate include Connolly D. interest." Aziz, Michael Borrelli, Zahid Jafry, The rally was poorly attended GHe ISIG JUSG 90G BBCGBP Don't let your dreams Bonus!

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The Cord Weekly In all uncertain terms The tie that binds since 1926 Bryn Boyce out." This seems to serve Georgie's pur- n't fucking believe it. What gall. A Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publication poses better. Bombard us with 18 months of "terror- Third Floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre The media is a perfect vehicle for ism this" and "9/11 tragedy that" and 75 University Avenue West, justifying the unjust. Is that a cruise mis- then bust out the shock and awe cam- Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5 sile careening into some residential sub- paign? This is the most flagrant admis- (519) 884-1970 ext. 3564 urb of Baghdad? No worries friend! sion to democratically funded and state Fax: (519) 883-0873 CNN, the most trusted name in news supported terrorism ever and it frankly Advertising: (519) ext. 884-1970 3560 assures you it's a strike for freedom. A makes my stomach chum. strike of opportunity. Where's America's fucking moral e-mail: [email protected] Of course. That's just logic. superiority now? Does the end justify its' News Editor "If you send Bryn home because of his b.0., I'm going to Opportunity seldom knocks twice or so brutal means? Where would it fall in its' be pissed." the proverb goes. own simplistic dichotomy; "terrorist" or - Stefan Sereda What's in a word? In a world of bleating It was a decapitation strike executed "shock and awe freedom fighter"? buzzwords and catchy jingoisms it's through the strategic deployment of sev- Operation Iraqi Freedom? What Editorial Board easy to become apathetic and compla- eral dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles. exactly are you liberating, Kirkuk's oil cent. Everyone knows that wars are won Ranging between $600,000 and $1.4 fields or oppressed civilians? Operation Editor-in-Chief Christine Cherry and lost in words but the spectators million a chop, you have to wonder Liberty Shield? The cloak of an over- Assignment Editor Caitlin Howlett have rarely been carpet bombed quite why this money wasn't tactically bearing yet cowardly terrorist. Production Manager Wilbur McLean so thoroughly by the media. deployed into orphanages or cancer Operation Enduring Freedom... I don't News Editors Stephanie Sereda How ironic is it that Georgie's research. think a single person in the world could 8.0. Boyce (con)quest has led the coalition of the But hey, ours is not to reason why; stand to endure Bush's bastardized ver- Opinion Editor Vacant willing in an illegal war against a birth- ours is but to do and die. sion of freedom. International Editor Looking to Toque place of justice. Hammurabi's Code of But can't you just taste the freedom? These ridiculously aseptic terms Entertainment Editor Melissa Allen Laws is one of the first tablets to be dis- I mean after you get past the putrid smell sand the edges and polish up what Sports Editors Kristen Lipscombe covered that recorded the (violent) law of death, of course. I guess freedom amounts to excruciating pain and Colin Duffett of the day. This same area is considered tastes all the sweeter when it follows a human suffering. So as the American Business Editor Jennifer Wilder the birthplace of the alphabet which the sharp dose of total debilitating destruc- Wave of Steel rolls into Baghdad on Features Editor Jeff Latosik Bush administration has ravaged to tion. Is there any better road to emanci- treads of freedom, firing rounds for free- Student Life Editor Jennifer Asselin manufacture justification for this assault pation than one ushered in by a $100- dom, risking their lives for freedom and Arts Editor Siobhan Bhagwat on the foundations of democracy jus- billion missile barrage? eating their rations of freedom toast, tice and freedom. The attack was necessary because keep in mind just how embedded this "If a man put out the eye of another the US had reached the final stages of language becomes. The rhetoric is so Cord Staff man, his eye shall be put out." Seems a diplomacy. It sounds very solemn and thick you can't cut through it with little barbaric of ole' Hammur doesn't it? makes it seem like every possible solu- Tomahawk. Classified Coordinator Caitlin Howlett I guess George is taking barbarism a step tion was exhausted. Pre-emptive war "More matter, with less art." The Ho Train Carly Beath further by deciding to revise this dovish was imminent..? Fatalism fits especially Shakespeare's Queen Gertrude said it Natalia Swierczynska Joanna Lau "eye for an eye" crap. nicely into Bush's "God protect beautifully. Language is art and so much Paul Jarrett Carol Rich "If a man is suspected of possibly America" dogma. of it has become soaked in blood. Rebecca Toombs Amy Mallett maybe putting out the eye of another The Shock and Awe campaign. Language is becoming the passive Copy Editors Debra Siemens man sometime in the future or is still Astounding. A tactic, according to weapon of mass destruction... could Amanda Elliott Sarah Friesen breathing despite America's best efforts, to "collapse Saddam's regime you imagine if looks could kill too? Amy Rogers Dianne Tennen He and his peoples' eyes shall be put through fear and intimidation"? I could- Tara Koshowski Kim Brown Photo Manager MattBenassi Circulation and File Manager Wayne Money LETTERS Advertising Manager Angela Foster

Ad Production Manager Elisabeth Oliviera Asselin = evil? not be so rowdy next time, in allusion to an earlier Nope. The staff and children Ad Production Assistants Nicole Wilker I read the first three para- so as not to ruin your show. mishap regarding a F'n'M from the Courtland-Shelley Mikel Sala Kam Athwal graphs of Jennifer Asselin But dammit, Ms. Lee was practice. Here, let me poke Community Center received Juliah Thrift (who will hereby be referred proud of her son, and since you in the eyes a few times a very charitable donation Editor of the Week to as "Darkseid the WLUSU she paid as much as the next and then we'll see how due to our efforts, as well as Copy Editors Hater"), and I actually guy decided to provide some funny that is, because I speak a bunch of memories. Is thought that 1 was finally vocal encouragement. And from first hand experience there anything mediocre Contributors going to read a smart, unbi- just for the record, positive when I say that incident hurt about that? Nope. So cut C. A. Fraser King, Jeffrey Hawkins, Donna Harris, Bernard ased report by our good reinforcement is actually a my eyes a lot, though not as back on the Hatorade [sic] Dawson, Shawn Parker, Derek iwanuk, Dan Sennet Agata friend Darkseid. Alas, my good thing. You also men- much as reading your arti- and next time TRY and be Tarkowski, Ho Goya, Justin Sharp, Chris Clemens. Paul jarrett, hope was soon dashed as tioned how tired some of the cles. (Hoo-hah! Now objective. Marrell jno Baptiste, Rosy Nisan, joe Farag, Ben Durrer, Meiinda Cockburn, Jacky Drouin, left* Bir April Campbell, she capped off paragraph 3 dancers looked during the THAT'S humor). Sterling Lee Bruce Dickinson, Bob Seger and "Night, Moves,'" Maiden, by saying (F'n'M was just) opener, well Darkseid, Darkseid, I find it Darkseid and Fn'M, Mary tor her idea that stole, i Camel Toe one more WLUSU driven Saturday Night was the last admirable that you continue City of Waterloo Mayor & Sally, Muffv Sweets, Jenn Zeppelin, Friend and the Double Heel-lock, Juicy Hog, Elvis Cosfdlo...please run for govern- "Rah, Raah," "Go Laurier, of four shows in three days, to fight tooth and nail against Council ment, Sean Connery's Oscar suit, Michael Moore's acceptance event." so you'll excuse us if we felt WLUSU and school spirit in We just returned from the speech, fhe Academy for awarding Nicole Kidman, thereby So the penny drops, and a bit tired and emotionally general, especially since City of Waterloo's March 24 bringing joy inside my tears;' "CONGRATULATIONS THOMAS!" quoth Bryn B.O.yce, Queen for "Bicycle Race," after half a semester, your drained that the show was Laurier has so much of it Council meeting and we the surprises you find in peanut butter, Billy Dee Williams for colours have not changed over. The fact that you labeled this were appalled by the treat- the Colt: 45 commercials, Baby Duck, get: ready for the drunk- one bit. Ah Darkseid, what One of my favourite crit- a "Go Laurier" event shows ment we received. We pre- est weekend ever ecJ. board... people who cry together, juicy hogs, toquing, inward singing, itty-Bitty for the muffins, The exactly did WLUSU do to icisms was that some male how ultimately shortsighted sented a resolution clearly Shitty Beatles, Crucial Taunt Comrades, Shooter McMullet, you that made you such a performers had "too much you are. However, if there's a supporting our Federal Brantford drug czars, Japan Japan, Pralines and Dick, $4 salads, bitter person? 1 have no prob- confidence;" what the hell is single admirable quality of Government which read: McDonald's and the incompetent lifer on the speaker, V-dubs arid plastifying things, Darkseid. lem with you expressing that? Sorry, we'll turn "down WLUSU that even you can We the council of the City of your opinion on Fashion and the confidence" and "turn up agree with, it's that we're Waterloo supportthe motion Motion and because this was the suck" next time. I could extremely loyal. F'n'M raised passed by the Federal ultimately a "review" you are hardly believe that individu- a lot of money for charity. Government of Canada on The Cord Weekly is the official studentnewspaper of WilfridLaurier University. It is an editori- no doubt entitled to your als were being criticized for Performers spent EVERY Thursday March 20, 2003 ally independentnewspaperpublished by WilfridLaurier University Student Publications, Waterloo, opinion (however a corporation without share capital. slanted having stage presence. Next SUNDAY practicing and stating that Canada will "not and sour it may be). What time I see Matthew practicing, and we are all participate in the military All letters to the editor be I must signedand submittedwith theauthor's name, studentidentifi- can do, is provide commen- Broderick, I'm be sure proud of our accomplish- initiated by the cation number, and telephonenumber. Letters must be received by noon Tuesday on disk, or via e- gonna intervention mailat [email protected]. Letters must be typed or easily legible and may not exceed 350 words. tary to your review: to tell him to cut back on the ments (mistakes and all). United States in Iraq." The Cordreserves theright toeditany letter forbrevity and clarity. TheCordreserves theright toreject any letter, in wholeor in part. You thought that the confidence, because "the Choreographers often took Be it Finally resolved that audience members hollering Producers" was totally lack- individuals with no dance this resolution also be shared The Cordreserves the right not topublish material that is deemed tobe libelous or in contra- out performer names it. vention with the Cord 's Code olEthics orjournalistic standards. was ing because of Your single experience, and created a with the Federation of something equivalent to five- attempt at humour was at the damn fine show. Was it per- Canadian Municipalities, the Opinions expressed are thoseol theauthorand donot necessarilyreflect those of the Editorial at Board, WLUSP, WLU orHamilton WebPrinting. year-olds yelling the play- expense of the flashlight fect? Nope. We made mis- Prime Minister, local MP's ground. Well, I'll be sure to scene, stating something takes. Does that in any way and MPP's, and the local Cord subscription rales are $20.00per term foraddresses within Canada. The Cord is printed tell 45 year old mother to by Hamilton Web Printingand is published every Wednesday. my about burnt retinas, no doubt diminish what we did? media. Immediately, our res- 6 Opinion Wednesday March 26 2003

I'm Sorry But... Courier Shorts Television boycott Students get the shaft

The university has started scheduling a bunch of whining backstabbers complain exams on Sundays. I'm not among those about so-and-so not doing their job or so- who have religious concerns about exams and-so making life difficult, I'd sit in on a on Sundays, but I do feel that with all the meeting at the UN or the federal govern- pressures of university life we should have a ment. right to free weekends. In fact, I'm punished Speaking of which, this is the other kind because my prof simply didn't book a room of reality TV that has finalized my decision. on time and is thus limited to weekend Now that we live in an age where anything choices. I suggest that we all refuse to write can be broadcast to the entire world, we the exam. Do you really think that they have the oh so wonderful opportunity to Ben Durrer would fail us? I don't think so. Melinda Cockbum watch people's homes get destroyed and At the risk of being pessimistic, I don't their lives ruined. This so-called war has think that this Sunday exam boycott is likely made myself and millions of others very Do you think that Laurier students get the to work. Why? Because we all spend too I've decided to go on strike from watching angry but the fact that it's being broadcast shaft? There are seven unions on this cam- much time assessing the risks involved in television. What passes for entertainment into our homes 24 hours a day just plain pus all fighting for pieces of the same pie such a decision. University is an environ- today has become absurd and it's probably old pisses me off. This is not to say that I and for some reason its students who are ment for learning and experimenting. It is best that I stop polluting my brain with it don't care about what's going on, I just always left with the crumbs. Use parking as one of the only places where we are free to all. It used to be that a person could sit don't want to see or listen to broadcasters an example. This school is growing so more experiment without facing large conse- down after a long day and watch a couple glamourizing the whole thing with words employees are hired, leaving less on-cam- quences. Too many of us are afraid to be of sitcoms or the news in order to help like "shock and awe" or President Bush's pus parking for students. Employees who opinionated because we may be judged for them forget about the stress of that day. use of the word "liberation" or his smirking park for the whole day get the close spots expressing an unpopular viewpoint. I say Maybe it's just me, but television is just face telling the world how justified this war and students are put at St. Michaels even that university is the place to do this, other- making me angry. supposedly is. I don't want to watch Powell though they come and go all day long. wise we will all just accept the status quo. Rasically I'-m boycotting TV because of making speeches to the UN in a futile But students don't work together to solve A year ago I was afraid that being vocal "reality television." I've attempt to convince the rest these issues. Instead, we become our own about flaws in this school would lead me grown rather tired of pressing of the world that the US has worst enemy. The amount of student against down a road filled with obstacles of aca- the power button only to be the right to go bomb the shit student fighting on this campus is disgusting. demic bias. A prof once threatened to sue am bombarded by images of Basically I out of a country for whatever Perhaps many find it easier to cut up anoth- me but after laughing that off, I have had a people trying to get their 15 boycotting TV reason they come up with er student or student group than to chal- rather pleasant experience. This leads me to because of reality that week. tried of watch- lenge people who keep stealing our pie. conclude that there are no academic conse- minutes of fame. Survivor, television." I'm The Bachelor series, Married ing the President change his Log on to clublaurier's forum to see a quences for challenging our faculties. But if by America, Meet My Folks, story from "terrorism" to "dis- good example of this student vs. student that is true, then why are students afraid to The Osbournes, and other armament" to "liberation" fighting. If the people using the forum were express concerns about teaching until after such absurd programs are tak- day after day until we don't to use that energy and time to promote stu- the final marks are in? It must come down to ing over the airways. It's getting to the point know why he's decided to start this process dent issues, then we would be much better perceived risks. I say ignore these risks. where I've developed a gag reflex for any of alienating his country and the people off. They could write a letter to their Dean Students wi 11 no longer get the shaft if we are commercial advertising the latest and stu- who live there, from the rest of the world. about a poor professor or to the administra- 10,000 people united as one. Use your uni- pidest piece of mind-numbing crap televi- I'm not saying that the world does not tion about expensive food prices. There are versity experience to do something different sion producers have recently spewed. I have the right to know what's going on. But over 10,000 students on this campus and I because it could be what you learn the most don't want to watch people making asses I think we have the right to be told without believe we can make quite a difference if from. of themselves anymore. Survivor was a any hypocrisy. Calling defence attacks by we all work for the same rights. novel idea at first (maybe) but then it the Iraqi army against the American army a spawned the never-endingoffspring of real- "terrorist attack" makes watching the cov- ity programming that just refuses to die! erage painful and aggravating. So until The Bachelor and Married By America are what is being shown and said on television mockeries of people who have looked long actually starts to present reality, and not Nominations for the and hard for love. These shows berate pathetic interpretations of it, I stand by my people's hopes of finding someone to call decision. My TV is going to be put in a box (WsUI) Chancellor of their own and force us to witness the idea and buried in a closet where it can't make Wilfrid Laurier University of love ground into the floor and spat on. me upset anymore. We now know that dating is a thing of the According to the Wilfrid Laurier University Act, the chancellor is past. Parading yourself on TV is the way of Should students be forced to write the titular head of the university and shall confer all degrees at the future. Also, if I wanted to sit and watch exams on Sunday? convocation ceremonies. The chancellor is appointed by the Board of Governors with the concurrence of Senate. The [email protected] chancellor holds office for a four year term and is eligible for reappointment for one additional term.

that Letters, film - —... "That rare St The chancellor is a respected, well-known individual who is manages to be tffek committed to the vision and mission of Laurier. The chancellor without ever « fcjfaA letters, more let- entertaining of Governors, the Senate and serves its is a member of the Board compromising „ Kg iHjßßilk on the Senate Honorary Degree Committee. In this role, the ters! authenticity • F/W- chancellor is expected to provide leadership and guidance to the aspects of Brazil's Offcicial Submission to the Academy tHF . vBHk campus community through involvement in various university life.

Only one more On February 11, 2003 the Board of Governors approved the s£,"S OPENS FRIDAY! establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee for the Selection of a issue left. w of the Board of Violence Fri 7pm, Sat, 9:45pm, Sun-Thurs 9:45pm, ...Until April 6th Chancellor. The committee includes the chair Governors, the immediate past chair of the Board of Governors, " 1/2" the elected vice-chair of Senate and the president. The j" pdlph university secretary supports the committee. Thoughts? -Toronto Star -Globe & Mail The committee is seeking nominations for the position of Concerns? chancellor. Nominations should be sent in writing to Marilyn Jacobs, University Secretariat, Peters Building, P2092 or Beefs? [email protected]. All nominations are submitted in confidence. [email protected] • IK^JBMMBMPW i-5 Pid€TRated (AA) Last Shows! Wed March 26 9:lspm, Thurs. March 27, 7:oopm The deadline for receipt of nominations is Friday, April 11, 2003, rwwugpDwrittfflswi A 6 Princess Street West • 885-2950 4:30 p.m. Located in Uptown Waterloo ■ Opinion Wednesday March 26 2003 7

LETTERS olution was hijacked and something" is ridiculous, i would of professionalism within The as the most important topic right welcome. replaced by one contrary to our venture that there are a consider- Cord staff. It seems that the Editor- now. My major concern however, I would like to politely ask original intentions. Not only was able number of students who, in in-Chief of the Cord is enforcing is my education. I have become those, for or against war, to keep our resolution the only resolution fact, haven't considered it. And her personal opinions on letters more and more frustrated seeing their campaigning to a minimum to come from the community not even if that were not the case, she may not agree with. In the this 'war on terrorism' encroach- during lectures, avoiding interfer- even discussed, but we were fur- unless Laurier suddenly begins March 19 edition of The Cord, ing on my learning. My problem ence with what many students are ther insulted by Councillor the practice of prosecuting stu- Christine Cherry responds to is when protestors start overtaking here for, their education. Taylor's presenting of a resolution dents for thought-crimes, there is Rebecca Turvill's entry with an lectures to have students sign peti- Melanie McClenaghan contrary to our intentions. Our a hell of a lot of difference editor's note. She states that tions, promote rallies and motion simply echoed those between thinking and doing. Rebecca's entry is not qualified to announce other anti-war notices. Nisan regurgitates CNN adopted by our federal and Finally, a finger is pointed at uni- enter The Cord because of her I do not oppose petitions or regional governments. We pro- versity faculty for being partially affiliation with Jennifer Wilder. peace rallies in any way. People Last week in The Cordthere were vided a simple, comprehensive responsible for creating a "culture Then she finishes, "Just so you should be able to protest and pro- two people who wrote some and clearly-stated motion ignored at this school that is tolerant of know, if there were space con- mote their opinions and beliefs. I interesting things with regard to in favour of one that provided plagiarism." While instructors straints this week, we would have commend everyone who rises to peace activism on campus. Rory soft-support for the war. The treat- should be held accountable for pulled your letter. Say 'Hi' to Jen the occasion to do so. What both- Nisan questioned why he wasn't ment we received was unethical, the students' education, it is not for us. C.C." I believe that these ers me is when a fellow student consulted before we petitioned undemocratic and plain rude. If their responsibility to police hon- comments were sarcastic, rude, takes 20 minutes of a 50 minute the Senate. My answer is, why other groups of citizens have esty and integrity. If plagiarized unnecessary and unprofessional. lecture away. I was sitting in my would we do that? Do you con- been treated as unfairly as we papers were not submitted to As Editor-in-Chief, Cherry is Abnormal Psychology class and sult us before you reproduce the were it should come as no sur- begin with, time would not have responsible in respecting her col- time just seemed to pass while I propaganda that CNN coughs prise that people feel the munici- to be wasted tracking sources and leagues and fellow schoolmates, was waiting for the gentleman at up? No. The Senate is set up to be pal government is out of touch citations-time that could be spent ft is a job that requires neutrality the front to finish his proclama- a democratic structure and there with our community. Seeing the on the very quality of education when publishing opinions. tions about peace camps and are students on the Senate who way City Council treated those that Watts brings into question. In Everyone should be entitled to petitions, so that I could finally are supposed to be representing before it, first hand was shocking, light of this, I propose the follow- their opinion without having to start learning, which was why I your interests. Sounds like sour and we can only hope that our ing: the formation and implemen- face humiliating and immature attended the class. I fee! that this grapes. There are many students fellow citizens receive belter tation of an honour code at responses of The Cord staff. The student could have been much at this school who know that war treatment in the future. Laurier that directly addresses Cord is supposed to be a mature more courteous to his fellow is not the answer (over 700 signed Brenda Beatty issues pertaining, but not limited university paper giving the oppor- classmates, simply stating that he the petition in a few hours). Can it Sean Geobey to, plagiarism and academic tunity to hear the words of our had peace petitions and if anyone be that for once your opinion may David WeHhauser integrity. It could be a signed most gifted schoolmates. It is very was interested, they could meet be that of a minority? How acknowledgement of academic disappointing to see such poten- him afterwards. strange that must feel. Watts Prompts Honour Code policy upon one's acceptance, tial degraded because of the lack Many people are paying hard- Greg Rousell accused In his piece last week, Regan but then that would simply be of professionalism in the young earned money to attend lectures Laurier4Peace of being selfish Watts quotes Charles Swindoll to another rule in the book. Perhaps adults of our future. by interesting, knowledgeable and self-absorbed and then went express his feelings regarding pla- all that is really needed is that we, Kristen Luszka professors. Having students use on to list actions that he deems giarism, "... life is 10 percent what the students, need to determine valuable lecture time seems like a valid ways to oppose war. I don't happens to me and 90 percent exactly what our shared values Don't Protest in MY Class waste of money. It is unfair for act to impress people. I don't how I react to it." This comes as a are, so that we can take responsi- Now that the Unites States has anyone to impose his or her polit- speak up because it's an easy or surprise, because it has never bility for our own actions, rather begun its attacks on Iraq, the issue ical views on others when it is not popular thing to do. We engaged struck me that plagiarism is some- than blaming others. of war and peace has become thing that simply "happens" to Jason Shim very important. The war is over- someone - it is a conscious act of whelming the newspapers, the You're going places. intellectual theft. The allegation Jen's friends fight back! television, and now our school. that "we've all thought of copying I am very concerned with the lack Many people seem to see the war Go Greyhound;

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LETTERS in actions that day (petition, send- sal waste of time. Such actions those hours in writing and mark- much. time this is. ing rice to the PM, etc) that accomplish nothing but self-serv- ing. In my opinion, I wasn't just Here's the problem: there was Is it not ridiculous that we respected where Laurier students ing interests. Leanna Zylstra stated "plagiarized," I was robbed. only one booth opened for the have to wait in an excruciatingly are at, who historically are not the last week that she wants to be Stolen from. three hundred or so students who long line to hand in a form, which direct action/protest/strikin 1 kind. heard and that such little actions And that, sir, is what plagia- waited patiently in line last week was already approved by our fac- On March 5 we held our action in can make a small difference. rism is: theft, plain and simple. at the Registrar's Office. This is ulty? I have spoken to friends who solidarity with millions around Well, a few minutes on the local You wouldn't tolerate people not problematic though. Not at attend other universities and told the world who are engaging in news is not being heard by any- swiping your car or your bike or all! We students have nothing bet- them that we have to wait in line conversation and protest against one of importance, as I don't think your wallet, would you? So why ter to do than stand around on the for hours to register for courses. an illegitimate and illegal war on CKCO broadcasts to the power should you be so cavalier about precious Regina Street Landing for They do not understand this. Iraq. This has never been seen brokers in Washington. As well, stealing someone else's ideas? To hours at a time. The four thousand Lines are non-existent at their before in history. We are a part of how can these little actions moti- put it another way, suppose you (plus) dollars we pay each year for schools because they all have the that. Expressing dissent in a vate someone when these so had a part time job and you tuition alone is not meant to go advantage of registering online. I democracy IS part of making called people of conscience cir- worked hard to earn the money towards our time spent in lectures am surprised that being this uni- change, and Rousell's judgements culating petitions are too afraid to you did. You put some of that and tutorials. Nope! That money versity claims it is "Among about our motivations and back- even leave the campus to demon- money in a wallet, perhaps to pay is intended for standing around Canada's Best/' we have to have grounds are armchair-critic postu- strate? a debt or hand your landlord for long agonizing hours on the one of the worst registration pro- lations. Don't waste time judging It is certainly not selfish to cash, and that wallet was stolen. second floor of a formidable cedures in the province, maybe what people do to express their want to be heard or to demon- Would you feel better if you building to find out that every- even the country! want for peace. Go and do what strate where there is a chance of heard the thief say, "Oh, well, it thing is a-okay and we may It should not be a major hassle you think is right. Just DO some- accomplishing an objective. My happens all the time, everyone receive that oh-so-specia! stamp. I to simply hand in a form no ques- thing. Change is not brought point is that demonstrating on a thinks about doing it anyway, and suppose one of the upsides to tions asked. However, I am posi- about by one action, but by a col- university campus accomplishes it's your fault, not mine, really, for waiting in endless lineups is hear- tive that if any alternate plan is lection of many and in this case nothing. Need I remind everyone making it easy to steal. Or it's the ing the groans from your fellow ever figured out millions of dollars around the world (even in China that students protested the cops' fault because there aren't colleagues about how they too (read: our dollars) will be spent to & India, though Nisan can't find Vietnam war for years, not a few many of them anyway and it hate the fact that WLU stands not "upgrade" our registration proce- the sources for that info on CNN). days and yet the war raged on. makes the job easier. Or it's really for Wilfrid Laurier University but dures. I just hope while they're at And now, with war looming so Engaging in an activity where the society's fault and only mine for We Line Up. Another positive it they may be so generous as to close, let's not spend our time only result is personal satisfaction because I got caught." When I aspect of the lineup is making put some chairs in the yet-to-be judging, but let's become allies is, yes, a selfish act. When are read your attempts at justification, friends with the people directly in finished library so that we may and take a stand in whatever people going to grow out of this that's how you sound to me. front of and behind you. True, you use the desks without foraging the ways people feel able to. To end, overly romanticized notion that Laurier is a place that tolerates it. will never see these people again seven floors for an empty chair. I'd like to quote Margaret Mead one must be involved in a protest The instructors are indifferent. in your university career but it is Simon Kaplansky when she said "Never doubt that while at university? And if you The students are apathetic. We've fun nonetheless to complain a small group of thoughtful, com- insist on protesting something, at all thought about it. Enforcement together about what a waste of mitted people can change the least make it worthwhile. methods are inadequate and so world. Indeed, it is the only thing Greg Rousell on. Is this supposed to make me, that ever has." the victim of a theft, feel better for P Naomi Ives Don't Pass the Buck, Watts having been robbed? NEED „ I Laurier4Peace Dear Sir: As a part time student I do applaud you, sir, for hav- If,; who has worked hard to get the ing resigned your posts of Student 11 || STORAGE? 1 Can I Clarify? grades, only to have my work Senator and Opinion Editor. It appears that my last letter titled stolen, I found your attempt to However, I somehow doubt that if id rU it *ALL "I'm Not Pro-War, I'm Anti- apologize and justify your actions you had been caught stealing, say, Stupid" confused some people so on plagiarism, as a former teacher candy bars, you would write a I would like to clarify my position. of mine put it, underwhelming, to column blaming Laurier for mak- The issue is not whether people say the least. ing it easy to steal in the first should or should not protest or be I wrote a particularly difficult place. Again, sir, I remind you that outraged at the current injustices essay for the fall term and I was plagiarism is theft, no more, no in the world. It is about people hoping for a good grade and less. And any way, you try to jus- doing things that are meaningful exhaustive critique from that tify theft is an insult, especially to to affect change in our world. course's instructor, in the hopes those who have been the victims Over the past weekend thousands that I could use it as a submission of this kind of theft. $44.95 and up iIUM jlplli of people around the globe and for various grad schools, among Sincerely, across Canada marched in the other things. The instructor told Rob R. Glover streets en masse, rallying around me that I did indeed get a good American consulates in various grade but it was stolen from me We Line Up Too Much cities and I applaud them. What before I ever saw it, right outside Money spent for a four-year edu- do the cause-heads here at the program office. Not only did I cation at university: approximate- STORAGE Laurier do? They the ' go camping. lose essay itself, as well as irre- ly $20,000 plus. Time spent in S|./- 136 Moore Ave., S„ WATERLOO 1 Maybe making some s'mores, placeable ancillary materials classes for four years: approxi- telling some ghost stories and attached to the essay but I and the mately 5000 hours. Time wasted having a sleepover. What a colos- instructor, for that matter, lost all (not spent) with the Registrar: too

IpF illliils^^^ Wednesday March 26 2003 Opinion 9 Goat Goes to Laurier

An April Campbell Production

expressed. Pretty lie: People make assumptions all the time, it's no big deal. To tell die truth Pretty Lie: World hunger is not as big an Ugly truth: No matter how petty or signifi- issue as it was years ago. cant an assumption, or in this case a pretty

Jennifer Asselin Ugly truth: Johnny and Jessica are simply Ugly truth: More than 840 million people lie might be it's just that - a lie. There is no friends who enjoy each other's company so in the world are malnourished. Of these truth to it; it is merely unneeded speculation they tend to hang out a lot. people, 799 million of them are from the and ignorance that can only lead to one

developing world and more than 153 mil- thing - misinterpretation of what the truth Pretty lie: War will end all of our problems. lion of them are under the age of 5.1 would actually is. Although assumptions are made Ugly truth: Iraqis estimate that there are say this is a major issue. on a daily basis and ignorance permeates Student Life Editor more than 200 innocent civilians who have society's views, the only way we can stop been injured in the bombing by the Pretty lie: Ben is white and comes from a this is by acknowledging reality. We need Pretty lie: There will be a cure for AIDS one American or coalition forces thus far and small town that is not culturally diverse so to ask questions as opposed to making up day and all will be right with the world. problems have yet to be solved. he must be ignorant towards other cultures stories that appear pretty on the outside yet Ugly truth: The total deaths of persons and have little understanding of the world have no truth to them at all. The truth is reported with AIDS are 467,910, which Pretty lie: Someone wrote an article that around him. often harsh and ugly but it is truth nonethe- includes 462,653 adults and adolescents, critically assessed an event so they must Ugly truth: Ben chooses to escape the stig- less. Assumptions are easily made and 5,257 children under the age of 15, and strongly dislike the organization or have ill ma of small town "hicks" and takes advan- these pretty lies are often spread but the 388 persons whose age at death remains feelings towards the group. The person tage of every chance he gets to expand his ramifications of naivete with regards to the unknown. Clearly all is not right with the must have wanted to be a part of the event knowledge of those cultures he has not had ideals we have of society and the world world. but was excluded so now they want the opportunity to engage with. Ignorance around us are forever felt. Until we are able revenge. is not a factor when jt comes to him but to accept the ugly truth life presents us with Pretty lie: Johnny's hanging out with Jessica Ugly truth: The article was a review of a rather the willingness of others to help him we will remain in a world that's tolerant of an awful lot lately so they must be seeing performance that, to the writer, was not up understand is what's lacking. lies both pretty and not. Whatone another. to parOn Tap... and, therefore, dissatisfaction was 10 International Wednesday March 26 2003 Profs discuss war in Iraq Laurier'sreact to intelligentsia war (continued from Cover) that Iraq does have oil, but that it is not the pri- mary reason for the war. Kay also attacked Canada's public opinion on Instead, Edgar asserts that the war is the first the war, saying that Canadians believe our lim- step in the 'Project for the New American ited military capability "somehow exalts us" Century,'which aims "to promote the cause of

j Mmr- c - s — 1 when we criticize the US for being militaristic. political and economic freedom abroad." Contributed Photo Adding that Canadian Forces have been ( Smoke billows from burning oil surrounding Baghdad, a tactic discussed by professors which under-funded to the point that they "can only Resultantly. Edgar argues, Bush had to veil shows contempt for the lives of Iraqi civilians. rescue kittens out of trees," Kay suggested that his true intentions and he "didn't come clean Canadians and Europeans are military "free- with the UN or his own people." As one of the riders" that benefit from American protection aims of the New American Century is to shape caily, but rather to control the price of oil sold people" and that war opponents "tend to con- but criticize it when convenient. peace in the Middle East, Edgar believes that to their principal economic competitors centrate on the US in a Vietnam War para- Of all professors interviewed, Thomas America wants to remove Saddam to improve "namely Japan, the European Union and even- a superior power bullying a more

Hueglin was the most critical of the leaders at the prospects for a resolution between Israel tually China - who depend on oil from the technologically backward state for hegemonic the helm of war. Speaking on the reasons for and Palestine. "This guy has been funding Middle East." He further conceded that the purposes." war, he exclaimed "a dumb President says HAMAS and paying Palestinian aforementioned 'Project for a Trying to resolve these "irreconcilable there's going to be a war, now he can't get out families $25,000 per suicide New American Century' had assumptions" Urbaniak goes on to say that of it." Likewise, he perceived British Prime bomber," said Edgar of been pushed on Bush by influ- "the appropriateness of neither paradigm Minister Tony Blair "as an inexperienced PM Hussein's efforts to reward 'This war has ential advisors and that it was "a stands up to close scrutiny." that thought he could mentor the President." Palestinian terrorism. However, bludgeoned reasonable argument to make" A specialist in Canadian foreign policy, Hueglin went on to suggest that the UN Edgar did add the proviso that international to account for the causation of Historian John Allison emphasized that the use could benefit from a qualified voting system any peace pursued by America relations" the war. of war "bludgeons international relations" and like that of the European Union, where each "would not be anti-US or anti- However, Eglin did continued that "Bush's diplomacy definitely member nation gets a number of votes based Israeli." -History Professor John expound many anti-war argu- lacks finesse, I think Clinton would have done on its relative influence. In such a system, In regards to oil, Edgar blunt- Allison ments, calling the invasion ille- things differently." Hueglin said, smaller nations can keep larger ly exclaimed, "if the US wanted gal due to the lack of UN In terms of Canada-US relations, Allison ones in check, however, he doubted its even- Iraq's oil, they would lift the Security Council support, deny- believes that in the long-run Canada'srefusal to tual adoption because "America will never let sanctions and buy it." Finally, he ing links between Saddam and devote troops to the current war won't impede anything override their constitution." added that he believed the Canadian proposal al-Qaeda, and saying, "it is unbelievable that Canada's continued economic integration Incumbent Academic Council on the at the UN was the "best option" for all parties, Iraq threatens the US. Their troops aren't with its southern neighbour. Allison displayed United Nations (ACUNS) Executive-Director and in "a remarkable show of stupidity, the amassing off of the coast of New York." a degree of ambivalence about the war, first Allistair Edgar was very critical of the argu- French rejected it before they even read it." George Urbaniak offered the most histori- saying that "it is better to have multilateral ments put forth by both sides of the war Typically an enthusiastic intellectual oppo- cally based approach to explaining the argu- agreement" and also that "we can't wish debate, and wasted no time declaringthat the nent to Edgar, vocal anti-war advocate Peter ments put forth by both sides. Saying that pro- Weapons of Mass Destruction Away." war is not about oil. "Peopleoften confuse cor- Eglin agreed that the war was not about war advocates "see a moustached dictator relation and causation" said Edgar of the fact America's desire for oil to consume domesti- who attacks his neighbours and gases his own

mand and control structure. Theoretically, if the leadership is War justified? eliminated the troops further down the chain will be in disarray. over The second wave of attack While debate the morality of which was launched March 20th was entitled the 'Shock and Awe' warrages, it is within the legality phase. This attack has a dual pur- pose, first to lower the morale of the of combat, says Pad Jarrett Iraqi force, and second to destroy the allowed when war has begun. defenses which ground troops will Paul Jarrett Although the legality of the war that face. CNN journalists claim that the has now begun is still under debate, attack was concentrated on military Now that George Bush has circum- it is possible to judge the US and its targets only. vented conventional diplomacy and allies through the manner in which Launched simultaneously with acted against world public opinion, the combat is conducted. 'Shock and Awe,' the third wave saw the war for 'Iraqi Freedom' has The analysis of the tactics which a deep penetration into Southern begun. the US and its allies are employing Iraq by the US seventh cavalry. In There is an enduring debate over could have a major impact on world military terms the cavalry is the the legality of the war revolving opinion and the ultimate legality' of reconnaissance group that attempts around the issue of jus ad bellum, the war. The first wave of attack to find enemy positions before the which is the legal term for deciding which was launched by the United main units begin battle. The US sev- the just nature of a war. Those States and Great Britain on March 19 enth cavalry is a fearsome mecha- opposed to the war argue that since was called a 'decapitation strike,' nized force, employing two types of the US and its allies did not have a which analysts describe as an heavily armed helicopters and two Contributed Photo United Nations resolution to go to attempt to eliminate Saddam types of tanks. Two men in Baghdad search for belongings amidst their bombed-out home. war or even have vote on war, the Hussein and his generals. Military analysts at the Lexington operation is illegal. The attack was in essence a legal Institute for military and diplomacy commandos will be employed to Even though the debate on the The US and its allies argue that attempt to assassinate Saddam posit that the next strategy that will capture strategic objectives such as morality of the war is still raging the they are doing the bidding of the UN Hussein. International law dictates be used is 'vertical envelopmenf. bridges, air fields and oil fields before US is bowing to international and by acting as the unilateral enforcers that unless there is a situation of war This is a military strategy where spe- they are destroyed by the Iraqi army. democratic pressures in the conduct for UN resolution 1441, which sug- it is illegal to assassinate a foreign cial-forces or airborne regiments are The method which the United of their war. gests that Iraq was in material breach leader. However, in war it is legal dropped behind enemy lines to con- States, Great Britain and the coalition Nevertheless, many Iraqi civil- of previous resolutions and must under jus in bello, to try to eliminate fuse and disorient the enemy and to of the willing is conducting the war ians will die and the human tragedy demonstrate active disarmament. a belligerent nation's leadership deny the ability of the enemy to on Iraq is currently inside the legality will be unconscionable but if the There is however, another legal capabilities. attack a clearly defined front line. of jus in bello. The coalition is coalition fought outside of the legali- term for deciding whether a war is In a military sense, the Furthermore, experts at the attempting to minimize civilian ties of war, the cost would be much just. Jus in bello is the legal term for 'Decapitation Strike' was an attempt Center for Strategic and International destruction while concentrating on higher. deciding what type of force is legally to damage the Iraqi army's com- Studies argue that special-forces military taigets. Wednesday March 26 2003 International 11 Jewish speaker blasts Palestinian leaders jusg in case 'No moral symmetry' between Israel and Bon Voyage Palestine: Rosenbloom J II bravel insurance ] Arafat and the refusal organization's . "Comprehensive, yet inexpensive | Brandon Currie BF Cancellation, and Baggage | in Iraq, Simon Rosenbloom of the Saying that ceding Palestine coverage available | Canadian Jewish Congress deliv- land before they stopped the vio- c | ered a lecture entitled "Why There lence would be like "putting the cart ■ Designed specifically with students' isn't Peace in the Middle East," before the horse," Rosenbloom's dggcIs in mind which defended Israeli militancy argument was that Israel wanted ■ Available exclusively at Travel CUTS | throughout its bloody history of rela- "performance-based" benchmarks § tions with Palestine. to gradually give land back, but that During his speech Rosenbloom the Palestinians wanted it all at defended virtually every Israeli once. action in Palestine since 1948, pri- 'They had this notion that with- marily from the standpoint that the in the next few years they would Palestinian Liberation Organization have 90% of the West Bank and (PLO) has "never missed an oppor- Gaza, and when the violence didn't tunity to miss an opportunity," stop, the Israeli people lost confi- meaning that their stubborn leader- dence and voted in Netanyahu," ship has consistently created said Rosenbloom. impasses at peace talks. Furthermore, Rosenbloom Beginning his speech, expounded, the PLO scuttled a Rosenbloom warned the audience peace deal during PM Ehud Barak's that "peace is not around the cor- tenure when engaged with US r IfWITIIMMi™ ner," as he began to account how President Clinton in 2000. Brandon Currie Simon Rosenbloom of the Canadian the "reluctant occupier" of Israel According to Rosenbloom, Arafat Jewish Congress addresses the was being victimized by Palestine denied a deal that would have seen Wednesday audience last at St. ,j 1 See the world your way and other Arab nations. 97% of the West Bank and Gaza Michaels. f This theme would run through- returned to Palestine, but not the out the evening, as he made several Temple Mount. As a result Arafat comments that depicted Israel as a turned it down and demanded a fidence in their leadership and voted 91 King St. North, Waterloo peace-seeking nation that has been "right of return," which would see in Ariel Sharon, who has vowed to # ■ plagued by PLO obstinacy and Palestinians able to return to their crack down on terrorism and pre- Super Optical _ 5657 holds former Palestinian lands in the former lands without question or vent the formulation of a Palestinian 747

West Bank and Gaza arbitrarily as impediment. state. far — 1 Hour Service the two sides cannot reconcile. Comparing the Palestinians to Finishing his lecture, Glasses or Contacts He began by discussing the infa- Germans refugees that were treated Rosenbloom addressed the current mous 1967 'Six-day War/ giving the US-Russia-European Union 'Road 50% off Frames ijfl^k usual Israeli answer that the Arab Map' to a Palestinian State, saying plus extra 15% off for WLU students, League, mainly Egypt, Jordan and If you gave the that it is unlikely to work if it is based Syria, provoked the entire affair by on the cessation of violence. Details in store. 17, 2003 Israeli people a Expires April ■ _ •..SjMrj threatening Israel's borders, despite However, he did argue that newly Eye Exam Arranged 1 j^di recent accounts released by former chance for peace, 'elected' PLO PM Mahmoud Abbas Israeli Generals that show other- IH bet you a lot of offered a glimmer of hope as he is wise. money they would believed to be more of a pragmatist Following the war, which that Arafat. take it. expanded Israel's borders generous- Opening the floor to questions, -Simon Roosenbloom STUDENT RENTALS ly including the annexation of the Rosenbloom drew sharp criticism West Bank from Jordan and Gaza from a member of the audience P % Waterloo Campus Housing Off Strip from Egypt, Rosenbloom who identified himself as a Street Waterloo, ON asserted that "Israel had no long- Palestinian from Hebron. After a ert term designs on that territory." after World account unfairly War 11, long of what he felt was a 1 Additionally, he asserted that the hßosenbloom claimed that "on any total misrepresentation of facts by ft '''IEsi Tei: 519-747-7276 Arab world said 'no' to "peace, grounds, they have no legitimate Rosenbloom, the only concession Fax: 519-746-9851 Israel and negotiations," after the claim to this (right of return)." As he he could get from Rosenbloom was war. saw this as the "deal of the century" "that there are marginal elements Israel still holds the said territory for the PLO, he thinks that these within Israel that have done terrible We have 10 properties to choose from in the West Bank and Gaza. peace terms will not arise again, things," but if you "gave the Israeli Walking distance to Campus. Rosenbloom then described leading him to a skeptical view of people a chance for peace, I'll bet how former Israeli Prime Minister future Arab-Israeli relations. you a lot of money they'll take it." Bachelors up to five bedrooms units. Yitzhak Rabin was elected to pro- Continuing todepict Israel as the Also facing tough questions Five bedroom to nine bedroom houses. mote and he wasn't peace, although habitual non-aggressor, about the morality of Israeli settle- Prices range from $330.00 to $495.00 a "bleeding heart liberal," he was Rosenbloom claimed that Israel had ment expansion, he gave the usual committed to the "peace process." not started the 1948 war and that defence that "settlement expansion Professionally managed. As Defence Minster in the late 'They had no intention to create will stop when the violence stops, 1990'5, Rabin ordered harsh incur- Palestinian refugees. There's no thafs what the international com- sions into the West Bank. damn way Israel would allow it." munity expects." Watch for our New Building at 134 Rosenbloom maintained that once Although Rosenbloom admitted Rosenbloom was also asked if Columbia! Sept. Occupancy. Rabin was Prime Minister he was that the situation in Israel today is a he thought current PM Ariel Sharon determined to find peace, resulting "an absolute horror," he blamed that would attempt to 'transfer' the in his assassination by an ultra right- horror on the unwillingness of the Palestinian population during the wing Israeli on November 4,1995. PLO to compromise to what he chaos of the Iraq War, as many pun- The greater portion of the believed were very generous peace dits have predicted. He responded evening was then devoted to terms on the part of Israel, saying that the "international community Rosenbloom describing the Oslo that there is "no moral symmetry" in wouldn't let them get away with it." peace talks of 1993, and their sub- the situation. What's more, he sees sequent breakdown because of the this as an even larger mistake now imperiousness of PLO leader Yasir that the Israeli people have lost con- 747-7276 Opinion 12 International Wednesday March 26 2003

War on Terror Call Cleo for Look on the bright side military predictions Rory Nisan says that even war in Iraq has a War not turning out to be the silver lining - and then responds to his critics cake-walk America wonted This war in Iraq, especially if it will be gone soon. Rory Nisan doesn't go well, could bring an I would like to take this oppor- Joseph Farag Rumsfeld express over the showing of end to the reign of Dubya and tunity to respond to the gentleman POWs from the Afghanistan campaign, even the protesters can agree that who wrote to me that continental shackled and blindfolded, being led into this might be a positive conse- European countries were against the Guantanamo Bay detention camp? quence ofthe war. the war because "Europeans love How much outrage was shown this past Unfortunately, Bush's popu- peace." weekend when 30 more detainees were larity will most certainly be corre- I am concerned at the racial brought from Afghanistan, bringing the lated with the number of implications of this statement. total number up to 660? American casualties, meaning Does this mean that Americans Bush declared that he expected the Political Commentator that for Bush's popularity to fall a love war? What people Staff Writer about US POWs to be treated in a humane high number of soldiers must die. from Africa, where a large majori- It seems the US is learning that Miss manner although Afghani prisoners cap- These are the terrible times of war One final silver lining is that ty of the world's conflicts occur? Cleo's psychic hotline may not be the tured by American troops were denied and both coalition and Iraqi casu- we get Saddam, a man who Are they warmongers who prefer best source for military predictions. access to Red Cross personnel and alties are rolling in. But we need to gassed thousands of his own peo- to kill than to live? I think not. I Much to the surprise of the weekly suicide attempts by the try to see the silver lining of this ple, tens of thousands of Iranians believe all human beings love American military, the people of Iraq are detainees have left several in need of awful conflict. and sent missiles into neutral peace equally; nobody wants to not welcoming US foreign aggression hospitalization. Firstly the casualty numbers die. on the country with open arms. It seems the Geneva Conventions have been relatively low; as so Secondly, even if one chooses Astoundingly, they actually seem to be apply only to US citizens and its allies. many soldiers have surren- Iraqi Europeans to argue upon your prejudicial resisting the American onslaught against What other explanation exists for the dered the coalition forces often should lines, don't think not be I Europeans their nation. speedy trial of the so-called "American just took the Iraqi's weapons and considered should be considered particularly It seems the Iraqi's are not the only Taliban" Walker Lindh, while hun- sent them home. peace loving. I'm John thinking 1914, peace loving. I'm thinking of ones experiencing "Shock and Awe." dreds of non-American detainees, Secondly, the Decapitation of 1914, 1939, Napoleon, Freedom," including a Canadian Strike Saddam 1939, Napoleon, And so "Operation: Iraqi teenager, contin- against Hussein Mussolini, Hitler, Bismarck, Wilhelm 11, Mussolini, a with galore, ue to rot away might have actually worked. Franco, misnomer irony contin- in Guantanamo Bay? Stalin, Franco Hitler, Stalin, etc. etc. etc. ues. The remedial courses which have the greatest deal of sympathy Saddam's taped speeches offer no etc. Also, the Cord last week I etc. etc... in I American Average-Intel I igence-Bombs for American troops killed, injured and proof that he is not dead or inca- was told to go to Baghdad and have taken seem to be paying off with captured as well as their families, as they pacitated. then see how I felt about this war. only 278 Iraqi civilian deaths 5 days into are just as much victims of this unjust Let's now look to the United In response, I dare any protestor to the war (figure taken from www.iraq- war as the people of Iraq. But while the States. Bush is fighting a war that go to any military dictatorship and, which compiles max- outpouring of sympathy towards cap- nearly half of his citizens are countries in the Gulf War after he speak out about human rights. imun and minimum casualty numbers tured Americans and their families is against. The stock market is fluc- invaded another sovereign state Then tell me how you feel about from major news sources). plentiful, any concern for their Iraqi or tuating wildly and the most dead- with the intention of annexing it dictatorships. That is, if they don't These are 278 fewer Iraqi women Afghani counterparts has been severely lyfighting has yetto get underway. Slobodan Milosevic was arrested cut out your tongue. and children who will not getthe oppor- lacking. It costs more than ever to fill up a and put on trial for lesser crimes tunity to enjoy all the wonders that the As I write this, the numbers quoted Ford Explorer. against humanity. externally-installed, unelected demo- herein will undoubtedly have risen. By Bush was, after all, elected by Can we not all agree that cratic regime will provide to the people the time you read this they will have less Americans than was Al Gore. Saddam is a bad guy? At least he of Iraq, not to mention Western corpo- risen even farther with families on both Now his economic policy of tax rate interests. sides of the conflict grieving, soldiers on cuts to the rich is not sitting well As Madeline Albright stated in 1996 both sides lying in hospital beds or dead even with many traditional regarding the deaths of half a million in the battlefield. Republicans. The war in Iraqi children as a direct result of US- The cake-walk the US expected is Afghanistan was great for Bush's backed sanctions on the country, 'The not materializing. The Pentagon, eager popularity, but this war has been price is worth it." Worth what? for a public relations miracle, is having far less accepted and the Meanwhile Americans are also los- to deal with the reality that despite American economy continues to ing their lives in this unjust war of ulteri- media attempts to gloss it over, war is slide towards recession. Bush's or motives. Donald Rumsfeld expressed nasty, brutish, and unfortunately, shows father fought a far more just war outrage over the showing of footage of no signs of being short. Perhaps a and was promptly removed American POWs on Iraqi television. change in psychic hotlines is needed. because the country's economy I ask, how much outrage did was in poor shape.

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Council. Therefore, the US and the US gets bad rap UN needs balls Coalition of the Willing acted outside conventional means to enforce the for war resolution, illustrating that the Don't blame all Americans International standing army Security Council is now an outdated American flag in Greece and boo- product ofthe Cold War that needsto ing the Star Spangled Banner before would have prevented current be modernized to for the conflicts of a hockey game in . the twenty-first century. It is obvious that a strongresent- The creation of a UN suprana- ment is developing around the situation in Iraq tional military force (UNSUNMIF) world toward the American people, would address many of the faults not just the Bush Administration. posited the idea of a new internation- which currently plague the organiza- Canadians and people from other al order based on four international tion. A supranational force would not Marrel Jno Baptiste nations are loosing sight of who policemen: America, the USSR, be responsible to any singular nation Americans really are, and it's Great Britain and China. This group in the UN and troops would be US President George W. Bush's becoming an 'us against them' bat- of four (plus France) became perma- drawn from all UN member nations, decision to invade Iraq has been tle with Bush representing the typi- nent members of the Security but not from their national armies. referred to as immoral, illegal and a cal American when, in fact, the Council, the most important body of Initially they would be trained by violation of international law. Some majority of Americans oppose the the United Nations. retired UN veteran officers from say he should even be chaiged with war and are protesting across their FDR created a supranational Canada or other highly qualified war crimes. nation. Furthermore, their demon- Paul Jarrett organization, but there was no mech- nations. The UN General Assembly There are also a lot of people strations have been more militant anism to enforce the resolutions that could create the doctrine on how who believe that Saddam Hussein's and many protestors have been The current war in Iraq has been a were formed. There are two sections UNSUNMIF would be used, and regime should not be in power and arrested. However, they are relent- dismal failure for the United Nations in the UN Charter which deal with what the rules of engagement would that in the long run, America's lessly determined to make President and the Security Council. However, international interventions. The first entail. The troops could be used for actions are good for the Iraqi peo- Bush understand that the American this should not be surprising consid- section involves peacekeeping, peacekeeping and protection for ple. people are against this war. ering that four of the five permanent where two belligerent sides who inspection units such as UNMOVIC. Then there is the long-debated Although it has been empha- members of the UNSC have self- have come to an armistice invite the The Security Council would contin- issue surrounding whether or not sized in the news, many protestors setving interests in Iraq. UN to maintain the peace that was ue to exist for larger issues of war and Canada should have joined the US- still disregard the fact that not only France has large arms and tech- created. The second section deals peace. led war on Iraq without United the US military is taking part in this nology deals with Iraq, Russian oil with peace-making, where the UN If the UN had created UNSUN- Nations approval. We know that war. You do not see protestors with companies have extraction contracts, Security Council votes to send troops MIF, they could have overseen disar- Chretien adhered to his decision to posters that mention the role of but the US and Britain have been to stop belligerents from fighting or to mament in Iraq. They would not take part only with the UN's British and Australian troops who shut out of these deals. Since each enforce a UN resolution which is in have had the ability for 'regime approval. While he receives the are also taking part in this war. nation had vested interests in Iraq, violation. change' but Saddam without praise of some Canadians for disap- Even on campus, students they could not agree on how to dis- In the case of the current Iraqi weapons is like George Bush without pointing America, there are those spread the misconception that only arm Saddam Hussein's regime. war, UNMOVIC (United Nations Donald Rumsfeld. Unfortunately, who believe that it was not the right the US is power craved enough to The war which the United States, Monitoring Verification and UNSUNMIF does not exist. To create decision and that it will hurt eco- attempt to oust Saddam. They do Great Britain and Australia are fight- Inspection Commission) proved that such a force would take monumental nomic ties and impede tutu re polit- not realize that they are reaffirming ing could have been averted if the Saddam Hussein was in violation of international co-operation and 10-15 ical and communication coopera- the negative stereotype of United Nations was not subjectto the UN resolution 1441 but there was no years of organization and training. tion. Americans that depicts them as big Security Council and its individual way to enforce compliance with this Political rhetoric aside, an issue bullies. national interests. In 1944, US presi- resolution because of the four self that many fail to address is that the If we stop all the rhetoric and dent Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) interested nations in the Security world's outcry against President name-calling we should realize that Bush's actions is also being project- America is also a nation in turmoil. ed on the American people. Rather And unlike us, they have to worry than having anti-war demonstra- about possible terrorist attacks in tions and peace rallies, protestors response to the war, as well as fear are having anti-American demon- for the lives of their children who strations engaging in violent and are in combat in Iraq. hateful acts such as burning the FAST,AIwAYS FBtiK

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l! '11 Wednesday March 26 2003 Feature 15

Jacqueline IDENTITY Drouin

This Feature tackles a somewhat con- understanding of the self? What's all the fuss ebrate; in the family pictures that hang on ted Claire. When given the option of how tentious issue: identity. But instead of about, and what does 'identity' mean to the the walls, most of us can trace a sharecfhis- the communication would begin, Claire presenting a definitive answer to the students of Laurier? tory through the experiences of our rela- decided that she wanted to receive the first question "what is identity?" the central It might just be that in our sweet and tives. Identity is not only who we are, but letter. focus will be to explore multiple sheltered learning institute, where fun and something that links us with a larger com- "I got the letter on the last day of exams, answers. In this light, after conducting a games are often the norm, the question of munity of people that we can rely upon for right before I went home. It was very per- variety of interviews we have pieced 'identity' is hardly ever raised outside of an advice ana guidance. sonal, very open," Claire explained, regard- together a brief consideration of the academic context. But for Jodie Allen, a On the contrary, though, the question of ing the first of many letters that would fol- somewhat ambiguous term 'identity' fourth-year Music Therapy student, 'identi- personal identity can also be a point of per- low. Gradually, Claire got to know more and how this term affects our lives. ty' is defined by the social roles. sonal struggle. More often than not, there about a huge family of cousins, aunts and You'll notice a sense of both cohesion "I'm a student and this has been my are fine lines drawn between the way peo- uncles that contrasted her own small fami- and disparity in the specific details of identity for the past 19 years. And at the end ple want us to be and how we truly see our- ly in Unionville. each individual response. With a term of the year, when I graduate, my identity is selves. Because of this, individuals who "I talked to Dianne, my birthmother, for as broad as 'identity', this is pretty much going to be taken away from me," Jodie forged identities on their own without fully the first time on my birtnday, nearly five expected. But you II also notice each of says, referring to her convocation in the knowing who they were where they came months after we found each other. Later the following interviews to have a deep Spring of 2003. from or where they belonged should be that month, I drove down to see her and got similarity: the desire on behalf of each "With the exception of the first three highlighted. to meet a whole group of people I never of the interviewees to contextualize years of my life, I've always been a student. One such person, my roommate Claire knew existed." their current situations—to find a mean- It's how I've identified myself." Trainor, decided one day that she wanted When I ask Claire what she expects in ingful way to understand where they've Dave Green, a stuclent who will be to find her birthmother. Another, Nikki the future, she considers the idea for a come from and where their going. leaving Laurier with a double Honours in Thomas-Bell, has experienced various chal- moment. Finding her birthmother Dianne - JeffLatosik, Features Editor Economics and Political Science—in his lenges stemming from her own 'bi-racial' was a huge deal, but Claire also knows that own words, "because money and politics heritage. After talking to these two women I there are still lots of factors at work. go so well together"—has defined his iden- have realized that their understanding of "The least I can hope for is a relation- The term 'identity' has been kicking up tity to be the product of his past experi- 'identity' is unique and also very encourag- ship with this woman. She's not my moth- a lot of dust recently. As the world rapidly ences, which have included various friends ing. The experiences that Claire and Nikki er, but she is important. I've been dreaming modernizes, and cultures slowly weave and family members. have been through build strength and char- of this moment my whole life, but I can't into one another, the need to know who we "Identity is a mixture of your beliefs, acter in a person. This explains why they just pretend that things are normal. The fact are and where we come from have become how you were raised, where you're from," are two of the strongest women I know. is that I got a little brother out of this, and hot potato questions in the hands of cultur- Dave says. "These are all things that are At the age of four months, Claire was this is something I've looked forward to my al analysts and global theorists. Is identity easily taken for granted, or that no-one real- adopted by her British parents, Veronica entire life. I'm looking forward to what will innate, or something that can be fabricated ly thinks about." For many of us, knowing and James Trainor. She would spend the happen." with a new wardrobe and linguistic slang? who we are and where we come from is the formative years of her life in Unionville, Nikki's story is different than Claire's in Do the symbols of our heritage, culture, norm. along with her adopted brother Michael. many ways, but many underlying similari- and religion continue to construct our In the food we eat, the holidays we cel- "My parents made me who I am," she ties can be seen. tells me. "And we're as close as close can "My father is black and he lives in be. I talk to my mom everyday. My friends, Bermuda. My mother is white, and I live all the people I surround myself with have with her in Toronto. She's also part Native all these great qualities, and I'd say that American but you really can't tell that by 95% of who I am today is attributed to looking at her. I'm really a mix then," Nikki these people," Claire begins, a twenty-two starts, laughing. "I'm a little bit of every- year old Sociology and Communication thing." student at Laurier. The story of Nikki Thomas-Bell, a "I know we belong together, even if it Laurier Business student (who's more than doesn't look like we do," explains Claire, just business) begins at a younger age, as referring to their unique situation where she was visiting her father in Bermuda dur- four people who live together look so dif- ing the summer. ferent, yet get along so well. The closeness "I remember watching TV with my dad of the family is something that Claire loves, one night and was pretty young, but I still and knows that they were brought together remember the I question ne asked me. He for a reason. asked me how I saw myself, and I didn't "I've always known that I was adopted. really understand the question at first. I told This was never a secret kept from me," him that I was half black and half white. He explained Claire. From the age of two, shook his head and replied that I was black, Claire's parents explained to her and her and that when people would look at me, brother that they were adopted, and what they would see a black woman before they this meant. Although Claire was happy with saw anything else. And that's just the way it her family, there was a need to find her was." birthmother. It was only when Nikki entered high "I knew that one day I would have to school that she began to notice how peo- look for my birth mother. This is a curiosity ple's attitude towards her was different, you can't explain, to look at your face and much of which stemmed from her bi-racial wonder where you came from, thinking of background. Although her father had told someone else who looks just like you. It her that the world would see her as a black was something I had to do but I wasn't woman, very few students were willing to ready just yet." agree that she was black. Or white, for that "To not know who gave birth to you, it matter. just doesn't make sense," says Claire, refer- In an English class, when the teacher ring to the times she spent wondering who asked students to analysis the book "To Kill else in this world looked like her. "I would a Mockingbird," the discussion soon fell on visit my friends in their homes and see pic- the role of the nanny in the story. Nikki tures of their family. People have a sense of raised her hand, and indicated how many where they come from, and it was some- of the nanny's actions could be considered thing I needed to know." 'white', and heard some students snickering The initial efforts to begin searching for behind her. her birthmother coincided with Claire's first "The kids in the back of the class were year at WLU. laughing at me, because they thought that I "I wasn't ready before then, and I knew acted white. I guess, because, my mother I wasn't mature enough yet." Claire tells was white and all my friends were white. me. It wasn't until the end of November But I'm not white," said Nikki. She later 2001 that Claire finally stumbled across the recounted how in the stairwells one day a information by accident. boy called her 'whitewashed'. "I was on the internet, procrastinating, "It hurt my feelings, but it was also kind when I starting putting information about of funny because he was Indian. I thought myself in these websites. What hospital was to myself, 'He isn't even black but he gets to I born in, when was my birthday...there call me whitewashed?' It was even harder were over twenty different sites like this." because I didn't know how else I could act Claire stated. It came as a shock when she or what people expected from me." Nikki received a phone call four days later by a laughs now, recalling the absurdity of the woman, Alice MacDonald, who had situation. She insists, however, that at the matched her with her birthmother. time the comment hurt her feelings and sur- "I was totally caught off guard," admit- prised her that the term was still being used. 16 Feature Wednesday March 26 2m

"These incidents have always place that is so multicultural, I feel to try out the culture," she says, caused me to be more sensitive more comfortable and find myself referring to a lifestyle that she only about the fact that I'm bi-racial. I fitting in. There are so many dif- got glimpse of growing up. still get intimidated by black peo- ferent cultures and everyone is a "Maybe I'll feel comfortable, ple and worried that white people little bit of everything." Nikki maybe I won't. But it's something won't accept me. It's weird and explains, describing the cosmo- that I need to try," Nikki says with maybe it's kind of silly, but it's politan nature of the big city. a smile. The idea of packing up something a person can't under- "Everyone is mixed, and and moving away scares her, but stand until they've experienced everyone is more accepting, I she's determined to go. it." find. It might just be because I'm "It'll be good ror me," she Looking over the years that getting older, and I'm meeting concludes. Book Westjet with no additional cost at have elapsed, was there a 'black new people, but I'm a lot more In light of these interviews I was am over past four years culture' that Nikki missing confident in the person I look back the Protect your money through Travel CUTS & industry compensation funds - much our out on? After thinking about the today." and think about how not the case when you book directly with airlines. question, it might not be as much "I still want to go to the lives and opinions have changed; of a culture as a history, some- Bermuda to live with my dad at I realise that identity, that is to say 11TRAVEL CUTS thing that can't be bought. the end of the school year," 'who we are', is a continuing ana m mm: see the world your way "Look at what's popular now: explains Nikki, regarding her on-going process. Finding our the music, the clothes, the atti- future plans to move to Bermuda place in the world is a journey tude. Is this what 'black culture' is after her fall graduation. Although and the challenge is figuring out all about, something that you can she has grown to feel more com- who are the people we want to be buy into? I think it goes a lot deep- fortable with whom she is, there's surrounded by. er than that and it's something still a certain part of her that wants So be nice, be honest, and be ; ' that I'm going to have to find out to know her father's heritage and yourself. 112 | on my own." his culture. in Toronto a "I want to see can fit in and "Living now, if I Dont forget to pick up yous Keystone!

in the concourse

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, |[^M Wednesday March 26 2003 Student Life 17 Hunt is on for summer jobs Students begin the always pleasant search for summer employment Hell no!Ewww!

Carly Beath found on ACCESS, which is avail- able through the Career Services website. ACCESS contains post- University is expensive - any stu- for both on and off-campus dent can tell you that. This means ings jobs, well as that for most of us, summer jobs summer as year- round The jobs posted are are a necessity. Luckily though, jobs. Ontario, but there are a there is a wide range of summer mostly in few in other parts of Canada jobs available to students. jobs Students hold down diverse jobs and the United States as well. are also other job search in the employment spectrum from There that be useful to stu- lifeguards to receptionists, or wait- websites may One these is - dents. of » mm, - ;V- ■ 1 I T > ers to photographers. However, ~,,, After MatthewBenassi this vast array of job categories hese two guys are desperate for work, hopefully these tips will help. for free, students can doesn't necessarily mean that registering search for summer jobs, as well as summer positions are easy to get. businesses or organizations, so "Look for something you'll like. little bit of searching. Grant found post their resume for potential Some students are lucky enough take some initiative and contact You'll be more efficient." Another her golf course job at a job fair employers to view. Laurier stu- to be able to return to the job that places that you are interested in student's advice differs: "Before and was hired as a waitress dents can obtain a password from they had the previous summer; for working at. Talk to your friends' university look for something you despite not having any previous Career Services that allows them those who don't have that luxury, parents and your parents' friends. like. Once you reach university - experience. Blair applied to vari- to postings exclusively or just want something new, a job access job These people will often be able to whatever pays the most." ous places and was hired by a available to them. The search is in order. The question is, help you get your foot in the door While it isn't always possible campground because she had the Government of Canada also has a where to start? at their place of employment, to land the job of your dreams, right combination of experience search website at www.job- Career Services is an excellent job whether it's by telling you the most jobs will have some redeem- for the many duties her job - place for Laurier students to begin name of the right person to con- ing qualities. Nikki Grant's job at required. The moral here get out One caveat pertaining to inter- their search. They offer compre- tact, putting in a good word for an upscale golf course is one and apply. Try every available net job search sites such as these hensive help to students looking you, or even directly offering you example. While she says the job avenue. You might find that seem- is that they are mostly geared for summer jobs. Students can a job. The old cliche is sad but itself wasn't good, "It paid well, ingly tailor-made, perfect job and towards big cities; students from begin their search by attending a true: a lot of the time it's not what and got free golf that would nor- you might end up being surprised small towns or rural areas are not I Summer Job Search & Resume you know, but who you know. mally cost $200 per round, free at the job you find yourself in. likely to find much use for these Writing workshop hosted by the What kind of summer job food and met famous people." Jobs for students are out there sites unless they are willing and campus organization. For anyone advice would other students offer Likewise, my own job last sum- - some good, some bad. able to commute. In terms of interested in this, the next one to their peers? The general con- mer was extremely boring most of Resources to find those jobs are small communities, word-of- takes place Friday March 28 from sensus seems to be that you the time, but the people worked also out there. It's up to you to use mouth, local newspapers and tak- I 11:30-12:30 in the Career should look for something you with were great and got to spend them to find the job for you. And ing a resume to different business- I Services office. think you will enjoy. If possible, my breaks in the beautiful water- no matter which summer job you es without advertised job open- Also at the Career Services "do something you like. If not, front park next to our office. take, it will give you the chance to ings, will probably be the way office students can peruse binders you'll be miserable," says Robyn Most of the people spoke to gain experience and make money most students find a job. I of job listings and find information Hodge, a first year student. Nicole had not had a lot of trouble find to fund your education - the path Many jobs are never adver- on working abroad by going into Blair, also in first year, agreed, ing a summer job. It just takes a to your real dream job. tised, especially those in small the office. Job postings can also be Food for thought

scape murals, which adorned the walls and Accompanying this was a Moldavi Brandon Currie made for a very high falutin' dining room Estate White Zinfandel, which is one of the that made you feel like you were in an ele- finest blush wines I have ever tasted, and as Ifyou're looking for fine dining, elegant sur- gant Parisian bistro rather than across the our server suggested, "I better order it to roundings and a great choice of wine, Janet street from Waterloo Town Square. please the lady (my counterpart)." Lynn's Bistro is worth the 10-minute walk Sitting down, we were impressed with Moving on to the entrees, the selection down King Street, but make sure you bring the food and wine menu although the serv- narrowed slightly perhaps due to the culi- your platinum credit card and someone to ice was perhaps scaled-down as a result of nary skill needed for each of the unique impress if you make the trip. our obvious non-paying customer status. dishes. The selection could be described as Located just minutes away from WLU, However, our server still treated us with the international with some notable French Brandon Currie Janet Lynn's Bistro is named after locally customary napkin snap as he did the other dishes. While one could order gourmet Overall, dining at Janet Lynn's, as one of famous chef Janet Lynn, executive chef at patrons, and placed our napkins in our laps pizza for $13.95, Chicken Bourguignon, their typical senior citizen clientele, would the bistro and wife of manager Kevin for us, which brought back memories of Provini Veal and Magret of Duck were also probably have made for a more relaxed

Wong. Together, they started the restaurant how mom used to do it when I was three. available in the $25 - 30 range. dining experience, than for two university 17 years ago and have developed it into Undoubtedly she had good intentions but it My colleague and I both choose spe- students. And although the portion sizes left one of the premier diningestablishments in made a poor first impression of the staff. cials of the day, however, she had the risot- something to be desired, the quality of the the K-W area. Looking at the appetizers, there was a to with seasoned quail-drumsticks and I food was par excellence and the ambiance However, due to the steep prices of the good balance between common dishes consumed linguine tossed with herbs and was very unique. I would suggest going world-class fare, Wong admits that when such as caesar salad and shrimp, to served with fresh shrimp. Once again, both with a parent if they visit or a grandparent if university students come to the restaurant, warmed goat cheese and fresh PEI mussels were excellent, but the portion size was dis- you want to blend in with the rest of the "it is usually with their parents," although ranging from $7.50 for the salad to $12.75 appointing considering the steep price. customers. Wong also said that they don't mind stu- for the shrimp. After finishing our second glass of Moldavi dents arriving to relax and sample wines My partner had the shrimp fried in gar- off, we headed for the dessert tray. Janet Lynn's Bistro without buying an entree. lic butter and herbs, and I had the goat My partner had white-chocolate 92 King Street South That said, my colleague and I departed cheese served with organic greens and por- cheesecake topped with chocolate gnoche, Waterloo for the Bistro last Saturday night and were tobello mushrooms. Both were impecca- while I had the chocolate sin tort, both of Phone: 725-3440 immediately impressed with the elegant ble, although slightly smaller than one which were extremely rich and delicious. interior, which featured rich hardwood would hope for the price, as we only Most desserts were in the $7-10 range and Cord's Rating: floors, wrought-iron chandeliers and soft received four shrimp and a small lump of this time the portion sizes seemed to corre candlelight. Also interesting were land- goat cheese. spond with the price. Out of a possible Five Smiling Jenn's 18 Student Life Wednesday March 26 2003 50 hours of musical mayhem and madness Radio Laurier takes to the turntables to help raise money for a good cause Sadly, a referendum to bring Agata Tarkowski this program into place got reject- ed; students voted against it during Two dollars won't even get you a the Students Union Elections last martini on your usual Thursday year. The question about the night outing and the sum seems WUSC cause was described as like nothing when taken off your "poorly worded" by Bryan Shinn, OneCard. Two dollars is also less a Radio Laurier Disc Jockey. This than a donut and coffee from Tim was when our very own Radio Horton's during one of your Laurier decided to start its 50-hour breaks from night class. However, marathon. your two dollars may mean a dif- Started by the DJs, the ferent life for a university age stu- marathon consisted of 50 non- dent from a Third stop music hours, World country who starting last Friday Christine Cherry and ending Sunday. Radio Laurier DJs take part in the 50 hour marathon last weekend for WUSC aspires to get a uni- "It is ridiculous versity degree. that we're well A Battle of the Bands so took been sponsored by WUSC and 40 ment of knowing that one has the the lack of student participation World University (those in competition off and all of Canada. ability to help out. Jon Corbin when she said "I was here for part Service of Canada poorer nations) place on Saturday. in Last the Lan Haugh, another Radio described his experience as "sur- of it last year, I think it's a great (WUSC), a global can't go to school." year network of individu- marathon raised a Laurier DJ, commented that "it is real" and continued to say, "it had idea... I wish there were more als and bit over $2,000. This ridiculous that we're so well off been fun to get away in your own people around." Hopefully next post-second- -lan Haugh, Radio institutions fos- year's goal was to and they can't go to school," (liv- school." Meanwhile, Deacon year students will be more active ary Laurier DJ tering sustainable raise $4,000 howev- ing in Canada the majority of us Matheson simply reflected on his in the cause. human develop- er the projected total are given the chance to attend 50 hours by saying "I feel tired. I During this week there will on at the ment and human as of press time was university while others can't). DJ almost died!" also be canvassing going the that the rights through education and just over $2,000. To bring aware- Jon Corbin describes the DJ's as The marathon took place on a radio booth in hopes and that training, has a sponsorship pro- ness to the cause, the hard work- being "committed and interested weekend when not many students goal will be reached next students will be gram in which refugees are ing DJs have been canvassed in helping out the world." were on campus and even less maybe year the more active the cause. brought into Canada to get an around different bars, Wilf's, and If you had the chance to stop were hanging around in education. Ideally, if each student the Turret. by this weekend you would have Concourse. This was because the from Wilfrid Laurier gave up one This is the second year that seen nine dedicated DJs hanging DJs also had classes and it would toonie a new student, with his/her Radio Laurier has held the out, playing video games and not interrupt regular radio pro- tuition costs covered could be marathon and there is currently sleeping. The Concourse was gramming. Sara Varvas, a passer- introduced to this university. one student at Laurier who has filled with energy and the excite by, expressed her concern about

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(continued from Cover) tural stereotypes in our society. There were also acts that did not The night's performers were Co-op confusion have dancing, including a Drum quite talented and there was maybe Circle Performance. The Chinese even a bit of culture shock happen- the most nerve-racking of my life. It's almost April now and I'm Students Association did a demon- ing amongst audience members Like in any interview, every still unemployed. The job listings stration of Tai-Chi and French gui- but the best possible kind. Growing with, disappeared and I answer was met "that have all but tarist Damien performed one of his awareness of diversity is never a or wondering if all of the sounds fantastic" "sounds like find myself songs. The keynote speaker for the bad thing. The goal of the annual a etc., to get the you're doing great job," but worrying and stressing evening was Dilkshan Dhanapala, Culture Shock Show is to appreci- inter- there was no clear indication of grades, perform during the a Laurier alumnus and financial ate cultural diversity and foster tol- a full the outcome. That answer would views and maintain course planner, who motivated the audi- erance and acceptance throughout was really it. real- be posted three weeks later. load worth The ence to not to be overcome by cul- the Laurier community. Dan Sennet Fantastic-another three weeks of ly lousy part is that I am not the anxiety. only one. There are many people It's a Sale @ Two years ago, I sat down with a Generally, I figured I had done in the same position, worrying, BESTEK P"TI bunch of packages from all of the alright. I started making justifica- broke and very frustrated. There is EVERYDAY! WP universities I had applied to. I tions to myself why I wouldn't a common sense amongst these asked myself, how do I choose have been accepted or how people that the co-op program I M, Home System where to spend the next four would tell my parents if I was. isn't what it's cracked up to be years? What was important to me: However, "knew" at that point and any effort spent getting into it I AMD Duron 1300 pro : the university, the academia, or that if I was accepted, it was clear was a waste. myself let that attitude take 2! the possibility for a job afterwards. sailing for the rest of university. I 1. ! Another question that was pre- Three co-op semesters, great pay, ahold of me for about a week; &2x CD ' dominant in my mind was the great resume experience, and if I reasoned that serving fries would- 40GB Hard Drive possibility of a job during school. played it right, three open job n't be too bad. But what I've come Video, Sound, LAN, Responsible for putting myself offers once I graduated. Even to realize is that there's no such ATX Case w/Front USB' ' - plpp through university, I began to look more importantly, if I spent a thing as a free lunch. (This is PS/2 KB & Mouse for offering co-op programs. That semester working at a job that I where you say, "but Dan, you

- $429 is exactly what brought me to didn't like, I had two more semes- paid the fees you should have a B■§ I Ml'MMI Laurier: its BBA co-op program. ters to expose myself to a career job"). No. If you want something, i I knew at the outset that it was that perhaps had more appeal to you can't just buy it. You must going to cost me: this year it's me. work for it. The co-op program for complete listings & swap meet when me the value $440 per semester. More impor- The big day arrived the has made appreciate Sun 4 ™on 69 Lodge St. Waterloo T hard work and the value of - tantly, I needed to have an impres- student numbers of those who of Tues Thurs "J10-7 sive GPA in order to be consid- were accepted were posted. It's patience. While it has its faults, it ered. The minimum requirements awkward seeing people who is a fantastic resource that you 883-8488 Z™ change every year but in my year were hysterical with excitement should put your energy into. I it hovered around the 9 out of 12 mingle with people who were have had some interviews with mark. Once this requirement was hysterical with shock, panic, frus- extremely prestigious firms, met and after I submitted my tration and tears. Alas, my number including BMO Nesbitt Burns and application, I received a letter in was there and I actually believed GE Capital. I would never in my the mail during the summer noti- that all of my hard work, late wildest dreams have been given fying me of my interview time. hours spent studying and the those chances had it not been for Great-I had four months to pre- lousy summer jobs had been co-op. I believe that if I keep sub- pare for a 20 minute interview worth it. Everything would be mitting resumes, attending the that could arguably change the alright. workshops, talking to my coordi- next four years of my life. This led After the first round of inter- nators, preparing for interviews to four months of worrying and views when the majority of co-op and most importantly maintain a tiiifc«< H- ■ anxiety. positions were filled, I began to positive attitude, the right job will Finally, after a prolonged worry because I hadn't found the present itself. If there's any advice strike, my interview date arrived. right job or any jobfor that matter. I can give hopeful first years, it's The interviewers were very friend- The administration told me that it this: be quick enough to realize ly and did their best to make me didn't really make a difference that an opportunity is in front of feel comfortable but let's be hon- and that I'd be sure to find a. job in you and don't hesitate to jump at est, those 20 minutes were among the second round. it.

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It's that time of year again...time for the people to speak out on the 2002 - 2003 season Male Athlete Female Athlete in Golden Hawk varsity sports. Which team persevered and prevailed? Which team plum- of the Year of the Year meted down the OUA ranks? Which athletes stood out on their teams, in the province and Derek Medler, Krissy Thompson, in the nation? Which coach lifted his team to sunny days and what sports brought dire dis- Football appointment? What sports stories were shocking and unexpected? Our most reputable Women's hockey Runner-up: teams failed to meet the expectations of fans, one team won the OUA Championships, Kenny Nutt, Runner-up: Tammy Scurr, two teams made the CIS Championships, coaches came and left, while individual athletes Soccer Soccer shone on the court, the ice and the field. The results are in, the votes have been tallied and Medler received CIS/CFL Player of the Week Thompson was named a First team OUA All- the second annual Cord Sports Awards tell the tale of a rollercoaster year in Laurier ath- honours and was named a Second team Stars, a CIS All-Canadian and was tied for letics. Cord Sports would like to congratulate all athletes, and teams, nominees winners OUA All-star. He rushed for 871 yards, scor- most goals in the OUA with 19. She had 15 on this your accomplishments year and good luck traning during the off-season. ing two touchdowns. assists and was second with 34 total points. Male Rookie Female Rookie Best Male Best Female of the Year of the Year Team Team Derek Medler, Meaghan McGrath, Curling Basketball Football Women's Runner-up: Hockey Runner-up: Hockey Runner-up: Richard Basketball Colwill, Hockey Runner-up: Tracey The men's curling team A young women's bas- Palinsky, Hockey was the only Laurier ketball team comprised As a rookie, this Kitchener native did an team to win the OUA Championships this of six rookies, three second year players and incredible job carrying an injury-ridden team McGrath was seventh in scoring with 340 points. season. They maintained a record of 5 - 0 in one third year player managed a solid record through the 2002 - 2003 season. She was first in three-pointers and third in three- the Championships, sweeping away the of 14 -7. The team capped off their year point percentage in the OUA. She was named competition. with an OUA bronze and a berth to the CIS OUA Rookie of the Year and is a CIS All-Rookie. Championships. Coach of the Biggest Biggest Story of Biggest Surprise Year Dissapointment the Year of the Year Stu Julius, of the Year QB Attrition We have a Women's Men's Soccer Runner-up: Cheerleading Basketball Runner-up: Football Resignation of football, team men's rugby and men's Runner-up: Mark Runner-up: Men's volleyball head coaches French, Men's Hockey curling wins the OUA Championships Despite having a strong regular season, these two-time defending National The 2002 - 2003 quarterback meetings were In his fourth year with the Hawks, Head The cheerleaders claimed second in the CIS Champions failed to make it past the first held in the hospital, leading to the team's Coach Julius put together a solid team and Championships, making them one of the round of Playoffs. dismal 1 - 7 record. greatly improved upon last year's efforts. the OUA most successful teams this season. Most Improved The Best Team Worst Male Team Worst Female Team You've Never Volleyball Team Men's Hockey Seen Runner-up: Football Curling Runner-up: Women's Men's Curling Basketball The men's volleyball Runner-up: Women's team finished the sea- Figure Skating The women's curling After failing to make the son with an embarass- squad finished the OUA

- play-offs in 2001 2002, the Hawks ing record of 1 -17. The Hawks finished last Championships with a dire 1 - 4 record. The &en ,he Cord s rts team doesn ,, know ■ this year under the leadership in the province and second last in the nation.'■ Hawks had a difficult season overall with no rebounded of when these , but we 0knowd - Head Coach Mark French. The team came This team is a punchline but what is the standout performances. they're aood!' within one game of making the OUA Final i joke? Four, finishing second in the Midwest.

ver platter. Although some of ideal varsity athlete. organization, and often your suc- these athletes also displayed the Additionally, I have also real- cess, will be influenced by your Varsity exposed hard work ethic that should come ized that varsity athletics are not personal connections and by your along with their skill, others everything. Sure the prestige that overall image in the larger scheme Kristen Lipscombe in a varsity sport here at Laurier. lacked the passion for the game comes with the territory is pleas- of things. Where you go is often a Being a member of that team was they seemed born to play. Poor ant, but the truth of the matter is game of who you know and other like a fulltime job for me, but attitudes often diminished athletic that varsity is not the only option. such back-scratching antics. This despite the highly demanding performances because a passion I am aware of many athletically- all makes me wonder just exactly schedule and sometimes sheer did not always accompany the inclined individuals on campus who is representing our school on exhaustion that resulted from late natural aptitude for the game. who could have most likely the varsity scene. I know that there night games and early morning Conversely, I have encoun- walked on to a varsity team and is a large array of talented and practices, I came out with a posi- tered many athletes with an been successful, but instead these well-deserving athletes sporting tive experience overall. I continue intensely pure love of their respec- persons emphasized other priori- the purple and gold and I still to hold an incredible respect for tive sports. These individuals real- ties in life such as academics, vol- maintain my respect for these What does it take to be a success- many of Laurier's fine athletes, as ly do seem to eat and breathe their unteer work, a variety of intramu- individuals. But are our sports ful varsity athlete? It should ideal- I know it takes incredible perse- sport and will jump at the oppor- ral sports or other extra-curricular teams truly over-flowing with the ly take natural athletic ability in verance and commitment on a tunity to get back on the ice, the activities. Varsity sports are rep- cream of the crop at Laurier? If the combination with the dedication, daily basis to get the most out of court or the field. These athletes utable, but what makes a rich and overall lackluster performance of determination and desire to make your varsity experience. probably wish they had been born rewarding university experience our teams this season is any indi- the most of your talent. It should However, my many years of to play the game, but are not nec- must be decided on an individual cation, the argument that we are take the willingness to combine playing competitive sport (both at essarily cloaked in the same natu- basis. If you play on a varsity team lacking in ideal athletes may be athletics and academics harmo- Laurier and before) have left me ral abilities as their peers are. No what other opportunities will you valid. I guess this question cannot niously, as well as an aspiration to with some additional life lessons. I matter how big their hearts may be passing up? If you don't play really be answered. rise to the occasion in every have had the opportunity to play be, these persons did not neces- what will you be missing? These The varsity experience, the aspect of life. A varsity athlete with some extremely talented ath- sarily make it on the roster, make are difficult questions to balance non-varsity experience and every- should be one of the ultimate rep- letes who have had a natural it off the bench or stand out in the for any potential varsity athlete. thing-in-between provide some- resentatives of the academic insti- knack for the sport. Whereas statistics. Although this can be dis- Moreover, I have also learned thing different for everyone. I just tution and should be responsible some athletes have to push the couraging, such is the nature of that no matter where you go in hope that no matter where you for ensuring high performance in limit in order to perform decently varsity sport; if you don't perform, life, politics will always play a are and no matter what you're sport, as well as in life. and are overjoyed at the chance you won't be played. I just think role. Whether it is through net- doing, that you are doing it for the Indeed, it is tough work to par- to test their skills at the varsity it's a shame that heart and talent working with your professors, right reasons. Get there on your ticipate in a varsity sport lucrative- level, some seemed to take for are not always wrapped up in the involving yourself in the Students' own and do it for yourself. If you ly. I have acquired two years of granted having seemingly been same package. This reality cer- Union or playing varsity athletics, have the skill, have the heart. If firsthand experience participating handed the 'gift of sport' on a si I- tainly makes it hard to find the your participation in any given you have the heart, have the will. Wednesday March 26 2003 Sports 21 The Madness continues: Rounds 3 and 4

Marghrita Duffman Bernard Shawn Derek

Round 1: Round 1: Round 1: Round 1: Round 1: 15/36 22/36 25/36 23/36 22/36 Round 2: Round 2 Round 2: Round 2: Round 2: 4/8 7/16 13/16 8/16 10/16

"Look into my eyes. Deep into my "It doesn't matter that I'm doing "All lean say is that at least I'm "What do the Michigan State Derek Iwanuk was unavailable for eyes. I'm a killer. A rabid, heartless poorly in the tournament. I'm still not losing to a dog. I just want to Spartans and the Oklahoma State comment. If he had been avail- killer. This cute exterior is a mere the sports editor so I get to do thank Notre Dame and Michigan Cowboys have in common? Not able it would sound something guise tor the evil animal lurking whatever I want. So choke on State for my lead over my fellow very much, unless you consider like this, "My true calling is figure beneath. You see me and you that, shlappy! Don't you worry, sports nuts and that cookie loving the fact that they have reigned skating. Basketball picks are just a think you know me. Believe you Ric Flair once said, 'To be the K- 9." havoc on my NCAA picks! I My dream. Maybe I'll win the tourna- can judge me. What you know is man, WOOOOO, you got to beat only hopes now lie on those ment next season. Yes, that would nothing. What you believe is false. the man.' I am that man. The Jayhawks and the UConn be nice wouldn't it?" I am a killer. Meow. Prrrrrrrr." Duffman always comes through." Huskies."

Sports surrender to war use television or music as an occurred, the President was Derek Iwanuk escape. While repeatedly watch- encouraging the American people ing the Towers fall, the smoldering to get back to their lives and to go ROME'S ENTERTAINMENT hole in the pentagon and people to a baseball game, rock concert, J J ADULT diving off the World Trade Center, or do something they enjoyed. Yet, ...where it's all about talent! people needed to be able to focus in the same breath there is discus- their attention on something else. It sion surrounding whether or not to is not that people stopped caring cancel everything because of a ter- about the issues, it is just that after rorist threat? It does not make any MONDAY AMATEUR STRIP NIGHT awhile, people need to give their sense, but coming from the Bush mind a rest from the pressing Administration, I couldn't expect issues of life. anything less. CASH PRIZES But the war on Iraq is a far dif- ferent matter. We have known for On Tuesday March 18, 2003, a long time that it was inevitable, FIRST PRIZE $1000 reported that the NCAA so do we really need to cancel tournament, which began play on everything because of it? One rea- KING STREET NORTH WATERLOO AT NORTHFIELD Thursday, March 20, could be son for these potential cancella- Tel: 886-7565 postponed because of the war in tions is out of concern for home- Iraq. Although in the end March land security, which as of last Madness continued as scheduled, Tuesday is at High or Orange alert. reported that Major What I find funny is that since j League Baseball's Opening Day September 11, security has been at Featuring: jfiSfc games in Japan would indeed be an all time high at sporting events I by Highland I better gl3ssos cancelled. and everywhere else for that mat- Portrait Studio The last time any sporting ter. I find it hard to believe that any better service [0] events were delayed because of terrorist attack will occur with such national issues came after high security measures in place. It better value September 11, when the NFL, just seems like the Bush |-Q Major League Baseball and the Administration and others have Save over $50.00 ma QCKO NCAA cancelled their weekend instilled this sense of fear into the You Choose from 8-10 Poses scopes On American games. top of that, the Ryder and possibly Canadian 1 - 8 XlO Cup and a main event boxing people. I think many people only 2-5X7 Trinidad) since is match (Hopkins versus assume that there a terror jfc A 6-2X3 50% off 2nd Pair of glasses. were also cancelled in the follow- alert and because games are being $49M0 ing weeks. cancelled, there must be a legiti- See Store For Details. Sitting mate for fear. ' September 11 was a far differ- reason " Fee! m 255 K n 9 St N- ent set of circumstances; however, The fact is, there is no cause for call (at University) even then, felt that the delay of concern. So why make a big deal fIAS T/1 £3f I 112 112 V|Tlr WATERLOO some of the sporting events were about the war and terrorism when 744-BSSS Vr in excess. Many people use sports since September 11, things have as a way of escaping the realities of been relatively quiet? It is amusing 370 Highland Rd. W. Kitchener Bili!MMiliffll888-0411 the world, much like some people to note that right after 9/11 Sports 22 Wednesday March 26 2003 Cord Sports experts make their NFL draft picks Derek: These guys need an OL Agree. With Bernard 'B-man' Dawson bad. David Carr now owns the and Derek Iwanuk record for being sacked the most Bernard: Kyle Boiler, QB, Cal. in a season. He's been impressing everyone 1. Cincinnati Bengals: Carson with his off season work outs. The Palmer, QB, USC 4. Chicago Bears: Jimmy Ravens need a QB, Chris Redman Kennedy, DT, Penn State was hurt most of last season and Bernard: This is the guy the the team doesn't know if he'll be Bengals have been missing for the Bernard: Sure they have two very the same as before. Other than last ten years. They have an good DT's right now but both of Redman they don't have a QB underrated team and all they need them are on the far side of 30 and right now. is solid QB. are getting old fast. New blood is Derek: E.J. Henderson, MLB,

Derek: If they take the pick, no needed. Maryland. They're playing the 3 - harm done. Palmer is going to be Derek: The Bears covet this guy. Christine Cherry 4 system now and they need good a star in the league. But the I'm a outline. Make me long. linebackers. Ray Lewis is one of Bengals might trade their pick to 5. Dallas Cowboys: Terence the best in the league, but he's shore up the defence; specifically Newman, CB, Kansas State Bernard: Another team that needs Bernard: As much as John Fox been hurt the last two seasons. the secondary. serious help in the secondary. says he doesn't want to pick up Bernard: It's simple: they need a With Brett Favre in the division another QB, the guys they have 2. Detroit Lions: Charles Rogers, CB, period. they need to be good against the now are all band aid solutions. WR, Michigan State Derek: Ever since Deion left pass. Leftwich is a tough leader who they've lacked a shutdown corner. Derek: Vikings have needed sec- will win in the NFL. Disclaimer: The opinions Bernard: The game against Notre Combined with Roy Williams ondary help for awhile, and Derek: I can't see them building a expressed in this article are those Dame proved that he was the best they'll have a great young second- Trufant is the best CB left on the solid team around the QB's they of the authors and do not neces- WR in the nation. The Lions need ary. board. have now. sarily reflect those ofthe Cord an elite WR to pair with Joey staff, the editorial board, WLUSP Harrington. 6. Arizona Cardinals: Terrell 8. Jacksonville Jaguars: Andre 10. Baltimore Ravens: Couldn't or WLU. Derek: Joey Harrington and Suggs, DE, Arizona State Johnson, WR, Miami Charles Rogers will be one of the best QB/WR duos in the league Bernard: The latest in a long line Bernard: Jimmy Smith is not get- for the next ten years. of defensive linemen picked by ting any younger and Johnson is the Cards to give them a pass rush. just too good to pass up here. 3. Houston Texans: Jordan Gross, Maybe this one will work out. Derek: If they don't take Johnson OL, Utah Derek: The NCAA sack record here, look for them to reach for holder should help out a strug- Byron Leftwich or some OL help. Then why would you travel without insurance? Bernard: If the Texans want David gling D. Carr to live through season two, 9. Carolina Panthers: Byron Travel CUTS exclusive BON :: VOYAGE Insurance covers you. they NEED a damn good lineman 7. Minnesota Vikings: Marcus Leftwich, QB, Marshall cancellation • medical • accident • baggage to protect him. Trufant, CB, Washington State Buy nTRAVELCUIS 9 online at See the world your way

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Applications are due (3rd Floor of the FNCC). Friday. March 28 at noon Applications are dU e Sign up for interviews; March 28 (Keys,one) Friday, April at noon March 29 (clublaurier) 4 Wednesday March 26 2003 Sports 23

Fans, fans in the stands? Cord Sports: hard-pressed to find more than athletes, leaving fans fed up, just children since the Shawn Parker 200 people in the bleachers. as they are with professionals? Making cry An additional team that made Again, it seems as if these alle- dawn of time a late season run through the play- gations couldn't be further from offs was the Golden Hawk men's the truth. Take, for example, the hockey team. Another Laurier two teams noted above: the men's team fielding approachable, excit- hockey and women's basketball ing young athletes, the men dis- squads. On the men's side, we posed of the Brock Badgers before have burgeoning superstar centre \ SiIWjUN WH3 bowing out to the York Yeomen in Richard Colwill and stalwart goal- a high scoring Mid-Western Final. tender Justin Day. On their side, Again the question is, who was the women have rookie sensation mmmis watching? Most would expect that Meaghan McGrath (named OUA Need a place to store your stuff this summer? As the 2002 - 2003 varsity seasons droves of Laurier students would Rookie of the Year and member of Various size units available to accommodate team) and for- come to a close at Wilfrid Laurier, pack the Waterloo Recreational the CIS All-Rookie all your needs! the time for reflection emerges. At Complex to catch a glimpse of mer Co-Rookie of The Year Sarah the forefront of this reflection lies their peers dueling it out for on-ice Zagorski. In the midst of their own - it \ one dubious question; where have supremacy under the guise of personal and team successes, extrapt n \ all the fans gone? Canada's National Pastime. may be thought these athletes \ L SELF STORAGE LTD The school year was an excit- However, those that would expect would have some giant chips on \ PHONE 571-1100 ing ride for many of the varsity this would be sadly disappointed. their shoulders. But that's not the \|\ \| clubs, with some overcoming With the exception of the final two case. These youung athletes had adversity to shine as league cham- playoff home games of the year, exceptional seasons for Laurier, pions and others that gave every- most of the seats in the WRC sat and did it while keeping both a |\ \ thing they had in last-ditch playoff empty. humble attitude and level head. runs. But who in fact was witness What are the reasons for this So if the problem isn't the cost, to the efforts of these athletes? The lack of fan support? Are the games the style of play or the athletes I \ \ 240 Gage Avenue, Kitchener answer is: very few people. simply too boring to attend? That themselves, what is keeping the \ \ iV y (Near Belmont Avenue) Besides the football stadium, couldn't be the case; even an fans away from Hawk sporting ~ \ -—" which is packed wall to wall with undermanned and coach- deplet- events? The guesses could fill a V fans regardless of wins and losses ed Hawk football squad managed court, a rink and two more fields, (and this season saw more of the to field a team that was competi- and even then we wouldn't have latter than the former for the tive down to the final play almost an answer. But the bottom line is Golden Hawks), many of the other every week. Surely the price can- this: Laurier students don't know varsity teams enjoyed less than not be to blame; Laurier student what they are missing, plain and flattering fan support. Take, for admission is free with the ever- simple. So many people complain example, the woman's basketball ominous One Card. that they have to pay extravagant team. Sporting a roster of highly Perhaps it's the athletes them- prices to go see the Toronto Maple touted freshmen women, the Lady selves that are responsible for the Leafs or the Raptors play; so why Hawks stormed into the OUA low turnouts. Have varsity ath- don't they forget these over- West finals playing an aggressive letes become entangled in their charged competitors and take in a and entertaining style of high own celebrity, caring only about game featuring their friends, class- paced ball, and reached the how many goals they score or bas- mates and roomies? Hopefully national playoffs for the first time kets they sink? Has the Jock with the coming 2003 - 2004 sea- in their history. But at any one of Mentality of being "better than sons, Laurier fans will return to the the more than fifteen home games everyone else because I play stands. the women played, you would be sports" finally caught up with the PET SHOP BOYS? BUY, SELL &TRADE i ANY SIZEPIZZA* | your used CDs & DVDs at The Beat Goes On ■

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that ascends high enough to do Remake of several loops and leave behind any trace of normalcy. This mock prison is no regular prison. There Quiet Rage are no basketball courts and ciga- rette trades, visiting hours or craft workshops; only war as a way of experiments life. Day two is no replica of day one, but its infinite culmination, in which the role takes over the per- with Das son. The guards leave nothing undone: force, humiliation, rape Tito Goya of personality, re-education, origi- nality in punishment and false If you've taken any social research hope - the of all class before you are likely to cruelest sen- tences. The already have heard of the prisoners go a differ- ent ride, one of of Zimbardo Prison Experiment, defiance, loss reality sense, helplessness, depres- conducted in 1971 at the Stanford Contributed Photo sion desperation. soon Prison. men were selected poorsoul year exams, worry one, they and As as Thirty This hides in fear of first don't little aren't that bad! even the researchers through adas in the paper and get pulled because from time to time taxi driver holding Philosophy, Factor are at home, such a screen- into the claws of their then randomly assigned to groups you a a monstrous stumble upon something (a and Psychology degree play to surprise anyone creation, the line of prisoners and guardians for a Sociology might fail between outside movie) - social trial that should have lasted so great that you're almost and ready to spend a fortnight in Mistake #2. And of course soon- and inside, madness and insanity, jealous of not having done or prison for 4000DM (Cab arivers er or later, in this case sooner, the real and reality becomes com- two weeks, but was interrupted though about your- with PhDs, the love theme will intertwine with pletely blurred. after only six days. it latest self. And then you recurring postmod- the main plot. Throughout the In a social research class you Das Experiment, the in have to leave aside drama of movie, constant learned how German cinematography, experi- Das Experiment is ern 77 experiences would have the with the American film- all the mockery and a roller coaster Amanda Marshall flashbacks of tne one-night stand study isn't in fact about violence ments deal with the has he with a he ran into that reflects our tool kit this remake of night- reached all the had stranger but it society's making in ride that ascends to the other the to readiness to take and execute the original documentary mare of any critic: way night before going prison Quiet having to acclaim a high enough to do side of the Atlantic- and whom he will be reunited orders in exchange for (material) If we're to read a review Rage. of But since we several loops and Mistake #1). Along with in a pathetic final scene. rewards. Probably a reason why Das Experiment in the tabloids, film. have the void lingo leave behind any with 77, Bleibtreu's Who said love doesn't sell, only everything goes to TV reality this is how it would have sound- (Mistake #3). " of tabloids to take depersonalized sex? One of the shows, Eminem's "right to remain ed: "two thumb up" for the pos- trace of normalcy. care of that, let's get inmate name, unwritten rules of "good" movie violent," MTV generation and the sibly best German movie of this down the dirrrrty dozen regu- reviewing is never to give away capitalist discourse. Lucky us, we Moritz Bleibtreu "deserves to another year;" parts of Das Experiment because lar sign It makes the ending of a movie (Mistake #4 invented our perfect scapegoats. 5 stars" for his "best performance Joes up. you even a movie as inciting as this think; the guinea pig has - last one), but rest assured, I shall However, this is just The Cord. I so far." Das is playing Experiment "magi- one cannot escape the pitfalls of become tne most wanted job of say no mo'. rest my case. cally exhilarating," etc. And am I our day and age. But in a country What's left of Das Experiment not intending to deny any of this, commercial cliches. Moritz Bleibtreu (Run Lola) is where Joe Millionaire and Fear is a roller coaster ride per se, one ear candy

Miles Davis AFI Milestones Sing the Sorrow

Un-danceable. And not ever performed or AFI (A Fire Inside) has been the genre-shift- recorded with the pre-notion that it could ing chameleon of the punk scene, slipping ever be dance music. Bop is made by the effortlessly from cliche skate-punk to goth- musicians intended for a single person ic borderline hardcore in the space of a few audience. And yet, as greedy and mastur- albums, while still maintaining a unique bational as all bop is, it holds home to style that unmistakably radiates from each some of the finest albums ever created. If and every release. Sing the Sorrow carries Armageddon were to have a soundtrack, on this tradition by continuing the gradual ifd probably sound like this. Full of energy, move away from the darkness that eggulfed and still and defined Black Sails in the Sunset and rage, passion confusion Milestones ductory- wise). It's as these six men have tempo-shifting screamfest Death of Seasons to conformity and if redefining AFl's sound once holds tranquility, a tornado orchestra that sweepsthe unsurprisingly to the mellow, acoustic The Leaving Song that would created more. absolute precision any battle listener far beyond the world of Oz. which is easily reminiscent of Morningstar have. As the band's first release on a major and AFl's other previous attempts at under- The track, Now please don't consider this album label, Sing the Sorrow will face intense first "Dr. Jekvll" starts sud- to be These men know stated sincerity. The mix explores a gamut denly with all instruments simulta- pretentious. six it's scrutinyand scepticism from long-time fans playing art but have fun with everything they play. of styles which somehow mesh together - as if to include the fan anxious to preserve AFl's musical integrity. neously they forgot For example, halfway through "Sid's into a coherent, flowing album which fare now must time. At first listen, appears and make up for lost solo rendition of this album admittedly never once seems disjointed or out of milliseconds Ahead/' there's a brief to be a fairly unremarkable musical outing The drums are slapped and "Skip My Lou, This place. later all six members hit and blow every- To My Darling." sextet and perhaps even a disappointment con- is a recording session. When I listen to this album I can't help After about 20 seconds just enjoying sidering the shitload of money and talent thing they've got. Davis' true gift was that he could play a but think of Tool's Aenima, a work which to one and (Butch who also Nirvana's the group catches up another piece with whatever band he had, and like Vig produced blended equal parts of experimentalism a one. Nevermind, perhaps heard of it?) finds a rhythm, albeit still wild Stated Charlie Parker, he could make the music you've and successful elements of previous releas- in the liner notes C. Smith, "this is that was poured into Sing the Sorrow. best by sound as if it was the easiest thing in the es to great success. While Sing the Sorrow a accent, a tonal Fortunately, Sing the Sorrow played fast, in clipped in world to play. pick up the horn and proves contains the lyricism, vocal style and hard- that, like fat green 'Just itself with time, emphasizing a decidedly approach and tempo blow,' as Ginsberg states (the beats core influences of previous outings, AFl's olives, grow This of Allen. electronic influence this time around that will on you." hard-bop were hugely influenced by the wild 'easy' test-play with electronica and varying do more tnan eerily reminded me of defunct melodrama "Dr. Jekyll" can nothing of was As tempo seems to be an indicator of the style bop jazz). Ginsberg wrong. artists Westward, incorporating grow. album shows it like ran- Stabbing future direction and deviance from on this might sound more of the screaming that songs in band's To offset the rapid moment "Dr. dom blowing but its pure method. riddled the formula. Regardless of the "Sid's past release The Art of As punk-rock jekyll" is its follow-up number Milestones is a complete calculated chaos. Drowning. album's precognitive abilities, Sing the a always singer Davey Havok's creative, Ahead," a slower piece and beautiful Sorrow contains a great deal of depth and the "Two Bass Flit" returns to moody vocals are a driving force in the break for ears. Justin Sharp is a good addition to any punk or hardcore - and album's emotion a the havoc of the first cut that's good success, tackling with aficionado's collection. - but the shining swing piece is the next cut poetic element that is far beyond the grasp "Miles." The piano piece for "Miles" of most modern Emo lyricists. Chris Clemens resembles "Dr. Jekyll" for speed but is the Sing the Sorrow boasts a number of catchiest cut, as well as the safest (intro- varying songs ranging from the wicked Wednesday March 26 2003 Entertainment 25 more ear candy

Canada goes rock hip- hop, country, pseudo-punk and to the Junos "Complicated" a million times already a Melissa Allen few months ago when it was released and successful it seems like the whole world bought her Last year was a commercially CD. sure that all the people who are for Shania Twain I'm year Canadian artists. interested in songs out with her new single Chad remotely Lavigne's came UP! nave the album (how took break from Nickelback and already many records Kroeger a did she break for album sales?) and those recorded "Hero," with Josey Scott, which who don't have it, don't want to hear it. At ended up on the Spiderman soundtrack least I don't. that they the public eye ensuring remain in Another track that makes me cringe is and on the record charts. Let's not forget "Crazy World" by Rascalz featuring Notch about Avril Lavigne. Oh Avril, for all your and Saizon Diamante. I'm sorry but Rascalz criticized small town discred- pseudo-punk productions have just gotten lazy with their it I sure did to explode onto ity, you manage new CD as also indicated by the unbeliev- the scene and gain a cult following of music ably crappy second single "Movie Star." teeny-boppers who think themselves to be But the CD isn't a complete disaster; above listening to 'N Sync favour of Sum in "Rocksteady" by r&b/blues singer Remy 41. Shand and "Brotner Down" by Sam Roberts If I sound a bit cynical then I excuse and the required Francophone track but there is much talent in this myself, so (translated: Really great country of ours that can't help but be "J'Veux Bien T'Aimer" I I Want to Love You, or something like that) disappointed at how utterly predictable, by Lynda Lemay almost prevent me from and, most of all, mediocre this mainstream selling my press copy of Awards album is. We heard Avril Lavigne's Juno 2003 on Ebay.

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Computers for the simple Business Bytes

Stocks Falling as War Progresses OIOIOIOOIIOI:OIIOOIOOIOIO OIOOOIOIOIO The North American stock mar- kets have been plummeting as A beginners the hope for a quick war against Iraq has faded in view guide of disturbing headlines. The tothe S&P/TSX composite index went down 171.86 points (2.6%) as computer the financial and technology stocks took a severe hit. In New York, the Dow Jones industrial Jeff Birss average shed 307.29 points (3.6%). This was the worst Throughout first here at my year decline that the New York university I've realized that Exchange has seen there one thing that since is perme- September. compos- ates throughout these hollowed Nasdaq's ite index also went aown 52.06 halls of learning; one thing points (3.7%) and Standard & which we all have Christine Cherry in common; Poor's 500-stock index lost beer. Alright I should have said Computers, RAM and Printers...OH MY! (3.5%). two things which we all have in 31.56 points Economists nave expressed that common because the movies, and various are and future upgrades are few to remem- computer games ing important things if the war remains drawn out, is what I was truly referring to. stored. All of your programs cheap compared to most other ber. First, if you think you'll use the stock markets will almost and documents are it, for the continue Although every stu- squeezed in upgrades. go multi-purpose to decline. dent either owns a computer or here as well. Currently, hard If you're anything like me, design. The scanner/photocopi- has operated one at some point drive are widely ranged; you spend more on your er very and will sizes time is convenient Canadian Dollar on the Rise in time (other then a friend of anywhere from a low 10 giga- computer playing games than increase your popularity as mine, who seems to (GB) to the end of homework and so the friends try to scan pictures onto Julie, bytes higher doing With the US economy on believe that she can the scale, GB. The video card is a vital of their computer. If you buy an get through 200 larger part your unstable footing due to their the program this number, the more stuff you computer configuration. In gen- inexpensive printer it will prob- entire Business war with Iraq, the Canadian without ever one of can cram into the better the video card do a however touching your computer. eral, ably great job, dollar has been rising steadily. these machines), do When choosing hard drive the better the graphics will you will need to sell your soul many not size The loonie closed at 67.56 seem to know the difference should consider what on your computer. in order to afford the ink car- you appear cents last Monday, which is up between a mouse and a memo- to on of video cards tridges which this type of you're going put your Descriptions print- .64 of a cent since last Friday blank include a reference to a certain er through. These days, ry chip. I receive stares computer. will go and it is predicted to keep when start about RAM If be amount of (MB) con- manufacturers low I talking you will only using megabytes charge climbing. In addition to the and for on the card. This refers for the actual printer in processing speed, and so your computer writing tained prices global economy playing a part I've decided to write a layman's reports, then a 10 or 20 GB will to the cards memory for pro- order to draw in customers and value, Canada's prices in the loonie's guide to the basic components probably be enough but if you cessing the graphics ana as then charge high for retail sales are surprisingly with the in order of the computer in the hopes plan on filling it with lots of always computers, replacement cartridges strong this year; they grew better to turn a that I can simplify this complex stuff (namely games, graphics, higher the number the profit. 0.7% in January. yet necessary machine. or movies), then you may want the results. The best card on the One last item to consider The most important element to consider at least 30 or 40 market currently has 128MB's with your computer is a CD Price of Oil Soars of the computer is the central GB. If you are unsure as to how of memory but this will only be burner. These items are current- they enable processor (i.e. the brain). It much nard drive you will need, utilized by those who play a lot ly very popular as On Monday, the price value of basically takes all the different it may pay off in the long run to of games or use other graphic you to store large quantities of crude oil surged as traders tasks wnich you would like to pay a little more and get a larg- intensive programs. For the data on one disk ana allow you reacted to the news that the to burn onto them to play perform ana executes them er drive, since it would be very general person, 32 or 64MB's is music war with Iraq may be more in This has using the other different expensive to upgrade your more then enough. Video cards your CD player. drawn out then expected. On burners be in resources of your computer. For computer in the future. can get pretty expensive quick- caused to high the New York Merchantile example; lets look at printing; One of the most understated ly, so if you're trying to keep demand and they are improving Exchange, crude oil for May from your point of view all you yet important aspects that you costs down, start low and you rapidly. It is now possible to delivery jumped (US) $1.75 to at 52x, do is press print and magically should take into consideration can always upgrade in the years buy a burner that writes a staggering price of the finished project pops out. In when purchasing a computer is to come. which makes a music CD in a $28.66/barrel. Similarly, in reality, the program sends a memory. The memory is used A few other items to consid- couple minutes or less. So if London the price of oil is cur- request to the central processor by the central processor to tem- er when looking at computers you love music, a burner is def- rently $26.09/barrel. which then accesses tne printer, porarily store data which is cur- are monitors, printers, and CD initely a necessity for you. Economists predict that the oil of that hopefully sends the data to the printer, rently in use. Basically, the burners. In terms monitors, Now you price will eventually level out have better on the com- and finally prints your project. more memory that you have, the new trend is flat panels but a grasp to approximately $28.00/ba- When buying a computer, the the more programs you can run unless you have $500-$7OO to plexities of the basic computer rrel; however this price is (cathode be able average person is faced with at the same time. For people spend, a regular CRT components, you will volatile as it depends on the Shop the dilemma of how fast a who love multi-tasking, this is ray tube) monitor is for you. Flat to peruse those Future progress of the war. processor to get. the component for you. panels are wonderful due to fliers and actually understand a Terms like Pentium or 2.66 Memory is one of the cheapest their high quality and the small sentence like; "Intel Pentium 4, Loonie to be replaced GHz mean virtually nothing to ways that you can speed things amount of space they take up, 2.66GHz Processor, with the average student since the up and improve your comput- however it would be better to 128MB Memory, 20GB Hard The National Post has reported only thing they are thinking ers performance. There are a wait for their prices to drop in Drive and 48x CD-ROM." this past week that the about is speed. Right now the few different types of memory the years to come. Maybe it still sounds like a for- Canadian government will standard processor is a Pentium (otherwise referred to as RAM) Printers are also an impor- eign language, but either way, the famed both soon be replacing 4 at around 2.0 GHz but as but I won't bore you with the tant part of your computer as you can impress your loonie with a more sleek, Shen Guo says "Go big or go details. they allow you to create a hard friends and tnose pesky sales- economically correct home," the higher the processor All you need to know is that copy of whatever you use your people with your new found "moonie." This moonie will be are on the modern mar- speed the faster your computer the average person needs computer to produce. There Knowledge shaped like a cow. To counter- avail- vel known as the will run. around 128 or 256 MB but if a wide variety of printers computer. act counterfeiting techniques, Another major considera- you want to run many programs able from the basic everyday the moonie will "moo" upon tion for the average university at once or to plan for tne future, design to the multi-purpose exchanging. Moo. student's computer is the hard then 512M8 or more might be printers with incorporated scan- drive. This is where those worth considering. Just remem- ners and photocopiers. When Compiled by Jennifer Wilder countless songs, numerous ber that memory is very forgiv- buying your printer, there are a

Make every dayyourfavourite day of the week. M ,

■ J niqxtra• Big ,r^»' g Filet-D-Fish* cheese Wednesday March 26 2003 Classifieds 27

Summer Sublet, Housemates Needed Moxing? Need Furniture? For sale. IfflllSlNftnuuainu 2 MISCELLANEOUS jfyOU SpaCiOUS rooms, hardwood floors Wooc' desk e work s ace> CPU Qreat iC)Ca tion 197 a Albert St. May to April P and negotiatble rent, call Chas at 880-9718. and printer storage $150, solid pine Summer Sublet Call Gregor Chris for details 885-3958 Mixed Springtime Bouquets e Au Located at 19 11 0 (X™ mirroret pane 3 84 Seagram Drive (across from WLU stadi- B Welcome spring with beautiful fresh-cut v^' ** J' °°' Ced tae Free lg' laUndiy' 1 umj, d ueuiuums ui a}a ucuiuumbedroom apanapart- ? Summer Sublet! daffodils and tulips grown on our flower 5 . Jin P^bus route. . „ . , , „ with 3 f**drawer 5 foot Ikea umVltedroo good trnes. On major c ni t , storage $50, 6 in 4-room house, great fami Choose from over ftmn flow- ment, May-August, 2 min. walk to WLU, 7 lor 2rooms rooms, 10,000 spring bookshelf $45 laige kitchen/dining room cable ers a wide of colours min walk to UW, free parking, $250/nego highspeed internet, IV, washer, dryer, in variety and types, table with leaf'insert $60, tunturi exercise tiable. (519) 725-5088 Offering Cash to Sign ample parking, nice backyard. ONLY Bouquets $7.00. Deliveries to campus bike $60. For info call Christina 883-7966. $50 each to sign May to May lease. 3 bed- $300/month!!! For more info call Fernando begin week ofApril 14th (subject to grow-

Bedroom House for Rent rooms, near grocery, beer, liquor stores, before it's too late 885-3618 ing conditions). Spring season is short - -5 DCDCIIMAIC Phone, cable, Internet, prewired to every $385 utilities included, newly rennovated, reserve your flowere now by callingWendy PERSONALS room. Includes laundry not coin, 2 baths, balcony, 15 minute walk to WLU, Semi-fur- Air Conditioned Sublet at Scented Acres Flower Farm: 662-6951. lots of character. 3 min walk to Laurier nished. Call Brandon at 884-9956. Four-bedroom house available May Ist to Happy Birthday Kelly!

$400 inclusive. Sept 1 - Aug 31. Call 669- August 31st. 1 min walk to WLU, 8 min walk Fresh Flower Subscription Son}' I was stuck in shittyBrantford! 5004. Leave name and number and we will Amazing Summer Sublet . to UW. Laundry facilities and parking Enjoy beautiful flowers all season long - Stefan return your call (business number). 199 Albert Street, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath- included. For info: 880-8094 delivered to your office (bi)weekly. Die Weak Second Choice & Fnend, rooms, dishwasher, air conditioning, 2 flower season begins with daffodils and Four bedroom apartments Hdges, brand plus io April and continue oral) tall EMPLOYMENT su me - sleep ™L™'eye Call with glads and sunflowers. A wide vanety of Xbi Controlled end}', parking, laundry, com- nes, negotiable. 880-0192 arininovm u- nillnwHohn are mon room, large bedrooms, professional- lilies available from late June until ' ' Noitnevretni ly managed, 30 years in business, May-May One Room for Rent Graduating This Year? August. Delivery to campus begins week of (subject to lease (sublet ok.) Columbia st. $375 +or One room for rent in an awesome house. Liaison Services is accepting applications for April 14th growing conditions). j0 Qne Deputy Deveraux, $400 inclusive. 725-7718. 147Albert Street, 1 min from WLU, 10 min Contract Liaison Officers. Resume and Bouquets $7.00. For more info, please call ] you are not taking much pipo from UW, $200/month + utilities (nego- cover letter addressed to Glennice Snyder, Wendyat Scented Acres Flower Fami: 662- these days, so I suggest you get your soft- Roommate Needed tiable). Call Ashley at 883-9709. Sublet from Manager Liaison Services accepted at 6951. shell concliita into gear and get some Four people needa fifth. Great multilevel. May-August Career Services. Deadline April 11th. ~ berga lovin'. No gay-straight men or drag _ 5 bedroom unit on Spruce Street. Clean, Ultimate Questions queens allowed. laundry, parking, licenced, 12 month WANTED: 2 ROOMMATES Window Cleaning '^ie Jesas Christ is the difference. O.S.C.C. Leal" o about FTim. Bible study by corre- lease, beginning May Ist. Call 747-0567, or 5 good guys looking for 2 roommates that Summer business company is looking for sP ence send name and addt ess Fabulous Fabbro, Dave at 747-4481. are cool and easy going. Features of die physically active students to work long days. , ol^. e c house include large bedrooms, a at $12 per hour, no sales. resume , ! Happy 21st Birthday my dear. Hope you massive Start Fax l°h un° mob ChurCh 1238 MaUlJ ■ StTculSheffidd' nL WR had 30 excellent day. 6(. Bedrooms commonmmmnn roommom andand the recentlyrerenrtv elatedelected to BWBi/ IZO or e-mail [email protected]. Visit our 54 Giris Lots of parking, newly renovated, large Greatest Poich in die Waterloo Region website Sign up today. as a Sony sur- 1eacn tngusn overseas. deck. Newkitchen, 2 fridges, dishwasher, which includes such gems Its free wih r laundry, gas heat, large yard, 2 baths, round sound speaker system the J°^_guaranteed. TESOL Certified in 5 days > °r ty ' BridgepoiWeber, May 1, $390 +/BR ARHAmaticbbq, a fine Leon's upholstered {"Til? Aborigiiial Students at laurier ' Assy mike 749-0230. «rell, P» Are yon a, laurier lanterns. $380+ (a) tlie comer of King and interested in contacting your Native peers? WLUSU volunteers House for Sale Noecker min walk to school Call Email: 2 725-2634 Need Storage (Waterloo) . lam coming foryou. lam angry. I will St., for 96 Regina 3 min walk to Laurier. Indoor all sizes $2995 $3995 $4495 call show you the path ofevil. You will enjoy more infolTOatlo[l Features central airMcuum, water soften- 3 Bedroom Apartment in Duplex KW Safe Storage 570-0985.' 136 it. Oh yes, you shall enjoy the path. er. All appliances, 4 piece & 3 piece bath. 71 Marshall St. 3 min walk to WLU, free Moore Ave S. Waterloo. Darkseid Lots and lots of hardwood flooring. Ideal parking & laundry, May to May lease, $370- forowner plus 3 friends. Parking for 2, plus $385 plus utilities, free first month's rent. single garage. Very clean and shows veiy Call 519-638-3225 after 6pm. well. Call Dan at Remax Real Estate Sales __ __ Rep. 577-7417 EXCL. Summer Sublet W| IVT |V/| 13 2 rooms in co-ed house of 8, free laun- JITXI* M. m J JLm. $200 a month. 2 rooms available locatedat I COLLEGE PRO PAINTERS is presently TORIS UraveratyandRegina. Call Donna @ 722- utiJjties 883-9167 orJen 883-9164. looking for responsible/hardworking Act Fast! university or college students for:

» . ... House for Rent 2 bedroom basementapartment near WLU, ... , ~ n 5 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, excellent May to Apr! lease. 1580 per month (1290 Part-time Marketing Positions AT location. Washer/dryer, clean house, park- per person), plus share utilities. No smok- (M arch/April) PT& ing, close to grocery store and manyother ere, please call 570-9680 p „ P-intinrr M amenities. $369/month. Goes fast. Call r UII-IIIIIc: Jrcllllllllg riialUUlla 741-7724. Near University (May/August)

Sept 1 - Spacious, clean bungalow duplex, SingleRoom accomodates 3 students on main floor, 2 Available immediately til August. 55 Regina students lower level. It has 2 kitchens, 2 Positions available throughout Ontario jy St. N., 150 Erb St. W., 282 Erb St. W., 80 baths, washer/dryer, softener, gas heating, No experience required j/ Churchill. Check website for more details. $395 per student. For details call 893-0881. If interested ca11... /TSy September rentals •oUU-'luS-Zflj" Z\\\ also available A Roommate Needed min walk to WLU/20 min walk to UW. $350/12 or $500/8 leases Regina St. N, $275 per month utilities 12 or 8 month lease (Sept - May/Sept), 25 included, fully furnished. Call Marci 880- min walk to WLU, 6 appliances, FREE 1290.Laundry facilities available. ! parking, 3 rooms available, close to bus, (Win a Trip for TWO to CANCUN!!) D ||v AIJ C : OlMj vlib VICI groceries, shopping, share house with Roommate Wanted Detail* I clean, fun,studious roommates. Call 635- T() Hve m a house widl 2 feniilles 31x1 3 OldF CD CC| 4455 after 6pm males. ComerofAlbert and University, $425 rlVCrEre a month for May to May lease. 883-1962 EYEGLASSES OR CONTACTS ! One Two Room )Aug/03, «• Buy one complete pair of eyeglasses S^^^ . 4/5 bedrooms, 30 second walk to win, \ 1_ ;'X # or soft contact lenses at regular

. . . . . _ kitchen, bathrooms, room, irarking . 2 family o#r cdBedroomi it * rnrr 5 House Lakeshore available Girls and guys welcome! Come »Slfe price, and get a Second pair FREE. 1 Bedroom House available September, check it out! Call Joanne 3k ' '"V Lakeshore area, oversized rec room, , o ■TRlgßßniiinßl garage, laundiy, great neighbourhood We Need a 7th!!! Hour service on most 11795/month. Call 888-7377 Ezra and King, CHEAP, $370+/month, May -May, with six other fun, laid back students. glasses and contact lenses. 5 Bedroom House Up-town Required ~> MUST LOVE BEER!! Call University 5 Bedroom House available September. Aleena@72s-5340 Ave. W. Campus Court Plaza, Great up-town location. Close to all ammenities, laundry facilities, parking, L jy(corner of Philip and University) 11750/month. Call 888-7.377 Expires March 2003 28 Arts Wednesday March 26 2QCB Local talent invades Laurier Donna Harris painting entitled "Democratic Disservice" portrayed an American Laurier's artists were allowed to flag painted in the shape of the shine as the 22nd Annual Student, America, with a bomber and tank Staff and Faculty exhibit got under- crossing over its lands. way at the Robert Langen Gallery Carrie Eggleton, a third year History last Tuesday. The gallery usually student "was impressed by the vari- showcases various artists from across ety and depth of talent within the Canada, but it also dedicates approx- school." imately two weeks annually to the The opening ceremony, held last revelation of artistic talent at Laurier. Wednesday, included an award cer- The exhibition comprised of emony in which some of our most approximately 47 pieces that show- talented artists were honored for case various genres of art, from Eric their contributions to the world of Lauren's seven-foot wooden sculp- art. Jessie Tosolin, a fourth year ture entitled "Maple," to Maria Music student won the Studio Menage's bold, colourful, abstract Award: Instructors Choice, while painting. Diversity was clearly visi- Maria Menage, a Fine Arts student ble in the gallery. won the award for the student with While the exhibition was by no the highest GPA in studio classes. measure disappointing, perhaps the Paulo Almeida won the Printmaking greatest surprise was the number of Bursary while Eric Lauren won the pieces that were contributed by non- Geo and Agnes Roy Award. arts students. Professors, students, and friends "Awesome! I never realized what gathered to celebrate the talented talent there is at WLU. Great to see artists whose work graced the so much work from non-art majors, gallery's walls. faculty and staff," was written in the Most of the art on display at the gallery's guest book. gallery is for sale and it ranges from Artists also used this exhibition as a $100 to $1200. The exhibit will be means of exhibiting their political open until Saturday 29th March. views about war. Jason Pankratz's

"Something a little different"

on ten songs, the Jennifer Asselin for listeners. "It was really mel- of the choir deemed, "Something Soloist Sarah Fabbro vocals showcasing of their low," said Nicole Wilker, a mem- a little different." and Shasney taking over the role Jazz Ensemble took the stage The stage was set, the lights ber of the audience, "I could With the majority of the choir of pianist giving the rest of the again to finish off the event. dimmed and the house was almost fall asleep." being female, their voices tended group a break, then performed Overall both groups gave great packed last Sunday afternoon as The first half also saw the pre- to stand out more so than that of "Misty". Fabbro owned the stage performances and proved that the WLU Jazz Ensemble and Jazz miere of Ensemble member Kyle their male counterparts. Their sec- as her performance was well exe- Laurier's music program is one of Choir took the stage. With almost Brenders piece "Outside the ond piece, "Loving You" by Jack cuted and the crowd seemed to excellence and full of extremely all the seats of the Maureen Pocket". This song began subtly Kunz was song accapella with the enjoy it very much. talented musicians. Forrester Recital Hall full the with a few instruments to start regular guitar player and pianist After the choir was done schools two talented musical with and then each section join- joining in with the group. The r-- — i groups took to the stage to per- ing in as the song climaxed. There song also saw a solo from Priscilla ! form several pieces they had were quite a few solos throughout Mak which was shaky at first but ■ Hair Removal recently been working on. with Brenders tooting his own considering it was her first solo T XIWWP ! 111Iv "This is a new experiment for horn so to speak with his tenor proved to be very good. With Sugar | " Lij us, said Ron Schirm, director of saxophone solo. Most of the songs were of the the Ensemble. He was referring to "We're going to do something ballad genre but their fourth piece | -I off ALL SERVICES -Mondays only | the fact that both groups had not a little different with the next saw the group speed things up a * gst performed in a concert together. piece," replied Schirm as he bit with the song titled "Late Night Full esthetics prices $10, included * Hair Removal with sugar prices from $12, gst included . As the concert progressed the switched the order of the songs Blues". The piece saw three well I a audience soon realized that from the program and played done improvised solos by Erin 145 Columbia St. W, Unit 2A, Waterloo although this was considered an "Breakthrough", a piece by John Hoffmeyer, Sarah Varvas, and I (corner & by appointment only I it was a one at Fedchok. this saw Robitaille. of Philip Columbia) 725-9900 "experiment" good Again, song Damien — — — — — — — — J L—————————————— — — — _ — — that. many members of the band shine The fifth piece saw yet anoth- The concert began with the throughout their performance. er accapella arrangement of Dare2Dream Travel & Cruises Ensemble six of their Grant Bodnaryk, on the drums, "Waltz For With an performing Debby". 519- 744 ■ 8702 pieces starting with the high ener- performed the most amazing solo accapella version, you are able to " www. dare2dreamtravel.vacation,com gy "Hangin In". The first song of the day during this piece. His see the choir enjoying themselves " included well-executed solos hands moved with ease as the a little more as they sing. Smiles We help your travel dreams come true." from Eric Woolston on drums and crowd erupted in applause after were abroad as Karin Shasney Jon Marsh on alto saxophone. he did his thing. performed her solo, which started NF.F.D CASH? The next piece titled "Carla" After the intermission the Jazz out soft but she seemed to get Bea referral agent. We pay $25 slowed the tempo down immedi- Choir quickly took the stage for more comfortable as the song per referral that books through us. ately which was a little too much what Jane Gingrich, the director progressed and finished strong. call for more details and start earning $ today!